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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 167 KB, 225x150, feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7877156 No.7877156 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>7870108 on autosage.

Keep the shitposting to a minimum.

>cosplay/lolita/jfash related

Continue to feel.

>> No.7877171
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>tfw no friends anymore
>friends I had before are all distant now and just consist of a passive 'hi' if we see eachother at a con

>> No.7877247
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>mfw I want to cosplay Romano (OP's pic) again.

The shame is real

>> No.7877254

>go to a con
>don't have autism
>make tons of friends
>forget about your old friends if they're that shitty anyway
>If you miss them, actively try to reconcile

>> No.7877455

>staff can't cosplay at only con im going to this year

Damn the MAN.

>> No.7877497 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 1280x903, 1411974681836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk to childhood friend who I haven't talked to for 7+ years
>childhood friend lives on the frickin opposite end of the country
>I have a (shit) boyfriend who threatened to donate my dresses to goodwill burn my burando if I ever left him for someone else or at all

ohhh shit

>> No.7877503
File: 100 KB, 1280x903, 1411974681836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk to childhood friend who I haven't talked to for 7+ years
>childhood friend lives on the frickin opposite end of the country
>I have a (shit) boyfriend who threatened to donate my dresses to goodwill burn my burando if I ever left him for someone else or at all
>my childhood friend and I are seriously falling for eachother, turns out we've always had secret crushes on eachother since middleschool
>I don't want to be that cunt that leaves bf for someone else


>> No.7877505

Dump your current boyfriend after stowing your things somewhere safe, that sounds psycho as shit

>> No.7877513

Yeah, but you don't want to be that pitiful person who lived miserably ever after with their shitty boyfriend either.

>> No.7877524

forgot to mention if I move out I'd need to find a primary caretaker since I'm physically and mentally disabled, and have to have someone sign off for me to be my new caretaker. considering I've only been talking to this childhood friend for like, what, 4 days I can't spring that on him.

Taking care of me is like taking care of a child who is able to make their own income.

I think that's my worst issue.

>> No.7877541

>seriously falling for each other

Anon what

What kind if disabilities do you have?

>> No.7877543

So hes verbally and emotionally abusing a disabled person?
Get out of there before something happens! I've met people like this. They thrive on control

>> No.7877544

I don't mean to be rude, but what are your disabilities?

You seem perfectly fine mental wise judging by how you type. Since you make your own income and seem to be reasonably sound in the head, just what does your caretaker need to do for you?

>> No.7877551

moreso, 3 of these days we spent talking to eachother nonstop with maybe 1-2 hours of sleep in.. I didn't expect both of us to have secret crushes the entire time.


and as for disabilities? I'm a bit embarrassed to say the mental ones but physically I have Chronic fatigue syndrome and some lesser things.

I've been making a list of every time he's called me "retarded" and just going to leave it for him when I leave.
he throws stuff (twice in this relationship just threw stuff and screamed at me), and yells at me when cry because I'm terrified of him. when I try to confront him about it its "just leave, oh wait, you can't." or "I'm being nice to you now I don't see the issue"

>> No.7877557

Anon, I know it's not easy but please find someone other than your current boyfriend to take care of you. Your situation sounds extremely dangerous from here based on the limited info you've said so far.

>> No.7877563

You should probably find someone to take care of you interim and call the fucking cops on that asshole. Pack up your dresses and get them to a friend or something beforehand while he's not around or something.

>> No.7877566

Anon none of us know who you are, and mist of us have our own issues. We can't give sound advice without knowing what we're working with. A disability is a disability, its not your fault and you shouldn't be embarrassed to tell us, we'll never know you anyway.

>> No.7877568

>Going to a con next week with my friends because LoK voice actors are going to be there
>Not the biggest on cons, don't cosplay or anything but still enjoy the atmosphere because I'm with good friends. Lurk cgl for the feels and horror story threads
>Whenever I went to cons in the past with old friends, we just walked around the dealers hall all day
>Tired of having boring conventions while reading about people having /fun/ on cgl
>Don't usually go to panels, decided to check out what the panels will be anyways
>Notice there is some sort of speed dating panel event thing happening
>I kinda want to do it for fun because I'm not really interested in any of the other panels going on, and partially because I want qt3.14 anime adorkable gf (aka unrealistic expectations)
>I figure it will probably be a train wreck waiting to happen
>Leaning away towards doing something fun because of my high school past male-female relationship insecurities and from reading horror story's on cgl

Has anyone ever done/heard about these kind of things at conventions? If so, how does it turn out? I could probably convince one of my friends to do it with me for kicks and giggles if I decide to go, but eeehhhhh.

>> No.7877572
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Pic related, how I boost my self esteem to myself every morning in the mirror.

>> No.7877634

Look, you don't want to marry a guy you call shitty right? You have to end it someday. Or make him break up with you

>> No.7877649

>Ironing things in the common room because con this weekend
>"Why are you ironing, anon, won't you iron them when you get there?"
>"What's the point in ironing, isn't it just going to get wrinkled right away?"


>> No.7877715

ironing is relaxing as heck

>> No.7877725

>2am the night before the fashion show
>travelled overseas for this
>hotel room iron with no spray or steam function
>no time to get anything else or send them to laundry for pressing
>frantically sprinkling water with your hands from a cup while pressing out creases

If only. If only.

>> No.7877753
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God damn you girls post A LOT.
Carrying on from previous thread,
Well, that's a bit reassuring at least. Community college really takes a shit on your social life; my experience so far is that there's a lot of old people whereas universities tend to have younger people, closer to one's own age, etc. Just now an internet friend seems to have bagged a really cute girl who seems to be a kinky monster, the kind of legendary encounters you'd count stories you've heard about on one hand. Feeling infinite jealousy right now.

On the topic of cosplay, I still live with my parents for the reason aforementioned and since mom is out, I'm using her room and lock myself up whenever I wish to crossplay/crossdress in the comfort of my home. Tomorrow, this changes and I'll have to give it a rest for some time as I won't have enough privacy. I fear that I'll get busted someday and be forced to come out, so I hope I can move when the time comes to transfer to another school sometime next year. Apparently mom associates crossdressing with homosexuality, and is the reason why she doesn't approve of it, but this doesn't apply to me, so I wonder if I have some leeway there.

Oh, right, and apparently I am violating my job's dress code for having long hair. It's not fair! Women in my workplace get to wear nearly whatever the fuck they want while us men have to dress as Mormons for a job that barely pays $12/hr. They can go fuck themselves.

>> No.7877799

Man, it really is though. When you're not in a rush, that is. I'd do it all day if I had to.

>> No.7877805

Different anon but
>don't have autism
Any other suggestions?

>> No.7877873

>finish making the general shape of my first EVA piece
>it's so bad I probably can't refine it enough for it to be presentable
>probably just have to call it quits
What do I do with all this leftover foam?

>> No.7877889

you're going to have to expect sunk costs from learning how to use the stuff anyway so you might as well practice

>> No.7877892

I need some achievable things to practice on. My biggest issue is that there's only a single thing I really care about cosplaying and it's not particularly easy.

>> No.7877895

Make generic props. What im saying is that since you're learning anyway the things you make now will probably look like shit for the time being. So instead of wasting it on the potential it will look good for your costume, use it to practice since you'd need to anyway.

>> No.7877899

>Boyfriend called it quits after a long relationship
>Trying to get back into the dating scene
>Only gets hit on creeps
>Feeling really hopeless to find a decent guy who is supportive with me wearing Lolita...

>> No.7877905

To be fair, 9/10 times a guy with long hair doesn't know how to make long hair look nice/can't pull it off and just lets it grow in a dead middle part.

>> No.7877907

I know that feel anon. Its hard finding well adjusted people into the same hobbies and open minded enough for others. I would tell you to look here but its also full of creeps. Good luck

>> No.7877910

Agreeing with this anon.

Most guys let hair grow long and don't get it cut. Its dead easy to go to a salon and ask for something flattering. Don't even need to cut the back, you can just get some bangs cut in and it will look nice with ponytail or without.

I feel like such a weeb for it, but i love seeing guys pull of those long layered Japanese men's hairstyles

>> No.7877913
File: 43 KB, 355x236, tumblr_inline_n4llmfCUoY1qm9qc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon. Still really hurt after the breakup since he was sincerely a great and handsome guy, but moving on is the best. :( I'm trying "otakubooty" right now because so far okcupid isn't working out for me.... I one day hope I can find a guy who I can marry who is accepting to my hobby. Really jelly of my friends who have great guys who are cool with it.

>> No.7877915

>quit my shitty waitress job about two months ago
>sending resumes out for office jobs left right an centre
>only replies were for jobs that pay way lesser than my waitress jobs and were 6 day work weeks
>fuck that shit, I quit my waitress job because I was sick of not having a life on weekends when all the meetups and cons were happening
>got a call last week for an IT job
>knows shit about IT but they are willing to train me
>go for interview, make really good rapport with the interviewer
>signed contract today
>pay is twice waitress job
>I can finally go for meets again
>more importantly
>I can finally afford burando

>> No.7877921

This is true, however my hair has been a focus in improving my appearance for the past year. I comb it back and get the ends cut every couple a months, and flat iron it while maintaining it using natural products. Unlike many women who damage their hair with dyes and bleaching, my hair has been envied by other women for being softer and shinier than theirs.

