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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.28 MB, 1280x1768, 1369852919046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7891833 No.7891833[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New comm thread.

Old one is on autosage. >>7887943

>> No.7891842

Where did that comic come from anyway? It speaks the truth

>> No.7891864 [DELETED] 
File: 971 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2014-10-21-17-25-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed seeing this reply to C's bawwing about shuggery carnival.

>> No.7891868

Not sure, I saved it last summer and then forgot about it lol

>> No.7891876 [DELETED] 

Chanel acts like a toddler: screws everything around her, and starts crying when confronted. Grow up for fuck's sake!

>> No.7891880

Somebody deliver some caps, man
and what about this video talked about in the last thread

>> No.7891884

Tell me about it. She posted a status saying how she's gonna take a break from meets till December though, so not all bad. And how everyone is meaaaaaaan in this community

>> No.7891887
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Yeah it's pretty bad.

Here was the last post before everything got deleted.
> CH- So here's a little mind refreshment
> Bitch is you thirsty?

>> No.7891890 [DELETED] 
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missed a name.

>> No.7891893


>> No.7891899

Someone said she did this on the SF comm page but I don't see it??

>> No.7891901

It got deleted

>> No.7891902

It's all deleted now.

>> No.7891905 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 454x84, So makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chanel's makeup regiment. Revlon and Daiso. #class

>> No.7891909


>> No.7891911

What I find more offensive about this is your misuse of the word "regiment" and the fact that she intentionally uses a lighter shade than her actual skintone.

>> No.7891917



>> No.7891927

pfft who doesn't go a shade lighter? Misako has said it herself, lighter skin is better for lolitas!
Although for black lolitas I think a darker base makeup with more highlights looks nice.

>> No.7891930

I match my skin tone so I don't look like a kpop ghostface.

>> No.7891942

Sounds like she's going more than a shade lighter though, if she describes her skin as "dark olive" and then uses the lightest shade in the line.
And no, Misako said that she doesn't think tanning is as big of a deal in lolita as it is in other fashion like gyaru. Stop with the shitty bait.

>> No.7891945

It's from this summer's GLB.

>> No.7891952

>this summer's GLB
>saved the image in June of 2013

>> No.7891964

My bad, last summer then. The point is they edit these kind of comics every year for the newer lolitas.

>> No.7891965

God damn it this girl is going to the tea party on Sunday

>> No.7891971 [DELETED] 

Holy shit I'm looking at her public photos and you can really see it in the photos where she's trying to be a pale loli princess desu, it looks so bad
This is like mellahugbear trying to whiten her skin with really bad photoshop in that one thread, it's so fucking sad

also blunt bangs that are way shorter than her almost non-existent eyebrows really do not suit her face, it really emphasizes how far apart her eyes are set and the myspace angles make her face look super long on top of that
even without speaking a word to her it's pretty obvious that this girl is delusional, she has no idea how to properly groom herself or take flattering photos

>> No.7891977 [DELETED] 
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I'm sick of CH's shit

>> No.7891981
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>> No.7891995

What is that milanoo disaster shes wearing

>> No.7892000

its 2014 and people still make lolita out of bedsheets


>> No.7892014
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>> No.7892029

>shaneru arisu

>> No.7892042
File: 30 KB, 423x423, ch3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a Chanel thread

>> No.7892050

It's from the GLB.

>> No.7892055

Yes, we established that. Read the whole thread next time.

>> No.7892056

To be fair, it's normal in Korean makeup practices to have your foundation a shade or two lighter than your natural skin tone. In Western makeup practices, matching foundation exactly to your skin tone is the rule.

>> No.7892064

Whoops, sorry

>> No.7892069

Oookay, that is definitely a shade lighter. That's like, at least 4 shades off plus bad contouring

>> No.7892070

This >>7891981 is going more than a shade or two lighter though and it looks awful, don't try to enable her by saying "oh, Koreans do it so it's okay!"
It seems like this girl is using lolita to express her pent-up self-loathing, which is not healthy at all.

>> No.7892075

she wrote it correctly, shanneru harisu

>> No.7892082
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lmao she shooped herself onto a white person

>> No.7892094

Anyone in the HLC loli - aid group yet? Anyone notice it's only noobs and itas joining?

>> No.7892099

What is HLC? I keep hearing about it but I don't know what it stands for.

>> No.7892102

What group are you talking about?

Houston Lolita Community.

>> No.7892104

Houston lolita comm

>> No.7892105

Houston Lolita Comm

>> No.7892112


>> No.7892127 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 461x620, ss+(2014-10-22+at+01.06.34).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what aid group are you talking about, I haven't seen anything about it anywhere on the page.

Side note, Dominique is such an obnoxious radical vegan. Like, girl I respect your vegan-ism, but I'd appreciate if you'd respect science and while you're at it stop calling people fat beind their backs and instead work on your sub-par coords. Jfc, Oreo's are vegan but that doesn't mean they're healthy.

>> No.7892157

Can everyone just agree to completely ignore her? Maybe she'll get the message that she's unwanted

>> No.7892160

Looks like a fat Michael Jackson?

>> No.7892164

As a vegetarian I have to say that this is one of the most retarded things I have read. Granted people will often just pop a pill rather than getting to the root of an issue, but that is what happens with everything, people just want to fix something they don't like and don't really care about the broad spectrum of things.
Meat isn't an issue. Dairy isn't an issue. This is idiotic.

>> No.7892167

Late to the party and without context I have no clue what's going on here. Someone said something about an alteration and then someone else lied about said alteration?

I can guess that tifaret is the one talking about the CTP alteration at least

>> No.7892169

What's all dripping down her arm??

>> No.7892170

That is horrible. I said one or two shades lighter is ok, not whiteface. Would this count as racism like dressing up as a black person (in a non blackface-y way, like that girl we had a discussion thread about a few days ago who wasn't mocking but rather emulating a dark skin tone) does?

>> No.7892194 [DELETED] 

Chanel wanted to alter her Sugary Carnival, asked for a quote from a seamtress. Seamstress told her how she would alter the JSK, as both the bust and waist were too small. Chanel throws a fit about 1) being to big to fit in brand 2) the price of the alterations (which were a steal) and 3) assuming people were calling her fat. Tells seamstress that she had told her multiple things when she had only told her one, proceeded to be confused about alterations work, how to buy fabric, and how bodies work. Seamstress backs the fuck out. Chanel accuses everyone of being against her.

>> No.7892198

Was this on the comm page? If so, has it been bawwwleted or an I overlooking it?

>> No.7892205

The mod deleted it.

>> No.7892216

It's her inner whiteness trying to escape

>> No.7892238

>we're not cows so we shouldn't be eating dairy
>implying cows evolved to eat dairy
Does she think breast milk is vegan?
Goddamn, people like this make me embarrassed to say I'm a vegetarian.

>> No.7892242

Where can I find this Chanel on Facebook?

>> No.7892264

I think she means that milk is for baby cows, not that adult cows eat dairy. Her argument was just a little fuddled but I can get what she's trying to say.

>> No.7892267

She was trying to say exactly that. Milk is made for baby cows. Some people seem to think that because it is made for cows that it is suddenly bad for everyone else...

>> No.7892277


>> No.7892278

I have done this but cant find her last name. I have found other accounts online but just not name.

