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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 94 KB, 500x184, youmacon-x-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7874221 No.7874221 [Reply] [Original]

Two weeks until the con.
> No schedule posted yet
> Panel submissions just got approved
> Official forums are dead
>Just got approval for a press pass last night after waiting forever
This is supposed to be Youmacon's big 10th year and I feel like something is wrong here...
Is anyone else going? I'm gonna be there Thurs-Sun.

>> No.7874262

I will be, and stop stressing out like a fucking nerd things are being done, you fucks have no patients god i hate staffing this damn con

>> No.7874272

assuming a schedule of events to be out 2 weeks before the god damn con is NOT a weird thing to expect you fuckup

>> No.7874276

Or the fact of the matter just maybe were trying to secure something special for you little fucks who at this point dont deserve it... but you know we will still give it to you....

>> No.7874281

you can still announce a schedule and change it when things change, retard

>> No.7874287

Oh lord, is this your first rodeo kid? Please schedules are made to be perfect that way when they are released to everyone they are 100% unless do to something crazy as in a family death or something all the guest will for sure be there...

How would you feel if you get a schedule that said

No guest here has been 100% proven, were just going on hopes and dreams they show up...

please shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down and go back to watching your shitty anime while people like me go forth and make sure your con actually runs...

>> No.7874296

you're a real moron arent you? people can expect schedules to change in the time before the event starts.

It's really not that hard to put a list of people and events that you have 100% cemented up, and then continue to add to that schedule while more people come or go.

Leaving people in the dark is far more unprofessional, and if you don't realize that then maybe your incompetent ass shouldn't be scheduling anything.

>> No.7874303

You have never worked the con, you have no idea the amount of work that is put into it and how little we care about your feelings towards a schedule, it will get released when its ready and till then you can sit with a thumb up your ass and stop bitching and moaning.. We put alot of work in to make sure you have a great time, so instead of saying we have no idea what were doing or were unprofessional, we arent giving anyone anything till its 100% ready to make sure its 100% safe to release to the public.

Your looking for something magical and if you can wait like a good child, it will come to you. Also make sure to thank every staffer you see you have no idea how wrecked we are by the time friday comes... the amount of drugs and energy drinks we have thrown into our bodies to get everything ready for you...its not easy

>> No.7874305

I'm going Thursday-Sunday. This will be my first Youmacon, so I'm pretty excited! What should I expect?

>> No.7874308

nothing since their staff is too retarded to understand what a schedule of events is

>> No.7874309

Lots of awesome stuff, great panels and awesome live music, with one hell of a dealers room... just dont be like this other jackass and cry because a schedule hasnt been released yet

>> No.7874310

lmao dude you act as if planning a con is the hardest thing in the world. you're a real dolt and its sad to see this con staffed by complete retards

>> No.7874312

Bitch are you still seriously crying about it? Listen here you fucking anime picture as a display picture faggot, I swear to god.... you know what im done your not worth my stress..

>> No.7874313

Not too worried about the schedule not being up yet; that happens to plenty of cons trying to finalize things. I hear that the game room is great, too! How are the cosplays generally?

>> No.7874314

im only going for the game room actually, since i know thats one thing even a bunch of bumblefuck weebs couldn't ruin.

>> No.7874315

The cosplay is good, the game room is on a new level this year between tabletop and videogaming. If this is your first con your going to have a fantastic time and hopefully it meets all your dreams! Enjoy it and always be safe!

>> No.7874319


oh thats cool... then why are you crying about a schedule? If your just going to sit in a game room and play fucking diablo3 for 10 hours and cry that you cant get on a PC to play LoL?

>> No.7874321

Thank you, anon! You made me even more excited!

>> No.7874324

This is the type of staffer handling shit for youmacon? No wonder they can never get their shit together...

>> No.7874325

Basically expect a crapton of people. Youmacon had (I think, this is a rough estimate here...) 14-15,000 people last year. Also the lines are more often than not a pain in the butt (2012 was especially god awful because of this) but I think they've done a good job streamlining the lines for registration at least since that was moved to COBO.

There's lots of panels and the concert is my favorite event. I'm excited to see Steam Powered Giraffe again :)

Oh and pro tip: If you are staying at the RenCen, the stairs are your friend. The elevators tend to be really slow, even after they stopped implementing the wrist-band thing they had which was to try and speed things up. The lines for the low-rise floor elevators are always ridiculous as hell. Take the stairs up a couple of floors and get an elevator then.

>> No.7874329

No because some people like to know what's happening at an event they are going to spend money at. And for someone who works for a convention that caters to those "anime faggots" your bedside manner isn't really good for business.

But good thing you're commenting on an anonymous image board because anyone with any sense would remove you from working on any future events. Posting as anon is your only cover because you know without working on dumb shit like a shitty local convention would literally deem your life as absolutely fucking worthless.

Go give your mom a hug, she's letting you live in her basement for free.

>> No.7874330

Actually im just stressed the fuck out over people crying

>> No.7874388

Official forums are dead, I heard the facebook group is run by Nazis too.

>> No.7874409


Wow are you really on con staff anon? Somebody is in a bad mood today...

>> No.7874436

this has been the most dramu-filled Youma yet i'm so fucking pumped

>> No.7874437
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At least there is still the orgy and pizza

>> No.7874564

Drama? Deets? I'm craving drama right now.

>> No.7874566

I thought the orgy was just a rumor

>> No.7874819

The orgy is real. Everyone refers to it as the 'Pizza Party'.

>> No.7874833

As the person who films it every year, I can confirm it exists. If you find the room number I believe the password is "Loli Lovin'" this year.

>> No.7874838
File: 26 KB, 494x228, Ian Youma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Still haven't heard about our panels.
> Check Facebook group.
> See "How to be an Otaku" got accepted.
> Fuck

>> No.7875013

>What should I expect?
A lot of people making dramu with staff, obviously.

In seriousness:
Get a pass for the people mover. You will want to use it more than twice a day. Though, you may want to make the walk a few times.
Game room is great. Can be hard to land multiple seats at a game you want sometimes.
Rave is always fun. I saw a dance-off between a ninja and some gas-masked glow-sticker last year.
Believe in the pizza party.

Anyone have a pic of the amazing Bowser/Peach from last year? My pone was dead by the time I spotted them.

>> No.7875067
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I commute in from Ann Arbor and will probably go for a day. I used to go for two, but my con buddies all graduated.

Not looking forward to the trek between RenCen and Cobo in this.

>> No.7875118

Youmacon is absolutely shit and doesn't care about attendees because of it's size. The guests are absolutely shit teir and most don't relate with "Japanese Media Culture" at all. The convention including artist alley as well as scheduling is run by fucking retards. "It's hard running a convention!" "You're a bunch of overtly entitled kids!" No. For $60 the only thing worthwhile at Youma is the Game room. Youmacon gives zero shits about guests, is ran by a bunch of immature man children and totally dropped the ball this year. Absolutely unprofessional and consistently makes baseless excuses.

>> No.7875122

The orgy is not real and the story isn't funny any more. Every major con has an orgy posting on craigslist. It was funny the first time and is obviously fake.

>> No.7875152

word. i spend $60 to go to fucking acen for a weekend and at least they have shit solidified more than 2 fucking weeks before the con.

youma is garbage

>> No.7875171


Looks like someone didn't get invited.

