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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7887404 No.7887404 [Reply] [Original]

Old is going to sage before midnight likely.

>Tricks and tips.
>Product suggestions.
>General cosmetics inquiry.

As always, please do not muck up the thread with fighting. We're here to help each other.

Food for thought:
Cosmetics from Etsy, are they worth it?

>> No.7887408

some nail polishes from etsy are pretty ok but i simply dont trust things that i would put on my face from some random seller. I feel better going through trusted sellers

>> No.7887443

I know what you mean. I've seen lipsticks on there that look Lime Crime-tier in both color and the quality.

>> No.7887454

What are M.A.C's best products?

>> No.7887470

Just ordered some new brushes; EcoTool's foam brush and their eye set, and some cheap set to use for my lipsticks and junk since it ruins brushes and I rarely use them.

>> No.7887606
File: 39 KB, 480x480, gallery-brushset_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guilty of wanting this overpriced set.

>> No.7887761

Got the physicians formula mineral powder translucent powder compact and bronzer/brightener compact for free. Both are pressed powders. They're nice but they are light on the colour delivery and have a lot of dust?/debris? when you use a brush on them.

Anyway to lessen the waste of it?

At least they were well worth the price of free...

>> No.7887762

Who makes good lip glosses?

>> No.7887785

Foundations and concealers since they have a wide range of shades that fit almost anybody.
The mascara is also good, as well as their lipsticks.

Try using a powder puff

>> No.7887788

Too Faced has made the best lip glosses I've had.

>> No.7887792

Physician's formula is my favorite drugstore brand, but I wish they sold their fucking eyeliners in store individually.

I need black and brown, not black and blue and silver, and brown and purple and green.

>> No.7887798

Is Almay shit? I've wanted to use their stuff for a while, but when I had a mascara by them it didn't really apply well.. at all. Maybe I should try other things from them?

>> No.7887801

Ehh it's good enough for the price, but if you're going to pay that much you're better off going with Revlon or Physician's Formula.

Almay is alright, the eyeliners dry out pretty quickly, but their shadows are pretty good. Don't recommend their foundation/concealers. Blushes are nice.

Their smart shade shit is absolutely god awful. I tried it out, got the lightest one they had, it turned me bright orange.

TL;DR Don't really bother

>> No.7887804

Buxom makes my favorite that's still available. Too Faced discontinued the lip gloss I absolutely loved, sadly...

>> No.7887805


I know that feel. Urban Decay stopped making their 'Cherry' eyeshadow and I've been pissed ever since.

>> No.7887809

>pay that much

I didn't really think it was expensive.

>> No.7887810

I'd been wondering if that's what I should do. Thank you for helping me make sure!

I've known people who've used their gimmicky products and they're not bad, but really the only thing I've ever used from them are the eye make up remover pads. I've always wanted to try out their smart blush and foundation though.

>> No.7887813

Uggggh. Always. It's always the products I like best that they eliminate. And the "replacement" products are never quite the same. Too sticky or not saturated enough or a slightly different shade.

>> No.7887814
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On that note, did anyone here have a moment of weakness and purchase Lime Crime? I know that their products are shit, but I do love hearing the personal experiences.

>Tfw Doe got stuck with a failed contest entry with Horseface Mermaid and Sugarpill is doing makeup for the Jem movie

>> No.7887818

It's not, but for the same price you can get way better shit.

Maybe I was just too pasty for it, it might work better for someone with some color on their face.

>> No.7887822

Holy shit, those eyebrows and that eyeliner look disgusting. She's so trashy looking.

>> No.7887828

Her eyebrows look like shit out of a cartoon, but what's wrong with the eyeliner? Looks rather normal to me...

>> No.7887835


>> No.7887840

"What not to do with your makeup."

>> No.7887849

ew wtf why does she keep flashing her disgusting udder tits

>> No.7887851

Anyone have their sights set on any of the holiday sets that Sephora has?

I can't say that I've seen anything that I want yet. I'm more concerned with getting:

In Bette, but of course the fucking shade I want is sold out. Oh, well. There's always the NARS website itself.

>> No.7887858

Because she's an insecure heavy girl and knows that that's the only way she can get any kind of attention. Notice how there's never any full body pictures except for like one where she's trying to cover her stomach while in underwear. Unfortunately, that's what happens to some girls. I don't hate her, but I do hope that she gets the weight under control so as to avoid future health issues.. Also, her chest will sag horribly with aging and it's going to look awful. I can only imagine the pain she deals with right now.

>> No.7887875

I have Heavy Rotation mascara and it honestly felt like such a waste of a purchase. It was like buying drugstore makeup except the package was written in a different language. I feel like cosmetics are better from Western brands whereas Asian markets are better for skin care products than the West is.

>> No.7887898

I know her breasts are her selling point but holy fuck do they ever look shitty 90% of the time

>inb4 'you jelly'
I'm gay and my type is busty cuties but like... those boobs are awful omg.

I don't hate her eyeliner tbh, a moment of silence for her brows though

>> No.7887904

I've liked a lot of face products from Asian brands, but mascara from them either has a really cool concept and an average performance or is basic drugstore tier shit. It's not a bad thing, but for the amount of money spent it isn't really worth it.

>> No.7887911

Nah, it's fine. I wouldn't accuse you of being jealous. People who default to that shit as a response don't realize that you can realize that something looks bad, tacky, or just downright awful and unappealing without bearing any sort of ill will against the person. Besides, those of us who actually do have tits know that those only look as "good" as they do because they're in a push up bra. Once it comes off, they sag to all hell.

>> No.7887912

Wait nevermind I saw a better shot of her typical eyeliner
>dat unsteady line
>dat uneven curve

>> No.7887918

Because that's the only thing she has going on. If you look through her instagram you'll notice she only takes pics of her tits and face, which manages to pass off as skinny for some alien reason I'm yet to know.

>> No.7887925


ah the fat angles. im fat myself and i used to do this sort of thing a lot. having huge tits becomes one of the best things about you so you take pictures showcasing that.

i got over it though. it's pretty tough to keep up a facade that you're something that you aren't. its just so much easier when you let that shit go

i mean yeah if you want to take pictures of your tits and makeup more power to you, but dont spend your entire internet career taking photos at a certain angle to try to make yourself feel better. it doesnt work

>> No.7887942

>skinny for some alien reason I'm yet to know.

She doesn't really pass off as skinny. People on the comments acknowledge that she's fat, but it's mostly men and thirsty black guys (because, well, black guys tend to be into fat white girls) and they do it in a "nice" way where they make light of her "curves". Even when she's not standing fully straight up, you can tell that she's not curvy. She's like one fat, wide cheese wheel stacked on top of another.

And, you're a better person for this, anon.

>> No.7887946

So many fucking girls do that shit with their eye liner. Cat eye is this big fucking deal and yet I can never manage to find a single photo online that isn't some pro photoshoot where the girl has done it properly. Yet another example: http://instagram.com/quirkyloverosee

>> No.7887948

Can we talk about makeup please

>> No.7887951

We are discussing makeup. Just because a few posts made light of something else doesn't mean that the other couple hundred replies in the thread aren't going to be about makeup. Also, this thread has been slow all night and it's not like it's going to get much action at nearly 3am.

So, calm down and wait.

>> No.7887953

Speaking of Instagram, are there any makeup gurus on there who aren't basic as fuck? I mean for something besides contouring, because I really do not need to see any more of that. Especially when a lot of girls on there can't seem to contour for shit.

>> No.7887956

Are you sure anon this is CGL lol
Well anyway I honestly have to ask what to do with my large disgusting pores, I feel way older than I am just because I had acne as a kid and I have dermatillomania still

>> No.7887958
File: 691 KB, 730x625, Too Faced Cocoa Powder Foundation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I forgot to ask this in the last thread. I know that Too Faced used cocoa in their Chocolate Bar palette and now they're using cocoa again in this face powder.

I've never been one to break out from junk food or chocolate consumption (acne is strictly period/stress related), but I feel like with my luck the shit will break me out for the first time at 23 years old. Using cocoa wouldn't break girls out?

>> No.7887964

Even if people have something to say about the tit thing, they can just condense two quotes into one reply and then it's technically not derailing anything.

As for your pores, have you considered using Reddit's skincareaddiction site? They could probably help you with that and they're way better than the skin care advice from here.

>> No.7887969

I shall go there instead thank you, I've tried a bunch that hasn't really helped and I don't have thousands of dollars for facial peels..

>> No.7887974

Trust me, I go on that board to help, too. Skin care doesn't always need to be drugstore promises or thousand dollar peels.

>> No.7887976

No but I mean the face is skinny compared to her body.

