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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7858212 No.7858212 [Reply] [Original]

You know the drill. Post what you got.

>> No.7858214
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>> No.7858217
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>> No.7858219
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>btssb tea party

>> No.7858268


>> No.7858280

None of this is brand?

>> No.7858311

Horrifying and someone PLEASE burn those awful pastel twintail shit wigs with shit bangs

It doesn't really burn my eyes but it's not good.

>wearing crocs with lolita
>wearing crocs with anything
>that "blouse" and the shit accessories+ cosplay wig
Doesn't burn my eyes but still nope

>> No.7858898
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Our self-appointed comm queen Leyla.
Owns a brand shop, still looks like shit.

>> No.7858911

she's been doing her eye makeup almost the exact same way for at least 10 years

>> No.7858912

Leyla has been horsefacing up lolita since 19-dickety-2. Can't she get a haircut that flatters her face or something?

>> No.7858932

I like Leyla. She's done a lot for the comm. This is clearly more Kera / Harajuku street style than lolita, so I don't really find it offensive.

>> No.7858937


>> No.7858945

I would feel better about giving her credit for the comm if she wasn't so negative about anyone else organizing something.

>> No.7858951

Everytime I see this I don't know over which aspect of this photo I should cry more:
those horrible boots
the terrible make-up and hair
the pathetic christmas tree or
the tacky decorations on the wall

>> No.7858962

is she pregnant in this pic?

>> No.7858976


>> No.7859050

If I were a pregnant lolita, I'd wear those dresses that make you look pregnant anyways.

>> No.7859080

Vendetta chan. this pics been posted more than a few times. Nitpick, not really Ita...

>> No.7860112

Wouldn't call this ita, but fuck I hate these wigs.

>> No.7860286

I...I literally did a little soft scream upon seeing this zoomed in. W-why would you EVER do your make up like that!? It doesn't give you anime eyes it gives you fucking horror movie eyes aghhhh

>> No.7860344

I really want to know where this fabric is from. Because I bought a jsk from sweet Mildred made from the exact same fabric. Apparently it comes in green, blue, and I believe I've seen a black version posted in the past.

>> No.7860383

The term you're looking for is empire waist.

>> No.7860417

It's from here (bottom of page): https://otsukaya.co.jp/cgi-bin/tkshopcart1/goods/gd_25.html

>> No.7860426

>that outfit
>those boots
>that Charlie brown Christmas tree

so much bad in this photo

>> No.7861207

In 2000-2002, this would have classed are normal Japanese street gothic lolita. Let that sink in a bit.

Its the make up making this seem weird as her coordinate is fine. I am also not a huge fan of un-cut bangs but this may be personal preference.

Let me contradict you anon. It is ita but just not painfully obvious ita. It could be easily fixed.

> Dress is clearly too small for her. She should either edit the straps to be longer and wear an underskirt or wear a dress which isn't so obviously too small for her shoulders.
> Hair from thumbnail looked okay but up close it's frizzy and up-kept. This could be that her hair became frizzy by days end. I would recommend she buys stronger hair spray or wear some extensions to full up the hair a bit and blend them together.
> Tiara on the side of head. This look only works with tiaras of the right shape and small size. This type of tiara should have been on top of the head.
> Blouse is nice but doesn't work with this dress. It looks like she bought it from a "normal" shop.
> Those shoes. WRONG KIND OF PINK. I can not stress that enough. They are salmon pink, stained and do not match this outfit at all. Match your pinks.
> My biggest pet peeve is the choker. Why would you wear a BLACK choker with a PASTEL coordinate? If it had a pastel jewel on it, it could work but in full honesty it just look incredibly stupid.

With these reasons I can see why someone may consider this ita.

> Change the crocs to nicer shoes. Add tights.
> Change T shirt to blouse.
Easily fixed.

I am sure this was meant to be dolly kei and not lolita related.
> Kill the tights for plain ones.
> Maybe get more lolita-like boots.

>> No.7861262

>dolly kei
what the fuck
It looks nothing like dolly kei. Just because it has mismatched colours and patterns doesn't mean it's supposed to be dolly. And even by dolly kei standards this is absolute garbage.

>> No.7861455

To settle the debate about the choker, She wears it everyday, I'm on her Facebook and in every photo she uploads she's seen wearing it. It must be some kind of gift from a family member or something.

