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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 796 KB, 500x281, feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7870108 No.7870108 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>7864715 on autosage.

Keep the shitposting to a minimum.

>cosplay/lolita/jfash related

Continue to feel.

>> No.7870113
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>too socially awkward to join a comm
>like both toned down and OTT lolita
>only own toned down everyday pieces because I never go to meets or cons anyway
>meetup pictures of my comm are always super extravagant, many people go all out and look amazing
>would look frumpy as fuck next to them

>don't attend meetups because my wardrobe is too boring
>don't get more exciting wardrobe because I don't attend meetups
it's a vicious cycle of regret
even if I do splurge on an amazing coord I don't know if I'll ever work up the courage to wear it to a meet
why do I even try

>> No.7870149
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>tfw noticed by gaming senpai at local event
>always thought he was quite handsome but also serious/unapproachable/scary so I just admired from afar
>catch him staring at me
>later he says "You look familiar, did you cosplay [skimpily dressed character] at [event 4 months ago]?"
>um yeah that was me
>"Nice, you were one of the best looking cosplayers there."
>we talk about anime and vidya, he asks to add me on fb
I do wonder what he meant by 'best looking' (as in looks or costume?) or if he was just being polite, but getting noticed at all made me really happy! I was also surprised to be recognised outside of cosplay. And even if it doesn't go anywhere, it's sort of comforting to know that he's just a shy nerd like everyone else there, hehe.

That's tough, anon. Maybe start by acquiring some interesting matching accessories for your toned down outfits, and try out some cute hair and makeup looks? Simple coords can look really good if they're cohesively put together, and you can find a comfortable middle ground between everyday and special event wear.

>> No.7870153
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>there is this cute geeky guy in my school
>study japanese too
>we met a the traditionnal game club
>chatted over an hanafuda game
>he is interested in chanoyu, ikebana, shodo and he likes my kimono style
>today he offered me an origami made rose
>I hope we'll go to the sanshin concert together.

Let us be traditionnal Japan obsessed weebs together.

>> No.7870154 [DELETED] 
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Aw shiet reposting since I posted in dying thread

>tfw bmi is now 15.7

How did I let myself go, but in the opposite direction?

>> No.7870184

He probably means you're pretty.

>> No.7870185 [DELETED] 

Stress maybe? A bmi like that is a little alarming, probably pretty skelly
>tfw I think I've been browsing /fit/ for too long

>> No.7870186 [DELETED] 

Be responsible for yourself and your health and put food in your mouth? If this is problem then see a nutritionist or dietician, though shame on whatever physician you've seen recently who didn't say anything to you about that.

>> No.7870189

probably that he wants to fuck you

>> No.7870193

Hell yeah for shy nerd dudes, I worked up the courage to talk to the dead handsome but rather gruff organiser at my local tabletop place recently but once I blurted out that I was into LARPing then we just ended up gushing about LARP shit for hours. Depending on how normalfag he is, he probably meant more your looks than your costume but hey, no reason not to be proud of both.

How did you go from one to the other? Is it affecting your health much?

>> No.7870217

>tfw my life is not like this

>> No.7870228
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>been away from home for a long ass time for work
>missed the entire con season
>no decent cons near work
>finally going home
>finally transferring out of this shithole
>new position in japan
>im going to glorious nippon
>all my weeby dreams will come true
>jk jk im not gonna become a mangaka
>im gonna get drunk a lot and sing karaoke

Though I might look into it Miku is doing any live concerts in the near future... My inner weeb hungers.

>> No.7870234 [DELETED] 

Fuck you. The whole world does not equal Northern America. In my country we have African and Middle Eastern immigrants who are RACIST AS FUCK towards white people and we have never once in our history been a part of the slave trade. White people can get beaten up for being white or white women can get raped by them just because they're not wearing a veil. I live in an area that has a lot of (illegal) African immigrants and had to stop wearing too short skirts or any of that because I got tired of their leering and hollering. I'm so sick of this USA-centric tumblr "whiteys can't experience racism" mindset when I get to experience it almost every day.

>> No.7870238 [DELETED] 
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>broke pelvis in stupid accident
>have to go to hospital to get it looked at
>get UTI in hospital
>get prescribed antibiotics to deal with UTI
>UTI gone
>now have what most likely is antibiotic induced diarrhea
>still healing pelvis makes every bathroom encounter a literal pain in the ass

This past week has just been a rollercoaster of fun.

>> No.7870250 [DELETED] 

>The whole world does not equal Northern America.
And it's so funny because even in old America the Irish, Italian, Polish, and German peoples were severely discriminated against. Basically any working white ethnicity was treated like shit except for the Britbongs.

>> No.7870252 [DELETED] 

Keep that shit in the other thread you stupid faggot.

>> No.7870256 [DELETED] 

>tfw periode shits

>> No.7870261

>I'm pretty damn excited to host this meet up today
>Feel sick early this morning
>Fever and bad stomach pains
>Please let me nap it off a couple hours
>Cancel because I don't want anyone else to get sick
>I've been waiting forever at the clinic because my doctor doesn't do walk-ins
>Feel bad because I probably look like a total flake right now

>> No.7870311
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I understood like 5 or so words there.

>> No.7870317 [DELETED] 
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dude 15.7 is pretty low. try 10.3 2 years ago and now im at 20.5

>> No.7870319
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>> No.7870325

>Top kek

>> No.7870329

>Let us be traditionnal Japan obsessed weebs together.

Man, I just want to see a festival and maybe get drunk with each convenience store I pass by.

>> No.7870337

> studies are going shit
> don't feel like I've learnt much this semester because I haven't studied enough
> final exams in a few weeks
> probably going to fail
> bf doing well in his studies but also stressed out
> stress affecting his behaviour in the relationship
> relationship going shit
> too busy to talk it out
> his stress levels will make the discussion unsuccessful

Recently I realised I've been getting more and more into jfashion because everything else is going shit and I feel that being pretty is all I have left.

I just want to drown myself in novels and dresses. Or be disassembled, put into a box and stored on a shelf somewhere.

>> No.7870355

>Or be disassembled, put into a box and stored on a shelf somewhere.
pretty sure thats a fetish somewhere.

>> No.7870358

Man, there is an actual matsuri taking place in my city next spring, with traditionnal artists from all over Japan. I'll go full kimono (komon, I don't want to dirty my pretty furisode) and maybe we'll eat tayaki watching the hanhabi together with him. So dreamy.

>> No.7870361

Lol, thanks for lightening my mood. Hopefully it's easier to sleep now. Fucking 3AM here.

>> No.7870364
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>Taobao stuff comes in the mail
>mostly cosplay stuff
>find pink slip in my mailbox (not even on my door)
>was home hanging out in living area where front door is most of the day
>didn't hear a single knock
>tfw these lazy assholes didn't even try

>> No.7870374
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>Walks through cold rain to apartment office to pick up lolita shit that came in the mail
>Office is locked
>Mfw their hours are 10-5 and it's after 11

God dammit, I just want my new stuff...

>> No.7870404

>Be the only guy with descent sewing skills my cosplay group
>Always be asked to be the token male character for a series
>Cosplay for the next few cons consists of the same button up and slacks just different wigs

>> No.7870441

>be lolita & love other jfa
>not enaugh money to wear 2 alt fashions and normal clothes
>i have the worst bodyshape imaginable for mori
>mori kei feelings all over the place
>started buying mori-able clothes
tl;dr I am a sad loser with no self-control who can't keep her own resolutions

>> No.7870447
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>dream skirt is on mbok in rare colorway
>I love it so much I even bought a replica of it
>but it's so tiny compared to me
>would have to lose another 6 inches off my waist to fit its max
>don't know if it's even possible without surgery
>know if I let it go I'll never see it again
>or I'll see some scalper whore in the western sales comms trying to hock it for $100 more than mbok's price

>> No.7870454

>be transgirl
>want to dress up for halloween
>no friends to go out with

>> No.7870457

Similar feels anon.

>someone selling twinkle journey jsk in navy on LM
>missing one of the three main bows on the front
>otherwise perfect condition?
>is asking $500 BIN
>offer $400
>never heard back

Oh well. I consider missing bows a pretty considerable damage, especially when they're the main piece on a dress.

>> No.7870459 [DELETED] 

>get UTI at the same time as IBS flare up
>emanating liquid pain from both holes

Not nearly as bad as your story, but holy shit fuck UTIs.

>> No.7870463 [DELETED] 

>TFW my normal BMI is only 16

Ouch, anon. I'd suggest taking some probiotics to help your gut bounce back. I don't take antibiotics unless they're absolutely necessary anymore because they fucking destroy my insides.

>> No.7870464 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't wish a UTI on my worst enemy. I get about 1 every summer like clockwork (maybe mix of humidity + easier for me to dehydrate?), and it fucking sucks.

>> No.7870489
File: 26 KB, 500x278, gj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw janitor cleaned up this thread and deleted all the off-topic and shitposting

love you janitor-san

>> No.7870509
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Yay Anon!! I'd love to find someone to play Hanafuda with.

>Had an awesome time last month; did lots of cons.
>Very sick this month.
>Very sick all the time with rare disease.
>Very sick of being very sick.
>Really want to go to meet-ups with my comm; keep having to cancel.
>Feel really bad about it, even though they understand.
Are there other handicapped Lolitas who I can look up to? I want a mentor.

>Learning to co-ord better, but I'm still not very good.
>Whenever I ask for advice/ con-crit, everyone says I look fine.
>Wondering if this is true or asspats?
And a good feel, since the others are bad:
>tfw asked about by name on 4chan, even though I'm not e-famous at all.
>All responses are positive except for one vendetta.

