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7860105 No.7860105 [Reply] [Original]

Larpthread post-apo edition: We talk about a given subject for the first 10-15 post and after that we talk about whatever the fuck we want because that is just how we roll.

>> No.7860183
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Not much for the post-apoc myself, but i'll bump with fantasy.

>> No.7860195

I have no clue where you'd even be able to do a Post-Apocalyptic LARP outside of the American Southwest.

>> No.7860200

New York, apparently.

>> No.7860205
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Eastern europe

Autumn in Quebec if you add scrap everywhere and if its muddy...

#justquebecproblems :When your country is too beutiful tu have realistic post apo

>> No.7860226


I live in Florida. I suppose if you're lucky you can find a swamp, but we don't have the creepy Louisiana types of swamps.

Maybe an abandoned downtown area? Idk, I'd be worried about shit falling on my head though.

>> No.7860239
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Yeah, but you have the misfortune of being overrun by Quebecois!

>creepy Louisiana types of swamps.

Whats that supposed to mean? :(

>> No.7860241

h-hey, is anyone here part of the Tampa community? The ones that meet up at USF on Saturdays? I saw some larpers this weekend and I wanted to come by but it seemed creepy if I just came announced. You guys looked cool and like you were having a lot of fun!

>> No.7860259
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You know what you said sound like:
''Yeah but the thing about germany is the fact that you live in a country full of germans''

Fun fact, the natives are making babies at an alarming rate in the north of all of Canada.

I'm waiting for my license to go hunt some so they do not all die of starvation.

Post-Apo Larp made me realise that its a lot easier to be a bad person and a lot funnier too.

>> No.7860272

wow, you genuinely disgust me.

>> No.7860278
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>I'm still waiting for that fanfiction about all of us namefag living together

That is both an intriguing and scary idea.

Quebec too beautiful? I don't know what you mean.


>> No.7860283
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But, hey, that's the downside of comedy. You're always taking shots from folks who just don't get the joke

>> No.7860290
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Does anyone have any thoughts or opinions on Alliance Larp here in the US? Specifically MN's chapter.

>> No.7860421
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Having read fan fiction about myself, I can say it is rather scary.

Mixed reviews in general, but like anything, give it a look-see yourself.

>> No.7860535

Hey Gropey, you in VA right?

>> No.7860548
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I am genuinely sick of this, as people send it to me every damn week. Its been known for years, and I even have a contractor's permit to actually go in legally, as we have done filming there.

These pics are from when a photographer went back in March 2013. I have pictures as old a 2009.

>> No.7860592

Ah, sorry man, I literally just had it linked to me. Get the same kinda repetitive thing with my job so I'm sorry to do it to you. I imagine its a pretty neat place though? Always kind of dreamed of buying one of the abandoned storybook parks near my hometown and just living in there, probably in about the same kind of condition.

>> No.7860631
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Its cool, you didn't know.

And I have been playing fancy to buying it if I ever win the lottery. I buy a lotto ticket once a month out of tradition, and if I do ever win, i'll buy it, repair it, and rent it for renfaires, SCA/LARP/living history events, weddings, filming etc.

And i'd totally live in the keep overlooking the lake.

>> No.7860657

Its a pretty dang sweet keep man. You're lucky you at least get a pass to explore it. I can usually bullshit my way into getting into places back home because I worked for the local museum and could claim to be doing research/preservation/archaeology/whatever I pull out of my ass.

I dunno man I just really wanna be a Scooby Doo villain with my own abandoned amusement park.

>> No.7860667
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and he could have had it all if it wasnt for that damn kids!

>> No.7860692

Also I tried to talk my museum curator into letting me host a LARP there once as its a Victorian mansion with four floors plus grounds but I'm pretty sure she thought it was a weird sex party thing. Also made the mistake of using the word "steampunk" and now she tries to call things steampunk every time there are teenagers around.
>I am the youngest employee by 21 years

>> No.7860718
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to be fair, most larp usually end up into weird sex party

>> No.7860863
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abandoned soviet barracks/missile silos/training grounds, etc

>> No.7860867

>Fun fact, the natives are making babies at an alarming rate in the north of all of Canada.
>I'm waiting for my license to go hunt some so they do not all die of starvation.
you want to hunt natives?

>> No.7860950

Yes, because we all live in Eastern Europoorland.

>> No.7860954

no it doesn't

>> No.7860956

I'm pretty sure there's missile silos in US as well.

>> No.7860988


Western Europoor here. We have plenty of all those except missile silos

>> No.7861001

well... your loss.
But I'm pretty sure there are a fuckton places that could be used for things like this

>> No.7861326

>I'm still waiting for that fanfiction about all of us namefag living together

I think it would be glorious.

>> No.7861398
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meanwhile I have pictures from the con I was at the weekend. Sadly the larp we brought for the first day wasn't a huge success, but wasn't a failure either. All in all there were a bunch of people who enjoyed it, the rest was indifferent

>> No.7861643


alright so im getting a longsword made for dag, a real fancy one, but heres the issue. i dont know how long i should have it. i was thinking about 53 inches. yet i am 5'8. so im not quite sure this fits. so how long should i have this longsword? if i do 53 inches though the blade will be 38" long and the rest will be the hilt.

>> No.7861650

If you put the tip of the sword to the ground next to you the pommel should be the height around of your hip-armpit. That's the interval which could be called a longsword if by that you mean a hand and a half sword.
But the precise length in that interval is entirely up to you, whatever feels most comfortable to you really

>> No.7861715

I used to live in NJ and we got shit tons of abandoned industrial buildings, hospitals, asylums, prisons, a few wildlife and amusement parks, and at least one old Nike missile silo in the woods. It might take some time and a bit of money to get someone to let you use a site but I've definitely taken part in some perfectly legal explorations and even Halloween haunts in those areas. I think the only one I've ever really been 100% banned from entering even with a guide was one particular asylum and thats because there is a functioning modern one built next to it that uses some of the lands, and they are afraid it would aggravate some patients.

>> No.7862039
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>> No.7862120

Assuming the head is pre-made, how do you make the pole for a halberd? In particular, how to make sure the foam stays attached?

>> No.7862130

Quebecois people are the brazilians and sand niggers of north america, all other canadians hate them, and neither the french or the british would ever associate with them. Cockroaches.

>> No.7862143
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you'll have to try harder than that mon ami

>> No.7862552
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I only hate the ones that are douchebags, -1/10 try harder

>> No.7862559
File: 685 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20140906_233832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bamboo for the pole.
and if you are talking about the calimacil head , just put construction glue inside the hole.

be warned.
if your pole break (and it will someday, it doesnt happen often but somebody falling on your spear and breaking it is a possibility)
you will also lose your head if you do that unless you find a way to repair. it all depend of how it break

pic unrelated: #justbiconigths

>> No.7862790
File: 89 KB, 720x960, 10377473_711610722254895_1510768193874725309_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the halberd on that pic has a pre made calimacil head
As frenedian said you can use bamboo if you don't want something that will last.

Personally I more like wood shafts in my polearms. Although last time when people borrowed my halberd they somehow managed to break the 28mm thick beech shaft.
So now it's a 32 mm thick ashwood.

About the actual putting together it greatly depends on the core of the head. I have latex headed halberds too and their core is just a fiberglass rod, I just simply drilled a big enough hole to put it inn, a little extra hockey tape at the base of the head around the carbonfiber rod (as there will be the most pressure on it against the wood when used) plus a lot of epoxy glue, then a little more hockey tape around it and the padding on the shat, then more hockey tape around the whole shaft and then you can put a wood pattern wallpapaer thing on it (and more hockey tape at the points where you will place your hand most of the time if you want to)

Calimacil heads are a little different because they doesn't have a circular rod but a wide rectangle one. So instead of drilling a hole, I cut it in half the top end of the pole for the length of the core and at the end I did another cut in the wood so I can pic out one of the halfs. (I hope you can understand it, if not I can maybe draw or something)
Then a little grinding on the picked out half and the other part too so the core will fit into it, put in the core and the other half and then a fuckton of epoxy glue, then even more epoxy glue then waaay more epoxy glue. Then a little wood glue and hockey tape. Then it's the same as with the latex head.

