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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 481 KB, 337x522, FAIL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7859802 No.7859802 [Reply] [Original]

Last one is autosageing.

>> No.7859832
File: 221 KB, 500x375, 2dAWh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god. It BURNS!

>> No.7860601
File: 75 KB, 625x714, enhanced-30972-1402344703-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7862061
File: 8 KB, 300x200, anonymous+rolls+102+535+306+_2113efc7cc9b1dcc15161a12a7311a95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with her face?

>> No.7862067

Was she even trying? really? I have seen so many elza's recently, all as shit as the last but this takes the biscuit.

Dat wig.
Dat blue
Dat derp..

>> No.7862069

>I relate to elsa because she has ice powers


>> No.7862239
File: 97 KB, 960x720, noiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7862267
File: 116 KB, 960x960, please kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7862276

She has cancer btw

>> No.7862337

Please make it stop...

>> No.7862342

> obvious boobs
> huge dick bulge
I'm so confused.

>> No.7862494
File: 54 KB, 600x900, victoria cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything this girl does.

>orders Halloween costumes
>same chola brows on every character
>bad, unstyled and poorly cared for wigs
>terrible makeup
>typical NRRDY GURL XDDDD fake bitch

>> No.7862972

I don't think the chick in OP's pic was even trying. It's one of the worst Misty cosplayers i have ever seen.

fake "nerdy" girls will be the ruin of cosplay.

>> No.7862985

these cosplays give me cancer

>> No.7863270

Dolly Parton as Elsa?

>> No.7863276
File: 221 KB, 1024x683, alfheim_s_romance_by_foxy_cosplay-d7zs6yn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god. My sides.

>> No.7863282
File: 159 KB, 1024x683, sword_art_online_ova_leafa_bikini_3_by_feywildecosplay-d7qxuav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leafa is pregnant guise.

>> No.7863309

at least they're in their natural habitat

>> No.7863327

right one is hot, nice and soft

>> No.7863343

I inwardly shudder every time people do this to their wigs.

>> No.7863365

these girls would make perfect a pochaco and sonico

>> No.7863367

Except that they would need big boobs for that. While Sonico and Pochaco are considered to be "curvy" that's only so they can have a big ass as well as big boobs.

>> No.7863517

Retard, they're talking about the picture in >>7862494 , not OP.

You couldn't be more fucking new.

>> No.7863524

Are you secretly that misty chick?

>> No.7863602

She's got early stage zombie infection, run for the hills!

>> No.7863626

Is this cosplay, or just an "inspired look"? She seems to be focusing mainly on the makeup.

I think she looks really pretty, and the fluffy hair looks nice against her skintone. Doesn't look like Elsa, but I'm not convinced it's supposed to.

>> No.7863727

They look so soft and cute and their body is all cute and soft too like a marshmallow oh god i want to hug them and i'm not even lesbian

>> No.7863738
File: 60 KB, 526x847, TTLY NAWT ELSA XDDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're some special kind of retarded or in denial.

>> No.7863747

>corrects anon for not understanding a post

Autist confirmed.

>> No.7863786

foxy pls go

>> No.7863799

I think zombification is the least of her worries. Her face appears to be melting....

>> No.7863866

yeah i guess the boobs thing is a bit of an issue but otherwise their body types are pretty perfect for those characters.

>> No.7864011
File: 135 KB, 960x943, 1412543005838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7864112

Is....is that denim?

>> No.7864137
File: 13 KB, 400x400, depressed-man-4-e1351544345377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you know you'll show up in one of these threads

>> No.7864171
File: 224 KB, 1024x1397, Tekken 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capcha: 420

>> No.7864173
File: 39 KB, 520x479, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7864202

"n-no homo"

>> No.7864240

Their cosplays aren't that great, but I wouldn't call them failures. They seem to have put a lot of work into them atleast.
That filename is what annoys me the most.

>> No.7864245

why not post your pictures before anybody else does?

>> No.7864304

The one on the right is really cute and huggable. That wig goes well with her skin tone too.

>> No.7864505
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1080, whale-san.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7864514

Maybe we'll have something nice to say once they stop flopping their titties out for mediocre erotic cosplay photography.

>> No.7865059

Super tired of the excessive makeup Noiz cosplays. I will never understand why chicks wear more makeup when crossplaying.
There are ways to get dramatic eye shapes and whatever else you need without 8000 POUNDS OF BADLY APPLIED EYELINER.