>> No.7870517

Maybe if you're close with some of the girls you could just invite them over? You would get to hang out with them without having to push yourself too much, and maybe you could arrange a little potluck? Then you're still in the comfort of your own home if you start feeling really bad.

>> No.7870524
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>tfw cosplay is not done yet
>con is on Halloween

I'd just like to finish it already, but I need my friend's help. We've been working on it for a while now, and I'm disappointed in myself. Thankfully it's close enough to completion.

>> No.7870525
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That is a great idea, and I've thought about things like that, but I think my house might be too far away for most people (40min from downtown).

But, I will give it a try!! Thank you for the idea and encouragement, anon.

>> No.7870533

>Live in a really shitty area
>Just want to live in a place that isn't full of drug dealers.
>No good fabric stores for miles.
Fuck Middlesbrough

>> No.7870539
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>did my first masquerade today and it actually went well

>> No.7870551
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>con in six days
>barely started my costume

It's not that difficult theoretically. We'll see how badly I fuck this up.

>> No.7870563 [DELETED] 
File: 263 KB, 319x255, 1379034342878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halp seagulls my crush is mia what do i do

>meet girl randomly online
>develop crush on her and she says its mutual but we live a little far apart so mostly just flirt over skype/texts
>send each other pics and shit
>we talk about doing coupled cosplays

fast forward to this week

>she goes out with friends a few days ago and says ill text you when i get home
>that was three days ago and she still hasn't either responded to me on skype or texted

not sure what this feel is, is it the cold shoulder, is she bored, was she just fucking with me the whole time

the worst feel is that maybe something terrible happened but i dont want to spam her and sound like a stalker or something

>> No.7870587 [DELETED] 

Oh no. If you've been texting each other only for a couple of months or less she's just met someone more interesting or otherwise realized her irl friends are more important than online crush. If it makes you feel any better long distance relationships never really work and you might want to look at the option of having a real life girlfriend too.

Meanwhile don't spam her too much BUT it is ok to leave several messages because 3 days is a long time and it's understandable to miss her and be worried. Just... don't jump into conclusions and don't blame her of anything in your messages or she might never get back to you.

>> No.7870619
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I'm the same anon from >>7867811.
I just need to vent my irrational jealousy.

*Precluding this by saying that I find my bf cute; obviously if I wasn't attracted to him on a minimal level then I wouldn't be dating him.

However, I've been browsing his old facebook photos and it hits me that I missed him when he was at his peak in terms of looks. You can tell he's starting to bald and thin in the hair, and his muscles are less defined as they were two years ago.
The fact is I'm so fucking JEALOUS that his stupid, ugly ex got him during his best years. Yeah that makes me sound so damn shallow but I just...eh.
>mfw browsing his photos and looking at what I missed out on
She didn't deserve him, and she still doesn't.
The only thing that's making me feel better is that I wasn't at my peak during the time that he was. I was obese, out of shape, bad hair, bad makeup, had huge insecurities, and wasn't my best person. In fact I think the reason why he claims he didn't notice me (despite having tons of mutual friends and living in the same area) is because I was such a different person then. So in a way I'm glad, but in another way I...

>> No.7870620

Are you me? You must be.

>> No.7870631
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>anon in other thread gave me the courage to tell guy that I was in love with him
>just noticed that he saw/read my message
>didn't say anything back
...welp, it's better than getting rejected I guess! nailed it.

>> No.7870638

I hate people complaining that no one organizes anything, but when someone does no one shows up. Sometimes not even the organizer.

>> No.7870643


>> No.7870649 [DELETED] 


Give him some time to reply.

>> No.7870652


Give him some time to reply, it took you a while to get the courage up to message him. He might be trying to work up the courage to respond.

>> No.7870667

What's your job?

>> No.7870687

>mfw i just want to be efamous and make people feel good about themselkves and happy with cute messages
(but none of that fat acceptance crap,being fat is as unhealthy as being underweight and also no "my body"/"my face" excuses to have an outfit/cosplay looking like crap)

>> No.7870691

>tfw humanity is only made of visual , cowardly , hateful , selfish beings

lolita keeps me focused on beauty so I can forget my sorrow

>> No.7870695

now that's not true. It's what you look at what matters.

>> No.7870716

Maybe...he has been posting other stuff unrelated, though. Maybe he just didn't think anything about it. Ah, well.

>> No.7870754

>bought dream dress in 2nd most preferred colorway and it looked terrible on me, had to sell it
>now I keep seeing it for sale in the colorway I want the most
>tfw I'm so tempted to grab it
even though I know it'll look terrible on me too, I can't just let it gooooo. I wish I had taken pictures of how poorly it fitted me before selling it to remind myself.

didn't you say you knew he liked you already? tbh I think you let the anon talk you into it too easily.
anyway, the possibilties are probably
>he read it and didn't think much about it, thought you meant it in a friendly way, so he didn't reply
>he read it and felt better, and is thinking of an appropriate response
>he read it and feels the same, and is thinking of an appropriate response
>he doesn't feel the same and is putting off replying
you probably cheered him up a bit at the very least?

I get that too, my comm's either too nice for concrit, I look completely unsalvageable, or I look alright. maybe try to squeeze some more specific advice out of them, like whether one blouse is better than another. good luck with your illness too.

congrats, what job is that?

well how skimpily dressed was the character?

>> No.7870778

>asked guy I liked out
>he won't talk to me now

>> No.7870788
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>cosplayed an anime couple with hot friend last week
>he looked really, really good in it
>con photos of it popping up now
>tfw fapped to the thought of him last night after looking at pics
I usually never get off to people I know, hope this doesn't make it awkward next time I see him...

>> No.7870789

>find perfect skirt for a halloween cosplay
>not in stock/eligible for shipping until sept. 31
>ordered Oct. 1
>shipping takes 17-28 days
post office you better not fuck it up

>> No.7870898


Give him the D

>> No.7870933

But I'm a grill anon, I shouldn't have used the word fapped I guess. Still, I guess I might go for it.

>> No.7870935

fuck them right in the dick

>> No.7870942

>tfw I will never be hot enough for a girl to fap to my cosplay

>> No.7870951

I'm the anon from the other thread. I'll stand by what I said, its better to let it out than let it stew and turn into nothing. We don't control other peoples feelings after all and if it wasn't going to happen then confessing now versus latter makes no difference.

Of the possibilities this anon supposes, I think its the first one. You did after all say only a few words.

After all this is over you at least will be less scared and more confident in yourself. Even though I encouraged you it was your choice to gather the courage and do it. So please do pat yourself on the back

>> No.7870982
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>didn't get job I wanted
>feel like I probably sabotaged myself amidst the spaghetti spilling
>still no spending money

>talking to crush
>"lol wat's ur type"
>turns out to be the exact opposite of me

Today just isn't my day. Time to apply for 50 more jobs I guess.

>> No.7870989

Haha it's probably the first scenario. I gush a lot, so perhaps me saying like instead of love wasn't a big deal to him. Eh, I don't regret it. Now I can just keep saying it, I guess!

>> No.7870993

>Order some cosplay stuff on eBay (mainly wigs)
>Pretty excited about receiving all of it this week.
>Check one of the items, still no shipping time estimate.
>Go on the listing.
>See "This seller does not ship to your country"
>Payed two weeks ago
>Received a confirmation email saying my item has been shipped
>Item has been marked as shipped on eBay
>Freak out.

I just sent them a message about it, but I'm pretty damn sure it didn't say anything baout not shipping to my country when I purchased it. (it's in damn big red letters, I'm not that blind).

I really don't know what I'm going to do? It wasn't a very expensive item, but I need it in three weeks and I don't know if I'l be able to order another one and make it arrive on time, or if I'm even going to get my money back...

I've been buying stuff on the internet for ages, but surprisingly enough this is the first time I've ever had any kind of problem, so I don't know how to deal with this.

>> No.7870999



Apparently I'm too upset to type properly.

>> No.7871012


I thought of him as just above average/sort of fit before, and probably perceived him as being way hotter in cosplay because he was cosplaying a character that was my specific type. The wig and outfit really made a difference tbh. You never know, one day you might fulfil someone's specific fetish without knowing.

Good for you, I'm glad you don't regret it!

Happened to me before, I was so keen to buy an artbook that I didn't check the int'l shipping until after. It arrived after over a month, so I guess they just picked the cheapest method possible and gave it a shot. Maybe see if the seller can give you a tracking number?

>> No.7871027

Please only use the word fap.

>> No.7871034
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yeah it's not like he said "don't ever fucking say that to me again", so I'm classifying this as a success. I'm sure if this was in person he would have got what I meant, just hard to convey how much you like someone in a short message.

>> No.7871040

When you have time in the future tell him in person. But now that you did it, there isn't as much fear right?

>> No.7871044
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Whenever I see him in person again, who knows when that will be. Probably 4 months? But I'll say it then for real, too, and I'll be completely confident in doing so. ilu anon!

>> No.7871053

>Saved up and budgeted over the summer because I knew the summer job I had was coming to a close
>Decent amount of money to get me by, maybe even til awesome summer job returns if I budget correctly
>Medical bills happen
>I budgeted for this, I should be fine
>Don't feel fine
>Start applying for jobs around town
I want to do one of those gently used clothes stores on Storenvy or eBay and see if maybe I can get rid of some of my old stuff that I never wore. I don't want to work food ever again but I will if I have to.

>> No.7871094
File: 312 KB, 530x320, leaving.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the military. Pray that North Korea doesn't blow me up, my job is to stop missiles.

More feels!
>confess feelings to girl i like
>she doesnt feel the same
>still friends tho
>went better than expected
>leaving and probably never seeing her again
>oh well

>> No.7871114

>have bf
>he sometimes buys me burando but my dream dress popped up on amazon japan and we cant afford rent since i spent all our money on dresses
>considering finding old man friend to buy me burando for my company
i know im cute enough so how do you girl's find yours? do you ask your dad or grandpa to hook u up???

