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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 112 KB, 391x750, handmade nun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7917144 No.7917144 [Reply] [Original]

New ita thread.


>> No.7917147
File: 110 KB, 360x750, tumblr_n3wr4wbPj11qjywx3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7917148
File: 59 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n2z20jukCS1t2qfhzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7917149

AH yes, the nun look. just what everyone strives for....

>> No.7917150

This isn't too ita., she does look like that cardigan really doesn't fit her right though and messy hair but i've seen the dress worn in far nicer coords but it could have gone a whole lot worse.

>> No.7917158

Does anyone know where I can buy this bag?

>> No.7917159


She handmade that dress anon. Its terrible quality, nothing is fitted like it should be and she's not even wearing enough petticoats to properly fill out the skirt. The rest of her appearance is just the cherry on top.

>> No.7917161


I actually really like this recent religious trend (not so much the weird headdresses made with shishkabob sticks but the nun dresses, veils and cross motifs) because its a really nice throwback to oldschool gothic with modern touches to improve the look.

>> No.7917163
File: 446 KB, 1280x1890, tumblr_n2k6aniEgB1s575q9o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7917168
File: 44 KB, 333x475, tumblr_n2sw1iujOC1rs4delo4_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7917171

Is that a Lolita Bomber Jacker?

>> No.7917174
File: 228 KB, 700x1200, l479-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a Bodyline dress, hardly handmade. Regardless, it's not terribly ita, just mediocre. This just screams vendetta to me.

>> No.7917186

Not the one who posted her but really? She looks like shit. Definitely ita. Just because the dress might be salvageable if you change out literally everything else (including the woman wearing it) doesn't make the whole thing doesn't suck.

>> No.7917189


Sorry, I actually thought you were talking about the OP pic. Its still a shit outfit though.

>> No.7917194
File: 49 KB, 400x534, 1396286916637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7917195

It may look like shit, but it's just a shitty outfit. Most of /cgl/ seems to not understand that ita = eye bleeding levels of awful. That's just moderally bad, it's not peacockfeather in a lacemonster.

>> No.7917208
File: 37 KB, 337x342, 1359759382175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i follow this girl on tumblr and she's been appearing on every ita thread as of lately.
I mean besides the questionable originality of her Chanel bag and the wig, I don't really see how this is ita. I do know the dress is handmade because she posted it in her caption, though.

>> No.7917211

Aliexpress has it, as do a number of stores on ebay

>> No.7917228

this, i really want a clock bag..

>> No.7917235

Is this mikki?

>> No.7917249
File: 1.45 MB, 320x240, 1358845429077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw OP has more notes than you on tumblr

>> No.7917272


This. I'm so tired of Tumblrs shit taste in coords.

>> No.7917274

fuck. this thing. i can't even. what is this thing?

>> No.7917279

Ughhh, a girl in my comm did a "nun" coord recently. I was pretty mad, as she'd basically told me my Catholic family were all idiots for believing in "that nonsense" and a lot of other shit besides. Just one of those really obnoxious atheists. I mean, I'm not offended by people wearing nun lolita, but if you are gonna disrespect Catholicism and act like a 5edgy Reddit atheist you've got some nerve wearing nun-inspired outfits.

>> No.7917299

This. And those turd-tastic madonna headdresses.

>> No.7917304
File: 61 KB, 400x400, tumblr_n7pitmeQoc1qbr17xo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7917307

I'm not sure if she was going for Lolita, Decora maybe, but there is nothing Lolita about this

>> No.7917309 [DELETED] 


>> No.7917336 [DELETED] 


>> No.7917344
File: 105 KB, 426x640, tumblr_nej4ydPTsZ1qc0h42o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7917349
File: 188 KB, 426x640, tumblr_nej4dpQDOj1qc0h42o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7917353
File: 903 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_nein5mXt0s1rzph4do4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7917355

+1 for jesus

>> No.7917356
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x1920, tumblr_nein5mXt0s1rzph4do8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7917361
File: 161 KB, 500x750, tumblr_ne8v79thss1sfnbleo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7917365


When will this goddamn peignoir trend stop

>> No.7917370 [DELETED] 

Not ita, just basic. Not everyone likes to look like a carnival clown.

>> No.7917373

Holy shit, someone actually thinks this is wa? I will take bodyline kimono garbage over this.

>> No.7917376

These are nitpick.

>> No.7917377

It's ita. No head piece OR petti. Also that Blosser needs to be tucked in

>> No.7917378

Not ita, just basic. Not everyone likes to look like a carnival clown. Or a hired princess at a kids party.

>> No.7917379

this isn't ita, she looks like a beginner. All she needs to do is get a petti and tuck in the blouse, maybe style the hair a bit more

>> No.7917380

Sorry deleted to add another link. But I assumed whatever she's holding her hair back with did match. Tucking in your blouse seems more like a personal prefrence. It fits with the casual theme etc.

