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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 654 KB, 1280x1707, cosplay is not consent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7886777 No.7886777[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Creep stories, /cgl/? Let's hear about those betalords who just won't take no for an answer, here's one:

>go to ikicon
>dressed up as anime girl (we'll just leave it at that)
>have a short skirt
>kimochi warui
>see creeplord heading over to me
>panic, see a kamina cosplayer with big abs and walk over to him and start talking to him
>creeper has such a sad look on his face

>> No.7886782
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>Dress like a slut
>Get upset when treated like a slut
Typical. If I dresses as a cop, people would think I was a cop. If you don't want to be considered a slut, don't dress as one.

>> No.7886786


um it's my body I can do what I want with it. Besides, that nerd's glasses fogged up he looked like he was gonna cry lmao

>> No.7886791
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>> No.7886797

So, why do all of you use an old Dave Chappelle sketch when it comes to this issue?

>> No.7886803
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>> No.7886804
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I have no idea if you're trying to be an idiot, or just are. I never said you couldn't be a slut, just don't get upset when people think you are one. Even though you probably are.

>> No.7886809

Because it fits perfectly. Though, I'm not saying sluts aren't cool, I'm just saying don't be surprised if people think you are one when you're showing your butt curve to them because your skirt is so short.

>> No.7886810
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Standup. We use it because it's concise.

>> No.7886811


You're just madd cuz ur frumpy and below average. ooh girl you wish you could be me I get laid son but I have class. brb I have to get ready for my date, he got me a channel bag last time.

>> No.7886813
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This honestly made me laugh.

>> No.7886815

Good for you. It still doesn't make your argument any more credible. You took a comedian's joke from ages ago and are trying to present it as how the world works.

I don't like attention whore skanks shitting up cons anymore than others do, but at least formulate your own piece on this instead of just parroting someone else's shit they made for a comedy show. It's about as embarrassing as trying to cite Jim Norton for anything in your term papers.

>> No.7886818

That's a piss poor analogy. Nobody is going to think you're a cop unless you go the whole nine yards with your costume/act like a cop--which is pretty much illegal in the United States and several other countries, if I'm not mistaken.

I'm all for the notion that a person can wear whatever they please and that people should stop acting as if exposed skin is any kind of invitation or anything to be considered taboo. Obviously if I'm cosplaying as a nudist beach member, I'm going to get stares. That is to be expected. But that doesn't give anybody the right to touch me without my permission. Like, holy fuck, are people this stupid? You're not an infant. You can control your urges.

>> No.7886825

I didn't cite any Jimmy Neutron and I am not the anon you quoted.

>> No.7886826

It's just an old thing from when Chappelle gave a shit about his career. People find it and then shoehorn it into every single situation like this instead of just being upfront and saying, "I hate sluts and I think they should be raped for how they dress."

I mean, if you're going to be a shitty person at least own up to being the shitty person. I have more respect if you admit to being a piece of shit rather than lying about it and hiding behind random quotes made by people who no longer actually matter.

>> No.7886831

I never said it wasn't bad if they touched you. Just don't be surprised if people approach you about it is all.

>> No.7886834

>taking something said within a stand-up routine literally

>> No.7886839

I like it when girls dress revealingly. I just don't like it when they complain about people thinking they're sluts, when they're dressed like one.

>> No.7886842

>Jimmy Neutron

>> No.7886845

> from when Chappelle gave a shit about his career.

You mean when he got fucked out of 500 million dollars and then was defamed and made to look like a lunatic?

>> No.7886848

Why are you green texting kek? That's a stupid thing to do.

But now I have an honest question. How many girls here have fucked a guy at a convention? Or just blew one, or gave them a handjob or whatever.