>> No.7875176

Is it even worth it to just go Sunday? I'd be coming from GR, so gas+time+badge=fun? Y/N?

>> No.7875193

I wouldn't buy a badge for Sunday personally, and most of the events and cosplay photo opportunities are Friday/Saturday.

>> No.7875257

Has anybody had experience with cancelling a room here? I'm nearly broke and may need to cancel my room at any point, just being overly cautious

It says "cancel before 6pm on check-in day to avoid a 1-night charge," on my 2-night reservation. Does that mean cancelling before that time it'll be free?

>> No.7875263

>Does that mean cancelling before that time it'll be free?
Looks that way. Call the hotel and ask about their cancellation policy.

>> No.7875268

This is like my 5th Youmacon and is definitely looking like it'll be the shittiest one. You guys had an entire year to plan this beast and you wait until the last minute to solidify everything? Maybe you guys shouldn't have spread yourself thin by proposing the MME and instead focused on the thing everyone actually gives a shit about.

>> No.7875291

>tfw gas is super cheap right now so it's not going to cost much to go up there
hell yeah son

>> No.7875320

the other staffer in here is pretty fucking embarrassing w/ his behavior, sorry guys we're not all as big of a dick as he is.

>> No.7875705

I'm pretty stoked to go this year. I get to meet up with high school friends that I don't get to hang out with much anymore and go to some pretty fun panels.
What I'm not excited about is how slow everything is being released. Why not even a rough draft of a schedule?

Also, why would you split resources to have a whole different con in 6 months?

>> No.7875756

Every year:
Also every year:

Well yaknow, besides the occasional "THIS IS THE WORST CON EVER IM NEVER COMING BACK" (but still does anyway) asshole

>> No.7875768

Some highlights of youmacon:
>RenCen has a food court so you don't have to leave the con to get food
>Food prices are jacked up a bit so you might want to go to Greektown and get food there (Five Guys, Fishbone, Pegasus, ect)

>Game room is always amazing and tons of fun, makes a great place to meet up with people should your group get split
>Saturday afternoon is almost impossible to get to play anything, wait for the mornings/late evenings if you feel like it

>Like other people have said, get a people mover pass. They're usually around $5 and pay for themselves multiple times over
>That said you probably are better off walking back from Cobo since the People Mover only goes one direction. Stick to the Riverwalk for the most part since Jefferson Avenue traffic is nuts sometimes.

A pedicab (those bicycle rickshaw things) driver told me over the summer that they're coming to youma this year. I barely saw any last year though.

>It's construction season in Michigan so be prepared for some crazy detours and traffic
>The good news is that most of it isn't near the con, since most is just for the M-1 Rail being built on Woodward

>Panels and events are great most of the time. I recommend Live Action Mario Party and Live Action Mario Party: After Dark (18+) highly.
>Occasionally you'll get stuck in a panel that's basically just a buncha nerds circlejerking over some shit like Homestuck or that group of horrible Doctor Who impersonators.

>The RenCen is kinda mall-like, having a CVS and other stores inside.
>The layout of the RenCen is fucking confusing. It's not built for things like this and one of the floors (second or third?) only has two escalators which results in a lot of congestion.

>Despite the weird layout, the RenCen is very beautiful to look at and makes for a lot of great photos (especially at night)
>Pervy GM workers pop up here and there

>Thursday night is great for a badge pickup night, but is usually when drama starts (eg the wristbands)

>> No.7875770

The facebook group is just filled with a bunch of weeby teens trying to get attention for their cosplays or being all "OH HEY YOU GUYS LIKE ANIME? I LIKE ANIME?"

Then there's that one arab bitch who keeps trying to troll

>> No.7875772

Sunday is usually a lot quieter and more laid back than Friday and Saturday. Not as much is going on though, but the Game Room is more free.

The Closing Ceremonies are pretty nice though. Unless you really don't care for any of the guests at all.

>> No.7875834
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I'm going thurs-sunday, can't wait! Though they are pretty slow with getting shit done this year in terms of correspondence and scheduling.

Is the con offering people-mover passes again? I plan to make liberal use of it but don't want to pay the full fair every time.

>> No.7875836

You can pretty much guarantee it. I dunno if you can pre-order them like last year yet though. It might be too soon anyways but hey if they're doing that I might anyways.

>> No.7875837

Oh hey turns out they are letting you get them early again


>> No.7875844

thanks! I ordered one, but the shipping was a bit pricey for what it is. It probably would have cost me the same to just pay every time, but at least now I don't need to carry a bunch of change.

>> No.7875853

Hey wait were you the guy who had me order them for him last year?

>> No.7875861

Yes, if your name is Phil

>> No.7875875

oh hello again friend

>> No.7875887

>Is the con offering people-mover passes again? I plan to make liberal use of it but don't want to pay the full fair every time.


Don't buy the Youmacon weekend pass unless you're there Thurs - Sun!
It's only $1.50 for a day pass.

>> No.7875894

if you're going back and forth between the ren cen and cobo a lot or plan on stop places like Greektown, even for a day, it's still worth it. Doesn't one trip cost $.75?

>> No.7875928

>Doesn't one trip cost $.75?
Yes. And disregard previous post >>7875887
Looks like the $1.50 day passes are not available to individuals. The youmacon pass will be your best deal if you're riding more than six times.

>> No.7875976

It's also important to note that I'm pretty sure every day they get cheaper. I remember when they first started doing them I got one on Saturday for $3.50

>> No.7875979


Is there a place to buy them in person?

>> No.7875998

You could buy them next to Registration last year

>> No.7876037
File: 71 KB, 412x550, 1409821464868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm probably going to be hassled by a drunk person Sunday morning for the third year in a row

At least I got to see the most bitter bitch I knew in high school be a jolly drunk. Then made her play DDR when she wouldn't leave me alone.

>> No.7876459

Who's ready for all the niggerboo's to ruin their good time?

>> No.7876538

I just read on the FB group that there is a "new rule" being put in place by the GM people at the RenCen. It apparently affects everything outside of the Motor Lobby and the Hotel... which is basically the entire rest of the RenCen. What i know for sure is that it isn't wristbands thank god.

>> No.7876560

It's going to affect a lot of people though.

>> No.7876608

Most likely. The wristbands alone were a pain in the ass a couple years back. I think that was 2012 when the wristbands were implemented and printed schedules weren't given out at the con until SATURDAY. So I think people are VERY valid in their complaints about the schedule not being up yet yes?

>> No.7876614

I'm not saying they aren't. I was talking about GM's new rule though.

>> No.7876631

Yeah I know what you were referring to anon. Hopefully we'll find out the new rule soon and hope it isn't something supremely annoying.

>> No.7876689

It will be to some people, but I don't believe it will affect a good majority of attendees. From what I've gathered, it seems to be a pretty logical rule.

>> No.7876720

Oh? Do you know what it is or are you just guessing? Just curious.

>> No.7876749

I do know, and I can tell you it's cosplay-specific. Nothing that infringing, but it's still going to upset some people. Of course.

>> No.7876759

my bet is it's either weapons policy or no skimpy cosplays.