However, the point is, you know something is wrong with the dress code when a chick wearing a skirt exposing half her thigh looking like she just arrived from a club is allowed whereas the only options we get is a different color tie and/or black or khaki dress pants.

Whatever, I'm planning on quitting anyway, as I'm being ridiculously underpaid, commute is a bitch, and I found better paying prospects close to home.

>> No.7877924

Personally I wouldn't do online dating since to me its just a rat race but I wish you luck.

>> No.7877927

That's good to hear, I'm happy for you anon

>> No.7877931

Forever annoyed at how lolita is now some kind of nerd girl thing and I'll never find myself a great goth weirdo or something. I'll probably get stuck with a gaymurr nerd and it's all the weebs fault.

>> No.7877970

>had a progressively shittier day yesterday
>come home, happy to see my fiance
>find out he ate [specific thing I told him not to eat because I bought it for me]
>get mildly annoyed
>go to take a shower to relax a bit
>he starts yelling at me about it
>decide to go for a car ride to get away from his yelling and cool my head
>come back after about a half hr
>he's sitting on the computer, doesn't say a word to me
>go to bed by myself
>he works overnights so he leaves shortly after without a word
>wake up this morning, expecting him to have cooled down and be ready to apologize for losing his shit over something so minor
>still not a peep, and he ranted HIS shitty day on his twitter

I love him but sometimes I wonder why I put up with this shit.
inb4 "oooh gurl dump his ass" there are plenty more reasons I love him than there are reasons I don't.

>> No.7877988

It'll be okay anon, I'm sure it's just a combination of you both being stressed out.
Times like this can be hard but when you get to the end of a shitty week and realize you're both stressed out it ends up better for both of you.

Be open! I hope things become less stressful for you both soon

>> No.7878175

>ftm, pre-T
>pass as teenage boy instead of 26-year-old man
>self-conscious, depressed
>discover ouji

I half want to try it out and enjoy my false youthful looks until I reach second puberty (then I'll switch to EGA), but a lot of ouji is girly and I'm afraid I'll stop passing at all if I wear anything except baggy pants and hoodies.

>> No.7878179

>tfw tried to use plasti-dip after a rain
>dries slowly with big white splotches, not smooth

I didn't know, /cgl/. I didn't know.

>> No.7878194

I'm at my wits end for job hunting right now. Starting to feel worthless and useless because depression combined with frustration. Know now how it feels to be simultaneously under and overqualified.
>I just want something at this point
>Even if it's shitty
>I just want to not hate myself right now

>> No.7878214
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i think somebody stole my milky planet and im upset

>> No.7878245

Accept your lonliness

>> No.7878248

>Have a boyfriend
>He's really great, attractive, and I never have problems with him
>He's autistic and everyone hates him because of that
>My friends don't want him to tag along because "he's embarrassing and retarded"
>When I make new friends then introduce him to them they always talk about how weird he is and that there's something wrong with him.
>Grow distant from people and sometimes talk about how I wish I can invite people over for tea with no problems
>Everyone rags on autism and he's thoroughly confused about that
>We're going to a con in November
>Lately, he's struggling to act "normal" so people can like him
>Trying to convince him to be himself
>"No, anon, I don't want to ruin your chances in making friends at the con."
>Boyfriend, you don't have to do this.
>"I want to you to be happy, anon!"

He's stressing himself out over this and I now kinda feel bad for mentioning how I really need to get better friends.

>> No.7878257

Tell him by being himself he's doing you a favour. He's weeding out all the bitches you don't want as friends.

>> No.7878261

holy shit no, thats awful
what happened?

>> No.7878263

Wow, are you me? Leave him. Now.
Don't even bother leaving your list, either because it won't hit him the way you want it to.

>> No.7878275

In all serious, how does a person with autism act in public? Are they just kinda shy?

>> No.7878280

Not really a story, but my parents have been giving me hassle over my decision to pour my time into cosplay. I've been working really hard to get a decently paid job so I can move out to my own place with friends, at the moment I have nowhere to make costumes besides my own room. I've not been particularly messy, but having craft materials around is taking up a lot of room space and my mum is constantly trying to throw it away. I keep getting told i'm being childish and to stop wasting my money on making costumes, but i've spent maybe £100 tops on stuff, because i've been saving the little of the money I have to pay off bills and shit. I'm just getting tired of hearing them badmouth something I enjoy doing and i'm getting to the point where I just wanna give up cosplay because i'm so down about it.

Anyone else have unsupportive parents/partners/friends, etc?

>> No.7878281
File: 1.74 MB, 500x362, fml.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>touching moment watching a show i like
>try to briefly mention it to bf
>shuts me down when i talk, grumpy, rude
>later apologizes for being grumpy and rude
>a few days later
>he's watching a touching moment during a show he likes
>don't interrupt out of respect
>i mention afterwards that i respect his feels but i feel like he doesn't respect mine sometimes
>blows up at me
>says "all you do is yap about anime and lolita"
>complains that i interrupt all the time and don't listen or engage him in conversation
>says i run away from confrontation
>have a crying breakdown
>confess i'm jealous that he's in med school and i'm doing nothing with my life
>terrified everyone will think im just a gold digger dating a med student for money even though we've been together for 4 years already and he just started med school now
>don't have a life outside hobbies and feel like an overgrown weeaboo
>no career prospects or job after quitting shittiest retail job in the universe
>feel worthless and stupid after giving up on science degree and switching to humanities
>worry that with an adderall prescription and more supportive family i could have gone pre-med
>realize that none of it would have helped because i am an unmotivated piece of shit
>cry for an hour, so much fucking insecurity
>emotionally shaken since then

>> No.7878331

You are me and I am you. It's gotten to the point where I spend a lot of time just crying in my room because even hunting for job postings makes me feel so worthless. Good luck, anon, don't give up.

>> No.7878376

Thank you. Don't give up, either. Hopefully we will both be employed soon.

>> No.7878380

I have autism.. well assburgers and as far as I'm concerned I'm no more odd then the average 'weird' person. Hell I don't even mention I have it and nobody seems to treat me any differently, I feel like mentioning it makes people instantly think everything you do or say is because of autism.

>> No.7878382

Fucking shit, you seagulls drive me insane with this shit.

Find a new job BEFORE you quit.

You got lucky, but I see seagulls all the time bitching about "weh, I quit my job and now I'm running out of money"


Be a little more responsible.

>> No.7878390

>hetalia gif
>thank u op

>> No.7878392

I have aspergers as well, and honestly people never notice it. I have even been accused of lying a couple of times because "you are socially functionable, you MUST be lying."

>> No.7878394

do it, anon
embrace your inner romano

>> No.7878399

i just recently learned i was denied some governmental financial support due to "my IQ being too high" (I'm an average student with average C to sometimes D grades when I do poorly)
the woes of having high-functioning aspergers.

>> No.7878401
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>just spent last money on planetes costume
>psychiatrist tried to strongarm me into meds 4th meeting in a row
>broke last little e string, no money
>not responding to fwb because just found out she has a bf
>22, unemployed, friendless, live with parents, feel too old for 4chan
>heavy derealization and suicidal thoughts
>feel blissfully numb or irrationally angry all the time

>> No.7878417

>where are you finding IT jobs and where can i get one
>mfw there's no IT positions open in my area

>> No.7878433

>planetes costume

>> No.7878445

That's what I've been trying to tell him all this time but he's telling me that he's sad because (he thinks) I'm always upset over the lack of gal pals.

Some people are really shy or really friendly. You sometimes can't tell if a person is autistic.

I think people think my boyfriend is weird or embarrassing is because he doesn't have a lot of "normal people interests." He enjoys history, food, and the history of food and possibly won't shut up about it if you let him talk. I never mention that he has autism but think him hearing and seeing others say "stop being an autist!" is making him want to change how he acts.

>> No.7878470

I've only ever known one person with autism and she sounds just like your boyfriend (Odd interests, talks about them a lot)...and I genuinely can't believe others call out and avoid people like this.
Just keep telling him you'd rather have him over any flaky friends cause he sounds so sweet.

>> No.7878481

My room mate's boyfriend is autistic. She goes through a lot of the same things, anon: a lot of people dislike him because they don't understand autism. They think he's just "weird and immature", but on many levels he doesn't realize that what he does is considered outside of the "social norm". He can be very obsessive over things, clingy, and come across as very immature for his age, but it's nothing he can help.
She struggles a lot with trying to understand him fully, and we sit down and talk about it a lot and I assure her that it's not anything wrong with him.
You'll manage, anon. While on some level, as he gets older, it'll be good for him to learn how to get around in society, he also should not have to change to suit your "friends". It may also be helpful to sit down and talk with a few of your closer friends and explain why he acts the way he does. Even though they shouldn't NEED that to accept him, it may help the situation some.
Also, find some new fucking friends.

