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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 256 KB, 500x343, feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7899206 No.7899206[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>7895366 on autosage.

Keep the shitposting to a minimum.

>cosplay/lolita/jfash related

Continue to feel.

>> No.7899211

>tfw Voldie-senpai will never notice you

>> No.7899219 [DELETED] 

>tfw relatively new to lolita and tumblr
>tfw post coord
>tfw 250+ notes

>> No.7899234
File: 33 KB, 111x110, tumblr_inline_n5mwt8LS1A1sypxyb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have one close lolita friend
>she's always busy and often cancels plans right before we're supposed to hang out
>know i shouldn't take it personally
>but it still sucks
I think I'm just going to wait for her to contact me first in the future, every time I ask her to do something, something happens and she can't make it.

>> No.7899238

>tfw when I could sell all my lolita and go on a trip to the great Nippon
Is lolita worth it? I can't tell anymore

>> No.7899310

>tfw saturdays on cgl are more slow than usual
I thought you guys never went out ..
f-fake hikis!

>> No.7899319

There must be conventions going on somewhere

>> No.7899323

According to the previous two threads there are actually. Some anons are also at parties and are undoubtedly spilling spaghetti everywhere

>> No.7899324 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 313x286, 1309114341222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rang up a friend to see how he was doing last night since I haven't talked to him properly in a while
>"oh man you should totally come out, we can have some great laughs in person and the guys wanna see you"
>apprehensive because the pub they're drinking at is a place I usually don't enjoy myself
>he assures me it'll be great and I'll have a good time
>go in eventually
>one of the guys didn't even show up, friend in question spends the whole night talking to other people and trying to get his dick wet
>I leave after one pint

I knew I should have just stayed home and played videogames

>> No.7899331 [DELETED] 

aw anon
the dog pic make it so sad i just wanna hug you (or the dog,or both)

>> No.7899337 [DELETED] 

You would have just played shit games anyways.

>> No.7899345 [DELETED] 

Thank you anon. Either would be fine.
Alien: Isolation and Super Danganronpa 2 completed this week, come at me m8

>> No.7899350 [DELETED] 

Okay fine, you do have good taste then. But I still dislike you.

>> No.7899357 [DELETED] 

W-why m8

>> No.7899378 [DELETED] 

Because of that. That fake stutter on an anonymous image board.

>> No.7899379 [DELETED] 

>Alien: Isolation and Super Danganronpa 2 completed this week,
How are those not shit games?

Only the craziest weeaboos like that retarded version of Ace Attorney.

>> No.7899386 [DELETED] 

Alien is actually something that had effort put into it. As for the other, it has the hot girl in it, so it gets a free pass.

>> No.7899388 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 1920x1080, 1413033857282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hated me before the stutter, b-b-b-baka :^)
There are people who can enjoy both anon. And what's wrong with Isolation? It's the best Alien game to date

>> No.7899395 [DELETED] 

If this thread turns into a fucking video game discussion .. you're all faggots.

>> No.7899396 [DELETED] 

Just #KillAllMen and we get rid of that shit... permanently!`

>> No.7899399 [DELETED] 

Hey there, let me tell you about Homestuck!

>> No.7899401 [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 960x544, 2014-09-17-010940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking videogames

>> No.7899404 [DELETED] 

The only good games are Depression Quest and Gone Home.

>> No.7899411 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 960x544, 2014-09-17-230300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anita pls

>> No.7899417 [DELETED] 

>what's wrong with Isolation? It's the best Alien game to date
I enjoyed it. But piggy backing off the same old shit in the alien franchise story-wise and making the Alien as dumb and predictable as they did really killed it for me (as an Alien title). But I still enjoyed playing it, just kind of wished they had tried a little harder with the story and made the Alien as predatory and sneaky as it was in the original flick and why is it bipedal throughout the entire game??

Also, it's 2014 why can't I fucking jump.

>> No.7899420 [DELETED] 

Because if she jumped her boobs would slap her in the face.

>> No.7899423 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 960x544, 2014-09-14-112459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed it overall too but I think it suffered from pacing problems (especially in the last two hours), too much fetchquest shit and as soon as you get the flamethrower, he's not nearly as scary anymore.

>> No.7899424 [DELETED] 

my sides

>> No.7899429 [DELETED] 

All this video game discussion is literally fucking triggering me. Take your misogyny somewhere else.

>> No.7899432 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 960x544, 2014-09-21-105632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7899434 [DELETED] 

Glad we're on the same page. Also were you like 'ok must be close to the end here' and then two hours later found yourself repeating that same phrase?

I have to admit, the flashback where you visit the original space jockey ship made me pretty happy though.

Yes, flame thrower was dumb. The original Alien would have figured out how to avoid that so quickly...

>> No.7899435 [DELETED] 

This is like something an edgy tween turbodweeb girl would draw when bored in school, smh.

>> No.7899440 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 960x544, 2014-09-21-163801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, he becomes less and less apprehensive of the flamethrower the more you use it and will even charge you regardless on some occasions.
I agree. Kazuichi is an enormous faggot, easily the worst cast member.

>> No.7899448 [DELETED] 

I never experienced that. I did run into him being broken and I wouldn't even fire the flame thrower and he'd knock me down to run away, even after using it several times on him previously. I did still enjoy it, but I guess I had my hopes up too high. Evil Within has also disappointed me so far. If I wanted to play RE4 I'd just play RE4. Granted I'm only about two hours in so far. At least I have the cube port of RE4 to look forward to and not be disappointed by.

>> No.7899450 [DELETED] 

Cube port of RE^ not RE4

>> No.7899452 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 960x544, 2014-10-19-224851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd try Evil Within but I read the PC port is supposed to be pretty sub-par so I'll probably give it a miss or at least wait until it's on sale later on.

