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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7916176 No.7916176 [Reply] [Original]

i'm just wondering if you guys ever experienced sexual harassment (catcalling, stalkers, perverts etc) from people when wearing j-fashion or lolita.
lets talk about experiences and how you dealt with them (correctly).

>> No.7916197

There was the one time I was wearing toned down sweet lolita and a guy on the street invited me up to his flat for some wine. Aside from the few times I've been hit on, it doesn't really happen more often or just as often as I'm wearing normal clothing.

>> No.7916205

I was very passive with harassment in general. My then boyfriend would tell me if I didn't want the attention I shouldn't don the fashion.

I went to my first convention two years ago and I wore lolita. I received a lot of positive compliments as well as photographers/regular congoers who wanted my photo. It was nice to hear "you look great" instead of being ridiculed and cat called on the street. I admit it was nice getting positive feedback about wearing lolita instead of being ashamed for liking cute things.

The second day I also wore lolita. I was posing for a photo when a girl came out of nowhere and lifted up my skirt and pulled my bloomers and petticoat down. I'm pretty sure there are photos floating around with me being undressed in public, I've been too scared to look. I was so embarrassed and horrified I went home in tears. My ex said I deserved it.

I guess the combination of my abusive ex and experiencing the most traumatic moments of my life caused me to snap.

I now carry around pepper spray and have pulled it out when I felt threatened or in danger. I don't lash out or yell obscenities. I calmly say
>Please, for your safety, get away from me.

If people thought I looked crazy for how I dressed, the calm demeanor with what could be considered a weapon elevated it to another level.

I don't let anybody fuck with me anymore.

>> No.7916207

Your response is awesome, I will have to employ that for future con use!
Sorry your ex was such an ass though

>> No.7916211

I've had some odd experiences, but I wouldn't call it harassment. Maybe it's because I'm laid back and will just play along with whatever the person is saying.

This one guy stopped me for a picture and then told me I was beautiful and that he was going to draw me. He proceeded to then feverishly show me wonky traced anime drawings he did. I just thanked him and went on my merry way. Weird, but not scary or anything.

>> No.7916212

You have all of my respect anon

>> No.7916221

Oh jeeze, I reread this and I hope I didn't come off as a sociopath or anything. I wear sweet lolita and adore cute fuzzy things if that makes a difference...

Thank you! Lolita was the only thing I had some control over so I'm glad the fashion played a part in finding my own independence from a controlling relationship.

Thank you <3

>> No.7916224

She undressed you? I would have punched her in the face. Its self defence. If someone is inappropriately touching you and removing your clothing, it could have been seen as her trying to rape you. You shouldn't be embarrassed, she was a disgusting person. Would you have just been "embarrassed" if a man had tried to pull off your clothes without your permission? She should have been kicked out of the con and reported to the police for harassment, at the very least.

>> No.7916228

I recently moved to a little village in the middle of nowhere thinking it would be easier for me to wear lolita in the countryside.

One night, I had to get back to my house by walking and wearing a casual coord (black OP and black jacket) but a weirdo came talking to me and asking for my phone number. He smelled so bad (cold ashes and bad alcohol) I had to give it to him. He even verify if I didn't lie by taking my phone out of my jacket pocket without my consent and checking my mails.

If I didn't gave him my number, he said he lived near my place and will force me to come at his. I was so afraid that night it was difficult to not cry.

I kept messaging and phoning me then, asking about very intimate stuffs like nudes and such, saying I am a whore for dressing like that (um yeah, of course, my dress was knee-length but if you say so). I brought my phone to the police station for blocking his number but they did not make a single gesture, saying I should not have been outside at night and alone.

I changed my number because of this fucker. But I am still afraid to go in the same street I met him for the first time, even at daytime. Hopefully, I was wearing a natural wig (but very different than my real hairstyle) and glasses that night so I think he would not recognize me...

I hope so, because I will never be able to recognize him.

(sorry for the long post, but I feel better finally telling someone this)

>> No.7916229

I usually just get nice 'catcalls' (compliments, like a lady this summer who stopped her car to tell me I looked nice in the middle of the street.

But earlier in the year, a guy i'd never seen before who apparently attends the same convention of me added me on facebook. He was cool for a while and we chatted up but he wouldn't stop talking about what a "cute loli" i was and after a while he snapped me a boxer pic of his junk. When I told him to stop, he deleted me off everything.

People with fetishes for lolita are so dense. What are you going to get out of it? No lolita's going to risk ruining their dress for 0.7 seconds with your crusty ass dick.

>> No.7916232
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op here, i'll explain my situation today...
so i was just went out around 10am to go get coffee and check out a store just 10 minute walk down the street. i encountered 4 creeps on the way from the cafe to the store. the worst was this one guy in the store. i was just looking at clothes and this large fellow approaches me kind of too close and says i was following you because i liked your ass, said a couple more things about it and then started asking if i wore panties... i told the store clerk and he made sure he wasnt in sight when i left. i dont even know what to do, its a regular occurrence and it always ends up be crying like a baby because having old perverts approaching is so scary..

>> No.7916233

It's like you want /r9k/ to continue to flood the board with shitposting.

>> No.7916238


>Shit like this doesn't get addressed or get justice.
>Men staring at boobs or saying hi to anyone of the opposite sex is considered worse than death and feminist must rally to the streets over it.

>> No.7916239

>you deserved it
all of my rage

>> No.7916244

i'm curious to if it happens to lolitas etc. since most men consider it unattractive.

>> No.7916245

I'm pretty sure whoever keeps making these sexual harassment threads has a fetish and jerks off to whatever stories they collect, or writes out their fantasies and posts them as real. There's really no other reason for the constant threads.

>> No.7916247

They wouldn't come if you shits wouldn't reply to their obvious bait.

>> No.7916249

>saying hi to anyone of the opposite sex is considered worse than death

I don't know what universe you live in
inb4 "sup babe" and "How YOU doin" equates to a simple "hello"

>> No.7916256

Holy shit that is so scary

Do you carry pepperspray? If not maybe you should get some, if this guy felt comfortable taking your phone out of your jacket it sounds like you need to be ready to defend yourself
Also fuck the police for not taking you seriously

>> No.7916257

>and after a while he snapped me a boxer pic of his junk
Seriously, why do men think we want to see pictures of their dicks? Has anyone, ever responded positively to an uninvited dick pic? Ever? Ever? Why do men think this? What is wrong with them?
As shitty as it is, I can at least understand the people who do it cause they're voyeurs, but the people who use it as some kind of mating tactic boggle my mind

>> No.7916259

I know better now and would never let anybody do that to me again. My self esteem and my will to defend myself was completely depleted because of my ex boyfriend. He belittled, berated, and made me feel ashamed over everything. If a guy talked to me, even a small gesture or a simple hello, he would blame me.

There were several people surrounding me that witnessed the incident and nothing happened, just a lot of laughter. NOBODY helped me. Nobody told the girl she was wrong. I had no choice but to feel embarrassed for being the laughingstock. The combination of that and my ex boyfriend saying I deserved to be publicly humiliated brought me to the lowest point in my life - I even considered suicide.

>> No.7916260

or possibly its a girl that wants helps.
others can do what they want with the post, does honestly it matter?
so just post to help others.

>> No.7916262

>I brought my phone to the police station for blocking his number but they did not make a single gesture, saying I should not have been outside at night and alone.
Where did you move, Saudia Arabia? This shit really riles me up.

>> No.7916267

They don't do it for that they do it for exhibition. I had an ex bf who did this and he said he liked showing off his junk for the sake of showing off his junk. The same way guys jerk it on chat roulette

>> No.7916269

One time this random homeless guy followed me all the way across a mall. I didn't realize it until I saw him coming around a corner. I went straight back to where my boyfriend was and as SOON as he saw me with him he turned straight around and left. Wtf.

>> No.7916273

I know some of them do this, I even said that in the post. But I don't think it's all of them. A lot of guys are genuinely confused when girls don't want to see their nasty dick all of a sudden. Maybe it's because they would like getting random nudes from a girl they think we would like the same thing?

>> No.7916274

The ironic part about this is if it was a guy, he would have been lynched.

>> No.7916277

Agree to disagree I guess. I'm pretty sure guys who do that are getting off on being a pervert.

>> No.7916279
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r9k go home

>> No.7916280

What you probably don't know is this is something actual feminists want equality for.

>> No.7916299

You better be trolling nigga. They speak the truth

>> No.7916300

A guy once slid his fingers between my legs from behind. I was too shocked to do anything about it at the time.

My ex blamed other girls saying that because other girls dress like sluts men think it's ok to do that. I was wearing a baggy long shirt and a pair of thick leggings. All I was trying to do was buy some lemons.

>> No.7916309

>blamed other girls
>didn't blame the guy
holy shit is this real
>bros just can't control themselves and slutty girls are ruining men

>> No.7916317

The argument happened online. When he blamed slutty dressed girls he sent me a photo of a girl in booty shorts and said "Girls think this is okay so guys think it's okay to touch".

He is no longer my boyfriend. He also has a history of sexually harassing girls.