>> No.7871161

gr8 b8

>> No.7871165

>bf saystheres comic con in country idk how to find
>literally says wan 2 go and i say ok
>bring it up for a while and always ok
>bring it up final time
>o probly passed by now

>> No.7871248

>cosplaying at a con
>get pictures mostly taken by guys and asians, to be expected considering the character, no problem
>give my number/fb to three of the guys there who I enjoyed talking to
>talk to/stalk them all on facebook later
>all of them are over 8 years older than me, unemployed, and thinking about going back to college
>wonder what it all means
Hmmmmm. At least being older none of them were too awkward/spaghetti.

>> No.7871260
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Lately seem finally my life is improving, although i'm still a semi shut in and not much going out but oh well i will share the positive feels instead of the negative ones.
>next week i will do a second harajuku fashion walk
>still not lolita comm here because we are so few and we started recently to find jfashion fans
>doing finally a decent lolita coord
>somewhat country lolita with a BTSSB jsk
>finally i have an occasion to wear lolita
>i think finally a guy likes me a lot
>hoping these feelings will become one day a relationship even if ldr
>not an issue for me
>if works maybe one day he would come with me in some elegant gothic fashion at meets

>> No.7871387

If you were near me I would go barhopping with you and we would be cute as fuck

>> No.7871461
File: 37 KB, 477x315, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> In Japan
> Convince local bar to let us hold a Halloween party
> They hire new bar man who is essentially the cute puppy type from every anime ever
> All these Japanese people be excited and obviously all determined to "do it the right way"
> Cutie bar man asks what he should dress as
> Kawaii vampire idea comes up
> "Can I eat you?"
> Holy shit motherfucker
> itadakimasu
> coming to a mutual friend's pj party tonight
> mfw I'm finally living the anime

>> No.7871478

i can't follow this post at all

>> No.7871493

>tfw I'll never live the anime

>> No.7871497

Thank god I'm not the only one

>> No.7871506


So far as I can follow, they're in japan and are going to have a Halloween party in a local bar, the bar staff seem enthusiastic and just hired a new bartender who is super cute. Cute bartender asks for costume ideas and someone says "cute vampire", bartender responds with "can I eat you?", giving OP all the dokis. They're also excited about going to a pyjama party (seperate from the Halloween party) for some reason.


>> No.7871525

Do they mean the cute bartender is coming to the mutual friend's pj party?

>> No.7871550
File: 2.94 MB, 740x416, 1400866163980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend wants me to cosplay at next event coming up
>horribly shy to other people
>always look like shit in pictures, even though my cosplay i have is good

>> No.7871568

If you don't mind me asking, what anime is that .gif from?

>> No.7871576

I think so.

>> No.7871598
File: 9 KB, 225x225, madotsukipuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this girl (irrationally?) so much and I wish she was dead. She's fat and ugly and I'm not jelly 'cause I have what she wants but the fact that I even go out of my way to get things so she can't have nice things is pretty jelly and I just wish she would disappear so I never had to feel feelings of hatred anymore. I'm just so feely.

All she did was hit on my boyfriend really but the fact that she's a fat cow who wears brand makes me pretty ill too. Guuuuh I hope she rips her brand in public some day and falls in to dog shit and then accidentally eats it and dies of worms.

>> No.7871609

Psycho bitch alert

>> No.7871616

Beat me to it

>> No.7871618
File: 43 KB, 500x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a lezzy lolita
>long distance girlfriend of 2 years tells you she's getting you something really special, just because
>she doesn't tell you what
>sends me a text today
>"anon look at arrived in the mail today!"
>it's a picture of her wreaking my dream skirt
>she bought my dream skirt for me and is modeling it for me
>nigga that is so damn kawaii
>tfw I get to come visit her in less than a week

>> No.7871620

Wearing not wreaking, autocorrect is my downfall.

>> No.7871824

Sorry anon. I hope you find a solid gig soon.

Regarding your crush, my bf said something similar when we first met and it's been like 8 years now. Attraction doesn't work as intended, ever. Good luck to you.

>> No.7871921
File: 454 KB, 500x220, tumblr_lp4lp0yHEc1qdscmx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apprentice sorcerer released
>on the same day I land a job after looking for months!
>ask mother to front me the money for the dress and allow me to pay her back
>"you have a job anon, you don't need to wear that stuff anymore"
>pray that the jsk won't sell out before I get my paycheck on Friday
>already gone
>tfw I'll never be cutie lolita witch

What do you think are the chances it will show up secondhand for a reasonable price? I can't afford if someone wants to sell it for $400.

>> No.7871928
File: 441 KB, 500x280, 1410101554485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have a job
>you don't need to wear that stuff anymore
Did she think you wore lolita as a way to earn money? Your mom confuses me.

>> No.7871933

No, it was more of a "you need to grow up" thing.

>> No.7871936



Scroll down to the section that begins with "Only when the item you want to reserve is out of stock". Copy the form and email them. Can't say for sure you'll get what you want, but there's a pretty fair chance, so you might as well try.

>> No.7871945

A friend of mine made this cute pin/brooch years ago and she has a bunch sitting in her room. I keep encouraging her to sell it but she says she can't because people will accuse her of copying MintyMix or something. Her brooch in question looks totally different and has stuff like scoops of ice cream and fruits on it. The MintyMix one has been sold out for years so it shouldn't matter.

The stuff in question is taking up space and she's thinking about just tossing it. I really want to keep pushing the idea of selling it so she can make a quick buck. What should I do?

>> No.7871951

Thank you, I didn't know that was a thing! I'll do that.

I hope no one thinks I'm being ungrateful to my mother. It's just when it was announced, I said I was going to ask my dad and she said not to because they are fighting. She said she would get it. Now she changed her mind. It sucks.

>> No.7871952

I hope your boyfriend will see this post so he'll realize how fucking nuts you are

>> No.7871972

>Go to cons to make friends
>Extremely socially awkward with crippling social anxiety, but make it up with overwhelming extroversion to hide my insecurities
>Practice speaking, facial expressions, exercise regularly, study random topics to be more interesting, become obsessed with facial aesthetics, improve my tricking just in case I need to attention whore more
>I know I'm slowly becoming the exact thing I hate the most. Vain, cruel, obnoxious and it's probably the best people have treated me
>When I lose my cool and get excited, I still speak gibberishly-quick due to spending years of my life not talking to anyone
>Talk to absolutely everyone at cons, expos, ect and every moment all I'm thinking about is thank god they'll know me for a few days every couple months and won't ever get to know me better
>One traumatic experience from a girl way back then makes me absolutely despise physical contact from women.
>Can approach and talk to girls just fine, high fives are fine, short hugs are fine, but any prolonged physical contact gives me real pain in my stomach and I start getting migraines
>One time sharing a huge hotel room with a group of friends; enough space for everyone on the floor and bed. Since there are females in the room, I make some joke about "keeping fresh" and sleep in the bathtub like I'm competing in the autism tournament.

Never going to make it.

>> No.7872002

You sound like one of those faggots from /fit/

>> No.7872031
File: 28 KB, 638x363, smug Orin and Okuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you tell? I didn't even mention the gay sex.

>> No.7872037

There's a woman who hit on my boyfriend, I'm completely revolted by her now. Sometimes that's all it takes.

>> No.7872064

I know my own people

>> No.7872133
File: 63 KB, 432x504, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw discovered plasti-dip as a material
>tfw finished what you thought would be the most difficult part of the costume in record time
>tfw sale at craft store
>tfw sale at Home Depot

All of these feels make me warm inside.

>> No.7872136

Aww yeah, nigga. Plasti-dip is the shit.

>> No.7872141

Where do you live? Sorry for late reply, I closed the thread.

>> No.7872152

Two of my dream dresses are for sale.

Both of them are sets.

I don't know what to fucking do

>> No.7872157

>tfw no bf/gf to wear cosplay with.

>> No.7872334

>tfw no lolita gf to twin with

>> No.7872383

this is so cute anon.. i'm so happy for you!!

>> No.7872633

>be me
>with my lolita friend
>we got boba and went thrifting
>took cute pics
>now we're both at home without the boys
>both on our computers, on /cgl/ all dressed up
>everything is perfect

I felt a feel and it was good

>> No.7872667
File: 92 KB, 1024x769, 1410631480538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here's a feel for you:

>Yesterday a friend of mine's middle name came up in conversation
>Same name as my uncle
>Talk about my uncle for a little while
>wake up the next morning
>Find out he died in his sleep that night of a heart attack
>So now I'm just sitting here sewing some gloves for Halloween
>Having a drink
>keeping my mind occupied

>> No.7872671

Got any photos?

>> No.7872682

ALL of them?

>> No.7872709

Huh, I seem to draw petite girls, with nice curves, and daddy issues

>> No.7872718
File: 462 KB, 225x153, For+some+reason+it+reminded+me+of+this.+Stupid+dobby+_27d672f7a6659b2178ff052643236c95.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw posted legitimate feel in feels thread because feeling shitty
>get deleted and banned
>on a fucking feels thread full of off topic feels not related to cosplay or egl

Why me.

>> No.7872752

>tfw have dream about ex
>mostly just that I see him with his arms around some other girl
>cosplaying with other girl
>get insanely jealous
>start crying in dream
>wake up with intense feels

It's been more than a year since we broke up this needs to stop.

I've tried dating other people but I haven't clicked. I don't know if this is preventing me or if not dating is causing these feels.

>> No.7872845

>crush asks me to her text early this week
>we start texting day and night all week
>heavy flirting ensues
>finally suggest she comes over to watch anime
>says she wants to but only as friends

I wish I didn't know that this was gonna happen.

