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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 472 KB, 956x1280, ManVi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7872517 No.7872517 [Reply] [Original]

What a great NYCCC! Didn't see a LOT of cosplay, but the few we did see where pretty top notch. What goodies did you see?

>> No.7872526

honestly not much, i dont get how you consider it great..

>> No.7872533

Where the fuck were all the cosplayers?

Shit was so casual

>> No.7872546

I'm amazed on how little of photos I took. 500 deadpools, like it's some con rule. 100 Harley and jokers again. Saw a few people with hats. Kinda sad. The cosplay contest has pretty cool, but a feel judged poorly.

>> No.7872547
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Probably giving up because cons have been shitted up with this kind of bullshit here in OP. Normalfags and casuals shitting up cons, as per usual and if anyone bitches about it:

>weh jelly
>weh u must b fat
>weh ur not secret club
>weh stop being elitist
>weh angry nerd loser

Fuck all of the above default responses. Come up with a legitimate retort.

>> No.7872569
File: 513 KB, 1280x956, LoL2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess that depends for every person. I and my best friend had a great time, all 4 days. Saw all the panels we wanted to see, I exchanged Summoner names with all the people I saw in LoL cosplay, made some friends, we won a private screening for Big Hero 6 with TJ Miller and the directors on Thursday (shit was so cool it was unreal), met TWO of my all time favorite legit comic book artists and had them sign my books and prints (one gave me a leather bound of the second volume case he had an extra one and I was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat) and didn't bump into any assholes or unpleasant people in general. So I had a fantastic 4 day holiday of nerding out and actually getting a lot of exercise cause we walked non stop for 4 days straight pretty much.

You guys do anything fun or just roam the floor for cosplay? If that's all you did I can imagine it being a little boring and just crowded since there was so little cosplay.

>> No.7872662

<img src="http://31.media.tumblr.com/12b0d187ba202587258b4e5343b59d11/tumblr_ndaeojF3d71s6bok4o1_250.gif">

>> No.7872692
File: 32 KB, 453x500, 1397354373346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking kidding me

>> No.7872739

Just roamed. Only thing I saw in person that I dug was a Biker from Hotline Miami.
Maybe I should have attended a meetup or gotten one together... none of the people I normally hung out with/ got stuff from where there this year.

>> No.7872763

>top kek

>> No.7872770
File: 1.17 MB, 1836x3264, QJu6UZR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always enjoy the really more thought then execution costume aka good effort

>> No.7872771
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>> No.7872774
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>> No.7872799

That was pretty good. Even if you're legitimately this new, it's still fucking hilarious,

>> No.7872893
File: 100 KB, 720x960, 1926812_10204275807468097_6415901414010084848_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a few, but I sadly didn't get most of them on my phone since I didn't have enough storage most of the convention or was running around. I was happy to catch these guys, though. Nice custom sublimation on Shazam's costume, and the bolt had some metallic threads woven in there for a nice shimmer effect.

>> No.7872985

>booster gold cosplay
hory shet, is this bizarro comic con

>> No.7872997

That guys wig is really nice!

>> No.7873160
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>> No.7873172

>crowded con
>long waiting hours
>lots of walking
>lots of people staring/judging/snapping secret candid pics
>"Silly casuals, why don't you want to experience all of the above in a really complicated, stuffy costume for others' entertainment?"

>> No.7873188

Except that cosplaying has always been one of the points of a con.

Piss off.

>> No.7873194

>hurrdurr give me legitimate retort
>well maybe it's uncomfortable and impractical--
Idiot. Post your cosplay.

>> No.7873213
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I guess I'll dump my photos here since the other thread seems pretty dead

>> No.7873215
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>> No.7873218
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>> No.7873221
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>> No.7873229
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>> No.7873235
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>> No.7873242
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>> No.7873248
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>> No.7873249
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>the obese mlponies in the bg
ugh why is this shit still alive

>> No.7873258
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I actually saw a cute Queen Chrysallis around, and I don't even like MLP. There weren't as many bronies as i thought there'd be.

>> No.7873261
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>> No.7873263
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>> No.7873268
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>> No.7873272
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>> No.7873274
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>> No.7873275
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>> No.7873279
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>> No.7873280

I swear there was more merch for bronies than bronies that would buy said merch? Maybe it's finally starting to die.