>> No.7916349

Peppe spray. There's a quick release on this which would can be insanely useful.


Kitty defense keychain

Comes in pink for "I'm kawaii but don't fuck with me"
Please check your states laws on bearing weapons before purchasing.

>> No.7916354


So, not talking about your boyfriend. And I am all about wearing whatever you want. But honestly, I get when people assume that girls in less clothing are sluts, because prostitutes wear revealing sexy clothes, it's sort of something that you learn to associate it with.

>> No.7916359

Uninvited anything is not okay, but you guys don't like getting dick pics from your boyfriend? I love it.

>> No.7916360 [DELETED] 

That I understand. I tend to dress very conservatively myself. The rule tends to be look but don't touch is the thing. I get that wearing revealing clothes tends to be an attention grabber, but that doesn't mean you can touch someone without their concent.

>> No.7916370

I get that. The rule is look but dont touch though. There are no ruled against looking but all bets are off as soon as you touch someone and they dont want you to.

>> No.7916387
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Reposting this one of mine

>at AX
>wearing cute lolita coord
>go to get food
>on the way back, a homeless man starts shouting things at me
>he's missing teeth
>speaking in such heavy ebonics I can't understand him
>I make out the words "dressing like a little girl" and "little girl japanese dress"
>I hide behind my boyfriend and his friends
>He starts following me
>boyfriend and his friends are talking and completely oblivious to the situation, despite me trying to get their attention and looking terrified
>homeless man is still shouting things at me, shouts at another similar looking homeless man some things I can't make out but I hear the words "little girl" once again
>they both start power walking towards me, shouting things
>start power walking ahead, head into my hotel right around the corner

the one day I didn't have my self defense Items on me this happens.

>pic related, mfw the two of them started power walking towards me

>> No.7916438

>Waiting for light rail at 1 am.
>In lolita because leaving Con with friends.
>Random Asian with greasy hair walks right up to me.
>"Hey, cutie"
>I say hi back super quite. Not to worried because with a group of people.
>Guy goes on some weird back a fourth conversion with me. Basic hows the weather type talk.
>Never says a word to anyone else, not even other lolitas in the group.
>Asks me for my number. I reject him.
>Asks me to add him on fb. I reject him again.
>Guy replies with, "Not even a guy as handsome as I."
>Tell him I am really not interested and to leave me alone.
>Keeps trying to get me to take his number for another 20 minutes tell the train shows up.

Not once did anyone in my group step in and tell him to leave me alone they all just stared at him get closer and closer to me. So, started to feel like I was the only one creeped out. Turns out they all were. Not what I'd call "sexual harassment" but have to say stuff like this happens a lot in Lolita.

>> No.7916444

>at con hotel
>in the hallway watching animu with other congoers
>leave door open since I'm not the one with a room key
>see someone go in room, whatever, probably one of the people staying with us
>go in room
>random drunken guy in room sniffing my panties
>he hobbles out, flipping up my skirt as he goes
>I had shorts on underneath thank god
>half hour later
>his friends knock on my door to apologize for their drunkard friend

>> No.7916445

So far what I'm getting from this thread is you girls have some really shitty and oblivious boyfriends

>> No.7916447

and we would rather date those than some robot who feels the need to shit up our threads :^)

>> No.7916455

Thankfully, most times I've been stopped, it's been for genuine compliments. I do think I get hit on/harassed less than most people, but I do have a pretty bad bitch face. I got hit on once in lolita because I decided to sit in the back of the bus, and some middle schoolers tried to impress me with their Aeropastle sweat pants. One told me I could buy him like a reverse mail order bride. Other than that, just normal catcalls like "hey", nothing real bad. Probably helps that I wear gothic.

>> No.7916468

I'm a girl though.

>> No.7916471

Don't you grasp the concept of consent? Of course you'd like to see your partner's goodies, not an older perverted stalker.

>> No.7916480

Ok what happened was scary but you gave him your real number? Are you dumb? Why not give him a fake one, or if you're afraid of him checking, why not just change it by 1 number and say you made a mistake if he checked?

>> No.7916486

I just said anything uninvited (not consensual) is not okay.

>> No.7916488

Most guys don't send dick pics, the guys who do are in the minority and are exhibitionists.

>> No.7916517
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>> No.7916521

Point is still relevant.
Why do you assume they're straight?

>> No.7916522

Anon, because he was right there and stole her phone to make sure it was hers. He likely would have attacked her had she tried to pass off a fake one, are you dense?

>> No.7916548

I would have told him I have a boyfriend and then immediately called the police. You pretend to talk to your "boyfriend" when on the emergency line and give them your location while walking away.

>> No.7916550

>a guy on the street invited me up to his flat for some wine
People really see this as sexual harassment? Unless he was hollering at you from across the street, touching you inappropriately or kept following you afterwards then I don't see how asking you is harassment. He didn't even be crude and directly ask you for sex. Once some guy at the street asked me if I wanted to come up to his apartment because he thought I looked really pretty (I was wearing classic lolita), I said no and he was like "oh well, it was worth a try. I don't see that as a problem. If he had been like "come and suck my dick" then yeah, I would have found that kinda harassing.

>> No.7916554

Asking someone you don't know to come to your apartment like that is literally the equivalent of a nice way to ask if they want sex. I can see why anon would be offended. Most people who are approached by strangers, uninvited, who are looking for sex generally find it objectionable.

>> No.7916555

Have you ever had wine? Shit gets you drunk fast. Combined with being in a stranger's apartment, it's pretty obvious what could happen.

>> No.7916556

Seriously, I don't know if anon is naive or if they just buy into the "liberated woman, being propositioned shouldn't bother me" bullshit. There's a difference between being oversensitive and self aware.

>> No.7916557

Yeah, I know it is asking for sex, but what is wrong with asking for it if he is polite and understands no is no? If that anon was underage then I can understand, but there is nothing wrong with having casual sex if both people are consenting adults. Personally I don't do casual, but I don't think it is wrong.

>> No.7916561


Okay seriously? That's what "could" happen. Being asked if you want a drink isn't fucking sexual harassment

>> No.7916565

See these two comments:
Combining alcohol and sex with a complete stranger is less than safe and responsible behavior. Casual sex is on thing, random encounters with complete strangers is something else entirely.
>TL;DR that's how you end up inside a suitcase in less than one piece

>> No.7916567

But she wasn't coming on to him lol.
It's out of place, walking up to a person and wink wink

I might understand more if they were flirting, but no

>> No.7916568

I don't necessarily think it's wrong either, anon. But it is weird as fuck. I wouldn't trust ANY guy no matter the Adonis factor who tries to pick me up off the street. Shit's unsettling.

>> No.7916569


>> No.7916572

Yes, it is stupid to say yes but it's not sexual harassment to politely ask. You just refuse. If he bothers you after that then yeah, it is harassment. If he had been rude and said "hey, come up and fuck" then it would have been harassment. But just asking you if you want a drink is not.

>> No.7916573
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You are walking down the street wearing toned down sweet lolita and this guy invites you up to his flat for some wine

What do you do?

>> No.7916577

Yeah, that's totally unsolicited behavior. What normal person thinks it's totally okay to walk up to a random stranger without provocation and ask if they want to have sexy times? That's what you do to prostitutes. Why on earth does anon think this acceptable behavior?

>> No.7916580

Go to see his daki collection, but keep my phone on hand and ready to call the police.

>> No.7916584
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nigga that is just so fucking kawaii

>> No.7916586

Anon, she couldn't even get her phone, read her story before you start saying what you would do. There was no distance to call or even make a grab for her phone, not if he was close enough to snatch it from her, or invasive enough to take it.

And its easy to say that you would do it better if you weren't there, but when this shit is actually happening to you its not easy to think or plan.

And honestly, pretty sure that guy would have smacked her around had she gone for her phone. This was not a man who gave two shits about intimidating or threatening a frightened young woman, and that's the same kind of asshole who'd be fine with hitting someone.

>> No.7916589

Tell him he has shit tastes in waifus.

>> No.7916592

TBH I am planned for this kind of shit because it's happened to me before and I've lived in high crime areas. I have brass knuckles on my keychain (which I always have out as I'm walking to my car) and am paranoid as fuck. I'm not blaming her in any way, I'm just trying to point out that next time she needs to have a strategy planned for this kind of situation, since she sounds really young and unprepared. Everyone needs to think about strategies to deal with this kind of shit in advance so that when it happens and your are scared and jittery, it's all up there for you to do automatically. She also sounds like she's ESL, so, maybe living in Murica makes me more equipped since we're taught not to trust strange men practically since birth.

>> No.7916596

okay but what does that have to do with you being unable to control yourself around women in "sexy clothing"

>> No.7916609

Knuckles won't do shit, jsyk.
If you're a yank get a gun and proper training.
Pepper spray is also more likely to harm both of you rather than just the attacker. I'm a guard, in my country we use gel pepperspray (you put it on your hand and hold it against the client's face) and a bright torch to weaken the client/victim/call it what you will. Of course there's guns and telescope cudgels too, but those are for trained staff with a license to carry them, not civilians.
Finally, your best line of defense is to go full sanic and run as fast as you can, when you can. But if you live in Europe -a knife or a shiv is illegal to carry and is to be used as a last resort even when you do carry one. best and safest defense is a bright torch and quick feet. Reach for the knives and sharp objects as a very last resort.

