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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 755 KB, 500x281, feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7884268 No.7884268 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>7877156 on autosage.

Keep the shitposting to a minimum.

>cosplay/lolita/jfash related

Continue to feel.

>> No.7884420
File: 44 KB, 500x371, 1401725098112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw girls call lolita "Loli"
>tfw was asked (non-jokingly) buy a dude "hey, there's a style of loli fashion for boys right? can you teach me about shota fashion?


>> No.7884435
File: 35 KB, 500x500, motherfuckers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I met up with a couple seagulls from the friend thread
>one of them admitted to laughing at me in an ita thread when I was younger (to my face)
>the other dropped contact randomly after someone made a secret about me right before meeting up despite her having at least 3 secrets about herself

>> No.7884515
File: 259 KB, 500x751, dresses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me started browsing cgl for cosplay
>developing interest in lolita
>junior in highschool so still living with family (18 tho due to getting really sick in grade school and having to be held back)
>start secretly browsing lacemarket
>afraid family will judge and also doesn't want to spend all my money but wants to be a cute lolita

here's the dresses I would buy if I wasn't such a wuss, I really like the sailor style and innocent world ones, especially the nay blue/white ones

>> No.7884541

This is why I'm uneasy about being friends with other Lolitas. I came into Lolita for the clothes and after a while thought it would be nice to have friends with the same interests but the community is mostly a piece of shit. You can't trust any one. Why is it so hard to find a friend that's a level-headed, down-to-earth person who doesn't talk shit or is obsessed with being well known in this fashion?

I just want someone who I can Skype with after work, open my mail with and get excited about new releases but that seems almost impossible to find.

>> No.7884543

What if it was her that made the secret?

>> No.7884643

Dude, that sucks. If we were in the same area I would totally be your friend. The people I've contacted via the friends thread have been REALLY nice. I'm sorry that you encountered some bad seeds on here...

I feel like we could be friends, anon. You seem grounded and normal, which can be hard to come by in this community.

>> No.7884825
File: 494 KB, 1132x935, Flipping-bird-the-wastetime-post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I made two orders with Bodyline and the tracking hasn't updated on either of them in over 10 days
And one of them still doesn't even say "Origin Post is preparing for shipment", it just says "lol item not found"
I have never had anything from Japan take this long to leave the country. Is this still because of the typhoon? It's been almost a week since they've had any weather from it but I don't really know how destructive it was.

>> No.7884827

>saying you are underage

>> No.7884829

>18 tho due to getting really sick in grade school and having to be held back
did you even read

>> No.7884830

>said she was 18
read more carefully

>> No.7884839

Whenever I see somebody say "loli" I want to scream.

>> No.7884842

Most families are okay, you can do it!

>> No.7884851

I don't know about your family, but I recommend that you give them a chance!

I first became interested in lolita in high school, myself. I hadn't been into "girly" things much (at least not since I was a child), so I was really reluctant and a tad embarrassed to share my fascination with lolita with them.

Admittedly, I first showed my mom sugary carnival and she wasn't crazy about it, but she wasn't mean about it at all. I later showed my mom and my aunt the BtSSB website and they thought it was really cute. My mom even looked into getting me a BABY coat for Christmas, she was pretty supportive!

Really, they have nothing but sweet things to say whenever I dress up around them. I may not be the best lolita and the style may be outlandish, but my family's praise and interest makes me really happy.

Family might surprise you!

>> No.7884918

>There's two girls in my group of friends that are angry at eachother
>For dumb reasons but okay
>Find out one of the girls is about to do something really shitty to the other to piss her off

I have no business in this so I don't wanna run to her and tell her what's gonna happen but damn I feel bad for this girl.

>Being in the middle of stupid 9-year old- like fights.
>We're too old for this shit gdi.

/cgl/ related because they're my lolita friends and I met them through lolita.

>> No.7884926
File: 18 KB, 436x654, 1192351100002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I keep spilling spaghetti to any girl I talk to
>tfw keep spilling spaghetti in general

I just want to make friends who also like to cosplay and go to cons but I never had a successful or lasting friendship.

>> No.7884927


did you really just repost my old feels what the fuck both are mine, reaction images and all

its been a very long time since I posted that feel originally and since then I did make a friend off of /cgl/
I hope to twin with her sometime. Super Sweet.

>> No.7884945

omg i just checked the archives and wow that is really bizarre.

>> No.7885074

aaah thank you anon

That's great to hear! I'm in pretty much the same place as you were rn, with the whole not being into girly things thing.

the two things i'm most worried about tbh is the name of the fashion (I'll probably do the "oh it's a japapnese street fashion" thing and be vague about it at first) and the prices, I guess I can just sell my wardrobe if I grow out of it though

>> No.7885091

she's the ebola equivalent on 4chan

>> No.7885107

I just wish the all-male kpop dance group at my college, and all their "fans", would stop thinking they're hot shit and step back and realize they're covering choreography from Korean boy bands whose target demographic is teenagers.

>> No.7885114
File: 34 KB, 600x500, 1410489376860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cute bf

>> No.7885124

>tfw you will never pull off ungodly amounts of poof this well

>> No.7885129
File: 27 KB, 313x334, zKvea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only feel pretty and cute when I'm wearing circle lenses.

I used to not even be able to leave the house without my lenses in or I'd go into a panic because I'd feel so ugly, but I've forced myself to go without it, and I've gone 6 months or so without them in public.

Obv it's not super great for my eyes, however, I just feel gorgeous with them in.
It's so weird, but even if I'm wearing something that looks frumpy and bad, putting in the lenses ALWAYS pulls it together and makes it look cute.
It's bizarre.

>> No.7885139
File: 1.38 MB, 499x240, z7KZnsD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, fuck, I know that feel.
I haven't had a real friend to hang out with since the beginning of high school.
I just want someone to nerd out with.

>and maybe watch some JonTron with

>> No.7885143

poof is love, poof is life

>> No.7885146


>> No.7885163

I'm not new to cosplay, but I'm surrounded by people who are really good while I'm not quite there yet, and it's a little disheartening.

It's starting to kill my motivation to sew and go to conventions because I won't look good next to them.

>> No.7885180

>>tfw want to crossplay
>>no money to buy qt dresses and shoes and tights and socks and etc etc etc
>>friends constantly talking about how good it would be if I crossplayed

How the hell do you lolitas afford your hobby goddamn this shit is expensive!

>> No.7885190
File: 90 KB, 320x320, yakui2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to cosplay as a gijinka design I saw
>Realize design has a little bit in common with Ryuko Matoi from Kill La Kill. Crop top (light) blue seifuku, blue hair, wears sneakers.
>Know in spite of those being the only things the designs have in common everyone will think I'm wearing some kind of Kill La Kill AU cosplay.

>> No.7885211

Working 1 or more jobs, budgeting/not spending money of useless things you don't need and 4 years of building a wardrobe.

But Lolita is my main wardrobe so it's pretty much just buying everyday clothes. Lolita is great though because you can mix and match things so easily. So buying a base wardrobe and going from there isn't a hard thing to do. But don't expect to have an amazing wardrobe quickly. Shit takes time.

>> No.7885235

Most lolitas have a sugar daddy that buys them their stuff. If you can find some gay guy to plunder your boypussy then he'll probably buy you things if you ask.

>> No.7885243

>ftm trans
>therapy worked out, hormone therapy going well, scheduling for legal name change and top surgery in the next 6 months if all goes well
>slowly becoming more enamored with lolita
>It's such a neat fashion and I love it
>too scared to actually admit I like it or want to wear a full coord
>try to talk to therapist about it
>"you can wear whatever you want, anon, people won't think you're fake just because you like a fashion"
>don't believe her
I know people think that dudes that dress in lolita are fine as long as they really try and put effort into it and follow the rules, but I also see a lot of bullshit about "if you like dresses you can't be a trans" so
tldr I want to get into lolita but feel like I'll be ridiculed

>> No.7885246

tell her. i would if i were you. it's the right thing to do.

