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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7892134 No.7892134 [Reply] [Original]

Last larp thread died pretty quickly.

>> No.7892145
File: 101 KB, 600x900, quest ready1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we smoke a lot of weed at our larp. lol

>> No.7892154
File: 147 KB, 1200x975, ScaledHelmets2_2013-10-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm thinking of making my linothorax to be like pic related. I was wondering should I paint them on? I don't know what I could use besides paint. Also for the helmet I was thinking of getting a steel helmet an just painting on the scales since it would be too heavy with scales on it.

>> No.7892159
File: 400 KB, 1200x975, ScaledHelmets2_2013-10-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking to paint these

>> No.7892328
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the cgl one was up for at least two weeks
The two larpthreads on /tg/ since thene were both up for more than a day which is a long time on /tg/

>> No.7892399
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also to continue my ranting from yesterday's /tg/ larpthread:
As I described, in my theory there is a big difference if a larp is good or if you have a good time in a larp.
Because a larp is good if the rules are good for the chosen target audience, there is communication between the organizers and the players, etc. so if it try to give everyone the opportunity to have a good time.
But even then you can have a shitty time there if for example you are not part of the target audience, or example if it's a larp about backstabbing and politics and all you want is to fight. Then obviously you won't enjoy yourself. Also if you don't like the other players there is a good chance that you won't enjoy yourself

On the other hand if you go to a larp that is shit by organization standards but with your friends and you interact with them mostly then you can still have a great time and you will remember it as such. That's why a lot of people have an absolute confidence that their larp is the best thing ever.

So note that even if a larp is bad you can still have a good time. And even if the costuming is shit you can still have good time. More so even if the costuming is shit a larp can be overall good IF they are encouraging people to get better in time

>> No.7892435

According to this post - https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/S7860105#p7868849 - LARP has a bad reputation in the US and non-Quebec Canada. What's it like here in Australia?

>> No.7892489

The only thing I know that there is a group called swordcraft there doing larps

>> No.7893025

The most important thing is not to dismiss the lack of quality when having fun at a shit larp though, otherwise you quickly end up in a "good enough" mentality and grow complacent with dickswords, t-shirts and sneakers.
we literally field trippin now?

>> No.7893032

true enough, but in these threads a lot of people ready to dismiss anything too which aren't top level quality be it a weapon or a costume. There is this weird thing that people think anything weapon-wise that is not a latex one must be shit, while latex only makes the final layer of your weapon

>> No.7893427
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>> No.7893486
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>> No.7893517


Any one have tutorials on how to make larp shields like that?

>> No.7893535

well those shields are pretty much just eva foam plus latex cover and painting. Although you have to carve the foam here and there

>> No.7893759


I figured, I'm wondering what the base is though.

>> No.7893768

I know there is the whole IMAGINATION thing, but i do wish that there were portable, modular buildings for LARPs and have little towns/villages built.

Having generic marquess (with that damp/warm grass stink) as stand ins for buildings and dungeons is kinda crappy.

I guess thats more /diy/ than /cgl/ tho

>> No.7893782

eva foam

>> No.7893786

there are such things in some larps

>> No.7893902
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or just medieval town

>> No.7893917


Really? The make the handle that bears the load and the disk that takes impact from blows out of foam too? Wow, that stuff must be strong.

Seriously obviously there is plastics at work here.

>> No.7893922

the handle is just leather straps

>> No.7893928


Foam flexes. How will that stop an attack?

>> No.7893948
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by being a few centimeter of foam. plus it's kind of wobbly

>> No.7893959


Okay, okay. How to seal it? But there is definitely some sort of solid handle at work there. Fence gate handle?

Also, where to buy weapons? I know of Calimacil, but what else is there?

>> No.7893988
File: 108 KB, 900x600, 10710761_689832341102757_3885441632273917998_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


-Calimacil (best quality for the price)
-Ateliers Nemesis (high quality customs)
-Mitryl (never tested them yet, they are really low priced)
- Epic armory (good for larping ligthly, if you want to figth hard...meh)
- a thousand homemade weapons

>> No.7893994

as you can see on the picture it's just two leather straps. basically the straps is go inside of the foam, or more precisely over and under the sandwiched layers of foam.

About sealing it... I don't know. If you mean the latex then everyone uses different stuff for that

>Also, where to buy weapons? I know of Calimacil, but what else is there?
Calimacil is a VERY high end stuff. The best weapons you can buy durability wise and they handle really great. If you use it as it was meant to then they will basically last for a lifetime. And they are expensive too

about buying weapons you can find them in every larp shop on the web. although every game has different rules what they allow and what not

>> No.7894023


Yes latex, then how to paint? Spray paint? Acrylic?

>> No.7894028

you put acrylic into the latex before you put it on and basically paint with the latex plus there is a dry brush method too. Although I admit I don't know that much about the painting process and our crafter will be not available until the weekend

>> No.7894070


Alright I've that before - i wasn't sure if there was an alternate method. Is there a site that you are on regularly? I would love to talk more.

>> No.7894078

Plus there is facebook but I have a 4chan friendly email too
hunlarpfag -squigly thingy- postafiok.hu

>> No.7894103
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i'm starting to think that we should create a facebook ''Larpthread'' group for stuff like this.

I mean, more than the group for Gropey's Larp

>> No.7894110

then again, facebook is shit for meaningful conversations that's longer than a few sentences

>> No.7894314
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>> No.7894332
File: 135 KB, 696x588, linodet1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just cut all the layers for the yoke on my linothorax. I need to glue them together and then edge them. After that I can then put some color on. Anyone know where to get good Greek Helmets?

>> No.7894873
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>> No.7894905

Depends on where you live and how much you're willing to invest.
(Also, proper bronze or steel?)

>> No.7894906

Also, before I forget, what style and period?

>> No.7894922

I made a linothorax out of carpet that doubles over at the front then painted it.
It looked pretty good for something that cost $0

>> No.7894923

Pls don't get an archaic Corinthian ;_;

>> No.7895082

This. Corinthian helmets are boring and overdone. I'd recommend using a Phrygian or Attic helmet, or a Chalcidian if you must.

>> No.7895397
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>> No.7895460
File: 83 KB, 585x900, Petyr Baelish Littlefinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, everyone! I'm brand new to LARPing, my first event is in 28 days. I'm trying to pull together a costume for a totally non-combat character, a well-to-do merchant, poet and noble (I'm basically my party's face and pocketbook). But costume-wise I don't know where to start. So far in my inexperience I already threw away $50 on a costume-shop polyester tunic that looks hideous and is uncomfortable polyester. So I guess my big questions are, how do I pin down a good look for my concept, where can I find a website that sells decent stuff (or is website-bought a bad thing?) and what can I do with that tunic. I was originally going to scrap it for spackets but it's black and my system uses neon-colored spackets.

>> No.7895474

>non-combat character
I already like you. Be aware that portraying a noble is kind of hard for a beginner because you need to be decked out in all kinds of shit, regardless of the period.
The fuck is a spacket though?

>> No.7895498

Spell packet
Those little beanbag things NERO and alliance fags throw at each other while yelling lightning bolt.

>> No.7895538

Yeah, my party is pretty much exclusively combat-oriented, save for me.

I am interested in this all kinds of shit! I was kindof hoping for something along the lines of Petyr Baelish from game of thrones (the TV series, I hear he dresses like pretty much everyone else in the books but I mostly only watch for aesthetics), my biggest issue with ripping his style off wholesale is that he doesn't seem to wear much in terms of layers, which I hear is important for a larp kit.

And while I'm pretty short, I'm stocky as all hell, so in a tunic I look a lot more like a tiny blacksmith/brawler than nobility.

As far as spackets go, it is a small and exceptionally american larp, I just don't want to use that as an excuse to wear a t-shirt and jeans.

Just re-tried on my tunic, and it actually would look good if I made some small alterations, but it's on the backburner for now while I start from scratch.

So what kinds of all kinds of shit should I look into?

>> No.7895602

You can get away with less layers if you accessorise well and work with patterns.
The thing with noble characters is that the devil is in the details. No matter what you wear, it needs to be either high-quality and a display of your relative wealth or at least look that way. You'd also need a load of gunk for the same reasons: jewelry, proper eating utensils (depends on period), to cover the very basics.
All of those together will add to a not-so-tiny sum, that much I can assure you. I'd suggest you start smaller, nothing is worse than a noble character that doesn't look the part.

>> No.7895700

first of all

then the real question: what kind of look you want? I mean there are a lot of thing a noble can look like.

>> No.7895871

Well I was thinking a Corinthian helmet but wit painted scales or really thin metal ones like pic related

>> No.7895926

What is the name of the LARP?

>> No.7896022
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It would be easiest if you posted a pic of the tunic preferably worn, might be salvageable. Okay to start do you have any sewing or crafting experience?

On terms of generic medieval \Renaissance fantasy style nobles a good accessory would be a large gold chain of office. Often you can find large gold tone jewelry that you can take apart to make one at thrift stores, flea markets, and antique markets. Picture related.

>> No.7896514

In the States and much of Canada, LARP apparently has a pretty bad name, as does everyone who puts a lot of effort into their hobies. What do your non-LARPer friends think about LARPing? And is there anyone you work with, for example, who doesn't necessarily know about your hobby but whose opinion on LARPing you know?

