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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 309 KB, 800x1200, CGL3217-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7844120 No.7844120 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm going to a party with political figures as the theme, but am completely lost of what to dress up as. I live in a smal European country and we don't really have any well known female politicans here, so I'm kid off lost on that front. I wear lolita so a plan b is to dress Marie Antoinette-ish or alternatively Julia Tysmosjenko since she would be kind of easy to recognize, but if anyone has any better idea I'd be really greatful.

Otherwise Halloween General I guess.

>> No.7844155

Sarah Palin is easy mode. Suit, glasses, brown wig. Done. As a bonus make a sign with a silly quote or something.

Marie Antoinette doesn't sound bad at all though.

>> No.7844179

I'm pretty sure any powerful or well-known female monarch that ever lived would satisfy your criteria. You can choose a younger Queen Elizabeth II, QE 1, Mary of Scots, Marie Antoinette, Elizabeth of Austria-Hungary, Queen Victoria, etc. All were very political figures in their day.

>> No.7844192
File: 206 KB, 431x431, Picture-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or ("bloody") Mary Tudor for extra spoopiness.
I personally have a soft spot for zombiefied Antoinettes, even if it's tacky and overdone. Bonus for bloody necklace but preferably something nicer than pic related.

>> No.7844555

Where can you get this?

>> No.7844711
File: 31 KB, 580x451, crimeanprosecutor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7844982

What sort of wig would someone recommend for a witch coord?

>> No.7844992

Do other countries associate pantsuits with Hillary Clinton or is that just the americas? Because if people would get the outfit, thrift a pantsuit and be Hillary.

>> No.7845005


Elizabeth Báthory could work and also be spooky/halloween themed.
Maybe smear some fake blood on your hand or face.

>> No.7845024

Any ideas on where to get a non-shitty witch hat?

>> No.7845039

I'm going through the same dilemma, anon. In most cases, if you want a really nice one it won't be finished in time. I would suggest making one yourself.

>> No.7845098

You gotta go really specific with a pantsuit here. Most like, professional women wear pencil skirts or pantsuits. Especially political ones. Do the highly tailored Mary Tyler Moore coif she has.

>> No.7845217

AATP or Antique beasts but unless someone is selling one online/you buy from AATP now it wont get there in time.

>> No.7845269

I'm doing Halloween easy mode this year. I'm gonna get fall-down drunk in a kigu.

>> No.7845276
File: 698 KB, 1233x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rhapsody wig, or something light colored to contrast with the black.

>> No.7845277

I would dress up as the female fighter pilot who dropped bombs on ISIS, but mostly because my friends and I have an inside joke about ISIS.
I'm going as a rich widow and my boyfriend is going as the ghost of my wealthy late husband~

>> No.7845301

I'm going to be Luke Skywalker. Just bought a Hansel from Arda in dark ash blonde, hoping it looks ok.

I'm torn on whether I should just buy a karate gi or make the shirt myself. I think I read the movie costume is made out of Viyella, which I know nothing about other than that I have an innocent world dress made out of it. It seems hard to find. Any fabric suggestions if I do decide to sew?

>> No.7845441

I'm doing a mainly red witch coord with black hat my natural hair colour is dark.

>> No.7848092

My veracitious vernacular verifies the vindictive of the victorious vain of which I will use as vestment this Halloween. ( If you don't get the reference then go home).

>> No.7848115

I get the reference but that sentence doesn't actually make sense.

>> No.7848150

Isn't that costume better in november?

>> No.7848170

Another autistic V how nice.

>> No.7849290

Sure it does, at least to thesaurus.com
Woo, a whole 5 days off, from the END date of a 3 month long plot
I don't know what me not completely understanding emotions has to do with anything.

>> No.7849298
File: 1.60 MB, 1836x3264, WP_20140929_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this gorgeous hat at Michael's. Best hat I've seen.