>> No.7886850

I've just had a lot of bad experiences from really touchy-feely dudes, at cons and in normal parts of life. First they approach me to just talk, and then they start trying to touch me. And it really doesn't matter if I'm in a short dress or a sweater and leggings--this shit happens regardless of what a woman is wearing.
>And yeah I back away and tell these guys to please stop
>And no it doesn't always work because a lot of guys are babies

>> No.7886852

I like when they do, too. And, only if the character calls for it do I enjoy dressing in a revealing manner. I just never understood how being scantily clad made you a slut. Who started it? The asshurt fat girl who is mad that she couldn't say 'no' to Twinkies or the beta shitlord who couldn't get his dick wet in high school because he shot for a bitch who was out of his league? And, by out of his league, I mean the bitch who gave the time of day to no one.

Wow, a partially naked body! As if nobody going to these fucking events never saw themselves nude in the mirror or watched porn. Give me a fucking break.

>> No.7886854

>would kek again

>> No.7886858

>instead of just being upfront and saying, "I hate sluts and I think they should be raped for how they dress."
On the contrary. Everybody loves sluts and how they dress. What is disliked is that they don't act more "appropriately" to their attire.

Since you don't like the Chapelle metaphor, here's a different one.
>hotdog vendor pushing a cart through the middle of Etheopia.
>hungry crowds congregate

>> No.7886861

Never hooked up with anyone at cons because I was legitimately there for friends, shopping, and nothing more. For years, I thought the stories of con orgies and hook ups were just bullshit started by some bitch and her rumor mill, but after seeing how hostile and pissy girls got when they didn't even want to just chill with other girls after the con and tour the city, go shopping, get hot pot, etc.. I started feeling like maybe some really do come here for just sex and I'm an outlier.

>> No.7886865

>Implying because someone is wearing a revealing cosplay that they are selling their body
Are you really this dense?

>> No.7886866

I just don't give a shit anymore, male/female relations at cons suck shit, I am so fucking tired of this argument.

>> No.7886867

This is why I am afraid of "going in for the kill" unless it is very obvious she wants it. The last thing I want is to be labeled as a rapist and banned from the convention

>> No.7886868

It's because America is fucked. Gotta live with it. I'd rather not live in a country where everyone thinks tits are sexual when they're not, people think it's a good idea to cut off parts of guys' dicks, and the government is a bunch of babies though, so I may leave in the future.

>> No.7886873

If I dress up as Ivy Valentine, how much do you think I should charge?

>> No.7886874

At least you actually care about consent and boundaries. 90% of guys that hit on me at bars laugh/keep persisting when I politely tell them I'm engaged.

>sage for ot

>> No.7886878

You don't advertise what isn't available.
Unless you're the type of shitbag who gets their jollies off dangling a hotdog in front of a starving Etheopian.
Are you really that sort of shitbag?

>> No.7886881

>that feel when tv was uncensored in Ireland and I saw breasts

Felt sort of liberating. Wanted to run out and fucking dance naked with faeries.

>> No.7886882

I feel like if a guy feels up a girl without her consent, it's fucking stupid and messed up. The guy just needs to realize she doesn't like him back. The most I've ever done to a girl is say "Ay bby, wan sum fuk?" She laughed, but declined and we just talked. I feel like lots of other guys need to get a grip on other peoples emotions.

>> No.7886884

They're like Ferraris/Lamborghinis etc, they are available, and they need to advertise to get themselves out there, but they are for high-class and affluent customers only.

>> No.7886885

Hahaha I can't believe you think that someone showing their skin means they're "advertising" their body/availability to you. Do you hound girls at the beach in their bathing suits? You're pathetic.

>> No.7886887

Sex isn't a basic human necessity like food is, nor is it a basic human right. Also, a woman dressing that way doesn't mean she's advertising. If she is, she's advertising towards a specific person more than likely. Doesn't mean it's you, but damn you do sound self important.

>> No.7886888

£150 an hour in London, maybe charge an extra £50 for anal or if he wants to cum in your mouth.

General going rates anyway.

