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File: 212 KB, 1001x741, itsdaisoyoupunkbitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7858681 No.7858681 [Reply] [Original]

Is this bitch serious? Selling a USED $1.50 Daiso bag for 5 bucks plus shipping? She also has accessories from there priced the same smh some damn people.

Tell stories of LM fuckery/scalping/etc!

>> No.7858687

well you saw the btb secret of the bitch trying to sell a MM hanger for $35 right?

>> No.7858694

the tall lolita tag is ultimate bullshit.

>> No.7858697

>purse, accessories stuff that has nothing to do with height
>1 dress that's 87cm with lace
fuck you bitches

>> No.7858704

Totally, it was the toppest kek.

It's just funnier/more infuriating that this bitch didn't even put it was from Daiso, and I'm pretty sure she was the original buyer since she lives in Washington. Oh well, it's on the fool who buys the shit anyways, right?

>> No.7858709

Wait a moment, there's not Daiso in other states?

I'm currently waiting on a dress I bought semi-recently, and the wait is a little agonizing. Not that I jump to conclusion, I can wait, but out of curiosity:

How well does LM handle bad sellers?

>> No.7858714

I bought my first dress last week, and was super excited. Remembered the seller said she'd send it out Wednesday, so I checked my messages.

>'I sent it out!'
>'The envelope looks like it's about to burst, it was hard to pack it in!'

I'm absolutely terrified now. Why. Why would you do that.

cgl, tell me I'm not fucked. I'm going to be anxious as shit until it comes in.

>> No.7858719

i don't agree with charging $5 on shit she paid $1.50 for, but what's wrong with reselling stuff from daiso? not everyone has access to daiso.

lacemarket is the wrong place to be selling stuff like that though, ebay is probably more appropriate, and even then, a 3.50$ markup is a bit much

>> No.7858722

why do these dumb bitches just not use a goddamn box
holy shit you can even get them for free
I hope she at least taped the fuck out of it with packing tape and not some dumb shit like scotch tape

if you paid via paypal, they've got your back

>> No.7858726

I bought a Wii u on eBay and the box it was shipped in was so small the the ends were bowed out and the flaps had a good half inch gap between them. The seller just wrapped it in a lot of tape and figured that was fine. People are retarded.

>> No.7858727

There's nothing wrong with reselling shit...if people know what's being resold. You even said yourself how ridiculous the markup is.

>> No.7858732


I'll update on the packaging if it's lulzy enough. I'm just floored and nervous that someone seriously thought cramming a dress in a shipping envelope was a good idea... What if it pops open?

If it was to cut costs, I wish I was told. I would've paid twice the shipping just to not have it packed so precariously. I hope she was exaggerating in some weird form of humor.

>> No.7858735

lets put together something, a chart of what IS tall lolita friendly, and make a secret about it.

I think lacemarket mods should enforce this

>> No.7858779

>people that fluctuate their prices trying to get retail value or more

>people that don't know how to haggle worth shit and say "thank you for your time, find it elsewhere" instead of saying "why not $50 over your asking price?"

>fuckers that downright ignore your messages

>> No.7858806

Sellers shouldn't have to haggle unless they're desperate to get rid of their item. There will always be stupid people willing to overpay, and if a buyer wants something for a lower price, the seller shouldn't have a problem turning them down knowing this.

>> No.7858815

I'd prefer "I wont go lower than ___"
than "find the dress somewhere else lol"

>> No.7858820

Oh well yeah, that's just douchey. But my point was that the seller shouldn't be expected to offer a lower price, that's the buyer's job.

>> No.7858837

I've had at least 3 sellers tell me "find it somewhere else" and I saw voldie say it
grinds my fucking gears. I've also had sellers downright ignore my messages because I tired to haggle.

>> No.7858845

Well I mean, if you gave them a stupidly low price I can understand. I know in Voldie's case, she only said it cause the anon was fucking around with her, and offered her something like half what she was asking, in a rude way. If someone messaged me saying they'll take it for a stupidly low price, I'd probably turn my nose up at them too. Be polite and reasonable when haggling.

>> No.7858858

its a part of customer service to be nice to everyone though, no matter how dumb

>> No.7858863

It isn't if you're an individual selling an item. If you want to banter with a salesman go to aldi. And even then you're just showing you're an uncultured skanger.