I know Cobo got mad about people in their undies with Mario Party

>> No.7876770

Care to enlighten us or do you have to wait for the rule to be officially released?

>> No.7876773

Oh really? I didn't go to the Mario Party. It probably has to do with skimpy cosplays or weapons somehow.

>> No.7876807

I'm thinking I should keep my mouth shut for now. It'll be public soon.

>> No.7876819

Clearly you know nothing...

>> No.7876827

You'll know what I'm talking about once the statement comes out.
All I'm saying is it isn't anyrhing as drastic as wristbands, but it is cosplay-specific.

>> No.7876886

You're an anon and you can't say what it is? Lame...

>> No.7876979

Is the new policy for Morgan to actually act like an adult for once?

I kid, love ya Morgy

>> No.7876982
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>mfw the policy turns out to be something that effectively bans homestuck

>> No.7876993

Banning Homestuck? Oh god that would cause an apocalypse for sure... there are SO MANY homestucks at Youmacon. Some of them are absolutely fantastic though with their cosplays. I remember an amazing set of trickster cosplayers last year.

>> No.7876996

It's a joke.

Besides, homestuck never gets crazy until sometime after 4pm on fridays

>> No.7877002
File: 15 KB, 336x252, 1365098173606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing it's a body paint ban.

>> No.7877007

I hear its a ban on Deadpools.

>> No.7877008

I'd fucking love that at this point.

But I think it's a ban on walking around with prop weapons outside the con (excluding the part of the riverwalk between cobo and the rencen)

>> No.7877228

Or you can just wait like everyone who isn't staff else has to.

>> No.7877490

I'm betting the "new rule" is some ban on being shirtless or something similar. We'll probably find out tomorrow or whenever GM decides to tell Youmacon what the rule is.

>> No.7877493
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>pony 'studio' getting featured on the facebook page

>> No.7877506

We'll find out the new rule Friday of the con.

>> No.7877532

Why are we finding out on such a late notice if it's cosplay related..?

>> No.7877872

To my understanding, we're waiting for GM to give it to us in writing, so they can't pull shade later. We just found out about it as department heads not too long ago as well. It's...inconvenient, to say the least. For everyone, remember to wear comfortable shoes and keep hydrated! I know of at least 3 departments that have been skyping nightly to haul ass on the schedule to make up for lost time because of the submission delay. We really do appreciate the patience that's been shown so far. For those of you who are getting pissy..good! Glad you're that excited to see what's in store! We're all looking forward to this con too!

>> No.7877964
File: 14 KB, 250x250, 1409707217110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>body paint ban

Better not be. I bought the most perfect body paint for my cosplay and have perfected the application/sealing of it. Not allowing it would ruin my cosplay. I hope it's just for weapons or skimpiness.

>> No.7877978

Can I bring my dog to youmacon?

>> No.7878047

because youmacon staff cant get their shit together until a week before the convention.

>> No.7878152

>GM is taking forever to release the code of conduct

>> No.7878166

let me guess you guys asked like 2 weeks ago and now you're getting angry because they havent answered yet

you guys are incompetent

>> No.7878178

I'm not even staff. Stuff like this has happened before, like with the wristbands two years ago where the hotel suddenly decided thursday night to have a new policy on the rooms and elevators.

Besides, if you really want to see a poorly run con, go to the Motor City Comic Con. They usually don't even publish their schedules until the day of the convention.

>> No.7878291


>> No.7878329
File: 331 KB, 711x400, 1406576005825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be stuck in PA so I can't go to Youmacon however have run with the elevator nazis

>> No.7878336

nerds have a hard time getting answers from authority figures? shocking.

maybe get a band of people who arent fucking losers who can call people and get the information they need more than a week before their fucking event. if you can't handle being in this type of business, don't do it.

>> No.7878343

Oh wow! That is beautiful! What anime is that from if I may ask?

>> No.7878499
File: 229 KB, 718x878, IMG_20141013_063357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, I'd like to apologize for the statements of the one staff above. As a staff member myself, working now for my 8th year, let me tell you guys why I do it:

Because you guys are fucking awesome, and you deserve it.

When I was growing up, if you liked video games or anime, or anything weird or different for that matter, it meant you were not going to be invited to the cool parties. It meant you were not going to be friends with the cool people. Simply knowing who "Yoshitaka Amano" was or seeing "Urotsukidöji" or knowing about "Dragon Ball" meant you were going to spend Friday night alone. Having a box of comics or a Batman t-shirt meant you didn't have a girlfriend. Beating Act Raiser meant you were not going to have anything better to do after school. Getting good grades meant you were a "nerd" and being nice to people meant you were a "pansy".

(Part 1/2)

>> No.7878502
File: 141 KB, 486x733, IMG_20141015_034614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even care about anime, but as a group of people, you remind me of me growing up. And you're more forgiving, more understanding, more accepting, and kinder than any other group I know. Hell, even the church groups I grew up in were complete assholes most of the time. I drew superheroes, got good grades, and didn't care about football. What that meant in my old groups was that I was different. I was weird.

And people didn't give a fuck about me. And that's why I love staffing Youmacon every year. It actually makes me quite jealous, because as a group you joke with and accept and tolerate and take interest in and show concern for everyone around you. And that is what Youmacon is there to celebrate: you weirdos being awesome people.

And I imagine that on Monday, when it's all over, a lot of you will go back to schools where you are the outcast, to families who just wish you'd change and be "normal", and to friends who.... well.... might be non-existent.

And because of that I want to make sure each Youmacon that you have the time of your life. So do me a favor again this year: meet new people, make new friends, and be as different and as curious as possible.

--"Dagon", A.D.A. Security.

>> No.7878550

Good intentions, but times have changed. You're a bro, but you're simply projecting a bit too much.

>> No.7878575

you sure sound mad today

>> No.7878736

not the same person since i was only one of those but alright

>> No.7878771

I was >>7878550 . Not going to Youmacon, just read his two posts and thought he was a pretty nice guy. But he seems to be projecting his own issues onto others far too much.

Cons became a "normalfag" thing a long time ago. Cons are just going out, socializing with a shitton of people, attending an afterparty/concert rave, getting drunk off your ass, then sleeping with strangers(In a non sexual way, most of the time)

>> No.7878857

This is the 1st year I'm staying in the RenCen itself, and I may have to bring one person over the limit of my room

I've heard some pretty bad stories about nazi-tier staffers when it comes to overstuffing rooms, is that true? Would I be able to feasibly get an extra person in my room without hassle?

>> No.7878935

If you tip room service very well, they'll turn their heads the other well.

Or, you could simply tell the hotel you need an extra cot for a 5th person. They'll charge you for it each night, but you'll have the extra person without breaking rules.

>> No.7879084

Usually just being well-behaved, tipping well and not having everyone in the room at the same time.

>> No.7879132

Just as long as no one destroys the room you should be fine.

>> No.7879136

I honestly want to believe that the Marriott only pretends to care about room stuffing, but is apathetic until assholes break stuff.

>> No.7879270
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>mfw people are already freaking out and thinking they'll get ebola from youmacon

>> No.7879431
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>> No.7879445

Go to bed dallas.

>> No.7879496
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Aldnoah Zero. Lots of cute uniforms, and one puffy-ass dress.

