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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 17 KB, 500x440, Say it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7889704 No.7889704 [Reply] [Original]

Let us try one of these threads.

Say whatever is on your mind right now, but keep it cosplay/Lolita related.

>> No.7889720

When Shironui is done wrong, all I can see are Juggalos.

You asked.

>> No.7889722

I think slut shaming starts when you're 2 years old and your mother punishes you for lifting up your dress or shirt at the shops, while your brother is free to take his shirt off, jack off into an ice cream cone, and run about.

>> No.7889732

I just lost my fucking shit

>> No.7889745

In parallel to this, I don't understand why people don't believe in asexuals. You grow up being told sex is only for slutty, awful women and that having it will ruin your life, that all men are secretly rapists, and that you must forever be a pure flower or be shamed for life.

And then when you grow up and hate sex, everyone is surprised.
>But sex is the greatest thing, what do mean you don't have it?
>You're just scared; stop being a prude and judging people for having it.
>Maybe if you didn't wear those weird Lolita clothes, you could actually get some and not have to make up bullshit excuses.
And my favorite:
>Boy: You don't have sex! What a whore!

>> No.7889748
File: 263 KB, 860x920, moldie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a crush on Voldie's brother :3

>> No.7889749

women are the worst

>> No.7889751
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>> No.7889753

I feel like /cgl/ should go raid /r9k/ with only pictures of shoes, make-up, and wigs. They're always over here shitting up our board.
Captcha: akeerip! Canons

>> No.7889758

I'll pay you in burando to be my weekend gf for a con that's a year away

>> No.7889767

This thread is golden. OP is brilliant.

>> No.7889769

but she is a little girl

>> No.7889772

I don't care if they say my coords all look the same, AT LEAST I LOOK GOOD, OKAY? And stop asking me about taking off my cardigan, if I'm cold, etc., I wear long sleeves because I don't like my arms.

>> No.7889776

"Speaking as a lady..."
"Female here,"

>> No.7889777

Go ahead. We'll still ask you to be in London.

>> No.7889780

I regret self-posting and /cgl/ apparently never let go of things so I don't know what I'm going to end up with

anybody has crunchy stories to tell?

>> No.7889782

fuck off faggot, london is /fit/'s

>> No.7889785

Why do you keep spamming that? My brother looks nothing like that. I think he goes on /fit/ tho

>> No.7889786

Oh, but I live in London already, /r9k/-tan

>> No.7889787

i like pastel goth

>> No.7889788

Come and take it, you low test beta.

>> No.7889799

Good idea. Everyone should go and just post things like that.

>> No.7889802 [DELETED] 

I hate how the Supernatural fandom ruined the song Carry On Wayward Son by Kansas for me

>> No.7889806

I secretly want my name to come up on cgl and have other people defend me. I have trouble figuring out my reputation irl. I think people think I'm nice, but a bit weird. And probably really flaky.

>> No.7889807

Glad I could help. Just saw this sort of thread posted on other boards, and evidently there's a lot of stuff to get off people's chests regarding cosplay or Lolita.

>> No.7889812
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I go to cons to chase chubby girls

>> No.7889814


It's been a fucking year, no pun intended but let it fucking go already.

>> No.7889815 [DELETED] 

those videos are great

>> No.7889820


Maybe if you grow up with feminists.

And because people who identify as anything other than straight are very commonly fucked up in the head.

>> No.7889819
File: 32 KB, 250x249, billy-mays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to conventions and dress up as Billy Mays trying to sell Oxi Clean, and end up crashing dozens of photoshoots with or without trying. I feel like a huge asshole when people who have actually put time into their cosplays lose attention/recognition and I have to try my best to stay out of people's attention (somehow) until nothing's happening.

>> No.7889821

I sometimes loan dresses out. But it pisses me off when people try to use those co-ords towards e-fame. I won't loan my burando to you if you do that. I do it for fun or to let someone wear a dream dress, not to be used as a stepping stone.

I really just hate e-fame in general. I want no part of it, but I can't avoid try hoards in my comm.

>> No.7889824

I grew up in a very tight-laced fundamentalist Evangelical Christian world. I'm still trying to fix the brain-washing. I think that's part of why I'm ace. I just got stuck like this.

I don't announce it to people either, but when they ask... they just cannot seem to understand that another human may choose not to into sex.

>> No.7889849

If you really felt like a huge asshole you'd stop. Although I would take your picture if I saw you.

>> No.7889852

>try hoards

How do me, an human, learn to into English?

>> No.7889856

My distaste at lolita has been exponentially growing lately, like I always thought it looked stupid and weeby but the idea that some of them will look down on collecting figures or cosplayers at cons while dropping hundreds on a dumbass dress irrationally angers me.

So to get it off my chest I say fuck lolita. I do like summa dem IW things doe

>> No.7889858

This sounds so specific. Who borrowed a dress from you and then got one million follwers on Tumblr and a sponsorship?

>> No.7889860

dieting and getting in to shape sucks. I'm fucking hungry but I'm already over my 2000 cal intake. I just want to eat something that isn't fucking oat and nut bars and some carrots.

>> No.7889863

What if I told you you could

>> No.7889865

I believe that asexuals exist but I don't think they should be included in the LGBT movement. Asexuals aren't oppressed in any way.

>> No.7889869

No. Get out.

Also, asexuality is less some kind of sexual grey area bs and more of a state induced by trauma. I wish people would understand that.

>> No.7889870

just eat shitloads of broccoli. with mustard if you like mustard (I do)

>> No.7889877 [DELETED] 

I know that feel. Have to eat 2800 calories to lose weight and I'm leaning out nicely. Abs are coming in, but I am tired of eating.

>> No.7889878

Me too. However nobody in my comm comes here so I won't get defence. Ive been mentioned twice, once by my moniker as a "fucking asshat" and another in a group picture of the first meet I went to I was dubbed ita. Granted it was my first meet and I knew it was ita at the time, but it still doesn't feel very good to get posted here, and I don't want it to happen now that I know that nobody I know is here to defend me. It feels weird defending yourself.

>> No.7889881

fuck off cunt

>> No.7889882

And if you don't like mustard, try soy sauce...well if the broccoli is cooked.

>> No.7889888

oh yes definitely cooked. I can eat mounds of cooked broccoli but raw, ugh. I can't do it.
Steaming makes it taste much better than boiling also!

>> No.7889905

Yep light soy sauce with cooked broccoli is the way to go then.

For sweeter stuff, try cooking some baby carrots with that really low calorie Smart Balance and some cinnamon and whatever sweetener of your choice.

And baby spinach is the shit.

Make sure you're getting some protein from lighter sources though, like seafood, turkey, grilled chicken, egg whites. That can make you feel tired and hungry if you're not balancing your meals still.

>> No.7889919

my favorite low-cal dessert is a quick "baked apple". peel and slice an apple then microwave it with cinnamon on it. super good.

>> No.7889936
File: 30 KB, 450x299, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like it's unfair that Fatima the kebab maiden can be as conservative as she wants and mother ten children but if I dress modestly, don't drink nor smoke and want a large family I'm being a "Catholic prude".

And that even has nothing to do with being Catholic, we have our fair share of slags as well and dare I say they're even worse. It's just unfair to be "open-minded" when it comes to veiled brown people but when a white person does the same thing she's called a prude.

>> No.7889940

>microwaving apples


>> No.7889942

HLC is as specific as I'm going.

>> No.7889943

a prude and a 'breeder'* meant to say

>> No.7889949

I agree with this. It's just a pet peeve, not oppression.
That might be true, I'd had some trauma in my life that could definitely account for it.
Why so sandy over an abbreviation? Honestly curious; I have never been told not to use the term ace. If it's tumblr, tell me, since I don't go on there and don't want to be associated.
>Never talked about asexuality on here before, so sorry for the ignorance.

>> No.7889953

it's tumblr yeah

>> No.7890000

My names sam, I post snk, cosplay, lolita, and I'm officially diagnosed by a real doctor with clinical depression I hate waking up everyday and none of my meds work and I disappoint my entire family I wish I was dead like all my goldfish
Let's be friends!
Home Ask Archive Tags

>> No.7890006

Thank you, the word will never pass my lips again. Thank you for the info instead of yelling at me.