>> No.7878484

>tfw ugly

>> No.7878508

How about this:

You go to a charity shop and volunteer there. You don't need to be qualified and you're doing something with your time. It'll also make you feel good.

In the meantime apply for jobs. The only way to get motivated is to start. There's nothing less motivating than not doing anthing.

>> No.7878510

I am an oversensitive asshole who retreats way too much.

>> No.7878518

>too old for 4chan

>> No.7878522

>get a job
>get a job
>get a job
>get a job

Don't turn out like the fucking autistic 30-year-old loser we just hired at my store, who still lives with his older sister (and her husband)

Get a job, get a life, get out of your parents' house.

>> No.7878527

>22 too old
>cozy life at home
You're an idiot.
Also do what your psychiatrist says, you moron.

>> No.7878540

Anon I lived at home until I was 24. It's hard to get out on your own in the current economy unless you get married/have a room mate/manage a good job/etc. Don't let that pull you down!
Try the meds for a bit. My psyc put me on zoloft for a while. It helped me reach a level place, and then I slowly weened off of it once I had my life on track (my own place, stable relationship, self confidence, etc) and haven't needed to go back. Medication doesn't have to be a long term solution, but it can certainly help you get your feet under you!
Good luck, anon!

>> No.7878552

Maybe just wear it for meets anon? You'll be super cute!

>> No.7878553

>Have a folder of bookmarks I open daily to check for my dream dress on various sites
>Never see it, but that's okay; I'm patient
>...but keep seeing other gorgeous dresses by the same brand
>Getting seriously tempted by one in particular every day I see it

>> No.7878557

kill them

>> No.7878572
File: 465 KB, 705x719, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buys artist alley table a long time ago for a small con
>friend agrees to share table with me, making it our first time selling art
>fast forward to now, friend has turned into a massive bitch
>was worried about the quality of my own art for the convention, but her art is atrocious, low-level deviantart tier
>mfw NONE of her finished pieces look remotely profitable

>> No.7878621

I hope, I feel old when looking at rec threads

I always fail the personal parts of the interview. I commuted to uni and got a degree in cs but I hate it

I'm a delusional special snowflake that doesn't want to take meds because muh imagination

How common is that to ween off of it? Do you notice any long term effects from the meds on your brain? How is your sexual function?

>> No.7878624

This reminds me at Touhoucon
>mfw that stall selling original art
>Nobody was buying from them, was going to buy shit out of pity
>They weren't even selling any Touhou stuff
>Just pass by with glazed eyes and move on

That was probably the most depressing moment of the entire con, talk about a real mood killer

>> No.7878633

Yeah,I have plenty of friends who stay at home until they're 25-26~. Then again, they're upper middle class and their home is huge; they just do most of their things separate from the parents, besides eating dinner together.

They don't seem too unhappy, considering they saved up enough money to buy a house of their own rather than just renting apartments and such.

>> No.7878640

Thank god I never had the 'you are lying" thing happen, but then again people think I'm weird anyway. Not because I can't function socially but because I like to talk about video games and hate partying (which btw has to do with something not related to assburgers)
God I hate it when I feel like people put every issue ever on aspergers. I just stopped mentioning it.

Oh wow that really sucks. But yeah saying you have aspergers somehow makes people think there's no way you can function like a normal human being.

>> No.7878659

you have something going on like that too?

>> No.7878697

I don't really affiliate with Assburgers anymore, but my life experiences have isolated me from people.

I have trouble making friends that are too normal which means I piss off people a lot of the time with my sense of humor and and I'm so completely hopeless with girls that I don't try anymore, but other than that I don't find assburgers to define me. Also I type assburgers by default because I'm used to using words like autist and assburgers as insults

>> No.7878714

>want to look awesome
>spend hours compulsively window-shopping online
>procrastinate homework, chores, show up to work late
>think about being kawaii~ someday
>do nothing to actually improve self
>just compulsively window-shop online

Fuck you, dopamine fucking shit. Stop rewarding me for searching.

>> No.7878722
File: 1.83 MB, 220x143, RyFRA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ex broke up with me after cheating
>is having a shitty time now

Fuck I know it's bad to find joy in others' suffering but I can't help it.

>> No.7878724

It really doesn't make sense to blow money on an apartment (that can often be in disrepair or in a bad neighborhood) when living with parents normally entails a nicer house and the opportunity to save.

And again, it is becoming really normal now with how the economy is for most graduating students.

>> No.7878733

If you don't support you wearing Lolita, they're definitely not worth it. Finding someone just takes time, anon. Don't give up.

My main friend group is pretty much composed of people who are non-nerdy and hate the idea of cosplay. I used to read comics when I was growing up, but just kept it a secret because I knew the people around me would mock me. This was before I really started using the internet and shit, so I didn't have many people to share my interests with. Things got kinda lonely.

>> No.7878902
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I recently quit my 9-5 Mon-Fri office job for reasons and accepted a part-time seasonal position in retail just so I would have some sort of income until I get my shit back together. Money is tight and I keep looking for things I do/sell to make ends meet. I have a fairly small lolita wardrobe that I never ever wear because I hate my local comm and don't feel comfortable enough to wear it out on my own.

If I sell it, I'll have at least an extra couple hundred. But I can't being myself to do it; I love wearing it and how it makes me look.

>> No.7878931

I can't help it, window shopping is my trigger!
Check your fucking privilege!

>> No.7878938

yep. almost to the letter except I'm trapped whereas you still have a way and time to get out. he isn't going to change, anon. if anything, it will only get worse.

>> No.7878942

Buy kawaii things anon.

>> No.7878944

>my comm has an obnoxious chick who plan almost all the meets and has decided she is the queen because new people like her
>she always bitches about not fitting into innocent world
>mfw innocent world fits me perfectly
>mfw so excited to wear my first innocent world dress to the next meet
I'm such a bitch cgl but I can't help it

>> No.7878945

how are you trapped?

>> No.7878949

I got one question, who was cheating?

>> No.7878955

Anyone else here ugly and mad about it?

>> No.7878958

Post pics

>> No.7878961

I would if it weren't considered attention whoring. Also, if my cam could get a clear picture.

>> No.7878973


Yup. I joined a friend's cosplay group, just got done with a quick make-up test. I have no make up skill to even hide the ugly. I'm just gonna be a ridiculous looking embarrassment.
Shit's not fun.

>> No.7878974
File: 572 KB, 728x716, 1393881335273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've accepted and come to terms with it

>> No.7878975

I don't get the joke about you on r9k

>> No.7878977

I get back in "ok with being ugly" mode sometimes, but AAAHHH I JUST WANT TO NOT BE UGLY! I could do the plastic surgery route but jaw stuff is so difficult and expensive.

Yeah, I can't cosplay. I gave up on that completely. Too ugly. Unless it involves a mask, maybe.

>> No.7878989


Uggo here! Not so much mad about it anymore as I've learned to accept it.

Friends like to tell me otherwise but I know they're just trying to make me feel better... and hurts in a way.

>> No.7878994 [DELETED] 
File: 717 KB, 711x400, Wera Vann2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got a new lolita friend
>mfw we both like totally spies

>> No.7879001
File: 1.29 MB, 1836x3264, 2014-08-18 13.52.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other feels I have:
>tfw poor and hate working
I don't love J-fash enough to camwhore. Maybe I'm just not cut out for any of this.

It's hard for me to afford even driving up to a con for a day, let alone dressing up in any sort of way for one, or eating/buying anything at them.

>I don't get the joke about you on r9k
What joke? That I sleep w/ dogs? It's just because I post dogs a lot and people get annoyed. I'm pro spay/neuter and don't want anything to do w/ beast and I have no views on it.

Maybe it's because I do dumb stuff like put shimapan on my dog.

>Friends like to tell me otherwise but I know they're just trying to make me feel better... and hurts in a way.
Iktf too well. I've started actively looking for friends uglier and more socially messed up than me, but then like.. I don't know. How shallow can I get?

>> No.7879010

> tfw trying to find a part time job
> tfw see a store searching for people to work behind the counter
> tfw bad hearing

I know that may sound like a weird reason but the fact I way too often need to tell people to repeat themselves, and even then I sometimes still won't understand what they're saying, can't be a good thing if you're listening to people taking orders.

>> No.7879022

ugh. it's embarrassing. early in the relationship i went through a few bouts of ptsd after seeing 5 members of my family die and losing another 9 over three years. i wasn't able to keep a job after developing crippling anxiety so i became a house wife. through the depression of constant grieving, i started to believe his negative comments and lost my self worth. ended up getting pregnant and my daughter is the most amazing little person and the only thing giving me a purpose in life again.

i started getting help for my problems for my daughter's sake, so she grows up in the right environment, but i am unable to find a job to suit our schedule, and at this point i'd basically be working to pay for childcare anyway. also, i have no family left to turn to. but lately i've been pocketing what I can to get out and hope the rest will fall into place. i'm not really trapped-trapped, but it's definitely a bitch to get out of. and after this, i'll still have all the emotional scars to deal with

>> No.7879026

I am hard of hearing as well. What I do is just repeat the order if I think I've got it and the customer will generally correct you if you're wrong. If you really can't hear it, just lean in a bit closer and apologize. Usually, if you explain you're hard of hearing, they're not too bad.