>> No.7862879
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>> No.7862897

yeah dont use bamboo..

get something called a bandeshoppe pole. there 8ft long and strong as fuck. i havent seen one break yet.


>> No.7862900
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Fire damaged buildings
Abandoned industrial plants
Junk yards
Buildings that are partially demolished

>> No.7862905

aren't they too flexible?

>> No.7862922

u cheekibreeki cunt

>> No.7862931
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bandanna is illegal in chernarus

>> No.7863485
File: 47 KB, 720x477, 312312_463917803662247_331614953_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>go to a trifth shop
>only 20dolla' in ma pocket
>buy a leather coat to distress for post-apo larp
>coat is already pretty vintage looking
>coat is comfy as fuck
>coat become my new comfy coat
>now i have to find another coat to distress because this one is too good looking

Cheap costume ideas for a post-apo bikerlooking char?

Pic unrelated

>> No.7863709

bandshop? no, not at all. way less flexible than bamboo at 8ft aswell. we even use them for glaves, which cant bend past 45 degrees.

>> No.7863933

denim jacket with tin can segmentum lorica on one shoulder is what i want to try if i can ever find a denim jacket at an op shop

>> No.7863953
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I did that to a cheap coat.

not as good as expected but meh... it will do

>> No.7863960
File: 78 KB, 960x643, sucrebleu6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but yeah. i'm gonna use license plate to make shoulder armors.

We found around a hundred license plate in a box that my dad owned in the basement...we still wonder why he had that much license plate.

>> No.7865297

How the hell do you keep from breaking each others necks?

>> No.7865576
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Helmet, gorget, padding
Not permiting some type of weapons...

It's safer than it looks
Just think about how Football player run into each other all the time, they are protected

>> No.7865827

lol that guy looks fucking miserable.

>> No.7865831
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You know, its actually a lot harder to break a person's neck than you'd think. Pic related.

The only weapons we don't permit are flails. Problem we ran into is that with our game, we can find a happy medium between "can actually feel it" and "lethal".

>> No.7865978
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He's one of the guy who helped me become so good with a spear, he's an awesome spearman and he spent all the figth in the water doint pikework

the picture is taken after the battle where he just said...FUCK IT and took a full mudbath.

You can also see archers trying to find arrows.
to this day we still find arrows and stuff stuck in the earth that was once deep deep mud .

Its almost modern day archeology huhuh

also..i'm still waiting for pictures from the campaign we did at the begining of september...once i get that you'll see some realy neat stuff.

I'll also try to take pic at the post-apo, but its pretty hard to be ooc at this place it's so intense and you have no occasion to not be in char...i love that.

>> No.7866280

What poundage bow do most people use? Is it better to make my own or use an already made bow?

>> No.7866289

>Just think about how Football player run into each other all the time, they are protected
You know that 30% of American Football players are affected by brain injuries and mental trauma, right?
Even if you've got a helmet and padding on, what's in your head gets sloshed around in ways it shouldn't.

>> No.7866348

yeah but they are wearing less protective but lighter stuff

usually it's somewhere between 20 and 35, depends on what the specific game allows

>> No.7866486
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To tell the truth i do not know a lot about American football (real world football too i do not know a lot except that they go crazy for it)

But as much as i am not a sportsfan... i still know all the rules of Hockey... you can't take out the Quebecois i guess...

But really the stuff they are wearing is ligther and less made for protection against hits from an object than a strong shove.
The biggest danger in armor is hurting yourself when you fall.
It's when most of the injuries happen.

Also , do not underestimate the power of padding to absorb the impact under the metal.

>> No.7866506

Unrelated since i just lurk, but what I love about LARP is no matter how fucking weird you look, you can tend to look the part.

>> No.7866567

comes with years of experience mostly. At first nobody is good at that part.

also slightly unrelated:
Is there anyone who would do a little image wizardy and put words around a heraldry thingy?

>> No.7866678

yeah as a football player myself its pretty true. we have tons of guys out for injurys each week, that being said, larp is much safer.

>> No.7867035
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Plus, i'd add that not all people who figth are Huge McFuckingfuckers who can destroy your ass just by ramming you like a big football player do

The thing is, i realised that the more battle-oriented the larp is, the bigger the dudes are.

At bico some of the dude are huge as fuck
Pic related: me with a unkept beard who is 1m78 (5'10 for that small part of the world) and looking like a midget in front of bigger dudes

>> No.7867070

the bigger they are the harder they fall. really though dag atleast which is entirely fight oriented has people from all likes. and really its no big deal if your super tall because you present a larger target to a spearmen etc etc.

>> No.7867508
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Fuck tall people. They make me have to work (im 5'11").

I don't know why, but in the SCA, its seems like if you're over 6'4", you are require to be a gifted, left handed fighter. Its not fucking fair.

But then again, there are many folks smaller than me that fight just fine too. Pic related.

>> No.7867520
File: 166 KB, 960x640, Me and Llyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Still... Damn tall people...

>> No.7867968

Kinda wanted to LARP a Lich or an evil wizard but I'm trying to think of ways to "cast magic" without it being lame.

So far all I can think of is just getting a couple of friends to dress as zombies/skeletons/ghouls as a necromatic army I summon.

The other thing I can think of is trying to do that Chris Angel trick with the ball floating in the air but this time on fire.

I couldn't throw it but I bet it'd look intimidating.

Anyways, any help or ideas?

>> No.7868349
File: 37 KB, 600x799, jorvik1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Go with smaller project at first so if it fails it doesnt fail too hard
- use accesories to complete your suit
- use complementary color (yeah ...you heard me rigth) not just black on your costume
- do not be mad if religious zealot want to destroy you, its their game just like yours is to play a necromancer
- do not assume that something is intimidating, do it, try it and if it does, dont overdo it
- be fabulous as fuck, be original, be the necromancer who smile and laugh. necromancy is a tool and you are the master.

And last but thats hardmode
- Maybe be a religious zealot who is secretly a necromancer for the greater good
The one that work in the shadows so the believers can live in the ligth

Call crusades to deceit your followers into thinking they are figthing for your god but in reality are offering blood sacrifice to a dark power.

Be an avatar of Vengance and hate hidden under the cloak of benevolence and sacrifice.

But then again, i prefer original villains so just go your own way about that.
Pic somewhat related, me at 16 who play a necromancer

>> No.7868550


what kind of tent do you use for bico?

>> No.7868716
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i've slept in some tents and building, but there is nothing i find more comfy than my own non-decorum tent.

but i've slept inside buildings and that pretty neat when its humid but it's also full of people.

I've slept in a decorum tent and that was a terrible experience because the spot we chosen was terrible.

and i've ''slept'' in some decorum tent that were better placed and it was not really humid, a bunch of hay will absorb humidity to a certain degree.

When you are unlucky and you get really cold temperature...you better hope to have enough covers to endure the nigth.

Pro-tip , never sleep in the lowtown

>> No.7868822

i dont understand what makes any larp not in the US look so much better than US larps. its like some kind of bullshit magic

>> No.7868826


>> No.7868849
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I do not understand either.
aren't you supposed to be the masters of showbusiness?

But then again... in North-america there is Quebec where you can find a lot of quality larp...why in this exact place of all america ?

I'd say it's in our culture.
Here when something seem strange, people want to try it. (it may also explain why the fetish scene is so mainstream in Montreal)

In the states and canada i realised that larping is often seen as something really dorky or just plain evil.
just look at all the media portrayals of larping and how bad it make us look

So probably that people dont want to be too much into it , by fear of being judged.

And in the European countries and Quebec , it's just seen as a fun hobby.