>> No.7890014

Quads of Wtf?

When I'm really struggling with trying to not off myself, I go and hug all the burando in my closet. It makes me want to keep living.

>> No.7890287

To all the basic bitch lolitas who've asked me where I find my off-brand and second-hand brand items:

Go fuck yourself, Go spend your own time looking for that shit. Also I'm not giving you any hints and Yes-I do cut the name tags off just to spite you bitches when I take my jackets and cardi's off.

Go fuck yourselves as hard and as fast as you can

>> No.7890332
File: 143 KB, 483x621, 0ce1f5cb42a26d5c8815f04ccd472a1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really, REALLY want to be dressed up in some cutesy cosplay like Kaname Madoka or in some sweet lolita by girls, and be their dressup doll! I'm so sorry...

>> No.7890338

I kind of understand where you're coming from. But at the same time, I spend hundreds of dollars on anime figures and cosplays but can never get myself to purchase a lolita dress due to the price. I think lolita fashion is great but for some reason just can't justify spending an insane amount of money on a decent coord.

>> No.7890498

me too

>> No.7890505

my first cosplay/con is coming up in a week or so and i'm really worried about my costume..

it looks so sub-par compared to the others on the internet and i don't know how to improve it in the short time frame

>> No.7890508

Okay, you asked.

I don't give a shit about what/who you're cosplaying and how you're doing it. It's not appropriation, racist, sexist, misogynist, misandrist, whatever. If you have a problem with someone's cosplay and you want them to stop, you're objectively an asshole, in my opinion.

>> No.7890514
File: 288 KB, 500x681, muh childhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scared the bodyline unicorn print will only be released in kids sizes and I will never fit into it.
also as a more classic lolita I'm angry at myself for succumbing to their marketing tactics wherein they bring out the inner kid in you who wants to buy all the fucking unicorns, fairies and pretty cakes regardless of whether you'll wear it or not.
Also while I'm on the topic of my inner kid, I would give my right arm for a Shirley Barber print but it will never happen *sobs*

>> No.7890518

Drink tea? if you think you don't like tea, you just haven't found the right one yet.

>> No.7890529

no bars holding me back

At cons my friends rly like to get drunk and thats fine, but theyre really REALLY fucking annoying when theyre drunk

a couple of them lock onto me and dont leave me alone spouting things like "anon youre soooooooooo sober right now, this must be soooooo weird for you" and constantly try to get me to drink too. ugh. like im sorry ur bitch asses dont care what vodka taste like, and they always have god damn screwdrivers and i dislike orange juice, the other two always have sex on the floor. and this isnt like "babies first drunken hotel experience" this happens every single fucking time

i just dont know how to handle it, and if i lock myself in the back room or god forbid the bathroom, since they have to pee so damn much, then i get "anon its rude to not share the room" or "what if i have to get in there for something"

I dont want to be "that asshole" that says i dont want them to drink, because i really do respect their decisions, and theyve never gotten into any trouble, but holy shit they suck SO FUCKING BAD when theyre drunk

>> No.7890532

they actually jimmy'd the lock open once when i was in the back room and i hid in that little wardrobe thing

>> No.7890535

I used to babysit people like this at cons. Now, I just let them deal with their own messes while I go chill somewhere else, unless they need medical attention.

That or play ~protect the burando from drunk assholes~.

>> No.7890537

Sounds like you need to either get a room by yourself or room with different people.

>> No.7890539

I want to move away from my city even though I lived here all my life. I want to join the lolita comm is in shambles and can't be fixed. The good meets are too exclusive and you can't get in unless you're into a certain anime or wear kimono casually. If I just post that I want to hang out like suggested, I get stuck with the n00bs and annoying people. I just want to move to a better city with more cons, a much better lolita community, and more opportunities to sell my art zines.

>> No.7890548
File: 93 KB, 402x564, 885a65b2-11b2-4fc6-bf76-247ac377c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's okay to cosplay outside of your body type, skin color, etc.

>> No.7890551

I'm a mean, spiteful, nasty bitch. And I know it. I rip apart other girls' coords and I live for BTB posting day. I lost weight to fit into brand so I could really be the perfect lolita. On the outside I'm shy and polite and will take any newbie under my wings if necessary.
And I enjoy it, because I know I'm the best lolita in my shitty comm, and all the newbies stare at me like I'm the god of brand. I don't even care about e-fame or drama, I just want to know that I'm the most perfect lolita in my comm.

>> No.7890572

As a stingy person, I get where you're coming from and have trouble fathoming people dropping hundreds on anything. As a cosplayer and a lolita who spends a lot on those hobbies when I can convince myself not to feel guilty about it, I also understand being perplexed by people who drop hundreds on figures, and I guess it's because they don't DO anything, they just sit there, and some of those massive collections are embarrassing, imo. But at the end of the day, buy what makes you happy, and fuck people who look down on your for it.

>> No.7890575

I genuinely don't understand how people reach such a high caloric intake if they're actually eating as healthily as they claim to be. Without junk food, eating nothing but whole grains, seafood, and fruits/veg, I struggle to make 1500 calories, even though I feel like I'm stuffing my face constantly. I guess stop being such a fatass? And drinking peppermint tea and lots of water might help.

>> No.7890581

As much as I think this could be hilarious they would never get the irony.
>See! We told you women are all vapid whores who desperately want our attention, this is proof!

>> No.7890588

Are you sure they're not just trying to make conversation, paranoia-chan?

>> No.7890590

As a minor figure collector i question the hobby too, because it's true, they just sit there. I like taking pictures of them and admiring them when I look up for studying. I'm a artsy person who has loved plastic miniatures since I was a kid. But honestly I think I like it because it's a way to prove you're the queen nerd. I love showing off the new figure just as much as looking at all the tiny details it has. Super vain so I guess that's a confession itself.

>> No.7890591

I kinda want to post a pic of my nicer coord in nitpick or even ita thread just to see people defend and compliment me.
But I'm pretty sure I girl I know did just that, only to have lolis here say "well she looks pretty good for a mature lolita" when she's barely over 25...

>> No.7890595

Same. I also kind of want to know how people really feel about me as a person. I'm bad at taking social cues and try very hard not to be annoying or a weirdo, to the point of telling people my problem and to please correct me if I'm being weird, and I constantly wonder if they're just lying when they tell me I'm perfectly fine. I've considered posting myself in a comm drama thread saying something like
>she's so weird/quiet/arrogant, what's her issue
and see if people will defend me or agree.

>> No.7890621

One more hint, just a tiny one

>> No.7890637

Caloric needs / metabolism etc. and you are a puny female with little to no muscle. I need to eat 2500 calories to lose a pound a week

>> No.7890643

I hate that everyone there has eaten up this fake persona you've put on. Do you even have real friends there, or just people you act nice around when it's convenient? You only ever show up to anything when there's someone you can leech popularity from, be it a photographer or more well-known cosplayers or an opportunity to show off how "involved" you are, but when it comes to actually hanging out with the people you call friends and just spending time bonding, you're never, ever there. Most people still have no idea who you are, and I'm so excited for the day that you blow it. You also really aren't that attractive, and I was genuinely shocked by how poor the construction of your last costume was.

>> No.7890649

I actually can bench 1.5x my body weight and exercise for at least thirty minutes daily. Sorry, I know how to handle my nutrition, and you're just a fat ass.

>> No.7890652

You are not skinny sweetie. Not by a long shot. Please stop stuffing yourself into clothes that are too small for you, it's offensive to the eyes.

>> No.7890661

I didn't know that I could be a fatass with my abs showing. Neat. If you want to throw numbers, I can bench 2x my body weight for reps and I exercise 5 days out the week for an hour to an hour 30 each time. My nutrition is spot on as well. 6 years lifting thank you very much.

>> No.7890675

I wish it would go this way and everything nicely but I always forget that 4chan is harsh to begin with and/cgl/ is even worse

>> No.7890679

You obviously aren't OP, then, which is who I thought I was responding to. Carry on, abs mcgee, I have no idea why you felt the need to chime in in the first place.

>> No.7890710

I posted in one of these types of threads once about a friend's suicide. I was sewing her cosplay and she was making the accessories.

To the one anon that answered me and told me to hold on and be close to my family and friend: thank you.