>> No.7873283
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thank god lol.

>> No.7873286
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>> No.7873289
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>> No.7873293
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>> No.7873299
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One of the cutest outfits I saw the entire time on Saturday seriously

>> No.7873302

who is that on the far right? is that supposed to be genderbent satsuki or a junketsu?

>> No.7873306
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Pants kind of remind me of Junketsu Senpu form? maybe a junketsu considering the white hair

>> No.7873308
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>> No.7873311
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>> No.7873315
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>> No.7873322
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>> No.7873326
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>> No.7873331
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>> No.7873335
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>> No.7873336
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>> No.7873339

No, it's more the annoying shitheads who wouldn't shut up about MLP have moved on to the next tumblr fad, while the actual who watch and cared about the show were never vocal to begin with.

>> No.7873340
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>> No.7873343
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>> No.7873347

any jojos there this year?

>> No.7873350
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>> No.7873352
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>> No.7873357
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Alright, last photo i have.

Can anyone tell me where photo shoots usually are? I seriously couldn't find any of them (except the homestuck one lol), kind of disappointing.

>> No.7873359

they're usually outside or near/on steps

>> No.7873369


Me and my friend noticed that too. In fact there was a IDW panel, who make the MLP comics, and there was only one brony in there who had the little ears, winds and tail and he just sat there and enjoyed the panel.

I saw a few young girls as Fluttershy, but they looked more like harmless cosplay beginners/actual young fans than any /mlp/ weirdo or something.

>> No.7873378
File: 1.75 MB, 2074x2765, NYCC2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They weren't that many. I saw about 2-3.

Saw this qt wearing a different coord every time i saw her.

>> No.7873381

who'd you see? I only saw 2 part 8 Josukes throughout the 3 days and a part 4 Jotaro on Sunday

>> No.7873390

The same as you.. 1 Jotaro and i think 2 different Josukes.

>> No.7873805

I'm really surprised I didn't see more people going as characters from Hotline Miami, considering how easy it would be to find an animal mask and a varsity jacket. Did see one biker that looked alright though.

>> No.7873998

> those shoes on Olimar
Eh, at least it's a nice effort.

>> No.7874000

That dude looks like he just got a wiff of that girl's fart or something.

>> No.7874006

Uh, dude that's never been the problem with NYCC. Get the sand out, etc. Guess what, motherfucker? A grand chunk of cosplayers are anime cosplayers. Guess what chunk of NY conventions we got rid of. NYAF is gone, and while that portion of the NYCC/AF combo was never strong, without the anime events you just lost a chunk of your themed cosplay for the con.

Add to that the long transport to the convention itself from where you live or whatever hotel you're staying in and of course cosplayers will drop.

It's even a terrible convention photo-wise. There is almost no area to take decent pictures in the Jacob Javits center that won't be swarmed.

Yeah, NYCC sucks for cosplayers but at least be real about it.

>> No.7874017

>tumblr fad
Do y'all just fucking pepper in the word tumblr to add spice to a post now?

>> No.7874062

2010, 2009, and 2008 had shitloads of cosplayers and in recent years its abysmal, I don't know what the fuck you're on.

>> No.7874088

>Dat Brock face

>> No.7874106

Holy shit

>> No.7874118

Who are these characters?

>> No.7874122

Dota 2 (Kunkka and Crystal Maiden)

>> No.7874163

No it wasn't. You could see through to every single track/weft in the wig and the back of his hair wasn't covered at all. Amateur hour.

>> No.7874237

That's a pretty solid Anna!

>> No.7874254

As soon as I took the picture, a little girl in a princess outfit went up to her, and the Anna was 100% in character. She was acting like a meet-and-greet princess, it was so cute. The little girl was so psyched about it.

>> No.7874396

I saw a gyro/diego/johnny/2 Caesars and 2 part 8s

>> No.7874454

I asked to take her picture in song form and she replied in song as well. That was a great moment.

>> No.7874611


This needs to be a reaction image or some image macro somehow.

>> No.7874774

>tfw there isn't a single picture of your costume on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook

These guys don't like Nazis, apparently.