Other thing i'd say ...you sadly do not have really old buildings and that may play a role, i mean, if i take a walk near the St-laurent at maybe 20 minute from my house there is one of the oldest building in north america and i find that nice...but then when you go to europe and you look at the castles...it's amazing, it's a visit to Provins in Champagne that gave me reasons to go back to medieval larping as a crusader

Pic related

>> No.7868859

i think your right on alot of that expecialy the way larp is portrayed. but i think the biggest part, is >>7868826

i mean check this video out. this was a event in florida. you can see how much lack of effort there is


>> No.7868861

it has a lot of reasons and you can't point out just one thing as the sole reason but if you really have to it1s effort (although that's not entirely one reason as it has several factors on itself)

but lack of old buildings? that's bullshit. There are a fuckton of larps that exist without any old buildings around.

But you are right on the fear to be judged part. In the US as far as I can see everyone who puts a lot of effort into his or her hobby is shunned. So people don't do it.
But again, in reality it's a VERY complex thing with a fuckton of small and big reasons. One could even write a book about it

>> No.7869299

Love being 6'3" over here. There's nothing like having your opponent switch to a two hander because he can't get close enough to hit you with sword and board.

>> No.7869322

In Germany for example, and the community is constantly growing.

>> No.7869608

are there airsoft based postapoc larps in germany? Most of the postapoc larps there I now are nerf based.
If no, is this because of the strict laws?

>> No.7869619

They all use painted Nerf guns. Airsoft weapons are "legal" but not for public events or walking around on the streets.

>> No.7869664
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Incomparable realism. Locals are even likely to join in!

>> No.7869673

My suggestion: Think less like a gamer, and more like a performer.

*: Hide an MP3 voice/memo recorder with a layered combination of whispers. Play it JUST loud enough to hear if you listen carefully, while you cast spells.

*Blood capsules. Spells to tear the dead from their blessed sleep are anathema to life, and your own body will rebel against you as you speak the cursed words. The thought of having something so damning come out of your mouth that it causes your gums to bleed and lips to crack really strikes a cord with me.

*This is the time of year for self propelled crawling body parts. In five minutes, I found several price ranges, qualities and abilities. Thebasic ones move in a straight line, some are motion and sound activated... even remote control hands. http://www.bestdealcostumes.com/crawling-hand-monster.html is my favorite for price/function/look comparison.

*Get a cheapish RC copter and rock the ghost/wraith familiar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tB8D2QZ9lA4


>can't get close enough to hit you with sword and board.
What are they, retarded? A good shieldman should be able to run down almost anyone to get into A range.

>> No.7869674
File: 199 KB, 912x632, fatev33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that they refurbish nerf weapons, seen few good pics from Fate.
Also talked with a few guys at Drachenfest who told me how most larp firearms just don't fly in germany because of the laws

>> No.7869691

This is what nightmares are made of.

>> No.7869731
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I recently made some post apoc bracers :3
Posting links because its easier than spamming pics here

>> No.7869763
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and heres another one.

>> No.7870433

Ooh, I like. Had been considering getting a pair of your gauntlets done in this fashion over the winter period.

>> No.7870491
File: 182 KB, 1024x681, alcemy workshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any good pics of fantasy style alchemist labs at events?

>> No.7870518

There are old factories, barracks and airbases everywhere. I knew people who airsofted ten minutes from downtown.

>> No.7870757

I'd put up a picture of my (rudamentary) apocalypse gear, but some fuckwit stole a picture of me to ask a stupid question, and I'm worried people will recognize the mask and helmet.

>> No.7870776
File: 1.20 MB, 2820x1880, 14867824792_19bd5b87d3_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that would be a problem because... ?

alchemist labs and gardens

I still think if you put a few gears on it and call it steampunk a lot of idiots would buy it for twice the money

>> No.7870796
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>> No.7870797
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>> No.7870798
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>> No.7870800
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>> No.7870804
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>> No.7870805

He put up a post asking how to meet traps on this board, using a photo from a (long deleted) surivalist board post, and I really don't want to be associated with that.

>> No.7870807
File: 66 KB, 800x533, _MG_7452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think people would care?

>> No.7870813
File: 1.39 MB, 2820x1880, 14888024363_e97a631e31_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7870817
File: 264 KB, 503x667, Sucrebleubonbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way how can i meet traps here?

We dont care man, if you only knew how worse we are on /tg/.
Nobody will judge even if it was you.

Also i know how to meet traps i just have to put a cage with a stick and a Lady gaga CD under it and pull the cord on the stick and after that i have a free boypussy.

>> No.7870821

I did, but now I get a feeling to the contrary. Now I'm just wondering if it's a faux pas to get dressed up in my gear to just self post from my room on the larp thread.

>> No.7870825
File: 2.12 MB, 3264x2448, DSC03586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We dont care man, if you only knew how worse we are on /tg/.
surely you jest

>> No.7870828
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>> No.7870831
File: 989 KB, 1600x1200, 20140730-P7300116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, worst case people joke a few times about it and the next time they will forget it. If you don't make a fuss about it there is no reason to care about it

>implying it's bad
Also you and gropey are the ones who constantly doing the sex related jokes and not so much jokes

>> No.7870842
File: 137 KB, 666x1000, 1317663702347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7870845 [DELETED] 

Hm this reminds me. I still have to buy some of those fire coloring packets and make nice pouches for it. Would make a nice "shaman powder" item

>> No.7870847

This reminds me:
I still need to buy some of those fire coloring packets and make nice looking small pouches for it.
Would make a nice "shaman powder" ittem

>> No.7870860
File: 110 KB, 960x643, 935946_10151456336003269_1772763368_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7870864
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>> No.7870879
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>> No.7870890
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>> No.7870902
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>> No.7870928
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>> No.7870949
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>> No.7870958

I like whay you post

>> No.7870985
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>> No.7871104

MNfag here, the community is great but the rules are typical birdseed packet lightning bolt amerilarp

>> No.7871354
File: 148 KB, 1136x852, myshop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow thanks in return have a pic of my current lab.

>> No.7871370


Currently working on a license plate pauldron for a post-apo

Talk about a boring saturday.

>> No.7871385

I would make the sex. A lot of the sex.

>> No.7871468
File: 811 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20141012_004100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go . not finished but you get the idea.

>> No.7871740
File: 212 KB, 900x578, 1380558263192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, although I already had it

>> No.7872097

Mad Max was filmed in Australia.

>> No.7872654

Gorgeous. Please say there is sauce and more.

>> No.7873090

muh fukin longsword is being built. so excited.

>> No.7873568
File: 197 KB, 682x1024, BroDude.ru-17.10.2012.261[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as far as I know it's from the postapoc larp in Germany called FATE

>> No.7874250
File: 45 KB, 604x403, 10570435_10203613636676064_6474642918954084898_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey boiiiii

>> No.7874252
File: 44 KB, 604x403, 10672298_10203613637756091_7372970055222028580_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I SAID hey boiiii

>> No.7874579
File: 122 KB, 2048x1502, 10714201_372240852939341_5994978690867649477_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7874606

Paging mr. gropey. You here?

>> No.7874920

Danke. Confirmed and insanely jealous.
For anyone else interested in source and more.

>> No.7875292
File: 1.16 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_20141013_234707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finaly did my gun

Why doesnt my paint stay on the handle "cloth" ?

>> No.7875294
File: 1.23 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_20141013_234831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a holster i had .

gun fit in the holster ...only nerf able to do that , #bliss

>> No.7875377

What do you need him for? Ask us.

>> No.7875408


Yep , little known fact is that us namefags are in reality just the same guy with a split personality

but that is a season 4 spoiler of .
" Larpfags Bachelors " .

The worse comedy show of all time

>> No.7875557

>The worse comedy show of all time
>implying it's not a tragicomedy

>> No.7875587
File: 85 KB, 800x598, Linothorax006a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would something like this be sufficient enough armor for a larp?