>> No.7885253

Is it weird for a guy to hang out with/talk regularly with a friend that he used to have a massive crush on? We only just started going out but I feel quite threatened by her, a few months ago he said that he didn't think it was possible to do better than her and he seems really protective over her. He's apologized about talking about her and insists that he doesn't like her that way anymore, but it seems like she likes him doting over her and they met up for lunch yesterday too.

>> No.7885255

of course people are gonna believe you're a "fake" (wtf?), but people are fucking idiots! Someone somewhere is always gonna have a stupid thought and it might be about you. It really doesn't matter since you know you're right.

>> No.7885258

yeah I'd be alarmed anon.

>> No.7885267

Hi Bridget.

>> No.7885274

I called it "lolita" when I showed the fashion to my family, and they didn't have a negative reaction to the name. I don't know if that's because they aren't aware of the "other lolita" or if it's because, knowing me, they (rightly) assume it can't possibly have anything to do with the "other lolita." But, yep, it's always safe to just call it a japanese street fashion!

Don't really remember their reaction to the prices... Though I think my mom was okay with it, I seem to recall her mentioning how my brother is into expensive fancy gadgets and so this is like my equivalent pricy interest. But yeah, resale value on lolita makes it a pretty good fashion phase to fall in and out of.

Hope your family is cool with it!

>> No.7885281

Not cgl related but in all honestly, talk to him about it. And by talk, I mean actually sit down and explain to him you don't feel comfortable with how much they are hanging out. Remember to explain to him that he doesn't have to choose, because they never ends well, but just let him know how close he is with her is a little threatening.

If he truly is over her and (likes, loves) you than he should understand. If he gets pissed off, upset or anything than be alarmed. I mean, if you do it in an adult manner without attacking him or her than he should have no reason to be upset unless he's hiding something.

>> No.7885291

I was in a situation exaaactly like this, except I was the girl enjoying being doted on by someone else's boyfriend. He thought the same way about me as your guy seems to about that other girl.

In *my* case, it was pretty bad, so *I* think you should be alarmed. He was being a greedy little shit and he wasn't being honest with himself, and ended up really doing his girlfriend wrong. It might be less messy if you catch it early and talk about it.

>> No.7885340

Ye I'm just a bit anxious because I showed my friend who's really into literature a few dresses and she commented on the name being "unfortunate".

I feel a bit better about my family though because I've shown my mum mori stuff before and she liked it. Also I just showed her the little collage of dresses that was pic related in my first post and she thought they were cute. Sorry to ramble but I guess I'm more worried about my brother, who's a /b/tard and my extended family (who are super conservative and close minded).

>> No.7885343

I'm the same way with wigs and makeup, I feel you.
Also, do you know a decent place to get circle lenses? I'd rather not end up with eye damage, given that I'm already nearsighted.

>> No.7885954

I can't stop snacking, I'm scared of getting fat again

>> No.7886011
File: 92 KB, 430x422, mfw a voice is the most natural and beautiful instrument of all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita's who play music or sing.

>> No.7886018

My hair has been getting really thin at the front. I started wearing wigs when I started wearing lolita. Now I want to wear wigs all the time.

>> No.7886063
File: 1.83 MB, 388x582, neil degrasse tyson dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got a wishlist dress for only 3000 yen on y!auctions

I've been super lucky lately but it's been draining my wallet oh well!

>> No.7886080

you are a loser

>> No.7886090

you are already dead

>> No.7886152
File: 39 KB, 720x550, kiqi9HJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, you are the cancer of cgl.

I'd love to help you, but the place I got my lenses from a while ago is now getting a barrage of negative reviews.
Sorry, anon.

>> No.7886166


Please do not bully.

>> No.7886331 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 399x81, Screen Shot 2014-10-19 at 1.59.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sad for no reason

captcha related

>> No.7886347
File: 97 KB, 500x407, 1371056312695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get a random check from uni for over $100
>No idea why
>Call mom
>Mom says this happens when leftover scholarship money
>Still have over $10,000 of free book money (I forgot to use the $5,000 they gave me this semester and just bought the books out of pocket, oops. But that money was transferred to next semester)
>Mom says to just keep it and not tell my dad since I obviously don't need money for books next semester
>Also have enough rewards points with my debit card for $100 back
>To m!bok/yahoo auctions

>> No.7886349

Damn. How did you get so much money for books?

>> No.7886357

Same... Relapsed back into my ED from stress/general-messed-up-ness and now I'm starting to not be able to pull my hair back cuz I have a weird spot with very little hair. My hair is overall thick, but because I seem to be losing in just that one spot it's really fucking with me. I take my vitamins religiously now instead of forgetting every other day and make sure I get a shit ton of biotin (but not enough to dry my skin).

I'd wear wigs on the daily, but it's still like, 90 degrees here.

>Kinda OT but my mom's kind of a weeb and actually offered to buy me human hair wigs if I wanted to shave my head so I could have a hair cut like one of her favorite characters lol. My hair's way too thick to manage the style, so she actually offered this to me. I said no and called her weeb, but I'm starting to consider...

>> No.7886364

I'm on the highest available scholarship for the university I'm at. They don't have full scholarships, unfortunately, but kind of make up for that by giving scholarship kids a shit ton of book money based on which scholarship you have and your major. The books for my major will range between ~$1,000-$4,500 depending on the semester (to buy), and they like to give us the option to buy so we can keep the books for later reference. To kinda put in perspective, even with my "lower level" science classes, my text books racked up to over $1,200 this semester. The higher level I go, the more the books will cost us.

>basically a pat on the back for choosing a hard major and being smart.

>> No.7886365
File: 89 KB, 191x205, tumblr_mvlz64Gmmw1rmndzxo4_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been losing every single auction on Y!J for the last two weeks for items I really wanted, by a maximum of 100 yen.

>> No.7886391

I'm glad I'm not alone in having this problem. I've heard stress can cause temporary loss. Hopefully that's the case for both of us.
If you took up your moms offer, you could always try and pick a character with the most normal/least anime hair style you can think of.

>> No.7886620
File: 776 KB, 245x180, aragorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw your S.O. wants to dress up as fucking crab people for Halloween.

>> No.7886697
File: 20 KB, 250x334, canunot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw your friend owes you money and you keep pointedly reminding them but they still won't meet up with you.
>Tfw I don't want to stop being someone's friend over $50 but I'm broke af and she needs to stop dicking around.

>> No.7886698

Fucking do it anon
or better yet dress as the Queer Eye guys.

>> No.7886701

>lending friends money

Not even once.

>> No.7886719

More like I bought her concert ticket because they were close to selling out and I didn't want to go alone and it's been almost two months so I'm like, please fucking pay me back.

>> No.7886728

Sell it to someone else and/or go alone anyway?

>> No.7886733

I saved up for about 5 years and then let it loose. Gotta say it was worth it though being out of the loop made me miss out on some nice dresses.

My cgl feels:
>want to start sewing dresses with velvet
>good velvet's over $30/yd
>tfw under immense pressure to make it look good and not mess up the fabric

>> No.7886830
File: 62 KB, 237x198, 1412034795558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw trying to romance a guy I like on the other side of the country
>Saving money in hopes of starting a LDR
>Watched my dream dress be swept from under my feet
>Watching another beautiful dress set on lacemarket I love too
>Someone will probably snatch that up

pls date me

>> No.7886860

It's been over two months since the concert, I mean. Sorry, I worded that sort of weird.

>> No.7886872

Oh ok, well that's annoying.

>> No.7886902

Never lend out money that you can't afford to lose.

Assume that when you lend people money, that you're never getting it back. Then be pleasantly surprised when the person does pay you back.

>> No.7886961

>migrate from /a/ to /cgl/ 3 years ago in hopes of meeting a qt autist that likes anime and stuff
>realize some months later that /cgl/ is majority male
>stay here despite of this because unlike /a/ people around here don't get angry for everything
>get into cosplay
It's a lukewarm feel.