>> No.7886890

I feel like I'd get a kick out of seeing that stuff on TV more than porn actually. Shit's weird, but I always look up the uncensored versions of stuff I see on TV. Pleases my dick more for some reason.

>> No.7886892

So, for the guys dressing as scantily clad male characters and getting unwanted attention from the hambeasts, they're also at fault by your logic.

>> No.7886893


If I see a girl who is wearing a bikini at the beach, I don't assume she's a whore who I can touch all over.
If I see a girl at a convention who's cosplaying a character who wears skimpy outfits, I don't assume it's okay to come up and touch her.

Situational awareness.

I've never dressed slutty at a con, but I've gotten creeped on regardless.
I don't even care if dude act creepy towards me at a con, because I can tell let him know, or, if the situation call for it, tell him to fuck off.
When I fear for my safety is when shit goes down, but I'm not fragile glass flower, and it's a con where there's people all over, so while it may be "uncomfortable", I don't fear for my safety.

Stop yelling "rape" when a dude ogles you when you're in a revealing cosplay, tho.
You're obviously going to get looks, so prepare for people who aren't used to seeing irl half-nekid girls, cuz they're coming out from their isolated basements and sometimes forget they're not in their animus anymore.

Everyone be actin' like complete fucktards whenever this comes up.

>mah triggers, tho

>> No.7886894

Yet another reason I loved living in Europe more than I do in the states. Violence on TV was censored (at least where I lived) but nudity was treated as it should be: completely natural and regarded as something totally normal. I can't believe people here lose their shit over a woman breastfeeding or not wearing a bra. As if seeing a pair of boobs is going to melt your eyes, haha.

>> No.7886896

I could never live in Europe, though.

>> No.7886897

I feel you shouldn't touch anyone because that's just stupid, but if someone looks at you, you shouldn't worry about it. It's just that that person thinks you are attractive.

>> No.7886898

Valid points but you do realize this is 4chan, home of people who lack situational awareness and a sense of boundaries, right?

>> No.7886900

You'd rather live in a country where every man is jewed? Sounds like a sad place, Anon.

>> No.7886903

less trollfeeding, more greentext.

>> No.7886904

When I've been scantily clad, looks don't bother me. I've never been groped or had some jerk follow me around with a camera, but that's where I would get pissed off.

If someone calls you a 'slut' for cosplaying a character that is known for being in revealing outfits, why do you fucking care though? If you enjoy the series and the character, you do it because you have love for that specific character. Since when did that become such a fucking atrocious thing to do.

>> No.7886906

>every man is Jewed
That's like everywhere in Europe.

Europe likes to use media to make Europeans think they're extremely progressive and not bass-ackwards like Americans so that people will turn a blind eye when Europeans get treated the exact same way.

Divide and conquer.

>> No.7886907


Do I follow you on tumblr? You sound very familiar with very similar opinions.

Also generally agreed. I can and have taken care of myself at cons. Still, there's a lot of inappropriate contact from all sorts of parties to all sorts of parties. I suppose a reminder in a less obnoxious jargon would be helpful to all the socially inept.

>> No.7886909
File: 408 KB, 2000x1309, 2000px-Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sex isn't a basic human necessity like food is
Top kek. Actually, for men at least, it is a basic physiological need.

> I can't believe you think that someone showing their skin means they're "advertising" their body/availability
I can't believe you don't.

>Do you hound girls at the beach in their bathing suits?
No, I stay in and troll butthurt sjw.


>> No.7886911

You obviously have never been to Europe. Their rates of that shit are below 5% because they have actually good values. I know dudes from there, and none of them are jewed. While every guy I know here is jewed.

>> No.7886913

Except that it's not and you're using a picture that isn't even academically recognized. Saying that it's a basic psychological need for men is making them look like animals, which isn't what should be encouraged. Do we have mongrels in the world? Yes, but that doesn't mean that they represent every male.