>> No.7875591

Of course I mean for chest armor not including greaves and a helmet

>> No.7875593

yes but then again there is no minimum required armor on larps.
Only minimum requirement in quality but even that is not everywhere

>> No.7875596

Oh okay. I want to make this armor as it is very simple to make, store and put on.

>> No.7875603

those are qualities in an armor that are usually far behind on the priority list

>> No.7875605

Well I'm relatively new to all this larping stuff, I went to one little event with my friend to check it out and it was fun. What qualities should I be looking for?

>> No.7875610

protection (although I admit this is tricky for a larp, and differs from the IRL approach), comfortable, affordable and of course how good it looks.
how easy to make is not THAT important because you just have to make it once or you just buy it. Storing is not important because it will take up place no matter what you do, and if you don't have enough space to store an armor you have bigger problems. The putting on thing is kind of comes from being comfortable but not always the same. Plus you rather be in a comfortable armor that needs to be put on with help than in an uncomfortable one that you can put on yourself.

Alternatively you can put "how authentic it is" on the priority list somewhere but that's just an option for larps, not a must have

>> No.7875617

Well that armor is comfortable(I have worn my friends before). It is east to put on by yourself, and it does give a large amount of protection to the body(except the arms). I plan on using a shield with it to protect my right arm and the top of my thighs. Then I will have greaves for the shins and knees and a helmet for my head. It would only cost around 45 for the material, however much for the glue, and I don't plan on putting on scales just yet.

>> No.7875687
File: 147 KB, 1200x975, ScaledHelmets2_2013-10-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to try to make it as close as possible to this.

>> No.7875777


depends on the game really. but ive seen plenty of greek personas with that armor. so you could totaly use it. there might be a minimum thickness on the leather though.

>> No.7875778

ehhhhh no. dont use faux leather, and dont use glue. eeeehhhh cringe.

get actual leather and stitch all the pieces together with sinew, rivet the scales on.

>> No.7875785
File: 838 KB, 3600x1800, AIA.Poster.LowRes2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of related

>> No.7875935
File: 81 KB, 480x720, 10712776_789348247794074_3538723095736218153_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also as I mentioned earlier we were in a con a week ago and looks like we have a few people we will be able to recruit for larping, or at least hope so

>> No.7876107
File: 77 KB, 480x720, 10557317_929418907087528_363445226216877133_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7876142

wait...Ass-creed is a legit larp costume to use? I sorta want to try this out now, its my guilty pleasure.

>> No.7876144

the pic was taken on a con and I hope we can recruit her but apart from that, yes there are games where it would be a legit costume. Why wouldn't be?

>> No.7876973

No i'm going to use linen or actually material like linen. Gluing them works really well actually.

>> No.7876994

But I will stitch the shoulder pieces on. The scales I will leave for a later date and the ones I've seen have all been sown on, although to match the pottery piece I might rivet them.

>> No.7877046

Imagine an assassins creed larp with Templars versus assassins. That would be quite interesting. There is a lot of potential for that

>> No.7877603

I would be so down for something like that. How would it be executed though?

>> No.7877869

you would need a fuckton of people who doesn't play or at least playing neutral people.
But there is a game I mentioned a few times around here called Izgon could be seen as something similar.
Also I heard that in dorms and such there are assassination games

>> No.7877942
File: 35 KB, 604x403, 10646641_10203625708577854_8348199033314513259_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like he said.

Without a bunch of non-player , the assassin would just like a bunch of dude in fancy suits running around.

At a con 2 years ago i was a templar and got ''killed'' by 5 different dudes (including a fatty ginger who did it 3 times) i had to take him by the shoulder and explain to him how ''cosplay is not conscent'' and that he needed to stop that because it stopped being funny after the second time , especialy that he was doing it while i was talking to people about craft and stuff.

But at bico there is a event during the week called
''Nigth of the long knife''
it's a assassin tournament, i never did it but this year we let one of our allies in the roms use a nun costume to disguise himself, he won the tournament.

>> No.7877946
File: 40 KB, 604x398, 1800334_10203625722578204_1106966420435080340_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


''And now for my next act...The Aristocrats!''

>> No.7877949

>At a con 2 years ago i was a templar and got ''killed'' by 5 different dudes (including a fatty ginger who did it 3 times) i had to take him by the shoulder and explain to him how ''cosplay is not conscent'' and that he needed to stop that because it stopped being funny after the second time , especialy that he was doing it while i was talking to people about craft and stuff.

a year ago I went to a con and there was a group of templars and one assassin who made a little game that the templars were walking around and the assassin assassinated (the assassin and the templars were from one group and they trained together for this) them and left a feather. The con-goers could grab the feather and later exchange it for presents.
It was fun and more or less worked with a few faults but the fun stuff was when I talked with one of the templars and I had a kind of similar cape to them. Then the assassin come and tries to assassinate me as he thought I was one of the templars, crept up to me and tried to slit my throat. He was kind of surprised when he realized I have a gorget and I wasn't exactly participating in the takedown attempt. After that laughs were had and I still think it was funny

>> No.7877954
File: 55 KB, 604x403, 1601156_10203625735898537_8834116579571449024_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, if it was part of something i would have find it fun.

But getting a plastic dagger in my back while i speak about period shoes with an artisan , is kinda shitty.

Do not touch me unless given permission.

Also pic unrelated, the first combat between me and my best friend (The Purple Knigth) while we were both wearing Gambhelmet gambeson+Helmet, instead of armor
First time that happen in 4 years.

I was a bastard i poked his legs like a big dirty bitch

>> No.7877967
File: 87 KB, 720x960, 10300122_815942655101982_4310307001710766000_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truth to be told there was another con where I made fun of a lot of assassins as I crept up and followed them for minutes without them noticing me, while I posed in a comical "I will stab you in the next few seconds" pose. While in armor.
Most of them doesn't even noticed when others pointed at me and told them to turn around, because when they turned around I had enough time to move to the side. Hodds are giving a cool factor to you but seriously blocks your peripheral vision

>> No.7877968

This is why you do hema, it lets you deal with tall wankers.

The man of noble stature may hath the vantage, but you can still give him a good whack if you know what you're doing.

>> No.7878084

you doesn't even have to be a better fighter to defeat someone, just be better at planning or something.
Someone is better at fighting? get armor or a weapon with a longer reach.
Still better? get magic if there is something like that in the system
Still better? Get some friends and surround him
Or stab him in the back
Or poison him.
Or pay him to fight for you
Or other kinds of manipulation
There are a number of options to solve a problem in every larp

>> No.7878549

im not sure how you even want to do this then. are you making it out of linen? whats going on?

>> No.7878554

what's the problem with linen?

>> No.7878560

the fact he wants to make armor out of it, at least thats what im picking up on. he could mean something completely different. im not actually sure. but either way, gluing linen together to make something is a bad idea.

>> No.7878562

... are you serious?

>> No.7878563

if what im reading is correct yes.

>> No.7878567


>> No.7878568

well ill be fuckin damned.

>> No.7878569

you do know that there were a fuckton of textile armors mostly made out of linen and similar stuff?
Especially the linothorax.
look at this picture for example >>7875785
but if you want I can post a fuckton of textile armors too from later periods

>> No.7878573

see i was picturing a bunch of leather scales hot glued onto a shirt of linen with leather shoulders.

>> No.7878581

nope i had no idea. i knew of modern textile based armor. and i knew of gambesons and some quilted armor. but i had no idea they made armor like that, mainly though because i was picturing a linen shirt with shit glued to it.

