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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7923271 No.7923271 [Reply] [Original]

Since the old one is autosaging.
Old thread >>7918726
>keep it cgl related

>> No.7923311

For me, Evangelion is really inspiring not only because of the story, but because something good came out of Anno's depression. So it gives me hope that maybe something good will happen to me, too.

>> No.7923314

Shut the fuck up

>> No.7923315

It might also be a key stepping-stone in the ontological leap in the analysis of systems of authority.

>> No.7923360


>have really shitty lolita experience with someone some time ago
>ends up feeling extremely self-conscious about wearing it out for a while
>decides to take lolita back from the whole ordeal because it's important to me
>wears it only off and on because I haven't had a lot of occasions to wear it
>finally able to wear it after months, plans coord for a hangout with friends
>one friend is trans, says lolita makes her feel awkward and doesn't like seeing me wear it cos "muh triggers"
>other friend is pretty much like "welp no one can wear this around her sorry lol"
>what the fuck

What even am I supposed to say to this...

>> No.7923365

Well, if it actually causes her to have panic attacks then I would think that the best thing to do is to respect her feelings, but if it just makes her feel awkward then it really doesn't give her the right to dictate what you wear.

>> No.7923370

>be into lolita for years
>love the style because pretty and cute mixed with girly dresses
>learn about himegyaru/himekaji
>fall in love with it hardcore
>want to trade all my lolita for hime/himekaji
>slowly selling it
>find more kawaii lolita shit
>buy that instead

I can't afford both and I just want to switch over my wardrobe to cute slutty elegance.

>> No.7923380

I'm not normally one to be annoyed with people over "muh triggers" because who knows what that person might have been through, but if it's literally just "I'm trans, pretty girly things make me feel weird", that person is going to have a fucking hard time in life.

Can you make plans with just the other friend separately? Wear your coord out with her, take heaps of pictures together, make other friend realize s/he's being a twat and missing out.

>> No.7923382
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I'm going on a vacation in Japan later this month, but I'm having a really hard time picking an outfit for the trip... I don't want to bring too much stuff with me, so I need one ~*perfect outfit*~ that is cute and comfortable when I travel.

I recently started dressing in himekaji and own quite a lot of stuff from the Japanese brands, but I'm super insecure and feel like I'll end up looking like a massive weeb if I wear something like picture related. ;_;

>> No.7923383

>want to get two cute dresses I've been eyeing for weeks right now
>also stingy and want to wait for winter sales

Damn it.

>> No.7923384

Yeah no panic attacks or anything, I think it's mainly a confidence thing. She says it makes her feel ugly and left out. We've invited her to do lolita with us before and she turns us down everytime. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the other friend who enables her anxiety issues and everything instead of actually trying to help her out. That's what really grinds my gears, it's almost as if they expect me to feel bad for wanting to wear it when we hang out just because she feels a little weird with me wearing it. Bitch I can't be responsible for other people's feelings.

>> No.7923386

Nothing weeb about that, it's pretty average and will just be seen as dressy. You'll stick out no matter what you wear anyways.

>> No.7923393

Pretty much this. Dear God, I felt guilty for days about this wondering if I was a bad person for feeling like this. I deal with anxiety and stress stuff all the time so I'm usually reserved about talking about it too but this is different.

And unfortunately no, the 2 are dating and are super attached to the hip and refuse to do anything separately. I love them dearly as friends but Lord have mercy is it annoying to deal with this. I have no other friends into around either. They made it sound like I basically have to quit for a while because of her feels and I'm annoyed as shit about it.

>> No.7923399

Bitch needs to deal with the real fucking world. Just because they're your friends, they think they can guilt you into not doing something you love for them because it 'bothers' them a bit? That's awful, no way around it.

>> No.7923404

No, you shouldn't feel bad, it's ridiculous for someone to expect other people to stop doing something as simple as wearing cute clothing so they won't have ~*feels*~. These two things obviously aren't a perfect analogy, but it's semi-similar to someone choosing to be vegan and insisting that no one eat anything but vegan food in their presence. You can't force your lifestyle and all the "triggers" that might come with it on everyone around you.

If you feel weird talking to them about it and she absolutely refuses to give dressing up a try, I would understand not wearing it around them, but don't let them tell you you have to quit doing something you enjoy.

And I'd at least tell them to stop calling it "triggering" if she's not actually having a panic attack or anything as a result. A trigger is not "ew I don't like that it makes me feel icky".

>> No.7923410

Time to find some new people to hang out with, anon. People who want to bring you down aren't ever going to be healthy for you.

>> No.7923414

>have a great comm
>eventually everyone moves away for reasons
>still keep in touch because of friendship and hang out whenever any of us are in town
>no comm anymore though
>meet bizarre girl in one of my classes who's just all "Hey you sit here"
>wind up getting dragged into her comm, not that I'm complaining it's just that I didn't make an effort to, it just sort of happened
>it's pretty alright, but it's not the same as my comm
>decide to hang around for a bit after classes before heading home out of boredom from unemployment
>the people into anime and other weeb shit show up less and less frequently
>wind up listening to normalfags talking about normalfag stuff
>basically just only shit that's actually happened, ie drama and shit they did when they weren't all there
>just want to talk about something fun
>don't really bother because all they talk about regular stuff
>"you're so quiet Anon"
>"are you okay?"
>"If you need to talk to someone, I'm here for you"

Sorry I'm rapidly losing interest in talking about stuff, stuff you've done, and stuff you're going to do.

>> No.7923416

Let's go out.

I am a pretty big ass hole that says what comes to my mind, I just find peoples reactions too funny.

>> No.7923425

That looks fine, anon. It doesn't really seem super jfash, it just looks nice, and a little bit dressy. I might suggest wearing tights, though, maybe some fleece lined ones, since it's getting chilly. Sitting on a plane with your legs freezing ain't kawaii.

>> No.7923431

I fucking love doing that dude.
>You're a bitch Anon
>You're just jealous that boys think I'm prettier than you

The joke is that I'm male.

>> No.7923437

Okay, I certainly feel a lot better about feeling like a douche-nozzle for being so miffed. I plan on talking to them about it soon.

I kind of wish. They're good friends when they aren't being so full of feels but I miss having other friends with the same interests as me. For about a year they've been so emotionally demanding that I just want to scream, holy fuck.

Thanks for letting me vent a bit, gulls!

>> No.7923447

>teach yoga at alma mater
>alma mater schedules outdoor class on front lawn for wellness fair
>hanging out waiting for students, playing Animal Crossing while I wait
>aspie weeb in Captain America shirt comes over, drops all his stuff next to me, and sits down
>starts talking to me about Pokemon and Marvel
>try to be nice but don't get to say much through autist ramblings
>tfw I see people coming to yoga, seeing him, and turning around
>he says he'll have to run off to class but he can't wait to talk to me again
>only two people end up coming to yoga, after he leaves

I need to watch my back when I whip out my DS to pass time, it's not the first time I've attracted unwanted weeb attention.

>> No.7923448

That's rough Anon.

I know what you mean, and I'm too nice to just tell them to fuck off.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people don't know how to be cool

>> No.7923480

>Arda is having a clearance sale
>select (expensive) lacefronts are temporarily 30$
>Need one for a cosplay I plan to do in a few months, fight with myself for a while over whether or not to buy one because they're 65$ usually but I won't need it for a while yet, and I haven't been paid yet this week
>sleep on it and determine that I should get it now
>took too long to decide and now it's out of stock

>> No.7923481

I usually have no problem telling people to fuck off but something holds me back if I sense autism which is so backwards because I did an internship with kids with autism and learned the best way to deal with socially unacceptable/awkward behavior is to tell them outright to stop because they don't pick up on others' discomfort or more subtle ways of trying to get them to stop.

Luckily the wellness fair yoga class was unpaid so he didn't drive away paying customers, but I hope people aren't driven away from my regular classes because they think he might be lurking about.

>> No.7923484
File: 55 KB, 599x966, tumblr_mm70yftIoR1qabzgyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to look cute and feminine, but I'm too shy and insecure that I fear no matter what I wear it won't look good...

Thanks for the suggestion, anon! I'll need to buy thicker tights before the trip. Could you please share more tips or pictures how to make an outfit look more Jfash? I'd like to look stylish without being too dressy or too casual...

>> No.7923492

>don't wear cute things around me or I'll feel ugly and left out!
>don't make yourself look nice and get positive attention and enjoy yourself because it makes me feel bad!
Yeah fuck that. Insecurity is a shit but that's her issue to deal with, not yours.

>> No.7923504

Being That Guy (or girl) is my biggest fear in the world and yeah it would be best to just tell the person they're being inappropriate.
>tfw autist
>not fat/smelly/weeb or otherwise gross afaik
>people often tell me that they can't tell I'm an autist at all
>still too afraid to approach local lolita comm because what if all those people are lying to me and I'm actually completely insufferable to be around?

>> No.7923520

I'm scared of going out of my comfort zone of jeans and hoodies.

I actually hate dressing in jeans and hoodies, but wearing cute sweaters and shit scares me and makes me feel insecure.

>> No.7923528

I'm male also, it is honestly one of my favorite pastimes.

