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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7892385 No.7892385 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else see this?

>I have slowly come realize that in this selfie-obsessed, Instagram Era, cosplay is the new focus of these conventions–seeing and being seen, like some giant masquerade party. Conventions are no longer shows about commerce, product launches, and celebrating the people who created this genre in the first place. I’ve seen it first-hand – the uber-famous artist who traveled all of the way from Japan, sitting at Comic-Con, drawing as no one even paid attention to him, while the cosplayers held up floor traffic and fans surround the cosplayers–rather than the famed industry household name – to pose for selfies.

>The hard-working artists and creators who are the very foundation of this industry…the reason there even is an industry…. those creatives who have busted their asses and spent money they perhaps didn’t have to spare in order to be there exhibiting for–and accessible to–the fans…have been reduced to being the background wallpaper against which the cosplayers pose in their selfies. At what point do you start to wonder if–other than your faithful, loyal regulars who are like family and who find you every time–the general fandom population even gives a shit about the creators more than they care about their Instagram profiles?


>> No.7892416

I agree with these observations and suspect this is part of why cosplay photography is banned from exhibit halls at Japanese conventions.

>> No.7892426

That's a really good idea.

We should do it here.

Cosplay is trashy shit anyway.

>> No.7892438

No... it's mostly because it blocks the pathway. Ever seen the crowds at Comiket?

>> No.7892452

Get over yourselves. If anything, cosplay probably helps with promotion of these products, and for free. I don't know how many good League of Legend cosplays I've seen that I want to play it now. Though I do agree there should be policies surrounding cosplay photography at cons in order to help traffic flow. There should be designated areas indoors and outdoors for it that stay out of people's way.

>> No.7892455


>> No.7892457

I think people are just tired of the sluttyness.

>> No.7892467

>I’ve seen it first-hand – the uber-famous artist who traveled all of the way from Japan, sitting at Comic-Con, drawing as no one even paid attention to him

Is this San-Diego Comic-Con? Anime is pretty small there and with the price of tickets, the crazy registration system and the crazy hotel booking system I think that most people who are anime fans will go to Anime Expo and Otakon instead.

Plus it's normally usually no more than three weeks after the end of Anime Expo and sometimes less.

>> No.7892470


Dude, girls who play LoL are fucking whores.

>> No.7892471

>I’ve seen it first-hand – the uber-famous artist who traveled all of the way from Japan

does anyone know what artist he's talking about?
Also "uber famous artists" are usually famous within.. artist communities, and I don't think the average comic-con goer delves within the animu art community

>> No.7892473 [DELETED] 

Cosplay was banned from Comiket's exhibit hall in the late 1980s, before it got hundreds-of-thousands-of-people huge. It was in response to a boom in ~sexy cosplay~ a la Urusei Yatsura. This is also what led to their policy of requiring attendees to change on-site, they thought mobs of scantily-clad cosplayers were going to negatively affect perception of the venue.

>> No.7892483

Nope. The only "uber-famous" artists I know of either go to AE (fanartists/doujinka) or TCAF (mangaka).

I know a couple like Hagio Moto and Bkub were at NYCC but that was a few years ago.

>> No.7892485

Cosplay photography was banned from Comiket's exhibit hall in the late 1980s, before it got hundreds-of-thousands-of-people huge. It was in response to a boom in ~sexy cosplay~ a la Urusei Yatsura. This is also what led to their policy of requiring attendees to change on-site, they thought mobs of scantily-clad cosplayers were going to negatively affect perception of the venue.

I find the fact that this controversy has all happened before somewhat comforting.

>> No.7892497

It's worth noting a good portion of the scantily clad cosplayers at comiket are selling pics or are paid up models.

The western ones are just sluts. They do it for free.

>> No.7892501

Protip: cosplay didn't used to be about who could show the most tits. Stop spotlighting these people and judging normal cosplays on hotness/sluttiness factors and wow maybe they'll go away.

>> No.7892502

Do Japanese cosplayers have a similar reputation of sluttyness to western ones, on that note?

How about the cons, do people go to raves and get drunk/high?

>> No.7892504


As a guy, I can't help but want to fuck them.

I fucking despise them, but I still want to destroy their throats with my dick.

>> No.7892507

>as a guy
>on /cgl/
incoming shitstorm

>> No.7892508

you're really bad at baiting, please try harder next time

>> No.7892510

I kind of agree with this viewpoint. I'm an avid cosplayer but I really hate how cosplay has become such a big market that overrides the original sources. What I mean is that people are more interested in cosplaying from a series than the series itself which doesn't benefit the original creator at all. People like to look at pretty costumes and scantily-clad girls more than explore the source material. They love cosplay idols, but couldn't give a rat's ass about the series they're cosplaying from. You can see the change by looking at the discussion concerning the "Is it right to cosplay a character you don't know" issue. The "Yes it is" side is becoming more prominent and accepted, when only around 5-6 years ago you'd be judged to hell for trying to grab attention with a cosplay you're not even familiar with.

>> No.7892531


Try again.

>> No.7892535


I s2g that's how every single one of you guys sound

>> No.7892539

>"Cosplay's just about sluts and whores"
>"No actually cosplay didn't used to be like that."

Did you even read the thread?

>> No.7892546

how the fuck is that bait, cunt?

>> No.7892550

Take your virgin angst elsewhere

>> No.7892552

So why are you on this board?

>> No.7892554

>What I mean is that people are more interested in cosplaying from a series than the series itself which doesn't benefit the original creator at all.
This. I see this mindset all the fucking time with people. They would rather cosplay something well known or visually impressive that will get them a lot of attention than something more obscure that they actually like.

It pisses me off even more when I see girls saying "oh I cosplay sooo many characters a year, there's no way I could know all of them". Quality over quantity bitch. Putting your time and money into 3 new cosplays per con is never going to be as good as focusing on 1 and rewearing it. And if you don't really know or like the character you'll never get the proper details, mannerisms, poses, etc down well.

>> No.7892561

To me, it's not a great cosplay if the person isn't also partially role-playing the character as well. That at least implies you've put effort into the character, as well as showing an appreciation and interest.

Your power armor and slutty anime costumes can be as detailed as you want, but if you're not going to act the part, you'll never get a 5/5/ from me.

...but I doubt that anyone but insecure Tumblrinas care about what some random fuck at a con thinks.

>> No.7892573


She had a semi-valid point. However, she's also out-of-touch with reality. You have many con-goers who are flat-broke after getting to the con, between travel costs, cost of cosplay (if applicable), food/drink, and hotel costs. Assuming they do save their money, many fans want actual merchandise, not artwork. Also even if they wanted artwork, many won't buy it for fear of being damaged. I almost never buy artwork at cons, instead I ask if it's available at their online store or if I can contact them later on, as I don't want to carry it and risk having it crushed at a packed con. (Even a poster tube isn't 100% guaranteed safety). Also many fans love a series, but may not know every single FUCKIN' artist that ever worked on it, especially a long-running series. The big two churn out so many writers and artists, and only a few ever get top billing and heavy pushes. For every big name writer/artist, there was 7-8 minor ones that never got a spotlight. It's up to the artist to do some legwork, so to speak, and hit the social media to entice their "fans" to stop by and buy shit. I've seen some artists with jam-packed lines because they self-promoted themselves the two weeks before comic con on Twitter, FB, and etc. To think it's, "My husband worked on this comic" = automatic fans and $ is bullshit.

>> No.7892575

He might be talking about the invited artists in general. Kia Asamiya and others have attended SDCC, yet no one finds out until a week before the con because of SDCC's apathy towards Japanese content and artists. This is also why you barely hear about their attendance afterward, even though the Japanese publishing houses spend tons of cash expecting mainstream media coverage, and end up with middling ANN coverage at best

>> No.7892578

>Conventions are no longer shows about commerce, product launches, and celebrating the people who created this genre in the first place.
Part of this can be blamed on the fact that conventions, especially comic conventions, are wildly expensive while also strictly limiting the amount of poeple who can attend. If I have to fight tooth and nail to get a $100 weekend pass to come to your con, after spending whatever amount on travel fee's, I may not have that cash to pair for $40 autographs or prints nor marked up comic books and merchandise.

I don't know if conventions where originally place to celebrate "the people who created this genre in the first place" because that just seems like an entitled, stuck up statement. But I do know that I don't go to conventions just to buy shit and lick the boots of "famous" (if you're exhibiting and not a guest... you're probably not famous) people. I go primarily to hang out with my friends, and meet new ones. I might purchase merch if i see something i like for a good price and if someone I really care about is going to be at the con I might visit their booth of pay for their stuff but...

.. if you lost money as an exhibitor that's your fault for not keeping up with the market.

>> No.7892579

>Anyone else see this?
Yes, this is the 4th thread on this in as many days

>> No.7892580

I feel like people are retarded. At this point you shouldn't care what others do.

>> No.7892588

all points summed up perfectly.

having grown up in southern California, can tell you for sure that some women in the cosplay scene use it as a foothold to get into other industries. modeling/acting etc...thats why comic-con is THE one to cosplay at, massive hollywood presence.

i doubt anybody cosplaying as a character really gives a shit about the game, just a potential pay check from posing next to the game at E3 or some other marketing gimmick

>> No.7892598

sounds like an excuse, i rode 30 miles from my house on a bike to san diego comic con, bought art and rode back without it getting damaged without a poster tube just a back back

and it was a ducati 996, so it was rough on the pack too

sure parking a bike is easier but shit its not that much easier

>> No.7892608

No, the influx of *casual fans* want merchandise, the problem is that the typical comics artist doesn't know how to cater to the casual fan that may have blown all of their cash on the trip itself instead of budgeting properly,

The artists and dealers bitching about low sales are still expecting the OG neckbeard collector that saves all their cash for con exclusives, art commissions and back issues.

>> No.7892617
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>I rode 30 miles
>mfw most attendees are from out of state and actually have to travel to get there

>> No.7892619

If you looked at early conventions back in the 70s and such the guests were the main spotlight, while the vendors were only a handful, but as time marched on, they evolved into the way they are now, because of $

>> No.7892628


most are from the general SD and LA area with some trickling in from nevada and arizona

NYCC is a thing too, and from what i hear just as big.

unlike that shit show aka bad costume party that you have to pay to get into anime expo in LA

i'd rather stick my dick in jnig without a rubber

>> No.7892642

That's still a good chunk of people that are limited to what they can buy because of travel.

Why bother though? This is why trips need to be banned.

>> No.7892649

>virgin shaming


>> No.7892650

60% of the population that your product could be marketed towards and you still fail to cover booth/travel expenses?

doing something massively wrong.

especially when hasbro is pulling $250+ magic the gathering nerf foam axes, heroclix are selling figurines at $500+, and the other ton of exclusives that sell out within minutes...

>> No.7892652

>most attendees are from out of state and actually have to travel to get there

This is why I hate cons and con-goers. I'm a poorfag. To me, the only way you can afford to fly/drive, then get a hotel room for a couple of nights (if in same hotel as con that's expensive as fuck), then spend money on a costume, then spend money on food, then spend money on merchandise-

-then you're obviously some trust-fund kiddie who has had everything handed to them in life and I hate you.

>> No.7892655 [DELETED] 

Are you the black fit dude from FL who's going as that biking anime char dude to shadocon?
I finally have a face for the sieg heil trip

>> No.7892657


Not that guy unless you're generalizing, but I grew up poor as fuck and shit sucked.

I can afford going to cons because I busted my ass to get a good job that can pay for it

>> No.7892658

And the people that are complaining are selling none of that. They're selling artwork and maybe books.

>> No.7892659

I'm all for male virgin shaming and slut shaming.

>> No.7892662

are you fucking stupid?

>im a poorfag. To me, the only way you can afford to fly/drive, then get a hotel room for a couple of nights (if in same hotel as con that's expensive as fuck)

fucking attend them locally, i don't fly to fucking new york just because there happens to be a con there at the drop of a hat.

driving distance of fuck them bro

> then spend money on a costume,
you don't need to dress up, plus southern california in june/july whenever the fuck it was...you don't want to be wearing some polyester crap

>then spend money on food
don't buy con food, there is a whole foods like 20 miles from the con

>then spend money on merchandise-
if you buy shit at every con you're going to be living in a fucking animu~ hoarders closet.

if you truly are a poorfag then why not just immediately flip the stupid shit neckbeards buy

like this year i only went down to play in a magic the gathering legacy tournament

>> No.7892665

Thank you for this level headed post. Anime doesn't do well at SDCC given people are there for /co/ media and all the hardcore anime fans have spent their cash elsewhere. I guarantee you that if those people went to Fanime, AX, Otakon or any other big anime con they would have gotten huge amounts of publicity and would have made good bank.

Agree to this statement. If anything cosplaying have been helping both cons and industry. Companies such as Crunchyroll, Gearbox, Bioware, Funimation, Atlus and others are now looking to cosplayers as cheap labor and using their fanbases to help promote products.

Everybody wins here and those who are complaining just suck at marketing and promotion

>> No.7892666

>I'm all for male virgin shaming and slut shaming.



>> No.7892668

wow, a whole 30 miles, how mind blowing I can't believe it

>> No.7892670

>looking to cosplayers as cheap labor
that just turns me off of shit, like that boaderlands bullshit they were pushing not too long ago with cosplayers....fucking made me think the game was low...

>> No.7892672

Or, y'know, work hard, save up and don't be dumb about your money.

>> No.7892679

A lot of cosplayers go to cons to get laid.

Isn't that fucked up?

>> No.7892684

>work hard, save up and don't be dumb about your money.

Which is why I can't afford to go to cons.

>> No.7892686

Why ask if you're slut shaming already you virgin scum.

>> No.7892687

apparently people in japanese cons dont really have a party scene based off what this photographer who ran a panel @ ACEN said years ago. As in after the con they just go somewhere to eat

>> No.7892688

>A lot of cosplayers go to cons to get laid.
>citation needed

>> No.7892691

a lot of male cosplayers go to cons to get laid

and fail

the female ones would probably get drunk and suck you off in the bathroom while slurring something about a boyfriend back in michigan who paid for her trip

>> No.7892693

The good thing, outside people are starting to recognize cosplay is a slut's hobby.

I told my parents about cosplay and now they've banned my sister from going to cons, lel

>> No.7892702

The Japanese manga and anime industries have this really weird perception that if they take talent to SDCC, they're sure to get noticed by mainstream media, and I have to continually tell the reps for various companies that it doesn't work like that at all.

After they find out the hard way, I usually give them a list of anime conventions to consider for the future and thank them for their time. As for the cosplayer as booth babe for companies, I'm not against it either, what I'm against is the cosplayer as main attraction.