I don't think that I could ever, ever thank you enough for that post you made. It broke this weird spell her suicide had put on things and I called my childhood friend and cried on the phone for an hour. It made me remember that my world is not just a stage for one big tragedy. The world was still out there and no matter how much I'd saw it wouldn't make a difference. You made me realize that I didn't want to be a sort of machine comfortable enough to have me just do one thing at a time.

I can't stop crying as I write this and whereas I am not one to pray, I do wish that you will get something as precious from the world/universe/what have you in return. We will most probably never, ever meet, but carry within you this that you brought me so much comfort in a time I didn't even know how much I needed it.

As stupid as it sounds, I have lit candles for you and I put unto you all the wishes of joy I had for my friend. If you ever are in times of difficulty, I hope that you too will receive whatever you needed like I did.

To all of you who tell me I'm a weakass faggoty pussy, go fuck yourselves, I'm having a moment here with someone important.

>> No.7890723

I'm starting to think /cgl/ is predominantly female.

My last AX kinda proved that

>> No.7890735

You are never going to be famous. You are never going to make a career or be respected for your shitty youtube chanel. You have a shit taste in anime, cosplay and games. I don't know why you still bother going to conventions anymore all you do is winey and moan about them and how you are so much better than them. Ugh you are the worst kind of special snowflake.

>> No.7890737

Okay, another hint. It involved someone claiming 2 popular prints and 3 co-ordinates were theirs. That person also claimed that my versions were replicas (in person, not online).

You might get one more hint if you can't get it.

>> No.7890740

I think this is beautiful. I'm so glad someone helped you, anon. I really hope they see this and realize that what might have been a small action on their part meant the world to someone who was hurting.

>> No.7890748


Maybe we should make a "find out x's reputation" thread, for cosplay and Lolita. It wouldn't have to be self-post; you could ask about others by name or picture. I'm curious about more than just me. If we did it this way, maybe it wouldn't be so obvious who was posting.

>> No.7890750

I cannot wait to rub my success in your ugly little hag face. It'll be so damn good i might just fap afterwards.

>> No.7890768

I would like this. A lesser known cosplayer/lolita thread, but it would probably get vendetta-y very quickly.

>> No.7890799

Please stop complaining about how you always want more friends, want to hang out more, and need help with your cosplays when you always turn down my offers and either hang out with your select group of friends, nap, or bitch about how you're gonna continue your cosplay because "It'll look like shit anyway."

>> No.7890810

I feel really uneasy buying your dresses on the BST thread after I saw you take bits from your light up Hello Kitty bong while wearing them.

>> No.7890814
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>> No.7890816

That's pretty hot. Rubbing it in her face, as her eyes are filled with envy.

>> No.7890822

You talk a bunch of shit on here and I'm just sitting here laughing in my pile of burando while you whine and sulk about how you can't afford or fit into it. Contrary to what you believe, mommy and daddy don't buy me shit, I work three jobs now to be able to afford my things. Maybe if you got off your ass and got a job you wouldn't have to piss on me to make yourself feel better. So glad I don't talk to you anymore. Also that wasn't your wig (correction; MY wig, I bought it from you)

>> No.7890834

It's certainly one of the friendlier boards I've visited. A lot of boards fret over make-believe boogeymen or are infested with twelve year olds. This board seems pretty civil.

>> No.7890839

I want to be "forcefully" dressed by lolitas and made into a convincing brolita,my ex tried something similar but my ruse of playing "the unwilling" was too convincing, Im afraid I might like it too much

>> No.7890843

So you're into sissification?

>> No.7890849

not really, I want to be able to switch from le stoic serious man to convincing genki trap that can be one of the girls on a flip of a dime.
sort of like Rui from Gatchaman

>> No.7890858

Do your parents know you're gay?

>> No.7890867

wanting to dress up doesnt make you gay anon, your gf can pretend to be taking the futa and live out her futa fetish.

>> No.7890879

It is pretty gay if you want to dress up like a girl and suck off your trap gf

>> No.7890896

I collect figures and I agree, they don't do anything, which makes me question their worth. That's why I typically only purchase really detailed figures in dynamic poses or nendoroids (since those are posable). I feel happy seeing them in my room as decorations and in the case of nendoroids, I'm a fucking weeb that takes pictures of them with my food or homework as if they were alive.

One figure is generally $100-150 from a decent company in a nice pose. That's not much compared to the $400 or so you'll spend on high quality lolita coord. Unless you wear lolita daily as well, the dresses typically just sit in your closet and live to see the light a few days a year, whereas anime figures can be displayed constantly.

As for cosplays, you can spend a fuckton of money on a cosplay that you'll only wear about 5 times. I cosplay as well and sometimes I even question the hobby.

>> No.7890904
File: 123 KB, 522x800, b630645d882150f3fb322e77923b0498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay Febri from Railgun but I'm afraid my proportions won't match up.

I'm 5'4" and am 32-26-38 as far as measurements go.

Also don't have a costume for her

>> No.7890909

I completely understand. I have a few figures and like them a lot, even if they're cheaper, but I rarely play with them and certainly don't take photos of them. I wear lolita and cosplay fairly rarely, but I find that I not only go back and look at the photos fairly frequently, but also admire the things in my closet/put them on just for fun at home far more often than I pay attention to the figures on my shelf. To each their own!

>> No.7890913
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>takes pictures of them with my food or homework as if they were alive.
I wish I was this creative or weeby which ever works.
I go for the ones based off artwork,favorite characters or are very gimmicky

>> No.7890924


I'd like to see this too. We always talk so much shit about the big names and then ignore the drama-free cosplayers and lolitas. Maybe someone should make it anyway, even if it crashes and burns.

>> No.7890932

That's too bad. Vendetta is why we can't have nice things!!

>> No.7890938
File: 131 KB, 850x1017, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what Lolita is because I'm a man and never checked it out.
This is one of my favorite boards, but I hate how slow it is.
Half of the women here are cool as fuck and the other half are crazy bitches, but I love you in a mutual way.

>> No.7890941

>the other half are crazy bitches

I often see /cgl/ make calls like that because ??? so I wouldn't rely on that.
Unless they prove how crazy nvm me

>> No.7890943

I only want to cosplay because I want people to initiate the conversation with me because I'm too shy and autistic to approach people

I probably won't cosplay because I have zero skill and creativity and I'd probably end up in a cringe cosplay thread

>> No.7890946

There's a favorite cosplayers thread up right now that doesn't have any vendetta yet. Might be jumping the gun there.

>> No.7890947
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just the type of shit they say. Like you see some of them saying how cheating on guys is okay, or the other half are just mean for no reason. I get this is 4chan, but lighten up grills. Even /v/ is nice.

>> No.7890950

this needs to be framed

>> No.7890962


>> No.7890963

Why are you always posting the same pics and beta content on this board

>> No.7890970

Because my phone always posts the file name as 1.

>> No.7890980

>Even /v/ is nice
No it's not.

>> No.7890982

I think my cosplay/con friend might be in love with me. Whenever we talk she always seems to be coming closer and when I move back a little she follows. It feels like it's closer than a normal distance amongst friends. Also today she was kind of implying that she'd like to see me and talk to me more often. We're meeting up during the first break tomorrow (we go to the same school) because she wants to give me an invitation to her birthday party and she seemed super happy about it.

But maybe I'm just overinterpreting this and she just wants to get closer as friends. The distance thing really makes me think though, especially because I live in a country where personal space is taken pretty seriously and our faces are usually only like 15" apart.

I really like her and she's super sweet, but I've never really thought about her like that. I don't know if she's even into girls at all.

All those potential cute couple cosplays though

>> No.7890995
File: 53 KB, 226x227, 6b716948-fea1-4d39-83a1-5e37ce534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear,if I hear or read one more "oh anon,I own that dreamdress,it's stunning! It has..." I will make sure the only fucking style you'll be able to wear in the future is guro.
You don't talk about the cake you ate 10 minutes ago in front of a starving person and you don't brag about a dress you own in front of someone who obviously wants it,you stupid cunt.

>> No.7890997

I get so scared people think I'm self posting when others post pictures of me. I'm known to self post a fair bit but always announce that I am. I acknowledge that I'm an attention whore but I don't want people to think I'm a bigger one than I am.