>> No.7878597
File: 1.30 MB, 3872x2592, Zeke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well gambesons acetons and similar stuff were the most popular ones but mostly those weren't "satnd alone" versions, as in they were used with otrher armors as padding.
Then there were padded jacks which were even used as stand alone armor, basically like a gambeson but with way more layers and more padding. (although sometimes they put this outside of a plate armor)
And there were a lot of other stuff. with all different names, but basically it's from the fact that enough layers of linen or other strong textile can withstand small or even larger cuts and stabbing too

>> No.7878607

also look at this cutting test too

>> No.7878654
File: 37 KB, 604x403, 10628152_10203629796240043_7204274269978765876_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New hot pics, lewdness in sights

>> No.7878661
File: 47 KB, 604x402, 10150757_10203629801160166_5513645340929388678_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now what hare you gon' do !?

>> No.7878663
File: 133 KB, 720x960, 10626533_730274027021627_2798669048518710304_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7878672
File: 42 KB, 604x403, 10689903_10203629800640153_7395655925506270890_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious Dick

>> No.7878751

i think ive seen a total of 0 i repeat zero, serious pictures of you.

>> No.7878757
File: 37 KB, 604x403, 10406426_10203629800800157_2344603453256245299_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to think of it...

I'll try to find one.

>> No.7878758

and by serious i mean you smiling at the camera in a way where it looks like you arent trying to eyefuck the viewer, or a random person.

>> No.7878765

I'm pretty sure there are pictures where he is smiling and tries to eyefuck very specific persons who are not the viewer

>> No.7878772
File: 33 KB, 604x403, 10659153_10203625707457826_3050128997400774693_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that wont work then rigth?

>> No.7878781
File: 41 KB, 308x314, Seriousfrenadian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most serious and non-''iwanagentlycaressyourass'' i can get in the larp pictures i have

>> No.7878789

nah, that's too fake or you are too stoned. Doesn't count

>> No.7878802

hahaha thats great. its alright bud, we support you and all your eye rape ways.

>> No.7878803
File: 74 KB, 960x640, 10599415_671613729591285_4890640121273472569_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasnt stone or fake, i was in love
Wich is kinda same as being fake

This, i am serious on this...it only took me 100 or more pic to find one...oh god

>> No.7878827
File: 143 KB, 800x401, 414999176_b7Sdo-L-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wasnt stone or fake, i was in love
>Wich is kinda same as being fake
it's fake AND being stoned at the same time. So it's double fake

>> No.7878828

ehh that was me

also in that pic you look like "what the fuck am I doing with my life"

>> No.7878829

hahahahah over 100?? thats fucking great.

>> No.7878856
File: 74 KB, 960x638, 10384451_10202796969899905_4119357377778943731_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to tell the truth, this pic was taken during a very particular nigth

T'was the Purple knigth nigth out, when our heroic purple knigth decided to try cocaine with one of his Gaul friend. The poor Frenadian had to find him before he did anything to heavy, at the same time Ze nun 3 , was drunk as fuck and sick somewhere. all that while the Imperial Princess was waiting for him outside while trying to flee from her legions of adoring fan. Frenadian had to hide her under his cape so he could bring her away from them, it would not be long until they found out that our white caped crusader brougth her in the Iron Fist's manor and all that would be in vain.

During that time, the purple knigth was threatening to ''LET'S FUCKING LIT BICOLLINE ON FIRE FUCK SHIT!''

And at the same time , the player behind Frenadian (wait...isnt frenadian the player...) was falling in love with a Larp wiminz, something he promised himself to never do again.

Pic related: The purple knigth and his totem animal

>> No.7878858

Ze Nun 3? This intrigues me.

>> No.7878869
File: 147 KB, 393x594, 20140308012216-6e95c70e-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


-There was Ze nun 1
-Ze nun 2 is this little blondinette pic related all muddy
-Ze nun 3 is my rl best friend who wanted to come party with us and now have a nicely done costume
- Also there is the honorary nuns

Like the guy disguised as a nun for the assassin game.

Sister Ursula the good Buns , The imperial Princess who baked us a pretty cake for our chapter and came disguises as a nun to offer us the cake (wich was not poisened, anyways the empire is chill with us now)

and Sister Ygraine, The bicochelaga (hochelaga is a shady part of montreal ) who is...not really a nun

>> No.7878870

There is an ancient hungarian wisdom that I will share with you now, because it seems like you need it:
"Nothing makes stronger a friendship than vomiting confetti together into a ditch"

>> No.7878886

I knew of Ze Nun 1 and 2. I now demand pictures of Ze Nun 3 because of reasons.

>> No.7878954
File: 40 KB, 461x948, 2nun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ze nun 3 would prefer that no photo be posted and i respect her choice.

Feast your eyes on genderbent templars cosplay instead

>> No.7878968

>Yep , little known fact is that us namefags are in reality just the same guy with a split personality

but that is a season 4 spoiler of .
" Larpfags Bachelors " .

This is a scary idea. Does this make me a bachelor?

Curious. Did you use wool felt for this? Did you interface it or rekindle it at all to help it keep it's shape?

I think this one looks fairly normal, although you kinda look like you're asking them to join the larp army.

Too cute, especially with the included story.

Not up to much recently been slowly working on the brown gown. Finished hand sewing the 135 inch hem so that's something. I'm hoping to go to my the tourney for shire champion.

>> No.7878971

>Did you interface it or rekindle it
Err I meant reinforce it

>> No.7878984
File: 2.23 MB, 3264x2448, DSC03242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole thing is made from 100% wool (outer layer) and 100% linen (inner layers), except for the laces but those are temporary I'm in the process of changing them.
If by keeping it's shape you mean the codpiece then it's stuffed as every codpiece.

>> No.7879007

The linen lining makes sense. That is what I was wondering about as a pure wool (particularly a felt) would attach our and lose its shape.

>If by keeping it's shape you mean the codpiece then it's stuffed as every codpiece.
Haha nope I wasn't specifically asking about your codpeice. You know the rest of your outfit is also quite nice as well.

>> No.7879011

>attach our and lose its shape.
Ugh stretch out. Clearly I need to proof read my posts.

>> No.7879017
File: 2.34 MB, 3264x2448, DSC03245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, it was made for reenacting, although it still has minor problems, and the upper arm slashes at the end were too big, but whatever, the next one will be better. Also I must get from somewhere blue wool to finish the hose...

also it's the laces that really gives it the form, otherwise it's just look like a trouser on a cow

>> No.7879020
File: 61 KB, 600x800, 10325312_10152328683018494_7529289107221945995_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After season 2 feminist complain that this show need more woman so you are introduced as a strong independant woman who is better at everything the men do.
Its this same season that Hungarian become a new actor and nobody even notice it , Ontario becomes a barman and buy a irish pub and everybody now goes there all the time, because the watchers decided that we needed a new set for season 3

Also i AM asking them to join.

Also ... i've never read a really good story with an happy ending.

>> No.7879031

>Its this same season that Hungarian become a new actor and nobody even notice it
it's funny because probably that's what would actually happen

>> No.7879061

>After season 2 feminist complain that this show need more woman so you are introduced as a strong independant woman who is better at
everything the men do.
Ha! I think esh-esh would be a better canadate for this then me. I'm afraid that might leave me with the "manic pixie dream girl" role though ick.

>Ontario becomes a barman and buy a irish pub
I want to hang out with you guys at this pub.

>>Its this same season that Hungarian become a new actor and nobody even notice it
>it's funny because probably that's what would actually happen
It's already happened. So many people already think he's the portly fellow who is often in his pics

>> No.7879073
File: 80 KB, 640x960, dansledoutegambicasque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixie? You have short hair?
You'll be the one who fall in love with all our ennemies and we have to invite them at home
Hilarity ensues

There is also that one time when 2 beutiful woman want to see me in 2 different character the same nigth and i have to meet them at the same restaurant without the other knowing

Hilarity ensues

There is also this episode that Gropey dress up as a woman for... no reason in particular and nobody question why.

>> No.7879094

>I think esh-esh would be a better canadate for this then me
Naw I pass, thank you~
Dont want to enrage certain cheeto covered parts of /tg/ even more :P

In other news: Working on more alchemist costume pieces... Nothing new, though :/
The eternal crux of either earning money, or making new things... Dont even have the time to make a halloween costume for myself

>> No.7879095

Meep forgot name.