>> No.7858864

I'm a different anon than op arguing about the customer service thing but I guess I understand, though it seems unproffessional

>> No.7858876

I wish this part of customet service works die out and all idiots could be shamed so eventually society would evolve into people who understand their actions toward others have concequences.

>> No.7858877

Oh god please ignore auto correct mistakes.

>> No.7858886

Same. As someone who worked in restaurants for two years, I hate that you have to be nice to everyone--even idiots or straight up assholes. It's conditioned consumers to be more entitled, to pitch fits to get free/discounted shit, and to be straight up rude or expect to be fucking spoon fed.

This. If someone tries to give me a HUGE under offer, I can be affronted or even straight up tell them "That's not happening" because I don't want to coddle everyone. This is a luxury fashion/hobby and shit can get expensive. If you don't have $200 and offer $100 on someone's item, they have every right to tell you "Uh. no" without sugar coating it. People are too fucking sensitive.

>sage for mostly ot
>and probably long, sorry

>> No.7858887

>paddy o'brien schooling people on civil behaviour
Is it Opposite Day today

>> No.7858889
File: 56 KB, 500x371, tumblr_lxzc25b1of1r791bbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel.
I'm op and I work at a bar
>mfw someone tipped me $20 when I was at work and got really pissed when I didn't get off work that second to go on a date with him

I have to deal with stupid shit constantly

so when I get shitty customer service like "good luck finding the dress :)" when I make a reasonable offer on overpriced shit It makes me want to tear my eyes out.

even more so when some other idiot buys it

>> No.7858893

You're not obliged to be nice if someone is being a total dickbag. The only reason customer service employees take so much shit is because they get fired otherwise, if I'm just trying to sell some stuff online, I'm not going to take bullshit.

>> No.7858946
File: 572 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-10-05-11-53-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This parasol is about £9/$14 on taobao even with shipping thats one hell of a mark up

>> No.7858960

Didn''t Voldie say that she wouldn't go below $200? And then some anon said she would give her $130 which Voldie replied with "good luck finding it somewhere else" or something. Maybe it was reversed, I'm too lazy to check, but if not I can totally understand her saying that tbh.

>> No.7858969

precisely. to quote both:
I've seen it go for less, but I'm not totally sold on selling it. If I let it go, it wont be for any less than $200. Hopefully that thought process makes sense.
i'll buy that shit for 130 shipped to california
hopefully you find a seller then!

>> No.7858983

>"good luck finding the dress :)"

Man, I say this quite often. Now I wonder if I'm being misunderstood.

I don't mean any malice, if the dress is truly overpriced then I'm sure the buyer can find another seller, so I wish them luck in doing so. I've done things like direct them to another auction or shop that has the item for cheaper, even.

I don't want to part with MY dress for below a certain price, but I don't hold any illwill to the buyer either, sometimes I've been that buyer looking for a bargain. If seller says no, let it go and move on, or cough up the cash if you desperately need that item so badly. No need to get your panties in a knot, whether you're the seller or the buyer.

>> No.7858986

To me, the only unfair sellers/scalpers are the ones who don't really want the dress but buy as many as they can from a new release, only to put them up for auctions way over retail one day later.

>> No.7858987

This. Plus people get all pissy if you choose not to reply at all. Can't really win as a seller against the entitled and the crazy.

>> No.7858993

Anyone taking that personally thinks the worlds against them. Don't sweat it.
Also "customer service" lol
Yeah sellers shouldn't be dicks but they don't work in retail in the traditional sense here. Haggling is messy work, not everyone wants to do it. I don't know about where you people live but around here a "have a nice day!" that obviously isn't meant is pretty common from customer service IN retail. People acting like they always get great customer servive EXCEPT LOLITA SELLERS. Plz

>> No.7859018


Oh I agree. Those are far worse than the ones that decide the print or cut of the garment doesn't suit them and then ask a shitload for it because it's a popular item.

>> No.7859033

I often feel these are just excuses because they can't flat out say "I purchased this to resell it for a fortune".

>> No.7859051 [DELETED] 


I can sort of see how it probably comes across as being passive aggressive now.

Any suggestions on how to not come across as passive aggressive? It's not like I bend over backwards for lowballing buyers, I mean I'm turning them down already, but I really don't want to piss people off by accident.

>> No.7859053

Lacemarket isn't fucking Burger King. You act like a moron or an entitled asshole, you're going to get what you deserve. End of.

>> No.7859064

You can ship a brand new Baby parasol from Japan for that price. That's ridiculous.