>> No.7923539
File: 35 KB, 848x480, [HorribleSubs] Wizard Barristers - Benmashi Cecil - 06 [480p].mkv_snapshot_12.51_[2014.02.16_21.10.13].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>young associate at big conservative firm
>can't discuss my hobbies without sticking out as a weirdo; never talk about the fact that all my vacations are to cons, that my hobby is sewing, or that I watch a lot of anime. When people ask me what I did I say something like "Sleep" or "Catch up on the Daily Show"
>live in two separate worlds; terrified that someone at work will see a picture of me in cosplay or something someday
>worried that I'll never find a husbando who understands and accepts both parts of my life

Maybe I should just buy a cosplaying sugar baby.

>> No.7923545

>roommate tells me we got taxes after all even though deadline for noticing has passed
>just bought tickets for la vie en rose and the baby tea party because I thought we were safe
>ok fine I'll sell some dresses
>oh that's so cute anon I'll totes buy it in two weeks
>fml need that money now not in two weeks

>> No.7923554

do it gradually - wear cute sweaters with jeans, wear a cute cutsew under your hoodie. you'll still get the "safe" feeling from your comfort clothes, but at the same time you'll be trying something new.

>> No.7923556

Being awkward or offended is not a trigger, god. I hope you tell her off, anon, unloading your own insecurities onto other people is not cool. Being trans doesn't mean you get a free pass to be a douche.

>> No.7923558
File: 37 KB, 612x414, 1373825318982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have trichotillomania/dermatillomania for over a decade now
>feels like there is little worms under my skin so i pick at myself, squeeze hair follicles out, pop pimples, sebum filaments in my pores, etc
>arms/face forever scarred
>never really bothered me, sleeves/makeup can hide scars/picking episodes and it's been so fucking long doing it i don't even care anymore aboutt hiding it
>no one's ever said anything or pointed it out, either no one notices/cares or they're polite enough not to say anything, both work for me
>should probably stop, someday, eh...feels good, man.

>> No.7923564
File: 51 KB, 396x385, fhuifdildfse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost thin enough to fit into brand without altering
>Got laid off two hours ago from a full time job
>Work in a city where it's difficult to find full time jobs

This Christmas is going to be pretty shitty.

>> No.7923583

That sucks, anon. I hope you get lucky and find something soon.

>> No.7923586

I feel ya.
In general I get a lot of unwanted attention from all kinds.
Of particular note is struggling with the socially inept.

>> No.7923588

Looks cute girly. Also you're asian? Chances are they'll just think you're japanese or a korean who loves their clothes.

>> No.7923594 [DELETED] 

Fellow trich-anon here! If you even want to talk or need a buddy feel free to email me!

>> No.7923600

You've already got a leg up other girls by taking pride in your femininity.
So I wouldn't worry too much considering how you aren't being gaudy or flashy, just well dressed.

I'd say maybe get some black tights to go with it, something in general to form a contrast to the upper half.

>> No.7923606
File: 47 KB, 666x666, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>applied for a school
>pretty much my only choice since my diploma isn't valid anywhere else due to international shenanigans
>interviews go well
>essay goes well enough
>maths test not so much
>mfw during the interviews I realise everyone's older than me
>everyone has a shitton of work experience
>they all speak a million foreign languages fluently
>I've worked in a company that translates porno sites for a while and quit when I got to a dating site for people with aids because I couldn't take it, and I speak two languages fluently
>everyone else has grown-up hobbies while the only thing I did was play harp and video games
>tfw I'm completely unremarkable and replaceable and probably won't be accepted
>sperged out over interview partner because she speaks French fluently and I kept going "oh wow that's so impressive, you're so talented" for ten minutes
Guess who won't be getting in
Oh and
>my bf got his hours cut

>> No.7923643

> tfw another thread derailed thanks to Voldie shitposters

I personally don't dislike Voldie especially not when she's being on topic anyway. But goddammit those annoys who feel the need to derail things everything someone even dares to whisper her name on here is fucking annoying.

>> No.7923687

Got my Sailor Moon blu ray set already and I finally got my spark back. The excitement of opening the book and popping the disc in makes me want to do nothing but work on Sailor Moon cosplays. I haven't been motivated cosplay wise at all lately and finally owning SM has brought that back. It's payday, the weekend and with SM in hand a few days early to marathon while working I feel amazing.

>> No.7923701

You would have been all over him, sucking his dick if he had been handsome. "OMG, he's soooo dreamy, and he plays video games! What a hadmsome cutie nerd :3".
Guy was just trying to be nice to you, and you treat him like shit.
Women - not even once.

>> No.7923707

Maybe you should just shut the fuck up and stop imagining that you have problems. Your co workers don't give a shit about you in any way at all, you telling them that you cosplay will have zero effect on them or their perception of you at all.
Narcissistic whore.

>> No.7923711

>have trichotillomania/dermatillomania
i.e. what obscure trendy disease that I read about on wikipedia that I can give myself THIS week.

>> No.7923718

not that anon but it's not really an obscure trendy disease. I don't have it but I do pick my skin unreasonable amounts and I can't say you get any sympathy or profit for it.
It's not like a sad thing people will feel bad for you, they just think you're weird for picking at your skin.

>> No.7923720

>caring about people you work with

some keks

>> No.7923728
File: 325 KB, 680x382, 671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw friends are all in relationships and getting their non-cosplaying bf's/gf's into couple cosplays
>tfw no cosplay bf
God dammit I got into this crafting hobby thinking it would take my mind off of lonely shit.

>> No.7923735

Can you please shit up another board? I'm sorry for even replying at all, but this is so boring at this point.

>> No.7923737

Quit being so concerned with how other people see you.
You're the only one living your life, and you're sure as hell not going to escape your own judgement.

>> No.7923749

>can't take criticism
>starts having paranoid delusions
Did one of them hit a nerve?

>> No.7923769
File: 43 KB, 220x300, 1311591282313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a concussion.
And no one understands what that means. Everything keeps spinning and I was trying so hard to work today despite my doctor telling me not to (No coverage for me to call out sick) and since I don't look 'sick' my coworkers kept giving me shit for not pulling my weight. (Aka not doing all of there work on top of mine like I usually do)
I can't fucking concentrate since everything is spinning and I have a splitting headache and can't take loud noises and lights and shit work was such a bad idea.
Now I am sitting hear trying to work on my secret santa gift and I just can't and fuck this is so frustrating.

>> No.7923772

Sorry, clothes does not fix ugliness.

>> No.7923776

You're not lonely, you just have extremely high standards.

>> No.7923777

just get a head bandage or something, even if you don't need it. might explain what concussion means to the retards you work with

>> No.7923789
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That is a very good idea.
Because fuck them. I mean, I was explaining how it meant I need to sit down a bit from time to time (because everything is fucking spinning) and one of my coworkers was like "WELL I HAVE A CUT ON MY FOOT AND CAN HARDLY WALK SHUT UP"
I'm sorry I have a bruise on my brain and maybe some bleeding can I fucking help you? Is this a contest?

Latter we were talking about what to get for dinner and I went "ugh I can't order with you I'm going to have to not spend money till I see what the MRI bill is going to be"
and she started SCREAMING at me that since I have insurance I have no right to complain.
Um no that is not how it works insurance does not magically mean free health care this is going to cost me thousands.
I hate my coworkers I could nag forever.

>> No.7923792

> people who try to have a pity contest

oh god they're the worst when proclaiming how you shouldn't complain because "I have it worse!!!!11"

>> No.7923820
File: 92 KB, 1186x698, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Overwatch was just announced
>tfw thought it would be fun to cosplay as someone from it till I realized it's Blizzard and everything is way too detailed and hard for me to do

>> No.7923849
File: 120 KB, 1520x1080, 1357802512931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is it obscure or trendy? multiple people on this board have it, there's secrets about it on btb, any time it gets mentioned people reply saying they have the same thing.

I mean, i I was going to lie about having a disease, don't you think I'd pick something a little more, I dunno, cool or interesting? Skin/hair picking isn't exactly glamorous.

>> No.7923860

I just tell them
"congrats, you're life sucks more than mine. you win"

>> No.7923861

>gained 4 kgs over the course of a month
>because I had just lost 10 kgs and was feeling pretty good/seeing myself skinny
>freak out about it
>suddenly I look like I did at the weight I was at before I started losing again
>stop eating almost completely this monday
>lost over fucking 2 kgs since this monday
>unable to feel happy about it
>even more scared of eating than before
>the experience of feeling good about weight loss made me gain weight and this was traumatic enough to increase my fear of eating dramatically

I don't know what the fuck I do now. I'm lowering my intake more and more everyday (and it wasn't big to begin with) and I'm starting to feel dizzy every single time I stand up and my circulation is shit so my limbs "fall asleep" randomly all the fucking time.

>> No.7923864

Oh yea this is hardly /cgl/ related I guess

Especially because I haven't worn lolita in months because all my dresses look ridiculously baggy [spoiler];_;[/nospoilersoncgl]

>> No.7923867

If you want to be healthy try to focus on maintaining a better body.
The human body needs nutrients man, just not eating anything isn't good for you.

Get some physical activity, eat better food, in general just be healthier if you want to focus on your body.

That being said, I'm aware it isn't like you've thought about that already or that it's easy.