>> No.7917383

it only looks good when its about the same length as the bottom of the skirt/dress

>> No.7917405
File: 443 KB, 480x360, hello.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there! girl in question here.I never reply when someone post me here, but some friends told me that I was in every thread last month so. As you can see the name file is from my facebook actually and it's a pic from last may so, someone is having a reckoning on me. I know that my coords are quite odd and many will be not like them but it's ok, I like to have fun with lolita.
Thank you anon for follow me in tumblr! that is so cute and yes, there is a group of girls in my comm that are super sandy and post me in every thread (sometimes I deserve it, sometimes I don't). oh! and that its no wig, it's my hair, and the bag it's real actually. I hope everyone have a great day!

>> No.7917419

That one in the green is fill blown ita

>> No.7917429

>forgot to specify girl on the left

>> No.7917436
File: 52 KB, 640x323, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7917440

Bunny ear cape, I kinda like it (without the glasses in the hood) its like a Mori-esque thing but in a lolita coord I think it needs work.

>> No.7917441

well, thank you for the compliment,
i'm the one on the left and, I'm totally not wearing any lolita, sorry if you didn't like it, I was just hanging and having fun with friends!

>> No.7917443
File: 1.25 MB, 320x180, turndown4wut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7917447

I want to cry

>> No.7917454

Nah, your coord is quirky but it's cool. And you're cute so you really shouldn't bother.

>> No.7917461
File: 277 KB, 406x604, tumblr_nejaax9IQ71tyaxi6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7917462

I see a lot of things on here that make me think, 'cute idea, terrible god awful execution.' This is one of the few times where the opposite is true.

>> No.7917465

It's a steampunk piece of shit, did you miss the cog on her pocket? There's nothing remotely mori about this abomination.

>> No.7917481

It's not even a bunny ear cape...those aren't ears.

>> No.7917495

Thank you, that's exactly how I feel about it. What a terrible idea, but oddly cute execution. Why would they make that? But at least it came out pretty cute.

>> No.7917507

The print is so adorable but the dress is shit unfortunately.

>> No.7917512

Those fucking shoes...

>> No.7917588
File: 288 KB, 1024x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://darlingarmy.deviantart.com/ this is a goldmine

>> No.7917597
File: 287 KB, 488x686, Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 5.37.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7917601

it hurts

>> No.7917605

i think she could work on her hair and add a headpiece, but it's otherwise fine

>> No.7917613

Nearly this enitre thread screams nitpick or vendetta. These coords aren't perfect but they're far from ita, jeez.

>> No.7917615

>no critic
>please like
Someone is full of herself.

>> No.7917618

I love this

>> No.7917619

i...i kind of want it.

>> No.7917623

Bat-lita, into the Burando-cave

>> No.7917625


>> No.7917626


Okay my bad I wasn't wearing my glasses chill. A bunny cape would be cute though.

>> No.7917629

Yeah, I guess people are really reaching now that we're fresh out of Halloween ita. Shame, last few threads were pretty okay.

>> No.7917630

And now with my glasses I see you guys weren't freaking out. Cool. Thanks for pointing that out to my blinded self

>> No.7917634

She has improved a bit at least.

>> No.7917636

bad christmas co-ords are next, though. reds and green clashing and looking tacky as hell.
i can hardly wait, though from what i have seen there aren't as many ita christmas co-ords as halloween ones

>> No.7917643

shit i was just about to post this
is this the same moitie girl because they type the same but her face looks a bit different

>> No.7917650
File: 94 KB, 960x720, 1508502_10201853373407846_1796556642_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7917654

Even when Christmas coords are fugly they're entertaining though. The lolita silhouette is the closest thing you'll get to a human Christmas tree. And oh god, the tinsel possibilities.

>> No.7917657

Dem gloves. My eyes.

>> No.7917658 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 765x1024, 1388544424375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITA thread?

oldie but voldie

>> No.7917665

I like to believe she's this huge troll with so much money to spare that she only buys all dat motie just to rustle cgl's jimmies.
I used to imagine that about peacockfeather too, but she's more real each time she posts so I can't anymore.

>> No.7917669

fuck off, nobody gives a shit about your hateboner for voldie.

>> No.7917670

Also I think the nitpick thread is gone

>> No.7917676

That didn't take long.

>> No.7917681

You make me retch. I'm not a fan of Voldie, but do you really have nothing better to do?

>> No.7917688

What did Voldie do? She's always mentioned in CGL threads and I have no idea. Fill me in.

>> No.7917691

It's all the same brand! IT MUST GO TOGETHER!!!!

Also in the COF one the top right looks like she is even surprised she is taking her picture.

>> No.7917700

she needs a bra anon, she needs many bras. she needs a constant flood of bras until she remembers to wear a fitting one (or one at all) when she goes out or has a photo done

>> No.7917704

I'm hoping for American thanksgiving coords, please let a girl dress up like a turkey and ask to be praised for her 'art'!

>> No.7917711
File: 98 KB, 720x960, 10355718_879317658747194_4777923586200401095_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7917712


She's taking concrit like a champ though.

I seriously hope at some point she realises her hair is gross as fuck and dyes it back to a normal color.