>> No.7899453
File: 230 KB, 425x312, 1413889520862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never be a girl to cosplay anything you want and still get attention for it from everyoneand basically live on easymode all your life

>> No.7899454 [DELETED] 

Yes, heard the PC version is shit tier mode. You're not missing much as far as I can tell you from where I am in it.

sage for whatever

>> No.7899461

Nah Anon we have our own problems. Life may be technically easier but feels and messed up standards cripple us really badly.

>> No.7899469

>pressure to conform to societal standards and wear makeup nearly all the time

I don't envy women at all. We have it easier in a lot of cases.

>> No.7899472

Its exactly as this anon says. That last one is why i only go out for cons.

>> No.7899477 [DELETED] 

Die, you misogynistic scum.

>> No.7899494 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 720x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear lord, janitor-san please purge this thread. It has, at most, 3 on-topic posts.


>> No.7899496 [DELETED] 

Fucking this. We need him to do this for free!

>> No.7899501 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 960x544, 2014-10-19-232337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7899504 [DELETED] 

From experience, if you report a certain post in the feels thread, janitor comes through and cleans up the thread deleting all the off-topic posts.

>> No.7899505
File: 544 KB, 508x541, 1410701980034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goodsmile booth sold out of Kyoko and Sayaka nendos before I could get one
I-It's not like I wanted one a-anyway

>> No.7899540 [DELETED] 

Well every version is sub-par. The PC version is probably the best one.

>> No.7899556

Who's this semen demon?

>> No.7899649

>been working on cosplays for months
>getting down to the wire
> trying to style ridiculous wigs
>way in over my head
>wigs starting to look chaosfox tier shit
>no time to start over
>cries forever

>> No.7899735
File: 490 KB, 250x273, k-on.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you wear frills in public for the first time and get complimented by a surprising amount of people

>> No.7899746 [DELETED] 

How do I make friends, guys?

I thought all it took was having common interests and talking about those. That's why I go to cons. But even that's not good enough.

>> No.7899779 [DELETED] 

>How do I make friends, guys?
Stop being ugly and a misogynist.

>> No.7899782 [DELETED] 

I hope this bitch kills herself.

>> No.7899783 [DELETED] 

I am neither, though.

>> No.7899792 [DELETED] 

Then don't be fat, duh.

I'm thinking I should make a pyramid of "why you suck and why it's your fault", kind of like Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

>> No.7899797 [DELETED] 
File: 594 KB, 500x282, tumblr_mt9wdgfDqU1rhjzdoo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope you do too

>> No.7899803 [DELETED] 

Typical tumblr/K-On poster.

>> No.7899804 [DELETED] 
File: 1018 KB, 500x280, tumblr_m5hxe6m5M31qzqnxxo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm just grabbing these off google
tell me more, anon-sama

>> No.7899819 [DELETED] 


>Using a GuP image with your shitty complaint

For shame.

>> No.7899895

>attended first meet
>fucking awesome
>feels good man

>> No.7900003

>retook measurment after a few monthes
>formerly 88-66-108cm
>now 80-61-101cm
>don't really now how to feel
At least I can fit super old school skirts.

>> No.7900053

>cousin wants to get into cosplay
>"oh anon! can you help me out since you've been doing it for a while?" "sure! what do you want to cosplay?"
>mfw character looks like a slutty school girl

I don't have a problem with slutty school girl. I have a problem with how my uncle and aunt (her parents) will likely see and think I'm leading their daughter down the slutty cosplay path because I'm the one in the family who cosplays.

>> No.7900178 [DELETED] 

>super thirsty girl says she likes me
>hit her up the next day and end up fucking her in the Forrest
>she has a 6/10 face but her ass is glorious
>Fuck her everyday for 2 weeks, ditch her whenever I don't feel like talking to her
>she texts me paragraphs everyday and I usually only respond with one word answers or none at all
>crazy bitch tells me she loves me
>tell her good for her
>she tells me later that day that she's depressed and might kill herself
>don't respond
>text her the next day telling her to come over and fuck me
>she says she doesn't want to
>tell her that if she really loved me she would service me whenever I told her to
>I go off on her and tell her she either fucks me or its over
>she shows up at my place teary eyed and blows me
>feels good man
>finish in her mouth and make her swallow it, tears running down her face
>she wants to go on a date wtf
>tell her to get out of my house
>she runs home crying

She kept texting me for a week after that but I kept ignoring her. She finally gave up thank god. My mom is really mad about it and says that she didn't raise a sexist pig. Am I a bad person?

>> No.7900185 [DELETED] 

yes you are.

>> No.7900194 [DELETED] 

If any of this actually happened, yes.

>> No.7900205 [DELETED] 

>[...] girl says she likes me [...] Fuck her [...]

Neckbeard virgin, PLEASE. It's a "feels thread" not a "dreams thread".

>> No.7900206
File: 97 KB, 940x626, stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only come here because i hope to understand WHY some people are so popular for dressing up like video game characters.

they're not even that attractive. Most of the girls in the WAYWT threads or progress threads are far more attractive than Ai_honey

hell even voldie is, and she's like a chubby 3/10

but apperantly they make money and a a large draw at conventions where people save up hundreds of dollars and fly from all over to attend?

i've attended A/X once and comic con 3-4 times and...it's nothing special its just a whole city full of "those" people, you know cheese ball OMG IM SUCH A GOOBERDORK/chris hardwick tier cheesey personalities making references to big bang theory and walking dead

why is this a multi-billion dollar industry?!

it's just body paint and polyester

yes iam male, i like tits as much as the next dude, but this shit is stupid

>> No.7900207
File: 141 KB, 692x763, 1402552284542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell bait. And how is this in any way cgl related? Fuck off.

>> No.7900208

Reminder that this poster is a fat, unattractive Asian man with a pathetic job.

>> No.7900231 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-10-26-08-40-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posting proof. I hate anime and cosplay and all that faggot shit I just come here to laugh at pathetic nerds.

>> No.7900233 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-10-26-08-41-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's part 2. Couldn't combine images cause I'm on my phone.