>> No.7872878
File: 1.79 MB, 200x200, 1366667226517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still have sexy time as friends. Still shitty though.

>> No.7872880 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 283x357, 1412456873945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw trying to talk to someone but kept spilling spaghetti

Trying to talk to people is hard enough, even if it's at cons where I know people share the same interests. You can only talk about that so much.

>> No.7872882


>> No.7872885
File: 20 KB, 312x348, 1412047748361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>messaging someone, talking to them about cosplay
>they only give few word answers and overall get the feeling they don't like me/want to talk to me
>keep talking anyway

Why am I so fucking bad at.... everything

>> No.7872896

>3 years ago, hanging out with friend, starting to get into cosplay
>show her Superjail, one of my favorite shows at the time
>she thinks it's weird and stupid
>I start cosplaying
>she also thinks that's weird and stupid
>flash forward to this year
>she gets majorly into the cosplay scene but the most tumblr aspects of it (faun makeup, bad Free! crossplay, bad AoT cosplay, the only thing she's missing is Homestuck)
>one of her planned cosplays is The Warden

Really. Really?

>> No.7872900

Tell her she's a dumb fat cunt.

>> No.7872901

People's tastes change, I used to think Tim and Eric's show was fucking retarded, I still do, but I find it funny in a weird way.

>> No.7872904
File: 156 KB, 500x375, l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cut hair
>is happy
>watches video of women with long hair
>miss hair
fuck black people hair and the crazy amount of shrinkage, i had really long hair too, but i damaged it with perm and heat

>> No.7872988
File: 3.58 MB, 1272x1432, furisodes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browsing secondhand kimono website
>really want to buy a furisode as a gift for myself
>I'm really inexperienced when it comes to how kimonos/furisodes should look & their quality
>tfw it feels like I have shit taste or something
Well um...do I? Pic related. These are the ones I like so far.
I'd say my maximum budget is $500. I'm browsing ichiroya, but there's probably better secondhand sites I'm unaware of. So far I really love blacks/greens/reds.

>> No.7872991

mine did too and it was related to cosplay

>> No.7872996

try here

>> No.7873025
File: 66 KB, 487x500, 1411169439411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not born as a female (aka easy mode in life)
>male cosplayers will never be appreciated as much as female cosplayers

>> No.7873026
File: 424 KB, 502x934, 1413012069558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making cosplay
>friends come over and see my assembled Goodwill bullshit
>tell 'em about it
>the one friend who I told about earlier then turns to other friends and talks about how I'm going to get so many bitches with this cosplay
>as he has been saying to people for the past 3 months
>mfw trying to just not say anything and ignore it

>> No.7873035

Being male sucks. Reading the weeaboo thread made me want to become a post weeaboo, but not many weeaboo things are socially accepted for males. I can not wear cat ears, not glomp, not wear kawaii school girl skirts, I can't think of any weeaboo practices that are accepted for males.

>> No.7873038

carrying around swords, posing with swords, wearing large amounts of anime merch in public, ironic or no, having massive figure collections/otaku rooms

>> No.7873072

If you're attractive the world will be less harsh on you. You never see attractive guys get criticized for their hobbies no matter what.

>> No.7873074

If you're attractive the whole world is on your platter anyways.

>> No.7873084

Yes you can.
Be attractive and the world is your oyster. Why aren't you being attractive right now, anon?

>> No.7873085

Because I'm too busy being a fat fuck, obviously.

Who cares that I need to lose 20lbs I have Reeses Puffs to shove down my face.

>> No.7873093

This is true but i wanted to point out the attractive bit to show its a matter of perspective. As in being an attractive girl makes your hobby more accepted as well.

You hear talk all the time about guys and girls being criticized for cosplay. Theres lots of girls here who get told "aren't you too old for this?" regardless of how pretty they are.

Its not all that different for girls. You're only thinking it sucks for guys because you are one. By the same logic of: being attractive makes things easier, if one is ugly and will be looked down on regardless, why care about opinions of those outside the hobby anyway?

>> No.7873099


If you look in this same thread theres actually already a girl here who was told "you have a job anon, you don't need to wear that stuff anymore" >>7871921

So it will be ok anon, the grass was just always greener on the other side.

>> No.7873115

>put off going to joanns all day
>can't make any progress on costume until I go
>fuck okay, let's just go and get it over with, they close at 9, just do it you lazy asshole
>end up walking 40 minutes to store because bus never shows up
>roll up at 7:20, annoyed as fuck about bus
>they close at 7 Sundays

Eat my entire ass, Trimet. It's a 3 minute bus trip, I absolutely would have made it on time if the busses were actually frequent service as promised.

>that bonus feel when your city has one of the best public transit in America
>which means everywhere else is somehow worse than this

>> No.7873135

>friend wanted to twin with me
>she couldn't afford much so we went with buying the same Bodyline dress
>had huge falling out
>never got to twin with her
>still have this Bodyline dress with the tag on it
>like I'd wear this pleb shit on my own
>can't even sell it right away because I bought it before the 20%+free shipping sale started

>> No.7873140

God I hope so

>> No.7873271

>Be a lolita, very tall and just barely able to fit brand b/c am 36-28-40 and 5'9"
>have strange health problems lately
>find out I have early stages of hypothyroidism
>have put on 10lbs in the last 3 months despite working out more lately and eating better
>now afraid I will never fit brand again, and may have to sell my current wardrobe.
>all my sads.

hoping I can take meds to better manage my symptoms soon... just got a referral to a specialist. In the mean time though, I hope to find more comfy yet still cute lolita clothes as I get slightly fluffy.

>> No.7873278

Huh? As someone with bigger measurements than you and who owns brand pieces, just do some research on a brand database. You'd find out you fit within the max of many dresses.
Your actual problem might rest on the fact that you're tall.

>> No.7873288

Yeah it's mostly height + getting bigger... there's a lot of cuts that are not flattering/choke me to death since I am tall from shoulder to waist rather than in the legs. I really like classic and have always gone to IW, but its getting uncomfortable to wear lately, and I hate maxing out my dresses. I can usually only wear brand JSKs that have adjustable straps OPs choke me, and skirts are always too tight unless they're fully shirred which isn't very flattering.

>> No.7873291


I got diagnosed with the same thing a while ago. On the one hand, sad, on the other hand it was kind of nice to know why the exercise and dieting weren't working. FWIW I've been on medication for about a year with no help, only to find out a few weeks ago that it's really common to have celiac disease/various vitamin deficiencies too if you have the Hashimoto version of hypo, so if the medication doesn't help you might want to ask to be tested for that.

>> No.7873304

It started as hyperthyroidism and then burned out. So I was told early on it could be Grave's but I tested negative for that so far. Possibly my thyroid may come back since it wasn't destroyed by my immune system (grave's) but it's uncertain at this point... I'm sorry you've got Hashimotos! It's all pretty shitty in my experience so far. Take care of yourself anon!

>> No.7873351

I will buy any qt 3.14 gril burando to be my gf for a con weekend

>> No.7873382

what con

>> No.7873403


>> No.7873497
File: 929 KB, 264x320, 1366684201289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me, a cosplaying trap who is male
The official story is, I do it because I love the characters. Friends are okay with it and some encourage it because I put in effort and actually pass. This is true, but it is also a fetish and this is how I act on it in public. Lots of strange shit happened to me during my childhood and this never fails to make me diamonds, so whatever.
>tfw don't want to be lumped with sissies or other stupid ass labels
>tfw just a regular straight trap, identifies as male, etc
>tfw wish mom could appreciate just how cute I can look

Fooling people is only fun for so long, I just wish I had a cute girlfriend so that we could crossplay together as a couple and have a blast at cons. I talk with strangers all the time as part of my job but I am still a pathetic virgin kissless loser who can't speak to girls.
>mfw all I succeed in is having guys over the internet fall for me
It's time to wear the skirt, anon.

>> No.7873541

there are many girls that like traps, just keep searching

>> No.7873551
File: 76 KB, 468x468, 1408715994359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you see a lot of cute girls at cons but you have no confidence to talk to any of them
>tfw you keep spilling spaghetti

Like... fuck. There's so many cute girls. I even find myself being in awe because of how cute they are. But at the same time... I'm just a guy, so me doing this means I'm a creep already. So I just keep to myself at cons and just hang out in the dealer's room / game room.

>> No.7873558

They're all taken and pretty much of all them who are single go to this board and even then that's not very many. Just talk to one next time, but don't expect anything.

>> No.7873567

Just talk to other guys, at least you'll socialize with other people

>> No.7873626
File: 155 KB, 500x707, rZVJm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starting a new game of dwarf fortress
let the autism begin!

>> No.7873741
File: 162 KB, 449x450, 1407342952220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a friend like that in school.
>show her Adventure Time way back when it was just this one 10 minute short
>"uh anon that's so dumb and weird do you seriously like that? ugh"
>fast-forward to two years ago
>"Adventure Time is my favorite show ever oh my glob I've loved it since before it was even a show did you know it started with just an animated short lol I'm such a nerd for knowing that"
>show her Hark A Vagrant some years before it became super popular
>"that's nice anon but it's totally not my kind of humor and btw I don't like webcomics"
>fast-forward to two years ago
>she owns like 5 t-shirts
>claims to have found it herself while researching history since she's such a nerd lel
>I gently call her out on this, as in "oh hey that's the comic I showed you back in third year, I'm glad you like it now!"
>she denies ever talking to me about it
I wouldn't even mind her changing her tastes but the lying is what gets me. She only ever likes things after they become popular and always pretends to have ~discovered~ stuff herself to seem cool and hip. It's so juvenile and I'm glad I dropped her. She's one of those people who think getting blackout drunk in the early afternoon on a work day is super hilarious and quirky and something everyone on twitter needs to know about.