>> No.7859142


I hope this bitch fucking chokes and dies

>> No.7859149

>I've seen it go for less, but I'm not totally sold on selling it. If I let it go, it wont be for any less than $200.
All this translates to is "I want to wait for someone stupid to give me more money than I deserve" It's been up for 6 fucking weeks, it's not that she doesn't want to sell it, she just wants to get more money than it's worth if she does.

>> No.7859156

I'll help you with that. I mean, the tag exists to help tall lolitas find clothing that is longer, not to advertise shit that will obviously fit, like a headbow, seriously? Things other than clothing items should not be allowed in the tall tag.

>> No.7859161

>fake choco

Also, holy shit, $15 international shipping? I live in canada and I can say there is no way it costs that much to ship that bow.

>> No.7859171

as much as it's annoying on comm_sales, lace market really needs to have some kind of discount system when people resubmit listings. This bitch has listed and RELISTED that item multiple times in the last couple weeks just so it constantly gets bumped up the recently listed items page

i fucking hate this girl so much

>> No.7859187

There are only like 3 or 4 Daisos in the states I think, and two are in washington, the others are in cali

>> No.7859300

There are like 6 in california alone. Learn2googlemaps.

>> No.7859304

That's definitely not important anon, the point is that there are only any in WA and CA.

>> No.7859311

That stupid headbow has been on lace market since it first fucking started. I can't believe she's still trying to sell it for the same price.

>> No.7859314



>> No.7859316

I once saw a seller trying to sell a 40$ bodyline JSK for over 100$ + shipping WITH DAMAGE.. What bothered me the most is that the JSK isn't that hard to get. in better condition and for much cheaper.

>> No.7859321

I think dress length should be minimum, 90cm and the tag should be exclusively clothing related items.
But this doesn't solve the "this long sleeve blouse is tall friendly!!" But the sleeves are some ridiculous length that won't even cover my fore arms.

>> No.7859341

And I still had my email from the bts thread. Like an idiot.

>> No.7859346

>technically, purses and accessories ARE tall lolita friendly, one size fits all so it's not possible to be too tall for them

I do agree with you anon. I just figure that's what those idiots would say if you confronted them about it.

>> No.7859365
File: 48 KB, 350x490, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of allisiumbaby. Her mentality of 'oh, someone will eventually buy it' instead of decreasing the price after weeks and on some items MONTHS of relisting. Bitch, deal with the fact you won't make a profit on everything you sell.

>> No.7859368

Seriously, I know that short girls don't need to stop and think about the sleeve length or something, they're just tagging for maximum visibility.

>> No.7859410

I'd say 96cm at LEAST. I don't know what you define as tall, but I'm 5'8", and 90cm is nowhere near my knees.

>> No.7859423

I'm fairly sure the good folk in Aldi wouldn't appreciate you haggling on their discounted groceries.

>> No.7859433

Please, please let it happen. I work at an Arby's in the middle of Amish country and holy shit do they piss me off.

But I'm just a woman, why would I know how to count change correctly? :^)

>> No.7859434
File: 174 KB, 879x336, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is somebody seriously selling shitty purple hair extensions that you can buy off ebay for a dollar each?

>> No.7859435

You think that's bad, check her feedback. Some poor Swedish girl paid $88 dollars in shipping for a dress. I'm in Europe and I've bought fairly heavy dresses from Canada, and sure, shipping is expensive, but not THAT much.

>> No.7859439

There's also one in NYC. But I believe that's the only one away from the west coast.

>> No.7859442

90cm minimum dress length and 60 cm minimum sleeve length.

>so pretty much no blouses ever

>> No.7859444

I don't get it, are you paying them to be nice or to sell you THEIR dress, which THEY own? If so, why wouldn't you be dropping extra as a niceness service fee to go along with it? Fuck cheap bitches that want to be rude on top of it. Brand dresses have value, if you don't have the money you can get the fuck off the line for the dress because I guarantee there's someone directly behind you with the money for it.

>> No.7859446

Really, Amish are that bad? What do they do?

>> No.7859450

there are always bodyline booths at cons that i go to and i always want to stand by the booth and just direct them to the website instead

lots of dresses that are like $25 on the site they sell for $100 at the booth. I know there are taobao resellers too but at least having to order from taobao can be a bit annoying so buying it from a con reseller is kinda convenient.