>> No.7879097
File: 107 KB, 960x779, 10590635_1473184589597651_3722200523672700680_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The audio commentary of each episode is just the producer sobbing and saying he's sorry.

Also..isn't esh-esh a dude?

>> No.7879167
File: 47 KB, 720x960, 10720925_10152450773373494_1220648930_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, out of context...but in context of the thread

BEHOLD! , my post apo costume, the quality of the phone is shit and there is not enough ligth but HEY , do with what you have.

>> No.7879171
File: 86 KB, 960x720, 10736229_10152450774498494_1304418882_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic of the finished gun

Houuu, it's the first time in 10 years that i make a costume myself without buying from someone else...i'm excited

>> No.7879222

Love the pauldron

>> No.7879256
File: 400 KB, 1536x2048, epaule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A pic with better ligths , and not finished

>> No.7879950

>You'll be the one who fall in love with all our ennemies and we have to invite them at home
>Hilarity ensues
And then in one episode we suddenly found then killed, with a dagger in their back and everybody is panicking except me who is calmly drinking tea and playing on the computer... and it turns out I killed them because no one told me not to
You can't believe how many times stuff like that happened to me at larps...

pretty sure she is a woman

>> No.7879999

Those creepy eyes....

>> No.7880041

>The eternal crux of either earning money, or making new things... Dont even have the time to make a halloween costume for myself
I'm pretty sure you have enough stuff to dress up as something on Halloween.
Or at least you should have enough stuff.
and it's Halloween so you don't need a perfect costume either. Plus now you live in a country where there is actually Halloween

>> No.7880049
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we then all go to prison , but then we wake up and it was all a dream.

Also i was not aware of esh-esh vagina, i always assume that there is no wiminz on the internet.

>creepy eyes.

>> No.7880055
File: 143 KB, 960x540, sírásó_bt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we then all go to prison , but then we wake up and it was all a dream.
I must share you another ancient hungarian wisdom my friend: "No body, no trial"
Alternatively we can call the Gravedigger Ltd.

>> No.7881011
File: 2.11 MB, 2448x3264, DSC03680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump with exclusive, never seen picture from larpfags bachelors

>> No.7881040
File: 43 KB, 540x720, 527110_10151127882939448_955313077_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Larpfags Bachelors : Season 2 episode 7
''Hungarian lose his horses keys''

Larpfags Bachelors : Season 3 Episode 4
''The mystery of the jewish nun and the stolen painting''

>> No.7881048

didn't lost it. Never had.
Plus when we traveled like this to the con and back we actually made a small fan group among the metro station's ticket inspectros

>> No.7881054
File: 536 KB, 2048x1536, 10714011_689548854464173_8092077237893526283_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture of the 40k Rogue Trader LARP I was at a few weeks ago. We had spotted the bunch of corrupted Harlequins the Solitaire was asking us to go kill. Big mix of costume quality levels as most players are fairly new to field LARPing. I'm in the brown getup. Got the basics sorted but need for 40k themed gubbins to make it work

>> No.7881057
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but back to being not serious: I see a certain kind of promise in a show like this. I mean there are a lot of possibilities. Maybe we should kidnap a drawfag or something for stuff like this. Or bribe one. Whatever

>> No.7881073
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>> No.7881076

what are the moon runes saying?

>> No.7881082


They are all around us
And they are more than 50 000


Monday 8pm

Historia Channel
Station bonavanture in Da metro huhu

>> No.7881094

was it for a tv show or something?

>> No.7881102

Awww, that's really cute.

>> No.7881111


It is currently running.
It gave a new perspective for many people about what us , strange medieval people do

The episode next week will show the Grand battle of Bicolline, ill post a link if i can

Also, i'm excited as fuck for my next post-apo, after one game only i already managed to get a crew of followers. Dis gun' be good

Fuck everything and kill everyone, then put them in fire.


Become more dangerous than the zombies themselves

>> No.7881118

first fan draw I ever received from a girl

>> No.7881129
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>> No.7881137
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that's not cute

>> No.7881144
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>> No.7881147
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>> No.7881150
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So do i...

>> No.7881159
File: 120 KB, 625x540, wrong_kingdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are not even close to it

>> No.7881160

>Paper mache

You seriously couldn't get a real spear? It's not like you need a license for that kind of thing

Cortez is spit roasting in hell atm

>> No.7881162

... the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.7881165

Cardboard, it came off of your cheap ass costume faggot

>> No.7881170

okay first of: that's not cardboard, it's foam coated in latex, as it is standard in most larps
secondly: that's not a spear, it's a halberd
thirdly: cortez has nothing to do with it. If you try to imply something about the armor then you are off by nearly half a century

>> No.7881186

Splitting hairs now, either way the fakeness in that piece is evident and tacky

I'm sure the head of that weapon could be had with little effort. I just found one right now for as little as $49 USD on ebay

There's another for $95 btw, no excuse

>> No.7881195

... and?

>> No.7881196

It's not supposed to be a steel head. Its meant for use against other people. You don't want to use a metal head and kill someone.

>> No.7881208

It's meant to play games? Well okay, play your little games. Still there are those who spar/fight with real ancient weapons in an actual sport that's much less ridiculous, it's called fencing

Sometimes they'll give you a gold medal for it

>> No.7881212

Olympic fencing is not realistic in the slightest as they don't even use close to realistic weapons. No groups out there spar with ancient metal blades but HEMA uses blunted steel for medieval and renaissance fighting.

>> No.7881213

... and? I seriously don't get your point

>> No.7881221
File: 48 KB, 481x720, 574566_10151496185413428_627195038_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice dear

>> No.7881232

>modern materials for shields
>no hitting the shins

I'm not saying that there are no groups that practice with ancient shaped rattan weapons but that there are none that use metal such as a dull iron kopis

>> No.7881241

you are not even trying now...

>> No.7881245

That is pretty cool, I've seen some video's on it
It's impressive and legitimate, especially when learning to use a dagger for instance

>> No.7881281

It's not completely accurate yet its pretty good and there is nothing else to turn to anyways. You're just nitpicking.

>> No.7881433

Hey guys. Sup?

>> No.7881441
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We are co-writing the best/worst comedy show of all time

>> No.7881451


>> No.7881476

Conversation has mostly been either Roman armor, frenadians post-apo larp, a tv show featuring the name fags, or the always fun topic " you guys are pussies because you don't use live steel ".

>> No.7881481

I still think we should get a drawfag for this and make a short comic about it just to get the idea how successfull would it be

>> No.7881484

I've never larped before so
I want to ask some questions.

What materials are shields and swords made of?
Are any made of wood?

Is the armor used actually practical armor or just what looks good?

How much would I need to spend when starting?

How accurate is the idea of neckbeards larping?

>> No.7881488

>Roman armor
Better when the Italians reimagined it in the 15thC.

>frenadians post-apo larp
In a future where poutine is no more...

>a tv show featuring the name fags
Canceled after half a season, but becomes a cult hit.

>the always fun topic " you guys are pussies because you don't use live steel"
...Except I do, and its just another way of playing.

What niche do I fill in the show?

>What materials are shields and swords made of?
>Are any made of wood?
Depends on the game. Some allow wood, metal, plastic, latex, some require the above covered in foam, etc.

>Is the armor used actually practical armor or just what looks good?
Depends on the game.

>How much would I need to spend when starting?
Depends on the game. The more effort and/or money you put in, the better you can develop you kit

>How accurate is the idea of neckbeards larping?
Depends on the game. Some games are tragedies. Some are epic.

