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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 6 KB, 451x116, self_logo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7899184 No.7899184 [Reply] [Original]

Could we get a selfpost thread again? I kinda wan to post how my Arale turned out after today to get some concrit since I may be using it for Halloween again but I'm a bit shy to make a whole thread about it so I was hoping some anons would step out also and post their latest cosplays.

>> No.7901566


>> No.7901657
File: 79 KB, 960x640, Photo on 09-10-2014 at 12.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I go.

>> No.7901714
File: 370 KB, 2000x1335, 10452897_414410922030269_2531606065180613738_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7902320
File: 145 KB, 567x850, mashable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that edit is so cute!

my favorite hall shot I got from nycc. yay!

>> No.7902329

you actually made a cosplay that wasn't slutty, despite being cute/fit enough to pull off a "sexy cosplay"


>> No.7902338

Awesome skin paint job there, anon

>> No.7902341

Super cute, though I wish you would've blurred the teeth in the shadow just a taaad bit more. Easy fix and awesome cosplay.

>> No.7902352

thanks! it's a bodysuit below the neck, which made my life significantly easier.

>> No.7902370
File: 436 KB, 1066x1600, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look amazing holy shit!!!

If we're posting Ava's Demon, I recently cosplayed Ava in her outfit after she initially dies. It's super unimpressive because of the simplicity of the outfit, but the box's eyes glow in the dark, so there's that.

>> No.7902377

>sharpie colored cardboard box to chest

kek, reminds me of that one low budget making of horror movie show on the syfy network

>> No.7902390

take off the fucking trip

>> No.7902495

no don't, that way we can continue to ignore him

this looks really nice anon!! ava's demon is the best.

>> No.7902566

Is this a genderbent Ms. Fortune?

>> No.7902569

Oh I love Ava's Demon! Looks great!

>> No.7902933
File: 144 KB, 389x585, DSC_0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I guess I'll post mine now.

I would like some concrit please. As long as is something that I can fix (not skin color, height, ect). I'm posting the two I made for both days of the con.

So, 1st day.

>> No.7902937 [DELETED] 


And 2nd day.

Thanks to all the people who helped me on the help thread also!

>> No.7902948
File: 2.30 MB, 2000x3008, DSC_0042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And 2nd day.

Thanks to all the people who helped me on the help thread also!

>> No.7902968


Is it too much if I also posted a close up of my face so I could get judged on the makeup also? I'm not very sure i chose the best makeup for this character since it's a little kid after all.

>> No.7902971

Nice nipples m8

>> No.7903010

Yes it is

>> No.7903190

the gradient around your forehead/contouring altogether looks amazing. Crazy makeup skills anon!

>> No.7903297

ITT: A hugbox

What has /cgl/ become? Tumblr?

>> No.7903305
File: 478 KB, 480x263, leave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7903633
File: 319 KB, 640x889, boo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulled this one off of Facebook, so pixels and pixels. I hadn't noticed that I was standing so that half the overskirt wasn't even in the shot, welp. I'll take concrit.

You look like Rose Leslie! If you ever were to cosplay Ygritte, I bet you'd pull her off magnificently.

>> No.7903640

>I'll take concrit.
(especially if anyone has tips on getting Ben Nye out of fabric ugh)

>> No.7903953
File: 112 KB, 506x940, 10712702_10204214997868868_5534394907945651600_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wore this yesterday and I'm so relieved as it caused me no pain. One dream cosplay down!

>> No.7903971
File: 63 KB, 540x720, crying bc no boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fucking wig man, awesome

I haven't done anything recent, but here's an oldie

>> No.7903999

Oh, I remember seeing a few of your progress pics on this, it turned out great anon! Super cute.

>> No.7904009
File: 44 KB, 480x720, aac1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should probably give this cosplay a break; I've worn it to my last two cons and planning on bringing it to my next one as well.

>> No.7904021
File: 66 KB, 600x900, 10357126_10152574313795857_3841460883874931890_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Gigi was amazing. That wig and those shoes, hot damn.

Haven't done anything particularly impressive recently myself but I'm incredibly in love with the fabrics that I used for this dress, spent the half day I was in it terrified I'd get someone's body paint/fake blood on me.

>> No.7904039

Not familiar with the character, but I love all the textures and metallics in your outfit! It looks so well put together.

>no pain
Are you really human? Regardless, your wig, shoes, and pants look absolutely gorgeous. What's inside the wig, and was it hard to walk with?

idk this character either, but it looks so clean and neat! The way you've tied the bow is a cute touch.

In my experience close-fitting and delicate garments can be really hard to make well, but you've done a great job. I'm in love with your fabric choices too, and the thigh bracelet thing.

>> No.7904061

I love your posing and character choices! Thank you!
Wig got itchy after the day, thats all! Inside are two polystyrene balls with two pieces of wire running through and sewn under the front. Walking was great! Only a couple of little wobbles.

>> No.7904086

yep, ever since that whole "4chan scare" on tumblr a while back, they've been flooding the board. not even the end of summer can save us

>> No.7904102
File: 74 KB, 640x640, 10428458_10152017349251324_4892261613122226977_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ramba ral reporting for duty

>> No.7904121

Voldie, how did you ever get so fat since this?

>> No.7904122

it happens once you get a bf and become too comfortable

>> No.7904144

I kind of wish you painted your skin. Do you have a tutorial on how you did this or wip blog?

>> No.7904433

I look pretty much the exact same currently as I did in that photo

>> No.7904649


Thanks a lot anon! I know the socks turned out a bit wonky but I just had no time to do the ironing thing. Hopefully I'll be able to do it for next time.

I also ended up using the bow with the texture cause the one /cgl/ recommended looked way too small when I put it on.

>> No.7904654


This costume goes terribly wrong most of the time but you nailed it! I'm in love with all the textures and patterns you chose! It looks so authentic! I don't know if it's me but maybe the top needs better ironing? If not just ignore me you look AWESOME!

>> No.7904656

She's always been fat, even when she posted on /fa/

The question is how did she look so toned there? My guess is air brushing and photoshop on the pro-shoot she posted

>> No.7904671
File: 366 KB, 298x543, lol what are new costumes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love that wig so much. Your whole costume is really solid.

I have no idea what you are cosplaying but I like pretty much everything I see here.
I haven't made a new costume in like a year cause I have been too busy with a fulltime job and video games. Being an adult is stupid.