>> No.7859458

Seriously, it's gotten so bad that I'm not even tired of the people who are garbage but spend money. Even eliminating those awful people looking for shit for free would be enough for me to get by (Really, you spent an average amount of money in our store and want a discount because to you it's "a lot"? Fuck off. You break our product/damage it and want something extra for free? Go to hell. Oh, and how many of us have been threatened by a customer blatantly telling us to our faces that they'll LIE to corporate about us for free shit? If I give you free shit, I'm fired. If they believe your lie, I'm fired. You're a piece of shit.) I've lost hope.

>> No.7859480

Honestly I'd buy the hangers if they were $10 - $20 cuz of brand name, novelty, etc. but not sure fucking $35

>> No.7859497

>tell them to bugger off they'll try to boycott
There's absolutely no winning whatsoever.

>> No.7859502

I hate those fucking idiots on LSE that say "I wished I wasn't broke"etc when they are too poor to afford whatever you listed.
You get a notification someone responded and hope it's a potential buyer but nooooo, instead it's a chatty fucktard.

>> No.7859519

I reckon posting "Only contact me if interested and can buy" wouldn't help, huh?

>> No.7859520

>wah wah I can't get away with being a bitch to salesmen wah wah

>> No.7859522

They're rude as shit, smell like shit, and actually think that women are retarded. They order the worst things on the menu (5 reubens for here 10 minutes before close) and leave huge messes everywhere. And they're stupid. And half the fucking time you can't understand them over their dutchy hick accents. And they oftentimes try to ride their bikes through the drive through. I could go on for hours.

>> No.7859536

This started with fucking facebook. I know egl had some problems, but ever since fb sales comms happened people just became so stupid and annoying.

>> No.7859564

I remember working in Utah for 6 months because family reasons and boy have I never fucking wanted to set fire to the god damn Mt. Rushmore so badly in my life.
"well, why do you think there aren't any women on the Rushmore? They're too dumb to do anything worth remembering, hun"

>> No.7859588

I swear these fucking religious cults piss me off so badly. Honestly this bullshit shouldn't be allowed in modern society, period.

>> No.7859594

>and 60 cm minimum sleeve length.
>so pretty much no blouses ever

there are quite a few brand blouses with sleeves that are 60-61cm long, but try finding some with 62cm and up which aren't size L. It's impossible.

I don't get why fashion brands in general think that bigger equals longer arms.

>> No.7859647

This happens on all sorts of sales forums and communities.

>omg I love your x item
>I wish I could afford it

I've had it happen with toys, dolls, clothing, ebay, you name it.

Fuck off, beggarfags.

>> No.7859655

I hear nothing but bad things about the Amish, but lots of good things about Mennonites. I don't live around either, but I've heard from friends that do that the Mennonites tend to be more polite and even a bit interested in normalfag life rather that thinking it's the devil like the Amish do.

>> No.7859675

I feel like this is related.

>> No.7859677
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>> No.7859690

>using abbreviations means somebody doesn't know other words
How the fuck have you survived on the internet without blowing your brains out?

>> No.7859734


Mennonites are totally bro, man. They're way more "live and let live" than the Amish are, and in my experience Mennonite craftspeople are more than happy to teach anyone their craft without getting bitchy about the religion. You can straight up approach them one artist to another and say hey, can you show me how you did that without this electronic widget? and they'll be happy someone is interested in preserving the technique.

>> No.7859768

I lived in a small town in the Midwest near a large Mennonite group. They often are hired to do repairs in those towns, because the hostess are old and don't necessarily have modern construction/techniques used to build them. A team of young men fixed the roof on the house is renting once.

>> No.7859772

Houses. Yaaaaay, autocorrect.

>> No.7859782

Perhaps because longer arms are synonymous with taller height which correlates with being bigger.

>> No.7859829

it's not scalping if someone is willing to buy it. signed, successful scalper with dozens of happy customers.

>> No.7859841

taller doesn't mean fatter though, which is the issue

>> No.7860071

Paid her about $40 for SEAMAIL shipping once. Never again. Took three months to get here. Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.7860124

So is she just pocketing the extra money or is Canadian shipping really that crazy?

>> No.7860127
File: 81 KB, 262x303, calling bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>1/10 because I replied

>> No.7860132

5'10 here, 90cm is at my knees just fine.