>> No.7879577

At least the GM Ren Center is implementing an open alcohol policy this year. That should more than make up for any new cosplay rules.

>> No.7879584

Seriously? That doesn't seem like something they would do at all. Weird.

>> No.7879586


Are you serious? I'd heard rumors but it sounded like bullshit to me. I'm not really a cosplayer so I don't give a damn about any restrictions on that, but I'd love to be able to actually walk around with a drink without being bitched at.

>> No.7879605


Where did you hear this from? Source?

>> No.7879610


Heard it from the con chairman, Morgan himself. Apparently if you're over 21 you receive a voucher with your badge this year. It grants you a single free drink from the Volt bar as well, anything under $10 I believe. Of course you still can't carry open drinks outside, for obvious reasons.

>> No.7879613

What if you're not buying a badge? Can you still walk around with open liquor?

>> No.7879623

You don't need a badge to be in the hotel.

>> No.7879632

The marriot has always had that rule. This is one of the things where its youmacon stopping it instead of the hotel. But by hotel policy you can carry liquor, bought from the bar, anywhere in marriot areas unless there is an event in that area.

So convention rooms are off but the walkways are fine unless you get to GM area stuff. I leanred aboit this last year when I asked about non-cenvention people walking around with drinks. The hotel people said its like that every day, but that its not really a good idea when youmacon is aroundd.

Personally I like alchohol not being all over the place. There are fucking too many of us anyway. So drink in your rooms (just dont drink alone).

>> No.7879657

Agreed. Nothing worse than a bunch of drunk sweaty weeaboo hambeasts fighting over who likes Tokyo ghoul more.

>> No.7880244

does it have to be bought at the bar, or just any kind of booze is ok?

>> No.7880245

Here's a post made my Morgan himself about this "issue":

"So what do you do when the venue that your hotel is attached to doesn't want your attendees on their property. Currently, part of Youmacon is at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, while the rest is at Cobo Center.

Well, General Motors is placing restrictions on people in their space (basically everything that is not the Marriott) which is going to really upset a lot of my attendees. All Throughout this, they are telling us to inform our attendees about said new code of conduct, yet they won't publish it or give us anything official.

Any thoughts on this? And yes, they just dropped this on us. Oh, and our contract with the Marriott doesn't involve GM in any way, shape, or form."

>> No.7880296

And this is why detroit is a racist shithole of nigaboos. marriot hates us. They dont want us there despite the fact that we bring in more money than theyve ever seen. But since we arent some niggerconvention they want to treat us like they hate us, and the people in charge want us gone. I would seriously bet that marriot managment is telling gm to cause us peoblems because marriot doesnt want a bunch of nerdy white kids there having fun. So they do wristbands. So they come up with new "rules" in contracts to fuck morgan over (I heard they tried to add some extra charge of $40000 at mmx on sunday and wanted to rry to get morgan banned from being able to do youma there ever again). If youma happened in the suburbs, where politicians and business leaders just cared aboit getting paid itd be no problem. But the politicians and business leaders and managers in the city dont want to succeed. Theyd rather be oppressed by whitey so when whitey gives them money and throws the most successful party in their neighborhood they get all upset.
I jad a freidnd whose parents worked in politics in Detroit and with businesses making deals down there. They said it was completely racist and that the black leaders in detroit would rather habe ghettos than white businesses. And y friends family was black. They refered to the city officials as a bunch of niggers who needed to be lynched to make detroit succeed.
Of course they also supported mike duggan.
I bet when morgan meets with the business leaders they always want to know "how is this going to help detroits children" and he says they can come play video games, not realizing that what the niggers want is all of the money to be "donated" to their corrupt "charities".

>> No.7880312

Where does the Marriott stop and the GM property begin?

>> No.7880344

>Detroit Business "We are doing terribly and we need free money."
>Banks and accountants "But you did great. Look at all that money you got from Youmacon."
>Business "DAMN YOU YOUMACON! You've made it so I cant just sit around and get free money! DAMN YOU!"

I've heard that this is literally how Detroit operates.

>> No.7880357

I think the Marriott property is the Motor Lobby (aka the hotel lobby), the obvious huge hotel room tower and the Volt Bar, 42 Degrees North cafe, etc. The GM part is the other towers that hold offices, etc. The RenCen is also GM's World Headquarters so their business offices are in the other towers that aren't hotel rooms.

>> No.7880376

Someone is planning an Ebola-chan cosplay. Weren't there already like four threads where everyone discussed why that was a terrible idea? Didn't someone get kicked out of a con for that recently or was that just a rumor?

>> No.7880390

Really? I don't recall anyone getting kicked out of a con for a cosplay, though yeah that is a god-awful idea considering the Ebola virus has arrived in America as of late.

>> No.7880430

It might have just been a rumor then, supposedly happened at NYCC but who knows. Either way, everyone's doing it now to be 2edgy4u and it's stupid.

>> No.7880468

the gm areas also include the food court and the wintergarden and all of the shops and stores.

and yes gm is trying to say youmacon people cannot go into any of their areas at all which is why morgan has said nothing yet.

because could you believe an entire convention where all the shopping starbucks food court cvs people-mover and parking lots were "off limits"? because that is how fuckijg niggerish thecity of detroit and GM are being.

i kid you not.

18000 people only allowed to enter and exit through the motor lobby.

>> No.7880473

I heard Morgan also hasn't said anything because once he or GM make a public statement, it can be enforced.
But if no one does by Youma, it doesn't have to be.

>> No.7880695

Isn't doing that a fire hazard or something? Seriously though, GM is being dumb as hell. I can understand not wanting people to wander into the office spaces after hours, but trying to cut off everything? That's stupid.

>> No.7880708

WAIT WHAT THE FUCK. Tell me you aren't serious anon. That is just bullshit that they would ban con-goers from essential places where they can get food (the food court) or medicine if needed (the CVS). I highly doubt the People Mover is going to be banned because there are People Mover passes being sold especially for the convention. The clothing shops/specialty stores that I've seen there I could understand because those aren't really areas where con-goers tend to go and they seem to be closed whenever I've been to the RenCen during Youmacon weekend.

>> No.7880748

>General Motors is placing restrictions on people in their space

Likely untrue. If it were the actual case, GM Ren Cen pages like facebook and twitter would explode with hate. It would be phenomenally bad publicity. Though, that may be why they're not releasing anything official.

>> No.7880784

I'm hoping they're just restricting access to the office spaces, if they haven't already of course. Otherwise I'm going to be a tad mad seeing non attendees being able to go to CVS and food court.

>> No.7880790

>Looking forward to @Youmacon and let's remember that @gmrencen will not permit face coverings or weapon-like objects.

here ya go

>> No.7880806

I heard this as well. Weapons can't be realistic enough to wear employees can't tell the difference, and at least at GM-parts of the rencen, no full facemasks
RIP Deadpools

>> No.7880808


>> No.7880831

Is it possible to get any weapons peace-bonded? Or are they just flat out not allowing them?

>> No.7880847

Are they including mouth masks with that as well?

>> No.7880860

I don't believe peacebonding was allowed in the first place. From what it sounds like, weapons are still allowed, they just have to be obviously fake enough.
Don't know. I believe they just said full facemasks, but I wouldn't be surprised if a Kakashi got asked to pull his down. Again, keep in mind that this is only at GM areas. Should be fine at Cobo.
Not sure about the People Mover though.

