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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7865934 No.7865934 [Reply] [Original]


But what makes these two good cons?

>> No.7865948

Brocon cares more about each and every attendee having the best possible time they can and not about the amount of people they can get to attend!

It has the best atmosphere of any con and every year the staff and committee go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure everyone is having the best possible time!

It is a nice, relaxing con and I really can say not a bad word about it!

>> No.7866384

They're both quieter cons, but I guess they have they're shit together? I don't quite know how to explain it but having been at both cons, I've never seen stressed staffers running around, or anything really run late. Maybe more relaxed people go to the cons?

>> No.7866494

Easy one to answer: Staff and committee are friendly, the events are varied enough to interest weebs, tabletop gamers, vidya enthusiasts, wargamers and every form of nerd alike, the trade hall has plenty of goodies, and the people there vary from being very easy going and laid back to at worst, slightly eccentric and kooky but devoid of the autism that has infected most of the other conventions in the country.

Cheap bar too. Brocon's a bit of a dark horse, they're a small convention but they at least work their asses off to make sure that people there have fun without any of the ego or self-backclapping that some of the other cons have.

Never have had anything other than a good time at Brocon.

>> No.7866677

>cheap bar too
At Croker? Not a hope

>> No.7867039

You wha? Brocon, mate. Not Eirta.

>> No.7867049

Good, I was confused for a second

>> No.7867416

Stressed staffers is usually a sign of understaffing.You'd be surprised how many volunteers don't show up.

Nom Con exists in its own time-zone

>> No.7867708 [DELETED] 
File: 408 KB, 545x730, thiscouldbeus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest I'm kind of done with cons for the time being. I don't watch as much anime as I used to and I don't know when I'll get back into it regularly. Even with all the drama, I kind of miss the con spirit but there's too much bullshit to put up with.

I still really want to cosplay since it's not something I ever got to do properly while passing for female. I might do it for one of the comic cons, as comics are more my speed these days.

Anyone else feeling the same way? I should be feeling good about getting away from a scene that treated me like a boogeyman but it's kind of an empty feeling too. I'll be at Kaizoku since it's local and maybe Brocon for a day for gaming, but none of the big cons and probably not really getting into the spirit of things much.

I think the main thing is just the fact that I go to cons primarily to make new friends and meet people, and I got sick of meeting people who it turns out I couldn't relate to or turned out to be all reddit and shit, and there's a lot of obnoxious anti-feminist/SJ types.

Ideally Arcade Con would be more suitable for me since it's supposedly the most "Queer" of the cons and focuses on comics and shit as well but I've seen too much bullshit from people involved.

Idk I guess like most people I Just want a place to belong or whatevs. Doing the activist shit I've been doing lately is great but I don't necessarily meet people with common interests. I hate being poor too because if I had the money to cosplay I totally would.

>> No.7868324 [DELETED] 

>To be honest I'm kind of done with cons for the time being.
Thank Christ
>I still really want to cosplay since it's not something I ever got to do properly while passing for female.
You should probably get passing for a female down first before you cosplay as one.
>Idk I guess like most people I Just want a place to belong or whatevs. Doing the activist shit I've been doing lately is great but I don't necessarily meet people with common interests. I hate being poor too because if I had the money to cosplay I totally would.
Great blog post, liked and subscribed!

>> No.7868366 [DELETED] 
File: 1.74 MB, 512x288, abandon.thread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread about the type of cons, and which are best to go to
>Clocked 23 'I's and 3 instances of queer politics in that one paragraph when politics clearly were not the topic
>>7868324 being a dick
>Pic oh so related

>> No.7868371 [DELETED] 

>activist shit I've been doing
Top cac
>implying whinging on a Laotian CGI image board and enrolling in a beauty pageant is activism

>> No.7868372 [DELETED] 

Beauty pageant for plastic paddies I meant

>> No.7868392 [DELETED] 

>being a dick
>complaining about somebody being honest on a board that has Ita, bad cosplay and comm bitching threads making up the majority of its content every day

pls. Potsy couldn't resist putting on the trip and jumping on the soapbox to shit up yet another thread, at ten to four in the morning no less.
>b-but I'm setting the standard for everyone else!

>> No.7868398 [DELETED] 


I have to say Potsy has awful, awful sleep hygiene. Angrily staring at blue light from a laptop is the worst way to put yourself to sleep.

>implying the rest of us don't

She's posting on a weekday. Come on, better sleep hygiene makes you a happier camper. That applies for all late night posters.

>> No.7868402 [DELETED] 

Being a failure usually leads to poor sleep hygiene.

>> No.7868418 [DELETED] 

I don't think she has a job. She says she's poor when she wants sympathy but then brags about being moderately successful when she wants to be a rollmodel

>> No.7868423

Eirtakon is a decent convention but there was a few hiccups last year.

They did piss a few people off with the Doctor Who Special last year. I heard something about people who were at some panel all getting turned away and some people waiting at the door for ages to see the special got screwed over with not getting in due to the people in charge of it being unorganised.

I seen some couple shouting bloody murder over it and they left the convention in a horrid mood right after.

>> No.7868429 [DELETED] 

>I'm miles above and a better person than any of you transphobic peasants who work/go to college and don't stay up until 4 in the morning to not read my insufferable blog posts on 4chan about my 'activism' and daily struggles

>> No.7868455
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You people are so precious~

>> No.7868463 [DELETED] 


Yeah, but you're fucking annoying. Stop turning everything on CGL into your own little "look at me" pity party especially in unrelated threads.

The world does not revolve around you.

>> No.7868465 [DELETED] 

>You people
Stop being racist you bigot!

>> No.7868477
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Did you ever think maybe it's you guys, and not me?

>> No.7868479 [DELETED] 

Stop victim blaming

>> No.7868485 [DELETED] 

>thread goes fine for ages
>one faggot mentions you by name
>it's made perfectly clear to that poster they should stop doing it because it always ends badly
>feel personally obliged to step in with your attention-seeking trip and go on inane rants about bollocks nobody cares about because one faggot mentioned you by name even though literally nobody else wants you here

Jay Leno in a nutshell.

>> No.7868486 [DELETED] 

I don't know, Ireland isn't a big place and it certainly doesn't have the most mentally sound people but when you're 1)even more deranged than all of them and 2)the only person all the others have an issue with, then from that at least you can deduce that it's not us, it's you who's the black sheep around here.
Bet you would like that, all us raycis whiteys oppressing you and all.

>> No.7868488
File: 24 KB, 294x352, this brew aint so baller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Idek what the social justice term is for when you constantly moan about someone and bring them up in a negative context and then attack them for making threads "about them" when they dare air their grievances with the con scene in a relatively non-combative manner.

Other than "being a massive fucking douchebag."

>> No.7868489 [DELETED] 


I am consistently amazed by your lack of introspection.

>> No.7868490 [DELETED] 

Stop devaluing my opinions! You are oppressing me

>> No.7868495 [DELETED] 

It's only a matter of time before you kill yourself anyway.

>> No.7868497 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 500x653, 9foi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come into thread
>several transphobic/transmisogynistic remarks

Seriously, naming a transwoman after a man, specifically with a large chin which is traditionally a feature a lot of transwomen feel shit about this, is transmisogynistic. Maybe this is too big a word for you to process, but you can't claim not to be when you keep fucking doing it. The only transwomen that will tell you otherwise are ones that are serious doormats trying too hard to fit in or that have a vendetta against me(which are usually the same group).

Either you get to call me Jay Leno or you get to make fun of the idea that I dare think anyone is transphobic(which btw I didn't even bring up this thread, you did).


Do you really think from an outsider perspective(and I mean outside of /cgl/) you guys look like the well adjusted, mature ones? I have news for you if you do.

>> No.7868498 [DELETED] 

>when they dare air their grievances with the con scene in a relatively non-combative manner.

You forgot the bit where you shoehorned in your trip, gender politics and 'activism' even though none of it was relevant. You weren't even mentioned in this thread beforehand and you posted with all of that stuff anyway. You're not fooling anyone you fucking eejit. Take the trip off or go away.

>> No.7868501


"I am constantly amazed by how you haven't internalised the self loathing that would be convenient for us to keep abusing you".

If any of ye were capable of looking at yourselves you wouldn't be posting this this.

Also watch as nobody calls out this:


You're about on the level of schoolyard bullies and really blatant seagull stereotypes.

There was literally nothing wrong with the post I made yet I'm being attacked with it. Talking about yourself isn't a cardinal sin even on 4chan, and I only talk about myself to try and reclaim myself from you idiots who constantly dehumanise me and use me as your SJW boogeyman.

>> No.7868504
File: 32 KB, 250x250, 1389995896369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You forgot the bit where you shoehorned in your trip, gender politics and 'activism' even though none of it was relevant.

I engage in real activism, so drop the quotes. I'm not going to explain myself to you or what i get up to in real life, since I don't have to.

Queer issues and the like are extremely important to me and my experiences of things like conventions which ultimately celebrate a largely very heternormative medium. I am allowed to have these grievances. I am allowed to gripe that there isn't a place for me in a scene I wanted to belong to.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with what I said. The fact that you hold up posts like that as justification for continued abuse even when I don't post in these threads(i.e. the last one just now) makes you look seriously fucked up and it's sad you and the rest of your circlejerk don't see that. But I'm going to keep driving the point home as long as needs be.

>> No.7868505 [DELETED] 

Doesn't work like that sweetheart. You made the claim that you take part in activism. If you can't prove it then we have every right to call it bullshit.

>> No.7868506 [DELETED] 


But seriously, you should take a break. 4chan isn't the place for you, I don't care what kind of excuse you pull for still coming on here, this site is not healthy. Hell, I've had to take a break at times because it was getting to me. You're obsessing over a fraction of a fraction of people who you honestly will probably never meet IRL. The best thing for you to do at the moment is to try to exercise some locus of control somewhere, and that place is not here.

TL;DR: take a break.

>> No.7868509 [DELETED] 

>Talking about yourself isn't a cardinal sin even on 4chan, and I only talk about myself to try and reclaim myself from you idiots who constantly dehumanise me and use me as your SJW boogeyman.

You weren't mentioned once in this thread before your post and you know full well what happens once you do. You're pissing in the wind personified. You drop in all the time to tell us how transmysoginistic we're being and how any functioning person who would look in on this from the outside wouldn't approve of our behaviour towards you.

That's nice? You can go now. Nobody cares. You're not going to change anybody's mind. You've been a lolcow on the internet for a decade and that's never going to change.

>I'm not going to explain myself to you
>unless I feel the need to draw attention to myself in a thread like this for no reason reason that to get attention, then it's alright

You're allowed to have all the grievances about how you're not accepted; nobody cares. It's not what this thread is about

>> No.7868510


No, they don't. And it's largely irrelevant to this argument. Whether or not I do does not justify using me as She who should Not be Named or generally hurling abuse at me anytime I speak out. That's wrong, full stop. If I exaggerate my own activist work, that ultimately isn't really hurting anyone.

This is sounding like a #gamergate argument now.


I rarely post here, and yes, this is victim blaming. Don't tell me to stop, tell the assholes who constantly sink to using transphobic humour while busting a nut laughing at the idea that they could possibly be transphobic.

I'm not damaged by my interactions here and I can hold my own. But what people are doing is still wrong and I'm not going to back down from that.

>> No.7868515 [DELETED] 

Stop changing the subject. Is there any tangible proof of you doing any activist work?