>> No.7860149

Every so often I search for Puppet Circus on LM just in case it gets re-listed, and I noticed that the negative feedback was removed for canceling the sale? So I wonder how that happened. Did she finally give in and ship it? I bid on it so I kind if hoped he would repost it, though I wouldn't really trust her to ship it out even if I did win after what happened the first time

>> No.7860154
File: 636 KB, 1230x1070, lolno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe no one's posted this shit yet.
The aliexpess listing was already overpriced as fuck, so this girl is either stupid, greedy, or both

>> No.7860166

have you contacted a mod?
I think backing out of sale without good reason should be a first time bannable offense, because the 4 strikes thing is really not working

>> No.7860169

>dirt inside but can be washed
then why doesn't she fucking wash it?
i can't take these people who mention damage that is supposedly fixable but are too lazy to fix it themselves before selling -- especially things like cleaning!

>> No.7860174

Damages are one thing, some people can't actually sew or fix shit to save their lives and probably don't want to deal with fucking it up. Cleaning though, yeah seriously, and wtf dirt inside? Just dump it out and wipe it with a damp towel.

I half want to make a fake account on LM and call out all the shit sellers.

>> No.7860207

I wasn't the winning bid, but after she backed out of the sale and it got posted to BtB I decided to check back regularly. I saw that the girl who won left negative feedback, obviously. But the most recent time I checked I saw the negative feedback was removed. I also remember some anons saying the seller had multiple accounts, so I was even more surprised to see the negative feedback gone

>> No.7860240

Definitely both. That's a disgusting mark up and anyone with half a brain knows how to wipe up some dirt with a damp cloth. There's no excuse for a listing like that. Someone PLEASE make a secret about this lmao.

>> No.7860299

supply and demand, anon. why not sell highly demanded stuff for a higher price?! if it works and people are happy about it, it's fine.
I would never upload the same kind of crap to lace market a million times though. I'm rude, but not a complete asshole.

>> No.7860309

Are you talking about that girl who bought the skirt for over a thousand, and then relisted it as an auction that ultimately sold for under $300 or so? I was wondering what happened with that. I've seen the PC skirt go for around $300 a few times, that's definitely the right price for it...

>> No.7860420

No, it doesn't mean fatter, but it generally does mean you are larger proportionately unless all your height is in your legs. If you have a woman who is 5'5" and a woman who is 5'10", even if they're extremely similar proportioned and same body fat amount, they will wear very different sizes. Its like how even though a 28C and a 38C are both C cups and look the same size on both girls, a 38C is still bigger volume wise.

>> No.7860431

It doesn't bother me too much if they phrase it like, this item has dirt or a stain here and I will try to clean it before sending if you request. Cus some things are not easy to wash and they might be afraid of damaging it more. But just being like "this shit's dirty lol" isn't really that good of a sales pitch.

>> No.7860440

She bought the puppet circus skirt for $1100, made a new account and tried to sell it for $1100, no one bought it so she listed it as an auction starting at $1 and it ended at $250, got pissed off it was so low and tried to relist it again without notifying the winner I the bid. Bidder left negative feedback, and I just looked it up too, the negative feedback has indeed been removed for whatever reason.

>> No.7860451
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> be me, working
> helping Asian man with some blue crab claws
> "If you reduce the price, I'll buy all of it. It is good for me!"
> Sorry sir, I will lose my job. My manager is the only one that can authorize any markdowns.
> "Yayaya, but if you reduce the price, I'll buy all of it. It is good for me, you see."
> No, sir, I won't do that. I'll lose my job.
> "Ah, but it is good for me!"
> mfw I know this bitch understood what I was saying and didn't give a shit

>> No.7860466

It's probably fine. It's gonna be super wrinkled, but it will most likely be ok. Especially if it's within the same country.

I get packages EMS from Japan in heavy plastic bags all the time and they are fine.

The main reason people use the bubble mailers is they can do flat rate shipping a lot cheaper (inside the US) and international shipping as well I think?

>> No.7860474

Ok serious fucking questions:

>who are the mods
>what the fuck are they doing
>do they ever do their job

How did this scalper bitch not get banned for not only having 2 accounts, but got the neg feedback removed as well? In what world, how is that fucking possible?

>> No.7860492

Was that one that ended during the downtime, or lost time due to the down time? Maybe the seller claimed there was a glitch or downtime to get the listing invalidated?

>> No.7860502

Nah, son. Whoever told you that there's a Daiso in NYC lied to you. We only have Banzai which is a bunch of Korean people reselling Daiso products at J-list prices.

>> No.7860520

You mean Alice green tea startup company bullshit bitch?

