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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 52 KB, 313x400, Weeaboo_fat_girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7871214 No.7871214 [Reply] [Original]

I miss something about my weaboo days.
Sure I might have been a bit embarassing but there was something i don't feel quite as much anymore, maybe being so carefree and happy being a stupid weaboo. I opened this thread to see if anyone still have weaboo habits like I do
Let's all be happy weaboos together.

I begin:
>I do the chuunibyou spell things or magical girl moves alone while bread is toasting
>I wear the speshul snowflaek style with coloured hair i always wanted to wear as a 14 years old weeb and that my mom wouldn't let me have.
>when i'm having a bad day i do as if my life was a real life anime
>i do little dances on animu openings and sings when my roomate is gone
>i still have anime t shirts,plushies,... in a corner
>still listen to old nightcore/animu music/...
I'm ashamed but happy to have this bit of carefreeness i had back in the days

>> No.7871219

also I still love yaoi.
I'm still a weeb inside.

>> No.7871231

> I wear seifuku casually
> I invite my friends for hanging out with tea and cake a la K-ON or Mami from Madoka
> I dance to idol group songs
> I have anime daydreams
> I still like yaoi

>> No.7871234

>still listen to old nightcore/animu music/...

>> No.7871278
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I'm pretty much an /a/non irl. I love anime and I like making anime related jokes ("you make my kokoro go doki doki, senpai", "pomf, what are we gonna do on the bed?" shit like that) My facebook feed is full of anime joke pages like "Otaku? You should Otakill yourself" and "What the fuck is Japan" and "Tomoko Kuroki: Loneliness is Inevitable"

I also collect figmas. I have around 70 and counting.

I'm a girl, but I'm more like the male weeabos, liking waifus and anime girls and shit. I'm not into the whole yaoi or fujoshi scene.

All that being said, I don't go around acting like a weeaboo unless I'm in private with my other dorky weeb friends. I come off as a normalfag in public unless I'm wearing an anime related t-shirt/

>> No.7871282

> i wear my cat ears and tail when i'm at home
> i still think in japanese gibberish
> i have anime daydreams about my husbando
> i still love yaoi and i can't stop shipping my favorite characters
> sometimes i sing and dance my old vocaloid songs
> i still have my Mary sue character which is obviously me

>> No.7871287

I just feel like I've become too socially aware to be my old, care-free weeb self. I can't go back to being ignorant of what I am to other people, and honestly it sucks

>> No.7871293

I have a special one-of-a-kind pair of bunny ears and a custom tail I had made to match them. When I'm alone, I like to pretend I'm a usagi-mimi. I plan on getting a maid outfit to go with it. Just need to decide if I want it in black or purple.

I also play dating sims. A lot. Miyabi is cute as fuck, 10/10 would let him mate with me to produce perfect half-kitsune babies.

And I like to draw myself shittily in anime-inspired style, with (of course) the bunny ears and tail.

>> No.7871307

I still occasionally say things like 'desu' and 'kawaii nee~' in everyday conversation (even though I'm trying to stop), I sing along to my favourite anime theme songs, I draw in an anime style and I like to imagine what my life would be like as an anime and place stereotypes (tsundere etc.) to my friends.

>> No.7871311

It's irritating though because as soon as I let go of my weeb phase, I became really shy with low self-esteem and wish I could be confident again.

>> No.7871314

I Still:
>Dance to Kpop and Jpop songs and buy k-albums/shirts at cons
>Use Animu wallpapers on my laptop/phone/tablet
>Use the same weeby email address, usernames and passwords
>Write fantics in my head about my precious oppas and senpais
>Draw animus in my notes during class

I'm not a weeb anymore, am I?

>> No.7871317

I'm a moderately experienced cosplayer, but after all the blood, sweat and tears I've poured into my complicated costumes... my favourite to wear is still a maid outfit I bought 5 years ago. It's just too cute in a cliched way. I also wear shimapan.

I fantasize about a relationship where the guy thinks I'm really cute and kind, wants to protect my smile, and all that shit. But at the same time I know it goes against my normal personality.

tl;dr I try to act like a grown up woman but I'm just a weeby little girl inside.

>> No.7871332

>daydream about husbandos
>use broken Japanese with my friends
>roleplay online
>give my Pokemon animu nicknames
>collect cards from Pokemon, Yugioh and Magic the Gathering
>wear cute underwear and socks
>collect figurines, mostly from Pokemon
>tons of anime desktop backgrounds
>imagine music videos when I hear songs I like
>a good chunk of my music library is dubstep remixes of Zelda songs
>watch cringe videos of weebs in public or cosplay slumber parties and wish I could be having that much fun

>> No.7871366

I love asian uniforms so much. I buy clothes and wear outfits inspired by kogal (big cardigans, pleated skirts, high socks, etc). I have a huge soft spot for sailor clothes too but I don't own any besides a straight up seifuku.
My bf and I like to lounge in our kigus together, watch anime, and eat shitty asian junk food.
All I think or care about anymore is cosplay and being cute. I want to go to Japan and visit the Ghibli museum, go shopping, and explore all the big city parts and pretty country sides.

>> No.7871372

I never took down my 30 posters/printouts of Inuyasha on my walls. 90% of my passwords have something Inuyasha related. watching sailor moon crystal is almost orgasmic for me. I just bought a galaxy seifuku. I go to every japanese singer concert that comes into town. I doodle in Japanese at work.....gawd the list goes on. i'm a fucking professional weeb and i'm almost 30. but somehow i keep it normal enough that no one notices. Does no one see that 14 year old me is still trapped away inside?

Also... Senpai, will you ever notice me? (even though i'm in a long term relationship)....notice me dammit, my ego is at stake!

>> No.7871388

I play a lot of jrpgs. Picked up Akibas Trip and my inner weeb exploded. Made me want to move to Akihibara and live in a little home with my husbando Adachi-san. (kawaii murderer uguu)
Can't wait for halloween so I can be a kawaii neko meido.
Still have a bunch of anime posters/manga/anime/figurines and plushies.

I wish I could be a weeb in public, I have nowhere near enough confidence to show my powerlevel.

>> No.7871390

Online I let myself become a huge weaboo ironically but still have fun doing stupid shit like adding desu and kawaii to sentences.

>do cute poses when alone
>kawaii dances randomly
>have some habits that can be read as weeb if you look into it deep enough
>pretend I have magical powers when alone
>learn j-idol dances/anime dances

I mean I do them all when alone and no one knows its me so I'm not embarrassed about it, but god forbid someone walk in while I'm doing it.

>> No.7871411
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I'm actually really really really fucking sad that Quizilla shut down. All those terrible stories on there were my guilty pleasure..
I feel pretty weeby, I wear anime jewelry, have a n oppai mousepad, figures, maid outfits, and try to speak Japanese "ironically" but it's actually not ironic at all, and I really really want to wear Japanese school uniforms because they're so cute but I feel like it would come across the wrong way.
>listening to Babymetal while typing this

>> No.7871413

>collect gunpla
>do fake martial arts moves and scream when the HNK into comes on
>wear DBZ Hawaiian shirts
>karate bugmen poses

I'm still a pretty vocal weeb when it comes to stuff made for little boys but I've never been able to admit I like sailor moon, pretty cure, kalido star, CCS, and other girly shows irl.

>> No.7871414

>super self-conscious anime otaku
>study Japanese but have a complex about being a weeb, so refuse to speak
>spend years concealing power level
>meet Japanese guy
>turns out he's a ridiculous otaku too
>get married
>household is a singularity of chuuni posing, doujinshi collecting, poster displaying, Japanese-conversing, nyaa-ing, anime-affected behavior

I am /inconceivably/ weeby. People to whom I present as normal always ask me "oh, how did you end up with your husband?" and it's like "UUUUH... hobbies in common..."

>> No.7871426

I cringe but it was so much fun getting together with all my friends after school to watch anime in the video room at school. We would trade manga and go to cons together and check out new games and stuff. Since high school a lot of them have grown out of the fandom so I see very few at cons now.

>> No.7871428

>still wear my maid dress on occasion when no one's home
>still dance to hare hare yukai
>still cry when i watch elfen lied
>wanna go back to japan so bad just to go to a maid cafe again
>moe moe kyun

>> No.7871435

>learn a shit ton of aidoru dances
>wear seifukus with school cardigans
>dream about working in a maid cafe
>haven't worn pants in three years because always want to be kawaii skirt/dress himekaji girl desuuu

I recently got a maid uniform from Bodyline that I've wanted for months and I want to order three more. I've come to the conclusion that they motivate me to clean the house when no one's home since I feel fucking adorable wearing them.

>> No.7871442

>Sometimes I twirl around in my mirror and make "asian girl" poses. Winks and peace signs and all that shit. Makes me feel cuter right before I'm about to go out...
>I still save cute anime pictures on my computer in folders for no good reason. Not even as reaction images or anything, I just want to keep them.
>I make a bento box sometimes.
>I still catch myself using emoticons like xD and ^_^.
>The majority of the music I listen to is still jpop.
> I have figures and some anime posters.
> I draw chibis all over my papers and when taking notes.

>> No.7871476
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>still know the whole hare hare yukai thing and do it when im alone
>love to speak broken japanese when im alone
>still wear my maid outfits and seifukus around sometimes when i dont feel like getting lolitaed up
>still listen to t pazolites music alot and love to make my own cute little anime dances to them
>play osu alooooot
>still love yaoi and shota and read doujins for my favorite animes all the time
>wink and peace sign in my mirror to feel cuter and build more confidence
>always live life as if it were anime
>have the whole "will senpai notice me??? <333" mentality about the guy i have a crush on
>love to wear big thick long wigs when im alone to feel like a magical anime gurl
>call cats nekos with out thinking about it and wear muh cat ears/tail when im alone
>draw myself as a magical girl alot and just crumple the papers and toss
them out to never been seen
>dont really have any friends and feel like eveybodys scared of me/grossed out by my and compare myself to tomoko when im feeling sad
>like to draw me and the girls and guys i wish were my friends as anime girls/boys all hanging out and having fun together

yup, im 100% a loser!

>> No.7871483

Oh man really?
I used to have poorly written FMA fanfiction on there.

>> No.7871495

>>Sometimes I twirl around in my mirror and make "asian girl" poses. Winks and peace signs and all that shit. Makes me feel cuter right before I'm about to go out...
>>I still catch myself using emoticons like xD and ^_^.
I was never a weaboo, I hate anime and manga. I still do the first one before I go to lolita meets and always use the XD emoticon. It is nice to pose in lolita, makes me feel like misako or something.

>> No.7871502

you sound adorable anon

>> No.7871554

different anon but i was slightly devastated. i had abandoned it around the time Nickolodean bought it, but i always remembered the fanfictions, and I always meant to checked back, but never came around to it. when i finally decided to check it out, i discovered it shut down.. the previous day. oh man my heart sank for some odd reason. thank goodness for this thread, i have no where to rant to

>my kokoro is brokoro

>> No.7871630

still play dollmakers and collect animu icons from livejournal. for hours at a time.