>> No.7886973

And here I thought /cgl/ was predominantly female. Huh.

>> No.7886976

>/cgl/ is majority male
if you only come for the fap threads, yes

>> No.7887009

>tits went from 34 inch to 37 inch
I don't fit into half my shit anymore, how the fuck do I shrink these?!

I have boob loaf and I hate everything.

>> No.7887023

>being so broke you can't live without 50$ or can't repay 50$

Not even once.

>> No.7887024

my boobs grew on birth control, then shrunk when I stopped taking it.

>> No.7887027

I define broke as having less than $300 in my bank account lol but ok.

>> No.7887041

I didn't go on birth control, but my boyfriend is obsessed with touching them. Could that have caused it?

>> No.7887047
File: 845 KB, 250x149, 222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7887051

I don't want to be alive.

>> No.7887060

S-same. Want to make a suicide pact with me?

>> No.7887061

No leave me alone.

>> No.7887064

make sure you have your cosplay/lolita possessions go to good places first.
or else some fat hambeast will buy them up at goodwill.

>> No.7887127

And if you let him come in your place? I would do this if my LDR works because i have not much money but need it for burando at least.
>also not many people coming with me overseas for a long time
>too scared to travel alone in a foreign place

>> No.7887139

What's wrong anon?

>> No.7887148
File: 341 KB, 500x355, why.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sailor moon crystal is shit
>I get angry anon messages on tumblr for saying is shit

>> No.7887150

>tfw ugly
>tfw you only cosplay characters who wear masks or facial coverings

>> No.7887156

... but everyone is saying it's shit. Why would they single out you?

>> No.7887161

> tfw I will never be a famous cosplay we
> tfw I don't even know how to make costumes or even start

>> No.7887169
File: 166 KB, 400x400, 1413541450389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you see a lot of cute girls at cons but you have no confidence to talk to any of them
>tfw you keep spilling spaghetti

Like... fuck. There's so many cute girls. I even find myself being in awe because of how cute they are. But at the same time... I'm just a guy, so me doing this means I'm a creep already. So I just keep to myself at cons and just hang out in the dealer's room / game room.

>> No.7887170
File: 494 KB, 200x200, 1409116726023.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delete retarded ass comments on tumblr posts
>get angry messages for deleting these comments

>> No.7887178

It's the transformations that piss me off the most. One of the major things I love about Sailor Moon is the transformations, like a lot of other people. I was excited at the prospect of seeing beautifully updated hand/digitally drawn transformations, but no it's CGI shit instead.

>> No.7887187

they are still crystal defenders, and they got me since day one cause I said the character designs was ugly as fuck when they first show them. I get a lot of angry messages saying it was my bad attitude Crystal is bad

>> No.7887188

Life would be easier if you liked men, right

>> No.7887200

I'm an autist that likes anime and stuff
please date me /a/non

>> No.7887207


Jesus, that is beyond broke.

Seems like it's common though. There are always posts about how they bought a dress and now they have no money for rent/food

>> No.7887216

Best $200 I ever spent on a lesson

>> No.7887218

> tfw have nowhere near 300 dollars in my bank account

well then

>> No.7887228

I'm pretty sure i saw this post in an old feels thread about a week ago. But whatever, I'm going to give the same reply i did back then.

Don't bother anon. We're all taken and the ones that aren't are simply that way for various arbitrary circumstances or they all browse /cgl/. Even then they are not very many.

>> No.7887252

> tfw old friend on Facebook constantlyrics brags about getting laid at cons but can't get into a relationship due to how slurry he is

Why can't this be me?

>> No.7887258

That's how my friend was.

Now he's marrying a girl he met at a con who's super rich, and I'm still a virgin.

>> No.7887280

Alright, i get that you two are jealous but you have to understand that most of this is because of random circumstances.

You probably feel like its your fault and you're the idiot here who cant figure things out right? This is 4chan so ill be brutally honest and say that it partly is. But it also has a lot to do with plain dumb luck, none of which you have any control over. So its useless concentrating so much on other people's luck. You're just going to have so many feels it will destroy you. Forget about this, improve yourself and your cosplays and concentrate on being a better person.

>> No.7887286

I'm pretty sure I'm just a shitty person.

Oh well, back to cosplay planning.

>> No.7887292

Honestly, if a guy is paying that much attention to someone that isn't you, you should just move along, it's not worth it to try and save anything with that guy.

I've been put in that situation (and similar variants of it), and it never, EVER has gone well for me.
The relationship is young, so not much to lose.

Don't let a man eat your heart, anon.

>> No.7887296

I posted this in another thread, but it's sorta feels because it ruined my chances with a girl.
I was flirting with a girl, and for my costume I was wearing a morph suit, and was only wearing a shirt and boxers underneath. Next thing I knew, I had a major boner, like full mast, can't put down without it hurting kind of boner and she just laughed at me. It was shitty because I had to go to the bathroom hoping no one would see and wait for it to go down, but it didn't go down for like thirty minutes, so I just sat there. I couldn't even jerk off to make it go down because of the morph suit, and I couldn't use my phone in it, and people were constantly coming in and out so they would have heard me in the stall.

>> No.7887305

After going through a years worth of feels posts i feel sad that we need to have relationships to be happy. I understand its natural but for the sake of others i wish there was some way we could move beyond needing that. I hate seeing so many people frustrated, sad, and lonely.

Whats worse is that some people start to attach validation to relationships and end up not really caring who it is as long as they have one. its hard to tell sometimes.

I wish i help you all be happy

>> No.7887313

I'm honestly fine with my porn and video games. I like flirting more than being in an actual relationship, because the ones I've always been in, the girl didn't want to commit nearly as much as I did, so I said fuck it. Though I do want to have actual sex of course.

>> No.7887326

I don't know to what extent happiness relationships are required, but if 4chan is to be believed, the majority of people on here (including me) don't deserve a relationship. We never learned how to be socially acceptable and if you're like me you're too stubborn to want to change.

>> No.7887331

I just feel I'm too retarded to take care of myself on my own. my family raised me to believe this, and living with my current boyfriend he has me believing this.

also.. when I like someone I like them DAMN HARD

I just want to love someone and live in a mutually beneficial relationship.

>> No.7887334

forgot to mention breaking up with current boyfriend because he is NEET trash who has been living off of my income for a year and blaming me for the fact he doesn't have a job.

>> No.7887336

Try making things with cheaper fabric first, friend.
Work your way up to velvet!

>> No.7887340

Fuck his ass with a strap on and stream it for money. That can be his job.

>> No.7887351

I learned how to be socially acceptable but that's besides the point. Whether or not we're fit for relationships doesn't determine if we deserve happiness. I just want you all to be happy relationships or not.

>> No.7887353

I don't want to go near his ass
"but baby, I have a job, taking care of you is a full time commitment"
thats why I cook
and work
and drive you around
and support you
and bring you food as you play fucking destiny

"if you just cleaned the room I could buy excersize equipment, work out, get better self confidence, then get a job"

the room is messy, I have mental and physical problems, working plus taking care of his ass I sleep the rest of the time, even when I'm the most sick he does not help me, just scolds me for being in the condition I am "take better care of yourself"
I passed out while making him dinner a few months ago, and I just woke up to him above me "take better care of yourself, you left the stove on and the eggs are burnt"


and if I approach him he says I'm manipulative
I'm so fucking done

>> No.7887357

I can't be in a happy relationship until I'm happy with myself.

>> No.7887362

My friends keep telling me I'm "fine," but they all have low-as-fuck standards. I'm not capable of figuring out that you're supposed to change to boxers in middle-school and not wear anything except those.

>> No.7887364

I was making a joke, but that guys seems like a complete ass. How do you end up with a fag like that? As a man, I feel like he doesn't deserve to be considered one if he pulls that shit. I'd at least get a job, or use what I know and make a video game and sell it on Steam for money like I'm doing right now.