>> No.7860545

If you scalp in the sense of first buying shit you don't want and only to resell it later, you're disturbing the system of supply and demand by making an item artificially more demanded than it actually is. So you're fucking with people for your own profit. It's more than just rude and I wish people wouldn't be stupid enough to buy from scalpers.

>> No.7860557


I've shipped dresses in taped up envelopes, and I don't know how to feel about this.

To be fair, mine are never "bursting", I always use a much bigger envelope. Although most envelopes aren't built to ship dresses in, so it's always a bit tricky to get a poofy dress into it, and they do have a kind of bursty look after being packed because the dress isn't flat like a stack of documents. I tape mine moreso to prevent theft, usually I only tape the envelope seams where I think someone is likely to pry it open, I leave the other end untaped since it'll be pretty obvious if someone tried to cut that side open so why waste tape.


tfw I've done this too, but only because the box was a prepaid box. No, my box was not deformed but I thought the sticky tape holding it shut was pretty weak so I taped the whole thing in every direction to discourage someone cutting open one side to take something out and then taping it back.

Am I a horror seller yet cgl? I ship next working day and all my items have gotten to my buyers thus far because I pay for tracking on every one. I wish more buyers were willing to pay me to ship in boxes, but honestly I'm getting buyers haggling me on prices or asking if I can ship it for free, so the cardboard box is the first thing to go since it adds to the shipping weight that the buyer doesn't want to pay for. Heck, I'd even giftwrap if you want, you just gotta ask and pay for it.

>> No.7860570

No, Alice handed over Lacemarket a few months ago. Pretty sure she sent an email out to every Lacemarket member explaining the possible closure of the site.
Have you been living under a rock?

>> No.7860573
File: 45 KB, 536x200, Screen Shot 2014-10-05 at 11.15.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scrolling thru tall tag
>mostly jsks and the occasional blouse
>"hmm this doesn't seem too bad why is cgl so-"
>dies of pic related

>> No.7860602

I saw this on eBay where they were claiming it was from baby. I can't believe there is someone in my city doing this stupid shit.

>> No.7860607

Omg what if this was also listed as plus sized friendly? I would fucking lose it.

>> No.7860610

It's plus sized friendly because you can use it to wipe the tears away when you realise you can never fit your dream dresses

>> No.7860612

Damn... I better buy it then

>> No.7860623
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lo and behold

>> No.7860630
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>> No.7860724

omg really?? I've seen that in aliexpress for like $25

>> No.7860757

My arms are 62 cm and I wear an xs

>true suffering

>> No.7860763

Mennonites are touch and go. I live bear both and while I can say that Mennonitesare way more chill, ssome of the men are definitely still Amish level scumbags.

Many, though, do treat women with a sense of respect, and even have the women run the family business while the men do the hard labor.

As other anon said, they're also very welcoming in terms of showing others their ways.

My cousin married a Mennonite guy, though, and he was a fucking lazy cunt. That was just him, of course.

>> No.7860769

No it doesn't? Tall thin girls with the same measurements as short thin girls will wear the same size, they just need longer clothing. And yes, there are lots of tall thin girls that aren't built like linebackers, believe it or not.

>> No.7860781

I don't like Voldie either but that's entirely her decision. Maybe it will sell, maybe not. Stop being so butthurt that she didn't fall on her knees to take anon up on an obviously bullshit offer.

>> No.7861136

Maybe I have crazy proportions then.

>> No.7861146

for your tallfag tears

>> No.7861173

Isn't that because her bag is the real MILK bag, and the AliExpress one is a replica? I still don't agree with the $100 price tag (I looked it up and she lowered it), but their heart bags go for a lot so maybe she was hoping this one would as well.

>> No.7861190 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 600x615, 1400213694600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There needs to be a strict way on what can and can't be labeled "plus sized lolita" or "tall lolita friendly"

I'm tall, and only 1/4th of the dresses in the "tall lolita tag" would actually fit me.

and accessories are lumped in that tag as well.

I'm sure plus sized lolitas have the same problem with tag spamming.

For someone that is over 5'10 I have to say
>haltertop dresses
>long skirts
>strapless dresses
>(and if your torso isn't long) long dresses
>jsks with adjustable straps
>salopettes with adjustable straps
>handmade shit that was made FOR a tall lolita

are tall girl friendly. anything else can PLEASE fuck off the tag.
you're blouses aren't going to fit my wide shoulders and long arms
the fuck you doing putting socks and accessories in there

because of this I don't use the "tall lolita" tag at all.