>> No.7861471

That doesn't mean shit. Even if it IS a personal item it does not match, is clearly a cheep plastic necklace and looks stupid with a pastel outfit. Even Muslim lolita's changed the colors of their headdresses to match their outfits.

>> No.7861597

I used to wear a necklace for sentimental reasons, but I would take it off for special occasions, lolita and cosplay. It didn't match everything and I knew that. To me, people who wear removable things like jewelery, (not piercings, tattoos,etc...) with EVERYTHING are looking to tell everyone about that item, whether solicited or not.

>> No.7861609


>> No.7861697

...are her eyes melting?

>> No.7861859

There must be some serious shooping going on in her face/neck area, her proportions look fucked up.

>> No.7861873
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>> No.7861898


>> No.7861904

getting cat hair on brand is so ita

>> No.7861908

obvious vendetta is obvious

>> No.7862023

I want those dimples, that coord, and the cat. Worst vendetta ever. She has a kitten you cant win

>> No.7862043

Nope, I mean those mumu type dresses, not empire waist.

>> No.7862047

The salt is real

>> No.7862056
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empire waist dresses still have a defined waist

>> No.7862556

not even a bit little ita. Go take your vendetta somewhere else anon.

>> No.7862574

I don't give a shit about Voldie but this is her best coord by far. I'm so tired of seeing her posted everywhere, though.

>> No.7862588

i'm so fucking sick of everyone calling these dresses empire waist or babydoll. it's fucking tent/trapeze

>> No.7862598

Thank you!

>> No.7862603

The dress is ugly as sin, but it's not ita.

>> No.7862614
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Here, a visual guide for you

>> No.7862641

needs cap sleeves to truly be considered babydoll

>> No.7862650

I dislike voldie but damn get your vendetta out of here

>> No.7862685

No one cares about the sleeves, the point was that people need to differentiate between each cut to stop mislabeling trapeze as babydoll or empire.

>> No.7862711
File: 2.89 MB, 2404x1928, babydoll empire trapeze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not always, since there are sleeveless babydolls. I think that's where the confusion of babydoll/empire waist comes in.

Here's my visual for you all

>> No.7863208

Thanks anon, I never knew what to call those.

>> No.7863354

God I'm sorry but that face. She needs a chin implant.

>> No.7863357

She's pre-op.

>> No.7863403

Confused, how can I tell between empire and baby doll?

>> No.7863417
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>> No.7863419

Are you serious?!

>> No.7863422


>> No.7863425

How the hell did she leave the house thinking that dress was long enough for her?

>> No.7863428
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>> No.7863432

empire waist sits right under the bust, while babydolls can go down to the natural waist

>> No.7863437

Called it

>> No.7863440

Yes she is/was a guy but has started taking hormones to be a woman. So yes she is pretty but she can't change her bone structure, hence why the dress simply is too small for her.

>> No.7863447

You heartless mother fucker, Something like this isn't something you should out here, What the hell is wrong with you?!

>> No.7863458

Different anon, but now it makes more sense and is more understandable imo. I'm glad it was mentioned.

>> No.7863459

My bad, thought I recognized that as a baby print.

>> No.7863469

Different Anon, It may be better for you but I'm thinking of her, She might be a little sensitive about it.

>> No.7863481

It's stupid to assume that shit. Plus, like >>7863458 said, it makes more sense than someone just being unfortunate looking.

>> No.7863508

Why do you even care?
It's not like she's effecting you.

>> No.7863512

Please go back to tumblr.

>> No.7863516

Wow..Immature much?

>> No.7863521

>It's not like she's effecting you.

Also, I'm really sick of this bullshit SJW sentiment. The truth is other people will always affect those around them, whether or not they should affect them isn't the point, the point is how they deal with it.

It's pretty obvious that her being posted affects others' way of thinking and I think it's better all around that she's judged in a sympathetic way rather than for being ugly.

>> No.7863528

So basically because some people are tiny brained Shit heads, She has to suffer? Perfect logic!

>> No.7863633

How in the world is she suffering?

>> No.7863648
File: 406 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nd39omazei1rywfk0o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITS HEEEERE and I threw it all on and made a silly face. (Not an actual coord, y’all. Seriously. Don’t put this on BTB complaining that I have no makeup and my hair looks like shit.)

Posting just because of her stupid text. Why would you even.

>> No.7863654

Your grammar sucks and your points make no sense. Finish grade school first before trying to argue on the internet.