>> No.7891076

There are so many hoarders and girls with more money than me in my comm, so I know that I'll never be the best dressed or have the most impressive wardrobe. But I do feel reassured that I will be the cutest girl in the comm for a long time, at least. That makes me feel a little better.

>> No.7891080

I miss the days when /CGL/ was 90% female. The amount of misogynistic bullshit and slobbering over women on the board now is sickening.

>> No.7891089

Poorfag, pls

>> No.7891100

i hate that people with poorly made costumes from whatever series is popular right now get asked for tons of photos.....i cosplay from older stuff and obscure shit, and my costumes are well made and (IMO) pretty impressive (like, not just a seifuku or something) but i rarely get asked for photos at cons.
this has been a problem for me ever since i came to the west coast, and i'm getting tired of seeing the same 15 girls with shit costumes get tons of photos while i get none.

>> No.7891110

I love the girls in my comm - they're all really chill and fun to hang out with, but none of them seem to know how to dress themselves or do their makeup well. I feel terrible for it, but going out in public with them is honestly pretty embarrassing.

>> No.7891117

Agreed, it's barely worth it to visit anymore. All we have are fap threads and "speaking as a dude".

>> No.7891126

What are you talking about. Back then this board had a fuck ton of males. More so than female trips even. The anons were mostly male too. I used to trip back then because this place was more male friendly. Lots of off topic discussion and fucking around in tinychat etc. The reason i stopped tripping was because this board got flooded with fucking lolitas and all the cool cosplay trips just stopped posting because of you girls. Nothing but fucking drama from you bitches to the point you got fucking nazi mods in here to start banning your stupid discussions and vendetta shit and ruin the fun of this board overall. What fucking bizarro world are you living in?

>> No.7891132

not them but it has nothing to do with being poor. I'm pretty well-off myself but my dreamdress came out in 2002 and ive never even seen it once for sale.

>> No.7891133


I can get you your dress

>> No.7891145

Also i forgot to add. I can tell you haven't been here long because back then all the females on this board would literally start "slobbering" over any males on the board. Even scumbags like fucking hobbes and all the bitches here fucking loved him. Attention seeking sluts sleeping around just because the guys were trips on /cgl/. You truly don't understand how disgusting and pathetic girls were on this board back then. Not to mention all the fucking cheating and shit that was going on. Fuck ton of drama being caused by the sluts on this board. I swear if you were a fucking male trip on this board you automatically had like 10 crazy bitches on your fucking nuts trying to sleep with you so they could boast about it on /cgl/. It was like a fucking medal for those bitches to fuck someone that was "famous on /cgl/. Utterly pathetic.

>> No.7891186

I like cosplay, but I'm too poor and unskilled to make anything nice.

>> No.7891196

The board was more fun pre-lolita take over, but it was not predominantly male. Way more females, even back then.
This, however, is true.

>> No.7891207

Sounds like I should have been around back then. :^)

>> No.7891254

dealer-chan pls

>> No.7891422

>If you really felt like a huge asshole

Read the entire post.

>> No.7891445

Anon, just stopping in to say that I think it is hella nice you loan your coords to people. I am not into lolita but damn that is really a sweet thing to do for a friend, I realize those sets are worth a lot of money. That is also shitty those same people did not show their gratitude accordingly. I'd have been really grateful if it were me, at most I'd want a photo so I could enjoy it myself and show it to close friends but I would feel like such a dick trying to nab efame with someone else's stuff they were kind enough to laon me.

>> No.7891618

I need to get this off my chest... The sales girls in APSF are sooo FUGGLY and dress like shit. Btssb girls look like 10/10 models compared to them

>> No.7891661

I love being able to say I made a costume but it is so discouraging to see people jump into it and be great at it. Maybe I over think how to make this shit and that makes it come out looking average at best. Does it really matter? I wish I had dem cosupray skillz.

>> No.7891678

Look at who manages AP SF tho... lol
Shouldn't be surprised

>> No.7891687

You're so special to find mass produced clothing items. If they bought the same item you would have to cry yourself to sleep and search for new ways to outdo your frenemies by finding new cardigans.

>> No.7891891

Not the original anon you were talking to but how did you get paranoia from spite?

I get were anons coming from, you see it with cosplay. You finally find the right gradient wig or the perfect shoes after scouring taobao for hours. Its the lack of appreciation for the amount of time you've put in and people think they can get an easy answer and not have to spend their time looking.

If the item is mass produced then the girls looking should be able to find it at the next trip to the mall and wouldn't have to ask. Don't know how they do main-stream fashion in your country but that shit is advertised everywhere in mine.

>> No.7892348

I think sometimes JSKs worn without a bolero, cardigan, or blouse look fine.

>> No.7892357

>I get were anons coming from, you see it with cosplay. You finally find the right gradient wig or the perfect shoes after scouring taobao for hours. Its the lack of appreciation for the amount of time you've put in and people think they can get an easy answer and not have to spend their time looking.

God I am so guilty of this. When people ask me where I got X item I typically just say "oh I got it from taobao. I lost the link to the item though, sorry!" I spent hours trying to find the perfect item and I'm too much of a bitch to let others have it without the same amount of effort put in.

>> No.7892360

Basically how I feel too.

>> No.7892427
File: 1.06 MB, 891x861, jiame so annoying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely need to bitch about this girl but I wont do it to other members of my comm cause I don't want to cause a shit storm. Anyways gotta get it off my chest. Any advice on how to deal with her would also be welcome.

New girl in the comm, she is so annoying, always filling up our comm page with sales posts of her terrible clothing, and my news feed with attention seeking.

She see's a post in my personal sales page and contacts me to buy. She also makes an offer:

The original sales post.

JSK $40

other sales post

Blouse $20

She messages me asking for both for $50, not particularly politely either. I decide that this price was ok, because I was moving house soon and needed the things gone. She arranges a meet up in the city central, which is a long way away for me. She is very inflexible with the time and place and date and only decided on meeting on my day off :(, because that was the day she would be in the city for a meetup. Side note ~I look on our comm page and there is no meet up. It turns out that she had created a second secret comm that she was leader of in our area, and only had a small group of people on it. I feel like its okay to have a small group of friends but if you are going to have secret meetups where you obviously don't want people to know, don't let it slip in conversation it makes people feel excluded :(.~

>> No.7892429


I went into the city and was half an hour early to make sure I arrived before her so she could spot me and know where to meet because she was unfamiliar with the area. I waited... and waited... I gave her an extra half an hour – 45 mins just in case she had been lost or running late. But she never showed up for our 11:00 meet. I get home (3:00pm) and check facebook and she had sent me a message at 10:49am (that morning) asking to postpone the meet until 2 pm (note I had to leave at 8:00 am that morning to get to the city on time) and then another at around 1:30 asking to postpone it till 5pm that same day, and then another eventually saying she could not make it, and then finally one saying “I have some unexpected bills come up so I won't be able to purchase the items after all”. Total transport fares $13...


About a month later my items are still up for sale and I receive a message from her again inquiring about the items. I tell her they are still available and I tell her how much postage will be for the both items (I wasn't going to travel for her again, but I didn't say that) and she agreed. She insisted on using a bank transfer instead of paypal, which takes many days for the funds to transfer and she couldn't pay for another two days. At this stage I just wanted to get this over and done with and needed these things gone, so I agreed. Eventually the funds came through and I posted off her new things.

I wish it ended here....

>> No.7892430

maybe 2 weeks after the things had obviously arrived to her (she never messaged me to say they did)I see on our country's buy sell and swap community that my items where back up for sale and she was misleading people.

She had ripped non-detachable bows off the jsk, and not listed the damages or the damages I had informed her of when she purchased it. She listed it as “great condition” misleading potential buyers. She also was selling the JSK for $50 and the blouse for $30.

I don't know why this made me so angry as I know that these are her items now so she can do what she wants, but I felt that she had profited on my good nature and I would have preferred that the dress had gone to a good home :( its just made me really sad and a little bit angry.

I'm too scared to bring this up with my comm and too scared to confront her on it, because what leg do I have to stand on because their her items now? But she is just horrible and I don't want anyone else to have the experience I had. :(

>> No.7892432

Wow, I actually read all of that. She sounds like a bitch. I'll get her to suck my dick and post pictures all over the internet if you want?