>> No.7916620

Can't have guns, tasers or pepperspray and anything other than something like a two inch knife in most places due to college campus bans. My apartment doesn't allow firearms as per lease. I'm well aware that running away is the best idea, but honestly, I think being aware of your surroundings and having a plan for interacting with people is the best defense. The knuckle duster is for if things go horribly wrong. Carrying weapons is still highly restricted even in America.

>> No.7916622

Same goes for you then. I would still recommend the torch over knuckle dusters, simply because you don't need to be close to the attacker to use it and it can temporarily blind them and buy you time to run.
I agree with knowing your surroundings 100%, though.

>> No.7916624

I'm assuming you're a guy because that'd be the only way you could even remotely be successful with wild swinging

>> No.7916636

I really need to invest in Maglite. I used to have the big old bastard police sometimes carry, but I broke it and haven't invested in a new one. I'd be too paranoid to carry a baton, since those are regulated here too. The brass knuckles are actually regulated as well, but mine mimics a keychain and it's easy to access and almost always on hand since it's on my keys.

Nope, I'm just built. I was a semi-professional athlete in a rough sport that involved periodic full on brawling. I also know how to fight dirty from real life experience. You don't need to full on fight a person, just scratch the shit out of them enough to get away.

>> No.7916637

I wonder if there are Asian guys who take advantage of the yellow fever that is so rampant at cons. I once attended a lolita meetup with two girls who would squeal about how 'smexxii'' every Asian man we encountered was. They would probably have loved to be in your situation, greasy hair or not.
Weird that you group didn't do anything, though. My local group always closes ranks against weirdos.

>> No.7916643

What makes "hey come up and fuck" worse than asking her up for an alcoholic beverage? It's not polite but it makes his intentions clear, unlike asking someone up for "a glass of wine". For all we know he was hoping for someone naive enough not to realize he was looking for sex.
Either way it just really isn't appropriate and I might even consider mentioning this to the police just in case women start disappearing around that apartment block. Better safe than sorry.

>> No.7916645


>> No.7916673

Think that's bad? Try having a mexican guy do that in the middle of DC
>17 years old btw

>> No.7916685


>> No.7916687

That's how we're supposed to call them, yes. Because of some PC logic that "victim" makes us violent attackers, "criminal" is accusing them of crime they mayn't have committed and everything else has its reasons too but I just can't be bothered to remember them.

>> No.7916697

>I would rather date this shitty kind of man than that shitty kind of man.
Not even from /r9k/ but fuck you're stupid.

>> No.7916699

All men are creeps.

>> No.7916701

Nah, this was a few years ago
I'm 20 now
>Oh god, I'm an adult. What am I doing with my life

>> No.7916706

> perfect blue

goddammit that movie and that fucking dude

>> No.7916746

I'm just starting to wear lolita so i don't have any expirence with any harassment but my friend did get someone pull up her dress at a con. Apparetly wearing frilly dresses is inviting people to see whats under them. My friend was more confused as to why the guy did it than upset. I have very thick skin so i don't think cat calling or that sort of thing would get to me too much. Heres hoping anyway.

>> No.7916781

That's so awful, anon, I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm glad you got through it!

>> No.7916786 [DELETED] 

ITT: Whiny women exaggerate and make up stories that never happened.

This is as bad as those awful /pol/ threads about meeting niggers in real life.

>> No.7916801

That's my kind of guy. He can fuck me left, right, and central.

>> No.7916803

ITT: Whiny women exaggerate and make up stories that never happened.

This is as bad as those awful /pol/ threads about meeting black people in real life.

Also not breaking the rules, try against Janitor.

>> No.7916876

That's why I said to give him a number off by 1 digit, so you could say "Oh! Oops, it's actually [correct sequence]8!". Misclicking is common in giving out phone numbers if it's by 1 digit.
I'm not saying she deserved anything that happened or something silly like that, it's a terrifying situation that she didn't ask for, but seriously? The story doesn't make a lot of sense. The police will block any number you ask them to, you don't even need to give a reason. Even if these were super asshole cops you can just download an app yourself to block them, which is what most people would probably do first.
By your post here >>7916586 it sounds like you are projecting and just assuming way too much of this scenario.

>> No.7916936

You really don't know hoe the conversation went, don't judge sinply based on a single sentence. The man was overly sexual with his speech and kept making grabbing motions. It was obvious he wanted to bring me up there to fuck. Yes, it was definitely sexual harassment.

>> No.7916939


It's not our fault you're a shitty communicator. You just said he invited you up for some wine, fucking elaborate.

Maybe that's just the problem with these threads, everyone's shitty at telling stories. Because these always remind me of those facebook posts on con pages where psycho chicks fantasize about hospitalizing someone who dared to look at them for too long.

>> No.7916953

Something similar happened to me on a crowded 4 train on thanksgiving. Some guy slid his hand up my coat and started feeling on my ass crack. The train was packed and I couldn't turn around to hit him. So I farted HARD into his hand. He made this sort of muffled Ugh sound and tried to get as far from me as he could. I still laugh about this with friends to this day.

>> No.7916970

Perfect now all of /cgl/ just needs to learn how to fart on command.

>> No.7916997
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>not having total control over your own anus

>> No.7916999

some old guy was like "your thighs are showing!! whooaa" when i was wearing otk's and its just like.. why

>> No.7917006

Funny thing about cat-callers is that they're almost always running (or driving) away while they're trying to call attention. It's so fucking cowardly - it's like, shit nigga, if you've got something to say to me, say it to my face. I think it happens to me more in muggle clothing than when I'm in lolita.

I generally try to keep a cool demeanor and ignore things like that, but lately, I've become more and more fed up by the existence of cat-calling that I've decided to have a more affirmative approach and confront a person. I don't have to be aggressive in return. I'm sure that those kinds of people are just looking for a response, but a tact and intelligent reply is probably not what they're looking for.

>> No.7917013
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I tip my mini-top hat.

I find it amazing how people have forgotten rules learned from Kindergarten - keep your hands to yourselves. I'm sorry that it had to happen to you. People are just nasty as fuck.

>> No.7917021

If this happens again, embarrass him.

Basically, repeat whatever they said to you VERY loudly so everyone can hear. "WHAT? YOU SAID YOU LIKE MY ASS?"

Immediately ask another question, such as "ARE YOU A PROSTITUTE?" or "DON'T YOU THINK THAT IS KIND OF A STRANGE THING TO SAY TO SOMEONE YOU NEVER MET?" That alone will embarrass him and him should leave you alone. The more literal the question, the better. If he said he liked your ass, you could question him about what he is talking about because you are not leading a Donkey. It will sound pretty stupid asking that, but it will make him feel awkward.

If you can get away with it, the best thing you can ask is something like "DO YOU ALWAYS SAY THAT TO HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS?" or something to imply/state you are under 18, even if it's a lie. Say it just as loudly. That will definitely make him go away. Or at least get someone to intervene.

And then there is always pepperspray.

>> No.7917024

Whenever a guy has sent me a lewd picture, I always say "Ew", laugh, or say "Kinda small..."

>> No.7917033

Ths thread reminds me why I should carry a gun and go all Paul Kersey on riff-raff.

>> No.7917045

Seconding this. If a guy's creeping on you, loudly bring attention to it. If a guy grabs your ass on the train, turn straight towards him, stare him in the face and LOUDLY tell him "Get your hands the HELL off my ass.". Probably not a good idea if he's the only other person in the car.

>> No.7917053

I just say I don't date transgenders.
>inb4 tumblrina rage

>> No.7917075

your ex wasn't abusive

everything in this world is action -> reaction
if you dress up in a manner that derives attention, then you will get it positive, negative which ever

cases like this:

are only negative because she hates asians

if it was a white dude hitting in her she would of had a bf and it would have been in a "cute story about how i met my significant other" thread

>> No.7917083

Oh, chills just now. As if an asshole were crying out for attention by saying inflammatory things and absolutely no one cared...

>> No.7917084

Oh yes, because personality, hygiene, and other visual traits don't matter.

Don't be quick to assume someone shares racism

>> No.7917085
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sieg pls are you even trying anymore

>> No.7917088

>action -> reaction
I hope someone kicks you so hard in the nuts that they'll go gangrenous and fall off. That's not an abuse thing for me to say, it's only the natural reaction to all of your actions and you will have deserved it.

>> No.7917092

>inb4 womenz are racist and I'm a pissy person

>> No.7917130

Your ex sounds like a beta fag

>> No.7917170


>> No.7917266

When I used to go out in lolita or cosplay in LA, no one would really care. After I moved to NYC though, people always try to talk to me in broken japanese

>> No.7917286

Y-You came after...not before. He already did it, it already happened. Do you 4chan at all?