>If I exaggerate my own activist work,

This is sounding like back peddling now

>> No.7868516 [DELETED] 
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>I rarely post here

>> No.7868518


>You weren't mentioned once in this thread before your post and you know full well what happens once you do.

appeal to consequences, victim blaming. and i was mentioned roughly 8 times in the last thread.

It's not on me how you react to my presence in these threads. I have no control over that, and it's not my obligation to censor myself because of my abusers.

> You drop in all the time to tell us how transmysoginistic we're being

You keep dropping the fact that I look like Jay Leno amongst other things.

>how any functioning person who would look in on this from the outside wouldn't approve of our behaviour towards you.

They wouldn't. If you disagree, make a better case for it, because right now you're not making a very good one.

>That's nice? You can go now. Nobody cares.

Not caring about me or the issues I care about is not an excuse to hurl abuse at me.

>You're not going to change anybody's mind.

There is more than just me and you in this argument. Myself and others often read these threads and laugh or facepalm at them. If my ultimate goal is to make you people look bad and prove my case that there are some morally compromised fucked up individuals in the con scene, then frankly I'm doing pretty well.

>You've been a lolcow on the internet for a decade and that's never going to change.

Again, victim blaming.

>You're allowed to have all the grievances about how you're not accepted; nobody cares. It's not what this thread is about

Again, not caring is not an excuse to attack. You are not compelled to respond and you're not fighting any greater battle by attempting to silence me. Well you are, but the battle against the general voices of marginalised people in geek culture. Which sort of makes you a piece of shit, not that you'd ever admit to what you're really doing.

>> No.7868520 [DELETED] 

>appeal to consequences, victim blaming. and i was mentioned roughly 8 times in the last thread.
>in the last thread

Didn't read the rest. Go fuck yourself you attention seeking failure.

>> No.7868521


It's completely irrelevant. Out of interest, yes there is, but I'm not posting it in here. You are an abuser. I do not have to justify any part of myself to an abuser. It should not be me that's on trial here, and you seem to misunderstand that.


I'm here like a few days a month at most.

>> No.7868522


Even if I was attention seeking, the behaviour of you and others in this thread is vastly more objectionable. You have no leg to stand on. Look at your own shit instead of throwing it all on a boogeyman. That's what I've been saying from the start.

>> No.7868523 [DELETED] 

>There totally is proof but I wont post it right now.
Right so no proof, so I don't believe you

>You are an abuser
That's another harsh claim, got proof for that?

>> No.7868525 [DELETED] 

>but nobody mentioned you in this thread at all

Go home Leno

>> No.7868526 [DELETED] 

Just name and shame and leave the convention scene.

Burn the bones so there's no going back.

>> No.7868528


You have no right to demand anything from me. You are standing with people hurling transmisogynistic abuse at me, attacking me for sharing my views as a queer geek, etc.

Bullying is about attacking from a position of relative power, and at the very least you are helping enable that. Demanding I justify myself in the face of abuse that is not justified regardless is in of itself abuse.

What you did just now, is abuse. It's fucked up to demand that someone prove their case or else they deserve to have their physical appearance attacked and be generally bullied into silence. I am refusing to share any prove of my activism with you out of principle since you're missing the point entirely. If you were not a complete asshole, I would be more willing to share it with you, but as is I'd likely just be opening myself up for more abuse.

>> No.7868531 [DELETED] 

>I don't have to back up or justify any of the bollocks I spew to anybody as long as people are being mean to me

Go home Leno

>> No.7868532


That's the thing, all the anons here are cowards. At least when I trip I can take responsibility for my words. That does not of course mean I deserve the abuse I'm getting.


It isn't the point. You are an abusive fuckwit. That's what's important here. And again, I am posting about myself, as I stated, because I wish to reclaim my identity from the boogeyman you have constructed. You do not have a right to use my name, identity or image to scare or goad people. It is dehumanising.

>> No.7868533 [DELETED] 

That is a load of bullshit.
Your feigning disgust to avoid admitting that you have zero proof.

>> No.7868534


That petname is transmisogynistic abuse. I have already explained exactly why. You cannot continue to mock me for imagined transphobia when you continue to use a name that misgenders me and mocks aspects appearance I have no control over due to the fact I am transgender.

As long as any of you focus on calling me out instead of flagging this - you are complicit too.

>> No.7868535 [DELETED] 

>maybe if I piss in the wind some more on 4chan people won't find me to be an insufferable joke of a human being

Go home Leno

>> No.7868536


I'm standing up for moral principles. I'm sorry if you can't relate, since you have none.



Feel free to find all of your arguments listed here.

You are trying to bully/goad me into posting things which could potentially open both me and some of the vulnerable people I work with up to abuse. I'm not going to do that. Especially to someone who is cowardly and anonymous.

>> No.7868538 [DELETED] 

>insufferable joke of a human being


I'm merely more visible, open and honest.

>> No.7868541 [DELETED] 

You're more visibly open and honest about being a failure of a human being. I thought it was gas when one of the nicer lads in /eire/ said he'd met you before years ago by complete chance without even knowing who you were beforehand and was still horrified.

Go home Leno

>> No.7868542 [DELETED] 


I was offering you advice, not ordering you to take a break. But hey, take it as you will. I'm sorry if I offended you, but at the same time, I'm not sure how much effect you're having on these people. That's why I told you what helped me.

>> No.7868543 [DELETED] 

>I'm standing up for moral principles
No, your not. Your piss poor attitude reflects poorly on the entire LGBTQ community.

The fact that you still claim to be an activist without proof is horribly disrespectful to real volunteers.

>> No.7868544


Do you have an actual real argument here or just more abuse?

>> No.7868546


I'm capable of making my own decisions and I've decided to do this. Please respect that. If you want to help, then help me call them out, because the victim blaming mentality is really toxic. Most of these people are cowardly and only act the way they do because there is nothing really telling them not to.


Again you are literally demanding I talk about my work with *vulnerable individuals* potentially opening them up to abuse, as well as myself.

You're just throwing out more insults without explanation. How do I reflect badly? How anything? Because I talk about myself in /cgl/ threads, in an effort to reclaim my identity from people dehumanising me?

Fuck off.

It's horribly disrespectful to demand someone provide proof of work they do which was only mentioned in an *off hand comment* and not meant big up their character in any meaningful way.

Again, you are an abuser. I am under no obligation to justify ANYTHING to you and insisting otherwise is that's horrible disrespectful.

>> No.7868547 [DELETED] 

I'm not trying to argue with you, nobody is. You already proved you're full of shit and it's common knowledge that you're a laughing stock; on /cgl/, in the con scene in Ireland, in the loli comms in Ireland and on the internet at large. You have your own Encyclopedia Dramatica article about you for Christ's sake. You were even banned from boards.ie for being just as much of an insufferable cunt there as you're being right now, and that's saying something.

Did I miss anything? I don't think so.

Go home Leno

>> No.7868551 [DELETED] 

I met you at two different conventions without any prior knowledge of who you were. You came over with a retarded grin to say hello. You are fucking scary looking.

I laughed in your face on both occasions. What did you expect to me to do when a crazy tranny was almost drooling on me.

>> No.7868553 [DELETED] 


Nope. It's you.

>> No.7868556 [DELETED] 

>My work with *vulnerable individuals*
Now your claiming that you work with people one to one like a counselor or something but in an earlier thread you claimed to be unemployed.

These aren't off hand comments, you are claiming a moral high ground and bragging about being an activist.

I am not demanding anything from you I'm just saying,I think your lying!

>> No.7868559

>I'm not trying to argue with you, nobody is

Then you're just hurling abuse. Stop it.

>You already proved you're full of shit

No I haven't. If i have, demonstrate how. I've pointed out time and time again how you're full of shit but you refuse to address any of it.

>it's common knowledge that you're a laughing stock; on /cgl/,

Amongst people who in some case literally cannot make a point against me without engaging in transmisogynistic abuse.

>You have your own Encyclopedia Dramatica article about you for Christ's sake.

So do a lot of people, more often than not people who are also trans, autistic etc. Nobody even cares about ED anymore outside of con scene drama circles. ED pretty much made themselves the internet Gestapo at one point, making anyone who stood out too much fear being cut down. The fact that you use it as a moral standard is extremely telling.

Also, the effective ringleader of the people who first wrote my ED article was convinced for violating a minor. So there's that too.

>You were even banned from boards.ie for being just as much of an insufferable cunt there as you're being right now, and that's saying something.

Half of ireland has been banned from boards.ie at some stage. I was also originally banned there for protesting their lack of inclusion of trans people in their "LGB" board. Oppressors tend to use other oppressors to back their shitty moral standards.

>> No.7868561 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna rape someone at NYCC. stupid bitches need to learn a lesson.

>> No.7868562 [DELETED] 


I am already respecting that. Giving advice is not impinging on any rights that you have posting here.

I would love to join you in the crusades against these people, but honestly, I want you to get real help first. And that is helped by not going to a site infamous for abuse and catty remarks.

But hey, I can only advise, not tell you what to do. It is your decision after all.

>> No.7868563 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up. Dumb bitch. You should get raped as well. What's your address.

>> No.7868565 [DELETED] 

You need to leave 4chan. It's not a place for your kind. We are not your people, you are alone.

>> No.7868566


Cool, using transmisogyny to back your point. Again.

I don't suffer the sort of shit you're describing so I'm going to go with the fact that you made this up or are equating "awkwardly stifling and saying nothing" with "laughing in your face".


I am being attacked basically for talking about myself and my concerns a bit. Meanwhile everyone is hurling abuse at me, often revolving around the fact that I'm trans, autistic or physically unattractive.

Please explain to me how it's me?


Let me make one thing clear - I don't need to claim to be an activist to be a better person than you. You are putrid human beings and none of you have the backbone to say any of this shit to me in person. Not everyone who's an activist is a good person and some people do it out of a hobby.

And again, I DON'T HAVE TO JUSTIFY ANYTHING TO YOU. If I want to make reference to activist work and not explain myself, I'm entitled to. I don't care if you think I'm lying. I think you're an abusive fuckwit with no common sense in this matter.

>> No.7868567 [DELETED] 

Your mom was alone last night.

>> No.7868568 [DELETED] 
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>Amongst people who in some case literally cannot make a point against me without engaging in transmisogynistic abuse.

You heard it here first folks. It's impossible for anybody to dislike Leno for any other reason than the fact that he's a tranny.

You lead a fucking sad existence; your entire life revolves around being trans. Imagine you just stayed a lad, got a bit of gash when you were younger, grew up to be a functioning human being and called it a day.

There's still time, Leno. There's still time.

>> No.7868569 [DELETED] 


that's not a word.

>> No.7868574
File: 1000 KB, 250x249, tumblr_inline_mqqp7wW6Xf1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, can we go back to talking about shitty cons? Please?

>> No.7868573 [DELETED] 

I never said I was a good person, I just said you're a liar

>> No.7868576


You are denying it while literally misgendering me and mocking an aspect of my appearance that exists solely because I am this. This is transphobic. This is not hard.


Yes, it is, and not for you to decide it isn't. It's a combination of transphobia and misogyny, and I'm not going to write those words every time I want to communicate that. It's understand what I mean, so fuck off.

>> No.7868580


I have no reason to justify myself to someone who isn't a "good person" so please stop posting.


Effectively I'm denying these assholes the ability to do that as long as they keep obsessing over me. Though it's still their own fault.

>> No.7868582 [DELETED] 

Yeah I personally feel its time we started courting fully commercial cons from over seas. Dublin Con was a good start.