>> No.7849306

i have the black one and i like it a lot. but i plan on removing all the shit around it and making it look cuter. wait till it's on sale to buy, or use a coupon

>> No.7849316

Dress as sexy Abraham Lincoln

>> No.7849339

I hate Halloween because I never know what the fuck I'm doing until a few days before so I don't know what kind of costume to make, be it something dumb and sexy for a big party or something more intricate and nerdy for a small get-together or nothing at all if I don't end up doing anything that year.

>> No.7849385
File: 103 KB, 350x350, retard trophy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's actually autistic

>> No.7849399

>having pdd/nos
>savant syndrome
>smarter than ur bitch ass

>> No.7849408

tbh you can probably make it out of any type of plastic, latex or resin would be better though.
if you're not crafty just search ebay/taobao.
that's kind of tacky anon.

>> No.7849412

You had to use an online thesaurus, genius.

>> No.7849417

Wasn't the actual gunpowder treason a failure and Guy Fawkes was executed for treason or whatever

>> No.7849432

>>7849399 is not the person you are trying to talk to. And despite reading dictionaries as a kid when I was in grade school, I don't know every synonym for every word, much less synonyms starting with 'v' for my entire vernacular. By the way, next (or more likely the first) time you get your IQ tested, ask the proctor the following question, "Is it possible for someone to have such a high IQ that it goes off the scale and then starts back at the bottom?". Asking that question alone will raise your score by 30 points.

>> No.7849448

The actual event was a horrible failure, however the ideas that it inspired have lasted still through today, and is the reason that the us constitution gives the people the right to overthrow the government if it is corrupt. Which makes me wonder why this has not happened yet, as if it were attempted and failed, the conspirators, which likely would be tried for treason, could argue that their actions were not only legal, but for the sake of the country, and as such, they wouldn't be traitors. (NOTE. I AM NOT A LAWYER, NOR HAVE I DONE EXTENSIVE STUDY ON CONSTITUTIONAL COURT CASES, AS SUCH, ANY STATEMENT I MAKE SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AS LEGAL ADVICE.

>> No.7849462

I feel like I'm being yelled at by Tommy Wiseau. What the fuck.

>> No.7849468

I DID NOT! Oh, hi Mark.

>> No.7850438

Thinking of going as a tumblr degenerate/hipster for Hallowe'en, but I need to look hella tacky. I'm also pretty fat (like 170 lbs) so obviously there'll be a fine line between looking like I'm actually a tumblrite and taking the piss out of them.

What exactly do I wear for this? Thinking black rimmed glasses, galaxy/ironic t-shirt...

>> No.7850453

Flower crown. You have to.

>> No.7850466

I wear flower crowns anyway, and have for the past few years. If I wore one as part of my costume that would lessen the impact, if anything.

Was thinking of having an obnoxious pastel wig instead or something.

>> No.7850479
File: 395 KB, 250x250, d84j.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the original person you were talking to.
I believe I did the last time.
Add fawn makeup.

>> No.7850489

I'm sorry anon, it looks like you are the cancer.

>> No.7850504

I believe flower crowns only started being an 'in' thing last year, whereas I've been wearing them since 2008 or so. It's not even comparable. And even then the tumblr ones are these horrifically oversized things.

>> No.7850507

>Going as a hipster
>"you are the hipster"
>No I'm not I've been wearing these things since before they were cool it's not the same everyone else's is shit

>> No.7850533
File: 99 KB, 723x524, 5-lady-gaga-jeremy-scott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey seagulls, running into trouble with my costume.

Planning on going as Gaga towards the end of her Paparazzi video, but I can't seem to source the fabric/pattern used anywhere.

>> No.7850563

It's probably custom printed and she got it directly from the designer (not uncommon for her). If you're really keen on being accurate, your best bet is to find a clear picture of the image and get it custom printed on whatever fabric you want at spoonflower.com

>> No.7850573

Yeah, I was thinking as much. Frustratingly enough I saw someone selling the pattern on e-bay (a knock off, obviously) about a year or two ago but can't find any trace of it now.