>> No.7892433

If it's the blouse i'm thinking of, i was almost going to buy it, she listed it for $20 and then when later she upped the price to $30, i was like fuck that. Sorry to hear she messed around with you, i would be furious and asking for transportation costs tbh.

>> No.7892434

Not sure what your definition of little girl is, but her age is 24.

>> No.7892441

totally agreeing with you here and although I am a lolita. I would only ever loan my clothes to close friends and even then I worry about potential hygenie problems and even just accidents happening.

In a subculture where a lot of the time respect is gained by what you own and how you wear it, she did a really shitty thing -.- grrr

>> No.7892444

horray, this makes me feel better ^_^. I don't feel so irrational. haha and thanks for reading my text wall.

>> No.7892447

Deep down I wanted to ask for it. But I don't really think its the done thing. It just blew my mind that someone could be so decietfull and rude.

Well its my only bad experience with selling and all the other lolitas in my area are wonderful so I guess there has to be a not so great thing every so often.

Sorry for the feels dump guys. I just saw the "get it off your chest" image and went for it. Feeling so much better now ^_^

>> No.7892451

What do you mean by
? Also, I can still do it, even if you don't feel irrational.

>> No.7892516

Holy shit, this girl did pretty much the exact same thing to me. I sold her a JSK and a week later she's got it back up for sale for more than she paid me for it total plus shipping. I was pretty pressed but too chickenshit to call her out on it.

I'm sorry to hear you also had a bad experience with her too.

>> No.7892532

I want a girlfriend.

>> No.7892533


>> No.7892551

I'm talking about four-ish years ago. Half of the threads were catty and vicious but the board wasn't filled with fap, ass, tit threads. Back then people actually cared about construction, not whether you were a softcore porn model.

Cosplay is different now and CGL reflects that. There's a reason the Vera Babys of the community are getting coverage as opposed to girls who pour a hundred hours into sewing a dress.

>> No.7892553

pics pls

>> No.7892558


>> No.7892559

I-I still appreciate good cosplays... I feel like dressing revealingly unless there's a reason for it is just wanting attention.

>> No.7892611

I saw a Scarlet Witch cosplayer at NYCC on Saturday, and she was the most entitled cosplayer bitch ever. People wanted to take a photo of her and she was telling people to speak to her manager who stood off to the side. WTF?!

>> No.7892615
File: 142 KB, 642x960, 1371398517668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 years ago cosplay was bad too

like this chick, tripfag, her shit was pretty terrible looking but she was attractive

so she was accepted here with open arms

>> No.7892625

Wow, thanks! I love loaning sets to people. I do it because there are girls like you who really get joy out of wearing the dresses. I know that there are other girls that do this; maybe there are some in your comm?
To clarify: I don't care if anyone takes pictures or anything! It's just when the person doesn't really enjoy wearing the dresses, and only does it for popularity's sake. I get joy out of watching others enjoying themselves!

>> No.7892631

sounds like you were jealous your friend pulled off your fit better than you did, and got the e-fame/attention that you wanted.

might as well get back at her by posting nudes on r/gonewild until you're as famous as sasha grey

>> No.7892636

post pic of your brother carly

>> No.7892639

sieg, you can try a little better than that.

step it up senpai!

>> No.7892640

I have a crush on Voldie :3

>> No.7892644

yeah? is it cute when her thighs touch in tight skirts?

damn, anon recognized me though cgl was all 19 year old newfags by now

>> No.7892646

She's cute in general.

>> No.7892690


I want feminist cunts like you out of cosplay.

>> No.7892705

The tripfag population was at its best around 2005 I think. That was when Tinychat was first popping up and cgl rooms were a regular thing. Many of the older tripfags with mellower personalities would appear and fun times were had. People encouraged each other as they worked on outfits, talked about their favorite shows and even had Karaoke nights.

The good times lasted for a while but then Hobbes and his crew showed up and took over the chat and at the same time took over the boards spamming on topic threads, posting irrelevant crap and to add salt to the wound cgl was encouraging his antics. To give those an idea of how bad his posting was, there was a website that allowed you to track the number of posts a tripfag made. In his few months on cgl, Hobbes's numbers were extremely close to that of Maguma's who is a known regular! No surprise the encouragement Hobbes received allowed many of his friends such as Dildos and their ilk to join at the same time a bunch of new underage girls tripped up.

At the peak of this shit storm was when the Candian tripfag brigade showed up who were only slightly better as they actually cosplayed once in a blue moon. The rest of the board picked up on their habits and we were flooded with drama threads, vendetta posts and Pixiterrir pictures as far as the eye can see. Those who rightfully hated the new board turned their aggression toward anyone posting with a tripcode even though there was a clean distinction on who was good and who was a shitposter. Try as they might a handful of the helpful tripfags fought a good fight as they tried to start interesting threads, stayed on topic, offer advice etc. However their efforts were squashed by the shitposters and tripfag haters who replied to their well thought out efforts with blanket hate statements.

The board was in shambles and thankfully the mods stepped through with tougher regulations. However the board culture of old died with it

>> No.7892747

Awful b8. I give it a 1/10 since I'm replying, though. There is such a thing as not wanting to be e-famous yourself, though since you are a trip, you may not understand.
Lolita co-ords are a type of art. It would be like loaning a cosplay to someone, and they take all the credit for its construction. You loaned it to them because you genuinely believed they really loved the character. Then they just ride it for asspats. It's incredibly rude, and it hurts to have a friend do that.

>> No.7892755


Don't feed that dude. He's a well known shitposter.

I'm sorry what happened with you and your friend though. That sounds shitty.

>> No.7892756

Jesus Christ, that first part actually sounds like a lot of fun. Too bad I wouldn't have been allowed because
>muh girls only club

>> No.7892759


>> No.7892763

You have literally every other board to choose from if you want a guys sekrit club
Fuck off cunt

>> No.7892783

But the people on those boards are jerks and don't do fun things like that.

>> No.7892788

WHAT? Really? This is god awful, I can't believe cgl didn't rip her apart, unless she was at least a nice person while tripping?

>> No.7892792

Your just saying that to people feel good, anon!

>> No.7892801

I have a really really deep crush for this girl. She is always so elegant, so clever and interesting and caring. She also our queen bee's girlfriend. I don't like her, she is fame hungry and self absorbed.
I just live my life trying to avoid them and their pictures, don't go to the same lolita meets because it's impossible for me to see them together, I feel like this girl is using my girlcrush to gain more fame and it breaks my heart.
I just sincerly hope she won't hurt you dear. I'm not saying anything, because you seems really happy and that's all I want. I'm not a better person than her. I wish you well.

>mfw the captcha guessed her name

>> No.7892804

I'd fuck her. It'd be good if she actually put in some effort though instead of just doing it for attention.

>> No.7892807

Oh, my bad! Sorry for feeding the trolls. I forget that they don't actually want to engage in conversation like normal people.
On a side note, I still like loaning dresses out! When people mess up, they lose access to my wardrobe, lol. Most of the time, everyone has a ton of fun and aren't jerks!! I really suggest trying it with someone you trust, especially if you own their dream dress. You get the best feeling watching them feel like a Lolita Princess!
I've even gotten to the point where I like surprising people. I don't think anyone really knows exactly what I have in my wardrobe, so it's really neat. I'll tell you a story.
>Be me, have pretty nice wardrobe.
>Talking to friends about upcoming events.
>Find out which ones don't have something to wear, can't afford anything, or are ashamed of not having brand, etc
>Talk to them nonchalantly "Oh, how sad, anon."
>Start asking hypotheticals: If you could wear anything, what would it be? What are your dream dresses?
>If they don't elaborate, or I don't own it, I look at their stuff and ask them what they think about x dress (that I own, but I don't say it).
>Oh, anon, it's perfect.
>I gush about how it would look good on them and stuff.
>Closer to the event, I ask about their co-ord, and say I have some socks or something that will match; Can I come over, and we'll get dressed together?
>Show up with entire co-ord.
>It's like a Christmas gift to them! Sometimes we even twin.
>I've had girls cry before because they were so happy.
>It is so much fun. Not all my ploys are this elaborate, but it's great!

