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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7921809 No.7921809[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey, I hate to break it to you and burst your little bubble of delusion? but... all "women" who wear bikinis are whores. Plain and simple. And yes, that includes your girlfriends, wives, and waifus.

Don't get me wrong. I admire the female body greatly, and the bikini shows off that body really well. But therein lies the problem. No self respecting woman would show off her body to such a degree to complete strangers or non-significant others. "Women" who wear bikinis are sexual objects. Nothing more, nothing less. And before you call me a misogynist or sexist: it is you who is being misogynist and sexist for thinking that women are so dumb that they don't fully realize that by wearing a bikini they do become a sexual object. That's exactly what they want, and that's why they wear them. Any other reason they, or you, give for them possibly wanting to "innocently" wear one is complete balogna.

Now I'm not saying bikini-wearing should be illegal; they have every right to wear one if they want to. And you and I have every right to call them what they are for showing off so much of their bodies: whores. Sluts. Floozies. Tramps. Hussies. Ho's. Trash.

Avoid these "women" like the plague. Don't become their boyfriend. Don't move in together. Don't marry them. Don't befriend them. Don't whiteknight them. Don't lend them money or help them move or let them borrow your car. They are not relationship material. Hell, don't even fuck them: not only does it encourage their society-damaging behaviors, they probably are diseased, or will claim rape afterwards, or will forget to tell you about their violent boyfriend who's going to come and kill you once he inevitably finds out you're fucking his "woman". Or worse.

I close by showing you where this what I call "bikini culture" and slut shamer shaming culture has gotten us. Pic related: just one of the many ways it has harmed our society. I think it speaks for itself.

>> No.7921817


>> No.7921824
File: 35 KB, 500x277, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people do thing I don't like
That's cool op. I use protection when I do sexual activities. To each their own. If you don't like it don't do it.

>> No.7921832

>implying you've had sex

>> No.7921833

What about men? They're 99% more naked than women in a swimsuit.

>> No.7921838

That's like your opinion bro. But it's cool i respect that.

>> No.7921842

Nah it doesn't apply to men. At least according to the /r9k/ fedora tipper posting this thead.

>> No.7921844
File: 71 KB, 499x500, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7921860

never change /r9k/

>> No.7921863

When men wear shorts they don't wear them so tight that you could see the outline of a pimple on their asscheeks if they had one there.

They also don't wear them so short that their ass cheeks are falling out, the shorts are almost entirely between their buttcheeks.

Or so low rise/short that they need to shave so their pubes don't show.

And if men had tits they wouldn't wear tops that literally showed 75%+ of them for no good functional reason whatsoever. Least case scenario they'd wear sports-bra type tops which are at least somewhat more respectable than bikini tops.

>> No.7921868


>> No.7921870

What are you talking about? The 70s and 80s were absolutely huge on short shorts for dudes.

>> No.7921872

Looks like somebody has never seen a Brazilian man at the beach.

>> No.7921875

This is just the number of children born out of wedlock in the US. It means nothing. Everyone respects themselves. They respect what they like and what they want and do that. If a woman wants to wear a goddanm bikini, she can wear it because she wants to, she doesn't need your approval. If you want to have people piss on you, that doesn't mean you aren't respecting yourself, because YOU WANT THEM TO and are fulfilling those wants. So unless something is actually being done against your will, you are respecting yourself.

>> No.7921882

Not like men don't like to flaunt their skin too.

>> No.7921884

>and if men had tits
I don't know, I've seen many a moob on the beach just this year, all free and uncovered.
And if you knew the first thing about functionality you'd know that one-piece swimsuits take longer to dry and it gets fucking cold when it's wet and you're outside and out of the water.
So please, learn to control your dick instead of whining how muh wimmin oppress my stiffy.

>> No.7921888

how is this cgl related?

>> No.7921890

Men have tits under their pecs
woman have pecs under their tits

men are 99% more naked than woman and you wont admit it thread closed

also, professional men swimmers aren't allowed to wear shorts that aren't skin tight

>> No.7921892