>> No.7904704
File: 2.98 MB, 3456x4608, 2014-04-18 05.25.56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite! In cosplay...

>> No.7904709
File: 2.91 MB, 3456x4608, 2014-04-18 20.25.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And in lolita!

>> No.7904713
File: 313 KB, 600x900, 56266-39db96c34872ad13035ca33e48ac9cbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suuuuurrre. This one is probably my favorite costume right now, it was the most fun to make and wear.

>> No.7905002

Self post threads have existed for over half a decade on cgl. stop being basic and get outta here.

>> No.7905010
File: 511 KB, 931x605, damnqurl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they approve

>> No.7905013

Damn you're cute in just about every picture. Post a bad pic please.

Before everyone gets depressed

>> No.7905127
File: 786 KB, 1200x900, DSCF6496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why cant I meet more awesome gundam cosplayers like you when i go to cons? Life is not fair.

>> No.7905128

>What has /cgl/ become? Tumblr?

Yeah. A long, long time ago. It was in 2012, I think? 2011 was the last good year for sure.

It all started when /cgl/ got our own Hotpocket, a Tumblrite and an SJW, who is by the way a known tripfag around here.

Honestly, I think /cgl/ is one of the least affected boards by the "4chan scare". It was completely taken over by Tumblr extremists at least a year before that happened.

>> No.7905146

because 99.9% of cosplayers lack the sheer amount of dedication and skill that you possess

>> No.7905189

What happened in 2012? A hot pocket?

>> No.7905196
File: 285 KB, 800x600, DSCF6511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hah. More like just an excess of freetime and a lack of a sense of self preservation. Have this pic of my nazi haro because your trip is amusing to me.

>> No.7905208

I wish I could cosplay Gundam Wing or 08th MS, but I'm just a Lolita. I think I have a crush on you, because your cosplays are awesome and you're super cute out of your suit. Come visit me in Atl!

>> No.7905262
File: 1.86 MB, 1066x1600, Quattro 2 edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too understand this feeling. I'd love to meet more Gundam cosplayers.

(Christ though I just realized I haven't actually put together a new cosplay in what feels like a long while... I'm just too busy and low on ideas. Sucks, man.)

>> No.7905281

Hotpocket is codeword for a person who fights for social justice on 4chan and does it for free.

>> No.7905284

10/10 made me laugh

>> No.7905305
File: 142 KB, 1356x2048, raven__teen_titans__preview_by_chelzorthedestroyer-d81roah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my newest

>> No.7905318

You're cute and have nice legs.

>> No.7905343

Makeup remover wipes do a decent job at that

>> No.7905361
File: 1018 KB, 1183x783, 003_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What cons do you guys hit? I myself am stuck in the mid-Atlantic (so Otakon's my "big" con).

>> No.7905379

thank you

>> No.7905483

Good to see some twewy cosplayers! Love your Joshua although your makeup seems a bit weird? Could be the angle.

>> No.7905492
File: 115 KB, 717x960, 10407547_10204756511492428_3378667941698597138_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not new but I haven't started on anything as of late either. Planning to begin sewing SMT IV's Isabeau during the winter break.

Too perfect. What do you think of Tri so far?

>> No.7905527

I wish...i had never opened this. I expected a cute Nonon from the thumbnail, now I wish I was never born.

>> No.7905541
File: 29 KB, 800x960, 1554612_10153792612645514_1860273362_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, anon.

>> No.7905557

I suck at makeup but for Joshua I only had basic bb cream+some concealer and a little eyeliner.

I'm open to suggestion if you have any though cause I dunno what I SHOULD be doing for him. I just didn't think he looked like he needed a lot of makeup work.

>> No.7905568
File: 107 KB, 427x640, 15033398233_ba05ca392b_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not I just got photos back! I recently marathoned bebop over canadian thanksgiving so Julia was perfect to make for Halloween!

>> No.7905628

I'm in SoCal. Aww.

>> No.7905636

That wig, them shoes. God DAMN. Did you paint on the gold designs on your pants?

The construction of your dress looks really clean! I can't ever get puff sleeves to keep their shape so nicely.

Taking bets on how many people will ask if you're Black Widow or Black Canary? (You look great btw! Digging the pose and the attitude.)

Thanks! And the wrinkles in the top were bothering me, too; I'll try ironing it again with fabric starch!

>> No.7905653
File: 266 KB, 1366x2048, 10339384_10204314610328209_1633830916451091499_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 would nostalgia again.
I am in south Florida and I very rarely make it to cons out of state due to my work not to mention the logistics of getting my costumes across state lines can get pretty crazy. Also f'yeah Harry Ord.
Wow. Was that you posting your gems in the progress thread? The final result came out really good.
Nice Quattro.I am jealous of your Hyaku haro. Very cool
Lolitas can totally cosplay Gundam. Hell name one thing that hasn't been done in Lolita style. You should go for it. Also I am surprised/flattered you think that about me. I have been kicking around the idea of going to Dragoncon since alot of bigger costumes like mine tend to show up there so maybe one day I will be up that way.

>> No.7905673

I'm jealous of it too, Jet let me borrow it for the shoot. Super cool of her to do. I'd love to get a hold of my own but the nice big haros are expensive online.

>> No.7905690

I know right? I got mine cheap cause someone traded it in at a local comic shop. The store owner didn't check what they were going for online so I got him for 30$ usd. Gotten lucky like this a few times. Got a Harlock Cosmo Dragoon for $35 when those go for 100+ easy on ebay and a Kaiyado Gunbuster for $25.

>> No.7905713

Awww what? That sounds so cool!! I've gotten lucky and got a hold of some old Gundam art books and magazines too. The cool things people trade in, huh? From that same store my girlfriend and I scored a bunch of Gundam bear brick key chains, too.

>> No.7905731
File: 99 KB, 992x758, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhh this may be the blind leading the (slightly less) blind but Joshua is sort of feminine maybe sort of bishonen-y makeup? Idk like I said it could just be the angle. Your costume looks great though!

I hate to suggest it but something like the top right on pic related without as much mascara.

>> No.7905746
File: 238 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Internet world.

>> No.7905764 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 457x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes me a sad little Moonrace...

But hey, the Gundam fandom might be backing a tiny comeback with some of the stuff that's going on with the franchise in the US so maybe we'll all see more cosplayers at our respective cons in the coming year.