You half-heartedly make a costume and take pictures to sell to a legion of thirsty nerds, why should you be on an equal footing with the companies that gave you the source material for your cosplay? This is why I find buying prints stupid as well.

>> No.7892703

This is what normalfags and people who have never stepped foot in a con actually believe. Then they go to one and fail miserably at getting laid, only to go back home in all their bitterness and shitpost on a Taiwanese cartoon image board about how all women are whores.

>> No.7892710

This is true. In Japan, the Net Idol holds a lot of power over the legions of photographers that swarm Comiket and those that get chosen to shoot the sets are the ones that have the most access to the majority of JP cosplayers because they end up splitting the profit for each set shot. It's not about having fun or a good time, it's a business transaction.

>> No.7892714

>It's not about having fun or a good time, it's a business transaction.

Are we talking about cons or gamergate?

>> No.7892725

>inb4 someone bitches about taiwanese even though it's obvious you're being a jackass

>> No.7892727

flash forward to the next con you're at, after party/rave

random 14-19 year olds screaming who has ex and how they want someone to get them drunk and rail them

>> No.7892729

I see this thread seeming every time I come here, in one form or another. I also see a huge amount of people getting pissed that there isn't as much cosplay content on this board.

I feel like these two things are linked. Since cosplay is evolving, people only care about the famous and/or slutty ones. But in every single one of these threads, everyone whines about cosplay purity/ it was better x years ago/ why is slutty a thing/ etc. and yet there are several fap threads/ famous cosplayer x threads. If the cosplay part of cgl is wanting higher quality of cosplay, why not start here by praising those with decent cosplay and spreading the word about them? Stop giving the attention whores any kind of attention. It's a small step, but changing the community starts with you guys.

>I live on the east coast, and we seem to have a good amount of quality cosplay, so maybe this is west coast bullshit?
>Sorry for the rant; I'm just tired of the small shit all the time here.

>> No.7892730

It's actually a Vietnamese child pornography site

>> No.7892734

cause you did it?

>> No.7892737

japanese cons, anon

>> No.7892738


SoCalfag here, I see lots of quality cosplays from the average person at AX every year. That's the only con I go to, though, so I can't say whether it's the same for the rest.

>> No.7892742

I wish this would happen

>> No.7892751

If only that actually happens.

>> No.7892753

I feel a lot of the Comic Con/co/ types seem to have a mild vendetta against anime and manga. In the late 90s and 00s it stole their medium's thunder, as well as 'stealing' a lot of younger fans. And they've never quite forgiven anime for it. Despite /co/mic's skyrocketing success at the moment.

My friends who are really into the /co/ side just despise anime and japan and take literally every opportunity to shit on it.

>> No.7892762

It was a rant and she posted a response on her website to all the backlash she got, she was angry and doesn't particularly hate cosplayers.

There has definitely been a shift in convention culture which was bound to happen eventually. A big part of that is due to the availability of everything online. Dealers suffer. Shows can be pirated, ordered off online stores or watched on netflix and crunchyroll. Manga and comics can be read and purchased online, even second hand. Non-bootleg products can be purchased from their source companies for less than a dealer would sell it. Fans have access to TONS of talented artists, not just ones in their local scene, online at any point in time.

On top of that, many areas have multiple conventions regularly That pressure to pick something up this weekend is gone, you can just wait a few weeks for the next con.

So someone who sells star wars artwork might find it difficult to make it, because the market is severely over saturated with star wars stuff.

>> No.7892778

What's so wrong about a guy saving himself for the right girl instead of blowing his load on the face of girls like you?

>> No.7892789

How promiscuous is the average gull anyway.

>> No.7892790

>being over 20
>still saving yourself for the right girl

That's why you're still a virgin you low test beta

>> No.7892795

Average as fuck here. 24 and 15 guys.

>> No.7892797

But what if he's not over 20? What about 18?

>> No.7892799

Bitch nigga, you're not even female

>> No.7892803

Then you have a couple years left before you pull an Elliot Rodger.

>> No.7892808

Am too. Not all of us are sluts.

>> No.7892812

Thank you for proving our point. If cosplay was "killing" cons then how come Hasbro and other companies racking in huge amounts of money? Reallyte those complaining at promoting themselves. This isn't a cosplay issue its a marketing problem

>> No.7892813

You're 24 and you've slept with 15 guys?

>> No.7892814

3 boyfriends, only had sex with the last one and am married to him

>> No.7892816

It's bait. Who even counts / remembers 15.

>> No.7892817

A lot of that anger is incredibly misguided, especially as the comic medium was putting out a lot of abject shit due to the focus on #1 collector variants that nearly drove the business into the ground and allowed manga and anime to grab a foothold. Comics won after the US anime and manga market crashed in 2007.

>> No.7892818

Tell me Anon, how happy is your marriage?

>> No.7892819

I know a girl that buys a new dildo everytime she fucks a guy. It's over 20 now.

>> No.7892820

>am married to him

nah seriously most of you have pretty loose morals from how i've seen you post/act (not the jokes)

doesn't matter how many people you've had sex with

you're just shitty people in general

>> No.7892821

Very, thanks for asking! I'm a lucky lass.

>> No.7892825

Thanks sieg, how are you doing in life?
Still getting buggered by pigfuck?

>> No.7892826

> mfw sieg heil is calling other people shitty

thanks for making me laugh, I really needed it

>> No.7892827

Wow. Similarly related, my girlfriend has been using a dildo molded from her ex-boyfriend's penis, and freaked out when I confronted her about it. Am I wrong?

>> No.7892828

Do you enjoy being mean to people? Or is it derived from a need to feel better than others based on how your actual life is?
No problem, I'm considering if I actually want to get married in the future, because my parents had a bitter marriage so I want to know how it is for others instead of basing my decision on one.

>> No.7892829

I agree with banning it in dealers rooms and high-traffic areas. I hate when people block the hallway. Especially when they are taking a shitty cellphone shot.

But it's been around forever. Retro cons had very revealing costumes, tits completely exposed.

So true and very unfortunate. I miss when cosplay was about showing your love for a series and the only thing that I really hate about the current cosplay scene.

I mean it did happen before cosplay got big, but you had to research the character to not look like a fool.

Eugh. It's why I stopped liking Kamui, I saw her complaints that she can't actually play the games because she is working so hard on her costumes. She does amazing work, but what's the point?

Each site has a culture, dramu and fapping is /cgl/'s. You could make a decent cosplay thread but you don't want to post yourself here, you don't want to post your friends here, and you don't want to post people you like here.

>> No.7892830

Nope. She might still like him, so it could be a major issue. And who gets a dildo of someone's penis instead of going straight for the horse one?

>> No.7892831

not realizing the majority of my shit is a satirical portrayal/direct criticism of how low the average cosplay/lolita sluts morals are

>> No.7892833

There's no night scene at Comiket as no hotels are nearby and everyone takes public transportation. Only way you get a party is if someone is nearby is willing to host and usually you're too tired out from the travel to even want to stay awake longer

>> No.7892836

What about the guys?

>> No.7892841

She might have only loved the penis? I dunno, molding a penis sounds expensive and if she likes that specific one why not. I guess it would be slightly less awkward than getting a pornstar molded penis.

>> No.7892844

I agree with this. Both sides seem to have some animosity between them, so I go to different cons and check out the offerings that are the meat of the con. For example:

I go to DragonCon for comics, western stuff, and partying. I don't even look at the anime offerings, except for jfashion.
I go to Anime Weekend Atlanta, and ignore the Western stuff (Dr. Who and Steampunk, mostly, plus some confused Disney cosplay).
It just seems to be better this way, neatly divided. Though, video game cosplay seems to lose either way. I like seeing it everywhere. I do wish Disney and non-anime TV shows (Superwholock, Frozen) would stay at comic cons. I have no idea where webcomics and kid's cartoons (Adventure Time, Powerpuff Girls) should go. Except Homestuck. It should go to it's death, already.

>> No.7892846

half are /v/irgins looking to fap to Elizabeth cosplay or cosplay ass threads

the other half are pretty funny making fun of these dumb bitches

>> No.7892850

Marriage is a pretty individual thing, like relationships, everyone is different. If you find someone who fits you the marriage will be good, if not best of luck to ye.
My parents had a happy marriage but out of my 5 brothers and sisters only 2 of us were as lucky. I don't want children either, so it wasn't a shotgun wedding or anything.
Also it's important to compromise and communicate, and if you can do that well then everything else will fall in place.

Honestly I completely understand why some people have lost faith in marriage. Nowadays you have so many sham marriages for visas, sugar whatevers, and ironically a lot of those people are really religious. But that doesn't affect you and your SO's chance of a happy marriage, don't let statistics and such yokes deter you.

>> No.7892856

24 and I've only had sex with one girl
I think I'm either asexual or just have never had good sex.
I'll soon be finding out.

>> No.7892858

p.s. i'm totally aware that Japan isn't perfect and stuff. But the level some people shit on it and it's media gets weirdly excessive.

>> No.7892863

Heh, pity all that licence fuckery seems to have been from the japan side. As far as i know a lot of them intended to get into the market directly, started pulling licences or never renewed them when the time was up. But they hit a ton of roadblocks in pushing into the western market (dealing with asshole distributors) and just gave up.

Toonami dieing didn't help ether. As well as the incredible convenience of piracy.

>> No.7892864

I try posting in decent cosplay threads, but I've moved from cosplay to lolita now, so I don't have enough content to start threads.
I guess I don't understand the cosplay culture as much anymore, but I do get sick of the same bitching threads. It's just my opinion, though. I think I may be looking through the nostalgia glasses at the cosplay community pre-2009.
>Sorry about my little rant.
Honestly, now that I think about it... one of the biggest shifts in cosplay occurred once social media really gained ground. Do you gulls think that maybe that is a bigger issue in the culture of cosplay?

>> No.7892865

>The hard-working artists and creators who are the very foundation of this industry…the reason there even is an industry…. those creatives who have busted their asses and spent money they perhaps didn’t have to spare in order to be there exhibiting for–and accessible to–the fans…have been reduced to being the background wallpaper against which the cosplayers pose in their selfies.

These artists are retarded. If they were smart they would use the cosplayers to help promote their work. Strike up some sort of trade or bargain with a cosplayer to have them work their booth or hand shit out. If people arent paying attention to your work then its up to the artist to change their tactic not just crying about selfies.

>> No.7892867

>same shit
Not small shit.

>> No.7892872

It's when normal girls and SJW's ruined everything with 'nerd culture' around 2007 because of Big Bang Theory, and all of them like the shitty stuff and a lot of them just do it for attention.

>> No.7892874

Since most people think you're an ass, I'd say that it isn't that we don't understand satire... it is that you suck at satire.

>> No.7892882

All of that is true to certain degrees. The market that exists now is essentially due to the emergence of legal streaming, and collectors making themselves more visible and vocal with JP companies setting up direct outposts to serve those collectors or tying up with local distro where it makes sense.

While Toonami dying the first time around did hurt anime, the revival is proving that there's still demand for it, and it's an easier sell now than it was pre-streaming, but the dude that runs the block is a salty fucker.

>> No.7892895

That's a really good point. I think it's all a bit connected. Social media gave rise to the ability to fling one's normally secret drama to the ends of the earth (not that I'm complaining, I love some good dramu here and there). Tumblr gave birth to SJW and extreme feminists, while the use of forums allowed neckbeards, fedoras, and extreme misogynists to spew their hate everywhere and try to make a coherent movement. The rise of geek culture led to the "real" fans to go more extreme to prove that they were genuine, since normalfags started invading our safe spaces.
The extreme polarization of the nerd culture started overcoming the hobbyist's mutual love for hobbies, and the normalfag e-fame/slut/entitled mindset started really taking over.

It seems like a lot of us that were normal were driven to weird places because of all these circumstances. What do you gulls think?

>> No.7892900

I do feel that lately, especially with the new blood companies they are far more willing to listen to western fans, and market it towards us

>> No.7892901

Seems spot on.

>> No.7892905

Daily reminder of what cosplayers are:

Yaya was a stripper, escort (literal, not slang)
Miyu was a stripper
TristenCitrine was a stripper
Lindze did fetish stuff
Ginny does lots of nude stuff and some fetish videos
Kitty now works in home-invasion fetish videos
FranDan started out as a solo nude teen model and incorporated cosplay later
Alisa was Yaya's escort partner but quit cosplay to work on her solo paysite full time
Riddle's done a bunch of nude modelling and was rumoured to have been a stripper though the latter part is unconfirmed
Adella had some naked stuff leaked, unknown if she was paid or whatever
Collie went into full porn as Ellie Idol then moved to humilation fetish videos as Princess Ellie
Liz Katz is the new alias of pornstar Risi Simms
BelleChere was employed by various Japanese fetish conventions and magazines
Giorgia started out nude modelling and stripping
Kelly Jean voices hentai, used to do a public tease camshow and private hardcore camshows
Ivy Doomkitty gets most of her money from fat fetish stuff
Charms escorts and cams.
Momoko Mitchell was an escort and pornstar.
Verababy was a nude model.
Ikuy had a sex tape.
Obviously there are all the Cosplay Deviant people
Everyone on Cosplay Erotica
Everyone at SCG

Cosplay is a red flag.

>> No.7892906

why not just have cosplay cons?

>> No.7892907

Forgot the part where it ruined gaming making it overly casual because that's what sells.

>> No.7892908

I'm from /pol/, so I'm happy to admit that Japan is fucking awesome:

- Dominates high end manufacturing.
- Really strict immigration.
- Homogeneous, strong sense of group identity.
- Hold on to old traditions, some of the old festivals in Japan are literally 1400 years old. The oldest businesses in the world are mostly Japanese with a few European ones.
- Polite and decent to outsiders who treat them with respect.
- Great food.
- Cute girls.
- Despise shit tier western behavior (drugs, showing off your cleavage etc).
- Great vidya.
- Great anime.


>> No.7892913

>don't be dumb about your money.
>going to cons

>> No.7892915

>Great vidya
True, but the sad thing is if you actually live there, there's a fuck ton of shovelware, and CoD and Fifa are the most popular games. Also, they're lazy fucks because they don't like PC gaming.

>> No.7892917

spookycharms moved up to being a prostitute now?

>> No.7892920

Agreed here. I'm not from /pol/ but I honestly like Japan for much of the stuff most people hate it for, xenophobia, conservative society and all that kind of thing. Sadly I'm only 1/4th Japanese otherwise I would move there without question.

>> No.7892922

So the ones who have manipulated social media to become 'star' cosplayers have had extensive experience in social networking?

No kidding

>> No.7892923

Yup. She also does porn.

I asked her on her tumblr what she thought of pornstars once and she said she always felt they were mentally damaged.

