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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 134 KB, 600x314, michonne-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7879925 No.7879925 [Reply] [Original]

Really, /cgl/? No thread about this?


Blackface in cosplay. Opinions?

>> No.7879927

it's racist.

>> No.7879928
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Cosplay is not consent....to be insensitive.

>> No.7879929

she has a nigger nose

>> No.7879930

I saw this get posted in a local cons fb group as well as saw it turn up on many friends pages and I was blown away by how many people said that if people can paint their skin blue, green, grey and have it be okay that it means blackface should be acceptable as well, because it is meant as a "compliment" and is accurate to the character.

>> No.7879934
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>i am definitly not a racist, what many people said i hate racists and i have to say that i am not complete german so…
any race can be racist, holy shit.

>> No.7879940

How? Racism is being cruel or unfair to a person or group of people based on colour or ethnicity.

This isn't that at all.

>> No.7879941

also I bet you shes 5% swedish, 5% norweigian, 5% british, %5 .......

>> No.7879942

It seems to me she didn't really think she was being racist, but she was. I kinda hate when people don't apologize for it and instead try to justify it with "I didn't mean to hurt anybody".

Overall, don't cosplay characters like that.

>> No.7879943
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ah no, there are lots of different forms of racism.

>> No.7879944
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And here we go again...

>> No.7879945

personality I think it is racist, she should have just done the cosplay and left the skin tone out of it. When other races cosplay white characters they don't paint their skin white so I'm not sure why she didn't just leave it.

If her cosplay was good enough people would have got who she was regardless of if she blackfaced or not

>> No.7879946

You are the ones seeing it on a racist way, not the girl. She did a great job actually.

>> No.7879947
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The mad contouring though.

>> No.7879948

It's racist because she's using black people as a prop for her cosplay.
Race isn't a costume, or part of one.

>> No.7879949
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>> No.7879951

If we lived in a world where blackface wasn't used to make fun of blacks, this would be fine. But since we do live in that world, people have got to know this shit won't fly.

However, good makeup job.

>> No.7879952
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Indian dude here. I've been called paki, shitskin, curry muncher, whatever you can think of, I've been chased and beaten, I've been denied work, and gone through all manner of shit because of my skin colour.

Explain to me how this is racist or harmful in any way. "Ah no, it just is," is not an explanation.

Pic related is racist. It's mocking, trivializing for humour.

The bitch in OP just wanted to look like a person in a TV show out of admiration for the character. I don't see what's racist about that. Please explain.

>> No.7879954
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It's okay take your time to process it, I'll wait.

>> No.7879956

>If her cosplay was good enough people would have got who she was regardless of if she blackfaced or not

Eh, not really. The costume is bland as shit, to begin with. Put it in context, like with zombies around you, then most people would get it.

>> No.7879958
File: 22 KB, 298x409, blackface_3910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother, white privileged females are speaking for you and other minorities.

>> No.7879963

>using black people as a prop for her cosplay

She's not holding a black guy by the legs and pretending he's a sword.

Are you kind of people who think Cloud Atlas is racist as well?

Imitation in and of itself is not racist. If that was the case, then it wouldn't end with just skin colour; culture would be an issue as well.

Yet it isn't.

If she cosplayed the character without blacking up she'd be accused of white-washing, trying to impose her whiteness on a black character. There's no winning with you fucks.

>> No.7879964

because while we are of colour we get discriminated, she won't, even painted like that.
and also having a mindset that you have to be a certain colour to cosplay a character.

it's sad really and a lot of people won't understand.

>> No.7879965

I see cosplays from all races being portrayed by different people and you only make this shitstorms about this one. Who is the racist? Someone that likes a character from another race and wants to cosplay her properly or those who see bad intentions on everything related to this matter?

>> No.7879966
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>The way someone looks isn't part of how they look

>> No.7879969

>She's not holding a black guy by the legs and pretending he's a sword.
It's too late for me to be dealing with this kind of dense dumbfuckery but okay. Just because I can't fucking sleep I'll humor you. What I mean by that is that she's using race as an accessory for her cosplay.

Don't cosplay a character that is simply not within your range to do. Blackface has always had negative connotations everywhere. Just because a person does blackface without knowing the meaning of it doesn't make it any less racist.

I can give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she genuinely didn't know she was being racist by doing this, but saying shit like "I'm not even 100% German" is simply retarded. Just apologize and move on.

And before someone comes and says I'm a "white privileged female", I'm actually Mexican.

>> No.7879970

>while we are of colour we get discriminated, she won't, even painted like that

What the hell does that have to do with anything?

I've never defeated the demon king Mundus but that isn't going to stop me from dressing up as Dante.

>> No.7879971

Not the above anons but
>The bitch in OP just wanted to look like a person in a TV show out of admiration for the character. I don't see what's racist about that. Please explain.

I agree. Everyone flips a shit when it's someone trying to be more authentic in the cosplay, especially when it's something like this. I took this part from Wikipedia about black facing so take it with a grain of salt: White blackface performers in the past used burnt cork and later greasepaint or shoe polish to blacken their skin and exaggerate their lips, often wearing woolly wigs, gloves, tailcoats, or ragged clothes to complete the transformation. Later, black artists also performed in blackface.

That's not what this chick was doing. She wasn't doing it to be offensive. She was doing it to push her cosplay. That's all i saw.

>> No.7879972

How do people feel about black cosplayers in whiteface? Should they be encouraged to do that so they are "recognizeable"?

>> No.7879973
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Please, just google what blackface actually means

>> No.7879974
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You really manage to amaze me with that reading comprehension sometimes.

>> No.7879975

I know what it means, you're just simply too stubborn to understand why this is racist, so lol not bothering with you anymore.

>> No.7879979

>she's using race as an accessory for her cosplay
And? What's inherently wrong with that? It's a black character, white girl wants to look like that character, what's the big deal?

If a black weeaboo used face paint to look like a Japanese anime protag no-one would accuse him of being racist.

Blackface having negative connotations due to Americans having fucked up history doesn't dictate the course of the world you sheltered child.

>saying shit like "I'm not even 100% German" is simply retarded
Yes it is. So she's a retard. That doesn't make this racist either you backwards cunt.

>> No.7879981

>Blackface having negative connotations due to Americans having fucked up history doesn't dictate the course of the world you sheltered child
enough said

>> No.7879984

>Race isn't part of a costume

Cosplaying is trying to look like a character.

If she stayed white, she'd look nothing like the character. People would call her Lara Croft.

Skin colour is part of what someone looks like. If someone is white, you notice it. If someone is black, you notice it. If someone is green, you definitely notice that. Acknowledging this is not racist. It's a simple truth that human beings have eyes and can register that different colours are different.

She simply went further than most in how much she wanted to look like the character.

That's not racist at all.

>> No.7879985


>> No.7879988

On my feed consensus is intent. Everyone is willing to give her some slack for being unaware of the shit she is pulling. But everyone does seem to agree that race isn't a costume so just don't.

People who are saying this is perfectly ok are being called out on it by people telling them they hope the same people will rally around a black cosplayer when someone gets on them about cosplaying a character that isn't black/tan

She didn't intend to be racist. BUT that doesn't mean she's not an asshat

>> No.7879989


>> No.7879991
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Thank you

>> No.7879993
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Here in the Netherlands, we call it culture.

>> No.7879995

I think this is fine. This to me isn't blackface. Blackface makes a mockery of a different races facial structures and colorings, much like those people who pull out the corners of their eyes and do shit like "Ching chong potato" or whatever.
But this? She is emulating the look of a character. She's not making fun of anyone. This is perfectly acceptable. I know many people say race/culture isn't a costume, but I think is fine for people to do so so long as they understand and appreciate a culture, and aren't desecrating sacred things.

>> No.7879996
File: 130 KB, 561x960, 1413401050289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they hope the same people will rally around a black cosplayer when someone gets on them about cosplaying a character that isn't black/tan

Damn straight I would. Black Dantes are my favourite cosplayers.

The only thing that's racist is telling anyone (white or black) that they can't cosplay a character of a different ethnicity.

>> No.7879997

Point is she exercised no restraint to not cosplay it out of respect. Where as the minority face it every day. I feel like it's similar to Ebola Chan or Jnig. It's just not a good cosplay choice for a privileged girl to sport around in and not expect people to make assumptions.

>> No.7879998

god fucking dammit I'm so sick and tired of the discussion and the way it's being dealt with.

>> No.7880000
File: 134 KB, 1024x825, Omaha_courthouse_lynching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a black person used yellow face they would be called out on it because it's fucking racist
If you can't look like your character without the use of black face or whatever then you're a crappy cosplayer no question asks.

"Fucked up history" doesn't even begin to cover it. Just don't do it. It's not a hard thing to understand

>> No.7880001

>she exercised no restraint to not cosplay it out of respect

Respect for what?

You're saying she should avoid cosplaying as a black character, or she should whitewash that black character, out of respect for black people? You think that the fact that a white woman respects a black character enough to want to look like that character is a bad thing?

