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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 81 KB, 188x234, 1415298700243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7921947 No.7921947 [Reply] [Original]

Anko from Naruto is now fat.

Who will be the first chubby to cosplay her?

>> No.7921990

That's not my waifu Anko. That's an imposter. Fuck you Kishi!

>> No.7922544

>implying anyone who has posted on this bored hasn't been called fat

>> No.7923362

Guess Anko ate too much Anko

>> No.7924132

Implying there wasn't fat cosplaying as Anko.

>> No.7926159
File: 3.18 MB, 2304x3456, The_Real_Tsunade_by_KogaP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who will be the first chubby to cosplay her?
Hoping HotaruTenshi mai waifu :3

>That's not my waifu Anko
>eats over 6000 calories of dango in one sitting
>not getting fat
0/10 headcanon I don't even think you tried

>> No.7926160

>applying physics to the Naruto universe

>> No.7926163

Actually, there are physics in Naruto. Chakra is what makes the magic happen. This is more biology anyway.

>> No.7926165
File: 375 KB, 853x480, sasuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naruto physics

>> No.7926168

>what are inbetweens
If you're serious you need to study animation a lot more. Inbetweens are necessary for good animation like this (SPOILERS):

>> No.7926191

Can I get sauce on that please, looks hilarious

>> No.7926282


one of their animators is fucking horrible, it seems like the same guy because it's always drawn in the same style. there are plenty of examples of shit that looks retarded like that

>> No.7926285

Wasn't she stuck in a wall or some shit? There's not much exercise you can do in that situation.

>> No.7926300

Actually, it's referred to as a "smear frame"

>> No.7926323

I still can't fucking believe that Narutu is actually over and I am even more astonished by the fact that Hinata won the Narutob owl instead of Sakura. Not that I'm complaining.

>> No.7926327

I'm glad she did, never really liked Sakura and Naruto together. That and I just really like Hinata and I'm glad to see her get what she wanted.

>> No.7926331

I'm honestly baffled by the fact that Sasuke and Sakura had a kid. I'm not a shipper but it all seems so random. It's like Kishimoto just put a bunch of the more popular ships into a hat and used whichever ones he pulled out first.

It reminds me of that equally weird epilogue chapter from Harry Potter and I am gleefully anticipating all the crying and shipwars.

>> No.7927076

Some people have decided already that Sarada is Karin's biological kid but Sakura is raising her.

>> No.7927089

Same here
I figured Sauske would just be out wondering by himself
all of those mad shippers were hilarious though

>> No.7927096

The idea of Sasuke having sex and producing a child with ANYONE just doesn't sit right with me. At least with Karin you could imagine she drugged and raped him or something. I'll get my tin hat.
>the scanlation I read romanized her name as "Salad"

>> No.7927213

all that dango was going to catch up to her eventually

>> No.7927223

>harry potter

you mean how everyone hooks up with other people? no one ever looks outside the established circle of characters?

yeah that's weird.

wait, where the hell are sasuga's pals (karin, sharkteeth and bigguy)

>> No.7927233

I appreciate that anon

>> No.7927257

Pretty much, yeah. It feels so unnatural. And how many people do you know who found their life partners at 16?

>> No.7928132

There is a third part announced for sometime in 2015 about all their children so Naruto's not really over.

>> No.7928138


Well there's Choji and that black girl that kind of came out of nowhere. When did they ever meet? Can someone explain?

Kiba and Shino never got together with anyone and who the hell banged Lee?
At least the NaruHina babies are cute

>> No.7928148

It was based on a pun. Karui (his wife) means light, Choji is heavy. That's the only reason.

>> No.7928159


>> No.7928164
File: 68 KB, 900x675, owl-laughing[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Narutob owl

>> No.7928181


>> No.7928189

does that joke even work in japanese? her name is "light" as in "not serious" not as in "weighs little".

>> No.7928798

Actually, it's referred to as an inbetween, like I said.

>> No.7928799

It's just a compilation of short stories centered on different characters. That's no more a part 3 than Beedle The Bard is Book 8 of Harry Potter.