>> No.7871658

I was never a weeaboo and now I'm the biggest NEET otaku faggot I know. I guess weeaboos must get it out of their system when they're young and carefree and people with real problems just let the wapanese fester silently until it spills out of every orifice. That or even when I was young I realized people like you guys were an embarrassment.

>> No.7871673

Its just a matter of understanding social limitations. I never went full on weaboo, if someone asked I'd say I watched anime but I wouldn't bring it up randomly. And really, most people do watch anime here and there, otherwise you can just say its like pokemon or someshit.

>> No.7871676
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A-Are you me?
>>I do the chuunibyou spell things or magical girl moves alone while bread is toasting
I do this exact thing, like, exactly.
I miss my weeaboo days, when even if my day was shitty, I could always look forward to going home and having shitty yaoi RPs.
And now
>Super into yuri and moeshit, collect non-h doujinshi (since it almost never gets scanned) and figures
>Chuuni/magical girl spells while doing random every day stuff
>Constantly wear cute clothes
>Hime cut hairstyle, sometimes in twintails
>Dance to idol/anime songs, especially precure songs
>Own a pair of cat ears/tail/paws that I wear around the house occasionally for fun
>Dream of working in a maid cafe, and own a maid dress
>Sleep with a dakimakura every night (seriously they're comfy as hell, I sleep way better now with one)
I've become an even bigger weeb than before.

>> No.7871677

I eat instant noodles with chopsticks.

>> No.7871678

So do I, along with most Asian foods. It's weeby as fuck but it just feels right.

>> No.7871683
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Liking t+pazolite is forever. My ringtones are still all kors k songs.

>Religiously follow new doujin releases from my favorite circles.
>Still unironically enjoying lolicore.
>Everything in my purse has a Sanrio character or Rilakkuma on it.
>Taking Japanese, but still too shy to speak it. Even when there was a Japanese client struggling with English at work...
>Wear lolita purses and accessories in everyday clothes as much as I can.
>That feel when no Japanese arcade games in the area. ;_;
>4 different emoji apps on my phone because I couldn't find 1 that had all of my favorite JP emoji on it.
>Secretly really annoyed when people pronounce things like "manga" and "sake" wrong.
>Go to the asian grocery to buy pocky, because its just not the same as Walmart pocky.
>Still say stuff like "sou desu ne" when I'm with other weebs.

I thought I was getting better at hiding my powerlevel, but I've had new acquaintances say things like "You like anime, right?"

>> No.7871686
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>>Still unironically enjoying lolicore.

>> No.7871699

I will say manga and sake correctly but could never bring myself to say anime correctly in conversation, I just felt so dumb doing it

>> No.7871737
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>fellow weeb seagulls who like t+pazolite and lolicore

>> No.7871741

I had my worst weeb-phase when I was 13 (running around in a Naruto-headband and Akatsuki coat...) but man, even if you were embarrassing as fuck, it was a fucking blast. I guess I still am a bit weeby at 18, but I take great precautions with hiding my power level. The only thing that could hint at me liking Japanese shit is that I have my 3DS and Animal Crossing with me everywhere, and that everything in my purse is Sentimental Circus themed... I never let people I don't know that well see my room, they'd question my sanity, no doubt.
>huge collection of Pokemon stuff, a shelf full of Eeveelution plushies, etc.
>figures of animu and vidya girls
>way too many video games

I really want to dress super kawaii and girly, but since I'm 5'8 and look mature I don't if I'm not alone. At home I wear cute skirts and put my hair up in pigtails and bake cute stuff and pretend it's for my senpai before eating it all myself while playing Final Fantasy or something

>> No.7871761

i don't think i've ever had a weeaboo phase. i never did all those weird embarrassing things some kids seem to do. i read less manga than i did 10 years ago and i don't draw manga characters on my notes anymore because i work now, but that's the only things that have changed.
>still using animu and mango wallpapers
>still reading yaoi and fanfictions
>still listening to some visual kei and lolicore

if anything, i'm worse now since i work in manga publishing and have started slowly getting into j-fashion

>> No.7871763

I recently had to correct my boss on his pronunciation of a Japanese surname (nobody understood who the fuck he was referring to) and I felt like such a weeb. I feel like a weeb when pronouncing things correctly since everyone around me pronounces them wrong, but I also don't feel comfortable pronouncing them like everyone else here because that just sounds retarded. So I end up trying very hard to not have to pronounce Japanese words at all. Whelp.

>> No.7871765
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>> No.7871776
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>call boyfriend goshujinsama and best friend oniichan
>imagine furry animations when i listen to music
>listen to old nightcore and eroge openings
>playing DDR after classes
>speak in stereotypical loli voice when no one is around
>elitist as fuck about japanese pronunciation
>unironically love tacky pics like pic related

I'm still ashamed but I would love to be as carefree and confident as when I was 13. It's really comforting seeing I'm not the only one.

>> No.7871788

A-Are you a personafag too anon?

>> No.7871791

Back then as a teen weeb, life was carefree.
I gave no shits about what people thought of me, had fun hobbies, I had the best friends of my whole life. I was a happy teen drawing mango on every available sheet of paper (got into a lot of trouble inn school because I'd constantly draw during lessons), making jokes with my weeby friends who shared my weird interests and was somehow generally more happy.

I drifted out of my weeb phase and tried to be a normalfag, but after quite a while of being miserable and not being able to make any normalfag friends anyway I am slowly being pulled back and I regret nothing. I love every single second of it.
>started drawing again
>drawing doujinshis with my OTPs for my pleasure
>whole sketch-pads filled with scrabbles, drawings, etc
>watching more and more anime
>costantly daydream abot animu
>wish to live in animu worlds as mary sue self insert character
>having husbandos, OTPs, and self insert mary sue characters without regrets
>read a lot of fanfictions, doujinshis, follow dozens of fandom blogs on tumblr
>99% of the pornographic material I consume and get off to is anime-related (drawings, fanfics, etc)
>actually buying mangas again
>drop a shitload of money on merchandise
>started to wear Lolita, also I'm a total whore for burando
>secretly wish I was brave enough for seifukus/maid outfits
>actually managed to make new friends who are into Lolita/animu too

Feels good man. In the end, my inner weeb will never die, I guess.

>> No.7871795

Oh my god i love those tacky anime pics
Those representing no one from anime+manga in particular and often used as nightcore background on youtube.

>i'm a fakeboi
>live life as a kawaii uke
>still listen to old nightcore and old anime music
>still play old games i played as a weeb like rune factory and speak japanese while playing them
>dance to hare hare yukai
>love cute things but will never admit it
>act kinda like a tsundere
>buys a lot of animu merchandise
>i fap to hentai
>wish i could live in an animu world

Also i miss old japan, like the old school period (end of the 90's,early 2000 especially 2005) seeing streetsnaps of it makes my kokoro all nostalgio)

>I gave no shits about what people thought of me, had fun hobbies, I had the best friends of my whole life. I was a happy teen drawing mango on every available sheet of paper (got into a lot of trouble inn school because I'd constantly draw during lessons), making jokes with my weeby friends who shared my weird interests and was somehow generally more happy.

; _ ;

>> No.7871797

weeb friends were the best friends i remember going on gaia and roleplaying for hours and being a weeaboo in general with them
everything was so much fun back then...

>> No.7871803

The only thing other than my taste in fashion that stayed with me from my weeb phase is that I make hentai noises during sex. I've tried sounding normal but that shit is too deeply ingrained to get rid of. My boyfriend's an ex-weeb too and I honestly don't know how he feels about it.

>> No.7871805

>I'm a girl, but I'm more like the male weeabos, liking waifus and anime girls and shit. I'm not into the whole yaoi or fujoshi scene.

Me too.

>> No.7871806
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We should make a tinychat or Google+ group so we can all hang out and weeb without being judged.

>> No.7871807
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anon, are you me? i don't know if i would call myself a fakeboi but I'm a transmale. 90's and early 2000s japan has the best aesthetic and atmosphere, pretty much all my planned cosplays and anime merch are early 2000s moeshit now.
sorry for getting a bit off topic.

>> No.7871817
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I didn't express my weeb nature much. No way man. That would've gone against my whole Ebony Darkness Dementia Way persona. Gotta keep it mallgoth and mysterious, only consuming high brow anymay and mango, like Hellsing and Death Note. You know, dark edgy stuff that goes well with the raccoon eyeliner and the Tripp pants.
>the tripp pants that would get caught on desks, and were the cause of most of the times that i fell on my face.

Outside of dumping my high school weeb persona and becoming a lot more positive and cheerful, not much has changed since I was never aggressively into anime or manga. I was a lot more artsy and creative. I roleplayed a lot on Gaia, which I've kind of gotten back into since my oldest friends are still there, and it's helped me come up with ideas for characters and plots I'd like to use in my work later. I drew a lot of panels for a "manga" I was working on, and I guess in a strange way I'm still doing that. I'm majoring in animation/digital media, but I'm leaning more in the direction of character design, storyboard and illustration-since that was suggested to me. I'm not a "mangaka" like my 13 year old self wanted to be, but eh, it's close enough.

>> No.7871818

Oh my god yes,this a thousand times

Let's be tomodachis
n-not that i really want to or anything b-baka

>> No.7871819

>self study japanese
>collect gunpla and plamo
>watch karate bugmen at work
>90% of the music I listen is japanese, I have a soft spot for visual kei
>trying to learn to cook all dem delicious asian dishes

>> No.7871821

There is already a pretty active G+ video chat group for /cgl/ if you guys are interested in it. Whenever I post it though no one ever comes in to talk with us.
We can try tiny chat if you guys prefer that.

>> No.7871827
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If you want to come weeb with the G+ group add the moderator as a friend so she knows to invite you to the group chats.
We have a varied age group and people from all over so don't be shy! We hangout multiple times a week and they are kind of just whenever but I'll start one in a bit if anyone wants to chat.

>> No.7871832

>I make hentai noises during sex.
I thought I was the only one...

>> No.7871838

>listen to weeb OSTs
>listen to vocaloid
>daydream about husbandos
>wear a bunch of stuff that references my favorite games while having plausible deniability if normies ever ask
>chat about fictional characters constantly
>cosplay, obviously

I'm turning 24 next week.

>> No.7871863
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Most of my cringeworthy weeb days are behind me, as I approach my late 20's. I've been able to hide my power level for a long time until my current boyfriend has enabled me, as he is also a ghost weeb. Two weebs are better (worse???) than one.

>call each other husbando/waifu
>renamed our contact info on skype/cell to husbando/waifu
>go to japanese restaurants for date night even though i'm allergic to seaweed/fish/seafood but I love the atmosphere
>bought custom DS skins (his has his 2d waifu on it, mine is all the pink pokemon)
>lounge in kigus and play jrpgs or watch animu
>we go to lolita meets together (he is v polite and respectful to the other girls in my comm, and will dress in nice normalfag clothes)
>buys me lolita dresses since he knows how much i love it, even though i do buy my own dresses too
>convinced him to let me put makeup on him/dress in full lolita just to see what he looked like/if he would pass (and he did lel)
>almost unironic broken japanese slinging at each other
>copious amount of magical girl/kawaii/jojo posing all through the days
>want to start wearing maid/seifuku at home cause i think it's cute as fuck and i know he wouldn't care
>draw us in mango style kissing or holding hands
>he encourages me to be the moe blob i want to be (dressing kawaii/himekaji as often as possible)
>considering ordering shimapan to surprise him, but trying to find some that I can fit my huge ass into is hard
>want to cosplay as his 2d waifu and get him to fuck me (but I think that might be too far? ;~;)

there is so much more...

