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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7887943 No.7887943 [Reply] [Original]

New comm thread!

>> No.7887991

people in my comm joke about it being like a swiss watch that runs on fear, but it really is sometimes. it seems really judge-y to outsiders, scares away newbs, and sometimes i feel like i'm skating on thin ice across a semi-frozen pond made of crazy.

that said, i'm thankful for the new people that have shown up and displaced many of the old crazies. last few meets have been pretty good and i'm sure many of the itas and beginners will get better. they have potential.

>> No.7888012

Wow did the last one also get deleted? wtf

>> No.7888029
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>> No.7888053

I really wish people in my comm didn't try to include people from their other hobbies in our events. They are rarely ever someone I would want to keep around. They are always weaboos with cat ears on or furries. always obnoxious with no actual interest in the fashion aside from having seen it in an anime once.

>> No.7888098

I have A question: my friend and I both have severe anxiety and physical health issues. We've been friends for around ten years and are pretty much insuperable. She's a cosplayer and I'm a lolita, but we both dabble in each other's hobbies. Would it be acceptable and not too weird to dress her up and go to meets so I can be comfortable enough to socialize? I go to cons with her and there's no problem if I accompany her to photoshoots, but would it be an issue with lolita? We aren't freaks, just hikikomoris.

>> No.7888099


It's three in the morning here, sorry.

>> No.7888101

Nope, sounds fine.
Just *please* don't do hikikei.

>> No.7888125

Not weird at all. I'm lending a close friend of mine one of my lolita coords simply because she can't afford one of her own and I want to dress up with her.

>> No.7888153

People bring other people to meets all the time, she doesn't have to dress lolita at all either. But if it's a tea party for fucks sake don't have her show up in jeans and a T-shirt.

>> No.7888156

Even better when they bring their friends along so they can find their dream lolita princess girlfriend~

>> No.7888160

Will starting a new HLC ever happen? Because I'm really afraid to get near those lolis.

>> No.7888398

Can we go a single thread without bringing up HLC? This is ridiculous.

The girls are just regular girls, the only crazies are gone now.

>> No.7888401

I'm kind of in the same boat as you. I wish you guys were in my comm so we could be the hikki three.

>> No.7888406

Not sure if she's still active there but does anyone in the Austrian cosplay or lolita community know some annoying chick that thought she was the leader of the "emo revolution" and the "lolita expert/official Bodyline designer?"

She's constantly picking fights with some girls in my comm. Someone recently SauceNAO'd one of her artworks and it led us back to some old Japanese guy on Pixiv and it's causing a total mess. Her handle is some fake Japanese name if you need a hint.

>> No.7888409

I'm curious... Who do you gulls think are the top dressed comms in the US? (Collectively, not just one or two masters) Also, the worst dressed?

>Midwest comms ??

>> No.7888414

Basically everyone in my two midwest comms is fat, ugly, and/or ita to the max. There are maybe four nicely dressed, good looking girls in the two states.

>> No.7888426

Two midwest comms? Two states? What geography are you using?

>> No.7888427

Any updates on the situation with MB? I had to block him on Facebook.

>> No.7888432


>> No.7888438

SoCal and Seattle are some of the best overall that I've seen. SF is super hit or miss--some event photos, everyone is fabulous, and others...not so much. Toronto also has a pretty good group.

For worst... I dunno, I don't pay a lot of attention to poorly dressed comms, to be honest. Other than what I see from hanging out here, they're basically below my fashion radar.

>> No.7888439

Not that anon but I'm a member of three different comms in two states because I live on the border, and I'm a member of the two state comms and the one for the nearest big city.

>> No.7888446

I think that most Midwest comms suffer because you end up with maybe fifteen Lolitas per state and most of the really good ones either never go to meets or travel to one of the big city comms/events to go to meetups.

>> No.7888494

A lot of people in the comm blocked him after he was banned. He did not react well to the ban and has a history of violent threats, so it was just to be safe.

>> No.7888496

So has the NW comm just moved to another group and they seriously think the drama will disappear?

>> No.7888512

Chicago is usually at least pretty well dressed with a few itas and at the btssb tea party this summer everyone looked pretty good

some of the other midwest comms though oh god

>> No.7888525

SoCal is like 70% good. You can see in event photos that there are a lot of itas.

As for seattle...
>some of the best overall that I've seen
If they some of the best you have seen then I am so sorry. Because itas. Itas everywhere.

>> No.7888526 [DELETED] 


>35 • F • Newark, CA

>I'm a guy who enjoys my fem side more then most men. I'm a cross dresser and I'm looking to go full time at some point.

>> No.7888549

Some of the most hidden crazies have some of the highest positions (mods, AM staff), they're not going anywhere.

>> No.7888552

I have a ticket for the AM Grand Tea Party (bought it before I started lurking here, so I had no idea about the drama circulating AM and Houston) but now I'm not going to go because I don't want to drive 3 hours to deal with that shit.
>If I could sell it or give it away I would
>But of course you can't do that
>Fuck you, John

>> No.7888553

Also, another curious question I had... Who are the nicest people in your comm? I mean, we all know who the asses are. They don't have to be e-famous. Actually, it'd be fun if they weren't. I'd like to see some decent people get a bit of spotlight for a chance.

>> No.7888558

I'd especially like to know who the nice people are in the drama bomb comms:

>> No.7888573

Anybody have dirt on the Seattle Lolitas?

>> No.7888579

>Meet up with a group that i've been chatting with for a few months
>Suggest going to a nice victorian tea shop i know
>Younger members loudly declare it's too expensive
>Group does not want to break up
>End up in fucking McDonalds in all my Lolita finery

It just felt so wrong. Think i'll try and find a new comm.

>> No.7888584

Well, to be fair, the photos I see are from well-dressed friends, so I'm probably missing a lot of the bad stuff due to people filtering their photos. I don't think any comm will ever be 100% perfect, but at least places like SoCal have enough good people that they can pretend, haha.

>> No.7888593
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I am so sorry anon, that sounds terrible

>> No.7888600

they banned anyone not from the Manchester area regardless of whether they were involved in all this shit on btb.

There is no logic to it since all the girls who were posting the secrets are all still here in the catchment area. I feel bad for the girls who can't join our meets any more just because the mods couldn't grow a pair and ban the girls causing the trouble.
We are now the first UK comm to have a no outsiders policy though which is ridiculous.

>> No.7888603

I feel weird naming people (maybe I could use initials if people are truly interested in specifics), but I'm from SoCal and there are quite a few genuinely nice folks in LA. Not really surprising with so many people to choose from, I suppose. OC is a little iffy, but SD is generally chill and nice.

>> No.7888613

JFC. Please find a new comm, or at least maybe only do nice things with the older girls in that group?

>> No.7888626

Chicago is a huge comm so it's a mix. There are a few that dress really well, and a few horrible itas, but most people are probably in the standard but boring coord category. The only other comm I know if in the midwest is Milwaukee, and well, they are regularly posted in ita threads here.

>> No.7888628

I'm from NYC and so far every seagull I met that was intimidated by the comm was pretty rad. I also went to the big seagull tea party before that group fell apart.

>> No.7888635

Yeah. The youngest was like 16 and only had £10 off her mum, and had already spent half of it on a cheap broach we saw. Older girls were kinda okay, but a little mean to the younger ones who had cheaper or hand made stuff.

I actually had a phone call of one of the girls mums to check out i was okay. So it'd have been pretty horrible to dump her to go where i wanted. I felt a little responsible for them.

Only the first time meeting them, so i might stay in touch with a couple but theres nothing keeping me about.

I usually end up in these kinds of outcast groups because i avoid the big ones because of the drama and anxiety.

>> No.7888636

Just moved from midwest comm to SoCal comm, awyiss

>> No.7888639

You shoulda suggested a picnic or something christ McDonald's is disgusting.

>> No.7888645

STL comm seems to be constantly changing. There's a core group of some pretty decently-dressed girls (plus e-famous nombie-zombie, and yukapon whenever she's around) Lots of itas come and go, though...

>> No.7888647

Best are probably the ones in CA.
Worst are definitely the Midwest ones. I feel like it's like redneck central for lolitas . The comm pics don't help at all either. What >>7888414 says is sadly true. I'm surprised the ones in mine don't frequent the ita threads more. I know I'm still expanding my wardrobe, but at least I know how to fashion.

>> No.7888672

Woo, welcome! Most people are super nice, and as someone else said, probably 60-70% dress really well. What area are you in? There are a couple of different subgroups, if you didn't know already.

>> No.7888686

My comm has way too many naive members who try to be inclusive to obvious creeps and annoying people nobody likes. Some of them are chatting with creepy ageplayers who lie they have an mental illness, because they feel sorry for them even when it's so obvious it's just an excuse. It's sad when the people themselves are very nice and sweet girls, but it's hard too invite them out, out of fear they would bring their creepy friends. Luckily some of them have turned around recently and are trying to distance themselves from some of those people.