>> No.7917750

she uses a trip, that's literally the extent of what she's done. for some reason sieg seems to hate her

>> No.7917755
File: 253 KB, 720x958, a3aa6638-3753-490f-8877-3b15b8848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah LFM

>> No.7917763

the girl who posted this little like she might be an autist.

>> No.7917764

*looks like

>> No.7917767

I would suggest fire. Works well with every Ita monstrosity.

>> No.7917773

she'll look like even more of an autist when she puts the dress on

>> No.7917899

Shes not even wearing lolita, fuck off and bring the actual ita shit

>> No.7917910

I was wanting to do a somewhat Thanksgiving coord... But country styled with fall leaves instead of flowers and cutlery themes.

>> No.7917917
File: 72 KB, 500x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7917919

Oh lol some girl in my com wanted this skirt. What is it with noobs and random off brand shit? By the time you spent $40 at hour topic and all the time driving to the mall and potentially altering it, you could have boughta real lolita skirt for the same price from the comfort of your home. ..
> lol itas

>> No.7917922
File: 179 KB, 949x331, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to share this jem before I leave for work

>> No.7917923

But sieg is literally the biggest shit posting tripfag around

>> No.7917940

Everything about this makes me upset.

>> No.7917942

Ughhhhh this is actually hurting me

>> No.7917943

This is nasty, but I want a gotham print. Not some nasty thing like this, but, like, a city silhouette with charaters super small so you can only really tell if you look closely. And it would all be in purples/blues or something not tacky.

>> No.7917967

I've seen this posted before. I like it, it makes me think of "princess" from powerpuff girls.

in fact, this originally being posted made me follow her blog.

its nitpick anon

>> No.7918049

Nitpick, This is One of her more boring coords and I'm not a fan of the fit. She's marvelous in sweet though. And an absolute sweetheart!

>> No.7918052

Nitpick. Made extra bad by hildekittens shitty photography.

>> No.7918110
File: 546 KB, 546x773, Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 10.06.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7918132
File: 75 KB, 900x600, ita kelly jean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping old Kelly Jean pics.

>> No.7918138
File: 56 KB, 900x600, ita kelly jean2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7918139

Idk the "QUEEN BITCH" sash is really questionable to me.

>> No.7918142
File: 42 KB, 536x800, ita kelly jean3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7918144

What? Why are her head and legs so small compared to the rest of her?

>> No.7918147

tfw you realize she was never attractive, she just showed a lot of skin

that one cosplay where she was showing half-vag and half ass

>> No.7918150
File: 36 KB, 536x800, ita kelly jean4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And done.

>> No.7918152

Dem hairbows. I want them because Christmas.

>> No.7918157

What a beautiful face. She should dress that face better.

>> No.7918182
File: 94 KB, 768x768, 1359761201777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I see then it's people who are added on your fb the ones who are doing this shit. Idk man some of your coords ain't bad to be posted in an ita thread, just kept wondering why you appeared on every single thread as of lately.

>Thank you anon for follow me in tumblr!
We're mutuals actually so ty too!

>> No.7918188
File: 246 KB, 960x1440, 1384037936545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same chick

saved because it was fapable

>> No.7918197

Yup, a shitty pot calling a decent kettle black

>> No.7918217

tim hortons lolita

>> No.7918220

She's beautiful. If she let me I'd lick her whole body.

N-no lesbian

>> No.7918231

holy shit

>> No.7918233
File: 120 KB, 750x1000, eglplusugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7918240
File: 58 KB, 400x531, spoony bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad taste in ex-tripfags

spoony is the most attractive imho followed closely by derpqueen

>> No.7918316
File: 77 KB, 720x960, 10392348_10152496002487183_3493335244867986526_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ok now, thats a replica <3

>> No.7918331
File: 78 KB, 1024x768, 1403485_10203928647488401_6619848415481911267_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why hasn't pic related improved AT ALL? She posted this exact same outfit years ago. Same derpy makeup and vomit-inducing bang grease and all. Although I do appreciate how she single-handedly proves you don't have to wear offbrand to be an ita... you just have to be an ita.

>> No.7918354

>Holy lucky pack Mr.Yan!

>> No.7918358

Maybe it's me, but that looks like the corner from that hitler-lolita photoshoot

>> No.7918396

TBH I never understand why her outfits don't work. It should, it is all brand and its all the same black and gold colors. But something always turns out very, VERY wrong. I don't know what it is... Even if you blur out her face and hair... I think that the problem is her boobs are too low down her chest? Someone help me.

>> No.7918404
File: 73 KB, 454x454, 1413842801416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this same skirt with the intention to do something more otome. Literally anything other than this shit, actually.

>> No.7918409

None of this is lolita items though. Even the coat is the wrong shape. Is this really supposed to be lolita or just some normalfag showing off their ugly outfit?

>> No.7918457

The fit is really off. Moitie is not flattering on huge boobs.

>> No.7918482

Nitpick, the underskirt and white blouse don't match, but other than that it's not bad, if a bit cookie-cutter Halloween-y.