>> No.7887368

some people are really good at faking it.
faking how "nice" they are.
It started happening to me little by little and then I just looked around myself and thought "what the hell kind of relationship did I get myself into"

>> No.7887371
File: 46 KB, 390x447, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I browse /cgl/ and jack off to when girls on here flirt with me because I'm too awkward to get girls to like me in person no matter how hard I try, even though they call me cute a lot. I do it so often my dick gets sore too.

>> No.7887373

i need to clarify i meant i want people to be happy regardless of their relationship status. The word relationship only plays into this because its what i thought you all wanted so much. I really wish we could be happy without relationships somehow.

>> No.7887375

Well just dump him and kick him out. If you need someone to fuck until you get a new bf, I'm always browsing, and desperate.

>> No.7887378
File: 1.91 MB, 300x169, bait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this thread littered by virgin men all of a sudden?

>> No.7887383

Because we have the most feels in our lives because women are cruel even when we try our best, because women want perfection.

>> No.7887385

Change the locks, throw his shit out or sell it anon. Don't play mommy to his shitty manchild ways. IF he's not contributing anything, he should get the fuck out.

>> No.7887392

Well don't be a bitch about it. Just give him his stuff and tell him to leave. I had a gf that broke my PS3 and games after she broke up with me for no reason. It sucks, but I was at least able to save my gaming PC.

>> No.7887395

Because they have no where else to go. Doesn't justify them being here and i find it annoying how all they do is whine in our threads but at the very least its easily understandable why.

>> No.7887401
File: 77 KB, 600x851, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel that while girls can be cruel, they also have more empathy. Which is why I take my problems to you grills. I can stop though if you want to, but it's not like this is your secret club or something.

>> No.7887414

You're right about the empathy part but after a long enough time it just gets annoying and aggravating. What really makes us mad is guys passing judgement on us calling us bitches when we don't feel like hearing it or giving attention. Anybody would lose patience after long enough.

>> No.7887427

I don't really do that though, I enjoy the girls here a lot. They even hit on me from time to time and it makes me feel nice because I'm too awkward in person to hit on girls. Though if a girl is being rude on here, I just ignore it, because it is the internet.

>> No.7887435

Empathy and cruelty are more linked that most people think. Something about empathizing enough to know how to push people's buttons.

>> No.7887438

Just go back up to the source post to reblog. Bam, no annoying comments and no hate mail.

>> No.7887445

sometimes I'm just too lazy, and their hatred is funny to me
lol, yeah like your comment of "im gONNA PISS XD!!11!!" was so fuckin useful

>> No.7887512

If she's been supporting him emotionally and financially, he owes her more than whatever piddly belongings he's brought in. To repay her by being a pissbaby and whining about how hard his life is (and that it's her fault) is an insult. He sounds like he needs a hard lesson.

>> No.7887517
File: 1.40 MB, 360x260, 1375626476739.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gulls. What's it called when you can talk to any girl like a normal person and everything is cool, but there's that one girl that whenever you talk to her it's a horrible spaghetti filled nightmare? Is there a name for that?

>> No.7887522

Maybe, but it's always best to not get angry about shit and discuss it. If he tries anything, then yeah, you could probably do that, but if the dude just leaves then you should just leave it at that instead of causing more trouble.

>> No.7887527


>> No.7887534

>fail at responding to correct thread
>fail at making friends
>going to cons alone

fuck my fucking fuck.

>> No.7887537

I thought you were just fucking with me, but that's actually a thing. Thanks bro.

>> No.7887545

>>My friends keep telling me I'm "fine,"
this just means you're good enough for them. my friends dismiss my feelings of worthlessness because i'm just not worth much to them. i jump at the chance to hang out with them but they do not make time for me, period. somehow i still like them and want to be close to them.

>> No.7887555

Guys can't talk about their feelings with each other without it being a competition. A guy who vents in front of women is doing so because it feels safe.

Of course a lot of women can rarely vent around each other without some kind of competition or judgement. The big mark of an insecure narcissist girl is the one who despises other women and mother-flirts with any vulnerable guy who comes her way.

Heterosexuals freak me the fuck out sometimes.

>> No.7887557

Yeah pretty much. I'm still not anywhere good enough for anyone in my eyes but I'm so wracked by self-doubt and hate that I can't seem to move forward very fast.

>> No.7887560

I just think women are nicer is all. I'd rather tell a girl any day about my problem, whether or not I want them to suck my dick.

>> No.7887563

It's human nature to want companionship and validation. Spending every waking moment essentially alone is an exercise in entertaining yourself, and at some point one even wants to share their enjoyment of solitary activities with others. There are also many things most people can't enjoy nearly as much alone. You basically have to give up a lot of your humanity to be able to give up relationships.

Remember that the word relationship can also mean a platonic friendship. Difficulty in getting into a romantic relationship often precludes difficulty in making friends. That's how I am. I feel like if I can find one person that can be my significant other or best friend I would be happy, but I can't for the life of me keep either of those. I try to accept it but I feel like I'm slowly losing what little empathy or compassion I have left.

>tfw no one will ever cosplay with me from the same series

>> No.7887567

I saw it and almost called you out on it

10/10 made my day

>> No.7887569

>tfw it's raining
>rain is my favorite weather to go for a drive in
>I'm stuck in here doing homework.

>> No.7887572

a crush

>> No.7887573

Hey now, you'll be able to find a solid friend and/or significant other, anon. It's definitely okay (very healthy, even) to enjoy your own company and solidarity. And not every person needs to maintain relationships to lead full, satisfactory lives. But it sounds like you do want a companion, especially since you're encouraging others to find companionship as well. Please don't think you're losing your sense of humanity!

So many people on here seem so sad... I know you all have some amazing qualities and I want you to realize that.

Damn, sorry for making this a bit hug box-y. This thread just made me have so many feelings (as expected.)

>> No.7887626
File: 1.78 MB, 1342x889, 1401228969504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no gf to teach me how to sew and cosplay together

>> No.7887632

It is a flaw, a weakness that people feel the need to be in relationships. To hell with them, in this world you only need to look out for yourself. The quicker you learn to realize this and live that way, the better you'll be able to get through life.

Caring about people is draining. It takes too much out of you, and for what? A mutual connection that will last for maybe, a year at best? People come and go. So don't bother with them, just focus on yourself. That's all we have in the end, just ourselves and no one else to look after us.

>> No.7887655


I'd hate to be in your shoes for a day, life must be a shit sandwich

>> No.7887662

humans and apes in general are hardwired to seek the company of others. modern life undermines this and isolation is the curse of the post-industrial man blah blah blah

tl;dr any ape without a solid social network is fucked for life.

>> No.7887664

Life is hard on us all. The only thing you can do is toughen up in response.

>> No.7887673


Or you can just figure out how to people, it's a useful skill, you accomplish more in life without having to be tough

>> No.7887678
File: 3.58 MB, 400x300, 572.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had one of those since like, high school.

>> No.7887681

People will do nothing but leave you in the end, or worse, betray you. Why count on that?

>> No.7887684

that feel

I actually miss that feel

>> No.7887687

Being strong enough to stand alone when you need to is good, sure. But we all need friends, people to vent to, even shitty, shallow false friends.
Living life for yourself and alienating everyone you meet are two different things.
Life is a game, and everyone in it is a means, be it to comfort yourself or to advance in careers or aesthetics or needs. You can't play the game alone.

>> No.7887690

To some people the feelings they share and memories they make with those people are worth it. I get that you'd rather limit the amount of pain that comes to you but its different for everyone.

>> No.7887696

People don't leave you. They move on, outgrow some things/people, same as you do to others.
>inb4 "b-b-b-but I've never abandoned anyone"

>> No.7887700

Eh I don't think I could deal with an SO at this point. I'm just not very attractive, and any girl that legitimately liked me (which has been none so far) would probably just have really low standards. So maybe if we were both about the same attractiveness/shitty personality level, it could work.