>That's the only reason.
Yea it's not like black people are known for liking fatties or Chouji's mom has the exact same personality as Karui anything.

>> No.7929078

My favourite thing about the entire chapter was that Chouji's daughter is apparently a sassy fat black woman who don't need no man.

>> No.7929449

Fucking this. Get your misogynistic Chinese cartoons out of my loltia board.

>> No.7929459

I used the picture as a reaction image and everyone gets all huffy. Dang.

>> No.7929475

In retrospect

Nurutu was a better manga overall than Addack on Didan and - the most shocking part - the fandom of the former wasn't nearly as bad as the fandom of the latter.

I am glad that I never cosplayed from SnK,I'd honestly kill myself, being unable to live with the shame. Fat Nurutus are less embarrassing.

>> No.7929485

Don't know about that, Naruto has a good ten year of american weeb on SNK

>> No.7929488

But, she's fat and ugly with a PT-tier face.

>> No.7929517

Exactly. And yet SnK managed to outdo what they did in a decade with just two years tops.

>> No.7929614


>> No.7929630

I think I'm speaking to a SnK landwhale so I'm not going to explain further for my own safety / health.

>> No.7929895


>> No.7929897

fucking newfags don't know our queen

>> No.7929898

>not knowing about Pixyteri
>being on /cgl/

>> No.7929899

I wasn't huffy. I specifically said "If you're serious" so you'd know that your post was cool with me if you were making a joke, while still correcting a common misconception if you were being serious.

>> No.7929905

Not every oldfag comes here regularly. I've been coming to /cg/ for advice on fabrics and similar things for years and have never heard of PT. It's possible that I forgot from a head injury after a drunk driver hit my car, but I'm pretty sure you're making the unrealistic assumption that everyone here browses daily.

>> No.7929907


>> No.7929912

We had daily pt threads literally until two years ago when the new janitors came and banned them.

>> No.7929916

so defensive

>> No.7929982

Were you around in the heyday of Naruto? SnK is about the same not any worse. Don't look through rose colored glasses.

>> No.7930290

I think Mikasa is more popular than Sakura ever was because the AoT fanbase has worse taste than the Naruto fanbase did in its hayday. In my opinion, they are both really terrible characters, so the comparison is fair.

>> No.7930315

>addack on didan
I will forever use this.
Thank you.

>> No.7930340

>never heard of PT
>didn't even try googling it first

I remember the days when you would have five PT threads on cgl at a time. There would ALWAYS be something PT going on. Even now she still comes up in regular conversation.

>> No.7930350

I googled "PT cosplay" faggot

>> No.7930438

You're not an oldfag.

>> No.7931302

Whatever you want to tell yourself dude. I've been here since around 2006. It's pretty pathetic though that you think everyone here would know the name of a cosplayer famous for how ugly she is. Not everyone here is interested in putting people down and being negative all the time. It might blow your mind, but some people actually use /cgl/ as a resource for cosplay advice rather than as a forum for making fun of people enjoying a hobby.

>> No.7931332

>AoT fanbase has worse taste than the Naruto fanbase.

AoT fan here that isn't like the AoT fanbase.

I've been in both and I said the Naruto one is worse because AoT has never tried to boycott Levi/Eren despite it being non-canon and popular.

But I actually had a friend break off a friendship with me because I wasn't into Naruto/Sakura.

>> No.7931353
File: 31 KB, 600x392, Oreki.Houtarou.600.1211251[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when people call it AoT instead of SnK
>mfw people care that much

>> No.7931355

Doesn't comparing Naruto/Sakura to Levi/Eren show how much worse the AoT fanbase is? At least NS doesn't assume homosexuality.

>> No.7931368

Not a fan of either, but what's wrong with homosexuality? I mean yes, it's not canon but even in FREE it's not explicit, yet everyone just accepts it

>> No.7931381

Nothing's wrong with homosexuality itself. It's the assumption that your two favorite characters who have never exhibited any sign of homosexuality both JUST HAPPEN to be in the same small minority so you can conveniently ship them that makes the ship forced. If we say that 10% of men are gay (and that number is a greatly exaggerated one) the chance of your two favorite bishies both being gay is 1%. That's not a very strong foundation. It's forced BS.