>> No.7918487


Leaving aside her personal grooming, I think it's the end result of everything being wrong -- the setting being ew, the lighting making everything look worse, the horrible photography angles that does her no favours, her terrible posture in most of them, her apparent sloppiness towards it all, everything.

For instance, in >>7918331 in the photo on the left she's standing upright and the photo is taken straight on. She seems to fit pretty well into the jsk. However on the photo on right she doesn't seem to be sitting straight, and the photo is taken from a top-down angle. Now the jsk seems to be straining to contain her boobs, which in turn seem to be on quest to meet her knees. How much of that view is caused by her bad posture/angle, and how much is caused by the clothes not fitting her is unsure. I *think* the clothes actually fits her and she probably looks better in real life (or she would, except that she's still badly groomed and sloppy-looking)

>> No.7918491
File: 117 KB, 700x720, 983813_10204446918429703_6226440191284591148_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not super ita but holy fuck that shnoz

>> No.7918511

>yellow lace
>yellow satin ribbon
>yellow walls
That has got the be THE worst, most unflattering color for her skin color/hair ever

>> No.7918513

its gold lace

>> No.7918515

I think she's really cute.

>> No.7918518

>imma post something not really ita in the ita thread just because i want to emotionally destroy a girl who's already glaringly unconfident about their nose

>> No.7918521

wow someone fund this girl a nose job

>> No.7918524

Isn't that a brolita?

>> No.7918537

Agreed! I felt some kinda way looking at this.

I thought it was just boobs, then i saw...

>> No.7918541

It's just the one photo. Bad bad angle for her. Looks cute on the left.

>> No.7918546 [DELETED] 

lol you're so new it hurts
feel free to cruise the archive for "voldie + rape".

>> No.7918549
File: 268 KB, 314x371, 1380243759390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting Tumblr fame
80% of the fashion community on Tumblr has shit taste and are full time special snowflakes. If your coord has a good amount of notes (unless it's god-tier) it's probably shit. Be grateful.

>> No.7918576
File: 111 KB, 960x720, 10425350_882252238485914_5171360475315400508_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just gonna leave this here

>> No.7918584

i feel if we played ita bingo on this picture we'd pretty much get the all the bingos

>> No.7918593

Is left girls dress really short, or is she just too fat/ straps are too short? It's shorter than misty sky

>> No.7918594

hitler loli shoot?
oh god, i gotta see this, plz share

>> No.7918622

We can't even see anyone's outfits dipshit

>> No.7918683

Everyone looks horrible and ugly anyways. Especially blue hair witch chin and black monkey girl

>> No.7918707

>black monkey girl
well I can tell you're a winner

>> No.7918731

me too

>> No.7918732
File: 70 KB, 500x960, 10377088_992175914142211_778692027440639710_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7918764
File: 133 KB, 639x731, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7918767

I feel like if she even just tucked in her shirt she would look 10 times better

>> No.7918769

ah yes. The subtle ita vibes. ..

>> No.7918774

I swear to god I hate you so much, did /fa/ finally bully you off their board because of what an annoying fuck you are? she isn't even ita there, I am not a huge fan of voldie but that's a cute mootykins cosplay so who gives a fuck?

>> No.7918778
File: 700 KB, 493x720, tumblr_nejqx9np221qfu716o3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7918779
File: 185 KB, 600x399, tumblr_nejq5qr9tj1tfwgozo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7918780

That's not actually all she did. She had a shit attitude a lot to people trying to help her legitimately. She's also just had an off attitude in general. These were times before she was randomly hated as well.

She also has a 'haters gonna hate' attitude that makes some anons skin crawl, especially when they were trying to legit help her out with critiques.

>> No.7918782

>Is this really supposed to be lolita

If I had a fucking nickle for every time someone claims/asks that...

>> No.7918783

Picture caption:
>Finally have a co-ord up for my skirt<3
>This is my outfit for school tomorrow; really nervous because this is the first time I will be wearing a truly Lolita outfit to school….

>> No.7918787

>friends of hildekitten
There is no hope for them.

>> No.7918790

There's a difference between looking toned-down and casual and looking downright sloppy. I actually prefer simpler coords since I wear lolita almost daily and I'd still cringe at seeing these IRL.

>> No.7918800

Lol even the mentors have noped the fuck out I that one, isn't she the one that wanted a coord with a $50 budget?

>> No.7918808

Someone buy this poor suffering family an iron.

>> No.7918810

"Kelly Jean" may be the most white trash name I've ever heard so I'm not surprised.

>> No.7918817
File: 71 KB, 1280x1024, 1391736074033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7918818

There's this picture out there of her in a black Moitié (of course) cutsew where her boobs are at her bellybutton and fill up pretty much the entire front of the top. Girlfriend has enormous titties and doesn't seem to be able to into bras. I wouldn't be surprised if the outfit would still look of with her standing upright.