>> No.7863659

Jesus her face in general. Don't think makeup could save it that much...
But seriously, chop the head off and it looks like a bad photo of a toned-down casual coord and more nitpicky than anything.

>> No.7863670

>"she has to suffer"
>u r meanies tiny brained shit head :'(
top lel
Cry moar SJW chan

>> No.7863702

Not ita but why would yo get cat hair on dresses, it's so disgusting.

>> No.7863717

Lint rollers are a thing, anon.
I'm more worried about cat stink than cat hair.

>> No.7863723 [DELETED] 

Yeah that too, I know about it since I had a cat, and they are sometimes smelly as fuck, not to mention some of them are really assholes.

>> No.7863985

Not even involved, but...

>correcting grammar to win arguments
>18+ board

>> No.7863988

I think it's the other way around.

>> No.7863996

Empire is specifically under the bust.

>> No.7864002

Are you implying that teenagers in an era where most teens tYPe liek dis!11~*-_-*~ would be the ones correcting grammar? You sound like more of an idiot than the person you are correcting.

>> No.7864027

ive always seen those called swing dresses. is it interchangeable or am i wrong?

>> No.7864043

I think swing dress is an old term for it, but still use it. I think if you were to say 'swing dress', people would think of a 'swing dancing dress'.

I call them shift dresses because that's what they are. Trapeze can be used but it's more... incorrect. Trapeze dresses usually come from a single strand/braid neckline that lets the fabric drape, and usually does not have a collar or sleeves (capped, long, etc.)

>> No.7864065
File: 177 KB, 918x954, ohgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking girl just posted in the draw thread hahahahaha

>> No.7864069

Not seeing ita, unless you're just hating on her smile and the bow.

>> No.7864071

wtf anon, the coord is cute.

>> No.7864074

she looks fine anon. stop being so mad

>> No.7864076

No, she's implying that someone having incorrect grammar doesn't disregard their points.

Also, most teens do not type like that.

Finally, ironic shitposting? Still shitposting.

>> No.7864087

Are you the same useless shitposter that's been adding their opinions to all the draw threads? Fuck off and die.

>> No.7864090

I am baffled at the fact you went so far off the point from reading two lines.
Like how bad does your teenage angst has to be for you to miss the point entirely?

>> No.7864097

Lol what's your problem? This coord is fine. Stop being a cunt, anon.

She's tall as fuck. Someone needs to get her an underskirt but usually her coords are okay.

>> No.7864099

No pictures, but has anybody else noticed CDC gets a lot of noobs who think they can buy the socks and the dress and call it a day?
The recent coord in CoF brought it to mind, with that ridiculous offshoulder blouse. But I actually don't hate it so I don't know if it counts.

>> No.7864100

>so tumblr in here.

>> No.7864101

This actually makes me want to cry. holy shit. I could write a novel about this.. A picture really does tell a thousand words and I never believed it until now

>> No.7864105

She really needs to learn how to pose because she looks fucking awful here. She looks like the trollface crossed with the pillsbury dough boy

>> No.7864111

>trollface crossed with the pillsbury dough boy
She always looks like that.

>> No.7864113

get a load of these sandy cunts

>> No.7864115

>I didn't want to admit you were right so I tried insulting you

>> No.7864119

uh no

>> No.7864121


>> No.7864125

lmao you're pathetic

>> No.7864131

Old hags need to GTFO

>> No.7864135

am i mistaken or..
there is no way those are crocs

>> No.7864143

Not all crocs are the clog type, I have a pair of black ones that look like that. (they're comfy okay)

>> No.7864145

Yeah, they look like flats to me?

>> No.7864146

it legit looks like someone photoshopped that face on

>> No.7864149

She said they were in the post.

>> No.7864152
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>> No.7864189

Stop using tumblr as an excuse for when you've gone retarded you dipshit.

>> No.7864191

Crocs is the brand, not the shoe.

>> No.7864196

your SJW is showing

>> No.7864199

Please explain to me how telling someone they're retarded for sucking so bad at reading comprehension in any way SJW?

If you're going to try to take that route the least you could do is make sense.

>> No.7864201

is in*

>> No.7864232

Is Melissa wearing that jsk as a skirt?

>> No.7864295

...yes she is.

>> No.7864307

omg i thought i was the only one who saw that O_O i'm dying

>> No.7864367

That poor skirt.... what a waste.
Otherwise, I agree with >>7863659.