>> No.7917312

Most recently, I was chilling out having a cigarette and minding my own business when a Turkish guy decided to chat me up and try to get me in the back room of his rug shop. It sounds like a bad stereotype, but it happened. he could have just been genuinely trying to show me what the back of the shop looked like, but damn if I'm not paranoid.

>> No.7917321

he just wanted to put your meat on his stick like a shish-kabob

>> No.7917322

Never trust kebab.

>> No.7917330

Please only do these things if you, like one anon pointed out, are surrounded by enough people that you will receive any help you might need if the creep takes your response as an invitation to get aggressive.

>> No.7917331

Most likely he was just trying to be friendly and go somewhere private to talk. Due to differences in culture he probably didn't realize that it could be seen as "suspicious." Middle-eastern people tend to be more friendly and inviting.

>> No.7917387

It's not our fault you can figure out obvious context and social implications.

>> No.7917388

I almost never fart. Even my burps are weak. I am defenseless.

>> No.7917391
File: 39 KB, 574x574, thinking of you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw thinking of you hurting

Stay safe baby girl

>> No.7917397

People don't invite you to back rooms. Middle Eastern people will only invite you over for food, not try to get you to go to a dark cramped backroom.

>> No.7917398

Sav me jevus. Give me the power to protect with bodily gases on command.

>> No.7917430

xx, 99% of the attention I get while dolled up has been nothing but positive, but I've only ever worn the wilder stuff at cons and events and halloween parties and such.

The only blatant disrespect I can recall was this halloween of all nights by some gross neckbeard with disgusting facial hair (or hipster? can't even tell anymore) who wasn't even in costume that objected to my brolita and basically looked and acted like he was waiting to kick my ass as soon as nobody was around.

>> No.7917452

A guy looked at me once and I called the con security to throw him out, fucking pig I think he even asked what I was cosplaying as, christ. I had to be taken down to the station afterwards for a rape kit.

>> No.7917475

omg, thats perfect!

>> No.7917479

Thanks for posting these anon, but the plastic kitty keychains are weak and will break. Luckily, they also come in metal!

>> No.7917489

i never thought of that, i should of done that. i usually like to be in very public places if i go out of the house. thanks anon!!

>> No.7917500

Well yeah, I thought was kind of obvious. Anon was talking about being in a store which is why I suggested it.

Yeah it really works like a charm in very public places. Asking nasty guys a question like that can really throw them off too since they typically expect a woman to be either hostile or ignore them/submissive. Having a ton of people suddenly looking at them and being put on the spot by your loudness/question fucks them up real good.

>> No.7917575

not even tumblr but thats so uneducated sounding
at least "trannies" is grammatically correct

>> No.7917593

trannies is also a terrible slur though so gg on that one, anon. way to help.

>> No.7917594

I've been harassed a few years ago while wearing lolita clothing

> be 17 year old me
> waiting at the subway station, on my way to school
> wearing pink lolita coat and matching gloves with kitten paws on them
> old arabic man (in his 60's I think) sits next to me on the bench
> starts friendly conversation with me
> am used to old, lonely people who enjoy chatting with strangers so I politely talk back
> he seems interested in my clothes, wants to know more about my style
> says he thinks my gloves are cute and caresses them
> okay...
> tells me I'm such an adorable, pretty girl
> tells me he would like to see me more often
> asks me at what time I usually take the subway and when I come back from school
> "That way I can walk you to the subway and pick you up again"
> genuinly creeped out
> keeps insisting even after I said no multiple times
> lie about the hours eventually to make him stop begging
> subway arrives, I run towards it but he grabs my shoulder and kisses me on the cheek
> am too shocked to say anything
> manage to pull myself out of his grasp and get onto the subway


>> No.7917595

> one week has passed, again waiting for the subway wearing the same coat
> had forgotten about the encounter because I didn’t see that man again afterwards
> suddenly feel someone tapping my shoulder
> It’s him
> starts asking why I wasn’t there all week, because he’d been waiting for me every day
> He’d been waiting during the false hours I’d given him
> Try to ignore him, hoping he would get the message and leave me alone
> stands closer and closer to me as time progresses, at one point he’s so close our noses almost touch
> tries to encourage me to wait for my subway with him in a dark corner of the station
> fuck no
> keeps closing in, his body is almost completely up against mine
> look around for help, but people either don’t notice or pretend not to notice what’s going on
> thank god the subway arrives
> try to make a run for it
> he grabs my wrist and turns me around facing him
> he leans in
> I start struggling to make him let go, but he’s stronger
> he manages to kiss me on the lips
> lets me go after that, I run away and jump onto the subway in a panic reaction
> burst out in tears once I’m on there, call my bf to tell him what happened
> from then on, my bf would wait with me at the station and pick me up again
> old man only shows up during the few times I had to go alone
> would call my mom on those occasions and she would remain on the phone until I was able to safely get on the subway, that way he couldn’t talk to me
> after 3 months he gave up and I never saw him again

I still feel scared when taking the subway and start panicking when strangers talk to me.
I know I should’ve spoken up on both occasions, but I was too terrified to do so.

>> No.7917600

I don't think you need to worry about grammar when responding to an unsolicited dick pic

>> No.7917602

that's horrible :(

>> No.7917610

ugh perfect blue.
the creeper still gives me anxiety.....

>> No.7917628


>> No.7917679

>Wear otome style clothing most days, land a retail interview at a Japanese retail place
>I get the job, the boss there loves my outfit and tights.
>Give myself a few minutes for my nerves to relax and head down to the subway to get home.
>My train is taking forever and I notice this guy kind of edging toward me. I always pick a spaced out spot so I always notice way ahead of time when someone's starting to get close to me for no reason.
>"Trains sure are slow lol"
>polite small talk about the train. He subtly tries to ask personal questions (why I'm downtown, what's my neighborhood, etc)
>When he mentions the train he's taking (express)I make sure to say I'm getting on the other train for this track (local). Decide to let him just get on the train I was meant to be on and wait for another one or just hop on the local and transfer.
>Local train finally gets there.
>Get on, sit down somewhere.
>Then sits next to me and tries to play it off like he meant to get on this one.
>Tries to hold my hand
>"Do you have a boyfriend?"
>He starts pacing around pissed muttering shit like "every girl I like does"
>He fucks off the train once it reaches the station

>> No.7917685

Crap, I meant to delete one of those "retails", that's going to drive me nuts.

>> No.7917702


Similar thing happened to me on the 4 train when I was like 14. I had to commute in from the Bronx to Manhattan everyday to my high school. It was a Catholic school, so we had uniforms, but nothing near the sexy shit you see in halloween shops. Grey knee length skirts with shorts underneath, fucking sweatervests and at least 80 denier tights. One morning it gets super crowded in Manhattan about a stop or two before I have to get off. It's that midtown business crowd and we're jammed like sardines. So suddenly
This middle age dude has his fucking hardon pressing into my back and obviously no one sees it or does anything. I had a math compass sticking out of one of my backpack pockets so all I managed to do was "accidentally" scratch him a couple of times with it before getting the fuck off the train and away from him.

>> No.7917719

>at least
>its still terrible but AT LEAST its grammatically correct
im trans myself dumbass but i feel better about mocking a jerk who uses a slur than some poor uneducated NEET who doesn't even know how to grammar

>> No.7917724

So he told you to use common sense and you didn't?

>> No.7917726

Once on the light rail I had a guy solicit me for sex and ask me to come"perform" at his buddies party. Also had a woman tell me she wanted me to be her cute doll and keep me in her doll house. Not harassment but weird just the same. Also has a guy shoulder check me in the middle of a cross walk. It wasn't an accident either because I intentionally side steps to give him rob and he went out of his way to hit me. Also had a crazy homeless guy chase me and scream at me. Moral of the story:people can be dicks.

>> No.7917734

>go full sanic
woke up my cat laughing

Anywho, I don't really have to bother with catcalls much and they are usually pretty respectful when they happen. The nicest compliments are from elderly black men. The worst are usually old hispanic men. They see brown skin and they get bold.

>> No.7917735

>Also has a guy shoulder check me in the middle of a cross walk. It wasn't an accident either because I intentionally side step
Shit, I thought that only happened to me. I'm used to being in a busy city so I'm really good at getting the fuck out of the way and I've had huge dudes slam into me anyway. Like they were going to take advantage of us "almost" colliding before but when I eliminated the possibility they went for it anyway. I'm 5'0" and a fucking lightweight. People are pricks.

>> No.7917737

>Once on the light rail I had a guy solicit me for sex and ask me to come"perform" at his buddies party.
How is that harassment?

>> No.7917743

Well like I said he was drunk and originally solicited me for sex... you know like a prostitute. but I also didn't say it was harassment, I was more just sharing my negetive experiences while in lolita.

>> No.7917744

Boo hoo someone wanted to be your friend how terrible

>> No.7917746

Oh pardon me, on my phone and I didn't realize I didn't include the fact that he was drunk. Brain moving faster than fingers.

>> No.7917781

Lol, that's kind of cute.

>> No.7917786

Aw anon... I got scared just reading that, it must have been awful to experience.