>> No.7868965
File: 51 KB, 417x625, 10557285_962280350455339_3156443666876875363_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just in Freddy Krueger has pink hair

>> No.7868975

Ugggghhhhh stop posting her!

>> No.7868986

Is that you pinkwig-chan?

>> No.7869015
File: 134 KB, 717x960, ebin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out this mememaster

>> No.7869022

Okay, who the hell are you and why do you keep posting Alice? Do you have that much of a hate boner against her? Oh hey, she's still managed to become a guest at nearly every con in our area. I guess you're just jealous.

>> No.7869024

hi alice

>> No.7869028

If you actually knew her you'd know she wouldn't ever consider going on /cgl/. So, which shitty con-goer are you?

>> No.7869034

Oh look a white knight/Alice

>> No.7869035
File: 15 KB, 500x268, 1406163300342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fat loser.

>> No.7869042

You wouldn't white knight your friend?
You wont even say who you are, I bet your stuff is lackluster in quality. Sure, Alice isn't the best construction-wise and I wont defend that, but at least she isn't a shitty person and will quickly tell you that construction isn't her forte.
Let's see some of your stuff, anon. I bet you're just wonderful.

>> No.7869043

>defending your slutty friends shit cosplay
how can you be so beta.

>> No.7869050

It's fucking cosplay, idiot. If you think that a fictional character dress up game defines a person you're fucking retarded. Grow up.

>> No.7869220

Nice samefagging

>> No.7869249

I'd hit that girl on the right so hard, she'd still be jigglin the week after.

>> No.7869256

Is it fail because the person is ugly and therefore not allowed to cosplay or is it fail because the costume is shit?

>> No.7869271


>> No.7869272

Fail because costume is shit and/or isn't made to flatter their body type.
You could be big but still cosplay a character well as long as you don't wear clothes that are too small. Just look at slutty Loki (got posted in an ita thread, could someone please provide us with that horrid creation?), it would look horrible even on a pretty, skinny girl.

>> No.7869274

sometimes both imo

>> No.7869591 [DELETED] 

Its because she peddles her "I have the tism and cosplay is the only place I fit in" sob story. What con is gonna pass up that?

>> No.7869594

Shes not going to give a shit about any of these anons anyway. I agree, shes way too nice for this site.

>> No.7869596 [DELETED] 

Really? Dick Move Anon. If you don't think her costume is good fine, but don't pick on her for that shit.

>> No.7869599 [DELETED] 

No its because she takes the time to get to know each and every one of her fans that visits her booth. Cons like friendly guests!

>> No.7869605

>someone from Panhandle comm with vendeta.
>the bs is strong here

>> No.7869606

dat hair....like a bad 50s housewife meets dollywood

>> No.7869626

Did you imply that people from the panhandle comm have zero vendeta because this particular cosplay comm is a drama fest and I'm not even apart of it.

>> No.7869645

its really not people like to start shit but its not legit dramu like you here from other seagulls

>> No.7869652
File: 71 KB, 1024x819, 1280x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce anon?

>> No.7869660

At least the makeups not shit

>> No.7869667

Which panhandle is everyone fighting about? Florida?
(there are no good cons up here to even have a good comm)

>> No.7869672 [DELETED] 

I'm guessing FL. Most of the good cons there are down south anyway. Never been to any up north.

>> No.7869683

There's no real big cons up here. Pensacola shit itself over Pensacon this year, but it was pretty awful imo. The "dealer's room" was a cramped mess at the bottom of an old arena, all the panels were all over the place and entry-level tier and the cosplays sucked.

I miss Orlando

>> No.7869698


Since these cons or so terrible and small everyone knows everyone, which leads to tons of drama. There's the whole LFTM deal, judge's giving cosplay awards to their friends, some guy shot a cop with a bb gun during a con and other weird bullshit. Also, people like to spread rumors like wildfire. There's so much that I can't even cover it all.

>> No.7869786
File: 83 KB, 640x960, 10721076_410381169147616_634592120_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7874201

holy shit that wig....

>> No.7874211

I never understand how people mess up their wigs this much

>> No.7874857


>> No.7874864

The makeup IS shit, though. The brows are chola-tastic and not Elsa's, at all. Her lips are the wrong shade of pink, there's random glitter or smudges from the brow pencil falling onto her upper lid, even if it's glitter, Elsa doesn't have club whore sparkles on her face.