>> No.7905770
File: 105 KB, 457x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes me a sad little Moonrace...

But hey, the Gundam fandom might be making a tiny comeback with some of the stuff that's going on with the franchise in the US so maybe we'll all see more cosplayers at our respective cons in the coming year.

>> No.7905778

hello my future girlfriend

>> No.7905779

My eyes are the worst bishounen shape ever(downturned eyes worst eyes) so I will try to emulate that look. Thanks for the image!

>> No.7905784

Stop oppressing me.

>> No.7905787
File: 317 KB, 1361x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got these back today.

>> No.7905796

huh, I've never gotten that one before! Must be the reddish wavy wig. I'll have to keep that in mind, I do love her. Also this costume is so clean! Love the headdress & makeup.

your stuff is always so so well made, gosh.

Dat super clean princess seam!! The gems look great too.

JULIA <3 you're definitely gonna get misread as catwoman, though. ah, normies.

your stuff always leaves me speechless dude. actually, I ended up using a lot of your techniques when I made the cannon for da capo Nonon's hat, so thank you for always being so helpful!

>> No.7905819


Yo, Temjin, I've been curious for a while, do you have any videos of you walking around in your mech costumes? I've always been impressed by your work, but I've never seen it in motion.

>> No.7905835

a-are you a trap?

>> No.7905836

i dont remember posting about any progress of this so probably not, but thank you!

also, my brain exploded over the need to be able to make suits like that. I need to be a gundam.

Can't take any credit for the leotard, got lazy and just bought that, everything else was made by me though. First time casting gems and making a belt so I'm super proud of it, thank you!

>> No.7905840


the thing about the leotard was to >>7905796
my bad

>> No.7905853 [DELETED] 

Im glad anything I did was able to help. Post a picture of the cannon I would love to see it
I have a youtube channel, though not alot is up atm. I am going to upload another Gundam Mk-II progress video soon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBxs06UdWdk&list=UUup3iUoHld7TBgHPqLUzjng&index=1

Heres a good one of me at Super.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVtnGvBQbpw

>> No.7905874

Im glad anything I did was able to help. Post a picture of the cannon I would love to see it
I have a youtube channel, though not alot is up atm. I am going to upload another Gundam Mk-II progress video soon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBxs06UdWdk&list=UUup3iUoHld7TBgHPqLUzjng&index=1

Heres a good one of me at Super. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVtnGvBQbpw

>> No.7905883
File: 185 KB, 1024x575, 15515735585_089974f345_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, I can't find any pics where my wig was not trying to escape my head. How about we just ignore the wig overall. >___>

>> No.7905892

Yes, that is paint!

>> No.7905893
File: 936 KB, 800x1000, 558686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not new, but it's the most recent cosplay I've done...I'm slowly beginning to hate myself for buying a more feminine wig rather than just getting a messier one..And of course, I set the pasties on wrong so they flashed instead of glowed, so they didn't light up in the picture.

Is there anything else I could do to make this better aside from get in some serious shape?

>> No.7905901
File: 219 KB, 601x900, Otakon_NononJakuzure_SM_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore wrinkliness of tails and boot covers falling down!

>> No.7905910

Came out pretty damn good! Gets a thumbs up from me.

>> No.7905924
File: 396 KB, 1021x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Haruka as an easy costume that I could fit in a suitcase to fly across the country to Anime Expo. Procrastinated forever because that's what I do, and then never even fixed it for otakon. OH WELL

>that wig
>no pain
Tell me your secrets. Really well done, kudos.
Man that pose hurts my back just looking at it.
I'm not sure what this cosplay is but if its not gokudera you'd make a great gokudera.
Dem shoujo jets gurl dayum.
You kinda look like that girl from iCarly.
Theres one cosplayer in particular who always seems to have some mecha cosplay at katsucon

>> No.7905925
File: 312 KB, 836x652, atla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the best Kyoshi I've ever seen. Amazing!

I haven't made anything since Otakon but here is my lil Fire Nation group from then. I (Suki) actually just got into Avatar this summer and joined my group since I had decent hair for it and three people makes a "group". There were a lot more Fire Nation Sukis there than I'd ever expect. At first I thought it was because her outfit is the easiest and that she has pretty common hair, but then I saw some that were blonde or had long hair so it's like wat...is she that popular of a character? lol

>> No.7905935
File: 618 KB, 320x240, Bang..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Great Catwoman cosplay
>Great Black Widow cosplay
>Great Black Cat cosplay
>Great Black Canary cosplay

Hopefully some people get it, Bebop is a little niche nowadays especially characters like her. I always get a little annoyed when people think I'm a different character than the one I'm dressed as.

>> No.7905936

How about doing a costume that's not a fucking stupid, lazy idea?

>> No.7905943

>throws on random ass swimsuit and sonico wig/accessories
>Gaiz I'm cosplay Super Sonico lolol


>> No.7905945
File: 105 KB, 667x1000, cammymeele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wig is bananas! You are incredibly talented.

holy smokes the construction on this is incredible. You look stunning.

I love your hat! whole costue looks solid!

your legs are amazing. You are so pretty and I LOVE that wig on you.

also this one time I was an Ace Attorney side character woo

>> No.7905950

Is this porn?

>> No.7905974
File: 70 KB, 659x960, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to learn to sew, but i'm practicing... if i remake this, i'll do the buttons smaller and make boot covers (ran out of time)

that is so intense

everything looks so clean/neat! i didn't notice the tights at first either. fav in thread

everything is great. you're pretty

beautiful as always

>> No.7905979
File: 286 KB, 858x1400, Volume_100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you
>I have no idea what you are cosplaying
pic related
Thanks. The thigh bracelet thing was hell to keep up, all the beads were glass or amethyst so it was rather heavy, had to sew it to my tights to keep it in place.
The workmanship on the leotard is amazing. Good job on everything.
This is really well made as well.
>Man that pose hurts my back just looking at it.
I'm forever grateful for my flexible back.

>> No.7905989

Summer wars!! I really would love to get a group going one day. Its my favorite film.... My goal is to lose weight and be Love Machine.

>> No.7905990
File: 2.29 MB, 1456x2592, Izumi Sena &amp; Ryoma Ichijo 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boyfriend and I as Izumi and Ryoma from Love Stage. I wish we got better angles in the photos from the shoot because you can't see the "I <3 Lala Lulu" on my shirt in any of them.