>> No.7880885

Oh ok, thanks.

>> No.7880898

Just remember, GM is only doing this because the hotel asked them to, because the hotel and city want Youmacon to go away.

They literally dont want money from Youmacon.

>> No.7880909

Assuming this is all true, I honestly don't understand why the city would hate Youma so much, especially considering Dave Bing used to show up to it for a bit.

>> No.7880911

Oh alright, I thought I saw on the youmacon forums that it was a possibility but maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.7880916

so how likely is it that venues change next year? im sure there are other cities with other hotels and places that would gladly take the money of youngsters

>> No.7880940

If it's really true that there won't be any prop weapons (at least any semi-real looking ones) and "face-coverings" inside the RenCen, then GM probably should have realized that if they announce that this close to the con, PEOPLE WON'T KNOW AND HAVE LOTS OF PEOPLE BREAKING THE NEW RULES.

Unless they're deliberately trying to use that as an excuse not to have youma anymore.

>> No.7880943

And im sure the cirrent mayor, Duggan would love it too.

But there are a thousand other city offocials who just see youmacon as "a bunch of white kids ruining their city by spending money there". Most of the officials in detroit only know how to exist in failure. Doing well and making money is torture to a slave. Theyd rather stay a slave and be oppresed.

>> No.7880975

I don't know if Cobo's increasing in size with the renovation, but I'm sure they'd be happy to host. They have a bunch of concerts there to begin with, it's not much different.

>> No.7880979

It just reminds me of the wristbands. The Marriott implements it out of nowhere Thursday night with little communication to Youma, and end up getting rid of it by Saturday at the latest because it ended up being too much of a hassle for them to enforce.

Mind you, that just covered people with rooms. Imagine the convention as a whole.

>> No.7880983

it would stop youmacon from being a all-weekend con though, which would suck a lot

>> No.7880985

You think so? They couldn't just rent out Cobo for three/four days, with the right amount of time in advance? It'd be kind of similar to a music festival.

>> No.7880988

From what I hear, the RenCen is the biggest place for us in Metro Detroit. I doubt we'd go to another city. I think they might just hold more events and panels at Cobo and use the RenCen solely for the tabletop and vide game rooms and housing attendees and special guest.

>> No.7880996

Nope. Cobo doesn't work like that, and it would mean paying all their staff even more money (I've heard lots of stories about ridiculous Cobo union rule shenanigans from an uncle who used to do stuff at the auto show)

>> No.7881001

Damn. Yeah, another city mighty be the best bet then, if this policy's here to stay. We'll see how it goes though. Might just last this year after all the complaints GM is bound to get.

>> No.7881002


>> No.7881006

Again, I'm really hoping that it ends up just being something that gets underestimated (a la the wristbands) and leads GM/Marriott to give up and just let Youmacon handle it.

>> No.7881018

I'm surprised people haven't overflooded their twitter account yet.

>> No.7881020

I really hope so. I know there will be a lot of pissed off people (including myself) if they can't use a weapon prop they put a lot of work into, or is a main part of their cosplay.

>> No.7881034

I hope that ends up being true. The wristband thing was a total bitch and I'm glad they just stopped it. Not being allowed to have props or masks however is gonna kill at least a good 90% of people's cosplays because almost all cosplays have some kind of prop that is bound to look like a weapon. How are they going to even enforce this rule on the entierity of the majority of convention property? Aside from COBO, the RenCen is the site for almost all of convention events. Does this mean that the panel rooms/concert hall areas are affected as well?

>> No.7881065

According to the unofficial Facebok group page, it seems the new rule has to do with "face coverings" aka masks and "weapon-like" props. It's vague as all hell but basically masks and props that look like any sort of weapon are banned in all of the GM related areas of the RenCen. This includes the Wintergarden and the Food Court.

>> No.7881080

Again, it's probably going to end up being a lot harder to enforce than GM/Marriott thought. It would be pretty hard to stop >14,000 people, person by person, to check for these.

Although I do sorta suspect the mask ban could be from fear that masks make it a LOT harder to track down problem people/

>> No.7881131

So you just have to take off masks/put weapons away if you want to go to cvs or get some food?

>> No.7881183


Yeah pretty much sounds like it at this point. The actual hotel portion of the RenCen is unaffected by this. Basically floors 3 and up of the RenCen are fine because those are hotel function spaces/panel rooms/main events. However anything below the 3rd floor (which two of the circular walkways, food court, wintergarden, office towers, etc) is part of the rule and therefore masks and certain props are being banned. Mind you this information came from a vague tweet posted by GM so there is NO official statement as of yet. Keep your eyes on the Youmacon FB page though because that's where everything is being posted.

>> No.7881243

How is GM going to even enforce this? Are they fucking stupid or are they going to post armed guards everywhere?

Seriously, fuck these guys I do what I want.

I'd love to see gm security trying to manhandle and remove a few thousand otaku. Bring your cameras and be ready for battle. I hope they have 20 cops with sticks jist beating the fuck out of 14 year olds in Frozen cosplay. I want to see this on national news: police flip the fuck out in Detroit over young kids in costumes.

>> No.7881263

Well, nice to know your creepy fucking ass is staff.

Who do I talk to so this fuck stays away from me?

>> No.7881272

media dosent give a shit about a bunch of entitled white and asian weebs that are all talk.

Bringing my camera so I can record a bunch of faggots whining that they are being oppressed, then get pepper spray and stick it out YouTube for lulz

>> No.7881275

Even better, grab 200+ volunteers. 50% off tickets and you get a free T-shirt, but you have to pay for your own hotel room.

Each volunteer has to be at least 5'8, decently built, not socially awkward. Their task will be weeaboo subjugation. Maybe give the leader a horse and a Roman legion cosplay, so it can feel like the civilized world destroying the hoard of savages.

>> No.7881392
File: 27 KB, 442x180, Renaissance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no prop weapons
>no face paint
>no masks


on Halloween

>> No.7881400


>> No.7881474

Do these basketball-americans have any clue how they are going to enforce this? Are they going to bring in 100 extra redguards with sticks?

>> No.7881503

more likely they'll just be checking people at the choke points

there arent that many ways in/out of the RenCen

>> No.7881537

ugh why even bother going. why waste my money at a place that doesnt want and with a staff running it that has proven to be completely incompetent in this thread alone.

might as well see if i can preorder my acen badge now

>> No.7881561

I heard that when they did the elevator wristbands they later gave Morgan a bill for ten thousand dollars and told him it was his responsibility.

I bet GM will do the same.

>> No.7881583

Wait, face paint counts too? I thought it was just limited to face/mouth mask?

>> No.7881602


>> No.7881633
File: 793 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20141016_212241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well on the plus side, my cosplay is done!

I'm going as Will Wright from SNES Sim City.

I think I'm going to get some spray on hair color instead of getting a wig to match my afro thing though.

In all, turned out pretty good though I'm pretty happy with it.

>> No.7881637

You mean Hitler with funny stuff on his head

>> No.7881638

I just heard from a staff buddy of mine that Vic Mignogna is gonna be at the con. Prepare yourselves seagulls.