>> No.7896533
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>your non-LARPer friends
My ...what?

No really i have many non-larper friends but since i am from Québec they do not find it too strange, i sometimes propose to them to try a one day event if they are curious.

with the new documentary about the middle age ''culture'' people are more and more open to the idea.

Now my mother and sister are curious about the ''tourist day'' at Bicolline (basicaly it's the friday , tourist can come and look at the place, they have to be gone at midnigth, and they dont pay the full price, its for the curious)

>> No.7897220
File: 146 KB, 702x454, game-of-thrones-season-3-littlefinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


littlefinger got mad swigity swag.

also don't listen to that guy, i hardly EVER see greek units, or croithian helms. and people that portray greek personas, wear them because their fucking greek.

>> No.7897231

also i dig little fingers style alot. mainly this pic. im going to have a tunic such as his made for soiree's i have a stockier build, but I should be able to pull it off, you should aswell as long as your not fat or something. regardless though, ive also thought about the layering issue, and ive determined that if you have a cloak like that, just get a fancy belt and maybe a pouch or two and a dirk. and then add nice boots and a cloak, and some kind of headwear, though id probably rock a headband type of deal, because i dont like hats.

>> No.7898175

You or another Frenadian once said on /cgl/ that Canadians are as judgmental as Americans about LARPing and people who put a lot of effort into their hobbies - except for people from Quebec. Canada has a reputation for being nicer than America - is this true, and is it especially true in Quebec? Or is it that it's not Canada/Europe that's better, but rather it's America that's worse?

>> No.7898194

*recently said on /cgl/

>> No.7898310

So before I do something I regret what are some dos and don'ts of larping?

>> No.7898351
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Be helpful.
Bring spare clothes.
Bring money for food.
Count your hits properly.
Pull your blows

Be a creeper.
- Being "in character" isn't an excuse
- Yes, some societies in history did perverted, depraved things. "Doing as the Romans do" is still abhorrent by modern standards.
- Treat it as an excuse to pick up chicks.
Press on with torture/humor when you're making someone uncomfortable.
Be a sore loser/cheater.

Try too hard with roleplaying/backstory Too many "undefeatable master swordsmen" have fallen to critical spot check failures, "omniescent wizards" and "master manipulators" fallen to the oldest trick in the books, and once an "enlightened technomancer" clubbing people to death with a skull hammer in leather armor, who was supposed to be a part of a viking faction. Backstory, while fun to write, means jack shit imo. I've seen novels of feats players will never enact in game, and still failing to convey any theme or sense of character beyond "I'm implausibly powered and free of fault". My favorite character started off as "Evil Dr Nick" and evolved from there. Humble origins and an ounce of self-deprecation and self-awareness go miles.

Try too little at character building. STOP COSPLAYING EZIO AT LARPS PEOPLE JESUS CHRIST.

>> No.7898359

Alright pretty simple. What about characters? When creating a character what should I stay away from besides that backstory? What is being too generic and what is usually not appreciated? in terms of personality

>> No.7898365

Edge and angst is overdone, in addition to being far too difficult to pull off right for your average larper. A good sense of humor that's not just cribbing movie dialogue *shudders at young me* is always appreciated. Lolrandom and innuendo's a little overdone, so something deadpan/amusingly serious might help you stick out more. Heck, it's been a while since I've seen a humble, idealistic hero type. One of the ones that always sticks out in my mind was this monk who was always nice and apologetic even to the people he was fighting.

>> No.7898367
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t'was me
And yeah, people are judmental, an hour ago me and the roomate dressed up as a crusader and a nun went to the local bar to take a drink.

people were just interested and started laughing and talking with us, some wanted to take pictures.
Y'see... here people just like weird things

See >>7898351
he's pretty much rigth about everything there

there is a good and bad news about backstory

Good: it can give you sometimes fun to write when bored

Bad : Nobody care and it will change over time, so just...play along and do what you want ingame.

your ''character trait'' will develop themselves
For exemple: the post apo i did , i decided to go only the day before and when i got there i had no character really, i was just a random dude bound to die , then i was confronted to some situations and the character evolved to it.

For my Templar, i started with the idea to be pure and protect the innocent, after some years, i am a powerful lord who will do everything to protect the church...not the innocent, but the institution of the church, even if the innocent must suffer.

From ''I will bring the ligth''
i went to
''We shall work in the shadows so the believers can live in the ligth''

>> No.7898375


Well I was thinking of just doing a simple ancient Greek marine for hire who travels on merchant ships as protection, who goes from port to port visiting many different regions and meeting various people.(which would explain why I am a lone Greek with varying cultures)
Basically playing the character as someone who likes to meet new people and discover new cultures. I though this would be an easy way to get to know people and learn about how the people operate.

Or is that too generic/dull?

>> No.7898377

That's alright, what's really cliche nowadays is the snowflakes.

>> No.7898379

nope, thats perfect.

New aventures awaits and you will become someone in this new world where you play.

Nobody likes the special snowflakes yeah.

Start small, become big

>> No.7898381


Oh okay thanks . Also I've seen larp videos and people always do these odd accents like in american ones people have these weird British/fantasy movie accents. Is this generally required because honestly it sounds really odd and awkward.

>> No.7898384

Sometimes an accent/voice helps people know when you're speaking in character or not. I personally adopt a bad cockney accent more to highlight my character's shiftyness than anything else.

>> No.7898386

Alright well I was in drama all of highschool so it shouldn't be that hard to change my tone and inflection. Also staying in character won't be difficult

>> No.7898408
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i tugth i had no accent when playing but it's actually a dude who spoke no french at all who saw the real difference when i spoke as a character.

I get more somber and have a more gravely voice without knowing.

To quote his words, ''when you are in character you stare into people eyes and become really really intimidating when you speak to people,your tone lower and look like a dad who know what his son have done bad in school and is just waiting fo him to say it''

huhu, thats what 5years of Geopolitics and intrigue bring you, you start to slowly act like Tywinn Lannister because you have to , the one who dont, get eaten in one bite.

>> No.7898450

Backstories themselves aren't bad, it's just that many people use them to wank off to their power fantasies.
I once wrote like 10-20 pages of backstory for a peasant that ended up dying halfway through the larp, nobody ever read it. It's more of a guideline to yourself how your character would play out.
Stay away from the "dead parents" routine and wankjob biographies, especially for a new character. Also, no inner demons and similarly edgy shit. If you don't want to come up with a elaborate backstory, just say that you're the third son of a farmer/fisherman and went out to find your luck/carve your destiny/whatever.
Sounds good.

>> No.7898815

also, dont pull the "im a noobbleeee" no, you arent a noble. and unless you get fucking siq garb to fit the fact youd be a noble,you never will.

>> No.7899010
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Oh, a larpthread, guess it could be an excuse for me to dump some of my recently finished crafting projects - I have more if anyone is interested, and I'm willing to do some crafting talk if anyone needs it.

>> No.7899013

Where would you recommend to get boots or shoes for larp

>> No.7899015

wow those look really good

>> No.7899021
File: 593 KB, 2592x1456, 2014-10-21-895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, the other sword I finished this week is one inspired by the Silver Swords from the Witcher series, may or may not to be used for cosplaying as well this winter.

>> No.7899028
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okay this...i like the one at the bottom a lot

get some Goretex boots, if it's too costly to buy new buy some from the army surplus if your country army have implemented goretex boots for the soldiers.

I bougth my pair for like 70$

Pic unrelated, a Larp Samurai well done for a change

>> No.7899034

How long does it take to make one of those on average?

>> No.7899049
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Honestly, I never know. It takes at least three or four days because the glue needs a night to set and the latex layers can use a night or two too (I'll always leave the first layer to dry for a night, usually the third too), but as it's not my main source of income, sometimes a week's pause happens between carving and latexing. I'd say some 6-8-ish net hours per weapon, on average, not counting fuckups and drying times. I'm very bad at estimating this shit.

And have a mace too.

>> No.7899056

I always wondered, how hard are the simpler shapes to make, like, say, a club or something?

>> No.7899059

Oh I thought they would have taken longer. So how much do you usually sell those for?

>> No.7899073
File: 692 KB, 1456x2592, 2013-08-16-458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angular shapes are pretty easy, it's the curves and protrusions one has to worry about - for example, the head of the mace above is glued together from 40-ish parts: leather straps for reinforcements, protruding bits glued to that, end caps, and so on. Complexity in this case is not a structural weakness, as the glue I use makes a stronger foam-on-foam bond than the foam internally has. Another fun thing is that one does not neccessarily have to latex wood-looking things, I found a type of window foil which can be put on foam weapons and looks like wood - see: shaft of the mace. The club on the pic I attached has this kind of coverage, sadly I lost the finished pic for that, but it was a Talhoffer-ish club I used for a city guard character to righteously beat criminal scum.

>> No.7899077
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Depends on the complexity and whether or not I'm good enough friends with the commissioner - but I usually do it as a barter. But to put a price point on it, this mofo right here went for 50 euros to a friend from Croatia.