>> No.7917788

if it was an anime, I suppose.

>> No.7917789

You're either trying way too hard or are teeming with autism/mental illness.

>> No.7917809

Japan creeper story time? I wear toned down vk and don't dress feminine at all. I wear skinny pants but aside from that, very boyish.

>going home at night
>live on outskirts of city so it's mostly normalfags and grannies
>see guy around my age wearing gyaru clothes(thigh highs, heels, fur jacket. Outfit looks pretty good but he doesn't pass too well)
>a bit surprised to see someone like that in that area
>get the feeling he's been watching me
>get off at my stop
>gyaru guy does as well
>feel like he's following me
>I'm waiting for my friend and I sit down at the end of a bench meant to wait for taxis since there's nowhere else
>other people are in line too, so I'm sat on the edge
>gyaru guy comes up to me and asks if I'm waiting
>say no so he sits between me and the last person
>is friendly but it's night and I don't like talking to strangers so I'm uncomfortable
>casual chit chat, actually seems like a genuinely sweet person, but he keeps inching closer and closer to me
>my ass is hanging off the side of the bench because I kept scooting away
>suddenly guy who looks like he's high on some hard drugs appears
>gyaru guy starts cuddling closer, seems to not like the visitor. whispers in my ear...
>nope nope nope what is fucking happening
>cracked out dude sits in the space gyaru guy made from having scooted next to me
>friend arrives, I leave, nothing happened after that

I feel a bit bad calling him a creeper. He seemed to be interested in being my friend and was very nice to talk to. The cuddling thing was really odd but overall I feel like he was just terribly socially awkward and not a pervert. We're both fashion outcasts so I'm assuming that's the reason he approached me and he didn’t know how to handle it from there.

>> No.7917829

I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, I really do, but I wasn't the only person at the designated smoking area, but I was the only person invited back there.

>> No.7917837

ahh nope nope
the cuddling is a nope

>> No.7917838

Can anyone help me out? I hope I'm okay to post this here!

I'm so confused.
I was wearing a casual, cute, fairy kei inspired outfit on the Sunday of MCM Comic Con in London. It was a skirt, tights, and a long sleeved top - just a cute, normal outfit for me. I was walking with two of my guy friends when an Asian girl approached me, she looked to be in her twenties and she was alone. She commented on my randoseru backpack, saying it was cute and that I looked very cute. Her accent was strong and her English wasn't very good, but I politely said thank you, chatted with her and nodded when she pointed out parts of my outfit. I thought she was asking about my top or my necklace, then she reached over and stroked my breast, and said "Wow, so soft!"
I thought that was odd, but I ignored it and she asked if we could get a picture together. I thought I'd get that over and done with just to be polite. She handed her camera to one of my friends, and as he was taking the photo, she stood behind me and put her arms around me, groping both of my boobs and really intensely feeling me! I was so confused! I pulled the most shocked face ever for the photo as I had no idea what to do as we stood in this really awkward pose, then I didn't say anything and just walked away and went to sit down.
WHAT. What happened?! Can anyone explain? Is it just a quirk of culture? I think she was Japanese - is this normal at Japanese cons?! Was she being perverted, or..? I'd love anyone to shed some light on this for me. Thank you!

>> No.7917843

It's just like one of my Japanese animes!

>> No.7917846

No, she was just a pervert.
You got molested by a Japanese woman anon.

>> No.7917850

last convention a friend and I were walking back to our hotel room after the masquerade. We were so ready to be out of our costumes.
2 very large (300lbs at least) men were walking down our hall.
"hey what are all these costumes for?"
I explain that it's a anime convention.
"Oh hey that's cool. We're doing a blog on events in Sacramento. We're going to a party later do you want to come?"
Tell them we're good and just want to go to our hotel room.
"Could we get your name and number? You both seem like cool chicks"
My friend looks at me like 'what are you going to do now?'
"Oh yeah sure it's ____ and my number is ______"
I gave them a version of my name spelled wrong and a random number out of my head. We get back to the hotel room and my friend is laughing her ass off since no one ever asks for our numbers because I kind of have perm bitch face unless it's for a photo. It's not a super creep moment but it's very weird to me to just randomly go "oh hey give us your number so we can party with you."

>> No.7917852

=___= you have got to be kidding me.
In no culture is boob grabbing normal behavior for a stranger.

>> No.7917857

Seems like you just met an otaku who has no boundaries and thinks it's acceptable to do something like this in real life because female anime characters do it to each other.

>> No.7917887


Hmm yeah, I've just been confused as she seemed so kind at first and acted like it was so normal for her! But you guys are right, thanks for the response!

>> No.7917981
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What did I say,




>> No.7918011

Eh, I have honestly heard that this is really not that uncommon in Japan. They're obsessed by foreigners in some ways. I don't mean to be rude, but, are you VERY busty or even slightly overweight? You're basically like their version of a fucking albino. I have a friend who spent her childhood in Japan as a small, cute white child with golden curly hair (which is basically like their holy grail of kawaii foreigner). She said people literally would come up and pet her like a dog, or pick her up and cuddle her without any consent. When she became a pudgy adult, she said that women would often walk up and pinch her arm/belly fat and marvel at her rotundness. Homegirl may have been slightly perverted due to her focus on boobs, but there's also this thing called skinship where people in Asian cultures have less of an awareness about personal boundaries. People marveling over huge tits in onsens is like every large breasted gaijin's favorite bar story.

>> No.7918013

Have you been in that situation before anon? I get where you're coming from, but a dude who checks the number instead of picking up that you're uncomfortable with giving him your number in the first place doesn't take "no" for an answer. He doesn't take "oops, it's off by one number", "I already have a boyfriend" or "please leave me alone" either.

>> No.7918023

marveling is way more normal than groping
pinching arm fat=/= pinching chest fat

the stereotype that Japanese are obsessed with blonde people is ridiculous.
maybe more common when your friend grew up, but the internet is exposing people to different looks

>> No.7918090

I wasn't wearing lolita but casual j fashion with shorter skirt/leggings and wig. Was walking down the street to go meet a friend and some guy from like 30 feet away yells "HEY BLONDEY, COME HERE FOR A SECOND" I kind of just looked at him weird and kept walking and then his friend was like "aw don't worry about him, hes just an asshole, I like your boots!"

I wouldn't really classify this as sexual harassment but it was kind of unsettling. It was one of the first times I wore any jfashion in public so the experience sticks with me.

>> No.7918106

You don't sound rude, I understand what you're saying. I'm about 5ft 1, 105 pounds, with long blonde hair and my bust is a C - D cup. I wasn't wearing a push up bra or anything so it's not like they looked particularly big..

I had a relative who visited Japan with her children. She says that people would come and pick up her daughter and point in the street and ask for photos because she has blonde hair. I had no idea they were so surprised by it before then!

Thank you for the response!

>> No.7918109

It depends on where you are in Japan. If you're in a rural area, chances are that most people there have never seen a white person. This isn't info from years ago, I'm talking about now. Every ESL teacher I've ever known says exactly the same thing. It's super common for Japanese kids to sincerely believe that you can rub off the black on negro individuals. Seeing things on the TV and reading about them on the Internets doesn't necessarily represent how people behave when presented with the genuine article. My black friend was treated like a fucking unicorn in his village. Tokyo, obviously, not so much. And yes, they do things like touch his skin and hair uninvited. Boob touching, while pretty fucking odd, isn't all that surprising to me. Yeah, she was probably a bit off, but the culture differences and novelty/presented opportunity probably didn't help.

>> No.7918111

don't use emoticons on cgl

>> No.7918116

but people in Europe and America pick up children too ;)
cause lots of adults adore kids

>> No.7918117

we got the cgl police here
have fun telling the world to stop

>> No.7918121

Then perhaps tell "actual feminists" to take a hint from CH Sommers and tell misandrists to get the fuck out.

>> No.7918124
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>> No.7918126

*-* :D <3 <3 emoticons1111111

>> No.7918128

This so hard. I know OF albinos, why they are, etc., but reading and seeing pictures of people with albinism is so much different than bumping into them on the street because it's so out of the ordinary.

>> No.7918131

Are you new?

>> No.7918136

A friend of a friend came to visit from Japan and while I was over she kept touching my face because I had a lot of freckles. I suppose it's like white people from the middle of nowhere wanting to touch a black persons hair? I know I was freaked the fuck out the first time I saw a black girl take her braids out because I thought she was pulling her hair out. I didn't know how common artificial hair was.

>> No.7918140

Are you? That face is used all over 4chan, it's one of the accepted ones, like ;_;

>> No.7918145

take a joke gull

>> No.7918151

lol at accepted.
don't let this weirdo dictate what you're doing. keep on truckin

>> No.7918158

We're talking about a whole new level of friendliness here. Not as in you're standing in line, strike up a conversation with someone, and then hug the child (I'm guessing you're not American since even that is odd here and would probably be seen as vaguely pedobear-ish). We're talking about they walk up to a child and grab them and pet them like a poodle without asking permission or even making eye contact with the parents. It's super disconcerting for a lot of non-Japanese parents.