>> No.7874815
File: 356 KB, 301x960, tumblr_ndekytR5cf1qch3weo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From her personal tumblr. She's kind of slutty so she's nice to follow even when not cosplaying.
Secondary & twitter

>> No.7874861
File: 1.34 MB, 2304x1728, NYCC2014 332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going as a nazi to a SJWC(NYCC)
What kind of nazi were you?

Here's Hanari. She's a qt.

>> No.7874905

I didn't know NYCC was SJW infested

>> No.7874917

Have you even gone anytime before 2012? You sound like you don't know shit.

>> No.7874919

Did I ruin it?

>> No.7874929

That's probably because you didn't even post anything legitimate. Cosplayers have attended events since the 80s and some as far back as older, obscure sci-fi cons in the late 60s and 70s and cosplaying was never an issue then. One of the reasons for going to a con is cosplaying. Some of us cosplay all three/four days and some of us cosplay for only one or two and just wear jeans or something when we go hitting up booths for things on the last two days. There was barely any cosplay for the entire duration of the con and yeah, that bothers some people because this is a large con. It always has been.

You can't make the argument that "cosplaying is impractical" when part of the reason for the event is to cosplay. And, yes, I side with >>7872546 and >>7872533 because I didn't need to see fourteen year olds as Deadpool yet again and a Steampunk Harley Quinn.

I don't mind if casuals come to cons, but at least don't be such a basic bitch about it.

>> No.7874937
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It may as well be. NYC itself has all of the pretentious hipsters and art students who think that their shit doesn't stink and that living in the slums of Flushing makes them so bohemian.

Seriously, I have seen mermaid Harley Quinn, senshi Harley Quinn, princess Harley Quinn, burlesque Harley Quinn, pirate Harley Quinn and the list just keeps going on and on. Just stop cosplaying this overrated character. She isn't even a good character. She never has been.

>> No.7874940
File: 350 KB, 400x550, 1214280788605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The partly-mechanical undead kind.

>> No.7874945

Lol. That's pretty nazi, man. People may like it but don't want to be associate with it.

>> No.7874952
File: 65 KB, 600x385, Harley-Quinn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't even a good character. She never has been.
Well that's just plain objectively wrong.

>> No.7874963
File: 37 KB, 612x800, 1393651911681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even before DC butchered her, she's just been a useless shit who thinks that Joker loves her when he doesn't. She only seems to attract attention whores who know jackshit of Batman or the legitimately psychotic bitches who think being in a relationship with the Joker would be lyke so kawaii.

I prefer Ivy.

>> No.7874970

They were a fun combination in the animated series. And I confess, that's really the majority of my exposure to the two because I don't really do comics, and the games are just not my cup of tea.

But being a kid and watching that show, they were two of my faves. Not that I'd ever cosplay as either.

>> No.7874972
File: 103 KB, 640x960, harley_quinn_cosplay_by_rpd95-d4pcyxv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even before DC butchered her
We talking comics? I'm talking animated series. Apparently she was good enough in that to be added to the comics.

Don't get me wrong, I don't really care for the direction she was taken, or for all the cosplay versions. But original character was great.

>> No.7874973

I was referring to the comics. I know most people had fun with TAS and I enjoyed it for other characters, but she was always just a nuisance for me. I always favored Ivy and Riddler when it came to villains and then they just made Jervis fall right off of the fucking radar for ages.

>> No.7874976
File: 542 KB, 1079x1250, 1393651583355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For u

>> No.7875000

To be honest there were a lot of Ivys there as well

>> No.7875005

a lot of people fail to realize that batman villains represent mental conditions, and Harley is stockholm syndrome

>> No.7875011
File: 47 KB, 267x640, 1220626968405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay has only recently (past 5 years or so) become a common thing at comic conventions.

Anime conventions have (and still do) a higher cosplayer ration hand over fist. I remember wearing Rogue at Wizard World Chicago in 2005 and people assumed I was paid to be working a booth, simply because there were only about 20 other cosplayers there and it was a freakish anomaly. (Even though anime conventions frequently saw cosplayers, I stuck out horribly/awesomely back then at comic conventions.)

It is relatively new phenomenon to the Comic scene that has grown exponentially every year and is only now reaching anime convention levels of costumed attendees.