>> No.7887701

>this guy has a GF and you don't

>> No.7887715

>you need to lose weight
>you stress eat
>sure has been a lot of stress lately
>hate yourself and call yourself weak constantly because of it
>don't even want to cosplay because of it

>> No.7887739

Real talk, why do girls bother coming to /cgl/ at all?

It's 90% guys hoping you'll selfpost something slutty.

>> No.7887743

But you're a guy ..

>> No.7887746

Yeah, sure I just want to know why girls bother coming here.

>> No.7887747


Have you analyzed both external and internal factors?

Often times those that are lonely project fault on everything else around them, either because they just don't realize they're the problem or actively conduct mental gymnastics to preserve their ego from recognizing something inherently wrong with themselves.

>> No.7887748

>never been in a relationship
>never kissed someone
>19 and turning 20 next may

I'm fairly certain I'm going to be alone forever at this point.

>> No.7887750

It is a bit of both.

I am just not a good enough person to people, I "don't know how to people". In this case, it is entirely my fault, I am just not good enough for anyone, so why bother trying to be? It won't get me anywhere. I might as well learn to just live with myself.

>> No.7887752

Maybe if you spent less time shitposting on a Vietnamese child pornography site

>> No.7887776

what in the hell does that even mean
im not even mad im just intrigued and kinda confused

>> No.7887778


There's always next year

>> No.7887781

maybe you haven't been here long enough

>> No.7887793

ive actually been here for 4+ years, I think i just missed something important

>> No.7887831
File: 166 KB, 638x475, dis bitch fo real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone messages me for a commission
>Okay it will cost this much
>"Are you kidding? I could make that for way less"
Uh okay, then make it?

>> No.7887837

You do commissions?

>> No.7887838

I had a few of those before too. I kind of rub it in by saying stuff like if they had a shop/how long they've been at it/how much in the black they've been making/if they have any pointers they want to share/any tips about taxes/and the big one-if they have a portfolio I can look at.
They disappear pretty quickly and I don't regret it since they aren't the target market anyway.

>> No.7887888

>really shitty day overall
>parcels woes leftover from Friday
>courier company absolutely zero help
>computer woes and missing emails
>business at standstill due to courier woes
>but ends with a kitten in lap, purring and snuzzling my arm

... could be worse feels. I was in such a frothy rage before she decided it was naptime on my lap.

>> No.7887908

yes ma'am

Yeah the chick never replied to me suggesting she does make it, but I really doubt she could actually make it herself considering she was asking me for something pretty basic

>> No.7887916

Love and hate tumblr because it's the closest I'll get to the old webring experience of Sailor Moon. I follow someone liveblogging the original series and it's really great seeing people experience/re-experience it but
>she got to Stars
>the "why u h8 Seiya-kun? :(((" asks start pouring in


>> No.7887929

Fucking Seiya.

>> No.7888070
File: 367 KB, 449x647, 1405825958897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>halloween meet coming up
>order some contacts and get a very black pair as well because demon.
>Check shipping and processing time, should be here with time to spare.
>4 days hasn't been shipped
>we ship within 48 hours
>been in the post for nearly two week s.
>should arrive to my region within a week
>tried to contact them twice with no reply.
annoyed but not much I can do.

>> No.7888091

Hey there, anon. You can do it. Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me! Believe in the anon who believes in you!

>> No.7888092

I doubt you've been on this Singaporean Talking Picutres Plank for 4 years.

>> No.7888102

I met this disney employee, he was working at the bakery and we were eyeing each other for what felt like a long time. Then he came out and for his break we hung out. He treated me to whatever I wanted but then his break had ended 20 mins ago so he kisses me, ran off, and I never got his number.
I'm not sure what I should feel bad about. Was I a fling? Did I get him fired (I went back to the bakery and he wasn't there)? He was really handsome and I can't forget about him.

>> No.7888105

Yeah, okay, Kamina.

>> No.7888106

he probably just had the next day off. Go back another day and ask him.

>> No.7888112
File: 128 KB, 780x774, 1412834832915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gonna end this year basically friendless

I can already see it now, people celebrating New Years with each other and giving gifts around Christmas like usual and I'll just be stuck doing nothing because I'm not really important to anyone anymore. On the plus side, at least that saves me money... wouldn't have to shell out money to buy gifts for anyone. That's more money I can put towards cosplay and cons. But, still...

>> No.7888115

I need you in California. I'm in the same situation and right now when people ask me, "what are you doing for Halloween?" I just say I don't know yet enthusiasticly when I know I'm most likely not going to do shit because I have no one to hang out with.

>> No.7888118

where in california?

>> No.7888119

Thank you for that thought anon. I feel much better. I have a year pass so I'll go again this week

>> No.7888121

I'm in Southern California, part of LA County but I'm down to travel.

>> No.7888124

I feel as though r9k and other sad beta males first come here for the fap thread, and then their boner goes down and so do their feelings and they come here to whine about it. So fucking annoying.

/cgl is for girls and our clothes, not these losers.

>> No.7888126

Except the C part of /cgl/ is for cosplay, which is available for guys as well.

>> No.7888130

Then they should talk about cosplay instead of shitty betafeels.

>> No.7888134

They never can. They just assume that whatever we can make, they can make better and cheaper just because it looks easy or we make it easy. I always laugh when the rare ones come back to whine later.

>> No.7888136

Where exactly are these beta males?

>> No.7888137

>*make it look easy
Ya...bedtime for me if I can't even English right.

> sage for my sleepy stupidity

>> No.7888168

> tfw no friends
> tfw no relationship, never had on either
> tfw every day you go to college and then back to your room
> tfw everyone around you is doing fun things and creating new memories and you can't even think of anything fun from the past year you did.

I'd off myself if I wasn't such a lazy shit, so instead I'll just continue the same routine every day.

>> No.7888204
File: 21 KB, 704x396, hnnnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bf tells me he wants to cosplay Khal Drogo
>he's actually the right height and almost as muscular

>potentially moving from South America to South California next year
>terrified California lolita drama
C-can I make friends that are not part of the comm?

>> No.7888249

there's really no drama here. I was worried at first too.

>> No.7888250

not that anon but I'm from that area too! I really want a halloween buddy

>> No.7888263
File: 455 KB, 357x267, really.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have it in my TOS that basically states "If you'd like to haggle and tell me that X can make your commission for cheaper, then, please, by all means, go take advantage of their great deals."

Had someone ask for a quote almost a year ago, berate me for my "high prices", go commission their stuff elsewhere, then come back not too long ago [I had totally forgotten about them at this point], and cry about how they commissioned their stuff from another person who made it look atrocious and how they're sorry they didn't choose me.
Then they asked for a discount and offered art as part of their offer to me.
I LOL'd and blocked their shit.


>> No.7888387

Oh, anon, I hope so! I've been thinking about scheduling tea or something in a feels thread and see who shows up as well. I literally know nobody in the country.

>> No.7888389
File: 935 KB, 200x200, n994moYUEm1s71zkfo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of my cosplay friends ran away from home
>They eloped with their internet SO
>Transformed into an extreme conservative Christian and spouts misinformed garbage 24/7

>One of my lolita friends became an extreme SJW >Constantly vomits unreasonable privilege checking bile without any means to back it up

>Another lolita friend officially thinks she's one of the boys
>eveloped a shitty brony/fedora/r9k/ mentality
>is now a fountain of LOLGAMERGATE

>Most of my artist friends are only interested in superjojowhostucklakillontitan and kinda pushed me out of the circle

>I want to get rid of them all but I have a large case of spaghetti when I attempt to make friends
>The friends I'm cool with are 90% busy with life and I don't want to bother them

>> No.7888390

At least you don't have Ebola, yet.

>> No.7888393

Crap, I forgot to mention the guy that posts contradicting facts about ebola.