>> No.7899087

Wow thats pretty good for that sword :P

>> No.7899092

Well, Balkan prices for Balkan wallet. Seeing that Hungary also Balkan now.

>> No.7899098
File: 37 KB, 604x403, 10628152_10203629796240043_7204274269978765876_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god i recently looked like a fool with a transylvanian chick recently because i told her ''Transylvania isnt part of Bulgaria?'' ...Hungarian Larpfag already told me where i made the ultimate mistake.
Dont worry, since then i informed myself on the history of Hungary.

Also, this is good prices for good works

>> No.7899101
File: 751 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_2671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, because that happens with pics

>> No.7899109

I just wanted to skip the "which one of us can make the dumbest stare" competition this time.

>> No.7899114

Transylvania isn't in Hungary though.
Christ, what's wrong with your face in this pic? It's almost like you're smiling!

>> No.7899121

Basically I have two kind of faces when someone takes a pohot of me. One is the "everything is shit" the other is the "THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER"
On this photos it's one of the rare moments when I remember how many people I killed and while it's a shitty day and everything is shit this nearly makes me happy

>> No.7899128
File: 881 KB, 845x1162, Hungariawoopsie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was, well thats what i understood..oh god tell me im not wrong again...damnit.

Also...i do think you have the face of someone overflowed by something else

>> No.7899129

actually the acid just kicked in

>> No.7899130

Transylvania used to be part of Hungary... until 1918. It's in Romania these days.

>> No.7899300
File: 214 KB, 964x1128, AH6118_5_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have decided on a Boeotian helmet but since the only ones for sale that I can find don't have any holes for strapping I am going to have to do it myself. I am getting paid soon so then I can buy it.

>> No.7899359

I keept thinking the symbol on the shields are dicks

>> No.7899391
File: 35 KB, 317x300, 529555_309725049123252_2069494280_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you are the kind of person who see dicks everywhere

>> No.7899394
File: 53 KB, 604x405, penishield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay now i dont see dicks on OP pic but these shield...tell me everyone see them too

>> No.7899406
File: 257 KB, 1134x786, 1307982615044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you guys see phallic symboles in everything?

>> No.7899408
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>Boeotian helmet
>Confirmed for good taste.

>> No.7899409
File: 35 KB, 604x403, 10646641_10203625708577854_8348199033314513259_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To tell the truth it's because i'm not the straightest of guy

>> No.7899412

well, we come from /tg/ so that's a default

>> No.7899463

Frenadian, a lot of Americans think Canada/Quebec is a complete utopia where everyone's nice to each other, like a real-life Equestria. Is that true to any degree? Or is it that the United States (and possibly non-Quebec Canada) is worse than most of the rest ofthe world?

>> No.7899475

>like a real-life Equestria
so... Frenedian has a maple leaf tattoo on his ass?

>> No.7899510
File: 48 KB, 604x403, 1922049_10203625721578179_2940719556586731977_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, it still have many problems like every country,not just the same social problems.
Not everyone is nice to each other thats just impossible.

It's just that we are Nationalist so it makes us want to work harder for our country (Quebec, not a country yet i know but...it's like saying Scotland is not a country yet) and we are also Socialist wich make us care for the needy.
We also pay a huge amout of taxes because of an old ''fuck you'' to Canada, back in the 50' the governement of Quebec created an extra taxe in the province to pay for our services and said to Canada, nope we're fine, you can keep the money we are sending you, you need it more than us.

To this day we still pay this extra province taxe...only shity thing is the other province started puting an extra taxes to pay for their service also and now everyone pay too much taxes in all the country because the canadian government cant do a proper work of not fucking with our money, that is also why british colombia dont want to be part of the country also.

So quick message to those who say Quebec profit from Canadian taxes with the bridges for example (wich are federal), almost half of the Canadian population is in Quebec and we'd be more than happy to pay for our own stuff if you'd let us just...go on our own.

In quick words, Quebec is like the girlfriend of an secretly abusive boyfriend who seem so nice in public and she's the one who seem like an heartless bitch if she want to breakup.

There is a saying about Canada in general that even the more rigth winged type of government would be considered to the left by the united states.

I have a Fleur-de-Lys on my rigth ball

But no seriously i know a lot of people with Fleur-de-Lys tattoos

>> No.7899518

I know a lot of people with Fleur-de-Lys on their armor

>> No.7899520
File: 40 KB, 604x398, 1800334_10203625722578204_1106966420435080340_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should not have talked about politics, thats a rule have in /tg/ , because of our different cultural background it derivate from the subject of Larping...

So yeah...picture :THE ARISTOCRATS!

>> No.7899528

and here I was starting to type up a rant about how our government want to put a tax on the internet

>> No.7899529

hnnnng i want one. its too bad i cant use it.

>> No.7899537
File: 89 KB, 810x540, 10569045_670694643016527_1345027076567913886_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touching the internet = Worse idea ever

>> No.7899538

... you don't have hands?

>> No.7899541

yep. That's why today we go on a protest.
A few years ago nearly to the day was a very interesting protest here where a group of people hijacked a tank

>> No.7899545
File: 10 KB, 236x297, 61ca914b9e55d2c0e20e9c6aafa9a3f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not get a PIC RELATED. boeotian helms are ugly af. and that guy: is a fag 7899408

>> No.7899572
File: 131 KB, 960x640, 10577010_668160206603304_6546150948939309351_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where a group of people hijacked a tank

i remember the Maple spring here...t'was fun, a protest every day everywhere at 8pm, a special law where the cops were allowed to arest without sommation everyone in a grop of more than 10 people.

Let's say that it became violent and everyone had a jolly good fun.

Too bad it stoped after another party got elected and they just did a cleanup of all the corrupted.

Mayor is a mafiosi? send the police...what the police is accepting money ? send the special police. wait..lets just clean that fucking place up.

Video related, not from the 6month protest but still probably the world's most hardcore snowball figth

Good time be had! Fuck the corruption.

>> No.7899627

well the tank didn't had enough fuel in it and there was a few other fun factor but it was an interesting few days with police cavalry chasing people and barricade building and burning on bridges, stuff like that. Although nowhere near as hardcore as the Ukrainian stuff


>> No.7899628
File: 52 KB, 960x540, larpdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also in Quebec... getting drunk with the roomate and dressing as a crusader and her as a nun to go take a drink and after that mcdonalds will make people want to take pic of you and add you on facebook. you've been warned

Another dude now want to go at Bico by my fault.

I have to admit, since we are in the Halloween period, it did not seem as fucked.

>> No.7899633
File: 140 KB, 900x600, 10625005_689832701102721_1758989955913858683_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i a big nerd if my first tougth when i saw the video was :''Oh! this is a T/34!''

>> No.7899636

That helmet is good looking but you're a huge faggot for not appreciating the Boeotian style

>> No.7899639

yep. An original one that was 50 years before the protest took part in the siege of the city (where another "protest" was on it's way back in '56. Actually it was a revolution)

>> No.7899640
File: 57 KB, 540x720, 10349878_710290052377763_5321983165213247025_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when we went to the con a month ago maybe people took photos of us all the time on the metro and other transportations

>> No.7899715
File: 11 KB, 236x328, fc152c55b4cd6730db49ec9e7e975f60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that helmet is awesome. and boeoitian looks like shit. just because it isnt used much doesnt make it "cool" or aesthetically pleasing, its not used much because its ugly as fuck.

>> No.7899752

Coming from someone who suggested leather greaves for a historical hoplite outfit I'm not surprised you have shit taste.

>> No.7899867
File: 62 KB, 252x204, comitatusgreekpetasos9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been through careful thought and decided on Boeotian for a couple of reasons.

1. My character travels around to the different ports and cities in ancient Greece, so I don't want a helmet that would obscure my vision a lot. That took the Corinthian out.

2. I wanted to wear boots like >>7899408
which were commonly worn by Boeotians. Which is why my character would adopt the boots and helmet since he traveled to that region .Also I don't want my feet to be that exposed with sandals since everyone else will probably be wearing heavier boots.

3. My character would have been hired at ports to go with a merchants goods and protect them. So that would have me ride a horse or go on triremes,to which a Boeotian helmet would be better suited than a Corinthian.

4. I honestly don't like the Chalcidian at all

>> No.7899889

How about a Pilos?

>> No.7899892

Well a Boeotian helmet is basically a pilos with flared out protection for the neck and face. So I would rather go with more protection and it looks much better in my opinion.

>> No.7899899

Who wouldn't be staring at you, what with that codpiece of yours.

>> No.7899978

>Boeotian helmet
Thanks god you didn't chose a Corinthian.
If you really don't like the Chalcidian, you could also chose an Attic helmet (admittedly, they do look similar) or a Phrygian (which clearly is the prettiest of the bunch).
I thought that was capped to like 2.30€ a month and tied to lowering income taxes to 10%?

>> No.7899986
File: 25 KB, 327x399, p6helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did actually want a phrygian and boeotian combination but couldn't find one

>> No.7899993

Although that would be more to hit and but I still think it looks really cool

>> No.7900150
File: 405 KB, 1456x2592, 2014-07-01-781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fear not, we deal arms for the non-sword-carrying peasantry as well.