>> No.7879027

>tfw no qt cosplaying gf

>> No.7879029

thanks for the tips, the idea of looking stupid while asking customers to repeat themselves multiple times made me put off applying for those kind of jobs at all.

>> No.7879035

>tfw no ugly cosplaying gf who has an obsession with dogs

>> No.7879040


You've literally described me.

>> No.7879045

>con this weekend
>put off sewing last week, thought I had plenty of time
>I did
>I've been sick for four consecutive days
>con on Friday and my costume is half sewn but I can barely function

Fuck everything.

>> No.7879046

I know it wouldn't be totally ideal but sometimes I wish the single anons here could be with each other. I want you all to be happy.

>> No.7879059
File: 4 KB, 493x402, 1313717142001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want you all to be happy
That is so sweet

>> No.7879091

Unless you're ugly. Then you can be sad and alone

>> No.7879100
File: 164 KB, 1280x792, banana needs a hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that actually sounds like a good idea
i think all the local charity shops around me have employees though not volunteers but i don't mind working in stores

my biggest worry is i'll get another shitty retail job like my old one with no time off and no way to see my boyfriend since we're long distance (but not that bad, 1.5 hr flight each way) and he's in med school year-round so he gets no time off either

a volunteer position that has plenty of people to cover me would be ideal. i'll ask around.

thank you anon

>> No.7879102
File: 19 KB, 461x523, 1324683903001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..O-okay then.

>> No.7879109

No, im including the ugly people in my statement too.

>> No.7879189

wow, that's one of the worst fates a person can experience. You're a very strong person. I hope you and your daughter will have it well for the rest of your lives.
It's never too late to improve your life and with your progress, I think you can make anything happen.

>> No.7879310

Dating someone from /cgl is my worst nightmare. Never ever.

>> No.7879323
File: 90 KB, 800x740, 1410992464564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the worst that can happen

>> No.7879327

>wanting people who are bitter, angry and broken on the inside, and aren't even all that attractive.

>> No.7879330
File: 108 KB, 500x500, cute cat with gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw linked to this shitole by worst tripfag from /r9k/

I hate you fucking faggots. You guys are disgusting and worthless. Please kill yourselves.

>> No.7879339

We're not that bad, it just seems so because that's whats talked about the most. But lets assume you're right anyway. I still think want you all to be happy, single or not.

>> No.7879343

I've met nice and pretty seagulls before.

>> No.7879355





>> No.7879356
File: 44 KB, 312x322, 1389306981833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had top-tier sex five hours ago
>bf fucks me with new dildo
>then proceeds to fuck me with his dick
>mind-blowing orgasm
>still feeling dem endorphins

Ladies, take this advice: a dildo during sex is the greatest, especially if you take a while to cum and your man doesn't have the stamina to thrust that long.

>> No.7879360

Did you guys go for both holes?

>> No.7879366

duly noted

>> No.7879378

that's nice dear

>> No.7879384

>crave physical affection and intimacy
>feel nauseous when thinking back to making out with girl i'm sort of seeing
>fucked up virgin feelings

On a lighter note, I got cute underwear that matches my dresses so I don't have to wear granny panties under my frills anymore.

>> No.7879434

>not having enough stamina

is your bf fat?

>> No.7879465
File: 955 KB, 300x162, 1359052700893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I used to think my bf was "the one"
>really smart
>laughs at my jokes
>shares most of my interests and thinks the ones we don't share are cute
>super sweet and respectful
But whenever I tell people we're dating they don't believe it. Both he and I have been told that I'm out of his league and it's starting to get to me. I've never really been that physically attracted to him and just being near him makes me annoyed lately. Part of me wants to break up, but the rest of me knows how fucking shallow that would make me. Fuck.

You could try going to cosmetology school. I have a lolita friend that did that because she didn't know what else to do and she always has burando. Also , it seems like it would fit your interests and you can choose your own schedule.

>> No.7879481

I felt like this a while ago, I handled it really badly for a while but then I realized that I don't care how handsome other people find my boyfriend.
And, honestly, if there's any part of him that's fixable you can try helping him improve it. A good hair cut, cleaner skin, and flattering facial hair goes a long way.
You also gotta remember that boys get more handsome with age. Don't break up with him because other people think he's not good enough anon, please.

>> No.7879495

I totally agree with >>7879481
however id like to add that if you really don't like him you are not shallow for it. Calling someone shallow is stupid because one cannot choose who they are attracted to. Plus if you plan to spend the rest of your life with someone it only makes sense it that it has to be someone you're attracted to.

>> No.7879508

I mean if you genuinely want to break up with him do it but think about it first. Breaking up with someone you really like because they're too ugly in other's people's eyes sounds pretty shitty, friend. I wouldn't want you to regret it.
Plus unless he's horribly ugly (which I doubt) he probably has a lot of potential, with a little help!

>> No.7879533
File: 733 KB, 3300x2550, foightin round the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be doing masters abroad
>befriend a girl from my group some months ago
>find out she's from country x
>I'm from country z, which has had territorial disputes with country x in the recent years as well as religious ones (we're Christian, they mostly aren't)
>she only recently found out where I was from since I never mentioned it to her before for fear of her hating me
>she starts behaving colder towards me, her replies always really short
>mfw yesterday there was a soccer match between the two countries and shit happened so yay, timing
>this morning I ask her why she's mad at me and she says "I'm not mad, I just feel sorry for you" and looks at me like I'm some smelly turd on the pavement
>mfw disbelief

what just fucking happened

lolita feels:
I get really anxious and bothered when girls in my comm start talking about their mental illnesses. I feel like it's a really private thing and it's really uncomfortable (trying to avoid saying "triggering" as much as I can, but I have anxiety myself and not even as part of 5 self-diagnosed diseases like they do, but I get really scared when people talk about it) and I don't think it's appropriate but once when I asked them they said they have a right to talk about whatever they please. Am I in the wrong? I don't want to tell people what they can or cannot say, but I still feel that it's inappropriate for a meet.

>> No.7879540

>that english
sorry, I'm tired

>> No.7879578
File: 329 KB, 330x490, 1371053899540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My mom's been feeling bad about my transition into college
>Mom yelled at me
>Mom feels even worse (Why? No idea.)
>Mom buys me things
>I feel kinda bad but whatever, I'm a broke college student
>Forgot mom liked the BtSSB page
>Mom mentions me in a comment asking if I like a dress
>I have a feeling I might be getting free burando
>Please yell at me more if it means free burando

>> No.7879621

I fucking hate people who do shit like that.

Country of origin is irrelevant unless you're parading around fighting people because you're better than them or whatever.

You don't need that bitch.

>> No.7879625

Some girls take ages to come, you know.

>> No.7879751
File: 50 KB, 456x628, 1402692460431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw came to /cgl/ to ask if they want to go to winter ball with /trv/
>see this thread
>realize I have no gf yet i'm playing along with some fake internet dance thing
kill me

>> No.7879888

Anon it's dangerous leave him now and please be safe I wish you to be happy. I was in an abusive relationship and got out of it in june after nearly 2 years

>> No.7879890

I asked some ""friend"" to order aliexpress and ebay stuff for me and I gave her like 170euros (220$ more or less) it's been three weeks and i still have nothing and she has nothing. She either didn't order it or is stealing and i'm an anxious idiot so i'm scaref now what do?

>> No.7879891


>> No.7879905
File: 108 KB, 600x532, l_00778914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just tired of people making cosplay into high school 2.0

It wasn't like this when I got here in the late 90's and I really really miss it.
I don't think about it but once or twice a year and ugh, very depressing to have your crafting hobby turn into attention whore central.

And no, you can't just say "well it doesn't affect you directly so why get upset."
No one lives in a vacuum, the shit other people do will affect you.

>> No.7879917
File: 55 KB, 486x409, 1311949083856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He cheated. Serves him well to have a shitty time now.

>> No.7879978

Also hard of hearing here. I make jokes about it, keeps customers from being annoyed.

>> No.7879983

Guys, guys, guys.
I've always been on the busty side, but in love with Fantasic Dolly, specifically the OP in the red colourway. I mean, obsessed is an understatement. But I have come to accept that I would never fit it.
Lost a bunch of weight, finally remeasure my bust yesterday.
I CAN ACTUALLY FIT IT. I can have hope and now start saving to track it down and buy it.
I just... I just never thought this day would come. The day I can fit AP.

>> No.7880127

Thanks, anon :)

>> No.7880190

> tfw you walk in on your roomate using your rotary cutter to cut pizza

>> No.7880197

Fuck you whoever got that lolita desu sock pack.
I really fucking need more socks.

>> No.7880231

That's no excuse for only being able to thrust for 10 min. before running out of breath.

>> No.7880238

That's ridiculous. You're ridiculous.

>> No.7880240

You're out of shape.

>> No.7880241

We're already going with /u/ anyway.