>> No.7888701

Last thing I heard is that she's banned from AP/HH events although she is still allowed to buy things that are not event tickets. Not that I think she will be doing that since she said she was going to sell all her stuff.

>> No.7888706

Chicago is average. Most lolis who go to meets regularly dress themselves standardly. The comm has standout bad dressers and standout good dressers. The best dressed lolis here are not efamous. The leaders are not ita.

>> No.7888714

You paid for it may as well go. They're not going to throw tomatoes at you and you can just sit somewhere not with those people? There's giveaways and you can judge how good or bad am will be. Also it gives you a thing to bitch about here in november

>> No.7888724

This is why I hate being around younger girls at the more informal/less organised meets, especially if I'm one of the few adults there. The parents always hold you responsible (even if they say they don't and mean really well) and I always end up worrying that one of them will do something stupid and people will get upset with me over it as if I'm their goddamn babysitter. I've only ever met one teenager who was mature enough for me not to feel on edge around them. I really thought she was my age until she told me she was 16.
>tfw people side-eye you for hanging out with teenagers
>even though the buggers seek ME out
>I just want to chill with some other frilly twenty-somethings JFC
>do we need to start every meet at a bar to weed out the babbus

>> No.7888731

San Diego area... everyone seems really well-dressed and nice, I'm a little intimidated. I did see a few "meh" girls, but nothing like the train-wrecks of my old comm. If anything I just hope it'll push me to be better...

>> No.7888756

I've never been to a meet that didn't start at a train station... but that might be an english thing?

>> No.7888773

16 year olds can be quite mature, it's a case by case basis.

>> No.7888793

Out of context, your comment sounds really pedophilic.
In context, even if your definition of "mature" is really loose, it still completely depends the age gap between you and them. If you're 18-19, I can see how hanging out with 16 year olds wouldn't be so lame because you're still in that 'fresh-out-of-high-school' mentality. If you're 20+, there's really only so much you can talk to them about because of their limited list of life experiences, and most of them realize this so they lie out their ass about things they've never actually done just to sound older/"cooler". No thank you, I'd rather go to 18+ meets.

>> No.7888801

dutch comm?

>> No.7888806

Same. Getting tired of HLC crap over and over please move on to other juicy comm drama thanks.

>> No.7888811

Are you one of those people who considers the Midwest to only be places like Kansas and leaves out the major cities? I live in a city and we don't have rednecks.

>> No.7888813

Oh hush. If it's new HLC crap you guys are going to be drooling for it. You're just sick of people rehashing the same shit, which is reasonable. But no, the crazies are not gone and don't forget about the ridiculous tea party next month.

>> No.7888825

Reminds me of this 15 year old at a meetup one time. We were doing high tea and got stuck on the same table with her. She spent the whole time ragging on her ex whom she was together for a whole 2 weeks with. Everyone was pretty sick of her after 10 minutes. Never seen so many eyerolls in my life before.

>> No.7888845

Any info on comms in New England?

>> No.7888847

>recent comm meet
>16 year old there with mom
>everyone else 23+
>mom asks where we all go to school
>everyone laughs nervously

>> No.7888848

Ohhh heyyyy, me too! I'm split between the two groups (LA and SD) most of the time. They are pretty cool. The core group can kind of seem clique-ish at first, but I promise we're all actually very friendly and nice! There are lots of meets, especially this time of year, so you should have no problem getting to know everyone.

>> No.7888861

Good to hear, I'm pretty nervous about my first meet... I tend to be really quiet before I get to know people, so it sometimes takes me awhile to make friends...

>> No.7888873

And is anything new? We all know they're all crazy and shit and no one is going to that teaparty.

>> No.7888897

I'm not from Chicago, but that sounds promising. Might go there more, especially the megameet; missed this year's.

Fuck no. Kansas didn't even enter my mind. I'm talking upper midwest: Wisconsin, Iowa, North and South Dakota, and Minnesota. Illinois seems to be better according to other anons. I'm in one of the upper midwest states.

>> No.7888902

Forgot to add that the way those comms in the upper midwest dress is as fashionable as redneck fashion, and not that there are actually rednecks that are lolitas.

>> No.7888907

EVERYONE is going to the tea party. Especially since John and Deneice will be there, suck up as much as possible so fashion show desu

>> No.7888911

Speaking of HLC though, did anyone else apply to be a model at Matsuri? I'm mostly curious about the full-body photos everyone else sent, Jessamyn posted part of her entry as a sample a while back and she's wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and heels...but every modelling gig I've ever applied for recommended a solid and not brightly colored bikini, shorts, and bare feet, which is what I did. I've gotten several callbacks with this sort of photo so I must be doing something right, but I've never applied for a lolita fashion show though and I'm starting to feel a little exposed I guess? Lol.
I didn't think it would be a big deal considering the fact that the rules only request that they can see your figure (and I don't actually own any form-fitting t-shirts, though I could've just as easily gone out and bought one)...but now I'm wondering if they're gonna be like "jesus put some clothes back on". I'm probably just being overly paranoid, despite all of the madness around Matsuri I'd still like the chance to model for one of my favorite brands.

>> No.7888918

**meant to say flat feet, not bare feet. Though I've used bare foot photos before and not had any issues either.

>> No.7888955

Not pedophilic - I was sticking up for my brethren. All of the stories told here make them look bad, nobody has any good stories about 16 year olds at meets because those are boring and not worth sharing.

Am 18 though...

>> No.7888966

I'm glad my comm is big enough for various cliques to form without much of a hitch. Most of the teens stick to each other, as do older lolitas, Chinese lolitas, etc. Not many people get left out and find friends somewhere.

>> No.7888975


You can say... your comm cliques together.

>> No.7888980

Maine here. Not gonna name, but by initials, D and J. R but then she left. They're the best dressed too imo.

>> No.7888984

Well the good thing about most lolita comms is that they are all super nice in person, it's behind closed doors when they're "mean"

>> No.7888989

Thats fucked up. When I was 14 I either coughed up my babysitting money for high tea, or just didn't go. Wouldn't have dreamed of going to mcdonalds. Same for 16 year old me, except I could actually afford everything.

>> No.7888991

Ha, they do a good enough job making themselves look bad without anyone needing to share stories.
Your bizarre need to defend a younger age group that doesn't give a fuck about you suggests that you think you were one of the ~*special*~ 16 year olds that wasn't an annoying piece of shit (which is absolutely hilarious considering the fact that all teenagers are shit at all times).

>> No.7888994

The point of heels is they (the brands) want to see if your calves are huge are not. 9/10 you will be wearing some form of heel down the runway and they don't want monster calves in their brand.

>> No.7889000

Hello New England anon! What state? As far as I know, NH is inactive (sadly). Never been to a boston meet, but I think there's a lot of drama and itas? Maine has mostly nice girls, and usually well dressed, but theres this obnoxious bitch who thinks that she is the queen or whatever. Really loud and always trying to get attention. Scared away some of the really well-dressed girls. I'm hoping she either gets her shit together or does something bad enough to get banned.

>> No.7889005

Maybe anon is 16 and just doesn't want to get banned...

>> No.7889009

I wore heels in my other fullbody shot though.
Also, I was under the impression that John would be the one picking the models, not the brands. Is that wrong?

>> No.7889013

You're probably right lol. That would make more sense.

>> No.7889014

Different New England anon asking for more sauce on Boston Comm? I'm thinking about going to a meet soon

>> No.7889050

McDonald's isn't even that cheap imo. How expensive can a cup of tea and a small snack be?!
I think it's super annoying if you can't go fancier places just because some deem it "too expensive". Can't you treat yourself once a month or stay at home so that others can have a good time?

>> No.7889053

>she said she was going to sell all her stuff
ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew

>> No.7889057

On platform 9 3/4? And then you run into a wall and end up on Milky Planet?

>> No.7889061

NH so looks like I'd be traveling. Anyone have more info on Boston or Maine?

>> No.7889064
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>> No.7889065

There are well behaved and nice teenagers.

>> No.7889070

She's 16 and brings her mom? I dunno, 16 sounds mature enough to go to a meet by herself.

>> No.7889073

Depends on the place. One "tea salon" near me (basically a fancy cafe) costs about $4 for tea, $3.something for cheapest scone. Another, fancier location is closer to $10 for either drink or snack. And yet another only offers full tea settings, not individual a la cart service, so the minimum is at least $25 to start.

And we have grown women in the comm who consider that too expensive and meet up after everyone has eaten.

>> No.7889074

B-but what about actual nice people, who don't bitch at you behind your back?
S-surely they exist.

>> No.7889078

We have a 19 year old who won't come without a parent. Some parents are hyper protective (and in the case of the 19 year old, some kids are hyper immature).