>> No.7871872

I say 'nyaa' or 'meow' in conversations when talking with my friends, and have been now for two or three years. They don't seem to care or have at least gotten used to it since they don't seem to think I'm quite 'there', if you get me. I do it without realizing, usually when someone is like 'hey anon' or when no-one else in the conversation is speaking.
I often wear my hair in half-twintails or odango.
Me and my sister often speak in half-ironic japanese.

>> No.7871882

Sounds like a dream relationship to me. My last boyfriend disliked anime, hated my art style which was still heavily influenced by years and years of drawing animu, hated that I was interested in Lolita clothes and would never have accepted any of that "weak, pathetic" weeb behaviour.
we broke up, now I happily wear Lolita, draw animu again and hve no regrets. I wish I can find a boyfriend like yours one day, anon, you both sound lovely!

>> No.7871889

aw thank you anon <3
I'm glad to hear that you're doing what you love again, toxic relationships are definitely the worst and I had my fair share before I finally found someone I can comfortably be myself with.

some day your weeby husbando prince will come~~

>> No.7871895

W-what? Quizilla shut down? That site was my lifeblood when I was a little 14-year-old weeblet.

>> No.7871900

>I have a yaoi RP that started in 2008 and still going strong.
>I wear natchatte seifuku to work, I work in IT where no one gives a fuck what you wear, I wear petti-less lolita on casual fridays
>I have animu shirts from Uniclo that I wear unironically
>does the ARASHI ARASHI FOR DREAM dance even in public
>I will still fight you to the death over my husbando

>> No.7871904

Who is your husbando, anon?

>> No.7871909
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I am a huge weeaboo, and I am unashamed. I don't make any effort to hide my powerlevel and most normalfags think it's cute/cool that I know so much about Japan. I'm going to study Japanese language and culture at university next year and everyone is always really impressed when I tell them. Other things...

>follow new anime seasons as they come out, discuss them with pseudo-normalfag friends
>wear seifuku/cute wigs/thigh high socks to school/wherever
>most of my favourite bands are jrock/visual kei
>most of my favourite games are jrpgs and visual novels
>have a husbando and dream of cute scenarios between him and me in my head
>draw animu all day every day
>cosplay my otps with my boyfriend

No regrets man, I am living the dream.

>> No.7871915
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this might be dating myself but pic related. This picture was the first one I ever tried to draw, and failed horribly.
(Also, I just found out that Saiyuki.com is still up for some goddanm reason.)

>> No.7871931

>I'm going to study Japanese language and culture at university next year
>wear seifuku/cute wigs/thigh high socks to school/wherever
>draw animu all day every day
>cosplay my otps with my boyfriend

Yes, can't deny my jelly. My inner weeb still regrets not having the balls/being too lazy to actually study Japanese and I am still too ashamed to wear anything to weeby in everyday life. Outside from meet ups and cons, I amm even too anxious for cute casual Lolita/otome looks because i can't handle the stares and feel like everyone is judging me for being a special snowflake.

>> No.7871938
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I don't suppress my powerlevel because I don't want people to know I'm a weeaboo but because I don't want people to know I have shit taste. If I were more open about it then even other weebs would look down on me.

>> No.7871941

You're on Anon here, please let me know more about your "shit taste".
>mw I also hide my power leves sometimes because I have a shitty pleb taste

>> No.7871955
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Yeah, I definitely do get a lot of stares and comments, however people who actually know me usually think it's really cute. I guess it's just something you have to get used to and ignore but I understand that not everyone can do that. Still I encourage you to live your kawaii dream, anon!

I'm so looking forward to my study, you don't even know! In the second year, we get to go to Japan for half a year. Already saving up now to buy all the things.

>> No.7871990

Jealous! I am thinking about applying for JET if I don't land a job in advertising right out of college.

>> No.7872006

I just got out of a relationship with a bitchy fatty.

>she told me not to wear lolita
>i later learn that's because she's bitter about not fitting in lolita and not looking kawaii
>she told me to wear more normal clothes
>i later learn that's because she was jelly of the attention i got???
>she whined on the phone about how much i was attracting too much attention by being kawaii and that i was repeating myself when i told her that i loved her
>she treated to leave me if i wasn't less popular on the internet
>i later learn that's because she was jelly again
>she's going full yandere on people telling the most innocent things as compliments and tells me she really want to say mean things to me (litteraly) because of it
>she once told me she wanted to hurt me because she was angry at me
>she shouted at me in a convention for wanting to go to the toilet to put my makeup on for my cosplay since i couldn't do it at home
>she was a huge fujoshi and i buy her a yaoi to make up for it she just told me "you really think this is going to work?" then take the yaoi from me while i begin to cry because i'm anxious and i made an effort to come in a convention just to see her
>whines because i don't show her enough affection then whines because it's too much when i call her cute nicknames "it's always the saaame"
>when i feel sad she tells me "why? you have me" and when she feels sad she just baww at me
>she went into bitch fits and ignored me three days when i coloured my hair and she told me it was because i was ugly with that and that everyone was just licking my ass by telling me it was pretty
>i wore cat ears once when waiting for her since it was one of her soft spot
>i was so happy and thinking it would make her smile but she just said "take it off it doesn't suit you,it's ugly and weaboo"
In her last bitchfit i told her to go fuck herself and that i had enough of her shit. Now i'm a happy weaboo all alone wearing what i want.
Sorry for the shit english too.

>> No.7872014

Wow what a psycho bitch you did well anon.
>mfw i'm obsessed with Sakura Card Captor and I want to be a magical girl

>> No.7872035

Good taste anon.

>> No.7872040
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I'd like to think I'm somewhat toned down but here we goooo

>kawaii character/rilakkuma folders for school
>rilakkuma school bag
>korilakkuma phone case
>hello kitty rugs, calendar, plushies, bookend, and bedset
>think in japanese with anime stock phrases (hazukashiiiiii~ doushiteeee? nani soreeeee? dou shiyouuuu? ganbatteneeee~!)
>anime wall scrolls
>a couple anime t-shirts, a pikachu hoodie
>bookshelf of manga, don't really read "actual" novels or books for fun
>go to bookstores just to read manga
>uguu cute poses in the mirror
>90% of my reaction images folder are anime characters
>listen to and sing along to anime OSTs in the shower
>hentai > IRL porn, want to get into visual novels
>heart goes doki doki when I read sweet romance shoujo manga, get so flustered i put the book down until I'm calm again
>forever wishing for the day that I have a romance like the ones in manga
>slightly disappointed whenever i can't/don't wear j-fashion or j-fashion-inspired outfits
>currently resisting urge to buy seifuku because I don't have the body type for it
>currently resisting urge to buy kigu because I don't know if I'd actually wear it since I live with a roommate who I'd feel awkward around

I'm envious of some of you.

>> No.7872041

I still make pretty bento boxes and use a Sailor Moon calender. I also have phone charms of my favourite characters dangling everywhere.

For my best friend's funeral I played Moonlight Denstesu on the flute. We became friends over Sailor Moon, so it felt appropriate.

>> No.7872048

> Still live yaoi so much I joined a yaoi club and finally went to Yaoi Con
> Blast anime tunes in the car and sing along
> Have a car covered in anime bumper stickers
> Carry my FMA pocket watch
> Laugh when something in history is Hetalia-esque
> Have a million cell charms attached to my IPhone
> am totally gonna put on my Naruto headband and binge read the last 200 chapters

I don't feel like my love of anime has diminished over the years, I've just gotten good about hiding power levels or being chill about my love of anime. I don't ever hide that I'm a super fan, I just don't let it take over interactions with other people.

>> No.7872056

I'm allergic to japanese food too!!!!!!!! The worst part was that I worshipped Japanese culture but was unable to eat the glorious Nippon food.

>> No.7872058

> i still think in japanese gibberish

oh good I'm not alone, hell sometimes when I'm alone I catch myself even speaking japanese gibberish

>> No.7872059

Are you a boy or a girl?

>> No.7872060

Don't forget to take a reservation if you go to the Ghibli museum. I went this summer and it was great, you can't take any pictures inside though.

>> No.7872069

FOR REAL?! Oh my god... I had an account there.

>> No.7872080


>Out of weeb phase since a good few years, pretty good social life and basically get away with remaining weeby shit for being "artsy"
> Go to Japan with a friend as a birthday present
> Meet up with online friend I've had for a year while over there
> End up dating, been 2 years now
> Mfw doing weeby shit as a couple is the best feeling ever

There's no escaping the weeb inside.

>> No.7872084

>on the outside i look like urban outfitters style normalfag
>walk into my room
>angelic pretty and magical girl posters and drawings and purikura photos all over the place, only use cute sanrio desk supplies, collection of arkpasso on my bed
>closet is full of seifuku and sailor dresses and lolita and kawaii shit hidden behind boring normalfag disguises
>studying japanese in college and plan for study abroad in tokyo
>bookshelf full of kawaii mangos
>friends with japanese exchange students because they think i'm kawaii and we watch sailor moon crystal together
>go to asian markets for kawaii candy and snacks all the time
>actually the biggest fucking weeb but nobody knows because i don't act like it in public

>> No.7872086

Honestly the only thing I miss about being in a relationship is being able to act like a complete weeb with someone without it being weird. I miss being able to nyan and make retarded noises for no reason.

>> No.7872089

> take japanese classes
don't worry, they know.

>> No.7872091

A girl (yes i'm a disgusting lesbo Kooter-sama would be disappointed)

>> No.7872092

>>forever wishing for the day that I have a romance like the ones in manga
ilu and everyone here is so cute let's be a big weeb family

>> No.7872094

Does anyone have a good animu forum or something?

>> No.7872103

All the K-ON, K-Pop shit is 2008 onwards which I never associate with weaboos, the fascination with K-Pop was always just a retaliation by people who thought they were too cool for J-pop and wanted to latch onto a different east-asian culture. The real weaboo stuff died just after 2007-2008 following Lucky Star, Code Geass etc.

I was preaching this when everyone started looking down on weaboos in 2006 - you'll one day grow to regret that you didn't enjoy yourself more and spent your carefree days bitching at and judging others for having fun.

I honestly love weaboos, I went through my stage where I didn't want to be a part of them (I think this was during the hot topic/emo days of weaboos) but it quickly passed. You can definitely go back, you just need to drop all judgement and enjoy life for what it is. I find weaboos at cons and hang around with them and find it hilarious the things they do in public, the fact that some disgruntled normal person or elitist cosplayer is getting angry at their behaviour just makes it funnier for me, but I've been on 4chan for over a decade now and get a kick out of chaotic/trollish humour.

>> No.7872106

I have a sinking feeling that I know you.

Heavy Rotation-chan, is that you?