I could be massively bias though since I'm an old man who my work with *vulnerable individualsprefers big flashy shows to "intimate" hotel gatherings

>> No.7868584 [DELETED] 

What's the link to your ED?

Who was convicted for violating a minor?

>> No.7868585 [DELETED] 

Facts don't care about ethics sweetie

Oh and just so you know, you're not a good person either

>> No.7868587


A guy called Pachuka.


Of course, he was eventually welcomed back into the community and people were all "She probably made it up anyway". It was my first encounter with rape culture and it didn't fully register as the time as my thoughts were more 'Maybe but he's a dick anyways'.

I was literally emotionally abused online for years by a sociopathic rapist and it's kind of fucked up to think about it thanks for reminding me.

>> No.7868589 [DELETED] 

>You are denying it while literally misgendering me and mocking an aspect of my appearance that exists solely because I am this. This is transphobic. This is not hard.

I don't vehemently dislike you because you're a tranny, it's just the easiest facet of your existence to make fun of.

>nobody talked about you in this thread at all until you made it your mission to post with your trip and attention seek



Go home Leno

>> No.7868590


When I call people out, it's generally for a specific valid reason. I don't drag people through the mud for entertainment value like you do with me.

Whether or not I'm a good person I'm not sure, but I'm most certainly a better person.

>> No.7868592 [DELETED] 

What's his real name.

Details on what he supposedly done?

>> No.7868593

>I don't vehemently dislike you because you're a tranny, it's just the easiest facet of your existence to make fun of.

That's still transphobic. You are still using hate directed at someone because they are trans to attack them. This makes you a terrible human being. This is not remotely difficult to understand. If you are not transphobic, the fact that they are trans should not come into it. Preying on dysphoria, something many of us kill ourselves over, is fucked up and abusive.

The fact that people are still calling me out and not this shit is fucked up and abusive.

>> No.7868595


um that does have details?

He was in jail for a couple of years as a result and acknowledges this.


I wish people would stop judging me on my online past before actually reading up on the full story of the sort of people that were fucking around with me to generate that history.

>> No.7868596 [DELETED] 

>This makes you a terrible human being.

And I think you're a terrible human being too. The only difference is I don't piss in the wind with my trip on here attention seeking at 4 in the morning. Can you really not just fuck off? You don't have a single friend here, nobody likes you and you're never going to change anybody's opinion of you.

>> No.7868600

>The only difference is I don't piss in the wind with my trip on here attention seeking at 4 in the morning.

No, the difference is you attack a vulnerable, mentally ill transwoman and side with people using transphobic abuse in an attempt to trigger her. You've listed absolutely nothing that would constitute the label of "terrible human being" with regards myself.

If I am bothering you I do not have to leave. If it's the only power i have over my abusers I shall continue to excercise it.

>> No.7868601 [DELETED] 

Nope you're just a bully

>> No.7868603 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 400x561, 1409233924440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go home Leno

>> No.7868604

I just wanted to read a thread about nice cons, then I see this shit. ;~;

>> No.7868606


That's not what a bully is. I don't have a position of power here. I'm the underdog. There are people here intentionally trying to trigger dysphoria. There is no argument for me being the bully in this situation where several fucked up individuals are ganging up on me.

>> No.7868608

there are no nice cons

>> No.7868610 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 600x450, Jay Leno cosplaying badly as a woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourself, Why don't you start your own one?


The main event can be your ~interpretive dance~

>> No.7868616 [DELETED] 

>I'm the underdog
No your not.
You are putting elevating yourself and using it to attack others. Then you have the cheek to use vulnerable individuals as a shield.

You are a bully and a liar

>> No.7868632 [DELETED] 

Hey Potsy, what makes you think that anyone here on cgl gives a shit about what you say?

This place is the armpit of the internet, we take potshots at everything and anyone that breathes, sleeps, dreams, does anything at all whatsoever. Expecting sympathy or a reasonable ear or back-up (aren't you old enough to fight your own battles without compelling people to defend your honour) here, are you serious?

The first mistake you made was coming on here like a freight train of self-importance with your myopic viewpoints and walls of text.

The second mistake you made was expecting any of us to give a flying fuck.

>> No.7868637

Based anon.

>> No.7868659
File: 710 KB, 1280x1485, MCMExpo_ShowFloor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the drama is over can we get back on topic. How would you all feel if the con scene in Ireland went more commercial? We seem to be flooded with small hotel cons but there's still a lack of international expos.

>> No.7868661

Was Dublin MCM any use? I completely forgot about it this year.

>> No.7868665


I can't "elevate myself" to the place where I can persecute others. That's really not how it works at all. If I seem like a bit of a hero it's because you're all acting like cartoon villains.


Not of that excuses people who have been continually abusive towards me in the con scene, on and off /cgl/, especially the transphobic remarks. Attacking me in the fact of those makes you complicit with them.

If you don't give a flying fuck, then don't respond. Clearly you're very passionate about the idea of being an abuser but don't like to be called on it either.

>> No.7868666

I don't know actually I wasn't in the country . I think its a good sign that a big cons are taking an interest but the feedback I get from MCMs in the UK is that they are just overblown weeb cons (which might actually suit our local community)

>> No.7868667 [DELETED] 

.>If I seem like a bit of a hero
Nothing about you is heroic don't worry

>> No.7868669 [DELETED] 

I'm off. Hope you all meet a painful end after eventually hurling oppressive shit at the wrong person~

>> No.7868670 [DELETED] 

Sayonara Leno-kun, we love you too :3

>> No.7868673

I was at MCM Glasgow and it wasn't really like an overblown weeb-con, more like just a giant trading hall with cosplay thrown in the middle. A lot of the guests (had some old lad from Game of Thrones charging something like £15 for an autograph?) were Western, as were a lot of the stuff on sale at the booths and a lot of the cosplays.

>> No.7868678

>just a giant trading hall with cosplay
That is actually pretty smart from a business stand point. I know a fair few people in the cosplay scene who only go for that.

Any good panels at all?

>> No.7868684

We sat in on some shite panel (which was only one lad) talking about some comic I'd never heard of called Edd's World or something.

Suffered through it to wait for D.C. Douglas and Courtenay Taylor to give a panel together which was pretty entertaining, except for the fact that every second question was to do with fucking Mass Effect.

>> No.7868691

Edd's World? That's not a comic book it's a cartoon series on youtube by Tomska, he's got about 3 million subscribers. Every seen the ASDF movies?

>> No.7868692

>Edd's World
Literally the only thing I know about that comic is that the Edd it's named after died and they just kept going because money

>> No.7868695

I haven't. I thought it was some comic that got turned into a web series later on, just goes to show you how much attention I was actually paying. The clips they showed at the panel I didn't like at all.
Something I vaguely heard about too

>> No.7868759
File: 119 KB, 1920x1080, 1412949874781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else enjoying Ayylien: Isolation?

>> No.7868817

What is a con? What is it for? What do you do? People actually pay for and enjoy these things?

>> No.7868979 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 520x821, 1402862537487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all the hate for Jay Leno? The dude has an awesome car collection? And what does that have to do with Potsy anyway?

All you scumbags are probably environmentalists or some dumb shit like that.

>> No.7868993 [DELETED] 

I hope you're pretending to be an idiot

>> No.7870910


As opposed to the rest of ye who actually are?

>> No.7871179 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot. Kill yourself

>> No.7871335 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 1280x700, 87Ie2nd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah now, there's no need for that.

Let's just sit back, relax and enjoy teh conventions.

>> No.7871589
File: 37 KB, 615x409, CIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else is heading into ClaneCon this year?

I hear they want "the Oxygen audience" now

>> No.7872227 [DELETED] 


there's no need for most of the shit I guess. I swear it's like the gamergate shit where you have neckbeards with their "legitimate concerns" turning a blind eye to or outright standing shoulder to shoulder with people harassing female devs on twitter.


Why would anyone want the Oxygen audience.

>> No.7872565

It was shit. Barely anything to buy in the trade hall and nothing to do. Wrestling matches seemed like they got the most attention. They had some TV guests doing q&a and charged signings, but that was it. Cosplayers had some problems too.

>> No.7872650
File: 1.79 MB, 225x170, 1323198462910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw irish locals watching the line of nerds waiting to get inside the Hotel

>> No.7873950

Ded lads

>> No.7873960

From what I heard they actually blocked a lot of Irish sellers and artists from setting up shop there in favour of shipping in people from the UK.

>> No.7874767

Kinda makes sense really as MCM is a british con with deals and contracts with many of the UK sellers plus nobody wants to see a shop if it's easy to get to anytime. Still I remember one or two Irish sellers there.

>> No.7874771

Yeah gotta agree with you there. One of the sellers had a really sweet artbook selection and other nice things but aside from that it was very dull.

>> No.7875805


>> No.7875868

>only friend I was going to go to Eirtakon with probably won't be able to come

Dunno if I'll bother now, feels bad.

>> No.7875874
File: 137 KB, 1254x707, 1380231194509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll be your friends, dude.

>> No.7875946
File: 36 KB, 567x514, 1401033451469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to buy a ticket inside the con to go to the Miku concert on top of paying for your regular ticket

What are they like?

Sounds good m8

>> No.7875961
File: 134 KB, 600x314, michonne-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this seriously what the Irish con scene thinks of Blackface? Just wow.

>> No.7875963 [DELETED] 

Go home Leno, nobody cares

>> No.7875968 [DELETED] 

>Leno having a whinge at absolutely everybody in the comments who disagrees with him

>You can cosplay asian characters, but trying to make yourself look ethnically asian is extremely problematic

Hahahaha you're fucking pathetic, Jesus Christ.

>> No.7875982 [DELETED] 

Michone is an african american character in the both the comics and in the tv show.

If someone wants to cosplay a character as accurately as possible they should be able to regardless of their race and/or skin colour, otherwise you are basically saying that white people cannot 100% accurately cosplay black characters and vice versa!

It's not racist to want your skin tone to match the colour of the character you are cosplaying! It's a bit excessive, but not racist!

>> No.7875983 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 479x560, Bravo Potsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7875987 [DELETED] 

You saw it here first people, Potsy making racist assumptions!

>> No.7875989
File: 111 KB, 640x360, 1324573859993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? How much is the ticket inside the con?
Looks like I'll be splashing out more than I thought that weekend.

>> No.7875993 [DELETED] 


>assuming someone is a certain race because of their opinions

Do I even need to state the obvious?

>> No.7875996 [DELETED] 

Oh wow. Seriously?
Just went posty couldn't become a worse waste of a human being...

>> No.7876003


this pretty much sums the problem. it was a reasonable mistake to make given how overwhelmingly white the thread was, and it becomes a racist assumption, when it's perfectly okay to post racist and even sexist shit in that thread.

this is why i despise #notyourshield, members of minorities who desperately want to fit in get used by neckbeards to attack their general cause. the same shit happens with trans people all the time since we're even more desperate to fit in.

blackface is still seriously fucking racist and I suppose I should be glad as an SJW that I can call you guys for being racist as well as transmisogynistic as fuck.

>> No.7876005


like i'm not entirely sure if this is trolling or if you are actually all so severely fucked in the head you think i'm a terrible human being when people who continually make transphobic/misogynistic remarks about my appearance are paragons of moral justice.

what is wrong with you?

>> No.7876006


also note I apologised for making that assumption, because I can own up to my mistakes. unlike everyone here.

>> No.7876013 [DELETED] 

At least i'm not a racist like you are.