>> No.7900238

>it's nothing special its just a whole city full of "those" people, you know cheese ball OMG IM SUCH A GOOBERDORK/chris hardwick tier cheesey personalities

God help me but I agree. I fucking hate cons and all the annoying obnoxious people that attend.

I'm just here for the lolita but to be honest I have nothing in common with these people they often have all the above mentioned personality traits with added attention whore, special snow flake, catty and gossipy. The vast majority wear the fashion AS some form of cosplay too, and I can't stand the toddler shoes and stupid wigs and oh god I don't fit in anywhere and that's OK because I hate people I'd just like to have the option?

>> No.7900240 [DELETED] 

>Neckbeard Virgo from /r9k/ posting the chat logs of his ERP session with his other Neckbeard Virgo friend.


>> No.7900244 [DELETED] 

Lmao stay jelly faggot virgin, how's wizardry for ya?

>> No.7900251 [DELETED] 

If this is real you are a heartless prick and if it isn't you are even more of a loser for getting off to it.

>> No.7900253 [DELETED] 

Why is everyone responding to the obvious bait? If someone's willing to post bait and even provide "proof" , be it true or not, their life is obviously pathetic enough that they'd do anything for attention. No comeback that anybody can think of will ever match up to the feelings of self loathing and mediocrity that drives some people to shit post.

>> No.7900255 [DELETED] 

Classic /r9k/ neckbeard scum.
>assuming that you're talking to a 'guy' when on /cgl/

And your post reeks of desperate bait / trying to save face.

>> No.7900256 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 960x544, 2014-10-24-005815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're all wishing we just stuck to the videogames now!

>> No.7900261 [DELETED] 

Can we pleaaaaaase get back on track with the thread and ignore the bait?

>> No.7900267

>Halloween is coming
>Suddenly miss that weird vendetta shitposting of that woman in a "sexy Harry Potter" costume
>Miss the counter-shitposting of Miyu in the same outfit
>Whole threads of dumb party girls in that outfit
>Lost to time

>> No.7900268 [DELETED] 

Be the change you want to see and start talking about the topic. I got nothing to add since I don't cosplay.

>> No.7900270 [DELETED] 

I find it so funny how you're quick to call me pathetic when everyone in this thread are pathetic autistic nerds who can't even function in real life. I read these threads all the time just to laugh at how shitty people you all are.

Why would I try to save face on an anonymous cosplay board? In real life you fags are the bottom of the social hierarchy. You probably have no irl friends either.


>> No.7900274
File: 634 KB, 1200x1600, 1406230880326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7900280

Thank you kindly Janitor

>> No.7900283
File: 198 KB, 750x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almighty janitor-sama, please clean up this particular shitty thread. Mods even, ban these faggots. I just want to talk about cosplay and jfashion

>tfw it's finally fall
>nice, thick fabrics
>delicious autumn colors

Yes please. I don't even care if it's still above 85 here.

>> No.7900289

>tfw live in a place where fall weather is perfect
>not too cold, definitely not too warm
>can wear anything I want now

Favorite time of the year

>> No.7900299 [DELETED] 


Get rekt son.

>[Deleted] as well

Ayy lmao. NO FRIEND MAKING allowed by hotpockets.

>> No.7900318

Why did you delete??

>> No.7900320

>tfw Ireland

Weather is fine now but the wind is driving me nuts

>> No.7900401

>autistically passionate about lolita
>my comm be like "it's just a fashion we're just having fun and if it's any more important to you you must be crazy and useless"
>lolita is my life, lolita is my very nature, I breathe lolita, I am lolita, it is truly a treasure to me

I think I'll be a pure maiden alone

>> No.7900449
File: 979 KB, 490x282, needs to be lolified.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not quite as passionate as you but
>many of my hobbies and mannerisms would fit under the "lolita lifestyle" umbrella
>do sewing, knitting, crochet, embroidery
>enjoy classical music and often attend concerts
>collect and read Victorian literature (among other things)
>like trying out different kinds of tea and baking
>quiet, not much for swearing or talking about sexual exploits
>never identified with the lolita lifestyle or considered myself a pure maiden or whatever
>talk about hobbies at meet
>later that day, on FB: "ew lifestylers are so dumb and weird it's just a fashion they're just trying to be superior to the rest of us whatever we'll get drunk and swear in lolita as much as we want and they can't stop us!!!11"
I'm pretty sure there's no way I can convince them that I'm not putting up an act and being judgey, because they seem to think that their interests are secretly everyone's interests and anyone who says differently is just repressing their deepest desire to drink cheap beer and hoarsely scream along to Lana Del Rey. I never looked down on them for their hobbies but the more defensive and accusatory they get the more I'm actually starting to judge them.

>> No.7900469

Good for you, anon!
You should do it more often

>> No.7900472


What made me super judgemental was when more and more lolitas started to say OTT sweet was costumey/not lolita/ugly

>insulting muh fashion
>shitting on muh rococo

normalfags already failed to see the historical inspirations in sweet lolita and associated it with anime, living dolls, ageplay and all that stuff, I didn't need my own comm to do the same, also it really rustled my bloomers to hear them talking about how lolita should be elegant when themselves thought a lifestyle revolving around elegance was stupid.
It still seems to me that they are just not fit to be lolitas. It's OK to consider it "just a fashion" but they're just not enough into it for me , as they can't like it as it is and feel like they have to please normalfags rather than apply the actual lolita elegance/aren't enough into it to stop caring about others. Or maybe they're too lazy to buy accessories.

>> No.7900489

You should just say fuck you to everyone and wear lolita all the time, and have like a special dress for each occurrence, like one for weddings, a few casual dresses, etc.

>> No.7900494

I think it's really cool that you like what you like, anon, but at the end of the day it's just fashion. You seem to like living an elegant lifestyle, so Lolita fashion suits your tastes. Other girls may just like to dress up every now and then but keep that separate from other aspects of their life. That doesn't mean they're not good enough for the clothes--they're just clothes. I love the fashion too and I definitely love more *~*refined*~* things too, but that doesn't mean I'm going to act like a gatekeeper.

