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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7864886 No.7864886 [Reply] [Original]

ITT Fanworks that have left a huge impression their fandom.

I'm not sure if the comic would have taken off this fast without the dub but the fact that its even referenced in Golden shows how crazy popular this thing was.

>> No.7864918

It was referenced in golden?

>> No.7864944
File: 149 KB, 960x544, 2012-11-27-181725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7865189

YGO Abridge is the first one that really did this. Outside of that I'm having a hard time thinking of fan works that really changed the fandom lanscape on the same scale. Sure they were popular works like Titan Abridge but they didn't make such an impact as YGOA and Hiimdaisy

>> No.7865208

YEAH IT'S UH, really... Popular.
>Cosplay Nanako
>People keep quoting Hiimdaisy comic at me.
>Especially the "I'll punch you in the gut" line.
Imagine if I had never seen it before. That'd be awful.

>> No.7865350
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I get so buttmad by the end of the day when I do P4 cosplays because its just ALL HIIMDAISY QUOTES ALL THE TIME. It's a nice gesture and all but I get so tired of hearing U WEARIN UR KITTY PANTIES LUL or FSTEAK FSTEAK FSTEAK TRIALS OF THE DRAGONNNNNNNN all day. Yeah they're technically based off game quotes but.. not.. really??

I feel like in general Atlus changes a decent amount of Chie's character to fit the FSTEAK FSTEAK YEAH FSTEAK image the comic brought on when they released ultimax/golden.

The only other fanworks I can think of that had a large impact were YGO abridged. Fan works that got wildley popular, on the other hand, are a whole other story (and a lot more board relevant.) Stuff like DBZ abridged,and those pokemon gijinkas by artist in pic related are just a couple I can name right away.

>> No.7865359

I'm so glad the real Shin Maygoomi games didn't get the Hiimdaisy treatment. I don't think I could handle it.

>> No.7865370

50% Off and YGO abridged are the two I can think of

>> No.7865407
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I really do like those pokemon gijinkas.

Speaking of fan art influencing the fandom - mookie had quite the impact with her gaudy as fuck ball gown & punk Homestuck designs. Lately I've been seeing her KLK & DMMD bunny girl designs, too.

>> No.7865408

Funny enough I was musing about the success of the dub. Obviously the source material is really strong as well as the comedic timing. However I think the most interesting element of this parody dub is that they did they did their very best to cast accurate sounding VAs (with the exception of Yukiko) and the actors themselves played the characters as if they were in the game.

I don't know if this is what caused it to be really popular but a majority of the time parody works often assign inappropriate voices to generate humor as YGOA really kickstarted. Hiimdaisy was one of the few that bucked this trend.

>> No.7865415

You guys didn't get Hiimdaisy but you got Tyron and Rog


>> No.7865944

Someone dubbed that? That sounds pretty cringeworthy. I will never understand why people upload manga or just regular comics to YouTube. That's the shittiest way to try to read something I can imagine.

>> No.7866084

Comic has higher production values in terms of mixing, video editing and acting than most projects. It's actually a really good love


>> No.7866090

The real SMT games are harder so I don't think you'll really have to worry about that.

>> No.7866094

>Hiimdaisy treatment
care to explain? I know her (his?) comics but nothing else

>> No.7866103

YGOTAS ruined Yugioh, I can't cosplay from it now without people shouting the overdone catchphrases at me every 10 seconds. And when I do see a good Yugioh cosplayer at a con, I can't even talk about the show or the card game with them because they're cosplaying from the abridged series 9 times out of 10

>> No.7866129


i thought rumminov did the fancy dreamers and god tiers first?

>> No.7866142

That's pretty much it. The older SMT games didn't get a Hiimdaisy comic

>> No.7866145
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Even f+f jumped on the mookie train.

>> No.7866500

Yeah, Persona just got unlucky that it combined kawaii uguu characters with really fucking easy gameplay. You'd never see the girls that cream their panties over P4MC do the same over, say, Space Marine, even if they did recognise him.

>> No.7866535


Raidou Kuzunoha is a decently known SMT character, even though the game is not one of the easiest. But true that, Persona-games 3 & 4 were to SMT like FFVII(+Advent Children) were to Final Fantasy: no one bothers to look up the other games but claims to be a fan. Personafags usually don't claim to like the WHOLE Shin Megami Tensei-franchise, though.