>> No.7876017 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 311x311, bd8c1119957e2d366895528b70275f2e647c6dcebae3528fde51dee1725ed704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO you fucking racist bitch!

>> No.7876022


like who?

when you're being inundated with racist apologism it's not unexpected that I can't examine each and every person's profile, but from personal experience the majority of people who say this shit are white and 95% of the people commenting on that thread are white.

and I'd never claim not to be racist because I'm white and have internalised racist values as a result of living in a white supremacist society.

you guys are seriously defending blackface and calling me racist. what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.7876026 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 482x192, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how can you think that is an appropriate way to apologise to someone to whom you made a racist assumption!

And deleting the comment in which you made the assumption only makes you look worse!

>> No.7876027 [DELETED] 

>what the fuck is wrong with you?

I could ask you the same question.

>> No.7876028 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 600x600, 1404654878918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assumes people who are black couldn't possibly be offended by it just because you think it's racist
>i-it doesn't matter, it was a fine assumption to make because there were a lot of white people!
>it's society's fault I assumed he was white!


That was some apology you fucking mongo. The only reason you even attempted to address it is because I posted that image and blew you out.


>> No.7876030 [DELETED] 

>deleted the assumption

Hahaha, oh wow. Blown out indeed!

>> No.7876046 [DELETED] 

Madam, I have never made a disparaging remark about your appearance.

There are far more terrible things in the world that a cosplayer in blackface and a few random trolls on 4chan. Never mind that the disparagement of blackface is an American cultural export more than anything. Those people have the most fucked up concept of race-relations imagineable. Only know they tie the same shite up in friendlier terms, even while locking innocent niggers up without trial for years on end. Or cops shooting niggers six times in the back for no good reason.

And I guarantee you, the fact that I used the word nigger will annoy people far more than the fact that these actual human injustices are allowed to happen by the same people who seem to get so deliberately appalled at the word Nigger.

It seems to me that, more and more these days, it's a race to the peak of offense, a deliberate effort to show how angry and offended we are and how we all feel really really bad about things - but without actually doing anything about it beyond mewling on the internet or harrassing the people who honestly don't give a fuck and would happily leave you alone if you did the same to them.

Furthermore, it doesn't solve the underlying injustices either. You don't ever ask why these things are happening. You never look at the underlying social causes. You look for the quick fix - the legislative patch that treats the symptoms rather than the disease. And so the sickness is left to fester and rot.

Kindly get over yourself. The world has bigger problems to solve than a cosplayer in blackface.

>> No.7876047 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 486x411, Only dumb white kids are capable of being racist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a thrilling existence you lead Potsy, going out of your way to be offended by something for an evening over Facebook.

Teach me your ways.

>> No.7876053 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 467x413, 1379542616953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7876054


Literally not dealing with this.


1) defending blackface and people who make all kinds of stupid remarks about racism,
2) defending/apologising for transmisogyny, people insulting/attacking/mocking a transwoman for aspects of their appearance that exist because they are transgender, and misgendering them to boot.
3) seriously using the word n*gger and trying to make some dumbass point about it. oh my god. "doesn't the world have bigger problems", yes it has bigger problems than straight white guys fee fees. and racism is one of them.

>> No.7876056 [DELETED] 

Her life must be a constant state of anger and pain. She hates everyone and most of all her self. i actually feel sorry for her, she's not really meant for the world

>> No.7876057

The irony is for mocking my SJW ways, all of you represent an extreme stereotype in of yourselves and are too amazingly stupid to see that.

>> No.7876058 [DELETED] 

As opposed to figuratively dealing with it?

Fuck off back under your rock you fucking failure.

You were thoroughly blown out.

>> No.7876059 [DELETED] 

You are a massive stereotype yourself.
Before you shit on other people for whatever problem you see fit, You should really take a hard look at your own problems.

Fix yourself before you tell others to fix themselves.

>> No.7876061


I was thoroughly blown out by someone saying n*gger and using the same old bullshit AREN'T THERE WORSE PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD KIDS STARVING IN AFRICA argument that's been put down a thousand times. I guess for people with asparagus for brains that must be amazingly fucking refreshing but for me it's the same old turd it's always been.

>> No.7876063

>You are a massive stereotype yourself.

You keep saying this. Over and over. It doesn't need to be said again. However, you are the stereotype of the anti-SJW and succumb to just about every ignorant trait associated with the Fedora/Neckbeard.

Which is far worse.

And no, it doesn't work like that. The society we live in and definitely this shitty little scene always demands people like me look at themselves and their problems. No. Look at your own shit for once, because it actually hurts and effects and excludes others.

>> No.7876064 [DELETED] 
File: 1.96 MB, 450x450, oReAZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it's accrued to you...but you do realize you are white right?

>> No.7876066 [DELETED] 


You still are not addressing the fact that you made a racist assumption about someone, gave the shittiest apology ever for it and then deleted the evidence!

>> No.7876067 [DELETED] 

Then why do you feel the need to call me a stereotype over and over again?

How come you tell people to look at themselves yet get so fucking offended when someone tells you to do the same?

The same rules apply to you. Don't tell someone to do something you refuse to do yourself.

>> No.7876068 [DELETED] 

You were thoroughly blown out by backtracking and making yourself look like a complete knob and being hammered into submission by everyone here laughing at you.

>> No.7876071 [DELETED] 

You quite simply make the world a shitter place.

>> No.7876072 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 491x284, OH WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7876074 [DELETED] 

More racist assumptions! You really are not having a good day Potsy!

>> No.7876076


Yes, but I don't claim stupid shit like blackface isn't racist. I try to educate myself. Why is this so hard to understand?

If I wasn't calling this shit out you'd be accusing me of only being able to focus on my own issues. Can't win.


You are completely delusional. A greasy Fedora type or Fedora sympathiser spouting the same shit they always do is not a blow out.

If it's an argument that appears here


(which it does)

it's not a blow out and we've heard it 10,000 times before.

>> No.7876078 [DELETED] 

I never mentioned anything about starving children in Africa. What I referred to was a well know case where a man was imprisoned without trial for 3 years for a crime he did not commit, simply because someone pointed him out and he happened to be black. Or another case, where a cosplayer was shot six times in the back because he happened to be black and carrying a replica sword. Or a man shot for carrying an air-rifle in a shop, namely ones sold in the shop that he intended to purchase.... or should I go on?

That is institutional, cultural racism. Or howabout the motherfucking Ku Klux Klan?
Getting annoyed over blackface doesn't solve this. It just makes you feel better, like you're actually doing something when in reality you're doing fuckall.
It doesn't do anything to break down barriers. It doesn't do anything to change people's attitudes. It doesn't stop people from seeing black individuals as 'different' it just changes how 'different' they see them.

>> No.7876080 [DELETED] 






>> No.7876084 [DELETED] 

Poster child for abortion. I'm sure his mam would have popped about 3 or 4 morning-afters if she knew what she was going to unleash upon the world

>> No.7876087 [DELETED] 
File: 3.51 MB, 2712x2008, Minstrel_PosterBillyVanWare_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel people still don't get this. there's a reason why "blackface" is so correlated with this type of person

>> No.7876091 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 491x216, 2 person circlejerk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it even count when it's two people?


>anybody who disagrees me is just a nasty troll who probably secretly hates me for being trans!

The one and only lad liking any of your posts is just as delusional as you are you failure.

>> No.7876140 [DELETED] 

Two cents on non-black people wearing brown paint for costumes:

It's not really the same as greying up for Homestuck, going red for Hellboy, or blue-ing yourself for Nightcrawler cosplays. There's a lot of social contention regarding race. There's a chance you could offend an actual human being. Why take the risk?
There are millions of white or white-looking characters to dress as. But even if you have your heart set on being your favourite character of colour, you don't need to paint yourself brown. Wear fake tan if you feel pastry, but if you can't communicate who you're supposed to be through clothes and styling, reconsider.

You don't see black people painting themselves beige to be white characters, so it's possible.

Sorry for the rant.

>> No.7876143

I have actually seen someone do that at an MCM...

>> No.7876151 [DELETED] 

>There's a chance you could offend an actual human being. Why take the risk?

Cry me a fucking river.

>don't do something you want to do with zero racist intentions because you might offend somebody somewhere!

If a black person wanted to paint themselves beige I wouldn't give a toss. It's been said already in this thread: trying to make your skin black for your cosplay of choice =/= blackface, i.e. a racist caricature from the 1800s.

>> No.7876152 [DELETED] 

Okay well the argument could be made that it's not as bad in reverse because white people have a better social standing overall and have been fairly immune to offensive parody in the media for a couple of hundred years. But wow, did it work?

>> No.7876155 [DELETED] 

Okay well you clearly have no problem embarrassing yourself. Good for you, friend.

>> No.7876165 [DELETED] 

Embarrassing myself doing what? I have no intention of cosplaying a black character with paint all over myself but I really don't care if somebody else wants to do it, nor am I going to work myself up into a politically correct hissy-fit and berate others who do because they could potentially offend somebody.

If you want to side with that gobshite Potsy, work away. As has already been said in the thread by somebody else, there are much more pressing, real issues that actually affect other peoples' lives greatly when it comes to racism, like those black lads in the US who were already mentioned being gunned down or incarcerated for absolutely nothing. Spending your evening whinging and making stupid assumptions about people either on here or Facebook isn't going to change shit.

>> No.7876168 [DELETED] 

>you could offend a person
>they could get in your face about it

I'd avoid that whenever I could. Not everyone is passive enough to hold in their offence until they get home to their internet.

>> No.7876170


absolutely nothing i said there is remotely untrue.

>> No.7876172

I posted a story in this thread which I doubt will get screencapped, but there is a lot of fucked up shit with regards how black girls feel about their skin colour, which makes the whole whiting up thing kind of an uncomfortable idea. It's potentially racist too, but for the opposite reason that you're thinking.

>> No.7876177


It's funny because people like you are the first to complain about "free speech" yet you use obvious goading tactics - "political correctness" like SJW is often used as a buzzphrase for shutting down arguments, along with over-sensitive, before they can even happen. And you're shaming them for "siding" with me when we're both right.

So thinking blackface is wrong makes you a terrible person, because I also think that, and I am apparently a terrible person even though I'm one of the few people here who makes an effort not to be an offensive piece of shit, and can acknowledge I fuck that up sometimes.

>> No.7876178 [DELETED] 

>I'd avoid that whenever I could. Not everyone is passive enough to hold in their offence until they get home to their internet.

Good for you? I'm sure there are plenty of people who can hold their own in real life if it comes to some eejit 'getting in your face' over something as fucking stupid and utterly irrelevant as this issue.

>> No.7876183 [DELETED] 

You seem upset.
And painting your skin brown reduces your character to their race, which could be called dehumanizing if you want to put it that way.

Dehumanization plays a key part in events such as the shootings you described. You can't really argue that because Racist Act A isn't as immediately destructive as Racist Act B, it's suddenly absolved of being racist at all.
And maybe actual black people care, maybe they don't. But it still doesn't entitle white people to wear the skin colour that causes them bother on the day-to-day as a costume. Not cool.

>> No.7876197 [DELETED] 

Just because I can hold my own doesn't mean I have time to invite fights. What are you actually like.

>> No.7876202 [DELETED] 

>And painting your skin brown reduces your character to their race, which could be called dehumanizing if you want to put it that way.

The only people who would feel it'd reduce a character only to their race are the people getting worked up to hell and back over this issue. I think it's fucking gas that the only people commenting on that story on Facebook going out of their way to be offended by that cosplay are two white people.

