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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 411 KB, 676x452, tumblr_mvwbb3ngf51sp7nbuo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7859210 No.7859210 [Reply] [Original]

What does /cgl/ think of crossplay? Do you have any examples of it done right? pic related

>> No.7859214
File: 163 KB, 864x526, tumblr_mv2v5k9qii1sp7nbuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they can be really hit or miss

>> No.7859226
File: 228 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_msyrk9gbdI1sp7nbuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7859282 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 625x352, Oh fuck me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's for faggots and deviants.
Fuck it and fuck them.

>> No.7859327

imo its just hard to pull off correctly. You either have the look for it pretty much naturally, or you're going to look pretty crappy. There are some things you -can- do to an extent. But for the most part its based on your natural appearance.

>> No.7859476

Most "cross"players are huge deviants or trannies in denial

>> No.7861161

It's not that black and white. There also lot of people who will pass as girl with good make up, angles, wig selection, etc.

>> No.7861244

Thats why i mean there are things you can do to an extent. Its just you'll never make a 200 pound obese man look like a girl. You might be able to make a sorta manly guy look like an ugly girl, but passing as an ugly girl doesn't really count as doing it right to me.

>> No.7861387

I'm a girl who enjoys crossplaying because it's fun and I think I make a reasonably OK dude. I mean, I don't pass 100%, but I try, and I have fun.

>> No.7861665

I'm not saying that but you made it sound like if you're not born with face of almost women you're fucked. Anyway we have same point in the end so never mind.

>> No.7861669


It's usually easier for a girl to crossplay than for a dude, characters have usually a more feminine look (no facial hair, slim body, etc.).

>> No.7861671

True, and it's easier to contour features sharper/more angular than it is to soften them, I think.

Still sad I'll never ever make a convincing Jet Black.

>> No.7861692

God bless for the truth bomb

>> No.7861730
File: 339 KB, 960x1280, 2013-07-19 18.47.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I crossplay, no homo ... it's just the thrill of passing ...

Pic related, it's me with the Kagamine Len Imitation black ... the angle is a bit strange though

>> No.7861996

I crossplay no homo as well, I just like attracting male sexual attention. Not attracted to them in any way though.

>> No.7862002

you don't pass tho

>> No.7862005

that's one hell of a twink body doe

>> No.7862007

>huge feet
>man hands
>massive shoulders

do you not look at women very often lol?

>> No.7862012

to be fair if he's been looking at run way models he might pass. Shoulders are kinda hard for me to see in the pic, they look kinda manly though, should cover them up in the future.
Also your jaw is a bit too prominent.
You look 80% man though so no pass from me.

>> No.7862016

He does as a Swedish lesbian

>> No.7862021

do you not know what a twink is?

>> No.7862081
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1402557648551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just the thrill of passing ...

>> No.7862890

Anon never mentioned anything about women you dunce

>> No.7862971
File: 72 KB, 720x960, 1395192_465953243523264_821930508_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossplay has always been a means to an end for me. I get it that different people will have different reasons for doing so, such as using it as a convenient outlet for transvestism etc. But a great deal of the crossplayers that I have come into contact with, especially considering the touhou community, primarily attempt to be as convincing as possible simply because the characters they like ARE female and it becomes a matter of personal pride to look the part as much as possible.

This is pretty much true, but to narrow it down further for the sake of discussion face shape is the biggest giveaway. The body silhouette can be altered by selecting costumes carefully, padding up and corseting but it is rather hard to hide very strong masculine features. Short of prosthetic makeup, highlighting and contouring only works that much. Although in the borderline cases abit of educated use of makeup can make all the difference in the world.

I totally get the thrill of passing thing heh, but to give some concrit i think you should work on posing, style your wig to frame your face better (it seems to be puffing up and making your head look longer) and look at softening your jawline. Len is after all a young and androgynous character so rounding out your face might help the entire illusion though. Your build seems fine though, although from this angle I can't really tell how broad your shoulders are.

Hopefully this thread doesn't end up like the last one and we can get some good content and discussion going. Selfposting as contribution I guess

>> No.7863115
File: 179 KB, 1536x2048, crossplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the right

>> No.7863146

Holy crap, you look like a female Japanese teacher I had once. Same hairstyle and features. :0

>> No.7863156

Oddly enough I agree with this. My favorite characters are usually female and I like to cosplay characters I like as they are. Making a convincing crossplay is just because I like the character.