>> No.7880365

>tfw history of disordered eating
>tfw finally feeling okay about being healthy
>tfw exercise and eat right, 5'7" and a size 4
>tfw every time I post a cosplay photo on tumblr, bbw blogs follow and reblog me
>tfw cry and never want to eat again

>> No.7880382
File: 1.92 MB, 640x360, ku-xlarge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my most expensive clothing item-- more expensive than any of the burando I've bought, has gone missing from my closet.

It's possible my mom may have stolen it when she was over, 'cause I know she really likes it, but she wouldn't even be able to fit into it again. I don't remember the last time I wore it. I thought it was sitting in my closet.

FUCK, I just wanted to look cute today.

>> No.7880386

We will eventually!

Like the other anon said, I take ages to come-- half an hour, almost. If my guy comes before me, it's a gamble if he's not completely bushed to continue holding himself up.

>> No.7880395
File: 451 KB, 448x255, damn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't want to know about your sex life.

>> No.7880408

Is size 4 big? Also, this one time I posted this cartoon that showed some girl on a date with a guy, him saying "FLASH", and then cutting to them having sex, and her saying "AHHHHHHHH", no tits showing or anything really explicit, just to be safe on tumblr. I put one of the tags as "nsfw" and got like 20 porn blogs following me in 10 minutes, I'm pretty sure they're just bots.

>> No.7880410

At 5'7"? No way. That's a healthy size.

>> No.7880415
File: 338 KB, 395x480, this one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is, I found it. This got 20 porn blogs following me.

>> No.7880437
File: 266 KB, 1013x1600, DSC_0979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A size 4 is definitely on the small end. Pic related, it came up when I googled "dress size 4."

>> No.7880442

>anons ask
>"lol why are you answering"

>> No.7880444

>anon posts sex story
>duly noted
>that's nice dear

anon didn't even answer if the bf is fat

>> No.7880456
File: 469 KB, 500x281, NICE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats anon!
I'm the same way about Cinema Doll as you are about Fantastic Dolly and I'm working hard to fit into it too.

>> No.7880460

>grasping at straws

>> No.7880464

>looking for an argument on a cantonese cartoon image board feels thread

>> No.7880478

>woman arguing with eachother
This is almost as autism as all the hate I receive when talking to girls in the presence of nerd males.

>> No.7880482

>go on aliexpress to look for cheap, cute skirts
>everything that I want is $20+
What's the point? I can get something better from Brandy Melville for the same price.

>> No.7880484

>tfw your post made my heart skip a beat

Please tell me it wasn't a Gingher or something, christ.

>> No.7880490

Size 4 in what store?
Sizes mean shit with all the ridiculous vanity sizing etc, a size 4 in one store can be a 7 in another. if you want to give an accurate description of how you look weight is better.

>> No.7880492

I feel like a fatass still sometimes, but people around me seem to think size 4 is on the slim side of healthy for someone my height. Bots are probably all it is, but damn if it doesn't make me feel like shit. It happens with literally every photo I post, and I only ever use "cosplay" and then the series and character tags. Oh well, I'll try not to let it get to me.

>> No.7880497

True, my measurements are 35-25-38 currently, and I'm ~130lbs.

>> No.7880499

What does this post even mean

>> No.7880502

Yeah, it sounds like you're totally fine and they're just bots. Keep up the good work with your body, anon.

>> No.7880505

Post pics you dummy, sizes don't mean shit.

Why do woman always use some dumb arbitrary standards as ways to gauge their beauty and mate attractiveness score.

Look in the mirror, are you beautiful enough for you? Do you have low or high standards? Can you do better, can you do worse? Would it interest or benefit you to start getting into fitness?

Use those parameters instead.

>> No.7880508

It means you girls need to break it up, because it's going nowhere beside satisfying your snarkiness quota.

>> No.7880509
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, BRUGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a bit of a long story but to make it as short as i can i went to a sleep over and some bitch tried to take my real one and switch it out with a replica thinking i wouldnt notice, and because i was in a rush to get out the door at the time, i just peeked in to my bag, saw everything and was out.
she lives over an hour away fuck

i really want too

>> No.7880526

What the actual fuck? Can you get it back?

>> No.7880543
File: 27 KB, 300x400, 001k33xy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have this dress that sits in my closet and i never wear. it was the first lolita dress i actually bought along with the matching purse.

But im a mid-range poor fag and can only buy dresses once in a great while. I don't go to meets cause i'm not decked out in lolita anyway. i keep thinking about selling the set on the cheap but every time i pull it out i resist selling it.

it was second hand too. the waist ties and bow are long gone from the first seller. Probably needs to be dry cleaned. maybe i could get like $120 for the purse and the dress but it's not like i can buy anything else decent for $120..

>> No.7880558

>It means you girls need to fuck and make up

>> No.7880560

Take the $120 and put it towards a bigger purchase or save it for one

>> No.7880565

You're a fucking moron. You are talking to someone who admitted to recovering from eating disorder type shit, OBVIOUSLY she probably doesn't have the healthiest standards or ideas of what she sees in the mirror. Her height, weight, and measurements give a fairly decent idea of whether or not she should consider herself fat, the answer to which is NO (sorry you're too stupid to figure out what those numbers might look like for yourself without needing a picture). Go fuck yourself, you rude piece of shit.
>yeah i mad about retarded dudes giving girls with ED problems shit

>> No.7880571

And who the fuck was talking about mate attractiveness, anyway? Get over your dick, chump.

>> No.7880576

I already said I exercise and eat right and have a history of disordered eating. I'm healthy now (according to doctors and scales and stuff) compared to when I was way too thin, feel like a fatass, and was feeling sensitive about bbw blogs following me. Try reading and being less of a condescending ass in the future.

>> No.7880588

A good friend of mine is getting into lolita. I'm not a lolita, but I browse this board enough to have a good idea of what NOT to do. She's shit at co-ording by cgl standards, and she loves posting herself online, and I'm so afraid she's going to end up here and get shredded and then go on a rampage if she ever sees it and embarrass herself more. Ugh. And if I try to suggest something that might look better, she just brushes me off, so it'll be her own fault in the end.

>> No.7880616


Same with my gf. They just think she's shy and antsy; she's always wringing or fiddling with her hands.

>> No.7880622

I don't think assburgers is considered a part of the autism spectrum anymore. But either way, yeah, my little brother has assburgers as well, and when he was younger, he was definitely a huge pain in the ass and struggled to make friends, but that's most likely because our mother was always giving him special treatment because "but he's SPECIAL". Now that he's older, he's adjusted very well and is arguably doing better than I am in life, haha oh noooo.

>> No.7880624

You tried, anon. Post her failure here as a lesson.

>> No.7880631

The worst part is that she's black and has a decent following on tumblr, so of course she's just going to get ass pats and never get any better. But I guess ultimately as long as she's having fun and feeling pretty, it doesn't matter.

>> No.7880644
File: 44 KB, 392x500, shit (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting me to go all the way up your I'll believe anything story.

Come on

>> No.7880677

>too lazy to click back a couple to the OP you're responding to
>too self-important to pass on the "i don't understand why women" advice
so surprised, thank u men of cgl

>> No.7880684
File: 245 KB, 250x145, ditto.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally get call from a prospective employer
>Four days after he said he would call
>It's a no

I-it's not like I was really confident about my interview or excited to work in my field or anything.

>> No.7880701

Yeah I'll totally walk in headfirst and say all woman are gullible NOPE, but holly crap once the tumblr and blog shit posts came up I definitely wasn't gonna be like: "Hey this is an interesting story I haven't heard a million times before"

And then you also expect me to respect a new bad habit that's been picked up? Like clinging to sizes will do anyone any good ever? Health isn't a fashion thing, it's a very all encompassing lifestyle enforced by learning about biology and bodily processes.

I'm not even gonna enter eating disorder territory that's for psychologists and you go do whatever with that, I'm just trained in diets and exercise programs.

>> No.7880705
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, 1405272791669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to get big so I can do a JoJo's cosplay
>steady gaining 5lbs a month for 3 months
>was supposed to be 180 at the end of this month
>lost 2lbs due to not making enough food for myself
>currently 170
At least I know the weight I lose is just fat and I'll eventually need to cut anyways.

>> No.7880713

You don't need to bulk to get mad gains anyway, just stick to "the plan" involving scooby fitness, creatine, protein and post workout to avoid catabollic.

also Lecethin and fish oil caps would be nice, and peanut butter, lots of peanut butter.

>> No.7880729

>be male
>go to cons with other males
>they all want to get laid or wasted
>they act like complete jackasses

okay fuck those guys.

>go to con with women
>drama drama drama
>they act like complete jackasses

okay so it's not a gender thing. fuck everyone.

>> No.7880738
File: 457 KB, 720x404, 1386594100665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stick to going to cons with my gf now, got sick of high school tier shit with other people. We're grown fucking adults stop being so childish.

Especially one fat bitch in particular who is 25 but acts like she's 14, running around glomping people and being generally irritating. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.7880741

>blahblahblah i have a penis so you should care

>> No.7880742

I never took fishoil caps because I eat about 4-6 cans of fish throughout the week plus the fish that I cook but I know they're good for people who can't stand to eat sardines and tuna out the can.