>> No.7887977

Oh, yeah. It's that Christina Hendricks kind of thing; Fat girl with a thin face.

>inb4 SHES NOT FAT!1!!!
Bitch, yeah she is, it's called shape wear.

>> No.7887980

It's disappointing. A similar thing happened with Shiseido. I expected their cosmetics to be great since their skin care is just fantastic, but damn is it just bland and they don't really have a great selection of colors when it comes to lipstick.

>> No.7887994
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>White foundation

..A part of me wishes I hadn't ordered that BB cream, if only so I could try this. Although, Mizon didn't disappoint..

>> No.7888037
File: 66 KB, 500x500, 1378644545098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any anons have experience with Elizabeth Arden's cosmetics? I'm curious about the quality of some of their stuff, but every single time (and I do mean without fail) that I go to my Macy's and stop by the counter it's mysteriously without any staff. I've waited for about ten minutes before and nobody came, yet all of the other counters were working normally.

>> No.7888046


Illamasqua's foundation is fucking terrible. Coverage is great but it's a nightmare to get even application. Sadly, they're one of the only brands that make foundation pale enough for my skin.

>> No.7888074

Same brother. I have a few of their eye shadows and I love them. Their pressed white shadow is orgasmic. I wish their red glitter was glittery and less metallic.

>> No.7888273

I know you get like 100 of these questions per thread, but hi, make-up newb here.
My knowledge of make-up is basic. My day-to-day look would be pressed powder, eye shadow/liner and mascara, and I only have few brushes- A big powder brush, a 1" brush for my seldom-used blush, and a couple of eyeshadow wand-things.
What should I add to this to get a smooth look for cosplay photoshoots? Foundation and Moisturiser I know I need, but what are the other essentials? Specifically, are there any tips you guys have for a 'young girl' look? I'm cosplaying Madoka, if that helps.
Any and all tips or links would be really helpful;;

>> No.7888281

Says "cocoa complex" so I'm guessing it isnt exactly pure cocoa powder they're dumping in, just some chemical in it.

>> No.7888353

I have their Green Tea perfume and while it smells nice the longevity is fucking terrible.

>> No.7888383

I bought the white to mix with MUFE HD 110. I just need a drop to get it pale enough for me. I've never used Skin Base for my whole face, but it's good mixed with other foundations.

>> No.7888388

Not sure if Party Mermaid is still around from last week, but
Make Up Forever has a whole line of waterproof eye products that should work for you. They all have "aqua" in the name. I believe they were originally marketing it as being in use on synchronized swimmers.

>> No.7888629

But, the ingredients on the site say cocoa..

>> No.7888634

Thank you so much for the warning. They were the only brand aside from Hourglass that had foundation pale enough for me, but I guess I'll stick with Mizon's BB cream since it's not casting a pink or yellow shade upon me like other BB creams do.

A primer would be useful for your skin and maybe an eyeshadow primer, too. Urban Decay makes excellent eyeshadow primer and Too Faced's Primed and Poreless Pure is good for sensitive skin and won't clog pores.

>> No.7888717

Maybe some blush if you're going for a youthful looking girl theme.

>> No.7888738

Guy here. I wanna try some contouring for the first time, I especially wanna contour my nose. Is there anything you guys recommend for a cheap start?

>> No.7888838

primers are good for smooth and long lasting wear, but one of the things that people don't seem to get is that if you want that "photoshop" smoothness to your face make up you are going to need to make sure you don't have stray peach fuzz or hair anywhere. It should be fairly obvious but a lot of people with fairly nice skin and routines don't take the time to wax and it shows in their makeup application.

Ofc lighting and actual 'shop will help as well, but yeah.

When you're doing a full face please don't skip blush and bronzer, you don't have to cake it on or anything, but do use a bit so that you don't look dead.

As for Madoka... I've always thought it would be cute for a cosplayer to use brown eyeliner and brown mascara/falsies to mimic the anime, but that may not photograph as well. Whatever you do PLEASE don't use an obnoxious/dramatic cateye for Madoka. I hate it when people give moemoe anime characters sexy makeup looks for no reason and I've been seeing it so often recently.

Best of luck though!

>> No.7888896

man here (don't hit on me you silly girls) what's the most subtle way of covering blemishes/PIH

>> No.7888898

Primer to avoid shining and smudge, both for your eyes and your face.

As for a "young girl" look. Try using blush, a really soft pink. Try not to go heavy on the eyeliner. If you want to give your eyes some color, go for a really, really subtle peachy or pink color.

Some lashes would help too, although not that long. You want to be as subtle as possible in your colors. A tinted lip balm and some gloss to give it some shine might also look good.


>> No.7888958

I hate LC but I read good things about their velvetines from someone in an e-celebrity snark community. I figured if someone who dislikes Doe is giving it a good review, it would be worth trying.

I bought two and they actually are pretty good. But I feel so guilty every time I use them that I barely wear them. Also there are so many liquid to matte lipsticks that are good quality that there's no need for me to repurchase. I recently got a sample of one by Hourglass and it is so perfect. It's insanely pigmented, stays wet long enough to fix mistakes before it dries, and I swear I felt like I had nothing on when I wore it. It's kind of pricey though.

>> No.7888967

>tinted lip balm

Anon, I'd like to recommend the Sugar series by Fresh or http://www.sephora.com/color-reveal-lip-balm-P304833?skuId=1363134

>> No.7888974

I know that their velvetines are fawned over, but there are better products that are similar by Matte Me, Hourglass, etc. I honestly haven't seen too many good reviews for the velvetines post-purchase, though. A lot of them speak to the color being good, but that it dries lips out to insane degrees, smudges easily when eating, etc.

But, god yes, it's as if Hourglass could do no wrong. They make such good shit.

>> No.7888982
File: 82 KB, 288x350, lipvenom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like a plumping/pouty effect and don't mind a bit of tingling, Lip Venom is a personal favorite.

>> No.7888987

I've heard good things about this! Would you apply before or after lipstick? I'm nervous that applying after would smudge it, but I've heard conflicting information.

>> No.7889004

concealer pen

>> No.7889023

I'd say it depends on whether or not you want the shininess or not. If you want the shine, just make sure to prime your lips and use a good lipstick and then apply the gloss after. If you want a more matte finish while still being pouty, apply the lipgloss first, wait for it to take effect, dab off most of the gloss, and then apply lipstick. Either way the best thing you can do is prepare your lips by keeping them exfoliated and priming them so the lipstick stays on.

>> No.7889098

I'm going to be cosplaying Kuroo from HQ soon and need to conceal most of my eyebrows to reshape them. Anyone have any tips or tutorials for me?

>> No.7889115


>> No.7889131

This might be useful for you.

>> No.7889159


>> No.7889202

Look up the glue method for your eyebrows. Practice it a few times because it can be difficult

>> No.7889230

Yeah, I've seen it in person a few times but it usually looks really... off.. i wasn't sure if it was more the method or the application

>> No.7889233

Unfortunately, both the glue stick or soap methods tend to look off or they make some people break out.

>> No.7889302

I wish that Clinique's cosmetics were better and they didn't animal test.

>> No.7889309
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For those who are interested in cruelty-free brands:

>> No.7889484
File: 260 KB, 1000x602, sea of piss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all just take a moment..

>Almost always the model for her own shitty line

>> No.7889489

This isn't even really showcasing the palette...

>> No.7889513


More on her page.

>> No.7889523

I honestly can't even see these shades looking that great on too many people unless they're darker skinned. They're also pretty gross choices in terms of colors.. They look more like cheek colors than eye shadows, frankly. Three of these eight shades look like dried period blood.

>> No.7889539

On another note, she's using a M.A.C lipstick and that eye shadow doesn't even look like any of the ones in her palette..

>> No.7889581

>for her own shitty line
I was thinking of buying some lime crime velvetines should I not?

>> No.7889587 [DELETED] 

She's a shady piece of shit and her cosmetics honestly are not worth what she prices them as. You can do better, for half the price.

>> No.7889596

Messed up on first post. Anyway.. http://www.sephora.com/opaque-rouge-liquid-lipstick-P375384?skuId=1439397

Here's a better example of what a velvetine actually is, which is a liquid to matte lipstick. This, unlike Lime Crime, is quality. You could also try Matte Me. Lime Crime and it's CEO are very shady and their products are drugstore quality yet overpriced.

>> No.7889610

>Using a M.A.C eyeshadow

>> No.7889631

I knew she was shady, but I didn't know their products weren't good. I was just looking for a deep red lip color that I could wear all day, but eat/drink without getting it everywhere...I'll check those out though, thanks anon

>> No.7889639

For other products that work better than Lime Crime velvetines:





>> No.7889653

No problem! Just make sure to let your lipstick dry before you eat or drink anything and you should be set for that matte effect.