>> No.7889081

Its both. I remember waaaay back at one of those luv day meets he said that he and the designers and choose models together.

>> No.7889083

I'm a teacher/counselor and there are plenty nice and well behaved teenagers I can hold conversations with if there's a subject or common interest. I'd definitely try to take younger lolitas under my wing, but I think 16 and older would be a good age to join a comm. The trick is to let them know they're NOT on your level, you're the adult. If they accept this, fine. If not, they can leave.

>> No.7889087

What a shame, you can't put a price tag on having a good time. I'd rather pay more and be in a fancy setting.

>> No.7889088

There are, but nobody cares to discuss them. Anyone who talks about this is going to be berated. Like "ermahged gtfo you ~~~*speshulxxsnowflakeeee*~~~~"

>> No.7889090

Hyper protective parents raise their children to be immature. If I was in charge I'd say no parents.

>> No.7889100

If I were in charge, I'd say no parents and no minors unless they have an older comm member volunteer to be "sponsor" or "chaperone" and therefore willing to take responsibility for them. I've experienced too many negative incidents with members under 18 for me to want to deal with the headache that younger members cause.

I posted in a previous comm thread about the girl whose mother treated us like a babysitting service for a few meets, and never picked her daughter up. That situation has forever changed my views on having young girls in the group, and the young teens currently in the comm have done nothing to improve them.

>> No.7889110
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More Chanel lolz.

>Wah! Seamstress said this dress won't fit me without a lot of alteration. Why can people fatter than me wear burando and I can't?

>> No.7889121

What's the deal with this girl? Is there more drama surrounding her?
It's like the sf comm is totally cray, which is too bad because I'd like to make some loli friends...

>> No.7889122

I read that, and I totally understand. Still, it's the parent's fault, not the kid's. What did the daughter think of it anyway? Don't remember reading that?

>> No.7889124

19?! Damn that girl is a fucking adult
We had an 11/12 (I don't remember exactly) year old that came to a meet once.

Her dad was with her while we gathered the group, but left when he had decided that we were an ok and trustworthy group.

All of us took her under our wings even though the parent never asked us to, she was really nice and her coord was surprisingly well-done for a newbie.

>> No.7889127

Butchering a brand dress like that makes me just wish she'd get a replica instead.

>> No.7889129

All brand is not one size ffs. Those girls are probably wearing brand with a ton of shirring.

>> No.7889134

Don't worry, the vast majority of us are sane and pretty chill.

>> No.7889151

The major creep has been banned, now it's just her. Everyone else are chill.

>> No.7889155
File: 272 KB, 598x900, alesha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Maine. Pic related is Alesha, our "queen"
She has called herself that. She tried to get us to move ILD to a different day because of her trip to japan and got super butthurt. I think she claimed to be the mod at one point, which she isn't at all. She bitches about people behind their back, acts like an idiot in public, is just generally immature.
If you go to meets, just avoid her, the other girls are nice. A lot of noobs worship her because she organizes a lot of meets and has a lot of brand. The other girls are nice though.

>> No.7889157

Of course they exist, but get a bunch of people together over a somewhat competitive hobby your going to have people talk.

>> No.7889167

I recognise her because of her glasses. She is one of the few lolitas online that aren't "popular" but I just recognise alongside like 6 others.

>> No.7889172


>Did you mean German-Jewish Baltimore grandmother

>> No.7889173

She's super new and needs to go. She's already caused waves by accusing another girl of intentionally leaving her out of a tea party when she wanted her spot held without paying a deposit, said a bunch of stupid shit during the MB drama and then proceeded to tell MB what the comm was saying AFTER he was banned, apparently is planning a ~magical Harajuku trip, and left a bad review on AP on Yelp because she tried to go against her mom's back and buy a dress, and they didn't let her.


>> No.7889181

her face screams 'huge cunt'

>> No.7889192

We never got a reply that I'm aware of (I'm not/wasn't a moderator, but it was a small comm so everyone knew about it). After she was banned/removed from the LJ group, that was really pretty much it.

>> No.7889194

Also, I agree that it's the parents' fault for not being better parents, but we can't exactly police that and provide guidance for their children in their place. That's not what a lolita community was built for.

>> No.7889201

To find your local comm, check here first!


>> No.7889220

Ohhh I remember her. The Miss Piggy girl (she just reminds me of the Muppet for some reason).

>> No.7889222

She seriously looks like a hog

>> No.7889224

Where are you from? If we click well, I don't mind adding another polite hikki to my circle.

>> No.7889228

Glad to know it's not just me.

>> No.7889253

This is gold, screencapped it.

>> No.7889274

oh my fucking god, i had to block this ugly cunt because every time i saw her post on LSE or anything else, seeing her face in her icon made me really angry. She's /that/ ugly

>> No.7889285

We have a girl about 20, nearly 21, who can't drive and thus her mom comes to every single meet with her. They're nice enough, but the mom seems almost pre-Alzheimer's and asks the same questions over and over. It's less annoying than sad, tbh

>> No.7889287
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She honestly strikes me more as a toad. Sort of like Professor Umbridge.

>> No.7889291

OH GODS YES. I don't even know this chick and I immediately thought of Umbridge.

>> No.7889327

omfg you're right. Will never be able to look at her the same way again.

>> No.7889335

The fuck. I am 21 and don't have my license, but that's when you suck it up and hop on a fucking bus.

I would probably do that anyways even if I had my license due to the fact that my comm seems to walk all over the city during meets.

>> No.7889337

I guess at least they are responsible enough not to pay for something they can't really afford... eh

>> No.7889353

Depending on the city, it may not be the best idea ever, especially wearing lolita.

>> No.7889409

That's great for you and all, but you get to interact with way more teenagers than I think your average non-teacher/counselor twenty-something does and therefore are probably more able to tolerate them AND have a wider pool in which to find the more mature 16 year olds. I think we can all admit that Japanese fashion and other weeby interests has a tendency to attract less socially adept individuals in general, regardless of age.

That being said, no, at 25, I know precisely zero 16 year olds that I enjoy being around for more than twenty minutes at a time. It's often the case that I also find people around 21-ish in the cosplay and lolita communities to be more on the unbearable side (though older is usually okay), just because they are still immature, have not had the same life experiences I have, and quite frequently are still in that "awkward duckling" stage and breaking out of being the weird kid they were in school.

tl;dr sure, it's easy to say some teens are fine when you interact with a lot of them, but overall there are plenty of immature ones, particularly those attracted to things like lolita.

>> No.7889426

Milwaukee only started getting posted to the ita threads a while ago, after some new members of questionable reputation joined. I'm really sick of seeing the Milwaukee comm posted and I hope they kick out whoever's posting their group pics there. Whoever's doing it even posted a non-lolita pic of a well-respected Chicago comm member, so I suspect they're just an asshole newb.

In reality they don't dress that badly at all, there's a few itas and some meh coords but since most of their meets are so small they stand out in a lot of their photos. But that's no reason to keep posting them and I'm getting real tired of it.

>> No.7889430

I think you're right, especially on the weeb subject. But there are also nice younger weebs, maybe you've just been unlucky? Being a former cosplayer and going to coms, I also had younger weebs on my heels from time to time, some where a nightmare, but most were nice.

>> No.7889457

I wonder which comm member you mean? One of the mods? Honestly the meetup before last, when I saw photos, I expected the group photo would be in an ita thread. It was really the worst I've seen all of the people in the pictures (and no, I don't mean the actual ita themed meet). They are nice girls but there are more misses than hits.

>> No.7889461

I'm sure it is just that I manage to meet really shitty ones, mainly the hyperactive kind you find at conventions, which is pretty much the only place I ever interact with people that much younger than I am. I'm sure there are plenty of nice ones out there, but even the polite, well-behaved younger people I know through cosplay/lolita are typically still a bit noticeably immature in a way that makes me hesitant to truly befriend them. I sound really judgmental about this, and I promise I try not to be or write people off due to their age, but I have developed a pretty decent radar for people who are likely to start some shit or just annoy me to death, and they're often teens to freshly 21, though sometimes older. And now I'm just rambling, but yes, I think it's partly unfortunate encounters for me and partly that younger people (especially weebs) are often quite annoying.

>> No.7889514 [DELETED] 

Updates on MB?

>> No.7889522

Sigh, she grew more and more stupid with every comment.

>What exactly is lining?

>> No.7889544

>and no, I don't mean the actual ita themed meet
Wait your comm actually did this? Every couple of months we have people in our comm (usually newbie itas, for some reason) suggest an "ita meet" but it always gets rightly shot down. It's a stupid idea and you're bound to offend the people who actually dress like shit when you show up looking like them, PLUS if the photos get passed around they're gonna end up here, no ifs ands or buts about it.

>> No.7889568

My comm is in the Midwest. Most girls are well dressed.

>> No.7889572

Omg, you're right, I can never unsee this now.