>> No.7880762

I think you've just been unlucky anon. Not everyone is like that. Keep trying and good luck.

>> No.7880763

Damn, you are my ideal measurements. How tall are you? What's your tumblr?

>> No.7880768

naw, fuck cheaters. They deserve a circle of hell both here and down there. If you cant keep your urges in check then die like a dog in heat you are.
feels gud mang, embrace it.

>> No.7880775

>Blah blah blah I have irregular periods and estrogen so you should care.

Tuna and salmon and haring is the only fish I eat, I think you're good on your essential oils but try to add almonds to that which is a good source of unsaturated fats which will help boost your free-t.

Also hit compounds all week, and only isolate the muscles lagging you behind (triceps, forearms)

>> No.7880779


thanks. i hope with self-improvement i will attract a different caliber of people.

>> No.7880796

nigga, I don't think you're ready to do a JoJo cosplay after a year of lifting

you better be on some test

>> No.7880823

Where's this gif from, btw?

>> No.7880841

It helps if your partner is into it as well, especially if you work on crafting shit together, we do coupled cosplay and its pretty fun.

Plus there is the freaky nasty sex in costume. I never thought I'd be into that but dang.

>> No.7880875

Obviously you didn't guess the story correctly and taking five seconds to make sure you knew what you were talking about was beyond you. I'm not really clinging to sizes, I just named the first thing that came to mind when replying (which, obviously, vanity sizes aren't the best choice, but whatever), calm down. I was sharing feels, not looking to be lectured by some fitfag who only cares about spewing his own shit everywhere.

>> No.7880954

I wasn't even lecturing you till you started pms'ing about your mental problems I didn't read about and are none of my business.

But you got the gist, sizes are dumb standards.

>> No.7880969

I only responded to you in >>7880576, some other anon was upset (super cute calling it pms-ing). Just saying, had you read my post, you'd know saying "what are you standards, can you do better or worse?" is kind of useless.

Yes, I knew, you can stop repeating that now.

>> No.7881019
File: 205 KB, 500x500, 1370806384154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 18
>already have grey hair
>about 5% or so
>don't want to dye hair again after spending 2 years growing my natural color out
;_; I need to stop ripping them out but I can't because they are stressing me out. Is there an option where you can go to a salon and they dye individual strands? I really don't want highlights or anything like that to cover them.

>tfw I can't be a qt grill with grey hair ;_;

>> No.7881079

There's a sample of it at 1:39, it probably comes from another vid of em

>> No.7881104

I'm sorry anon. I remember this nice kid in high school had a FULL head of grey hair. Not even 18 yet.

>> No.7881328
File: 30 KB, 500x346, BqyY-AdCEAITr4o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to dress up as an experienced, badass adult. Keep it short and style it, be a foxy grandma and make the world hard and moist.

>> No.7881379
File: 461 KB, 260x144, hugs 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started getting grays around your age too, anon. I really hated it at first and was really self conscious about them, especially when I wanted to dress up and feel cute. I'd pluck them, but of course, that doesn't change anything.

In the end, grays really aren't a big deal. I still feel a bit bleh about them, but like you, I don't want to dye my hair either. So instead, I kinda came to terms with it and when I'm in my dressy moods, I just hit my hair with a cute style, rock my outfit and forget about it. Really, most people don't even notice unless they've got their face in your hair.

I don't know if that makes you feel any better but I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone in this front.

>> No.7881398

>got offered full time at the vintage clothing shop I work at today.

>no longer have to work seven days a week to pay rent

>extra money for brand

I am going to miss all my work friends from my other retail job a whole lot. But I honestly was really done with being there and only stuck around because of extra money and I liked the people. I've wanted to work at this vintage shop since I was a small child. I am so pumped.

>> No.7881415

>got my first dress this week
>wore it out for the first time last night

It was so great anons wow

>> No.7881584


Serbia fucking shits

>> No.7881612

I would be so happy if I knew someone who wanted to talk about bog butter and related topics. Your boyfriend sounds cool. I hope you find some more open minded friends.

>> No.7881764

The more I read things from here, the more I hate everyone from here, and I don't know why I keep coming back. Probably because I'm addicted to anger.

>> No.7881769

>tfw I've always wanted a dog
>never really had a lot of friends
>have difficulty maintaining friendships, no one to blame but myself
>get really lonely
>just want the unconditional love of a dog
>they'll love me even if I dont talk a lot, or if I don't want to go to the movies, or if I just want to lay in bed and cry

>tfw planning to move in with my boyfriend before my birthday in June
>going to adopt a sweet, beautiful dog and love him unconditionally

>> No.7881777
File: 549 KB, 500x283, sup reme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7881788

Unlike American Psycho though my hatred for everyone else is only dwarfed by my hatred for myself.

>> No.7881790

wish you the best anon

>Can't have a dog because appartment rules
>Adopts two pet rabbit
>They love each other more than anything else
>Gets no love or sign of affection
>Incredily lonely now

>> No.7881814

This is probably the saddest story on /cgl/

>> No.7881837

>tfw waiting on a courier who is due between 12 and 5
>didn't sleep well the night before
>so exhausted from weird work hours and just want to sleep
>cat is asleep beside you
>can't nap because these assholes only knock once before racing down the driveway


>> No.7881838

Don't ever look at tumblr then, you'd give yourself an aneurysm.

>> No.7881846

Try a cat? Mine plays games with me and clings like velcro.

>> No.7882014

Do you ever start reaching the end of a piece, then step back and look at it and realize it looks like shit and you're gonna need to redo that if you have any self respect

>> No.7882164
File: 118 KB, 250x141, slump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw shoes were supposed to be here 3 days ago but they're still in China
>Tfw won bid on LM two days ago but still no invoice or response from seller

>> No.7882223

One of these days I'm going to finally give up the dating game gracefully.

>> No.7882396

>tfw when you're almost done with your dress and you accidentally cut through both layers when adjusting the size of the waist ;w;

it's ok i'm over it. i think.

>> No.7882478

> Be me, live with parents.
> Mother is incredibly supportive of lolita, oohs and ahhs whenever I get dressed up and fawns over me.
> Sacrificed a lot to take care of my older half-sister and I, including suffering through an abusive relationship with an alcoholic, then later raising us on her own while working six days a week after my dad committed suicide.
> Now remarried and in a happy healthy relationship, but is constantly under stress from having to work overtime, at home, and on weekends and holidays. Of course she's too quiet to say no and just does it like she's always done.
> Sister comes to visit for Thanksgiving, lots of festive drinking between the two of them and mom's pretty wasted.
> "Oh, I wish I was young like you two, no I'm too old, I'm old now... old and fat, you two are so beautiful. You guys have the world at you feet, you can do anything, you have your whole lives ahead of you."
> M - Mom... ; n ;

I'm planning a Taobao order, so I was thinking of getting her some cute OL clothes. But whenever I try to do anything for her she adamantly refuses and tells me to focus on myself instead. God damn it mom, I just want to make you cute and repay you for everything please.

>> No.7882483

>have tracker on tumblr to monitor sources of traffic, etc
>has been helpful to see where people are coming to a popular post of mine from
>a while ago noticed an IP address from my cheating, lying ex's workplace (company name was in the whois) kept popping up multiple times a day
>based on browsing behavior managed to identify his/his gf's home & work IPs and installed blocking script to keep him from stalking me
>several months later removed the script because it was slowing down my blog
>a few days later the exact. same. fucking. IP addresses show up again
>every time I block one it's clear he tries to access it a different way, and I know for sure he's still looking at my blog on mobile tumblr, which I can do nothing to avoid
>refuse to talk to him/tell him to fuck off because it will just encourage him


(the ironic part is that he works at a website startup and these things are stupidly easy to circumvent. I myself have ghostery so I don't show up on any trackers)

>> No.7882489

>Albozergs in charge of having a life and decent country

>> No.7882500

Why do you care?
Do you just not want him talking about you or something? That wouldn't bother me, it would just show my ex isn't over me is all.

>> No.7882506
File: 65 KB, 640x480, 1413175571714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because fatties can't like and compliment the way you look without some underlying motive
You sound emotionally needy and stuck up.

>> No.7882522

fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.7882537

No, it just feels invasive that he's the one that dumped me for another girl and he's essentially tracking my every post even though it's been over a year since we broke up. I know he's monitoring my other social media too because he'll occasionally accidentally favorite a tweet or something.

To put this in context, several months after the breakup, he sent me a $2 bill after I posted somewhere that my wallet had gotten stolen with my lucky $2 bill in it. He then sent me a letter a month later saying he was starting a new relationship but he still thought of all the time, he still missed me, he felt guilty for moving on, [jerk-off gesture]. Pretty much all our friends took my side, I'm just annoyed because I'd like him to leave me alone.

>> No.7882596
File: 113 KB, 860x571, cosplay ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be cosplaying pic related with a group at a con soon and I just need some broken gamecube games or even old, crappy functioning ones to use for the headband.


This is some fucking bullshit. 125 dollars for BROKEN games? Why is finding crappy games so difficult... I only need four more, too. UGH.