>> No.7923877

That's actually exactly what got me into this. Eat healthy, exercise, eat a set amount of calories, lower these calories, get a twisted satisfaction from noticing you can survive just fine on a smaller amount, drop an enormous amount of weight real fast, get off to the fact most people would give everything to be able to do the same, see a bone here a bone there notice most people can't see theirs (satisfaction from knowing you can), develop the delusion you don't need as much food as most people because you're eating so little and still going, have your brain rewired because the restriction of food gives you enough positive reinforcement for the psyche to think less food = good, more food = bad (despite what the body says).

I eat well and I exercise. I just don't eat /enough/, and I can't see the weightloss despite the fact that I'm already well into the underweight range.

I wonder how Chokelate can fit into the dresses she wears? I'm 5'7.5" and 99 lbs now but ever since I was ~115 my dresses started getting baggy enough to be noticeable.

>> No.7923878

She's anorexic. She's probably crazy; if she wasn't crazy she wouldn't be anorexic.

If words could snap people out of anorexia, it certainly wouldn't be a problem. "Eat more, ya dumb cunt. Maybe get some exercise too, get a boyfriend and he'll tell you what's a sexy weight." Or ya' know, look at female beauty icons and try to be similar to that. Protip; none of them are skeleton modo.

>> No.7923905

I'm aware man jeez, I'm just giving my condolences.

I hope everything works out for you.

>> No.7923946

It sounds like you need to get into therapy if you aren't already. At your height you most certainly LOOK underweight at 99lbs, probably scarily so. Do you have any friends you'd trust to be an eating buddy/remind you to eat at regular intervals? It sounds like you don't have the internal motivation to eat regularly and having a friend remind you might help. Either way, professional help and potentially medication will help with the body dysmorphia and anorexia. There are antidepressants that increase your appetite, which might be helpful for you.

>> No.7923949

And since it feels weird putting this in the same post as the last one:

>meant to cut out pattern pieces tonight
>watched 6 episodes of yowamushi pedal instead

Lord have mercy on my soul. I don't even like sports anime normally, but it's just so adorably earnest.

>> No.7923963
File: 128 KB, 581x443, japs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are you saying that if some smelly weeb bitch came up to you while you were playing something. Started talking about random shit that you aren't interested in, not even letting you have one word in, just rambling like an autist and ignoring social cues. You'd be super nice with them?

It's true that if it were a hot fucking guy, she'd probably be more interested in him, just like if some cute girl came up to me, I'd probably be more interested.

It's the same fucking thing for both people, faggot. It's just that there's more smelly fucking weeb guys doing it.

>> No.7923994

I'm kind of considering going to a therapist soon, but I feel kind of ridiculous seeking help when nobody else is concerned and I'm not really too sick. Same for asking for friends' help... I don't look too underweight either, I have a tiny tiny tiny frame so it looks pretty normal. Everyone assumes I'm naturally thin because everything is tiny and my small size doesn't strike people as odd.

Thanks for the kind posts, btw. I was not expecting it at all.

>> No.7924032

I'm finishing a cloak I need for tomorrow and I screwed up in my sewing order, so I have to hand sew the entire lining.

I'm really bad at hand sewing. My fingers hurt now and I'm only done with a foot out of like, 12.

>> No.7924037


That really sucks anon, it seems like one of those things that is a non-issue but then you actually get one or know someone who does and it can really fuck you up for a long while (thanks to a dumbfuck texting driver in my case) with focus issues and headaches.

All I can say is take tylenol after breakfast if it's really bad, and if your coworkers are really giving you shit idk say 'head injury' instead of just concussion? It's not wrong, but one sounds more "oh shit" than the other since it's less of a ubiquitous phrasing.

>> No.7924138

>So are you saying that if some smelly crazy person came up to you.. started talking about random shit that you aren't interested in, not even letting you have one word in, just rambling like an autist
>You'd be super nice with them?

I don't even know what you guys are talking about but I had to comment on this: hell YEAH I would. That actually happens all the time in big cities (usually genuine autistic or disabled people).

People just have their quirks, some people just want to talk, no big deal as long as it's in a public place in broad daylight. Many autists are as kindhearted as neurotypicals, sometimes more.

Actually I see who you're replying to now and it's just shitposting, man just ignore those shitposters from other boards.

>> No.7924239

>be me
>want to give ott sweet a try
>don't have enough hair accessories
>also have to save money for a trip so I can't afford to buy new stuff

>> No.7924324
File: 276 KB, 275x207, evangelion characters.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy from yesterday who felt better after finishing Neon Genesis Evangelion

I just finished End of Evangelion. what the fuck?

I somewhat understand everything that happened, there are only a few things that I'm drawing a blank on.

Why did Asuka come back to form? Why did Shinji strangle Asuka, then stop when she caressed his face, and then she said "How disgusting"? What does that mean?

Is it because Asuka was just like Shinji with her will to live? Was it because Asuka was the person Shinji loved he most?

I enjoyed the movie though, I was afraid it was going to make me a bit depressed and "fuck me up" as other people have said it has. It seemed to really tie up everything for me and give me a new perspective on life, death, pain, love, etc.

>> No.7924325

Taught my mum how to taobao and gave her my wishlist for christmas.
She's ordering stuff very soon.
This crimbo's gon' be great.

>> No.7924334

>tfw another shitposter shitposts defending voldie and then bitching about how others are derailing the thread
Do you lack self-awareness? If someone calls voldie fat, you do realize defending her would derail the thread, right? Stop sucking her fucking dick.

>> No.7924338
File: 17 KB, 200x200, puella_magi_madoka_magica-10-homura-crying-7931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BF is an artist who loves my lolita stylin'
>He's one of the few dudes who thinks the dresses are cool instead of weird sex costumes
>He notices all the little lolita accessories I wear day to day
>Be an introverted artsy power couple who shuns society
>Us against the world
>Money problems
>We break up
>MFW I haven't worn lolita since our relationship ended over a year ago

>> No.7924347

I always thought the how disgusting part was from her knowing he capped to her when she was in the hospital.

>> No.7924348

I could be wrong, but thought that's what it was.

>> No.7924392

> having really shitty self esteem day
> girl flirting with bf on fb, he goes along with it
> buy things I can't afford because sad
> bf comes home and starts being a huge asshole, making me feel worse like always

Just going to bed, so done with today

>> No.7924396

> making me feel worse like always
If he always makes you feel worse about yourself, and flirts with random girls on social media where you can see it, he's an ass and you should probably leave him.

>> No.7924401

Huh, is it bad I didn't take anything from that movie but confusion?

>> No.7924413

>evangelion summed up:
>life is what it is
>suck it up, crybaby!

>> No.7924420

Everyone feels ridiculous going to a therapist for the first time. No one feels like they're "sick enough" or whatever, and we're often very good at convincing other people we're fine. The important thing is that you know that something's wrong, and that alone makes it worth it for you to go. It's part of taking care of yourself.

>> No.7924432

I don't think I need to tell you WHY it's a good idea to leave him.

>> No.7924456

It's because Asuka is a stupid tsundere bitch, even though she's been in love with Shinji the whole time she won't show it and is a dumb cunt to him instead. It was clearly frustrating as hell to him because of how he feels for her and obvious her love for him is and how vehemently she tried to be a bitch to hide it. She was also being a bitch to him when he was getting closer to Rei, even though she was too tsun to explain why.

She won't let herself be vulnerable even when there is nothing else to lose.

>> No.7924457


>> No.7924458 [DELETED] 

that's a dude, yo

>> No.7924463

i just hope his image is not his taste in anime because if it is we can not be friendo

>> No.7924478
File: 135 KB, 424x377, 89796857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be poorfag
>not in school, just work
>always take extra hours/shift offers at work
>always skip out on things I want to do for work
>feel awkward about contacting friends so I almost never talk to them anymore
>feel bad about not talking to them which makes me feel even worse about getting back in touch
>usually just use the internet to buy things I need for cheap instead of going to stores or outlets
>the only times I go out to do stuff is when I go to the gym and go food shopping after, when friends hang out with me I'll talk to them for a bit and then drop contact for months

I don't know how to socialize anymore.

>> No.7924486

>spend a month on a personal mission to get dommed by a cosplaying/lolita girl
>almost get this one cosplaying lesbian and her lesbian girlfriend to let me lick their shoes at the same time
>she bails, way out of my league anyway
>go on a codeine + booze + MDMA bender for like five weeks
>conceive grand drug-infused plan to macguyver a good cosplay together, attend a con, pick up a random girl, and get her to sit on my face in costume
>know literally nothing about anything
>literally try learning how to sew while totally fucked up on three different drugs
>cut my hand up in the process
>start lifting again so I can look good in costume
>do curls for the girls
>run out of cash
>crash hard
>get arrested
>spend four days in rehab and then bail
>get three different rich chicks/FWBs to bankroll my drug addiction
>back off the wagon
>can't remember my motivation to get dommed by a /cgl/ girl
>still kinda want to do it just because it has fixated in my consciousness as a thing that I could theoretically do and I'm literally doing nothing else with my life except writing a master's thesis I could give less than a fuck about
>get drunk at 9:30 in the morning
>listen to Warren Zevron
>come to /cgl/
>don't want to shitpost

sorry /clg/

>> No.7924488


s'okay anon.

your time is not wasted

>> No.7924523

>Mid 20s
>Skinny enough to have a thigh gap and see the outline of my ribs
>Worst cellulite of anyone I know

It really discourages me from cosplaying since a good number of characters I like have some ass or thigh exposure. I know dance tights are a thing but I don't like how they look any better than the cellulite.