That's a very backwards way of looking at it.

>> No.7880007

>If she stayed white, she'd look nothing like the character. People would call her Lara Croft.

Haha, really?
Then that means she did a piss poor job on the rest of her cosplay.

You can tell who White Korra is, who Black Stocking is, who White Ymir is.

You can tell who white Michonne is.

>> No.7880011

>Yellow face

Yellow face implies exaggeration for the sake of humour. This isn't what this is. This is standard imitation, no exaggeration or mockery, done out of admiration.

>"Fucked up history" doesn't even begin to cover it
But the point is that that's AMERICAN history. This is a European woman. In Europe. A continent where the main people who suffered oppression due to ethnicity were South Asians and Jews. A continent where black face and golliwog dolls and lynch mobs hunting down negro slaves wasn't even a fucking thing to begin with.

Accusing someone of being racist for not being tied to sentiments of American culture just because she's white when she's a fucking European is inherently racist you dense motherfucker.

>> No.7880017

Fucking this.

>> No.7880019
File: 44 KB, 650x365, that feel when 12,000 years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American sensibilities

>> No.7880020

>Kira Markeljc
fuck sake she's a Slav. They care and know about sjw issues as much as I know and care about engineering thermodynamics. She probably lives in a country where you see one black person a year so she most likely meant no harm.

>> No.7880022
File: 25 KB, 647x224, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw actual African Americans get offended less than white SJWs

>> No.7880023

For those spouting she's German and only Americans would have a problem with this cause of American history....
Lets all just forget the fact that we live in a very international world and spend a lot of time on a very international internet.

You now have to account for the shit that doesn't fly in another country. You've been doing it for years actually.

>> No.7880025

That's basically how social justice works. Middle class white teenagers get mad about things whilst the people actually affected by the issue (or seemingly affected by the issue) deal with it sensibly and move on with their day.

>> No.7880026

>But the point is that that's AMERICAN history. This is a European woman. In Europe. A continent where the main people who suffered oppression due to ethnicity were South Asians and Jews. A continent where black face and golliwog dolls and lynch mobs hunting down negro slaves wasn't even a fucking thing to begin with.
a few days ago a Czech larp was posted in a larp group on facebook and the US members completely lost their shit because it was wild west larp and some people played black characters plus as it was back in the time black characters were kind of opressed.
Most european members doesn't really seen a problem with it

>> No.7880027

Because americans really tend to give a shit about other countries too.

>> No.7880029

>Everyone must live by AMERICAN rules and AMERICAN sensibilities because AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!

No. If you want to use the, "International sensibilities," logic then you should put on a fucking hijab because some Arabs will get offended about you walking around showing off your hair.

That isn't how it works, retard.

>> No.7880030

> implying americans ever remember there's more to the world then them

fucking hell so many people online automatically assume you're american and can't seem to realize the world isn't the same as them

>> No.7880031

it has to do with it a lot actually.

>> No.7880033

Yeah, because America always does a good job with that

>> No.7880034

end of thread

>> No.7880036

Please explain how.

If I am wrong I would like to know why, and if this is actually a genuine issue you should be educating me about why it's an issue instead of saying, "It just is."

>> No.7880038

So she's a shit cosplayer.

That doesn't make this racist.

>> No.7880039

Elaborate, and without using buzzwords please.

>> No.7880062

god, why do white people care about this? Most minorities don't actually care about things like this, same as with "cultural appropriation.

>> No.7880066

Because people still pay attention to opinions on the internet. Tumblr posts, facebook and youtube comments are all the same worthless garbage.

>> No.7880068

let me correct that for you: Americans

>> No.7880071

Guilt ridden whites who want people to think they care, even though they've never done any work for charity

>> No.7880076

It sure is getting fucking tumblr in here.

She is not offending anyone. All of my non-white cosplay friends give no fucks about this.

>> No.7880080

this, cultural appropriation is a crock of shit. At least here on Irrelevant Island heaps of people "appropriate" minority culture, to a point where it became our national identity no matter the skin colour. Foreigners are encouraged to do it even, because as long as you're not taking a shit on my flag it's not fucking offensive, bruh. It does look silly and misinformed but Americans look silly and misinformed about 90% of foreign cultures they portray; but that's somehow okay since the people whose culture they butcher in a Hollywood movie are white? I mean shit, if we were to complain about it we should complain about ALL the movies and ALL the cultures but THAT WOULD BE STUPID AS FUCK, WOULD IT NOT.
Besides, I'm sure neither we nor black Americans need people defending us on the Internet because we are not helpless little retards and can speak for ourselves if need be.
Stop spilling your SJW cancer into other parts of the world.

>> No.7880081

No I'm saying she should have not cosplayed it period. It's not that fucking hard to hold back on certain cosplays or pick another one just this once. Black cosplayers get shit on for cosplaying outside their race and don't get many choices to pick from. If she actually respected the character she would have supported the series in another way but her ego got the best of her and now she gets to tolerate the backlash, so it's fair.

>> No.7880084

>Foreigners are encouraged to do it even

I think SWJs forget this. This enrages me about complains about Day of the Dead make up - mexico whores the hell out of that holiday and people are encourage to have silly fun with it as long as they respect things like churches and cemeteries (which are not exclusive to the holiday so they don't count).

>> No.7880085

>It's not that fucking hard to hold back on certain cosplays or pick another one just this once
What are you even saying here?

She could have been holding back for fucking years and finally decided it's time to do it, what do you know?

>> No.7880090
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>No I'm saying she should have not cosplayed it period
That's racist.

>Black cosplayers get shit on for cosplaying outside their race
That's also racist.

She's allowed to cosplay as whoever she wants. Black people are allowed to cosplay as whoever they want.

The only racist thing is you dumb fucks telling them (both white and black) that they can't.

Eat shit and die.

>> No.7880091

So it's fine to hate on a non-American girl for putting on dark makeup because some black cosplayers get shit for the same bullshit reasons?
That is some premium tumblr logic.

>> No.7880092

Blackfacing, as far as I understand it. Was using make up to product a character stereotype. Whether it was in the theatre, the paper, satire etc.

Generally enforcing or promoting stereotypes causes equally ignorant people to take up and act and believe on those stereotypes. This becomes a negative knock on effect when the stereotype is negative or offensive.

Such as the flambouyant gay man.

Or the overwhelming matriac.

But to say 'blackface in cosplay' doesn't seem to fit with this.

Because it is then to say 'using make up to support a stereotype in cosplay'.

Which is then to say that the character in cosplay is or is the stereotype. Which is then an insult to the character and what they may or may not represent.

If someone was to cosplay a gollywog and paint their face black. This would be offensive. This is making a joke out of a race.

But to use make up to reproduce a character that you love, from a series you love for purely positive reasons.

To me, that cannot be called blackfacing. Because it is not enforcing a stereotype. It is becoming a singular character.

>> No.7880098

My first thought is that she shouldn't have worn blackface and used blond dreads instead, like how you sometimes see black Sailor Moon cosplayers with black wigs.

But I recently discovered from the more SJW types on my FB feed that white people wearing dreads is racist and oppressive for some reason, so I'm not sure she could have done this cosplay without offending someone out there.

>> No.7880107

Ding ding ding!!!

>> No.7880115

Who let tumblr loose?

Shes not even american. There is no history of "blackface" in germany. This is almost as good as the time you harrased s kora for "brownfacing" when she was a minority and had been lightening her skin in her costumes because people told her she was too dark to cosplay.

Stop sitting in front of the computer complaining about the "injustice" in the world and go work a soup kitchen or something.

>> No.7880135

It doesn't matter where the fuck you live. It's still racists stop coming up with sorry excuses like this.

>> No.7880138

>Not living your life by American sensibilities is racist

No, THAT'S racist you piece of shit.

>> No.7880144

God, you eurofags are so annoying. If it's offensive in a country then it's fucking offensive. It doesn't matter if it's America, France, or Japan. To sit there and expect a countries citizens to be ok with something that has hurt them because you don't live there is retarded.

By your logic, I should just parade around extolling the virtues of Japan in world war 2 despite the fact that they killed and raped many people because muh America.

>> No.7880145
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More people of all races should do it (tastefully of course) then maybe people would stop being so damn touchy.

>> No.7880147

>If it's offensive in a country then it's fucking offensive

Walking around with your hair on display is offensive in some Middle Eastern countries.

Not bowing to your seniors is offensive in some East Asian countries.

So either put on a hijab and get on your knees or shut the fuck up you moronic hypocrite.

>> No.7880149

>Comparing someone's use of make-up for imitation to murder and rape

Listen to yourself.

>> No.7880150

>the only race arguing this isn't racist are white people
come on, this is literal blackface. how can you even think this is an okay thing to do?
i bet you cry about affirmative action as well.

inb4: no im black!!!!!!!
time stamp a pic pls

>> No.7880151

>Don't cosplay a character that is simply not within your range to do
Alright. Then fat people shouldn't cosplay skinny characters. And white girls shouldn't cosplay Asians. And asians shouldn't cosplay white comicbook chicks.