>> No.7872115

I want to be friends with you omg

>> No.7872119

You seem really cute im sorry your ex was so crazy ;;

>> No.7872135
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Early 2000s/Late 90s anime has always been my favorite. My walls are still covered in Di Gi Charat, Galaxy Angel and Pita-ten posters.

Were you on IRC/4chan etc in those days? I was a digisubber back then.

>> No.7872137


I should probably say raspberryheaven, SA, W2CH etc. rather than 4chan. I don't really know what collective name to use.

>> No.7872150

>Still a narutard
>Still like nightcore
>Still do shitty cosplays
>All my friends grew up and became normal adults but I'm still here being a child
>Still happy.

>> No.7872151

>Dance to idol/anime songs, especially precure songs
Muh Nigga

>> No.7872170

>I still occasionally say things like 'desu' and 'kawaii nee~' in everyday conversation

Why...I somehow understand "kawaii", but "desu"? Why would you?

>> No.7872185

because desu

>> No.7872196


>> No.7872215

Anyone else missing 2005/2006 a lot?
Those were the best years of my life I was so carefree and happy.

>> No.7872237

thank you anon!, though youre probably alot cuter then me, haha!

yes yes agreed, hail t+pazolite. lolicore is life.


aww, thats really sweet anon. sorry for your loss.

>> No.7872240

can u not

>> No.7872243

>eroge openings
YES, I'M NOT ALONE, I don't even play those games, but man do the openings ROCK

>> No.7872249

This so hard, oh man.

I was a weeb from like 4th to 5th grade, and once I got to middle school and got really shitted on for it, I slowly learned to hide my power levels.
Now that I'm in college and really invested into lolita, I'm getting drawn back into animu, esp. with all the remakes

>HunterxHunter was my childhood
>mfw remake

>> No.7872252

Oh, do you remember the days when you rp'd on Gaia and the same goddamn animu pictures were on everyone's character profiles? I fucking loved that.

>> No.7872268
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I really do miss all the fun I used to have when I was a cringe lord. Even though I was annoying as fuck, and not to mention tasteless. The excitement I remember getting from every little thing having to do with animu is something I haven't felt in a while. God, even though thinking about my behavior back then is embarrassing as fuck, I'll always miss the great feelings I got from it.
>pic related, mfw

>> No.7872276

It's not too far, my boyfriend and I are weebs too (though he's more of a comic geek), and he once asked me if he could fuck me with one of my cosplays on. DO IT.

>> No.7872278

>you will never be the happy pepe you once were

>> No.7872282

i say 'tadaimaaaa' when i come home and i know my roomate is not home. if its been a long and tiring day its really satisfying somehow.

>> No.7872291
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>That special feeling you'd get in your tummy when you read manga
>Any manga
>Even shitty, crudely drawn shoujo
>Even Elfen Lied
>Ridiculously happy when you make friends who also like anime

If there's anything I miss, it's that sparkly feeling I'd get just from looking at cute animu girls. I feel like once I turned 18, it left and I'll never feel it again.

>> No.7872296

You're living the dream, anon

>> No.7872308

I've always been different and gone against mainstream and normal fags, I think. My mom let me dress how I wanted and when I was in elementary school he biggest shit was all China related until I read Aa! Megamisama! and Ranma ½. That's when my true weeaboo stage engaged, and I was what, 10?

I was never truly an embarrassing weeb except with my clothing:
> started wearing a bow in my hair in junior high and it's been my trademark ever since (23 yo)
> wore a chained collar and pleated plaid skirts kawaii seifuku style
> Anything Hello Kitty or Pucca was awesome
> joined my city's anime and manga club at 13 yo and been a member since

My best and most carefree weeb phase was in high school where I had lots of friends with similar interests, and it was awesome.
> still watching animu, though nowdays I have a more refined taste
> still draw with some mango influence, but being an illustrator (no mangaka sob) I have my own style
> still RP a lot and recently went back to Gaia
> I dress kawaii and love cute ass accessories, especially the ones that sparkle and make me look like a mahou shoujo
> I have always had an anime ringtone, and that tradition will not change though my normal fag friends hate it
> I have a huge collection of animu avatars and gifs on my comp
> Went to Japan as a graduation gift with my also weeby best friend and our mutual friend who can speak fluent Japanese
> I studied Japanese in high school but have forgotten most of it thus love speaking broken wapanese by myself
> Huge elitist when it comes to pronouncing Japanese
> I still love yaoi, but have sorta drifted to bara
> All my self insert Mary Sues were actually Gary Stus, I still choose a hot male side character and make up a hot yaoi uke for them in my head, doki doki
> were the vice president of the mentioned anime club for many years, now stepped down to be the art supervisor because of lack of time.
> Still cosplay, go to cons and also arrange cons
tl;dr: Permaweeb

>> No.7872321


> Super into jfash such as fairy kei, kowakawaii and CPK, not afraid to wear it in public
> My hair has been colourful and weird as long as I remember
> Now I have a wonderful weebish boyfriend (mainly into western comics) who wants to watch Sailor Moon and Utena with me, buys me cartoon stuff as gifts on special occasions and wants to draw a comic with me
> Totally supports my cosplay and other weeb hobbies, heck he collects manga too
> I fap to hentai occasionally and Oscar François de Jarjayes is my waifu/husbando
> My fave thing is my horrible super sailor seifuku I bought from Bodyline back in 2010
> I talk all cute when my boyfriend makes me happy
> I own so much manga the number is embarrassing to mention

And yet I've never really hidden my weeaboo behaviour, but I've always sorta known when normal fags don't wanna hear about my odd hobbies. People describe me as strange, but outgoing and open minded, so I guess I've reached a level where I'm supposed to be in life.

> tfw feels good man

>> No.7872322

I don't think my weebyness has changed too much. The biggest difference is all my friends were weeby as hell back then so I got to enjoy them without being embarrassing myself. I was never one of those NYAA DESUNE~ types, even in high school I had a friend who would call me "myname-chan" and it was always cringey.
Oh, though I did write a few essays in highschool about sailor moon or DBZ.. got out of that by college thankfully.
I am pretty open about dressing lolita and jfashion in public
>say desu ironically to my boyfriend, we call ourselves "team desu"
>say kawaii unironically to kawaii friends or around b/f
>took japanese in highschool, went to japan, keep insisting I'll pick it back up again (but don't)
>want to go back to japan
>want to start wearing my hair in odango out sometimes
>wear lolita, even to sushi restaurants
>anytime I have to draw something I draw sailor moon
>have a shitton of sailor moon stuff
>working on sakura themed bedroom
>play kawaii games
>want to wear seifuku/meido, just got a maid outfit
>love asian markets and asian food and sushi
>ran an "importecd japanese collectibles business" (bought shit on mbok with an ss and resold it on ebay) that still makes its way onto resumes occasionally
>cat is named mochi

>> No.7872332

Not that anon but its kind of hilarious to say desu semironically. I started it when one of my friends described an outfit as "needing more desu" and another one as "very desu" it's just funny because it doesn't make any sense. I don't know about anon but I don't actually end sentences with it like you're supposed to.

>> No.7872335
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>14 years old
>doing shitty fandub/covers of Vocaloid songs
>doing dance covers to Idolm@ster dances, Hare Hare Yukai/TMOHS game, Buono, Guardians 4, C-ute, Morning Musume, Koharu Kusumi, Shugo Chara Eggs, ect.
>rping on myspace everyday as anime person
>using icons such as "xD, >< n.n n///n T////T" all that shit
>watch anime everyday on the computer and from netflix dvd rental
>make ocs on mmd custom models

>20 years old
>no vocal covers, just singing along to vocaloid songs/anime openings, ED's alone
>put on my seifuku/wigs every now and then to feel special n cute alone
>finally order first cosplay, still nervous to actually wear it
>naked anime girl posters all over room
>custom iphone case of my husbando
>bf is slightly weeby also but has the same hidden powerlevel as me
>wear seifuku/maid outfit dirty sexy time with bf
>still watch all the newest anime

I don't talk about anime even to online friends or irl friends much. I've suppressed my weebyness I guess to the point of it being more of a hobby than a style of life or whatever.

>> No.7872337

Yeah I also want to know what your shit taste is anon

>> No.7872390

Not the original Anon, but maybe they will step forward and confess when I do too?
So here I go:
>enjoy stupid Shoujo manga
>enjoy every second of the new Sailor Moon Crystal anime and actually like it
>I like Shingeki no Kyojin unironically
>actually like the manga's art style too
>could fangirl for hours about SnK
>read every doujinshi I can get, follow every tumblr blog that's SnK related, read fanfics religiously
>blood, bandages, all that edgy stuff - absolutley love it, enjoy every fanart with blood, bandages, bruises, all that other kawaii 2edgy4me stuff, still draw most my animu pictures with blood and gore
>I actually still read Junjou Romantica and enjoy every page of it, even own the manga myself
>still read many other badly written boys love mangos
>follow dozens of fandom tumblrs

And that is only the beginning. I can't even start how even my taste for fanfcitions is shit, haha. In general, my weeb taste hasn't evolved past the age of 14.

>> No.7872399

I think what a lot of people here are describing is tumblr 'weabooism' which is to say some kind of ironic twist on 'weaboo'. It's not exactly the same thing that was around in the mid 2000s. I never associate 'omg OTP' lowercase tumblr 'fangirling' with anything to do with original weaboos. I'm guessing the tumblr types like to think of themselves as ironic weaboos but would probably recoil at any remaining actual weaboos they meet on Gaia, dA or FA. The kind of people who preach non-judgement but do it themselves in droves.

Honestly post-weabooism is way worse.

>> No.7872408

Care to explain further? I don't really know what you mean by post-weeabooism but I don't think weeaboos nowadays are as bad. Well, maybe the fujoshits.

>> No.7872411

I used to roleplay on Myspace more than I spent time with real life needs. If you want to go back to it, everyone is on Aniroleplay. I still have an account there for my poorly-edited mary sue original character, but I try not to go back.

>> No.7872416

>all my playlists involve more than three weeb songs except for when I dj for normalfAg parties in which I casually try to slip some remixes in
>wear seifuku casually
>have tons of weeby posters, plushies etc
>went to japan once and it was fucking everything my little weeb self dreamed of, planning on starting an abroad work program next year
>do dances etc
>forever wishing to have a group of fun girl weeb friends and be a kawaii idoru group

Sigh. My weeby dreams will never leave me, but to be honest I don't really want them to. Being weird has always been fun for me even disregarding all the teasing.

>> No.7872418

>>That special feeling you'd get in your tummy when you read manga
>>Ridiculously happy when you make friends who also like anime

Oh anon I miss that too so much i would feel such a special feeling when i watched anime like kuroshitsuji or code geass like i can't describe it.

>> No.7872422


weaboos nowadays on tumblr aren't really the same thing. They too self-aware to be anything like the legitimate naive weaboos that exist scarcely today and were plentiful back in 2006. Point being the types you see on tumblr wouldn't be the sort to glomp random strangers, they wouldn't curse their non-japanese heritage, they wouldn't have a diet that consists of nothing but pocky and ramen. They wouldn't use emoticons like ^__^ and o___o (and all their extreme deviations) unironically. They wouldn't squint in photographs and do the peace sign to look more Japanese and they certainly wouldn't give a shit about K-Pop over Utada Hikaru or An Cafe.