Thanks for the custom print idea, never would have thought of that. Fantastic idea; and here I was thinking of drawing the mice on myself with paint/fabric glue!

>> No.7852985

Any good ideas for dressing up at college that don't scream anime weeb and aren't party store-tier?

>> No.7853019

reported u to .gov get ready for the hurt comin down :^D

>> No.7855838

Yawns, The government denies my existence. If they pulled up in a van, they would have to pay me.

>> No.7855848

This thread makes me even more embarrassed to have Aspergers.

>> No.7856451

Hey, that's you. For me at least, it helps me be impartial. I hate everyone equally, that is untill they prove themselves worthy of my friendship.

>> No.7856461

So much this!

>> No.7856462

4chan is for 18+

>> No.7856473
File: 66 KB, 580x435, DSCF6326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm struggling with this too. I don't want to do anything too generic but I don't want to try that hard either, it's just Halloween and I'll be running around drunk anyways.

I'll post some cute kid costumes I found that can easily be recreated for adults

>> No.7856475
File: 128 KB, 580x870, 2-diy-halloween-costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one works too because you can buy those knitted beard caps on etsy for like $20

>> No.7856480
File: 72 KB, 766x800, wings6 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could be a cute patchwork-owl look and can be made from leftover cosplay scraps

>> No.7856489
File: 222 KB, 890x1023, IMG_4562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny and super quick costume for last-minute needs that doesn't make you look too pleb

>> No.7856492

Thesaurus.com is wrong, because you used like four adjectives in a row with no nouns.

Also veracitious isn't a real word. "Veracious" is, not veracitious. Assuming that's what you meant...

Veracious, victorious, vindictive, vain are all adjectives. you cannot possibly "verify the vindictive of the victorious vain" because there is no subject.

Stop being an autist, lrn2english.

>> No.7856580
File: 274 KB, 720x454, waffles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe no one has suggested Leslie Knope.

>> No.7856592
File: 130 KB, 360x500, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seagulls i need help.
where would i start looking for a robe and mask like pic related.
>inb4 google
that's why i came to you cosplay experts in the first place

>> No.7856596

The masks name is dottore della peste, you will find it, it's very popular

>> No.7856603

look for "plague doctor mask" online

>> No.7856610

thanks guys.

>> No.7856794

I'm 23... Been around since chanology and the habbo raids.

>> No.7856796

Vain is listed as a synonym for alias.

>> No.7856801

Go to the dollar store / 99.99 cent store if you've got one. It's everywhere. Also, robes are the easy part.

>> No.7856813

>99.99 cent store
Don't know why I chuckled

>> No.7856814

>99.99 cent store

>> No.7856852
File: 4 KB, 139x116, 9999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, I swear I'm not being cheeky.

>> No.7858249

I was considering going as Ig Perrish. (Dan Radcliffe, Horns)

Any thoughts/tips on how I would go about doing the horns? Mainly the fixing them to my head because I live in a farming area and horns are pretty easy to come by.

The rest is pretty easy, I can even get myself a toy snake.

>> No.7858263

Anon, it looks like the purple part is supposed to be 99¢ while the .99 in the blue circle is supposed to make it easier for people who don't know what ¢ is to understand, not 99.99¢.

>> No.7859298
File: 140 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20141004_171004_703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/
some person from /co/here

This year I'm going as a Scary Santa (that way I can just dryclean the outfit and just have a santa suit for christmas from then on out).

I got pretty much everything
but I wasn't sure if I should splash on some fake blood or not on the costume.

I know the stuff they usually sell at halloween stores tend to turn pink when on white, but is there anything to add to that to make it darker even on red/white?

>> No.7859299
File: 136 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20141004_170950_376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p.s. does it look okay when I wear my glasses with the costume?