>> No.7864411

Oh my fucking god you're right. Here I was thinking she was some Amazon lvl tall bitch but instead she's just trashy

>just why

>> No.7864414

He does it ALL THE TIME I swear please just gtfo the comm

>> No.7864440

I hope he doesn't try to sell that shit later.

>> No.7864562


>> No.7864564 [DELETED] 

Melissa isn't actually trans. I'm all for respecting pronouns (inb4 tumblr, it's no effort at all and makes people feel so much more welcome so why not) but Melissa is a male sissy who gets his jollies from dressing lolita, not a trans woman. If he tells people that he's trans he's only doing it because he wants access to that no-criticism-allowed pedestal young naive SJWs will put any transperson on.

>> No.7864608

>this is one of my dream skirts

>> No.7864677

Honestly your desperation to get someone to agree with you about how this is bad is the real cringe here. Seriously embarrassing.

>> No.7864701 [DELETED] 

I heard he give off major creeper vibes, as well as other cgl known "brolitas", but it's thats same "we don't want to be mean to trans people" is why he has hasn't been confronted. Like what the fuck, i don't care if they are trans a creeper is a creeper.

>> No.7864708


He looks so much like the dutch brolita, I got confused for a second.

>> No.7864718 [DELETED] 


They are both creepy as fuck. The Dutch one is perhaps even worse than "Melissa" because he mainly hangs out with the underage Lolitas of the comm.
Both of them also look like they barely make an effort to look good. They are kinda ita.
So far the only Brolita I like is Manasamatemple, I believe she goes by a different name now though because she switched from gothic to sweet?
She's trans (I believe?), and a really good dresser that clearly is interested in the fashion and isn't a sissy creep.

>> No.7864758 [DELETED] 

I hate how he now has all their sympathy when he has been a creep to multiple people. He is also lying for how long he has been wearing bloomers.

>> No.7864806

I bet that's a story

>> No.7864956 [DELETED] 

The SF comm is way too accommodating to known creepers. Phil still goes to events, and he was banned from Baby long ago for harassing customers and staff. Melissa has shouted obscenities at other comm members and even threatened physical violence. He also invited some other creepy sissy into the comm where he could find out about meetups to come check out the lolis. Idk why, maybe everyone is too nice to say anything and tell them to gtfo. Or maybe there are just too many newbies who don't know about their history of shitty behavior.

>> No.7864970 [DELETED] 

What kind of cat did you have? My cat is impeccably clean and smells pleasant unless he farts (and its not as if he farts all day long)

>> No.7864980


I got confused the first time too, they must be long lost twin creep brothers or something

>> No.7865036 [DELETED] 

I'm really passive aggressive with Melissa because I don't know how to tell it to his face without the other girls jumping down my throat. The last event I went to was a swap meet up and I gave him the stink eye, gross faces when he was within my vicinity, or simply moved away when he was within arms reach. Handful of girls chatted him up so I avoided them too lol...

I posted on here before and how I was called a transphobic because I hesitated on giving him a ride home. I am not transphobic because I don't like ducking sissies, don't know why that's so hard to comprehend. Not dealing with that bullshit again.

>> No.7865038 [DELETED] 

Goddamn autocorrect

>> No.7865043 [DELETED] 

>Phil still goes to events, and he was banned from Baby long ago for harassing customers and staff.
whoah what
i heard of melissa but not phil

>> No.7865066 [DELETED] 

crossdressing isn't the same thing as being trans and if this person IDs to your comm as a man, the clothes don't change anything. it's not transphobic of you to be uncomfortable by him.

>> No.7865070 [DELETED] 

>Threatens someone
oh he's trans
>creeps on underage girls
He's just trans

God, I feel so bad for you, dealing with this dude.

>> No.7865081 [DELETED] 

Transphobic would be if you discriminated him for being trans, which so far doesn't seem to be his case. He just crossdresses.

I think your comm might be too afraid of being called intolerant if they do something about him, but at the same time it reinforces the ideas people have about brolitas.

>> No.7865150

There are several other trans/crossdressers in the community too, no one have any issues with them because they don't act creepy and they actually make the effort to look nice (Brie won JPop fashion contest several years in a row).

>> No.7865177 [DELETED] 

Someone explained really in depth on behind the bows once. He used to go into the shop supposedly looking for gifts to send to an overseas girlfriend. He started going into the shop a lot, bringing the shop girls gifts and talking with them. One hurt her foot or something, and posted it on Facebook. She had blocked him from Facebook, but he found it anyway. Came into the store and tried to take off her shoe. That's how he got banned.
He is a podiatrist who has a lot of restraining orders against him for coming on to his customers.