>> No.7889579

Atlanta may know drama, but they also know how to dress.

>> No.7889580 [DELETED] 

Does anyone have any info on the thing with MB and teddy?

>> No.7889583

Nope, you're absolutely right. Even people around 24 and 25 become insane hyperactive nutjobs at cons. I didn't discover this til I was stuck in a room of them for a solid 4 days and I've already sworn that I'll never do that shit again.

Admittedly, it was a gradual escalation of crazy behavior coupled with maturity, but I really should've known better.

>> No.7889670 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 500x288, tumblr_mf31ky6o7h1rdi8lso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to stop reading on the comm page after she got her shit called out on. continued to say sf comm is all drama queens in this comm/play victim. (Pic related, how I imagine Chanel)

I have mb blocked but I heard s/he's mellowing out now. No idea. New people's been alerted so the security knows what mb looks like. Teddy has moved on from Melissa, and has swapped to photostalking mimi (I think that's her name). A bunch of people including Mimi's friends and sf comm have tried to report teddy, but facebook passes it off, saying he's "in his rights"/his profile is not innapropriate or some bullshit. Sounds like he caught wind of the reporting and changed his name now.

>> No.7889687 [DELETED] 
File: 282 KB, 598x900, Stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MB became aware that responding positively to Teddy's advances looked REALLY BAD, since he was going around telling people he's not a sissy. So he unfriended him. SF Comm tried to get Teddy's account taken down (because of NSFW content), but there seems to be another one, now. Looks like his header is that brolita from SoCal now.

>> No.7889706 [DELETED] 

He was crying to me about how he thought he could really love teddy.

>> No.7889713 [DELETED] 

Oh my god. If he thinks he could love Teddy he needs to leave to comm alone and just get with Teddy. Although I think he'd just be a side bitch, because I saw some other sissies tagged in Teddy's photos.

>> No.7889719

I hope the seamstress doesn't take the commission! It seems way more trouble than it's worth, and besides being super rude, I have doubts about Chanel actually paying the full amount or on time, since she seems flakey as fuck.

>> No.7889723

I think teddy is the anon in the last thread who said they'd made a fake account and MB was sending them romantic messages?

>> No.7889730
File: 212 KB, 1155x931, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teddy knows about /cgl/?!
Quickly, to the burando bunker!

>> No.7889740

Do you mean the one where he was talking about hormones and teddy's 'cummy mouth?'

>> No.7889770

The seamstress made a good call with reserving a place once she got the required fabric. I bet she'll throw a temper tantrum at the fabric store and never end up getting the fabric.

>> No.7889804

i know things will largely depend on the people and their personalities, and that things take time, and that this is also probably a crapshoot, but are there any ways to make a comm better? in terms of: the way people dress, the type of people that attend meets, etc.
the people that are active in the comm near me are not necessarily itas (though there are some) but a lot of the girls are just really mediocre. then of course there's the itas, the weebs, the socially awkward, the e-fame seeking leeches, etc.
is there any way at all to like...help encourage some sort of change?? i know that's a lot to ask. another question is, what are some good meet ideas? aforementioned comm tends to have the same meets over and over again each year.

>> No.7889809

Maybe make new meets that have small awards for best dressed and consistently give them to girls who dress well?
My comm used to do this until some itas whined that it was only a popularity contest since *they* never get chosen. But maybe you could try?

>> No.7889826

I threw up a little in my mouth

>> No.7889830 [DELETED] 

Can someone post caps?

>> No.7889844

Why is the Boston comm so mediocre? I see plenty of nicely dresses lolitas at AB.

>> No.7889861

I've been wondering about this too. My local comm has the same issues, everyone is stagnant and meets often get cancelled or are very poorly attended.
No one seems to have the enthusiasm to come to meets let alone work to dress better.
I don't want to give up on having a good comm

>> No.7889876

SJW, dramu, annoying young girls and newfags and itas and offbrandfucks and people who have been ita for years and hugbox bs.

Me and a few of my friends aren't in the Boston comm cause it's pretty bleh, but we still wear lolita in Boston.

>> No.7889886

This is the best react image ever, thank you who ever made it

>> No.7889890

Not that weird, but it seems super unhealthy to be that attached to someone.

>> No.7889959

I'm not new to the FB group but I don't look at it much/have not attended a meet yet. What dramz is there besides that Angelique de la Rouge shit?

>> No.7889962

It's more like clique drama than anything else. A few uh, choice members love to talk shit about eachother but be best pals during meets. Other than that SJW shit is too much for me.

>> No.7889979

It was a based art-chan anon in the hoverloli thread! I loved it too!

>> No.7890001

I don't like that extreme SJW shenanigans are starting to infiltrate lolita. It's always been there to some extent, but I really have to watch what I say now. I don't even say controversial things, but I'm scared to alienate 1/3 of the comm.
>It's only a matter of time before BtB is assaulted and torn down by tumblrina sausage hands with 3 genders screaming "Bullies!"

>> No.7890007 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 405x720, That Teddy Fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find the cap where Melissa posted about unfriending, but here's Teddy's new profile

>> No.7890011

I hope more of tumblr finds out about BtB because the drama will be awesome.

>> No.7890012


>> No.7890020

Frankly, both of these places seem shitholes to me.

>> No.7890032

I guess technically the entire internet is a shithole. Pick your poison, maybe? I'm just happy I'm not on /pol/lution or /b/, which is the true asshole of the internet.
This dude is so gross and scary. Can we report him for using the picture under harassment? Also his "art" is some of worst I've seen.

>> No.7890035

This thread really makes me wonder. There are guys that will date and marry 14-16 year olds but you guys won't even hang around them for an hour or two. It just makes it that much worse.

>> No.7890040

That brolita could report him for stealing his picture if I'm remembering how fb works correctly.

>> No.7890043

Makes...what that much worse?

>> No.7890044

What? Everyone knows that older guys don't date 14-16 year olds for their skilled conversational skills.

>> No.7890067

Not the anon you're replying to but you remind me of those 13 year old girls who are *~~*~*soooooo mature*~* compared to other teenagers and won't shut up about how much they hate teenagers.

>> No.7890077

Too bad I'm 25 olol

>> No.7890078

From a non-drama comm, which practically has no presence on /cgl/ or so it seems besides the seldom post on an ita thread, possible thought connection with repeat offense ita, and a brolita who had drama before moving here, Cat is the sweetest nicest person in the Comm. Everyone else seems to be a bit more to themselves and their circle.

>> No.7890084

I didn't really see it as pedophilic.
And in case that shit happens you can easily shut them down and go on with your business. No need to be all "I hate teens sooooo annoying", because most of us have been there anyway.

Just change the topic if they're annoying you so much.

>> No.7890090

She bought the dress without knowing the measurements? Wtf.

>> No.7890099

That's.....even sadder.

>> No.7890102
File: 117 KB, 500x667, CRIMSON CHIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I knew her chin was big, but jesus this is massive. I'd seriously look into surgery for something this big.

>> No.7890106

Well...she does come across as a tad slow, so I'm actually not surprised.

>> No.7890108

I'm so annoyed with seeing her in the tag every single day, she keeps cranking out these generic ass photos with mediocre coordinates and it's getting ridiculous. Has anyone told her that quality > quantity?

>> No.7890112

I'm gonna guess she's one of those people who thinks she's way skinner than she actually is

>> No.7890114

fashion show at a local con. help them coord for it. their outfits will be nice and predetermines, and maybe they'll catch the hint.

>> No.7890117

Those shoes are just way too sweet for this outfit

>> No.7890118

What do you expect? People gave her enough attention for wearing those fucking glasses so now she feels she's famous.

>> No.7890144
File: 226 KB, 1280x851, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather see these photos than the awkward real estate ad looking ones. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.7890147
File: 737 KB, 1280x1605, housewarming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7890148

That looks more like a high school photography project than real estate ad style, really.

>> No.7890150
File: 514 KB, 1276x1920, congradulashuns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7890156

Okay but can somebody who knows what's happening please explain these photos? Is she really a model for a real estate company? I'm not sure how shit quality photos of a woman in lolita clothes is supposed to sell a house? If I saw pictures like these I would avoid that realtor at all costs.

>> No.7890159

I don't think these are being used to advertise for the homes, I think she just knows someone with a key and a camera and is using them for shitty photoshoot locations? That's my hope anyway

>> No.7890160
File: 234 KB, 1250x831, thatisfuckinghideous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to know too. Or is she just breaking into people's homes that are up for sale to take all these photos??

>> No.7890161

Balloons attached to the stove burner frame.

>> No.7890162

Don't start stupid rumors.