I'm nearsighted so if I had to just keep them off it would be fine,
but since santa sometimes wears glasses, I thought maybe I could get away with having my glasses on the outside of my scary santa mask

>> No.7859357

Looks better with glasses actually

>> No.7859362

perfect! I can be even creepier with my menacing ability to read signs at more than 10ft away

>> No.7859363

I think it looks better with the glasses aswell

>> No.7859377

You remind me of those 12 year olds that paste "I'm not racist I hate everybody equally because I'm crazy XD" all over their fucking dA

>> No.7859979

The difference between them and I, asides from my DA being empty, is that I don't hate people, just human people. I do have friends of all races. I am also a very good judge of character, and can say that I would trust my friends with my life.

>> No.7860690

Can someone recommend me an easy vidya or movie related costume? I was thinking Jacket from Hotline Miami but there might be other options.

I have zero experience, btw.

>> No.7860706

>just human people. I do have friends of all races.
yiff in hell

>> No.7860707
File: 15 KB, 468x286, article-0-01C22B8F00000578-882_468x286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anybody know how to make a faceless mask that actually looks like skin? I can only find these pictures in one place, and I have yet to find instructions on how to make one anywhere near this good. It would be perfect for a costume I'm putting together.

>> No.7860725

Make a cast of the part of your face you want to cover (probably all around your hairline, but not over your ears and ending right at your chin) in a material like plaster or some shit. Google making a cast of your face for help on that.
Buy liquid latex off a mask making site, mix in acrylic paint until it's the color of your own face.
Put a test splotch on something because latex will dry darker than it looks wet. Make sure it matches.
Cover your face copy with latex, and keep slapping that shit on until you begin to cover the features up and it looks how you want. But you have to do it 1 thin layer at a time, so the latex can cure. If you put on a too thick layer, it won't cure at the bottom or center.
After it's dried and sufficiently smooth, peel it off and poke a bunch of holes in it with a fat needle where you'll need them (eyes, nose, mouth). You should be able to just stick it on your face, but if that doesn't happen, get some glue for it. Enjoy your impaired breathing and visibility!

>> No.7860829
File: 451 KB, 536x542, your squad survived.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /cgl/-I'm going as Mister Foster this year. Pic related.

I need help making a back-mounted Perk Icon. I can't really make a tiara because >gas mask.

Posting this here so I don't need to make an independent thread.

Any advice?

>> No.7860836

Sorry, no fur here. I'm not that weird.

>> No.7860854

http://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/316088 Found a spoonflower knockoff for you, anon. Next best thing, I guess.

>> No.7860952

>Which makes me wonder why this has not happened yet

Because the government isn't corrupt?

>> No.7860953


>> No.7860955
File: 17 KB, 406x434, All_Through_the_House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for the Tales from the Crypt episode

>> No.7860961
File: 83 KB, 400x383, Ghastly_grinner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been watching some AYAOTD and thought this would be a badass costume. Of course I'd have to find a reason and place to go out. Wonder if people would even recognize it

Basic colors and possibly basic costume.

Already found a design for Jester's hat, though not the hood like in the pic. Cape might be difficult and I'm not sure about the leg section. Doesn't look like fabric either.

>> No.7861163
File: 34 KB, 350x400, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good one
But I'm just too in love with the silent night mask design
Its the eyes mostly

I still need advice on whether I should go bloodspattered
And if so how to make store blood not be pink on red/white outfits

>> No.7861175
File: 222 KB, 1024x759, 1024.shining.cm.102412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister wants us to be the Grady twins for Halloween. I'm having difficulty finding a blue baby doll dress that I can buy in both of our sizes and is cheap so I can splatter blood on them.

Am I screwed? She's really excited, but I don't know if I can pull it off in time.