I get she can't just change her race, but at least TRY to look pale. We have makeup for it. This looks like a Mexican hotel maid.

>> No.7874869

Are you secretly a retard?
Learn to read.

>> No.7874957
File: 356 KB, 399x531, 1392679742384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crooked eye liner
>bad eyebrows
>random out of place glitter
>chunks of mascara falling off onto cheek and below eyes
>brittle lashes that look like pubes or spider's legs because not using quality

>> No.7874958

Afro Elsa.
She improved the look of her eyebrows but the cosplay and makeup are still shit.

>> No.7875129
File: 36 KB, 604x550, IMG_27893068874688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7875134
File: 506 KB, 1168x657, tumblr_ndehm6VReZ1qlftb6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think this is too bad i just think the makeup needs major improving

>> No.7875148

Those ears are inaccurate as fuck

>> No.7875149

D'aww, that face is so cute. I don't care that she's chubby, she's adorable.

>> No.7875153

Because she's Asian, right?
She looks haggard and big nosed.

>> No.7875164
File: 147 KB, 900x703, Sexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah yeah, Misa cosplays are usually shit but this one is just...

>> No.7875209

Is that an urn they're holding?

>> No.7875284
File: 69 KB, 590x368, frozen-elsa-wallpaper-iphone-590x368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she has the right idea for the spangly part. So sick of seeing it done wrong. IT'S NOT FUCKING HARD! I just want to slap all the bitches that do anything but rectangle spangles.

>> No.7875576
File: 90 KB, 640x960, 1013148_414289985357198_1725045643_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I just don't know why this chick is this popular. Imo her cosplays are overall quite bad. Dat hat.

>> No.7875580

I'd say because she looks like an honest fan an not painful on the eyes for some reason. And I usually hate fatties.

>> No.7875623

Not just the makeup.. Their wig is too light and why are they using brown on all the X stitching?

>> No.7875640
File: 58 KB, 960x640, 10408748_380374805447947_1467156151252155090_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this persons makeup always scares me no matter who they cosplay

>> No.7875814

>Muh Misa cosplay.
No. You're just in that awkward teen goth faze and threw on whatever you had in your closet and a blonde wig. Misa is just one of those cosplays that needs to go away forever because there are too many bad ones.

>> No.7877201
File: 60 KB, 566x960, 10359029_1453434968229557_732422495180190727_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuglina Inverse anybody? This tub of lard is Alice Infinity's new groupie going by Yunarashi on fb. All of her shitty cosplays are laughable

>> No.7877269

*throws up in mouth a little*
Do you even bind?!

Seriously what could have made this one actually a bit decent is binding those monsters. It just doesn't look realistic with that bulge in the pants going on.

The outfit doesn't even resemble his canon outfit. It basically looks like she threw on boxers and a jean jacket and called it a day. No shirt or bra either... ugh. Just ugh.

>> No.7877282

alice has groupies? dafuq?

>> No.7877285

death from obesity

>> No.7877289

was she going for the "hipster" version of the character?

>> No.7877290

was there a version of the art/fan art/character sketches w/e i missed where Misa had satan horns?

>> No.7877292

suuurrreeeeeee hipster.....okay
>hipster cosplays
>lazy cosplays

>> No.7877295
File: 25 KB, 344x399, Kronk-Emperor-s-New-Groove-disney-villains-985110_344_399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she always has
>she gets a new one every month or so
>this months model is this apaprently

>> No.7877305

is this a joke? shit like this pisses me off, cosplayer keeps someone around to make themselves look better? fuck that. i like this girls better than the alice girls thing earlier in the thread. AT LEAST SHE TRIED ON THE HAIR AND GOT THE RIGHT COLOR

>> No.7877316
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 1977028_667379779997877_2628977641284767807_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait....I have a worse Misty.

>> No.7877318

uggghhhh that wig
>Misty has clear bangs
>too lazy to style them

>> No.7877321

ugghhhh that wig
>misty has bangs
>too lazy to style them

>> No.7877325

that staryu looks so sad
it doesnt even have a face and it looks sad to be in a picture with this

>> No.7877329

a lot of cosplayers do this, why pick on this one?