>> No.7900156
File: 463 KB, 2592x1456, 2013-01-27-345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or, if you live in the lands where peasantry is only forbidden to carry swords, but "totally not a sword" knives are A-OK, you might need something along these lines. (although this is just a WIP shot of one of my older projects right before latexing, some people in these threads might even have some personal familiarity with its finished form..)

>> No.7900172

I'm pretty sure it's just a coincidence

>> No.7900174

As a larper and cosplayer and a denizen of /fa/ and /tg/, something about a larp costume thread on /cgl/ just seems really wrong to me. Like everything that's wrong with the community, somehow.

Also I just want to say that Boetion helmets are ugly as fuck.

>> No.7900188

I don't really see the problem with it, /cgl/ is just as relevant to the hobby as /tg/ is.

Agreed on the Boeoatian helmets though (still better than a Corinthian, however).

>> No.7900213

why is that?

>> No.7901186
File: 285 KB, 800x706, vunnu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys...guys...what if
what if the current world was a big larp played by aliens and we were npc they put there.


>> No.7901196
File: 75 KB, 640x960, 10726740_735920953123601_532391220_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you stop doing drugs and go back to being a pc?

[spoilers don't work] what if your wife orbits my dick? [/why don't they work?]

>> No.7901205
File: 120 KB, 960x638, flying richard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not on drugs, just really bored

>> No.7901207

same here, although I should already sleeping as I have to get up in seven hours. Plus I'm already through a relatively peaceful protest

>> No.7902420
File: 476 KB, 800x600, 1375467519490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7902447

And I'm a chick so there you go

>> No.7902469
File: 265 KB, 1385x1510, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont get it

There is no such thing as chick on the internet

>> No.7902476

you are 7 years too late with this meme

>> No.7902482
File: 167 KB, 600x400, IMG_3325-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No really, when you have a vagina and you come into a larpthread you automaticaly become a bro and your gender change to manly Codpiece-wearing multicolored dude.

Also 1/4 of our namefag population is from Hungary
the other 1/4 is from Canadaland...talking of wich...it's been a long time since Ontario poster something

>> No.7902490

>Also 1/4 of our namefag population is from Hungary
>the other 1/4 is from Canadaland...talking of wich...it's been a long time since Ontario poster something
that's totally not true, there are way more namefags here just not every one of them post in every thread.
I should make a database of larp thread residents one day

>> No.7902511
File: 106 KB, 960x640, 10615493_668160309936627_8746720311977669491_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I should make a database of larp thread residents one day
I'm okay with this.

And yeah, it always depend on who have more free time or who is more bored at this exact moment

Let's see...

the other Hungarian
caer adaman
esh esh
tristan shimerligth ...something like that

Who else am i forgetting?

>> No.7902547

>No really, when you have a vagina and you come into a larpthread you automaticaly become a bro and your gender change to manly Codpiece-wearing multicolored dude.

Cutleryanon although I haven't seen him in a while
I think someone posts as SCAanon as well? Something like that

Wasn't there another "some sort of country anon"?

>> No.7902553

NEA, SCAnon, and a dozen different [country/region] larpfags that sometimes even overlap (I used to post as German larpfag until I realised that there were two others that did the same).

>> No.7902579

cutleranon never puts up a name, same with one-eyed hermit

Bulgarian larpfag
Shash bulgarian larpfag
Dönish larpfag (and there are also a danish larpfag and another danish larpfag but they are just sporiadically put up their names)
Caffeine Commissar
the german larpfags as >>7902553 said
and of course NEA and pseudo US larpfag

these are just from the top of my head I'm pretty sure there were more as I'm very shit with remembering names

>> No.7902582

>cries at being forgotten.

>> No.7902583

as I said, I'm shit with remembering names... and generally shit with remembering stuff

>> No.7902602

alright, so for a start, something like this?

>> No.7902758
File: 148 KB, 477x720, 9f6dd2a5c5b8259e90bf896aad1a86f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you

boeoatian helms look like fucking deformed penis heads.

how is corianthian helm bad? their gorgeous.

also ive made one before. visiblity isnt as bad as youd think. preferential vision is perfect, but below the cheek is where its restricted a bit. the cloer to your face the better it is.

you could wear this if you wanted to look like a smurf though

>> No.7902760
File: 226 KB, 647x960, 427c36a0c78804a5dfb4292c7ca17ffd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill bump with them.

ALSO dont forget they evolved from those helms, they are at the peak, and suited best for their purposes.

>> No.7902761
File: 104 KB, 674x960, b03e91fcecf129d9592aff96c03f3afb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is my fave though.

>> No.7902766
File: 23 KB, 550x412, bronze-corinthian-helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7902770

Are you not seeing the literal dick helmet that the Corinthian is? Just look at it!
And yes, Boeotian helmets aren't exactly pretty (Phrygian and Attic a best).
You're wrong, it's the exact opposite. Corinthian helmets are from the late Archaic and early Classical period, most helmets that aren't the Illyrian and pilos actually came after it.
So, if anything it's less advanced than those.

>> No.7902787
File: 57 KB, 602x640, 1410779377488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7902790

i suppose your right. but i dont see the other ones at all

and yes they look like dicks, but atleast they dont look like deformed dicks

>> No.7902798
File: 198 KB, 400x600, IMG_3315-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah really, i'm the most sexy wench here
have you looked at those goldylocks?

We really are the most namefaggy group of all of the 4chuns

>> No.7902803

Note how that is lacking most of the Classical and the entire Hellenic period in helmet development. They didn't just stop with the Chalcidian.

>> No.7902811

only the most namefaggy group who consistently namefagging.
Ayway should I work with it or not? Also you always change your name too

>> No.7902815

Nah, the FoW thread on /tg/ has more namefags.

>> No.7902829

Yeah well...just call me Frenadian , the other word is just for shit and giggles

lots of namefag on /k/ also but not a specific thread

talking about /k/ ...dat trigger discipline

>> No.7902830

... fuck. We should recruit new guys, or kill some of the foW guys

>> No.7902850
File: 445 KB, 1456x2592, 2014-06-26-776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you fill the fields up on your own, or are you asking people to tell what should go into their fields?

Also, pic is an older project I built this summer, Chaos axe/staff for delicious heresy.

>> No.7902855

probably fill up some of the really general information I know the rest will be asked.

>> No.7902872

is this a doc of larp fags?

>> No.7902878

no, it will be a doc of namefags who go to larp threads

>> No.7902886

you ought to add the location of each, and what game they play.

>> No.7902888

already working on the location but I won't add the games. Basically because some of us go to a fuckton of games once or twice, there would be no meaning for it to add everything. It's easier to add just the country

Also you guys can start saying what else should be added on it

>> No.7902893

any crafting skills they have could be usefull too.

>> No.7902896

that's the expertise part

>> No.7902907

The "what game" part deserves some thought - pretty different perspectives for EU fantasy, WoD, US fantasy and US battlegame players. Maybe some broader term, like "Active in genres"?

>> No.7902920

that will be the type of games, as in fantasy, postapoc, battle games, etc

>> No.7902924
File: 518 KB, 2048x1366, 10380196_1629373710620457_6582233003098536028_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everygame can become a battlegame if you are courageous enough

>> No.7902934

and my grandmother could have been my grandfather if she would have a dick. But we don't work on "if"

>> No.7902946
File: 60 KB, 596x1024, IMG_2480_zps9af3b50f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question.
Since i'm a colored would larping as something like pic-related be acceptable?
I was thinking a Persian/Arab style would suit me best?

>> No.7902951

why wouldn't it be? I mean if the setting is right for it.
Like if it's a game based around vikings probably dressing as an arab wouldn't really fly but otherwise I see no problem. (and even then maybe you can say that you are the seventh warrior)

>> No.7902952

It would be perfectly fine even if you weren't, unless it'd be blackface.

>> No.7902954

Don't see why not as long as your game setting allows it.

>> No.7902959
File: 48 KB, 720x480, 66912_420485891370738_30336584_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and we would like to see pics of your suit once its done or piece of it while you are working on it.

>> No.7902989

Well, I was trying to go for historical accuracy, which seem to be the best route after lurking for a bit.
>Black Face
I'm sorry i don't understand this
It's going to take a while after I get payed again, just blew ton on airsoft milsim, but will do

Oh, and any tips for this type of style?

>> No.7902993

Blackface is when caucasians paint themselves to look black (in a racist way).

>> No.7902994
File: 30 KB, 720x462, 1377575_522264514526208_571969322_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was trying to go for historical accuracy
you are making me an happy man with these words mah boi

>> No.7903003

sadly I don't know much about arabic cloths. and just very little on arabic armor and weapons. Although there is KM on /tg/ who knows a fuckton about arabic arms and armours (but not much on the cloth front)

>> No.7903028
File: 103 KB, 480x640, IMG_0303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that!
I understand where that could be a problem, but no I'm mostly a nignog.
>pic related is me
I'm glad I could do you service, anon!
Will do and thanks for the help!

>> No.7903047
File: 938 KB, 518x673, Picture2-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you shall be called Token Larpfag.

Would that be more of the Crusade period or later than that?

Because for the crusades i know a thing or two about costume , even if i know a lot less about the arab side.