Also, there was a timestamped image poll on /cgl/ some time ago and the results said 80% of "gulls" would be interested in doing porn.

>> No.7892924

>implying conservative society isn't the best society
Liberals are killing the planet.

>> No.7892926


Come to /pol/ if you feel that way.

If you are a girl, they will love you.

>> No.7892927

Japan keeps PCs for VNs and shit. The wider market is moving to mobile gaming like Puzzle & Dragons while the hardcore gamers are keeping consoles afloat

>> No.7892928

I wish more people felt that way. The USA is totally fucked beyond belief.

>> No.7892929

Jesus Christ, there are a ton of sluts here.

>> No.7892931

I'd move there if the work hours of the average japanese person didn't make me feel instantly suicidal
oh and if I wasn't a 6ft tall white girl that would be looked at like a freak

>> No.7892932

The only liberals I like are the ones that don't like the thing that jews do. Other ones can go make their own country that burns itself to the ground in a week.

>> No.7892953

Fuck off. The last thing Japan needs is more weeby white girls in the vein of Kanadajin, Yukapon, Applemilk etc.

You do realize Japanese think all white women are whores because of women like that, right?

>> No.7892955

Is anybody just waiting for normies to get out of nerd culture?
Currently the same thing is happening to Sailor Moon. I saw my beloved, close-knit fandom morph into a clusterfuck of shitty pastel gawth and ~punk magical grrrl~
But you know what? I'm just going to wait it out. They'll get tired of it. And when they do, they will still be lots of cool merchandise and some decent fanart left over. It's just a matter of time.

>> No.7892958


Fuck sake. Trust white girls to turn idols into something slutty...

>> No.7892960

I wish normalfags would leave vidya forever so we can get actually good big budget games.

>> No.7892962

remember how everyone was calling me an asshole for referring to her as white trash all those years ago?

>> No.7892964

Sailor Moon has always been for normies, retard. It's the entry-level anime for femanons. It's also the biggest "slut cosplay" magnet next to KLK and TTGL.

>> No.7892965

>tfw no hot sluts will cosplay as Liru

>> No.7892970
File: 85 KB, 829x646, pol-tan at work and at home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see I'm not the only /pol/ack crossboarder here.

>> No.7892972

Seagulls fucking love /pol/ man. I think it's the fact we're not afraid to voice genuinely uncontroversial opinions, and with it becoming self-evident how dominant liberalism is, we look like a real counter-culture.

>> No.7892978

There are people that believe otherwise? Hell, I've got a scene from an American porn where a random blonde cosplays Usagi and gets fucked in it. Entry-level indeed, especially for dykes that grew up with it and Utena

>> No.7892983

So it's not just because /cgl/ hates females even more than /r9k/, /lgbt/, or /pol/?

>> No.7892985

Thing is with Sailor Moon. It's a slut magnet not just because it attracts slutty cosplay, but because the girls who are really into Sailor Moon tend to be really slutty.

Every camwhore, SJW and other "sex positive" cunt on tumblr spams Sailor Moon gifs all over the place. Idolizes Usagi and the more retarded ones come up with "feminist theories" about it.

Cosplayers are for using for sex, not relationships!

>> No.7892989

why the fuck would I want to be a wannabe-idol, even the actual japanese ones have lives that suck. and suck dick.

>> No.7892996

Most girls are or were into Sailor Moon, slutty or chaste. With such a large sample size you're guaranteed to find some who fit your stereotype.

>> No.7892997

Statements like this make my blood boil as they sound so hypocritical. People time and time again say they love nerd culture for being so open and accepting and how they took them in and are grateful for that. Then these very same people are going "GTFO NEW PEOPLE"

>> No.7892999

Nah, it's trashy. Collie/Ellie Idol loved it.

>> No.7893002

If normalfags leave, you won't get any big budget games. The masses spending money is what encourages companies to pay big budgets for voice actors and quality.

>> No.7893003

I did forget that, which is weird because I fucking hate it. I don't mind replaying old games on your phone during a commute, or even visual novels. (I like playing GTA3 on my phone)

But the casual crap and microtransactions and filtering into my real games, and I can't stand it. I feel like the amount we're charged for things now that used to be kind of standard (including the predecessor to DLC) are catering to normalfags. It's be one thing if we could boycott it, but we can't, because there are too many normalfags willing to pay the prices and true gamers can't compete. I'm really not trying to sound elitest, and I know it's not working... but screw casuals for making microtransactions, social media tie-in bullshit, being able to pay to do something faster, and charging for every single little extra thing a viable business model.
>inb4 but anon, the current/older model isn't working anymore!
I know it isn't, but I would gladly take something other than this annoying bullshit. I would rather wait longer periods of time for games or just pay more on the front end. But that is another rant entirely.

>> No.7893005

That's because the newfags aren't making an attempt to learn how the culture operates, they're just in it for the end product.

>> No.7893006

One example doesn't prove your point.

>> No.7893008

You think I have an axe to grind here against that sort of girl.

I don't. I like trashy cosplayers and always have. Maybe not as future wives or mothers of kids or whatever, but they're good for what they do.

It's why I don't have the bitterness /r9k/ often has. I like you girls.

>> No.7893014

I think it's because most seagulls have really unpopular opinions, just like /pol/. Also, we're attracted to drama. /pol/ is like drama/ bitching for politics and ideology.
Most of the grill haters on cgl are idiot crossboarders from /r9k/ that come here to simultaneously hate on the girls here while actually getting to talk to the fabled female race, since /cgl/ is the girl board.
>I'd really like a poll to see what percentage of /cgl/ is female.
>tfw you're not sure how to do that.

>> No.7893017

Make a straw poll. Most of the gulls are probably females though.

>> No.7893021

Amano was brought over by a group that completely failed to promote his presence at SDCC 2010. What the writer said is completely accurate about what happened though - no one gave two shits about him being there. I was only aware of this bc I knew the people involved in bringing him over.

What she's (writer of article) specifically complaining about has less to do with cosplayers and more to do with how fanart has basically turned the industry inside out. Looked up her husband and while he's done work for Star Wars the actual artwork has a dated quality to it that isn't appealing to a lot of people attending cons now. If he had an artbook available I sure as hell wouldn't buy it despite being aware that he is objectively a solid artist - it's not the shit I'm into or want to learn from.

Considering most fanartists laugh in your face if you make under $500 a convention and she's popping out numbers like $20 sold a day, yeah. This has very little to do with cosplay and everything to do with how the industry has shifted in a completely different direction and she and her husband haven't been keeping up.

>> No.7893022

Well, I never said that. Nerd culture never ~took me in~ or ~made me feel accepted~ it's just shit I did on my own because I didn't have any friends

>> No.7893023

I'm pretty sure the girl in that porno wasn't in it because she's a die hard sailor moon fan.

>> No.7893024

I like video games. Normies ruined a lot of my video games. Remove Normies.

>> No.7893029

This, and they actually still make fun of the "real" nerds. (Again, I don't know how to say this without sounding like an ass). I don't mind new people coming into my hobbies as long as they don't fuck it up and/or decide to hate on me because I'm not up to their standards or whatever.
It is just like a new person coming into your lolita or cosplay comm.
>Yay, newfriend!
>This could be awesome: a new cosplayer with potential epic skills who enjoys series that I like! A new Lolita who has some lovely co-ording skills and lets me borrow dresses!
>This could be terrible: A new cosplayer who is definitely a slutty e-fame obsessed with stirring drama. A new Lolita who is totally ita and buys into the Living Doll shit and makes the comm look bad.
Be respectful of the nerd-senpai and learn our culture. We don't have to be best friends, but don't try to co-opt it. You'll drive the good fans away (See: Dr. Who)

>> No.7893031

Also they ruin games! Don't forget my games!

>> No.7893033

After I take a nap, I'm going to do this. I'm also interested to see who is here for what.
>Lolita, Cosplay, Fapping, Crossboarder
I'm not sure what other categories. Also, thank you for the straw man poll idea, Anon-chan!

>> No.7893036

It seems to me as a guy from /pol/ that most of the vocal crossborders here are from /fit/ looking for a nerdy attention loving curvy girl who will go well with their nerdy attention loving high-test Alpha ways.

>> No.7893037

I don't know, the cosplay they gave her seemed fairly accurate, only difference was that the skirt was too long and she nailed the English dub catchphrase. Otherwise it was a standard boy girl scene with a fat dude plowing her.

I've also got another scene with one of those "altporn" chicks cosplaying as Ami fucking herself in the ass with a dildo. It's just weird to find things like that because they aren't expected in American porn.

>> No.7893038

Ask how many people play vidya, too. Not enough vidya.

>> No.7893039

I'll I'm learning from this thread is male anons are trash who consume low tier porn at alarming rates. What nice girl would ever want to marry any of you?

>> No.7893040

Define "learning how the culture operates"

Besides the introduction of normies to the culture yielded huge benefits. I mean marvel reaps millions in movie tickets, dvd sales, merchandise and games. Hell comic companies often finding themselves needing to reprint issues and runs to keep up with demand. As *GASP* the new fans are starting to generate an increased interest in the source material

>> No.7893043

Warning from /pol/ - strawpolls can be easily manipulated by anyone with the time and knowledge to do so.

>> No.7893049

>implying I'd ever date a prudish girl who doesn't like porn
>implying my girlfriend doesn't schlick to slash when I'm not around to take care of her needs

>> No.7893054

What's high tier porn then?

I'm open to suggestions.

I just want a slutty cosplay wife who wants rape fantasies.

>> No.7893056

Watching a show a couple of times as a kid doesn't make you a "fan" though, that's exactly the whole point. Tumblr is infested now with people who have been fans LIEK OMG SINCE FOREVER XD it doesn't work that way. Actual Sailor Moon fans are ridiculously prudish, girls that grew up with Saareena, not so much.

>> No.7893059

How the fuck could anyone ignore Amano? I loved his art back in the FF days of my childhood, when it jumped out of the pages of Nintendo Power because it looked so different from everything else.

I even got to meet him in person once at a museum, long before I ever went to a convention.

>> No.7893061

Sure you get more mainstream attention for the property, but the problem with that is that it isn't sustainable. It's a trend in pop culture, and like all trends in pop culture, they have finitie cycles of popularity. We are currently at the apex of popularity for "geek culture" and the signs are pointing to a pretty hard crash if no attempt is made to keep the core fanbase and ease up on the saturation level.

>> No.7893066

The crash won't be pretty but I don't see why things can't more or less go back to normal
If people end up out of their job or work or whatever, well, they wouldn't have even had that work in the first place. And there will be some stragglers who got into it and genuinely like it long term. And the general public might even have a more positive perception of geek culture as a whole. We'll have gotten some decent media out of it. I just don't see it as the end of geekdom of anything, just a temporary wave to ride out.

>> No.7893068

>if no attempt is made to keep the core fanbase

They're actively trying to alienate their core fanbase when it comes to video games. Will other geeky mediums be far behind?

>> No.7893077

Eh you guys are all going to go crawling back as soon as they start catering to you again. I mean what else are you going to do, take up playing football?

>> No.7893078

>muh geek culture

>> No.7893080

Don't be silly, girls and casuals play football.

>> No.7893081

That's the thing though, what defines "normal" after this cycle does end? New books are barely breaking 100K in sales and backlist sales are shrinking even faster than they were during the 90's crash. Does that mean that the industry shrinks even further as a result?

>> No.7893086

You're acting as if nerds don't make fun of each other. In fact I am willing to bet that the biggest assholes around are the ones who are super nerdy. Fuckups, have been in your community since forever so don't take it out on the new people trying to get in

>> No.7893089

Homestuck is a great example of wannabe nerds though.

>> No.7893093
File: 678 KB, 1435x318, snu-snu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and me both, my friend, you and me both.

>> No.7893094

This could be. Maybe I'll also ask which board do you cross board from... it seems interesting. I'll only put a few on there and an "other" option.
I like this idea too! It'd be fun to ask:
>Do you play? Y/N
>What do you play on mainly? PC, Console, Cellphone, Handheld, N/A
>What type of games do you mostly play? RPG, FPS, Indie, Casual, Online, Adventure, Slice of Life, Hunter/Collector (like Pokemon, Yu-gi-oh), Japanese, N/A
>Do you watch anime? Y/N
>What social media do you use?
>Age Range

Can anyone think of anything else?>>7893043
Thank you. Do you have another suggestion? Or should someone with more experience do this?

>> No.7893099

A poll is a retarded idea, it's going to get hacked like 2 seconds after its created and then we'll spend the next few years thinking everyone on /cgl/ is a transgendered otherkin who only cosplays characters from cell phone games they've never played.

>> No.7893103

>Age range
>inb4 a lot if us are underage

>> No.7893105
File: 94 KB, 1042x646, potential pol tans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard there's another polling site that's slightly more secure, but I can't for the life of me remember it's name.

>Or should someone with more experience do this?

You should do it - because if you don't, odds are no one else will.

>> No.7893108

I only go to local cons and most people who go to local cns do that

>> No.7893111

>implying "Busting your ass" will inherently get you a good job

Are YOU fucking retarded?

>> No.7893112

I wish there was a global rule that anyone who admits to being from /pol/ gets autobanned from whatever board they've ventured onto

>> No.7893115

I'm sorry it came across that way (I knew I'd sound like an ass). The topic was new people, so that's what I was addressing.
I agree with you. Some of the absolute worst shit comes from nerds being fucking awful to other nerds. But that's a totally different topic, so I'm not going to rant on it.
I'm definitely not trying to blame everything on new people. Like some others said, they've brought some fantastic things to the nerd community! But, as with anything, the awesome also comes with shit. Just like the awesome that was already there generates shit too.
>That barely counts as an analogy. I really need to sleep.

>> No.7893117


I'm so so sorry i brought the nazi wannabes here. I was just annoyed my /co/ friends gave me shit for liking anything that came from japan

>> No.7893119


>> No.7893121

annnd what con is this? the hookup on in AZ?

>> No.7893124

It'll be fun before some asshole hacks it.
I was going to put "18", then 18-25, etc.
I will do it after my nap! If you remember the name, let me know. I'll also poke around on google, and look for a more secure place for polls. But if you have experience with one, I'm glad for it!

>> No.7893125

That's very discriminatory and intolerant of you.

>> No.7893127

To be fair, SDCC is a foot traffic nightmare. If you don't know what you're looking for or haven't specifically made plans to find certain things you'll miss a lot because there's just too much shit going on there and too many goddamn people.

That being said, yeah, it's some serious bullshit for Amano to be glossed over but that's how not understanding the con audience bites you in the ass. If they had hauled him to AX it would've been a much better outcome.