>> No.7906002


how did i not notice this before?! I love Summer Wars!

>> No.7906007
File: 764 KB, 600x900, _MG_7123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i posted in the last self thread, i hope no one minds seeing my soul calibur cosplay again
woww thats amazing anon!
you're so cute!

>> No.7906010

both of those people look like girls

>> No.7906021

>what is trans?

>> No.7906025

i love the way the light reflects off different parts, +wig isn't as noticable as you think, especially with so much other prettiness to look at

>> No.7906032

>more like what is nonpassing trans

>> No.7906038

It's not always easy to make yourself look like you pass. There are certain features that makeup can't cover up and those are kinda stuck with us

>> No.7906040

testosterone + estrogen seem to work pretty well for most trans people

>> No.7906051

Yeah, we have not had the opportunity to get our hands on any yet. I am personally still having issues with family acceptance and such. Transphobic family.

I've posted enough about it at /lgbt/. This isn't the place to discuss it, so can we get back on track of the thread?

>> No.7906098

Thank you. I actually used some interfacing with my puff sleeves, helps to prevent them from going limp.

Thanks! I love your Lucy! Always nice to see JOJO cosplays, especially when it's variants from the cover art.

>> No.7906100

Might you have a FB cosplay page I can follow?

>> No.7906116

Is that duct tape on your shoes?

>> No.7906124

Sadly I don't, I tried once, fucked up somehow and keep putting off doing it again (I'm incredibly facebook impaired). Closest thing I have right now is a tumblr http://pi-cosplay.tumblr.com/
Thank you. Cover/other art versions are my favourites, the extra details on/creativity with the outfits that aren't bordering on really silly are gorgeous.

>> No.7906158
File: 94 KB, 960x720, 999091_10151746489334715_1472161810_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck here in texas so while we have a small community of gundam cosplayers, there's just not enough of us. Most people here know me for my gurren lagann (pictured here) but once i get some damn free time i;m making vile from megaman x and shin-mazinger z

I'm loving the everloving shit out of try, though i don't know if it or g-reco is my favorite of what is airing right now, both are so good

>> No.7906165
File: 60 KB, 960x640, 10409561_658285820929476_3393820409593705204_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you litearlly are my hero, i want to cosplay harry ord so badly, since turn a is my favorite gundam series

>> No.7906166

just how retarded are you?

>> No.7906176

thank you~

not on my shoes but on my ankles, yes. embarrassingly bad irl, but okay for doing them in the car, I guess. I wanted to cover them in fabric but I ran out. the fabric was purchased last year, and none of the fabric stores within 60 miles carried something similar.

>> No.7906195
File: 456 KB, 1280x854, valeriecosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow... so many pretty people in this thread!
The photoshop is really heavy in my picture but here is my latest costume
That sword looks so amazing! You've probably answered this alot but how did you make it?
I love your Hotpants cosplay so much!
the colors are so vibrant!!
wowowow you look really good!
wow the Gurren Laggan is incredible!!

>> No.7906205

Good luck, anon!

>> No.7906234
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x1600, IMG_6688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my Selene from Dragon's Dogma.

Love the fabric choices on these.

Super cute photo!

>> No.7906574
File: 539 KB, 900x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, thank you. Word of advice though, his Royal Guard uniform is very, very deceptively simple. What you think are the easiest parts end up being the hardest and vice versa. I was a huge moron to think I could take it on as my first cosplay ever (made from scratch, at least) and it ended up taking me over three years to complete. But hey, I learned a great deal about costume construction and ended up doing two other Gundam cosplays while it was in progress.

>> No.7906581

are you part of the seattle comm?

>> No.7906633

Oh man, I saw this on tumblr! You're really cute and I thought your eye makeup looked quite nice, because it could have looked liked an ugly black smudge otherwise. You even have a bottle of herb ale!

>> No.7906655

Thank you!

>> No.7906656
File: 98 KB, 357x960, 4thechans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao my sister told me to post something here so i did
i s2g if someone knows me

>> No.7906681

Ugh, I dont think anyone would want to with thighs like that. Drop a few pounds and come back when your cosplay actually fits you.

>> No.7906707

i'm 100% aware of my landwhale status yknow

>> No.7906710

Shut up.
I know you have to be hard on yourself to avoid more shitposts, but FYI you're not a land whale and your thighs look average.

>> No.7906713

I feel better about my own thighs if it makes it any better for you.

>> No.7906718

I honestly dont care lmao
I'm in the obese bmi range and i'm trying to get to a healthy weight so i know what they mean
i was generally looking for critique on the cosplay tho

>> No.7906719

> those thighs
> average
top kek

>> No.7906721

>>"Your thighs look about average"

Different anon here but lol. In Honey Boo Boo's family, maybe. Sister needs to go for a walk sometime. Until then, you need to learn to tailor your costumes so they flatter you. Skirt a little longer to hide the thunder thighs, and the waist needs some reinforcing so it doesn't bunch like that. If boning and roll pinning is out of the question, some strong interfacing should help.

You are what size you are, but there are a lot of things you can do in terms of sewing to either hide stuff or simply give a more flattering illusion. Make an honest evaluation of your body and take your observations into consideration when you're sewing.

Unless you're one of those fat is beautiful people, then we're back onto the lol.

>> No.7906732

I am the sister she mentions here. What the hell did I start?

>> No.7906735

I really love looking at these threads!! You cosplayers are so talented and lovely!
C-cosplay Senpai talked to me!~
You would win Dragon*Con, seriously. I used to see a lot of awesome Gundams around, but not so many in the past few years. I think I could try a Gundam Unicorn cosplay. I need to pick up skills first, since I'm a lolita. I haven't cosplayed since like 2007ish.
I love Julia. I'm so happy whenever I see good BeBop cosplays!
>tfw I mistook a Black Canary for Julia.
You look great!! I love Haruka. I've always wanted to do Michelle. Or Pluto.
You are amazing! I've never seen a better Kiyoshi!
Holy crap! Gantz!! 10/10: Good taste confirmed. And that costume!! Fantastic!
I love Summer Wars!! It inspired me to learn Hanafuda. Great costumes <3
You have the props of God. Wow!!
This is amazing too. You mech cosplayers... are just out of this world with skill.

>> No.7906737

oh my god you are so cute pls be my gf, I will do anything for you!!