>> No.7863197

Pretty much this. I just want to be like my waifu. Also I have slim body so I can't do all these cool buff male characters.

>> No.7863404

Creamy mami?

>> No.7863685
File: 72 KB, 525x1000, atex08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of doing a masked crossplay for Halloween if I can get it done in time. For shits and giggles. And for maybe pissing off /pol/.

Sadly, most of the decent masks are insanely priced at like a few hundred dollars. Could make one for a fraction of that cost.

>> No.7863732


Isn't the cosplayer in the image actually a girl?

Or am I just dumb

>> No.7863757 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 1000x880, donations needed to raise camera fund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I fixed up my Reimu a bit. Right now I am looking for another petticoat, a way to secure the bow in the back, making a simple gohei, how to wear the hair tubes without them falling off, and probably some accesories I can wear on my waist.

In the last crossplay thread I asked about how I can style my hair for both crossplay and daily use. After flat-ironing my hair, I comb it straight down, make a split off-center in the front, tuck a bit of the hair behind my ears, bring the rest in front, and adjust accordingly to cover my forehead. It's easy, fast, doesn't require hair pins and seems to work quite better than my previous style.

Removing my glasses makes my ability to pass drop like a brick for some reason. The frame isn't particularly feminine but there is a factor that I can't quite put a finger on that keeps my crossplay from being great from every angle. Two things are for sure though, I should look for an eyebrow trimmer and some round frames.

For me, it's always interesting to see how much I can look like the other sex. Suddenly, I have many options open to me with regards to cosplay, and I figure I should enjoy it while I still can. I've already been able to fool lots of people even when my makeup or hair is garbage, so it's not my main goal anymore, although being secure in your own crossplay when in public is quite nice indeed. It's also amazing how people suddenly treat you differently because you look like a girl.

>> No.7863761
File: 128 KB, 1000x880, donations needed to raise camera fund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I fixed up my Reimu a bit. Right now I am looking for another petticoat, a way to secure the bow in the back, making a simple gohei, how to wear the hair tubes without them falling off, and probably some accesories I can wear on my waist.

In the last crossplay thread I asked about how I can style my hair for both crossplay and daily use. After flat-ironing my hair, I comb it straight down, make a split off-center in the front, tuck a bit of the hair behind my ears, bring the rest in front, and adjust accordingly to cover my forehead. It's easy, fast, doesn't require hair pins and seems to work quite better than my previous style.

Removing my glasses makes my ability to pass drop like a brick for some reason. The frame isn't particularly feminine but there is a factor that I can't quite put a finger on that keeps my crossplay from being great from every angle. Two things are for sure though, I should look for an eyebrow trimmer and some round frames.

>>7859210 / >>7862971
For me, it's always interesting to see how much I can look like the other sex. Suddenly, I have many options open to me with regards to cosplay, and I figure I should enjoy it while I still can. I've already been able to fool lots of people even when my makeup or hair is garbage, so it's not my main goal anymore, although being secure in your own crossplay when in public is quite nice indeed. It's also amazing how people suddenly treat you differently because you look like a girl.

>> No.7863770

Len's a dude though. You're just cosplaying a crossdressing guy.

>> No.7863815

glasses work well because the draw attention away from the facial features.
i suggest trying to cover up your hands with something, manly as fuck, so are you arms for that matter, but those are sorta covered with sleves.

>> No.7863840

>be MtF trans
>cosplay Faris
>a guy who's actually female played by a woman who's actually male

>> No.7864106

hello, you're with Tsundereworks.

thanks for sharing your business card with me! You guys are awesome!

>> No.7864194
File: 90 KB, 425x768, TryingNottoPostFriends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Love Crossplay. Well most of it. Kind of dislike when guys put in absolutely no effort to at least remove some hair.

Always had trouble making my face look feminine. Though maayybe that's because it's pretty damn square. Weirdly people seem to be pretty happy with it. Though I have a theory that most who aren't wouldn't speak out in a convention. And that I might be intimidating a bit (6'2" before putting on heels)


I like it. Something seems..... off though. You are scrawny though, which is good.