>> No.7893128

My instructor for comic art (it was art classes offered at a local art center) had a similar vendetta yeah cause of the 1980-90s and whatnot. I remember he saying such in like 2001-04?

>> No.7893130

To be honest, someone who bases their entire identity around a single hobby are kind of weird/creepy/annoying. male or female, and this includes cosplay.

I'd prefer people who have a little bit of fun cosplaying, are a little into EGL/J-fashion, a little into anime/manga. comics/cartoons, video games... You know. A nice balance.

>> No.7893131

Hey, you can be here, it's just pointless to self-identify. All the people who come here to identify as /pol/ only seem to be here to brag about how great /pol/ is, and troll about sluts and jews and ebola. Its like how other boards ban mentioning if you're a grill.

>> No.7893132

>respect other country's right to have strict immigration laws

And you get mad at /pol/ for randomly calling people Jews.

>> No.7893133

Huh, that makes sense actually. I might have gotten more into comics if I didn't find out about Glorious Nippon

>> No.7893134

This, if they brought him to a big ANIME convention, chances are people would have actually found him, because there's a bigger number of people that might actually know him there

>> No.7893136

>15 guys
I know that might actually be average but it still makes you a slut/twink

>> No.7893138

Given that it's not significantly more secure, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

I would suggest making 18-20 and 21-25 separate categories. Also, don't forget the sandbox genre when it comes to video games.

I get that, but if I saw or heard Amano was at NYCC I'd be in front of his booth faster then a fangirl glomping yaoi cosplayers.

Heck, he's just about the only Japanese non-manga artist I know by name. To ignore him is a crime of the highest order.

I usually don't mention it, but it came up in this thread. I do agree to some extent, bringing it up in every thread would be as annoying as those posters who try to turn every thread into complaining about Jews.

>> No.7893142

depends on what you like about the glorious nippon comics.

For me it just always appealed to me more, but style and story wise. Stuff like DC never appealed to me since I don't care about those kind of stories.

>> No.7893146

>Dude who runs the block is a salty fucker
I want to hear about this

>> No.7893147

That's because Marvel is superior :^)

>> No.7893151

/pol/ plz go

>> No.7893153

The shitshow involved in bringing creators to the wrong conventions is probably part of what turns them off to going to the right ones too. Rumiko Takahashi has been to the US like once (at SDCC again, ha) and never bothered coming back because the turnout was mediocre.

Meanwhile CLAMP's appearance at AX basically broke all their records and probably contributed to their decision to move shit to LACC. It's a numbers game at the end of the day and it's surprising how many organizers don't know how to play it.

>> No.7893155

It's primarily style and story wise for me, but also it's pretty easy to get into mangoos. Comic books often have characters and books stretching back into the 1940s, even if they reboot them often I don't have time for that shit and learning all the histories of every character which I'd feel obligated to do. Also, it would be hard to have conversations about series with extensive histories like that. It's comparatively easy to get into an interesting discussion about Madoka Magica.
I think a lot of people have that perception and they're trying to fix it but I just don't care enough to look into it. But if I didn't have anime, I probably would, just to have something to do.

>> No.7893157

That's a fair point, Takahashi or Amano would be GoH at any anime con. To have them seated at a random table with the rest of the crowd after they came halfway across the world seems wrong.

>> No.7893159

>Girls who cosplay in charge of not being sluts

>> No.7893160

Essentially, dude has a real thin skin with anyone that calls him out on anything regarding Toonami, both in terms of the block's programming and the brand. He's on a high horse and if you're not kissing his ass or carrying water for the block, he gets anally devastated. That also doesn't take into account his tryhard habit of name dropping rappers like El-P and Killer Mike.

>> No.7893161

Anon you're responding too, and it's pretty much the same for me. I like how easy it can be to read a one shot manga, or a shorter series. Even catching up with the longer series doesn't take that long. Meanwhile stuff like the general superhero stuff has been going on since forever and at least for an outsider, looks like it's the same time but with a slightly different style each time.
Also manga has the shoujo genre when I need my cheesy girly shit.

>> No.7893163

I never really cared for DC, but i've gotten super into Arrow and Flash. And loved the old animated batman when i was a kid.

>> No.7893164

Man, this whole 'cosplay is not consent' thing is bull shit for guys and girls.

If you dress like a dude who consistently takes his clothes off, then you have no right to be offended when a horde of hamplanet fangirls yell at you to take your shirt off! If you dress like a guy who is a known man-whore, why the hell are you surprised when a chick reaches her hand up your shirt?

and girls? If you don't know in this day and age that guys are gonna flip your skirt and ogle your breasts? then you deserve it. All of it.

>> No.7893169

Cool, I'm glad you agree. I reread it and realize it made me sound kind of lazy/unintellectual so I'm glad you understand

>> No.7893170

Everyone did. I fear for the people who grew up with B:TAS, and open up a modern DC comic and see what they've done to poor Harley Quinn.

>> No.7893171

Ah, its kinda creepy how this thread has turned into lonely guys spewing hate because they don't get laid at cons.

>> No.7893173

Is "look but don't touch (without asking first)" such a hard concept to grasp?

It's when some of the new harassment policies go beyond that - sometimes way beyond that - which makes the whole thing scary.

>> No.7893174

Cgl sure likes to make cons sound like a bad place.
>All guys are creeps and weirdos who don't deserve love
>All girls are sluts and whores
>companies just take your money
>people with real talent get ignored
>everything is busy and sweaty
>after con is a drama-filled fuckfest.

>> No.7893177

>don't forget "everyone in this thread is /pol/

>> No.7893178


>> No.7893179

hahahaha that's a good way to phrase it

actually "Fucking Hipsters" si better

>> No.7893181

Ah... you mean like all the slutty Harleys at cons?

though i thought that was mostly from the arkham games

>> No.7893182

/pol/ managed a site-wise cultural transformation that SRS never could.

>> No.7893187

survey monkey is decent.

Don't "RTS/4X" for "what games do you play"

and "crossposters" and MAYBE "political orientation"

poli sci major here, im working on this sort of thing for my uni

>> No.7893193

don't worry your point came across fine, and the whole idea of comics that started 70 years ago still running is rather off-putting to me. Then again I don't even like the superhero movies.

>> No.7893194


>> No.7893196

Exactly. The slutty Harley from the Arkham Games is still an enjoyable character, slutty Harley from the New 52 isn't. There's a reason you see cosplayers as one and not the other.

(Leaving aside that Harley was slutty from the start, in B:TAS, just dressed more modestly.)

>> No.7893197

it's like the laws keeping politicial parties from taking over govenment

>> No.7893199

>Don't "RTS/4X" for "what games do you play"

Why not?

There are no laws preventing that, at least not in America. There are laws preventing parties from easily rigging the system once they take control, though.
(Aside from gerrymandering, which is still legal in most of the country, disgustingly enough.)

>> No.7893203

you know most of the people posting are prolly female right? Even if /pol/ is invading its likely females

>> No.7893205

/pol/ has females? why? I don't believe it

>> No.7893207

You know white racists were posting that shit on /b/ before /pol/ even existed right? /pol/ was a containment board for that faggotry.

(black nationalist here)

Sorry, meant "Don't FORGET" I typoed

Also: I meant European governments sometimes ban "controversial" parties (mainly fascist ones)

>> No.7893209

hmm. honestly I wouldn't know but Im guessing since female cosplay bias/skew as well as other things that there would be a similar skew.

But then again I remember shitposting from /pol/ from before /lgbt/ was formed sooo

>> No.7893213

/pol/ always seems like the most "male" board on 4chan. Though that could just be because most females posting on the board don't bring up their gender unless it's directly relevant.

>Also: I meant European governments sometimes ban "controversial" parties (mainly fascist ones)

A practice that disgusts me. Even repulsive ideologies like fascism and communism should be allowed representation.
Give the ruling parties the power to ban political parties and soon you'll find the definition of "fascist" and "communist" stretched to include their opposition.

>> No.7893226

in general, no. Also it takes a lot to ban a politial party. See how Jobbik and Golden Dawn are popular as hell.Also, National Front in France

Also, hmm I thought /r9k/ was more male. Or just misogynist. Thanks for reminiding me /pol/ is msogynist AND racist, I mainly notice the racism

>> No.7893234

After spending time on /cgl/, /pol/ stops seeming misogynist by comparison.

>> No.7893235

What are you talking about? People come to /cgl/ to troll because it's the grrl board and riles people up. If you go to /r9k/ or /b/ and post LOL COSPLAY SLUTS everyone will just agree with you. Most legit posters are liberal

>> No.7893240

>implying the folks complaining about "cosplay sluts" aren't /cgl/'s own homegrown sandy vaginas

The misogynists on /r9k/ rarely leave the house, and the degeneracy haters on /pol/ wouldn't come near a convention.

>> No.7893244

>This, and they actually still make fun of the "real" nerds.

This. Like the mentioned people cosplaying characters they don't know to get attention. If you walk up to them to talk about the series, they usually give you that certain "ugghhh what a neerrrddd" attitude. They do have the decency to be offended if they're questioned about knowing the character and if they don't, they'll write up a rant about con bullying and "uggh I can't be expected to know EVERYTHING about this character I have a LIFE I'm not a NERD ugghhh". Then why the fuck does it read on your bio?

Generally the whole social media culture has brought a really uncomfortable phenomena to cosplaying. I don't have a problem with cosplay idols who are talented, contribute something to the community etc. but it seems so many subpar cosplayers are putting up facebook pages only to act like a superstar, speaking to their followers as if they were their fans and try to keep up a nonexistent hype about themselves. Facebook pages are great for networking, but I really can't stand it when people think follower equals fan.

And I don't think the "Ugh you NERDS are just mad someone else likes a thing you like, get over yourselves" line is a very valid argument. True, we don't have a control over who likes what we like. It's in the hands of the marketing crowd. We can't tell people what to like. But we can sure as hell be pissed off about it something ruining a thing that has made our lives better for years and trivializing it to the level of a fad and means to make a quick buck. e.g. cosplay idols with their tits hanging out, games catering to the casual crowd that wants to watch movies and not play games etc.

>> No.7893247

What, people admit to being from /pol/ all the time
I guess you could argue it's gulls just pretending to be from pol but that's jumping through an awful lot of hoops
Either way, it's trolling, not anyone's actual opinion.

>> No.7893252

I am from /pol/. I come here because I go to conventions, appreciate cosplay, and the drama is fun to read about. I LIKE scantily clad cosplayers, and can't understand why so many people have their panties in a knot over them.

>> No.7893256

i assume most posters on /cgl/ are female so it's self-hating, or female power struggles in the same vein of /b/ calling each other faggots.

>> No.7893260

becuse, anon, most slut shaming which hurts women up close and personal is from OTHER women Whether social/eulcultural or biological doesn't matter too much (hey it can be both!) but psych studies confirm such

>> No.7893262

If sluts have no shame, how can they be slut-shamed? Slut-shaming is more likely to hurt non-sluts and make them more inhibited and reserved so that they're not mistaken for sluts.

>> No.7893263

I've certainly noticed that most cries of "fake geek girls!" come from other girls.

Sometimes because they're upset that attention whores are suddenly butting into fandoms which they've been part of their entire lives - and sometimes because they're just jealous of another nerdy girl who's better looking and doesn't have to rely on her brains/personality as much.

>> No.7893266

I think you'd be surprised how often /r9k/ and /fit/ come over to shitpost. The gulls may hate on slutty cosplay, but they way to tell the difference is in the way they hate on the slutty cosplay.
Saying all cosplayers are whores and everyone at conventions is slutty and that cosplayers don't talk to them... that is usually dude shitposting.
The grills hate on the construction and stupidity of the e-famous sluts and speculate on boob jobs.

>> No.7893267

>in general, no. Also it takes a lot to ban a politial party. See how Jobbik and Golden Dawn are popular as hell.Also, National Front in France

There is literally nothing wrong with this.

Policy wise they're basically the equivalent of the LDP in Japan or something. I don't hear anybody demanding Japan ban the LDP. They've been in power for essentially 60 years in a row.

>> No.7893269

Doesn't /fit/ like slutty cosplay? They always want an excuse to show off their abs.

>> No.7893272

because you are SHAMED for "being a slut". "sluttiness" =/= ease of shaming

I've heard people complain the most about males doing it. I don't blame the dudes for doing it, fake geek girls are the biggest case of cancer/normalfaggotry at cons now.

Ahh. Ok.

>> No.7893279

I wore a cute hat from a video game I've never played to cons - and a friend warned me I could be tarred as a "fake nerd boy" for doing so.

Which is funny since I was watching anime when you still had to trade VHS tapes to get anything interesting.

>> No.7893281

Slut shaming is just girls jealous that they can't get dick.

>> No.7893282

I'm ok with the normalfags, it's the moralfags that scare me.

>> No.7893283



>> No.7893290

It's girls that try to make other girls feel bad for being able to get dick, because the first party of girls can't get no dick in their mouth.

>> No.7893292

Are there girls on /cgl/ who unironically care about "slut shaming"?


>> No.7893300

I hate sex dynamics on this board. All of you, all the time, are broken people who can't have a reasonable discussion without fitting the other into some stereotype.

>> No.7893303



>> No.7893304
File: 145 KB, 1000x1000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaming sluts is my fetish.

>> No.7893310

I'm getting pretty tired of it being used for low tier bait but otherwise, no

>> No.7893315

Shaming slut-shamers is my fetish!

>> No.7893320

It's because of these unnecessarily vocal geek gurrllss that those girls who have genuine interest get their reputation ruined. When it used to be like a harmless "Oh you like that stuff, meh", it's now an aggressive "Ugh you're one of those". So it's only understandable that girls are pissed off because they're the one experiencing the drawback. I stopped calling myself a gamer after tumblr made games all about social issues and the other side now thinks gamer girls are sluts pretending to play games.

>> No.7893322

/fit/ shitposts in a way that is more like, >"So gulls, check out my frame, who should I cosplay?"
>Complains about bodytypes: skinnyfat, fat, flat butt, needs reps, needs to work out.
>Tells everyone how to improve; if no one listens, then how lazy we are.
>Selfposts pictures in a thinly veiled attempt for compliments; if none are given, precedes to rate everyone as a 4 or below.
>"/fit/ here..."
They also, along with /r9k/:
>tfw when no qt3.14 loli gf
>Don't you grills want a real man? (Bonus if on androgynous picture)
>So, I'd make a perfect x... *posts face/body shot.*
>"As a man"...
>if no one responds, calls everyone ugly/slut/whore
>"I slept with 20 grills last con."
>Tfw no cosplay gf. If called beta, talks about how much sex they have/ how girls are all over them/ how their gf is superior, how lucky we would be, etc.
>Brings up their dick
>Loves traps, but no homo.