>> No.7861200

A quick Google helped me find at tart get a blue baby doll dress
tinyurl com/oxknu6j
Its very basic but if you have some sewing skills or willing to pay an alteration shop ya could pull it off

>> No.7861753
File: 556 KB, 500x630, tumblr_n3n2f7dIlj1qiwd8jo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I was wanting to pull of a Shield Dean Ambrose this year and was trying to decide on which iteration to do I really like the Wrestlemania gear (pic related) however I am not sure how to do the mask or hood without breaking the bank and the tactical vest I got isn't the same one. The other options are going with 2013 WM gear and just foregoing the mask and title but then I don't think it would be any different from a swat costume. The third option would be going with the hoodie ring gear he was using at the tail end of the Shield however at that time he was putting on a lot of muscle and I am putting on a lot of something else so I don't know how confident I am that I could pull that look off.

>> No.7861994

Recs for fake blood that won't rub off my costume or skin onto other surfaces? I don't want to have to carry a hanky all night to clean up after myself.

>> No.7862261
File: 757 KB, 800x600, ClosetCat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm being lazy this year and doing a simple cat one. The bf is going as a wof with me to a party.

>> No.7862300

Setting spray might help? I know somepeople use hairspray to set make up as well.

>> No.7862345

ya doin some makeup on the face for whiskers and maybe a nose?

>> No.7862387
File: 223 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a quick and dirty demon costume to win a costume contest at work. Here's one of my hoof shoes I threw together in a matter of minutes. Going to coat it in plastidip and put faux fur on top, and hide most of it under those silly raver legwarmers.

Someday I'll cut the heels off and convert them into actual digitigrade legs, but for now, I'm taking the easier route that I can walk in.

Anyone have any ideas for the horns? I feel like sculpey might be too heavy, unless I go super small.

>> No.7862389

Holy shit, I just watched that two nights ago.

>> No.7862406

I'm trying to figure out what to be. I was going to be one of the people from the ball scene in the labyrinth but I don't think I'll have time to make it now. Would a female Alex DeLarge be too overdone and tacky? Alternatively, thoughts on genderbent Beetlejuice?

>> No.7862437

Of course

>> No.7862578
File: 172 KB, 510x570, 895e7de6-befc-4b44-8668-1048a2293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to do Nonon's Symphony Regalia Grave but I'm not so sure how to do the embellishments. Would white felt for the skeleton look cute or like shit? And the hat? Should I just buy a red marching band hat and decorate it?

I'll be making this in between studying so I don't have much time for intricate work.

Or if this sounds like too much for the time I have left I'm open to suggestions on other outfits of hers or other costumes along the same lines.

>> No.7862580
File: 681 KB, 960x1247, ZARDOZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a costume rental place carry thigh high boots? The rest I could cobble together but I don't want to pay $100 to $200 on boots I'll wear once.

>> No.7862581
File: 18 KB, 236x296, nominominominominominominomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I am going to be dressing up as Klaus Nomi this halloween and I was wondering what the best material to make his tuxedo triangle thing out of. Also some tips on the patterning I would need to use for this would be mucho appreciated.

>> No.7862584

maybe if you make them hollow using sculpey wouldn't be a bad way to go, then you could basically go as big as you want

>> No.7862675

Use clay to make the shape, wrap in saran wrap, paper mache, pull sculpey and wrap out.

>> No.7862997
File: 105 KB, 724x512, batmanonemillion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl wants me to be Batman so she can be Robin.

I want to blow her out of the water with a Batman One Million costume on October 31st. Is this even possibru?

I need help fast, never done anything like this before.

>> No.7863014

Are you ripped already? If yes you can probably get away with a form-fitting zentai suit for the base. Also for the love of god wear something to hide your dick.

How much sewing experience do you have? Crafting? You have several weeks to get things together so yeah, I think you can do it, but a lot of depends on your skill level and desire to put in the time.

>> No.7863062
File: 25 KB, 560x640, Batman1Mil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but I could definitely fit into a girdle and use fake abs or whatever. I have a big chest and wide shoulders, so I might be able to pull it off.

Absolutely no experience in crafting or sewing. I think the suit and boots would be fine, but I have absolutely no idea how I would ever do the helmet.