>> No.7892822

My horrible gumby nose ruins any costume I wear. I would kill maybe three people to have a cute button nose.

>> No.7892842
File: 737 KB, 957x632, 1377122777827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really that nice
she's voldie's friend

doubt it it's just paint and some meh construction

i would fuck her too, she's pretty cute has an amazing body and DAT SKIN TONE but thats not the point...

went by "derpqueen"

>> No.7892877

>You grow up being told sex is only for slutty, awful women and that having it will ruin your life, that all men are secretly rapists, and that you must forever be a pure flower or be shamed for life.
Is this what happens when you grow up with tumblr now?

>> No.7892881

No, that's just America.

>> No.7892887

No, just idiot christians.

>> No.7892889

This is what happens when you grow up in America literally since the country was founded in 1776. Where have you been????

>> No.7892892
File: 235 KB, 1920x1200, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong. Even this one agrees.

>> No.7892896

What the fuck sieg. I thought I filtered your pathetic fat ass.

>> No.7892904

America born and raised.
Literally the only time I hear this sex is for sluts all men are rapists stuff is online, and half the time it's being stated ironically to make fun of those people.

>> No.7892910

(Asexual anon here)
To be fair, for me, it was both. America + the Bible Belt + A fundamentalist, extreme Evangelical Christian family, and Christian school.

I don't even get on Tumblr, hence my lack of knowledge that using the term "ace" is a sign of instant special snowflake.
Besides... doesn't tumblr encourage you to have all the sex ever as long as the girl is in charge, because then it isn't rape?

>> No.7892930

That's because you've never bothered to leave the house.

>> No.7892933

It happens in real life, too. I'm still trying to reprogram my brain that sex is an okay thing to do, not an unholy mess that is only okay for procreation. I'm also trying to learn to love my body. I have large tits, and was told for a long time that it was my fault that men lusted after me. I was told to wear jackets so no one could see my figure.
I was never told that men were rapists exactly, but more like they couldn't help themselves if an opportunity arose, and that it was usually my fault when it did, because "God made them like that; it isn't their fault."
I'm not afraid of men/dudes as friends. But I don't understand flirting, and I'm really polite, so guys mistake it as interest. I'm getting better at this. I wear a fake engagement ring so I get hit on less.
I get incredibly frightened when a guy tries to take it to the next level, be it a friend, or a guy trying to score. I lock up at a touch and when I kiss (the few times), I don't enjoy it. In fact, I have super weird meta thoughts.
I become physically ill at the thought of sex with a guy. If you gulls are interested in my "story", I guess, feel free to ask questions. Cosplay and especially lolita do tie in.

>> No.7892934

Also American born and raised. Grew up on a small close knit community and I wasn't allowed to walk to the bus alone until I was fourteen because I would get raped if I wasn't walked there by an adult. Also sex was for marriage and that I was never allowed to have it. I didn't care that much about that, though.

But I also have the same birthday as JonBenet Ramsey so my mom became a little paranoid over me.

>> No.7892936

No one gives a fuck about this. I'm sick of weak willed people like you assuming the rest of the world went through the same thing. It has little to do with how you were raised and much to do with how impressionable you were as a child. You are trash and should kill yourself for being such a weak dumb bitch.

>> No.7892940

I wasn't allowed to ride the bus. I know the feeling. I also went to a Christian school, so the whole sex is for marriage thing was pounded into my head from childhood.
I've had sex with one girl in my life. It was awful. I'm open to trying it again, in case it was just that I need good sex to like it. (Some friends have suggested that.) I have some awkward stories about trying to have sex.
I like Lolita because I can feel beautiful and love myself, but in a way that is pretty far from a sexual connotation. I'm learning to change through J-fashion!

>> No.7892941

what comm are you in anon?

>> No.7892943

I'll have sex with you and make it the greatest sex you'll ever experience.

>> No.7892946

I'm learning to be stronger, and I'm learning to trust myself.
I'd have to say that you are the weak bitch for assuming that everyone went through the same shit as you as did growing up, and you're better for overcoming it differently.

Besides... "Kill yourself"? Really? Truly a childish insult. I'm thinking that you see some strength in me that you don't like, since I'm confident enough to admit I'm struggling, and you loathe yourself for not being able to do that.
Good luck, though.

>> No.7892947

Negative, I just don't live in the south.
Not that it's impossible for all that to have occurred from your parents/religion/etc, but a lot of that sounds like the usual rhetoric you hear online that can mess with your mentality.
How long have you been coming to websites like this or tumbler, etc. I'd be curious to see how much the internet has impacted the things that happened around a person to make them blow so widely out of proportion, especially with how the newer generations are basically raised on the internet.
I don't mean to be offensive, but women are more empowered now than ever, yet it seems online people feel more repressed or scared than women 40 years ago who had even more of a reason to be so.
By now you know most of that stuff you stated isn't true though, can't help themselves etc. I hope in the long run you can change that perception, even if it's not easy to do!

>> No.7892948

>>7892934 here. I think we're pretty much the same person, then. I went to a Christian school and had that drilled into my head, too! My non religious parents did it first, but eh. Got the awkward bad sex with another lady, even.

G-good luck finding someone for good sex! It made me just stop caring.

>> No.7892950

Well, I am flattered! I'd love to take you up on that offer when I feel like I could give you a great experience in return!!

>> No.7892951

Sounds like your mom was just overly cautious.

>> No.7892956

Well, I never said I needed anything out of it Anon. Though, it seems you might be a lesbian from your post, and if that's the case...

>> No.7892968

You aren't being offensive to me at all. You're absolutely correct, I feel about the internet! People can really buy into its rhetoric. I've seen some normal people turn into crazy SJW from being on sites like tumblr for awhile.
To answer your question: I've only been on 4chan since this year. I don't have a tumblr, and I barely use Facebook.
I think my problem was one of being too sheltered instead of being too exposed. I do know that most of the idiocy that I was taught isn't real. I'm not trying to blame people now for my actions. It's really only been in the past 2 years that I've started taking actual, physical steps to change how I feel and act. Before that, it was reading and reprogramming my mind with the real facts.
When you spend most of your life being told all these terrible things, it is hard to reprogram what your body feels versus what you know intellectually. (I wasn't able to start exploring different options to contradict how I felt until I was out of highschool) I /know/ none if it is true, but I still /feel/ the ramifications.

>> No.7892984

I am a lesbian, I guess! I love girls. They're beautiful. I'm less scared of them, and had (bad) sex with one. I'm still trying not to be frightened of the dick, though!
>rest of the story
I've never been in good touch with my body or emotions, so I'm also learning things like "it's okay to feel anger." It's like being a 3 year old. I ignored my body so much, that I don't even fap. I'm at the point where if I feel a tinge of anything sexual, I try to feel and experience it.
It's hard to change your visceral response to something once you learn it, but I'm trying to teach myself to unlearn the negative reactions (trying to not freeze up, trying to enjoy a kiss, etc).

It might be of use to know that I did have some trauma in my life that also might account for these things beyond being raised a certain way.
Lolita is helping me learn to be okay with myself, and explore being more bold. Friends I've met through Lolita are really helping me get in touch with myself. My comm has a lot of polyamorous girls who are willing to help me learn more about good sex.

Thank you Anons, for listening to me, and offering advice and through questions, other perspectives that I didn't think of(and sex, lel). Thank you, you gulls are great for not just tearing me down.

>> No.7892987

New anon chiming in, and while I never went to Christian school, I also grew up in the Bible Belt and had an over-protective and sheltering mother who wouldn't let me walk literally one block to my school for fear of being kidnapped and raped. I never really took her seriously and refused to assume that all men wanted to hurt me (probably because my parents were divorced, and when I'd go see my dad, she'd tell me not to let him touch me in any weird places, but he never tried because gross, and that made me think she was pretty wrong about stuff and most men couldn't be monsters), and I always was open-minded about having male friends and even getting physical with boys once I was interested in them. It wasn't until I was sexually assaulted in college that I started to wonder if she wasn't right, and I locked up about men for about a year until I was able to cope with what had happened and accept that that was just one bad person, not all of them.

I guess all I'm trying to say is that it's easy to write it off as being sheltered and believing what you've been told vs experience, but that's not always true, and I guess I found it interesting that we seem to have had opposite reactions to similar situations.