Unfortunately, Lime Crime's products aren't as good as the website makes them out to be. I also used to want one of their velvetines until I realized that there are superior products out there. The velvetines actually have reviews for being runny when eating or drinking, drying lips out, and being difficult to remove (which is a pain in the ass at the end of the day and bad because you're scrubbing at the delicate skin on your lips). Doe is known for photo shopping the lipstick swatches on her website in order to make them appear better than they actually are. Multiple reviews across the internet speak to that fact once disappointed customers received their products and found that the color wasn't great and neither was the staying power.

>> No.7889686

Thanks guys for your help I don't think I'm going to get the Lime Crime ones after all

>> No.7889691

I have a concealer from The Body Shop and it doesn't apply nicely. What are some better concealer pens?

>> No.7889699
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Yet another soul saved from Xenia's clutches.

>> No.7890063
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Coming in November to M.A.C

>> No.7890105
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This drama llama is releasing a cosmetics line..

Can't really say that I've ever been fond of his attitude or even his own makeup, but maybe this will.. be something for others to look forward to?

>> No.7890110
File: 66 KB, 752x515, rimmel-lipstick-aw_thumb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was browsing Amazon and I once again fell victim to being attracted by pretty packaging.

The reviews look good and I may order it. I'm glad that I've gotten less impulsive with buying something simply because it looked pretty and just hoping it would work for me.

Have you ever bought a beauty product on impulse? Mine was pic related when I was 19. It was a metallic looking purple case at the time and that little crown on top was just too adorable.. Glad I moved up to better quality, though.

>> No.7890115
File: 117 KB, 1200x900, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the time. I got pic-related because they smelled amazing and I thought I could use a simple lip tint. They were almost rock hard, tugged like hell, and weren't even moisturizing at all.

Recently I got a Wet 'n Wild lip balm (a ripoff of Neutrogena?) on impulse and it was also a waste of money. The color is fine but the smell is awful.

>> No.7890128

It's a fucking shame because they do look really pretty.. and I'm usually a bitch about ever buying drugstore after my mistake.

They're like Jello and Barbie. ;_;

>> No.7890135

Maybe I can still use them as a perfume stick...But they are pretty enough to display.

>> No.7890138

I got Babylips on impulse, and it smells delicious and does a great job.
Also I am guilty of having bought Asian cosmetics just because they looked cute

>> No.7890176
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Wanted so bad, but they animal test.

>> No.7890184


>> No.7890186

Also, every Skin Food makeup product which uses peaches or raspberry..


>> No.7890966

I hate that Too Faced's romantic eye palette is no longer at my Sephora. I always get nervous with ordering online.

>> No.7890992

is it wrong to cake my whole face with make up? after 5 days of eating crap, lots of zits came up so i just ended up covering them with layers and layers of foundation and concealer

>> No.7891003

Have you owned it before? I enjoy mine but the shadows are not super pigmented.

>> No.7891010

It honestly depends on how your skin is. Some girls can cake makeup on while their face is healing and their pimples still go away. Others who tend to be more oily or have a history with acne may need to lay off of the makeup or use makeup with acne healing properties. Though, as annoying as it is, I suggest that you take the necessary steps to cleanse and allow your face to heal and avoid makeup. If you're still set on using it, you could try The Body Shop's tea tree cosmetics or Clinique's cosmetics designed to not worsen acne.

>> No.7891017

I have not, but I wouldn't be bothered if they weren't very pigmented. I'm trying to experiment with palettes since the only eye shadow color I wear is a deep purple with dark red lipstick. I have some M.A.C pink lipsticks and I suppose that I'm trying to experiment with different colors to match with those.

I really like Too Faced's Country palette, but those colors wouldn't look good on me. I'm curious about the Boudoir Eyes one, too.

>> No.7891022

Depends on how you're taking care of your skin.
If you cake yourself with makeup but do not follow a proper skincare routine, you'll get fucked up.

>> No.7891083

I've thought about ordering these instead of buying Sephora's overpriced sets.

>> No.7891105
File: 97 KB, 1600x1600, correctivegreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have recommendations for a decent drugstore-price corrective green concealer? Mostly I need light redness-correction around my t-zone.

>> No.7891244

Clinique Redness solution

>> No.7891369

Maybelline Cover Stick concealer comes in green.

>> No.7891393

Ecotools is good for most things. I found that their foundation brush doesn't hold up to washing so I went with a Sephora brush for that one.

>> No.7891404


Seconding this anon >>7891244

I have rosacea and it helps me

>> No.7891408

Thirding. I know that it's pricier than drugstore, but it's honestly better.

>> No.7891418

Is that beauty blender thing worth all of the hype?

>> No.7891509

Do you anons think its necessary to use a primer under BB cream or no? I've never used primers except on my eyes, I'm deciding whether to buy that hourglass mineral veil primer, but not sure if it's worth it... especially if I use BB cream as a base.

>> No.7891512

You should always use primer under a BB cream or foundation.

>> No.7891513

I've attempted it and the bb cream just slides around on top in my experience

>> No.7891577

You need a new primer or to let the primer set.

>> No.7891581

You're supposed to use a primer under either of those. You're always supposed to prep before you paint your face. For primers, I do recommend Hourglass or Too Faced.

>> No.7891600

I read that you should use silicone based primers with silicone based bb creams/moisturiser and silicone based makeup. Just like you should use water based primer with water based moisturiser with water based makeup. Chemically silicon and water doesn't work together, you want to use products with similar main ingredients for best results.

>> No.7891649

What are your thoughts on Dior products? BB cream, cleansers?

>> No.7891713

Their BB creams are too dark for me, but may suit others. I have a thing for their Creme de Rose smoothing and plumping lip balm as well as their Addict Extreme lipstick. Their Diorskin Pore Minimizer is alright, but I still prefer Too Faced for their primer. Their skin care on the same level as Lancome; It's worth the money.

>> No.7891818

Thanks anon for your advise.

>> No.7891834
File: 26 KB, 500x400, subsurfacescattering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed a sort of 'flat' effect on my face after using foundation. Yeah my pores and dark spots look better but I also look more washed out or ill-defined or something . . . what could this be? Its as if my red and blotchy face has more depth and dimension before I apply my foundation.

I've thought that it might be looking overly powdery or something to do with the finish of my foundations. I'm gonna get a stippling brush to apply my cream blush instead of using powder blush and will try to set my finishing powder with a light mist of water. I'm not so sure about the foundation though, I'm oily skinned and could see a dewy finish foundation looking greasy on me after a few hours but I am planning on getting samples at Sephora. I'm otherwise thinking that some highlighter and contouring could alleviate this flat effect. I've never used a highlighter or contouring powder/etc so I'd hope its not a waste of money.

I DO have a hypothesis about this: I think the foundation is muting something called "Subsurface Scattering". I first learned about in in regards to art and painting skin tones and then again in some Pixar(?) documentary. Skin is slightly transparent (hold your hand in front of a bright bulb and note the slightly translucent quality of the skin between your fingers), it absorbs and also **reflects** light through that upper layer of dermis. Its a subtle effect that painters (and Pixar artists apparently) imbue in their artwork for more realistic skintones. The skin on your face would be absorbing and reflecting light and this could be that 'glow' that people sometimes talk about good skin having. What if foundation interferes with this? Maybe the light is bouncing off of the cosmetic pigments instead of being absorbed and reflected back through the skin?

Any thoughts? Has anyone had this experience with foundation before?

>> No.7891878

I will like to share my makeup routine. It's a really inexpensive set of items because I'm too cheap to spend the dough, but here it is. I have used this stuff for over a year and my skin is if anything better than when I started these makeups so I think they aren't too bad. Just a simple daily look. Very easy.

Holika Holika bb cream - 5 dollars. Great coverage and is the whitest stuff I have found.
Elf eyeliner - 1 dollar.
Elf eyeshadow - 3 dolars.
Elf mascara - 3 dollars.

Total - 12 dollars. Lasts three months.

>> No.7891881

Thank you so much for your input. I hope this helps some anons. Elf wouldn't be too bad for those who are new to cosmetics and just learning how to experiment, but don't want to drop a lot on products they may not like later on.

>> No.7891906

You're right on the contouring front - that's likely what you need. You can go pretty subtle with it for a day-to-day look; just some shading around your cheekbones can make a world of difference.

>> No.7891908

Dude seriously, this is what contouring and highlighting is for

>> No.7891946

You're overthinking things. That's the /point/ of foundation, to smooth and flatten things out. Grab yourself some bronzer or other contour/highlighter as >>7891906 and >>7891908 said and learn to create shadows.