*not my rogue

>> No.7875019

Hell yes Mr. Hat

>> No.7875024

I only keep seeing really bad, half assed versions of her TAS costume done at cons with craft store leaves or the video game outfit, which is basically just a shirt.

>> No.7875037

they made fun of comic cosplayers in an early episode of the simpsons
it's older and more common than you think

>> No.7875042


Pick one.

>> No.7875110

she has one of the nicest butts I've ever seen

>> No.7875139
File: 59 KB, 280x280, never-go-full-retard-tee_design[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf am I reading?

>> No.7875141

>She's kind of slutty

I wouldn't have guessed...

>> No.7875178
File: 164 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ndekwbvlAJ1qch3weo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, it looks so soft. I'm mining through the rest of her sjw horseshit for more now but it's kind of tedious work.
This rack, too.

>> No.7875248
File: 98 KB, 720x960, 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jaw actually moved! She seemed so excited about it. Kind of wish I asked for a video instead

>> No.7875310
File: 500 KB, 500x499, tumblr_nddxt46chB1sp5oc7o3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have anymore pictures of this Joseph?

>> No.7875314

That's fantastic. I don't even care if the rest of the cosplay is inaccurate, the Mr. Hat makes it my favorite.

>> No.7875354


>> No.7875396

It's flat as fuck.

It's what should be average.

>> No.7875431

Sorry but is that even legal? I get that she's expressing her feminist right to flaunt her body and all but she's practically naked. Wouldn't she get arrested for indecent exposure walking around the streets like that, let alone at a con that can define its own rules? Does everybody just not care?

>> No.7875464

try looking up indecent exposure laws before you run your fucking mouth

>> No.7875477

did she really walk around in the street like that?

>> No.7875481

She's still more covered than tuna melt-chan.

>> No.7875482

She would need to in order to leave the con. It's a giant center, not a hotel.

>> No.7875483

no jacket or anything?

>> No.7875510

Depends if she even brought one. She looks like she went alone and she isn't carrying one.

>> No.7875545

confirmed for having never seen a flat butt in entire life. not too sure how you managed this one.

>> No.7875762
File: 109 KB, 422x750, tumblr_ndb07zwFBf1qim4fgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyy thanks a ton! I'm scouring as many sites as I can for pics of my Opal cosplay. If anybody's got any I'd love to have 'em!

>> No.7876147

Anyone got pics of the shark from Toy Story?

>> No.7876169

in the end still a slut

>> No.7876455
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I went and got a few good ones, oddly most of them were dudes

>> No.7876463
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>> No.7876472
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>> No.7876475
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>> No.7876495
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>> No.7876504
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>> No.7877966

she's a camwhore

>> No.7877980

Kinda makes sense now when looking back at her tumblr pics and she's holding a hitachi sex toy

>> No.7878115

This Anna made this face in every photo I've seen of her. Someone needs to tell her it's not as cute or charming as she intends it to be...

>> No.7878121
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>no wait

>> No.7878140
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>> No.7878381

links plz

>> No.7878453


>> No.7878625

>Nobody ever did a 100% perfect Nurse Joy cosplay yet

>> No.7878862

NYCC dropped my cosplay standards for taking photos this year hard. I realized at the end of Friday I had like 15 photos total, really disappointing.

>> No.7878868

Did you see this prostitute/take any pictures of her?

>> No.7878871


>> No.7878880

Nah, I didn't even see her. I doubt I would've taken photos anyway, she's not even wearing a wig and her hat looks like shitty glued on felt.

>> No.7878892

>really wants to make a good Nurse Joy cosplay and be the best
>but that also means to sacrifice other cosplays and I dont want to
>sorry ive let down

>> No.7879140

NYCC has a coat check though, so she might have. NY is a topfree state, though, so not sure how much trouble she could get into if she didn't have one going out. Generally, as long as genitals are covered, it's okay.

>> No.7879524
File: 52 KB, 720x405, Mr. FosterDosh.jpg-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found an awesome shot of my Mr. Foster cosplay on sunday. I'm gonna get to work making the KF2 version next

>> No.7879656

Someone in the Bad Cosplay thread mentioned seeing an ebola chan getting thrown out of NYCC. Did anyone else see this that can confirm? Don't know if it was from the costume and them trying to avoid causing any scenes or if they asked her to change because of that and she refused or something along those lines.