>15 minutes later

>> No.7888394

People tore apart something i worked really hard on behind my back. I know it was just my Ex stirring shit because she's bitter i'm getting married soon, but there was no need to destroy something i had put my heart and soul into. Fuck meddling Ex's

>> No.7888402

Well at least you can focus on more important shit, like video games, and masturbating.

>> No.7888445

This. My ex is completely crazy and won't leave me alone. Did they criticize your cosplay?

>> No.7888475

I'm the lonely Halloween anon, and yey! We should do something!

>> No.7888508

not him, but I think he meant sympathy.

>> No.7888516

so you admit to being new and still you know the entire community and goal of all the threads?

>> No.7888557

>felt shitty for a while after going to cons and seeing a bunch of couple cosplays, dont even know why there were so many.
>feel better, dont know why it bothered me so much
>realize ex is trying to throw me off on purpose by talking about her cosplay with submissive SO
>messages me again, gets frustrated when I give no fucks and change the subject to something mutual, now I know why she wanted to stay friends so badly when I opposed it.

good feels
no longer help pay for brand and check bank account
>10k+, time to buy some outerwear for my winter fits.
>the feel of smoking a cig in a comfy jacket out in autumn chill. Single life is bliss.

You cant enjoy life with another if you cant enjoy your own.

>> No.7888621

Those girls sound like a fun hang out

You, on the other hand...

>> No.7888642
File: 94 KB, 499x281, jakelick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have no self control
>stressed out by midterms
>'oh I'll just by a few things it'll be ok'
>go over board with retail therapy
>I've made a taobao order and a mbok order in the same week and I keep adding to both of them
>going to be so broke for the entirety of November
>a-at least I'm getting nice stuff at a sweet deal

>> No.7888656

I feel ya

>TFW when you have friends on all sides of the political spectrum and you can't say any of your opinions because you'll offend one of them.

>> No.7888665


I have so much shit to pay off, in the next few months, I feel you anon. The cute things are definitely worth it though.

>> No.7888710

>be a former fatty, lost weight with cosplay among the reasons for it
>get down but not quite down enough have some minor beginner gains and still need to lose 20 pounds
>conflicted because I want to bulk and build muscle but I don't want to be fat again, or look skinny and barely otter mode if I cut.

>> No.7888726


>10k+ to blow.

God damn, I wish. Living like a student now. And I just started building my own costumes. Which it turns out isn't all that cheap for what I want to do.
And even if I buy pre made, it won't be cheap.

Such is life.


Fruit bats. Maybe. I know it transfers the same way aids does, but I don't think you can get it from animals. Fruit bats are the suspect of where it's from though.

>> No.7888742

cut down til you're satisfied, then clean bulk

>> No.7888780

>10k+ to blow.

This is why /cgl/ is broke.

10k in bank account means you have a few thousand over what your minimum saving should be. Maybe less, depending where you live.

>> No.7888803

Don't you know? Having a penis means you just know shit about women without having to interact with them. At night the penis whispers sweet knowledge into anon's ear and the penis never lies.

>> No.7888832

>Tfw you're so excited to sell something but the buyer lives far as fuck away and you dread telling them the calculated shipping costs.

>> No.7888842

es true, mine just told me.

>> No.7888846
File: 491 KB, 245x245, 1410363679461.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you come back from another failed attempt to socialize at a lolita meet
>take off the outfit you carefully put together several days in advance
>wash away your tears and your makeup
>put on your oversized, frumpy but soft pajamas
>grab your laptop and climb into bed
>and go onto /cgl/ to tell yourself you're not lonely
>all your friends are just anonymous

>> No.7888853

Hey anon, don't be discouraged! What's holding you back from socializing at these meets? A lot of people get really nervous when they have to interact with large groups of people--especially in this community.

>> No.7888859
File: 583 KB, 3065x4096, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be your friend Anon, even though I have no idea what the fuck Lolita is.

>> No.7888867

I wish I could meet someone into lolita in cali
If you're in cali pls be my friend
we can meet

>> No.7888870

What the fuck are you doing here then

>> No.7888876
File: 16 KB, 240x432, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a man that enjoys conventions and cosplay. I've never really cared for looking at the lolita stuff so I never learned what it was.

>> No.7888880
File: 87 KB, 500x600, 1409598371577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucked up brain is holding me back. I have Aspergers and social anxiety (professionally diagnosed) so I spend most meets trying to suppress a panic response. It should get easier once I get to know the others better (according to my therapist, who encourages this sort of thing) but it's hard to get to know anyone when all your energy goes into choking back tears. My comm probably thinks I'm a total nut and I don't blame them.

Did you get here from the front page?
lolita is some crazy shit man you don't want to get involved
shit will ruin you

Wrong continent. Sorry.

>> No.7888888

You damn, SoCals, getting all the fun. I wish there were more Bay Area anons. At least my friend is taking me to a party this weekend. Have fun anons

>> No.7888889
File: 1019 KB, 464x260, whatever.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I'm glad I'm not alone.
I bought to relieve my stress, but now being broke is causing me stress

>> No.7888891

Another Socal here, still won't do anything

>> No.7888900

It'll get better, definitely. I met 70% of the friends I've had for years online. Try to be active on your comm's facebook/whatever site you might have! See whose personality meshes with yours best.

When some of locals get together it's a mess of avoided eye contact and shaky hands for about two minutes because there's a generous mix of social anxiety or Aspergers. But we quickly accommodate each other. And they're probably the kindest people I've ever met.

>> No.7888933

>Help threads don't ever respond to my questions
I just want to do a GOOD cosplay for once, and I don't want to buy it off of some site because it's low quality and expensive. I'm not even sure what I'm missing out on by not having a proper cosplay ever I just want to fit in.

>> No.7888993

>The friends I'm cool with are 90% busy with life and I don't want to bother them
those are the ones you want to keep, let them have their space if they need it, but make sure to keep contact

>> No.7889025

What? Everyone she described sounds like fucking cancer except the busy friends.

>> No.7889028

That's called bait m8

>> No.7889308

pics of the gijinka design?

>> No.7889331

It's a simple feel really. I just want a gf who would cosplay with me.

The only problem is all the girls that are even slightly qt and cosplay are already taken or have a hoard of orbiters and suitors lining up for her. Might as well just have a waifu, because they're about as real as a qt cosplaying gf.

>> No.7889341
File: 1.36 MB, 384x216, 3A0TItM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me Haruppi isn't your oshi. If it is, it would explain your shit taste in friends.

>> No.7889356
File: 1.84 MB, 400x499, ahhh cute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cute bf who wants to couple cosplay with me all the time
>tfw we both obsess over each other the same amount
>tfw we want the same things from a relationship and both like super clingy partners

>> No.7889360

Don't give up anon! Even if some of these girls have people lined up, try to push to the front! I did and ended up dating the cosplayer in our community that a lot of the community has a crush on, and my comm is big.

>> No.7889367

>tfw all these qt seagull girls
>tfw none live near me and they're all out of my league
You are all wonderful grills.

>> No.7889373

>tfw no girl around 6 feet to dress up as lolitas as and [spoila]dominate me[/spoiled milk]

>> No.7889374

Naw, I'm giving up for sure.

I haven't even gotten a normal girlfriend yet, much less fighting other guys for a girl who is deemed extremely desirable.

>> No.7889376


>> No.7889380

I've been the same weight since 1st grade, obese on the height/weight chart and about 20kg/50lbs over healthy weight, and since 1st grade I've felt like shit about it but have been unable to do anything because of being poor and having a single mom who would buy cheap, bad for you shit because she was so physically exhausted every day she couldn't cook healthily (and my father when he was around would eat giant portions which set the bar for everyone else so everyone was fat).
But this year I just don't care anymore. I don't want to lose weight or exercise or eat broccoli/carrots only everyday at 1000 calories. I just don't care about my weight anymore, and it's this weird feel.
I've been uncomfortable with my appearance and weight as I've been growing into it for over a decade (imagine how fat I was at 4' something and obese), and one day I just woke up like "yeah, this is fine." I don't know if it's a good thing or not. Mild suspicion it's some sort of depression or lethargy or something because I'll look at dresses or clothing I know isn't in my sizes, but I don't feel sad about it. I just go "This looks beautiful, I should keep an eye out for pics of people wearing this" and don't want to lose weight to fit into it.