>> No.7900496
File: 11 KB, 296x262, 1656110_811237438893791_1697063883_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sitting here experiencing bad period cramps
>/cgl/ baptised me as male yesterday
>some anon claims mtf
>same anon claiming I have the process on tumblr
>still anon not giving the link or prove anything
>i'll just accept my fate
>i dont know how to feel about this

>> No.7900498
File: 436 KB, 500x338, tumblr_m1y0e0soH21r2g7mto1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cut down on cons I'm going to, since I've realised I gotta manage my money better
>Have only 1 con planned next spring, but group of friends want to do at least 6 different cosplays
>Want to join them, but don't have enough days or cosplays for that one single con

I want to cosplay with my group, but I already have full cosplay plans...

>> No.7900553

that's what I do , I'm a total brandwhore and I like to buy all the unwearable stuff they release now and then since I don't have many other hobbies that cost a lot of money.
A few months ago I made an entire OTT sweet coord based on bows only for my birthday (because my casual friends always buy me bow hairclips). I used the Princess In Love OP along with the secret princess arm warmers, triple bow shoes, got fake nails with bows as well, and I had a big wig so I put the bow hairclips they had given to me the previous years everywhere. Still one of my favorite coords to this day.

As I said it's OK to consider it "just clothes". The problem is that they consider me less good than them because I am passionate about something that they just casually like and can't accept the idea that someone may like it more. It seems pointless and superficial to them. I joined because I had a friend there but she married and left lolita so I consider leaving since no one else quite understands me, but at the same time I kinda want to stay here because I got interested in Lolita in 2004 and at that time I was desperate for a comm.

>> No.7900615
File: 35 KB, 326x326, fagg000t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kk, buddy. Sorry that you feel that way, but why you so salty?

>> No.7900617

>tfw can't come up with any cosplay ideas besides Hitoshura and I'm not sure if it would turn out any good

>> No.7900632
File: 128 KB, 666x462, sieg heil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder of the type of guys who shitpost ITT

>> No.7900635

Top kek. Pathetic

>> No.7900678

I hope everyone bullies this degenerate

>> No.7900723

>tfw exactly like you
I still haven't met my comm yet, so I'm really hoping they're not like your comm. I'd rather be a lone lolita instead of dealing with that nonsense.

>> No.7900751

Same, kind of. I don't consider it "my life" but I really really love it and aside from work and athletic clothes it's the only thing I wear/buy. There's this woman in my comm who always wears really obvious cheap wigs with her AP replicas because she maintains her natural hair as a multicolored pixie cut with various areas shaved off. She only wears lolita to cons and meetups and she annoys the shit out of me. I know it's silly and irrational but I experience her presence at the meetups I organize as an insult. She says that lolita is just "a fashion" to her but she wears it like it's a costume. I know I sound like a whiny mall goth crying about posers but I really wish she and people like her would GTFO lolita, or at least the comm.

>> No.7900816

>tfw opening the restaurant on Halloween and All Saints' Day


>> No.7900822

I met someone like that about two years ago but even though the other members of the comm weren't that great, they ended up banning her anyway. Sidecut, terrible dyejob, black AP replicas, always trying to make her outfits badass/show that she wasn't a delicate woman or something (in that case Lolita really wasn't the style for her). Also tried to get our local sissy to join the comm. In her own mind though she was a hero saving the stuck-up costumey bitches we supposedly were. She would stick to her thing, so when the other girls progressed they ended up finding her as annoying as I did. She threw a huge fit when we announced that to her but at least she's gone. Reminds me a bit of the tree things from Earthbound that burst in flames when you kill them, ha ha.

>> No.7900895

Ema Skye from Phoenix Wright.

>> No.7900954

I've been putting off working on costumes for so long because of depression and telling myself to wait until I'm in better shape. I want to lose maybe ten pounds, nothing drastic, but I stopped working out and eating right and need to get back to it, but I can't motivated myself to keep up with it anymore, and I feel like such a fat ass in cosplay.

But I've decided to stop doing that to myself and start working again, even if it's just something small every day, and to be more active in my cosplay community to further motivate myself.

>> No.7901129

>close friends who also cosplay talked about doing a small get together for halloween
>joke about dressing up
>was going to show up in either a casual cosplay or kigu, getting a little excited considering I haven't really celebrated halloween in years
>mutual friend asks one of close friends do to something all together
>sounds messy - literally
>don't want to ruin kigu or any wigs
>group of mutual friends don't cos, doubt they are planning to dress up

The one day of the year when it is normal to dress up in costume and I'm not going to get to.

>> No.7901154

Wow, that's just sad. An adult and don't know what to do.

>> No.7901167
File: 58 KB, 250x250, 1388643995081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I got my first job

I-I made it guys! I've been wanting to actually get into Lolita for so long now, but I could never afford it because before now I was just a high school student with no job and my parents aren't well off. I get my first paycheck tomorrow, and even though I'm only working 28 hours with minimum wage every week, the fact that I'm living at home and taking online college courses means I'll have more than enough money to build a nice wardrobe fast!

>> No.7901177

Congrats, anon!

>> No.7901178

That's excellent news anon, congrats!

>> No.7901181

>been trying really hard to make friends from /cgl/ and my local comm
>think I'm coming off too strong they all eventually stop responding
;_; I just want people to talk to about my hobby

>> No.7901182
File: 131 KB, 614x765, fsfdsfsdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love cosplaying
>hate making the costumes

Why couldn't I be gifted with the joy of creation as well.

>> No.7901190

I love to cosplay, but I have no idea how to make lots of shit, like swords and such. I wish there was a place to learn about everything there was to know about how to make costumes.

>> No.7901203

you're on 4chan, on /cgl/ too. Just wait for tutorial threads and lurk more.Or you could use google.

>> No.7901216

or y'know, ask in the right threads.