>> No.7877338 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 334x724, 319839_415375465152257_327470585_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes always sucked (heres proof)
Why she doesn't jsut give up and realize that no one likes her or her shit cosplay is a mystery.
Shes chubby but thinks shes hot stuff

>> No.7877344

What is this supposed to even be?

>> No.7877347

Anon you're sounding jealous, this one is fine.

>> No.7877351

Black Canary. Pretty obv.

>> No.7877356

She wont give up because she actually thinks she look good. She feels like a "good cosplayer" because shes won a few shitty awards. The best of which was a "Best Anime" for a shitastic AT cosplay.

>> No.7877360

More like Fat Canary. Put down the donuts at the Hall of Justice honey.

>> No.7877367

Why would I be jealous? Shes nobody to me. Shes not even popular or good.

>> No.7877370

What character is this? The makeup is....scary

>> No.7877371

shes thin and not harsh on the eyes

>> No.7877372

she looks like an old lady in the thumbnail.

>> No.7877373

Butthurt vendetta detected. The Misty was bad, but this is just grasping for straws. We're not your personal army newfag and your drama sounds boring.

>> No.7877379

>not harsh on the eyes
>u blind!

>> No.7877381
File: 42 KB, 417x625, 10526020_586342958153164_3188197142116898317_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7877382

Her and the Lina are friends. I smell drama somewhere. *sniffs*

>> No.7877384

Seen worse Ryukos

>> No.7877388
File: 72 KB, 640x960, 179400_10151567526287777_820005835_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> says she doesn't like to do cosplays out of character.
>skank Rogue

>> No.7877390

birds of a feather suck together i guess

>> No.7877391

What's with all the toronto vendetta posting recently?

>> No.7877392
File: 7 KB, 160x160, 10494858_909679852382056_8539715618875469082_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean....

>> No.7877396
File: 75 KB, 960x641, 602068_10151419767018393_2017140740_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha! she won an award with this pos.
Who the hell cosplays Monster High and scares all the little kids?
For the childrens sake please stop!

>> No.7877399

Rogue has shown skin before. Vendetta detected gtfo

>> No.7877402

everyone has their turn

>> No.7877403

is this purblind?

>> No.7877405

We already called out YOURE vendetta. You're the one who looks desperate right now, not this poor girl.

>> No.7877408

That you're was not supposed to be angry but you know whatever
Point is please stop

>> No.7877414
File: 147 KB, 640x358, Ghouliacartoon_by_pixelkitties-d6al4ni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the character she s going for. She did okay-ish. A few errors but not as bad as other stuff in this thread by a long shot.

>> No.7877416

It's like a hat...

>> No.7877417

It's a whole city of cancerous makes and personalities.

>> No.7877420

Shut the fuck up already.

>> No.7877423

Reminder that Alice is literal cancer

>> No.7877425
File: 139 KB, 570x855, o-BREAKING-BAD-WILLY-WONKA-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone has issues with a nobody cosplayer. How fucking pathetic. Whats the sauce anon? How did this no name nobody spit in your ramen? Please do tell.....

>> No.7877427

How so?

>> No.7877428

fight me, puss
i'll take your bitch's saggy ass as my reward

>> No.7877432

I'd like to see some fail cosplays, the whole Alice bullshit in the "back and forth" of her white knighting and bashing is getting stale.

>> No.7877434

Someone on the GC is butthurt. Alice, the Lina girl, and whoever the fuck this is.
Alice is genuinely nice. So what her crafting isnt perfect? She admits that!

>> No.7877437

Please leave, you migrant piece of shit.

>> No.7877439

Just shut up. No one cares who's nice or not. This is /cgl/, come back with drama or stay silent. Her craft is shit, regardless if she admits it or not it doesn't make her less worthy of this thread.

>> No.7877446

Your argument has literally been 'shut up'. Trying way too hard here.

>> No.7877453
File: 93 KB, 800x367, 800px-Luvemonkeys_Draculaura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets go retro

>> No.7877460

Ashley. Old but Gold. True Shit never dies.

>> No.7877462

Who remembers Otaku House?

>> No.7877467
File: 143 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nde0ccYL751rzl15vo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No don't let them leave without getting some sauce out of them. They know something! Whats the story anon?

Also submitted for your approval

>> No.7877470

>Otaku House cosplay contest
Ah, yes. I genuinely loved that saga. Much drama and keks. Also cum dripping fuck sponge girl.