Being a weaboo and having integrity are virtually mutually exclusive. The tumblr people who claim to have gone 'back to weabooism' are pushing a diluted form that isn't really in any way shape or form respective of what original weaboos used to be like.

>> No.7872423

I watch anime on a bunch of various streaming sites, and some of them still have those really old chatroom bars on the side. People in there are still going on the full blown XD roleplaying train with "VampireNeko" usernames, and it's incredible to see that the classic mid-2000s weeaboos are alive and well.

>> No.7872436

well, of course it's post-weeaboism, since people here are too old to still be regular weebs, that's the point of the thread.

as for otp stuff and fangirling, i don't think it's anything new. before tumblr it was on LJ and FF.net, and before that on those awful personal sites with a bunch of ugly gifs and eye-searing backgrounds. it's always been around.

>> No.7872441
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Yeah I have an account on there too, but I just couldn't get back into it like I used too.
I tried to be social, talk to everyone I added but some of then didn't reply and others slowly just sent one sentence replies.
I was really into just photoshopping pictures as my characters, I enjoyed it a lot. RPing was rather tedious keeping the story line going and actually exciting..

>pic related, I actually have an entire photobucket of originals.

>> No.7872443
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Ok, because of you guys I cried.
I don't know if it's happiness,sheer nostalgia,... but i cried. I remembered how much i was happy back then and now i decided to be a closet weeb again,i restrained myself during all those years trying to be "perfect" but i was unhappy inside. I act like i hate weebs but inside my kokoro i still am one. I'm going to embrace my inner weeb,join animu forums and make weeb friends again and listen to An cafe while wearing weeb clothes and watch anime thanks for making me remember, /cgl/.

>> No.7872447

I never had a weeb phase, sad to say.

Just now getting into cosplay @ 21

Was obsessed with Cardcaptor Sakura when I was in elementary tho and I'm a goy

>> No.7872450


>> No.7872479



>> No.7872482

Most of tumblr weebs also started liking anime in the wave of being fake nerds. Same people who are ebin nerdy superwholocks xd omg

>> No.7872489

This thread has been a great inspiration. I always wanted to be a weeaboo, but it was never genuine, always halfhearted attempts to fit in somewhere. And I have never had any community to be a weeaboo with, so it'd have to be alone. Maybe I should try taking bronyism to the next level instead, it's similar to weeaboosim in some ways, that'd be genuine.

I was planning to wear cosplay to university if I ended up alone, because when you have no social circle you lose nothing by commiting social suicide. I'm always alone on Mondays, so could be good. I think I'm going to buy some anime merchandise tomorrow actually, because I'm so inspired right now.

I do use some of the most basic weeaboo smileys and the word kawaii, but it started ironically, but at this point I think it's unironic.

>> No.7872492
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>> No.7872496

>as for otp stuff and fangirling, i don't think it's anything new. before tumblr it was on LJ and FF.net, and before that on those awful personal sites with a bunch of ugly gifs and eye-searing backgrounds. it's always been around.

Not really in the same tone though. If you'd lived through both you'd be able to see the big difference between the two. It's easy to 'fangirl' when you've got tens of thousands of people on your tumblr doing the same. Not as easy when internet access is still limited, very little in the way of communities exist and there's nobody around to share your interests.

>> No.7872499


Wrong song m8

Everyone is singing the track from Zone's 4chan flash series


>> No.7872500
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You are not alone anon I feel you

>> No.7872512
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All kinds of Persona fag, anon.

To contribute, does anyone else force their pets into their weeaboo ways?
I'm a big tolkien nerd too so my dogs avoided weeb names and got lotr names instead, but they sure as hell cant avoid kawaii pet seifukus. The only problem I have is finding giant dog seifuku.

>> No.7872534

i totally disagree, yeah, the communities were probably smaller, but they still existed, and i don't think you need more than one person like you to do stupid shit as a group on the internet. proof is, those old style weeaboos existed, and they weren't exactly rare either.

for me, the only real difference is that the focus has shifted from purely japanese media to a bunch of other stuff. but that just means you get night vale, sherlock and homestuck instead of inuyasha and fruit basket, or k-pop instead of visual kei and animu music. and even then, you still had harry potter in the past, and you have aot now. so i guess they're not weebs in the strictest sense, but i feel like the generale attitude hasn't changed much

oh and there's also the sjw thing. no idea were that came from, and it doesn't look like anything i remember from before, i agree.

>> No.7872539

*jams out to Raver's Fantasy*

I'm not that bad, but still more weebish than most my age.
>28, 29 in less than a month
>still eat cheap ass Ramen with chopsticks
>FMA fan art hung up in living room
>huge FMA fan, shows a LOT
>license plate was "ALCHMST"
>husband has two FMA tatts, I have one
>call each other Riza and Roy
>he finds lolita as a turn on
>named kid after an anime character
>still have my Mary Sue crack fan fics on my computer I refuse to get rid of
>phone BG and ringtone are anime based, always
>also, still obsessed with unicorns
>not obsessed with yaoi, but I still read it and I have a huge /y/ folder saved
>still have my head cannons, OTP's, and ships from years ago
>still dabble in DDR; actually beat hubby at the game multiple times
Yeah, I have a feeling I've just totes given who I am away, but eh...

Oh and someone mentioned the "mallgawf" phase. I still kinda like Tripp pants, but the quality is fucking shit nowadays. But I never hardcore tried to keep a dark n edgy persona. I was a mixture of a raver kid and a goth, so I'd get shit from most of the "goths" at my local mall for being too perky, yet I was "too dark" for any of the normal fags.
Also couldn't be too much of a weeaboo in my teens - crazy ass background I had forbid me from anything Chinese or Japanese because, religion.

But man oh man, I wish I could go back and totally weeb out. However, I've reached a point in my life where I've gladly let my power level show and I don't give two shits what most people think, so I'm happy where I am, just wish it would have come sooner.

>> No.7872543


It's still a completely different execution from how it used to be. The way tumblr handles 'OTPs' and 'fangirling' is completely different from how it used to be.

You can argue that on paper it looks the same, but it's not at all. You could say that /b/ is completely the same as it used to be on paper but if you ever spent some time there in the early early days you'll know it's totally different.

>> No.7872544

Ignore the trip; was on another board

>> No.7872551


We're out there, sad thing is we are just as hard to find as you gals.

>> No.7872554

I actually kinda enjoy L33tstr33tboy songs (hikkikomori or imaginary boys) they look embarassing and stupid in real life but their songs reminds me of my carefree weeb days

A-Am i the only one?

>> No.7872556

>>named kid after an anime character
poor child
I get being a weeb but why destroy someone else's life as well, that child is not an accessory

>> No.7872557

NYAPPY BE HAPPY, embrace yourself and indulge yourself with things you like.

>> No.7872558

ia, back then you had some etiquette but nowadays it's just aggressively shouting MUH FEELS and OFFENSIVE whenever you write something raycis or whatever

>> No.7872570

Sorry to hear that anon. I'm glad you're doing the things you love again.

I'm really curious though, how do people end up in relationships with people who don't have any similar interests/don't respect each others' interests? I always thought it'd be pretty obvious upfront that you've got your own shit you're into, and that it comes with the relationship as a package.

>> No.7872571

that's the thing, i just can't tell if /b/ really changed in any way. it feels different (like a lot more boring), but i'm not sure i wasn't the one to change. that said, i'm from 2007, so maybe it was already too late.

anyway, i understand what you're saying, but i still don't think those differences are real differences, and some of the people in this thread (like >>7872539 ) look more old weeb than new weeb to me. guess we'll just have to agree to disagree

>> No.7872574

Two things.
One: it's not InuYasha Seshomaru Sepheroth Kagome Desu or any shit like that. It's a name that happens to be in FMA, which is full of normalfag names.

Two: no fucking shit my kid isn't an accessory. It's not why I had kids. But oh god for-fucking-bid I name her something that has a double meaning for me (I like the name and it's meaning, and it's after my fav character), because then I'm forcing them into my lifestyle. Is that any worse than parents who go a biblical route or a mythological route for naming their kids?

>> No.7872581

Diff anon but it's really not. Yeah of course naming your kid Inuyasha is stupid but how is naming them Rick or Serena harmful? In fact it's objectively better than naming them Brittanii or any one of those "creatively spelled" names

>> No.7872583
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I feel this so incredibly hard. I was so proud of myself getting over my batshit shonen phase but then HxH. I have GEM series Hisoka sitting on my desk right now and I've never been happier with anything
>I also have an OC that my friends convinced me to make an RP blog for
>Most ashamed I've ever been

My girlfriend does the chorus battle/vocaloid covers thing, I'm so jealous. I love singing and I think it could be tons of fun I just do not speak Japanese, like, at all.
>She also taught me the difference between Japanese pronouns
>mfw I can never unhear it

To be honest I don't really do that much to conceal my powerlevel, I'm really happy and outgoing/domineering and know how to shower/dress myself so most people think I'm just quirky and not a total weirdo (I have no idea how I accomplished this). In many ways I'm more of a weeb than I was when I was in middle school though.
>Room is covered in posters from conventions, have about 100 things on my walls now and still quite a few that I need to hang up
>Collecting figures for the first time ever, I only have two right now but that nendroid Satsuki will be mine
>Collect kpop albums
>Cosplay now more than ever
>Infatuated with jfashion and my entire closet is influenced by it even though I don't quite have the finances to commit (other collectible shit has been coming first)
>Consuming anime at a ridiculous rate
>So uncontrollably hype for the possible HBO remake of Monster that I might actually die
>Use xD all the fucking time

I'm living the weeb life that my middle school self wanted so badly. My mother is judgmental and I do not even care.

>> No.7872590

Having a crazy spelt name is just the parents liking the sound of a name but not wanting their child to be 1 of 100 Ashleys, so they go spechial snowflayk and confuse the kid.

And how is naming your kid after a biblical character not turning your kid into an accessory? I've seen people brag about how biblical their child's name is...

>> No.7872594

i think that anon was thinking about reasonably biblical names, like a random saint with a common name, not the biblical equivalent of calling your kid inuyasha

>> No.7872598
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I collect vintage japanese dolls/figures from 50's-70's (like pose dolls, Dakin Dream Pets, etc). i don't really think that's a particularly weeaboo thing, but i guess it's some kind of "adult" transition in tastes i subconsciously developed as i grew out of my weeb phase.

also i am still obsessive with hello! project and yasutaka nakata groups... some things you can't give up ;_;

>> No.7872600


kpop isn't weeb

>> No.7872602

I secretly listen to them and then scoff when they end up in my recommended list like 'pff how did that get there, fucking youtube'

>> No.7872606

>the biblical equivalent of calling your kid inuyasha

That made me chuckle.

>> No.7872611

Most of my weeaboo phase was overshadowed by my Deutschebag phase.
>Germany is the best
>wearing german army boots all dat erry day
>speaking broken german
>Doitsu is my boyfriend

Dark times.