>> No.7881648

That's weird considering a staffer I know claims he's banned.

Then again she hates Evangelical Christians a lot too soooooo

>> No.7881667

0/10 son he's banned

>> No.7881669

I think him being banned from cons is just rumors. But I'm talking to my staff buddy right now and she is a Guest handler staff member so if anyone knows it would be her.

>> No.7881677

I'm just saying I was told by a staffer too, but it's very possible that in her mind, "I don't want him there" = "he's banned"

>> No.7881678
File: 951 KB, 500x190, 1395201743184.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7881705

If he's banned then explain why he was at Midwest Media Expo this year, a con created and run by the same folks that do Youmacon.

>> No.7881779

He's not banned; he vowed never to go to Youma again because someone in the guest relations department (someone whom I personally know) pissed him off. I couldn't be happier, really.

>> No.7881805

the Facebook group is a slow-burning tire fire right now...it's almost humbling to watch.

I hate Deadpools and getting clotheslined, so I'm pretty happy about the new rules.

>> No.7881965

Don't worry, I'll make sure I get you with my wings.

>> No.7881977

What. When?? Where? How?!

>> No.7881986

Well apparently he's coming back. My friend who is in the Guest Handling department said that he's going to be at the con because being the "drama king" that he is, he's being paired with the so-called "drama queen" guest handler staff person.

Also as I asked earlier, if he vowed never to come to Youmacon again, then why did he come to Midwest Meda Expo which was run by the same staff?

>> No.7881998
File: 736 KB, 1146x1074, RICC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good thing Vic is going to be at Rhode Island Comic Con. Your friend also would do well to message me right now, please.

>> No.7882012

Well consider me corrected then anon. Thanks for the information.

In other news, people are still freaking about the new rule that GM has sent down. Apparently an official statement by the con chair is gonna be up tomorrow (as in later today, since it is Friday now lol).

>> No.7882020

I am no anon to you. Apparently, we know one another. I think you should be messaging V right now.

>> No.7882059

I'm actually in GR and no, he's not coming back. Sorry dude your friend is BSing you, we didn't even send out an invite to him.

>> No.7882089

I'm sorry I don't know you. I'm not on staff and I don't know who V is. I think you have the wrong person.

>> No.7882093

Did we just see someone die???

>> No.7882096

But your friend is. Could you please give me the first letter of their name at least? I have a couple questions that I need to ask them.

>> No.7882101

That "friend in GR" should probably message V right fucking now.

>> No.7882114

Like I said. I don't know who you are and I'm not trying to start trouble or anything. I was just restating what she told me. Apparently she gave me wrong info. Enough said. Why do you want to ask her questions anyway?

>> No.7882116

V liked him. He was a sweetheart. She's happy to have him back any time.

-The Hench Army
Left Eye of the Honey Badger

>> No.7882125

Because I'm her department head. If you'd like to know who I am, you can message me on Facebook under the name Takshi Piper. Hi, nice to meet you.

>> No.7882131


>> No.7882407


Holy shit, let it go...I mean, how many people were on your ass a few years ago with your "bar-tending" mishaps hm? You're too old for this shit...let it go~

>> No.7882485

ok Elsa

>> No.7882561

So, no Filet Mignogna at Youmacon then?

>> No.7882579

>Vague, conflicting policy that doesn't cover the convention completely
>No official statements yet
>Waiting until less than two weeks away from the con
>Trying to ban masks around Halloween

Yes, GM. This is a brilliantly thought out idea. No one will be confused at all.

>> No.7882582

If by Youma, GM is still being this dumb (or even worse) I swear to god I'm gonna cosplay a Toyota.

>> No.7882625

Haha good one anon

>> No.7882630

And you helped defend me then, which was greatly appreciated. This involves something you know nothing about, so please leave it be. It's taken care of.

No. He's not a guest this year.

>> No.7882631

Looks like the official statement from Youmacon has been put up on the main site. Go take a look!

>> No.7882641

Think about how this works legally, and I hope thousands of us just ignore the "new rules".

>a gm employee will have to ask each "rule breaker" to remove the masks and props
>if the "rule breaker" doesn't comply, the gm staff will have to ban them from gm property at the ren cen.
>this will involve a lot of paperwork... and if someone just walks away at this point back to marriot property, how are they going to "remember" who it was?
>the next step is to get police to arrest the "rule breaker" for trespassing.
>"rule breakers" go to police station 1 by 1.
>police station fills up with otaku who must be fed, cared for, given medicine, etc etc.
>This costs $$$$ and makes GM look like a bunch of pussies.
>lots of great publicity for the city
>Morgan gets to sue GM and city for any losses to the con, since this "new enforcement" will harm the event and presents an "undue hardship" that was not enforced previously and was not made with "fair warning" or any sort of "reasonable timeliness".
>GM goes bankrupt again.
>Obama has to rescue GM again.
>Otaku wear cosplay to State of the Union.

I cant wait for this to happen.

>> No.7882654
File: 52 KB, 917x250, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they really that clueless after the wristbands?

>> No.7882679


Take off the mask until you get to COBO. I don't like the rule either, but at least it only applies to part of the convention space.

>> No.7882680

Or just ignore the rule becasue the worst that will happen is some security guard telling you to leave the area. I bet they will even give up on that by Saturday because it's basically impossible to enforce and they will be sick of trying.

>> No.7882711

I like how the RenCen is too shitty to actually tweet about this themselves and is making the Marriot handle it

>> No.7882770
File: 241 KB, 718x949, IMG_20141017_123215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting thing to note on this picture, the Spartan there, "breaking all the GM rules", is a police officer who works the Ren Cen. And he comes every year.

Maybe I am projecting. I really don't see how that matters. Fact is, the people at Youma are pretty good people. And pretty good people often get taken advantage of, stepped over, and looked down on. I couldn't imagine a better group of 16,000 people though.

And do you think GM would treat Youmacon or Morgan this bad if it was a group of athletes? Do you think the groups of the Ren Cen would be as disrespectful and flippant if Youmacon was made up of "normal" kids?

So screw that. That's why I enjoy working to make this event work and be fun for you guys. Because I know there are a lot of places where being a good kid gets you looked down on.

>> No.7882841

getting a little over-sentimental, man.

>> No.7882874

You're a pretty amazing guy, no idea why some people here are calling you a creep.

I hope you help make Youmacon great, good luck bro

>> No.7882953

It's going to turn into anything that's held in your hand or anything on your face is bannable.
If this shit continues for the whole weekend or next year Im just gonna go elsewhere

>> No.7882961


Who is this guy and what's wrong with him?

>> No.7882963

Dagon, get the fuck off the board and stop same fagging yourself. Only warning bro.

>> No.7882974

Has nice guy entitlement issues. Literally stalks a friend of mine because she made the mistake and acknowledged his niceness. I got creep vibes off humans just avoided him, but he always shows the fuck up at the cons we go and appears behind us. When we try to ditch him, we get texts from people we know warning us that he is looking for us and looks like he is ready to go rage mode on everyone. She removed him from fb and blocked him but he is so fucking obsessed over her. Like she's the one girl that got away from him or something.