Is that what you're saying?

>> No.7880152

>time stamp a pic pls
You first, faggot.

>> No.7880154

Whatever you say, white girl.

>> No.7880155
File: 51 KB, 487x650, tumblr_m1glsk2ula1qzdubeo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to leave this pic of JessieRuffleButt cosplaying Anthy here.

She did her cosplay of Michonne accurately. She should be praised, not criticized.

>> No.7880156

im not black silly, im a whitey that knows their place :^)

>> No.7880159


>> No.7880161

What POC don't realize is that even though our history sucks, you're now getting treated like any normal person will because of your equal rights- like shit unless you're rich. The only difference is you have more freedom- doesn't mean we're going to give you the "obloobloo poor bby" treatment and stroke your hair. Life here isnt difficult and people will always find something to shit on you about unless you have money. No, it's not because you're black. Get over yourselves. The only ones putting any emphasis on your race are the occasional asshole, and yourselves. But mainly yourselves,

>> No.7880164

Those are some interesting punctuation decisions.

>> No.7880166


A. Most non-whites (what I mean by that is non-middle-class-Americans-and-British-faggots-with-more-emotions-than-time) don't actually care about this shit. It's mostly white people who 'want to help'. Barring Jesse Jackson. But nobody likes Jesse Jackson.

B. POC is a dumbass term, stop using it.

>> No.7880167

I can't be the only one who thinks POC sounds racist as fuck?

>> No.7880168

I was hoping this would never show up on cgl. Just a bunch of people making up pitiful excuses for racist behavior, and a bunch of eurocunts whining about Americans.

>> No.7880170

Babby's first bait

>> No.7880171

It's not racist by normal people logic, but it is racist by tumblr SJW logic.

POC implies that not being white is something especially noteworthy. There are white people, and there are POC (everybody else). That makes white the default, which is racist.

Which makes it completely fucking hilarious that the SJWs adopted the term.

>> No.7880172

Was typing on my phone.

>> No.7880173
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>Muh board culture

>> No.7880174

What's your point?

>> No.7880175
File: 164 KB, 508x730, 2mk1gV8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could have been worse

>> No.7880176

>ITT : non-black person being offensed by someone's make up obviously meant as a tribute and not a mockery AND ethnocentric amerifats.

Thanks /cgl/ for reminding me that sociology as well as understanding of other cultures is superficial as long as you speak english.

>> No.7880177
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>> No.7880178

>this is literal blackface
you fucks are the reason why i now cringe at the word "literal"

>> No.7880179

It's as racist as WASP. It sounds racist because it's used to make blanket statements, but all in all it's just a shorter way to write "non-white"

>> No.7880181
File: 38 KB, 500x281, 1313147254553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is literal blackface

No it isn't. THIS is literal blackface.

What the slav lady is doing is using make-up for effective imitation, not exaggeration or mockery.

>> No.7880182

That's a cute anime

>> No.7880183

Since you have claimed you're Mexican in a previous post, you are now only allowed to cosplay Mexican characters in fiction. It's only fair.

>> No.7880185

>tfw can only cosplay as Michelle Rodriguez

>> No.7880186

enjoy your unseasoned food.

>> No.7880191

God, that makeup's not even good.

I don't think she was being racist. I do think it was misguided. Why couldn't she have just cosplayed White Michonne? Why couldn't Jessie Pridemore have just used her natural skin color instead of making herself look like an Oompa Loompa? Like she must've known it would cause a shitstorm, why even fucking bother in the first place.

>> No.7880192

If you're going to SJW-splooge all over this thread about how racist it is, the least you could do is understand WHY it's considered racist in America. Any kind of stereotypical race depiction is obviously racist, but that's not what we're talking about here. Is it racist to tastefully contour your face/wear a wig to look more asian? Obviously not. Blackface is a fucked up piece of US history that gives us a kneejerk reaction to ANY kind of skin darkening. I live in the US but I'm willing to bet that gollywogs aren't covered in most European history classes, so the expectation that everyone in the world is aware of this cultural taboo is fucking ridiculous.

Wow it's a good thing it's just a photo posted on the internet then vs someone who showed up to an American event in America. You don't get to decide what qualifies as a cultural taboo in other countries.

>> No.7880195
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>having any kind of cultural taboo

>> No.7880196

That's not cultural taboo, that's France being French. Mockery's a rite of passage to frogs.

>> No.7880198

>Why couldn't she have just cosplayed White Michonne?
Because somehow that would be racist too

>> No.7880199

Not really. There are plenty of white Tianas out there and aside from a few fucktards they go over quite well really.

>> No.7880200
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>> No.7880201

because sjw babies would cry that she should leave black characters for black cosplayers since white people are overrepresented and not allowed to cosplay outside their race abloobloobloo

>> No.7880202

I'm black and have lived in the deep south my entire life. I'm not offended I think she was just trying to be the best version of the character she could. I hate how sensitive everyone has become. This isn't even close to blackface, even if it was who cares? If some white dude smeared shoe polish all over his face and sang mammy I would not give one iota of a fuck.

>> No.7880204

it wouldn't be racist, it would be WHITEWASHING!!!11 and they would be allowed to make jokes about "hahaha white girl tryna be black :DDD"

>> No.7880207

Also don't forget no black people should be cosplay any carter unless there black.
this argument and sjw get their panties in a bunch over nothing.

>> No.7880210


>> No.7880211

Tumblr please kill yourself.
You are pure cancer at its finest.

>> No.7880212

A black person with some common scene. Good for him and more "black" people need to take note.

>> No.7880216

Okay nigga then no black person ever cosplay. Theres like what 10 black characters total with anime,video games and comics right ??? SO only stick to those.

>> No.7880218

fyi 9/10 of those sailor moons look like pure shit. Just saying but they get away with cause they are black.

>> No.7880222
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>those insensitive pricks!

>> No.7880226
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People who aren't middle-class white people have bigger problems to worry about than what some slav puts on her face.

>> No.7880227

>while we are of colour we get discriminated
Use your pitty card somewhere else.

>also having a mindset that you have to be a certain colour to cosplay a character
Cosplay is about accuracy, imitating the character, if it is green, then you'll be green. Do you cosplay only black characters? I think not.
At this very moment, you are discriminating , so, fuck you.

>> No.7880262

Yeah, it sounds exactly like "colored person" to me, which is not something you say where I'm from without getting at the very least some ugly looks. I don't know of a better way to handle it, but grouping people into white and not-white seems just as offensive to me, no matter what word you use, but if that's the term people like...idk.

>> No.7880269

>This is almost as good as the time you harrased s kora for "brownfacing" when she was a minority and had been lightening her skin in her costumes because people told her she was too dark to cosplay.
Someone mentioned this sort of thing in the other thread (which got deleted, I guess?), about their mixed friends darkening their skin to cosplay characters from their own heritage and getting called racist for it. I'd never even thought about that, and it really calls attention to the fact that this is all based on skin color, regardless of what the person's cultural ties might be, and that's super racist y'all.

>> No.7880274

Damn white women, after stealing all the good black man, now they're stealing all the good black cosplay.

>> No.7880276
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>dat nose
Well, we can't say shes not being accurate. She needs some work on the lips though.

>> No.7880277

yup. I don't cosplay but I got called out for 'cultural appropriation' by a stupid, stupid tumblr girl once. I was explaining to my friends how excited I was to go to this arabian tea saloon and eat my favourite arabian pastries. I'm arabian, I just happen to look really white. I just answered her that it was racist to assume my ethnicity based on stereotypes. She got pissed. Surprise, mixed people exist and not every thing is manichean black and white.

>> No.7880293

the nose was prosthetic.

>> No.7880295
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>mfw raven hair and brown eyes, pasty skin
>be 18
>go to America to visit some family 2 years ago
>some woman in a fast food joint asks me why I'm "talking with a fake accent when it's obvious I'm Latina"
>mfw everyone in my family has been Irish for as long as we can trace it
I've seen people from the US online say that they genuinely think that if you're from some country you must look like a stereotype or else you're "mixed", but do people actually think everyone in some European country is going to look the same?

>> No.7880297

> implying I'm european
> it's not like non-whites would think this!

>> No.7880299

Why Jessie, why???

>> No.7880301

I'm from NZ and many people here live elsewhere in the world as well. Europe vs America is not a thing, it's just that everyone thinks Amerifats are self-centered and annoying.

>> No.7880304

Some Americans genuinely think all Irish people are ginger, it's weird as fuck.

>> No.7880314

you see why no thread? cause you get a shitty one like this ANY TIME THE TOPIC COMES UP

>> No.7880315

I know, it's just... 1% of the WORLD is ginger and it's even a gene we got from Scots, not a "native" Irish gene. It's statistically impossible. Plus dark hair and eyes are seen everywhere, even in Scandinavian countries. But when I point it out, they insist that "no, no, you must be mixed".