>> No.7893325

>I'm /cgl/
>Boyfriend is /pol/
>Posted about how well the boards mesh before and no one believed me

I am smug right now.

>> No.7893326

For examples: See this thread.
>MUH dick!

>> No.7893329

Yeah where have all the good men gone?

>> No.7893330

there's a part of /pol/ that dislikes the whole MRA and /r9k/ type thing because they see it as unmanly and just the "male variant of feminism".

>> No.7893331
File: 61 KB, 794x794, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get shamed by sluts is my fetish along with shaming sluts. Go ahead, shame me~

>> No.7893334

get this fucking pol shit out of here right now you fucking idiots

>> No.7893335

As a man (lel) I feel like whoever does that is just a man-whore.

>> No.7893339

I wonder if most of the cosplayers here are the kind who are usually bookish and awkward and cosplay is their way of coming out of their shell.. and those who are switched on all the time and pretty

>> No.7893342

wouldnt /soc/ talk more about traps not. /soc/ and /lgbt/

>> No.7893344

>mfw I go on /cgl/ /v/ /pol/ /soc/ and a few other boards
>mfw I act the same on all of them and no one gives me shit
I don't understand why we all hate each other.

>> No.7893347

they were oppressed by misandry so they left

and that part of /pol/ is faggots who will then get fucked over eventually. Dumbfuck PUA shits

>> No.7893352

I'm still here, anon!

>> No.7893354

I hate /pol/ because they wish to literally kill my people (Africans) and pass it off as a joke. Let alone the other things

at least /x/ and /b/ was kawaii about it

>> No.7893358

I think the only people they really don't like are jews. Which is good.

>> No.7893363

This is one of the (several) reasons why /pol/ and /cgl/ go together. We usually hate extreme feminists/ SJW just like /pol/. The only thing we hate more than that are the creepy fedorabeards "tfw no gf" MRA dudes, and dudes from /r9k/. They are gross, scary, and they go beyond normal misogyny into the realm of where they can't tell the difference between themselves and the women they hate. They can't decide if they love women to the point of worship or hate us to the point of death. All of it gets so confusing, that I'm pretty sure /r9k/ and their ilk have no idea what a woman is.
>/pol/ hates them too.
>/pol/ is unpopular opinion drama.
>/cgl/ is unpopular clothes drama.
>We both hate the normalfags.
>We both secretly have a thing for nazis. /cgl/ for the fashion, /pol/ for the ideology.
>Let pol-tan and cgl-tan make sweet love born of hatred for other things while in nazi cosplay.

>> No.7893366

I am an anti-semite and against world Zionism due to ZIONIST Jews being capitalist, racist, imperialist, oppressive, etc but none of that bullshit about "diluting culture".

I don't give a shit about 'cultural marxism' Foucault pretty much thought of the same shit and he was annoyed at not knowing of the Frankfurt School cause their writings werent translated.

>> No.7893371

they also dont like africans given all the usage of "nigger"

>> No.7893372

What's their deal on women? I always saw them as a "women in da kitchen" type bunch

>> No.7893373

I'm somewhere in between all of this. I agree with some of the points the SJW side make, but i relate to the /pol/ side where they take it too far and turn a legitimate issue into some kind of personality cult.

It's just such a headache.

>> No.7893375

Living the dream...

>> No.7893379

You would think. I'm pretty sure /fit/ is in denial about it though. They do love /fa/ while pretending to use /cgl/ as a beard.
I hate PUA as well. I think they are what happens when somebody from /r9k/ finally decides they want sex. Basically trolls following a script and picking up the easiest chicks ever and calling it an accomplishment.
>my sides

>> No.7893380

4chan actually likes women a lot. They just don't like women getting all uppity about shit. See modern feminists. Really a lot of guys on 4chan just want a girl to love. Or a guy, if they're like that.

>> No.7893381

>and /cgl/ lived happily ever after

>> No.7893382

But none of them deserve one.

>> No.7893383

I just don't like jews for two things. Oppressing the Palestinians, and circumcision.

>> No.7893385

It is truly a headache.
if it makes it easier, I'm really talking about the extreme versions of both, not the more moderate versions.

>> No.7893386

PUA are faggots
MRA are faggots

The entire "manosphere" is full of the male equivalent of the bitchiest women around. Roissy is a humongous faggot.

>> No.7893388

Africans use the term nigger too, you shit brick. Africans were actually the first people in America to have slaves.

>> No.7893389

That's the NatSocs, WNs, and the trolls.

The libertarian plurality on /pol/ doesn't give a fuck what you are as long as you hold down a job and don't leech welfare.

>> No.7893393

Yeah, but for a lot of guys they're the only extreme they have to turn to otherwise they end up being "sensitive" guys.

>> No.7893394

/pol/'s honestly the only place where I've seen men be consistent about the whole "no race mixing" thing. A lot of them will call out guys who date asian chicks for example and tell them to fuck off.

>> No.7893397

Nah. Not many people like jews on 4chan. Which is good.

>> No.7893398

>>Let pol-tan and cgl-tan make sweet love born of hatred for other things while in nazi cosplay.

Hey, /cgl/, are you going to the Winter Ball with anyone?

>> No.7893400

And they don't even realize it. It's great.

>> No.7893406
File: 166 KB, 2425x1669, 1413275463658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's the NatSocs, WNs, and the trolls.

NatSocs constitute a big part of /pol/.

41% of /pol/ is a radical right winger of some kind, this is excluding conservatives and libertarians, many of whom may as well be.

Libertarians are retards who don't understand economics and love immigration.

>> No.7893407

>Basically trolls following a script and picking up the easiest chicks ever and calling it an accomplishment.

To be fair, if you're sad perma-virgin and you're suddenly having sex, it is a huge accomplishment. People have to break out of their shells, and they have to start somewhere, before they become wizards permanently.

At least the PUAs are out their trying to improve their lot, instead of just complaining on the internet.

>> No.7893408

Those pics remind me of Dragoncon at night.

>> No.7893409


Women basically hate men, then, right?

>> No.7893412

Yes. And they're bitches for it.

>> No.7893417

Yes, that's right, dress up like a laughable retard, just like Mystery said.

Practice your "alpha body positioning" and "peacocking". "Channel your inner game".

That doesn't sound like Eat, Pray, Love for men at all!

God I fucking hate PUA trash on 4chan. Or on the internet at large. And this is coming from a literal Nazi. Anything they say worth anything invariably is just copypasta from a 19th century writer or from F. Roger Devlin. Roissy's entire fucking blog is a copypaste of Devlin.

>> No.7893422

I sympathize with the goals of the SJWs, but I abhor their methods.
They're destroying progressivism. There's an entire generation growing up right now who only know censorship and tarring coming from the left, not the from the right. For them, rebelling against the system is fighting against the SJWs instead of against the fundies.

GamerGate is a perfect example of that, these kids are now associating positive ideals like "everyone should get a fair shake" and "wouldn't it be nice to have more female protagonists in vidya?" with people trying to oppress and censor them.

>> No.7893426

Except for that article about how game could have helped Hitler

>> No.7893428

Libertarians =/= liberals. If you're gonna use big words use them correctly

>> No.7893429

Civil War breaks out - do you side with the batshit insanity of /pol/ or Tumblr! Choose quickly! (Think: The Spanish Civil War)

>> No.7893434

As always, the Australians and Europeans ruin things for everyone.

>> No.7893436

Ahh. Ok. The video talks about the incredible narcissism of some PUA who think their way is the ONLY way to get better. It's like the "Get fit and ALL your life problems will go away". Sure exercise and losing weight is good for some, but it's not a panacea

>> No.7893437

Embarassing. Roissy's a fucking retard. Virtually any German woman circa 33 to 45 would have fucked Adolf, since Roissy's entire take on what's alpha is "desirability for women", that makes Hitler pretty fucking alpha by default.

>> No.7893440

I'd prefer "sensitive" guys over all of those dipshits. Looking at what /r9k/ thinks... no wonder they can't get gfs, let alone friends.
PUAs are still shit people. Mainly because a lot of the girls they pray on are the female version of /r9k/... since they put up this whole false I care about you act. Screwing over someone as fragile as you used to be is not an accomplishment.
>inb4 I hate all men trying to improve their lot
If the girl is just looking for a one night stand or casual sex, then never mind! It's the trickery I can't get behind. If both are down, then I don't have a problem. I do see your point, though. You do have to start somewhere... just don't start on fragile girls.
>These rules apply to girls too.
No, we just hate self-loathing creeps, both of which MRA and PUAs are. Everybody else is cool.

>> No.7893441


>> No.7893444

But how can someone be shamed when they feel no shame? Just asking.

>> No.7893446

The past 200 years of western politics is one of "liberalism". Acquaint yourself with the enlightenment.

What you call libertarianism is just an offshoot that prioritizes individual freedom above equality (the two main axioms).

Losing weight for a girl is a surefire way to put it all back on again if you break up.

PUAs are people who weren't successful with women in school or possibly college. Their entire adult life is arrested development that makes your average /v/irgin look highly mature by contrast.

They literally live for women. I guess that's what happens to some virgins.

>> No.7893447

Who cares? If it works for them, why knock it? Just because they dress funny?

>> No.7893451

>(Think: The Spanish Civil War)

So it'll end with both the Stalinists and the Fascists shooting all their allies in the back?

>> No.7893452

MRA are more tolerable than PUA. Also I think there's a it of internal trolling there at ReturnofKings. Redpiller1985 posted articles on teaching autistic people game and how to get laid at anime cons. Note this is someone who posted on 888 chan's /cow/ subboard; lolcow, last remnants of raidfaf culture.

>> No.7893455

Hey, /pol/, let's go together. We'll make you a SS uniform, and we'll wear Die Walkure from Meta.
>We'll be the talk of the ball!

>> No.7893460

>F. Roger Devlin
looked him up; there is overlap between WN and PUA since I guess 2009? 2010?

African slaves =/= European slaves, and there's a difference between NIGGA and NIGGER you fucking retard.

>implying mans libertarians arent racists who wish to preserve their white culture/imperialist US at the expense of blacks - i.e. ron paul ghostwriting

I've seen manosphere articles saying "you're all beiing factional"

>> No.7893463

>Who cares?

You, clearly.

>If it works for them, why knock it?

It doesn't actually work. Mystery is a sperg who sells snake oil to unsuspecting retards. He's also partly why people like Elliot existed. The entire narrative of PUA is a coccoon of insane biological determinism (and this is coming from someone who accepts and embraces racial and sex differences). Because it's so bleakly deterministic, it turns people into hateful little shits.

It's partly why every "PUA" faggot on 4chan constantly needs to trumpet the fact he's managed to sleep with a girl, and how that makes him better than all the other anons. The only place he could conceivably feel better about himself by having people to look down on are boards like /r9k/.

>> No.7893467

Now that the SJWs have made liberalism as reactionary and anti-freedom as conservatism, you can't really associate libertarians with modern liberals.

>> No.7893471

>Just because they dress funny?

If you think "peacocking" makes you look like anything other than a complete retard, then, holy shit dude. Get some basic social skills. Go out and find a proactive hobby that gives you fresh air and exercise.

PUA is just NLP rebranded. It's part folk wisdom that's only considered esoteric in this day and age because this day and age is so clueless about difference (e.g. women liking dominance being some great revelatory thing for most men) and part marketing designed to make them bucks.

I swear you're the kind of retard who posts on RSD.

>> No.7893473

Well he focused on Hitler's childhood. Because being jealous of a girl when young is totally what defined his outlook as opposed to losing WWI as well as other shit like that. (it might have affected his relation with his niece)

>> No.7893474
File: 103 KB, 390x600, chew-vol-2-international-flavor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the things i loved about Manga/anime is that storylines are linear. I want to follow One Piece. I take volume 1 and move forward. Sure there's extra movies and games on the side but they have no bearing on the main story

We apply this to how DC and Marvel tell stories. I would start would start with One Piece vol 1 then there would probably be other comic series about Buggy or Enel and other side characters all building to some sort of huge storyline that would be resolved in a One Piece Unlimited issue. If I just followed the main storyline I would miss out on tons of characterization and plot elements thus leaving me in the dark for the next installment.

It's because of this I fell in love with Vertigo stories like 100 Bullets, Y The Last Man and Fables. They're stories follow the same liner formula and really easy to follow and purchase. If you folks are looking to get into /co/ stuff but don't like the capes formula Marvel and DC have I HIGHLY recommend Chew. Give it two volumes max if you want to see how it goes.

>> No.7893475

To be fair, some PUA schools try to teach you to NOT manipulate others but to get what you want and for HER to get what she wants. There is also "relationship game" so take that for what it's worth.

>> No.7893476

Have you ever seen a picture of katya, the apparently retarded girl they all went apeshit over in the Game? That's when I laughed and deleted my copy

>> No.7893480
File: 340 KB, 1016x620, cgl and x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be awesome if /pol/ stopped fighting over that creepy rapey bitch /x/ and went out with /cgl/.

Though I suppose /cgl/ will want to go out with the Nazish black suit /pol/-tan and not the superior (but less fashionable) green suit /pol/-tan.

>> No.7893479

I think we're autosaging. Too bad, I enjoyed this thread.
Also, everyone wanted to sleep with Hitler right up until he died. He had all the pussy, he just wasn't super interested in it.

>> No.7893481

It's not "anti freedom". They see freedom as a matter of being able to actuate, something they call "agency". In other words, proactive be able to go out and get healthcare, or being able to live in a nice neighborhood.

This re-interpretation of the term had been around for a while, but in the sense most tumblrites use it, it can be traced back to Rawls, who wrote about negative and positive freedoms.

Its antecedent roots are still liberalism.

My issue with it all is this: The whole thing that its all based on, liberalism, conservatism, libertarianism, socialism, democratic socialism, social democracy etc, is bunk. The axioms of individual freedom and equality are bunk. They're undesirable. They lead to chaos. They lead to society becoming less wealthy, less safe, less family orientated, more atomized.

The entire thing is fucked and has been for 200 years.

>> No.7893484

Yeah, it's totally inconceivable Hitler loved his country and hated seeing millions of Germans die only to have one of the most humiliating peace treaties in the History of pre-modern and modern Europe forced on them.

It's all about game, alpha body positioning and women. Because according to the big alpha Roissy, men can't actually self-actualize even something as basic as patriotism. It's all about that HB9 that you've gotta go neg!


Roissy's a manlet.
Roissy doesn't even lift.
Roissy works as a civil servant.

That's about all you need to know.