Probably fool me out there. Unless that's a bit of hair I see above the lip. Still good.

>> No.7864224

Everything's great but the jaw, it is pretty manly. I'd look into some contouring and maybe characters with hime style locks covering the side of the face and making it look rounder and slimmer.

>> No.7864316

Eh.. not too bad, your face kinda looks if not just really masculine woman, one of those thin grumpy old grandmas
That's not me trying to be mean or anything, actually pretty impressed given your facial structure as a whole.

>> No.7864471
File: 192 KB, 1200x700, one million years in photoshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Only color balance and noise reduction was done for this shot.
Duly noted, I know there isn't much I can do about that other than covering them up, so I know cosplaying Reimu is kinda pushing it. Never before have I shown my bellybutton like that in public; it was a little embarrassing but fun nonetheless.
Ha, busted. Thank you very much, though! We may have met at AX, as I did not have business cards for the event where I went as Reimu.

>> No.7864754

>file name
As another Reimu crossplayer I feel I need same thing. I should finish my donation box.

>> No.7864776

Isn't this a girl...?

>> No.7864911
File: 107 KB, 640x640, 10598404_1547926395428245_2045427555_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always done it because I always look alot better as a girl, and because I think it's fun to catfish stupid neckbeards

>> No.7864917

Straight black hair is always harsh on squarish faces, but the one advantage you have for being tall is that your legs go on forever. Lovely job there heh

try sewing some very fine velcro (the hooked side) on the inside of the hairtubes in a ring. I helps the tube hang on to the wig hair. Take care pulling it off though, cause it will kinda mess up your wig a little.

Could've fooled me too haha, nice work with the makeup heh

>> No.7864948

You're a horrible person, anon.

>> No.7864953

tricks on you honey cheeks, Im going to bust a nut one way or another

>> No.7864991

I really want to bully you,anon

>> No.7865233
File: 869 KB, 200x200, 1410517544952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sharp jawline
>tfw broad shoulders
>tfw thick arms
>tfw can't cosplay males because short
just end me now

>> No.7865578

>and because I think it's fun to catfish stupid neckbeards

I'd sill do everything to you that's mentioned in this song:

>> No.7865889
File: 136 KB, 600x397, 14699987797_f1e8fefd82_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Black hair harsh on square faces

Really? I've never heard that before. Makes sense I suppose.


I do have another costume with hair more like that, buuuut no really good pictures. Ah well, crossplay is crossplay.


Thanks? I try. Many hours with makeup practicing.


I suppose if I wanted to be a dick, I'd say

"If you look better as a girl, I certainly feel sorry for you as a boy!"

Not bad though as far as I can tell with that quality of photo. Don't really like the white eye makeup, but the hair looks nice.

>> No.7865893


Don't give up on your dreams anon! I'm pretty far from passing, and people are still darn supportive!

>> No.7866073

i think it's gotta do with the face that it is black and straight. draws two lines flanking the face and makes it look even more rectangular

>> No.7866115

cosplay little mac

>> No.7866215

Hmm, I am not using a wig, although given the shenanigans that occurred for the event where I went as Reimu I'm half considering getting one. I don't know if it would be a waste to get a wig in a color that's similar to my natural hair's, though.

On the topic of the velcro, should I use the other half? I think I might be able to make this work if I can use something like a scrunchy to bunch up my hair and maybe it'll stick to the hooked side of the velcro. It's kinda weird to describe.

As for the bow in the back I think I'll just wear it on top of my head. I may drive myself nuts trying to figure out how to keep it from sliding down.
Is this from a JAV? I'm mildly interested.

>> No.7866268

Uhhh... Don't you mean Ruko?
Somehow I'm doubting your story.

>> No.7869180

bump it like you just don't care, put your trap up in the air

>> No.7870559

the chick on the left looks less feminine than the crossdresser. Beat that, women.

>> No.7870626

eh the crossdresser is pretty manly looking in a certain sort of way. The other girl is just black, and while I hate to be racist they do look more masculine on average.
Meanwhile the crossdresser looks more like one of those fat chinese men. He's not terribly obvious or anything, but he does give off that feeling to me.