Osprey's books could help
i'm sure i have some sarasin pic somewhere but it's hard to find on my computah so have some crusader instead

>> No.7903070

I was meaning to buy one of his book's, but does it go in dept on how they lived?
And the crusading era wouldn't be bad at all.

>> No.7903074

take a look at here

>> No.7903083

Wow! The Saracen Warrior really has the look I was envisioning for my character

>> No.7903285

I would namefag up but I don't really have the means of LARPing on a regular basis. Basically only once a month over the summer.
(uni student)

>> No.7903507

oh yeah, so ive given my chainmaille a name after yesterdays event, which was my first time fighting in a large scale engagement with it. hereforth, my chainmaille shall be know as "the cheesegrater"

my hands look like i picked a fight with a blender.

>> No.7903557

>No really, when you have a vagina and you come into a larpthread you automaticaly become a bro and your gender change to manly Codpiece-wearing multicolored dude.

Sorry, that sounds pretty fishy to me

>> No.7904659

Okay I'll bite

Larping Where? US

Types of games: SCA

Expertise: sewing, garb research and construction.

>> No.7904764

nuff said

>> No.7904784

Omar like smells fishy

>> No.7904795

Would Dragonscale Chainmail go with the Saracen theme?
And is this weave mostly for jewelry?

>> No.7904805

Scale armour would be fine, if a little odd for the time period. You'd still find people wearing it, but as far as I know either lamellar or maille were the preferred options.

>> No.7904825
File: 68 KB, 720x480, 1237615_506149632804363_722345886_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about arabs, here is the new episode of medieval Quebec, it's in french and we talk about the bicolline grand battle
At the 2min55 mark we can even see a traitor of the true faith selling is soul to the sultan....bastard huhuh


>> No.7904875

Yeah, I know using the lamellar is a must, but was just wondering if I can be a little fancy and use a different weave pattern for my mail underneath.

>> No.7905061

Has anyone made their own helmet out of steel.
I've been talking to a local guy who does it, and I might get started this weekend on a greathelm (cause they're easiest).

>> No.7905175

alright I've put it in.
Others can say their things too

Also slightly unrelated but you guys might be interested in this /tg/ thread

>> No.7905264


Where: UK

Games: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, World of Darkness

Expertise: Haggis. Drinking.

>> No.7905351

oh i should do mine too..

Where: USA(midwest)

Games: daggorhir

Expertise: Leatherwork, grappling

>> No.7905368

And not drop your trip

>> No.7905369

I presume you are shea550

>> No.7905412
File: 43 KB, 353x353, 185497_10151042814408494_1057161595_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also did Sci-Fi and Farwest

My specialities... except Historical accuracy and research i dont know, i dont do craft really.

>> No.7905474

fuck goddamnit, my trip never saves anymore! i don't know why but it pisses me off. but yes your correct

>> No.7905493

Bico rules? As it seems like other games are adopting them?

>> No.7905672
File: 78 KB, 960x643, sucrebleu6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terrain rules and virtual wargame rules (wich are pretty complicated)

>> No.7905809
File: 393 KB, 2048x1366, 10479662_10152524811513428_8874557195413022370_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now we se Sir Deagon (red and white) totally unaware of who is friend or foe, killing his own men in total confusion huhuhu


>> No.7905862
File: 118 KB, 809x540, 10339298_1634205556803939_3222701753977286035_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sir Yves-Jaques killing a foul ork beast, then seeing the orkish honour huhuh.

A charge and the Purple knigth doing his job of hiting hard

Oh look guys it's the true faith advancing in a battle formation....how fucked are we?

The delicious sound of battle

>> No.7905897

wtf your guy's weapons whip so much??

also whats up with the crusader getting hit with an arrow and not calling dead?


>> No.7905911

wich guy weapon?

the crusader have an armor
arrows does 2 damage and the chainmail protect 3.

and yes it's an Ent, but he wasnt very good in battle. got killed pretty hard many times.

poor guy.

>> No.7905931

ahh okay i didnt know the armor value stuff.

and most of the weapons flex alot when hit you can see what looks like major flex on the seccond video at 9-13 secconds, is that normal?


>> No.7905933

also, ents should get mad hitpoints and be able to throw boulders.

>> No.7905955
File: 82 KB, 480x720, 25953_494184477334212_151843716_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah weapon flex, better weapon dont, it all depend on the quality of the rod but yeah if they did not flex they would break.

The Ent do have mad hitpoints, he's just no match for our runic warriors. who are just better figthers.

For exemple: The Angel is a hardcore motherfucker who's pretty hard to kill because he's a good combattant

>> No.7905958

I have been busy building my armor so I haven't been on. It's coming together I have all the fabric cut the problem is glueing. It takes so long for a single piece to dry so it's a slow process. I also got a job. When I went to buy the glue the manager and I started talking and he offered me a job and it pays pretty good so I'll be able to buy the material for the rest of my kit faster. Anyways I'll be posting progress when it gets there as of now I'm just glueing sheets together.

>> No.7906059
File: 1.55 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here's a test sheet (16 layers). It's stab proof. I'm going to add a couple more layers the actual one.

>> No.7906445

The flexing is what makes them safe
Plus real weapon flexed too to some direction

>> No.7908023
File: 1.59 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now I'm got my dye ready and now I just have to wait for the fabric to absorb it. I'm going to use the scarlet as edging and leave the natural beige for the base. I'm going to then paint some design on the yoke. Haven't thought of the design yet.

>> No.7908048

Here's a sample of what it will look like

>> No.7908088
File: 1.70 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry my phone is annoying and doesn't post pictures sometimes

>> No.7908113
File: 98 KB, 720x540, 255702_10150213171196045_501601044_7386371_3984334_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7908485
File: 62 KB, 800x706, ptibonome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

morning bump

>> No.7910016

Thread is dead baby, thread is dead

>> No.7910045
File: 97 KB, 640x960, tumblr_m8t6d6io3T1rqq8qeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7910076

Using my larp costume as a Halloween costume at school...not my proudest moment but okay i'll add some more ''ghoul'' to it

>> No.7910078
File: 68 KB, 720x960, mutant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking capcha, picture got lost.

>> No.7910684
File: 116 KB, 520x828, Dwm 2014-10-31 15-48-15-63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here is a picture of a greek thorax with a gorget. I may make this as well with the left over material.

>> No.7912066
File: 211 KB, 1333x1600, 1410492189128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would undead be overplayed, or is it aviable option to larp as if done right

>> No.7912070

Conquest one of the biggest larps in the world has an entirely faction of undead. Although they are the npc faction but still...

>> No.7912078
File: 58 KB, 960x640, 10300269_625630844189574_2492883271597772208_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every concept is an avaible option if done rigth.

But yeah, overplayed stuff are harder to play since a lot of people are making you look stupid sometimes by associating with you and not looking or acting good.

Pic unrelated, a Bico morning

>> No.7912082

Conquest is in Deutschland correct?

>> No.7912089

yep. the week after Drachenfest, lots of their players go to both. These two games are the biggest with 5-8 thousand players. Usually ConQuest have more players but it changes from year to year how many players go to which one but it's usually over 5k for both

>> No.7912092
File: 177 KB, 960x739, 10271527_625640380855287_555521594302014392_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the way people.

https://www..(Face of the books).com/thevoyagenorth

>> No.7912310

I knew the were huge but I had no clue that many people went!
Looks like once I get my armor ready I'll plan out a trip over.

>> No.7912317

And thanks been trying to find multiple concepts/styles to larp as

>> No.7912752
File: 77 KB, 720x478, 72842_10200942202771886_1687922846_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep bico is a 2000 people event.
around a thousand is actually figthing tho.

and the order of the stag (the voyage north) is made up by pretty cool guys i had a lot of fun with last year

Bryan (Ulfgar) was the first to come in 2012 and asked so nicely on the bico forum for a lift...he asked in a badly translated french and me and my roomate said..letts pick him up.
we had to say to him to not fear about is french, we all talk both language here we wont be offended at all huhu.

This guy is one hell of a figther and roleplayer and he know how to party.

pic related

>> No.7913416
File: 176 KB, 704x960, 10686651_10203883924511948_7652358141537558286_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill probs be traveling up with them this coming year. can i into using my larp weapons at bico?

pic related muh 100usd sword.

everything is using the best foam possible on the blade with super nice construction and 1/2"x1/2" square fiberglasss. the handle, is also extremely nice foam, with the guard braced with leather and plastadipped. (i wish it were thinner but our rules specifically say it cannot fit into a 2"diameter hole. the handle is oblong and the pommel is also plastadipped.

overall, this is probably the nicest most durable weapon ive ever seen, and im proud to own it, its also modeled after a historically accurate longsword

>> No.7913418

also notice the glass bottle in the bottom right for size reference.

>> No.7913428

if it passes the homologuation , yes you can use it.

They are the ones who have the last word on every weapon and shields and they need to put a tag on it to make sure.

>> No.7913441

So is the larp general now permanently /cgl/ istead of /tg/? Iremember the back and forth when you were still undecided.

>> No.7913455

Good question I like /cgl/ more the threads stay for longer

>> No.7913480

it passed our weapon checks and its meant for alot more abuse than your game sees, i assume it should be fine?