>> No.7891948

The Face Shop has a pretty good green makeup base that kind of doubles as a concealer and a primer. Great price and it works. I recommend using it in thin layers and build as needed for best results.

>> No.7891960

Okay, how the fuck do you guys get lipgloss/lipstick to stay on your lips? I'll go apply gloss or stick and do the "pat on a tissue once" and maybe not even an hour will go by and I see the color is already gone. And this is without eating or drinking (just through a straw). Tips?

>> No.7891985

I have 3/4 things on this list. Loved my HH bb cream and my ELF palette. Couldn't get behind their eyeliners though. Great for when I was just trying out stuff in the beginning but the pencils aren't smooth and will smudge if you don't use primer. The liquid liner pen is very weak and the cap is pretty shit, don't keep it in your purse because it will fall off. The gel liner would barely even come off onto the brush and did not apply well to skin. I read good reviews on it so maybe I had a faulty one but I ain't giving that another try. On the other hand their eye primer is amazing for the price. Would recommend it to those who plan to pick up their pencil eyeliner.

>> No.7891986

It's either one of these things:

a] The quality of your lipstick is not good enough.
b] You're not letting it dry properly [especially if it's of the long-lasting kind]

What you could do is apply foundation before applying your lipstick to make it stay for longer.

>> No.7892023

>don't take the time to wax
Not the original noob anon, but I've never thought about at-home waxing. Right now I use a razor on my upper lip... I know its a no-no but its so quick. Any advice on home waxing? I can't afford salons.

>> No.7892038
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I use wax strips, works well

>> No.7892092

Like >>7892038 said, wax strips are pretty boss, but they can be a bit expensive so shop around. I've heard that some anons have had good luck with pots of sugar wax/whatever but I havent been brave enough to make that plunge myself.

And definitely make sure to patch test that stuff, it can really wreck your week to have a hivestache. I'm also looking at one of those cheap episticks to do in between waxing.

>> No.7892217

You don't own a lip primer? Or, you could start using matte.

>> No.7892233

I don't know anyone who uses the tissue thing. You need lip liner also to prevent your lipstick from feathering. I recommend M.A.C or Revlon for that.

>> No.7892241

Bliss has a lip balm that is almost a perfect match as far as feel and moisture

>> No.7892245
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>> No.7892253

I use Mizon's Snail BB Cream and I feel like it was the whitest I had found because it didn't have any undertones. How pale is HH?

>> No.7892261
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What are some gems you've found in drugstore that you didn't expect to find?

I've had a love affair with plenty of drugstore mascaras which I felt worked nicely and I still do have a soft spot in my heart for them, despite having moved on to Too Faced and other brands. I also had such a hard time finding nude lip liner in Sephora, yet found a great nude and a red one by Revlon. To this day, they're still my favorite liners.

>> No.7892304

I've only recently gotten into lolita, but i really have no idea how to wear good make up. Could someone suggest a simple, plain lolita make up tutorial? Im at a loss as i don't usally wear make up and when i do, i only wear light foundation and mascara.
Thanks in advance!!

>> No.7892428

Newb anon from >>7888273 here! Just wanted to say thanks for all of the tips. I went on a shopping trip and picked up a few (cheap drugstore brand) things to practice with before I jump in and buy premium brand stuff.
I also picked up some BB Cream in place of a foundation because I've heard a lot of good things about them, was this a good idea?

>> No.7892465

The ones in the photo look like Maybelline

>> No.7892560

Neutrogena's line of skin care products (not the sort of scented things, like grapefruit or apple, those things messed my skin like crazy). Especially their blackhead removing scrub/mask and toner have been a lifesaver for me. Cleared my nose-area, forehead and chin and I only have like five or six small and persistent blackheads instead of battallion.

>> No.7892570

Western BB creams are more like tinted moisturizers and generally don't have the skin care benefits that Korean BB creams claim to have. Some are terrible and some are fine. You'll just have to see how it works for you.

>> No.7892601

Could you please give some more details on the mask?
I have very large and deep black heads on my nose which are bugging me. I can't use most scrubs, but I have started using a konjac sponge which has helped my skin a bit.

>> No.7892607

Who the hell is this guy? I keep seeing dramatic vines of him applying lipstick with no explanation as to who he is or why I should care.

>> No.7892612

What's a good matte brown eyeshadow palette for contouring that won't break my wallet? Everything either looks like shit, glitters, or is 40+ dollars..

>> No.7892620

Some e-celebrity from the Myspace days. Like Kiki Kannibal but somewhat less of a failure.

>> No.7892884

Light foundation and mascara is good. I'd reccomend getting a gel eyeliner and doing a thin line along the top. It depends on how wide your eyelids are, though, if you have thin/no eyelids, the line will have to be thicker. And if your eyes are darker than normal, your eyebrows will probably end up looking pretty faint. You can buy a cheap eyeshadow and fill in your eyebrows to make them a bit bolder to match your eyes.
Generally foundation+concealer+light eyeliner+mascara+eyebrows nd should look natural and pretty. Blush or eyeshadow can look too unnatural and weird if you're not an expert.

>> No.7892890

Can anyone recommend me a translucent or light non-sparkly powder that won't clog my pores?
Korean preferred since I'm making an order but anything will do

>> No.7892894

M.A.C, Bobbi Brown, or Maybelline.

>> No.7892899

He's this guy who used to create a shitload of drama in the alternative and party scenes of Florida and later SoCal. Instigated fights, made awful music, would always go around shouting about cunts as if he were edgy, made panties that said 'cunt', just a mess of being a giant try hard while sporting terrible tattoos and awful makeup that I only see drag queens wearing.

In recent years, he's a makeup artist and is still obnoxious.

>> No.7892902


I like Tony Moly's Cats Wink powder.

>> No.7892903

Have you tried Étude House?

>> No.7892916

Skin79 has some hologram pact thing and then there's Skin Food's peach sake powder or their pore pact.

>> No.7892919

Does anyone have general make-up tips for someone with dark hair/eyebrows and light grey eyes?

My eyes look terrible without eyeliner, but it looks too heavy at the same time.

>> No.7893114

Have you tried brown eyeliner? Else, tight-lining might work, but I can't personally recommend (the product all ends up in my eyes, can't be good). Perhaps just a thin black line and curl + black mascara would look less heavy.

>> No.7893141

tight lining is fucking important. i hate it when people have eyeliner on their face and you can see that naked line just below their lashes uuuugh

>> No.7893156

Not that anon, but what pencils do you like using for tight-lining?

>> No.7893168

Seconding. My tightlining always rubs off in an hour or so.

>> No.7893254





>> No.7893259

maybelline lasting drama gel liner

>> No.7893301

How do I take care of my lips after I buff and exfoliate them smooth?
I do this, apply lip balm immediately but then wake up chapped the next morning. It never ends.

>> No.7893311

Apply blush. Flatness problem solved.

>> No.7893312

>watch makeup gurus on YouTube
>doing tags like Products I Regret Buying
>complaining that a BB cream is too sheer and too much like a tinted moisturiser
No shit guys.

>> No.7893316

Chanel, oddly enough. I say that because most people are familiar with their perfumes and lipsticks. I forgot I even had lipgloss one the day I went to the state fair, and it was still holding on strong after I got back. Given that it lasted through disgustingly delicious fried food, roller coasters, and constantly drinking water, I'm impressed.

>> No.7893324

Well, yeah, it's Chanel. It's quality compared to a lot of things.

>> No.7893327

>most people are familiar with their perfumes and lipsticks

Who only thinks of Chanel being competent when it comes to those two things? Their cosmetics and skin care are both raved upon.

>> No.7893332

Were they buying Western or Korean BB creams? Because the Western ones often tend to be shit and I've yet to find one that isn't.

>> No.7893336

>oddly enough
Girl that's far from odd.

>> No.7893338

You could try jojoba oil or bag balm.

>> No.7893343

..I'm confused? How is it odd that a high end brand lives up to it's name? I mean, you get what you pay for. If you act like a broke bitch, you get broke bitch quality.

>> No.7893361

Avoid bold shades.

>> No.7893603

neutrogena's oil free deep clean is a god send for my skin. It is now the only thing I will use, I couldnt find it for a month and my skin broke out horrible, I found it last week and my skin looks so much better.

>> No.7893654

Bah, I wish I could've made their products work for me. I went through every drugstore skin care line back in high school and nothing worked. I was super pissed, especially since their grapefruit scrub just smells amazing. I'm a Burt's Bees user now and I just bought their acne stuff today. I hope it works.

>> No.7893735

Really? Why? I've never used one and never had any problems.

>> No.7893737

I have VERY light skin and the BB cream in the lightest shade is pretty much perfect for me.