>can't find the image I was looking for so have this instead

>> No.7918821

kill it before it lays eggs

>> No.7918825
File: 189 KB, 1024x1365, cosplay_mana_sama_glb_moi_meme_moitie_by_eglmoitie-d6rv1i1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgets picture

>> No.7918828

Someone help her find a good bra, god

>> No.7918837


>> No.7918857


I dont know why but the way she has her bare hip sticking out like that really grosses me out.

>mfw I roll that way
>mfw I find this disgusting

>> No.7918863


Ouch. I take back what I said then. Seems like she's as much of a mess when it comes to undergarments as she is with lolita (aside from the weird bulge near her waist, she's not using a petticoat and the skirt really needs it)

>> No.7918864

Can a picture be ita if the person wearing the outfit just has very poor proportions for it? Like too fat, breasts too big, too tall, etc? Or is it more of a requirement of the coord to look bad on its own?

>> No.7918865
File: 53 KB, 1024x635, 6_zps625010a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Me too anon! Perhaps it's strange how much I love the religious trend as an atheist, but I can't help it. Crosses, nun style, etc it's all so perfect.
In OP's picture it's just poorly executed. The girl is wearing something that just doesn't flatter her shape and the materials look cheap.
That combined with sloppy hair, little to no make-up, a bag that doesn't fit the theme, and the shiny shoes it's just not done well.
But if it was done right, it would have been freaking awesome.
I love that this is a returning trend, it's very oldschool and reminds me of early Moitie. And boy do I love early Moitie, I've been totally obsessed with them lately.
This makes me want to learn how to sew cause I really want to make some old school gothic stuff from those Gosu Rori books. They have many patterns that would fit the bill imo.

Pic related, freaking awesome old Meta nun dress.

>> No.7918866

I actually kinda like the unusual looks of some of her coords, but I do wish she'd smile a little even just once or twice but I know I'm just as bad in pictures I never smile

>> No.7918867

In my opinion, yes. If someone's skirt barely covers their ass and their boobs are trying to escape through the arm holes I don't care if Misako wore the exact same outfit, it's painful to look at.
I'm guessing that most people who disagree with this are people who have fit issues themselves and tell themselves that at long as the coord is good by itself they look great and shouldn't be criticized (we once had people on here defending the practice of leaving a dress unzipped as long as the gap was partially covered by a cardigan). For me, though, it's the entire package.

>> No.7918868

She's so cute, very beginner but she's got potential, at least her colours match

>> No.7918869


Uggghhh I hate it when people do that. I'm an athiest too but I would never say that, or even think that. bet she loves that obnoxious narcissist Dawkins.
I believe everyone should believe what they want to believe, no need to criticise them for having a different opinion.
Live and let live.

>> No.7918874


Not trying to stand up for the girl here, just wanted to point out that since the whole church and religion thing basically comes down to being nonsense for her, she probably views all religious clothing as random costumes. Pretty much like how you could get "sexy geisha costume" that looks nothing like the real thing and references nothing of the actual culture.

>> No.7918881
File: 56 KB, 456x377, tumblr_lm3d2s0Sw21qjgqsko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man I'm atheist as fuck but whenever someone mentions how much they love Dawkins I immediately scoot away from them. I've never met a Dawkins fan who wasn't an obnoxious twat.

That sounds really rude though. Not agreeing with the symbolism is one thing but completely disregarding the fact that other people DO place importance in those symbols is kind of shitty. I'm not Japanese and I don't really give a shit about geisha but I wouldn't go to Japan and prance around in a sexy geisha costume going "ching chong rove u rong time" because that's just rude as hell. Sure, wear the costume, look fabulous, but don't be such a douche about it.

>> No.7918882

Were these legit crits several months back or something? Every thread I've seen her post in lately results in some anon shitting on her without provocation. If she's stopped her previously annoying behavior I dunno why people won't just ignore her if she's not shitposting.

>> No.7918883


Also kind of want even if the ruffles aren't as detailed as I'd like. It seems more like a western nod to Japan's love affair with Batman, or reference to the Batman cartoons set in Japan rather than a truly wafuku inspired dress that happens to have a Batman theme. Definitely looks like a costume, but a cool costume.

>> No.7918892


This is actually one of the best coords I've ever seen her in. She's in my comm and a genuinely lovely person. But she somehow always looks creepy even though she has a nice wardrobe of burando

>> No.7918895
File: 61 KB, 500x500, tumblr_static_tumblr_mumda9cy1c1r5mmlxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7918904


Oh, hot damn.

The costume looks dangerous (for her) though. I would have sewn the front and back panels across her crotch to a pair of red high waisted panties or flesh colored bodystocking with some sort of vag shield built in... But it does look better with bare skin...

>> No.7918907


Everything in this post is on point

>> No.7918910


Ok, usa-chan, charity wristbands... Sad poof, maybe? Nitpick or just plain racist.

>> No.7918944

>That sounds really rude

I know. I agree it's pretty rude all around. I'm just explaining her (terribly shallow) thinking process to the anon who says someone that looks down on the church should not dress up as someone from the church.