>> No.7901219

Where are you from? I'm facing this exact same problem.

>> No.7901220

>tfw I can never come up with who to cosplay as because people in games are always big burly guys or sexy girls and I don't watch much anime

>> No.7901228

>Big burly guys
>Sexy Girls
>always in games
>I don't watch much anime

Fucking normies not even trying, post a pic of you, I'll give ya something.

>> No.7901234

>post a pic of yourself
No, but I have the same build as Hitoshura, which is why I'm going as him, I just take a long as fuck time to come up with anything I can do.

>> No.7901235

It always bothers me when people say so matter of factly "lolita isn't a subculture/lifestyle! It's just clothes! "
Like maybe it's not for you but obviously it is for other people, your opinion doesn't magically make it so

>> No.7901243
File: 48 KB, 427x231, 1357397202644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have had friends back out of past two cons making me go alone
>next week's con is the same story
>no one to drive across the country with
>trying to force myself to get out of my shell to meet new people

fun unrelated to cgl feels
>ex gf that I still had feelings for is getting married
>want to leave this god forsaken state and go back to where I grew up

>> No.7901254

>get artist alley table, yuss
>have no stock to sell
>working two jobs already
>full-time uni student

Whelp. I guess I hate myself and want to utterly burn out in the next few months.

>> No.7901263

I kind of did this. I made some bullshit stock the week before and took custom orders while there. What do you sell anyways?

>> No.7901264

The convention is a gr8 way to get your mind off of things anon
Myself I hate being alone but whenever that occurs I end up enjoying the con twice as more. Since I'm cosplaying it makes it fun to just pose without relying on my friends/bf or not feel bad while I talk to people about the series I'm cosplaying from/etc. I just hate to feel like I'm making them wait all the time too so maybe that's me in the end.
But conventions in general makes me spark inside and pushes me to make new friends (even if it doesn't last, in much cases) but I enjoy everything while it lasts.

also, why can't you move back?

>> No.7901276

But uh, is there anything I could tell you to give you ideas of what I could cosplay as?

>> No.7901286

>why can't you move back?
not enough of an income to support myself long enough to find a place to stay/job

>> No.7901417

Me too. Wanna be friends?

>> No.7901424

East coast US.

>> No.7901428

>Starting to get into lolita after a long inner struggle about whether I would fit in
>made my first bodyline order
>looking at nicer stuff for when I get into better shape
>going to make most of my accessories and jewelry by hand (mostly for fun)
>no idea how to locate a comm when I someday am ready to wear a coord in public
>still, excited for things to happen in the future

>> No.7901625

Sent you the email.

CGL feels time:
>first time using BTSSB's shopping cart system
>haven't studied up on Japanese for a few years
>follow the sample
>get an unreadable prompt full of fucking difficult kanji I don't even recognize
>figure out eventually that I forgot to add what country I'm from
>mfw I derped for longer than I care to admit

>> No.7901630

>Wore a Gyaru-o coord to a recent con
>praised by lolita passerby
>was not expecting that at all

Feels good

>> No.7901635
File: 1023 KB, 265x213, 1395006193451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know not all of this is j fashion but i really need to vent ok sorry

>just crashed my car into a lady who slammed on her brakes in front of me, now my car is completely totaled.
>working really hard at my new job but i get treated like shit daily by the servers and have no money
>i'm locked into the shittiest apartment lease ever. my ex-best friend is now just really cruel and nasty and hypocritical and really just a cunt to everyone but her bf, who is actually a great guy. i'm caught between two boys that i love and it tears me apart daily, idk but it's my own fault anyway i guess.
>neighbor got my roomates fucking addicted to heroin, they slammed it tonight, and currently my boyfriend is having a panic attack over not being able to shoot up properly tonight and says he "needs" it-- to which i reply he doesn't, it's just a stupid drug, it's not that important and he needs to stop hurting myself. he's having a fucking crying fit and normally i love him and he's a wonderful, helpful, loving boyfriend but this is really making me upset because I've asked him so many time to please not shoot up. like wtf

>> No.7901638

>no one cleans the apartment at all, super lazy, our bills are fucking terribly expensive each month (even though we live in a shitty area) and not everyone pays their share. i try to keep things clean but it's like trying to be a mother to a bunch of drugged up 7 year olds.
>try to be a good person every day but i hate myself so much and i physically hurt myself because i think i'm such a bad person (was abused all my life ect. ect.) im really insecure about myself and my body and i have self harm scars everywhere from when i was younger
>one of my highschool friends died in a car accident last week and he was only 20
>drink and smoke and pop pills to kill my troubles

I try to think of the positive things in life, like going to college in the spring, and art, and that I have been blessed and been lucky a lot. Lolita makes me feel better and I'm actually hosting a meetup tomorrow, which i hope will be fun. things are rough and i honestly want to improve things, but progress is slow. :c sorry end thanks x

>> No.7901649

oh and if it makes it lolita related, i was the one who got my ex-friend into lolita in the first place, and now we won't even go to the same meets anymore. :/

>> No.7901679

>drink and smoke and pop pills to kill my troubles
I did that once in a really low part of my life, it didn't help and it actually made it harder for me to get past my problems since I couldn't think straight. The way I got past that part of my life is through exercise. As soon as I started to feel overwhelmed I would go on a bike ride to clear my head, you end up feeling better after and it helps to clear your head so you can think about your problems more logically.

Heroin changes your brain after one use so your boyfriend will never get over the feeling of needing it. He will never be the same guy you once knew and the more he does it the less like himself he will become. I don't have anything against drugs but their are a few I would never willingly do and heroin is one of them.

Good luck and I hope the people around you don't drag you down with them, it will be really hard not to let them and it will be a testament to your strength if you don't.