>> No.7873751
File: 34 KB, 500x564, bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get baffled when I get reminded that people like this actually exist and it not just a hipster stereotype

>> No.7873771

>greatest holiday besides x-mas coming up
>cosplaying as Nonon for anime club party
>will look kawaii as fuck
>bf and I pairing as creepy mask people for halloween day
>maybe going trick-or-treating in rich neighborhoods
>scaring neighbor kids
>tons of sweets
>scary movies
>Halloween's on a Friday this year

Gosh I'm so excited.

>> No.7873822

you'll do better and better. The more time u spend outside, the easier it gets.
I'm completely free of any awkward feelings and compulsive thoughts about myself after a few years of constant self improvement while outside of the apartment.
Take your time to feel good in every situation you find yourself in. You need to shut out (or just not obsess about) others' imaginary or actual negative thoughts about you.
The first step is to stop faking and do what makes you feel good in social situations, anti-social behaviour or not.

>> No.7873827
File: 116 KB, 480x270, 1412385024090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suddenly feel like I will never amount to anything and will fail at anything I even try to attempt out of nowhere

>> No.7873849

don't interpret it too hard. Everyone feels like shit about themselves sometimes.
It's irrational and it will pass. You're the best.

>> No.7873854
File: 40 KB, 450x570, ceskykrumlov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall in love with a dress
>I know it would never look good on me

Bonus feel
>forgot to take bc pill yesterday
>I've been on this shit for at least two years and I still forget to take it


>> No.7873878

I've been on mine for a year and I keep forgetting mine as well. In fact, this post reminded me that I almost forgot mine today, thanks!

I'm really not up for getting a visit from aunt HEAVY flow yet

>> No.7873917

>woke up thinking I was a girl
>feels bad

>> No.7873918

That feel when gender dysphoria

>> No.7873928

Oh mang i feel you...
I wish i could trade gender with you and see a happy smile on your face and i would just feel so great.
>mfw it'll never happen
; _ ;

>> No.7873954

>tfw want to transition but S.O. hates the idea

>> No.7873962

Break up with your so and transition. It only gets worse.

>> No.7874001

This. If your SO can't love you because you're transgendered, you deserve someone who can.

>> No.7874037
File: 247 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hooves were what I was worried about most. Turns out it only took me ten minutes or so to cut and carve them out of a really durable foam my boyfriend had from when he was an airforce mechanic. It was a huge relief, since most tutorials I read involved carving out of wood.

The skulls are paper mache, paperclay, and plastidip.

>> No.7874056

I managed to be such a shitty person due to major psychotic depression and failed medications, i've lost all my friends in the cosplay community.
I just gave it up altogether because I didn't want to stress people out anymore
It was the only thing that made me happy but now it's just shit
I ended up hanging out with sketchy people and got myself into drugs because the antidepressants never work no matter how many I try
I still lurk /cgl/ because I miss it so much
but in the end, I was never good at it in the first place and all I did was fuel drama
Soon I'll just become another drug overdose statistic and life will go on
(i posted this in the old thread but it was already in autosage so)

>> No.7874063

if your SO doesn't support your choices and your lifestyle they can go fuck themselves
if they can't love you for who you truly are, they don't deserve to be apart of your life. there's someone out there for you who will love and support you no matter what, and you can't find them if you're stuck with your current SO

>> No.7874082
File: 495 KB, 480x357, tumblr_inline_n5tdkrHOmv1qafrh6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proud of you /cgl/

>> No.7874218

My hair is short, wavy and thin. I'm trying to grow it out but I just don't know if I can go on looking like shit.
I don't like going to hair salons anymore because they all pretty much make fun of how thin my hair is.

I just don't know if I should just shave it all off and wear wigs full time.

>> No.7874227


Depending on what BC you're on, you could still in the safe zone. So I wouldn't worry about it yet as long as I remember to take it tomorrow. But yeah, I feel you. I still forget. It happens to the best of us.

>> No.7874228

I;'m totally in the same place you are right now.

>> No.7874229

do you mind if I ask for a pic? you can blur your face out.

>> No.7874269

Take it off her hands when she throws it out and sell it yourself.

>> No.7874317

Fuck, I want to get high and I can't stop starving myself, even though I don't really want to.
I can't even talk to anyone about this because the people in my life now all love and care about me, and I don't want them to worry about me.

But fuck me, I just want to buy a huge pile of drugs, lock myself in my apartment, and go to town.

>> No.7874361

So what, that's fine. An addiction can be overcome, new friends can be made, and you can always return to those things that made you happy.

Don't give in to that voice inside your head. Talk to it, conquer it, tell it that it's wrong, you're not a shitty person. Make little changes in your life and keep telling yourself you're worth it (which you are).

>> No.7874374

I'm close to cutting up my driver's license because my family, friends, and people in my comm keep asking me to drive them places. My father got his car impounded and just told me to take the train 6 towns away and drive it back when he's capable of driving himself but he's too lazy to get off his ass and do it.

>> No.7874384
File: 32 KB, 500x375, yMk2W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my friends have turned out to have feelings for the past 5 crushes I've had
I've never said anything but it's starting to get depressing.

>> No.7874529
File: 299 KB, 792x825, 1412829643652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you see someone's alright cosplay but they kind of mess up a detail
>tell them about it
>they throw a fit

I'm so fucking glad I found /cgl/. At least I know if I did that here, I'm more likely to hear,
>"Alright, yeah, I'll look into fixing that up, thanks"

>> No.7874558

Existential angst.

>> No.7874629

>have taobao order finished, just need to pay
>stumble upon a cute doll
>mfw I fucking need it in my life
>tfw did the math and find out I don't have enough money for it right now
>tfw I fucking hope it isn't sold out when I can buy it

>> No.7874642

>very rarely talks with friends about how I feel when I'm in a bad state mentally, after all I don't know how to help myself how the fuck are they supposed to do anything
>been getting worse and worse lately
>tried to bring it up with a couple of friends to get some support or just maybe have an opportunity to get things off my chest with someone that knows me well
>they stop replying
>I can see that they have read what I posted
>they talk to me again the next day as if nothing happened

These people are completely unrelated to each other and have even sometimes gotten frustrated with me because of how much I keep inside because I'm scared of becoming a burden. But when I start hinting that I might not be feeling too well they back the fuck off?

Well then

>> No.7874649

thank you
I really needed that :)

>> No.7874653

if it's not online could you put it on hold? if it is online, maybe have someone else order and pay them back?

>> No.7874659

It's online and I was thinking of that, but I hate to be a bother/being in debt to someone. Though, I could ask my fiance for it as a Xmas present.... Would have to get him something pricey later so I don't feel so bad.

>> No.7874848

Hey anon, could you hair actually be damaged? and has been for a long? I've had damaged hair for a long while and it was thin and went in whatever direction. Have you tried biotin?

>> No.7874865
File: 17 KB, 640x480, 1406500933990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I had a very similar feel about a year ago

>Friend is kind of having a break down
>Typing shit to me over Skype on her way home on the bus
>I drop what I was doing to read her shit comfort her let her get it off her chest
>She gets home and I spend the next couple of HOURS letting her vent and rant about shit
>She calms down and then goes to bed

Keep that in mind as I tell you part two...

>About a week or two later
>Spent the past month babysitting retarded older brother
>Cook for him
>Clean up after him
>Get up early to him to work constantly
>During this month he broke both my washing machine and my sink and in generally was extremely aggravating to deal with
>Message that friend from earlier
>Ask her how she's feeling now(better)
>Vent a bit about my retard brother
>Been too busy to do stuff venting
>Suddenly my "Friend" starts telling me off about how she doesn't care about any of that
>I'm being rude for just telling her things she doesn't care about and that I should ask if I can vent to her first(bitch never asked me)
>"Don't talk to me Anon"
>Since then she hasn't been my friend and we haven't spoken, removed from Skype and all that shit.

Sometimes people are completely one sided and selfish about their friendships Anon. people will complain if you don't share anything with then and then as soon as you do they don't care. People can be shitty, real friends will actually talk about your problems, those are the ones you should keep in your life.

>> No.7874907

>tfw the "Cosplay is not Consent" threads keep getting deleted

They're on topic, aren't they? They cover an aspect of the con/cosplay scene, harassment. Not sure what's so different from it and the "con horror stories" threads.

>> No.7875264

my gf keeps telling me about brando is she cheating on me with dio???

>> No.7875269
File: 136 KB, 926x926, 1407807617438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't have any anime nerd friends but want to go to a con.

Has anyone here gone to a con with people they met through /cgl/ or some other online forum? Would you recommend it? None of my real friends want to go but I want to make sure the people I'd go with are at least semi-normal and aren't likely to have BO problems.

>> No.7875271

I was really looking forward to a Halloween meetup and have my coord planned and everything but now I realize there might be chance I won't be able to go to one....
My comm has several in the month but they're all either full (limited seats) or quite far enough that I don't want to go alone (for several reasons). I have work on Halloween night but I don't know if my workplace will allow us to dress up yet.

I happened to express this to one of my non-lolita friends and she did offer to go with me for one though. Should I attempt to dress her up? I feel like people would appreciate tag-alongs to at least try to dress up right? She's quite tomboyish so I could only get her to dress in boystyle. I could PROBABLY whip up an outfit but not 100% sure since I don't much that so fit as boystyle.

Sometimes I really wish I had a close friend that was into lolita.... I mean I'm buddies/acquaintances with a lot of the comm members but I have a hard time becoming close to people. My closer friends that I do currently have tolerate/appreciate it, but would never actually get into it so..