>> No.7872614


>> No.7872626

Some of their songs are super catchy and it takes me back to the ol' days but yeah we're all secret weebs here

I'm laughing so much because of the "Deutschebag" but mang Hetalia is kinda cool if you take the hetaboos appart.

Jesus desu

>> No.7872637
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>tfw power super hidden
I am cool and spicy outside, looking normal, and the average girl.
Then as soon as I get home, I'm such a fucking weeb, I start watching anime clips and attempting to do bad voice overs.
I also dance anime shit and sing loud.
Whenever I play a JRPG/fighting game, I scream out the special attacks out loud with serious intentions
I read a lot of fanfics/doujins about my husbando and try my best to imagine myself with him in situations.
I play otome games like there is no tomorrow.
I don't really want to visit Japan, but if I did, I'd go to see all the cute shops and probably a meido cafe.

I want to buy a suzumiku and a gym outfit to wear for my boyfriend (W-When I get one)
I think that's it.

>> No.7872639

>wearing suzumiku and gym outfit for your boyfriend
b a s e d

I wish you the best of luck and long lasting happiness

>> No.7872640

>Most of my weeaboo phase was overshadowed by my Deutschebag phase.
I-is this really a thing? Why would anyone do this? I'm German and all I can say is we don't even like to be German ourselves, our language is too difficult even for most native German speakers and I can't see why anyone would obsess over us or our laguage (which is pretty cool, but even most native German speakers hate it). Why?

>> No.7872665

Oh shit she does? That makes me jelly. I don't think I'm good at singing and I especially learned that after uploading covers on Youtube.
I got one of those voices that sounds different when recorded..

>> No.7872674

i never went through a weeb phase
instead i had sparkledog invader zim scene kandi kid wannabe

>> No.7872677

I'm not German crazy but I can see why it might be a thing. Germans are kind of seen as badasses by most people. Its basically the opposite of being a weaboo actually, instead of being attracted to the kawaii country they get attracted to the badass rep germans have.

>> No.7872688

>*jams out to Raver's Fantasy*

>> No.7872689


Damn. So many weird 13 year old memories. I remember having folders dedicated to all of my results and other pictures from Advanced Anime.

Hm. I think I've gotten better about hiding my power levels from getting older and being more aware of what Japan is really like and gaining interest in other things besides Japanese (pop) culture, but shit sneaks in when it can.

Lately, I've been casually saying "Kawaii" in place of "cute" to myself whenever I see something remotely cute. Reminiscent of weeaboo past, my drawing style still looks anime-like in spite of trying to give figures and faces more dimension and proper proportions. I haven't listened to J-pop/happy hardcore sincde my DDR days, but I've gotten into Japanese shoegaze and math rock lately.

I do gladly weeb out when I meet or I'm among people who share the same interests. Sometimes then, I realize that I'm less than a weeb than they are.

>I'm a girl, but I'm more like the male weeabos, liking waifus and anime girls and shit. I'm not into the whole yaoi or fujoshi scene.

Me too!

>> No.7872695

Germans seemed so cool back then, I mean I'm pretty sure most of the US sees you guys as hardcore, mostly angry, badasses.

I thought exactly that up until I met a ton of german tourists. You guys seem so happy and cuddly.
>All the women have been bitches tho

>> No.7872700

If I really like a series, I celebrate the final episode.

Code Geass R2: I watched it while eating Pizza Hut and drinking a Coke Zero.

K-ON!!: I had tea and cake.

Black Rock Shooter TV: I had tea and macarons.

>> No.7872712

>start ironically using weebanese among cosplay/lolita friends
>ie: "Nigga that's kawaii" or "ganbatte [friend]-chan!"
>have almost let it slip a couple of times in front of normalfag friends

Treading on thin ice...

>> No.7872716

My favorite years for anime were the early 2000s and late 90s (Started following subbed anime in the early 90s) but I always thought that 2004-2007 was such a great time for the anime community. 4chan/internet culture was at a peak and was just before the internet was ruined by social media, a huge influx of normal people.

If you want a serious throwback, go and play the Mario Kart map on TF2. It's like a 4chan 2006 time capsule

>> No.7872727

well i don't know about the rest, but i love the german language, i think it sounds pretty cool. it was even my first language choice at school (sadly after 9 years i still couldn't understand the shortest sentence while i read english fine).

also for some reason, some years ago kids were really into tokyo hotel and the number of students that chose german for first language briefly skyrocketed. it was a little weird, back in my times we just had rammstein (i'm french btw).

>> No.7872733

She has a good voice, although she's not trained so we both know it could sound better. I've been told I have a good voice a lot but ever since I stopped doing choir all I can hear are my mistakes.

I think everyone sounds different when recorded, especially from how you sound in your head. Something about skull reverberations altering the pitch and etc (I don't remember exactly what it was, I heard it forever ago). I know that I'm constantly surprised by how high-pitched my talking voice is when I'm recorded, I think my voice is much deeper.

>> No.7872738

mein neger

>> No.7872758

>Germans are kind of seen as badasses by most people.
>Germans seemed so cool back then, I mean I'm pretty sure most of the US sees you guys as hardcore, mostly angry, badasses.
top lel
But good to know, I'll keep that in mind if I ever visit the US.

I remember Tokio Hotel (don't forget the edgy spelling) too! Good times.

Don't worry Anon, German is a difficult language! Not even native speakers have it easy.

>> No.7872773
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Thank you, Anon.
Hopefully when he comes by, he won't be creeped out by my weird ways.

>> No.7872776

i don't think it's because it's difficult so much as because i never get any occasion to use it. english is all over the internet and i pretty much learned it from an unholy combination of scantrads, fanfics and 4chan. german on the other hand...

>> No.7872798
File: 94 KB, 442x700, zhou_mi_by_kairuxriisu-d4d6pbp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kimchiboo here. Outside I'm perfectly normal but my room will soon be a shrine to my precious oppars. Fuck. Picture semi-related(?) I got a new laptop so I haven't saved any kgifs yet.

>> No.7872804

Good god where can I find girls like you all? All of my relationships have been with normal basic females.

Just let me meet a girl that gives no fucks about being an otaku.

>> No.7872810

>start ironically using weebanese among cosplay/lolita friends

>> No.7872821
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Sorry to be 'that guy' but... koreaboos and weaboos are different, so it's kind of off-topic to mention your love for your kpop oppars. Sure, both are obsessive about people and things of the "pop culture" of a different country, but beyond that the aspects of each are different. Doesn't sit right with me to lump them together in this way.

((But, anon, I don't mean to be rude! In fact, I sort of feel you. Except I'm all about my precious unnies.))

>> No.7872828

...so I am seriously the only one who has encountered Christian pissing contests on who's more "Christian"? Because they exist, oh christ allmighty, do they exist. It's like weebs trying to out-otaku each other. They'll actually argue over bumper stickers.

But I digress.

>> No.7872834

I'm loving that Castle in the Sky-song people were talking about. Really. I want to get into weeaboomusic, because it's really awesome, exactly what I like. What is considered weeaboo music? Is it a safe bet to just click related videos with cartoon images? Any hubs for finding music?

>> No.7872836

Most of my weebyness shows when I'm with my little sister. She's 15 and we're pretty much the same person.

>say "ne ne" to get her attention
>say 'ja ne' when either of us leaves a room or goes out somewhere
>whenever i see something cute I hold it up to her and say "kawaii!!"
>wear kitty/bunny ears in our room just cause
>collect animu figures/posters
>Pokemon literally all over the room.
Three of my Pokemon plushies are pretty big and meet me just below the shoulder.
>LOVE jrock/jpop and buy my favorite bands merch whenever they release
>daydream about husbandos
>my guilty pleasure is drawing self insert mary sues for my favorite animus and shipping them with my husbandos
>have this habit of going "nyaa!" if I feel like I'm falling over or if sister smacks me, I don't even think about it, it just happens.

I feel like I'm sinking even further into the weeb hole but I can't stop.

>> No.7872858
File: 51 KB, 480x320, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you, anon. I thought I'd be okay buying just one shinee poster, but now the wall over my desk is getting covered in them. I have to stop. Eventually.

>> No.7872863

nope, i have no religious person in my direct entourage. the closest i know of is my boss and he's muslim. sorry about your chistians though, not gonna lie, that stuff sounds hilarious but i'm sure it's pretty depressing when you're actually witnessing it.

>> No.7872870


No, there's no 'entry point' or hub for 'weaboo music' in this context because what was listened to in the mid 2000s wasn't done so with the intention of being 'weaboo' it was just natural. What you're looking at in this thread is literally the cusp of people beginning to regret something they should have embraced years ago. This will be a trend over the next few years.

>> No.7872888
File: 155 KB, 314x422, uuuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not entirely sure you know what you're talking about. Things like dream trance and happy hardcore are the genres of that weeb trance/electro music from early 2000s. It has definitely become a weeb style of music, mostly due to how much it was played at con raves around mid 2000s.

>> No.7872890

Honestly, I never went to a con until 2010, and I have never been to a rave, but I fucking love the fuck out of this music. I still have a bunch of this shit on my computer. And yes, I still jam the fuck out to Sandstorm.

>> No.7872909

That actually sounds really fun and not weeby at all. It reminds me of how Engaged to the Unidentified always gave me curry cravings when I was watching it.

>> No.7872923


>> No.7872938


Happy Hardcore is happy hardcore, just because a few remixes were made in Happy Hardcore style doesn't make it a 'weeb genre'. Also you're forgetting that a lot of it wasn't even Happy Hardcore, it was just popular handz-up tracks somewhere between 140-160bpm. Much too slow to be Happy Hardcore which at the time was at a solid 170-175bpm

>> No.7872939


And 'electro' barely existed in the mid 2000s. Electro House was in its very early stages and actual 'electro' music from the 80s had nothing to do with 'weeb music' at all. You're the one who doesn't know what you're talking about.

>> No.7872990


I didn't even notice that I do this, but now that I think about it, it's totally true...
As a pre-teen I only watched hentai instead of real porn, so it's irreversible now

>> No.7873030
File: 124 KB, 428x320, 1412131433193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be male
>start saying hentai lines during sex
>her face when

>> No.7873207
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I was only on stuff like gaia, geocities and deviantart at the time because i'm a pleb, sorry about that.

10/10 taste, anon. I would kill for those posters.

>> No.7873230

if it helps i cried too anon. you're not alone.

>> No.7873259

Honestly I see nothing wrong with naming your kid after an anime character, as you said as long as it's not something like Seshomaru Naruto Elric or something. A lot of my favourite names I discovered in anime. If it's a nice sounding name and not just because you like the series it's from then I see no issue.

>> No.7873264

I'm actually not a weeb at all, don't watch anime, don't cosplay or wear any j-fash , not into any Japanese or cartoon stuff. I mostly come here because I like the board culture it's funny.

Literally have no fucking idea how I'd explain lurking CGL to people I know because I'm really far removed from a typical poster I think.