>> No.7880320

For the ppl getting offended over this I have an honest question:

How exhausting is your life? Like to be that hyper sensitive over unimportant shit like this would be so draining. I truly applaud peoples stamina to be able to be constantly offended over everything.

>> No.7880322

The worst is the ones who think being of Irish descent with dark hair/eyes is worthy of some special name, like "Ooh, I'm *Black Irish*". Fuck off.

>> No.7880327
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>Black Irish

>> No.7880332

It's something Irish-Americans came up with to make themselves feel more special for not being ginger, I guess. I mean, if you said it in Ireland we'd just think you were literally talking about black people who were born in Ireland but some Americans (mostly middle-aged women in my experience) seem to think it's an actual sub-group or something. I've heard some say they're descended from Spanish sailors who were shipwrecked in Galway or something because they have dark hair. Lel.

>> No.7880339

The reason I am sort of uncomfortable with it is because black people are still being harassed and killed still just because they are black. A white person wearing the skincolor for fun and being praised for costume accuracy and then being able to take it off, is what i think is a problem. It really doesn't bother me so much and i don't really think it's racists, but I don't really think anyone should paint for race because most of the time it just looks stupid

>> No.7880341

That sounds like some shite a neonazi would say. I was once told that "you can totally tell where a person is from based on their facial features" and when I pulled out a picture of Robert Sheehan and Andrew Scott they said they were a Spaniard and Italian, respectively. Then they tried arguing how "it was cheating because muh sailors" when I told them what ethnicity they actually were. So that's what that was!

>> No.7880342


>A continent where black face and golliwog dolls [...]wasn't even a fucking thing to begin with.
Not necessarily. My parents went to the Isle of Wight a couple months back and there were Golliwog dolls for sale still.

>> No.7880346

Holy shit this thread reeks of /pol/

Fuck off

>> No.7880355

Well, you kinda can. Not 100% accurate, and you can't do it to everyone, but for the majority of people you can. I'm decently accurate on it, but yet again, it's not a fool proof science.

See now I feel dumb for perpetuating that myth. I had no idea there wasn't a "dark Irish". It's the one damned thing I never googled, it seems. I've also always been told there are "light/dark Spaniards" and I've been telling people this for years because Americans in my area refuse to believe there could be blue eyed, blonde Spanish people.

>tfw you have a ginger kid and you're part Scottish, daddy's part Irish, but people are still convinced it's only from the Irish gene contribution
>inb4 "hurt durr amerikunz saying they're part anything". I truly do not consider myself Polish, Scottish or anything else I apparently have running in me. I am an American; however, "genetically speaking" I come from these countries. It's more my history than my heritage and culture on why I list them off...which is another rant about my family I will save for another day.

>> No.7880360

this is the only argument that people should pay attention to

>> No.7880363

>well you kinda can
sorry but I think only Americans believe this to prove muh heritage. I mean sure there's people who fit the stereotype but it has to do more with the way they speak, dress and express themselves in general.

>> No.7880368
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If she's racist, so is he.

>> No.7880370

Too much eye makeup. Michonne doesn't have time to put on her mascara before slicing up some walkers.

>> No.7880372

This is so true. I've travelled a lot, and I like to play "guess where they're from" with my friends in touristy areas, and I usually win because I guess based on how they dress and hold themselves rather than traits like hair color or facial structure. Sometimes, yeah, you get someone who looks SUPER GERMAN or something, but mostly it doesn't work that way.

>> No.7880373

Only the race is power can be racist. If you don't have privilege, you can't be racist.

>> No.7880374

DAMN STRAIGHT. Honestly, her "pretty girl" makeup bothered me more than the skin tone change.

>> No.7880375

Why does a crossdresser have anything to do with race?

>> No.7880378

Not the fact that he was crossdressing (if that's what you want to call it), but he's wearing makeup to change his skin color.

>> No.7880380

This, the reason I can spot a Slav from ten miles away is their terrible fashion sense, behavior and weird hair, not their face. I mean sure you can guess if the ethnicity is different enough from another but Europoors are so much alike that it doesn't really work like that.

>> No.7880384

if you're treating someone or a group of people poorly based purely on their race, you're a racist

>> No.7880392
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>only white people
lol fuck off
I've seen more than enough black people on FB and on Tumblr say that they don't give a shit unless you're got big bright red lips on.
See, some people actually remember what real minstrel blackface from the late 1800's looks like.

>> No.7880393

How many Mexican cosplay choices are there? Does it depress you you'll never dress as a white character coz nearly all the good ones are?

>> No.7880398


I really hope you never dress up as anything other than a douche bag on cgl because by this logic you can't dress as a pirate, animal, assassin, anything that is considered a period costume, and no characters from a tv show. Because none of these things are props, they should be respected and you can be them because you aren't one.

>> No.7880399


Cat's are not a prop to be used in a picture to photo shop star bucks to that is Speciesism and you should be ashamed.

>> No.7880401

The poncho dude from Gash Bell.
The dreads dude from Kyo Kara Maou
Chad from Bleach
The Mexican kids from Digimon season 2

Yep that's all you get.

>> No.7880403
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>> No.7880406

Oh hey, Tumblr. How was your day? Feeling righteous because you got mad at some inane shit on the Internet?

>> No.7880409


Please the pure Speciesism from your posts is just disgusting. How do you know that cat is thinking or questioning anything. I think its despicable what you have been doing in this thread. CATS ARE NOT A PROP

>> No.7880411


White people cosplay a black character its white washing and disgusting.

They make themselves the character to avoid "white washing" and get called racist.


>> No.7880417

>we are of colour we get discriminated
So, this isn't about her discriminating against a race, it's about members of a race being offended. Political incorrectness or cultural insensitivity is not the same thing as racism.

>we get discriminated, she won't, even painted like that
Seems like she's on the receiving end of a lot of discrimination right now.

Some of you more butthurt folks might want to revisit a dictionary.
It's okay to be offended, but don't call everything that offends you racist. That's just racist.

>> No.7880419

That's why I said you "kinda" can. I do agree a lot of Americans think that only certain countries have certain traits, and if you don't look exactly like what they believe, must be some mud blood in them veins.
I'm speaking from personal experience, and my success rate is about 75/25. I guess it was some sort of weird "party trick" I picked up over the years. I do apologize though, I guess I don't go solely off of facial features either, but for me, they do tell a lot (IMHO).
Hell, I told my husband he was part Native American and he was shocked because no one has been able to tell.

Side story to this: this has only happened once, but I had a creepy Italian guy straight up ask me if I was from Poland based on my face and then proceeded to tell me it was a desire of his to sleep with a Polish girl.

>> No.7880421


Or ya know...the character she is cosplaying is just generic in appearance unlike Korra who has a unique costume you can point out miles away. Stocking has striking long hair and a well known costume which is duplicated for every female character ever. To be honest I don't know who Ymir is but I googled it and to be honest I would think its a shit lara croft because I am not a fan of whatever show this is.

>> No.7880423

>they don't paint their skin white
I hate to get into semantics but I'm constantly seeing people who say they are darker asking about how to lighten their skin for cosplay on this board.

>> No.7880428


People don't agree with me they must be from /pol/

>> No.7880429

>culture would be an issue as well

oh boy, you've never heard of "cultural appropriation", have you? Tumblrites are fucking retarded.


>> No.7880431 [DELETED] 



Checkmate sluts

>> No.7880435
File: 573 KB, 500x280, 6a0120a95a88d5970b019b00b04a1d970b-800w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 minute video about a dumb tumblr phrase

The struggle is real.

>> No.7880438

Trust me, the guy fucking blasts them out of the fucking water. You can get an understanding of what "cultural appropriation" is to tumblrites by watching 5 minutes. The rest of the video is him addressing certain acussations by sjws and him discrediting their claims, over and over.

>> No.7880445

That's still giving dumb SJWs more time than they deserve. I've got video-games to play and TV to watch and porn to fap to. I'm a busy man.

>> No.7880446

I don't think anyone's claimed to be black in this thread when you posted this. Did you even read the thread?

>> No.7880447

But it's different for Americans because they're mixed and when you say "oh are you x because you have y trait" they can usually put it down to their 1/13th of x ancestry, not because it really works like that. It's like Zodiac signs and people who identify with them because the traits are either generic or everyone has them to some degree due to, you know, being human.

For Euros it's different because despite there being some blanda upp in the past there isn't really as much as there is with us, generally speaking. And yet they look like a good deal of all the other people in Europe.
The "part Native American" thing gives the secret away.

So when you have someone who's mixed Scottish, German, French, Italian, Swedish and Irish, and you tell them "you look Swedish", they will say "oh my god how did you know, I AM 1/8th Swedish" not because they really look like that but because of odds.

>> No.7880453

Are you retarded?

>> No.7880461
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>all this SJW in one thread

I remember a year ago when this shit was posted there wasn't quite this amount of faggotry.