>> No.7875283

Why couldnt you be normal white people?

>> No.7875293

I offended a friend i really care about a while ago. I was totally in the wrong in every way so its not worth explaining. The guilt is eating at me everyday. We've stopped talking and have zero contact. I do however know they've gotten over it to the point of not caring anymore, but i still feel guilt. There is no closure for me

>> No.7875309

Then tell them that, ya dingus, if they are a real friend they'll make you feel better.

>> No.7875317

I went to AX with someone I met from here. It wasn't bad! We really hit it off online and became good friends, so it was nice.

It was his friends that sucked. Literally yelling until two in the morning. Damn, I just wanted some sleep.

>> No.7875323

I cant, I've been blocked in all forms of contact. They don't want to know me or have to think of me anymore. I don't blame them, its their right to do so, and I'm not going to vilify them. Logic would dictate that i just move on, but the feels. The feels hurt.

>> No.7875326

what the hell did you do?

>> No.7875328

Sorry anon but its not worth explaining i just wanted to let out my feels.

>> No.7875330

Its worth it to me.

>> No.7875333

You probably deserved it.

>> No.7875341

Write them a letter, post doesn't break off.

>> No.7875347 [DELETED] 

Mind if I ask how old you and those guys were?

I'm 20 right now and I was just wondering what the average age of guys who do that sort of thing is. I probably won't have the money / time to go until I'm done with my undergraduate.

>> No.7875348

Mind if I ask how old you and those guys were?

I'm 20 right now and I was just wondering what the average age of guys who do that sort of thing is. I probably won't have the money / time to go until I'm done with my undergraduate.

>> No.7875350

Every single one of my friends who applied for the PMX fashion show have been accepted. They're all modeling for brand.

My third year of no reply.

I feel like the ugliest lolita on the planet right now.

>> No.7875369

Just hearing that makes me feel a bit better anon. Thank you. But how someone interprets something is all up to them and everyone has different standards anyway. All that needs to be known is that i offended them and they no longer wish to know me.

We talked about it amicably actually (in the past). They decided during the discussion that they no longer wish to be friends. It wasn't a decision made in a fit of emotion either. I intend to respect their decision.

I just wanted to let out my feels somehow, and i apologize for not being able to give details but i also feel it be disrespectful to that person even if they would never see.

>> No.7875373

Sounds like you need some burando in your life

>> No.7875382

Hm, there are facebook pages for this kind of thing. I haven't gone to a con with people I've met on FB or on 4chan, but I've went with people I've met in online games.

They all tended to be pretty cool.

If you want a friend in the LA to go to summoner's con, anime LA, pmx, or anime expo--hit me up.

Leave yo email or something.

>> No.7875401
File: 498 KB, 350x234, ifedupwiththisworld.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy BL JSK on lacemarket
>goes through no prob
>seller messages me about shipping
>"Hi anon!" I'm afraid sending packages from America to the UK is soo expensive! To send it, it would cost me $60! Do you still want it?"
>JSK is $15

Am I a pleb and that's how much shipping costs nowadays? It's a single fucking JSK, not a baby giraffe.

>> No.7875405

To ease the pain? Lol yeah... I have an order from IW coming in, and one from BABY, but that was even before applying for modeling.

I liked Lief too, would have loved to model for them.

Meh. Time to drown my sorrows in ice cream, since I put off sugar/anything really fatty for months ever since I heard that IW was coming to this year's PMX and wanted to stay in shape.

>> No.7875414

Well it depends on how the seller's shipping it. I actually shipped a jsk out to the UK last week. Was going to go priority flat rate, but the damn USPS said it was fucking $60! Buyer and I agreed on first class ($13) though there's no tracking within the UK, just delivery confirmation.
IIRC USPS increased international shipping prices at the beginning of this year.

>> No.7875421

Ah okay, thanks! That knowledge de-rustles my jimmies somewhat. I'll ask her if she could just go first class.

>> No.7875422

Who cares how I'll interpret it

>> No.7875584
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No problem. :3 Tell her too that the customs number on the form (LK blahblahnumbersblahblyblah US) is what you can use to track.

Anyway, back on topic and my own feels:

>tfw btssb confirms your order is shipped after waiting all weekend

I'm so happy, I feel like I'm gonna cry.

>> No.7875645

>Baby, the stars are finally. Shining. Bright.
>suddenly all my close lolita friends are in shituations

Everyone is still looking for a job, steady relationship, or stable living environment, so of course I'm going to bite my tongue about anything stupid like senpai noticing me, and instead help and support where I can.
But still, sometimes it's like damn, I don't have anyone left now to tell that I bought Melty Popular Release in multiple cuts and colors or to gush about relationships stuff with.

>tfw you want a token "perfect life" friend so you never worry about "rubbing it in"

>> No.7875782
File: 163 KB, 2000x1920, 1236631378188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spent the past month babysitting retarded older brother
Holy shit this is the worst situation you can find yourself into when you have siblings. Your big brother was born years before you, was a model for you during most of your youth, and suddenly you realize during all those years you liked a dumb fuck who grows up way too slow

>> No.7875806

>have a friend who really wants to get into lolita
>find a dress on closetchild that would suit their style and taste perfectly
>their birthday is coming up so I buy this dress for them for like 16000 yen with shipping
>we're gonna look so cute together but the fact is that I'm really stupid with my money

>> No.7875810

I think that is incredibly sweet of you, money is not only meant to be spent on yourself and think about how happy she'll be!

>> No.7875813
File: 42 KB, 495x636, 1394936701292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Friends convince me to try an online dating/chat site
>Put some photos up
>One gets rated 1.8 /10
>Had never considered myself ugly before this

>> No.7875816
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>> No.7875830
File: 57 KB, 350x533, dotheshinji.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally decide to order Meta's Princess Wardrobe set in beige last week after eyeing it for a while
>gets shipped out really quickly
>out of town this weekend, tracking tells me that it was delivered for on Saturday
>so excite
>get back to my apartment on Sunday night
>go downstairs to apartment office to get mail
>check mailbox
>ask apartment office worker to check the room where they keep all the larger packages
>several other packages that I ordered, but nothing from Meta
>describe package to office guy, explain that it's from japan and would have normal international package shit on it
>he says that he remembers seeing the mailman with something like that
>shit, my precious burando may be in someone else's mail box
>go back to apartment, pretty worried
>go downstairs to office to check to see if anyone turned in my package
>ask office people to ask the mail lady to check everyone's mailbox for it today, they agree and make a note of it (no mail yesterday because it was a holiday)
>still super worried that my brand is lost forever or not even in my apartment complex to begin with, or that someone has it and keeps forgetting to turn it in

So the mail lady hasn't come yet today so fingers crossed, but has anyone ever dealt with a situation like this? Did you contact Meta about it, and if so, what did they do? Did you end up having to make an insurance claim with EMS or what? I've been pretty lucky up to this point as this is the first and only major shipping issue I've had, and I know I might be overreacting, but it's so nerve wracking to just not have any idea where the hell my dress is.

>> No.7875840

>didn't offer to blow his "mind"

Wow come on gal you can do better.

>> No.7875843
File: 1009 KB, 500x280, XdjTVmx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes i feel like my entire worth is in my balloon tits and that is the only reason people even look at me

>> No.7875851
File: 356 KB, 672x699, bueno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I feel like my entire worth is in my athletic body and that is the only reason people even look at me. ;_;

>> No.7875856
File: 43 KB, 355x457, bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes I feel like my entire worth is in rumors of my thick dick and that is the only reason people even talk to me.

>> No.7875858

Sometimes I feel like my entire worth is in my well made cosplays and that is the only reason people even look at me once a year.

>> No.7875862


I wouldn't worry about it, people generally on rate people as 1s or 9s on those things.

>> No.7875867

Maybe that just means you have great taste in partners?

>> No.7875901
File: 251 KB, 450x338, happyforfirsttime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a mother that is a really bad a cruel person
>because of her behavior, family doesn't approach to her (and also me)
>she got pregnant at me by 17
>she hates me for that (she's still a total whore)
>no love
>no childhood
>no self-love
>moving to a new city every year
>cannot make friends
>return to my original city I born, where all my family lives
>broken, but start making contact
>start making friends
>start being happy
>During 5 years
>My mom decided she wants to left home again
>I don't want, my father doesn't want too
> new city
> Again no friends... depression takes me eventually: it's getting worse and worse.
>Fall in Ana, self harm, suicide attemps, but I don't tell to anyone. I didn't have anyone tho

But... I knew someone...

>..but I must try...

>Meet the true love

And eventually...
>More self steem
>Feeling happy
>Got friends
>Get the nuts to wear lolita (after years of buying dresses and wear them only in my room)

And everything it's bright

Thank you for everything

I love you.

>> No.7875908


That was a very short VN...I hope I got the good end.

>> No.7876031

I-i would be your perfect life friend, anon. My life is actually going amazingly right now on all fronts, but since all my friends are poor college students with weird relationships/money issues/hard courses its hard to be excited about anything.

>> No.7876051

If you are looking for more than sex -> Friends of friends. OKC is a shithole and Tinder is for hookups. Go to parties, join clubs, get to know people and you'll meet a nice girl.

Don't tell her about your favorite pony though, your comment about how Twilight Sparkle is shit tier might turn her off.

>> No.7876065


When I came out to my wife I got the: "...but I'm not a lesbian..." response. We ended up going our separate ways for different reasons but I'm happier now. And I've also heard stories of spouses who say they arent "gay" but get into it for reasons I don't know. You only live once anon and the dysphoria only gets worse.

>> No.7876092

My "best friend" since the beginning of elementary school literally just cut all contact with me once my mental issues (depression, social phobia, anorexia) worsened.
And when I was about to be hospitalized for my eating disorder, my other best friend didn't give a shit at all either. Oh well.