This list is IMPORTANT AS HELL, if you're a tall lolita use this to know what will fit you

and as a shorter lolita/seller, use this list to know how to properly use the tag. screenshot it or something, know where to find it in the archive.

>> No.7861193
File: 73 KB, 600x615, 1400213694600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There needs to be a strict rule on what can and can't be labeled "plus sized lolita" or "tall lolita friendly"

I'm tall, and only 1/4th of the dresses in the "tall lolita tag" would actually fit me.

and accessories are lumped in that tag as well.

I'm sure plus sized lolitas have the same problem with tag spamming.

For someone that is over 5'10 I have to say
>haltertop dresses
>long skirts
>strapless dresses
>(and if your torso isn't long) long dresses
>jsks with adjustable straps
>salopettes with adjustable straps
>handmade shit that was made FOR a tall lolita

are tall girl friendly. anything else can PLEASE fuck off the tag.
you're blouses aren't going to fit my wide shoulders and long arms
the fuck you doing putting socks and accessories in there

because of this I don't use the "tall lolita" tag at all.

This list is IMPORTANT AS HELL, if you're a tall lolita use this to know what will fit you

and as a shorter lolita/seller, use this list to know how to properly use the tag. screenshot it or something, know where to find it in the archive.

>> No.7861324

where in her post does it say MILK bag?

>> No.7861329


I'm short (5'1) but listed items as tall friendly. That said, all the op's/jsk's were well over 100cm.
At what length would you classify something as tall friendly? And at what size is it plus size friendly for that matter?
I used to be plus sized and at that time I wanted to post some of my items to a plus size fb community, but after reading their rules it was clear they didn't classify me as plus size and my items weren't allowed on there.
Since then their policy changed, but I thought it was odd as the garment fitted up to a 95cm bust.
I do think sales comms need to be more clear on that.

>> No.7861331

Probably at a point where dressrs stop being "just above the knee".
5'5 here, 100cm+ is just about right

>> No.7861340

Well I think it works for her, some of her stuff does get sold. Maybe just coz she has quite a lot of desirable things. The shipping is regarded though. Tracked shipping within Australia is far less than what she puts up.

>> No.7861363

I think 95cm isn't really plus size. That usually equates to about a US M-L depending on the clothing brand. While it's not small-sized, it's definately not plus. That's usually around a size 14/16 which is roughly 100cm or over in the bust (plus factoring in about 3cm of leeway for wiggle/breathing room). Something that at max would be 100cm probably wouldn't be plus because you'd need to be at the most, 97cm to wear it, preferably smaller. Which really just puts you about a US M or so. (Considering brands like IW list their L size items at ~100cm)

But then again you've got people who are like nothing less than 4L and full shirring is plus sized!!! So IDK.

>> No.7861451
File: 808 KB, 2448x3264, 188456-3767-2014-10-06553334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When I read "Melty Ribbon Chocolate Collar SET" for $580 with a $690 BIN I thought it would be everything, the JSK, the beret, jewelry, the socks...

>mfw just the JSK socks.

What makes it worse is:

>I wasn’t able to make my mind for the JSK I like the most so I buy it in pink and brown.

She bought both and is scalping one because she "couldn't decide." Fucking bitch. I wanted this dress and I could have bought it from AP SF which sold out in seconds. But no, she bought 2 just to decide which color she wanted and now is trying to sell it for such a high price, her other one will be half off.

I hope her house catches on fire.

>> No.7861453

Ugh wrong c/p. Her LM is: http://www.lacemarket.us/author/marjical/


>mfw just the JSK *and* socks

I'm so mad I can't type.

>> No.7861487

>She bought both and is scalping one because she "couldn't decide." Fucking bitch. I wanted this dress and I could have bought it from AP SF which sold out in seconds. But no, she bought 2 just to decide which color she wanted and now is trying to sell it for such a high price, her other one will be half off.

Stop being so fucking jelly, Anon. There are a lot of people who buy releases in different colours and later sell a colour or cut they don't like; and with popular releases it is only natural they decide to sell it for a higher price. I'm not an AP fan and I have no idea what this JSK should go for and how much she's scalping but holy shit, your attitude is really annoying. Fuck off and reserve the dress the next time yourself, and stop crying when other people were more successful in getting it or *dare* to reserve more than one piece. No one owes you a dress.