>> No.7913505
File: 939 KB, 1767x1805, IMG_20141102_145608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer it when they go back and forth. We get different participants and the larp thread always being on cgl would limit what I would post. Just my two cents. It is nice that the cgl ones last longer though.

Nice this is from this year?

I'll be interested to see how it comes out. I'm having trouble picturing it.

Pic is my new Florentine dress in progress, back piece and one side piece of the bodice. The red floral fabric is heavy upholstery cotton scraps leftover from another project, they are boned with hemp cord and will be fully covered with brown cotton linen blend. The back price is already half covered with the linen. The skirt was hemmed a while ago but it's boring looking so no pictures.

>> No.7913507

Anybody got experience with the old mechanic metal sewing machines? Pfaff and Singer seem to be popular here but I guess they aren't outside of Germany.

I could get one of those pretty cheaply, but am I right in the assumption that sewing with them without the stand would be a huge pain in the ass and they are severely limited when it comes to stitches?

>> No.7913514
File: 1.58 MB, 2304x3072, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to have an edge around it like pic related. Although a more natural beige color rather than white.

>> No.7913520

I don't but I have heard good things all out them. Basically if you can get one in good working order and know how to service it you are golden.

I've had various modern sewing machines with all sorts of fancy stitches and pretty much only use the strait stitch. Maybe zigzag if I'm working with stretchy material.

My current machine is a huskavarna and I love it. For historical clothing I only use the machine for sewing boning channels and long seams, I do everything else by hand.

>> No.7913534

It could pass , just like it couldnt. without having jt in my hands to test it i could not say for sure . its all about how the rod flex and if you can feel it. but yeah it should passes.

yep. but my Halloween got shitty . istartrd coughing yellow stuff and had to cancel going to party.

such a waste...had to cut my beard for the latex and for almost nothing. now i feel like a smooth baby

>> No.7913639

>pic related muh 100usd sword.
I hope as fuck that it's just a WIP picture

>> No.7913641

we still go back and forth although there were at least two separate larp threads on /tg/ since this one started here.

>> No.7913642

Singer sewing machines are the the best, I have my mother's old one that was her mother's, and it's lasted >30 years with just the needle needing replacing

>> No.7913648

cricket bat/10

>> No.7913864 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah this place exists, Hey guys. Anyone going to the Empire Processes of reason player event?

>> No.7913865

Oh yeah this place exists, Hey guys. Anyone going to the Empire Processes of reason player event?

>> No.7913892

I guess I'll do one as well

Where: UK

Games: Fantasy, Scifi, Post apoc, WoD, Fests

Expertise: Painter, Poet, Sardonic Megalomania

>> No.7914089
File: 64 KB, 612x720, tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey hey kids.

So... just fought in Atlantian crown this weekend. Pic is the tiers as the tourney progressed. Mine is the green with the boar and torcs in white.

>> No.7914096
File: 16 KB, 302x302, crown prof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be posting pics when I get them all, but I had an awesome weekend even if I didn't win.

Pic is a closeup from my procession.

>> No.7914102

who's the guy on the left wearing your colors? your squire?

>> No.7914121

My herald. Apparently, I was the only one to have my own squire in my retinue, and two of the other guys hurried to get someone so as to not seem lame. He composed, memorized and spoke an entire narration of my deeds, house, lady etc, in proper 15thC Italian... Its even more awesome when you take into account that he doesn't even speak MODERN Italian!

He's and his wife are members of my house, and they are too good to me. All I do is feed them!

>> No.7914124

>have my own squire

I mean herald. Sorry, Im still a little addled and maybe concussed.

>> No.7914186
File: 39 KB, 396x554, 10340004_10154407590295471_7841617885192273059_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when your deeds is known by people you never even met.

I actually never took a squire because of how the guild work.
my nuns used to dress me for battle and serve as my rigth hand man.

the critera to become a knigth is so high that most of the time nobody makes it.

You need to :
- keep your cool at all time
- be known and respected by our allies and ennemies
- be able to command troops if needed to
- have discovered by yourself the secret of the Templars (this one is what make or break the future knigth)

one of the templars who became a knigth could not endure the truth and have now devoted his existance to figthing us, be still dont want to reveal the secret to anyone, wich give you an idea of how important it is.

Even if the knigths templar are horrible to face on the field, they are even more horrible to face in politics.

sure it help if you have a quick wit and have a easy time making other do what you want

>> No.7914200

I can't take a squire because I am not a knight.

The men at arms of Casa Scungilli, acted as my valets for this tourney, arming me and bearing my banners.

>> No.7914206
File: 298 KB, 792x524, 20140308012114-f31275e1-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dudes looking for the two other guy hurrying to get an herald remind me of that scene in the adam sandler golf movie where he take a hobo as caddy.

Please tell me their squire were hobos

>> No.7914324

Handsome as always Gropey!

>> No.7914529

>its also modeled after a historically accurate longsword
It sure as shit doesn't look like it

>> No.7914575
File: 108 KB, 197x334, KILLER SIDEBURNS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic Related

That's where you're wrong, my friend, it's clearly a replica of the British Colonial Sword-Bat, an ill conceived solution to Zulus interrupting officer's lesiure time, alongside the cricket ball grenade, stump musket, kettle pistol and saucer chakram.

>> No.7914576

>Its even more awesome when you take into account that he doesn't even speak MODERN Italian!
Well modern italian sounds gay so no surprise there

>> No.7914670

The way to do that, rather than painting it to trim it with red fabric, It will look much better.

>> No.7914711

And Hungarian sounds like gargling Slavic testes, so I suppose we're even.

>> No.7914729

Well, the only thing that the hungarian language is good at is confusing others and cursing

>> No.7914731

there is two test to see if a language is good.

First - If the curses are fun to use
second - how it sound when you say ''I love you''

>> No.7914734

The cursing IS fun. The other stuff you can test on google translate with it's cold robotic voice

>> No.7914740
File: 641 KB, 1329x882, sucrebleu18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sound like what a character from age of empire would say if you'd click on them and ask them to to a task


>> No.7914749


>> No.7914857


I support all of this

>> No.7914902
File: 185 KB, 600x400, IMG_3324-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soooo, my neighbor saw me in post-apo costume and now she want to come to the next post-apo.

Going to the thrift shop tommorow, i'll keep you updated on the costume

>> No.7914974

Im always kind of dissapointed that he's not the creepy neckbeard I imagine when I read his posts.

>> No.7915094

being creepy is mostly my part. Although I do it in a more subtle way

>> No.7915698

Im sorry I am not more of an ugly grognard I suppose?

>> No.7915757

nope, sadly not. our game must have much higher saftey standards due to the fact its full force(not pulling hits) and americas "lawsuit" bullshit. our game also has grappling which makes it more likely to fall or get stabbed with something unsafe, like a pommel. so a break down of weapon rules

Weapons MUST:
-have a non-abrasive cloth covering(no latex or plastadipp)
-weigh atleast 12oz(if less than 48")
-weigh atleast 48oz(if more than 48")
-the tips of a stab safe weapon may not pass more than .5 of an inch through a 2.5 inch hole
-all other points(including guards, pommels etc etc) not intended for stabbing may not pass .5 inches through a 2 inch hole.
-you cannot have metal anywhere in the weapon(the exception being arrow shafts)
-if the core is wood, it must be covered in atleast 3 layers of ductape
-it must have a marking indicating the type of damage it does(blue for under 48" green for stabby. and red for two handed)
-no weapons may inherently bruise, or break bone if swung at full force.

so, basicly, its really fucking strict and it limits what we can have, we sacrifice the gorgeous latex light as fuck swords with pointy tips, for something that allows us to "safely" beat the fuck out of eachother.

>> No.7915776


bruh, im sorry see post>>7915757

we cant hab the calimacil shit because its too dangerous for full contact shit. im sorry we don't pull hits yo.

and yes it is modeled after a historically accurate longsword.

55" inches in length with a 35" blade, oblong handle, and a guard which spans 2"(give or take) on either side and a pommel modeled after one.
furthermore it weighs an accurate 3.5 pounds.

this sword fights(or should fight) closer to an accurate historical longsword, than almost any other sword except live steel or hema swords.

furthermore, the most realistic calimacil longsword (twohanded) is 48" long, and weighs arround 1.5 pounds, and is a claymore...

>> No.7915999
File: 72 KB, 480x720, fallcrown khf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we cant hab the calimacil shit because its too dangerous for full contact shit. im sorry we don't pull hits yo.

I chortled heartily, then remembered the paranoia is real...

pic unrelated.

>> No.7916042

hey im not saying im for it, i think the safety rules are a bit harsh, especially the fact you have to have a fucking cloth cover. but whatever, people are pansys.

>> No.7916043

also, how often do you see klappvisors(not the grill kind) in sca?

>> No.7916062
File: 107 KB, 334x500, 2203121742_273ec48a23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, and I will say your dick-sock is one of the better looking ones, but the "this sword fights(or should fight) closer to an accurate historical longsword, than almost any other sword except live steel or hema swords" is a little much.

All the time. As far as full-faced helms go, the klappvisor is the single most common, as the 14thC and specifically, the Bascinet are the most common form of armour in the SCA. 14thC armour is Ideal for minimum SCA requirements, while being effective in the meta of the sport, and rather easy to produce.