Times have changed.

>> No.7880466

No. Watching a video about SJW shit is giving SJWs more time than they deserve. I'm not calling the guy who made the video an SJW, but he's still spending 30 minutes talking about dumb SJW shit and pointing out things we already know (tumblrites are dumb).

Reading comprehension bitch nigger.

>> No.7880471

>I shouldn't educate myself on a topic so that when someone asks me why I'm against said topic I'll have nothing to say

Yep, retarded.

>> No.7880474

I love that Yosuke so goddamn much, every time I see him it brightens my day.
Also I accidentally put Junpei down first, I should look for some Junpei cosplays sometime.

>> No.7880476

Holy shit.
Niggress here.
I've cosplayed white characters and yet its not racist when I've used makeup. Why the hell do you stupid white girls do this shit? Why do you think any of us are flattered by you wrongfully defending us? Its embarrassing. YOU are fucking embarrassing. For real, I'm so sick and tired of this Tumblr wave of bullshit plaguing everything. This girl was trying to look like a character. If someone cosplays a black character, its racist? Fuckers, if she just cosplayed it without the paint, you all would be bitching about muh accuracy. You know you would, its happened on this board for years, shut the fuck up.

God damn it, thanks for pissing me off right before I go to work.

If you aren't of a certain race, guess what? Tough shit, you don't get to decide what WE feel offended by.

>> No.7880487

>As if you speak for an entire race of people
Crawl back inside the hole you came out of.

>> No.7880491

It's not racist though. At most it's ignorant. She blatantly didn't do it with the intention of offending anyone or anything, so it's not racist. People throw "racist" out so much, it's pretty much lost all meaning.

>> No.7880493

Nigger, if anyone asks me about cultural appropriation do you know what I'll tell them? That I don't give a single fuck about whatever the hell it is.

I don't need to be educated on a topic that has no relevance to anything important. Give me a reason to give a shit and I'll give a shit, but 'til then you can kiss my nuts.

>> No.7880504

>Want to be more authentic, only does up the skin.

its culturally offensive, it would have been vastly less, If she had gone the whole nine yards then it would have just been extreme fanaticism of which there is nothing wrong with.

She didn't shape/draw/glue her eye brows, she didn't use facial gluing like they do in movies to re-shape her face (temporarily), At least she wore contacts but there are many other things wrong with it.

Its like that lady that obsessively follows the traditional japanese lifestyle but only partly, she picks and chooses only the parts she likes about it and polishes it to her own taste. That could be fine if she wasn't such a show horse about it, trying to showup the real japanese which misinforms people who could follow her on that. She can't take the bad with the good, thats not right it falls more on the offensive side than the obsessive side.

Its the same with the shark fin soup cook book by fuchsia dunlop about Chinese cooking not only is their is no wrong but its exalted beyond all other opinions, there has to be some contrast between opinions without unjust dismissal because you seek only agreeable validations. Sure opinions are just that. but if their is are facts about the subject don't throw them out just with holier than thou opinions.

People are right to be offended.
if not at the black face, at how tasteless it is.
She could have put a lot more effort into it.

>> No.7880510

come the fuck on man, this isn't raciest.

Negro is the color black you moron.
Context is very important.

>> No.7880511

She's got putty on her nose to make it look bigger,

And this is still an incomplete WiP.

>> No.7880513

Are you a nihilist?

>> No.7880517

Yes Anon, I'm a nihilist for not paying attention to SJW nonsense.

>> No.7880536

So you admit to being a nihilist, retarded, and a faggot?

>> No.7880538

I must be given that I'm still talking to you.

>> No.7880539

Jesus I hope this is a troll. I am so sick of this argument popping up. Look up the actual dictionary definition of racist you fuck instead of one created by tumblr.

>> No.7880546

So if a black person calls a latino a slur or thinks they must be an illegal immigrant or whatever, they're not racist. Good to know.

The "only white people can be racist" falls apart when you look at interactions between other races.

>> No.7880552

Someones mad

>> No.7880567

This concept was flawed from the start, because there's no set "hierarchy" for races. The "power" of a race depends on where you are from the start. If you're in a small Midwest town where most of the children have never seen a black person, then yeah, white people would probably be more powerful there. But what about small villages in areas like the Congo? Obviously white people are not the majority there and do not have power there. Considering that there's no better race or a race that rules the world, this weird definition of racism was flawed from the start. By this definition, racism on the internet can not exist, because there's no racial hierarchy of power on the internet.

As for the issue at hand: who gives a shit? It's called accurate cosplay. Just because some people used to use make-up to mock black people doesn't make using make-up is racist now. That line of reasoning makes no sense; you may as well say that boats are racist because of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade or that agriculture is bad because people used to make slaves work farms. Just because something was misused before doesn't mean that using that thing from then onward is racist.

>> No.7880580

>The "part Native American" thing gives the secret away.
What secret?

>So when you have someone who's mixed Scottish, German, French, Italian, Swedish and Irish, and you tell them "you look Swedish", they will say "oh my god how did you know, I AM 1/8th Swedish" not because they really look like that but because of odds.

I was gonna type something similar in my previous post, but it was getting long enough as it was. I do agree. Like I said, for me it's just some party trick I've picked up. And it's not like I say "you look absolutely ____" it's "you look like you have ____ in you", so I guess, again, party trick. (Let me also add that I never go up and straight up ask people to let me guess; they ask me, which makes no sense, and I don't know WHY, but it is what it is. Maybe that's an American thing, IDK. Still weird to me.)

However, I have rarely met anyone who claims a 1/164th heritage or anything that's a crazy ass small percentage like that*. Most people I know can trace their ancestors to their home country within a generation or two. My coworker's family came from Germany in the 1920's, mine from Poland in the 1900's. So even though the majority of Americans can get thrown a country and it'll be right, where I am, it's a bit rarer. But I'm not disagreeing with you at all; I totally understand what you're saying, just offering my personal experience.
( I have met one person who was like 1/32 Native American or some small ass percentage and she would turn into a crazy Indian SJW if she felt oppressed, which being a fat lesbian, was almost every day. And I'm not even going to touch on how my mother acts.)

>> No.7880584

Not only that but when people say that only white people can be racist because only white people have power that in itself is racist because it's denying the entire rest of the world exists in an independent manner. It's openly saying that non-whites have no power purely because of their skin colour, which is as racist as it gets.

But hey, SJW retards are hypocrites, more breaking news at 10.

>> No.7880595

Oh also, I'm not saying it's a absolutely legit skill. Thinking about it made me realize it's more of a party trick, but I will defend that I'm better at it than most. Lol

>> No.7880598

not nesessarily, i dont care what skin you are of for what you cosplay, just dont paint your skin black, orange or yellow.

?? just because we are not the same skin tone as a character doesnt mean we cant cosplay them you ignorant fuck. just dont paint yourself. is it really that hard?

by what? telling the truth? you seem awfully upset about it too.

>> No.7880601

good for you, now please go away, snowflake

>> No.7880602

>just dont paint your skin black, orange or yellow

How about white? That cool?

>> No.7880603

> white

>> No.7880607

And I get cosplay is for everyone but there are plenty of accurate Michonne's already that aren't painted another color. It's not physically appealing when it's obvious you're a white girl wearing a prosthetic nose. Not fooling anyone. If you do this you will get criticism because that's what we do here, nit pick shit that hurts our eyes. It still makes me kek as much as it would to see a white bitch try to be asian. I feel like most of the seagulls defending this just want an excuse to cosplay Korra, like how quickly so many seagulls became scottish over night so they could cosplay Merida. That's just my opinion, I don't cosplay, I only come here to make fun of those that do.

>> No.7880610

Dats racist.

>> No.7880615

See, but that's just you. Some people ARE offended and claim whitewashing when a white person cosplays a black character without changing their skin tone. You can't speak for an entire race, and at some point, if you're avoiding offending even a single person, you get into the territory of these idiots claiming eating a taco and learning Spanish is appropriation kill whitey.

And on the flipside, what about people who are thrilled when those from other cultures like to share the things in their lives? What is someone's offended by the idea that a white person should never enjoy black things or identify with black characters? This is stupid.

>> No.7880617

>black people are still being harassed and killed still just because they are black

White people in parts of Africa are getting harassed and killed for being white.

Pakistanis get harassed and killed by Indians for being Pakistani, and vice-versa.

Don't even get me started on Koreans.

Everybody's got shit to deal with, son.

>> No.7880628


who put children and people in concentration camps and resedential schools
who brought sickness and disease from europe
who started unnessacary wars
who stole our land because they dont understand culture
what did tons of ancestors do? try to make peace.
shall i go on?

>> No.7880636

Call it Native American or First People, thanks.
I live in Canada and most of the population is South Asians and Native Americans and that never happens.

>> No.7880637

Okay but in the United States, black children are getting shot and killed by police officers. Said police officers get paid time off or virtually no repercussions. Stop trying to act like you actually care about these people being killed. You're using them as pawns to show how racist you are and it's pathetic.