>> No.7918174


Homely looking guys just saying "hi"

>> No.7918184
File: 50 KB, 600x598, e05lhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have no room for R9K here.

>> No.7918192

That sounds super cute, if a little freakish

Also very very very unusual.

>> No.7918237

It's cute until you have a child that's totally uncomfortable with strangers. My friends brother was super introverted and was driven to tears every time this happened. Japanese people who fondled him? Not one single fuck given. His tears were totemo kawaii and must made them fawn over him even more. I had a friend who had a newborn with them in a movie theater, and sitting next to them (mom, dad, kid) was a busload of Chinese tourists. The Chinese grandma next to them asked to hold the baby for her. The grandma handed the baby down the row for everyone to hold as if this shit was show and tell and dad had to run down to the end of the row to retrieve their kid. Imagine how uncomfortable this would make you if this was your kid.

>> No.7918257

>white bread master race

>> No.7918307

>We cannot ship these to CA

Fuck this state.

>> No.7918335

brass knuckles and their variations are illegal in most states. Having one in your procession (much less on you) can get you in trouble. Who knows how much shit you'd be in if it was actually used.

>> No.7918336

e-bay. Chinese wholesellers don't give a fuck.

>> No.7918351

its ironic because its women like you who were scared into the weapon laws that we have here into effect.

when i was building my rifles, in 2011, obama's gun grabbing ass made it difficult as shit

i had to call in so many favors to get a so-so buffer and i had to beg palmetto to send me a lower parts kit

i had to drive to las vegas to pick up the upper

and i was building 10/30 magpul pmags in a vegas hotel bathroom ust so i can drive it into CA legally

people like youuu

>> No.7918376

why are you even here you massive faggot

>> No.7918412
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>> No.7918479

It has been a while since I've seen you around here.
How's life being a tripfag?

>> No.7918509


You fucking faggot.

>> No.7918517
File: 1.87 MB, 400x300, adult things.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this chink thinks its women who got salt weapons banned
>mfw it was that one chink Leeland Yee or whatever the gooks name was
>mfw Yee got caught selling arms to gangs for campaign funds

>> No.7918561


Sorry we're not all from Arcadia Falls gated community of New England. It's called Chicago, and "How YOU doin" never just means hello.

>> No.7918977

Some japanese girls whom had costumes for shingeki no kyojin started touching me all of a sudden during comiket 85. They were like 145-150 cm or something while I was 196. They must have thought I was a titan or some kind of bertholdt or whatever his name is. I'm not especially fat. I do have muscle tone and I weight about 98 kg.

>> No.7918984
File: 24 KB, 356x333, 1412706332623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have often told hot bitches to go away from me.

Women are far too sexually aggressive with men they find attractive, and your pickup lines are atrocious.

>"You have such beautiful eyes."
Bitch i know, you've all told me.

>> No.7918986


>> No.7919011
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>in a movie theater


>> No.7919016
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>> No.7919018

Kind of. I guess it's not that I'm not sexually attracted to girls. But it becomes an annoyance after a while.

>> No.7919020
File: 223 KB, 310x302, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wrote a autobiography, you'd have to sue yourself

Yo' lying ass

>> No.7919022

I wish handsome men didnt know they were good looking.

They tend to be arrogant fuckwads, because they can just move on to the next girl with no fucks given.

Even if he was the most handsome man in the world, the second he starts showing his ass, he becomes hideous to me.

>> No.7919023
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>> No.7919024

I'd say the same to girls. But I'm a man who wants to work on his career. So I deny most girls either way.

>> No.7919027

By the way I'm 6'7" 350lbs and I have an 8x6" dick brehs ..

>> No.7919029

>By the way I'm 6'7" 350lbs and I have an 8x6" dick brehs ..
Close, but I'm >>7918977

>> No.7919037

I feel you man. I swat bitches away like flies, turning skanky ass hos down left and right. I have to walk around with a tire iron to peel off bitches that get attached to my dick.

>> No.7919039
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>guys getting pissy because you already have a boyfriend
The worst. At least this one fucked off, I guess? It's especially annoying when they think they're some kind of medieval knight or some shit and try to 'challenge' the boyfriend 'for your hand'. Fucking neckbeards. They only do it when he's not actually around, too.
>that one time when some obnoxious fat weeb started insulting my boyfriend and saying he'd be so much better for me etc.
>boyfriend shows up, sees what's happening
>comes up behind pushy dude and in his lowest, most Darth Vader-y voice, says
>neckbeard freezes, then practically runs out of there
>mfw my boyfriend is actually scrawny as fuck

>> No.7919042

I got catcalled at, groped and molested plenty of times at conventions. Most of the time it's done by attractive girls though so that's cool with me.
My friends however? I have to escort them sometimes, especially at large cons like D*C.

>> No.7919048

I know what you mean. I've practically been raped by cosplay models that guest there. It's like once cosplay girls get near me, they smell the pheromones coming out of my dick and can't help themselves lol.

>> No.7919050

I don't let mere cosplay models touch me, only ambassadors like Yaya Han.

>> No.7919052

DragonCon can be such a nightmare. I'll be sitting down to fix my socks or just resting, and always some dude looking for a qt3.14 Loli gf comes and sits on the chair next to me. They then strike up conversations and try and scoot closer, or put arms around me. Even the pull out the phone trick doesn't work on these persistent fuckers. I've told some straight up to shut up and go away when societal cues don't work, only to have them say "Aw, you don't mean it" and follow me around until I escape.
>not really harassment, but annoying as fuck

>> No.7919053

>It's especially annoying when they think they're some kind of medieval knight or some shit and try to 'challenge' the boyfriend 'for your hand'.
What is even up with that? It's always either some 40yo with rapist looks or a small guy wearing a dress shirt.

>pheromones coming out of my dick
Anon, you should go see a Proctologist.

>> No.7919055

You should tell them to knock that shit off whenever it happens. Don't be a victim.

>> No.7919056

I've been a child in Europe and have definitely never been grabbed, hugged or petted by a stranger. Definitely not normal where I'm from.

That's super weird but
>newborn in a movie theatre
maybe they were trying to get rid of the kid before it could ruin anyone else's experience

>> No.7919063

>getting rid of the newborn so it doesn't ruin the movie.
Topkek. I for one support this idea.

>> No.7919066

>"I'll wait here until you give me your number!"
>"you're just playing hard to get"
And then they get all butthurt when you call con security on them.

You're misunderstanding me, I'm a tall guy who knows how to defend himself. I am just a huge slut who enjoys getting drooled over at cons when my everyday life is pretty boring.

>> No.7919068

>I've been a child in Europe and have definitely never been grabbed, hugged or petted by a stranger. Definitely not normal where I'm from.
This is, like this person said, not normal in the northern european countries at least. That is France, Germany, England, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland at least.

>> No.7919073

>I've been a child in Europe and have definitely never been grabbed, hugged or petted by a stranger. Definitely not normal where I'm from.
Same with me. Euro cons are very tame, as soon as I visited an American convention it was grope city. Guess it's a tradeoff for awesome hotel room parties.

>> No.7919075

>You're misunderstanding me, I'm a tall guy who knows how to defend himself. I am just a huge slut who enjoys getting drooled over at cons when my everyday life is pretty boring.

Karate changed me and my views of life. Then studying psychology changed it even more. I once too enjoyed being center of attention. Then I began to study what they were actually interested in, which resulted my body in general. Game sessions and other stuff with girls felt forced. Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.7919077

I live in Eastern Europe and rapes, muggings and so on are incredibly uncommon. It's a really safe place, especially for children, and we're generally fucking poor. Can it really be worse in Western Europe? I hear that those things happen in Brussels a lot but I live in the Balkans and crime here is mostly drug-related so normal citizens rarely experience anything aside from car accidents. I've never been there because, well, poorfag so I can't tell. But people there complain about those things all the time and I find it really hard to believe because even in this shithole I can walk around at night through alleys safely and I'm a small girl.

>> No.7919080

I don't doubt that you can defend yourself but these girls need to learn what boundaries are.

>> No.7919087

I live in Sweden, but I visit the mentioned contries every once in a while. It's becoming more common in Sweden with rape, murder, muggings and group assault. I've actually been group assaulted three times and managed to survive all of them with minor injuries. It all depends on which area you live in. Malmö, Stockholm and Gothenburg are the areas you want to avoid, that is the biggest cities. Örebro is also becoming a shitfest.
I don't want to blame muslims or anything, but the assaulters have been from Iran, Iraq etc.
I myself is half Iranian/persian or whatever they want to call themselves, so I find it weird.
God bless martial arts.

>> No.7919088

But this is just a fantasy, these attractive girls don't actually exist.

>> No.7919090

I can only speak for Germany, but the only areas where that sort of crap occurs regularly are the red light districts and very few shitholes with high Turk/bydlo concentration like Frankfurt, Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg or the Berlin commieblocks. Nothing you'll run into as a normal person.

>> No.7919095

Boundaries need to be set for imaginary girls as well, dammit.