>Dehumanization plays a key part in events such as the shootings you described. You can't really argue that because Racist Act A isn't as immediately destructive as Racist Act B, it's suddenly absolved of being racist at all.

That's assuming I think that cosplay is racist, which I don't think it is at all.

>And maybe actual black people care, maybe they don't. But it still doesn't entitle white people to wear the skin colour that causes them bother on the day-to-day as a costume. Not cool.

Why don't we ban cosplayers from bring prop weapons with them as part of their costumes because we might trigger somebody at the con who was the victim of an armed mugging or robbery or who knows somebody who was murdered with a weapon while we're at it so as not to offend them while we're at it?

You're also assuming that every black person who ever lived automatically undergoes 'bother' every day just because they're black.

>Just because I can hold my own doesn't mean I have time to invite fights.

Then don't do it? Nobody's even referring you personally you spanner, I didn't tell you to go and do it.

>> No.7876215 [DELETED] 

You're arguing against any assumptions I've made with stupider ones.
Go fight with Potsy, ye're made for one another.

>> No.7876234 [DELETED] 

Thanks for your valuable input. I'm sure the black cosplaying community are forever in your debt with you there to defend them from being potentially offended, whitey!

>> No.7876305

Most modern feminists just love any excuse to dish out a bit of shame.

>> No.7876364 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 568x569, 10646901_10152610051794178_8029773171698627387_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a good laugh for the day. That Geek Eire dude said in his podcast that he's hotter and fitter than the people who think his podcast is shit. I found a picture of him.
MY SIDES! This guy? Really? he looks like the troll under the bridge that scares children. The smell of virgin neckbeard off him is overpowering. I hope he goes to Eirta, I can't wait to laugh in his face.

>> No.7876369

How old is he? Jaysus. He looks like he's on his way to his forties.

Also top kek at all of this evening's drama and Potsy's retardation being deleted

>> No.7876372


Do not speaks it's name!

>> No.7876434

Apparently he's only around 25. He dose look fairly rough though doesn't he.

>> No.7876442


>> No.7876448

He looks 40, wasn't a "fan" of theirs on here the last day saying how he's autistic and we shouldn't judge them objectively because it's like therapy for them?

>> No.7876473

I remember that. They keep bragging about their "fans". each video they do gets 50 views at most. It's pathetic and the more they shite on about the trolls, the worse douchebags they look.

>> No.7876491

Yeah it's kinda sad, they know how to stir up controversy and people in the community know they exist, if they were even slightly talented they'd be raking in views.

>> No.7876697

A controversy isn't exactly the kind of attention they should be looking for.

>> No.7876702

No but if they were half as good at debate as they think then they'd be able to spin it

>> No.7876975

What. I'm two years older than him and he looks like my da.

>> No.7876980

He looks like the priest from my church

>> No.7877031 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 604x402, pedobear1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder the children look worried

>> No.7877123

A pedo priest.

>> No.7877127

Predator Ireland

>> No.7877787
File: 41 KB, 400x561, 1409233924440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For anyone who missed Potsy being blown out and shown to be a fool, a mod deleted most of this thread yesterday.

>> No.7877932

Has darling Potsy been banned? I'd have expected her back in by now.

>> No.7877961

He got the shit kicked out of him a few years ago while he was in college. His face got pretty messed up by it.

>> No.7877990
File: 655 KB, 193x135, mfw+i+hear+my+full+name+being+called.+from+outside_9b106e_4116287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that also explains why he's such a retard. I bet there was a line to kick the shit out of him

>> No.7877995

I'm pretty sure there is still a line to kick the shit out of him!

>> No.7878226

I want to run a convention called PEPCON.
Solely for the tagline "It'll be a blast"

>> No.7878241

Well thats kinda sad, why did that happen?

>> No.7878273
File: 4 KB, 111x124, sadfrog_ireland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody said they were going to Clane Con

>> No.7878622

Considering how much of a doushy neckbeard he is, I don't think they needed much more of a reason.

>> No.7878629

Sorry, was meant to be replying to that guy.

>> No.7878632

Yeah but not even potsy has gotten attacked for no reason. Was it a random mugging or was it someone he knew?

>> No.7878641

>Yeah but not even potsy has gotten attacked for no reason

Would there really be any shortage of reasons to kick seven shades of shite out of that retard?

>> No.7878679

Don't know. A gang of scumbags did it one night. As far as I know, It was a "wrong place,wrong time" kind of thing.

He's a prick but I don't wish something like that on anyone.

>> No.7878702

True, You should never wish it on someone but that doesn't mean you can't find it hard to give sympathy to someone who has it done to them.

>> No.7880246

It could be more humiliating.

For example, that ugly red head that took a selfie of him hitting a golf ball with his small penis and posted it on 4chan.

>> No.7880481

Whos that now?

>> No.7882378

Lads pls, let's liven it up

>> No.7882585

Your right, what's everyone doing for Halloween?

>> No.7882852

Must've been banned. A permaban at this point would be refreshing, we could have threads with so much less shit to trawl through.
Anyone go to Night Vale last night? She was there, started shouting down to Mary Epworth when she was tuning her guitar. Not even just funny heckling, like she tried to initiate a conversation with her from the audience. She laughed it off alright though, but jesus christ, can she go anywhere without being the centre of attention?

>> No.7882884

>can she go anywhere without being the centre of attention?

Not possible. Even during those laughable 'discussions' on Facebook over that cosplayer with the black facepaint, she had to interject with points about how she's a tranny even though it's entirely irrelevant.

Really hope it's a permaban

>> No.7882928

Yeah, suurrree you will...

Guessing Potsy is "she who will not be named"?

>> No.7882933


But yes.

>> No.7883150

Oh I heard she tried to have the fucking chats with the performers. I just thought she tried to imitate a regular sensible person and like, went to buy them a drink after the show or something.

Good god that's the tackiest stunt I've heard of in a long while.

>> No.7884641

I'm pretty sure these ads comes from the free webhost that they're on. But it's still just a little bit pathetic, isn't it?

Compared to the cost of running a con, a few quid for webhosting without ads wouldn't break the bank, would it?


>> No.7884656
File: 306 KB, 2033x1035, ConAds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7884666

You are underestimating how truly stupid and cheap they are.

>> No.7884692
File: 36 KB, 1013x376, ss (2014-10-18 at 08.57.36).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> I'm pretty sure these ads comes from the free webhost that they're on.

Yup, AdBlock says so (see img)

>Compared to the cost of running a con, a few quid for webhosting without ads wouldn't break the bank, would it?

Considering you can get a year of semi-decent webhosting for about €60, and if you're really stingy, you could probably get it for far cheaper.

In all seriousness though, a website with even a teeny sense of professionalism is something that shouldn't be skimped on.

>> No.7884726

I suppose it's proof of them focusing on the content of the con itself, but at the same time it's a bloody cheap thing to do.


>> No.7885008

I think we're looking at it wrong. It's not a "real" Con, it only exists to stroke the organizers ego so it doesn't matter that the site scares off customers, what matters is it has a site just like the real ones do

>> No.7885144

I had adblock on so never even knew. that's pretty cheap but I imagine they gotta save every cent where possible. Also where is the con happening? Is it in the red cow or the NCI? Website says NCI but I thought I saw somewhere that it was in the red cow?

>> No.7885164

At this stage is there anyone even left who's bothering to go for it to matter where it's held?

Heck, they should probably just bypass the inevitable and hold it in a morgue.

>> No.7885890

They really need to put it to rest. I get the feeling it will be a one shot con like aka con. Aka was made out of spite and over inflated egos. Otakucons going to go the same way. Its so obvious it's being run horribly and they don't have a clue what they are doing. The guy never even worked for a convention before starting his own one.

>> No.7885973
File: 84 KB, 388x478, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At otakucon doesn't have crappy moe artwork I miss Anne Marie's work with Akumakon . The new artwork looks like it someone shit in a bucket .

>> No.7886251

>made out of spite and over inflated egos
Isn't that how most Irish anime cons after Eirta happened?

>> No.7886286

Most of the ones in Dublin, yes.

>> No.7886472

This country runs on spite and ego.

>> No.7886683

I reckon they just ask their guests to come and when they said sure we'd love to attend, they left it at that assuming they'll fly over for free and turn up at their con.

>> No.7886704

I've seen a whole lot worse. I actually like thier new work, its different from the same usual shit.

>> No.7886707

You are either blind or a vendetta chan. GTFO

>> No.7886725

Please learn to type before you shitpost vendetta chan.

>> No.7886745

Oh dear god i can see it now. Those poor guests.

>> No.7886770

I think they're actually emulating dash-con, I bet their game plan is to pay for losses with last minute donations like they did

>> No.7886801

I can picture Otakucon forgetting to tell the guests about the venue change.

>> No.7886821

I can see them trying to charge them an entrance fee

>> No.7887397
File: 65 KB, 500x400, trek facepalm x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how they're getting an "Irish/American Voice". I think that means the guest will give a skype call to the con

>> No.7887430

Either that, or it's Springtime for Hitler. It's planned to fail.

Also. I just found out a friend of mine has a nasty form of cancer and the worry's driving me fucking spare but I don't want to offload it on anyone I know, or on anyone who'll probably give a fuck, because that'd just be plain rude. I just had to say it *somewhere*,

>> No.7888107

Sucks balls anon. I know plenty of people who've survived it though so don't give up. I imagine your friend's shitting it too so try to stay strong for them

>> No.7888116

Kek! Missing the exact same art copy-pasted over different animals each year. Anne Marie was clearly a one-trick pony. The new art's not as impressive but fuck at least it's different. I might actually be able to tell my con badges apart now

>> No.7888143

I always found their old mascot really manly, I like their new one because its quite womanly. It may not be as impressive as you said but its a whole lot better than some art out there. Anyone remember GAScons mascot?

>> No.7888149

How has the Akumakon art anything to do with the comment you replied to? I smell a vendetta. The art is decent considering its a first timer. The body is a bit off but rest is pretty good. He/she grasped the concept of blending unlike the Otaku con art. I don't get whats with the scrolls though but maybe thats just me.

>> No.7888203

I don't really like the akumakon artwork myself, there's been better, but still appreciate that effort went into it and alright for an amateur. Convention artwork rarely is very good so always really nice when someone really talented does the work and we get something professional looking.

>> No.7888222

Does anyone out there even remember Gas con?

>> No.7888235


Anyway. Back to the show

You should see what Eirtakon's mascot started out like.

Amateur is not a bad thing. Problem with professional graphic design is that it's not cheap. So that mean.s either having a 'friend' who'll do it for free - or trying to DIY.

I've always like Nom-con's graphics for some odd reason. Even though they change every year the themes stay reasonably consistent.

Eirtakon's the only con that actually has a proper brand, though. That green Lori-head thing is pretty distinctive wherever you see it. It stands out a lot. Stick a green Lori-head on a thread in here and everyone knows instantly what it means.

Kaizoku might be able to do it if they keep the Pirate theme in some way....

Everyone else is too focused on snazy artwork.

>> No.7888286
File: 95 KB, 671x960, 10387143_10152746266787453_7293248284929488781_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should see what Eirtakon's mascot started out like.

Someone call for the Eirtaku sheep?

>> No.7888293

It's the girls first year doing the art, everyone has to start somewhere. I'd say cut some slack tbh.

>> No.7888863

This made my day. Thank you anon

>> No.7890396


>> No.7890688

Why do you guys go to cons? None of you seem to like any of them very much.