>> No.7877472

EEKKKKK I bet Tumblr had a field day with this

>> No.7877475

I wonder if there is an archive of that? For posterity's sake.

>> No.7877476

This has to be a joke

>> No.7877480

Welp this just won the shitcake!

>> No.7877485

I thought this thread was just meh but this....good bad post anon

>> No.7877487

is the hair a wig or yarn? it legit looks like a bad halloween store number

>> No.7877510


>> No.7877515

is that the chick from the article that tumblr is all crazy ass over?

>> No.7877520 [DELETED] 


Sick and tired of fucking gooks thinking its ok for gooks to be fucked up due to your diseased gook numbers.

FFS she's an ugly gook land whale, the other else is much more accurate. Because why you say? BECAUSE ELSE WAS NOT A FUCKING UGLY LAND WHALE GOOK TO BEGIN WITH.

Seriously gooks, please kill yourself.

>> No.7877547

Ahhh yes good old fashioned family racism

>> No.7877577

That's not a Staryu. It's a Jigglypuff as seen from above.

>> No.7877581
File: 155 KB, 1440x960, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she calls this her "Sexy Jack Frost"

>> No.7877582
File: 20 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_mx53w3f5rZ1rnaa1i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7877739
File: 357 KB, 412x541, Screen Shot 2014-10-15 at 12.59.03 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the same fucking non-styled ciel wig

>> No.7877750


>> No.7877766


i thought she had no legs for a minute

>> No.7877770

wow you kind of sound like a cunt.
I've seen way worse Monster High cosplays. Like luvmonkies. She actually bothered to do bodypaint, it's not smeared all over either, her wig has high lights, her shirt is a little off, but not horrible. Her glasses are at least jeweled. She could use a necklace but it's seriously not horrible.

>> No.7877842

I would be in this thread if I was foolishly confident. I know what I've made is shit.

>> No.7877908

We're generally forgiving if you admit it's crap. So long as you don't have vendettas it's not much of a shitstorm anymore thanks to le janitors.

>> No.7877939

People like you are usually not the issue.

>> No.7877955

Staryu never has a face, retard

>> No.7877958

She isn't even chubby. She's average. She might not be the best cosplayer but your vendetta is showing and it's not cute.

>> No.7877973

can you just not read or

>> No.7878031


Dam bitch is rocking Margelia 3 straps. shoes are dope af and run 1k. bitch is styling as fuck.

>> No.7878041

ITT: Fat losers make fun of other fat losers for being fat losers.

>> No.7878189
File: 131 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7878198
File: 98 KB, 960x720, 10639643_10152302185265800_5504535479345058991_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is better

>> No.7878288
File: 152 KB, 533x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7878436
File: 1.98 MB, 360x199, 9QXry71.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7878437

Whats your beef? These look fine.

>> No.7878440
File: 222 KB, 2048x1365, 1389246585640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of terrible staryus..

>> No.7878451
File: 57 KB, 638x960, 284352_280159142092549_1202918377_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad sonic is bad
>at least try to do something with the wig....shit

>> No.7878458

>Tfw phone messed up my comment...

I was supposed to link it back to:
"Here is how Slayers should be done!!"

>> No.7878459

Supposed to be an example of good Slayers cosplay, not bad.

>I'm retarded.

>> No.7878464
File: 197 KB, 639x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7878473
File: 30 KB, 525x350, 1901663_963562613660446_3859457213666991384_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sailor somthin or another

>> No.7878475

Vendetta Detected

>> No.7878479

seriously leave Alice alone! shes a hell of a lot sexier than you probably are anon

>> No.7878482

I was gonna say...

>> No.7878483

Take a closer look at the fraying, she didn't bother to hem.

>> No.7878490

Fuck you I love Monster High.

>> No.7878496

ahhhhh thank you for clearing that up anon I apologize.
Maybe we need a cosplay nitpicks similar to the lolitas....

>> No.7878498

Shes pretty sthu

>> No.7878501
File: 70 KB, 500x667, bbw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even that anon, but seriously? This girl looks like a pig. She even reminds me of the dumpy white girls who lived in the trailer park across the street from Wal-Mart back where I lived. Ones who would jack carts from the store and bring them home to use for other shit. And, a lot of these cosplays aren't really that good.