>> No.7870896

Underrated post

>> No.7870903

They both look like shit.

>> No.7870918

I'm going to crossplay for the first time at my next con. Luckily, the character wears a helmet and chest armor, so all I really need to worry about is hiding my hips.

So much easier for women to crossplay than it is for men. It's hard to hide masculinity.

>> No.7870937

I posted in the self post thread: >>7859581

Looking for concrit. I've been able to fool people before, but last con even someone said they were only fooled by my body. I always like to say I look like a painfully average girl, and that's good enough for me.

>> No.7870946
File: 792 KB, 2592x1728, IMG_5717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hai /cgl/, me again

I'll go as utsuho again I think, next month. So I still have some time to look for a less-loopy petitcoat, and practice make-up.

please don't mention the veins. I know, they're all over.

>> No.7870961

I saw that thread and knew right away you were a guy, especially once I saw your face.

>> No.7871043

Yeah face is kinda manly pretty obvious.
But on the note of this picture, anyone have advice for protruding veins like this? I get huge veins on my arms when my heart starts beating. Anyway to make them like not do that?

>> No.7871067

Hey if you have a Target anywhere near you, they have some pretty nice petticoat/tutus that hold their poof. They bust them out for halloween and they're surprisingly nice.

>> No.7871449
File: 238 KB, 1200x1800, 1335580196709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7871465

I saw you at Touhoucon!

I was the one who asked you why you did green Reimu and not Sanae. It was a pretty decent crossplay

>> No.7871480

so does this chick have a dick or not? website in moonspeak and opera translate sucks.

>> No.7871514

Dammit! I'm in the midst of building this crossplay and now I feel terribly inferior

>> No.7871521

Out of curiosity what is that? Looks kawaii as fuck.

>> No.7871555
File: 493 KB, 1000x643, Saber_Lily-xingna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unarmored Saber Lily. They shortened the under skirt and didn't bother with the petal skirt

>> No.7871571

ah thx, I don't keep up with all the sabers but thought it had that feel to it.

>> No.7871801
File: 2.26 MB, 1568x2352, 1335582296688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7871849

I feel you anon. I'm too triangular and sharp in the body and face to cosplay women without looking like a drag queen, but I'm still too twiggy and effeminate to pass as anything other than the twink of the show or momentarily confusing.

I think it might just be straight hair framing the face in general regardless of color. Or maybe it's just my face. In either case It makes me look more masculine and a little bit older.

It's not really racist, since it's fairly true in some genetic cases. I've noticed a lot of our facial features aren't very gender specified if that makes sense. I'll run into guys with my facial build, and then others that look like baby faced girls. I guess we're homogenized or something, I dunno.

>> No.7874041
File: 75 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n9agheP8wA1tdiqtto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just unfair levels of crossplay ability.

>> No.7874048


>> No.7874061

Can we have crossplays where women can pass as guys? Not because they're ugly or whatever, but because of a good choice in costume and makeup?

>> No.7874258

I wish I could find some crossplaying buddies in the UK, just (no offense) none of the masculine tranny beasts in maid outfits. I kind of prefer crossplaying boys in crossdressing scenarios because I have that young shota look.

>> No.7874265
File: 75 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n9agheP8wA1tdiqtto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7874291
File: 543 KB, 372x599, Picture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a selfpost. I hate my neck (and jawline) but I don't think I did not too bad for a first attempt.

Any tips?

>> No.7874295

*but I don't think I did too badly... What happened to my English skill? Jeez.

>> No.7874298

I think you have a face that will be great for crossplay! I definitely recommend contouring your jaw/chin, it will help a lot. If you feel like brown looks off under your chin you can try a light red.

>> No.7874352

tbh I actually think you pass.

you're just not a very pretty girl
I think it's because the wig makes your hairline look so low

>> No.7874360

Passing and not being pretty is better than nothing. I'll try to choose a character with a better hairstyle for crossplay next time.

>> No.7874495

I'm going to have to agree with >>7874352 , the hairline does seem a little low.
Other than that, makeup looks a nice

Anyone else notice that chin length wigs that curl in towards the face tend to be more flattering than longer straighter styles?