>> No.7919097

Physically attractive? Yes. Mentally? Dear god no.

>> No.7919112

Yeah, figured as much.
>tfw want to go to Sweden for my masters but scared I'll be lumped in with the gypsy "slavs" and bydlos
I-I promise I work hard and speak very good English
And I can remove kebab for you if you like
pls no bulli

>> No.7919116

In general though, Sweden is a great country with a great welfare. But I don't know how long it will stay.

>> No.7919121

If you speak good English and don't wear Adidas tracksuit+white sneakers, people won't mistake you for a gyp or bydlo. They might challenge you to drinking contests or ask annoying shit like "what do you think about Putin" though.

>> No.7919122
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Amount of physically attractive girls at an anime convention - small.

Rule out the lesbians and the ones that are taken - smaller number.

The amount of thirsty attractive girls literally surrounded by thirstier men that won't leave them alone, that happen to catcall, grope and molest you plenty of times at conventions because they lack social boundaries - zero.

>> No.7919124
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You're the hero Sweden deserves, anon;
but not the one it needs right now...and so we'll hunt you, because you can take it. Because you're not a hero. You're a silent guardian, a watchful protector...a dark knight.

>> No.7919126

Also, like in any country they appreciate if you actually try to learn swedish. Most who comes here won't try even though they'll probably be living here and can't even speak english at time. In a few years, half of the population will probably need a translator for each other.

>> No.7919130

I'm not sure about it in your country. But in Sweden, personally at least, they look pretty good in majority.

>> No.7919137

Yes, yes of course. I speak excellent German so it won't be a problem I think. Most of us here speak 3 languages (including our own) but the problem are the gypsies and uneducated bydlos from the south who lie about being "oppressed" and seek asylum or move elsewhere. I can totally understand why people hate them, we hate them too so that's why they leave. My sister visited Switzerland and had to say she was French because of how bad a reputation we have there thanks to them. Same with Romanians. That's why I was a little scared. I agree though, learning the language of a country you live in is incredibly rude and disrespectful. I knew of a woman who lived in Germany for 10 years and doesn't speak a lick of German and then complains that they won't give her citizenship... They shouldn't! She doesn't even work.
topkek, nice one

>> No.7919138

not learning the language*

>> No.7919141

Don't forget how ugly Americans are.

>> No.7919147

As another Eurofag I kept hearing about how beautiful Swedish women are but when I actually went there it was pretty disappointing. They just look like normal women. Maybe slightly less fat than Brits and Americans, but nothing to write home about. Do people just think all natural blondes are automatically beautiful or do I have too high standards?

>> No.7919152

I don't know about ugly, but I do know some are fat.
Ofcourse, the women here aren't plastic photo models. But I personally think the swedish women have a more natural western beauty. I might be a bit bias since I myself is a swede.
I personally find chinese or japanese more attractive though.

>> No.7919158

Guys tend to put blonde women on a pedestal.

Blondes have always had the 'ideal' image of female beauty, top of the food chain.

>> No.7919161

>Do people just think all natural blondes are automatically beautiful
Yes, because they're exotic. A lot of men prefer blondes and so that's why. Different strokes I guess. It's also because of novelty, I'm the Slav anon and I'm not very good looking but because of my mop of curly ginger hair I had people hit on me when I went to Greece and Turkey for vacation. They're more common here than there so it's new for them, everyone tried to pet my hair without asking when I stayed in Antalya

>> No.7919231

I have a severe resting bitch face so people tend to make shitty jokes rather than harassing me. Especially teens who keep reminding me how "it's not carnival" every two minutes. Now I just throw them my signature bitch glance and say calmly "it's not garbage day either, why are you out ?" and they fuck off after that

>> No.7919255
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>"it's not garbage day either, why are you out ?"
stealing this

>> No.7919262

I've always thought the Swedes were kind of unduly proud of their looks, especially several Swedes have said "Wow, I thought everyone from your country was supposed to be really ugly" when they found out where I'm from. I mean, they're not bad, but it's a far cry from the stereotype. I'll take Italian or Spanish girls anyday,

>> No.7919266

especially SINCE*, oops.

>> No.7919269

Are you from the UK?

>> No.7919273

They honestly just look like normal white people. Maybe if you're used to white people looking inbred they're beautiful but honestly they're not that different from most Northern Europeans. The stereotype is definitely weird.

>Italian girls
Every Italian woman I've met has been downright crazy, but I get that for some guys that's their thing.

>> No.7919276


Most I've met have been really nice, I've actually never met a crazy one. Not a guy, though.

>> No.7919288

Eh, most of those are memes. Just like "omg qt Slav girl" (apparently the appeal is that they're cute, domestic and traditional, and while I'm not a qt I can certainly say most of us nowadays are really not domestic nor traditional at all), all pretty girls look like generic good-looking white people, probably same with Swedes as well.

>> No.7919299

>Peppe spray

Keep the sad frogs away.

>> No.7919314
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I'm dying right now.

>> No.7919316
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>implying anything can keep pepe away

>> No.7919319
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>pepper spray
Only good if you put it on a keychain/in a quickly accessible pocket. Most girls I know have one in their purse and couldn't get it ready in time if a rapist gave them a 30 second head start.
Small models have shit power and will do nothing but make the attacker angry.
>kitty keychain
Police will regard that one as brass knuckles. The shape will not knock anybody out, just tear holes and as usual, make the attacker angrier.

tl;dr as a girl, get a subcompact gun and train with it. If you're not a burger or don't want to carry, put pepper spray on your keychain and get one of these trainer sprays. Your boyfriend/brother/dad will gladly help you out with that.

>> No.7919330
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Have either of you considered not being so stuck up like the whores you are?

>> No.7919351

>pepper spray on your keychain
pepper sprays are illegal in Europe.

>> No.7919358

It's also illegal in some states in the US. Check your laws before you purchase.

>> No.7919361

Not everywhere in Europe, it's legal in Italy off the top of my head, and almost definitely some other places too.

>> No.7919362

It's legal in non-nanny countries like Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Spain or Switzerland.

>> No.7919363

you make the argument that if there really was a crisis, a pepper spray or similar weapons would not be easily drawn. But the same goes for whatever compact gun you have in mind. Especially in lolita, where the fuck is one supposed to keep the physical gun?

No, the argument "you'd be fumbling for your weapon" is as much true for pepper spray as it would be for any compact firearm.

>> No.7919369

Your ex was a dick

>> No.7919375

The problem here is that you didn't assume people would walk up to you and undress you.

It's not that you deserved it, it's that you didn't calculate the odds into that happening into your decision because to me if I'd wear a skirt like that I'd have everything under it fastened with a chastity belt just for the sake of it.

So, did you deserve it? no
did you have it comming? maybe, but mostly no
were you stupid enough not to assume it was a possability at a con? absolutely fucking yes

>> No.7919383

No anon, the ex was giving his honest opinion to the situation, people shouldn't be called dicks for honesty because that's basicaly the same as telling someone they're a great person because they knowingly lie a lot.

It was unsensitive, yes, but still honest.

>> No.7919390

>My ex said I deserved it
Nah, that's being a dick.

>> No.7919404

I think you're a piece of shit who should get hit by a car. Just being honest, though.

>> No.7919407

Not where I live.
the welfare kebabs in your countries say otherwise

>> No.7919411

Unfortunately I did not. And the police told me to stay at home next time, or at a friend's. But I could not, I had to take the train and he was not working, so I had to walk few miles by myself alone since none of my friends or family live near by (I live with my bf but we do not have a car).

I live in the south of France (this explain my bad english, please excuse me if I can write for shit). There are lots of problems like mine in the nearest city, but I live quite far from it. I did not know I could be harassed there. It was not even 8PM.

I thought of that for a second but he smelled alcohol really bad, had a half empty glass bottle of (probably) vodka in his hand and his voice scared me. I was afraid to get hit if I lied.

And I do not run really fast at all. I could easily escape but even drunk, it would not be hard for him to reach me again. And no-one was there except the two of us, I did not want to get hurt or worse without being able to call for help...

>> No.7919413

Should have rephrased that to "relevant", sorry.

>> No.7919422

>if I didn't want the attention I shouldn't don the fashion
that's true; as a lolita, if you choose to dress this way you must accept that people will be cunts to you sometimes, and some will even harass you.
>My ex said I deserved it.
Now that's crossing the line.
>abusive ex
he wasn't being abusive, he was being a douchebag. There's a difference.
>most traumatic moments of my life
someone pulling your skirt down? Grow a pair.

>> No.7919425


Yeah, no, it was one of those weird theater experiences at a fucking kids theme park, and it wasn't a full length movie. They were there with their older child. Their baby is also eerily well behaved and doesn't cry in loud, new situations etc., which is why they felt comfortable bringing it with them. It's one of the most well behaved infants I've ever encountered, it's like horror movie eerily quiet most of the time. The only reason I brought it up was to show how the whole Asians semi-abducting cute white children to play with isn't just a Japanese thing.

>> No.7919427

enjoy the relevancy and cultural enrichment while you can :^)

>> No.7919428

A douchebag who undermines your sense of self-worth is emotionally abusive, yes.