>> No.7886914

>CCTV everywhere
>you don't have the right to defend yourself in any capacity
>mass immigration supported by the government
>But it's okay we can see boobs on television

>> No.7886921

This. I have gone 19 years without sex. I do not need it, though it'd be pretty nice. I'm fine with video games, masturbating, and just flirting with girls at the moment. I even haven't jacked off in over a month.

>> No.7886922
File: 639 KB, 533x800, 5SyfTbd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm tired of people complaining "X was undressing me with his eyes! oh no!"
Were you touched? Assaulted? Oh noooo, you felt uncomfortable? Fuck right the fuck off and deal with someone looking at you.

>tfw fit wonders why they have no gf

If it turns out that people don't have boundaries, public-shaming does a lot. None of that passive/passive-aggressive shit.
Umm.. I need to go now.." < "Dude. You need to fuck off, like, now, or I'mma' call someone over. I swear to christ."

>> No.7886924

Don't forget using the word 'cunt' so much more loosely! (lel) I use it to refer to myself when I'm being a bitch or as dirty slang in the bedroom with the husband, but god forbid you say the shit in public. It's a word and people get too ass blasted over it, but there are times where I feel it's more appropriate to use than 'bitch' or 'asshole'.

>> No.7886925

You do more to promote how gross men can be than any SJW ever could. That's almost impressive.

>> No.7886927

Lots if European countries have shut down immigration recently though. And if you don't fucking do anything stupid, you're fine. I honestly, truly just don't want to be circumcised and I'd put up with living anywhere else that wasn't a shithole if it meant I wouldn't be.

>> No.7886929

Yes, let's establish a society like Afghanistan when it's okay to abuse and molest women unless they're robed to shit.

I guess figure skaters are in "whore's uniforms" too, as they have to wear very short, sheer skirts (sometimes no skirt at all) for optimized movement. They must all be back door sluts, for sure.

It's about not being an autistic moron who actually knows how to control his urges by not invading people's personal spaces. (Male or female.) I don't agree with shirtless male cosplayers being glomped by disgusting landwhales either. (And neither should anyone else...)

Again, it's usually autists, retards and general dregs of society who will look for any excuse at all to invade someone's personal space because no one will fucking touch them.

>> No.7886931

Naw, I don't have a Tumblr. Sorry!

I've dealt with creepy shit at cons, but nothing that's scarred me for like and now I can't sleep at night.

It just left with stories akin to "Welp. THAT was weird and creepy."

>> No.7886934

Unless you were born to a Jewish family in America, you don't have to be Circumcised.

You are panicking over nothing.

>> No.7886935

To be perfectly honest, telling guys to fuck off isn't always easy for me, because I'm a small 100 lb girl and most guys who approach me are twice my size and some guy threatened to stab me one time when I told him to leave me alone so...there's that.
Obviously he didn't stab me otherwise I wouldn't be so candid about this, but that was uh, terrifying,

>> No.7886936
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Oh gosh, how do you flirt?

>> No.7886937

Honestly in America, any words like that are hated in public, even though they're just words. I feel like the world is just fucked.

>> No.7886939

I live in America, and I am circumcised. That's why I said I'd rather live anywhere else, because doctors there don't tell parents to do it like they do in America, which is why it's like a 90% rate of it, where every other country has like a 5-10% of it. I wish I wasn't.

>> No.7886942
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x720, big booby asian masterrace.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creeper thread turns to Europe is better than America Dave Chappelle sex is a physiological need dressing like a slut consent sjw jew and circumcision thread.


>> No.7886944

>that pyramid
Hi, /r9k/!

>> No.7886946

We're still technically talking about the topic though.

>> No.7886947

I really wish all the guys here would just stop making these threads and get it through their thick skulls that they are unlovable and no amount of anger and bitterness will change that.

>> No.7886948
File: 237 KB, 800x450, tumblr_mcvl8ySJdI1r9zy3co2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admits to trolling
>everyone is still fucking taking the fucking bait

Dammit, gulls.