>> No.7874498

You pass, but could easily look a lot better with nicer make up and a better wig.

>> No.7874700

You pass as a kinda ugly girl, whats going on with your jaw there on the left side(of the picture). Looks like there's just a huge chunk missing, not sure if thats just bad angles or what.
Plus as other anons said, the wig is really off,

>> No.7877896

bump for more traps and trap discussions

>> No.7878095
File: 1.22 MB, 1952x2592, IMAG1095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I finally got wig for a saber cosplay and it's not good as I hoped. Had to remove bun because it was too heavy and it kept like falling on back side. Also it's kind of "big" and hair is puffy is there a way to force it to behave? I probably should just post this in help thread.

Will try to take some pics when wig is dry.
Please don't call it trap.

>> No.7878126

I know there's a image floating around of a bunch of makeup/crossdresing tips, anyone have it on them?

Looking for basic makeup I should use for crossplay,

>> No.7878442 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 1024x921, fluffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup. Well, Halloween is coming up and I decided to check out Target like >>7871067 suggested. It turns out their tutus are actually quite good, but the location I went to did not carry the white one. There's a Party City on the way back that I checked out instead and I ended up getting this. For $20 it's not bad, although a little crappy. It's already coming apart but adds much-needed poof to my Reimu.
Looking great as always. Doesn't it have hooks you can use to secure it to keep it from falling off?
Your basic toolkit should include a foundation matched to your skin tone, eyelash curler, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, and a lip gloss. I prefer liquid foundation as I'm told it is better for photography because when it sets in it has a matte look, whereas powder makeup can sometimes have a bit of shimmer to it.

>> No.7878456
File: 238 KB, 1024x921, fluffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, the reason why I went as green Reimu was because she'd always be my main when playing Touhou, (Except for PCB) and green because of my namesake.
Sup. Well, Halloween is coming up and I decided to check out Target like >>7871067 suggested. It turns out their tutus are actually quite good, but the location I went to did not carry the white one. There's a Party City on the way back that I checked out instead and I ended up getting this. For $20 it's not bad, although a little crappy. It's already coming apart but adds much-needed poof to my Reimu.
Looking great as always. Doesn't it have hooks you can use to secure it to keep it from falling off?
Your basic toolkit should include a foundation matched to your skin tone, eyelash curler, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, and a lip gloss. I prefer liquid foundation as I'm told it is better for photography because when it sets in it has a matte look, whereas powder makeup can sometimes have a bit of shimmer to it.

>> No.7878480

>Looking great as always. Doesn't it have hooks you can use to secure it to keep it from falling off?
It has these hooks but then it gets really weird shape in back and looks ugly from back (which is useless then I might as well make ponytail she sometimes had in F/Z).

Also I wonder what kind of make up I should do since saber is more natural looking so not so sure about black eye liner and so on.

>> No.7878538

Wow, you pass extraordinarily well. I looked at this picture and thought "Wow, she's cute" then I looked up and saw "CROSSPLAY".

You're pretty cute

>> No.7878729

>Please don't call it trap

But that's what it is you
Trap = guy who looks like girl

If your a crazy transwoman that's fine but trap is a fine word

>> No.7878734

Do you have any better quality pictures? All of yours seem to be really grainy so I can't tell if you are actually cute or not, your hands are kinda big

>> No.7878744

>Please don't call it trap.
What is so offensive about the word trap?

>> No.7878752

No, I'm just crossplayer. Trap is already implying something about people's sexuality and so on. Also there might be crossplayers who simply don't pass so you can't call them exactly traps but it's just about words so call it w/e you want.

Uh, it's my shitty phone camera + room without windows. I'm not actually cute I'm just pretending. I had bunch of good quality pictures with my Reimu cosplay but I started seriously hating it and I look meh in them. So not gonna post them. Maybe after next con with my Saber

As I said above. Also It's because /b/ made me hate word trap because for them it's just some gay dudes showing their asses while wearing panties and stockings.

>> No.7878787

Not him, but while I don't mind it, some perceive it as a term that shifts blame onto the crossdresser for tricking others that she is actually a guy. Either way, I prefer it to the words "crossdresser" or "transvestite."
Why not brown eyeliner that matches your wig and a bronze eyeshadow? You can probably do brown falsies instead of mascara as well.