>> No.7893746

I should clarify, I'm talking about the Nude BB cream, not Hydra Life.

>> No.7893764

what are some ways that i can make fake blood with household ingredients?

>> No.7893772

We literally covered this already, earlier in the thread.

>> No.7893792

I dont know the measurements offhand, but golden syrup, red food colouring, and a little bit of soy sauce. experiment with the dye and soy, I think its just a few drops each to quite a bit of syrup

>> No.7893798

Thank you anons! Especially you, anon who recommended the Innisfree sebum compact!

>> No.7893804

Great, because I didn't see any replies and I didn't read every single post.
And thank you VERY much, I just read the first sentence of every post and I still couldn't find an answer.

>> No.7893806

I just got them in today and they're super nice. I had other EcoTools brushes before, so I knew what to expect, but the foam brush was especially nice.

>> No.7893811

Yeah Almay products usually go for the natural look so their mascaras don't look too dramatic. I like their foundation cream since it matches your skin tone when you apply it.

>> No.7893851

Stop being a passive-agggressive cunt
>Primer to avoid shining and smudge, both for your eyes and your face.
>This is literally THE FIRST SENTENCE of the post.

>> No.7893894

That doesn't really answer my question, because as I stated I never had any problems with shining or smudge even without a primer. So, why is it so essential that two anons posted that you HAVE to use it?

>> No.7893904

I'll try the jojoba, got a bottle right here.

>> No.7894118

Anon, primers act as a barrier between your skin and the makeup. In reality, all makeup damages your skin no matter how "natural" it's chemistry is, but proper skin care and usage of primer lessens the damage makeup can do. Damage from makeup is also lessened by using quality brands with better ingredients as opposed to cheaper brands, which typically do not take their customer's skin and long term effects into consideration when creating their products.

Also, as other anons have stated, primers prevent shine and hold makeup in place. Some primers also include benefits such as SPF, antioxidant, and anti-aging purposes. Western BB creams tend to be tinted moisturizers which don't include the benefits that Korean BB creams do for skin. In the end, some people choose to not wear primer and some do. Personally, I stand by prepping your face before painting and protecting it.

>> No.7894153
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In order to highlight the difference between cheap and expensive cosmetics, as well as damage caused by the former:



>> No.7894182

No problem! Just a notice, if you order it from YesStyle it can take around two weeks to get to you. If it's on Amazon, the time can vary. I always get certain dates from Amazon for my Korean skin care shippers that are never accurate and I get my things way faster than what they tell me in the confirmation email.

>> No.7894186

wtf are you talking about nothing about damage in any of these, nor are there any sources for the first link. not helpful.

the drugstore is full of awesome products these days, it's silly to generalize and bash drugstore as "lower quality" when there's plenty of low-end shit that's comparable or better than expensive shit.

>> No.7894192

>Victoria's Secret palette
that is NOT high end. VS palettes are usually pretty bad quality.

>> No.7894206

> there's plenty of low-end shit that's comparable or better than expensive shit.

Haha no.

>> No.7894209

>primers act as a barrier between your skin and the makeup
bullshit, the makeup is going to contact your skin no matter what. this is a myth. proper skincare is one thing, but advocating expensive products just because they're expensive is a joke. primer helps makeup stick to your face and gives you some SPF or fills in your pores, depending on its ingredients, but don't expect something that sits on your skin to stay "separated" or even in a layer as "protection" against the rest of your makeup, because the makeup is going to sit on your skin no matter what, and it's unlikely that regular drugstore products will do anything especially damaging to your skin.

>> No.7894213
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>> No.7894214

It's not silly to generalize. If you bothered to even read earlier in the thread, anons do have favorite drugstore products as well as ones from Sephora and department stores. However, it's been said several times before that quality is indeed proportionate to price when it comes to skin care or cosmetics.

What is retarded is how these threads always turn into some shit where someone wants to have their cake and eat it, too; Demanding "good" items and then bitching about the prices of the suggestions. It's funny how defensive people have gotten in these threads over someone saying they prefer a certain brand that isn't sold in a Walgreens, going out of their way to throw shade just because someone used drugstore and found it to be neither useful nor worth the money.

>> No.7894217

real talk, my CoverGirl foundation is better than my Marc Jacobs foundation and I'm pissed because I spent like $50 on the Marc Jacobs as a carefully-planned purchase at Sephora and bought the fucking CoverGirl foundation when I forgot my makeup bag before I went on a trip. The CG foundation stays better and sets matte and takes longer to look oily than my Marc foundation, it's easier to apply and covers better.

Also my bf got me a Dior quint for my birthday and those shadows were hard as fuck and less pigmented than my Wet n' Wild Comfort Zone palette. That's pathetic and disappointing.

But ok, whatever makes you feel better about dumping hundreds of dollars on prestige instead of caring about the actual performance of the products you use.

>> No.7894220

Not really bait but if that makes you feel better then so be it, sweet cheeks.

>> No.7894221
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>sweet cheeks
try harder lol

>> No.7894228

>But ok, whatever makes you feel better about dumping hundreds of dollars-
Hm yeah no going to stop you right there.
It's not about "prestige" you idiot, it's about ingredients.

You know what happens when I try to use drugstore makeup? I break out, badly.

You know what happened when I switched to Guerlain foundation? My skin didn't suffer any damage, you know why? Because Guerlain is a brand focused specifically on makeup, but obviously if your standard to choose makeup brands is by prestige and you don't bother to learn about the wide range of medium and high end brands that are out there, of course you'd have a terrible experience with high end makeup, but I mean at least you tried.

>> No.7894231

Not even trying. But by all means do go on. Keep replying. I want to see how many variations of the "bait XDDDD" picture you have.

>> No.7894232

This is why I love Hourglass cosmetics. It's a bitch and a half paying $60 for a tube of foundation, but that stuff makes my skin look amazing AND it helps keep it clear. It's totally worth it, IMO.

>> No.7894242

>dumping hundreds of dollars on prestige instead of caring about the actual performance

Except that some of us do care about their performance, which is why we pay for medium or higher end brands. Because, you know, some of us briefly used drugstore or Target-tier in high school and found that it was shit compared to samples of things we got from Sephora or department stores.

You anons bitch about generalizing drugstore (despite earlier in this thread and even in prior makeup threads, anons attested to using both Sephora AND drugstore items), yet you stick your foot in your mouth by claiming that those who have the ability to pay for medium or higher end do it for "the prestige". Because it was totally not possible for people to have experimented, researched certain brands, and came to the conclusion that this is what they preferred using as opposed to a mushy lipstick that has zero staying power and smells like moldy crayons.

Honestly, that's the kind of shit that makes me feel like I'm talking to those "underdog" type girls who watch movies like "A Cinderella Story" and think that they're superior to the le popular gurl because they "r so nawt lyke other gurls XDDDDD".

>> No.7894249

>Marc Jacobs

Honey, that's your problem. That makeup is shit. It's a joke like (and I know I'll get shit because people like the brand) Kat Von D.

>> No.7894255

I thought Prestige was a makeup brand

>> No.7894262

>Aussie brand

No wonder I've never heard of this shit. It's not in my Sephora, department stores, and I don't use Ulta because they're even more irritating than Sephora associates.

>> No.7894273

>$14 lipstick

That's supposed to be expensive? This is M.A.C-tier..

>> No.7894277

I'm sure I got my shit from Rite Aid, but I could be wrong. Not bad eyeshadows. They were on sale for .99, so why not?

>> No.7894291

let's turn this around.
are there any "crappy" products you actually use a lot? I like to use cheap lip gloss and blush, I rarely use them so I didn't want to spend a lot of money. Turns out even the shittiest brands stay on long enough for the evening/parties

I've also used really crappy eyeshadows from time to time if I want to try an unusual color

>> No.7894293

I don't really go to drugstores for anything else except for my birth control, nail polish, and Burt's Bees. We actually don't even have many in the area where I live and most things are locally owned.

>> No.7894296

Except that, as previously stated, this was already asked right here

If people cannot be bothered to read the thread, it's no fault but their own.

>> No.7894302

But then the primer is in contact with your skin, potentially damaging it.

>> No.7894308

Do ELF products count? Their stuff are pretty cheap, but I like their blush and their lipgloss is good enough.

>> No.7894316

Oh, and once again:
All posts discussing or recommending drugstore in civil manners earlier ITT.

But, yeah, it's our fault if cunts can't read.

>> No.7894317

>cheap is always better
>if you care about and spend a lot of money on your appearance, you're a stuck up bitch

I hate this mindset so much. It reminds me of bratty school kids who will argue that "you can't like both rap AND metal music!!1". It's just so horribly immature and narrow-minded

>> No.7894318

OPI is consider THE BEST nail polish where I live, and every bottle I have is absolute shit - I have about 8 and every single one chips within a day despite a base and top coat. Revlon is my favourite brand of nail polish, it's a million times better than OPI and I wish I'd saved my money.