>> No.7882982

Auto correct *off him* not humans

>> No.7883020

Actually ridiculously creepy if it's true. You should send it up to the con itself and they might kick him out of staff if enough people complain.

He seems like a cool guy judging by his posts, but online personas are always misleading.

fuck off faggot

>> No.7883026
File: 338 KB, 885x685, IMG_20141017_023444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Enver, you are so kawaii.

Hey I hope you show up too. When is the seagull meetup anyway? It should be on the 14th floor again.

>> No.7883062

Meetup in the wintergarden. Guns and masks required.

>> No.7883129
File: 259 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20141017_044759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect. Time?

I'm pretty certain you must be confusing me with somebody else. I'm also pretty certain everybody I know would say I've never gone "rage mode" in my life. My friends would then point out that I don't ever even go to cons. So the things you are stating must be misplaced.
My friends would then attest to the fact that the only girl I've ever obsessed over is my German farmgirl. Here's a picture of me with one of her cows. Even Paula (the cow) is confused by what you're saying.

Anyway, I'm pretty certain I have no clue who you or your friend even are. Or maybe you're just trying to troll. Meh. Have fun.

Go to bed ConBon!

And sorry I missed the above posts for my last reply. I was running class when I put it up.

>> No.7883172

So according to statements from the RenCen itself, the main reason for the rules is because they're afraid of normies being scared. Which probably means everything will be fine come Saturday.

>> No.7883193

>they're afraid of normies being scared
I think the employees would know by this time that it happens, even if they are new. It would be something to talk about almost all year.
As for other people
>uhhh what the heck is going on
>oh okay

wow that was hard

>> No.7883200
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>> No.7883208

I seriously hope morgan already has his lawyers on this. This is a lawsuit hed be guaranteed to win.

This is what, the 5th year here and they decide to invent this rule two weeks before the event?

>> No.7883211

do the 86 from initial d and you're set

>> No.7883213

again missing the point of just telling people what's going on instead of inconveniencing a much bigger amount of people during that weekend

>> No.7883425

@gmrencen, youmacon, detroitchamber, detroitmarriott, puremichigan, cityofdetroit

>GM says "No Masks!" to 18,000 expected Halloween guests.
>#detroit: closed for play

>> No.7883480
File: 242 KB, 1500x1718, guy_fawkes_black_mask_print[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh look, the telephone numbers and email addresses of 30 Ren Cen management.

>> No.7883527

Dont remind them of why theyre supposed to hate us.

>> No.7883641
File: 2.30 MB, 4472x6552, the Batman mask_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am the bat man

>> No.7883642

>Dont remind them of why theyre supposed to hate us.
Do let them know you're unhappy and that you won't be returning to their businesses.

have pages for the public to rate and review the Ren Cen. Businesses take their ratings on these sites VERY seriously.

>> No.7883698

I've never been to Youmacon before, but was considering going because it's sizeable and happening before the end of the year. I'm planning to commission a few elaborate mascot cosplays and was hoping to scout out any very well-made samples I can find to inquire after the identity of those who produced them. Do there tend to be many high-quality mascot cosplays at Youmacon or must I consign myself to waiting for the really large conventions next year?

>> No.7884347
File: 11 KB, 900x191, youmacon is ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Youmacon website has been down for nearly 9 hours now

they haven't posted on Facebook since 9:30 AM Yesterday

They have not returned emails from press people

They've gone dark

What is happening

>> No.7884354
File: 280 KB, 717x974, IMG_20141018_121326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miki Ivey does a ton of fantastic stuff if you're really looking for something elaborate, well-made, and different. There are always some fursuits and other things like that if that's more what you mean. I wish people on /cgl/ actually posted pictures though. I think I have more pictures in this thread than anybody else and one of them is of a German cow.

Bonus points if you know what anime this outfit is from.

>> No.7884373


Oh my GOD that's the Chocobo from Final Fantasy! I remember seeing that one year!

>> No.7885026
File: 20 KB, 234x234, 1411129275495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing like a fursuit. This
and some similar, more elaborate projects that include armor.

The angle of the shot makes it tough to make out much of the body of the costume you posted, but the legs make me a bit dubious.

>> No.7885375

I know this is a little last minute, but I'm looking for a photographer for Youmacon, and I'm not familiar with the Midwest cosplay scene. If you have any recommendations, please drop me a line at looking4youmaphotogoncgl at gmail. Self-recs are fine.

>> No.7885784

Morgan, please get your damn attention whore staff member off the board?

>> No.7886059

for what cosplay and when are you wearing it?

>> No.7886663


>> No.7886696

does a Robin mask constitute as a mask?

>> No.7886723

I think it'd be full masks like fursuits/mascots, deadpools, knight helmets, etc... Something that completely obscures the face.

>> No.7886750

Zombie apocalypse has started and is happening in Detroit

>> No.7886991

Yeah it's most likely a complete face covering, but the term seems vague. I doubt you'd get thrown out the first time GM staff says something. It sounds like you're mostly just going to get a stern talking-to.

>> No.7887134

Wrong: it's Kai the horseclaw from Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.

>> No.7887141
File: 126 KB, 375x500, kai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic, oops.

>> No.7887165

Oh right duh. God they look super similar though! Great work on that costume, all of the detail is fantastic. It looks totally real up close.

>> No.7887182

I remember that thing. The cool thing was the head was a big puppet thing and the person wearing it was standing up straight.

>> No.7888359

Is it youmacon yet?

>> No.7888515

Another week and a half, anon. be patient

>> No.7888610
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This is my first time selling here, what should I expect? Are there big spenders, or do people tend to make smaller purchases? Is this crowd more interested in newer anime like attack on titan and space dandy), or are they more into the older stuff? (Like Inyuasha and case closed)?
pic related, I made that hat

>> No.7888659

I wouldn't expect big spenders tbh but I don't personally know.
Old stuff will probably still sell, but I wouldn't rely on it exclusively.
Last two years they've put the AA in the back or to the side of the dealers hall, so it's a bit marginalized and doesn't get nearly as much traffic as the vendors. If you can make your table as eye-catching as possible, it'l help.
Good Luck!

>> No.7888814

I know some people who had a table in the Artist's Alley last year and they didn't make a whole lot of money. Some of that could be blamed on the fact that the layout kinda shoves the AA off into a corner and doesn't create a flow towards it. However, it also doesn't help that they basically sold lots of tumblry shit too.

I hear you do great if you sell lots of really cheap shit though.

>> No.7889037

Cheap as in under $20, or under $5?

>> No.7889231

Under $5. But things under $1 sell like hotcakes unless its like a button. Weebs can be stingy as fuck sometimes.

>> No.7889263

Bleh. That sucks. My lowest item is $6. Thank you for the info though.

>> No.7889339

When's the meetup?

>> No.7889578

Every con that Ive been to has talk of a meetup but never happens

>> No.7889956

I went to one at Youma two years ago. It was Friday afternoon.

>> No.7889972

I'd like to go to one but what would anyone talk about?
>oh I like your outfit
>cool thanks yours is cool too

Last year was pretty funny though, some dudebro from what I imagine your average /b/ user looks like tried to get a orgy going

>> No.7890344

You could talk about people behind their backs like /cgl/ always does

>> No.7890576 [DELETED] 
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im there every year bangin them hoes. come find me, I'm the guy that looks like Clark Kent.