>> No.7916081

well, it is the proper shape, length, and weight, and balance( at around 4 or so inches past the guard)

So, the sword should fight as if it were a historically accurate sword. it would be the wielder who uses it differently.

and yeah, i like klappvisors alot. I was thinking of buying one for when i get into SCA, have you any experience with armsteet? their helms look pretty nice.

>> No.7916183
File: 2.22 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, the sword should fight as if it were a historically accurate sword

Blade geometry, flex, air resistance, bind, reaction of mass to impact...No matter what you do, it will never handle even close to the real thing. A wooden waster or even a baton will handle closer.

Im not trying to be a dick, I say this as someone studied in the art, it sound like bluster. If you were to say that to someone who doesn't know what you mean, they will take it as typical dicksword bullshit. Saying "making it as close to the real thing within constraints of the game" sounds better, and even admirable. Just my two sheckles.

>i like klappvisors alot. I was thinking of buying one for when i get into SCA, have you any experience with armsteet? their helms look pretty nice.

#1, start with a bargrill. Just trust me. It might not seem like it, but unless you already spend copious amounts of time in a full medieval helm, it'll take some conditioning. The glorious thing about the klapvisor is that you can have exchange visors though, and can switch when you're ready.

As for armstreet, I have heard mostly good, but when its bad, its bad. He makes quality, pretty goods at a decent price, bends over backwards for his clients and will fix anything that needs to be done. That said, production time is long, shipping is costly, and not all of his staff understand SCA requirements/speak english/check measurements.

He has been coming to the states for pennsic though, and buying/commissioning in person will alleviate the margin of error.

>> No.7916216

no your right about that though, atleast it will be fun.

thats what ive heard of armstreet aswell. that they do good metalwork, but their leather is shit. i like the etching they do with their faceplates, i havent seen it in many custom makers and the price point is nice. i might order from them yet.

and on the grill thing, i plan on getting a klap face, and then also commissioning one of those siq as fuck waterjet saw cut out fancy as fuck grills. bbuuuutt i know it wont be cheap.

>> No.7916219

the helmets didnt actually have scales on them, they were painted too. fuckwit

>> No.7916237

Obviously they were painted on but I could have used thin brass scales for ascetics. Manning imperial even makes a helm with scales on it. It's not likely they put scales on their helmets at all since they are facing the wrong way anyways. I was going to have the same scales on the helm that I had on the thorax but I scratched that idea.

>> No.7916263
File: 262 KB, 500x752, templardbomb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i manipulated a sharpened replica of a viking era sword (the one they made in the documentary about the Ulfberth) and you know what struck me the most?

How much the edge seemed fragile.

No....not fragile but...i dont know how to say this.

it seemed like hiting someone armor with it would be the worse idea of all.

It felt incredibly ligth and easy to use.
but it was clearly made for thrusting and cuting.
and never bashing like a larp sword would

>> No.7916268

Spend some time in loaner harness, get a simple Bascinet to start, and don't over spend before you're really settled.

You can find decent starter Bascinets from American armourers for under $150.


Yes, it has a grill, but it a 12g helm, with pedigree and isn't a spun-dome. If you take care of it, you can sell it or pass it on to the next newbie.

>> No.7916272

This is going to be an odd question but do you know someone by the name critter bear? He makes his own stuff and takes pictures of it in front of a bush just like that one ... only ... he makes some amazing axes and such, not sure ive seen him make anything like that.

>> No.7916275

also, not sure why everyone is knockin on his sword. I know this is a larp thread but that's obvious a sword made for dag and a pretty good one at that.

just sayin.

>> No.7916276

alrigth i get why you use the grill but... cant they atleast find a way to be more decorative?

its so ugly it hurt

>> No.7916297
File: 346 KB, 453x600, sutton-hu-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is totally okay

>> No.7916311
File: 84 KB, 576x432, AUgrillworks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Dag is objectively shit.

Yes, but you need to think of new people cost to function. You're also comparing helms with at least 700 years between them. Bascinets had a faceplate, or nothing, and that doesn't leave much to hide the grill.

Its a necessary evil.

>> No.7916320
File: 86 KB, 432x493, jollyknighthelm_379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW, that helm you posted has over $500 of brass alone, from raymond's quiet press. Not counting the actual helm, or the maille drape.

Sometimes you just gotta deal with it.

>> No.7916654

well... Those rules are bullshit and in a few hours when I have more times I will write down why are they bullshit.
Also it's just my opinion but I wouldn't spent 100 usd on something like that

>> No.7916742

alright let's see
>-have a non-abrasive cloth covering(no latex or plastadipp)
For what reason? that's very little o do with safety. Especially if you maintain your weapon.

>-weigh atleast 12oz(if less than 48")
While there is no big problem with this rule it gives an inside of the mentality. Plus it will mean everyone will want to make their weapon as close to this as possible. Which will make full speed, no control weapons

>-weigh atleast 48oz(if more than 48")
so let me get this straight. You guys want anything under 120cm at weight least 340 grams but if it's god forbid longer than that it's automatically must weight at least 1,3 kg? Because that's realistic weight for a real weapon and with realistic weight you can cause realistic injuries. Now I understand why calimacil weapons are not good for you guys. Their 120 cm swords are around half a kg.
I'm not saying that you should use ultralight stuff but these numbers are like someone pulled them out of their ass. (or the one who made the rules had weapons with these statistics)

>-the tips of a stab safe weapon may not pass more than .5 of an inch through a 2.5 inch hole
let's disregard the poor wording of this rule. My main issue: what is the need? If you have a weapon that you can control this shouldn't be an issue at all. And not even if you can't really control it. That's why they made out of soft padding and don't have rigid core in the tip

>-all other points(including guards, pommels etc etc) not intended for stabbing may not pass .5 inches through a 2 inch hole.
I know that any proper anal dildo should have a shit protector but still this rule again, doesn't make any sense safety wise in the real world. It's like it would prevent 1 injury in 5 years or something and make more problems along the way. Plus the stuff I wrote about the tips applies too.


>> No.7916750

>-you cannot have metal anywhere in the weapon(the exception being arrow shafts)
Alright it seems like this one has no proble...
... I don't even.
I fear to ask: why? Why would you allow metal parts in something that most larping communities consider the biggest problem safety wise?

>-if the core is wood, it must be covered in atleast 3 layers of ductape
apart from being something that noone will ever check or could check without damaging the weapon, why 3 layers? I layer of powertape perfectly do the job. The other two is just there to give the weapon more weight.

>-it must have a marking indicating the type of damage it does(blue for under 48" green for stabby. and red for two handed)
while it's not safety related it still has the problem of every weapon marking system: you won't know what kind of damage it deals if you don't see it. Like someone hitting you from the back, or there are low visibility conditions, or five people hitting you with different stuffs, etc.
Plus this rule guarantees that noone will ever have a good looking sword as they must always have these marks in their wonderful colors

>-no weapons may inherently bruise, or break bone if swung at full force.
And this rule is the one that ban every weapon that has 1,3 kg weight. Or in other wording: every weapon that's longer than 120 cm in this system. Plus again, that's something you can't reliably check.

>> No.7916790

1.) because they dont like slappy stingy latex because their all bitches

2.) people make light as possible weapons yes, which i hate. but youd be surprised, they have AMAZING control. i agree with you i dont like it a whole lot, i think its too light

3.) anything over 48" is considered a "red" weapon, which can break shield and hit through armor if used two handed. it makes everyone have a bit of weight. the exception is the spear since their stab only. and ive been activly attempting to change this rule. weve been trying to get metal gauntlets allowed in the game for like. 2 years now, and people are still to scared their hands will explode if they touch them

4.) because it "could get caught in someones eye" or some shit

5.) i agree but people are pansys

6.) because you can then have alumninum arrow shafts.

7.)idk? im assuming incase it splinters and snaps it wont stab people

8.) they can be small marks. but you can pretty much always know when hit buy a certain weapon.

9.)i agree, it just makes our swords have more padding than needed.

>> No.7916799

you missed the main problem in 3.) and the other problems with the rest.
Plus I might add that these rules don't say that your sword should look like a brick either.

also we are in autosage

>> No.7916988

>Weapons MUST:
What are the rules for armor?

Looks to me like all the problems in this ruleset stem from the fact that they cater to people who want to play in clothing.
But I'm not involved in this game, so that's why I ask.

>> No.7917011
File: 464 KB, 2592x1456, 2014-11-01-902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> cater to people who want to play in clothing.
Actually, preparing for a no-armor scenario is kind of a must-do in an actual larp, because fighting is not restricted to field battles and protective gear wouldn't be in-character for a large portion of the players (peasants, merchants, hell, even conscripted footmen), and restricting fighting to involve only those with proper protection lead to some real lame rules.

in other news: my new falchion is nearing completion, I only have to latex and paint it up.

>> No.7917160

in this thread:
people that have no idea what dagorhir is.

I know it sounds weird but it is seriously fun to beat the shit out of each other, something you can't do with larps.

>> No.7917187
File: 99 KB, 720x480, bw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played Dag.

I have people in my SCA group, WMA class and larp who have played, or still play.