I also really like Revlon mascaras, especially the Lash Potion one. Heaps of people hate it, but it really works for me, I don't have a problem with the big brush and I don't have a problem with clumping either.

Another one of my favourite products are the Avon Glimmersticks eyeliners. I've tried heaps of other brands, but none of them are as good as the Glimmersticks.

>> No.7894319

jesus anon, I was just trying to lighten the atmosphere again after cheapskate anon's posts. calm down.

>> No.7894323

Why are you so mad about this? People don't permanently camp ITT if you didn't realise

>> No.7894328

I'm trying to find the holy grail of eyeliners. I have really oily lids, and everything I've ever tried has smudged and faded or flaked off after an hour or two.

Currently looking at buying one of the following:

Which one would you endorse? Or any other suggestions?

>> No.7894331

NYC's mascara in the blue tube actually lasts a long time, decent quality, and doesn't clump easily. Bought it because I was in need of mascara and my options were very limited.

>> No.7894336

>Rap and metal

Not quite the example I would have used, but I do understand your point. It's that irritating logic that gets pushed in after school specials and teen shows or cartoons, with some down and out "misunderstood" heroine who doesn't use makeup or wash her face, wears jeans and not dresses, etc. Her "rival", of course, wears makeup, takes care of her appearance, carries a purse, and is popular for whatever reason and therefore becomes the object of ire for the "heroine". And, almost inevitably, the writers portray this "rival" as a massive cunt or a ditz. As if there's any real benefit to perpetuating the outdated stereotype that taking care of yourself, enjoying fashion, being feminine, etc automatically makes you a spoiled, shallow, unintelligent airhead with absolutely nothing going for you besides your looks and how dare you make girls who don't do what you do feel bad about themselves by virtue that you exist wah wah.

>ib4 b-but girls who wear makeups maed fun of me!1!!!

Sorry that you were around cunts, dude, but that doesn't mean that you equate everyone who may happen to enjoy what your bully did to being awful based solely on a preference which only affects you if you feel like throwing shade. You don't like spending more on makeup? Dude, be my guest, but don't bitch at those who do or people who give you suggestions that are pricier if you ask for "good" yet don't specify that you want grocery or drugstore.


>> No.7894337

I have a mac gel liner and etude house drawing show creamy liner, they're both great except the latter is cheaper.

>> No.7894338

*waterproof eyeliner, I should say. Mascara suggestions that are waterproof and have long staying power would also be helpful.

>> No.7894341

That isn't my problem. People shouldn't get all defensive the moment someone says they prefer paying more for something and then accuse people of shitting on drugstore, despite it having been discussed and suggested and praised. But, broke bitches do that.

>> No.7894365

I have really oily eyelids too and I find Maybelline's gel liner is fantastic. Pen liners don't do shit for me, but that stuff stays in place.

>> No.7894366

Honestly, I like Revlon.

>> No.7894476

Get yourself a Stila Smudge Stick in whatever color you'd like, those eyeliners stay on like nuts even without primer and through water, stays heavily pigmented and even if I go to sleep with my eyeliner on it stays on until the next morning.

>> No.7894559
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it has to be specifically this stuff or horrible breakouts happen. So I feel your pain.

I hope your burts bees stuff works out!

>> No.7894572

for you dipshits that can't fucking do winged liner properly, get Urban Decay's 24 hr liquid liner. practice and don't bitch about how little the brush is, it's all about accuracy in your shitfuck lines.

also drugstore makeup is disgusting anyone who uses it can burn in hell.

>> No.7894581
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Anon, it's storming badly here and you just made my night, holy shit. My sides.

I love how only when the quality of drugstore was challenged did these bitches come out of the woodwork to get all defensive.

>> No.7894585
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Bless you, anon.

>> No.7894589
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>Mfw that was the shit I used, but it was the gel looking shit with the pump.
>Did nothing for acne, but made face dry out and itchy.

Fuck youuuuuu, Neutrogenaaaaa.
The BB shit seems to be good. Still mad about no sexy grapefruit Neutrogena wash.

>> No.7894600

this is NOT the same thing!! This is a creme and it works great (for me). The gel stuff did nothing for me!

>> No.7894604

What's the difference? I had to switch to the pump after moving cities and not finding the cream in stores. I had a brief breakout period after switching, but it's all fine now. I prefer the cream though.

>> No.7894613
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no idea what the difference is, I just know the gel pup stuff did not work at all for me, neither did some other of their products. I tried this stuff too and it does not work for me.

>> No.7894615

Burt can learn how to share a woman, hue.

>> No.7894627

I haven't found a nice waterproof eyeliner that doesn't either wear off or give me a horrible reaction (I get the same thing with many brands of false lash glue >life is suffering)

but for waterproof mascara, I got covergirl lashblast (in the orange tube) in my xmas stocking last year and really liked it! well enough to buy it again. It's really long lasting for me, and it layers nicely over my other mascaras as well as working by itself. The brush is brutal sharp though, so if you're shaky handed then avoid it. (I'm just a trembley handed fuck)

A few of my friends find it too hard to remove though, so keep that in mind.

>> No.7894645

Both. These are often people who make youtube videos for a living and have done extensive research about makeup, they ought to know that BB creams are never going to offer the same amount of coverage as a foundation, yet they still seem to expect them to

>> No.7894654

Fucking retards.

>> No.7894708

I haven't seen Avon in stores. Where can I find them?

>> No.7894718

There's an online store, and you probably have a middle aged woman somewhere who's an Avon rep who can hook you up with a catalogue. I buy mine through a rep.

>> No.7894719

>middle aged woman somewhere

Must be the cider, because I'm laughing so hard at this and I don't know why.

>> No.7894776

She used VS and MAC, otherwise known as basic bitch makeup. I actually snorted when she kept saying they were expensive and there was even a visible difference in low-mid tier and low tier. the $5 difference made a huge difference.

>> No.7894787

The only really cheap dupe I love to death is the "falsies" mascara. Can't beat five bucks a tube for that kind of awesomeness. Is BH cosmetics considered low or mid tier? My cosmetologist friends swear by it and I like their lipsticks and powder-type products a lot.

>> No.7894793

Yeah but the point of the video was to let people see the difference between drugstore and brands of better quality.
It's obviously wrong that they'd label M.A.C. or VS as high end, though.

>> No.7894803

Mascara is one of those things you can really save your money on, there are a million different good cheap ones and mascara's a very personal thing to begin with, so just because it's expensive doesn't mean you'll love it.

I also feel like lip products are something you can get away with buying cheaply. You do have to hunt a little, but there are heaps of good lip products out there in the drugstore that I can't justify buying high end products.

Honestly, as a generalisation I feel like it's just skin stuff that you ought to splurge on.

>> No.7894807

Mascara is one of those unnecessary expenses when it comes to price because you're supposed to replace it constantly [every 3 months], so it doesn't really matter if you buy drugstore.

>> No.7894808

Also BH cosmetics is low end.

>> No.7894830

Hey, thats my favourite BB too. I always wonder what trash is in it that makes it so cheap though, but it applies on me so much better than the Afternoon Tea by SkinFood, and my Skin79 in Hot Pink. Could be just me, I'm oily and acne prone. I use the "Clear" one.

>> No.7894853

Doesn't everyone have one of those laying around?

>> No.7895086

As the other anons said, I don't think another layer of chemicals can't protect my skin from a second layer of chemicals.
I only use high-end makeup and BB creams and I don't think they're damaging my skin at all, on the contrary.
The only primer I've eyed so far is one that makes my skin shinier, not with grease, but you know, that *glow*. I love that.

>> No.7895101

Dior shadows aren't supposed to be BAM COLOR ON YOUR LIDS, but subtle and elegant. If you want more of an effect, apply multiple layers.
Highly "pigmented" drugstore shadows often use harmful ingridients, even colors that were originally intended for paint (the one you paint your walls with), same goes for lipsticks.

>> No.7895111

I bought drugstore mascara ONCE and my eyes were burning and itching like crazy. NEVER AGAIN.

>> No.7895148

Which primer is that?

I once reacted really badly to a mascara from YSL. It really depends on how sensitive you are and what you're allergic to. High-end brands aren't necessarily hypoallergenic, but if those work better for you then I guess that's all that matters.

>> No.7895194
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I'm not very good at makeup, and I don't really know how to go about this?
cosplaying raven. Thought about doing minimal makeup since she's young, but I also thought that heavy and dark makeup might be appropriate since she's well.. she's emo as fuck, let's be real.