Maybe I could find a machining place to do that ridiculous metal chest piece and a few of those simple looking batarangs, but how would I attach the huge chest piece (which should probably be in two or three parts) to the cape itself?

I think if I just get the helmet down it might be possible. I think the picture I just posted before was more of an Arkham Origins style, and I always liked the comic one better.

Maybe I could recruit a place that already makes cowls for batman costumes to do it? The upside to my lack of knowledge in sewing and making a costume is that I have a large amount of money to spend.

>> No.7863620
File: 125 KB, 439x500, moloch cabiria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on cosplaying what's suppose to be a statue? Going as http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-089 and I'm not sure if I should maybe wear a bodysuit and then have a mask/chest piece, or try to make a whole thing?

>> No.7864244
File: 224 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! Fuck yes, I'm gonna have custom horns!

Here is how the hooves turned out, btw. Nothing amazing, but they'll serve their purpose.

>> No.7864300

Okay, fashionwise, all my favorite stuff has to be coming out right now. Any cute bat things or spooky things out? Bat sweaters? I have one by HelloCavities from a few years ago, but I want a nice collection for fall weather.

>> No.7864348

Sent a bunch of custom orders to Etsy shop owners that produce Batman cowls.

I am completely colorblind, so I think for ease I should just do an all black costume instead of the navy blue found in the Comic and Arkham Origins.

I figure that will set me back a few hundred; I don't know how on Earth I could ever go about making an authentic custom cowl.

Cape could be really generic, but how do I go about that gigantic metal chest bat thing? I'll check out machining shops tomorrow.

If anyone could supply tips for the really simple looking utility belt (the thin yellow rounded cylinders), I bet I could just glue them on and the boots look really generic from every place I have ever seen Batman One Million.

I keep this thread posted if anyone cares.

>> No.7864766

Someone pointed me in the direction of this halloween thread I stupidly missed.

So I am trying to figure a simple costume to make with with this cat mask I bought. Post I made with picture here >>7864716 until someone directed me to this thread.

I'm a 5'9" thin male.

I was thinking a Splicer from Bioshock? Seems simple enough. Pinstrip pants + white button up + striped vest or suspenders + cat masquerade mask

Does anyone have any better ideas to utilize this cat mask? There are some good tutorials on making a crackle glazed splicer mask out there but I wanted some advice on alternatives that non-gamers might enjoy as well.

>> No.7864979
File: 167 KB, 790x1395, reddeath4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for some help putting this costume together (The Red Death from Phantom of The Opera 2004) I found some similar items but wasn't sure if maybe anyone else knew where to look or help with how to put this thing together. It seems like almost no one has dressed up as this from what I looked up. I had most trouble looking forbade red tailed coat that would look similar. Any help is appreciated!

>> No.7864981


I always dig their stuff

>> No.7865012

What would be a good hairstyle for a female Rufio and does anyone have any idea what's going on with his jacket?

>> No.7865021


I wish I could help anon, but good luck! I'm planning a lolita inspired coord for this, I hope your full costume is a success. Are you making the half skeleton mask or buying it? All the half masks I'm finding are for the mouth, very few for the eyes...

>> No.7865035
File: 238 KB, 1274x698, artemis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to get a cfx mask and be a creepy statue but they're too expensive :I

>> No.7865078

make one. it's not that hard.

>> No.7865135

Grab a pair of plastic hay hooks too, go as a Spider Splicer.

>> No.7865147

I found one on a obscure website that looks just like it and looks great all I'd need to do would be touch it up with some dark brushes to show some contracts in the mask then it to be all just an all white mask.

>> No.7865258
File: 41 KB, 636x536, dude2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me out, /cgl/

I'm looking for a costume that is recognizable from western pop culture. I also have long hair (about 12") that I'm willing to use or cut off for the costume.

I was thinking The Dude, or Jay from Jay and Silent Bob...but I have no Silent Bob to come with me.

>> No.7865292

Why not do something similar with makeup?