>> No.7892286

>racism like dressing up as a black person
... And then these people complain about SJWs.

>> No.7892287


>> No.7892289

...what the fuck, her deviantart and that "public figure" facebook...

>> No.7892292

Yeah but she's not Korean.
Leave that shit to people who can actually get away with it, otherwise match your foundation with your skin tone.

>> No.7892436

Okay , I really think we should reduce meat and dairy from our diet (like , 3 times a week would be better than 14) and stop taking pills for anything and everything, but she's fucking crazy

>> No.7892442

Oh damn.

>> No.7892478

Holy fuck I read that entire thread. Does veganism shrink the brain or something? Literally people are pointing out, with biological, medical, and scientific fact why Dominique and her gang of radvegs are wrong and they're coming back with "everyone can be vegan they're just too lazy". I'm so mad.

>> No.7892490

Fuck off SJW

>> No.7892517

>Does veganism shrink the brain or something?
Well red meat was credited with helping humans to evolve, just as Sam Neill


>> No.7892520

Can we please not turn this into a veganism discussion?

>> No.7892624

this wasn't even posted in a lolita comm, this was on her personal facebook. Jesus fuck stop digging to get at Dom.

>> No.7892633

wow i am embarrassed tp know her

>> No.7892641

it is relevant though, because she bitches and cries and forces people to cater to her needs at meets, and only she is allowed to choose the restaurants we go to, which is always shitty pizza places. If she wasn't trying to make everyone cater to her specific needs, then i doubt anyone would give a fuck

>> No.7892667

Then she needs to bring her own snacks to meet-ups. There are other in the comm that are vegan/veggie or have gluten and dairy intolerances that do just that.

Hell, one member is lactose-intolerant so at the last high tea meet-up they brought in their own soy milk, because the parlor didn't provide a lactose-free option.

>> No.7892676

I remember reading a feels thread post with a similar story. Did you guys suggest a picnic and she bitched about it because "you won't like vegan food, hmph"

>> No.7892678
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 2014-10-22 10.03.40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this person sent me a friends request and i feel really bad for the girls in their comm. their public photos are a mix of meetups and sissy crap like weird selfie comparisons with child models.

>> No.7892680
File: 84 KB, 640x640, 2014-10-22 10.02.56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7892689

I kind of want to request a photo edit by Chanel, just to see the result.
Also, do you think that the anon who loaned her dresses to someone in the Say It Now was talking about the girl who asked her comm for dresses?

>> No.7892695

I wish more comms would ban all males who are clearly not interested in the fashion. It's super clear that the guy is a sissy.

>> No.7892698 [DELETED] 

she never shuts up about being vegan at meets and how we have to cater to her needs even though she doesn't even have allergies or shit. I know people with allergies who don't make this much of a fuss, they bring their own food or find an option on the menu that suits them

The thing that really grinds my gears is her argument of "being vegan isn't expensive!" and I'm like bitch, you clearly don't know how this shit works. You cannot live off of beans, rice, soup, romaine, apples and pasta as she suggeted in one comment, she blows my mind with her idiocy.

I'll go out on a limb and assume you want to buy your produce organic, because of GMOS and pesticides in conventional fruits/vegetables, so you're going to have to go to somewhere like Trader Joes or Whole Foods to get your produce, which is expensive. You have to pay for supplements and it's a good idea to consult a doctor who specializes in nutrition so that you can make sure your diet is balanced, because it's hard to get everything when you're vegan. It takes time and effort to chop, wash, and cook everything every single meal, which a lot of people do not want to commit to, and you usually have to shop daily for your produce because it spoils so fast.

I asked my vegan friend how much she spends every 2 weeks on groceries, she said $200-$300. She makes $19 an hour. living on my own with my minimum wage job, I can spend about $60 on groceries every 2 weeks. I do what I can to eat healthy and buy organic, but I could never afford to do the majority of my shopping at high end grocery stores, as I feel most vegans would have to.

Another vegan friend was on her diet for about a year, fell ill, and when she went in to the doctor she found she was getting enough nutrients and was basically dying because of her diet, because she had hopped on the fad without actually researching what she needed to do to get the shit she needed in her body.

end rant

>> No.7892700

Academic Anon-chans, I would love to chat more about subjects like psychology and science. Also, I want friends that will play around on CGL with me. Maybe we could be friends? I could drop my email. I'm from ATL comm.
Also, I agree with wanting a no-vendetta lesser known Lolita thread. I'd really like to see those girls get some love, rather than the same e-famous ones. I can think of a few girls from my comm that are basically drama-free, but deserve some love.
>I'm also curious to see what others think as far as reputation goes, since I too, am bad at determining what people think about me.

>> No.7892706

Ew. Why are they always called Priscilla?

>> No.7892708


she looks kinda downsy

>> No.7892711

Confirmed for autism.


>"Even if I was gay and like hello kitty"

I'm dying.

>> No.7892712

Not to dismiss your friend, but I'm vegan and spend about $50-$100 on groceries per week, and I buy a lot of pre made pricey junk food at expensive places like Whole Foods. I have lived much cheaper, and spent closer to $40-$50 a week, but that was when I cooked a lot. I don't know how your friend is spending that much, she must buy premade food for every meal.

>> No.7892721

>because of GMOS and pesticides
>buy organic
Congratulations, you're ignorant of science just as well.

>> No.7892722

Did C get booted or leave the SF comm? I can't find her as a member anymore.

>> No.7892741

You got me all excited for a second :[ She's still a member.

>> No.7892745

I see her name still in the list. She probably blocked you?

>> No.7892754 [DELETED] 

What I really think is particularly infuriating is Dominique's idea that anyone who takes medication is weak and pouring chemicals into their body willy-nilly because she had acid reflux and it's better now that she's vegan.

Like ok let me just go grab a veggie burger instead of taking my anti-depressants every day, I'm sure that will help with my genetic hormone imbalance.

>> No.7892766

Oooohhhh noooooohhhh...

>> No.7892773

Because it sounds like "Priss", probably. I've always hated the name, even before I associated it with sissies.

>> No.7892784 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 642x394, whuttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. I recognize that face. It's this guy.

>> No.7892793

Weird, I never even spoke to her (comm inactive member). Lame. Hopefully she will be banned for causing excessive drama.

>> No.7892806

If enough people complain about her to the mods, they might take her out.
But I'm sure getting warned or b& is just gonna make her throw a FATSHAMING!!! OPPRESSION!!! hissy fit like Melissa did with the TRANSPHOBIA!!! AGEISM!!! bs

>> No.7892832

He's from my comm. The mods are keeping an eye on him, but so far he has been nothing but polite and appropriate. His outfits and makeup have also been improving. He doesn't come to a lot of meetups, but no one has complained about him either, as far as I know. If he ever does anything that makes you uncomfortable, please let a mod know. They take that shit seriously in our comm. I'm not friends with him personally, so I hadn't seen the sissy dress pictures... I agree that is a bit weird, but if he's not bringing sissy shit up at meets, it's probably harmless. He at least seems genuinely interested in the fashion, and takes coord advice from what I've seen.