>> No.7890163

She could do so much better. Her pictures when she's outside in natural light look really nice. But this shit has got to stop. It's uncomfortable to look at and it confuses everyone.
>But it does get people talking
>Which is probably her ultimate goal

>> No.7890168

what's a hyperbole

>> No.7890169

What Im annoyed about is she keeps posting pictures of things that she is affiliates of like "this blouse reminds me of *brand blouse that she owns*. It is really comfortable and so versatile - go buy it! It is like she's saying that the blouse isn't good enough for her with her ~~precious burando~~ but she's fine to sell it to us.

>> No.7890171

Ugh, imagine the feeling of rubbing ivory jacquard fabric up against that dirty ass brick
Fucking nasty

>> No.7890173

And Phil, and Gwen...
I wonder what Gwen will do now that her bff is gone. Who will she hang out with at meets?

>> No.7890177

Why the awful colour grading with a green tinge? It's creepy. Plus these photos don't show off the rooms she's in at all. Is she taking these photos? They're practically useless for real estate advertising.

>> No.7890180

They're also terribly photographed portraits in general.

>> No.7890181

There's a girl in my comm who's even uglier. She actually looks like a caricature of this chick. I have to keep myself from staring at her during meets but it's like a car wreck, I can't look away. Feels bad because as far as I can tell she's really nice.

>> No.7890190

Won't they just report it for bullying and have it taken down? IIRC that's what happened to the original lolita_secrets. Shithole or not, I'd like to keep it around.

>> No.7890193

Is that IW piggy chan ? Because she tried desperatly to wear classic for a while, and IW is not meant for anyone with anything more than a B cup. She looked like a squeaky pig in a dress.

>> No.7890195

What kind of sjw shit? The stuff I can't really deal with is the otherkin stuff.
What are the badly dressed members like? Like, are there itas that bitch at other people because they're "wearing so much brand!!" or whatever? What do I expect at a meet?

>> No.7890204
File: 572 KB, 956x536, how-i-dance-at-home-3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would honestly be the point in that if she's trying to get the focus of attention on herself?

I highly doubt this is real state. Maybe she knows someone with access to an empty house and likes to take pictures in it to look like a creepy doll in an abandoned house or some shit.

I mean guys come on.

>> No.7890215

I find it hilarious that someone named Chanel is that fat and cheap.

>> No.7890240
File: 521 KB, 1280x850, 1298783973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding this, anymore sauce on the Boston Comm? Been wanting to go to a meetup but a lot of the girls seem to dress horribly. Is there really a lot of drama? I think for now i'm just going to stick to being a lone lita.

>> No.7890242
File: 185 KB, 720x960, 10593159_928161360546165_8911428054096004288_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She actually goes by Rosette Pearl Gold now, Lolita Captain of the Seven Seas. And she also just recently held a "cosplay and lolita" tea party at the mall. So basically she and her greasy weeby friends had a tea party with fine china in the middle of the food court.

>> No.7890246

What the fuck? What is up with her and the fucking Pru? Why is that a mecca for all the Boston weaboos? I guess just cause AB is there with the Hynes, but still, WTF. Can't believe she's still hosting her weirdass parties in the middle of the food court. Sigh.

>> No.7890252

>just please don't bring up a troll thread from a year ago

>> No.7890253

shouldn't they have really intelligent well-dressed spillover from mit and harvard lolitas? Or something.

>> No.7890257

>a year ago
>the thing happended like last month

>> No.7890259
File: 214 KB, 720x960, 10710940_924140360948265_990558239792496199_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the very definition of a mall rat. Her and her obnoxious, smelly weaboo friends are always at the Pru. ALWAYS. I avoid her like the fucking plague so that she doesn't recognize me and come harass me. There's not a day that goes by without her not sitting at the Pru with the Yugioh players. She's part of the reason why I'm afraid to join the Boston Comm tbh. Here's her at the Pru again with another one of her gosurori alternate personalities. Ew.

>> No.7890262

Like it matters when that shitty fucking thread happened.
Are you the girl that keeps posting the fat girl's picture on r9k?
Please stop, it's gross and annoying.

>> No.7890264

From the pictures I've seen from the meetups, some of the girls are "decently" dressed at the most, nothing special. But then the other part of the girls are so painfully ita I cringe looking at their meetup photos.

>> No.7890268

I'm not event precedent anon, calm yo tits.

>> No.7890270

She probably does have some kind of job with a shitty small company. I wouldn't be surprised.
How else does she make money for all her brand on top have going to school and having the stomach condition she has?

>> No.7890274

Who pissed in your cereal?

>> No.7890275

I think she got banned after all that bullshit with her scamming people off LSE, so if you don't want to join because of her specifically, then I don't think you need to be afraid anymore.

It seems to me that all the well-dressed lolitas in the area (that being the state, and parts of NH, CT, and RI) are lone lolitas or in other comms. IDK what things would be like if a large amount of the well dressed lolitas joined the comm at the same time, but after reading a few of the comm threads, people seem to not want to join the comm because of the itas and mediocrity, and the cliqueiness.

So then I have a question like >>7889804. Is there a way to get people to...become better or is the Boston comm just a lost cause and we can only hope it'll grow better as time goes on? I don't wanna be a lone lolita or only attending a few meets here and there just to be surrounded by meh coords and potentially really annoying people. Is it worth it to travel to other comms? I heard there's one in Western MA and RI. Any deets on those?

>> No.7890276

She's said that these were the photos the photographer sent her that were unedited, so she probably threw them in a photo editor herself which is why the editing looks a bit unfortunate.

Can confirm that she's getting paid for this, and getting paid well, I'm a friend of hers and I've got to admit I'm jealous as fuck that she gets to get paid upwards of a grand to wear lolita for a total of like 7 hours of work or something

>> No.7890278

I'm just fucking tired of seeing her flabby fucking slobby fucking legs in every "would you fuck it" thread and the inevitable argument that gets started about whether or not she's wearing fucking period stained panties even though there's clearly nothing fucking on them. No cute girl thread left un-de-railed.
Whatever cunt keeps posting fatbitch the desu hikikomori chan on my fucking board is ruining my board.
Good day, ma'am.

>> No.7890280

shes like that ashlee girl, did she leave lolita?

>> No.7890283

Why the fuck are you even on /r9k/ in the first place?

>> No.7890284

>from r9k
>calling people fat
neckbeard always make me jiggle.

>> No.7890286

Do you mean faunkegin? Afaik she moved on to hipster/normalfag fashion.
This girl is Kat and she was infamous for wearing ugly thick black hipster glasses with her all pastel coords and having a huge chin. Now she has contacts and is infamous for being infamous (and having a huge chin).

So basically if you want to be a well-known lolita, get a chin implant and wear a ton of AP.

>> No.7890288

I seriously do not get how it looks that big in photos because in person she has a cute face, I guess the camera adds 4 chin?

>> No.7890301

fuck I looked at the blogs from that just now and one is still actively posting shit...

>> No.7890306

Fuck yeah California! Welcome to socal

>> No.7890316

It must be the angle.

>> No.7890413

Lol I'd love to see him throw a tantrum over that.

>> No.7890415

Ugh. They deleted the MB drama again.
I like Kate though, I think she's improving.

>> No.7890418

I love this coord, I love everything about it
But her face ruins it for me, can someone photoshop her chin smaller

>> No.7890420

Never mention MB talking dirty again.

>> No.7890427

Of course, have you ever heard of someone named Chanel who wasn't trash?

>> No.7890428

This just looks like an unflattering photo. I met her irl and she didn't look like this.
It is a real estate ad. The theme is something like "You don't have to dress like a princess to find your dream castle."
I personally think it's a cute idea on the part of the advertisers. Seeing something like that would definitely catch my attention. They hired her too, I think.

>> No.7890432

It really is a real estate ad, believe it or not. They just hired her as a model, so all the terrible photography is the company, not her. I got the impression it was a short-term thing.
>inb4 whiteknight
Just answering questions; as there is no reason for unfounded rumors to spread.

>> No.7890447

Why spend that much money on mediocre food and drink? The money saved could just go towards more lolita. Sounds responsible to me.

>> No.7890452

I love how the janitor keeps deleting posts related to MB but have no problem with leaving you openly trashing Kat and Chanel.

>> No.7890457

I'm telling you Janitor is friends with MB

>> No.7890460

Janitor wants MB's cummy mouth

>> No.7890461

I hate people who fake other personalities. It's so annoying to put up with.

>> No.7890464


>> No.7890467

Maybe janitor is Teddy?! The horror!

>> No.7890468

I used to know this chick that used to pretend she has this second personality that was a vampire and would claw her boyfriend all over whenever she "changed". She once even climbed up a lamppost and said she just didn't want to come down instead of admitting she was stuck

These people are fucking crazy.

>> No.7890472

They are! I knew one girl who would change into her "boy" version and would grope people/ be a pervert/ try to have sex and then claim not to remember it when people got upset at her. Then they'd forgive her. I called bullshit and strangely, this "boy" never did manifest around me...

I swear, these idiots make the few with real, diagnosed DID look perfectly sane.