Please correct me if I am wrong on any of this - its just paraphrased from what i can remember from the BtB comments.

>> No.7865231 [DELETED] 

I don't think I've ever noticed any of my cats farting.

>> No.7865290 [DELETED] 

Lucky you, cat farts smell. Cat's dont unless they're not nuetered. Spraying cats stink. Spay and neuter your pets, cgl lol

>> No.7865348 [DELETED] 

My cat is neutered he just suffers unfortunate gas if you feed him fishy cat food. But I agree, spay and neuter guys

>> No.7865859 [DELETED] 

If I was still in the SF comm I would have backed you up. Sadly I admit I believed him being transsexual and defended him when his gender was questioned. Transsexuals =/= crossdressers

I think he IDs himself as a woman and wants to be called a she, even though there was proof he's just a crossdresser. I deleted him off of my facebook but he has a strange number of friends who are all grown "wo"men with profiles on crossdressers.com - his disgusting friend Andreas is linked to almost all of them.

>> No.7865865 [DELETED] 

fixed cats (male and female) can still spray.
speaking from experience, unfortunately.

>> No.7866267

Maybe she's in a master/slave relationship and that's her collar and she's not allowed to take it off?

>> No.7866316
File: 158 KB, 691x343, datruth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went on his facebook to see if he actually was just an unfortunate trans person (or whatever) but to me it looks like he is just another creepy perv with a little girls, boys, whatever fetish.

pretty sure he is also just using lolita and "omg tumblr must accept everyone" attitude that comes with it to his advantage

>> No.7866322

oh god

>> No.7866323

the janitor deleted all the comments pertaining to melissa too lol

>> No.7866329

Why did janitor get rid of all the comments about melissa being a cross dresser?

>> No.7866393

Obviously not, since I'm one of them.

>> No.7866408

Plot twist:

>> No.7866584

How is that guy not booted yet when his fetish is so clear?

>> No.7866587

.....Top KEK

>> No.7866588

Please post this on btb!

>> No.7867174

....... and yet SF still keeps him around?

>> No.7867492

it looks like she is melting from her cheeks and shoulders

>> No.7867874

Why don't you do it?

>> No.7867879

>sissy pride comm
why does that shit exist?

>> No.7867957

It's not heartless to say that.
Besides I think most trans people usually say they are trans so it isn't precisely "outing" them.
And that anon called her a "she", so there wasn't any disrespect either.

Calm your sjw senses pls.

>> No.7872612
File: 72 KB, 422x750, tumblr_ndcf9k5NlL1ssrenho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so anyway thats why i hate solid-colored tights and offbrand items in coords

>> No.7872635

off brand items are not the issue. it's how you coord that shit. the colors are way off and that wig is gross. I have a pretty decent brand wardrobe, i spend a lot of money on my main pieces, but the way i afford it is by painfully searching through crap at goodwill, ebay, forever21, etc for shit that will work. You can't just grab a blouse and tights off the rack and make it work

>> No.7872666

You're confusing me anon. If I was being really nitpicky, I'd change the headbow. But honestly she looks fine.

I actually want this jsk now, anyone know the name?

>> No.7873489


here you go, friend

>> No.7873554
File: 1.53 MB, 1191x1665, tumblr_ncqb30CKcN1qbilw3o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ
This shit has got to stop

>> No.7873564

Considering how gross her legs are, i honestly appreciate the use of an underskirt.

>> No.7873569

What's her tumblr again?

>> No.7873600


Agreeing with this anon >>7873564

Honestly I think she had the right idea in covering up with an underskirt, she just needs to pick an underskirt that actually looks like a real skirt instead of something that looks like a tulle petticoat.

Fix the underskirt, use a better fitted but more covered cardigan, she could be cute. She certainly has a cute face and seems to have a few ounces of colour sense.

>> No.7873735

nitpick lmao she looks fine

dont come back to the draw thread

>> No.7873738


Her co-ords are very hit or miss. This is definitely a miss.
The underskirt doesn't look layered, and it's also low quality looking. The length is far too long, people shouldn't go longer than 15cm of the jsk, skirt or op they are wearing imo.
These extra long underskirts only look good with long "tea" length style garments, not regular or shorter styles.