>> No.7889381

I didn't even need to fight though. I just happened to be cosplaying the right character at the right time in the right place.

>> No.7889390

Well, even so, I'm absolutely retarded when it comes to women at all, so basically she would have to talk to me first and continue the conversation because I sure can't.

My highest e-mail count with a woman was 16 back and forth.

>> No.7889444
File: 1.76 MB, 400x221, tumblr_na95jnJ8Q31ql5yr7o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally making new lolita friends
>hanging out together
>have a mean sense of humor at times
>one girl says something kind of rude about someone else who isn't there
>going off that, make a joke that is CLEARLY not serious AT ALL
>they laugh and call me mean
>even though I was kidding and the first girl was the one actually being rude
>so afraid it's going to get back to other person that I was making fun of them just because what I said was over the top and memorable
>fuck fuck fuck

I don't want a reputation for being a bitch, especially when I was more or less making fun of someone else's bitchy comment rather than the actual person.

>> No.7889455
File: 129 KB, 796x1063, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls confuse me. Why is being mean such a big deal? Guys do it all the time and no one takes it seriously.

>> No.7889471

>why do all girls
Bruh. I don't think it's a big deal (hence why I made the joke), and none of my established female friends are offended by that kind of thing. I've just been a lone lolita up until now and have read a lot of horror stories/drama here and am worried about gossip, but I'm hoping it'll be recognized for what it was, a joke, and forgotten. I'm just being paranoid about a new group of people based on impressions from a cesspool like cgl.

>> No.7889473

It really does get difficult to tell in these feels threads at times.

>sage for useless

>> No.7889479


Because perhaps you've been using a similar approach in trying to get closer with people and sometimes you have to try something else. It's uncomfortable, and sometimes people confuse an unwillingness to try as proof that they cannot adapt in order to thrive.

We became the dominant species on the planet because of our ability to cooperate when shit hit the fan. That's why we feel a longing to connect with others, it's instinct. Even though it's tiring to try to get social at times, our what compels us to do so. You may live a more fulfilling life if you try.

I know it's hard, but keep seeking solutions beyond just getting tougher. Life has highs and lows but it can get better if you try.

>> No.7889483


Our instincts is what compels us^ Forgot to edit oops

>> No.7889494

>tfw you give up on making cosplays because you cant sew for shit
>tfw you dont have money to buy commissions
>tfw oh look at that bagged costume its not so bad....

>> No.7889517

You're trying too hard. Do shit like what I do and make use if what you have:
>Own a suit already
>Decide to go as Anon
>Buy a red tie and green morph suit
>Instant cosplay and didn't spend more than $60 on it
It was fun.

>> No.7889536
File: 12 KB, 220x200, 1412051972252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My own cosplay group is being hijacked from me.
>Planned very big group for a very big con
>Lots of people signed up to join
>All is well
>girl in group insists that because she's the main character she should be in charge of the group
>explain to her why it doesn't work that way
>she throws a fit but shuts up eventually
>suddenly, I get a crap ton of dropout messages
>apparently she told them it was necessary to perform a dance skit in the masquerade if they wanted to stay in the group
>news to me
>I contact her about it
>she flips her shit, saying they're all lying
>I tell her that 15 people wouldn't suddenly all lie to me like that
>she freaks out and leaves the group along with everyone who has already left
>starts her own group of the same series, same con

>> No.7889542

post pic of your group vs hers and report the juicy stories

>> No.7889552
File: 113 KB, 1000x591, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you get for trusting a slut.

>> No.7889558

>going as Anon
Jesus, dude.

>> No.7889561

You can't be this autistic

>> No.7889562

Hey, I was younger. But it was still a lot of fun. Chicks digged the suit too.

>> No.7889585

Riiiiiight, I'm a guy, and that sounds retarded.

>> No.7889608
File: 2.00 MB, 500x281, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was retarded. But I enjoyed it nonetheless. I had a lot of fun at the time and that's all that matters.

>> No.7889609
File: 994 KB, 500x375, weshall_rrs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a 29 year old male who still browses 4chan
>have a 30 year old girlfriend
>she has chuunibyou
>30 year old
>with chuunibyou
>Believes herself to have magic/psi powers and can see fairies and has been chosen by mother goddess and blah blah blah
>can't go anywhere without her bringing out the book of shadows and chanting spells
>a-at least she is physically fit

>> No.7889623
File: 62 KB, 505x232, DISTRESSED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pray that she doesn't sacrifice you to the blood gods for blood bending powers or some other stupid shit.

>> No.7889689

>tfw keep spilling spaghetti, embarrassing myself when trying to talk to people

This usually happens more so online, very often online. At cons and stuff, it's... a little easier, but still difficult. I just don't know how to people.

>> No.7889702

Wish I could offer you advice anon. Idk how the hell I fixed mine.

>> No.7889836

Better someone than no one I suppose.

Even if they're fucking crazy.

>> No.7889842

I have the same problem, except it's with women.

In all honesty, how I fixed that shit is just being put in a situation where I was forced to learn how to talk and make conversation (my job). Though, in my place of work there are still very little women and I talk to them professionally without emotion. So when it comes time to actually talk to women I still have no idea what the fuck I'm supposed to talk about or say. As for guys, it's pretty easy. Just make a few wise cracks and mention something manly like the football game.

>> No.7890158
File: 698 KB, 304x224, dissapoint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she still thinks woman are some unsolvable natural mystery

>> No.7890170

The way you interact with other men sounds exactly how an alien would learn to interact with human men after consuming our media.
>Ahh yes the football game

>> No.7890231

Oo I was that girl too.

>close guy friend fell super hard for me
>rejected him
>he tries to get over it and starts dating one of our other friends who was apparently crushing on him
>meanwhile we still talk every day and we grow even closer
>he can't get over me and isn't attracted to our friend
>breaks up with her

>now I'm dating him

Yeah anon I really hope that doesn't happen to you. Sage for unrelated .

>> No.7890318

if you don't mind me asking what attracted you to him latter on?

>> No.7890339

He grew on me honestly. I just have issues and take a hell of a long time to warm up to people. He became my friend, then a really close friend, then my best friend, now my boyfriend. It took 3 years, but he was able to melt the ice queen. His dedication payed off.

>> No.7890340

>if you don't mind me asking what attracted you to him latter on?
>File: Gurl.jpg (644 KB, 2560x1600)
> Anonymous
Seeing him with my friend really made me jealous and changed my view of him from some random guy I'm friends with to a romantic lover.

But still, it grosses me out that he took her virginity.

>> No.7890355


Thanks for telling me Anons

I wanted to know because its interesting to look at how people's reasons differ.

>> No.7890359

Can't tell if autism or just regular misunderstanding.

>> No.7890378

>Seeing him with my friend really made me jealous and changed my view of him

This sounds insane to me, but my friends have always said when they're in relationships they get far more girl attention than when they're single.

>> No.7890391

It makes a lot of sense on a primal level. "Women want what other women have" is a clever shortcut the brain has evolved to pick out mates more efficiently. Instead of having to sift through factors and decide if a man is desirable, all the brain has to do is see if other women desire that man already.

This kind of applies to males as well, but to a much greater extent, it's the opposite. Men want what no other man has had, as an effective way to insure his offspring are actually his.

>> No.7890394

Let me offer similarly silly sounding theory that i think may be true then.

We already know the whole "if a someone is already with someone there must be something good about them to begin with" thing. However i think that if a guy or girl moves on and tries to be with someone else it will show that they have personal boundaries, limits, self respect (enough to seek happiness some other way and not break themselves by attempting the futile). I think it forces people to see their former suitor in a new light. Whether or not that's a good thing i don't know but it stands to reason that seeing a person a new way may reveal things you like about them, things you may not have known about otherwise.