>> No.7924530

But a thigh gap is cute, anon. And there's plenty of characters you could be, you just gotta come up with a good idea.

>> No.7924564

Nowhere near you does holiday hiring? Tis the season.

>> No.7924590

Are you sure its cellulite and not stretch marks? There's way to take care of cellulite, you're pretty much fucked with stretch marks.

>> No.7924602

Apparently in the commentary from the voice actors, Asuka's voice actor said that they spent a lot of time determining what was best for her character to say based on the translators. They said that "in the spoken japanese language, there's no word for 'I', so that instead of 'I feel sick' the character said 'feel sick', so we said how disgusting". Who the fuck thought that translated well?

A little, it's kinda spelled out to, so you probably just didn't pay much attention to it.

That's the point, it's because they are both the same way, Shinji won't let anyone in and keeps a nice, quiet exterior, while Asuka puts out a mean, loud exterior. What happens when you take two people who like each other and neither won't assure the other that they won't be hurt? You get teenage frustration from both sides, let out in different ways.

>> No.7924628

Shinji was extremely vocal at Asuka about his frustrations many times. In fact he was vocal and whiny about fucking everything. They are in no way the same at all, nor is he nice and quiet.

Asuka was only frustrated at herself and Shinji for being an indecisive little shit.

>> No.7924796

>trying to create a Brief cosplay outfit out of common items
>knowing I'm going to fuck it up somehow
>Not wanting to spend more than $150

>> No.7924810
File: 44 KB, 444x322, 1351268621102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be black
>in some photos your skin looks fine, in others it's a fucking disaster
>you don't see that many pimples in the mirror except under harsh lighting, and other people tell you they can't even tell and to stop worrying
I don't know what to believe

>> No.7924814

>denigrating a 14 year old boy for being a 14 year old boy
If you honestly have a problem with Shinji, you most likely have a problem with yourself. I'm not even just being rude here.

>> No.7924815


Only nasty bitches let their bare skin hang out like that. I don't have any cellulite and I even wear them. They look so much nicer in photos.

>> No.7924817

>get raise at work
>so many things to buy
>so much new money
>but I have to start saving for Katsucon

>> No.7924818

All of the weight you lost was probably just water. You're just dehydrating yourself.

>> No.7924822

Trich and Derm aren't something that it's a question whether you have it, really.

The uncontrollable urge or cumpulsion to pick or pluck your skin or hair.

I have it too, I pull out my eyelashes and pubes, and I can't stop picking at my keratosis. If I don't do it when I feel the urge, I'll get jumpy and jittery. I think the longest I've ever gone without plucking is 4 days, since I was 12.

>> No.7924855
File: 977 KB, 500x281, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a PlayStation Vita and then give it to me if you have so much money.

>> No.7924858
File: 408 KB, 680x408, Fouruo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ou seem really fucking mad about this, why don't you go watch some MOE KAWAII ANIME to cool off. Hot Head

>> No.7924908

coming from a med student, PLEASE use the full name of the disorder if you're talking to a doctor. if you tell us you have trich, we will think you have trichinosis, which is a sexually transmitted disease.

>> No.7924911

... I was replying to a conversation which had previously used the whole word. Why would I type out "trichotillomania" and "dermatillomania" when it was implied that those are what I was talking about...? Especially when I immediately started talking about plucking and picking. Get your panties out of that twist.

>> No.7924914

>>I've worked in a company that translates porno sites for a while and quit when I got to a dating site for people with aids
...go on

>> No.7924916

You're the one who sounds salty and touchy. They sounded fine to me.

>> No.7924920
File: 57 KB, 500x407, ccs-sakura-6-bk[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>preordered both new CCS figures
>the wait is already killing me

Come to me, my sweets ; __ ;

>> No.7924926
File: 84 KB, 389x411, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking through pictures, hating the faces I'm making
>mfw I realize I'm not hating my expressions, I just hate my face

>> No.7924981

I bought a cosplayer I know a Wii U Zelda bundle once

it was the biggest mistake of my life.

>> No.7924992

How desperate were you?

>> No.7924994


>> No.7924998

I'm going to a local game store tonight, and a guy there has been making things really awkward for me. He knows I have a boyfriend, but he keeps buying me things and getting pissy or even angry when he see me with my boyfriend even though I've told him many times I'm not interested.
I suck at telling people to leave me alone, and worry about hurting peoples feelings. But he hasn't seen me in lolita. I'm going tonight in lolita so I'm thinking maybe this is a good opportunity to spread some weird lies about myself that will make him leave me alone. Should I tell him I'm way into ageplay? Dress in gothic and let on that I worship Satan? Tell him it's a radical feminist thing?
>inb4 just tell him to gtfo
I'll probably do that, but I like the idea of having a little fun with it. I am really bad at getting guys away from me but I'm good at deadpanning outrageous lies to people.

>> No.7925008

Sic your boyfriend at him

>> No.7925022

Just hope to god he isn't into that kind of shit.

>> No.7925050

>be me
>be excited to get back into lolita after 6 years' hiatus
>be happy to find that there's a comm in the state and join
>find out that the members in the pictures look horrible
>no one has a sense of style or understands fashion
>no blouses
>bad wigs/hair
>bad tights/those shoes with that dress!?
>boobloaf galore
>nothing goes together at all/looks like they got dressed in the dark
>only one or three decent looking lolitas
>the comm is an ita comm though it's apparently been around for fucking years
>tfw I now know why the Midwest (aside from Chicago) isn't known for good looking lolitas
>tfw I would rather be a lone lolita instead of walking around with the members and be associated with that mess
>tfw I understand why it's a "no drama" comm

>> No.7925071

I feel this so hard, anon.
>mfw I usually just give up and censor my face

>> No.7925110

What state?

>> No.7925115

You shut the fuck up, asswad. Go have your period somewhere else.

Not even that fucking anon, but jesus fucking christ..

>> No.7925122

>getting real into himekaji/oneegal/gyaru in general
>have no idea where to start

I mean- do I just start buying clothes? Fuck, with lolita it was so much easier, there was EGL and FYeahLolita and so many blogs that a beginner could browse and learn about the fashion/trends/etc.. I wish I had a gyaru mentor or something.

>> No.7925203
File: 342 KB, 1095x1195, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>helping friend sell her art at con
>guy comes up and starts hitting on me
>blocking the booth from potential customers
>friend is sitting next to me awkwardly
>he leaves
>few hours pass
>comes back again
>I give him my real email when he asks because I'm retarded and think it would make him go away
>mfw he now has a way to never go away

>> No.7925227

Could've been worst

>> No.7925229

It really could have, but I'm not used to that kind of situation at all. I feel like I could have handled it better.

>> No.7925230

You did this to yourself.

>> No.7925235

Oh I know I did and that's why I'm mad. I have no idea how to say no or drop hints I don't want to talk to you without being rude, so I end up just being a doormat. I'm like the female equivalent of a "beta".

>> No.7925240

Well, not cgl related but I ended up giving my SS number once because I thought It was IRS on the phone

ever since then, my credit got tanked.

>> No.7925242

>female equivalent of a "beta".
That's just being beta you fucking retard.

Joking aside, that sucks and I feel your pain, as well as the Anon a bit further up who had a similar situation of not knowing how to tell someone to leave them alone.

You try to be nice, but these thirsty guys just take that as a sign you want them and then go whine about how you "led them on" and shit.

>> No.7925248

It's all about being smart, have a fake email ad or number handy.

>> No.7925271

If someone has been particularly bothersome (i.e. they asked for my number again after I told them no politely), I pretend to give in like I was playing hard to get all along and give them my boyfriend's number. When they try to contact me, he can personally tell them to fuck off.

>> No.7925286

I just give them 867-5309

>> No.7925290

The funny thing about this is that I remember joking about this on a Crunchyroll stream and not a single fucker even knows where the actual number comes from.

>> No.7925293


>> No.7925302

My boyfriend is kinda beta, well that and he believes that I can stick up for myself and not just doing everything for me.
He's pretty normalfag so I think I could scare him off if I tried.

>> No.7925306

Nobody knows that number is a song.

>My boyfriend is kinda beta, well that and he believes that I can stick up for myself and not just doing everything for me.

Your boyfriend sounds like every guy who gets betrayed in NTR doujins

>> No.7925309

>Nobody knows that number is a song.
I know Anon.
I'm just, flabbergasted.

>Your boyfriend sounds like every guy who gets betrayed in NTR doujins
>implying he isn't

>> No.7925312
File: 331 KB, 670x472, 1401243436511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to get fit for cosplay reasons
>No idea how to start or what machines do what
>Don't want to go to gym because it's public and I'd get embarrassed
>Just continue to do star jumps and push ups at home

>> No.7925315

>I'm just, flabbergasted.

Last CR stream, they were pretty much dialing it to check it out because they couldn't tell the reference.

>implying he isn't

>> No.7925320

>>implying he isn't
#shots fired

>> No.7925325

I work in a hotel and we have a gym so that's dealt with

Unfortunately, I've been really lazy for the past few weeks.