Any help?

>> No.7895361

Maybe accentuate the eyebrows, and instead of heavy emo eyeliner, going for a sullen eyebag look might be better. Decent blending and no eyelash wings.

>> No.7895393

Just so you are aware, and this is from an aspiring toxicologist, cruelty free products are just those that are using materials that have already been tested on animals previously, and have been deemed safe to use.
Just so, for all products produced and sold in the US, anything using materials that haven't been deemed safe are required to undergo animal testing to be put on the market.

>> No.7895404

I have a question about order. Would it be moisturizer, sunscreen, primer, then foundation? That just seems like you're starting off with such a heavy face. I don't wear makeup too often, so I'm completely clueless.

>> No.7895505

Fucking Christ, thank you. I'm so tired of how the moment a basic bitch is challenged on her cheap cosmetics, she tries to front like she knows shit about quality. Age old story of WEH WEH IM BETTER BECAUSE I DONT SPEND MONEY LIKE YOU DOOOOO.

Bitch, sorry some of us have better careers.

>> No.7895509

Thats the order, yes.

>> No.7895587
File: 598 KB, 500x583, 1407541174571.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know you're a cheap bitch no need to make it more obvious.

>> No.7895594

Why do I have the feeling you went full basic and scratched the shadows to get pigment?

>> No.7895608

hey, I have a good career and use little to no makeup, and what I do use is from a drugstore. I have nothing against people who buy expensive products, I just choose to spend my money on skincare rather than foundation.
Please don't make this into a "lol u poor" pissing contest, it's not necessarily always their fault if it so happens that they can't afford something. Otherwise you're being the same as them, acting like you're better because you spend a lot.

>> No.7895635

I've never had problems with any high-end mascaras, and I've tried Dior, Chanel, Kanebo and Lancome.
It's from Missha and I think it's called... Shiny face?

>> No.7895641

Not that anon, but I think the problem is the unwarranted attitude from some people, y'know?

I've encountered people who have gotten reaaally snarky when they find out I don't use drugstore makeup and instantly assume I buy it for the price or to show off, when in reality I can't wear drugstore because it's too harsh on me.

Maybe I'm jaded but I've found more people who get defensive about this for absolutely no reason than people who don't give a shit.

>> No.7895644
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Focus on the eyes, mostly.
You could do something like pic related.
You don't need a lot of makeup to get this done.

You just need:
>Brown eyeshadow for the base
>black shadow on top
>Blend that out

Do something about the brows, also.

>> No.7895652

Thank you, anons!
I appreciate it!

>> No.7895653

Anon didn't say it's always wrong to use drugstore products, so if you have good skin and only use makeup from time to time, go for it, but it's stupid to claim that drugstore tier products are always better and spending more money is stupid.

>> No.7895658
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It's annoying from both sides. People who claim that high-end brands are only for stuck up snobby bitches are idiots and people who go LEL U POOR DRUGSTORE=POISON HIGH-END=FLAWLESS are idiots, too. Both types of products can be good and bad. For some products you really do need to pay a extra to get decent quality, whereas for others the ingredients are nothing special and you're really just paying for the name and packaging. Drugstore makeup is more likely to include bullshit ingredients that contribute to a lower price (like shitty pigments and conservatives) and expensive makeup is more likely to contain bullshit ingredients to boost the price and feeling of luxury (like gold particles or caviar). Basically you have to be careful about what you buy no matter where you buy it from and these juvenile slapfights aren't doing anyone any good.

>> No.7895710

Except that nobody said it was wrong to use drugstore and, once again, they were discussed EARLIER. IN. THIS. THREAD.

The attitude was what pissed everyone off. Anons come here and demand quality suggestions and then bitch about the price, yet still wonder why their cheap shit isn't as good as other brands. This entire thread was fine and then once someone DARED to speak the truth about drugstore, all of the broke bitches came out of the woodwork to act like it wasn't "that bad" and anyone who wanted higher or medium end was somehow a bad person.

>> No.7895725

It's funny how the "snobby attitude" you claim to have witnessed only came out when girls in this thread got overly defensive simply because someone stated that their drugstore products weren't as good as other brands which use different ingredients. This isn't like Korea, where the field is so competitive that you find quality for Etude prices when it comes to skin care. This is the West and if it's cheap, it wasn't expensive to even create in the first place. I don't understand why this is so lost upon all of you. It's like watching a bunch of bitches try to act like they're superior because they eat a greasy Big Mac instead of a steak and then try to act like anyone buying steak MUST be a stuck up snob.

People only "acted superior" when, as per usual, those of lower income decided to get overly sensitive about their situation and piss on those who know their shit and can afford to spend more. Nobody is hating on you if you use drugstore. People hate on you if you use drugstore and then go to throw shade at girls who don't, as if you're some superior fucker.

>> No.7895728

tbh if they give me an attitude i will give it back.
you can call it juvenile all you want but i'm not gonna sit here and let them try to bitch me out just because i pay attention to what i buy. people are quick to jump to conclusions and that attitude is what pisses me off.

>> No.7895731

When you said "include conservatives" the first thing that came to mind is Mitt Romney jacking it into every jar of drugstore foundation while laughing like a madman and going "that'll teach you cunts not to vote republican"

anyway yes I agree with this

>> No.7895743
File: 1.87 MB, 350x251, Zimmermanlol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you said "include conservatives" the first thing that came to mind is Mitt Romney jacking it into every jar of drugstore foundation while laughing like a madman and going "that'll teach you cunts not to vote republican"

>> No.7895788

People just want to be contrary. There's always that stereotype about anyone having money automatically being a snob and I've yet to encounter this trope. What I HAVE encountered, both back home and where I live now, are people who are of lower income and incredibly snobby in their own way towards those who do have the means to afford higher or who simply use it because they know better/need shit that won't screw with their skin. At first, you don't really know how to respond because you're used to the notion that poor people are oh so modest and humble and anyone with money is a snotty cunt. It's a complete 180 from the common belief.

This shit used to happen in the skin care threads, too. Anons demanded suggestions for "good" products for their needs, so people post the best reviewed or ones they've used themselves. The anons cunt about the price and how dare you try to bleed them dry!1!1!! Okay.. ? Wasn't the intent, but alright. You asked for good shit, so.. someone tries to suggest drugstore; AMG DIS SHIT SO CHEAP FUKIN BURN MUH SKIN!1!1!!11 ..But, you just got upset that we suggested more expensive that actually HAD quality to it..?

Try suggesting other things? OMFG THERE'S PARABENS IN THIS!11!1! ..Anon, parabens were found to not be linked to ca- NO STFU ENJOY UR HOLE IN UR STOMACH FRUM USING DIS SHIT!11!1 ..What. Suggest natural? U FUCKIN STUPID HIPPIES TAKING OVER OUR THREADS GOD I. NEED. QUALITY.

There's just no fucking pleasing anyone because people want to have their cake and eat it, too while going off of stereotypes so they can feel better about the fact that they're either ignorant about cosmetics or just fucking broke.

>> No.7896051

I wouldn't know, anon. I thought Avon ladies died out years ago.

>> No.7896053

That explains Lime Crime and every other drugstore line.

>> No.7896055

You both missed the point of the video. It's pointing out the differences.

>> No.7896060

It is juvenile because your just acting like a cunt over make-up

>> No.7896190

>It is juvenile because your just acting like a cunt over make-up
You didn't really add anything to your reply, besides that anon is aware it's juvenile so I don't know where you're* getting at.

>> No.7896195

Yeah, drugstore makeup tends to be looser and more concentrated.
I've tried low, medium and high end makeup and there is a difference.

High end makeup seems to be more focused on trying to make you look as natural and elegant as possible whereas low end is more focused on color.

When I started to wear makeup I would use Revlon foundation and although it did offer coverage, it was too thick for me, even when I wouldn't use a lot, so I switched to better brands, albeit more expensive.

In the end it's all about preference, but people have to admit that sometimes quality isn't cheap.

>> No.7896220

When I was a teenager, I used Hot Topic's makeup, CoverGirl, and that Rimmel lipstick with the purple tube and crown. I only had babysitting money and an allowance, which wasn't enough to afford higher end. The anons in this thread actually sound like my Mother; She never used anything beyond drugstore and insisted that higher priced makeup and even skin care were all scams. And, for a time, I bought that asinine shit.

Once I graduated from high school, moved out, and got a well paying job I was able to make my own choices concerning what I wanted on my face. I went straight from the aforementioned to Lancome and dropped every drugstore brand entirely after trying their lipstick and powder. Unlike drugstore, Lancome actually had a shade pale enough for me that blended and didn't just sit on top of my face looking like >>7896068 . I moved from The Body Shop as my main source of skin care to Clinique and noticed yet another major difference in what I was dealing with. I don't think that TBS is cheap, but prior to them I was in high school and all drugstore skin care had either not worked or dried my face out and made it itch without removing the acne. I was also told that dark circles were permanent and yet both Clinique and Shiseido lightened mine substantially and the process is still going. Never touched M.A.C.