>> No.7879700


>> No.7879762

>nycc staff knowing what ebola-chan is
If this did happened, someone probably snitched on her.
Every girl in a sailor outfit is a sailor moon to them.

>> No.7879765

That's why I was asking if anyone else saw her. I don't know if it was because someone knew the costume, someone told someone in charge what it was, or if she was just being a bitch or doing something else wrong and just happened to be in the ebola chan costume when being dealt with.

>> No.7881457

wow this is awesome

considering to go to cons, how are the girls there? easy to hook up? are there some kind of "events" after hours, if you know what i mean. would really like to have some fun, seems cons are great for that

>> No.7884112

reading all the feminist shit is making me want to throw up, do yourself a favor and just click the 'my face' option

>> No.7884234

>implying anybody bothers to read the opinions of fap fodder.
Come on son, you really think people care about what she thinks?

>> No.7884326

You can't really blame her for being into all the feminist stuff from the shit she probably got for going to the con dressed like that.

>> No.7884335

>implying she wasn't a feminist beforehand

>> No.7885815

>kind of slutty
dude she does nude streams masturbating and shit
that's not "kind of"

>> No.7885827



>> No.7885878
File: 73 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n8ejk04NEC1qch3weo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.7885885

there was a thread on /b/, didn't bother to save the links but she's very trashy
not that I mind

>> No.7886007

Is she really a lesbian (or "really effing gay" as she says) or is she just playing it to seem like she's not in it for the male attention? Because I'm a girl and I'd bang her. Not marry or even have a relationship because I'm not romantically into trashy kind of stuff, but bang her.

>> No.7886023
File: 41 KB, 353x500, 267bf223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She used to post about her boyfriend occasionally and had a link to his tumblr on her blog. One day I noticed the link was gone but she never made any kind of break up announcement. Take that for what it's worth.
She's made many posts on her secondary about being in love with Kudou Haruka. Pic related.

>> No.7886038

Yeah, I figured as much. Her "I'm so gay, tee hee" maneuver was pretty superficial and instantly gave me the image of a someone acting gay to seem like she's not looking for male attention with trashy cosplays. I'd imagine she'd go full Dakota if some girl was to hit on her.

>> No.7886070

Who wouldn't?

>> No.7886103

>Armpit hair
Literally never

>> No.7886185

>in Flushing

dear god I hope not. They're mostly staying in Brooklyn.

>> No.7886188

IIRC, search for "Emo Emily" on Xhamster and other fine sites.

>> No.7887586


>> No.7888009
File: 51 KB, 960x640, 10660215_10152431593246608_1644505852399556508_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out of my fandom!

>> No.7888013

Im actually surprised she didn't add titties.

>> No.7888017

Well bess my bark!

>> No.7888018

This fucking cunt.

>> No.7888023

Another game series you don't even play.
Why the fuck am I not surprised.

>> No.7888028

who is surprised anymore with yaya?

no wait, still surprised her tatas aren't hanging out.

>> No.7888030

The one on the far right is normal looking but the other two. God. Damn. There so hidious.

>> No.7888161

>that one area outside the center where everyone did their photoshoots
is that really the only place to do it?

>> No.7888592

See thats why I like Batman, and why I like Harley, especially because of her starting out as a psychiatrist and ending up going psycho herself. But then I first started getting really into Batman right when I was taking a psychology course so hey I can actually recognize this instead of going OMG SHE'S SO RANDOM AND SO TRAGIC IN LOVE I WILL USE MY BEST JUGGALO MAKEUP FOR THIS

>> No.7888644

We realize it, but that doesn't mean we can't think certain characters are shit.

>> No.7889033 [DELETED] 

But I actually like it? I mean, yes she is still has an old chinese lady face, but at least she is not cosplaying a teenager and as everybody said, her tits are not all over the place.
I do like this one.

>> No.7889043

But I actually like it? I mean, yes she is still has an old chinese lady face, but at least she is not cosplaying a teenager and as everybody said, her tits are not all over the place.
I do like this one.

>> No.7889240
File: 102 KB, 1080x459, Shao_Jun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not cosplaying a teenager
About that...