>> No.7881499
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>" you guys are pussies because you don't use live steel ".
I never undesrtood the logical leap that because I don't carry swords with me all the time I never use them either

>What materials are shields and swords made of?
>Are any made of wood?
depends from game to game, but yeah, there are shields that made out of wood and swords that has a wooden core but swords always have some kind of padding, on it usually foam

>Is the armor used actually practical armor or just what looks good?
again, depends. Some people use practical armor, some just things that looks good, some use things that are not practical and doesn't look good either. Hard to talk about it in general becasue there are so many different games and rules and systems

>How much would I need to spend when starting?
depends what you want to play

>How accurate is the idea of neckbeards larping?
there are neckberds who are larping and sometimes you can find people who are true to the stereotypes. But they are far from the average as far as I can tell. Experiences may vary from game to game

>> No.7881502

>What niche do I fill in the show?
what do you want to fill in? We are still in the planning phase

>> No.7881512
File: 297 KB, 1600x1200, Photo3117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot the part where we talked about the fabric cock...like we strangely always do

i wish i had talent for that

>What materials are shields and swords made of?
It depends, mostly latex or injected foam, it is preferable to get a already made weapon to start since it's harder and harder to make with all the new regulation to prevent injuries

>Are any made of wood?
shields? yes, mine is made of a layer of wood , a layer of fiberglass, and another layer of wood, the sides are evazote and the it is covered by a painted layer of linen, the sangles are leather

i obviously did not make that myself, a friend in viking reenactment did it for me.

>Is the armor used actually practical armor or just what looks good?
we all have different tougth on that, i say pratical but with a good look.
you dont want to hurt yourself just for looking good.
also, a historical suit of armor is often looking even better than the fantasy suit anyways

>How much would I need to spend when starting?
If you are lucky not a dime since people will lend you stuff just to see the sparkles in your eyes as you wear a heavy armor on the frontlines...but you are probably not living near me so i'd say ...excluding the price of the event....you can get away under 100$ , get a tunic and a nice looking belt, find a group that you like, figth a little with them, if you decide to get a better costume, go with it , nothing is more fun than getting ''the new part'' so dont buy everything too fast, half my stuff is used from people who did that mistake.

>How accurate is the idea of neckbeards larping?
i dont really get it... you mean the idea that huge neckbeard make that their power fantasies?...depend of the larp, i found that the more battle oriented the larp, the more people are good guys in real life.

pic related, the inside of my shield

>> No.7881515
File: 453 KB, 1007x667, templarbomb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>frenadians post-apo larp
In a future where poutine is no more...
Please...never say such things again

anyways...it's not like a poutine could start a nuclear war....Wait...oh...OOOOOooOOoooh

>What niche do I fill in the show?
i'd say the excentric

>> No.7881519
File: 2.35 MB, 2448x3264, DSC03306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you forgot the part where we talked about the fabric cock...like we strangely always do
It's not always about the fabric one

>> No.7881520

Thanks thats good to know.
Okay well I was just thinking some game that is often posted like these. The kind often portrayed in film and the like.

Well I've checked around my area and there are no games so am I screwed?

>> No.7881523

>The kind often portrayed in film and the like.
The kind of games that are portrayed in films are GREATLY inaccurate. I can't remember any film that comes even close to portray a larp accurately. No, not even the Wild Hunt.
Maybe the Darkon documentary is the closest but Darkon is a battle game that US people tend to call larp for one reason or another and it's not even the good kind of battle game.

(Although Lloyd the Conqueror is a fun movie because it doesn't take itself seriously and dripping of sarcasm)

>> No.7881530
File: 38 KB, 720x480, 1185822_494176417335018_1270500457_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Larping is often protrayed as a really bad thing in movies.

The only ''serious'' movie about larping is...well...kinda even worse than making fun of larp
Enjoy Quebecois depressing cinema!

>Well I've checked around my area and there are no games so am I screwed?
what is your area?

>> No.7881532

also if it came up here is a very good short video about larps
although it's not about the fantasy kind of fighting larps but the small chamber larps, regardless, a really good video (you have to turn on the captions)

>> No.7881536
File: 347 KB, 460x720, chasse au faucon loyal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also chek this
I love to show it huhu

>> No.7881539

I live around Azusa in socal. The larps I've seen listed on sites are generally 1 hour and a half away

>> No.7881540
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anyways, off to sleep as it's already 3 am here

>> No.7881546

Well actually I found one about an hour away thats doable

>> No.7881547

Then, have yourself a great time...

One of us...one of us...GOBBLE GOBBLE one of us!

>> No.7881557

Although it says that it is combat focused and they don't have actual roleplaying and in the pictures none of them wear any armor just a tunic or something to that effect. I would assume helmets are used so that may just be pictures of them while not in combat.

>> No.7881559
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also i am watching this at the moment, i dont know what they are gonna say but if you are interested

''Imagine a vacation amongst 25 hundred of your closest friends, wich you just dont know are your closest friend yet''

Shit..i ...got something in my eye... especialy Bryan who i invited over to live at my house for some weeks after since he wanted to try to find a job in Quebec (he fell in love with our little part of the world huhu)

i guess it's worth a try, the worse that could happen is that you dont like it.

But yeah... sometimes larp is shitty, dont think its all like that

>> No.7881567

Well I'll at least check it out sometime. Although they say that they have loners so I won't need to dish out any cash right now

>> No.7881589
File: 65 KB, 720x670, 1044168_478747845544542_1628414338_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had a dude come in during a campaing against another group.

It was one of the biggest and hardest campaing we had coming.

When we saw him without any stuff...a big boffer sword...and saying.

''I came to defend Dulgaron''

We had no choice...we outfited him in heavy armor and his smile was so fun to watch

Pic related, we did not have any tabard really so we gave him the finger guntlet tabard huhu, he fougth bravely and followed my lead all day.

>> No.7881606

From what I've seen you larpers are very welcoming and friendly compared to other groups and clubs. They said they generally use calimacil weapons, are these the go to brand as I have seen them mentioned a lot before?

>> No.7881644
File: 77 KB, 720x478, 72842_10200942202771886_1687922846_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Calimacil is often used and is kinda like... the best bang for your buck.

I personaly do not like them that much but it's mostly because i had the chance to use Nemesis weapons and now everything feel shitty in comparaison.
Still , calimacil weapon are quality

i never tryed a mitryl sword but i hear they are pretty good for the low price.

what i use as a sword now is a 10 year old Damoclès sword, the dude dont make them anymore.

and moslty my spear.

Try to find larping forums or facebook group and look for trade and low-priced second-hand items , it will give you a good costume for a low price

As for the friendlyness, i'd say yes, larpers are a ''small'' community but since we all have one thing in common, it help give us a thing to bound over.

Also the guys that Brian (the bearded guy) is talking about in the video , the dudes that got him at the airport and offered him a place to stay and food, was me and my old roomate, we were like...DUDE THIS GUY COME FROM OREGON JUST TO COME AT BICO! let's give him a incredible time!

The year after he came back with 30 people from around the world and his group were all awesome people.

>> No.7881689

Wow I really hope I can get started soon. Is there a large meet up for larping like the SCA has the pennsic war?

>> No.7881746

I have some experience sparring so hopefully I can find a sword similar to my sparring sword. Spear would be interesting to try though. Do larps generally have periods that a person is confined to or do most groups allow a roman and a crusader to be in the same game? Generally speaking is this the norm?

>> No.7881762
File: 110 KB, 552x828, 10478558_667219643364027_159485208788651309_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Period is not that much of an issue.
it always depend of the larp in question.

At bico you can have Gaul allied with crusaders while figthing against lansquenets.

Usually , the more historical looking group tend to keep a level of decorum.

Like the True Faith is a the biggest religion with a crusader theme, so people are gonna be more dressed for this period.

As long as your suit look nice, people have nothing to say.

>> No.7881771

Thanks for all the information. Do most of you larpers make your own armor.

>> No.7881775

What is larping in NZ like?

>> No.7881819

found that just now


Who is this marvelous spearman at 5min10 with the black sock on is spear who is doing all that killing?