>> No.7886949

Still waiting for affirmation for >>7886892

>> No.7886954

The most frequent thing is "Ay bby, wan sum fuk?" Nah, but seriously it's just joking about sex and stuff. Like one time a girl pretended to reach for my crotch when I said something that I can't remember, and I said that if she did it again I'd step forward into her hand, and we both laughed. I know it sounds stupid, but it's better in person.

>> No.7886955

Guys here just can't get it through their heads that people actually have sex at cons while they sit at home and shitpost on 4chan.

>> No.7886960
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Well fuck you too, bitch.

>> No.7886962

No they're just mad that they're ugly and no one except the very bottom tier of girls will even think about fucking them.

They're basically genetic failures who are arguments for eugenics.

>> No.7886964

>"Ay bby, wan sum fuk?"

Not even gonna lie, if a dude walked up to me at a con and said that I would start laughing to the point of pissing myself right there. All I imagine is a 70s stereotype of an Asian with big ass teeth saying that and I fucking lose it every single time.

That sounds adorable, though. It's not stupid. People joke around like that with those within their comfort levels.

>> No.7886965
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And fuck you as well.

>> No.7886968

You must be really cute if this works for you.

>> No.7886969

Off yourself. You know that no one wants you to be around and the only you do by existing is making everyone else's life worse.

>> No.7886970

But the real question, would you fuck me if I said that?

>> No.7886975

Uh, not condoning their shitty behavior, but why not just tell them to go get therapy and see if they can fix themselves?

>> No.7886980

Anon, I am happily taken and he's actually reading this right now, lol.

>> No.7886982

>implying you can fix a genetic failure
They can spend 20 years at twice the pace just to get where a normal person was 5 years ago, or they could die and make the world a better place.

The flawed belief that everyone must be alive is what spawns so many ugly people to begin with right now.

>> No.7886984

Well I'm not a genetic failure. I'm just a psychological failure. I'm too awkward to get girls to like me. They'll call me cute and shit, but I don't know how to deal with it, and apparently they think how I act from that is even cuter. Though it's still not cool to be mean to others who don't look as attractive. One of my hottest friends has really ugly parents, so you never know how genetics work.

>> No.7886986

That is not answering the question! But nah, I was just joking. Though lots of girls find it hilarious. Even though I'm still a virgin, it works to an extent.

>> No.7886988

No, I totally get that.

But if all else fails and you're threatened again, a kick or punch to the balls in a great form of self-defense.
Either that, or please carry pepper spray with you if you're really concerned. But obv if you're cosplaying, you probably won't have a bag, so a kick/punch to the nuts will do nicely.

>inb4 that's illegal
I'm a US-based anon, and USians CAN carry pepper spray with you, but it's illegal to use it in any situation that isn't self-defense. Check your local laws, but if you think you can't carry it with you, that's just fucking silly.
I'm sure law enforcement won't blame you for using it in a situation where a dude threatens to fucking stab you.

>> No.7886989
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>> No.7886990

Please just kill yourself instead of posting.

>> No.7886994

This thread makes me feel pretty bad.
Being able to talk to people & having intimate relationships would be nice. It upsets me a lot.

dont drag bitter r9k shit in here though.

>> No.7886998
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I'm not saying everyone -must- be alive. I have people that I personally wish would be killed because of really shitty things that they've done, but then when I see certain betas screaming angry shit online I have to wonder how many of them actually do have the balls to do anything. And, well.. I mean, wading through that god awful robot board from time to time, it seems like they're just people who should be medicated or given regular therapy. Not killed off, necessarily. Especially since the worst they do is scream hurtful shit online at strangers.