>> No.7901692

god anon, all that sounds truly terribly horrible. living in such a toxic environment is only going to bring you down further. a home is supposed to be a safe haven. i hope you can get out asap. you sound like a strong person inspite of all you're going through. keep thinking positive thoughts. my prayers are with you.

i agree with you. i'm glad i quit the drugs and went through alcoholics anonymous. dropped all my druggie friends too. life got a hell of a lot better.

i hope you drop the drugs, anon. a sober mind is a sound and healthy mind.

>> No.7901722

thank you for replying. i met a girl friend that wants me to do yoga with her and i think i will try for that; i also have a bike just waiting to be ridden in the garage in my mom's house. i know exercise really helps your mind and body.

:( I'm begging him to stop, I'm telling everyone we should just stop this, but they still do it everyday. i'm not against drugs, i mean i do them, but heroin is dangerous and i really wish that shit would stop going down.
thank you very much, i'm trying to be my own person and always do what is right. but i have so many doubts.

yeah it sucks big time, really just a bad place to live in all around. Unfortunately I am stuck here for another 7 months.. sigh. you are very kind with your words, thank you. i try to think positively, mostly because i know things could always, always be worse.
i see a psychiatrist and get help for my anxiety, so i'm trying to work out my issues. hopefully i can stop with the drugs and shit.

thank you both<3

>> No.7901751

Buying cosplay is okay.

When you buy cosplay and act like you're a professional cosplayer (creating a FB page, selling prints, etc), that's not okay.

You're not a professional cosplayer if you buy your cosplay. You're just a model at that point. I have no problem with people wearing bought cosplays for fun or for just feeling good, but when you act all holy like you're the God of cosplay, fuck.

Yeah, I'm vendetting.

>> No.7901764

I honestly don't blame you, but maybe start a rant/vent thread if there isn't a current one.

>sage for OT

>> No.7901786

Your car doesn't happen to be white and your name start with an S does it?

>> No.7901795

Mind if I be a friend too? I don't do lotita or anything, but I'm interested in seeing different designs and whatnot.

>> No.7901796
File: 2.61 MB, 446x250, 204Lancel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at a friend's place holding her hand through sewing a kigurumi
>overhear her housemate talking about hot-gluing a cheerleader outfit together for his Halloween costume
>volunteer to make the costume for him because ~~hot glue, the sin~~
>"wow thanks anon!"
>pulls out two yards of pink silk shantung, no matching thread, and no zipper

I had some leftover pink satin from a Princess Bubblegum cosplay (that I was planning to use towards tearing out the bodice and remaking it) but I donated it to the cause because you can't make a jack shit bodice with shantung.

>> No.7901853

>offering to make normalfags' Halloween costumes
Yeah that's how I learned not to do that, no matter how simple it may seem at first glance. At this point I get a perverse pleasure from seeing people fuck up and only intervene when a) I really like his person and b) their idea isn't completely idiotic.
Seriously though, the things people come up with:
>hot gluing a velvet ball gown
>pillows-hanging-from-corset contraption to give volume to said ball gown (I pointed them at petticoats and hoop skirts but those were "too difficult to make")
>'mummy princess' costume made purely out of 2cm wide satin ribbon and hot glue
>welding shiny gray polyester rectangles together with a lighter "for that armour look"
I should write a book.

>> No.7901859

uh sure just shoot me an email too

>> No.7901864

> got new job in july, good for my career, better conditions and getting more money
> but have to work a lot more
> can't buy anything because bf and me are saving up to move out
> sudden bills and car crash
> again no savings
> feel guilty if I bought something since bf doesn't spend money as well
> have a bet with bf if I get to 60 kg until december I get a new dress
> 5 weeks left and still at 66-67 kg
> no time to work out, sugar addict
> should be working more in uni to get my bachelor's degree next year
> sitting at uni while typing this
> why am I so lazy

tl; dl I work more, but can afford less than before. I'm still fat and I'm still too lazy do something for my courses.

I drown in self-pity while everybody tells me I should be happy I have a good job and I'm able to do this hard-to-get degree.

>> No.7901867

I raffed.
sage for no controbootion

>> No.7901896
File: 309 KB, 1280x1600, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work!
Now make sure you spend your money wisely and make the most of it

>> No.7901984

It's fairly common for spending to increase with increased income, actually. Instead of calling yourself names though, it might be more productive if you celebrated your small victories.

"Should" is a very destructive word when it comes to forcing obligations and feelings. You feel what you feel and you're the only one who's in control of that.

Also, when building habits like taking steps toward weight loss or becoming more productive, it'll be more likely to stick if you take smaller steps first.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck. Don't be so hard on yourself.

>> No.7901993

I guess it's not your fault that you're such a basic bitch. You don't know any better and probably never will.

>> No.7902001



>> No.7902327

>Life may be technically easier but feels and messed up standards cripple us really badly.
this is what some women actually believe

>> No.7902335
File: 685 KB, 1296x968, photo 1 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you start to trace pattern from otome no sewing
>realize that lining arm is different
>look up lining jackets
>realize that you may need to tweak the pattern


>> No.7902349

>pressure to conform to societal standards
Wow, that's so gender specific! Poor women!
Let's get this ironed out - a girl who doesn't conform to female expectations = "Wow you're so quirky and unique! You go girl!". Men fall over each other in lust for her.
Man who doesn't conform to male expectations = "Ewww, fucking weirdo! Chad, flush his head down the toilet again!". Ostracised from society.

>> No.7902358

...isn't the fabric alone to make that jacket more expensive than buying one at forever 21? not to mention your time

>> No.7902383

>implying that I would want to buy F21 cheap shit

I want to fucking make it. There's joy in sewing you know.