>> No.7906740

May I ask what you are cosplaying? I'm not familiar with the character... though it reminds me of a design from Madoka Magica, maybe.

>> No.7906744

It's definitely Ultimate Madoka

>> No.7906754

Okay. It's been quite awhile since I watched it and my memory sucks. I just realized that comment might have come across as insulting. I really wasn't sure where I had seen it before, but I think my brain knew, and came up with PMMM.

I think the construction is great!! Good job, anon!! I love the layering!

>> No.7906756

Not sure why the other anon is shitting their bloomers and comparing you to Honey Boo Boo (lmao) but I think you're cute. My only peeve is how the bottom ofyour tights are sagging.

>> No.7906768
File: 143 KB, 280x275, brehs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HNNNNNG dem thighs

Can you even satisfy a grill like that if you don't have a 8X6" dick brehs...

>> No.7906771

Ukraine-sama! I was waiting for you to show up. I was wondering, where did you get your Cook wig?

>> No.7906776
File: 1.85 MB, 400x400, when mom brings home pizza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only high test alpha males can appreciate this beauty

>holocaust survivors with malnourished legs detected

>> No.7906783

fuck off you beta male scum

>> No.7906805
File: 841 KB, 960x1280, brightenedF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Fionna dress from a comic book cover. I'm not a huge Adventure Time fan but fuck yeah, ruffles. There's 60 linear yards of fabric in the ruffles, which meant 120 yards of edging I had to do. My serger needed two tune ups during the process of this dress.

There's things I want to fix and I need a hoop instead of just a petti. I didn't expect the fabric to wrinkle either. Also my elbows are double jointed, sorry.

>> No.7906808

Portland, but I've thought about joining the Seattle one as well.

>> No.7906815

Fuck me, is that a Joshua cosplay? I've never seen a TWEWY cosplay that wasn't Neku or Shiki.

>> No.7906845
File: 115 KB, 450x800, 88f3358989f0866a0169090677f19ead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never self-posted. Still overly self conscious, but whatever. I'll just suck it up and go for it. I'm the Rin (on the right). I have so many excuses, but I hope to be able to fix it eventually with practice.

>> No.7906852
File: 599 KB, 733x1100, 14659476159_19f2e75c81_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic Kyoshi. Your makeup looks really even!

Dat wig. Amazing job! You've got some serious skill.

I mean, I GUESS it's okay. Jk, you're amazing and I'm jelly of your mecha skills.

You look great as Suki! Your whole group is really fantastic, too.

I realized I never posted my finished Washuu wig, so here goes.

>> No.7906856

Joshua makes me happy. You look great.

>> No.7906875

Always amazed by your wigs!

>> No.7906908

Wig is spectacular!

>> No.7906915

Haha I got it from Lucaille. I'm not sure if they;ll still have the exact same wig, but its worth a check if they do!

>> No.7907117
File: 69 KB, 480x720, ronan-the-accuser-gotg-guardians-of-the-galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back w new cos - need to fix make-up and headdress next time but otherwise I'm cool with this one

>> No.7907142
File: 964 KB, 500x250, tumblr_n9ic5dH8vs1r9b1ifo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unreal. Do you have more (larger) photos?

>> No.7907148

Hold on; are you Abessinier? Because if yes then god DAMN that's some really impressive armour-building and stuffing (?) because you have a rather slender figure.

>> No.7907183

I've been fawning over this cosplay since you posted it on your facebook. You're completely unrecognizable, it's badass.

>> No.7907190

Your wig looks so full and pretty! Is it at all heavy?

>> No.7907483

youre adorable!! i carved some floor foam, covered it with worbla and painted it with acrylics. was my first time working with worbla so it looks a bit bumpy but thank you so much!
O: thank you so much anon!!! im very pleased to hear that

>> No.7907496

how many pieces was the sword made up of?
what glue did you use?

any structural support in the foam (ie coat hangers stabbed through it)

whats the handle made of?

>> No.7907507

I saw your wig pics on the progress thread
makeup pic?

>> No.7907510

It is a bit. I used foam for the spikes, so it's as light as I could get it.

>> No.7907521

I wanna put my face in your ass.

>> No.7907523

harsh one

>> No.7907524

lose the tights, you have the body to ditch them

>> No.7907541

Put your lipstick back in its case, Romeo.
She's wearing tights because I'm sure she couldn't evenly get the skin hue that Raven has without them and then the cosplay would look off.

>> No.7907554
File: 1.36 MB, 1053x770, swerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used a wooden dowel as the main structure and i sandwiched two pieces of foam with hot glue on the dowel. i covered the foam with worbla, the flamey(?) part was made of crafting foam and worbla too. the little face on the sword is made of polymer clay and the handle is the dowel with a pipe insulation tube around it, then covered with worbla. i primed the entire thing with gesso and sanded it. spraypainted it a blue base colour and finished the entire thing with acrylic paint.
here's some progress pictures, i hope i explained it okay!

>> No.7907559

i dont recommend using this much floor foam and worbla though, the sword was way too heavy and i injured my hand after carrying it all day (maybe because im a girl)

>> No.7907581

So many amazing costumes!
I would post my own, but I haven't made anything new in months and I've already shown off my stuff in previous self post threads. I really have to get back to costume making

>> No.7907591

i don't think gender has anything to do with a foam sword injuring your hand or not.

good work, but i don't like the pvc insulation, thats probably why you hurt your hand.

did you make the rest of your cosplay as well?

>> No.7907596

i meant im a girl as in im not strong enough to hold a heavy prop like that all day, but there probably are girls who can. maybe i should just work out my biceps more lol.
yea i made the costume and accessories from scratch.

>> No.7907622

Don't listen to seig about anything that actually matters, he's a grade A shitposter.

>> No.7907644

>i meant im a girl as in im not strong enough to hold a heavy prop like that all day

do you have a link/blog where you show off all these progress pics and construction posts?

>> No.7907656

Can't say it's harsh, I was expecting worse.

>> No.7907662

You should post older costumes then. It's a selfpost thread, I don't think there's a need for it to be new.

>> No.7907671

I-I find you cute, so what?

>> No.7907710
File: 50 KB, 960x640, 73186_10152124684611461_1084478557_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chibi pa. SOON. Seriously I cannot wait. Make sure to hit me up.
Hnnnrrrgggg Love it. I seriously live for this stuff.
damn you did a Gurren Lagann AND a Ramba?! You glorious bastard.