>> No.7891088

Friday is the usual day, last couple times I went, we had it at the 2nd floor Marriott lobby.

>> No.7891315

What time do you think people would be meeting up?

This'll be my first non-east coast con and I kind of want to meet cgl nerds from a different area.

>> No.7891576

>never knew about Youmacon till earlier this year
>living @ wayne as a student now
>bought my ticket a while back

so I just have a question about getting to the con. dunno if anyone lives anywhere around me, basically just Woodward and Warren area.

I have a car but I don't know how much parking is downtown @ Cobo or if I could get a 3 day pass. anyone know if that'd be a good/bad idea? not tryna take the bus downtown and I'm not really looking forward to walking all the way there either.

>> No.7891657

Oh hey, I go to Wayne too.

Parking isn't too crazy, at least on the weekends. I know the Atwater Lot right next to the RenCen has $10 daily maximum parking (or something around that).

You can get a 3 day pass at the door for about $60.

I know you don't want to take a bus down, but if you really don't want to pay for parking either, take the 610 SMART bus by State Hall downtown on Friday. I don't think it runs on the weekends though, but it is what I take on days I can't drive home due to car-juggling.

Some of my friends at WSU are going down to youma so there's bound to be a couple people on campus up for ridesharing.

>> No.7891688

thanks! I appreciate the info. I'll weigh my options for it, probably end up parking on the roof deck.

I hope to meet some people that go to Wayne when I'm there. It's my first year and I haven't made any friends on campus. really looking forward to it though.

>> No.7891697

one more question actually, what usually goes on on Thursday night? I saw something about it starting Thursday night and wondered if it was worth making the trek downtown for. is it like the opening ceremonies and what not?

>> No.7891719

Thursday night is the free night. It's mostly for people who pre-registered to pick up their badges, but there are some free events and they game room MAAAAY be up and running. It's not too bad all around and I'm going.

And if you're looking to make friends at WSU, then I recommend stopping by the Gaming Club meetings on Mondays 4-6 in room 409 in State Hall. I'll gladly be your friend too, provided you're not toooooo big of a nerd.

>> No.7891731

ahh I see. maybe I'll go and get my badge then if that's the case.

thanks for the invite. it doesn't quite fit into my schedule but if I ever get the chance I'll stop in. really appreciate it tho.

>> No.7891734

The badge pickup is only for people who already bought one bro

>> No.7891743

I bought the pass to Youmacon earlier this summer, sorry if I misunderstood. so not the same thing?

>> No.7891841

We have some panels going on in the RenCen and Origa is having a one hour acoustic set at 8.

>> No.7891943

Ill be cosplaying as Oldseph for the majority of the weekend, say hi if you find me! Any other jojo people gonna be there?

>> No.7892322

oh nevermind, I misunderstood what you were saying

>> No.7892356

I might be cosplaying a really last minute and hastily thrown together Jotaro.

>> No.7892402

Anyone else here coming from Canada?

>> No.7892476

Oh hey, I go to wayne too
What are you guys cosplaying?
I'm going as jacket, probably accompanied by a shadow shaman

>> No.7892498

Second WSU anon here. I'm gonna be Jotaro Kujo... hopefully...

>> No.7892543

going as Caesar

>> No.7892547

I park in the Greektown Casino ramp and just ride the mover to Cobo/RenCen.

it's free because they want you to gamble.

>> No.7892581

Reimi here! Be sure to check the Youmacon thread for Jojo cause someone made a facebook event for the Jojo meetup, Saturday at 7:00pm. No location yet from what I've seen, but it'll probably be updated. 22 people confirmed so far.

>> No.7892613

*forums not thread. This is the youmacon thread, heh.

>> No.7892634

I'm not doing anything this year, I know, lame. it's my first year tho and I was having trouble figuring out something I could do.

dunno why I didn't think to do that. good shit. thanks.

>> No.7892660

although now that I think about it I'm considering a hastily put together Dark Flame Master cosplay, we'll see.

>> No.7892682

>tfw people dropping out of your room at the last second.
>Your friends don't want to invite strangers in too the room but insist that it should be full.

Fucking god damn it.

>> No.7892723


>> No.7892732

yeah im 23 and havent had -those- problems in the pasat

>> No.7892847

I went to Youmacon two years ago, and ran into a group of bronies taking their pants off.

Yes, I'm going again, if not to just see all the weird shit and merchandise.

>> No.7892870

Continuing my post here.

Every time I leave Youmacon, I often wonder why I even came. The bad cosplays, the weird people, the awkward hentai merchandise out in the open.

Then I realize, it was a surreal and fun experience. You don't get to see shit like that everyday. The RenCen is fucking beautiful, I have a wonderful time with my friends, and the view of Detroit's river is worth it each time. Plus, I usually buy some cool merchandise I wouldn't be able to get elsewhere.

And honestly, the "bad" cosplays are entertaining. There's even a lot of good ones there, I'll admit.

So, in short, 9/10 would go again

>> No.7892885

I feel the same way. went originally for the fighting games last year, had more fun just meeting weird people and drinking.

I felt really out of place not being in some sort of cosplay last year, so I'm giving it my first go this time around.

>> No.7893018


See I've never had shit like this. All my experiance have been clean. Where the fuck does this stuff happen?

>> No.7893050

It's a big place, so maybe I just got the bad side and you got the good side.

>> No.7893250

Given whies fucked over blacks historically, fucking deal with it or MOVE. You whites had KKK patrolling on the edges of the ciy in the 1960s, we won't forget you peckerwood fucks for doing that.

Even if the detroit government is corrupt as fuck

>> No.7893268

source? or are all you whites feeling legitimately oppressed that you don't have the power

>> No.7893287

he's security

>> No.7893333

>too big of a nerd
>posting on a cosplay imageboard

>> No.7893671

I'm a WSU student. It's my first year there, too. Maybe I'll run into you at the con and we can not be alone there together.

>> No.7893886

you have no idea how happy that'd make me amigo.

>> No.7893944

>Marriot hates us and doesn't want us there
>GM is the one trying to enforce this new rule

You realize the Marriot doesn't occupy every floor, right? And that GM and the Marriot are seperate entities? Last I checked, Marriot didn't give a shit about costumes as long as they didn't pose an immediate threat to safety or traffic.

Supposedly the manager who tried to instigate the wristband thing got canned.

>> No.7894026

>we won't forgive you!

You do realize those were different people, right? You do realize that treating an entire race as one entity and holding grudges for shit our ancestors did it racist and retarded as fuck, right? Try using your brain and thinking less like a tribal animal.

>> No.7894185

C-can I join and have WSU friends too?

>> No.7894191

hell yeah son.

you live on campus at all?

>> No.7894238

Nah, I'm commute from St Clair Shores. I might move near campus next semester if I don't go with that housing subsidy Grosse Pointe Park gives you

>> No.7894298

Just fyi, they don't "give" you shit. A lot of people want in on the free money, so the application process is actually pretty selective. I commute from gpp currently, my app got rejected in September

>> No.7894635

Let's make it so!

>> No.7894862

I kinda figured, but I hope the fact that I used to live there might help me out a bit.

>> No.7895206

thanks dude, didnt know about that!