>> No.7890696

I like to buy stuff and talk to artists, cosplay and panels are an after thought

>> No.7891294

My list needs names.

>> No.7891299

I have needs.

>> No.7892366
File: 38 KB, 500x375, 10620864_10152400300688382_949199308_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them. But I rarely do much more than lurk in here as it too often turns into a complete shitfest so I don't know if I'm the kind of person you're looking for replies from

>> No.7893562

To find people with the same weaboo interests, which doesn't really happen.

>> No.7893740

Cons are pretty fun, anon! there really isn't nearly as many crazy people as cgl would have you think, and you might meet new people and broaden your interests while your at it

>> No.7894908

Its just the crazy ones show up here

>> No.7894916
File: 90 KB, 600x625, 1384089090879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no batshit insane conslut gf

>> No.7894937

Your daily dose of side splitting cringe fest. Geek eire did an interview with that cosplay chick whos scamming people to get a set of new boobs. Its so damn awkward its hillarious! Someone on the thread i found this asked was the guy disabled. Almost felt like agreeing with them. I don't know who to feel worse for, him for looking like such a joke or her for gtting interviewed by someone as creepy >>7893626

>> No.7894946

That's fucking desperate.

I can't bring myself to listen to the whole thing. Do you have a summary or a rundown of what they actually discussed?

>> No.7894952

This has to be a troll right? He can't honestly think this is good. I've taken shits with more interviewing skills.

>> No.7895069

So who's actually going to Eirtakon this year?

Who're you going with? What do you want to see? Are you cosplaying?

>> No.7895080

I'm going to cosplay Geek Eire by putting on a crash helmet and dribbling.

>> No.7895084

Don't forget one of the three-wheeled spacker bikes

>> No.7895620

Anyone else watching this? http://www.rte.ie/tv/programmes/fullfrontal.html
Never thought I'd see the day when Venus Angelic turned up on RTE

>> No.7895646
File: 89 KB, 595x394, 1411946804814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jaysus the cats outta the bag. My gran will be asking me am i a living doll now when i'm in Loli. Fuck.

>> No.7896544

Jesus welp. I was asked if I was wearing 'living doll' fashion yesterday a few times as it was, and I wasn't even wearing Lolita. bleck.
I'm heading to Eirta and doing a frilly dress panel/talk/thing. Hoping to expand it a bit more and cover stuff I didn't get to at the last con.

>> No.7896546


>> No.7896556

Who are you? What panel is it?

>> No.7896564

I'm a mad divil, and it's a Lolita Fashion panel. I did one at Arcade and it went rather well, people seemed to enjoy it and found it helpful. Since I ended up with a full room at Arcade (which I didn't expect at all!), I thought I'd do another, improved one, since there's plenty interest.

>> No.7896567

You're probably one of the same people I spoke to before in the thread about a mutual loli friend we have in common, hahaha.

Sounds good though, fair fucks. I can't actually wear loli but it'd be nice to sit in on the panel since I enjoy the fashion.

>> No.7896569

Sher do come along if you're around! I'm not entirely sure if I'll be on the Saturday or the Sunday just yet, hoping to find out soon enough.

>> No.7896571

I will. It'd be something to do, I usually find myself wandering around the con more often than not anyway.

>> No.7896576 [DELETED] 
File: 372 KB, 1504x1077, 1404820687789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realise Akane probably used Minimaru as a dildo every night

>> No.7896611

Aahhh i know who you are! Good luck, wish i could go, your panel at arcade was really good!

>> No.7896637

A quick Google search confirms your identity. You're a qt :3

>> No.7897577

I'm going in cosplay, with some normal non-cosplay friends. We'll probably split up as usual.

>> No.7898428
File: 988 KB, 480x360, swdove.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw shucks, you guys. <3

>> No.7898491

I'll definitely be at your panel :3

>> No.7900899

well this thread is dead.....

>> No.7901065
File: 51 KB, 333x450, capt. obv..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7902638
File: 12 KB, 450x450, Guiness-Toucan-CEMS360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about something else.

Drinking at Cons.

Who does it?
What do ye drink?

I sure as hell wouldn't want to deal with you lot sober.

>> No.7902645

Went to the pub at Croker last year and the prices were extortionate, had a pint and then fucked off after the day was through. I'm probably gonna bring vodka with me next month to Eirta for the craic. Could do with some drinking buddies, the mate I'm going with flat out refuses to drink to the point of even his family taking the piss out of him for it.

>> No.7902678

They had a whiskey tasting last year. Wonder if they'll bring it back.

I'll be bringing a naggin of the best under me jacket anyway.

>> No.7902693

I'd give it a go this year if it was on again.

Sounds good.

>> No.7902706

Was Japanese whiskies. Run by the Celtic Whisky Shop. Great bunch of people too....

>> No.7902710

I know its gay as hell but I like to theme my drinks to my costume,
Captain America? Budweiser. Skyrim? Mead (bought it off amazon its like sugary bitter). Mass effect? WKD.

>> No.7902712

>Mass Effect

A bitch drink would be appropriate, yes.

>> No.7902752
File: 141 KB, 1024x768, 1413594350219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if someone was going as Marsellus Wallace.

>> No.7902960

After a full weekend at a con, you really would need a drink! Stress of getting your cosplay done, talking to people you may or may not like, Dealing with extreme autism. Alcohol is the only way to sleep at night.

>> No.7903067

I never have a good sleep after a night of being locked, I always wake up too fucking early.

>> No.7903126

I imagine a con would be fun on MDMA but then I suppose you'd just be as irritating as a hyper weeb

>> No.7903133


Never again

>> No.7904847
File: 365 KB, 582x428, Itshappening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SO Eirtacon just announced this. Oh my god, the cringe...

>> No.7904848


>> No.7904852

Well shit son, diabolik minds plot alike. So, who from /cgl/ is going to call her penus first? Will she be wearing bodyline?

>> No.7904866

I wish i could go. She's so creepy, but i kind of wish i could see her blink...just once. to see if she can.

>> No.7904873


I took MDMA at a con once and the only people who would put up with me were Homestucks. Take at your own risk.

>> No.7905293

Her terrifyingly overbearing mother will probably be there.
She could learn a thing or two from your panel

>> No.7905327

I was about to say both of those things.

>> No.7905366
File: 12 KB, 179x118, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can barely wait

>> No.7905654
File: 35 KB, 500x494, 10454453_10100359564217665_6520398828242207219_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard she is going to be doing a Cyberbullying panel at the convention with her mother. Of course not to stop it, How to go about it.

>> No.7905655
File: 38 KB, 481x489, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit's going down already, apparently. This was posted to the Eirta group

>> No.7905660

I don't have jewbook, please elaborate
Who's been threatening what?

>> No.7905663
File: 65 KB, 960x540, 1461471_344196765754874_1005724031159526553_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow such threat.

>> No.7905667


Lol if this is bullying I then saying that someone threatened me with a knife is attempted murder.

The respect for Eirta steadily goes down.

>> No.7905670


>Lol if this is bullying then saying that someone threatened me with a knife is attempted murder.

I guess it's time for bed.

>> No.7905676
File: 142 KB, 483x883, ss (2014-10-29 at 12.38.47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's what they're going off of.

>> No.7905695
File: 39 KB, 550x658, oie_CgyJqlal4Kmh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over >9000 years spent in paint

>> No.7905696

Alright yeah she's... Clearly not well
I get that people dislike penus but jaysus that's a tad much don't you think

>> No.7905698

Jaysus, I've never seen a minor guest announcement get that kind of reaction before. Hafta admit I've never heard of the girl

>> No.7905706

Just mentioning that you find her cute on /cgl/ will produce a flurry of autismal rage
I just don't understand

>> No.7905714

Are they 12?

>> No.7905721

Fairly dumb to post this on Facebook.
The convention can just go through preregistration records and ban them all.

And of course it's totally out of order too.

>> No.7905724
File: 113 KB, 620x465, Meme2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top meme Lel

>> No.7905774

I don't know how anyone could find something so uncanny valley cute. But I still don't think people should behave so stupidly about it. Just ignore her and her odd fans.

>> No.7906003

I find her cute
I just feel like it's fairly annoying to have to make excuses as to why I do, you can find others cute while acknowledging their shite personality and all that

>> No.7906426

>We are Eirtakon
>we at the convention

I think it both instances the a-word he was looking for was "AT".

>> No.7906428

Second greentext should have contained "as", I fucked up.

>> No.7906433

Steady on there, Abigail, lest you cut yourself off all those fucking edges...

>I'd do so much physical harm over a mild annoyance that I chose to expose myself to!
Cool. Take video footage.

>> No.7906627
File: 7 KB, 438x37, Untitledg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita panel person, you're going to have your hands full.

>> No.7906636

God help you missus!

>> No.7906642

I think a full PowerPoint slide saying "GRETCHEN. STOP TRYING TO MAKE WA-LOLI HAPPEN. IT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN." should suffice.

>> No.7907599

A 3-week thread. That's got to be a record

>> No.7907661

A 3-week thread with no sign of It, at that!

>> No.7908389

They showed up and got deleted and, from the looks of it, banned.

>> No.7908394

Thank Christ. Let's enjoy it while we can.

>> No.7908406

Average ban is 30 days, let us enjoy this peace until after Eirtakon.

>> No.7908428

If the ban was issued on the 14th or 15th after she was blown out, then she'll show up before the con.

>> No.7908449

Prayer circle in the hopes that the janitors issue a permaban.

Sooo back on some semblance of a track, then. Does anyone reuse cosplays they've already worn for Halloween?

>> No.7908463

I probably wouldn't bother using cosplay for Halloween since nobody I know IRL or people at a party would have a clue who I was going as, bar one or two mates.

>> No.7908628
File: 43 KB, 600x605, Popememe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What sort of idiot posts death threats with their real name?

>> No.7908631

Abigail Hobbs does, apparently.

>> No.7908635

Does anyone else find it top kek that she actually looks a lot like the eejit she's slagging off?

>> No.7909231
File: 89 KB, 506x522, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply ebin

>> No.7909240

Aside from the fact that I've never heard of this yoke, I am so fucking sick of cosplay guests, they're absolutely pointless unless they're doing a panel on how not to be shit at cosplay or something.

>> No.7909241

Nevermind trying to get Troy Baker back, more 'professional' cosplayers and Youtube personalities!

>> No.7909247

Fucksake, like. I just don't get the appeal at all. Also I just went to her Facebook page to check her out and the first thing I saw was Steampunk Supergirl. No fucking thank you.

>> No.7909249 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 652x384, 10660379_1470568333219439_2834479677966907238_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When you post things like this not only is it incredibly bitchy and immature it makes it so I can't really come into the thread and post normally(When I do actually try to do that fairly often). The janitors aren't really helping the situation if they're gong to encourage this attitude.

Really in these communities everyone has an obligation to be inclusive and you can't shift all your responsibility onto one person who already gets the short end of the stick(and thus isn't in much of a position to contest what you're doing to them).

I'm not even just talking about me, but con scenes seem to do that a fuckload.


Jesus christ. This sort of shit is why I don't feel safe/comfortable at cons anymore.

>> No.7909253 [DELETED] 


Yeah it's easy to get burned out on guests. I'm not really into having role models for cosplay, it's just a fun thing to do for me that I can't really afford anymore, and I don't play that many vidya or watch dubs so very few voice actors excite me.