>> No.7892854

Any pics from recent meetups? I'm curious about how he looks in lolita and not...that thing that got posted earlier

>> No.7892866

don't insult mj this way

>> No.7892921
File: 36 KB, 500x500, 1f4c7814-6793-49df-a8d8-9a774abc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having a crush on the best MJ

She's fucking up.

>> No.7892954

brah. just.
>it spoils so fast
The same things (AKA fresh food) that spoil fast in vegan diets spoil fast in nonvegan diets too. If your diet is based on things that don't spoil right now, it would be the same if you went vegan, just buy trash conservative-laden food like the rest of us. Vegans aren't some alien race that eats only from their garden or else they die.

>You cannot live off [...]
Vegans live off the same foods as you, except meat, dairy and eggs. That is a pretty small percentage taken out of what foods we CAN eat and can easily live off from. If you think some nutrients are exclusive to animal products, you need to google that shit because it's not true.

Even if you end up taking b12 supplements because you don't like eating b12-enriched food (aka every plant milk ever, every fake meat ever, etc.), that costs only 8-15$ extra per three months. WOW I'M SO POOR NOW.

Everyone should see a doctor at least once in a while to make sure they're not eating only trash like their redneck potato-meat-and-beans parents taught them to. Just cos you eat a steak everyday doesn't mean you're healthy brah.

Your friend is either a tard or spends way too much on luxury foods (junk). When I lived alone, I spent 40$ per month on groceries. I see a doc regularly for other stuff and when I had a blood test, there was nothing wrong with it.

>browse cgl to take mind off shit
>random people bashing vegans

>> No.7892966
File: 118 KB, 720x960, IMG_1221991724025360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was pretty recent, tagged by mutual friends. Definitely an improvement from earlier in the year.

>> No.7892975

I'm not in your comm, so I'll just ignore the friend request and move on. It's good to know that the public behavior is not as creepy as the facebook is, and that your mods are on top of it.

>> No.7892993

It helps that she presents as female at her day job, and wears casual and historical dresses regularly, so it doesn't seem like a specifically sissy thing. Plus she's always been very nice and has a 20-year-old daughter.

>> No.7893210

Breast milk is vegan though... also most humans would indeed be lactose intolerant if we weren't constantly drinking milk. It's normal to you because you've been doing it your wholelife.

>> No.7893220

I'm impressed you can spend $40 a month on groceries. I generally only buy what I need but I still spend over $80-90 a month, and I don't buy snacks or frozen meals. How did you keep the cost so low?

>> No.7893231

>$40 per month on groceries
wow what were you eating/where did you do your grocery shopping? not even trying to be patronizing or anything, i'm just shocked by that number!

>> No.7893255

Same! I prepare my own meals, don't overeat, and shop generic and bulk whenever possible and we clip coupons... I wonder if it has to do with batch meals, like making a bunch of soup or casserole and freezing it or something or maybe living in a less expensive area in general?

>> No.7893345

How is breast milk vegan? Whut?

>> No.7893348

are you retarded?

>> No.7893350

I do this too, but add in shopping at farmers markets. They save so much money for fresh produce and in large amounts. It's going to suck during the winter though.

>> No.7893359

Lolita seems to suit him, surprisingly.
He could use a bit more improvement, but he seems to be doing alright.

>> No.7893395

Do you know how many things are made from dairy and eggs? A shit load. That is most things you bake, a lot of sauces are going to use those or meat. Then you get into byproducts of animals, which is more complex than just if they use eggs or not, like some gummies are vegan but others arent. The other problem is that those few things that can compensate for meat...actually are shitty for you to eat because how it affects humans. Look up how these cash crops are fucking over societies. Even if it is cheap for you, it is disastrous for other people who cant eat their native crop because westerns are jacking up the prices.

A general doctor is not what you want for this, you need a nutritionalist, which will be something that not everyone can actually access easily. Your family doctor can do basic stuff but they are not qualified for the details of dietary stuff. Depending on health care, going to A doctor can be expensive, so going to a specialist will be more so.

>> No.7893405

There was some sissy specific (i.e. used the word sissy) on her Facebook that I didn't screencap. Until I saw that I was wondering if I was just reading into circumstantial evidence, but it's there. As long as she keeps it separate from lolita I have no issue with it as I'm not in the comm - just had a random friends request from her.

>> No.7893423

Dude, you're telling me you think any kind of milk is vegan? If so, I'm not the one who's retarded here. Breast Milk is not vegan, unless your mom's a potato.

>> No.7893430

Vegan = not ingesting foods/consuming products that come from the exploitation or abuse of animals

A mother feeding her child directly is not exploitation of a non-consenting animal.

>not even vegan

>> No.7893445

OK, I'll start a breast milking farm in Vietnam next year since vegans are fine with that.

>> No.7893454

Where I come from, vegan means it's not been produced by animals. No matter if they were abused or if they consented. Coming from any kind of animal (including humans) it's not vegan.

>> No.7893464

That's a woman, right?

>> No.7893493


Does she talk and breath like that at meets or is she really quiet?

>> No.7893501

I know it saves you more money in general if you able to make a bunch of food at once and then portion it out throughout the week. It might have to do with their area, the price of things. Also if you have to buy things other then food (toliet paper, shampoo, etc) that can really raise your cost.

>> No.7893521

uuugh, this makes me so mad. I've been vegetarian for five years, and I hate the way people see vegan/vegetarians because of crazy bitches like her. Yes, I don't think I should eat meat because of morals and stuff, but freaking out at people is just going to make them think that anyone who makes a choice to not eat meat is insane. There was this bitch in my high school who would scream at anyone who ate meat near her. Like, stop.

>> No.7893537

>portland maine
fuck. is it still here?

>> No.7893552

I'm a meat eater myself, but you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

Being vegan is not expensive. What's expensive is meat, or vegans who don't shop smart. Per pound meat averages a higher cost than fruits and veggies. Grains and legumes are even cheaper.

Vegan =/= all natural/organic/pesticide free
People generally become vegan so they don't harm animal through their diet, so the rest you mentioned is not a requirement. Along that, those who do it to be healthier are fooling themselves and have not done the research that would probably tell them that an organic label doesn't mean much.

Supplements do not cost much, and Google is a pretty good "step 1" for finding out what you need to eat to stay healthy.

Vegans have packaged foods too, cooking fresh is something any healthy diet has vegan or not, and you have never bought a piece of produce in your life if you think the shelf life is like a day.
Here's my life:
>oh hey, I forgot about this broccoli head I bought a week ago. It's a little dry on top, but boiling it will fix that.
>buy lettuce and use it for the next five days.
>buy the last of the season cherry tomatoes, finish them two weeks later
>this fruit is underripe, I'll let it sit on my counter for a week
There is also a few businesses that send you a box of produce that you are expected to use for the entire week.

I have a friend who went from vegan to not vegan. Spent the same amount before and after because he doesn't check for sales and buys those fancy nut mixes that are like $6 for 8oz.

I hear that hear in America people are becoming obese and getting heart attacks, heart disease, and diabetes because of their meat-based diets.

>> No.7893578

Reminds me of that black kid in Malcom in the Middle.