Honestly, I don't see the problem. I rely on Revlon for lip liner, but everything else needs to come from Sephora or Macy's cosmetics department. Why? Because they work. And, no one who is sane hates anyone for using drugstore products or if they're financially limited. People hate those who use their lower income as a means to be cunty. People hate those ghetto girls who act obnoxious about their M.A.C. without realizing that it's not pricey and most could afford it. Girls in here are claiming those with money are holier than thou, yet we went an entire thread without issue discussing both drugstore and high end.

>> No.7896248

Clearly nobody knows since this thread has turned into bull shit.

>> No.7896255

Well skincare is a bit of a different deal, since people react differently to different products regardless of how cheap or expensive they are and the ingredients of two cheap products can be different as night and day. You also have pharmacy cosmetics which are a lot cheaper than high-end cosmetics/skincare but I'd argue are a lot better quality wise. It also depends where you live because the EU forbid the use of some ingredients and the same cream can have completely different ingredients depending on whether you live in the U.S. or EU for example. Also there's Asian skincare which is relatively cheap but can deliver good products. So in that case I'd rather use say, SebaMed or Avene over Chanel moisturisers despite them being cheaper. Plus there's Vaseline and such products that are mass-bought and dirt cheap.

>> No.7896270

It's not that different, anon.
It's all about ingredients, yes, but ingredients do vary depending on the quality of the products, which is why high end is often better.

>> No.7896280

I have gone through literally every, and when I say every I mean every, drugstore brand since I was twelve. They either did not work OR dried my face out to the point of itching. I was even on ProActiv, which did nothing. The Body Shop's tea tree line worked briefly, my skin adapted, and then I had to move to Clinique because that is the only thing that would clear it up. My anti-aging care comes from Korea and so does my latest eye cream.

>> No.7896284

It depends on how sensitive your eyes are.
In general, mascara should not be one of those things where you spend like hundreds of dollars because you're supposed to replace it fairly often. Obviously not many people do this [I am guilty of this, keeping my mascara for like a year because I don't wear makeup often], but yeah.

It's okay if you can't handle drugstore, though.
I tried this Maybelline liner once, and not only did it feel like it was cutting my eyelids, it didn't even release any ink.

>> No.7896291

>You also have pharmacy cosmetics which are a lot cheaper than high-end cosmetics/skincare but I'd argue are a lot better quality wise.
It depends on what do you mean by this? Do you mean brands that you can only find at pharmacies or skincare products that you order at the pharmacy to be made upon prescription?

>> No.7896296

Eh, like I said different skin types different needs.
I have dry/sensitive skin so I mostly use pharmacy brands like LRP, Decubal, ACO and such. And since I live in Finland going outside without Vaseline on my cheeks would be suicide, so different strokes and all.
I tried Clinique as well as Chanel since my mum uses both but they were both absolute shite, 4me

>> No.7896297

It's funny, because I do consider Benefit Cosmetics to be low end and yet everyone got on my ass for saying that their stuff sucked, acting as if it were Chanel but with pastels.

Yet, out of every mascara I have ever owned (including drugstore), theirs was the only one to have "expired". It wasn't stored any differently than any of my other makeup is. I wasn't that upset, because the shit flaked off and created clumping. Never again..

Speaking of Maybelline, was it the pink bottle with the green lid? Because I was given that every. single. year. as part of a stocking stuffer and the shit was horrible..

>> No.7896299

BB creams have been raved upon for the last couple years so although I have personally never used them, you could give it a try.

>> No.7896301

Both! The latter (here they're called galenic products, I think) tend to have a very short shelf life so in the long run you still pay a lot.

>> No.7896303

Just because you personally have never experienced it doesn't invalidate the purpose of a primer.

That's why you have to use a primer, whether or not you find it useful is your problem.

>> No.7896304

Yeah, see, that's the downside I had to explain to an anon in the skin care thread; Chanel and Clinique are often aimed towards older women, so not everything will suit girls our age in terms of skin care products. Clinique only works for me in terms of three step, dark circle corrector, and an acne scar remover. I mistook fine lines that EVERYONE has under their eyes for wrinkles and bought their cream designed for like.. 60 year olds. By morning, the shit hadn't sunk in and just flaked off. I was able to return it and they were looking at me like, "Gurl, y u buy dis? U not dry enough. U not old enough yet." My derma pretty much gave me the same Scooby Doo look when I told her.

>> No.7896549

Okay I don't know if you guys remember my rant in another thread but I was the anon upset with my drugstore makeup purchases. When will I learn though!? I picked up the ELF eyebrow kit and its ok . . . a bit too warm but the kicker is how easily it smears if you don't powder it down enough. I can't really return it . . . I went to Sephora and got Anastasia Dipbrow and its a much better color match. And its so fucking pigmented its like learning how to do makeup all over again. I can even use this as eyeliner! The Sephora brand concealer I got is likewise more pigmented than the drugstore crap I'd used before. I'm not going to write off the drugstore completely because there are definitely good products but I've been burned a lot. With the lack of testers and take-home samples (not to mention the hassle of returns if you bought it online) I think drugstore makeup is definitely getting to be over-priced too. I don't want to spend $13 (before tax) on a bb cream when a few dollars more gets me nicer ingredients, packaging and testers and samples at Sephora. I'll be using the ELF eyebrow kit in my to-go bag so I can get some use out of it, you'd think I would have learned by now but eh.

I went to sephora today and got a foundation sample . . . I definitely think my foundation was part of the reason for the flatness. Compared against the sample its really dense and has a greyish tint while the sample (MUFE HD) is both a better color match and is lighter in density even though the coverage is about equal. I still think a bit of contouring powder will be helpful but the ill-matched foundation wasn't helping.

Blush never made a difference for some reason. On blush, anyone notice that MAC blush compacts are super fragile? I have two and the packaging for both cracked. Its way too late to return them but I am kind of peeved; part of what I pay what I do is for good packaging. Never noticed this happen to another brand, just MAC.

>> No.7896572

hey I DO wanna throw in my support for W&W Comfort Zone.That shit is bomb, the only eyeshadow to not crease on me without primer. Its probably the best eyeshadow you can get in the drugstore and its about as pigmented as stuff from Sephora. They had a blue-schemed palette that was sturdy enough to be used underwater by professional "mermaids". Admittedly I am surprised by the implication that cheap eyeshadow is pigmented while more expensive stuff is delicate and subtle because cheap eyeshadow tends to be chalky and sheer with shitty color pay-off. I think its more that high-end brands want a certain look and kind of clientele and they dont want to be associated with bright magenta eyeshadow and the sort of people that would wear it.

>>7896270, >>7896280 I'm actually gonna agree with >>7896255. I think skincare is its own deal and its well worth learning some basic skincare chemistry so you can do your research. You've got so many brands that operate outside of the sephora/drugstore purchasing environment too, like Paula's Choice and MUAC. And then you've got stuff like Alpha Hydrox, which has minimalist packaging and cheap prices (about $10 to $15) but its probably some of the best stuff you can buy in its given niche (AHA products). You'd be stupid to spend $30 on a hyaluronic acid serum if it didn't contain more chemical actives beyond the hyaluronic acid because HA isn't a super expensive ingredient and you can't use more than a 1% concengtration without the product turning solid. You SHOULD be spending about $30 if not more on a good Vit C serum because it needs a specific pH and needs to be stabilized with vit E and ferulic acid. The good Vit C derivatives are better but still persnickety (magnesium ascorbyl phosphate smells awful at the wrong pH, tetrahexadecyl ascorbate is a costly raw ingredient, etc). Skincare is even less clearcut than makeup IMO.

>> No.7896582

trying to read through this thread is like having a conversation with a friend in a cafe while the table next to you is filled with middle schoolers constantly yelling "basic bitches" and "dumb cunts"and for some reason the cafe won't kick them out even though they only got one drink that they are all sharing and keep getting refills.

>> No.7900624

I didn't ask what a primer does, but why I HAVE to wear one.
It sounded like there was something big I've missed all these years.
I'm not saying primer is good for nothing, I just never needed one and I did fine.

>> No.7900629

>I think its more that high-end brands want a certain look and kind of clientele and they dont want to be associated with bright magenta eyeshadow and the sort of people that would wear it.
This, but I really have to say, after seeing a documentary about what some brands use to pigment their cosmetics, I wouldm't want to wear it on my face.