>> No.7925326

read the fit sticky and stop assuming people give a fuck you are at the gym, because no one cares

>> No.7925327
File: 41 KB, 600x474, 80s_workout_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly anon, coming from a self-conscious girl who frequents the gym, people are usually just there to...work out. everyone kind of creates their own little space if they're lifting alone, or talks with friends if they're doing cardio together/having a light workout. the only people who garner a lot of attention/focus are girls who dress in skimpy tight clothes and do really exaggerated exercises in front of everyone.

/fit/ is a shit board but also funny at times, and does occasionally give good advice. check out the sticky.

>> No.7925328

Did you score?

>> No.7925330

>just came home from a guy that ive been meeting for a while
>he makes me really happy, just by being around him
>and i actually think i love him
>knew about his disease
>told me some hours ago that he might have around a year left

I cant really melt it, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, but not in a year

>> No.7925332

No, I didn't, especially when she's like 7 counties away. I just tend to gift people really expensive stuff for closure. The way I burn bridges is a bit too costly.

>> No.7925333

pec progress pics pls

>> No.7925336

I use to be like this, but it goes away once you get used to going. If you're worried about machines just stick to the bikes/treadmill/elliptical. It's nearly impossible to fuck up on those, and then you can use weight machines when you see that there aren't people on them or it's pretty empty.

>> No.7925341

I know I know... it just feels that way inside, you know? Even if people don't care, I still feel like I'm getting stares.

I just wanna get ottermode... maybe a trainer would help? Someone to give advice and to set goals for me?

>> No.7925344

Rather not say the name, but we have a rather large mall.

>> No.7925345

Most PTs give complete shitty broscience advice. Just follow a beginners progressive overload routine and record you stats. The sticky should help you out futher

>> No.7925347


>> No.7925351

The broscience stuff works, they know that the only roadblock towards getting fit is the person themselves.

>> No.7925355

I guess I can try that. I just feel much more motivated when someone else sets me goals to do rather than myself, because I know I'd put them off somehow...

>> No.7925358

That is just fucking sad.

>> No.7925361

Broscience routines and diets are complete trash and can be counter productive.

>> No.7925366

If you wanna lose weight then you can easily set that goal for you. Your PT wont be there 24/7 so you should try and get a goal in mind and stick to it. if one of your goals is to lose weight Its down to your own self control. try not to be beta

>> No.7925367

Seems like you got two choices,

Make the best of the time he has left on this place

Or turn away from the pain of losing someone you love

>> No.7925371

True, the main purpose behind it is that it makes people slightly dependent to the PT.

>> No.7925390

Man fuck, I typed up a shitton of advice but then I refreshed in accident and now it's all gone so I'll reply to this post instead.

So I'll tl;dr assuming you're a male
Ottermode is really easy to get; 1 year of lifting if you never done any sports in your life
Do Starting Strength, and actually read the fucking book. Don't just follow the routine and watch tutorial videos. Dear god, read the book it will save you so much fucking pain from injuries and thinking "Wow, I was a fucking retard". I did not read the book until the 4th month, and after marathoning that shit I fixed a lot of my form issues and I knew exactly what to do.
Lifting is all about linear progress, if you're not making progress in your lifts, you're not doing jackshit. Eat more and sleep more, be at a slight calorie surplus.

You'll gain the vast majority of your muscle mass(bout' 90%) in the first 2 years provided you do everything correctly. Ottermode can probably be achieved in 6~ months if you already do sports, you just gotta put on a bit of muscle then cut down to low bf %.

Next, don't do GOMAD no matter what /fit/ says. Just learn how to cook so you can count calories easier. Try to go to the gym the same days/times every day so you can actually make friends, or befriend athletic people who can give you slight tips or critique your form.

Just do it. Once you start going for a while, it becomes a habit and you won't ever miss a day. It's like brushing your teeth, reading a book a week, going to class, or going to work.

The most important things are just: always be progressing, have correct form, eat correctly, never miss a day, and sleep well. It's literally the easiest thing in the world. And just remember; if you don't give it your all, you're wasting your time.

>> No.7925406

What sort of sports are we talking?
'cause I could easily start swimming again

>> No.7925409


lol this is exactly the reason why I type the full word out. When I finally learned the name for the disorder, I went around telling my sister I had "trich". Image her surprise when she googled it...oof.
The only time I ever stopped was at my old job, because I had to wear gloves/was too tired to pick in my free time. Pretty much do it every day in some form, ranging from 15min eyebrow pluck to my full 8 hour shift at my current job.

>> No.7925410

It's better to be a swimmer than a beefcake

Go for it.

>> No.7925426

Hm, muscle mass is muscle mass in the end.

When I said if you've done sports before, I meant if you have previous athletic experience or have already attained muscle mass.

Maybe it's because I'm biased, but I would prefer lifting to swimming. I don't know much about swimming since I only did wrestling and cross country in HS.

I'm not an expert on the topic of fitness and /fit/ has fucked up my perceptions of what a muscular body is, but most likely any sport done with proper nutrition will net you a decent body.

Still goin' to call you DYEL if you're a swimmer, though. But you can shove that in my face by getting laid more regularly, so it all evens out.

Best luck to ya', nutrition is the most important thing about obtaining a nice body, especially if you're looking for something with slight muscle mass like ottermode. Just don't fuck up and end up with skeletonmode rather than ottermode

>> No.7925427

Your body is a use it or lose it type of system. You will lose your muscle mass if it's not used like it was.

>> No.7925450

Meh, I wouldn't know.

/fit/ is always speaking about muscle memory, and people who were athletic in their younger years still look strong in their older ones due to broad shoulders and big arms.

I'm not sure how quick the deterioration of muscle mass is. I can't just imagine someone painstakingly crafting their body, then letting it go to waste because of work or other reasons.

Even when I was inactive, I still bought a pull up bar and did sets of 15 or more every time I walked by. And when I got back from exercising after a two year long hiatus, I could still squat nearly 2plate at 150 lbs. Maybe it's because I knew the correct form down by then, but you probably don't lose all the muscle you gained.

Iunno, I'm a dumbass. I never bothered to over over complicate things; I just like lifting heavy things up and putting them back down again.

>> No.7925453

I'm the type of person that hasn't done proper nutrition before. It's probably why I keep slumping out of doing fitness. I might try Coach to 5k too, if that's good?

>> No.7925457

Rightly so, muscle memory is even the main focus of styles like Karate.

>> No.7925460

there's two parts to it, muscle mass and muscle density.

/fit/ loves them some muscle volume. but they are less hot on endurance/density (not saying they dislike it, they just prioritize it less) which is the foundation of strength.

volume deteriorates quickly. density does not.

that gets you to run/skinny, it doesn't really put on meaningful muscle mass. if you're looking to bulk up you should do some 5x5 variant (madcow, bill starr, stronglifts)

>> No.7925467

That's like, just your opinion man.

>> No.7925470

Well, it's just an issue as to whether your type of porn is straight yaoi or bara.

>> No.7925472

*vanilla yaoi

Fuck me

>> No.7925475

I personally think Coach to 5k is a fucking joke.

If you're not ridiculous obese or have a heart condition, just go run 3 miles off the bat. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it isn't when you actually get started. Rather than "working up" to 3 miles, just start at jogging 3 miles slowly, then get your jogging time up consistently.

In cross country summer training, 1/3 of the kids there went from no training in running at all to running half marathons in a month and a half. If you run in a group, you will absolutely push yourself to your limits, and you'll find out that you can do it. Also by running in a group, if you vomit or pass out people can take care of you.

Proper nutrition is probably the biggest thing about fitness. But honestly, jogging long distance doesn't do anything but make you a skeleton. Go lift to be strong, and do HiiT and some sort of sport if you want to be functional.

Rock climbing is really exciting. Hiking is fun if you have a group of friends. MMA is top tier, but gyms are expensive and the bruises are a bitch. Badminton and Tennis are really fun as well(Asians ww@). If you feel like a real badass, get into parkor or tricking. Or simply study how to do bodyweight exercises for cool tricks.

>> No.7925501
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, [Vivid] Amagi Brilliant Park - 05 [FB41CAC2].mkv_snapshot_19.03_[2014.11.08_14.46.20].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start watching Kuragehime
>always wanted to crossdress not at a convention
>the show inspires me to finally start building a wardrobe
>have no idea what style I want to do
>never paid any attention to fashion as a boy
>always worn simple T-shirt+pants or shorts
>no idea where to start or what would look good on me
>I need to get a good wig that looks natural too
>really wish I had a fashion guru to start me out and just tell me what to do
>wish they would take me out to places to show it off and talk over tea

I just want to be pretty.

>> No.7925512

No. Couch to 5K works because you don't give people ridiculous goals like "These little kids can do it why can't you?" because cardio fucking sucks, no one knows there limits before they start and genuinely, there is no one I know who can just up and run 3 miles without having ran a bunch before. 3 miles would be about 10 minutes a mile, which is considered par for a teenage boy who is average weight and good fitness.

>> No.7925524

Does /cgl/ have a friend finder thread up? You might be able to find someone to go shopping with or receive advice from there.

>> No.7925550

Meh, I ran 3 miles on my first day of Cross Country after never having ran anything more than 1 mile in my entire life. PE had you runnin' half a mile every two weeks and a mile every month, if that counts as "fitness".