>> No.7893590

Oh your stupid never ends...
>Do you know how many things are made from dairy and eggs?
Yes, do you know how many things aren't made from dairy and eggs?
> That is most things you bake,
Google "vegan _____", you'll find recipes for anything you want.
>a lot of sauces are going to use those or meat.
Marinara, sauces based with veggie stock, dressings, vegan sauce substitutes and recipes
>Then you get into byproducts of animals,
Every vegan knows how to avoid gelatin
>The other problem is that those few things that can compensate for meat...actually are shitty for you to eat because how it affects humans. Look up how these cash crops are fucking over societies. Even if it is cheap for you, it is disastrous for other people who cant eat their native crop because westerns are jacking up the prices.
It's called quinoa. I see you read an article on Facebook about it once. Yes, it needs to be avoided because of the harm its doing the villages it's grown, but that one example does not mean all grains and legumes are harming small countries.

>> No.7893616

Yeah she pretty much talks like that. She's not super talkative, but that's what she sounds like when she does.

>> No.7893633

>Per pound meat averages a higher cost than fruits and veggies
Not in my country.

Being vegetarian/vegan or trying to avoid sugar/glutine is very expensive where I live, if you want to cut costs your diet will be pretty much the same every day.

>> No.7893637

Does anyone have the picture of the altered Cats Tea Party?

>> No.7893685

What's your country? Because here in America, people claim that, but it just isn't true.

>> No.7893719

>random people bashing vegans
is that a joke? people made fun of one really dumb person that happened to be vegan, and then all the vegans came out of the woodwork to talk about veganism and shit. noone bashed anything.
i swear, you people are like a cult, one just has to write "vegan" anywhere, and you guys appear to spread the word about what's in your plate. can't you just eat what you want in peace, without talking everyone's ears off about it? strangely, most of the rest of the world has no trouble doing that.

>> No.7893733

hi Dom

>> No.7893760

Not America.
But it is true, meat can be very cheap, but also poor quality, main reason why I won't eat it. Animals shouldn't have to die to become cheap, shitty products.
There's vegetables and fruit that are cheap, but there's not much variety. So if you want some variety in your diet, it's not really that cheap.

>> No.7893783

As not even vegetarian myself, I have to say that it actually makes sense. If vegans really believe that speciesism is no different from racism, and animals are just as valuable as humans, then consuming meat is just as bad as Holocaust or slavery in the South. If you met a person who says that the soap made of Jewish bones is the best kind of it, but they are concerned about slaughtering the Jews in a relatively painless manner, you'd probably more likely to beat the shit out of that asshole rather than agree to disagree and have a civil discussion.
I believe that equating animals and humans is a really fucked up idea, but from the perspective of someone who does that, it only makes sense to be extremely hostile to non-vegans, especially if you compare it to the way people (even here, on cgl) react to the cases of discrimination (most commonly racism and sexism) they disapprove of.

>> No.7893815

kill everything and eat it all. what's any of this shit got to do with comms?

>> No.7893818

you have a point. but that shit still annoying.

>> No.7893843

My mom is a carrot, excuse you

>> No.7893861

I find animal lives just as valuable as humans and I have no problem eating meat.

Then again, I always found the idea of suddenly changing my diet/life style because things like that, weak? IDK if anything I get more angry at people who waste food than people who eat meat

>> No.7893938
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C just posted a half-assed apology in our comm. No one has liked it or commented back yet.
I'm dreading seeing her in person at the tea party this sunday.
(My first post on cgl, sorry if I fucked it up)

>> No.7893945

Is she retarded?

>> No.7893947

So tired of this bitch

>> No.7893958

Me too, we just got rid of M and now this idiot steps up to take her place as the problem person. The mods mentioned a 3 strikes system in place now, I wonder if she got one for that bullshit she posted yesterday.

>> No.7893974


what does your heart tell you?

>> No.7893997

vegatarians and vegans who care more about animal lives than sustainability and eating local are fuckheads. I'm a 3-year vegetarian and it's hard to tolerate my own kind.

>> No.7894007

Christ is it even really necessary to post this shit in the comm? I swear she has to make everything about her. She couldn't have privately apologized, or even discussed this shit privately with the person that was gunna alter her shit? Really?

>> No.7894034

If you're not in America, then why are you saying an American is stupid for saying that eating vegan can be cheap? Might as well be an African calling me stupid for not protecting myself from botfly larva.

>> No.7894035

confirmed for Dom

>> No.7894040
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giving me new life

>> No.7894086

I never called anyone stupid?

>> No.7894104
File: 1.86 MB, 306x230, abort abort.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, I'm checking out of this thread, goodbye friends, I am gone

>> No.7894120

>was strict vegan for two years
>other vegans try to be chummy and pull me into the moral faggotry if veganism
>'oh I don't actually care about animals, I'm vegan for other, non moral reasons'

I could see them get so mad at me but they couldn't say anything because I was still directly contributing to their 'cause' by my diet. It was hilarious. I think I can say they were more upset at a vegan not being a moral fag than a bloodmouth. lolling forever

Sage for ot

>> No.7894122

There is some truth to what she is saying though, humans have difficulty digesting cow milk whether it be because of the lactose or casein. Lactose intolerance is very common with some whole races being lactose intolerant.

>> No.7894127
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pls less vegan chat and more /cgl/-related

Here, I'll even try steering the conversation.
>What comm are you in?
>What are your top favorite 3 meet-ups that you've enjoyed with your comm? Where did you go/What did they involve?
>Worst meet-up idea your comm had/that you've been to?

Lone lolitas who don't like their local comms:
>How do you enjoy yourself in lolita?
>Do you do anything or go anywhere special? Where? What?

>> No.7894132

Wow, I feel kind of like a retard now. I knew it was a lolita comm but I always just read HLC as Half-Life Community? Now, typing that out, that makes no fucking sense.

>> No.7894137

>>How do you enjoy yourself in lolita?
On my days off I dress up, so two to three times a week. I just enjoy doing fun makeup and getting dressed in something non business casual.
>>Do you do anything or go anywhere special? Where? What?
I do trivia with my normal-fag friends and have several different places near me that I go out to eat or hang out. All the waiters and waitresses seem to enjoy when I come in and ask me about my outfits. I do most normal things on the weekends in lolita.

>> No.7894140
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>> No.7894147

Lonelita here. It's not that I don't like my comm, it's just that I find that lolita comms aren't really my cup of tea (no pun intended). I'm not really into tea parties and whatnot.

I enjoy myself in lolita the same way I enjoy myself in my regular clothes. (?) I just wear them whenever.

I don't know what exactly you mean by special, but I go out a lot, musicals, plays, etc

>> No.7894162

Can we please make secrets about her to the point where she leaves the comm? I'm so tired of her.

>> No.7894208

Another lonelita here! I don't enjoy comms/meet ups either. My interests are too different. I'm the type that enjoys 'noisier' hangouts... Bars, concerts, etc. If I want something more mellow, museums and roadtrips are fine. I just hate the idea of sitting down or quiet idle chatter.

>> No.7894347

>What comm are you in?
>What are your top favorite 3 meet-ups that you've enjoyed with your comm? Where did you go/What did they involve?
I enjoy all the meet ups to be honest, my comm are a really good bunch. I've always enjoyed meets where we attend exhibitions though! It's nice to have mini meets with friends too as I feel I have more room to be myself and we can talk about none loli things/have a little bitching session
>>Worst meet-up idea your comm had/that you've been to?
I've been to a few awkward meet ups before where no one really had much to say and conversation was stilted. Now I feel more comfortable with my comm so I do my best to generate conversation if I feel it's lagging

>> No.7894437

>Half Life Community
what the fuck, anon

>> No.7894462

Headcrab headdress, anyone?