>> No.7890479

Ugh! Stop saying cummy! I'm imagining MB asking daddy for cummies.

>> No.7890490

What?! I kept missing the threads before they got deleted.

>> No.7890493

>brb too spoopy fpor me

>> No.7890506

Search the archives. It will get deleted if posted again.

>> No.7890513


>> No.7890521


Ugh, I know a DID faker as well. Absolutely batshit insane and just an all round shitbag. Though I'm not sure I believe DID is real in the first place...

>> No.7890524

It's weird how janitor went through this thread and only deleted the posts referring to MB, even thought they MUST have seen the ones where a bunch of anons call some chick an ugly hog toad cunt. Is singling out individual people bad or isn't it? Why can we talk shit about ugly chicks but not about a person whose behaviour makes a lot of girls in the community feel unsafe? I get that we're talking about him a lot but that's because he is significantly affecting people's experience.
What the fuck, janitor. Are you a sissy too?

>> No.7890528

There's a lot of debate on that. I think it exists as an extreme reaction to trauma, but I don't think that people completely change personalities. Kind of like it's still them, but a tough version, or a childlike version.
Not like a vampire or anything. More like on a scale, say from highway hypnosis/getting lost in a book to full blown psychotic breaks.
>Also, almost all DID fakers call it Multiple Personalities.

>> No.7890543

UK lolitas, is there an active comm in Cambridge? I tried looking for facebook groups and the ones I found seemed dead.

>> No.7890568
File: 138 KB, 640x789, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this all about, Oregon lolis?

>> No.7890579

agreed. such bullshit.

>> No.7890585
File: 41 KB, 400x354, Queen-come-at-me-bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey janitor, we are calling you out on your bullshit. Are you going to delete these posts too?

>> No.7890599

Going through the archives it looks like they just ctrl+f Mr. Cummymouth's initials and delete any post that contains them. I suspect the same thing for the secrets threads, since that one thread that wasn't named ("what rustled your jimmies this week, /cgl/?") managed to go into autosage whereas named threads are deleted almost right away. Basically they're being an indiscriminate lazy shit.

>> No.7890604

Codename Mr. Cummymouth it is from now then

>> No.7890610

I'm cryin.

>> No.7890629

Ooh I don't know. I'm pretty new but all the admin seem nice so far.

>> No.7890657

DID isn't regarded as a real mental disorder anymore afaik. Highly suggestible people have developed it at the encouragement of therapists while under hypnosis, but this was a long time ago because psychologists realized it was bs and it's not diagnosed anymore. People don't get split personalities from trauma. All the tumblrtards claiming to have headmates or split personalities are just doing it for the attention and don't even have a basic understanding of how mental disorders work.

>> No.7890671

I've been in and out of boston comm for 3-4 years now and it's only been going down hill...I do have a few friend in it but it's not worth it.
More like cultural appropriation, hubox, muh feminizum, gender cocktail stuff than otherkin. One of the mods has gotten really hard into it recently. Also, as far as itas go, they don't really get butthurt over brand, but they do get endless asspats so they've just never ever changed. One mtf lolita wears shitty f+f wa to every meet and has for the past 3 years.

There's a real mentality of 'don't critique or help if the person is nice cause FEELS' and it's really keeping the comm down.

>> No.7890672

I'm gonna wear full on EGA and walk the pru later today and insult her when she comes talk to me.

>> No.7890739


>> No.7890745

Oooh keep us updated if you do.

>> No.7890752

I'll take "things that won't happen" for $600, Alex

>> No.7890758

Ohio and Michigan have comms, both of which are horribly fucking dressed.

>> No.7890759

I don't think it is mainstream psychology, but there are still psychologists who diagnose it. Though, I'm not sure if it is a fringe group of them, or if they believe DID is more garden variety dissociation from reality (escaping into fantasy worlds, including RP, video games, etc.)

I really wish there were intellectual Lolitas in my comm. I don't mean smart necessarily, but some frilly academics who would enjoy discussing medicine, science, psychology, literature, politics, religion, etc... without getting angry. People who enjoy levelheaded debates without getting emotionally involved and who understand devil's advocacy.

>> No.7890769

You can easily call them out, multiple personalities usually only develop as part of suppressing huge trauma. One of the criteria needed is to have a sort of amnesia where one doesn't notice switching personality. A person faking dissociative identity disorder shouldn't be able to vividly describe their ''other half''.

>> No.7890774

Ohio is even worse of the horribly dressed. I don't hear much from Michigan.

>> No.7890789

Ohio is a fucking nightmare. They seem to think "steampunk" and lolita are the same thing so at every meet, there's a bunch of 40 year old men in goggles.

>> No.7890820

Ohio is awful. There are maybe four or five girls who actually know how to dress well, and everyone else is just fucking awful. Doesn't help that one of the girls who has taken it upon herself to be a comm leader is ita as fuck and doesn't understand how to style her hair.

>> No.7890846

It's still in the DSM V. Took an abnormal psych class last year. My TA had this much to say about it:

>it's probably real
>it's certainly not as common as all those diagnoses from the past would have you believe
>may be influenced by the clinician
>it was a glamorous thing to diagnose in like the 80s
>because it was so interesting and every psychiatrist and their little sister wanted to be the ones to diagnose it, there's a good chance they basically created it in highly suggestible patients

I don't think it's diagnosed much anymore, but the existence of it is acknowledged still.

And also I can say with 100% certainty that anyone with headmates, otherkin, or any other special snowflake syndrome doesn't have DID, they wish they did because *~muz mental illness~* *~so glamorous~* and if they don't have at least six things to list as wrong with them they don't feel special enough.

Also: my comm is certainly not the best dressed but the girls do improve over time, and there's a handful of them that I've hung out that are extremely easy to talk to about anything controversial, whether it's stuff like replicas or more general life things. and I'm pretty thankful for that. I feel like fashion sense can be taught eventually, even if slowly and painfully, but for most people, once they act like cunts they probably won't change.

>> No.7890862

get ready to be at fairytale all the time

>> No.7890874

I'm from New York but I went to Midoricon, and I'm wondering if that was the same girl who did the lolita tea party there. She fits your description perfectly and the meet was such an awkward mess.

>> No.7890888

As in everyone on tumblr lol.

>> No.7890897

Oooohhh, source on the wig?

>> No.7890920

True. Why do they think mental illness is cool? From experience, I can 100% say that it sucks.

>> No.7890923

Because they are angry angsty teenagers, who are mad at the world but don't have a good reason to be. So they invent "problems" with themselves to justify their bitterness and depression.
It's also a handy excuse to get away with shitty behavior

>> No.7890927

How does one change that mentality? Like really, is there any hope trying to salvage the group or is everyone stuck like this? How would one get more nicely dressed people to come to meets?

>> No.7890976

I'm agreeing with >>7890846 that it's still diagnosed, but its criteria has been expanded in the DSM-V after the fiasco of the DSM-IV-TR. It's not as wontonly diagnosed as it was in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, but it still is accepted in a way in psychology. To be honest, I don't remember much about this disorder thanks to my crazy abnormal psych professor (and it's been a few years since I graduated).

>I really wish there were ... frilly academics who would enjoy discussing medicine, science, psychology, literature, politics, religion, etc... without getting angry.

You and I both. My mind has been rotting away from boredom, though it's not because of my comm, but more because I don't have any friends interested in the same subjects.

>> No.7891009


I've seen a video of a woman who had it for one of my classes at my university last year. It was not a fancy vampire personality what all the special snowflakes want to be. It was more a trance where the woman could brush off all the times she was beaten and raped. I think it looked real, she looked and acted like she had a psychosis, but that could also be result of the trauma.

>> No.7891020

I think it could actually be fun to do one. Only at someones house though. It would work as a wake up call for the itas too.

>> No.7891034

Aw man, that sucks.
I know that one of her shitty weeby friends is still trying to join in and basically attend a meet and bring Kai/Angelique de la Derp/Rosette Pearl Shitface along with her, even though she's banned.
I'm thinking the same as you, I feel like the Boston Comm is a lost cause to be honest. From what the other girl said, it only seems to be going downhill. And are the CT and RI any better? I remember seeing a few photos from past meet ups from those comms and it was just a huge ita mess, but I could be wrong? I wish the Boston Comm would hold more meets, it doesn't seem like they organize many that often. I don't want to be a lone lolita either but....

>> No.7891043

That's fascinating! I never got around to watching the videos assigned, but what you described sounds pretty legitimate.

>> No.7891051

Someone make a post like
then tag it a bunch of tumblr words

>> No.7891056

I like this photo because you can't see her face.

>> No.7891057

If she had curly frizzy long brown hair and mom glasses, then yeah, that's her.

>> No.7891064

Yep. I can't help but feel a little satisfied whenever she whines about being too fat for IW, since it fits me perfectly.
She actually tore the seams of one of her AP dresses.