>> No.7931385


Someone never met the NaruSasu shippers. And the GaraEveryone shippers. And the KakaIru shippers. Uchihacest. ItaKisa. HakuZabu.

There were entire factions of shippers, engaged in constant total war. People sent each other death threats. Naruto shippers were soldiers, and DeviantArt was their battleground. Friendships ended and people died.

>> No.7931389

I guess what I meant was how bad they are per capita, since Naruto is much bigger than AoT.

>> No.7931397

The problem is that AoT landwhales are insane and they keep reading this crap despite the fact that it's been revealed as "clueless writer submits to peer pressure and writes worthless crap" past chapter 50. He literally admitted that because of the insane landwhales, he is not allowed to kill characters he wanted to kill, so nobody important is gonna die this year, or the next year for sure. At least Naruto had a coherent story in comparison.

>> No.7931401

>He literally admitted
Sauce? This is great.

>> No.7931411


Not even. AoT is nowhere near as bad as Naruto was, and I would know. I was a Gaara shipper.

The AoT fandom seems pretty content to live and let live. Yes, they're very vocal about their fandom, but they don't send death threats to people who don't like it the way the Naruto fandom did. I'm not kidding, death and dismemberment threats fucking happened. They don't start civil wars over shipping the way the Narutards did, they just carve out their own little internet niches and stay there. It's not even like it's inescapable, the way Naruto and MLP were/are, because there's a higher barrier to entry than Naruto had. Naruto was on kids networks at all hours of the day and the manga was available in grocery stores; it was the middle of the anime boom.

I think you're looking back on those days with some serious nostalgia filter.

>> No.7931417

>Naruto shippers were soldiers, and DeviantArt was their battleground

Ah, those were the days. Watching the shippers blow their tops. I miss them so.

>> No.7931429

It sounds like we have different criteria for bad. Autistic ships bother me more than making (probably empty) death threats. Also, you're still ignoring my "per capita" statement. Potterheads made plenty of death threats, but it's mostly because their fandom was ten times bigger than AoT will ever be.

How is MLP inescapable? It's literally been quarantined because of butthurt anons.

>> No.7931443


If you're upset because people are shipping, period, then I'm afraid there's no help for you anon. Shippers gonna ship. Learn how to ignore it like a grown up.

>> No.7931445

>Autistic ships bother me more than making (probably empty) death threats
Damn anon, that's kind of ridiculous. I agree there are some strange ships in existence but they're really, really easy to avoid.

>> No.7931451


Seriously. Remember when people were shipping Gaara and Deidara?

>> No.7931466

>who the hell banged Lee?


>> No.7931479

He said that:
1) originally he wanted an ending where a lot of characters die, but now that [he's making money of their merchandise], he changed that ending to a lot happier one.
2) Sasha was supposed to die [obviously, because she is absolutely useless now] after her Amazon arc / desert and never return, but the editor saved her by reminding Isayama how much more shekels he could get by instead keeping her alive and putting her on a towel.
It's probably on the wikia, or you could ask on /a/, not even the blind fangirls can deny this.

The fact that not even Erwong died when he was about to be gangraped by the monarchy men just shows you how the quality went completely down the drain. There is absolutely zero tension left in the series - even now with how the latest chapter ended, you just know that nothing is gonna happen to anyone.

Like seriously, I used to watch Naruto as a tween and I am not embarrassed by it in the slightest (plus I stopped when they went full emo in the "Naruto where they're all grown up"-series). I watched SnK and read the manga as a 20-something and it's one of the most embarrassing things I did in retrospect, especially because I was *this* close to cosplaying from SnK and, as a result, perhaps having pictures out there, of me, dressed up as a SnKtard, forever, on the Internet.

That is legit stuff to kill yourself over. My condolences to all the people out there with good taste who already lost their dignity by cosplaying some SnK character, though I doubt there's many of them (people with good taste who done that).

>> No.7931481

You making this up m8.