>> No.7894630

Partial lone lolita here
>>What comm are you in?
I'm in the NYC comm but only make it to meets about once every few months due to work, school and living outside the city. (not they there are many meets)
>>What are your top favorite 3 meet-ups that you've enjoyed with your comm? Where did you go/What did they involve?
There was this huge tea party meet with Misako, everyone was dressed so lovely and I was able too see friends I haven't seen in so long.
Another meet on my top list would be the ILD sailboat trip on the Hudson. It was very well organized.
>>Worst meet-up idea your comm had/that you've been to?
There was one meet a couple years ago where a bunch of girls just went to a cemetery and posed prying on top of strangers' graves.
>>How do you enjoy yourself in lolita?
When I'm alone I wear casual to run errands on my days off.
>>Do you do anything or go anywhere special? Where? What?
I dress up a bit more when I hang out with non lolita friends to see a movie or go out to eat. (they love it) My favorite place to wear lolita is this adorable English style Tea Room that is nearby (but so far away from other lolis to host a meet)

>> No.7894648

So it's a yes. We ignore Chanel at the Sunday tea party. Fuck her shitting up our good time.

>You can't sit with us

>> No.7894675

I just made 2 secrets for this week. Feels good. I'm gonna enjoy seeing all of the butthurt, especially from Chanel.

>> No.7894686
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Any Oregon lolitas have any info on this?

>> No.7894687

I kind of want to as well, but I'd feel a tiny bit bad about possibly picking on a mildly-retarded girl. She's so annoying though >_>

>> No.7894700

I'm not sure that she is mildly retarded. I interacted with her in person at a meet and didn't get that vibe. I think she's just a basic bitch. Either way, she said that she's going to cut down on going to meets, which is super good. Maybe my secret will be the straw that breaks the camel's back and she'll leave and no one will have to deal with her shit anymore?

>> No.7894703

Are you in the comm..?
There's a particular mod who, while very sweet in person, has a rather overbearing personality online that comes across really poorly.

>> No.7894712

you sound kinda like a basic b yourself
inb4 I don't care, I do what I want *slaps thigh in dominance*

>> No.7894722
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>> No.7894724

And you sound kinda nuts.

>> No.7894725

I'm planning on submitting one every week for several weeks straight.

>> No.7894727

Are you going to the tea party this Sunday? I'd like to imagine the cool girls in our comm are venting here b/c everyone else is being way too patient and polite to C in our fb group.
I just want to meet more chill Lolitas and not have to worry about pervs or idiots ruining everything for everyone.

>> No.7894730

basing a judgement of a girl's mental status from one meet isn't logical.

>> No.7894732

what a bright time, it's the right time, to rock the night awayyyyyy~~~~

zomg I love derailing threads

>> No.7894733

Unfortunately, no. A friend is visiting from out of town, so I'm going to spend time with that person.

Judging a person as a "basic bitch" based on a few posts isn't that logical either, anon.

>> No.7894737

no one is really being patient anymore tho

>> No.7894743

I rescind my judgement, and choose to say that trying to get someone to leave in that way isn't too great.

I was a bit fiery earlier.

>> No.7894749

It isn't that great, no. I never said that it was. I've been on a bit of a bitch streak lately. Perhaps my period is coming on.

>> No.7894750

I never realized there were so many bad bitches in the comm. I have never met Chanel so I am just going to sit back and watch for the tea party.

>> No.7894756
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I'm assuming the comment was from tiferet?

>> No.7894771

I'm going. I sure hope I don't have to sit next to her. We're talkiing about the AP Halloween tea party right?

>> No.7894780

But does she know about secrets

>> No.7894786

no, they mean the one that's held at the tea shop. I'm not going to say exactly where or what time because I don't know if banned people or their friends will be perusing this thread.

>> No.7894789
File: 453 KB, 350x339, ciel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought of this.
I'm so bad, bad~~

>> No.7894806

Well, we're going to find out.

>> No.7894814

what an awkward, scary, pathetic cow

>> No.7894878
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>> No.7894885

shit meant to reply to >>7892170
sorry about that

>> No.7894890

>Worst meet-up idea your comm had/that you've been to?
Picnic meet in a busy park full of screaming children and people letting their dogs run free. Never again.

>Lone lolitas who don't like their local comms:
>How do you enjoy yourself in lolita?
The same way I enjoy myself in other clothes, really. Museums, cafes, concerts. But mostly I stay at home and sew/knit/read/play videogames. I really enjoy being all frilled up while playing various MMORPGs.
>Do you do anything or go anywhere special? Where? What?
I occasionally visit this large concert hall that seems to be the meeting point for the local 'high society'. Everyone is dressed up and it's a great place to people-watch. There's this one older lady who always shows up some kind of bedazzled cowboy getup that probably costs more than a year's rent for my apartment. I've gotten a lot of compliments on my lolita outfits but when I brought my jeans-and-t-shirt-clad boyfriend they turned up their noses at us.

>> No.7894919

Could be because there was an australian movie about drag queens called Priscilla (I think)? Who knows.

>> No.7895230

Priscilla Queen of the Desert, it's a classic. It's about drag Queens, though, but I suppose the popularity could come from there even though the cultures are pretty different.

>> No.7895354


PQoD also had a broadway run in NYC a couple years ago.

>> No.7895365
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I know this has been discussed before, but how are honey-cruller and fakechoco cunts in the comm? I'm curious because I'm nosy and because I hate seeing their 'boring kei' shit. Them being cunts would be the icing on my completely irrational hate boner.

>> No.7895370

Yup, seems to be making local theater rounds these days. It was in LA recently.

>> No.7895373

Honey cruller actually got kicked out of the comm for being such a massive cunt. I don't know the exact details since I'm not in the comm, but I've heard stories of her making scenes at meetups because of gratuity fees and outright bullying people in the comm. I haven't heard anything of Fakechoco aside from the fact she's friends with Honey-cruller and her constant overpricing items on LM.

>> No.7895579

I associate the name Priscilla with drag queens/ cross dressers/ sissies so much that when I was watching Claymore and the character Priscilla showed up I automatically assumed she was a trap.
I feel so bad for any woman with this name, seriously.

>> No.7895615 [DELETED] 

I have never heard any vegan claim that breast milk isn't vegan. Any animal product that is given consensually is ethically sound to a vegan. Animals can't really consent, but obviously a mother can consent to feeding her child. If you go onto farming in a low-income country or something like >>7893445 said that could get kind of ethically messy.
said I guess that would get more i

>> No.7895636

So how well liked does everyone think they are in their comm? And what do you think of your own comm?

>> No.7895640

I know this is a little bit late, but I'm from Atlanta as well, and I'd love to talk about psychology and science with you. I attached my e-mail, please do write!

>> No.7895668

I'm pretty popular in my comm, and a few people have outright said they look up to me. But I do a lot of work for the comm, so I think being a "leader" colors people's perceptions of me. Not to say that I'm not likeable or anything, but I'm actually very introverted and kind of bitchy.