>> No.7873267

>only one of my friends who still goes to anime cons
>fucking love figs, have them all over my house but am always embarrassed when friends come over
>have to pretend to ironically have ships and waifus
>still read fanfic and doujins, can't talk to anyone about it
>have feels, fanart, and fanfic ideas for long dead fandoms

;_; god bless you sisters. I wish I had friends who weren't so... normalfag is the wrong word, but they're all generic "nerds", like, I haven't seen them even half as passionate about anything as I am.

>> No.7873310

What's your biggest appeal? I used to troll a blog dedicated to snarky mommy bloggers. .. That was weird because I don't read any of those blogs or have kids or want them or anything to do with them. It just kind of happened.

>> No.7873316

I loved that too! I want to RP like that again, please.

>> No.7873320

im so glad my mom never let me buy things online at that age
thanks a lot mom ily

>> No.7873325
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ai ai ai my little samurai

>> No.7873330

Uhhh to be entirely honest it's actually just interesting to get the same sort of level of 4chan candid posting from women. Frankly.

It's just a segment of the population that I otherwise would never get the chance to hear from and I'm interested in what people think really. I don't post alot though because I feel silly posting as a guy who has literally 0 interest in anything on this board other than the people on it. Like posting here as a guy and making gender apparent is fully just 'I have no girlfriend CGL please add me' so I try not to do it alot.

cgl is mad though you chicks are heaps funny thank you for the laffs.

>> No.7873349

>> i still think in japanese gibberish

i thought i was the only one who did this, thank you anon. never been able to convey this properly

>> No.7873355

I was on the tail end of this trend but I nonetheless found all those songs through really bad naruto AMVs

>shitty weeb music

>> No.7873364

dj satomi version better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-PdbfkA7LM

>> No.7873366

>but since I'm 5'8
? How is that relevant/stopping you from being kawaii? Are you implying it's tall or something? Because 5'8 really isn't tall.

>> No.7873379

>tfw I work at a sushi restaurant
>Everyone pronounces shit wrong
>Boss' eyes sparkle when I pronounce everything right.

>> No.7873380

Not that anon, but a lot of people don't think tall girls can be kawaii. I'm 5'10 and I am plenty kawaii to people.

Kawaii isn't in your height, it's in your heart.

>> No.7873385
File: 492 KB, 460x345, 1347175525987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently found a roleplaying buddy on Gaia. They're ultra weeby so I'm just recycling stuff I remember writing in my old elementary school YYH fanfics. I was pretty ashamed of RPing at all, until my boyfriend teased me while his DnD group was over. I was like wait... you're roleplaying... I'm roleplaying... the fuck are you giggling for, shut up.

>start doodling in anime style for first time in 8 years
>tumblr content goes from capes/comics/cartoons to all anime all the time
>dropping money on figs
>no more 3D porn oops
>forever wishing I had the time to deeply invest myself in VNs

Nooo! No. This is not okay. There were so many youfics from my 6th grade Quizilla phase I've been meaning to revisit.

>> No.7873389

>sitting with friend drinking coffee
>snickering to ourselves about some weebs in crossplay makeup and wigs being generally very tumblr
>mfw we're both in lolita
>mfw we're wearing circle lenses and eyelashes and $300 dresses
>mfw we're drinking coffee with our legs crossed at the ankle with me writing notes in pink kutusita nyanko notebook with a pink rilakkuma pencil and she's on her deco'd iphone
>"ne, anon-chan, do you ever think that maybe we're the truly pathetic ones?"

>> No.7873404

i'm a bit like that. i'm neither a lolita nor a cosplayer, i just like the board atmosphere. i'm a girl, but most people here sound exactly like the kind of catty girls i avoided the fuck out of in my school days. strangely, i find it refreshing and intriguing now.

>> No.7873409

anime clubs. cosplay/lolita comms. japanese department @ unis. conventions. facebook groups?

>> No.7873415

I'm just too mature looking to be kawaii. When I wear something cute it clashes with my sharp features and I look like I've borrowed my little sister's clothes or something... ;_;

>> No.7873417

I use too much nya or meow too and not only me during conversation. It's contagious,.

>> No.7873418

I lol'd

>> No.7873437


>> No.7873438

I want to join my local anime club so badly. I was at work the other day and a really weeby looking guy bought some cheap sake and said "The boys at the anime club are gonna love this!" I got so excited and asked him about the club and stuff, but... He told me they only watch dubs because "they don't enjoy reading so much" and he didn't even know there was a new Sailor Moon airing. My heart is broken.

>> No.7873442

Go for the oneesan style kawaii.

>> No.7873451

i think you could still dress kawaii tbh. there are ways you can make your features look softer/take the attention away from them. and i think as long as your clothes flatter your body type/skin tone/etc and aren't inappropriate, you can pull off almost any look. don't give up anon!

>> No.7873459

Thanks for the encouragement guys, I really want to try to be kawaii but people have told me I look better in other clothes for so long so that I gave up hope ;_; oneesan style sounds like something that would be better for me, I never thought of that actually!

>> No.7873467

I should've added I'm a mixture of both.

>TFW store at the mall has both, japanese candies and some Kpop goods.
>Poppin Cookin while listening to best gege Zhou Mi.
Nothing beats such happiness.


>Just one
That is nonexistent in Kpop. Nothing, and I repeat nothing is ever "Just one".

Also... That feel when I RP as Zhou Mi, and I slut around with all da Kyuhyuns. Fuck yeah.

>> No.7873473 [DELETED] 

Fuck, this. Clients are always saying it like that and when I say it right they say "sawkeye?" as if correcting me. Bitch. No.

>> No.7873482

>tfw clients always say sah-kee
>Pronounce sah-keh
>They say "sah-kee?" as if correcting me.

All day, every day.

>> No.7873486

I do too, except not just shitty ramen. I eat almost everything with chopsticks, I guess it's just a bad habit now.

>> No.7873488

10/10 would laugh hysterically and ruin the mood. Or I'd start making hentai noises back and we'd have sweaty awkward lily sex together.

>> No.7873509
File: 109 KB, 780x260, weebly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard about this. Your reputation in Murrica seems to be mostly based on being hardcore, drinking a lot, and Rammstein. It's mostly the punks who try to be German. There's also Angophiles, especially after Sherlock got popular. Is there an American equivalent in other countries?

>> No.7873511

>Supervisor lived in Japan for a couple years with her natto loving child
>Said child comes in occasionally for help with math homework because her mom can't math.
>Mother and child speak Japanese at home and to each other at the office
>the other day she came in for help with her homework again and when I left for the day...
>Powerlevel revealed

>> No.7873529

>anime clubs
No time due to the nature of my job. (Yay government travel!)
>cosplay/lolita comms
I'd stick out like a sore thumb
>japanese department @ unis
I went to a HBCU, so we didn't have a japanese department
From my understanding, girls at conventions get swamped by thirsty ass dudes and will have their shields up to the max because of this or will have a cockblocking friend in reserve.
>facebook groups?
Don't have a facebook.

>> No.7873531

Liking Americana is a normalfag thing due to media over saturation of the media in anglophone countries, but I've not seen many people be "Ameriboos" like a weeaboo is.

>> No.7873542

I was just curious because I met Black Diamond at Jpop summit and they seemed like hardcore Ameriboos. It was kind of funny while we were trying to piece together conversations in broken japanese/english and make sense of it.

On a less related note, they're really ratchet in person. Their extensions were tangled and gross looking, and their real hair was falling out and limp as fuck. They also kept losing their nails and it was kind of hilarious.

>> No.7873546

After six years of trying to hide my powerlevel and not be a weaboo, I'm kind of sick of it. I'm going to stop worrying about being perfect and not weeby and get back to being my alternately girly shoujoshit self and the fakeboi-ish oversize pants and tank top look. I might look like a social regect, but I'm too autismal to fit in normally anyways and I think I'll be a lot happier.

>> No.7873586

This thread makes me so happy

>> No.7873589

Holyshit are you me?!

>> No.7873591

Oh god i remember this song i loved it and played Rune Factory at the same time (i wanted to look like one of the kawaii long haired girl so bad and have my hair dyed white blonde and final fantasy style clothes)

>> No.7873596

Livin the dream Anon.

>> No.7873623

>being a /sp/artan

>> No.7873690

Fellow Persona fag here.
>tfw no persona group to cosplay with
>tfw no qt 3.14 naoto cosplay to fug

>> No.7873736

>mfw i just got into persona
>mfw androgynous tomboy girl
>mfw 160cm so it's ok for this cosplay
>mfw wants to cosplay naoto
>mfw no one to cosplay with

>> No.7873737

I found this oh god the memories


>> No.7873752
File: 10 KB, 238x212, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7873766

My boyfriend has a yooneekly spelled name and as a result of that it's also pronounced slightly differently. I hate it and avoid calling him by his name as much as possible. His sister's name is even more retarded. I'm sure I'll get over it eventually but I don't think his parents will ever stop getting on my nerves with their attempts to be supa quirky all the goddamn time.

I once drove through a neighbourhood where the inhabitants obviously had too much money laying around and were right in the middle of a "who can have the largest, gaudiest Jesus-on-a-cruxifix statue in their front yard" contest. One of them was blasting Christmas music in July. It was simultaneously hilarious and terrifying.

>> No.7873800

Chopsticks are amazing to eat with. My most disgraceful habit is eating chips/snacks with chopsticks... especially while gaming, it's great for not getting your fingers dirty and oily...

>> No.7873804

About Black Diamond, that doesn't surprise me, haha. Kurogyaru look really dirty... And I guess they don't make enough money to constantly get new nails and extensions.

>> No.7873811

I'm 24 and I still miss some of the magical days I used to live as a 13-year old weeaboo. I had a great deal of self-confidence back then and I'd dress up ridiculously and do embarassing things because I trusted my own judgement and felt good about myself. I was so enthusiastic and happy all the time. Now I'm an under-confident young adult and constantly fear the future and hide my power levels obsessively. As much as I raise my eyebrows at weeb teens, I envy them. I'd give anything to live one more day like that.

>Listening to weeby as shit anime music late into the night
>Playing weeby MMORPGs every day with friends
>Drawing all the time, even though it weeby generic anime shit I was really proud of it
>Laughably corny anime roleplaying with friends
>Silly weeb emoticons used unironically ^.~

>> No.7873844

I was singing dj satomi ;_;

>> No.7873876
File: 172 KB, 600x610, Crona.full.1058108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 24 and I still miss some of the magical days I used to live as a 13-year old weeaboo. I had a great deal of self-confidence back then and I'd dress up ridiculously and do embarassing things because I trusted my own judgement and felt good about myself. I was so enthusiastic and happy all the time. Now I'm an under-confident young adult and constantly fear the future and hide my power levels obsessively. As much as I raise my eyebrows at weeb teens, I envy them. I'd give anything to live one more day like that.

This so, so much, Anon. I feel you. Just thinking about this makes me want to cry. Leaving my weeb self behind was harder than the transition from childhood to being a teenager.

>> No.7873919

Oh my god yes, this.

>> No.7873965
File: 25 KB, 317x425, Anime-Cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god, these things were plastered everywhere, along with those 'emo' Pong and Zi comics.
>pic related, my first myspace photo

>> No.7874021
File: 43 KB, 453x517, Anime_Girl_Sorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS EXACTLY, I'm glad you guys remember what I meant, esp since I've used every single one of these pictures while RPing in Gaia. The weebiest of weeb years.