>> No.7931497
File: 22 KB, 450x268, 1257003814239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw we are debating about mango and animu on /cgl/

Tbh anon you can call it both. It's just like Death note and Trigun. Nobody calls it "Desu Note." Usually elitist weebs in the fandom force others to call it "Shingeki no Kyojin" because it's "the true proper name from Japan."

>Not implying that you are.

I used Naruto/Sakura as an example because they tried to boycott that and they are the most vocal of the fandom with Naruto/Hinata.

Naruto/Sasuke was the most popular pairing in Naruto back in the hayday with mostly doujinshi and goods. The yaoi fans in Naruto are more cool than the hetrosexual fans for some reason.

The most popular pairing right now is Levi/Eren to the point that if you want to find hentai of Eren or Levi you need to do some major google fu and have patience.

>At least Naruto had a coherent story in comparison.

You're joking right? Naruto's story was so bad in the final war arc that fans had to explain to other fans what the fuck was going on. Mind you I dropped it back when Sakura fought Sasori but picked it up again and still didn't know what the fuck was going on due to 'flashback no jutsu.'

I left both fandoms for Tokyo ghoul recently because I couldn't take it anymore.

>> No.7931501

>I left both fandoms for Tokyo ghoul recently

Didn't TG just suddenly end recently?

>> No.7931516

No there's Tokyo ghoul:Re.

Outside of arguing about Tsukiyama being trash or not or Kaneki it's a pretty cool fandom. No shipping wars so far.

>> No.7932073

That's not why I'm upset. Did you even read my post?

>> No.7932319

Remember when people were shipping Tobi x everyone?

>mfw akatsuki cosplays still exist today

>> No.7932334

>mfw akatsuki cosplays still exist today
What's wrong with Akatsuki? I'll cosplay Itachi til I die.

>> No.7932337
File: 24 KB, 500x332, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Naruto's story was so bad in the final war arc that fans had to explain to other fans what the fuck was going on.
>so bad that fans had to explain what the fuck was going on.
Complicated stories are good anon. They don't have college courses on The Wire because of how poorly written it is.

>> No.7932341

>Autistic ships bother me more than making (probably empty) death threats
Are you sure you're not the autist here?

>> No.7932360

my husbando

There's a big difference between a good complicated story and a colossal clusterfuck. Nurutu was my jam when I was a teenager and it's still my guilty pleasure but that shit was ridiculous. My head is still spinning from all the retcon.

>> No.7932375

It's not a clusterfuck. The fact that you think there was a lot of retcon is ridiculous.

>> No.7932387


i hope you're ready to jump ship again

tokyo ghoul's been getting popular ontumblr

>> No.7932778

we got a patrician over here

>> No.7933052

>Naruto lover

>> No.7936518

fat AF with lucky fat distribution in tits.
Note how she bends forward in a way that her tits obscure her belly
Also note how her face is so full of fat you can't even see the shape of her jaw
Also note how she looks at the camera like it's a footlong..

>subway sandwich that is

>> No.7936609

>liking a self-insert gary stu

Absolutely Disgusting

>> No.7938964

Doubt peopel gonna cosplay when its over

>> No.7938970

Some people call it AoT instead of SNK because they're fighting game fans and they already have an SNK.

>> No.7939030

Plus, SNK is subjectively good/bad depending on what your opinion is (I dunno much about fighting games) whereas AoT=SnK is objectively the worst ongoing popular manga.

>> No.7939052

Complicated stories=/=clusterfuck.

Guess which one Naruto was?

>> No.7939056
File: 200 KB, 500x605, tumblr_mga6paMsMY1s238ezo3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad it is? I avoid tumblr like the plague.

As far as I know Deviantart hasn't gone into "Kaneki-kunxTsukiyama111!!!!!" and "Kaneki-kunxTouka1111!!!!" feuds yet like Naruto did.

>MFW Evangelion feuds with people arguing about Kaworu being gay or not.

>> No.7939491

>Guess which one Naruto was?
A better story than Shitgeki no Kyoshit, that's all that matters.