I get that anon probably has a vendetta going on or some shit and it's annoying to have the thread spammed, but it isn't like any of these cosplays are anything spectacular. They're about as half assed and uncreative as shit that Ivy Doomkitty's whale ass conjures up.

Contributing with pic related so this post isn't a waste.

>> No.7878505


>> No.7878506

Where does one even begin with this....

>> No.7878507
File: 319 KB, 679x1024, honeyhime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7878512

This one isn't bad. The guy needs to fix the wig so his sideburns dont show but I've seen much worse.

>> No.7878514

Probably with the random fucking bottle of Jack Daniels just chilling on the table down there, looks about halfway gone.

>> No.7878516

Okay you are reaching Chris Crocker levels here. Telling /cgl/ to leave your friend alone is just doing more harm for her than good. If you actually care about her and want discussion to die down, don't contribute.

>> No.7878517

Never cosplay drunk...bad shit happens.

>> No.7878523

This is right anon. The more you harp on it the worse it will be. Let the discussion die on its own.

>> No.7878524

Actually, it's pretty bad. The construction of the dress is terrible, if you look at the top parts of it. She needed to decide between off of the shoulder sleeves or a halter, not do both. It looks like a mess. The ombre at the bottom could have been done better. The shoes are off, she should be wearing gold. The clutch is out of place. The tiara is made from bendable, cheap wire and from a party store where you get supplies for five year old's birthday parties. The bodice of the dress itself is shapeless, thus making the girl appear fatter than she likely is. Also, that gold trim looks loosely tacked on. That wig isn't even colored correctly nor did she bother to style it. Really, the dress looks like a tablecloth and I've seen much better Cadences online.

As for the guy, the shield should be redone because it's got stains all over it and he needs to do something with his sideburns and fix that wig.

>> No.7878531

I feel a bit bad about this one whenever I see it. It looks like a private photo between her and her lover before some steamy Wonder Woman roleplay or whatever that somehow ended up online.

>> No.7878534
File: 28 KB, 480x640, fft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7878548

Also, take into consideration how thin and flimsy it looks. If someone at the con were to have stepped on the train of her dress, this thing would have come right off of her. The corner near her breast looks almost safety pinned together, which is unnerving.

>> No.7878561

Yes, this is why I ignore this photo whenever I see it. I feel to bad for her, lol.

>> No.7878764
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>> No.7878766
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>> No.7878817
File: 69 KB, 742x960, 0rap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's amazing, she's horrible racoon eyes and shit wig

>> No.7878819

..are her teeth yellow or am I just seeing shit?

>> No.7878820
File: 430 KB, 1372x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7878826

I like this one. I know my prop making skills are shit but I can tell she tried and it's not painful on the eyes. Vendetta?

>> No.7878831

It's called b8 m8.

>> No.7878900

I've seen way worse unfortunately.

>> No.7878918

Most of the world isn't as obsessed with bleaching their teeth as Americans.

>> No.7878929

Having yellow teeth is a sign of bad oral hygiene and early tooth decay.

But, alright. Anyone who likes not looking like a smoker is suddenly Murican. Shits gross.

>> No.7878979

Actually, some peoples teeth are just naturally a bit yellow. I brush my teeth 3 times a day, floss and mouth wash yet my teeth are still a little yellow. my dentist said some peoples teeth are just naturally like that, some unfortunate people have their adult teeth grow in yellow. so it might not have a thing got to do with oral hygiene.

>> No.7878986

Do you eat a lot of acidic foods..?

>> No.7878997

I don't think they should be criticized for being amateurish, but rather applauded for having the fucking sense to not wear a pony outfit made out of dishrags and toilet paper rolls.
It's basically all up from there.

>> No.7879036

Lol dafuq

>> No.7879064

Lardo and droopy eyes?

>> No.7879066

>tfw no blonde girl
steph has always had a weird fucking head shape, shame.

>> No.7879153

But with that logic, people should just not do their hair or makeup because it's not natural. I think whitening teeth is super easy and worth the trouble, the same as any other normal cosmetic routines.

>> No.7879185

The one from the article people are crawling over each other to denounce is a make up artist who actually did the make up very well. It looked natural. This ... this ... I have no fucking idea what to say about this.

>> No.7879194

How do you whiten your teeth anon? I tried those patches you put on your teeth and they hurt so bad I about cried.