As far as overall, everyone is pretty chill, so in general I like most people. There are a few people that are immature or we just don't click, but it's not really a big deal. Really annoying/mean people don't last long in our comm.

>> No.7895715

I think I am reasonably well liked, I am quite introverted but I sometimes get people telling me how cute I looked at meets via chat, and also have people messaging me on FB to ask if I am going to them because they are deciding if they should go or not.
Im a bit of a bitch, I love learning about drama (although I don't participate in it often) and I am reasonably open about the fact that I use cgl. I don't see why I should deny it, I know it has a bad stigma but I am not one of those people who contributes to that, and if people won't like me because of some dumb stereotype then I don't need to be their friend.

I love my comm! I wish I had some better friends in it (you know, the kind I could hang with outside of meets and stuff) but I live quite far away from everyone so I cant. People invite me to do stuff sometimes though.

>> No.7895756

I think I'm relatively well-liked amongst the core set, I'm really good friends outside of the comm with a lot of them and I've been around since the start. I don't think the newer members have much of an opinion on me, though, since I haven't been able to make meets recently and I don't talk much online.

>> No.7895771

I'm not that well known in my comm, but I think I'm moderately well liked.

It would be nice to get closer to other girls in the comm, but I'm not rushing it- that would be...creepy.

However, I have hung out with a couple of the comm girls outside of meets, and I am happy about it :)

Granted, I have to budget my money a bit- so I wouldn't be able to twin with the girls wearing new releases.
Perhaps in the future!! :D

>> No.7896005

"A fat Latoya Jackson" was my first thought.

>> No.7896218

I don't think I'm disliked but I'm probably one of the more forgettable people, mostly because I can't come to meets too often. I'd like to think I dress decently though, and I don't think I do anything that could possibly get on anyone's nerves.
I adore a lot of the people in my comm though, I wish I could hang out with them more than 1-2 time every few months, but welp.

>> No.7896239

I'm pretty new compared to most girls, and can't make it to many meets, but I think I'm doing alright. The core group all likes me (at least they say they do?) but the crazy bitch said some shit about me. No one took her seriously though

>> No.7896274
File: 73 KB, 492x444, ctp gore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this was so painful.

>> No.7896293

what the hell is that white fabric sticking out the ribbon "waist tie" ???

>> No.7896308

And I just started crying why the fuck would you do this

>> No.7896340

I want to know what that weird white fabric is too. Does anyone have more pics of her in this dress?

>> No.7896347

my guess is something stretchy because even after letting the dress out it was still too tight in that area. and she thought she could hide it with that ribbon.

>> No.7896423

And speaking of that comm;
It actually exploded recently. While it's good Honey got kicked almost every single one of the decent looking girls stopped attending meet-ups recently. Or just left.

The sole mod was deleting posts non-stop any time she didn't like what she was reading even if it was constructive.

Girl has issues. Appointed somebody who isn't even a lolita to mod status after people complained about it.

I only went to one meetup there but I really want more juice on what's going on.
Especially if there's a second group being made to get away from the ita mess it became.

>> No.7896435

Ugh, that's just horrible. It's easier to lose weight, hell, I'm losing to fit into brand.

>> No.7896444
File: 401 KB, 861x470, Screen shot 2014-09-25 at 2.49.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh I'm going to pass out

>> No.7896466
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She murdered that dress.

>> No.7896478

and then she raped the corpse

>> No.7896643
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There you go. She could at least use a matching pink fabric.

>> No.7896648
File: 406 KB, 450x574, Exceli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girl on the left's face reminds me of Excellus from FEA

>> No.7896665

A-Anon-chan... I am also from Atlanta. I will email you! How do we not know each other?! Are you... B?

>> No.7896671

>What I hope:
People think I'm decently dressed, kind, friendly, and really open to new members. That I'm friends with everyone, regardless of drama. That I'm strong for overcoming my physical problems. I hope people find me entertaining... I don't mind if people think I'm a bit odd.
>What I fear my comm thinks:
I'm a brandwhore and intimidating to the noobs. I'm a try hard snowflake to the older members. That I'm a huge flake for having to back out of stuff at the last minute. That I'm not funny, but just weird.
>If you figure out who I am, I would like to know if I'm right!

>> No.7896673

I used to be this girl's size, around my highest weight or probably close to it. I'm down the point where I can wear some partial shirring. I've lost like 70lbs since I had those measurements and I still have a little more to go.

That said, I have no problem with altering something, but I usually will only do it if a) I got it at a good price b) I don't intend on selling it c) It's a minor alteration that could be reversed if I ever had to resell it.

It just looks dumpy and sad on her. She'd look much better in a full shirred dress or getting something custom made to her measurements.

>> No.7896687

>So how well liked does everyone think they are in their comm?
I hope I'm well liked. I'm pretty involved and I plan meets, try to help out newbies, give advice, and do my best to look nice and well put-together. I'm just afraid I probably come off a bit socially awkward or aloof in person due to general shyness or fear of saying something stupid. But I'm usually really friendly and talkative once I get to know people. I'm also a little afraid I'm probably seen as a huge brandwhore.

>And what do you think of your own comm?
I think everyone is really nice and friendly to be around. I just wish there were more well dressed people. I can't really change that other than to try to set an example or help point others in the right direction. I see improvement but it happens slowly since a large percentage of us are college aged.

>> No.7896688

Are you me ? Physical problem, brandwhore, backing out stuff last minute and weird. Wow.

>> No.7896693

I don't believe so, my name and my nicknames do not start with a B. But yes, please do! If I don't get back to you today it's because I'm over at a friend's house.

>> No.7896719

That hasn't happened at all lol. The only times the mods started deleting shit were when people started bickering like toddlers. It wasn't constructive in the least. The only ones who have complained are the ones who are always trying to start drama, who coincidentally enough are the ones that just left.

Come on Jennah. If you're going to try to make up drama, you should at least not make it so obvious who you are. You were never going to be added as a mod anyway. You and Nat are literally the only ones who start shit in the comm. Cry moar.

>> No.7896744

>c) It's a minor alteration that could be reversed if I ever had to resell it
That's the standard I hold myself to when it comes to alterations. If a dress requires a big irreversible alteration then imo that just means it wasn't meant to be. For me it's not so much the resell value but the idea that if I ever do gain weight (with age or pregnancy) I'm not stuck with a wardrobe full of unwearable irreversibly tiny dresses.

>> No.7896749

I always get so confused why people get offended over alterations to dresses. How dare fatties alter brand that they bought with their own money.

Newsflash: just because you want something of limited quantity doesn't justify you to monitor what everyone does with that item they bought.

Come on, I don't even have a stake in this (being your painfully average 160cm asian with A boobs is surprisingly useful in lolita) and I think you guys are being ridiculous. Good alterations are much better than trying to squeeze 130cm of bust inside brand.

>> No.7896750

>Good alterations are much better than trying to squeeze 130cm of bust inside brand.

People rarely complain about good alterations. Did you even look at the pictures? That was not a good alteration.

>> No.7896754

>good alterations

>> No.7896759


I think I'm in the wrong thread. I clearly remember one where there was a back and forth about whether it was an insult to designers to EVER alter brand.

In these cases that's terrible alteration.