>> No.7893489

I hope that they become the dominant PUA group then.
We could go with both /pol/. It will also us to do one cosplay and one lolita co-ord and the ball.
>We leave in the middle to have steamy debate-roleplay sex.
>We return in new outfits.
It's perfect! Leave /x/ for /cgl/. You know you want to, /pol/

>> No.7893492

because they actually can be shamed? Shame = what others think about you. Guilt = what you think about yourself.

/pol/tards shooting libertarians and SJW shooting 'legit' communists and anarchists. How unsurprising.

Also the fascists didnt technically win the spanish civil war. Franco apparently used the fascists and falangists to balance each other. A lefit Fascist spain would be better than general conservative assfukery.

Also, carlists were pro-regional autonomy so that might slow down the nationalism in catalonia and the basque regions etc.

sorry for derail

It arguably does work in that PUA gets people to talk and talk to random people and arguably that improves people whose social skills can be improved by practice. Also, PUA also teaches you the number game of asking out EVERYONE and getting a response.

"peacocking" is the same thing people do when they get into cosplay contests or dress like weebs in tripp pants, so it's not exactly "new"

>> No.7893494

>>Who cares?
>You, clearly.

I'm not the one complaining about them.

WTF makes you think I'm a PUA? I don't need that bullshit, I have cons with far superior girls to hook up with.

But if it's giving other lonely guys the confidence and skills to be less lonely, (and I'm assuming it works based on testimony of a few friends and anons on the internet) what's the big deal?

Other then a few outliers like Elliot Rogers who were crazy to begin with and got worse when PUA didn't deliver for them.

>There is also "relationship game" so take that for what it's worth.

This sounds a lot more useful then dressing up funny and trolling for bar skanks.

>> No.7893502

>society less wealthy
>less safe


>less family orientated
>more atomized

define so. There are 'families' which exist which would not have existed in the past (communes of LGBT kids who exist for life). And the modern era is more connected than when people didnt go ore than 20 mines from their home during life on average

>> No.7893504

Wow. I'm sorry that all the grammar in that post was horrid. This gull needs to sleep.
Maybe I'll add, "Shall we go with /pol/-tan or /u/-tan to the Winter Ball?" to the poll. Probably not, though.

>> No.7893506

>It arguably does work in that PUA gets people to talk and talk to random people and arguably that improves people whose social skills can be improved by practice.

Yeah, in order to talk to more people you shouldn't get a hobby or develop a broader range of conversation through say, reading. You should dress up in a purple felt hat, wear make-up and do bad magic tricks.


>But if it's giving other lonely guys the confidence and skills to be less lonely, (and I'm assuming it works based on testimony of a few friends and anons on the internet) what's the big deal?

It's all anecdotal. It doesn't lead to healthy relationships. It's toxic and the more honest ones like Roissy admit as much in their more sober moments.

It's also, from a personal perspective, a sort of irritating internet meem that won't fuck off and die. PUAtards are everywhere and will never shut the fuck up, even in unrelated boards and forums, using their stupid vernacular to discuss retarded shit.

>> No.7893507

Relationship Game still has retarded biological determinism as well as retrogade gender roles.

>> No.7893508

>They see freedom as a matter of being able to actuate, something they call "agency". In other words, proactive be able to go out and get healthcare, or being able to live in a nice neighborhood.

How does that in any way justify trying to strip freedom from others?


Gonna read up on him, he doesn't get mentioned on /pol/ a lot.

>The axioms of individual freedom and equality are bunk. They're undesirable. They lead to chaos. They lead to society becoming less wealthy, less safe, less family orientated, more atomized.

Society sure seems to be a hell of a lot better than it was 200 years ago.

>> No.7893509

>society less wealthy
>less safe

Mass immigration has demonstrably impeded per capita GDP growth in France. It demonstrably makes housing prices unaffordable in Britain (as do lax capital controls).

Technology has made people wealthier broadly speaking, but that has nothing to do with liberalism. Also consider that real wages for the past 3 or so decades have been stagnating in most of the West, while cost of living rises.

>> No.7893511

I still think PUAs are idiotic, but it's like picking the least bad option from a list of only bad options. So the one that tries to include the other person as an actual person and not a conquest wins.

>> No.7893512

I was thinking that the multitude of /pol/-chans meant that twink-/pol/ could go out with /lgbt/, nazi-/pol/ could go with /x/, and reporter-/pol/ could go with /biz/.

But we could just go with /cgl/, because you'll have a matching outfit for every version!


>> No.7893513

>define so. There are 'families' which exist which would not have existed in the past (communes of LGBT kids who exist for life).

Those are pseudo, faggot "families" who are much more likely to grow up dysfunctional than those raised in traditional households.

Their existence is proof of the decline and fall, you idiot.

Because people are born with varying levels of individual agency. It's an unequal playing field from the start. This is their approach.

>Society sure seems to be a hell of a lot better than it was 200 years ago.

Again. Technology papers over the cracks. Don't confuse technology's surpluses for a generally healthy social, cultural and political climate.

>> No.7893516

I'm not really a fan of immigration except in times of war, or in the case of "trading" desirable people or people with a similar status
>Ex: A doctor immigrates from country a to country b, but an engineer immigrates in return to a in return.
I know this is stupid and basic, but I haven't a better idea.

>> No.7893518

>less safe

Actually... Contemporary London is less safe than London in the 1870s was. The murder rate was a fraction of what it is now and a spate of muggings were front page news one year.

If you want to see what genuinely safe modern cities are like, go to Japan or Hong Kong.

>> No.7893524
File: 298 KB, 798x551, the many faces of pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic.

And we can cosplay as /loq/ on Halloween!

>> No.7893526

>"peacocking" is the same thing people do when they get into cosplay contests or dress like weebs in tripp pants, so it's not exactly "new"

And it doesn't work unless you're already attractive, colossal retard.

>Also, PUA also teaches you the number game of asking out EVERYONE and getting a response.

Only someone who has absolutely no experience of real social circles would advocate asking out literally every single girl in a 500 meter radius.

Do you realize you'll develop a reputation for being a turbosperg if you do something like that? It is literally something a dishevelled, autistic computer programmer would come up with: "If I just ask out 311 women, then one of them is bound to say yes eventually!"

Game is Jewish as fuck.

>> No.7893527

He hasn't gotten fired? I'm pretty surprised
I wish I want on my phone and could make better replies, damn

>> No.7893529

There are all these poverty Arabs and poverty Africans appearing in my small country, and the African women drive when they can't even drive and have five children each. It feels like an invasion of anti-civilization, and we have enough of our own people who are like that without needing more.

>> No.7893538

>Because people are born with varying levels of individual agency. It's an unequal playing field from the start. This is their approach.

So? Just because some people are less capable of making good choices doesn't mean we should be stripping the ability to make their own personal decisions from everyone.
That's nanny-state fascism.

>Don't confuse technology's surpluses for a generally healthy social, cultural and political climate.

What would you consider and example of a healthy social/cultural/political climate?

>> No.7893541

> "If I just ask out 311 women, then one of them is bound to say yes eventually!"
It just means they'll end up with someone just as autistic as they are. That sounds like a moderately okay ending.

>> No.7893542

New York City is a good example of a safe large city in the West.

It's gotten to the point where I fear the police far more than I fear the criminals.

>> No.7893545

>So? Just because some people are less capable of making good choices doesn't mean we should be stripping the ability to make their own personal decisions from everyone.

Right, but this is a subjective derivation of a foundational axiom you both share.

>What would you consider and example of a healthy social/cultural/political climate?

East Asia in general. Also: Bhutan.

You're assuming autistic girls exist in the same plentitude as autistic men, and that autistic girls want a autistic lunatic of a man.

>> No.7893548

>New York City is a good example of a safe large city in the West.

You've conditioned yourself to endemic criminality, so that New York seems normal. By comparison it has something like 10 times the murder rate of Hong Kong and 14 times that of Tokyo.

>> No.7893549

source needed for Roissy saying his stuff is toxic. Not doubting it IS toxic, but didnt know he wrote a blog about so

>> No.7893560

It's just the whole "I know civilization is collapsing and that this sort of behavior is dysfunctional, but hey, I'm just taking advantage of the field as its laid before me. I didn't make it."

Roissy fancies himself a sort of iconoclast. A lot of "bloggers" do from whatever angle. Same with Dork Enlightenment. Same with shit-eating shitlibs.

The only people you should really be reading are people who lived before the French Revolution, because that's the only way you're going to read anything truly novel.

Start with Plato and Confucius.

>> No.7893561

>East Asia in general. Also: Bhutan.

Why? What makes them "healthy"?

>Right, but this is a subjective derivation of a foundational axiom you both share.

Which axiom is that? Because SJWs have no problems trying to strip people of their freedoms for no better reason then MUH FEELS.

Looked up up, you got your numbers flipped, for 2013 NYC had about 20 times the murder rate of Hong Kong and 4 times the murder rate of Tokyo.

>> No.7893563

In the US, the native population was wiped out nearly completely and replaced with European invaders. The European invaders gangraped each other and drowned each other in rivers and streams during ethnic gang conflicts. This is relatively recent history

Also, in France without 'mass immigration' there would be a significant demographic problem. Same for Britain and other Western European countries. Italy has that problem too.

ok :)

The 'faggot' psuedo-families are dysfunctional DUE to mistreatment. And there is a difference between 'higher rates of mental illness in a population' and 'dysfunction'

Native peoples had similar relationships and they didnt 'decline' they were wiped out

>> No.7893567
File: 158 KB, 696x618, male visiting cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been a shockingly good thread.

I think my blood pressure would be a lot lower if I only discussed politics on /cgl/ and only discussed cosplay on /pol/.

>> No.7893570


autistic girls DO exist in the same plentitude, they just display autism in a different manner

>> No.7893572

>autistic girls DO exist in the same plentitude, they just display autism in a different manner

expound plz

>> No.7893573

It was worse in past eras

>> No.7893577

I'd rather not circlejerk old philosophers.

Also, do you believe "Socrates" was a real person?

>> No.7893579

>In the US, the native population was wiped out nearly completely and replaced with European invaders. The European invaders gangraped each other and drowned each other in rivers and streams during ethnic gang conflicts. This is relatively recent history

I see no reason to morally apologize for European conquest for the same reason I do not expect a Chinaman to apologize for wiping out the Sogdonians and taking a huge swathe of Central Asia, or wiping out the Baoyue in their conquest and colonization of today's Guangdong.

>Also, in France without 'mass immigration' there would be a significant demographic problem. Same for Britain and other Western European countries. Italy has that problem too.

What do you mean by "significant demographic problem"?

Do you buy into the myth that declining populations are some sort of irreversible process of a population dropping to zero? Or do you just buy into the neo-liberal myth that mass immigration is good for the economy because it inflates GDP?

Funny how shitlibs start trotting out neo-liberal economic arguments for immigration. Anything to hurt whites I guess.

>The 'faggot' psuedo-families are dysfunctional DUE to mistreatment.

There is no proof their dysfunction is due to "mistreatment".

>> No.7893581

makes sense. the stuff in comments ec.

females apparently can "hide" autism better, it is socially accepted for females to do autistic traits like be shy, some girls have a habit of shielding other girls, etc etc.

>> No.7893584

>Also, do you believe "Socrates" was a real person?

Yes. Plato would not have been able to invent a character like that wholesale because other contemporary Greek writers were alive during his life.

It's still shit compared to legitimately safe cities.

>> No.7893586

>Roissy works as a civil servant.
Why is having a secure comfy government job a bad thing?

Thee private sector is a mess of layoffs and no benefits.

>> No.7893592

You said the current era is worse than the past era. I provided you a pretty good example of how today is better because it's not morally justifiable to massacre people and steal their land and justify it in the name of God (Israel not withstanding), and there IS no major wars in existence currently.

Significant demographic problem - too many old people and not enough young people. This isn't inherently GDP, but population stabiity. Also YOU brought up GDP as a ratio

>There is no proof their dysfunction is due to "mistreatment".


>> No.7893594

It's a bad thing if you're a blowhard who spends half his time looking down on other people.

If you're not a nigger, then I won't begrudge you a comfy sinecure.

>> No.7893595

Since when was being shy autistic?

>> No.7893597


you said:

>My issue with it all is this: The whole thing that its all based on, liberalism, conservatism, libertarianism, socialism, democratic socialism, social democracy etc, is bunk. The axioms of individual freedom and equality are bunk. They're undesirable. They lead to chaos. They lead to society becoming less wealthy, less safe, less family orientated, more atomized.

>The entire thing is fucked and has been for 200 years.

Guess what. You're comparing cities. Not eras.

>> No.7893599

Can we all at least agree on these three things?
>jews are trash and need to be removed even more than kebab
>All would be right with the world if people could say whatever they wanted and no one would get offended from it
>God Hand is a pretty great game

>> No.7893602

because only peckerwoods have the right to priviledge apparently

it can be a trait due to oversensitivity to some stimuli etc

>> No.7893604

>females apparently can "hide" autism better, it is socially accepted for females to do autistic traits like be shy, some girls have a habit of shielding other girls, etc etc.

Good points, I see what you mean.

>> No.7893612


Two out of three ain't bad.

>> No.7893613

Only statements can lead to actions, and oh look race war XD

Though free speech is a right...

>> No.7893617

Get out, jew.

>> No.7893618

>Significant demographic problem - too many old people and not enough young people.

In Britain, to maintain a PSR at current levels would require annual net inflows of about 1.2 million people until 2050. You'd essentially have to inflate the population to 140 million people by that point. So no, the dependency ratio theory is bunk because dependency ratio issues are largely fiscal, and can be solved by fiscal policy. You can also introduce selective migration schemes for top level care-staff, with the proviso their visas are purely temporary and that there will be no route to citizenship. There is no reason to

>This isn't inherently GDP, but population stabiity.

Haha yes, introducing millions of racial aliens into the body politic is so stable! Just look at our experience in Europe!

And the issue IS GDP, at least partly, a common excuse is that we need immigrants to support "growth". Growth means GDP growth, GDP is aggregation of all economic activity. If you wanted to truly "prioritize growth", you'd literally end up giving citizenship to anyone who turned up on your shores. That's the logical thing to do if endless "growth" is your aim.

>because it's not morally justifiable to massacre people and steal their land and justify it in the name of God (Israel not withstanding

This was literally never the reason offered by anyone of any significance in the Americas. A conflict the Plains Indians themselves began with King Philip's War


You made the assertion in the first place.

>> No.7893621

Cosplay was/is/will always be much better when the people doing it are doing it for the love of the medium, the art and the character instead of the love of being photographed and getting attention.