>> No.7902391
File: 165 KB, 600x338, zb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the completed project though, it looks pretty bad, polyester fleece. like a bad jacket you only wear inside while sipping hot cocoa on xmas...

f21 hoodies wouldn't be that much worse.

also if you really can make that without fucing up too bad you could make a killing on fashion forums

<this sells quickly for $400+
from a dude who literally just "figured out" how to make clothes a few years ago

>> No.7902394

no :/ silver

>> No.7902411

>Friends are all too lazy or clueless on how to plan for a con, I have to rally them up and coordinate everything myself.
>After a few times, get the hang of it, ok with being the ringleader

>the next trip is almost booked, being careful of who I bring along, no attentionwhores, downers or just difficult people.
>Some people are waiting to see if they can make it, but are otherwise really fun to hang out with.
>friend is trying to force me to make a spot for his friend, I kinda know the guy, took him once before
>a normalfag that didnt even like it when we took him last time.
>He just wants to go since he has friends in that area.
>Dont want to say ok , only for someone who actually wanted to go get left behind or this one guy weigh us down with his unknown plans.

>> No.7902417

Ignore seig and filter him. He fails at life and I wish I was exaggerating.

>> No.7902423

>>tfw addicted to lifting
>>tfw getting swole
>>tfw my secret passion is crossplay

I don't know if anyone else in the entire world knows these feels but I need a place to air them out.

Let me rest them here.

Thank you.

>>tfw still dressing up as Marisa for Halloween because fuck it

>> No.7902424

Are you pretending he doesn't make your day brighter by being a massive faggot? My self esteem climbs higher everytime he shitposts.

>> No.7902427

>it's faux fur
>I'm not using faux fur
>realize who the fuck I'm arguing with
>on the internet

well do you have any good sources for constructing lined jackets?

>> No.7902436

No, usually I don't even notice him since I have him filtered on my computer. Phone and tablet are iffy for some reason.
I have to admit that his pathetic attempts at being relevant is amusing, but it gets boring after a while.

>> No.7902507

>mutual friend asks one of close friends do to something all together

What was this something?

>> No.7902728
File: 242 KB, 447x576, MF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be an otter mode Ms. Fortune.

>> No.7902733

I also went through drug problems, it took being in the back of a police car and almost not being able to expunge my charge to realize that if I keep it up this won't be my only cruiser ride along with the fact that these people are dumbasses and that nobody can change them except themselves. I then started lifting, working on bikes for extra money, going to cons and generally cutting these people out of my life entirely. That's really the hardest part, not ever hanging out with those people, don't say "oh just this once" or "oh I won't get high with them" because it won't be, you will hang out again and get high and will contribute to unless you snip them out like a stray pube. 100% out of your life


>> No.7902734

>tfw all the people I want to cosplay as are girls and I can't pull off a crossplay
I just like girls' designs better.

>> No.7902738

Genderbend bruh

>> No.7902754

>>all these disgusting nerds crying about crossplay or crossdressing

/cgl/ has finally gone to absolute shit I see. You can't even give women a safe space on ONE BOARD without trying to shoehorn your creepy fetishes and obnoxious ronery neckbear feelios into it.

>> No.7902755

that feel mane

I feel like I'm too muscular to crossplay without looking like a drag queen even though I have a babby face

>> No.7902769
File: 88 KB, 387x379, conspiracy theorist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the estrogen in drinking water these days, man.

>> No.7902812

I thought you said addicted to shoplifting.
Suddenly that Marisa cosplay makes sense.

>> No.7902821
File: 145 KB, 429x600, MARISA TRIPPIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you, anon.

>> No.7902852
File: 422 KB, 632x338, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"M-muh secrit vagina club!"
Back to Tumblr with you.

>> No.7902936

A girl who doesn't conform to female expectations get's the same treatment as men. You're called ugly, weird, freakish. Oh and those lusting men are just assholes likely to play the joke of 'My friend thinks you're cute' so they can get a good laugh.

>> No.7902940

you responded to r9k bait. how does it feel?

>> No.7902957

This low level bait

>> No.7902961

Stop anon you are oppressing her!
Sock Puppets have right too you know!

>> No.7903005
File: 493 KB, 640x480, 974230_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anon you replied to - yes to everything (speaking of ridiculous fixes, I once made an Azula beach outfit for someone who'd bought casa satin with velcro for fastening up the back). I think I'm a little masochistic because I keep agreeing to help normals with their sewing projects.
>don't understand clothing construction
>don't understand material costs
>offer to pay me with a chocolate bar after I walk them through 50+ hours of sewing a full cosplay (eg making custom patterns, telling them where to sew, taking care of all of the construction, doing a lot of the sewing myself)

As ethically problematic as they are, I appreciate cheap clothing and fast fashion stores like F21, but they really leave people with no baseline of how much it costs to make clothing - much less unique, custom-fit fantasy clothing.

I know it'd be easier on me to just say no, but perversely I'm feeling that if people can see how much effort it takes to make clothing, they might appreciate it more. Also I'm kind of bleeding heart and want to help people all the time.

Sage for getting ranty and OT.

>> No.7903036

(to be fair, it was her first cosplay and I need to remember that my first cosplay was a strapless dress made from a hacked-off bodice hand-sewn to a piece of glitter satin (I sewed myself into the dress, in significantly less glamourous Marilyn Monroe style) on the morning of the con

sage for sudden strike of morality)

>> No.7903063
File: 114 KB, 590x874, d4bacf2a-8d4b-4029-99d5-2bcf3171b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Anon, I think I have a bit of a crush on you. Wanna hang out sometime?"
I want to say this to a guy I met some time ago but I'm scared and I don't think I know him well enough to recover if it goes bad. I'm also a bit of a social retard so I can't adequately handle awkwardness.
Is it too spergy or weird or what

>> No.7903103

Don't tell him you have a crush, just ask to hangout. If you two have never hung out before, do something with a group, try to focus slightly more on him, then gradually make it between you two.

>> No.7903110

Collecting clothes and browsing this board are like all I have going for my life. I have no friends to hang out with, I just sit at home dressed up and occasionally go shopping for groceries or go to work. I literally do nothing but sit and think about clothes and collecting new fashion shit. I have no friends except anon.

Someone please save me.

>> No.7903115

I'll be your friend anon :3

Where do you live?