>> No.7880638
File: 233 KB, 160x160, 1413164676957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Racism:racism prejudice plus power" trope
>Trope wrote by a white woman.

>> No.7880640

>implying other races never did anything bad

>> No.7880646

Just a question, how long is this kind of stuff applicable? Like, should white people 1000 years from now continue apologizing for this shit? It's disgusting that there's still racism in our world and in the USA, sure, but your average white American has not done ANY of these things and thinks they're deplorable (not matter what you might read on tumblr, no, most of us do not hate you or think of you as sub-human or whatever).

And that's just speaking as an American. Please read about some world history and understand that white people are not the only people who've committed atrocities in the world, nor have they never been victims.

>> No.7880648

People who make such a fuss about this need to stop. This is just a way for people for feel like they are fighting for the right of some minority without doing a damn thing to actually help. STFU about this damn girl and go pick at an actually racial issues.

>> No.7880649
File: 109 KB, 500x382, 3763629208_c741d0f9bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how the world was until white people arrived, according to some SJW.

>> No.7880650

no but white people did a lot compared to us. we had no choice but to fight back.

>> No.7880652

What colour are the warlords ravaging Africa?
What colour is the floor manager of the factory where Indian and Chinese kids bleed to make your clothes?
What colour is the dictator who oppresses Korea?
What colour is the leader of the Islamic uprising?
What ethnicity are the people dropping bombs on Palestine?

White people aren't the only people who are assholes you sheltered faggot.

>> No.7880653

>b-baka its not like we enslaved u on purpose.. ...

>> No.7880656

derp I meant "go pick at an actual racial issue"

>> No.7880657

>Call it Native American or First People, thanks

You dense motherfucker.

I'm talking about Indians. From the country called India. Living in and around India. Not Native Americans living in Canada you self-important retard.

>> No.7880660

Different anon, but fighting with some stranger on 4chan about some European girl painting her skin isn't changing the racist climate in America, I hate to break it to you. Go protest in Ferguson or write a letter to your senator or something.

And just because someone can recognize that other people have problems doesn't mean they don't care or don't think it's wrong. You're using these deaths to further your own arguments as well, so I'm not sure what you're acting self-righteous about.

>> No.7880661 [DELETED] 

Racist and abliest.

>> No.7880663

Right, in the United States.

We're discussing a slavic woman who lives in Germany, where that shit doesn't happen.

Stop trying to impose your American viewpoint on the rest of the world. That's pretty racist of you.

>> No.7880666

White person here, wasn't me. :^)

>> No.7880669

Racist and abliest. Niiice.

>> No.7880674


I can't tell if you spelled that like a fucking spastic on purpose or not.

>> No.7880679

Yeah because saying we should work on REAL race issues makes someone a racist.

>> No.7880685

check ur kurwa privilij
ja pierdole

>> No.7880687

Why do white girls look racist when trying to be a race they're not? Because they have the luxury to do it then take it off.

>> No.7880690


> shit to deal with
you dont even seem to care in the slighest

>> No.7880694

Thank you.

>> No.7880697

oh olhar menino neste pobre tolo.. kk

>> No.7880698

How does that make it racist?

Also you're implying that 'taking it off' is a great thing, that black people want the option to change their skin colour, and THAT is actually pretty racist.

>> No.7880702
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>> No.7880703

You're being incoherent again.

>> No.7880707

when did i ever say that? i never did.
not real. we have to work on them all, little by little.

like this one.

>> No.7880711
File: 48 KB, 500x371, german-semiyin[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get some black German (those exist) friends to talk to her in person
>the usual "B-but the movie White Chicks"
>"B-but I'm not 100% German".

She's just dumb. The concept and problem of blackface is pretty much unheard of here but that's just no excuse for being a little bitch after people explained the issue to you. She could have just said "Oh, didn't know that, sorry and it won't happen again". Even if she doesn't think like that, it's just a bunch of words dammit.
But no, she had to play the uppity asshole because "I'll get more facebook likes that way".

>> No.7880712

but we are talking about this costume and why people dislike it . Yes many races are discriminated against. If she dressed up as a pakistani it would still be the same argument.

>> No.7880714

jesus christ anon, tinyurl

>> No.7880717

If people told you everyday that something you can't change is disgusting, inferior, ugly, abnormal, you'd want to change it too. When you're reminded every day that you're not considered normal when "nude" shades come in 3 different colors of apricot, when "flesh tones" are beige, beige, and pale beige. When you're "pretty for a black girl", "you'd be prettier if you were lightskinned", "you should check out this skin lightening product because you're just TOO black" you'd want to change your skin color.

>> No.7880721

Okay then. It's offensive in some countries to expose your hair. Cover up and show proof that you are catering to international sensitivities.

Or instead of practicing what you preach, you're just going to bitch at us, then at your fake hugbox friends on Tumblr.

>> No.7880722

>Assuming I'm white

Just because you're weak as shit doesn't mean the rest of us are, traitor. Grow a fucking back bone.

>> No.7880728

So what if a black dude dressed up as a white guy?

Would that be racist?

As an aside, it's actually pretty racist to apply American culture to a slav in Germany just because she's white.

>> No.7880730

She's a slav. As in "root word of the word 'slave'", slav. In Germany. They've faced plenty of xenophobia. Like, major targets of Nazi Germany, concentration camps, slavic people are subhumans, xenophobia. Hitler actually liked black folks in comparison to slavs.

I'm not even european and I can recognize european racial dynamics are different and she's probably experienced a lot of crap for her ethnicity.

>> No.7880734

Well, you replied to their post with
>Racist and abliest. Niiice.

How else is that supposed to be taken? You should also get your priorities in order sjw-chan

>> No.7880735

well that's how people's tastes are. sorry to break it to you but you cannot force people to find someone attractive just to make you feel better. Europe is a white continent so it makes sense that they find other white people attractive and make products for said white people just like they make products for Asians in Asia and find them attractive too.
In Europe you have African stores where they sell products for your skin type and hair but sorry to break it to you, you're in minority there and expecting stores to cater to you especially is silly. I don't expect people from Scandinavia to carry hair and skin products for my skin type because I live in Greece and I'd be a minority there.
As for Americans... Well, that's their problem. Europe has nothing to do with this so stop flinging blame on us.

>> No.7880745

Guys, SJW-chan is just going to keep bitching and moaning. It's all she knows . It's best to ignore them at this point and go admire some cosplay.

>> No.7880746

But that's bullshit, Slavs are treated normally and look just like any other ethnicity. Most people can't tell and when they can, they don't care.
Also whoever told you "Slav" means "slave"
was lying.
Please stop talking out of your ass about things you know nothing about. Slavs who are treated badly are treated badly because they're bydlos who act like disrespectful monkeys.
t. Slav from Germany

>> No.7880749


She's cosplaying as Michonne. She's not over-exaggerating the character's features. How's it racist? It's not making a satire or mocking Black people, she's emulating a character who's Black.

How's this different from cosplayers painting themselves to look like Mystique, Colossus, Piccolo, and etc.? All of which have the same goal of portraying the figure to be as accurate as possible.

>> No.7880750

Stop assuming so much that wasn't even the same anon but I agree with them.

>> No.7880753

>she's probably experienced a lot of crap for her ethnicity.
lol no. Anon you mean well but you have no idea what you're talking about. Germany is extremely tolerant to the point of ridiculousness and everyone here has some slav roots, there's no way a white-looking chick experiences racist harassment. I'm russian/french btw. living in Germany.
Even if she was discriminated against this doesn't give her an excuse to be an ass towards others.

B-b-but I have some black/white/aboriginal/green/rainbowcolored ancestors!!11 is the dumbest excuse ever.

>> No.7880754

That is not racist. That is the white girl having priviledge. Those days there are few people who are actually racist, black people are pretty much accepted everywhere. You should be focusing on the places they aren't accepted and real racism issues rather than whinging about someone dressing accurately as a character they respect. Do you even know what racism is?

>> No.7880755

I have never seen a single white Tiana.

>> No.7880756

How hard and often do I have to beat my head against a freshly painted wall in a room with no ventilation to get as retarded as some of these people?

The character is fucking black, so she made herself black. What the fuck is wrong with that? If she just kept herself the way she was she'd look nothing like the god damn character, completelt defeating the purpose. I'm sure if she did a white cosplay of the character she would get called racist as well. Jesus christ, why the fuck is anything someone white does or says about another race instantly racist unless they're bowing down and saying they're sorry for all their privilege? It's fucking stupid, you people.

>> No.7880758


It annoys me when Black people cosplay Harley Quinn and Joker *rolls eyes sarcastically*

>> No.7880759

black people are still discriminated against in europe.
So yes I think if a black person in a place where white people are discriminated against put on white face that would be the same.