>> No.7878814


>Trap is implying about sexuality

No it doesn't. Most people who use it, use it to describe someone who can pass as the opposite gender.

Being called a trap is a hell of a compliment for some.

>> No.7878957

I think its because /b/ has ruined the word trap as much as tumblr has ruined mental disorders.
Personally I feel like the word trap is a bit weird to be used, and I personally wouldn't want to be called it. But I don't really care 1 way or another, its just something I'd prefer not to be called like how someone might call me a hacker instead of a pen-tester or cracker.

>> No.7879242

I'd hit it


I'd so hit it

Eh, not sexy enough.


hit so long as that mask stayed on





I'd let it hit me



OH MY GOD, So what are you doing later, baby?
Overall. Would bang a lot of you.

>> No.7879244

You have low standards..

>> No.7879255

Dude, this is 4chan. This site is a testament to low standards.

>> No.7879272

You'd pass those people? (mostly bottom half)
Well I guess It'll be easy to find love with those standards

>> No.7879274

Still when I post shit on 4chan I expect to have the living shit critiqued out of me instead of a circle jerk. Half the self posts in this thread aren't passing, or if they are just barely. Telling them otherwise just inflates their ego so they think they look good when they don't. I don't know about you but I'd prefer to hear that I look like shit than have something bullshit me.

>> No.7879284

I think people don't get what I meant by Pass. Pass mean "I'll pass on it" Hit means "I'd hit it." But I now realize that pass usually means "passes as female". Anyway...

>> No.7879292

Ah.. in that case your tastes aren't so shit after all. still some odd ones but understandable.

>> No.7879432

get a bunch of brown bobby pins and pin down the main part of the wig to your hair and hairnet. It will hurt a little but use as many as it is required to anchor the main part firmly to your head. do the same for the hairbun after it has been attached and t should hold up nicely. if the shape of the bun is weird check to see if the drawstring inside is pulled too tight?

There are always people better, best not to think about it too much and let it deter you from doing a good job.

trim the front of your wig's bangs to give you a fringe, that should shorten your forehead and make your face less round. Assuming it isnt an actual problem with yor jawline, findyour sweet angle for posing with some help from a friend. Also, when coloring in eyebrows for white cmhaired chaarcters i prefer to use silver eyeshadow. Pure white looks strange

>> No.7879443

make your face rounder i mean

>> No.7879967

>get a bunch of brown bobby pins and pin down...
Problem is I have kinda short hair (I don't even need to use hairnet) at least on sides. Still will something like this thanks. Also I removed hair bun for now it was sewed to rest of wig but it shouldn't be too hard to sew it in again.

it's better to get some touched feelings about passing than have it like on /b/ where everyone passes as female apparently. Still since it's not my thing why would my ego inflates by some random dude on internet board saying he would fuck me?

That's how I meant it.

>> No.7881866

I find that mine go away if I hold my arm up, relax the forearm while still holding the wrist straight and kind of wiggle my fingers a bit and make them veins move around, they usually stay hidden as long as I keep my arm relaxed.

Drinking a lot of water might help, keeps your skin healthy and tight, yet still loose.

>> No.7884119

Well, noticed brown eye brows don't go with blonde wig like Saber. How do I make them less visible maybe reduce size?

>> No.7884140

you can opt to conceal them entirely with clever application of eyebrow sealing wax, concealer, then redraw a new pair of eyebrows with eyeshadow. Results may vary depending on how well practiced you are at doing so and how thick our eyebrow hairs are.

Alternatively you can shape them by plucking or shaving. If you dont mind having feminine eyebrows for a few days

>> No.7884147

hey em.. /cgl/

I often crossplay, and it's really fun

but I always get comments on my shoes. I wear regular guy shoes. Are there cutesy shoes or mary janes in my size that don't cost a fortune?

I'm like European size 43-44

>> No.7886950

Traps, when alone, will dress up in women's clothing and tease their dicks.

>> No.7888226

anyone? and bump

>> No.7888231

I'm size 44 and I can find shoes just fine. You definitely have to look a little harder but there's plenty out there. Try harder if you can't find any.