I had a 13 min~ average mile when I first started. And on my first day there, plenty of people who were ridiculous overweight outran me easily. It's all about pacing, not how long you run.

3~ miles straight in bout' 45 mins if you jog 15 mins/mile is fine. I think after summer training was over, my mile time was like 6:30~ which was pretty average for a dude.

Couch to 5k is for if you are horribly unfit and have never done physical activity in years. Then again, my class was composed of girls and boys in the peak of their puberty and physical health. So none of my reasoning applies if you're over 20 or have a medical condition.

Honestly, if you jog slowly and pace yourself, I doubt anyone would fail at a 5 km.

I just think the progress in couch to 5k is way too small. Also, long distance cardio is junk anyway. Do you really want your gains to be slain?

>> No.7925555

Be careful jogging if you've been sedentary for a few years. I'd suggest laps around a track or on grass with well cushioned shoes. Practice good running form and add some simple body exercises to your routine, like body squats, heel raises, toe raises, and sit-ups, which will help stave off leg injuries. When you've got some strong legs and ankles, take it to the road or trails, which make running so much more enjoyable. Also, jump roping helps conditions your legs and is ridiculously good cardio.

>> No.7925557
File: 31 KB, 377x469, 1303221867903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how it feels to go to a tea party with a bunch of seagulls. I think it would be really nice to sit around in cute clothes and drink tea and eat sweets with others, but I'm not into a j-fashion that doesn't go past being just casual or harajuku-ish.

It's not like my dreams are entirely smashed and ruined, but I guess I'll just never go to one. At least I can dream, right?

>> No.7925570

Friend finder threads are against the rules now. I'm really pissed at those assholes who kept pushing it to /soc/ cause "cause hurr durr that's what its for XD". Seagulls don't hang out on /soc/! Oh well, maybe I'll try /fa/ or something.

I've done this a few times. It was ok. Never kept in touch. I would be fine having tea with one good friend.

>> No.7925607

>Jump Roping


>> No.7925621

From experience, everyone I've met from 4chan(namely from /a/ and /cgl/) are pretty cool guys(and gals)

What really bothers me is that /cgl/ seems to have an inferiority issue since everyone I met from /cgl/ is attractive as fuck(*cough*Nonon from AX'14*cough*) but whenever I go to back to /cgl/, it's people who complain about themselves. It just doesn't make sense.

I mean, just look at the AX'14 /cgl/ meetup and even the traps put Thai ladyboys to shame

>> No.7925627

All the ugly people don't go to the meetups or cosplay.

We just post here then go to cons with paper bags over our heads to not disgust other congoers.

>> No.7925630

>Couch to 5k is for if you are horribly unfit and have never done physical activity in years

as in
>couch potatoes

Dude, the program *is* for people who are horribly unfit and have not done physical activity in years.

>> No.7925685

Trust me missing larg patches of hair and picking at your skin so much you cause scars is nothing to want to fake or brag about. Its in no way trendy. Its embarrassing.

As someone who has both (my trich is worse than the derm for me.) Im just glad wigs are popular in lolita as are sleeves to cover my uper arms where i pick the most.

>> No.7925687

Team up with a good friend and see if they have some clips or jewelry that matches their outfit that they aren't wearing that day. Check for cute things at dollar stores or craft stores, hot glue gun or velcro w/ adhesive is your friend. SAVE EVERYTHING.
Pieces of fabric, ribbons, flowers, random jewels that fell off of other stuff, broken jewelry...anything small and cute that you might be able to glue to another thing and put on a clip or ring base.
Google all kinds of crafting tutorials.
Budget lolita takes some work, but my best friends and I look like we got some money, but we really just know how to make things and alter things and share with each other.
OTT Sweet is not out of your reach.

>> No.7925692

*that matches YOUR outfit that they aren't wearing


>> No.7925718

>sister dropped out of college to be a crackhead with greasemonkey drug dealer former-ex-bf who just got out of jail
>family disappointed and depressed
>stressed out because of her
>acne flares up with a vengeance because so much stress
>feel hideous and unworthy
>entire closet unworn for months

>> No.7925739

Can't even feel correctly.

>> No.7925743

Bitches be crazy.
If she's dumb enough to hook back up with his slimeass she deserves what she gets.

That isn't to say it isn't sad, or that it's unusual to feel bad, far from it.
Just that you can't be your sisters keeper.

>> No.7926173

>90cm bust
>70cm waist
>will never fit all the cute Moitie
>I'm a fatty-chan

>> No.7926231

>and I can't stop picking at my keratosis

oh god my arms are disasters because I can't stop tracing my fingers across my skin and trying to eliminate every single bump I feel and just constantly touching it no matter how bad I know it is

>> No.7926243

Same. My thighs consist entirely of cellulite and my ass is covered in faded white deep stretch marks that make it look wrinkled in certain lighting. When wearing skinny jeans or opaque tights I get compliments all the time but I can't bring myself to wear short shorts or a bikini, ever. I only show off my (clothed) legs in winter because summer is maxi skirt time.
Shit sucks and I secretly resent everyone who made it through puberty without stretch marks.

>> No.7926250

Not true anon I had the same measurements as you and own quite a few Moitie pieces both shirred and unshirred. Size three exists in some pieces, almost all ot the high waisted ops will fit, many items are shirred, even some variants of Iron Gate will fit. Have faith anon.

>> No.7926256
File: 22 KB, 400x343, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with slut shaming?

>> No.7926268

I'm all for it

>> No.7926349

My depression is creeping back and I don't know how to stop it and I also don't want to burden anyone. Also I thought I had totally recovered from my eating disorder but now, every time I eat anything, I think about how gross I am and I just want to make myself throw up again. I'm under so much stress lately. And I'm also a total fucking ita.

>> No.7926370

We no experts man, seek psychological help.

>> No.7926383

I get that, just feeling my feels.

>> No.7926403

Damn, dude. This is a feels thread.

>> No.7926446
File: 808 KB, 593x642, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> get new OP
> arms are tight
> usually wear classic/gothic
> still too afraid to wear it out of house

Pic related. It's also super long on me, for some reason.

>> No.7926451

ugh why would you even.
Shouldve just gotten from their taobao shop, could've custom ordered it.

>> No.7926454

This looks fucking gorgeous, don't let fear stop you

>> No.7926456


I did custom order it. Last dress I ordered with my height hit my just below the knee, but this one hits mid-calf.

>> No.7926470


It's so nice in person, but I really need wider sleeves and shoulders, and a shorter skirt. It's my fault, too; I'm used to F+F where they make things a couple centimeters wider than asked.

I might wind up selling it and ordering another one, because I really love this dress.

>> No.7926712

Id consider buying it from you anon

>> No.7926824

I know that feel. Sometimes I'll look in the mirror and my skin will be perfectly fine. Take a picture in the exact same spot, suddenly pimple central.
I try to just remind myself that photos can be messed up by the slightest thing like lighting, angle, low battery, dust particles in the air etc. etc. etc.

>> No.7926843

>english major, 22 years old, been cosplaying for 5+ years
>meet a guy on tinder
>he's funny, fit, smart, etc., in one of the best law schools of the country
>on the top of that, he's one of the biggest otaku i've met
>he says he wants to cosplay, but he can't do it because people would think he's weird as fuck etc. and gets sad as fuck, and on the top of it, his friends already have begun commenting about me cosplaying
>how do i convince to do it anyway? he said he wants to cosplay someone from JoJo (preferably part 7 Johnny), KLK (Sanageyama) or trap-Kosaka from Genshiken

damn i want to marry him

>> No.7926846

>tfw you just want a gyaru mentor
>someone to help with weight loss progress
>and to tell it to you straight about coords/teach you basics about gal makeup
>make sure your hair doesn't look like a rats nest instead of voluminous and curly

I miss CGL friend finder so bad.

>> No.7926854

>met a guy on tinder
>cares too much what his friends think
>damn I want to marry him

>> No.7926860


>> No.7926885

tinder is okay, of course the majority of the guys are shitty, but there are good ones

and he's just perfect, but if what he says is true, being anything from the usual on law is almost a death sentence because they care a lot about appearances

>> No.7926888

I had to translate really weird shit. The whole thing was in this separate interface so I never really saw what any of it looked like in vivo (so to speak), I just got text and some images to translate. To this day people wonder why I know so much gay and porno slang in French and I have to explain every single time what it was that I actually did and how no, I never starred in weird Euro porn in the past.

>> No.7926894


If he's all that successful, don't you think he's plowed through so many women on tinder already? You might be his next victim.

>> No.7926900

>but if what he says is true
If it is I'll eat both of my hands, may Lord Jesus be my witness. I can guarantee he's making shit up just to get into your knickers.

>> No.7926938
File: 39 KB, 574x574, thinking of you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are being played by a professional manwhore. He didn't land on tinder to meet his dream girl and fall into a relationship.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

Stay safe baby girl

>> No.7926945

he just got out of a relationship of 4 years, he said he wanted to meet people from outside his social circle ,he's awkward in a cute way and god i'm in love ):


>> No.7927049

>trying to talk to a friend
>he's a full-on progressive

God everything is so frustrating with him.

>> No.7927086

Do white guys really prefer asian women these days?

Every white dude in my cosplay circle is dating a Chinese or a Korean chick. Why?

>> No.7927093


Did you want me to say some psychobabble nonsense so that you can go on tumblr and complain about why men don't date "real women?"