>> No.7880760

"Middle English: shortening of Old French esclave, equivalent of medieval Latin sclava (feminine) ‘Slavic (captive)’: some South Slavic peoples had been reduced to a servile state by conquest in the 9th century."

"slave (n.) late 13c., "person who is the chattel or property of another," from Old French esclave (13c.), from Medieval Latin Sclavus "slave" (source also of Italian schiavo, French esclave, Spanish esclavo), originally "Slav" (see Slav); so used in this secondary sense because of the many Slavs sold into slavery by conquering peoples.
This sense development arose in the consequence of the wars waged by Otto the Great and his successors against the Slavs, a great number of whom they took captive and sold into slavery. [Klein]"

Like, any etymology site can confirm this?

>> No.7880766
File: 384 KB, 500x418, XL8aB[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanna read this whole thread, but I couldn't make it past 30 posts...

my 2cents: I don't care if someone uses make up to change their skin tone for cosplay. The idea of Black-Facing is to make a mockery of another race by applying make up to look like a negatively stereotypical depiction. If someone wants to use make up to look like a character? Go for it. Just take the time to do it well please~

The argument of "Well at the end of the day she can wash off that make up and go back to her white privilege" is a pile of shit. White privilege exists, but it is not an actual standard that applies to every situation, regardless of the circumstances, nor is it the standard globally. The more it is treated that way, the more relevant it becomes. If you don't want it to be the standard, don't treat it like one.

Along side that, there have been tons of other cosplayers who have done this in the past, and back then (7+ years ago mind you) NO ONE GAVE A FUCK. I blame social justice, and a generation of "everyone needs to feel good and happy, no negativity" ruining 90% of everything in the world. Some people are sensitive to it, and I respect that, some people feel it calls back to the old minstrel shows and a time in our history where we mocked blacks. That's fine, but if it offends you, walk away from it unless it's something meant to offend. No one's making you look at it, no one's making you comply. Everyone should do their own thing and respect the right for others to do theirs.

Also, super tired of people trying to stand up for others when they say stuff like "Don't you understand their suffering?" "Don't you know how you're making them feel?" Fuck you, you don't know if I'm suffering or not. Don't be my advocate, ya shithead >:(

>> No.7880771

Still doesn't mean we're subhumans or were seen as such. That dates from 13th century. Nazi Germany doesn't count.

>> No.7880774

This thread and all the comments for this girls' facebook pictures, I swear to god...

>everyone is afraid of the SJW boogeyman
>people still don't understand why blackface is a sensitive issue
>in the year 2014

You're the same kind of idiots who think hurr femnists haet men!!1. Answers are a simple google search away but you chose to scream and whine instead because it feels so good to be angry

>> No.7880777

I love how the white response to anyone who isn't comfortable with this is "that's racist." Coming from a privileged brat that's rich.

>> No.7880778

>that's rich
does it anger you because you'll never be? :^)

>> No.7880780

Welp, in my country it's more of a monetary discrimination. My father is a black lawyer of poor upriging, first generation of hightly diplomated inmigrant. He have an handful of friends exactly like him and he is one of the most successful lawyer of our very conservative area. Nobody's gonna question this respectable man in his sports car with his tailor-made classic suit. We have people in the media from former colonies and we don't even need quota for us to put them in, because we recongnize their talents. The only people who are actually racists are dumb lower middle-class people who never met a 'poc' (god I hate this word) before. Stop thinking Europe is a shit hole, and stop thinking it's one entity. Every country is different.

>> No.7880781


>> No.7880799


>> No.7880803

I never said europe is a shit hole, I don't know why you think i think that. I said there is still discrimination against black people in europe. there is a lot of writing about discrimination of blacks in germany. but discrimination doesn't equal shithole.

>> No.7880813
File: 450 KB, 449x642, 1394990834412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in France and am 2nd gen immigrant, my family is from Kenya. My mother was a university professor. Nobody is treating us badly here, people make race jokes yes but we do that too with them and nobody really cares. If you can't joke about it and take everything seriously and get offended that means you need to grow up a little.
Same with saying "black people are criminals" or "gypsies steal" and white Americans getting offended by it. Gypsies DO steal and many black people ARE criminals but that's because many come from poverty and different environment. If you don't act like those people, you won't be seen as criminal. It's not a race probleme, it's social class. Poor white people are also called bad names. But it isn't because of anyone personally, it's how things are and people notice some people acting same so they make stereotypes. If you are not a bad person and look neat and polite, you are treated good.

What is more offensive is when Americans think African countries are full of all starving children and people dancing around fire. That offends me more, but not much because it's fault of the corrupt politicians, not me. So I explain it to them and then they understand, I think that's what you should do instead of complain and blame people.

>> No.7880817

>Explain to me how this is racist or harmful in any way. "Ah no, it just is," is not an explanation.

She is white cis scum. That is all the explanation you need you fucking uncle tom racist apologist.

>> No.7880821

>But the point is that that's AMERICAN history. This is a European woman. In Europe

Don't even bother.

SJW's consider white middle America the centre of the Universe, they have no understanding of people and cultures outside their own social circle. They are incredibly parochial and ignorant.

>> No.7880822

France aussi très chère, origine : Guinée.
And you totally summed up it all. In France it's not about your skin colour, but about your educational level and social class. Of course people are going to say stuff about your skin tone, but they do it to everyone and for everything, it's not a racial thing it's just how it works. Stereotypes do have origins, and while we have to fight against them, it would be stupid to not aknowledge them and try to understand why are they so wildly spread.

>> No.7880827

Because white guilt makes any attempt to look like a person of a different skin tone racist. She could've not gone in blackface, and, while there would have been no article, still would've been called racist by someone.

>> No.7880848

this thread isn't even about cosplay anymore!
it needs to be nuked

>> No.7880852

I'm white and want to cosplay Storm. Tell me why I shouldn't.

>> No.7880854

She would have been called racist because rather than painting her face to emulate the character she so desired to be and admired, she left her face white. This would of course symbolise that she thinks the character would be better if she was a white person. Not to mention that she would be called lazy for not painting her face which would imply that she doesn't think a black skin tone is worth the time to achieve which means she thinks black people are worthless.

SJW logic for you. They'll make a drama over anything.

>> No.7880856

Cosplay Storm.

>> No.7880858

you're fat.

>> No.7880862

Do you have a good comic body and a nicely defined face? Storm does not baby face

>> No.7880882

Wow... Let's get things straight for this american:

- Arabians and asians have both enslaved whites

- Biggest wars on earth before WW were not started by whites.

- Mongolian tribes rampaged in europe, skinned whites alive, pushed them into a bonfire and exterminated them in masses.

- They never had to feel sorry at any point in history or today.

Shall I go on?

>> No.7880888 [DELETED] 

No no no what you dont get is hes black so he could never be racist for doing that.

Like give me a fucking break if its cool for niggers to do this then its cool for whitty to pull that shit.

>> No.7880891

Like the whit sjw are fucking dumb but bruh the "poc" ones are like a billion times worse.

>> No.7880896

As if you also speak for your people tumblr nutbag

>> No.7880900

I feel like I'm waaaaay in the minority for this, but I actually kind of like seeing race-swap stuff on people, both light going dark and vice versa. I think it's mostly from the perspective of "look at all this cool shit makeup can do!", but yeeeah. And just seeing how different people might "pass" as another race thanks to their bone structure, and how others really, really done, it's just intriguing to me, and I wish people didn't get so upset about it.

>> No.7880901

Holy shit. There are blogs called "euthanizeallwhitepeople". Blogs dedicated to hating white people. And then those people call us racist for daring to oppose them. I tried to make a retaliation blog against them but they have taken out the names for euthanize all *insert race* and the domains say something like "wow you are so racist how could you even search this. Here go to euthanizeallwhitepeople, it will cure you of your racism."

>> No.7880902

*really really don't, stupid phone

>> No.7880905

I don't get the mentality that this can't be racist because it's against white people. Like, that's literally a blog dedicated to spewing hateful rhetoric against a group of people based on their skin colour. ??? Even if the privilege bullshit were something to take into consideration, that still lands you at least somewhere on the "racist asshole" scale, and why would you want to be there?

>> No.7880912

> http://euthanizeallblacks.tumblr.com/
This is still free.

>> No.7880913


Every race, religion, and culture, at one point in its history invaded, conquered, and impressed their way of life on others. Get over it.

> If some white dude smeared shoe polish all over his face and sang mammy I would not give one iota of a fuck.
That'd be hilarious

>> No.7880914

It's so horrible. Worst thing is they are completely serious. I legit thought this was some massive inside joke until I saw a video of a woman screaming that a guy was "fucking scum" over and over and not allowing him to go to a conference about violence against men. Then I kind of realized they were all real and I was so upset I had a massive panic attack and threw up.

>> No.7880924


>> No.7880927

This isn't fucking tumblr. No one gives a shit about social justice here and if they do they are probably new. It wasn't racist.

>> No.7880929

I was really hoping you were going to make a song out of this.