I find the idea of 'cosplay celebrities' to be absolutely stupid. Unless you're a master seamstress renowned for making incredibly accurate and well built costumes you're not really worthy of any kind of 'celebrity' status. On top of that, I don't really believe that anyone can effectively pull off a wide range of good cosplays without looking like an incredibly blank slate to begin with. If you can pull off a good Yotsuba, you're never going to be able to pull off a good Major in the same year - the appearance, attitude and everything would have to be completely different. Being short enough to pull off a good Yotsuba would never be tall enough to pull off a good Major, there would have to be some aging involved. Most cosplay stars/idols/whatever are really just pretty faces in multiple costumes, seeing them pose as characters isn't the same as seeing one person pull off a really good cosplay. Sometimes you see people who not only have the outfit nailed, but they have the attitude, the build, the pose and posture...sometimes you can even tell when their actual demeanor is like that character, that's what a good cosplay is about.

Nobody who has cosplayed more than 10 different characters has absolutely nailed it every single time, not unless those characters are extremely similar. We're all 3D people trying to imitate 2D, you're never going to get it right all the time and that's why cosplay has always been about showing love for and representing a series or character more than anything else. I would take a weaboo doing a bad L cosplay over some narcissistic 'cosplay celebrity' dressed up as whoever will get her the most likes on facebook to further her modeling career.

>> No.7893622

>Guess what. You're comparing cities. Not eras.

Can you prove that? As in, was New York genuinely more violent in per capita terms 200 years ago?

>> No.7893627

>because only peckerwoods have the right to priviledge apparently

Whites should be privileged in their homelands.

And fuck off nig, your entire race is tribally motivated as fuck in its domestic politics. Getting mad that other people display tribalism is hypocritical.

>> No.7893629

Serious question : Anybody here experienced real harassment ?

Like, real, not a "Can I take pics pls" bullshit.

Subsidiary question : Do you go to cons to primarily be seen and attract attention and get into pants ?

>> No.7893630

Well I've never felt worse about myself than I do now after reading this thread. I guess I'll go ruminate and then fall asleep or something. Maybe masturbate too since I'm such a sex-obsessed creep.

>> No.7893632

Make me, Achmed.

>> No.7893634

>it can be a trait due to oversensitivity to some stimuli etc
It's more common to be shy because you lack confidence than it is to be autistic.

>> No.7893639

That is possible, but iffy. Would you prefer robots to care for people as Japan is on the way to using robots for care of elderly due to the bulge.

Also, most of the ethnic tensions which are major in Europe appear to be INDIGENOUS whites with issues with each other - i.e. Catalan independence movement, Scottish nationalists, those who wish to fracture Belgium. How is this a fault of immigration?

>This was literally never the reason offered by anyone of any significance in the Americas. A conflict the Plains Indians themselves began with King Philip's War

Manifest Destiny?

>You made the assertion in the first place.

you made the claim that gay families/communes are a sign of degeneration

>> No.7893641

I like how among SJWs while everything else and their mother's fear of the mailman is considered something to fight for equality about, Autism is still perfectly acceptable to make fun of.

I guess since that disorder focuses on the social aspect, they must be weird creeps who it's all their fault and don't deserve the same treatment.

>> No.7893642

Not him, but given the lack of official records it'd be diffucult to prove anything that far back.


> In 1963, when the NYPD first started recording the number of murders per year, there were 548 homicides in the city.

So we can prove it's less violent than it was in the early 60s, which is right when the crime rate started to go up nationwide.

>> No.7893645

I haven't read that much of this thread because, well, reading long boring text walls is hard. What does it say in summarization?
I keel you, jew.

>> No.7893647

The black population has a stronger claim to the US. GTFO peckerwood we have more native ancestry.

We're tribalist because you are.

>> No.7893649

This is the sort of question that needs to be asked at the beginning of a thread.

...why? This thread has actually helped restore my faith in 4chan.

>> No.7893650

Basically that if you're a man and not already a social butterfly you're a horrible person, nothing you ever do will fix it, and it's immoral for you to even think about the opposite sex.

>> No.7893653

fake autistic nerd girls on tumblr lol

>> No.7893658

Oh. Well that's just crazy bitches. I hope everyone here who thinks that chokes on all the dicks they suck daily.

>> No.7893659
File: 76 KB, 1000x1000, gawker calls for bullying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Social Justice is only for the cool kids.

Discriminating against nerds will always be fine, since they're losers who don't deserve their own subculture.

>> No.7893661

>That is possible, but iffy.

No it isn't. It's exactly how Japan coordinates their migration policy. They go to the best nursing schools in Southeast Asia, allow the best students to attend Japanese nursing colleges and if they pass, and pass the language tests, they get a temporary work visa.

They work for about 5-10 years and then they return to their home country having worked in an excellent healthcare system picking up superior skills than they would have done.

If your love of migration were really motivated by PSR issues, you'd not want them naturalized by default, which is generally what happens.

Also, most of the ethnic tensions which are major in Europe appear to be INDIGENOUS whites with issues with each other - i.e. Catalan independence movement, Scottish nationalists, those who wish to fracture Belgium. How is this a fault of immigration?

Are you retarded?

These aren't violent movements characterized by higher than average criminality and race riots. Even Basque regions are relatively peaceful now in Spain.

How indigenous Europeans choose to form governments and states is up to indigenous Europeans anyway. Not interlopers.

And speaking as a European. We have no genuine hatred for one another. We are much more united by our dislike of third world immigration.

>Manifest Destiny?

Manifest Destiny was used to describe and explain Europe's myriad victories against non-whites in that period, it wasn't a justification in of itself.

>you made the claim that gay families/communes are a sign of degeneration

They are.

>> No.7893665
File: 172 KB, 1600x1200, midf headquarters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and what army, Akmed?

>> No.7893669

>Came to have a /cgl/ debate
>It's a /pol/ debate
Ho well, that's cool.

>> No.7893673

This thread is on autosage.
New thread here: >>7893662#

>> No.7893674

It's like a mix of the best of both worlds.

>> No.7893678

>So we can prove it's less violent than it was in the early 60s, which is right when the crime rate started to go up nationwide.

Right, but consider that murder rates were generally higher pre-1970s because medical technology has since saved the lives of people like stabbing victims who would otherwise have been counted as murderers.

That's what I think is causing this skew, see:


>Murder rates would be up to 5 times higher were it not for medical technology

>We're tribalist because you are.

I wish.

Whites are about the only race on earth that has ever even attempted something like a propositional, universalist identity. That concept is western, it has fuck all to do with Africans like you.

>> No.7893684

I'd like a grumpy guy who isn't a social butterfly, but there's a difference between that and those guys at cons who appear to have some mental deficiency and keep hovering around you and trying to forcibly make eye contact.

>> No.7893688

I'll be your friend anon. And you can be social is just puas that suck.

>> No.7893690

Chinese developed a sense of Universalism. Also I don't give a fuck about white self-serving universalism which benefits European culture and European imperialism.

Oh, so the ETA, IRA, Tierra Liure,etc never existed apparently? Or the Spanish government threatening to send in the military to Catalonia if they declare independence. Oh, and don't forget the Yugoslav Wars and the Ukrainian Revolution and secessionism.

Also, riots =/= secessionist movements, as much as Breivik would like to say about Eurabia

>> No.7893691

And I'm sure those guys are all very threatening and 90% aren't just afraid of girls because of one reason or another.

I mean, what fucking losers, they don't know how to talk to me, I mean clearly they're school shooters.

>> No.7893696

Steven Pinker shows cases of violence decreasing through history, starting in Europe. His stuff has some biases to take that for what it's worth

>> No.7893705

>mfw I'm kind of grumpy
Anon, would you like to go out to a nice dinner where I'd treat you right?

>> No.7893707

Fwiw I always give those guys the benefit of the doubt

>> No.7893711
File: 58 KB, 181x189, what the fuck am I looking at.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 400+ posts


>> No.7893715

>Chinese developed a sense of Universalism.

Uh what? Tang China was the first state on Earth to have anti-miscegenation laws. Song China had the Guangzhou massacre. The Hua-Yi dichotomy was almost always explicitly racial, something that survives down to this day (virtually all Chinese anthropologists and geneticists are highly interested in race and racial science). Not to mention that the Tiananmen riots started out as an Anti-African protest in Nanjing against blacks dating Chinese girls, lol.

>Also I don't give a fuck about white self-serving universalism which benefits European culture and European imperialism.

So you want whites to treat you by European standards, rather than your own people's tribal standards, despite not giving a fuck about European culture?

The Republic was born in Greece and Rome, not China.

>Oh, so the ETA, IRA, Tierra Liure,etc never existed apparently?

I never said that, did I?

The Balkans is another matter, it was fucked up by non-whites (Ottoman Turks) like you, who insisted on creating a two tier system with Muslims at the top and Christian millets at the bottom.

>Also, riots =/= secessionist movements, as much as Breivik would like to say about Eurabia

I never said they did. I said that more racial diversity generally creates a lot more discord.

What you're describing, secessionist movements, accords perfectly with this as these are separate European groups trying to gain autonomy on the basis of usually ethnic difference.

Based on that, homogeneity is desirable because it demonstrably leads to more peaceful societies and less identity politics.

There's a reason Japan does not have to deal with your kinds incessant whining, and that's because you're not allowed to join the body politic or even enter the country 99% of the time full stop.

>> No.7893716
File: 168 KB, 425x450, fun allowed spurdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

>> No.7893717

The creepy guys are not shy in the slightest. They're incredibly thick skinned. I don't think you should be relating to them.

>> No.7893720

Depends which sort of creepy guy you're talking about.

>> No.7893722

Yes, and then we could be grumpy together.

>> No.7893725

It's hard to make a generality out of that.
Also, define "creepy".

>> No.7893727

And then I'll drop you off at home, and the next day I'll make you even grumpier with how long it takes me to call you!

>> No.7893734

Philosophers like Mozi were universavalist, and the concept of all under heaven unified under the Emperor were also universalist. They were also just as pretentious as the shit White Europeans/Americans say too.

Also, Africans treated Europeans as equal during early contact - the King of Benin and the King of Portugal were treated as equals in diplomacy. Derp Herp faggot.

Also, "republics" and democratic government is universal. Not Western. Nelson Mandela mentioned how his tribe practiced a form of democracy. Once again stop sucking white cock oh wait-

Ottoman Turks were whites. Oh look, white people killing each other again. And Arabs are whites, you think the North Africans are BLACK? lol. Once again, WHITES killing each other.

Also, Japanese are hypocrites. Unsurprising from a former Empire whhich never fully got over their oppression of say Koreans

>> No.7893753

>Philosophers like Mozi were universavalist, and the concept of all under heaven unified under the Emperor were also universalist.

It sounds like you're just reeling something off from Wikipedia here.

Mozi was only universalist in an incidental way in that he was a sort of societal utilitarian.

>All under heaven

You do realize "Tianxia" was used just as often as a byword for "Huaxia" pre-Qing dynasty right? In other words, to the Chinese, all under heaven corresponded to the Middle Kingdom. Hence "Qin Shi Huangdi took up the mandate of heaven and unified all under heaven" yadda yadda from Sima Qian.

>the King of Benin and the King of Portugal were treated as equals in diplomacy.

Of course a tribal confederacy treated people with ocean going ships as their "equals", you fucking idiot.

>Also, "republics" and democratic government is universal. Not Western. Nelson Mandela mentioned how his tribe practiced a form of democracy. Once again stop sucking white cock oh wait-

It's a good thing that Nelson Mandela mentioned that, because I was going to go with Plato and Cicero until you mentioned Monkeydela.

And republics are not "democracies". The very term Republic is Latin, and what it means was described by early Europeans like Cicero.

>Ottoman Turks were whites.

No they weren't. They turkified ethnic Greeks and Slavs, but when they invaded Asia Minor and the Balkans they were mostly a rabble of Central Asiatics and Arabs. Certainly not white.

>Also, Japanese are hypocrites. Unsurprising from a former Empire whhich never fully got over their oppression of say Koreans

Course they are. Anyone who doesn't accommodate your filthy people is a "hypocrite".

We whites are the only ones stupid enough to accommodate you. After Ghaddafi was overthrown the Libyans got hold of guns and started offing every sub-saharan that the Ghaddafi regime had imported that they could find.

>> No.7893765

Arabs are white, they're just not European.

>> No.7893769

"White" is literally a byword for "European" 99% of the time, fucktard.

Arabs are subhuman.

>> No.7893773

Sounds good. But you know that advice guys give other guys about not showing interest or waiting a day before calling? I think that can backfire too depending on the person's personality.

>> No.7893774

No white is skin color you fucking idiot

>> No.7893779
File: 471 KB, 819x550, pashtun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"White" = "Caucasian".

Arabs and many central Asian peoples are Caucasian, pic related.

>> No.7893784

Yeah, but it would just be to make you grumpy lol so it kinda works

>> No.7893785

You're being purposefully dishonest. Whilst "Caucasoid" may refer to one of the three or four groups of classical physical anthropology, deep down you know damn well that in 21st century parlance, "white" does not extend to arabs in the vast majority of people's minds.

>> No.7893790

Maybe in your mind, but not in the minds of anyone with a basic education.

If you mean "European" just say so.

>> No.7893797

Oh, but I only like being grumpy in shared grumpy company! It's not fun being grumpy alone.

>> No.7893801

>but not in the minds of anyone with a basic education.

The fact you've been reduced to a position where you think most people mean arabs when they say "white" already proves I've won.

You're saving face at this point, DuShawn.

>> No.7893805

Well then I'll secretly be in your closet, so you won't be alone! lol just kidding, but I'll call you early the next day then, and we could meet up and play some vidya.

>> No.7893812

No not Wikipedia. Am using my memories here.

Also Tianxi meant the entire world. Nominally everything was subject to the Chinese emperor and the distinction between barbariian and Chinese was cultural as opposed to racial. Hence the concepts of Suzerainty and paying tribute to the emperor.

You are a fucking piece of shit. My point was Africans treated Europeans as equals. This was in response to you bitching about me throwithrowinghe western imperialism of modern universalism

Novrogod was a republic yet it did not gain its inheritence from Greece or Rome.

Also the YUGOSLAV WARS were white on white violence and linked to WWs AS opposed to the ottomans. Ustasha and giving Kosovo to Serbs even if it was full of Albanians etc. Oh look. WHITE PEOPLE KILLING EACH OTHER.

Also Hungarians were originally a Turkic people. Doesn't matter are they not quite now? Anatoloan turks are white

P.s. you fuckers forcibly annexed is Africans not "accommodated" us. Kkkracker

>> No.7893823

I guess that is why WHITE AMERICANS considered Arabs as white from the beginning immigrants in 1800s (check the court cases as well as other thing that never changed in us census). You are a fucking retarded

>> No.7893826

White and Caucasian are used interchangably.