>> No.7876119

>Don't tell her about your favorite pony though, your comment about how Twilight Sparkle is shit tier might turn her off.

That caught me off guard, got me giggling.

>> No.7876154

Can you blame them? They never signed up for someone who only bitches and moans about their issues. They aren't equipped with dealing with you.

>> No.7876182

>tfw you cut cotton fabric after cutting knits for the past few projects

love the sound.

>> No.7876221

Don't want to be as harsh as: >>7876154 but as someone who had the same issues, it's literally so exhausting to the people surrounding you. And I know it's not your fault, but after a point they may feel problems never end with you or that you are something they NEED to take care of all the time and they have their own lives they need to sort out.

At the very least you're a consistent bummer and that's enough to end a friendship with some people.

>> No.7876248

Sounds like perfect lolita friends anon. I wish your happiness on everyone.

>> No.7876279

This. I suffer from depression and have a very complicated relationship with food, which can lead me to purge for a month or two at a time. After multiple friendships being lost because they couldn't deal with it, I learned to not talk about it. Maybe in passing if I am having a particularly low day, but complaining all the time and losing friends went into a very vicious cycle, which obviously only made it worse.

>> No.7876334

teach me where I can find the golden nuts, anon

>> No.7876348

I bought my friend's dream set for her birthday on y!auctions, I'm so excited to give it to her and see her reaction.
Only 16 more days.
Think about how happy she'll be too !

>> No.7876374

they didn't sign up to be your doctors, ffs.

>> No.7876385

Hey, chill. It's reasonable for a person to expect decency from their friends. I would say "actually giving a shit" constitutes as decent behavior from a friend. You must not be a very good friend.

>> No.7876464 [DELETED] 

Well I hope so (cute story btw!).
>well how skimpily dressed was the character?
Bare midriff and a lot of leg showing. It wasn't really racy as such, just revealing I guess.

>tfw I could never be that forward

>> No.7876470
File: 75 KB, 250x200, taigaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw waiting for a call to find out if I got this job or not
>It's the only job I've interviewed for that's relevant to my degree
>Basically I'm either about to jump start my career or I'm stuck working a seasonal job

>> No.7876487
File: 43 KB, 500x375, d1412637977640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I hope so (cute story btw!).
>well how skimpily dressed was the character?
Bare midriff and a lot of leg showing. It wasn't really racy as such, just revealing I guess.

>tfw I could never be that forward

>> No.7876501
File: 10 KB, 468x326, 1405013500762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some Brolita feels for Halloween

> want to wear my first brand coordinate on Halloween this year
> Not /fit/ enough to think I look good in it yet
> haven't had time to get JSK altered or acquire a blouse (Shoulders too big for brand blouse )
> Get invited to friends Halloween party in LA
> Dont want to let him know that I want to wear princess-y dresses from Japan
> Friend is probably cool with it but I don't want to let him know
> Going to be a drunk Russian soldier instead and wear my ushanka and striped Russian shirt instead
> good times will be had nonetheless though

Oh well, there's always next Halloween.

>> No.7876525

Women - can be complete wrecks emotional (and probably physically by the sound of it too) and yet still find friends and lovers.
Fucking rigged game this.

>> No.7876539

The only people who go to cons nowadays are preening primadonnas who do nothing but bitch about other girls who had the gumption to wear more revealing outfits, and Chads on the hunt for an easy lay with a psychotic chick in order to banter about it later with the frat.
No one who likes anime goes to cons anymore, normals drove them away.

>> No.7876541

?? I've never met a male crazy that didn't have any friends whatsoever.

>> No.7876553

Not sure if b8...

>> No.7876568

Think that sentence through for a moment. How are you supposed to meet them, if they have no friends?

>> No.7876574

I guess this is the only thread that this would be in context with

>give 150usd for a gofundme plush project in Dec 2013
>project goes over goal and is funded at beginning of Jan 2014
>designer makes 'we did it, updates to come!' post
>March '14 rolls around, no updates
>send very nice message asking about project, even imply I might have missed updates because of weird schedule and just the nature of her blog being a lot of stuff and posts
>'Don't worry anon, I'm waiting on the prototype and will provide a big update with photos soon!'
>send back nice thank you message
>June now, no updates though she is active on blog
>email company in charge of production with questions
>'Our records show we haven't been able to reach this person, and they never paid the invoice from March'
>Again message designer, polite, no name calling, just asking for clarification on the project
>another month goes by, finally get a huge apologetic message about finances and car accident etc, but that she has paid the invoice finally
>company confirms payment (mid July) and contact with designer
>forget about the project for a while, see designer has changed blogs, but in the way that I'm still following them automatically under their new name due to tumblr's whatever
>Send new message last week (last contact being in July when she said she had paid) being really nice, asking about the project and wishing her a nice rest of the week, etc

So today she posts a big update with pictures and whatnot, which made me excited, but right after she posts this vague text dump about people 'pushing her down whenever she climbs up' and 'just stop following me, stop stalking me' and informs followers her blog will only be plush updates from now on.

Like, that seems like too much of a coincidence that it's not directed at me even though I've been nothing but nice and polite, even when I caught her in a lie.

I guess I just should have not even bothered with the whole thing.

I feel mostly confused.

>> No.7876579
File: 17 KB, 498x320, 1406516223481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh wot?

>> No.7876580

In psych offices..? Clinics?

>> No.7876581


I like being the emotional pillar to lean on. Helps my self worth knowing someone can depend on me. Sad part is... I'm easily friend-zoned. I'm too much of a best friend. Not that I mind. Not going to let that get me down.

>> No.7876583

It's framed like b8, but in essence, it is true. The old con crowd has long since left, or the more socially able of them have improved themselves to a point where they are now comfortable with the new crowd.
Just ask most people on /cgl/. They used to be wallflowers or frumps attempting shit Avatar, Sailor Moon, or Card Captor cosplays. They then started improving themselves, and now they're all alpha bitches.

>> No.7876586
File: 157 KB, 303x295, sendhelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking forward to meet up this weekend
>got my period today


>> No.7876595

I'm guessing you've never been to a psych office or clinic if you think it's a good place to start a conversation. Half of the patients won't look you in the eye due to crippling anxiety, the other half think you're harbouring evil intentions against them due to some degree of paranoia.
Quite a lot of men have zero friends at all. Doesn't happen with women though.

>> No.7876603

I am literally saying that because that's where I've been to and met other crazies. For a lot of BPD related things for myself. And a few years back I'd accompany my best friend for her brother's schizophrenia treatment. The mentally ill are still people, and they all interact in different ways and have different levels of openness. Some of them are chatty as fuck.

>> No.7876604

>using the word friendzone unironically
Just fuck off.

>> No.7876611

>Some of them are chatty as fuck.
>that's where I've been to and met other crazies
>And a few years back I'd accompany my best friend for her brother's schizophrenia treatment.
You make it sound like a fucking Church bake.
No - the truth is most mentally ill men end up socially isolated and alone. Can't say the same for women, the few who were in my ward when I was there for a few weeks were either slutting it up with the porters or having thier family and friends visit.

>> No.7876613

That's not sad. That's dumb. You want to be in a relationship with someone, tell them. Don't pretend to be their friend when you want to be their boyfriend or girlfriend.

I mean, being the emotional pillar is clearly an ego thing. You love thinking you're this emotional hero. You don't get a lover out of it too. That requires real work and real caring.

>> No.7876616

Keep thinking that if it makes you feel better/worse/however you want to feel about it.

>> No.7876621


idunno, I feel like >>7876568 would apply to women too. How are you supposed to meet the really crazy women with crippling anxiety and paranoie who won't look you in the eye? So really crazy women have no friends or lovers either, and the game's not rigged.

>> No.7876625

It's okay, you just have to >>7870935
wear the skimpy costume too, he'll love it

>> No.7876636

What a great fucking response there. Really engaging with the debate, I can see you're really passionate about your opinion.

>> No.7876648

Women don't isolate themselves to the same degree as men, and society doesn't generally allow that to happen either. If a woman holes herself up alone for a few days, people get worried - family members are sent out, friends are called in. Man does it, no one gives a shit. On top of that is the fact that most women feel the need to tell people about their problems. If they have an issue, they're more likely to seek help. Socially isolated men just molder.

Just think back for a second to your school days. I bet there was that one male kid in your year who was a weirdo who had no friends at all. There was probably a few strange girls as well in your year, but they would at least have one or two friends. This same pattern is replicated throughout life. Usually a few disturbed women who still maintain a social network and more readily access services to help them, and a far greater number of completely socially isolated men, who will likely die young and alone, with the corpse found three weeks later after the neighbours complain about the smell.

>> No.7876659

This is totally untrue. It all depends on family situations and social networks, not gender.

>> No.7876662

How is this a debate? All either of us has is anecdotal evidence, and typical of the nature of these arguments, you haven't dropped a single statistic.

I'm sticking with the fact that people who are mentally ill are still people. And people all have different personalities. Fuck, mental illness itself manifests in different ways that effect how a person is socially. Why should I work hard to talk to someone who wants to protect their blanket statement? What do you even want from me? To feel bad for mentally ill dudes? I already do. But I feel bad for mentally ill men and women. Mental illness sucks. You want a reward for your penis mental illness?

Here's the only thing I've found backed up statistically: Mentally ill men are more likely to be violent, which may be why some of them don't have friends/romantic relationships. That doesn't get to carry over everywhere. That's just one chunk of mentally ill dudes.

Nobody owes you anything out of this convo, anon. They can shrug their shoulders and leave whenever they want.

>> No.7876686

You're not arguing that at all, you're arguing that somehow social isolation in men doesn't exist.