I remember exactly this moment, when i called the charge they fell like dominoes...poor guys fougth bravely i respect them huhu

>> No.7882060
File: 3.62 MB, 1260x2424, Tw2_full_Vernon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to do a Vernon Roche type get-up for my LARP. Though, im having trouble tracking down a few things. Anyone know where I can find an overcoat similar to what he is wearing? And also need a gambeson that is knee-length. Kinda harder to find than I thought.

>> No.7882063

does anyone have any pics of this???

>> No.7882362

depends as always. There are larpshops that sell questionable (read: shit) quality armors and a lot of people use those, but that's the plate department. Leather can be bought too but more people try to make it and same with chainmail.
It's really depends on what you want, and sometimes you have to go to an actual blacksmith to make something for you if you want quality or something that's not a mass produced stuff. Armor is not always something that you can make at home

you should look at 15-16th century stuff, although it's little on the fantasy side what he wears, but not much. Search for "waffenrock" then you find similar stuff but this is a little different and as I see somewhere between a waffenrock and a padded jack. Which means it's probably several layers of strong textile quilted down along the vertical lines on the torso part, and probably at least three layers on the skirt part

>> No.7882971

Ill be on the voyage north next year! i shall fight with yee!

also speaking of calimacil i wish i could use those. i spent over 100 on a boffer and its just a high quality longsword that looks like a penis and isnt complete yet

>> No.7882976

right dude. im having lolita make mine for me. except the bottom is dagged.

>> No.7882986

$100 on a boffer? What the actual fuck?

>> No.7883086
File: 92 KB, 552x829, 10491187_667426413343350_81939551064079558_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we migth need picture of that boffer because...100$

>Ill be on the voyage north next year! i shall fight with yee!
We have such sigths to show youUUUuuuUUu!

they are pretty nice people, next year i suppose that the conflict will be between the Empire and the Kingdom of Andorre.

i suppose the ordo cervi (the voyage north guild) will probably join the empire side since they are under the Rule of King Rattan , king of the southern land (That haldorf fougth for many time in support) who offered them land last year, and that King Rattan is an ally of Haldorf.

Haldorf was invaded by Andorre last year and we kicked andorre butt in the wargame and on the field , but during the trashtalking from andorre, the empire came to back us up and declared war to andorre, they came too late to support us in time (troops movement take time between season) but the intention was there , and now the bound between Haldorf and Empire is pretty strong .

So i'm pretty sure at 95% that we will figth together.

The other 5% is if the grand battle engagement is not between those two and another thing that is not of our interest and you just chose the side that pay the most and we wont really care since its not a conflict that concern us.

But it rarely happen.

>> No.7883166
File: 196 KB, 768x576, Lichtenauer-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im actualy kind of hoping for 50-50, as it would be fun to fight you either way. one spearmen against another. and yeah man deffinitly ill post a pic when its finished. I have it being made by two artisans. the first one made the blade. which is 53" total, on volara foam with a 1/2' square fibreglass core. and a 33" blade. the handle will be typical longsword (pic related) with leather furniture and plastadipped pommel and guard.

>> No.7883240

>I have it being made by two artisans.
I see no way that this carefully laid out plan could go wrong

>> No.7883427
File: 311 KB, 1102x1469, 15th-century-gown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isn't for me to decide, is it?

>Please...never say such things again


>i'd say the excentric
Arn't we all though?

Big events like pennsic should NEVER be your first events. You just are not set up with kit well enough to do it comfortably, and there is a lot going on.

As we say in the SCA: "Pennsic isn't the best of the SCA, just the most of it". This goes for other games too. Baby steps, anon.

Well, the big problem and the reason you're having trouble finding it, is because its a mishmash of several centuries worth of stuff, with a heavy lean to 15th (with teh exception of the long chain shirt). It also looks as thought the over coat IS the quilted gambeson to my eyes.

It looks like someone had a vauge idea of a 15thC men's gown, but didn't quite have the mechanics of the clothing figured out. Pic related.

Also those elbow cops are full retard. What the fuck is with the huge, thick straps?

>> No.7883434

>That isn't for me to decide, is it?
It could be

>> No.7883443
File: 70 KB, 640x960, 10728586_735920963123600_1122669060_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also boys and girls, don't forget we are hitting auto-sage in three more posts

>> No.7883453
File: 35 KB, 464x587, Breastplate from a cuirass, Italy, late 16th century, Steel, ivory, forged, carved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not like this thread didn't have a good run though.

Shall we continue on /tg/?

>> No.7883521
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If i am to spend a friday nigth inside, migth as well spend it with lovely Larpfags

Also, i never tougth Johny Cash could become appropriate Larp Music... i'm begining to like post apo a lot...

>> No.7883610


So I'm this guy from yesterday. I was just looking at larp stuff online and found this $30 (with shipping) gladius. Should I buy it to just get a feel for how larp swords work?

>> No.7883665

Just get Calimacil stuff, as we usually recommend. They're ugly, but they're well weighted, thrust safe and nigh indestructible. Anything cheaper tends to be whippy, fragile, or lethal, anything more expensive is worth its weight in gold. It also helps calimacil stuff is accepted most larps, some brands and ranges get banned depending on the larp.

>> No.7883712

Well calimacil stuff is pretty expensive and I'm not sure if I really like this style of sword so I wanna test the gladius type out on something cheap before I spend $130 on something I don't like if you get my meaning. I read reviews on it and they said it handles pretty nicely. Although I probably should just save a little and buy something nice that will last me.

>> No.7883737
File: 71 KB, 720x480, 1234914_506273509458642_1679124732_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at the same time for the price...
I say try it, and review it once you tested it.

Because 20$ for a sword...it's worth a try i say.

We should probably start a new thread tho

>> No.7883741

Even if it sucks I could just be a roman for Halloween since I don't have a costume anyways.

>> No.7883820

thats so dank..

and nah, i trust both of them. the way i see it, its a combined masterpiece with the visuals of each artist. plus the one doesnt do plastadip

>> No.7883925

>Better when the Italians reimagined it in the 15thC.
I've agreed with you on a lot of things in the past, but you're full of shit here.

>> No.7884033
File: 143 KB, 1017x1024, Tony Capwell In Modo Antiquo Heroric close up 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If "dank" means awesome, yes. Its a 16thC take on In Modo Antiquo- "In manner of the ancients" where they designed modern armour that was stylized in an ancient fashion.

The fuck you say to me, bitch? If I wanted your opinion, i'd take my gilded codpiece out of your mouth.

15thC "In Modo Antiquo" Harness is where its at. Pic related.

>> No.7884034
File: 107 KB, 480x720, In Modo Antiquo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7884035
File: 65 KB, 448x604, 1342071069047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And don't forget, the Corinthian Barbuta owes its very existance to the In Modo Antiqup fashion!

>> No.7884079

>We should probably start a new thread tho

>> No.7884171

>be the guy that invented the phrase
>see this finally in real form
brings a tear to my eye

>> No.7884183
File: 317 KB, 1211x1642, 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years ago, I told you that I will steal your idea

>> No.7884184
File: 2.29 MB, 1920x1280, DSC01991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus it went to Drachenfest this year

>> No.7884193

I orefer 'adopt'

>> No.7884195

are we going to argue about semantics or about more important things, like cocks and swallows?
Plus this thread is already in autosage

>> No.7884238

>single tear of proud
I'm a /tg'er! Ie: a pedantic asshole. I cam argue semantics until you murder me.

>> No.7884243
File: 79 KB, 309x561, stab3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

works for me

>> No.7884331
File: 340 KB, 1217x684, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classical > Renaissance

>> No.7885892

Isn't Quebec part of Canada? How different is it culturally? Canada has a reputation for being friends - at least friendlier than America - is that true of Quebec?

>> No.7886229

whats the best way to successfully teach a weak noob to fight? just the basicly really. said noob isnt very strong so her blocks are weak. etc etc.

any help?