>> No.7903142


And the truth starts now:
Everyone is constantly under pressure from society as a whole. Society as a whole includes everyone, regardless of gender, and obviously your own gender likely isn't the one defining what's expected of you. Women have expectations of men, and men have expectations of women. It's to be expected.
If you don't conform then you're going to be treated like someone who doesn't conform.

Neither side has it worse
chauvinism is a buzz word
this is a feels thread, you're supposed to help each other, not make each other feel like shit.

>> No.7903160

It's kinda sad because of all that pressure, some people think they're ugly because of something small. That's why I make sure to send anons on tumblr complimenting women and men everyday.

>> No.7903164

b-but i'm a non-conformist freak who only comes out in the daytime

>> No.7903188

>perfect job
>perfect wardrobe
>perfect husband

Life could not get any better!

>> No.7903196

>I'm in cosplay
>bump into guy I like
>take picture with him
>maybe so I can fap to it later
I don't think this is how it's meant to happen...

>> No.7903204

dont tempt karma

>> No.7903208

>A girl who doesn't conform to female expectations get's the same treatment as me
lol except they dont
look at a man with 25% bodyweight
then look at a girl with the same amount
no pressure for women to stay fit
but if im not in the gym everyday im a bitch with "fast food physique"
and on the other end skinny men are called jack skellingtons whereas women are just called cute

>> No.7903209

U gay or sumthin, m8? Girls don't really fap.

>> No.7903220

You mean to say only homosexuals masturbates? What are you on to?

>> No.7903225

You sound like fagboy. Get your test levels checked. You're still a little bitch for whining to a bunch of recluse girls in a feels thread on a cantonese cartoon image board.

>> No.7903229

Nah, I'm saying that I don't really think girls masturbating could be called fapping. And it said with "him" so I assumed either gay, or a girl that calls it fapping, which doesn't really happen that much so I was confused.

>> No.7903235
File: 1.00 MB, 1541x867, shake weight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no pressure for women to stay fit
Are you legitimately retarded?
Friendly reminder: Pic related.
Women are reminded everyday to do absurd things to stay fit.
>and on the other end skinny men are called jack skellingtons whereas women are just called cute
No, women are called 'anorexics' and 'holocaust survivors' if they look too gaunt. They're made fun of for alleged eating disorders whereas guys are attacked for their lack of masculinity.

>> No.7903236

I feel like we've had this discussion before. What do girls call it then because "to masturbate to" just doesn't have a good ring to it.

>> No.7903238

yeah, no, you're probably the faggot for assuming things like that.

>> No.7903240

I've heard "shlicking" but that's weird as fuck, so I dunno. That's really a problem you girls need to sort out. Vaginas are weird.

>> No.7903246

you need to realize you're the ones who make it seem like there's a problem when there's literally a global word for each gender to use which is, masturbation.

>> No.7903254

I have the attitude and social skills of a normal fag, but I fucking love cosplay and animeand even used to be into Lolita, but I seriously don't even bother to try and make friends with the same interest because so many people out there are awkward and weird as fuck. I went through my weeb phase when I was about 13 but there's no trace left. I just want someone I can cosplay with that doesn't make me uncomfortable.

>> No.7903259

Autistic men flustered that girls use the word fap. Nothing to see here.

>> No.7903263

I'm a girl. Like other anons idk what the best word was. Point is it's usually the other way round.

>> No.7903277

I have never masturbated to pictures of girls I've taken at cons. Am I weird or something?

>> No.7903283

I don't know why, but I understand your feelings so much, it actually hurts.

>> No.7903284

I haven't either, thought it was a pretty pervy thing to do. But if he was in normalfag clothing I can see why it would be reversed.

>> No.7903293

No, just an attention whore.

>> No.7903313

just ask him. he's probably a sperg, too. one of you will have to overcome it to make progress.

>> No.7903317

>go to cons: feel out of place because you're an accomplished salaryman
>hang out with professional work friends: feel out of place because you're single, like video games, and don't play fantasy football

>> No.7903322


I feel the same anons. When i go to cons i see a few awkward weebs and i feel disgusted. I feel bad right after it happens but i cant help it. There are enough well adjusted people that go to cons that it doesn't happen often though. Im not sure where the feeling comes from.

>> No.7903331

>You sound like fagboy
exactly, bias detected
youre proving my point
>Are you legitimately retarded?
are you? have you ever seen a fit woman with a fat man?
>Women are reminded everyday to do absurd things to stay fit.
and yet they still never take it to the level a man does
look at all the "beauty at every size" bullshit
if youre a man, youre just a fat fuking slob
>No, women are called 'anorexics' and 'holocaust survivors' if they look too gaun
maybe by other women, but never by men
youre deluding yourself

i see men go through a lot more pain to get in shape more than any woman ever has

>> No.7903332

It seriously sucks. It's like I don't fit in with either group so I just stick with normal friends and keep my hobbies to myself.

>> No.7903337
File: 355 KB, 1257x1774, 1377048473110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autistic men flustered that girls use the word fap.
>autistic women actually making something out of it
i see we have autists of both genders here today

>> No.7903349

Proof that /r9k/ ruins everything they touch, including this feels thread.

>> No.7903357
File: 2.00 MB, 250x212, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7903363

Then stick to the fucking topic, fuccboi.
>muh male privilege
>men have it harder than women
>girls don't "fap"

>> No.7903367

I didn't post any of that shit, m8. If you want someone to fucking stop, don't reply to them.
>tfw even /cgl/ blames me for everything

>> No.7903372

What a stupid info-graphic. Even if women wanted to get into combat roles they are and were forbidden from fighting on the front line. Men are more likely to pick an ultra violent form of suicide such as jumping off of a building, whereas women are more likely to do something like overdose. Men are more likely to take an industrial job as they are seen as "men's work". The custody thing is fucked up. I need more information on the Homicide statistics. But as far as the prison sentences go men are more likely to commit violent crimes.

>> No.7903376

Lmao this is you though >>7888410

You lost all credibility in opinions a long time ago.