>> No.7865296

This is exactly the same thing I was thinking, thank you.

>> No.7865302
File: 167 KB, 900x675, Bioshock_Splicer_mask_by_NeoSaturn69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the same Cat mask, but mines covered in black sparkles. I gotta scrape that shit off and paint it.

Here's some tutorial links I've looked into myself. Not sure if I want to make mine look nice and new or bloody and worn.


Quoted from the weathering link to her page on Materials and Techniques:
For weathering you paint your prop in the base color you want and then add a darker wash (runny paint) over the first layer and wipe it off. Then the darker color will set in cracks and lines adding depth.

I liked this one the best and will likely use it for reference when making mine in the coming weeks.

Couldn't find a tutorial for the one in my pic, but I really liked it all the same. Great for ideas.

>> No.7865303

Sorry, then .9999 since this is what they charge you at the checker. My bad I can't decimal.

>> No.7865412
File: 620 KB, 720x960, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bf and I are going as Isabelle and the Mayor from ACNL, any cute prop ideas? I was thinking of getting a bug net and painting it gold, and maybe a clip board for me.

>> No.7865435
File: 220 KB, 850x750, 395d18ed757465e87ba4466f29278466[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making this Halloween Miku costume even though I'll be wearing it by myself, drinking along to shitty horror movies because I'm way too embarrassed to wear it to an actual party.

>> No.7865449

get the weeb-crew and go out to a club or something; that seems like way too much effort wasted otherwise

>> No.7865513

I'd leave the blood off anon.
Imo fake blood usually looks tacky and lessesns the spook factor.

>> No.7865609
File: 504 KB, 1296x1728, IMG_0333_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought this skirt (although a shorter version which has black ruffle trim; i couldn't get the stock image of that anymore since the listing is gone). pretty excited to wear it! i've just doing a casual outfit for a party. i'm not a big cosplayers anymore so i'd rather just be cute.

>> No.7865908
File: 513 KB, 1280x720, nisekoi-smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you guys serious

>> No.7865941

I'm at a loss for what to be for Halloween, I have a fairly large beard so I was thinking of either going as Yukon Cornelius or as an adult Finn. Yukon Cornelius wouldn't be too hard but since I'll be partying I'll probably get way too hot in a parka and I doubt anyplace will let my drunk ass walk around with an ice axe. The Finn costume would be the easiest since I did it a few years ago but I lost my hat so I'd need a new one, what I'm wondering is if anyone has any suggestion on how to make Finn's hat look cooler or more realistic than the fleece ones that get made and sold everywhere? Even a crochet one from etsy seems like it might be a better idea.

>> No.7865962

Why is Halloween Miku holding a candycane?

>> No.7866002

Because Japan

>> No.7866210

No fucking clue, I'm definitely not making that prop. Maybe they think it's Halloween-y because it has stripes like her stockings?

>> No.7868577

Bumping to top because I see three other halloween threads

>> No.7868856

Ya think so?
Cause the rest of the outfit is a straight up regular Santa suit

I always thought a lil blood would help it look more intimidating
Not to mention the mask I put the beard on kinda has a blood look in it.

I heard that you can mix brown ink into the store bought fake blood to make it not pink
Anyone know that to be true or nah

>> No.7868910

what >>7866002 anon said. Japan doesn't have the same ideas about Halloween as North America

>> No.7869012

>but I have no Silent Bob to come with me.
That makes me sad, every skinny dude with long hair needs an obese friend, it's the law.

>> No.7869033
File: 783 KB, 1280x1811, tumblr_m81f3qgouk1qa1iiqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've got a Halloween party coming up, and I'm wanting to go as Ziggy Stardust-era Bowie. Any ideas as to where I could find a Ziggy-esque, skintight, bodysuit?

>> No.7869577

Might try Bodyline. I think they have some blue OP's that you could alter. Good luck anon, and post pics if it works out!

>> No.7869580

Do some bags of bells! That'd be really cute