>> No.7896766

Anyone with professional sewing skills would cringe at the sight of this disaster. Are you blind? This isn't about fatties or anyone daring to do alterations. If you fucked up, YOU FUCKED UP.

>> No.7896816

Out of sheer curiosity, can anyone tell me what's the deal with the lady in the middle? Is she the one that introducted her basket of stuffed animals to the judges at the Baby fashion show during JPOP summit? She seems weird but harmless.

>> No.7896838

Hi Kayleigh.

Pretty sure Jennah's banned from the entire site for trolling /vg/ - But let's scapegoat here, shall we?

Maybe if you did your fucking job as a mod properly you'd be able to figure out the folks who are just lurking to watch your train wreck.

>> No.7896843

Gwen. She's kind of nuts and unstable. Not Melissa-tier dangerously unstable but enough to make me feel uncomfortable with her around. A while ago someone made a silly, harmless secret about her on BtB and she went completely insane in the comments.

>> No.7896851

Thanks, I think I'll stick to my plan of keeping my distance from her.
I think (hope) that covers all the oddballs in our comm, counting M, Phil and CH.

>> No.7896853
File: 116 KB, 550x376, 47-Bunny-Picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for you guys. Here, have a cute bunny pic.

>> No.7896901

Same here.
I think my comm hates me because i'm weird ;;

>> No.7896921

I'm going to my first meet with my comm tomorrow, and I have no idea what to talk about. They're all perfectly dressed with closets full of brand, one is married, and I'm just a twenty year old college student that lives at home.

>> No.7896922

I hate people who claim they're 'weird' 244. It's just as bad as 'random.'

>> No.7896925

Talk about college and what you're studying. This is a normal interaction with someone. You both just happen to also be wearing frilly dresses

>> No.7896930

I'm meeting with my comm for the first time tomorrow, too, anon. Don't be nervous! I'm sure everyone will want to talk about the fashion at some point. You're interested in it and you know things about it, so you'll be able to contribute.

>> No.7896992

Not Kayleigh but nice try lol For someone who's so quick to claim others have issues, you sure are quick to assume that she's the one targeting you. So Nat then? Please leave the country sooner, I can't wait to be rid of your bitchiness.

The comm is hardly a train wreck. We don't have to deal with bitches anymore and the comm is active with meets and at conventions. I'd rather deal with a trigger happy mod then cunty bitches like you spamming up the group with your attitude.

>> No.7897041

I think you'll be surprised at the amount of common interests that people have in the fashion. Also, talking about school is perfectly normal and acceptable, same with any pets you have, or hobbies outside of Lolita. You'll be fine!

>> No.7897188

She works at Angelic Pretty USA and is frequently a translator for the designers when they come visit.

>> No.7897224
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This pains me to the core.
>At least it's not the gray colorway but still

>> No.7897253
File: 55 KB, 592x367, oyap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know , and that doesn't make her immune from being compared to a random fictive character when her face on a picture looks weird.

I , for example , am into old school GL and am highly unphotogenic , which makes me look like White Pig from Oyasumi Punpun. I joke about it. I am not insulting myself. Same goes for others.

>> No.7897279

>How liked are you
I have no idea. People say they like me/think I'm really nice (someone even said lovely), but I worry that I'm too bossy, loud or obnoxious, or that I get carried away because I can get really enthusiastic in the moment.

>What do you think of your comm?
I like most of the people there. There are a few I'm wary of, but I try to get along with everyone if I can. There are only maybe two or three people out of fifty that I actively avoid, but I'm not rude to them if we do end up talking for whatever reason.

There's drama (there's always drama) and I try to stay out of it, because I can't cope with conflict. I'm so shit at dealing with conflict.

>> No.7897286

Pretty sure anybody looking at any of the Edmonton comm photos can judge how much of a train wreck you guys are.
You can actually watch it happen slowly.

Nice photo shoot BTW.
Might want to purge your inactives btw.
We can see all your shit and have been posting your "fashion show" pictures here since August.

Also inb4 samefag

>> No.7897291

Different anon, but I just wanted to say that I love your sense of humor and have been giggling each time I go past Excellus in the thread.

>sage for OT

>> No.7897356

>Goodnight punpun

Damn CGL, when did you get good taste

>> No.7897431
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oyasumi punpun is entry level /a/, shoo

>> No.7897572

How is that possible if she knows about 3 words of Japanese?

>> No.7897586

Any more deets on her or a link to the BTB post?

>> No.7897589

It's been around even before 2013. I'd say I saw it in 2012 or 2011

>> No.7897667

I wouldn't mind seeing this too.

>> No.7897677

Yeah I see her at meets and she seems kinda weird, but I never thought she was nuts or anything like that.

>> No.7897872
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This is her at JPop Summit 2012

>> No.7897877

More: >>/cgl/thread/S7028210#p7028210

>> No.7897967

wow... what was she thinking?

>> No.7897978
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>that nipple incident
Haha holy shit, I wish I could find the BTB post for that. I want to see her rant.

>> No.7897984

I honestly don't understand this concept that eating fresh produce is somehow more expensive than an omnivorous diet.

I'm your regular omnivore and I KNOW that if I switched to being a vegetarian or vegan the cost of my groceries would decrease quite significantly because the bulk cost of my fresh items is meat. Vegetables and fruit are cheap as hell. You can keep them for two weeks or more if you store them properly/freeze them.

Vegetarian meals when you go to a cafe/restaurant is always cheaper than the meat options.

And if I was the lazy type of omnivore that ate shit loads of packaged food that would make my grocery bill even bigger. Pre-packaged food is expensive if you consider cost per serve.

>> No.7897996


Stop derailing and STFU.

>> No.7898010

I'm not a lone lolita because I dislike the nearby comm, I just don't want to be with a group of people I don't know making a spectacle of ourselves in public just to go to some little cafe or foodcourt. I'm also not interested in hanging out with teenagers. I guess it's more that I'd rather hang out with people I can have good banter with and just go somewhere cool.

>>How do you enjoy yourself in lolita?
I do whatever I normally would do for fun - hang out with friends, drink wine, go to movies, go to cafes, galleries, museums, bars, day trips etc.
>>Do you do anything or go anywhere special? Where? What?
Not really. I'd actually be interested in going to one of those huge lolita conventions the UK often has each year. They look great.

>> No.7898014

Thank you.
This delivered so much more then I expected. Any idea of how old she actually is? I saw people saying 30's and 50's

>> No.7898035

I honestly don't know. I'm terrible at judging the age of others, plus she could have just aged badly like others said.

>> No.7898056

Her male partner (not sure if he's her husband or bf) seemed at least 40-50

>> No.7898061

It doesn't really matter how old she is. I guess it just adds to the mystery.

>> No.7898066

Maybe in her 40's? There's actually quite a few members in the comm in their 30's-40's. You couldn't tell if you saw them though, since they've aged a lot more gracefully than she has.

Pretty positive he's her husband.

>> No.7898111

Sauce on nipple girls skirt?

>> No.7898121

I started to avoid her at meets because of that secret. It was about someone thought a polka dot under her cardigan was a nipple. She started to post FB statuses accusing the community, went off on the person who took the photo, and went anon on BtB calling people anorexic whores, saying that she was a model, and about how she had great boobs. When she was called out about her behaviour, she immediately backtracked and told everyone she'd been hacked and had no idea what had happened.