>> No.7907725

ermmm ok
i do but i rather not post it here

>> No.7907821

Your posts have brought tears to my eyes, I just wanted to let you know.

>> No.7908011
File: 203 KB, 720x960, 10751709_377666265732098_1338500536_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go.

I was kind of scared my makeup was too heavy and not innocent looking enough for the character. I trimmed the lashes because after I put them on I realized they were wayy too heavy.

>> No.7908058

you find any girl 'cute' if it means you could potentially plant your seed inside her

>> No.7908187
File: 56 KB, 581x775, B02NoBnCMAAuZss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty impressive, huh?

>> No.7908196

Where did you get your base wig for this? I scanned the thread but couldnt find it so if you already said it, sorry.

>> No.7908342
File: 488 KB, 1920x1080, a82bc49f43ad7546e56cf400148e2e80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The styling fell out of the wig, I parted it on the wrong side, and I was tired as all heck. But I will forever have a burning love for Aya.

>> No.7908370

Thank you korin! Your wig skills are incredible

Ebay - wigglamour.

>> No.7908403
File: 192 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_ne298j5xKC1qiu1ojo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had found some but somehow the tagging doesnt seem to work and I was dumb enough not to save them :C
So here, have this crappy cellphone pic of me just having finished the transformation in the hotel room and being a bit unsure of what to do with my bulky blue self now

Yeah that's me, I'm wearing a sorta musclesuit beneath it that i can't show cause I drew nipples on it when I was drunk

Thank you so much!

>> No.7908756

i love for it too!!

>> No.7908758

I feel like you should give wig styling classes to every Yu-Gi-Oh, DBZ, Naruto, and other spiky haired shonen series cosplayers. Your wig game is awesome.

>> No.7908808

I made Cowslip's Girafarig Gijinka most recently for Anime Weekend Atlanta. This is probably one of my favorite costumes to date

>> No.7908811
File: 390 KB, 1314x959, 10689593_389691347850291_2791355642593756958_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow image dropped

>> No.7908840

Were you at MCM London?
I think I might have sat next to you at a vending machine.

>> No.7908841

Please post musclesuit nipples... for research purposes.

>> No.7908855

Are you cosplaying something? No? GTFO

>> No.7908857


>> No.7908860

The wig is suck, you need to rig a thong with a really bright light, since you can hide the wiring in the pants like you can't for the pasties. Also, lazy shoe choice there. Fix that shit and it'll actually look like you tried.

>> No.7908872

Bullshit cop out.
You can change the entire visual structure of your face with good makeup.
Ask any drag queen, they change their shit drastically to look softer, why can't you contour and sharpen your features correctly? Lazy.

>> No.7908886

There's no such thing as 'double jointed'
Nice construction, but please never say you have 'double jointed' anything, you're flexible and that's it.

>> No.7908891


>> No.7908895

If this is slutty Ash, you need to leave the button on your pants undone, otherwise, awesome!

>> No.7908898


>> No.7908911


wanted to see all the little details on what goes into a cosplay like that one. you actually explain what the fuck you're doing rather than shove your face in the way and go look at what i can do

>> No.7909332

Really? So were you just lying then when you said your ex gave you an eating disorder and made you lose 30+ pounds. You are so full of shit Carley it's ridiculous.

>> No.7909357

That looks like garbage

>> No.7909398
File: 50 KB, 540x960, 10395848_840060706039249_286492862206601841_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao,
could be better

>> No.7909403

don't be a dick

>> No.7909407

the masterballs are real

>> No.7909421

Kek, fucking called that fat little midget fuck out.

Cat fight, grab her by her shitty Jew fro and smack the nuts she's hiding away for the winter out of her cheeks

>> No.7909424

Not the trans person "struggling to pass" but in the case of drag makeup, it is seen under dramatic lighting and from a distance, so kings and queens can slather on heavy shadows and highlights and make it look good (and, well, pass). When it comes to passing in real life and photos, it's a different story. One has to be more subtle. I don't know. But you're right, that person could try a little harder. Looking at the photo in question, I won't say the two look like "girls" like that other anon said, but they're definitely stuck in... the ANDROGYNOUS ZONE. Dundundun!

N-now I'm super self-conscious about passing in the three photos I posted here... [weeping intensifies]

>> No.7909431
File: 405 KB, 1024x666, hiccup2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, well, still not a new costume, but new pics of it at least. And please, ignore the shitty-ass wig. My original one got recycled for another costume, and then I forgot about getting a new one for Hiccup, and so I had to use this horrid stand in.

>> No.7909653

If you're not a skeleton you should have sex with me.

>> No.7909663

I thought he was cosplaying Jack Skellington

>> No.7909699

>and smack the nuts she's hiding away for the winter out of her cheeks
I lol'd

>> No.7909700

Thanks, and I'll keep that in mind. I have never had anyone call what my elbows do anything different. Usually I avoid any poses that it shows but I goofed here.

>> No.7909828

>smack the nuts she's hiding away for the winter out of her cheeks
I normally ignore most of the tip hate going around, and really don't get why much of it exists, but this was actually kinda funny.
And I do not mean this in a mean spirited way, Voldie, but you do have a certain chipmunk quality about you.

>> No.7909848
File: 51 KB, 320x240, voldie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7909865

The shot makes me look much, much skinnier than usual (tfw permabulk)

p.s. 2spooky4u

>> No.7909869

nigga, those forearms say otherwise

>> No.7909910

>tfw neglect arms and not legs
>tfw not lebanese

>> No.7910024

I've never said anything like that. That photo was from two years ago, the only difference in my weight since then was this past summer, when I put on weight, which I've now lost.

Why are you still here?

Fucking right I do, my cheeks are adorable.

bae overload

>> No.7910298

>tfw no Voldie gf

>> No.7910332

You're still not dead?

>> No.7910343

I saw you there! I didn't get a picture, though, since I was staffing. Your costume was awesome! I could actually tell what Pokemon you were supposed to be, which is rare for gijinkas. That always makes me happy!

>> No.7910347
File: 77 KB, 480x802, 1386906617303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also from 2 years ago and she looks a lot heavier here...

>> No.7910349

If you have to worry about passing you probably don't pass. Seems like a general rule if you're not trans.
Because we all know trans people worry if they pass even after surgery and all that, which is more understandable.