>> No.7919429

I disagree, he's a dick.

You were his fucking boyfriend, whatever opinion he has, if he genuinely cared about you, he shouldn't have said that.

>> No.7919431

every douchebag undermines your sense of self-worth you spanner, that's why they're a douchebag.

>> No.7919432

Thank you for your honesty
Atleast now I know what I can expect from you and make a solid decision based on an honest experience.

See the value of being honest, even if it's being unsensitive?

In your case, it probably helped you realise that he wasn't the right guy for you, so you ended it (this is what I assumed happened, if this wasn't the case you're rather dense, though.)

>> No.7919434


sorry I'm fuming

>> No.7919435

He might be a dick, but if that's the case he already was before he said that.

>> No.7919438

That's fine m8, it's a harsh subject.

>> No.7919441

>verbal abuse
>beats up girlfriend
>tries to socially isolate girlfriend
>yep, this is a good thing since it helped you realize that he wasn't right for you!
Anon, that is not how abusive relationships work. Fuck you're ignorant.
Being "honest" in situations where it harms others that you care about isn't honesty, it's just being an asshole. Are you autistic? This is appropriate social interactions 101.

>> No.7919443

Neither of these instances are really harassment but they are funny and mildly relevant so...

>be at a con with 2 girl friends (one is really short and small) after the rave
>we are tired and trying to leave but some asian guy and his posse come up to small girl and start chatting her up (similar costumes)
>me and my other friend sort of stand behind her, not wanting to cock block if she's lookin for action
>he asks her name and she gives him a fake one so I know she's not interested
>she keeps trying to move away but he keeps asking her questions and being pushy
>I'm so tired I just walk between them, look the dude in the face and say "We gotta go." then I literally pick her up and start walking away.
>dude just goes "oh..." and stares as we leave with her under my arm.
>at otakon, me my gf and our friend are walking the town looking for food
>they are dressed in crazy/sexy matching rave gear
>suddenly a city bus going by slams on the breaks and the driver opens the door
>this is not a bus stop
>asks them about their outfits, how they are made, compliments them etc
>people on the bus open the windows and take pictures and compliment them
>they say thanks, he closes the door and drives away
>we go eat food

>> No.7919451

One guy tried to hit on me on a train last fall while I was in sweet lolita (and a big hoodie because it was cold).

>"But it's a Saturday night, where are you going lovely?
>"Home, to play video games by myself."
>"You don't want any company?"
>"Nope. You can go away now."

The dude mentioned playing video games at his own house by himself and I told him to have a good night and he hopped on a different car. 30 minutes later, he apparently was still on the train because he walked up and sat in the row next to mine. It was my stop so while he was distracted I hurried off. Thankfully my mom was waiting.

But the dude saw me getting off and jumped off the train while I was walking away, so I ran down the stairs to the car. For all the weird questions and shit I get I'd never had anyone actually follow me from a McDonald's downtown to a quiet uptown neighborhood after I told them to get lost. I'm glad my mom was there otherwise I'd probably be on the train or making friends with train security.

>> No.7919459

Enjoy your shit economy, bong ;)

>> No.7919465

Another time, a few weeks ago, a guy tried to hit on me by sitting in front of me and just asking lots of questions while I pointedly stared at my phone. I told him that "We'll just say my name is confidential" and when he asked for my age, I told him he'd have to guess.

Ended up telling him I was 17 and brought up a story about a high school in my old neighborhood that had a dead goat tied to the goal posts on the football field. He tried that whole "well you're almost close" deal and another kid on the train was like "that was my old high school!" And the dude decided I was too young and suddenly it was his stop! Dead goat talk = good conversation endings.

>> No.7919470

I'm not entirely sure if you were trying this, but I always try to act as creepy as possible to someone when they are clearly hitting on me and won't take a hint.

Once when I was stuck at a normalfag bar because of a friend I ended up telling a guy there was no way I could hang out with him because I had to go home and mutilate my boyfriend's dick with needles, and he fucked right off after that.

>> No.7919476

Wow it's almost like bad things actually happen in real life

>> No.7919488

I hadn't been on purpose but it seems like it worse. Friends in my comm say it's because I look nice and said I just need to be gothic and give ultimate bitch face. I think I might try the yandere creep method instead; it sounds really dang useful.

>> No.7919506

That's fucking golden.

>> No.7919512

It is pretty useful, and my friend thought it was hilarious.

One time with the same friend we were on the subway and being harassed by two annoying bratty kids, probably 12 or so. They were throwing candy at us and ended up following us off the train. One of them threw a paper airplane at me so I turned around, started laughing like a crazy person, picked it up and bit a chunk out of it. Needless to say they ran the fuck away.

You never know how crazy people actually are, so obviously you don't want to do this kind of thing in a super dangerous situation, but in a public space with a lot of people it's safe, fun and can scar someone for life, or atleast the rest of the day.

>> No.7919523

Definitely trying this one. Thanks for the inspiration, anon!

>> No.7919627

>watch my friend be accosted by underage girls who in oh so many words admit that they're underage

Creepy as fuck.

>> No.7919638


>> No.7919642


I am a little

>> No.7919650

Just curious, but I'm the anon who posted about the rug shop guy and I'm from burgerland where most Middle Easterners are more concerned about drunk rednecks trying to exercise their "2nd amendment rights" on them to really be a problem. Are they generally viewed the same way in Europe as people view Mexicans over here?

>> No.7919654

how hot is your friend on a scale from Baby Face Nelson to Pretty Boy Floyd?

>> No.7919664

He's short, Peruvian, and has a face that's a mix between a 12 year old and a 40 year old.

But he wears Pikachu kig to every con and the girls think that him being short plus cute kig = super cute.

Then again he doesn't have high standards but I'm apparently repulsive to most women so I don't exactly deserve to have standards either.

>> No.7919705

Depends on whom you ask. I'm what you would call a liberal hippie and even I can't stand the mass immigration. They huddle up in small enclaves, never learn the language, constantly cry about muh racism while refusing to get a job and are generally very religious, having a kind of fanatical admiration towards Islam and/or their home country despite having run away from it as soon as they could. It's not just Middle Easterners, it's Muslims in general, like Albanians and to a degree Turks. They refuse to integrate and teach their kids to be the same fanatics they are.
Libruls (not liberals, there's a difference) like to defend the shit out of them, in my country they're the kind of people who call you the next Hitler as soon as you dare say something they disagree with. As soon as you criticise the current immigration system they call you racist and a Nazi.
Now, that said, there's a LOT of people who integrate well into the society here, speak the language fluently etc. But I'd be lying if I said that most of the people who call women whores for no reason, harass them, contribute to the rise of rape cases etc aren't middle easterners or blacks. I'm not against immigration in general, but letting illegals in like we do now and having such loose requirements for immigrants is fucking stupid and libruls are pants-on-head retarded thinking that everyone is going to be a good person if you just give them enough "welfare, love and tolerance <33".

sorry for ot

>> No.7919710


I just fapped to this you slut, thanks

>> No.7919726

I work in Brussels and I think it's not all that bad as long as you know which places to avoid.

The only thing you have to watch out for are muslim teenagers. If you wear something out of the ordinary, they'll give you shit for it. Some might follow you for a while. But if you don't react to it, they'll leave you alone.

>> No.7920613

>Especially in lolita, where the fuck is one supposed to keep the physical gun?

I am now imagining a cute little girl in frilly lolita hiking up her nine skirts to pull out a little compact revolver with a pink grip so that she can blast a confused attacker.

>> No.7920628

>"Home, to play video games by myself."
>"You don't want any company?"

Should have responded that he was probably a filthy fucking casual and that you have no time for Cawadooty.

>> No.7920988

Where the fuck did OP mention that she was beat by the BF? All she said was 'it was an abusive relationship' and all she had to back it up was 'he told me I deserved it.'

Is that abusive? fuck yes. Is that any indicator that he did all the things you mentioned? no

is it fair that you suggest I know this shit without OP ever mentioning it?

do I have a crystal ball?

so no.

All I said was, him giving his honest opinion doesn't make him a dick.

If he really did punch OP, then that makes him a dick, but he's not a dick for being honest.

>> No.7921361

I was thinking about this the other day. I'm considering making a cute bag or a holster or something to wear with Lolita. I don't know how many other fellow Lolitas would have a CCW, but its always sounded like a good idea to me.

>> No.7921402

All the stories are making me think... What if one could design a des create device to look like a bracelet or necklace, that when you hit it, it sends an SOS text to someone you care about and it nearby. It would be able to send an SOS signal to your group as well

>> No.7921612

Like the Life Alert thing for seniors? Lolita Alert?

>> No.7921658

didn't japan already make one of those?

>> No.7922972

Yeah once this guy told me to have a wonderful day, like I don't usually get triggered but how dare he!

>> No.7923248

Man here, I've just checked here wiki page. This shit looks interesting. Time to buy her book.

>> No.7923403

I get sexually harassed all the time.

I pay for a woman's things and she doesn't put out.