>> No.7898167

LOL that's the best
Do you remember when this was? I want to find the secret and the comments.

>> No.7898383

Is she trans? Just wondering out of curiosity. or is her face just like that because of the way she's aged

>> No.7898472

Not that anon but that's the word people most often use to describe me. I'm an aspie but I don't fit the common view people have of Aspergers so telling people that's where my 'quirks' stem from usually ends up confusing them. When I don't feel like going into detail about the way my brain works I tend to brush it off as "yeah I'm just kind of weird, haha" and change the subject. Doesn't mean I go around meowing at people or waving a spork around.
I know a lot of people who prefer to use this term rather than tell people they're socially awkward and anxious. Maybe because it puts the 'blame' on yourself rather than the people around you and thereby avoids the "oh but we're not scary at all there's no need to be anxious!" response? I don't really know.

I've had hour-long discussions with other lolitas about cats. This fashion is full of crazy cat ladies. I hope nobody thought we were being obnoxious or boring but cats, man. Cats.

>> No.7898484

I just searched the archives for "nipple cardigan" and found the original thread discussing the secret, which was posted on the 11th of August 2012. It's secrets post #30:
>Ace Detective rori-chan to the rescue!✩

And this is from here:

>> No.7898485

Great job, Ace-chan!

>> No.7898527

>read the comments
Hahaha fuck she got SO mad.
Thanks so much for finding this!

>> No.7898750

I want to be your friend and talk about cats with you

>> No.7898755

I can't wait to see this week's btb. The suspense is killing me.

>> No.7898763

I bet it's gonna be a good one. It feels like they're making us wait because they know its gonna be a shitstorm.

>> No.7898783

I hate this dress and I'm fucking angry, such senseless ruin

>> No.7898798

Praying for your soul anon. My first "meet" consisted of 3 awkward itas who barely said a word, and one chick who was less awkward but talked overly quaint when it's obvious that's not how she or anyone normally speaks.

>> No.7898806

My first meet consisted of a group of old friends who immediately ran off to hang out together away from the rest of us and two other newbies who spent the entire time squealing about hawt guyz i.e. every Asian guy they saw.
It got better after that but dang it was awkward.

You'll probably do fine. It sounds like your comm has their shit together and I'm sure you'll find something to talk about.

>> No.7898864

Actually you're waiting because I'm in the pacific time zone and was out late last night. Rolling out of bed shortly and will post right after I shower.

>> No.7898908

glad to know it will be soon! I have family stuff in a few hours and i was hoping to get a good chuckle from BtB before i had to head out!

>> No.7898981

Secrets are up.

>> No.7899055

dissapointing this week :/

>> No.7899086

God damn when I tried to close it my mouse froze but the gif kept playing that was terrifying

>> No.7899097

That's the owner of the SF shop actually. Not a translator.

>> No.7899110

That poor girls face when the ita is talking

>> No.7899216

She isn't trans as far as I know, anon.

>> No.7899235

I'm not even in my comm anymore, but I still have lots of friends from it. And I feel like they're proper friends, too. Really nice girls, and even the younger newbs show that they obviously know what they're doing.

So tl;dr: Heart-eyes.

>> No.7899239

Aye... not a looker in the bunch...

>> No.7899256

She is actually. It's pretty obvious she used to be a male if you meet her IRL.

>> No.7899261

Really? I've seen her IRL a few times and I never noticed. Forgive my naivety, but how could you tell?

>> No.7899263

I was so disappointed. We can do better, cgl!

>> No.7899268

They're trolling

>> No.7899287

What? Her facial features and voice are very masculine and she has facial hair sometimes visible on her chin.

>> No.7899294

Wow I must be drunk or something. Thought we were talking about the manager of AP SF, Lynda. Sorry, reading comprehension fail on my part.

>> No.7899306

So does CH, but she isn't trans.

>> No.7899353

Sincere congratulations on your weight loss.I know that sort of thing isn't easy and 70 lbs is a really amazing achievement. Good luck on the rest of your journey!

>> No.7899887

I thought she was trans too when i first saw her

>> No.7900066

I'm so happy there's fellow aspie seagulls.
I've made all my friendships from hour-long conversations about cats.

>> No.7900107
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I didn't even realize what Chanel wrote in her "about me" section on FB. Enjoy

>> No.7900187

>don't hit on me silly boys
Seriously though if she has enough random men sending her dick pics that she has to make her entire "about me" section about the issue then she's probably doing something wrong somewhere. Creeps happen but jebus, lady.

>> No.7900225

The point is not to take product from an animal that's not inherently intended for human consumption. Breast milk does not fall into that category, so I'd say it's vegan, but that's probably up for debate depending on your definition of veganism. Having said that, as a vegan of several years, people like >>7892127
are still embarrassing as hell.

>> No.7900232

>things I hate: hackers
what is this, 2005?

>> No.7900282

Lel what?

>> No.7900667
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I'll just post all the thread that goes with it. There is a new Houston group, that wants to aid newbie lolitas by giving them free items. Which is really really nice, but the group began immediately by someone judging how selfish most lolitas are by not sharing their wealth to poor lolitas who are in need of frilly dresses.
Anyhow, 1/8

>> No.7900669
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>> No.7900675
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>> No.7901090

Please keep posting. Nothing better than newbies with bright dreams for the future. Considering how so far only one person donates and 20 people want dresses, this looks good.

>> No.7902388

I would be embarrassed to high fuck if I begged someone for a dress

>> No.7902491

Good lord, what was she trying to do? Lengthen the torso? I can't understand for the life of me why she put that white fabric there. It makes no sense at all.

I did once lengthen the torso of a vintage dress by adding fabric at the waist, but I at least used the closest fabric I could find that blended in with the original, and tacked the original sash to the dress to hide the extension.

By-the-spool grosgrain ribbon tied in a sloppy bow is not a sash. Not even close. Not even when you don't need to hide a shitty alterations job.

And she had to let the gathering of the skirt out so far to accommodate her fatness that the skirt no longer has the right fullness. She did the same thing to a skirt (can't recall the name, Sinfonietta-something, with a bird cage print) and it looked flat and sad.

tl;dr; Tiferet has an uncanny knack for making an expensive garment look like a high-school Home Ec project. And then she likes to go on about her great skills and expertise, as if she knows a fucking thing? What a delusional cow.

>> No.7902556

Oh, LOL. There was an attempt to do the same thing on the LJ egl comm a few years back. IIRC, it fizzled out but not before there was whining and drama.

But seriously? Lolita is a hobby centered on a niche fashion. It's a totally impractical *luxury.* And if you can't afford to buy even the most basic clothes and accessories, and are not resourceful enough to either make your own clothes or find good, loli-able pieces at thrift stores? You don't belong in the fashion. Really--you just don't. Come back later, when your finances improve, or you've gained enough skills to compensate for no money.

There are plenty of hobbies I'd get into if I could reasonably afford to, but on my budget my participation would be half-assed at best. I'd be a chronic wannabe, not a full participant. I'd be the equivalent of the badly-dressed ita who complains when she has to spend money to attend a meetup somewhere halfway nice. Maybe someday I'll have the money to do those things, but frankly it's not the end of the world if I never do.