>> No.7882602
File: 15 KB, 295x449, 13188689829945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greentexting to narrow down the points

>lack of fem friends since moving to new state
>first one doesnt even like anime or cosplay.
>somehow falls for me after a few weeks,flat out admits it
>cute azn and all but not really my type
I just wanted a weeb friend...
>next one is into anime and cosplay
>spaghettis alot around me which is ok.
>also is starting to show signs
>not cute or fat but dont mind her as a friend
>dont want to toy with her emotions.

Im not even sure what to do anymore. I feel bad, but its not like I was leading them on. I just want fem friends in our circle like before.

>> No.7882607
File: 26 KB, 640x504, 1412894563983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sounds like a real creeper.

>finally have a CDC coord put together
>can't wait to take pictures with it
>tfw wearing it around the apartment

>> No.7882608

I'm pretty sure anon meant it's a porn blog centered around a fetish for BBW, not a blog run by a BBW.

>> No.7882609

That's so sweet of you. Please go ahead and get her something.

>> No.7882612


print scans of the game discs and glue them on if you need to.Tons of sites have the renders.
Who knew hacking my consoles would lead to cosplay sources.

>> No.7882613

You should totally get her something small, maybe nothing huge because it might overwhelm her, but I think she'd really appreciate it. She sounds like a wonderful mom, anon.

>> No.7882622

I know I'm going to get some slack for this, but I need to vent to someone and sorry, it's not completely lolita/cosplay related.

>finally able to mildly renovate my house due to financial reasons
>crazy cleaning, deep scrubbing, rearranging, and building spree the past week
>able to finally have a space for all my lolita and anime stuff on my side of the room and have it protected and off the ground
>tired and drained as fuck, but house smells like bleach, Febreeze, and satisfaction
>so happy, much elation, such joy

>go to pull back curtain
>see bug
>try to kill it
>it's a fucking cockroach
>cue crying and full on panic mode

You fucking invertebrate bastard. I am beyond mad and pissed. I did all that cleaning and did not see one fucking bug or even their droppings. I think I can finally rest, and this shit happens. And now, I have to find airtight containers for not only my food, but my dresses. Fuck if those bastards touch my "precious burando". Yes my dresses are in my closet off of the ground, but those fuckers climb walls.
Just even googling how to get rid of them is depressing me.
Brb, crying and scrubbing myself.

(There are many more things that I'm now afraid and worried of because of this shit, like disease and germs and just how damned expensive this is going to be and how I'm already drained and this will probably "kill" me, but I'm trying to keep it cgl related, so pardon if it sounds petty as fuck. Also, this just happened TODAY, and it's only been one I've seen, so I'm hoping in catching this early and can avoid a total Joe's Apartment situation.)

>> No.7882638

>Recently got a job with good hours to fit around my studies and better than average pay.
>Had been looking for around 6 months prior to this, also did volunteer work to gain more experience.
>Sort of friend who has been on jobseeker's for 18 months asks me to put in a good word for her.
>Tell her no. I've worked there less than a month and there aren't any vacancies near where she lives.
>She b'awws that I'm being selfish.
>She's only had 2 interviews in 18 months, both were for pyramid scheme sales companies. She wore a mini skirt to her interviews.
>Has never done volunteer work or a jobseekers course, only had one job in her entire life, does not apply for jobs beyond the minimum amount she needs to get her benefits.
>Finally gets an interview at a local fried chicken place.
>Asks me for advice for interview clothes.
>Suggest a simple black skirt or pants with a smart blouse.
>"Oh I already have a black skirt"
>She's going to the interview in a black tube mini and her old school blouse, for fuck's sake.

I know it's a fast food place but would it fucking kill her to put some effort in?

>> No.7882746

Just finding one roach isn't the end of the world or a sign of infestation. I'm terrified of them and understand the ick factor, but realize it might have just crawled in from outside. If I left the window open at night at my old house giant sewer ones would crawl in. Closing the window kept them out and I didn't have issues.

>> No.7882846

not jfashion or cosplay related but need to vent

> lost first pregnancy almost five years ago thanks to abusive boyfriend
> lots of other things happen, emotionally scarred for years
> finally meet someone I'm happy with and who I trust
> amazing guy, treats me better than anyone ever has, even spoils me with surprise lolita sometimes
> happiest I've ever been
> have great sex after years of being too scared to let anyone touch me
> get carried away, forget condom
> it's my "green week"
> freak out, scared he'll leave me
> he's excited but worried, wants a family but wanted to be financially stable first
> spend a month hyping myself up
> all sorts of symptoms, start getting excited
> boyfriend currently lives a few hours away from me because he's helping his mom get back on her feet
> "skype me when you take the test, anon! I want to be there with you every step of the way"
> "I'm excited to start a family with you, anon"
> plan to test on Monday, which would be missed period
> even have what I think is implantation bleeding
> light pink spotting, minor cramping, no sign of actual period
> never have cramping for days before my period
> today, start period.
> doesn't make sense, i've never cramped two-three days before my period before
> have never spotted two-three days before my period before
> scared I might have miscarried but never got a positive pregnancy test so I don't know
> lay in bed and cry all day
> it's not fair, I've already lost one baby
> we missed the mark by two days, if that
> sob into pillow until there are mascara smudges
> boyfriend is at work
> "it's ok anon, we'll have a family someday"
> about to drop some money on taobao for retail therapy

>> No.7882855
File: 22 KB, 522x521, 10624905_632344210220392_2099134742967308439_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way you can make a HCG blood test so you can make sure you're pregnant/miscarried? (or Urine if you're afraid of needles). The one I could say (even if it will sound stupid/offensive/weird) is to do not over stress yourself until you can visit a gynecologist.

>> No.7882856

/cgl/ has made me afraid to cosplay because I just want to be a casual but /cgl/ gets mad if the costume isn't 100% perfect.

>> No.7882859

You're a fucking retard. She obviously meant a blog posting bbw content, not a blog run by a fatty. 2/10, took your bait after all

>> No.7882861

i'm glad your boyfriend is so supportive! what a good guy. i don't understand why you want a baby so badly, but i am sure it will work out for you in the end. get some cute maternity lolita

>> No.7882864

>girl taking fetish related pictures
>fetish related blog reposting them
I don't get your bitch.

>> No.7882866

We weren't actively trying for one or anything, but once I got it in my head that I might be, the excitement settled in followed by the crushing disappointment of not getting to be a mommy. I've always wanted kids.
Thank you though anon. I'm really lucky to have someone as wonderful as him. He never once even hinted at being angry. He just promised that we'd figure things out together and work through it.

Blood tests require whole blood and a lab, so the only thing I could rely on is urine tests from home. I'll check with the gyno if my period turns out to be irregular this week, or something else feels off. It's already been strange..I'm early, and had cramping/spotting three days ago but just started actually bleeding today.

>> No.7882868

Thanks! Best luck to you! If I can do it, so can you!

>> No.7882871

my parent's have never supported any of my non-school or non-sports hobbies. I used to be into 3D modeling and papercrafting, as well I made a few cosplays, but they made fun of me so often that I just didn't feel like staying up late to make things to avoid them. If it's not volleyball or studying, why are you wasting your time - was their logic. Now I'm at uni and into lolita so I can enjoy myself a little more, but I can't help but feel I would be happier if I was able to enjoy and get better at the things I enjoy without having to hide them..

>> No.7882875
File: 30 KB, 247x484, Bmt5eWdCcAEj8Il.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where you're from (here you can take blood/urine test with a medical order), but you could ask to the gyno if its better to take a HCG blood test if you have the chance to.

Still, agreeing with the pther seagull: It's pretty nice your boyfriend is supportive and I'm sending to you positive thoughts.

>> No.7882914
File: 255 KB, 250x188, tumblr_mea8tj38se1r2vtc0o4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude that has been going on/off with his ex for the longest time starts hitting on me
>after a while i give in, believing his shit (especially since the chick is well-known for being a drama-queen) still not really sure what to make of it all
>dude's ex starts to make sure that people start giving me the cold shoulder
>spills drink on me, talks people into taking back invites to parties and events
>wtf this is some mean girls shit are you for real
>in the end dude goes back to crazy ex yet again
>almost a year later and people are still giving me shit about this (ignores me when we are at the same event, taking back invites or not inviting me at all among other things)

I know I'm stupid for trusting him considering his history with his ex, but it would be nice if they would let go already. I have met another dude since then and go on with my own shit how about you do it as well you asswipes

I don't even get upset anymore, I just get tired

>> No.7882944

aliexpress can take like up to 2 months to get your shit. ask her to pull up a receipt for you or slyly ask for the tracking number.

>> No.7883076

>make [ ] friends

not being facetious, seriously how?

>> No.7883080

Fuck her up

>> No.7883094

I went to my fast food interview in jeans and a nice sweater.

They really don't care at places like that.

>> No.7883102


JFC if you're going to use weeby emoticons at least use them the right way.

>> No.7883104

Well, step one is not being ugly. Or if you were born with shitty facial genetics, just clean yourself up and hope for the best. I'd suggest becoming fit, getting a nice haircut, getting rid of stray facial hair, and absolutely having no acne.