>> No.7879196


>> No.7879201

Sure, but whitening isn't always smart if you have any gum recessions, your teeth are sensitive, or your enamel is worn. It's a little different than, say, moisturizing.

>> No.7879217

any tips for sensitive teeth then?

>> No.7879235

Use Sensodyne+whitening and make sure you are drinking tap water, not bottled (assuming you live in the States - tap water is fluoridated) Don't use the strips or trays if you are having extreme pain within the first 5 minutes. Paste is slower to work, but be diligent and you will see results.

>> No.7879435

isn't that the old Sac anime hotel? I miss that place

>> No.7879447

This isn't bad. Kinda creepy but that could just be the character, no? Make up coulda been shitty shingeki no nigger crap I've seen so many times.

>> No.7879468

the fraying ugh. Could've been fine had they taken the time to clean it up.

>> No.7879469

Child of Aura, nobody cares.

>> No.7879470

oh no

>> No.7879474

Nah it's still shit.

>> No.7879475

Cute swirlies on the sweater.

>> No.7879479

Why do we even bother having these threads? Its for bad cosplay and yet it always turns into a bunch of overly sensitive, ALL COCKSPLAY ARE GUD XDDDDD, Tumblerinas trying to coddle everyone even when these are blatant eyesores.

>> No.7879588



>> No.7880075

To be honest, nearly all of them are bad because the person is either ugly or just fat, mostly the fat part.

>> No.7880434
File: 27 KB, 722x480, 1925119_937945419568311_3010293026593777046_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7880837

Go lose your weeeight.

>> No.7881522


Dat Sebastianstien tho

>> No.7881528


Hot got any more?

>> No.7881529

sorry.. is she wearing a BRA under her costume ?!

>> No.7881573


>> No.7881590

Is this a picture for ants?

>> No.7881600

>dinnerfortwo photography

Looks like she ate both of the meals herself.

>> No.7881607

This looks like someone's haggard soccer mom dressed up for their child's Halloween party.

>> No.7881620

They're both really cute, at least...

>> No.7881770

probably, shes fucking gross

>> No.7882025

yeah her whole page is just her ass and herself in bikini.
She's just a man faced hambeast without photoshop thou..

>> No.7882071
File: 70 KB, 720x960, 10416611_884464114897741_5452976237576814150_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot the fail

>> No.7882094

Ew. How'd she get her wig to look that ratty and greasy?

>> No.7882099

They are both mediocre. I think you like the guy and hate the girl because you think you're more attractive or something.

>> No.7882185

That's Dolly Parton, right? That ridiculous hair volume + bedazzles everywhere

>> No.7882256

You need your eyes checked.

People like you shit up these threads. Its gross cosplay. Just because it isn't Tidus with a Funoodle doesn't mean it isn't still shit. Fuck off or assimilate.

>> No.7882276
File: 352 KB, 1024x768, 72248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That really depends on which vampire she's trying to immitate

>> No.7882898

I legit almost spit out my drink anon

>> No.7882903 [DELETED] 

Alice literally must do some new shitty costume every con she goes to. If you are gonna go to a billion cons why not make something at least halfway impressive?

>> No.7882905
File: 31 KB, 417x417, 10178021_956389644377743_4302497626006393217_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just FYI she made an accurate Sailor Moon so back off.

>> No.7882909
File: 5 KB, 245x206, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7882910

I'm guessing something from twilight

>> No.7882912

that's an aesthetic choice, unless she's cosplaying from something that has some serious hangups about fangs having to be on canines. obviously that girl either has very large front teeth or a narrow mouth and doesn't want to hold her mouth gaping wide to show off her fangs, so it doesn't really bother me. the booger in her nose bothers me.

>> No.7882913

looks like she didn't even iron her costume after fedex delivered it.

>> No.7882915
File: 94 KB, 768x960, 562873_434838359872634_1993365610_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dare to disagree anon.
Pony cosplay can be epic shit.

>> No.7882918

This isnt bad

>> No.7882923

she made it anon
she told all of her fans and even posteed progress
stop hatin becasue shes prettier than you

>> No.7882924

Why does every fuck up Rarity?

>> No.7882930

telling people you made something does not mean you did

>> No.7882935

you really arent defending your friend, just stop

>> No.7882940
File: 6 KB, 183x275, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bedsheet no Jutsu

>> No.7882942

can anyone really do this cosplay well outside of cosplay deviants though? its essentially a naked cosplay.