>> No.7888270

try bodyline? bodyline.co.jp if you're new. There's a sale on shoes now and free worldwide shipping. Also most taobao shops like Antaina will custom sizes up to 45.

>> No.7888316

> tfw will never be a convincing trap because boobs and hips

My face can pass nicely with the right makeup (I've had friends' parents arguing with them that I was a guy because of my portraits) but my hips are quite wide and I have a hard time binding properly.
Should I just invest in a more expensive binder from Underworks or such? What can I do about my hips?
I'm attempting to lose a little weight but my hips are just wide to begin with. I'm hoping losing a bit of weight will help anyway.

>> No.7888405

rather than binding you could try padding the areas around it to make your body more rectangular.
not everything has to be sexual, I like looking pretty because I like being cute, not for sex.

>> No.7888410
File: 983 KB, 400x225, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to dress up as a girl and get fucked by a girl that's into that shit, but I'm too tall and masculine.

>> No.7890824

none of the girls you know will be this attractive, why do I stay hetero

>> No.7890937

I could find plenty of things to nitpick about him, he looks absolutely beautiful, but he's far from looking perfect. plus
>phone in front of face
keep that shit out, we all know you have a manly chin but wear it proudly.

>> No.7891071
File: 39 KB, 486x648, Charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7891718

1/10 did you even even try

>> No.7891732

idk, if they swapped it out for a fedora, and threw a beard on that'd look like a great crossplay of a robot.

>> No.7892494

Yep. I'm still a lot of insecure about my face but I don't do that intentionally just kind of reflex to put phone there. People overrate me cause they don't see all the details in these shit quality pics. I will have some pics with legit camera maybe tomorrow.

Also I almost finished my casual Saber will post some pics later.

>> No.7893605

Did I try? Meh - level attempt work. But it was the first try.

I agree. I was disappointed this was the only pic I could find. Sorry. Maybe I'll recycle this costume idea, and actually remember to get a decent pic this time and I'll repost. So, until then.

>> No.7894575
File: 126 KB, 800x1208, 5a723b89-9b24-412a-bb61-4f7cb8822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7894606

You gotta contour. Especially if you're gonna be wearing eyeliner, that'll make you look really girly if you aren't careful. Also, a better binder (or just don't put stuff in your breast pocket? can't tell) and overall better-fitting clothing -- your pants are sitting too low on your hips, drawing attention to their width. The way your jacket is buttoned brings attention to your hips being wider than your waist too. You're also posing in a more submissive/feminine way, and no you don't have to bro out, but just carry yourself differently.

>> No.7894625

This looks much more like a genderbend than a crossplay, which means it's not good.You seem narrow shouldered and need something to square that off a bit, because the narrowness of the shoulders makes the width of your hips more obvious. Which brings me to the pants, which sort of have the Chaplin bag to them but not quite. You need something that sits a bit highers and the bagginess to be emphasizes toward the bottom. His feet are supposed to look a bit more clownish to add flair to those penguiny motions he does. Your stance makes it worse. Chaplin doesn't do moe moe pigeon toes while tugging on his vest. You need to toss out that particular brand of "cute" in this costume. Even if you were going for irony or surprise, it just sort of comes off as more half-assed than anything.

>> No.7894629
File: 14 KB, 306x507, chaplina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my pic

>> No.7894966

So outside of a perfect photo, walking around a con, this is basically useless.

>> No.7894972

there are some general ways you hold yourself that I would count as angles that do help when walking around. For example keeping your chin squeezed up against your neck will do favors no one. Generalized stuff like that helps.

>> No.7896232


Your points are dead on, and completely valid. I agree, the pose is horrendous. I blame that on the fact it was late in the day - I was tired at that point. I was much more 'in character' earlier on.

I think it's funny you mention my hips so many times. I have the shape of a 12 yr old boy. I have no hips. I think the poofy is just pants gathering. The belt was far too large, and was hitting my widest point. And I wish the jacket had been smaller, but it was the smallest one I could find.

The bulge in the jacket are my glasses, I'm too small to need a binder. No one told me it was so obvious. (I couldn't see - cause I wasn't wearing my glasses) It bugs me now, too.