The geisha costumes are the first thing to come to mind. Although most Halloween costumes of other cultures are equally offensive.

>> No.7918966

LOL this has to be a joke right anon? This is mega cute. Nitpick if anything.

>> No.7918969

Sieg, that's cosplay. If you're going to shitpost on another board, at least fucking learn the terms.

>> No.7918970

I mean, she's looked a lot worse.
This is kinda nice, although the gloves can go.

>> No.7918972
File: 89 KB, 468x650, punkisdead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how someone can reblog so many pictures of good lolitas and be such an absolute mess herself.

>> No.7918974

He looks cute. Nitpick maybe, but not ita.

Why do you even come to this board? All you do is shitpost and be a fucking nuisance.

>> No.7918975

Nah man this coord is bad, whether she's black or not.

>> No.7918982

By being a landwhale with a slab of meatloaf for breasts, also weird glasses, those probably bother me more than anything else.

>> No.7918987

Those are pretty normal glasses though, anon.

>> No.7918989

>tfw I met her IRL once and she was wearing a super cute coord with nice hair and all
>was also super sweet
>still sounds really lame on the internet, dang

>> No.7918992

aside from that awful, way too long anime-esq wig and a lack of jewelry this is pretty cute. i'd hardly say ita...

>> No.7918993

what dress is that, tho, if its not handmade. its pretty cute when you ignore how misaligned the skirt is with the top.

>> No.7918998


I think it's Haenuli.

>> No.7919001

Yep, it's Haenuli. I liked the design but the clashing colours aren't good and difficult to match. Haenuli always gets something wrong

>> No.7919010

>this is not good, but I see what she was trying to do and that's a tough dress to work with so-
>are those leggings and sneakers
>all my why

Listen itas I know that walking around a convention all day is hard on your feet especially in heels but suck it the fuck up. Beauty is pain.

>> No.7919019


>> No.7919118
File: 252 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nekklqPhdF1r5efcdo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone think this looks good.

>> No.7919139

Not even an excuse, there are enough cute flats that you can walk around in all day. Hell, bodyline even carries some.

>> No.7919148

She would make a good Kaylee from Firefly.

>> No.7919153

>ugh tadaima

>> No.7919169

This would look good on a skinny person

>> No.7919170

Does it only come in brown?

>> No.7919172

Why is she wearing curly twin tails on a long straight wig?

>> No.7919235
File: 161 KB, 900x732, 203969_900[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. I think the brown looks best, but the construction is a bit wonky, and the ribbons clash with the dress and lace, but it's fine otherwise imo.

>> No.7919239

Not with the skirt pulled up that high, it wouldn't.

>> No.7919240


I... I feel like this would be way less worse if it was for that hideous makeup and hair.

Still would be bad, but not as horrifying.

>> No.7919244

no it wouldn't. The socks and her shirt would look horrible even on Choke

>> No.7919246

>ill-fitting skirt without a petti
>bland ugly shirt
>ugly accessories that don't go with anything
>cheap plastic pastel wig
No, anon. No.

>> No.7919247

nah, I'm black and I think it looks like crap, but I do agree its more nitpicky.

>> No.7919249

because Mana came to her in a dream and told her to

>> No.7919267

Fat girl on the left... thank you very much for the compliment... as I already told before... I am not wearing lolita, I'm wearing a really short Babydoll dress from Axe de Femme... I was just hanging with my friends on a very hot day!
Sorry I don't mesure up to your perfect idea of how a body should be... hope you have a perfect body... cause pointing out that, I am not... and I am fat... is not helping me or anyone else that isn't perfect!

>> No.7919275


>> No.7919279
File: 25 KB, 250x250, 1397712355338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those fucking ellipses

>> No.7919283

>That's half of the CGL, mate
Awww, did she post you to the Ita thread anon? How depressing

>> No.7919284

I like the red, reminds me of red velvet cake. But I couldn't justify the price and after seeing the awful print matching job they did, I'm glad I didn't get it. I will admire the cute, chubby cats from afar.

>> No.7919285


Apropos of nothing, I remember the days of summer when trips would post their comm's private photos to the ita thread and then got their ass blasted out of /cgl/. They don't trip anymore. Delicious, delicious schadenfreude.

>> No.7919286

I read it as her being out of breath from being so fat

>> No.7919289


I don't need to be a good drawer to critique art. I don't need to be good at making films to critique films. So I don't need to have a great body to know that you're fat as fuck.

But have the right dimensions to fit into brand perfectly anyways. The perks of being a skinnyfat Asian includes fitting into Asian clothing. Who knew.

>> No.7919292

Like Cry Moar? That was great. I still get giddy when I think about it.

>> No.7919294

I wish Mana would come to me in a dream

>> No.7919342

I'm sorry, but that word always makes me roll my eyes in this context.

>> No.7919466

>dat shitty trailer paneling
Christ I've always hated houses like that

>> No.7919468


>> No.7919546


>> No.7919550

Hate the hat but this chick is cute! Who cares if her nose is a little big! Cute girl is cute.

>> No.7919583

I was thinking the same thing.