>> No.7874067

90% of people in this thread are completely misusing the word 'weaboo'.

Hint: if you're using the word to describe yourself, you're not one.

Liking anime without remorse != being a weaboo. I guess the fact that people don't understand this is just a sign of how casual 4chan has become.

>> No.7874078

(ooc:Zomg, that picture was one I always used for RPing on Gaia. xD)

>> No.7874085
File: 55 KB, 625x626, I8yYHA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7874117

Sometimes I look at these insanely popular pictures and wonder where the artists are now
How are they doing
Are they still doing art
Are they eating properly

>> No.7874136

I get mad about sushi etiquette.
>inb4 burger habit

>> No.7874146
File: 220 KB, 1000x604, axentwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm buying the axentwear headphones and i will use them all the time and no one can stop me

>> No.7874198 [DELETED] 

Oh my god where did you bought them i want them so badly to show off in front of my weeb friend? (ok it's because they're cool as fuck in the first place though)

>> No.7874202

Oh god I always wonder who drawn them to this day. I remember those being EVERYWHERE for RP and also some emo stuff as said previously

Link please, I want those headphones so bad. Are they expensive?

>> No.7874207

What color did you get, anon? I got green.

Also to the other anons: eh, sorta pricy, they're $150 and you can get them on the indiegogo page. Just google em.

>> No.7874215

Oh fuck me gently with a rake
I know where this week's tips are going.

>> No.7874245


So you're literally going to deny the actual meaning of the word 'weaboo' ?

>> No.7874248

Omg. Are you me?

>> No.7874261


>> No.7874263

Haven't bought em yet. I had to make some big payments this pay period. I think I'm gonna get blue, though I doubt I'll ever have the LEDs on except for "yo check this out" moments

>> No.7874356

Is there a chinese equivalent? I speak shitty chinese with my friend, and basically do weeb things but china instead of japan.

>> No.7874403

Imma gonna pop some tags only got 20$ in my pocket

>> No.7874406
File: 129 KB, 1280x960, johnny hallyday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, we still have this guy i guess

>> No.7874430
File: 817 KB, 245x184, tumblr_inline_n47irugqqI1qafrh6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Livin the childhood dream of wearin' lolita
>Slowly phasing out old school supplies with kawaii pencils and file folders
>Plushies errywhere
>Have come out of denial and embrace my love for Vocaloid
>Say "ganbatte" whenever rooting on friends
>Fantasize about being the one token good looking maid at a con maid café
>Try to learn Vocaloid and K-Pop dances
>Sing along with anime music when I can
>Incredibly biased when judging Western video games and comics versus Japanese ones
>Highly prefer Japanese vidya in general
>No idea what's coming out from Western companies unless it's super fucking hyped
>Drawing style forever tainted by my desire to be a mangaka/web comic artist
>Obsessed with magical girl series still (besides fucking Sailor Moon and Madoka because I like being pretentious)
>Starting to get into the Rider serieses

But most of all
>Laugh at weebs while secretly envying their ability to give no fucks and experience pure joy

>> No.7874442

>Kawaii isn't in your height, it's in your heart.

That's beautiful, anon.

>> No.7874476

>I will never have a kawaii lolita girlfriend to dress up with and go to meetups with and to live in an obnoxiously adorable sugar-decorated house
It hurts to live.

>> No.7875093

>best gege Zhou Mi

dat excellent taste, Anon.

For me, I never really had a weeb phase, since during high school I desperately wanted to be popular, and so I literally prevented myself from watching any anime or reading manga to seem "cooler." All that did was make me miserable, and I kind of wish I had that time in my life where I most likely would have been cringey, but at least happy with myself and what I liked.

>> No.7875150
File: 3.96 MB, 374x288, usetheforceanime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still pretend to have magical power when no one else is around.
>I listen to Baby metal
>I own Nekomimis
>I have a neko "lolITA" poster on my bedroom wall.
>I still go Gaia.
>I read Shoujo Ai and Shounen Ai. I can't stop.
>I want to join a maid cafe and do all those cute dances.
>I carry around a stuff animal backpack. (It's an elepant)

/cgl/ I am to old for this shit but I love it.

>> No.7875174

>tfw have kawaii lolita gf
>tfw go to meets together
>tfw will live in a super kawaii house soon
>tfw double the burando soon

>> No.7875322

As embarrassing as some of that old stuff can be, there's definitely an endearing aspect to just being totally honest with oneself and the lack of pretension one (potentially, not a given by any means) had in the old weeb days.

I definitely have largely fond memories of the deepest days of my weebery, which thankfully though lame weren't of the boisterous variety (well, at school anyway, the same can't be said elsewhere) and I met my first girlfriend through weeb interests so I have a soft spot for that period.

I'm much too vain and self-conscious about being a put together looking normalfag now to fully embrace my powerlevel but of late I've started to give less shits again, changed my Steam avatar to an anime character, small stuff but at this point, I'm out of college, got a solid career going, why not embrace what I like within reason.

>> No.7875331

>have been listening to jpop/jrock/visual kei crap for almost fifteen years now
>do Sailor Moon poses and gestures in the shower while rinsing off
>read manga online on a regular basis, buy the official releases when they come out later
>play with SHFiguarts and Figma figures and other weeby toys regularly
>exchange broken Japanese with my almost equally weaboo boyfriend
>almost compulsively buy Sailor Moon t-shirts or themed garments (so sad to miss out on the Peach John stuff, but like hell it would fit)
>house is decorated with sword replicas from various series, animu and vidya figures, and framed posters
>cats named Mitsurugi and Yoshimitsu (both called Mitsu for short because it's hilarious to watch them both come running)
>buy pocky any time I go to the local Pan-Asian Market

>> No.7875342
File: 971 KB, 500x326, fffuark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anyone do anything but love him?
God I feel so OT but ;; finally! Another mitang!

>> No.7875499

Weeaboo = wapanese = white person who is crazy about Japan. There is no more ~actual meaning~ than that. It was just a wordfilter.

>> No.7875511

Being crazy about Japan isn't technically enough to be considered a weeaboo. You could be a Japanophile. Weeabooism requires a certain degree of ignorance and living up to certain stereotypes.

Also dislike limiting it to white people.

>> No.7875537

>still waiting for Vampire Knight Season 3
Somewhere in the distance I can hear my weaboo-self screaming "never stop dreaming!"

>> No.7875691

Agreed. Weaboo is more being crazy for Japanese pop culture while having a certain level of ignorance toward what it's actually like. When I hear the word weaboo, I instantly think of someone wanting to to Japan where their superior knowledge of anime and pocky eating skills will be appreciated. I think it's dying because the internet is becoming much more global and people who live in Japan blog in English more often so the dream is crushed much more quickly than it was when we were young.

>> No.7875711

That's nice, but that's not the 'true meaning'. It's a common meaning but it's not any more 'true' than the meaning many people in this thread are using. The word isn't in a dictionary somewhere and it originally it really did just mean the exact same thing as "wapanese". Use it however way you want but don't go around thinking your definition is the only valid one.

>> No.7875750
File: 42 KB, 600x319, chiralmori_lamento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have maybe two things leftover from my weebier days that I still really want to indulge in. Cosplaying some catboy/catgirl/thing, and taking trashy ~*hotyaoi*~ photos. I have no goddamn clue why this entry level fujoshi desire is still on my mind after like 11 years, but it was strong enough to compel me to buy a shitload of black and teal fabric today. I'm drowning in embarrassment, but at least I'll be able to go to my grave in peace.

>> No.7875832

I-is that you, Gloria Jean's-senpai?

>> No.7875892

Praise, anon, thank you.

>> No.7876233
File: 37 KB, 480x473, 2836_ec55_480[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are correct


Are wrong.

Weaboo's true meaning is someone who is so desperate to be Japanese that they curse their Japanese heritage. That's what 'Wapanese' always meant, it wasn't someone who was a 'Japanophile' it's someone who is so ridiculously obsessed with Japan that they hate their own skin colour. It was never seen as a bad thing to be obsessed with Japan on 4chan, but being a Wapanese (white person who wishes they were Japanese) (See also: wigger) was considered the worst just above furries; hence it was used as an insult, hence it was filtered into the word 'weaboo'.

Pic related, olde but goode

>> No.7876240

Dang. Living the dream.

>> No.7876251


>> No.7876270


Also, being deliberately ignorant and hateful of their own / "western" culture. To the point of accusing Batman of ripping off Naruto, and shit like that.

I've known some people who loved Japanese things, but also liked Chinese and Korean things because they were "close enough", too. LOL, those guys hate Japan in real life.

>> No.7876288
File: 256 KB, 1116x1054, didsomebodysay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical tumblr, always trying to glamourize things and claim them as their own.

>> No.7876295

Jesus Christ, I know a 24 y/o girl that dresses exactly the same as the picture on the right. She also has the greasy hair, similar acessories and fatrolls like the picture.

>> No.7876301

I thought they just glamorized otaku, and weaboo has always been an insult. Don't tell me they're trying to take that word too

>> No.7876304

I thought both words were always insults lol.

>> No.7876317


It's all about the irony with tumblr types. The hipster population may have moved off years ago, but the sentiment lingers. These are the same crass stock of people who take labels like 'nerd' and 'geek' and try and turn it into something attractive and cool.

>omg I'm watching anime and listening to J-pop I'm such a weaboo

These are people who claim to be body positive and not judgemental of the appearance of others yet are constantly reassuring each other that they are 'beautiful' in spite of their weight/stretch marks/scars/body hair because in their mind being ugly is still a bad thing. You'll never hear them say "You're really disgustingly ugly, but that's fine" it's always the white lie of beauty. Sure they want to be weaboos or nerds or gamers or otaku or other derogatory words, but only if they can look good doing so. Looking good is all that matters after all, not who you're cosplaying or what you know about the subject matter.

>> No.7876399
File: 1.91 MB, 500x375, 3990562626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never be a 16 year old weeb raver
>tfw Lucky Star is almost 8 years old

It hurts so bad.

Every time I reminisce about my past, I'm stupidly embarrassed but I also remember how happy I was when I didn't hide my power level.

W-whatever, I have other interests, I don't need to talk about cartoons to anyone. I think I could even manage a relationship so long as they never visit my apartment and never ask what I'm listening to.

>> No.7876407
File: 31 KB, 400x222, adb59547-9d30-41f0-8a4c-56453b77d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes it is.

Weeaboo laser tag is still on, correct?

>> No.7876418

It's perfect because I'm the one who spends too much on lolita, and she has trouble deciding what to buy, so we can balance each other out

>> No.7876698

Looks like the thread reached the bump limit. Thank you, everybody, this has been a great thread. You had some really nice stories I'll remember for a long time, and the history lessons were nice too

>> No.7877293

To avoid OT, do you have a Tumblr or something, Anon? We can talk there!

>tfw Lucky Star is almost 8 years old

>tfw hours spent in room learning the entire dance to Motteke! Sailor Fuku despite never being able to perform it with an actual group of people