>> No.7910358


explains the attitude

>> No.7910405

I'm sorry to say it, but no, you really don't.

>> No.7910406

What the fuck, that is incredible. Amazing job anon, I was not familiar with the source material but judging by the doll you seem to be her spitting image.

>> No.7910424
File: 146 KB, 1072x1034, Screenshot_2014-10-31-14-33-28_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pre-con selfie

>> No.7910493

Passing is important whether one is trans or not--in crossplay, you want to maintain the illusion of being the gender of the character being cosplayed as best as you can. Also, how do you know that I may not be (questioning) trans myself?

>> No.7910533
File: 96 KB, 640x960, 10348534_714052991983440_6927547300559283737_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, since when did they make flaming hot fries?

>> No.7910535

Aww man, I meant >>7910424

Unless you know where to get some flaming hot fries.

>> No.7910538

the wig is disgusting m8 you were so close to being godtier

>> No.7910542

The wig looked probably 10x better when I first got it. The problem is that I can't see shit after it's on my head so I have no way to fix it once it's on, and I'm just a scrub in general so I could have probably taken care of it better.

>> No.7910546

Sorry, I generally don't like spicy snacks.

>> No.7910593

Oh wow, didn't expect you to go on this board, for some reason

>> No.7910597
File: 86 KB, 720x1079, IMG_1715632185981227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished just in time for Halloween, my first non-anime cosplay. The wig needs some fixing which I'll do before I wear it to any cons, but it's good eggnog for Halloween.

Makeup con-crit welcome, it's my weakest skill so I always appreciate tips.

>> No.7910613
File: 26 KB, 300x240, ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick is to buy weave clips (optional: the color matches the wig) and sew it to the scalp sections inside of the wig net. Those are clipped to your hairlines afterwards and everything should hold in place.
You can also sew some for the back of your neck if you're wearing a wig with seperated sections (ex: sailor moon).

Though it hurts after a while you might need breaks where your clips aren't clipped. Always remember to not pull at your wig if the clips are still on unless you want to lose your scalp, y'know.

>> No.7910654

Thanks for the tip brah. I need to go to wig school 101. That thing looked amazing when I first got it and wore it, but I fucked it up. Also, wind seems to be the wigs natural enemy.

>> No.7911134

I dig it! I love that I recognised you instantly; Game of Thrones cosplay is usually hit or miss because matching a RL actor/actress is hard, but you have the expression and pose down great! This might just be your camera, but I'd suggest going a bit heavier on the contouring, especially to make your eyes look a little more sunken/bring out the bridge of your nose, and to emphasise the hollows of your cheeks. When I think of Melisandre's face, I think of a gaunt, spooky sex witch. But great job, and I like the subtle pattern and lovely drape of your fabric!

>> No.7911238

Thank you so much! Character is from Monster High in case you were interested.

>> No.7911904 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 510x205, liarliar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I never said anything like that"

>> No.7911920

dude what the fuck is your problem?

>> No.7911956

some dude here has an obsession with her

>> No.7912062
File: 67 KB, 720x720, 10616111_806863209337027_7693235803738201914_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Halloween Anons

>> No.7912091 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, beta male scum.

Well it is only natural considering that she's the one who ruined his life just because she couldn't handle being dumped.

I really wish someone would fucking shoot Voldefart's brains out. That seems like an appropriate punishment for being a misandrist who falsely accused an innocent young male of R A P E.

*tips fedora*

>> No.7912161


>> No.7912314 [DELETED] 

As a fellow rape survivor (an ugly male looked at me from across the room at a convention), I am greatly offended and even *triggered* by all these rape jokes targeted at Voldie. Leave her alone or else.

Threads like these are proof that we need more feminism.

>> No.7912322
File: 750 KB, 1000x1000, 1411361340682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop anon no bully please!

>> No.7912333

i know
but so do you anon

>> No.7912346

dear god i hope youre joking

>> No.7912535 [DELETED] 

Stop oppressing me, misandrist hag.

Raping women should be allowed!

>> No.7912722 [DELETED] 


Voldeshit confirmed the Zoe Quinn of /cgl/. I wonder if she sucked just our janitor's dick, or if she sucked of some mod instead.

She cried rape on her ex-bf, so she might cry rape on you too, Hotpocket-san!

>> No.7912732

dude just fuck off. I don't get how you haven't been banned yet

>> No.7912741 [DELETED] 

I ain't even that guy, but that is a pretty terrible thing to do to accuse a guy of rape. Might as well just kill him since he's basically lost his life already.

>> No.7912743 [DELETED] 

I don't see how accusing someone of rape is a horrible thing to do? I don't see why it has to constantly be brought up on /cgl/ though, especially when it's completely irrelevant to the thread. That's something for her and the guy to work out.

>> No.7912746 [DELETED] 

>I don't see how accusing someone of rape is a horrible thing to do?
I can't tell if you're shitposting or trying to be ironically funny or something.

>> No.7912748 [DELETED] 

>Might as well just kill him since he's basically lost his life already.
I can't tell if you're shitposting or trying to be ironically funny or something.

>> No.7912759 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 851x259, 10577883_307826209412647_1474858123_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she lied about it, and lying about rape is an awful thing to do for your reputation, especially the person being falsely accused. Matt and her were on a "you do your thing, I do my thing. Stay away from each other" terms but then she got upset that her friends were speaking to matt again. (See image, which was posted on reddit a few days before she ever made the assault claims) so she pulled the ultimate card and said he raped her so that way no one would talk to matt whether or not it was true.

She's just full of lies and needs to fess up to the truth if she ever wants this drama to stop.

>> No.7912781 [DELETED] 

VIDF is strong ITT.

>> No.7912783 [DELETED] 

>I don't see how accusing someone of rape is a horrible thing to do?

I hope this is b8. But then again, /cgl/ is femnazi central, so I guess expecting brain activity from you is asking too much.

>> No.7912843
File: 958 KB, 500x280, tumblr_mrvvf7TGm91sqgfwso1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7912848

who is this character?

>> No.7912851

willow from buffy the vampire slayer I think

>> No.7912923

Hey remember way back when we posted costumes? And then we discussed those costumes?
Seems so long ago...