>> No.7891068

Then you'll get soo many people who aren't even into lolita talking about it, and they'll probably make a petition to take it down. I'm an avid Tumblr user and I could picture that happening. Ugh, please don't. BtB is so entertaining.

>> No.7891070

Michigan's comm is really quiet and low-key. There aren't too many places for meets from what I can gather, but most of the girls are pretty plainly-dressed or borderline ita, with just a handful of consistently well-dressed ladies.

>> No.7891122

Anything on the SATX comm? I've been into lolita for years but a year or more ago I had to sell everything I had. I'm getting back into it, but I never was part of the SATX comm because even back in the day I didn't have time to hang out with them anyway, and also there was one person that I knew that was part of the comm that I didn't like but was friends with anyway. She's since moved and was just wondering what's going on in the comm as of late. dunno if I wanna join.

>> No.7891160

It's kind of bullshit that I have to read threads in archive mode to make sure I dont miss anything

What's your deal, janitor? How come we can talk about every other lolita under the sun except My. Cummymouth?

>> No.7891166
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She unironically called herself "large boned"...

>> No.7891175

Am I allowed to ask who the friend is? I want to know so I can avoid whatever meet she tries to attend, lol. Do the people in the comm know she's trying to bring Kai/Angelique/Rosette back?

& yeah it sucks. Especially cause like, I wanna be around other people that know what they're doing so I can improve myself, you know? Sigh. It kinda bums me out. I wish we had a comm that was active and had more decent dressers (something like houston or atlanta or socal). At least there's Rufflecon I guess? Are there any kinds of meets that would maybe encourage more nicely dressed people to come?

>> No.7891181

Replicas look gross. Properly altered brand done well is gorgeous.

>> No.7891188

I do a lot of alterations and TT is not charging nearly enough. I am torn between hoping TT won't take her and not wanting her to pester me, there is no way I would ever alter anything for her because she's so rude and so dumb.

>> No.7891190

Large bones are a thing that can happen but if she needs 20 inches rather than 20 cm added to Sugary Carnival she is not large boned.

>> No.7891195
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JFC this girl has the brain of a 13 year old.

>> No.7891203

You can tell she's already annoying a lot of the comm, god she's an idiot.

>> No.7891213

>20 inches
>20 inches

>> No.7891214

I hope she leaves the comm. She obviously doesn't understand the functions of a human being and she's pissing off everyone.

I'm surprised more people haven't called her shit out.

>> No.7891219

What are her measurements anyway?

>> No.7891225

Not even that big compared to Tiferet. She must be in a complete denial about her size if she has all these problems.

>> No.7891229

There's plenty of dirt in the Seattle community, but being seattle nobody publicly talks about it.

>> No.7891236

Geez and here I was thinking she was Tiferet-sized. She really needs to learn to dress for her shape/actually go exercise.

>speaking of which, gym time.

>> No.7891247

I'd be so embarrassed to ask my comm to borrow a dress for an event. /Maybe/ i'd ask a friend if I needed something, and even then, I'd feel pretty lame doing it.

>> No.7891249

Wait, what? If she needs 20 extra inches added to the waist and bust of that dress she has a 58 inch bust and a 40 inch waist. Which is bigger than Tiferet.

>> No.7891250

If BTB gets too much attention, it could get taken down. The last couple have had that happen after all.

>> No.7891251

Welp the seamstress gave up on her.

>> No.7891252

There's no mod of the ohio comm that fits that description or went to that con and hosted a meet. Not unless you're talking about one of the southern ohio comms. I know there are about 3 or 4 comms in ohio cause the state is so spread out. There's one for ohio in general, one for NW ohio and Michigan, one for southern ohio like Cincinnati area, and I know the Columbus area hold meets but not sure if they have a comm page.

I've also never seen random steam punk goggle guys attend any meet. Usually and dudes who attend are lolitas themselves, or sig others who are always at least well meaning, stay out of photos, and just try to let the members have fun. I usually can only attend northern ohio meets though, so any meets held in Columbus on south I'm ignorant to.

>> No.7891258

Maybe he is mr cummymouth? OMG cummymouth asking for cummies.

>> No.7891287

Not only is she asking for a dress, she has the guts to ask for popular/semi popular prints.

>> No.7891289

You are genuinely retarded if you think that ever happened once, let alone twice.

>> No.7891290
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>> No.7891291

She just joined recently, her name's Lydia Hojnacki on FB. She's a total ita weeb and really fucking obnoxious. The first time I met her she didn't understand the concept of an inside voice and was making a big deal of in the middle of Downtown Crossing about my hair (which was pink at the time) and trying to touch it.
I don't think anyone in the comm knows since I've been too nervous to message any of the mods about it. I don't have any idea how to go about it.

And I feel you completely. I want to improve but it's hard to when you don't really know anyone who's into the fashion to give you critique and help you out. I don't really have any friends who are into lolita so it gets kind of lonely at times. I'm thinking if there were more sort of "upscale" meets, it might make the better dressed girls come and keep the itas out. It'll give girls an excuse to dress up more, and it'd be fun. Like if we had a meetup to go to the Larz Anderson museum since it's only $10 to go, or we could go and get fondue at The Melting Pot in Copley (it's about $8 per serving), which is fancy and a really nice place. It'd be better than simply going to the same Japanese restaurant they always go to or going somewhere else that's basic as hell.

>> No.7891295

How fucking in denial do you have to be to think this way? I bet "watching what I eat" = not shoving big macs in my face 24/7 and "going to the gym from time to time" = walking on the treadmill for 15 minutes a week. If you're obese, you probably need to think about changing your lifestyle instead of just whining about how you can't fit your precious burando.

>> No.7891307

LoliSecrets was removed after LJ received repeated complaints. Same happened with the original Lolita Fucks. Individual posts have also been deleted before due to complaints.

>> No.7891344

Loli secrets is gone because the owner killed it. Reporting only scared away the only competent mod they had.

>> No.7891354

I joined the FB group but I've yet to attend any meets. There seems to be 1-2 a month and people randomly want to meet up for coffee and stuff a lot. They all seem really nice, though. Sorry, that's all I've got for them.

>> No.7891400

I'm talking about the general state comm and most of the mid/southern comms.
The girl I'm talking about isn't a mod, but she's taken it upon herself to be some kind of ambassador for everyone and acts like she's in charge a lot.
SW Ohio comms are a mess. I drive up north to get to good meets because the ones near me are total crapshows including random cosplay and Steampunk people.

>> No.7891427

Well, that's good to hear. Back in the day when I was friends with that one girl I didn't think highly of the comm because she would talk a lot of shit about every single girl in it, and I was sure they were all mean so I never bothered to get to really know any of them. I'd met like two of them and they were nice but the rest I never met. Dunno how many of the girls that were in it back in the day are still in it now, but I realized that girl lied about anything and everything she could lie about and I didn't want to just automatically hold it against them as I get back into lolita.

>> No.7891444

Are the Columbus meetups and lolitas any good? I'm thinking of applying to Ohio State for college shortly.

>> No.7891467

The handful of well-dressed is bullshit. There are maybe one or two well-dressed, well-styled girls from that group. Even the oldfags tend to look like shit.

Ohio does somehow manage to be worse than Michigan, though, maybe because there are more people. The quantity of shit is unbearable.

>> No.7891474

There's no specific Columbus group but Ohio EGL is the main statewide one, and it's a hit-or-miss but at least the people are nice. In terms of dressing well, we have a few well-dressed people and a lot of people that range from "barely acceptable" to "I can't believe you actually ever thought that that looked good."

>> No.7891501

I don't think ohio is as horrible as a few of the more vocal people who always post in these threads seem to think, but I will agree that there are only about 10 or so people who attend meets and/or participate in the main egl group that I would consider "very well dressed" or at least dressed well enough to only be nitpicked, and most of the time they'll even know whats nitpick worthy about their coords. The rest of the group seems to be "plain cord but not horrible" to "super new to lolita and just own maybe one thing and try to make outfit out of it." Personality wise everyone is very nice though, and most of the trouble makers have been pushed out. My only real complaint about the comm is that people bitch about meets but then straight out flake when it comes to attending. I know a recent meet met with disaster because rsvprs straight out no showed. It makes planning meets to events that require down payments to secure spaces or dates really hard because a lot of members just seem unreliable. People tend to down the "older" members of the comm for being older, but they're also the few members who are actually reliable.

>> No.7891520

Sorry, but no.
You shouldn't alter a brand dress that much, it's made like that for a reason.
I feel like it's an insult to the designer to alter it that much.
Hell, I'd be easier just losing weight...
There are some rather well made replicas and even if they don't look as good as the original, I'd rather see a fatty wearing a replica than a totally butchered brand dress, because if you can't fit into any brand chances are you're not gonna look that great anyway.