Does anyone else think about how 90% of invader zim fans grew up to be really annoying deadpool or harley quinn fans?

>> No.7919625

Guys wtf she isn't even fat... Maybe a little bit but this is actually a lot of muscle IMO. Anon, do you run or hike?

>> No.7919644

I really liked invader zim, but I'm ashamed to admit it because of these fucks.

I thought it was hilarious in it's cynicism and grotesqueness. It was really fucked. Most people seem to like it cause edgy-desu or eksdeesorandumb, but it had so much more going for it.

>> No.7919668

is she part dwarf or is this picture just that awkward?

>> No.7919720
File: 167 KB, 865x326, Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 2.01.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling this shit at all
>selling this shit AFTER halloween
good luck with that

>> No.7919739

I love idiots like this.
I'm a huge Halloween junkie, and wear halloween-esque stuff year round so the time right after Halloween is a field day for me.

>> No.7919757

>a little big
She looks like a toucan.

>> No.7919764

surprised she even found someone to model it for her rofl

i just really hate black and orange

>> No.7919796

Did this girl outbid you?

>> No.7919804

I did to anon. Still sorta do. I'm really embarassed though because of the shit fans.

>> No.7919805

yeah i don't see anything really bad with that. Switch the wig and add some accessories and better makeup... Wouldn't call that ita

>> No.7919806

People are probably just prodding her because she responds like such a baby.

>> No.7919815


That's spoony? she looks so different.

>> No.7919820

fatgirl on the left here...
I do modern dance, I run 2 times a week when not raining like crazy... I used to do cardio fitness 3x a week and I do cardio inline-skating all summer long.

>> No.7919821

And then they wonder why Jhonen Vasquez hates his fans so much.

>> No.7919823

Me too anon. I always love the sales with the tacky bats and spiderwebs and stuff.

>> No.7919826

She's still not wearing lolita in the picture yet you're still making it about your burando. I don't give a shit if she's fat or not point is you're stupid.

>inb4 whale white knight XDDDDD

>> No.7919834

Actually her legs are toned as fuck, but you wouldn't know that because you don't know what the fuck muscles look like. Good job proving your utter ignorance.

>> No.7919847
File: 16 KB, 236x236, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good drawer

>> No.7919916

It's the blouse, it makes her torso look huge

>> No.7919919

Nice. I would love my thighs to look like yours but Im quite partial to my small calves so I don't like to go running... Sorry those idiots are being rude to you, your body is lovely.

>> No.7919921

You also don't need to be intelligent to engage in a conversation with other people and have them take you seriously, but my, it helps.

>> No.7919927

Can you stop fucking samefagging here no one gives a fucking shit.

Also no one wants to look like you, your'e too manly like a lumberjack. I will take my stick thin thighs any day.

>> No.7919972

The ellipsis here totally gives you away, I love it.

>> No.7919979

>toned as fuck
Top fucking kek, whatever you say.

>> No.7919995

Not ita, decepticons can be kawaii too

Captcha: entlrib catastrophes

>> No.7920041

I am >>7919919 and >>7919625. I am not the girl being discussed. I hate when people claim samefag for anything they disagree with. Its idiotic.

Oh, we are going to talk about ellipsis? Each of:
must be me too then, huh? Its not that obscure of a thing to use you know.

>> No.7920074

what the actual hell is ita about this???

>> No.7920076

You don't have to be a dick on purpose you know. she seems alright to me

>> No.7920080

There's three of us. I only made one comment about her legs being toned.

She has muscular definition in her quads and obvious calf muscles - compared to someone who is "skinnyfat" without any noticeable muscle definition that's pretty fucking toned. Otherwise, go the fuck back to /fit/.

>> No.7920082

the word you're looking for is bitch, men don't have any business on this board and you know it.

>> No.7920093

Internalized racism / white apologist

You need to realize that not all lolita styles will work the same way on people of color as on white girls, and that to assume that this one failed or is an Ita just because they tried to wear an unsuitable style for a reason they can't control (like their skin color). She should be receiving praise for even trying such a bold and unique style.

>> No.7920101

fucking kek

>> No.7920110

Yep, someone else separate as well, I just think you're dumb as fuck. Enjoy your toothpicks, no one cares.

>> No.7920164

That shit still makes me laugh. She hasn't turned back up at all.

>> No.7920178

Having minor definition is not the same thing as being "fucking toned", is what I'm saying, you can be a fatty and still have those lines if you just walk around. But if you compare it to toothpick legs, then sure, she's ripped.

>> No.7920229

She is not toned, just damn muscular. Having fat on top of it doesn't make her suddenly lose her muscles

>> No.7920245

Fine, I stand corrected. Toned was the incorrect word to use here. I'm used to seeing people who do negative amounts of walking so something like that sticks out to me.

>> No.7920254

>tfw I have legs like the girl being argued about because of sports in school.
>I want kawaii thin legs so bad I would sell organs on the black market.

>> No.7920274

I love this print. Little chubby unicorns flying through space? Hells yeah.