>> No.7876690

It does depend on gender, because women have stronger social networks, have more state provided services available, and have a greater uptake of mental health services than men.

Face it, women will never be truly socially isolated in the same way a man can be.

>> No.7876710

>period will end soon
>next meet is this saturday
>feels good man.jpg

>> No.7876794
File: 80 KB, 500x385, tumblr_mnb4p5j9ZL1qhsypko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has only been two 2 lolita meet-ups in the last 8 months
>Left comm 4 months ago (been pretty inactive for a year)
>Somehow I'm a burden/drama to the comm

I don't even know how to feel.

>> No.7876800

Again, no, that just isn't how it works. The only possible connection between the two is that men sometimes feel forced into stronger gender roles which makes them less likely to actively pursue help.

>> No.7876813

She's a fucking bitch who obviously had been mishandling the donations that people like YOU so very kindly gave her. She's pissed off that people were asking about the status of THEIR donated money because she knew that she couldn't give very clear answers due to what she had done with the funds.
What's to be confused about?
Did you not learn a lesson about donating huge sums of money to people who have no real legal obligation to go through with their projects? It's a scam and you're too damn polite for it.

>> No.7876815

>The Most Popular Girls In School
My nigga

>> No.7876822
File: 130 KB, 200x186, 254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7876841
File: 201 KB, 481x510, tumblr_mijjhsdWNX1raiwz1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn straight, son.

>> No.7876859

Fuck you, im so tired of friend zone bullshit. Im so sick and tired of guys thinking we owe them our feelings for anything. Nobody can control another person's feelings. The truth is being nice, being "there" for another person, or being a pillar doesn't make another person have feelings for you and no the proper response is not to think "then what will?" Whether or not they do is all up to them not you.

>> No.7876868

Oh man, thank you for reminding me about MPGiS. So excited for season 4.

>> No.7876875

I've never understood this. I'm so glad the friend-zone shit is publicly frowned upon now.

I don't even understand how getting rejected turned into 'the friend zone' in the first place.

I'm honestly genuinely interested in how this came to be.

>> No.7876876
File: 52 KB, 403x403, 1394492938013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw really like Lolita for years
>Finally got my first coord, planning to buy more things by the end of the year
>There is like nobody in my area
>Finally found a comm page by looking at the facebook of a girl that used to dress in Lolita at my college
>I am too scary to get into that comm, thinking about all the drama and talking that I used to read or listen (I had a very close friend that used to be a loli too)
>Also afraid of taking photos and very shy

Feels bad man.

>> No.7876878

You're easily friend-zoned 'cause you're a lousy dildo

>> No.7876883

I'm not confused about what happened, I understand I caught her in the scam and she's upset that she actually had to go through with the project and spend that money. I'm just confused by how someone can have such a victim based mindset



>> No.7876894

I wish you could get your money back.

>> No.7876896

That was anecdotal. That doesn't mean I don't think ANY man with mental illness couldn't possibly be socially isolated. The point of me even saying that was to dispel that weird idea you had that mentally ill women automatically have people to fall back on that mentally ill men somehow don't ever. Come on, guy. You ignored literally everything else I said that would have proved otherwise to focus on that statement. And you need to stop thinking in black and white. Everyone else has already pointed out that there are so many factors involved with mental illness.

>> No.7876897

Good! I'm glad for you anon, I hope it stays that way for as long, as much, and as frequently as possible. I've been keeping in a few particular feels inside for a few weeks now, might as well share em:

new salopette set
>best color, fits like it was made for me, looks freaking cute worn, strangers love it, bf really loves it, and it has a POCKET

>> No.7876899

You know how most of us are non confrontational in real life? at least a few girls don't want to outright say"no i don't see you that way and aren't attracted to you." They just say something like "lets stay friends."

As for why it became a thing to say "friend zone" Its because people in general would rather not face the truth and realize they have no control over others. Its Scary to think someone doesn't like you and you cant do anything about it so people choose to believe if they hold out and care for the object of their affections it will change.

>> No.7876902
File: 712 KB, 575x640, r9k vs cgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl claims guy is ignoring her due to looks/personality
>"lol shut up desperate ho and accept that not everyone will like you"
>guy claims girl is ignoring him due to looks/personality

>> No.7876906

The worst is when someone tries to guilt you into liking them by giving you gifts. And when I stopped accepting gifts from people, I was being "rude" for not accepting them.

>> No.7876925


To be fair to the guys, from a young age its never really encouraged to empathize and learn from others. Instead they are emasculated from day 1 and taught they have to earn their manhood. So they focus on just being better than everyone. Combine this with the fact that we're seen as social currency(that a man's status is directly the result of how many women hes been with and how beautiful).

It stands to reason that they would never learn they cant control other people's feelings. So i cant actually blame them that much. They are are victims of circumstances as much as we are for our own issues. Instead i really just pity them.

>> No.7876927

You can do it anon! Most comms aren't as bad as they seem online, we (myself included) like to bitch and blow things out of proportion.

>> No.7876939

Hey anon, he just wants something else to blame instead of himself for his own shortcomings.

>> No.7876986
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I really hope so, thanks!
Actually the group is very small and they seem to dress and getting together on special moments, and from I can see it's a bit inactive. Maybe I will try to get slowly to them in cons and such, so I don't get the image of being creepy or anxious, idk. I will just get into that slowly and safely.

>> No.7877012

I'm glad that you have empathy for others but at a certain age I can't forgive that behavior. Yes, in a way everyone is indoctrinated with certain behaviors due to their gender, but an educated (or at the very least reasonable) person eventually realizes the fallacies of the doctrines that they grew up with and evolves from them.

TL;DR I expect that shit from teenagers, not from people in their 20s and no less full blown adults.

>> No.7877026

>buy dress
>money left over in fun budget
>buy more dress
>a little too much money still left over in fun budget

alright, this is weird, time to double check some formulas and my other budgets

>all formulas correct, nothing missing
>in fact, there is too much money in all the budgets (not complaining, shoveled some to savings) and this has been happening for a while
>the only explanation is an incorrect input, I put in the wrong base pay, but.. there's no way, who doesn't know their pay?
>check it at work anyway
>"No anon, you make this much. The raise you initially got with your promotion was actually the wrong amount, so your wages were inflated temporarily to make up the difference for the amount of time you had been paid too little. Didn't you read your letter? You also had multiple merit increases, cost of living increases, and bonuses. We send letters for those... Also, you have an alarming amount of vacation time, you should really use some of that."
>go home and re-enter current base pay, excel makes sense now
>"anon, you also haven't used your visa gift cards for being an employee for x many years. Do you not read mail?"
>I... oh. okay.
>schedule vacation
>buy more dress

I feel really good and really stupid at the same time. Things could be worse.

>> No.7877037
File: 1.87 MB, 480x270, 1406584520332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post i'm going to a con on tumblr
>Get offers to share my room
>Say sure
>Meet up at the hotel
>it's a girl
>i'm male
>MFW to embarrassed to go #2
>MFW too embarrassed to get any sleep
>MFW going to the CVS across the street to use the bathroom for 3 days and being too shy to say a word
she was really pretty too.

I'm never doing that shit ever again.

>> No.7877039

You're right, i keep forgetting that i can still blame them because even when they realize it they choose to believe otherwise.

>> No.7877052

That's pretty cute. I'm sure she thought so too, although she probably felt just as awkward as you.

>> No.7877055

Oh my god, I'm really jealous AND happy for you? Enjoy it, anon! Who cares that you missed those e-mails? Be glad someone drew your attention to it! They made for a money surprise! You hardly ever get pleasant money surprises in life.

>> No.7877063

I'm so happy for you!

Listen to them ^
Because you really do only live once, so you should live being as happy as you can possibly be!
Doing what feels right to you, and finding people who accept you for who you are!
It sounds selfish, but you need to put yourself first. If you're in an uncomfortable position for the sake of others, no one is going to be happy. I wish you nothing but luck anon! Follow your heart and all that cheesy junk!

>> No.7877068

no, i'm really ugly and i know i don't belong in the same room as her. I've got gross slavic raccoon eyes and big lips. I tried to be in the room as little as possible but almost everytime i went back she was in there. I did manage to get a shower in every day though when she went to breakfast.

>> No.7877073

sounds like you're good at what you do, and you work hard.
You earned it anon! :)

>> No.7877081

anon, all you got is a lack of self confidence!
If you were as gross and ugly as you think you are, she probably wouldn't have sent you an offer and share a hotel room with you for 3 days.

>> No.7877128

Good luck, anon-chan!

>> No.7877157 [DELETED] 

New thread: >>7877156

>> No.7877166

New thread: >>7877156

>> No.7877169


Time to lift, none of that will matter if you have 20inch arms

>> No.7877205

maybe he's literally retarded though

>> No.7877747

Why don't you give ME 150 bucks and I'll finish my entire ff'ing cosplay and probably bang you to. Shit these people that take the money and run, so dumb. And people that actually give it, goddamn.

>> No.7878213

Well the doctor found nothing

>> No.7879030
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>> No.7879551
File: 109 KB, 1264x471, 1410136144337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl claims guy is ignoring her due to looks/personality
>likes and reblogs of "It's okay he's not worth it"
>guy claims girl is ignoring him due to looks/personality
>"HAHAHAHAHA Fucking beta/neckbeard! Take off the fedora and wipe off your doritos. Your literally trash!"

Strawmanning's fun, ain't it?

>> No.7879916
File: 178 KB, 500x949, fitnes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me.

>> No.7880313

>tfw went to job interview in nice normalfag clothes
>didnt get the job
>my mom is really mad about it and says its because i didnt wear sweet lolita and that it makes me look classy