>> No.7939542

Not into Tokyo Ghoul so I wouldn't know the difference between acceptable appreciation and obnoxious fangasming, but here's a general thumb list of things that tumblr fangirls do that are typically unpleasant:

>blocking/death threats over OTP/ship wars
>forced LGBTQ/weight/race/otherkin/etc. headcanons, some will threaten suicide if they're deluded enough to think you're "oppressing" them by saying it's only a headcanon/not canon
>shipping of characters that have/want nothing to do with each other, characters that are only friends, incest, etc. mixed along with the previous point, which is double cancer
>a tumblr meme is made involving one of the characters and that meme is spewed constantly
>someone creates a rant about how they think x character is "problematic" and deserves to be hated/removed from their respective media
>0 effort cosplays pushed as "OMG AMAZE PERF!1!"
>someone believes they're actually x character and weren't a real person until they were introduced to them, which can reach extreme levels of creepy/cringe

Those are the major examples I can think of. Some are more common than others, but I never ran into any of that before I joined Tumblr a couple years ago.

>> No.7941290

>implying anyone will be cosplaying from the last two chapters of naruto

>> No.7941386

>>forced LGBTQ

god, this. Tumblr got into JJBA and now you can't browse the tag without a million posts about NO ONE is straight/cis and how you are trans/homo/whatever phobic if you don't agree.

Mind you, these posts also manage to never mention canon queer characters.

>> No.7941400


Well good news
Tokyo Ghoul Re: now has a canonly transgender character for Tumblr to fangasm over and that was around the time I got the fuck out of there.

>> No.7941408

>only LGTBQ
Stop discriminating!

>> No.7944403

Kiba married some cat lady.

>> No.7944427

Lol this sounds like most communities. Is there any fandom that doesn't happen to?

>someone creates a rant about how they think x character is "problematic" and deserves to be hated/removed from their respective media

It's tumblr but if you want to know if your fandom has reached new lows or not:


>Naruto/Dangan ronpa/Sentai characters are mentioned the ost.

It's sad because Tokyo ghoul is a pretty good series that I'm enjoying. I haven't seen any TG cosplays thank god.


Is that one tan girl transgender or just a reverse trap?

>> No.7944946

I hope it was me

>> No.7944971

Do you really think Tumbles will actually read the manga, though?

>> No.7944989
File: 41 KB, 720x476, 10711048_656577797774715_5667363095831978545_n[1].jpg_oh=00cd6d07728b9bd76e43f0339e61017b&oe=551CCEF9&__gda__=1427595977_9d44979b60a06d55b6228a4c89a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from maybe poor wig choices, what's wrong with TG cosplay

>> No.7945099

Nope, it was some cute looking girl so definitely not you.

>> No.7945139

Is it now considered retro to cosplay from Naruto?

>> No.7945172

>glasses are genetic

>> No.7945197

Yes? I mean you wear glasses because you got problems with eyesight. So naturally either mommy or daddy had to have such problems. As far as we know, there weren't any male characters who wear glasses that were interested in Sakura, so obviously it was Sasuke's kid with Karin.

>> No.7945212

It doesn't have to be the case. Both my parents have perfect eyesight and I'm blind as a bat.

>> No.7945233

Maybe your dad was cuckolded by a megane?

>> No.7945245
File: 4 KB, 300x57, cmd autismal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't have to but it can be. I inherited my ma's shite eyes, since we seem to be citing anecdotal evidence.

>> No.7945295


You're backpeddling. You said in >>7945197 it had to be genetic, when it can clearly be both. Anon addressed this in >>7945212, and said it 'doesn't' have to be the case, meaning they know perfectly well it can be genetic. So thanks for restating her point.

You can literally google 'near sight' and get shittons of sources for this. Don't be dense.

>> No.7945298

except that was my only comment in the thread, and that's not how you spell pedalling.

>> No.7945301


Doesn't change the fact that you restated a point anon had already implied. Would you like a cookie for making the implicit explicit?

>> No.7945334

Stop oppressing me please.

>> No.7945352

check your privilege

>> No.7945466

Dunno was responding to>>7939542 who was talking about 0 effort cosplays.

>> No.7945693

It's not 0 effort, it's more effort cosplay than you ever put into anything in your life.