>> No.7880931

It was hilarious actually... I was sitting on my bed and had been eating canned beets and when I threw up it looked like I had a giant splotch of period blood on my bed. Threw out those sheets because with mah priviledge I can buy new ones.

>> No.7880936

I am still severely tempted but doing that isn't going to help our cause it would just make me racist as fuck. I'm going to make a "euthanize nobody" blog instead. Fight fire with love and hugs.

>> No.7880938

Who here remembers the talking chihuahua from the Taco Bell commercials? That shit went on for years and not a single Mexican complaint.

>> No.7880967

I remember when I was in the Hetalia fandom, I'd complain about people cosplaying outside their race and looking awful, and people would get super on my case about it.

A few years later, and everyone's saying the same thing, except trying to say it's also racist. Can we just admit it almost never looks good? Fuck, I don't care if you tan or paint your skin, like the Asians who do makeup to 'look white,' but it always looks off.

>> No.7880968

Racism aside. Dat horrible nose job. Dat ashy looking skin. I know ashy-ness is a part of black skin, but not on your damn face. Especially not Michonne's actress.

>> No.7880972

Because you speak for all Black. AMIRITE?!

>> No.7880980

>Imaginate all white people, living privilege in peace


>> No.7880981

i-is that offensive? how can i tell anymore?

>> No.7880984

Honestly what bothers me most is the fact that people seem to not know the actual definition of "racist" or "blackface". People throw the words around without really considering the meaning.

Racism is about power imbalance and inequality based on one race being "better" and blackface was done as a mockery... you know, with actual coal black makeup and red lips etc. plus acting rather animalisticly.

As a teacher I get the occasional kid that says my assigning a small project is "racist". No, son. It'd be racist if I gave YOU a more difficult project or didn't assign one because I thought you weren't as capable as the other students. Everyone gets the same work assigned to them though.

That makeup style she used is not black face. I would call it "ethnic makeup". Also, she isn't American. Germany has it's own race issues but she probably didn't know that anything to do with a black person and a white person is still a very hot-button issue here. Both the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown cases were polarizing but that would not necessarily be the case if you're from another country viewing our news blurbs.

Honestly, as an Asian person, I cringe hard whenever I see someone non-Asian try to wing their eyeliner out or squint to get the Asian eye look apparently. I laugh at how bad it looks but don't care enough to start an internet rage campaign.

>> No.7881003
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>not going one step beyond and having negroplasty for the sake of authenticity

>> No.7881008

>Spanish speaking chihuahua that loves tacos
>Stereotype of all Spanish speakers loving tacos.
Leave it to the SJW to tell you what's offensive.

>> No.7881013

This so much. SJWs don't ever help the causes they fight for, they just throw around words and issues so much that the important topics become watered down and nobody wants to do anything about it.

>> No.7881014

I wish it were that way here in the States. I lived in Kenya for a few months, and at first, I was really shocked and put off by how casually people made jokes about my skin and their own, but by the time I left, it was so funny and fun to joke about it, and that's ALL it was to most people. Yes, I was also treated pretty poorly by some people there (spat on multiple times, told to go home, all fairly minor but still obviously motivated by race), but overall, no one cared that much, and those comments were all in jest. I had to teach myself not to make those little quips when I got back just so I wouldn't appall anyone, and I think it's kind of sad that we don't mess around with one another like that. Though understandable, in some ways, but mostly, eh.
>would sage if could

>> No.7881017

i guess i always took it as a dog from mexico speaking the language spoken in mexico advertising a dish we associate with mexico, not a stereotype of the people or anything. i'm ignorant scum.

>> No.7881037

So if this is racist, does that mean getting a tan is also racist?

>> No.7881041


>> No.7881044

As long its a white person or white poc doing it.

>> No.7881070

I have sent a request to tumblr asking that they take down euthanizeallwhitepeople.tumblr.com
Please do the same. This blog is horrible and is dedicated solely to hate of white people. It would be fine if they called people out on cultural appropriation but requesting that white people be "shot" or "euthanised" is horrible.

>> No.7881088

They were formerly "shootallwhitepople", so they're used to being reported.

>> No.7881133

How do you report a blog in tumblr?

>> No.7881163

Exactly. They are horrible.
To report you just send tumblr an email requesting they take the blog down.

>> No.7881167

More like internet hate machine.

>> No.7881198

Now I remember Tumblr always reblog "My costume is not a culture" thing, but as soon they saw this image they started to sent hate and say "but white people aren't oppressed/have no culture/ect", to the point the creator of this campaign said: (...) "A lot of people didn’t understand why we added the Appalachian model, and a lot of the comments we got were, ‘This is a racism campaign, why are you adding ‘white people’ in there?’,” Hawkins said. “They don’t understand that Athens sits in Appalachia, and Athens County is one of the poorest counties in the state of Ohio. A lot of people aren’t able to contextualize that, and that’s a part of what this campaign is about.”

Good job, Tumblr.

>> No.7881201
File: 31 KB, 224x336, tumblr_ncyhocaM7X1tq9q88o2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have forgot the image.

>> No.7881513

under 12 doesn't count

>> No.7881548
File: 187 KB, 785x675, report_tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if you need an account to do this though.

>> No.7881738

American black people are so funny. They are crying so mucha over this stupid situation

>> No.7881799
File: 54 KB, 406x286, Diversify.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers should thank whites everyday for not killing them all.

>> No.7881802

Because American black people want equality but they don't want to admit that they are keeping a dividing line between them and the rest of the population because of "muh culture".

>> No.7881808

Aww shit, I wanted to tan my Native American skin darker for greater cosplay accuracy for characters like Disney's Esmerelda and Jasmine. guess I better rethink that.

>> No.7881831

But it's the iconic food of mexico(ignoring that Taco Bell tacos are Americanized to hell)
You might as well not have commercials where black people eat fried chicken, or an Italian chef talking about pizza and pasta

>> No.7882026

>You're the same kind of idiots who think hurr femnists haet men!!1.

No but the loud 3rd wave feminist extremists that have coopted feminism sure fucking do. It's time for the other feminist to take control of the narrative and shove the tumblr bitches aside because they are making the movement look bad and causing moderates, myself included, to reject it.

>> No.7882363
File: 272 KB, 640x1136, 1405169436143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7882867

>Middle class white teenagers get mad about things whilst the people actually affected by the issue (or seemingly affected by the issue) deal with it sensibly and move on with their day.

The problem is teenager can't fully understand nuances because their brain hasn't fully matured yet and they lack some mental abilities that adults have.
It's normal for them to be prone to manicheanism. However, that doesn't make it less annoying, and if you tell them they'll say science is bullshit.
The radicalization of teenagers, and how it all calms down when they get older is normal, and it'll go on with the next generations.

>> No.7883378

If you reject a movement because of a few extremists, you probably weren't that invested in the movement to begin with.

>> No.7883592


>> No.7883607

I'm disabled and the tumblr ableist shit is stupid. Want to make a difference? Let us in the elevator first, call the police on people who park in handicap spots illegally, and open the door.

Because hardly anyone does these things at cons.

>> No.7883718

y u race so butthurt?

>> No.7884131

I love you please bare my children.

>> No.7884186

If you have a problem with your movements fundamentalists, you have a problem with your movements fundamentals.

>> No.7884330

Tell you what next time I see some one wearing a kilt and a ginger wig dancing about for fun ill be sure to get up in arms about it.

>> No.7884360

why cosplay as a nigger

>> No.7884987

Damnit, seagulls. I come here to find out where to get cute shoes and wigs and then I stumble on this fuckery.
>I see cosplays from all races being portrayed by different people and you only make this shitstorms about this one.
Don't act like whites wouldn't feel strangely if a black Sailor Scout even tried to paint themselves lighter skinned.

>if people can paint their skin blue, green, grey and have it be okay that it means blackface should be acceptable as well
>everyone else's argument in line with this one
Black people aren't mythical creatures though? You can represent a character just fine using the costume/props, which is why you know that a Black sailor scout is playing Mercury because of the blue hair and the rest of the fucking outfit.

>> No.7885199

No they wouldn't. Blacks can get away with anything by just screaming "das racis!"

>> No.7885304


Since >>7880984 mentioned it, look at Michael Brown's case. Cry "racism" and all other details get obliterated. The entire black community there firmly believes he did nothing wrong and was just randomly gunned down by a cop. They have not acknowledge the fact that there is legit camera footage of Brown roughing up the store owner after stealing cigars from him, nor do they acknowledge that Brown would still be alive if he had just followed the cop's orders and moved out of the middle of the street and walked on the sidewalk without getting sassy or defiant. Things escalated at the point when he made the decision to defy the command. That much is fact, details are still coming out about what happened after that but the point remains, the black community believes Brown was angelic and did nothing wrong. Because a white cop shot him, it MUST'VE BEEN RACISM and you know, not because Brown was a really big and intimidating dude (6'4" and just under 300lbs) who posed a threat if he indeed attacked the officer. Nope. RACISM!