I'd probably be more interested in general sci-fi/fantasy related guests, like from western TV shows. Maybe I should start going to comic cons instead. My interests are so split lately I'm not sure what I should be even going to.

>> No.7909255
File: 90 KB, 479x560, Bravo Potsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with your trip you cunt. Here to shit up the thread yet again.

>> No.7909261

I have never once seen you comment on a thread that didn't spiral into you ranting about something.

>> No.7909264

Oh fuck this good earth. We were having a perfectly pleasant thread.

>> No.7909265 [DELETED] 


This could be why:


This tends to happen pretty much any time. Cut out the dumbass meta-commentary and we'll be fine. I'm going to try to ignore it.

>> No.7909267

Well, from past experience, people don't tend to react well to people who have time and time again proven to shitpost. Sorry potsy, but past history really doesn't lend itself well to welcoming you with open arms.

>> No.7909270 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 491x284, OH WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it makes it so I can't really come into the thread and post normally

If only we were so lucky.

Why don't you take the hint for once and stop posting somewhere you're clearly not wanted? A place you clearly don't like and where you only serve to cause disruption once you start on your inane ramblings with your attention seeking tripcode.
You've already shown yourself to be a complete and utter fool and clearly got yourself banned but you still persist. You're an episode of Jeremy Kyle personified; whenever I'm feeling down about something, I know there's some fucking shitstain like you who's ten times worse to make me feel better about myself

>> No.7909272 [DELETED] 

Why are you so racist?

>> No.7909275 [DELETED] 


>> No.7909283
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 13911308713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just about to post this after looking at Abigail's facebook. I don't even.

>> No.7909285

Jelly someone beat her to the punch with getting e-famous, maybe?

>> No.7909286

But do you Odd?

>> No.7909294 [DELETED] 
File: 554 KB, 808x582, ethicsinvideogames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's really up to you whether to post this bollocks. I'm perfectly willing to take part and post normally which is a lot after how I've been treated here. There's no loss in irony in #gamergate related stuff being posted to catch me out when the "it's not because you're trans" attitude is a lot like the issues GG has.

Just knock it off, take some responsibility for your own shitposting for once and we'll be grand.

>> No.7909295

>I'm perfectly willing to take part and post normally which is a lot after how I've been treated here.

Aww congrats hun! :) Here's a medal!

Should you not be working on passing for a woman for Halloween tomorrow?

>> No.7909296

The only person shitposting here is you Potsy. We are not your councilor, we don't have to listen to you.

>> No.7909297


>> No.7909310 [DELETED] 


>Should you not be working on passing for a woman for Halloween tomorrow?

Holy shit wow. Can someone post the "Do you ever think maybe it's you not everyone else" shite again just to highlight what a stupid ass line of thought that is?

I'm off to do something productive until you grow up and stop effectively trying to bully someone out of a thread.

>> No.7909311

You'll be waiting a long time potsy. People don't like you and i doubt that's going to change soon.

>> No.7909314

Don't lift up your skirt and scare the bejaysus out of those asylum seekers, Pot Noodle.

>> No.7909720 [DELETED] 

How many aliases does potsy go by?
Medicine Melonchany.


>> No.7910042 [DELETED] 

Crystalline Princess
Princess of the Crystal

Probably a few more.

>> No.7910051 [DELETED] 

Pot Noodle

>> No.7910414 [DELETED] 
File: 1022 KB, 500x235, Junko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pot Noodle's posts deleted




>> No.7910554 [DELETED] 

For reals!!
Ha guess she hasn't seen the movie or TV show.

>> No.7910558 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 1024x576, 1401032289644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on my own all day
>4 mates posted a picture of themselves all in matching costumes about to go out tonight
>didn't even bother asking me

t-time for videogames

>> No.7910566 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7910571 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 357x500, HauntingGround_NA_PS2cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to try the Evolve alpha all day but the servers aren't working and nobody can find a game on PC. Might just play something spooky instead.

>> No.7910701

Sup guys I am going to eirtakon and I am wondering are you guys having a meetup?

>> No.7910718

As in a seagull meetup?

Nothing's arranged but I wouldn't be opposed to the idea

>> No.7910772

It will be my first time going to a con and id prefer not to go on my own

>> No.7911362

What are you into?

>> No.7911366

dp, bbw and cuckoldry, what does that have to do with eirtakon

>> No.7911371

I meant are you into videogames, anime, cosplay, etc



>> No.7911432 [DELETED] 

It's nice that she's gone, and fair play to the janitor... But we should have some kind of neutral, unified response to Posty in general.
It shouldn't attack her looks or the fact she's trans, because that just fuels her fire.
Maybe just stonewalling? Because she's a notorious shitposter AND completely unwelcome due to her personality.

Just block her and blank her.

>inb4 ">her", ">she", etc.
We really need to show we're not fussed by her gender, just her carry-on.

>> No.7911435 [DELETED] 

People on /v/ always stonewalled a notorious retard tripfag by responding with 'Fuck off, retard' no matter what the tripfag posted and it worked. Pot Noodle's a fucking eejit and should be treated as such.

>> No.7911450 [DELETED] 

Well she cant resist using a tripcode, you can just auto hide those

>> No.7911451 [DELETED] 


You're completely right. Her gender is not the issue - it's the fact that she's so toxic to everyone including herself that the thread just withers into horseshit under her sight. It's ridiculous.

However, at the same time, for every five people who will just tell her to shut up, there will be that one fucker who gives fuel to her incoherent rants. The only way I can see to combat this is to tell that person to shut the fuck up, but then tell her that she's a shitposter too and she should shut up as well. But that isn't very effective either, and every time I've told her to 'take a break' and seriously get some fresh air (advice that I myself have taken on this board), she completely goes off on me and how I'm not doing my duty to defend her sensitive soul against the evil shitposters.

In any case, I think that the best way to deal with her would be a permaban.

>> No.7911480 [DELETED] 

Would be all for a permaban too, the only way to silence it.

>> No.7911489 [DELETED] 

Yeah I was thinking a repeat response of something completely neutral like "Boooo!" would work though, because if we use the word "retard" we'd be treated to an ableism rant.

"Boo, you whore" would get us the sexism/"I'm friends with a whore, whorephobic!" monologue, simply saying "fuck off!" is met with the "how precious/no u" response.

She's said herself she posts without trips sometimes too, so even blocking her won't guarantee results.

I don't even know why she keeps coming back here. She always says stuff like "blah blah alternative culture, relevant to my interests, thought I'd feel welcomed because despite living on the internet I'm unfamiliar with the Five Geek Social Fallacies, it's your fault you don't like me..."
It's impossible to drive home the fact that she's just NOT welcome. I mean we've hardly been subtle about it.

And not interacting with people who hate her won't diminish her enjoyment of geeky things. They're traditionally solitary hobbies.
Good god, Autism. How does it work?

>> No.7911657 [DELETED] 

There're times when I've wondered if she isn't really just a troll who actually hates trans people and so starts acting like the most malignant stereotype of one.

>> No.7911686 [DELETED] 

I've wondered that myself, too. Maybe there's just this unfortunate mentally challenged woman out there who has a shitty carer or "friend" who uses her images and interests as a base for this loathsome caricature.

In fact, I sometimes hope that that's the case.

>> No.7911712 [DELETED] 


It's amazing you still keep calling me toxic when you've zero problem with blatantly transphobic posts and a vocal attempt to bully an already marginalised person out of your scene.

>Her gender is not the issue


Yeah no. The issue is, always, the obnoxious anti-SJW and hivemind bent in the con scene that tears down anyone that's in any way challenging.

If it wasn't about my gender, it would never come up, yet it always does. So fuck off.

>> No.7911715 [DELETED] 


Also, clearly the Janitor in question is either one of you and a fucking moron, though I didn't seem to be actually banned, just the posts pulled.

>> No.7911719 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, retard

>> No.7911722 [DELETED] 


Also, clearly the Janitor/Mod in question is either one of you or a fucking moron, though I didn't seem to be actually banned, just the posts pulled. Pulling posts challenging transphobic wads but leaving up their posts and pretty much encouraging the same behaviour that turned /cgl/ into a shitpile is pretty much the opposite of what they're meant to be doing.

>> No.7911723 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, retard

>> No.7911726 [DELETED] 


you know i can word filter posts?

just like you can filter my trip if you don't like me posts. i'm actually being convenient by posting with one.

Yet you keep reporting my posts since the idea of someone who isn't you actually having a voice is unbearable to you.

>> No.7911730 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, retard

>> No.7911733 [DELETED] 

>I keep mentioning easy ways to wind me up while being a shitposter
>Why are you using the thing I gave you to wind me up

Seriously, you're like a militant vegan who won't shut up about veganism. At least those guys don't wonder why the topic of veganism keeps coming up.

Nobody cares about your gender, or opposes or questions your right to do what you want with yourself.
It's what you do to the scene. Please learn.

>> No.7911739 [DELETED] 

Reply the only way that matters pls

>> No.7911743 [DELETED] 

Boooo, lads.
Use different numbers of "o"s, see how the word filter works then.

OR continue to talk amongst ourselves, but start every post with "fuck off, retard" so our posts are invisible.

>> No.7911746 [DELETED] 


You guys never shut up about me. You're hypocrites, and highly abusive, transphobic, misogynistic ones at that. By any reasonable standards you're terrible fucking people and if I believed this was pure trolling I might be able to ignore it but given the similarities to #goobergate bullshit and actual real abuse I've gotten, yeah no.

I've nothing to learn from self righteous sociopathic douchebags who act like their victims are the ones that fit that label.

>> No.7911747 [DELETED] 

I like the way you think anon.
Fuck off retard

>> No.7911752 [DELETED] 


Fuck óff

>> No.7911755 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, retard

>> No.7911759 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 625x1217, 1399172577154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, /v/ are definitely the example we should be following here, being well known for maturity and being inclusive.

>> No.7911760
File: 293 KB, 1024x768, rez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Havent been to eirtakon since it was in DCU. Whats croke park like compared to it?

Does it still get as big a crowd? Is it as big as DCU was? I found I ran out of things to do within like a couple of hours last time. Its kinda shitty without a group of friends.

I'm a huge vocaloid fan, but theres only 200 tickets per day and they'll most likely be sold out within minutes I imagine. I'll prob give it a miss as i cant be bothered fighting for a ticket.

>> No.7911762 [DELETED] 

Especially since,in person, she's a fairly nice person to be around. The contrast is staggering

>> No.7911764 [DELETED] 

>implying this board is any better for maturity or inclusiveness

>> No.7911766 [DELETED] 


Maybe that's because, in person, the keyboard warriors aren't so bold with calling her a "shitstain" who'll never pass for a woman? Nobody should have to put up with that, especially someone who's clearly mentally ill.

>> No.7911769

Croke Park is very stretched out compared to the Hub or Helix. There isn't really the density of activity at times and it makes the con feel emptier than it is

Also, the layout can make it easy to miss events, or get lost. It's spread over multiple levels.

The convention centre in town would've been a better venue.

Still, at least the cunts have food.

>> No.7911771 [DELETED] 


It's not, which is why a couple of years back the mods tried to crack down on the /drama/ shit only for whatever asshat that watches these threads to encourage the same shit by deleting the vastly less abusive side of the argument.

Aside from being fed of of the abuse myself even when I just try to take part normally, they're literally doing the opposite of what Moot told them to do.