>> No.7886999

Yeah, I'm really short, so I'm at the optimal height to deliver a mean kick to the balls. I live in Texas, so I can carry pepper spray for sure. Heck, I could even get a conceal carry license if I wanted to (I don't. I would be useless with a gun.)
As for cons, I'm not uncomfortable with telling guys to fuck off. I've really only been meant with imposing guys when I've been out at bars with friends--even when my fiance is with me.

>> No.7887000

Is it bad that girl kicking me in the balls is my fetish? Like I'll hit myself in the balls when I'm jacking off, and it will hurt, but feel amazing. I've never actually had one kick me in the balls though.

>> No.7887003

That costs money. All that will do is make a bunch of people you hate just barely tolerable. Better to kill them off for the good of the species.

>> No.7887004

Live your life, dude.

>> No.7887005

I didn't feel safe with pepper spray. I'm actually going for my conceal carry permit.

>> No.7887006

What the fuck does that have to do with that post.

>> No.7887010
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It isn't a 'piss poor' analogy and even if it was, what about David Hume's example of bread. You eat it expecting to nourish you, it might not, but you still think that it will. Or if I'm at a traffic light and it's green, I would expect the cars to stop and not run me over.

It about the signified and the signifier. The signifier being the object and the signified being it's meaning. If I see someone wearing the uniform of a cop, then associate that person being a cop. If I associate someone being a creep by the image of being fat, glasses, poor hygiene, etc. Then I associate that person being a creep. It doesn't have to do with anything with if that person is a creep or not. I associate certain aspects of that person with that of a creep.

If a 'friendly stranger' offers you a ride home after school for example, you're going to stay the hell away from him because you'd associate him with a pedophile.

>> No.7887011

He asked if it was bad that that was his fetish and I told him to live his life? That's a way of saying "Nah man, it's not bad."

>> No.7887013
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..I -do- have a disdain for the elderly.

>> No.7887015
File: 57 KB, 679x516, disagreement-hierarchy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys dressing as scantily clad male characters and getting unwanted attention [are] also at fault

> I have gone 19 years without sex.
> I even haven't jacked off in over a month.
You had sex with yourself last monthy. Achieving orgasm is the drive, not necessarily penis in vag.

>basic psychological need for men
Not a need like food. You don't die from celibacy. But it's certainly one of men's strongest drives. And for good reasons!

>You're pathetic.
>but damn you do sound self important.
> is making them look like animals, which isn't what should be encouraged.
>Yes, let's establish a society like Afghanistan when it's okay to abuse and molest women unless they're robed to shit.
More /r9k/ pyramids for you, >>7886944


>> No.7887017

Oh, well that makes sense, kind of.

>> No.7887021

Would you ever have sex with an underage boy at a con? My 19 year old friend did it with a 16 year old boy, and I thought it was weird.

>> No.7887022

>not being able to tell the difference between a cop costume and an actual police uniform

top kek

>> No.7887028
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Ew, fucking no. I like older guys.

>> No.7887029

No. It's great.
Just let any girls you may plan on threatening know so she can go straight to castration.

Whatever makes you feel safe, anon.
But I don't believe guns, even concealed carry, is supported in con space, which is why I suggested pepper spray.
But outside of cons? Shoot people in the dick if you have to, anon.

>> No.7887030

Is your friend also into shota?

>> No.7887032

What if it's a Metal Gear Solid convention?

>> No.7887034

ITT people basically arguing you should be treated poorly for whatever you wear. Any "skin" showing and you're a skank, and if you don't show "skin" you're a terrorist.

Alright, ladies, let's go quit this board and become lesbian nuns!

>> No.7887037

/ss/ at a con happens. Friend got with this 14 year len cosplayer, shes 20.

>> No.7887039

baito desu ne

>> No.7887040

We could turn it into a Spiderman thread?

>> No.7887042

I don't want to threaten any girls though, so I'm kinda fucked. Also, castration is gross. I'm weird, I know.

>> No.7887044

>tfw this never happened to me when I was going to cons as a teen
I hate how the girls in Kansas are vanilla.