Online voices tend to be extreme and loud and don't always accurately represent how people feel, just keep that in mind. And how do you know women 40 years ago wouldn't have been equally forceful were there such a thing as online presence and connection? You hear about inequality a lot right now because it's a hot topic and because the internet allows it to be thrown in your face constantly, but I kind of doubt that it would have been very different in the internet had been around 40 years earlier, if not in some ways more hysterical.

>> No.7893000

>>7892987 again, I also just wanted to add that I'm happy that you're evaluating your world view and maybe getting over those difficult things you were told for so long. I hope it gets even better, and I wish you lots of great sex!

>> No.7893010

>You hear about inequality a lot right now because it's a hot topic
You hear about it a lot now because so many other problems have been solved, so it will continue this way until they're nitpicking the tinniest things. Women aren't expected to just be house wives, they have choices, it's not ok to hit them, look what happened to Ray Rice. People are way more dramatic today, and that's because they have the luxury to be so.

>> No.7893012

How does one go about not being afraid of dick? Watching porn?

>> No.7893013

Okay, whatever you want to think the root of it is, friend, I don't really care. I'm not personally against people being upset that domestic and sexual violence exists and trying to change it, and there will always be the psychos on the extreme end ruining the party. This isn't /cgl/-related, so I'm gonna stop.

>> No.7893015

I dont think shes actually scared of it

>> No.7893016
File: 61 KB, 736x689, is this guy serious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>polyamorous girls

>> No.7893046

I really don't know. I don't watch porn since it makes me feel sick. I was thinking of trying to date a guy? But I was thinking that would be using him. Right now, I'm at the point where hugging a dude doesn't make me immediately freeze up. So, it's like immersion therapy, maybe...?

>> No.7893057

I think you mean exposure therapy

>> No.7893064

No, immersion. Immerse yourself in dicks.

>> No.7893065

Thank you, Anon! It is really fascinating to see how different people react. My parents were also divorced, and I'll just say I had the opposite relationship with my father than you. My mom and I were really close, and I had a ton of guilt issues too, which made me feel I couldn't go against her until I was out of the house.
I'm so glad that you're having fun, sexy times and that you got over your brainwashing!! It gives me hope!
You'd be surprised! But maybe it is because we are all lesbians. We have a huge alternative community in my city and it filters into my lolita comm. We became friends through lolita, and it went from there. I've never taken them up on their offer to "play" together until now, so I guess that is why all of this was on my mind for this thread.
I think being with them will be good because we're friends, they understand me, and the pressure of an actual single relationship isn't there... we all share, and I do not mind being third wheel if its unequal!
>All this isn't super CGL related, so I'll shut up now, unless I need to respond

>> No.7893069

I could take you on dates and stuff to make you comfortable with guys

>> No.7893071

That is what I mean, thank you.
I laughed way too hard at this. I keep imagining a doctor prescribing this as a treatment to someone.
>"...In what, Doctor?"
>"Dicks. All the dicks."
>"Wh-What? How many dicks?!"
>"Every. Single. Dick."

>> No.7893079

Quit being a betafag and leave the poor lesbian alone.

>> No.7893092


>> No.7893109

Your thirsty as fuck, and it's not worth. Been in love with a lesbian friend i've know for 4or5 years now and people don't change now matter how hard you try.

>> No.7893126

I never said I was in love. I just do a friendly thing and help her get over the dick.

>> No.7893183

Are you from San Fransisco?

>> No.7893237

I love you like a sister. Or rather, I loved you. I don't know whats gotten into you in the recent years but you went from a sunny person while a smile I would do almost anything to protect to a bitter, poisonous little shit. Not just me, but everyone in the group has noticed it and everyone want to help, but we can't do anything unless you tell us.

I hope you realize how you are the reason for your own bitterness because you always have to look on the wrong side. For example, me thinking about getting shape wear for cosplay is not a invitation for you to go into a 'I am so fat' rant.

Ok, I know I made mistakes, I am not perfect and I admit it. But you? You always just give the defensive 'maybe I am a terrible person' and the ditch everyone. You are allowed alone time but no one else can say that or you'll be offended. You are allowed to back out on plans for family but no one else is. And frankly, most of us feel like you are just using us in recent times.

I really wish things could go back to the way they used to be. It hurts me to think as this friendship is over. But with the way you create secret accounts to talk shit about us, there is just no going back. (Really? You don't think we know? Of course we do, because most of the people on the new list can tell how bad the lies are and how badly biased your views are.) I guess I wish you happiness with your 'new' friends, and hope they never find out how much shit you talk about them too.

>> No.7893495

Well I'll wish you luck with that, anon.

>> No.7893496

We used to be cosplay parteners fuck we were almost married to each other, but you just left one day and I know we both made mistakes and everything, but some of the things you said about me even while you were still living with me for a few months after the breakup while our lease finished, and even while I will still trying to mend things and you were fucking another guy behind my back all the while telling me things were getting better with us. That did quite a bit to me shit I almost killed myself at one point only to have you call the cops so you would not be the first to see me dead instead of just being concerned about me

I know neither of us were perfect in the relationship, but the way you handled things after the breakup and just giving up all our time together like that was low, and this is from the bottom of my heart here. I moved on I got happy again, and people say they see me as a happier person now, however I am still sorry for the things I did, and I do wish you the best even after all you have done. If this makes me a fag IDGAF just something I had to finally get out of my mind and figured this was as a good a place as any.

>> No.7893534

Oh wow! I didn't realise she did this to other people. I thought this sort of thing would be a one off indecent. I guess I've learned a lesson though... Don't sell anywhere that you can't give someone feedback. Unless of course you know them ^_^

>> No.7893657

Dude, the tinychat rooms were evenly split with guy/girl it was FAAR from girls only

>> No.7893681

she was a cunt m8, you dodged a huge bullet

>> No.7893714
File: 511 KB, 1250x775, ca578e019fa6529ec8bc111694b23e0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around 110kg (Working to lose weight, motivation low currently)
182cm (Too tall, I know..)

>> No.7893789

I just realized this cosplayer I know, the girl my ex-boyfriend most recently tried dating, looks alarmingly similar to an adult Honey Boo Boo, and now I can't stop laughing.

>> No.7893829

Starting to think? How fucking new are you?

>> No.7893834

> 110kg

How much is that into lbs?

>> No.7893839

google it cunt

>> No.7893840

242 lbs of pure fucking fat

>> No.7893846

The struggle of being a tall male..
Don't give up, anon, and lose weight!

>> No.7893849
File: 184 KB, 800x800, a515e86b5bf80d89692e39ae23163b08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

242.50 Ibs apparently. I've been working hard, but I still have a way to go! I've built up some muscle but I won't deny that I still have a belly, I'll work it off!

>> No.7893852

You can still become a doll!

>> No.7893858
File: 692 KB, 1280x720, 261bb02a5ae03c3bd989fe11df0ea822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You big double-meanies.

It's a pain being tall if one wants to be able to crossdress and be all girly! I wouldn't mind being 20-30cm shorter, the size helps with being a big man when job is concerned though, so it's not all bad!

>> No.7893864

I'm working hard! Motivation is hard to come by since I'm all alone, and the girl friends that I know aren't really into all of that stuff, but maybe one day...!

>> No.7893870
File: 179 KB, 600x400, 1400538860876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't want to cross, but I understand. I'm 66kg, 183cm and it sucks.

>> No.7893876
File: 83 KB, 480x580, 1403997311429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any male friends??

>> No.7893880

I'm finding myself thinking it might be nice to compose cosplay/lolita photo shoot books to sell at conventions.

Maybe lewd.

But asshats will just scan and upload them even if i make a cheap digital copy available.

>> No.7893888
File: 324 KB, 729x1024, 1400473995431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of yourself??

>> No.7893889

This anon knows.

>> No.7893895
File: 470 KB, 1198x1123, 7b0eab0e6a3e2a72ff1e35f117558dea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, but unfortunately I don't really swing that way, so I don't want to show them that side of me, although I constantly try to get them to join me in moving, running, swimming, etc. No harm in some company while working out.