>> No.7891538

i agree. i dont understand why overweight girls try to squeeze into brand as if it were some kind of accomplishment. losing weight is an accomplishment. brand didn't fit me last year and i lost weight and now it could easily fit me (even though i cant really afford it yet), but point is that trying to fit into something thats too small for you just looks wrong

>> No.7891558

Funny, I've been in the comm for three years and I've never seen this bunch of 40 year old men in goggles.

>> No.7891561

I'm also still losing weight to fit into smaller and unshirred pieces, but I think I won't have any luck because of my bust. I have to skip on almost every brand blouse because of my titties.
For skirts that are kinda small I just use a corset.
The only thing I had altered in the past were the cuffs of some blouses because my arms are really big (I used to lift a lot).

>> No.7891562
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I disagree with both of you in regards to people altering brand. There are ways to get it professionally done and have it still look cute. Especially for things like non-shirred cuts, its not that difficult to add a little under the arms for a few inches, or to make Haenuli's long ass bodices look good on short torsos. Pic related from some wardrobe post.

>> No.7891575

Some small alterations are not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about sacrificing waist ties, a second dress or changing the look of the dress as drastically as described in the post that started this discussion.
But seriously, if it doesn't fit, why even buy it?

>> No.7891579

But again, there is only so much you can alter something until it's a wreck. I've altered pieces before, but I've only added a few inches here or there on items that I have no intention on selling unless it's an emergency.

Going from a max bust of 98 cm to maybe 105 cm wouldn't be much and could probably still look nice or not all that noticible if added in the shirring panel. However, going from 98 to 150 is another story, and I think at that point, you may want to just stick with custom made items and work toward losing weight to fit into things better. It doesn't have to be drastic.

>> No.7891603

Obviously no one here is talking about small alterations. Pay attention.

>> No.7891681

Oh jeez, her default photo...anyways, do you think the mods will react negatively towards you if you notify them? I feel like, since she was banned from the group, the mods should like know if she's trying to get back in. I imagine how awkward/drama filled it'd be at a meet when she just showed up. I hope you are able message them eventually. I'd probably just say something like, "I know this is awkward/I dont wanna bring past drama up" etc "but this person might be trying to bring Kai back, I know she was banned from the group, I thought maybe you might want to know" or something like that? Idk. I get not knowing how to go about it though.

>> No.7891712

Who from Michigan comm would you consider well-dressed? Personally I'm willing to let less-than-stellar coords slide if you're not a shitty ass person causing drama like in most other comms, but maybe my standards are too low.

>> No.7891740

I've spoken to Maki and Asuka about my brand alterations and they think it's great. Replicas upset them so much that someone I know sold all their replicas after hearing them speak to the issue. So tell me what qualifies as an insult to the designer when you are one, ok?

Since this dress and all the dresses I've altered are AP or Enchantlic Enchantilly, and Fumiko loves this stuff too, I think I'm in the clear.

You'd rather see a fatty in a replica than in a "butchered" brand dress because you want all the brand for yourself and the other thin girls. Don't even try to pretend that you aren't thinking of all the brand as community property rather than as actual clothing that people pay their money that they worked for to own and are entitled to do with as they please.

Replicas look like shit, I've never seen one that would pass QC at Macy's from OoJia or Walmart from DOL.

>> No.7891745

moshi moshi
beito desu

>> No.7891751

Chanel deleted her post about her resizing problem and now she's posted a video to the comm about how miserable she is and how we all hate her.

>> No.7891764
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It's not bait just 'cos it's the harsh truth and it upsets you.

>> No.7891770


>> No.7891772

>I've spoken to Maki and Asuka about my brand alterations and they think it's great.
If they thought it was great, they'd put our more sizes. But of course they told you, what else would you expect? They're Japanese and they're trying to be polite to their costumers. I think they might be happy for you because you managed to squeeze your rolls into their product.
And again, I'm not talking about minor alterations, I'm talking about cutting up a dress, addind unreleated fabric and putting it together again around the body of the obese owner.
>So tell me what qualifies as an insult to the designer when you are one, ok?
I don't need to be a designer for this to tell you how I feel about it. Imagine you're a painter and someone buys your painting and adds something/changes the colors or cuts the canvas to pieces.

>You'd rather see a fatty in a replica than in a "butchered" brand dress because you want all the brand for yourself and the other thin girls.
Yeah, because I want to buy and own EVERY SINGLE LOLITA DRESS THERE IS and I only want *thin* people wearing lolita... I'm more of a chubby lolita. There are cute chubby lolitas that fit into brand by simply buying pieces that fit.
If you can't fit into any shirred brand, you won't look good in it. Face the facts.

>Replicas look like shit, I've never seen one that would pass QC at Macy's from OoJia or Walmart from DOL.
So what IS your point? Replicas upset designers or replicas don't look good?
There are decent replicas out there, and of course they upset the designers, they're art theft in a way.
I'm also not encouraging people to buy replicas, but between buying a replica and ruining brand, I think replicas are the lesser evil.

>> No.7891776

I really want to see that video, anon.

>> No.7891797

>>I've spoken to Maki and Asuka about my brand alterations and they think it's great.
>If they thought it was great, they'd put our more sizes.
Tell this to all the people who wear small sizes or have tiny frames who are just too small for AP unless they get it taken in and *gasp* altered.

AP is very accomodating even as of late. The last Royal chocolate whatever had a L size that was extremely roomy and would fit me with plenty of room to spare and I'm a bit chubby, stocky and built like a linebacker. But AP usually fits extremely well.

Problem is, you can't make something that fits someone who is a 32" bust and also fits someone with a 140 cm bust with room to spare. At some point, you have to draw the line from a purely business perspective. That's what we have Yandyman and his 8L for.

>> No.7891809

>but between buying a replica and ruining brand, I think replicas are the lesser evil.
I agree with you on every point except this one.
There's a third option which includes lolitas not fixating on popular pieces and cuts and buying pieces that actually fit (even if they have to buy from nobodies on etsy instead of from AP). There are plenty of seamstresses out there who are willing to make non-replica pieces for girls of any size...but nooo, everybody has to be able to wear the new melty drippy cummy chocolate print because they feel entitled to it. If you're not willing to or able to lose the weight to be able to fit into brand without major alterations, buy from someone who's willing to accommodate for your body type, jfc.

>> No.7891811

She didn't delete it, the seamstress asked the mod to delete it.

>> No.7891820

Bodyline isn't really an option for fatties wanting brand.
And altering a dress to be smaller is, as I already said TWICE and another anon at least once, not what we're talking about here... I'll quote my post for you once more:
>And again, I'm not talking about minor alterations, I'm talking about cutting up a dress, adding unreleated fabric and putting it together again around the body of the obese owner.
Because this is what the original post that got me upset was about: Completely changing the fit, look and style of a dress, just so that one fat kid can wear a print they wanted.
Making it a few inches bigger/larger isn't the question here.

>> No.7891822

If you show us the video, I'll post the caps.

>> No.7891823

You are, of course, right. But I'm talking about the people you described, fatties who think they need to wear this and that print because it's so rori and popular at the time. And of course, I'd rather see them dress for their size and get well fitted pieces that aren't replicas. BUT if I had to choose between them getting a replica or ruin brand, I'd rather see them wear replicas.

>> No.7891828
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WE GOIN' INTO AUTOSAGE, someone start a new thread.

>> No.7891829

I can't show you the video because I'm not part of that comm.

>> No.7891835


New thread

>> No.7892284

Wait, I'm moving to that area in a couple of months. Why is the OC community 'iffy'?

>> No.7892651

Do you think the girl who was talking about loaning dresses in the Say It Now thread was talking about Chanel?

>> No.7893652

Um, the designers come to SF all the time and are usually very pleased with remakes. They think it's creative. Remaking things is actually a thing in Japan, you know. Most of the designers have remade things when they were starting out. They really don't mind it and they love a good one, but they really, really, REALLY, REALLY hate replicas.

I mean, why do you think you're not allowed to go to brand events in replicas?

The reason that they don't make multiple sizes is that it doesn't sell well enough to justify the cost and time necessary to figure out how to draft a print that can be cut in multiple sizes. This is word of G-d from Lynda Leung and Fumiko, I talked about this with them both at some length. These dresses are made in very small quantities which is why they are sized so broadly to begin with. If you can make it work, more power to you. But replicas? are really insulting because they're stolen art. When you remake their clothes you are buying their clothes and paying for their time and effort, when you buy a POS from ScrewJia you are stealing it to enrich a thief.

I really don't get how you can think art theft is preferable to "ruining" brand unless you have some kind of weird issue where you think fat people don't "deserve" lolita, in which case you really need to be aware that the only thing you need to "earn" to "deserve" lolita is the money to buy it.

>> No.7894841

I like both OC comms. (OC Lolitas and Beach Cities Lolitas.) I don't think they're iffy.