>> No.7913145
File: 16 KB, 600x600, low quality bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7913238 [DELETED] 

dude you've got some serious issues. Unless you're her of the dude, you have no way of knowing what happened

>> No.7913528 [DELETED] 

Are you Matt or an idiot? What I read here is that their relationship was an abusive one, he abused her, of course you wouldn't want your friends to be friendly with someone they know hurt you, Jesus Christ. How does this prove that she lied? Even if you go by the assumption that she's just slandering Matt, this specific screenshot does nothing to back it up.

>> No.7913943

I'm saying that even if you are trans you still worry about passing, but trans people worrying about passing is a universal constant. They always worry, even after hrt + surgery + name change. So it's not really comparable.

Example: Someone who worries about passing for crossplay probably doesn't pass because they're only doing it for a costume. They probably put on too much makeup or did makeup badly because it's a COSTUME.
A trans person worrying about passing in public is much different because you don't cake on makeup and contour like crazy as though it's a performance. It's just daily life.

TL;DR Cosplayers and trans people both worry about passing but for different reasons. One wants to look like the character and one wants to look like the gender they identify with. The latter is a little more consequential if you don't pass, hence why they worry more (even if they do pass).

>> No.7913946

>what is a mirror
>what are people to help you adjust it
>what is effort

>> No.7913971
File: 680 KB, 1364x1940, 15662754605_bddc127ca1_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last week I joined a photo gathering of sorts, it was my first time going to something like that, I usually only go to the con organized gatherings... I felt a little out of place since I only knew a few people that I met recently too. But in the end I had a blast and will gladly join again!

Very cute Natsuki's Avatar!

This looks beautiful on you! I love it!

>> No.7913973

You posted on the WIP thread didn't you?? The leaves look flawless!

>> No.7914000

>Leslie knope starts a cosplay committee

>> No.7914017

I am well aware of that.

In my case though, cosplaying as male characters is a safe means of experimentation in which if I can pass with that then maybe I can pass in presenting as male full-time. If I don't pass in costume, I feel like shit because I have serious identity issues. But whatever, it doesn't fucking matter anymore, I'm probably not going to live much longer anyway.

>> No.7914023

Why would you want to be a guy? Being a guy sucks.

>> No.7914027

>tfw wish was born a grill ;_:

but fuck being a tranny

>> No.7914031

Trapping is the way to go if you can pull it off. I sure as hell can't.

>> No.7914032 [DELETED] 

>probably not going to live much longer anyway
then talk to /lgbt/ about it, they have plenty of depressing trans people there. you'll fit right in!

>> No.7914048

I told someone I had a sausage in my pants once "tiny but it's there" and now they think I'm a convincing trap. Not sure if that was a good idea because they won't believe my period cramps now. Being a reverse trap is not always fun apparently

>> No.7914054

I don't think you know what reverse trap means

>> No.7914056

Do you not live in the real world? Being a woman sucks too... especially if you are both ugly and useless.

>> No.7914059

oh my bad I didn't mean that

>> No.7914062

Being a woman would really suck if they could actually be lonely, but they can't, so I don't empathize with them at all.

>> No.7914079

>this old bait

>> No.7914163

Don't lose weight
Start squatting and dead lifting and become somebody's swole waifu

>> No.7914168

>high test alpha male detected

>> No.7914380 [DELETED] 

I bought a bunch of costume shop pieces and pinned and painted and hemmed until I got something good enough for one apartment party.

It was a good proof of concept though, I'd like to turn it up a few notches and put together a nice symbiote suit for cons next year

>> No.7914382
File: 66 KB, 515x611, spodermin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a bunch of costume shop pieces and pinned and painted and hemmed until I got something good enough for one apartment party.

It was a good proof of concept though, I'd like to turn it up a few notches and put together a nice symbiote suit for cons next year

Now with image

>> No.7914390

I saw you this weekend actually, you looked great!

>> No.7915123

Yep, Willow.

>> No.7915405

Yes I did! Thank you!

>> No.7918362

excuse you i have an amazing ass

>> No.7920734
File: 69 KB, 720x960, bleach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first attempt at costume, i'm the one on the right

>> No.7921002

You look like Angry Joe.

>> No.7922798

HOLY SHITBALLS <3 fav cosplayer just because of guardians of the galaxy

>> No.7923064

fucking goddess genetics

>> No.7925535
File: 75 KB, 640x640, sdlkfjsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got some photos back from Unplugged Expo recently!

>> No.7925584

Thanks! Did we talk? asking since several people recognize me and trying to remember everyone!

>> No.7925593 [DELETED] 


>> No.7925596

holy shit, you're cute as phuck

>> No.7925598
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Ahhh thanks so much anon!

>> No.7925599


You're adorable. Best of luck in life.

>> No.7927887
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>> No.7927933

You have lovely legs!

>> No.7927968


>> No.7927972

How much did you get for the Sclera?

>> No.7928325
File: 131 KB, 1366x2048, 10472135_686610484768505_3916594481174427613_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Skyloft Link from Fanexpo :)

>> No.7931929

Your wig fluffs out perfectly omg

>> No.7932991
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me and my so

>> No.7933012
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>> No.7933063

gurl i didn't know you were on cgl!

>> No.7933113
File: 16 KB, 302x302, crown prof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ has always had a hugbox and encouraging side, just as much as the catty, bitchy side. Yin and yang.

>It all started when /cgl/ got our own Hotpocket, a Tumblrite and an SJW, who is by the way a known tripfag around here

Just name names.

Self post: brought in my 15thC Burgundian arming coat to account for weight loss and got my thigh high riding boots tailored to better fit at the calves. Also, getting ready to debute the new helm, but didn't want to fuck up my game in the last tournament.

>> No.7933115
File: 72 KB, 480x720, fallcrown khf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shot of the boots.

>> No.7933176

Handsome as usual but WHERE DID YOUR HAIR GO?! I thought you were growing it out?

>> No.7933440

It always has been m8 how new are you?

>> No.7933454

Cute cosplaying as muh waifu

>> No.7933492

>you will never live in the woods with selene making potions all day

>> No.7933561
File: 61 KB, 519x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay here I go. Here is my Musubi from Sekirei. I made it for Dragoncon 2013 and I really want to remake everything. The only part I'm happy with is my wig but even that I want to redo because it's the wrong shade of brown.

>> No.7933723
File: 26 KB, 466x659, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its there, its just gotten long enough that I have to braid it and roll it to keep it in order.

Shitty pic is the pipe curl I wear for work, still holding after a long day of foppery. I am the height of 18thC fashion.

>> No.7935668
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