Step two is actually approaching people. Talk to people, get rejected, find another group, rinse and repeat until you develop better social skills. People at cons usually also have weak social skills as well, so they might not be the best people to start with even if you guys share similar interests.

I'd suggest going back to school, making friends at work, or participating in volunteering or religious groups. If you're really that terrified of meeting and talking to new people, try connections through relatives or old friends you've had in the past.

If you for some reason have no relatives, no friends to speak of, and you were too much of a pussy when you were younger ever to take chances due to fear of leaving your bubble/being rejected, it's better to start late rather than never.

If you've never had a girlfriend before, I'd suggest carrying condoms and shaving your genitals regardless(Just do it now, don't ask) and try not to smell terrible.

Oh yeah, having money and interesting skills or knowledge really helps.

If you're really that socially retarded and haven't talked to anybody in person for a long time, I'd suggest taking a public speaking class or simply growing the balls to make small talk with everybody you meet in public. Be wary that your voice will sound hoarse and you talk extraordinarily fast if you don't speak often and you might rely on filler words.

Just practice facial expressions, getting rid of filler words, having a strong and smooth voice, knowing what to say, ect. If you make an effort, I'm sure you'll succeed. If you don't have a facebook, get one to stay in contact with people. Skype also helps for online friends/gaming/staying in contact if you're usually on the computer.

>> No.7883105

Please, PLEASE be mindful when you adopt a dog. My family adopted two dogs and all they ever do is yell at them because they wanted the unconditional love but didn't bother to put in the time to train them. It pisses me off to no end, and I'm trying to train them but it's hella hard with the rest of the family erasing my progress.

>> No.7883123

Someone who wants the "unconditional love of a dog" has no intention of looking after it properly.

>> No.7883142

Yeah... a cat may be a better option. Less messy in general, less upkeep in general, and definitely capable of unconditional love when you give it to them.

>> No.7883148

dat fucking cat fur everywhere tho

>> No.7883346

Dog loving anon here

I've done my research extensively for months. I'm not saying I'll be perfect, but I'm going to love that dog like my own child.
I 100% intended to care for the dog to the best of my abilities.

Thank you for your concern though!

>> No.7883355

Actually not that difficult to manage. Most cats shed in particular "spots". So for some cats, that's on your lap, sure. But most cats, that's their bed/favourite chair arm/whatever.

Plus, you should be vacuuming your house at least once a week anyway. Twice for areas you use every day. So combine that with putting clean clothes away as soon as you've washed and dried them, and you've got minimal cat hair mess.

>> No.7883405
File: 436 KB, 200x150, cries.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was super nervous about dry cleaning a brand dress
>It was supposed to be ready today
>They said it won't be until Monday

B-but that just probably means they just have to re-clean it, right? It probably doesn't mean that it's fucked up and they're trying to fix it, right?


>> No.7883416

Could just be that they forgot to do it sooner. Or they got super busy with other items. Don't stress, anon!

>> No.7883447

Only the lonely know the way I feel tonight

>> No.7883455

>become absolutely infatuated with cute girlish clothing
>stalk lizlisa site nearly everyday
>twinge in heart because you know you'll never be cute enough to pull any of it off

I just wanna be cute, too, you guys.

>> No.7883456

>order custom-sized blouse
>wait 4 months for it
>arrives, omg it fits so happy
>assume it's stiff due to starching, wash in an attempt to soften fabric
>no longer fits
YOU FUCKING SWEATSHOP SCUM, WHY WOULD YOU NOT PREWASH THE FABRIC, GOD DAMN IT. I was so happy when I tried it on and the sleeves were the right length, and now I can barely button them around my forearms.

>> No.7883463

> not washing on cold and air drying

should have kept it from shrinking.

>> No.7883482

Had to use warm water to get the sizing out, it was paper-stiff.

>> No.7883495

>really want to into lolita
>cannot get over the price tag

It's not that I can't afford it. I just grew up poor and feel guilty even buying myself normal clothes that I genuinely need and routinely talk myself out of "frivolous" purchases, even if they're, like, ten bucks. Fuck meeee, I just need to do it, buy the dress I want, be mad at myself until it arrives, and then look like a princess after.

>> No.7883499

Anon I grew up poor too. When it comes to anything else I'm still pretty frugal. I don't even like paying more than 20 dollars for a pair of jeans.
Lolita is that 'splurge' thing. Just do it. Let it be your one thing that you do for yourself every now and again, that one thing that you let yourself spend a bit of extra money on, especially if it makes you happy. Try using sites like lacemarket or maiden clothing of the egl comm sales to get second hand stuff for (sometimes) cheaper.

>> No.7883535
File: 80 KB, 500x450, 1403058567401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My younger sister is completely off the rails and just got arrested today. She's been trying to steal my family's valuables (laptops, game consoles) to sell off for drug money and I've felt bad that my first thought was that luckily she can't sell my lolita brand because that's too much effort and a specific market. Hooray for investing my money in an obscure alternative fashion.

>> No.7883537
File: 3.00 MB, 560x315, 1407336130001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really need fabric in a certain colour by this weekend
>dye the only appropriate stuff lying aorund
>use an approximate amount of water
>approximate amount of salt
>approximate amount of dye
>leave for an approximate amount of time
>it turns out perfect
The cosplay gods have smiled upon me today.

>> No.7883599

>I want to lose the last couple of inches around my waist
>Don't really know how to do it because of body issues
>Next meeting with my doctor is in two weeks

I really can't wait, I want to see if she has any good advice since she was a bit concerned when I said I wanted to try out yoga both to work with both my body and depression last time

>> No.7883707


Why would she be concerned about Yoga?

>> No.7883769
File: 140 KB, 350x480, 1413601778975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7883800
File: 625 KB, 2308x1692, much anxiety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bitched about this a few weeks ago but here it goes again. Forgive me, I'm drunk.
>TL;DR was in a feminist college production where all proceeds go to a women's shelter
>grandpa died, was really traumatizing watching him die
>director acted like a complete cunt to me about my absence from said rehearsals for production during that time
>I passive-aggressively quit because fuck that cunt
>a 'friend' of mine who is in my grad program is also still in the production
>she licks ass so she's well liked in the circlejerk
>coerces me into going to their stupid happy hour fundraiser tonight which cost $ at the door
>begrudgingly go just to support the cause

>go with roommate (male)
>I'm ignored by everyone in the production for the most part
>try to make conversation with the friend who coerced me to go in the first place
>even bought her a drink
>she barely speaks to me because she doesn't want to look uncool talking to me
>have a few drinks with my roommate
>get incredibly bored after five drinks
>drive home
>was supposed to be working on a paper butt-fuck it
>drinking alone makes me feel really suicidal
>would hang out with my bf but he went to his prepaid LARP event for the weekend
>just want to drink to forget about everything
>just want to wallow in my suicidal thoughts and the fact that I can't make many girl friends

>> No.7883812

When you're sad and when you're lonely, and you haven't got a friend; Just remember that death is not the end.

>> No.7883824

Feeling really ugly, really lonely, and very, very sad about it.

>> No.7883836

>tfw no ugly gf who no one loves for the beautiful person she is inside but me.

>> No.7883933

>talking to all of my childhood friends
>a bit terrified about it
>a few of them tease me for lolita
>talk to old neighbor (Trying to flirt with him)
>"here's good memories I have of us! do you have any memories of the sort?:3c"
>"I remember your dad beating you in front of me"

he went into great detail about it, like he relives the moment every day in his nightmares, that he couldn't do anything

god how do I change the subject he fucked up

>> No.7883940

Unless she's ugly on the inside too...

>> No.7883948
File: 125 KB, 500x365, 1409784754460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>usually packages from Japan clear in one day
>tracking says "Inbound Into Customs"
>first time this happened
>look it up after three days of no updates
>mfw I learn it might take a while for them to get to it
>if it doesn't get seized
Dammit, I just want my burando!

>> No.7883953

I wouldn't be surprised if somebody read this post and relived their old traumas.

You are a danger to everyone around you

>> No.7883956



>> No.7884036
File: 983 KB, 245x160, questionmark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>receive a shit ton of mail today
>look at my wardrobe constantly
>overwhelming happiness

I only started buying lolita a little over a year ago, but seeing my wardrobe grow feels really great. I'm in a momentary state of euphoria until the guilt of spending so much settles in.

>> No.7884083
File: 304 KB, 670x400, 13-013_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>broke last little e string, no money
>last little e string
>e string

>> No.7884092

>don't care about being considered ~weird~ for wearing lolita/jfash
>mental health improves subsequently
>normalfag friends start showing romantic interest
>too socially retarded for this shit

>> No.7884116

You probably should have gone with the meds.It's not like they're a lifetime sentence, and they'll probably help with those last two points

>> No.7884134

I'm pretty sure you just try to befriend the wrong people

>> No.7884160

>that feel when I always feel too hard for the feel threads

>> No.7884242

>tfw you will never pull off ungodly amounts of poof this well

>> No.7884269

New thread: >>7884268

>> No.7884353

I repeat, you're a fucking retard.

>> No.7886012

>bitching about tumblr reposts
>not retarded
Pick one k