>> No.7866540

webcomic artists makes comic about videogames
people find it funny and make youtube dubs of it, they get popular
webcomic artists deeply regrets ever making them because they made her more famous than anything else she's tried to do

>> No.7866548

Granted it used to be harder to find the older Persona games, although they did get re-released/ported. I remember being really surprised in high school when I met two people older than me that had actually played P1/P2:EP when they came out on the ps1, and this was probably around when FES came out. I'm rather miffed Atlus never bothered with the PSP edition of EP because it could've gotten more attention for the older games, especially because it improved on what was bad about IS' port. But they were just like "yeah nah we weren't even planning on releasing here"

P4 just has more media in general, too. Two anime series, two game releases, two fighting games, a rhythm game, not to mention all the figures that companies shilled out when the series exploded in Japan. It's everywhere with no exaggeration.

>> No.7866572

....i can't believe

>> No.7866577
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Is Raidou really well known? That's honestly surprising to me, since I don't hear people talk about those two games too often.

>Personafags usually don't claim to like the WHOLE Shin Megami Tensei-franchise, though.

Not too often, but it does happen. I have a DDS tattoo, and when I told someone at my school that it was from SMT when they asked, their immediate response was, "oh, I love SMT! Persona is great!"

Don't even get me started on SMT photoshoots at cons that basically turn into P3/P4 shoots.
>and then they have the nerve to be confused when P1/P2 cosers try to get in the shoots

The sheer amount of P4 media is what makes it so obnoxious, imo. It felt like it was close to dying down at one point, then P4G, anime, ten thousand figures, and suddenly it was everywhere. And the Hiimdaisy comic made it easier for people to latch on to it without having ever played the game- they can just shout out phrases from the comic, and they're just as knowledgeable as everyone else.

>yes I slightly mad

>> No.7866615

idk about that since she seems to be doing just fine with Cucumber Quest at the moment

>> No.7866622

Ooh I got a related story. I was down the shore for vacation over the summer, and the neighborhood I was staying at was threw a holiday bbq thing. I went over to get food and I was wearing a Junes shirt, which I had cut up to make a crop top, tank top thing. And some guy came up to me at the food table and asked "Is that a Persona shirt?" and I said "yeah, I really like P4." And then the two of us proceeded to have a nice conversation about SMT Nocturne.

So I guess the moral is sometimes you run into cool SMT fans in the oddest places. You just have to project your power level some to attract them.

>> No.7866624

holy crap my grammar is horrible here, please forgive me guys

>> No.7866628
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All is forgiven, son

>> No.7866635

Cucumber Quest has some real-world popularity. I know of kids in late elementary/middle school reading it

>> No.7866663

>and then they have the nerve to be confused when P1/P2 cosers try to get in the shoots

I feel lucky that in CA the gathering host has his shit together. We have DDS, P1, P2, SMT IV cosplayers show up and he makes sure to give them the attention they deserve. Sure its mostly P3/P4 but the fans give time and attention to the more obscure characters

One thing to also consider is that P3 and P4's characters are generally easier to cosplay than the older cast thanks to the uniforms being more "uniform" than in previous games

>> No.7866767

Devil Summoner is probably one of my favorite SMT games, I wish more people would have played it.

Hahah yeah. We had the same problem with our P2 cosplays. At one point they called up "female protagonists" and I was in Maya so I popped on up and pretty much no one knew who I was.

But that's pretty hella rad you have a DDS tattoo. Not many people played it and its a pretty cool game (wasn't a fan of the second on quite so much)

>> No.7866818

I don't think Chie changed too much she's still the average kung-fu loving girl we love. I just think that Ultimax and Golden have more humorous scenes that her silly side is seen more often which the comics play up to 11. Really her character wasn't changed to be like the comic but moreso the cast finds themselves in situations where they act like they're in the comic.

>> No.7866894

I don't know if I was just in a really hardcore group of gamers in high school but I feel like J-RPG fans are split into the ones who have played nearly everything under the sun or people who just played a couple games because they were really hyped by the videogame community. I was able to convert a couple people into playing Megaten games with Persona, it was nice because instead of just playing Persona 3/4 they were interested enough to try other games like Nocturne and DDS. On the other hand I had a friend who only played P4 but her boyfriend really liked P3, and both of them barely have any interest in Japanese games or anime.

>> No.7867034

I think one of the big reasons this is coming to be is because our generation is getting older and thus free time is dwindling. Catch me in high school then hell yeah I'll be playing the old stuff (toss in show Shadow Hearts for good measure) but now I need to be more picky with what I play.

>> No.7867165

Can we at least agree that the voices for the dub are scarey on point. Yosuke and Chie stand out to me, anyone else worth mentioning?

>> No.7868517

Your post in video form