>> No.7927101


Speaking as an asian girl dating a white guy, it's partly because a lot of them feel white girls are too slutty, no offense.

>> No.7927105

>cosplay circle
The answer is weebs and yellow fever. Female weebs also prefer Asian men and everyone knows there is not actually anything remotely desirable about Asian men.

>> No.7927106

Do asian guys really prefer white women these days?

Every asian dude in my cosplay circle is dating a white chick. Why?

>> No.7927110
File: 317 KB, 1500x1000, Harajuku-Decora-Fashion-Creamy-2013-11-09-DSC0577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw decora is dead

>> No.7927111


Speaking as an asian in a large social group of asians, they have no fucking idea how slutty asians can be.

Humans in general can be very slutty, if you want to look at it in that way.

>> No.7927118

No, their own girls are monogamous, cute and don't think it's acceptable to own 15 sex toys and anal beads. Why would they swap?

>> No.7927123

>Asian girls
>not slutty

>> No.7927126

Sluttiness has nothing to do with race, it's about attractiveness. The more attractive she is, the more she knows she can get things from men using that attractiveness. Hence, increased sluttiness.

the only loyal girlfriend is an ugly one who knows her leauge.

>> No.7927138

The average Chinese female averages 3 sexual partners in her lifetime.

>> No.7927171

She never said they weren't. She said the other girls were 'too' slutty, and it's true.

>> No.7927175

nigga what the flying fuck is Tinder?

>> No.7927177

Dating app. Tinder is the McDonalds for sex.

>> No.7927184

Where femanons' hearts are broken by Chads on a daily basis.

The logical end result of hypergamy.

>> No.7927195

>implying it's not what they prefer

Sure they don't get the commitment that they want but it's better than dating your sorry ass.

>> No.7927206


if what all these niggas here saying is true, they're most likely right. Lying is every lawyer's bread and butter, if he that good, he'd be smooth talkin every chick he meets all the way to his bedroom without the need of them apps like Tinder.

It's simply too good to be true, I'd doubt every word.

>> No.7927208

Of course, on a subconscious level women recognize that sharing an 8/10 male is better than having exclusive access to a 5/10 male.

>> No.7927220

its more like dennys since everything looks really good until you try it and no one wants to have sex with you, until its 3am and filled with scumbags but youre drunk and dont care

>> No.7927221

>its more like dennys since everything looks really good until you try it and no one wants to have sex with you, until its 3am and filled with scumbags but youre drunk and dont care

lol you are such trash. no decent man wants you, whore.

>> No.7927226

don't talk shit about Denny's

>> No.7927253

Having half of 8 is less than having 5 all to yourself.

>> No.7927255

I'm sorry for your loss, anon.

>> No.7927259

You say that now, but one night with a 9 inch black dick is probably better than years with a 6 inch dick.

>> No.7927261

Do you know this from personal experience?

>> No.7927263

>lurk /cgl/ for 3ish years
>tiny lolita wardrobe
>suck balls at making coords
>no comms near me to get more involved in the fashion
>can't even into normal fashion
>only ever in my pajamas and work scrubs

I'll never b kawaii

>> No.7927266

>Lying is every lawyer's bread and butter
It's actually not that useful at all to defend a case. A good lawyer is the guy who makes the judge change his mind, and who manage to show that the other side winning would be unfair to his client.
It's really more a matter of mentioning every element in your favor as really important, and any element in favor of the other side as irrelevant, dubious or minor.

Anyway, a lawyer (a law student here) doesn't need to lie to pick up chicks.

>> No.7927276
File: 37 KB, 400x426, what the fuck am i reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does that even mean

>> No.7927281

8 / 2 = 4

4 < 5

>> No.7927290

anyone who treats the truth as malleable is a liar in my book.

>> No.7927294


You know what they say about people who blow hot and cold in the same breath. I have lawyer friends I can trust, but that doesn't mean I'm going to trust everything a trained truth bender says to me the first time I meet them.

>> No.7927297

The fact is though, she COULD be banging a catch. That's still better than anything else she'll ever get in her life.

>> No.7927301

Women just don't understand a man is quite happy to lie to the point of telling a girl he loves her to get into her pants. They don't understand the concept of men being able to and wanting to fuck women without ever having the slightest interest in anything long term.

This is why seagulls get played by alphas over and over and over and over again.

>> No.7927303


She could be. That doesn't change the fact that she should still take his claims with a grain of salt until she gets to know him better.

>> No.7927304

How could they not understand it? It's the exact same as telling betas they'll get sex if they act nice enough, while also saying in girl only spaces that they're disgusted by betas and would never fuck them.

>> No.7927305


Oops, meant to reply to >>7927297.

>> No.7927307

Then everyone's a liar, because everyone, say, happen to omit embarassing points when talking about themselves. However, it defeats the purpose of the word
The lawyer doesn't "truth bend" all the time, just like a policeman isn't constantly aggressive and cold. Just like everyone, they have morals. Plus lawyers usually have a ton of work to do, so they don't have time to play around
>doesn't mean I'm going to trust everything a trained truth bender says to me the first time I meet them.
It applies to everyone, not just lawyers

>> No.7927309

i hope its not just one guy slut baiting this feels thread, because if so you got some issues man

>> No.7927312

Unless he's from a top 15 school, he's not some sort of biglaw god anyway.

America's law schools pump out an insane number of grads these days, there's a massive surplus of them and not enough jobs to go around. It's an utterly parasitical industry that produces nothing of value. I mean that literally. Even old housewives making arts and crafts on etsy are more industrious and valuable to the average person's standard of living, hell, even financial services. At least we export a lot of our financial services expertise.

>> No.7927324


My bets are that CS majors will be the next lawyers, though.

>> No.7927329

Nah, there will always be a place for good software engineers. But software engineers come from a wide range of fields and tertiary educational backgrounds. One CTO I worked with took Philosophy at college for example and just learned to code/did projects on the side. There's a lot of that in software development, so if you're decent and apply yourself, you can get a job without a degree in CS.

>> No.7927334

Other people don't get paid for it, though.

>> No.7927338

>It's an utterly parasitical industry that produces nothing of value
Now now, that's assuming the average people would know how law works. Curse them now, but a lawyer is anyone's most precious savior during an event as common as a divorce

Yet it's true that in most civilized countries there's no room for penal law lawyers, the job being simply too popular. Law school, however, can offer quite bright perspectives in fields such as fiscal, labour or international law

>> No.7927346

Right, so law literally subsists based off of how litigation prone a society is, in other words, how much familial dysfunction there is, how much crime there is, how many people are dishonoring contracts.

There'a a reason the legal profession is tiny in non-litigous societies like Japan.

And don't even get me started on female lawyers. Absolute megasluts of the worst kind.

>> No.7927351


Quite. I'd much rather my country produced tons of lawyers and legal firms than, you know, engineers and businesspeople exporting hardware and producer's goods.

>> No.7927360

Exactly. Does that pose a problem? Doctors only exist where there is death and disease, policemen exist because there is crime and violence. Are they vile?

>> No.7927365

They'd have no reason to bend the truth for free then

>> No.7927366

>Does that pose a problem?

I suppose if you're incapable of seeing that this is reflective of larger problems. Remarkably poor analytical skills for a lawyer.

>Doctors only exist where there is death and disease

Death and disease are biological functions, being a litigous prick is hardly so fatalistic.

>> No.7927372

Indeed. That's why countries like Japan desperately want all of our services industries (like law) that we're so proud of, and we always post a trade surplus with them.

Oh wait.

>> No.7927377


Don't be dense. You can clearly see that being a smooth talker and polishing up a not so great history will net you benefits in society. The only difference between a lawyer and a regular joe trying to con someone is that the lawyer is professionally trained to do it.

>> No.7927379
File: 17 KB, 200x200, 1397562384467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're upset, I can't quite see why
The "larger problems" you speak about are simply as inherent to the human nature as "biological functions" are. Thinking mankind can live without conflict is a remarkably positive thought, but until we all transcend to a super-human level of global empathy, lawyers are as needed as doctors.

>for a lawyer
Law school doesn't only produce lawyers anon

>> No.7927383

how they do their jobs decide the fate of the person they're persecuting/defending.

25 to life, lethal injection, these kinds of punishment are comparable to stuff like AIDs or Cancer

>> No.7927384

>The "larger problems" you speak about are simply as inherent to the human nature as "biological functions" are.

Then explain why the Japanese legal profession is tiny, even on a per capita basis, when compared to the US?

Explain why such sharp divergences in lawyers per capita even exist on the first place, if not for a culture of litigation, low-trust societies and other such factors.

>Thinking mankind can live without conflict is a remarkably positive thought

No, there will always be a need for lawyers. This is quite right. But the fucking ridiculous size of the legal profession in America is reflective of very real dysfunctions, not by some nebulous comparison to a world that might be, but by a very real comparison to other developed countries that actually exist right now.

>> No.7927387
File: 3 KB, 212x272, lawyers_per_capita.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.7927391 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 500x357, lawyers are faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7927394

Again, "professionnal training" doesn't mean you'll do it in every occasion. Anyone can lie, and anyone can become a good speaker (during the 5 years necessary to become a lawyer, the student actually won't spend much time studying erudition). Whether the lawyer will do it or not in a casual situation depends only of his morals, which is irrelevant with his field of study.

