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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7898896 No.7898896 [Reply] [Original]

Been a while since we've had one of these!

>> No.7899920
File: 643 KB, 1247x730, cosplay plans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay i'll bite

>> No.7899956
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Working on remaking a costume as well.

>> No.7899957

I am also doing shadow cat in the blue costume from the 80's!

>> No.7899973
File: 147 KB, 1247x730, Cosplay plans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate incoming

>> No.7899983

ahh i love that costume! puffy 80's sleeves are the best.

>> No.7899987

>Rainbow Dash

Fuck off back to >>>/mlp/ you pony fucker.

>> No.7899989

>stop liking what I don't like!

>> No.7900022
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>> No.7900027
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I'm sorry

>> No.7900119
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probably other stuff, but can't think of any at the moment

>> No.7900189

Why should anyone like something so cancerous?

>> No.7900200

Part of the fandom is cancerous. The show itself is cute.

>> No.7900218

>part of the fandom

No, it's not "part of the fandom", it's a majority at LEAST. The very same people that got the dumb show it's own containment board, the very same people who made a documentary for no reason, the very same people who made the show itself a stigma.

>> No.7900234
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You should really get that sand out or your vagina.
It may be a majority, but it's not everyone. Just because I want to cosplay as a character doesn't mean I want to fuck them. Especially not when they're a pony. And just like every other otherwise cancerous fandom, even the mlp fandom has some people that can behave like a normal person.

tl;dr: Love and tolerante and shit

>> No.7900290

Awesome to see Alita being cosplayed!!

>> No.7900323

BAA was probably the first manga I read and she was my hero when I was younger, so I basically have to and I'm really looking forward to it.
I just wish I knew a Sechs cosplayer, that'd make it perfect.

>> No.7900337

Seconding the excitement for some BAA cosplay! Her motorball suit is my dream costume. Please post here when you finish!

>> No.7900438
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>genderbending jojo

>> No.7900554

I know, I know that everyone is sick of it and I'm honestly not too fussed about the idea either. I'm doing it with some awesome friends though, most of us have been fans for years, none of us want to sexualise it and I'm working out daily in order to not look like a complete dumbass once we do it.

>> No.7900586
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Ava's Demon! Yes! I did Wrathia for NYCC and being recognized by fans was so much fun. This is a great design, too.

I definitely plan on keeping myself busy this year...

>> No.7900727
File: 636 KB, 1247x730, cosplay2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably end up with half of these cosplays, but whatever.

>> No.7900835

I can't wait to see five! My friend and I are doing nine and twelve

>> No.7900867

That's awesome! Are you bringing them to any east coast cons? I'm still looking for a Nine and Twelve.

>> No.7900876

Your saying this on a fucking lolita board kek! Every fandom has their share of perverts.

>> No.7900900

Too lazy to make a pic:
Planned cosplay: Pit, Eridan Ampora
Cons: Lucca comics, Etna comics

>> No.7901012
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Probably I won't be able to make them all (specially Lanaya), but I already have fabrics for Isis and Yukari at least.

>> No.7901191
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I have HORRIBLE taste.

>> No.7901198

>Wrathia for NYCC
i saw photos of you on tumblr
you looked so nice!

>> No.7901273
File: 285 KB, 1247x730, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man Junjo Ito characters, SMT and Jojo, fantastic.

I love that outfit of Yasuho, I hope you post progress of it.

Here's my own stuff wompwomp. Some stuff might change. I'm not sure which AA vs Layton character I want to make first, it'll depend on what my friend wants to make so we can cosplay together. I started working on Irene and Jack Frost

>> No.7901298 [DELETED] 

Vegeta, I don't think many will recognize Graves.
8. Post pictures of you in 8 and 10? Theothers look rather plain excluding Jonathan.
Kokoro would be great, but it looks far too difficult. Shimakaze and Kate Hoshimiya if you want to get the whole "I want to fuck her" vibe rather than "That's impressive and adorable"one. I don't think that many people even watched World Conquest, but the outfits are good for cosplay.
Tenshi from Angel Beats if you can make good wings. Everybody loves Angel Beats.
Nonon with the outfit in the picture you posted.
5 or 7. Extra props if you can get your bf to go as Rance if you do 5.
Any of those excluding Jack Frost

>> No.7901302

mfw I was so tired I thought this was a "What should I cosplay next" thread

>> No.7901382
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This doesn't even include cosplay I already have finished. *cries forever*

I might not make a few of these though... it just really depends on time/money.

>> No.7901850

It's a cosplay AND lolita board, get it right

>> No.7902029

I'm following your progress on Irene and let me say that it looks absolutely great.

>> No.7902709

That Giorno design looks so cute!! And I'm excited to see you do Jack Frost.

>> No.7902731
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>Clara Osborne

>> No.7903410

Thank you!

Ahh right? I feel like its really cute and works well for him.

>> No.7903546


OMG I meant Oswald! Woooopsss

>> No.7904065
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>5000 hours in MSPaint

So this coming year's not going to be very exciting in terms of actually making things, since one's been finished for a year and another's going to be basically coming out of my closet. I've already started making plans for 2+ years in advance (the next Ace Attorney game isn't even out in Japan yet, whoops).

>> No.7904085
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I think we can tell who isn't good at working with spaces. These are just my main plans and I have a few more minor costumes in mind, but lets just see what happens.

>> No.7904098

>tfw Danny's been in my "maybe" pile for like six months

>> No.7904310


Brian will be super easy for me though. Literally the only thing I will have to make is the cardboard keytar. He's a "maybe" because I don't know when and where I'd actually wear him--ideally it'd be Magfest, but I'll only be going to that if a)he accompanies Danny like he did last year (also if the SleepyCabin crew decides to be guests there as well), and b)I'm able to find people to stay with that won't rape me.

>> No.7906790
File: 708 KB, 1246x726, plannedcosplays2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should totally post your Johnny to a self-post thread or something when you're done-- I love to see other SBR cosplayers!!

>> No.7906793

Wow I never noticed the typos in this. Whoops.

>> No.7906838

I'm loving the amount of Jojo in this thread!!

>> No.7906843
File: 449 KB, 1247x730, ja vi elsker dette landet som det stiger frem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I love these threads. Some pals of mine and I have wanted to do a complete genderbent group of Dramatical Murder, so we'll hopefully be the entire cast.

Cool to see some Ava's Demon cosplay!
OH PLEASE post your Graves if you finish it! I've done Twisted Fate so I am always excited to see Graves cosplayers.
Yooo, good luck with Usui! Also super cool to see more Libra love.

>> No.7907249

>let me fuck my ponies uuugh

>> No.7908140
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Most of these are part of a group/duo

>> No.7908216
File: 173 KB, 525x641, 1414049849429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when i see all these jjba cosplans here

>> No.7908295

Post your Vegeta

>> No.7908387
File: 542 KB, 1252x711, whathefuckamidoing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like armor since mah face isn't really character worthy other than Gendo and Meme

>> No.7908424
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but anon I haven't started, motivate me