>> No.7887068

so lonely

>> No.7887072

>not realizing that uniforms can sometimes be costumes
>not understanding the concept of forgery
>not having a basic understanding of semantics

How often do you stick forks in electrical sockets?

>> No.7887110
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>> No.7887119

Pepper spray is pretty cheap

>> No.7887138

>me and 3 friends went go to sixflags
>it's almost holloween so we dress up
>I'm wearing a FREE! jacket and some goggles
>one of the female ride attendants screams at me and follows us around for a while, asking about cons and what we cosplay, not that weird to me but odd to everyone else at the park, also like didn't she have a job to be doing?
>some random girl jumps on my back and says she loves me for the jacket then runs away
>later another chick shoves me and claws at my jacket saying she loved the show and her friend quickly dragged her away
>mfw girls are just as crazy as guys
>mfw this wasn't even at a con and it was over a fucking jacket

>> No.7887142

Asexual people exsist, they aren't unicorns or some weird sick people. I have friends like this too. Sex isn't a survival need like eating or drinking.

>> No.7887143
File: 631 KB, 2489x2761, fit pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>118 replies
>1-3 creep story
I'm pretty disappointed guys

>> No.7887144


yeah but there are a lot of really lonely deprived guys out there and it drives them crazy and makes them really bitter and angry.

they cant help it.

>> No.7887149

Edgy how many femdoras do you own ?

>> No.7887151


im a man that could give a shit less about sex

why are you crucifying us like we're animals lmao. go clean out ur sandy vag and take your male vendetta with you

>> No.7887153

Where the fuck on this board can I post a picture of myself and ask if I could pull off Kamina? I'm fucking lost.

>> No.7887155

>or some weird sick people
Yes they are. Asexuality is a mental disorder. If you are Asexual there's something fucking wrong with you.

>> No.7887157

This isn't the right board for that. Try /p/ to post photos of yourself.

>> No.7887164

Try to find a suggestion thread.

>> No.7887166

I get harassed more when I wear less revealing cosplay. I don't know what it is. I think it's that men naturally want to defile "pure" women. Sort of how like mormon women and muslim women get raped all the time despite not wearing very revealing clothes.

I think I would be better off wearing stuff like OPs. But I just can't bring myself to do it, even though I think I'd be so much better off. Men just make excuses. Even if you are literally wearing a loose baggy sweatshirt they say it's "clingy" or you're "teasing" them by being clothed. Honestly, I feel more protected when I wear less clothing because more people are watching me. If some guy tries to cop a feel in a sweatshirt, no one is going to notice, but in a tight fitting top, there's going to be some other guy/girl staring who will come over and help. At least that's my experience.

Women being invisible is wrong, these betafags only want it so they can prey more easily. There's no other logical reason for it. If you like looking at naked women, why would you ever, ever want to deter that? There you go. That's the real reason.

tl;dr most men are trash

>> No.7887168

>Not understanding what "literally" means
There is literally no room for what Dave said to be interpreted in any other way. His message was explicit. There was no figurative language used at all.

What you meant to say was, "Taking something said within a stand-up routine seriously."

Now, the problem with that argument is that just because something was said during a stand-up routine doesn't mean it isn't true. Comics make jokes about World War 2, does that mean World War 2 didn't happen?

So, you should just kill yourself. I would like to see the human gene pool improve instead of decline.

>> No.7887172

That was a guy posting that
Men do more to make their gender look bad then radfems ever could. I can just laugh at what the radfems and sjws say, but then I come on here and see men demonstrating it and I'm like goddamn.

>> No.7887175


>> No.7887176

Maslow's hierarchy is a theory of psychology, not a fact, you fucking idiot. Do you also think everything Freud says is the truth?

>> No.7887179

>If you like looking at naked women

No thanks. I'm on No Porn.

>> No.7887179,1 [INTERNAL] 

woorami doon