Your point is altogether rather confuse, though. Was it that you shouldn't trust a lawyer you don't know? Because if it is, as said before, that is true for every person you don't know.

>> No.7927399

> feels thread
> now an argument about first world legal system

Where the flying fuck did we go wrong?

>> No.7927408

>lawyers usually have a ton of work to do
nigga lawyers don't work nearly as much as you think
they get paid for signing a piece of paper at times

>> No.7927417

A lawyer's "skill" is basically in understanding a really Byzantine legal system. I can appreciate the work that goes into understanding it but like the other anon said, this merely reflects how needless that complexity is in a lot of cases.

Of course, lawyers, as a rule, defend further complication because it means more work for them but the reality is it doesn't really translate into anything tangibly beneficial for the average person.

>> No.7927418

>It's an utterly parasitical industry that produces nothing of value.

Lawyer anon has now gotten you down to:
>No, there will always be a need for lawyers.

Not only did lawyer anon win, I think he proved the value of learning persuasive argument. Let's move on

>> No.7927425

It is literally parasitical, in that it subsists off of dysfunction. The idea is to minimize the ultimate causes of that dysfunction to there's less need for legal professionals in the first place.

In any event, there are over 1,200,000 attorneys in the US, compared with about 50,000 in Japan. If you don't believe this is absurd and reflective of real underlying issues on some level, then you're either a lawfag yourself or you've been watching too much Suits.

>> No.7927427
File: 103 KB, 700x500, 1382473871039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go clubbing without my bf knowing
>boyfriend is into animu/mango, which is pretty embarassing for me sometimes as I would prefer someone a bit more masculine
>qt alpha starts chatting me up
>get fucked raw in the toilet stall the same night, while my bf sat at home and played video games

It felt so good /cgl/.
I think I might keep my bf around just so I can experience that thrill again.

>> No.7927431

>if not for a culture of litigation
That is exactly my point!
Now for the case of Japan, I don't know exactly at which occasions their legal system requires a lawyer (they aren't needed for every case in most countries), or if it is because of a inherent fear of conflict in the population.

Perhaps their high suicide rate is part of the explanation, it being another way to avoid conflict. I wouldn't say a low lawyer rate actually means a happier country

To my mind, since the US has an international presence and a huge number of corporations on its territory, the number of lawyer must be quite high even just for tax optimization. The local level of FREEDOM probably allows for very dense argumentations on certain points, but I'm absolutely not an expert in US laws

>> No.7927432

Nice b8 m8

>> No.7927434

Lol, nice guy detected.

>> No.7927447

>That is exactly my point!

I've been saying this for the past 6 posts, I don't think you just picked up on it, unless you're stupid.

>or if it is because of a inherent fear of conflict in the population.

Because they prefer to honor contracts. In the industry I work, the Japanese are known for just how diligent they are about honoring orders and purchases on their orderbook. If they say they'll do something, they'll most certainly do it.

The fact your immediate response to a country that proves you don't need a bloated legal system is "perhaps there's something wrong with them" belies that your ultimate stake here is one of self-interest.

>To my mind, since the US has an international presence and a huge number of corporations on its territory

As does Japan. Japan has more corporations involved in the export of producers goods and hardware than the United States in fact. It's arguably, by many metrics, the greatest manufacturer on earth, even now.

>> No.7927449

Worst thing is that the creators of new laws often didn't study law, and sometimes studied absolutely nothing at all. It's not uncommon to see laws that have absolutely no effect, which solve situations that were already solved before, or are unclear enough for the judges to make completely opposite interpretations out of them

This isn't the biggest flaw of democracy, but it's probably the most recurrent

>> No.7927451
File: 101 KB, 720x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when it rained on my brand

Dirty rain-water on my burando!!!

>> No.7927452

>unless you're stupid.
Now that's just being rude

>> No.7927454
File: 22 KB, 500x281, all-in-the-game-yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's all in the game though, right?

>> No.7927459

Actually in the US, most political elites come from a legal background.

That's part of the problem. Our politicians are literally trained bullshitters with no real skills outside of bullshitting.

Compare that to China, where the leadership is composed largely of engineers and other practical people (ex military etc).

>> No.7927462


I'm usually an obnoxious chinafag owing to guilt about my grandmotherland, but seriously, China as a paragon of legal equality? China's current legal system is fucked to hell and back.

The only virtue the current government has is that they get shit done when fire is under their ass, and that is only by virtue of being a dictatorship. Which, as I recall, comes with some drawbacks of its own.

>> No.7927470

Technically no, there's no way to take care of cellulite. The dimpling is caused by the connective tissue and how fat sits between it. No creams or nubby brushes will really cure it, especially if its pretty bad to begin with.

>> No.7927477

I'm not defending China's legal system (although their cities are safer than America's), I'm talking about where elites are selected from. I trust engineers and military officers to protect and have the best interests of the Nation at heart more than attorners and "community organizers" and the like.

>The only virtue the current government has is that they get shit done when fire is under their ass, and that is only by virtue of being a dictatorship.

It's most surely not by sole virtue of being a dictatorship. If it were, every tin pot nigger in sub-saharan africa would be running current account surpluses in the trillions as well.

The CCP works like a machine. It's fucking beautiful just how rigid and hierarchical it is. If anyone doubts this, just compare China to that other developing economy: India. India and China were level pegging in the 1950s, today India is hell on Earth, and comparatively, China is a vastly superior place to live.

>> No.7927537

>be trans
>realize crossplaying might help me feel a little better
>go to conventions
>all the crossplayers are fat neckbeards and/or creepy guys
God dammit.

>> No.7927556

Should be a rule.

No CrossPlaying if you're obese or do not practice general hygiene(Pls shave).

>> No.7927581

I have no self-esteem. Like, I don't even know how to get self-esteem. Does anyone have any advice to give, or shit even like a book to read?

>> No.7927643

What don't you like about yourself?

>> No.7927645
File: 43 KB, 250x375, 70726f647563742f31345f31315f365f37315f312e6a7067003235300000660066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I went and checked out closet child for the first time. Very sad, my dream dress is up there for a great price but I don't have any money...
Pic related.

>> No.7927648

And they have the other cut there too and I want them both and am so sad...

>> No.7927663

How much is it?

>> No.7927682

Like 14900 yen I think. Its about half of the price I expected it would be. *sobs*
This is why I don't look at those sites unless I have money.

>> No.7928055

Has NZ custom implemented any new rules recently? I now can't import anything into NZ that's valued over 18,000yen without being hit by customs it seems because they've added a 10% duty on top of the GST which is what I think they used to base their custom charge on.

I've bought heaps of stuff online in the past and only got hit when the value was closer to $400. What happened?

>tfw just want my innocent world dress.
>tfw worried about some other stuff I've bought.
>tfw don't want to pay an extra $125 just to get my item.

>> No.7928134

I've heard that reducing your body fat percentage, upping your muscle mass and greatly reducing your sugar intake helps cellulite a shit load.

>> No.7928521

>instead of shying away from things that bother you, maybe you should confront them and overcome them rather then yelling 'TRIGGER' then expecting everyone to conform to you like you're a fucking 3 year old.

from personal experience this might cause a violent reaction so do this while holding a riot shield at the very least

>> No.7928533

I've been trying to get into lolita.
So far i have bought three things. a pair of shoes, a dress and a skirt. and let me tell you why i think the lolita gods hate me.

>pair of shoes got sent
>they where the wrong pair in wrong size
>seller disappeared and refused to give me a refund

>skirt arrived. they sent the wrong skirt.
>it was fuck ugly
>seller gave me refund but i'm still stuck with an ugly skirt i can't sell

>dress firstly get shipped to wrong country
>then gets lost in the mail never to be seen again

Fuck my unholy life. i hat everything right now. why the fuck does this keep happening me.

>> No.7928558
File: 102 KB, 640x899, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walking to convention center for trade show
>megacon is also going on at the time
>mfw someone asks if in displaying as Shu
>mfw I'm just wearing a suit and glasses
Fucking weebs.

>> No.7928584

Japan has literally no demand for them that's why they don't much exists.
>eminent domain
Extremely low
There are quite literally 8 companies that are about 70% of the economy. Each group has it's little bit of lawyers
In japan your guilty no matter what.

So they have a low demand.

>> No.7928595

Will be you bf and buy you brando but only if youre a smug loli

>> No.7928606

If you can, paypal disputes.

>> No.7929513

Iirc the customs taxing value is actually $250 but they don't always tax that low. The NZ lolita whose name starts with S and works for the postal services would be a good person to ask...

>> No.7931752

>Work full time for about two years
>Only make it to a meet every few months
>Loose touch with nearly all lolita friends
>Buy loads of new pieces
>Feel like I fell off the radar
>Don't get invited to as many meets anymore./meets are on days I can't get off
>Unable to wear fancy new burando to meets

>> No.7932141

>See cute cgl girl at con
>No nerve to talk to her
>Retroactive confidence boost from buddy
>No way to find her again...

>> No.7932146

Also, I'm apparently posting in an autosaged thread.

>> No.7932329

who the fuck gives a shit about what their friends think
I mean, they're friends, unless you completely royally screw you over they'll put up with weird the occasional weird stuff, especially if it doesn't bother them directly.