>> No.7893896

I know the feeling, it feels a little futile for me though. I have problems with my joints where serious exertion could mean long term damage. I'm told my best option is swimming... but i feel too disgusted with myself to wear a swimming costume.

All i can do right now is watch my intake.

>> No.7893907
File: 755 KB, 880x1200, 1404228328168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't really suggesting that, anon. But, my friends keep me motivated cause I don't want to let them down by not showing up.
one piece swimsuits??

>> No.7893911

All my friends either dropped out of going to MCM or want to go as couples this weekend so now it's just me and my girlfriend, which is ok, but I'm still sad.

>> No.7893919

My friends do root for me when I tell them that I'm trying to improve my health, but they're rather blunt about it.

>> No.7893925
File: 773 KB, 1280x1024, 1410321123396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then do something that is fun and requires lot of movment, like milsim.

>> No.7893927
File: 384 KB, 800x568, 1404228801375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7893932

I hate getting backlash for being "the pretty one". I hate that my friends get jealous and make somewhat rude comments when I get more attention just because I'm in good shape and know how to use makeup. I hate that people are more likely to assume I bought parts of my costumes because of the way I look. I hate that thirsty dudes at meetups single me out and don't even try to hide that they're only talking to me because they find me attractive, not because they view me as a fellow fan or potential friend. I hate that I can't comment on wanting to work out a little more before starting a new costume without getting shitty comments from the fatties in my group. Just fucking stop. I was born looking this way, and I make an effort to maintain it and even improve it with cosmetics; don't treat me like shit because you can't or won't do the same, and don't treat me like my "desirable" exterior is the only thing I have going for me.

/rant I'm really just not looking forward to the meet up tonight thanks to a handful of people and wish I had other cosplay friends to hang out with instead.

>> No.7893942
File: 209 KB, 982x800, 1403746136478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let it all out anon, and if you're unhappy with your com try finding another one. I don't know how simple that would be, but if you're unhappy might as well move on, don't you think?

>> No.7893943

whats your initials
is it k by any chance

>> No.7893951

i dont enjoy living and i want to kill myself
there isnt anything for me here

>> No.7893956

Thank you. This is the only local meetup for cosplayers that I know of, and I genuinely like several of them, but I've started seeking people out individually and am going to more events, so hopefully most of this will cease to be a problem. Fingers crossed.

Nope, I'm an S.

>> No.7893962

what do u look like? lol

>> No.7893967
File: 72 KB, 431x600, 1410073988524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I wish you luck anon!
Does it matter?

>> No.7893969

Yes because u wrote a paragraph about it and now I'm curious

>> No.7893979

Fuck off you desperate prick

>> No.7893984

Correction, I'm not that anon.
But the person wrote that paragraph in an "let it all out" if you want ass and tits go to /b or /gif

>> No.7893986

lmao are u serious
im a girl and probably younger than her

>> No.7893989
File: 800 KB, 720x1280, 1409493269129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forgot picture

>> No.7893993

i didnt want ass and tits or even a pic she just sounded pretty so i asked what she looks like
lmao yall have lost it

>> No.7894001
File: 129 KB, 1000x564, 1405808403922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sock puppet??
It's fine just giving you a hard time

>> No.7894004

w t f

>> No.7894012
File: 526 KB, 800x800, 1401823143484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine, anon, don't question it

>> No.7894014 [DELETED] 

I've been told I look like a younger/softer Katherine Hepburn (probably just because I have checkbones for days, which I personally dislike), and when I had my hair dyed black, everyone and their mother said I looked like Katy Perry. Take that as you will.

>> No.7894043

I will gladly accept this offer

>> No.7894047

have you met either of them irl? how would you know if they're nice or not

>> No.7894051

Don't be such a whore, anon. You are conceding to the desperate men of cgl.

>> No.7894055

I think most of the people in the country's sales comm are cool but there are some flakes. I think there just needs to be more effort to weed out dodgy buyers and sellers.

>> No.7894069

I have to help a girlfriend step-by-step through her interactions with guys.
She cries and whines about not having a boyfriend and when we try to set her up with people she comes up with reasons she's not into them.
And if she is into someone I have to coach her through every interaction because she's so fucking socially inept. I'm so fucking done. SECURE YOUR OWN DICK LIKE THE REST OF US YOU ARE NEARLY THIRTY YEARS OLD.

>> No.7894077

Sounds good, baby. I'll send you an email in 8 months

>> No.7894100

There's nothing wrong with having a sugar daddy, anon, unless he wants sex.

>> No.7894219

Any girls need a boyfriend?

Im 134-0-1 at con fights

>> No.7894223

nobody wants to date an unstable aggressive asshole that ruins cons. go back to /r9k/

>> No.7894225

I dont start the fights.

But I do finish them

>> No.7894229

I'm a more decent guy that has only been in two fights started by other men and I've won both. What about me?

>> No.7894230

What about me? I've started and been in no fights.

>> No.7894234

wow so edgy desu, certainly someone getting in that many fights never started any of them, sounds legit to me.

fighting is stupid but you pass.

>> No.7894236

Its true.

>> No.7894237
File: 70 KB, 560x631, meduka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good 4 u

>> No.7894251


Pls be my gf

>> No.7894265

What people do with their money is up to them. Stupid cosplayers acting entitled and shit but crying to the internet when someone else is getting some sort of free handout for whatever reason.

>> No.7894280

I don't like fighting either, but if I need to beat up a guy, or get beat up, I'm going to beat him up. So, can you be my gf or what? I'll treat you right, take you out to dinners, buy you dresses, brush your hair, whatever you want. You can own me, as long as I get some love from you.

>> No.7894284

mfw can't tell if these posts are satirical or not

>> No.7894289

Tumblr cosplay races were always an awful idea because you simply can't rush good quality. Also, /cgl/'s elitism isn't nearly as toxic as so many oldfags want to make it out to be. Anti-criticism is by far a more harmful environment and breeds true degeneracy.

>Boy: You don't have sex! What a whore!

Said no one ever, unless you meant to write "slut". There's quite a difference between the two terms, you know.

>> No.7894306

The longer one is mine. It kinda was, but I still like acceptance from others, especially females.

>> No.7894329

Hello? I still need a girlfriend.

>> No.7894346

I've got this one friend who's just generally really awkward and doesn't really get into cons but always wants to cosplay. He always causes issues with other roommates, though I don't mind him much (until we start socializing, which I do a lot, oh god). Annoyingly enough, he's my only friend that can reliably go to cons and is basically the only reason I can go (I just need someone to split the room with)

And yet again for this big con he's my last resort and coming along again. I'm being a dumbass about it, but I really wish I could find a cosplay partner/group that enjoys just going around making friends

>> No.7894354

How can someone be a slut if they don't have sex
look up slut in the dictionary damn

>> No.7894359

Lots of handjobs

>> No.7894586

Someone wrote "Fetus-Chan is that you??" on one of the threads. I died and still laugh about it. poor Fetsu must be regretting her name choice.

>> No.7894656
File: 42 KB, 480x666, 1383427229939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see someone cosplaying something not from an anime at an anime convention. What do you think/feel/say when you see this?

>> No.7894658

New thread:

>> No.7894903


>> No.7894948

>/cgl/ tinychat in 2005
It started with mIRC, moved on to Skype and AIM and ended with Tinychat in ca 2009.
2009 is also around the time that the board started getting overrun with all of the obnoxious shitposters that had nothing to do with cosplay.

>> No.7895173

I actually thought abouse someone who's name starts with K as well
Does your last name also start witg S?

>> No.7896065

That story sounds familiar. Can you share the state that happened in?

>> No.7896077

She is a lurker.

>> No.7896141

it should be familiar, it sounds almost the same as to how the Zoe Quinn controversy began.

>> No.7898776

My friend in my comm loaned me her own version of one of my dream dresses in a different colourway for my first lolita meet, because my dress hadn't arrived yet - I've never felt like such a pretty princess and it was so incredibly nice of her especially as she doesn't like buying secondhand because of hygiene... I've never forgotten :') I handwashed every possible mark off that dress and even offered to pay for drycleaning.

I think people like you are like loli guardian angels <3

>> No.7899175

I wish I could be a cute cosplayer with a facebook page who goes to 10 cons a year, but I don't have the time/money. I'll have to be content with my 1-2 cons a year.