Just because Arabs have temporarily lost their "white" privilege in the US thanks to 9/11 and Islamic Fundamentalism doesn't mean they're not white.

You seem to be falling for the common /int/ fallicy of thinking that anyone with lighter skin/closer to Northern Europe then you is white and anyone who's farther isn't.

Remember it's "Caucasian", not "Nordic".

>> No.7893841

Thanks anon, you're a decent guy.

>> No.7893844

>Also Tianxi meant the entire world.

It means "that which is under heaven", but the Chinese believed China to be a sort of Central Kingdom, which occupied all of the lands worth occupying post-Han dynasty. For example, my translation of three kingdoms opens with:

"They say the pattern of History was ever thus: The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide."

The translator has translated Tianxia to "Empire" in this sentence. It should make it abundantly clear how the phrase was used to represent Chinese domains.

>You are a fucking piece of shit. My point was Africans treated Europeans as equals.

Yes, people who are inferior are going to treat superior people with awe and admiration, no shit.

>Novrogod was a republic yet it did not gain its inheritence from Greece or Rome.

...What? Novgrorod was founded by Kievan Rus, who were literally a dependency of Eastern Rome (Byzantium) for an long period. All of Europe, even Finland, has a Greco-Roman inheritance.

>Also the YUGOSLAV WARS were white on white violence and linked to WWs AS opposed to the ottomans.

No, the Ottomans created the problem by turning Albania and Bosnia into Muslim states on European soil.

The Serbs were not wrong in what they tried to do to Bosnian filth.

Kosovo was Serbian land and Albanians have more or less ethnically cleansed Kosovo now that the filthy cunt Clinton and his cunt in chief Albright supported the KLA drug peddlers back in the 1990s.

>Also Hungarians were originally a Turkic people.

Hunnic or more generally Altaic actually, mixed with some native European. Turkic is another Central Asian group.

>Africans not "accommodated" us. Kkkracker

Leaving you with thousands of miles of roads, railways, electrical infrastructure, schools, hospitals, universities, instruments of government, higher literacy rates than when we arrived, lower infant mortality, higher urbanization rates, real industries etc most certainly is accommodating you.

>> No.7893853

I... I am? ;-;

>> No.7893854

>White and Caucasian are used interchangably.

Do you mean "caucasian" in the sense classical physical anthropologists mean it?

Because no they don't, not often.

White is a byword for Europid and has been for a while.

>You seem to be falling for the common /int/ fallicy of thinking that anyone with lighter skin/closer to Northern Europe then you is white and anyone who's farther isn't.

Nope. /int/ is also wrong. White is a byword for Europid. It is almost never used to extend to Arabs.

>I guess that is why WHITE AMERICANS considered Arabs as white from the beginning immigrants in 1800s

No they didn't. Non-European immigration was strictly limited by legal design until 1965 in the US.

>> No.7893857

>>Africans not "accommodated" us. Kkkracker

Not to mention being treated to a far more pleasant existence in America than you would have had in Africa.

I say we remedy the crime of having bought you as slaves by giving you free plane tickets back to Africa.

We won't even charge you for the time you spent in our lands, which were always vastly superior to your own muddaland.

>> No.7893862

It's constantly used in both senses. I don't know why you're denying the obvious; I can't imagine how you've gotten through life without encountering the "classical physical anthropologist" sense.

>> No.7893866


But in the early 1900s, Africa was a place of hope. Hard to believe it, but it's true. Every indicator of human progress, lifespans, literacy rates, GDP, all were going up. There was even the beginnings of a Bantu middle class, particularly in places like Ghana, South Africa, Rhodesia, and of course Liberia, where the government began the "Unification Policy" to uplift the native tribal peoples. In the 1950s and 1960s, the horror of decolonization began. Mass murder, rape, and starvation crippled nation after nation. The USSR and USA, the anti-colonial superpowers, began to flood Africa with light weapons in their struggle for power. Between the beginning of decolonization and the 1970s, Africa's GDP as a whole declined. This is an easy thing to say, but imagine what that means. The entire efforts of tens of millions of people to create wealth wiped out AND THEN SOME EVERY SINGLE YEAR.

At this point, only the Republic of South Africa, Rhodesia, and Portuguese Africa remained fairly stable, along with Liberia, the Ivory Coast and a few other enclaves which retained their white minorities. These combined represented together more than 75% of Africa's total wealth. In fact, the RSA alone represented more than half the wealth of Africa's 54 countries. After a determined effort by leftists abroad and the OAU, Rhodesia surrendered in 1980. Liberia's government was overthrown in a coup the same year, after which both countries slowly but surely sank into barbarism, mass murder and starvation. South Africa's government too was forced to surrender in 1990; the result has been the emigration of millions of the nation's most skilled people, including half of its medical professionals.

>> No.7893871

I have encountered it, it's just not common in any sense of the term, and certainly isn't more common than the term as used in its, you know, vernacular sense to mean Europeans.

>> No.7893875

Yeah right. Niggers claim that their shitty existence in Africa is whitey's fault. Whitey stole all the natural resources of the land (as if it's possible to 'steal' the earth's ability to grow crops) and split the continent up to cause niggers to fight each other all the time.

Even on their own continent, niggers blame whitey for their failures. But the fact is that no matter what situation niggers are in or what part of the world they are in, niggers consistently fail. This fact has remained true throughout history and is evident by the present-day status quo. No matter where they are or what their present condition, niggers will invariably FAIL. They do not improve or advance at all. In fact, when niggers get together they destroy and denigrate and they do not stop until they have beaten down their existence to the point where they are crawling in the dirt and living in crude straw huts.

>> No.7893881
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Yes. Keep being decent, and you'll find decency in return one day.

>> No.7893882

Usage seems about equal to me, kinda like Black Suit /pol/-tan vs. Green Suit /pol/-tan.

>> No.7893885

>mfw all I've dated so are bitches and whores
Well, fuck.

>> No.7893887


Will you two just exchange emails already? Sheesh.

>> No.7893929

Nah, I tried that once. Did not end well at all. Plus, the girls from 4chan are 3crazy5me. I'm probably too young for her anyways.

>> No.7894017

Smart guy

>> No.7894022


>> No.7894060

You can't just do that! The rest of us need a happy ending!

>> No.7894157

I want to be in Japan so I could be a housewife and it'd be acceptable.

>> No.7894161
File: 69 KB, 516x516, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But ya'll bitches be cray, s-sorry

>> No.7894253


>> No.7894263

I don't get it. These things have never been explain to me in all the time I've been here.

>> No.7894353

>Yes, people who are inferior are going to treat superior people with awe and admiration, no shit.

You don't understand -__-

Benin treated Portugal as an equal. Portugal treated BENIN as an equal kingdom. Africans treated EQUAL people as EQUAL diplomats. Europeans had a nasty habit of backstabbing each other in diplomacy (known as "Realism" something only the leaders of Indian states ALSO practiced as an art to the point of writing leadership books from that POV)

>...What? Novgrorod was founded by Kievan Rus, who were literally a dependency of Eastern Rome (Byzantium) for an long period. All of Europe, even Finland, has a Greco-Roman inheritance.

Sorry. My point was it wasn't a direct influence as in I doubt they DIRECTLY used that as a way of determining their modes of operation.

>>No, the Ottomans created the problem by turning Albania and Bosnia into Muslim states on European soil.

Care to explain the bloody fighting with Croatians then? Catholicism is just as much of a "threat" based off that logic. Also Bosnia was not a 'Muslim State'

Also it doesn't matter if they're Muslim states. They're still white. And besides, about 40% of Albania is Christian

>>The Serbs were not wrong in what they tried to do to Bosnian filth.

You mean kill people with literally no genetic difference between themselves just because the Bosniaks used to be Croatians as well as psuedo-history re Ottoman rule (Ustasha ideology considered Muslims as Croats - Croatian 'nation' was both Catholic and Islamic)

>>Kosovo was Serbian land

Care to explain why it was mainly Albanian when Serbia annexed the area after WWI and why the land was Albanian since 1600s?

>> and Albanians have more or less ethnically cleansed Kosovo now that the filthy cunt Clinton and his cunt in chief Albright supported the KLA drug peddlers back in the 1990s.

I agree with that. The Serbs got a raw deal

(pt 1)

>> No.7894377

>>Hunnic or more generally Altaic actually, mixed with some native European. Turkic is another Central Asian group.

Hungarian fascist ideology (Both arrow cross and modern jobbik) was Turanic in origin that the Hungarians have a significant amount of influence and originate from Turkic origin.

>>Leaving you with thousands of miles of roads, railways, electrical infrastructure, schools, hospitals, universities, instruments of government, higher literacy rates than when we arrived, lower infant mortality, higher urbanization rates, real industries etc most certainly is accommodating you.

You came into our land, didn't consult us, gave us horrible borders which guaranteed ethnic wars, wiped out a bunch of our people (Belgian Congo), oh and you steal our land (Rhodesia and South Africa came to mine)

There's a reason even with the complete clusterfuck the Congo became people DONT want Belgium back, for example.

If you want to accomodate people you start by being nice and not railroading their culture. Oh wait.


[citation needed]

Also, blacks were in parts of the US first or had a stronger claim to the land. How about you pay us for the unpaid labor as well as past oppression, as well ac cultural genocide. Then you pay us for the right to squat on the regions which are majority black. And the underpaid work blacks did to contribute to the U.S. post-civil war. And cultural properties blacks owned and created.

Care to explain the population drop in Belgian Congo then? Also, I question the 'horror' of decolonization if the indigenous population wanted it. Also, the US wasnt exactly supporting decolonization directly - only telling Europeans that it's a bad idea to hold on to Empires. Only the USSR did that, assisting liberation struggles

>> No.7894382

You peckerwoods can steal crops, cultures and even land.

Also, Botswana shows Africans can grow their country.

Fuck off

>> No.7894386

it's "Acceptable" in the US lol. There's plenty of people who are willing to allow that. Go convert to Mormonism and move to Utah, or to Islam or some hardline "mainstream" Protestant sect.

>> No.7894566

Yeah me neither

>> No.7894569

> I want to sit at home and do nothing and it be acceptable
We have that in the u.s., its called welfare

>> No.7894616

SERIOUSLY, none of you have seen mothering forums?

>> No.7894632

>and split the continent up to cause niggers to fight each other all the time.

but that is exactly what happened. Africans killed and slaved before the european's arrival, but the sudden increase in demand of slaves and natural resources, mixed with the introduction of slaves, seriously fucked up the power relations of Africa. Then you also have guys like King Leopold.

> But the fact is that no matter what situation niggers are in or what part of the world they are in, niggers consistently fail

No according to the europeans. Parts of Africa, such as Ethopia, were seen as "advanced" enough for the Portuguese to stablish embassies - and that was before the colonization, so you can't say "Hur durr it was because they had people there".

>> No.7894638

I've seen mommy bloggers, is that similar. .?

>> No.7894701
File: 25 KB, 243x287, 580a9056fa641540090921334865f20eb5570c806be35694d665fc8676cb6fb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In one feels thread someone said "lol whites can't experiencec racism" and I told them my experiences being a white person outside of the US and experiencing casual racism all the time from African immigrants. I got banned for offtopic in under an hour. So how in the fuck can this thread still exist? This is the reason I don't come to cgl much anymore, the moderation is way too inconsistent and unreliable.

>> No.7894859
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>You mean kill people with literally no genetic difference between themselves just because the Bosniaks used to be Croatians as well as psuedo-history re Ottoman rule (Ustasha ideology considered Muslims as Croats - Croatian 'nation' was both Catholic and Islamic)

>Care to explain why it was mainly Albanian when Serbia annexed the area after WWI and why the land was Albanian since 1600s?

>> No.7894898

Oh, hey, look.
Another group of severely insecure people finding an outlet in social media
can't these people work on their insecurities before they start trying shit more confident people do?

>> No.7894900

African slavery was better and less demeaning than White slavery, though. So you can't really compare the two given African slaves could and regularly were freed, intermarried with the slave owner's family, etc. Also African states and empires (i.e. Axum/Ethiopia) weren't based on racialized ideology.

EDIT: and i realized you aren't the /pol/ guy oops.

yeah. but there's forums full of mothers and there's apparently a major faction between stay-at-home mothers and working mothers on which is 'better'. i.e. it's not all decided one way or another.

Niall Ferguson talked about the 'lack of genetic difference' in War of the World impeding genetic studies. Unless you suddenly -don't- support a pro-white, pro-imperialist historian now.


>Albanian presence in Kosovo is recorded since the medieval period. The Albanian ethnic identity of the larger parts of Albanian-speaking population and other ethnic groups did not yet exist in Kosovo during the late Ottoman period.[4] As the Serbs expelled a large number of Albanians from the regions of Niš, Pirot, Leskovac and Vranje in southern Serbia, which the Congress of Berlin of 1878 had given to the Belgrade Principality, a large number of them settled in Kosovo, where they are known as muhaxher (meaning the exiled, from the Arabic muhajir) and whose descendants often bear the surname Muhaxheri.

>> No.7894940 [DELETED] 

>implying I want kids

>> No.7894942

I said "housewife," not "stay at home mother." I don't want kids, that's worse than working.

>> No.7895103

Honestly I wonder if that was ever socially acceptable - i.e. housewives were housewives to take care of children. Until children were had, th wife often engaged in craftwork or worked in a factory or something else, as opposed to staying in a house all day. When it was harder to clean things it was simply cleaned less (I see this with an aunt of mine who literally vacuums the living room of my grandmother's house once a day)

>> No.7895149

I think it was for a few reasons. Genuine need (women on farms, era before washing machines etc), expectation of having kids soon, trophy wives (major reason in the 60s), infantilization of women (women are to dumb to work outside the home anyway) etc

>> No.7895150

Very few of these reasons apply now btw

>> No.7895177


Now this I wish I could see, LOL

>> No.7896314

Seagulls love /pol/ because we're bitter about Katsucon '13.

>> No.7896319

lol I remember hearing of that/seeing the thread. I know an attendee there whos a namefag here.

People referred to the Gazebo as Gazebo Strip and shit and there were anti-semitic hetalia cosplayers going around drunk calling for death to jews apparently. Awesome.

>> No.7896331
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Gazebo Strip was real, drunk Hetalians calling death to Jews was not.

>> No.7896332

I made a thread about that on stormchan once; it didnt really get populat

>> No.7896335

damn. was it a drunk alucard saying antisemitic stuff? Someone apparently was cosplaying as a nazi from a series and saying /pol/ tier stuff it was awesome.

Talked to several anime scene people about this who I knew IRL who had friends or some connection who were there

>> No.7897602

I had arabs being racist towards me in the middle east. "Shitty white person, not being fat shows how poor you are" etc.