>> No.7920304

Eh, there's nothing wrong with having muscular legs. I'm sure yours look fine, anon.

>> No.7920313

>didn't use artist
You make me ashamed to be asian.

>> No.7920326
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She seems like a cinderella stepsister.

>> No.7920330

So she purposely screws up coords to post online? A troll?

>> No.7920331
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>> No.7920334
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>> No.7920335

Place me in the Invader Zim fan group too. I fell in "like" with the show because of the ID4 joke. But the fans...oh sweet Jesus the fans. Like most Anons here, we agree the fans ruin shit more than the show itself.

>> No.7920342

>not that obscure
You abuse it like a fat kid abuses his stomach. That's our problem.

>> No.7920345
File: 131 KB, 575x960, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silver Linings on fb
I thought she was good till I realized all the pictures I was admiring were her "inspiration pics".
Pic included is her actual work.

>> No.7920357 [DELETED] 

Except for when privileged rich people use their believes to oppress second class citizens :^)

>> No.7920370

I love the fabric not to keen on the accent fabric but terrible terrible design.

Get rid of the vertical lace and the dress is not that bad I would probably get rid of the sash too.. or move it down to her waist instead of the underbust. Arm warmers need to be burned - if it's too hot for a blouse or bolero then wtf are you wearing arm warmers for. Ears and shoes are not a big deal if she was actually going to Disney as they have pretty strict dress code and I have heard of lots of lolitas being turned away for looking too much like a princess. Outside of disney - mouse ears ewwww.

>> No.7920375

For you anon this will be my first coord ever

>> No.7920376
File: 443 KB, 1212x917, 2385708576_86e37a91da_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7920381

Agreed, though I don't know if the ears are for disney or not.

>> No.7920389


Do you own that? I need it. I need all the nun dresses.

>> No.7920391

I actually like Dawkins and I think it's ridiculous that atheists are trying to distance themselves from him just because he's blunt and doesn't mince words.

Hitchens was farrrr more blunt and he doesn't catch nearly the amount of flack that Dawkins does. Is it bc he's dead?

>> No.7920395

Nothing wrong with that, man. I have noodle legs and it's kind of annoying sometimes tbh.

>> No.7920406

funniest shit I read all week

>> No.7920435

The girl in pic is far from toned. Or muscular. The muscles she has are just caked in fat. Please..if you think that's toned or muscular then obviously you have never seen an actually muscular girl's legs. Because sister ain't toned, she chubby. Not fat, but chubby. Her legs look like my grandmother's when she retired after bearing 6 children....

Simply google "muscular female legs" and realize how wrong you are you compare that to these.

>> No.7920533

Disadvantages of having chicken legs:

- Socks and tights that fit can be hard to find. Tights can be huge in the ankle area. OTKs can just slide off.
- no boots of any kind. They will be huge on your legs.
- you actually bruise really easily. There's no fat to cushion any blow. I have no idea where half my bruises came from, didn't even feel the blow but it left a mark.
- if I kneel for more than 30sec my knees will get bruised.

It's not all it's cracked up to be.

>> No.7920564

if she has a nice brand wardrobe then why is she wearing a crappy replica?

>> No.7920569

Is this the girl that supposedly 'super muscular'? Is someone playing a joke?

>> No.7920572
File: 56 KB, 338x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7920573

I actually thought the exact same thing.

>> No.7920574

no one is saying she is a bodybuilder, just that her legs are more muscular than what's normally seen here

>> No.7920575

Wow what muscular calves!

>> No.7920581

Her legs are literally fatter versions of the girl on the right...

>> No.7920582


I honestly think you looked cute, and you aren't fat.

>> No.7920592


that word doesn't mean what you think it means

>> No.7920595

This girl is like at least 50lbs heavier than the other girl, fuck off.

>> No.7920603

Hmm thinking about it I meant her legs look just like the left girl's legs with more fat on top. Insert whichever word you think is the best. Though imagining her cutting off her friend's legs and covering them in fat and wearing them is making me laugh.

>> No.7920605

Um but her calves are much more defined and more muscular

>> No.7920701

Definition has changed anon

>> No.7920761

lel, no, it hasn't just because tumblrtards think that literally is the ~*cool word to use*~

>> No.7920767

This is one of the cases where it would be correct use, anon.

>> No.7920774
File: 156 KB, 768x576, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god just stop this is not a thing. This work has been so misused that it means nothing anymore.

>> No.7920784

This girl is in my comm and I wish I could help her. I think she has good taste somewhere deep down and could look fine if she didn't do... this.

>> No.7920927

Tartan=/=punk I wish people would stop this bullshit.

>> No.7921087

The print is called Whipped Cream Kitty and the red colourway is called Red Velvet.

>> No.7921097

The dress makes her look like a lumpy potato and her hair looks like shit.

>> No.7921232

Tell that to the dictionary. It's part off the official definition now.

>> No.7921324

I corrected myself to calm you down if you bothered to read my reply lol

>> No.7924503
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>> No.7924513
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>> No.7924514
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