>> No.7873739

Sissies are absolutely disgusting

>> No.7873830

Honestly, this is soo refreshing, because she identified that the dress is too short for her!! Padawan-chan is learning. Next she needs a nice underskirt.

>> No.7878320

Omg some beginner Lolita friends were telling me to do this and I was like no!

>> No.7881142

She's not beginner
She's don't want to heard advices from others peoples.
i'm so sad to see that.

>> No.7881166


did you mean "unkempt"?

>> No.7881597

No amount of reverse image search is helping me... Where can I get this dress or what's it called plz? (No I am not wearing it with a pastel wig)

>> No.7881601

It is some AP cat print. It isn't cats tea party but its something like that.

>> No.7881617

Whimsical Vanilla-chan, I think.

>> No.7881623

Yep that is it!

>> No.7881627

I agree that she could have picked a better underskirt, but she is AMAZON tier tall.
She NEEDS underskirts or else the dresses she wears hit her mid-thigh. She must be at least six fucking foot tall.

>> No.7881765

She's gotta be. Look at the door behind her. Most doors are 7 feet tall and she's not much shorter than it.

>> No.7882179


My god, I love you people <3

I'm usually good with keywords searching everything to do with cats and ap/btssb but probably couldn't fecking SEE the print in colorways other than black. Now to hunt this bitch down.

Thankies :3

>> No.7882192


Agreed,I've found some gorgeous pieces at charity shops, ebay forever 21, debenhams etc, but it took ALOT of rummaging and search terms. It's the same as shopping at Bodyline- you have to separate the crap from the good stuff and it really helps stretch your wardrobe. I still get asked if my skirt is brand and where I got my chiffon blouses from.

>> No.7882194

> <3
Now I wish no one had helped you. Get out.

>> No.7882203

Not defending the other stuff, but what's wrong with "fecking"?

>> No.7882210

Other than the fact that it makes you sound like a 15-year-old gaiafag? Absolutely nothing.
It's 4chan, for christ's sake.

>> No.7882218

Do... do they say it? I'm Irish, it's a common word here, literally everyone says it.

>> No.7882225

If you are who I think you are, don't bother looking for it because it's not going to fit you.

>> No.7882231

What? I'm not the girl who was asking, just a passer-by wondering what was so bad about the wors.

>> No.7882237


>> No.7884795

S/he finally got banned a couple days ago.

>> No.7884818

Who do you think she is?

>> No.7884823

Really? What made the mods change their minds?

>> No.7884828

She's not relevant to cgl right now but if she ever decides to try and squeeze herself into the lolita or cosplay scene, boy have I got some stories for you guys.

>> No.7884841

Someone basically said "This person physically threatened another lolita, makes racist comments, makes lewd comments, and generally preys on underage girls. Why aren't they banned?"

Debate ensued. Mod said because the actual victim had not come forward when it happened, mod didn't see any reason to do anything about because as far as she could tell it was just a rumor. The victim finally told their story. Eventually ban hammer came down.

Part of the reason it didn't happen sooner was that people didn't want to be accused of drama mongering, being transphobic, or accused of judging/kink-shaming because of course MB was complaining that s/he was being discriminated against for being an older transwoman.

>> No.7884872

I can't get over her face. It's like "Are you kidding me?" Like even she can't believe she's wearing that awful coordinate.

>> No.7884976

Well at least they got it done. Are there caps floating around? I'd be interested in seeing the discussion

>> No.7884978

The fuck is 'ita' ?

>> No.7884984

go away, /fit/, /fa/, /r9k/, /co/, whatever board you are from

>> No.7884988


>> No.7885007

The last few comm threads were pretty much all about it.

I might be missing a previous thread though, but the juicy bits are in those above.

>> No.7885021


>> No.7885022


>> No.7885086

those tiny little bows are from the toddler section of claire's...

>> No.7885100

thanks anon!

>> No.7885110

What a faggot

>> No.7885118

You're welcome. Enjoy!

>> No.7886377


Wow, seriously, the vagina-wedgies in this place.

Someone says 'thankies' and you wish no one had helped them find a dress like that has got anything to do with the price of potatoes. Do nice dresses only belong to those using the dialect of your cute little club?

I've never used gaiaonline, I'm 22 and I'm sure that dress will fit a 23 inch waist, *thankyou*.

>> No.7886673

Just ignore them. But from someone with similar mannarisms, it's best to keep it quiet on here after so many sandy snatches invaded this board. It's just not worth the effort.