>> No.7890400

It never really made much sense to me. Especially with women chasing married/taken men. To me, if he actually breaks up with his wife/gf for you or cheats on her with you that's a red alert that he's a massive douchebag. I don't see how anyone would want that kind of man in their life, just going back on their word immediately choosing the newer and shinier toy over the old, boring one (forgive me for this comparison, I'm female myself so it isn't like I'm trying to objectify anyone yadda yadda).

Idk, that would be a huge warning to stay away, not that I hit on men in general but if a man tried to get me to cheat on/leave my SO or do it himself, I'd be repulsed.

I guess people have different views on this topic, huh. It's really interesting to see how you guys think.

>> No.7890402

I can confirm this from both sides. My boyfriend and I were both awkward unkissed virgins when we met and had never had any sort of relationship before, but now that we're together we're both getting hit on relatively often. Thing is, I'm pretty sure most of these people don't realize we're a couple.
Drives the bf nuts because he's kind of jealous and overprotective. I just think it's entertaining.

>> No.7890405

I guess there's a difference between being sexually attracted to someone and actually wanting to start a life with them. Like you can sleep with a 'desirable' dude and have his offspring but marry a dude who is dependable and have him help you raise the kids. Evolutionarily advantageous but obviously a dick move.

I tend to be more attracted to married men with kids but I think part of it is that I just like decent, responsible older men and by that age most good guys have settled down already. I'd definitely never chase after a married man and if he expressed any interest in starting an affair with me I'd lose all respect for him. Definitely not a good trait in a partner.

>> No.7890426

I'm the anon you replied to.

I agree on the red alert part. That is why i said i don't know whether having someone see you in a new light is a good thing or a bad thing. This is because it could result in an awful situation.

I just wanted to examine the attraction part of it. I'm trying to point out something other than the "women want what other women have" part. I mean to say that seeing someone in a relationship forces people to see them in a different way or see things they wouldn't have seen otherwise. I think this is part of what attracts people to each other.

Or maybe the relationship itself is what causes a change in a person.

If i may offer an anecdote: once i finally found a girl with whom there was mutual attraction i became much more confident. I stopped trying so hard at everything and things fell into place. I could easily communicate with others, never felt the need to draw attention to myself, and only ever let my talents show when needed. People noticed ( and i think people can just notice it from body language too).I immediately started getting female attention, sometimes without even doing anything.

I also wanted to be the best me i could be for her sake. So i lost weight and improved my looks. This may be a confounding variable and may be responsible for the attention but still it highlights the idea that people change when in relationships or get a chance to finally show what they are worth. It makes to me then why people would notice someone once they are taken.

>> No.7890435
File: 28 KB, 338x504, 1412955162578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you're right. Both my SO and myself really matured when we got into a relationship and it was noticeable. He stopped drinking, I stopped freaking out over details, he used to be really self-conscious about his looks and tried to look macho all the time but once we got together he brings my pink 3ds to work with him and plays in front of other lads. I can see how other women would find that attractive, especially since the "ew no das gay" is so fucking annoying yet so common girls I guess eventually get tired of dealing with that shit. A lot of people become calmer and give less of a fuck, and others find it a desirable trait I guess.

>> No.7890445

I have a "girly" wallet. Its one of those long women's wallets. Its cream colored with light brown, brown, and blue dots on it. There's also a bunny on a piece of light brown leather attached to the front. It has a built in coin purse too.

The old me would have never bought or used it but after i found my first girlfriend i didn't care what others thought. It was so cute i couldn't let myself be held down by what others thought.

>> No.7890605
File: 107 KB, 720x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you all find someone who loves you as much as you love yourself. Even if it is not so much right now, I know it'll grow.

>> No.7890612
File: 73 KB, 742x942, wellshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was browsing my tumblr archives and I found a photo of me from 2 years ago and It just dawned on me how much fucking weight I have gained in 2 years.
Fucking shit. time to work on that bullcrap.

>> No.7890619

oh wow

>> No.7890656

cute to cutest

>> No.7890669

Alright,we're two in this. Good luck anon!

>> No.7890678

did you see it as a before and after and not now and then or do you just like fat chicks anon.

>> No.7890705

How common is it to be approached at a con and be told "you make a great xxxx, xxxx is my waifu"

I didnt know how to reply and just nodded, smiled and said bye, he wasnt ugly/fat at all but it was just sudden. What was I supposed to say?

>> No.7890713

Sorry, I'm a chubby chaser

>> No.7890717

she made a cute brunette, like a romcom mc that people love.
nigga you aint me, but what ever floats your goat

>> No.7890718

>lost a bunch of weight
>feel good about it
>realize my breasts are saggy from losing too much weight too quickly
>realize my thighs are covered in stretchmarks
>realize my ass is nonexistent now
>realize I have to buy a bunch of new clothes because my pants are falling down
>realize I won't fit into old cosplays

Well, fuck. There's no winning.

>> No.7890730

Shit, sorry anon. A-at least there's always padding and tailoring

>> No.7890731

Time to start lifting weights, anon.

>> No.7890747
File: 61 KB, 452x351, 1408694135274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw zero stretchmarks despite being severely anorexic since 11 years old and my weight fluctuating nonstop since then, sometimes by as much as 50lbs

At least that's the one thing I lucked out on.

>> No.7890753

I once had a guy tell me the character I was cosplaying as was his first fap. I was young and made the mistake of saying, "Mine, too!" He followed me for hours, not even saying anything, just watching me. UGH.

I've gotten a few comments like that since, and I just make a disgusted face and walk away. Or, if they genuinely just seem awkward and not weird, laugh it off, say "I like x, too, obviously!", and that's usually it.

>> No.7890755

You can eat a dick, ma'am.
>and a healthy diet please ;;

>> No.7890764

This is why I don't make an attempt to talk to girls at cons.

>> No.7890773
File: 14 KB, 248x250, guyaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do girls like to brag about being anorexic and then whine when people call them out on it?

I bet you're a butterface~

>> No.7890775 [DELETED] 

New thread: >>7890772

>> No.7890783

New thread: >>7890782

>> No.7890785

I'm crying, holy shit how do people fucking spaghetti this hard?

>> No.7890819

This made me giggle

>implying I'm bragging about the mental illness part
>implying I could even be considered a butterface if almost everyone tells me my current body looks disgusting

Not denying that I'm ugly, though.

>> No.7890861

>tfw no ugly gf

I would love you unconditionally, anon.

>> No.7892403

>tell the conservative christian she's become a dumb cunt.
>cut her out of your life
>Tell your lolita friend she's full of shit and she knows it
>cut her out of your life
>Tell brony to stop acting like the children she wants to impress
>Tell her to stop being impressed by children
>cut her out of your life
>Tell your artist friends you've learned just how far the friendship goes
>cut them out of your life
>send a textmessage to other busy friends of yours and ask them if they can hang somewhere this week
>go hang with them
I had the same 'but friends are busy and I don't want to bother them' but I like spending time with them, because they're my friends.

I once talked it over with friends and they told me the following; "We're not just your friend, you're our friend as well, you like hanging with us because we're your friend, we like hanging with you because you're our friend."

I doubt your friends are very different

>> No.7892406

>being scared to offend your friends
if your political view is a reason for them to cut off friendship, they're not worth your friendship.
if their spines are so slack that they cave because someone has a different opinion, they're not worth your energy
>because you'll need a lot of it

>> No.7892415

>atleast she's physically fit
how is that even a good tradeoff
>so yeah my GF is a complete psycho and believes in 'alternative' religion, constantly chanting and bringing about her book of 'shadows' and sees shit that isn't there and basically has all the traits of someone in a severe state of psychosis
>but atleast she's fit

>> No.7892439

where did you get the idea she's bragging about her annorexia?
I bet you're a fatface~