Not all larps use the same rules. Some use less contact than Dag, some use more. Watch your broad brush.

Talk to me about "beating the shit out of each other" when the head is a legal target. Until then, you sound like 90% of the Dagfag alphanerd blowhards. Your game is fine, but its not as badass as you're trying to make it sound.

Your truly, full contact latex larper/ western martial artist/armoured combatant.

>> No.7917197


the thread on /tg/ who will probably last less longer than this one even if this one is in autosage

>> No.7917345

Oh sweet Jesus fuck, Gropes, who designed those arms to the right of yours and who the hell actually approved them?

Don't know about the larps you frequent, but when I go home I'm usually semi-covered in bruises.

>> No.7917421
File: 107 KB, 564x586, Blason Raymond de Montmagny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a blason ''À enquierir'' wich mean you have to know why in this special case there is a cross on the top.

It is because the Land i own is a Templar land, wich mean the croix de geule must be present on Argent
For a fantasy setting it seems to me that it is a nice Blason

>> No.7917624

Frenchy got it, Its actually to sets of arms. The bottom is in petit a enquierir, and is the arms of my consort. We both just happen to use green and white.

>> No.7917722

Oh, whoops. misread. Kinda drunk.

You talking the red/white/yellow/black or the white/blue with yellow lion?

>> No.7918308

gropey though i agree with you about dag not being some bad ass sport. neither is SCA.

you arent hitting eachother as hard as possible

you can hit the head true, but you cant hit the legs and many other parts of the body unless it is used to block

you cant attack people from the back

you cant attack an opponent youve disarmed

and you cant grapple

each has its pros and cons, but just because you may strike the head does not make it any cooler or more bad ass than dag. with that said, i also completley agree dag isnt as hardcore as many promote it to be. id much rather have an SCA system that allows shots of full force to all targets, aswell as grappling.

>> No.7918476
File: 49 KB, 506x720, 0435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you arent hitting eachother as hard as possible

You don't NEED to use all your strength to cause pain and acknowledgement with a baton. Its like a real weapon: The weapon does most of the work with mass, body mechanics and technique, rather than having to swing for the bleachers every time. I'd be happy to post pics of my bruises from this weekend.

>you can hit the head true, but you cant hit the legs and many other parts of the body unless it is used to block

Everything above the knees and wrist is legal kiddo. This includes throat, groin, armpit et al. Read the rules.

>you cant attack people from the back

Says who? In melees, its their own damn fault if you get behind their line and deserve the beating.

>and you cant grapple
Depends on the tournament. Pic related.

Besides, who says I am talking about SCA exclusively?

I am a BotN/ACL combatant when I feel the need to fuck people up.

Now, why don't we try this again later, with you reading up on what you're talking about.

>> No.7918725

ACL looks a bit odd, seems like its just armoured wwe with actual weapon hits not doing anything, and wrestling skills being more important. Imo sca is more technical, but i only do sca so am most likely massively biased, would like to hear the opinions of someone who has done both. Also i have one of those munitions bascinets and its fucking awesome

>> No.7918781
File: 184 KB, 600x366, 09battle-pic-articleLarge-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual weapon hits not doing anything
Well, yes and no. They are doing most of what real weapons do against real armour: Hurt, fracture/break bones and concuss the target. There is a reason picks and thrusting are not allowed, because they are the easiest way to kill people in harness.

The most effective weapons to physically hurt or disable your enemy through proper armour are mass weapons: maces, axes, cleavers and polearms.

>would like to hear the opinions of someone who has done both.

There is a reason we as American and SCA fighters are changing the face of the ACL:

1) We had a different concept of armour. We design our harness for durability, and repeated use rather than cheap and disposable. Yes, we spend much more on our kits, but in the long run it pays off. Spending $800 USD on a helm that will last for years is better than paying $170 every season for a new helm. This also lead us to having suits that are fined tuned and fitted better, because we have more time in the same kit to fix the bugs. The fact that we're also prettier on the field helped too.

2) We introduced more of the technical aspects of combat. Before team USA stepped in, the prefered weapon was the cleaver and punching shield, with a focus on tackling your opponent to the ground. We came in with maces and axes and started throwing flatsnaps and off side moulinettes. Other teams realized we were browning folks out regularly, and are now working to copy it.

Not even to mention how we dominated sword and board/longsword 1 vs. 1.

I realize this might sound rather self aggrandizing with a "AMERICA/SCA FUCK YEAH!" tone, but we really did turn heads. We came in from a country with no medieval history and no unified WMA community, and have placed every year since.

>> No.7918795

So the goal is to concuss people so they fall over? thats pretty fucking hard-core.
Also I have a theory about America being good at shit, being directly related to having such a huge population, means that lets say there is 1 in 80 million people who are top tier fighters. Germany, and britain will have 1 statistically, while the states will have 3 giving them a big advantage.

>> No.7918799

Well, submission. Make it hurt enough so they quit, knock them out or break them.

Its either that, or knock them on their back, or three points to the ground.

>> No.7919382

Sorry for not being clear enough, I meant the one with the cross argent. It looks really off and I think also violates a few of the rules.

>> No.7919409

there were more than a few stuff back then that violated the heraldic rules. Most of the time it was kind of an attention whoring of "ASK ME ABOUT IT!"

>> No.7919487

Thing is, those are only a few examples in a sea of thousands of normal CoAs - and most of them had only one violation at worst (add to that different heraldic traditions like azure being a metal in Italy).

>> No.7921023
File: 46 KB, 297x558, umhang-aus-wolle-lc-6007-5-196_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a cape like this one (mine is prettier) but when I'm running, it sometimes slides down and starts kind of chocking me.
Does anyone have a good way to attach capes like this instead of around the neck?
I can't do the cross over the chest thing since my boobs would stick out too much.

>> No.7921031
File: 380 KB, 786x652, fibula_brooch_by_darkhestur-d5zl56t[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you are looking for is a fibula

>> No.7921056

thanks for your reply but won't that choke just as much when the cape gets pulled backwards? It only seems like a different way to close the cape instead of using a knot.

>> No.7921058

Not if you use the fibula to fix it to the rest of your garb.

>> No.7921064

You can also use the fibula to close it over your shoulder, that should do the trick too.

>> No.7921065

that Or you fix the two parts of the cloak together a little lower

>> No.7921093

oh right, that could do it, I expecially like the shoulder option...but are there any other ways too? I'm not too fond of fibula's because my friend has one and says it opens up and stabs him at moments.
Oh and there's this fun thing to do for when the cape is just a bit too warm, I put the side flaps over the back flap to create a smaller cape. It's handy but it does pull the cape back even more and I don't think I can use a fibula for that?

>> No.7921102
File: 22 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.612127718_2yzv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my friend has one and says it opens up and stabs him at moments.
well, I don't know how can be done if you use it properly. And you have a non shitty one

>> No.7922221

1.) true you do, and im not saying you dont get bruises, but you are shunned for hitting hard. ive had friends kicked out because they hit to hard.
2.) ive read the rules, and maybe misread. but you may not hit the wrists, feet, and lower legs(below the knee) nor hit hands on purpose.
3.)"or that takes an unfair advantage of an opponent is ,is prohibited"

4.) gropey, thats not grappling, you may disengage at any point in time, grappling is when you retain a point of someones body as such they cannot escape. furthermore, i was not talking about melees, and in melees there still is no grappling, you man manipulate the body.

now why dont you try this again later, when youve read up on it.

furthermore, im not saying SCA isnt a heavy contact sport, im simply saying you do not retain exclusive bragging right as to how "tough" or untough you or a person is via the game they play.

>> No.7922224

also, on the who ACL thing, i think you guys ought to focus more on grappling skills, if you want advice on that topic, as i said im pretty proficient in it.

>> No.7922237


While a fibula might help, The problem is because the cloak isn't fitted well enough, It's a common problem with shop bought ones.

>> No.7922531

> shunned for hitting hard
Thats a local culture thing. Where I am from, excessive doesn't exist, but you still don't need to over exert yourself to cause pain.

2) and 3) are tournament rules. I can smack your hands all day every day if I wanted to, but it doesn't count as a target due to safety issues. We don;'t strike bellow the knee, as the shin is legitimately one of the easiest things to break with a stick.

>gropey, thats not grappling
The armbar I put him in after certainly is.

>now why dont you try this again later, when youve read up on it.
I dunno, you still seem pretty clueless...

>you do not retain exclusive bragging right as to how "tough" or untough you or a person is via the game they play.

...Says the man bragging about "beating the shit out of eachother" and "hitting as hard as you can" while you hold the pommel of a foot long handle, and rest your chin on your shield as your head is invulnerable.

Dude, just admit the fact that you're just contributing to Dag's image problem by trying to make it sound tougher than the foam tag it is. Most larps groups I know of have higher contact.

Except you DON'T want to grapple, because if you go down with the opponent, and they get on top, you're out. Injuring/forcing submission/knocking down your foe is the goal, not getting into a wrestling match.

>as i said im pretty proficient in it.
Again bro, way out of your league and you have no idea how the rules work. If you don't understand it, don't make such statements.

Don't forget the material. Too much stretch to the fabric can render the brooch unable to create tension.