>> No.7911773

Croker is big enough to accommodate the larger numbers but I really don't like the layout of it over multiple floors. The stairs were a disaster and waiting on the lift for ages was a pain in the hole.
People actually bought food at it? It was way overpriced and I didn't go near any of it. Gonna pack food for it in 3 weeks.
Fuck off, retard

>> No.7911774

>The convention centre in town would've been a better venue.

Have you seen the price of getting even a small part of there for a weekend?

>> No.7911776 [DELETED] 


I honestly dare any of these sad little fucks to pull it in front of me. They won't have asshole janitors and groupthink to have their backs in real life.

>> No.7911777


Ah that sounds kinda awkward...might give it a miss.


Discuss the convention or fuck off

>> No.7911778 [DELETED] 


Regardless of what I say people are going to tell me to fuck off. When there's a clear instance of abuse here why the fuck would I listen to what you say?

I'm sorry you feel you don't get to play with your toys because an easily filterable tripfag breaths the same air as you here but frankly get fucked.

>> No.7911779 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, retard

>> No.7911780 [DELETED] 


Fuck off you manchild.

>> No.7911782


I remember the food at helix being really crappy and overpriced. It was so tryhard japanese crap. Cheap noodles etc

>> No.7911795

The food at Croker was pricey, but it was at least edible and enough to keep you going.

>> No.7911803

I'm just hoping the cloak room isn't a complete shambles again.

>need to go get my bag for something to take out of it
>there's one girl at the cloakroom
>the lad helping her is off somewhere doing god knows what
>tells everyone she can't get stuff for people by herself because as soon as she turns around, she'd be liable if somebody stole something

>> No.7911808

want to have a /cgl/ meetup?

>> No.7911826

As long as el retardo isn't there.

>> No.7911835
File: 129 KB, 1000x564, 1405808403922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend just asked if I wanted a copy of evolve, could of play with you anon.
Is it any good?

>> No.7911838

A full copy or just an alpha code? Alpha ends tomorrow

It's pretty fun, would recommend. Got a few games in today since the servers were working again. Playing as the monster is fucking hilarious if you're decimating a team of hunters who have no idea what they're doing.

>> No.7911848

I would be up for it but then everyone would know who i am lol.

>> No.7911850
File: 19 KB, 317x320, questionable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people in this thread who still haven't pre-purchased the game of last generations steam release for next friday

>> No.7911853 [DELETED] 

Please leave. No one likes you and we don't want to listen to your bullshit. Get a councilor or something you crazy bitch!

>> No.7911854

If you mean Valkyria Chronicles it's not out until the 11th is it not?

>> No.7911857 [DELETED] 


>> No.7911860

Oh yeah you're right. That's disappointing :(

>> No.7911862

Full and I'm really tempted to buy this

>> No.7911870
File: 35 KB, 585x341, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body is ready. Actually never played it before but it looks great
Gonna look for the best deal before it lands in February

>> No.7911871

So what are your plans for eirtakon. Going to do/see anything specific.

>> No.7911873
File: 131 KB, 1200x1200, 1411486538433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.7911877
File: 276 KB, 916x687, 1374524274075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vidya (Catherine, Smash and maybe Tekken if the mouthbreathers with their arcade sticks don't show up), the Miku concert, cosplay and screenings mainly. Everything else is secondary.

>> No.7911886
File: 151 KB, 850x1212, 1410176657095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just buy the Russian version, they're normally cheaper

>> No.7911892

I would have done that but I've heard stories of Steam cracking down on people who use VPNs to buy games dirt cheap from Eastern European territories, wouldn't wanna risk my account. You'd be fine if you knew somebody in Russia to gift it to you though.

>> No.7911909
File: 464 KB, 800x920, 1406419333346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's why I buy from a third party site!

>> No.7911913

Which one do you use?

>> No.7911916

It's a wonderful game, really refreshing mix of rpgs and strategy shooters with a great plot. There's an anime of it too I need to watch sometime.

>> No.7911918

Anybody cosplaying as a touhou?

>> No.7911931

Looking forward to it m8. Also had no idea there was an anime for it, anothing thing to add to the list.

>> No.7912012

Not a bad store

>> No.7912021
File: 244 KB, 731x1000, 1413260384605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for got pic

>> No.7912026
File: 99 KB, 600x849, 1acd3bb9b94630a9f99cdf28404a009e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dont think your cutsey images are really necessary if you forget to post them...

>> No.7912045
File: 80 KB, 480x280, 1414283997017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, have visited it once or twice.
They're never not necessary

>> No.7912053
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>> No.7912057
File: 124 KB, 480x280, 5(190).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fine.

>> No.7912058

They're always necessary! The cuter the better!

>> No.7912060
File: 758 KB, 986x1289, 1396856757341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phone app sucks

>> No.7912063
File: 205 KB, 500x375, 1402678948146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we had more regulars around here. No better place for banter on 4chan since /eire/ died a slow death.

>> No.7912213

And good riddance.

>> No.7912240

I agree, it was pretty shit in its closing weeks

>> No.7913349


>> No.7913559

So Eirta announced their last guest 2 weeks before the con.
Am i the only one that think thats a bit late to be announcing a guest?

>> No.7913568

They've been really late with everything this year, even moreso than usual.

>> No.7913571

I'm actually really pissed about it. I really want to meet Chuck Huber, but they were so god fucking late announcing him, i can't back out of priar engagements to go to Eirta. if they had announced him weeks ago i could have. Now i can't meet one of my favorite voice actors. They need to get their shit together.

>> No.7913600

They're getting slack.

I only know him as Hiei, everything else I saw subbed. But he was cool in YYH.

>> No.7913720
File: 168 KB, 728x409, 19201080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was Stein in Soul Eater too, if my memory serves me correct
Absolutely fucking sickened about the short notice. Anyone not from Dublin like myself is going to have to pay through the fucking nose for places to stay between the short notice and how close it is to Christmas

>> No.7913726

I cried like a bitch cause i can't go. why on earth would they leave it so late?

>> No.7913967


Maybe they could only confirm the guest then? It's an extra guest so I won't complain but does suck you can't go

>> No.7913991

does "it" usually attend these cons?

>> No.7913997

She was there last year. I don't see why it matters, though, you can easily ignore her, in fact you probably won't even see her.

>> No.7914002


I'm just afraid she will stirr tons of drama and make it a shitty time for everyone, thats how it is online. literally couldnt care about anything else about her

>> No.7914007

It's much harder for her to cause such a stir in real life, don't worry about it.

>> No.7914008

First rule of conrunning is to never announce a guest before you're certain they're coming.

>> No.7914010

Well yeah, of course, but shouldn't they have had it all sorted earlier?

>> No.7914028

When you're dealing with someone's busy schedule, sometimes that's how long it takes.

Con guests have a day job that can be fairly demanding, and attending the con has to be worked around their schedule.

>> No.7914070



I can understand why people are upset but had they announced him before absolutely 100% confirming him they would have run the risk of him not showing, which would cause a whole lot more kerfuffle!

>> No.7915156

Potsy thinks she's a sex worker these days.

>> No.7915165

and black.
and a witch
and the most PC, correct, always right person in the whole wide world.

>> No.7915170

I would have physically paid eirtakon to have him next year instead of this year.
I'm actually so upset about not being able to meet chuck huber, i think i'm going to start up my own con just to invite him over as a guest.

i'm seriously not joking.

>> No.7915364

> i think i'm going to start up my own con just to invite him over as a guest


>> No.7915394

It's still no guarantee of course, but it is prudent.

At the same time, sometimes guests do ave to cancel, either through a scheduling conflict, or immigration snafu.

>> No.7915417


Yeah, too bad none of them are big enough or any good.

>> No.7915425

Irish fandom isn't that large

>> No.7915438


Yeah unfortunately. Anybody ever go to any of the cons in the UK or London?

>> No.7915462


As said earlier on in the thread, she's quieter and nicer in person. She, like most people on this board, just has a more obnoxious internet presence.

>> No.7915465


fucking understatement of the decade.

>> No.7915482


I was trying to find the 'hear me roar I am womyn!" comic to accentuate the nature of her dichotomy between real life and the internet, but alas, I couldn't.

I agree with you, but we should also be fair and admit she honestly doesn't do much in real life.

>> No.7915507

Anybody got any photos from last years con? I know they have lots on their facebook etc but it would be nice to see some con pics in here.

>> No.7915624


They'll identify me.

If I have learned any lesson from /cgl/, it's that being identified as a person is a fucking mistake.

>> No.7915643

we're clearly all cats behind computer screens.

>> No.7915697

I'm a dog

>> No.7916961

Just listened to 5 mins of Geek Eire.
Bunch of spanners.

>> No.7917057

you poor soul. 5 minutes is a long time to listen to the king of autism. I really wish they would stop. They keep interviewing pretty well known people and they are just making a holy show of Ireland. It wouldn't be as bad if they could fucking string a sentence together without sounding like they god hit with the UMM bus every few minutes.

>> No.7917068

Do you know what bothers me most about those fools? That they called their "Show" Geek Eire...they are just trying to be a bootleg version of Geek Ireland which is actually decent. They only views or guests they get probably just got confused and thought they we agreeing to be interviewed by Geek Ireland instead of those two Idiots.

>> No.7917078


Havent listened to it. Whats the story with it?

>> No.7917086

Oh god its a god awful podcast by two retards that want to be Con famous. They got mentioned on here a while ago and then proceed to say if they were mentioned enough on 4chan they would become saints and then when people laughed at them, they said they were hotter and sexyer than everyone on cgl. i've met the guy and he looks like your stereotype neck beard. Look up their podcast, have yourself a fine laugh at the austitm

>> No.7917117


Ah, cringeworthy stuff. Where are they from, DCU or something or just 2 randomer wannabe cosplayers not affiliated with anybody?

>> No.7917145

They don't even cosplay as far as i know. just two wannabes who think running a terrible podcast makes them celebrities.

>> No.7917153

Speaking of Geek Ireland

>> No.7917154

They once did a panel at akumakon.
They never did another.

They are the part of the fandom that needs to be culled


>> No.7917156

They've done panels, but no one ever goes to them because they are painfully bad. ever listen to nearly an hour of someone mumbling and the other being obnoxious and saying UMMM all the time? it's that bad bro

>> No.7917244

They actually once claimed that Geek Ireland stole their idea!

>> No.7917255

Didn't they also say a girl "stole" their panel because it was on the same subject matter as one the douchebag seemingly did?

>> No.7917257


I have *given* panels like that. In fairness, I'm a total social spa but I gave it a fucking go. At least I know my limitations and have stopped trying to exceed them

Never. Leave. The. House. Again.

>> No.7917543


Listen to what?

>> No.7917603

to the gentle sound of jimmies rustling in the distance.

>> No.7917622


Are you one of the people from geek eire?

>> No.7917631

If i was, i'd kill myself.

>> No.7917633



>> No.7917635


I am better than them by the fact that they continue while I realise how crap I am and stopped inflicting myself on people

>> No.7917668


thats okay, anon. I'm socially spasticated too. We can both chat here ITT during eirtakon while everyone else is enjoying it

>> No.7917690

Not ITT. We're in auto-sage.

25 Days. Good going.

>> No.7917698


I fuckin HATE geek Ireland/Eire! Both are a bunch of twats. Aren't they all just Arcade or related somehow? Anyone that uses the work geek are usually a bunch of pretentious wankers I find.

>> No.7917730
File: 1.83 MB, 200x200, mind_blown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that makes sense cause Arcadecon is "where geeks are born"

Now everything makes sense...

>> No.7919123
File: 129 KB, 960x544, 1402435759567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread since we're at bump limit