>> No.7882943
File: 98 KB, 960x643, 10615471_506141969518792_815466301851534122_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to portray fight scene
>other cosplayer in fight stance
>stands there like shes fucking waiting for the bus

>> No.7882946

it looks like a stretched out sock

>> No.7882952
File: 33 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lwkl4oanUb1r7nuilo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7882962

Wow, look at those beautiful tiles!

>> No.7882966

Proof positive that all the people who make "bad cosplay" 100% about being fat are full of shit

>> No.7882968

shes just standing there, like at least open up your stance and look like you are trying

>> No.7882970

using fucking peacockfeather to prove a point is bad arguing

>> No.7882972

oh i thought the fail was her booger

>> No.7882984

So many cosplayers are guilty of this. If you have a sword, gun, knife etc. LEARN HOW TO STAND AND HOLD YOUR WEAPON

>> No.7882990


>> No.7882996
File: 88 KB, 640x428, rvota_u_koshek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just threw up 7 times in my mouth.

Why do land whales all gravitate to the same characters....

>> No.7883002

Good job. One skinny bad cosplay vs the 99 other fat ones posted in the thread.

>> No.7883011
File: 633 KB, 488x650, PinkiePiecosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are actually really good.... most /mlp/ cosplayers are bloated gutter whores compared to this....

know what i'm saying?

>> No.7883022

Not really. It's just people like you who feel the need to come into these threads and white knight for cosplays that are actually shitty, as if there's any redeeming factor. If you can't see why the dress is awful, the wig is bad, how the entire outfit is cheap and looks like it's going to fall off at any moment then there's no hope for you and you probably make some pretty terrible cosplays yourself if this is your standard.

Since when did this board become such a goddamned hugbox.

>> No.7883028

Since Tumblr forgot how to go to their own damn site

>> No.7883048

+1 OMG

>> No.7883066

i dunno, i just assumed because of the cheap synthetic fabric that it came from a chinese e-shop. i'm sure she's a nice person, but this particular selfie of her costume isn't much proof of skill, which is obviously what you intended when you came back from facebook with it.
j-just FYI

>> No.7883088


>> No.7883116


>> No.7883216

ugh, right in the childhood. why is sailor moon a hooker?

>> No.7883312


Whats her page kind anon?

>> No.7883341

just search Pyon Cosplay, you'll see the bikini profile pic

>> No.7883484
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>> No.7883486
File: 774 KB, 1280x1920, img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7883489

I sure hope that wasn't supposed to be an example.

>> No.7883490

This actually isn't a horrible cosplay. Compared to the rest of the stuff in this thread its actually pretty good

>> No.7883492

This is hilarious , it looks like she's tilted forward also. my sides

>> No.7883494

>this board
Bad news, it's site wide. I'd switch to the other website I can't mention or I get flagged as spam, but their /cgl/ is just a couple lousy anons trying to get people to come there.

>> No.7883513

Can't switch to it if you don't mention it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.7883516
File: 54 KB, 500x432, tumblr_mtao84FBF41qg0145o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7883522

I'm pretty sure these are just Halloween costumes.

>> No.7883528

Not vendetta. Look at it. It's cardboard and hot glue and the star isn't even fully made. She only made the points 3D. If she dropped it it would look like a cardboard box that got left out in the rain.

>> No.7883630
File: 171 KB, 1536x1140, o-YAEBA-TEETH-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can also be because her canines could be messed up. I know i cant wear fangs normally because of that reason. Mine are positioned like in the photo making it impossible.

>> No.7883746

It looks so tumblr

>> No.7883954
File: 47 KB, 800x600, ACENSatandSun077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that filename
anyway, friend found this while looking up human!luna cosplay

>> No.7883980

yeah, people shouldnt dye their hair or use make-up. what about it?

>> No.7884831

More worrier about what is that on the top right corner, it looked like bugs at first glance

>> No.7884832


>> No.7884946
File: 79 KB, 500x903, 1405197334717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7886217

>Doing cosplay well
>Cosplay deviants

>> No.7886730

On closer inspection, the one on the right appears to have cut holes in her bodice to allow her bountiful nipple hair to spring forth.

>> No.7888096

>That filename
Facebook link?