I was always afraid I wasn't going heavy enough on the eyeliner. I don't normally wear it, and tend to go less, as opposed to more.

The next generation of this costume was much better. Thanks guys! Sorry if I got too long winded.

>> No.7897666
File: 97 KB, 1024x768, 1405872027521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7897686

not that cute, but does look like this girl I know.

>> No.7897706

Bet you look like a supermodel...

>> No.7897783

I've been told such.
But you don't need to be the best looker in the world to say someone else isn't. I'd rate that as average looking girl which is good for a crossplay. That pose just looks desperate.

>> No.7897790

anon didn't even call 'her' ugly
are you insecure of your looks or something?

>> No.7902112


>> No.7902118

Maybe you can start namefagging or tripping so the rest of us can filter your pathetic ass out.

>> No.7902375

agreed, I'm tired of seeing that stupid gif because I know its a sign for a complete autist posting/

>> No.7902581

cry moar

>> No.7902805
File: 127 KB, 720x482, d8591a1ca4bebefbadfef97942907dbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a MTF crossplay or not? I can't tell...

>> No.7903516

I'm fairly certain it's not.

And I've been fapping to trap porn for a few years now, so I kind of have an eye for this now.

Although I have been fooled before...

>> No.7904344

I can't see the neck because the flap is in front of it

shoulders are incredibly flimsy. Upper legs are really fat, knees are fairly feminine

I don't see many typical guy characteristics. I'm putting my money on this being a girl. An ugly girl, that is

>> No.7904962
File: 784 KB, 1024x1024, 0a7feed1d46e8b3694b11a683719b607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to be doing some crossplay for halloween, but I only have like 40 dollars for makeup since I'm terrible. Never actually bought makeup being, what exactly are the essentials I should be getting?

>> No.7905043

Please see
If you absolutely do not have money, try drug store brands, and try false eyelashes instead of mascara.

>> No.7905129
File: 70 KB, 756x669, uguu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try to look for fake lashes. Are they hard to manage?

>> No.7905139

if you dont know how to wear them of course you kinda need small practice
although if you watch a shit load of make up tutorials about falsies the first try might be easier, that's what happened when I first tried winged eyeliner it was flawless. Also falsies doesnt last forever sure but by putting mascara on it you'll decrease it's life expectation

>> No.7905150
File: 177 KB, 700x1052, ranbroprofile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gloves or just hide those parts. It's all about the illusion bro.

>> No.7905155

What's the trade for using falsies as opposed to mascara? Since obviously it's a lot more money in the long run.

>> No.7905156

>Since obviously it's a lot more money in the long run.
It's not. You can reuse them. All you do with falsies is curl your lashes and then glue them on, it takes practice but is not only much easier than mascara, faster and more reliable too.

>> No.7905157

Falsies are more dramatic usually. They last longer than mascara depending on the quality and how well you take care of them. Mascara has the tendency to dry up after a couple of months.

>> No.7905165

Ohh I see. Thanks for the helppp. I should go out and buy my stuff later today.

>> No.7905182

If you're not willing to use mascara on your real lashes before applying the falsies make sure everything blends in, using the curler. That includes not applying mascara while having eyeliner, make sure to atleast curl your lashes so it's not too ugly. If you spend and use everything right you might only renew your make up kit once or twice a year (excluding falsies shopping, unless you buy a shit load at once). Using falsies is fun but you must keep it for special occasions if you're not willing to spend alot for them (ex: cosplay conventions, runway lolita shows, photoshoots, weddings, your birthday/etc). In the long run, having mascara that helps you grow the lenght of your natural eyelashes will eventually encourage you to stop using falsies. I sometimes do it for the lulz but you can't really see the difference. I wish I had before and after pictures of my eyelashe transformation but I didn't think it'd be useful.

In the end, you can reduce the times you use falsies if you go with mascara treatment on both your upper and lower lashes.

>> No.7906739

>have hooded eyes
>have large eyes but hooded eyes are rather masculine by nature
>makes it difficult to put on eye makeup since it smudges everywhere when I blink

It's a pain in the butt and lowers passing. Wear glasses to hide this feature of mine but my upcoming cosplay doesn't wear them. Any tips as to how to make hooded eyes look flattering?