>> No.7861494

For me, 100cm+ is plus sized, which means the garment has to stretch at least 105 or something to allow for wiggle room.

I hope no one's gonna buy it for that price, that's ridiculous. I feel your pain, anon.

>> No.7861499


Are you new? AP doesn't do reservations. You can only buy it when it's on the website. If they did reserves you can bet there wouldn't be as much AP scalping as there is.

MRC is not as popular as she is scalping it to be either. It cost $300 brand new and the socks were about $35. Japanese auctions are already going back down to retail. She is just being a scalping bitch.

>> No.7861506

Not new, just never interested in AP (which is why I have no clue about ordering or their prices).

Still, she might be scalping, but that "Wah wah how dare she to buy two dresses???? ;__;" attitude is still annoying. I understand OP is jelly but no need to be so sandy about it.

>> No.7861513

>just never interested in AP/no clue about ordering or their prices
>gives advice about AP bloodbath sales and ridiculous scalping (which is the case here)


>> No.7861547

Actually, what this seller is doing IS really cunty.

Being indecisive is one thing, but for a release with so few pieces the least she could do is price it an amount where she would break even on the price + shipping and let another person who missed out have a chance.

Adding such a huge markup is obvious scalping. Let the bidding or demand speak for the value of the item.

>> No.7861594

Lower down on the listing (not screenshotted) it says "Brand: MILK"

>> No.7861595

Well, she's in Europe so it could be that she's factoring whatever customs fees she got charged into the price as well? Still way overpriced, though.

>> No.7861603

A markup that high is a bit much, but I wouldn't call it cunty even if she did manage to get two (I'm impressed more than anything.) If nobody buys it for that price then she'll be forced to lower it or not make a sale. If somebody buys it for that much, then oh well? There's not a big supply of it available.

I managed to get the same dress and I love it, I don't think I'd let it go for retail cost either considering how quickly it sold out.

>> No.7861618
File: 222 KB, 1002x486, boring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reported this when it was posted but it's still up. Is this really loliable? It's cute, but to me it just looks like a normal purse.

>> No.7861691

No, it isn't. I reported it as well because I'm tired of seeing normalfag shit all over the sales.

>> No.7861694
File: 239 KB, 997x598, lacemarketsell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7861702

Godammit I don't care about Voldie's shit. Why is she in so many godamm threads.

>> No.7861724

because there are like 1 or 2 anons who think its absolutely hilarous and important to talk about every time voldie blinks. It's really fucking sad if you think about it. She just goes about her business doing whatever and there's some babbies seething and frothing at the mouth because she exists.

Pathetic af

>> No.7861747

What did she even do to get these anons on her?
I met her IRL at a meet and she seems really normal. Talked about cats and stuff.

>> No.7861749

last time she was brought up in another thread like this some anon was like "wah wah shes two faced like all other tripfags"

Just seems like dumb 4channer reasoning

>> No.7861759

It's probably because she posts "too much". I used to namefag on another board pretty rarely and never spoke. Only posted images. Only in threads they were relevant to. 4chan's 99% underage and socially maladjusted, so put a name to anything and it creates something users want attention from, good or bad. And since 4chan's a grabbag of mental illness, there are people that will get jealous of literally anything if there's a name or face they can associate with it, no matter how average. No matter what it does. Let's just roll with it.

>> No.7861785


What is the best way to package second hand clothes (nothing over £50)?

I bought a few plastic shipping envelopes from ebay, and I've received stuff in similar ones before and never gave it a second thought. However, I want to avoid doing something people dislike.

The only place I know where to get boxes is the local post office, but they cost as much a the shipping itself. (I live in england)

>> No.7861806

This is getting pathetic.
>OMG guize, Voldie is selling a dress!! What a BITCH, right??

>> No.7861844

its because she's selling it for ~too much~ oh noes.

guess what, if someone feels so strongly about something costing too much, they aren't going to buy it. if they really fucking want it, they'll give her $200. If she's the only person in the universe selling that dress, it's $200, regardless of what you "feel" it should be. If someone else is selling it for $150 then fucking buy it from someone else

jesus christ people

>> No.7861851

plastic shipping envelopes should be fine. maybe cover it in some tissue paper or another bag to protect from potential leaks or anything.

I've sent skirts out in plastic bags all the time, I have a shit ton from the regular clothes I buy and they always get sent in those grey plastic bags. If you're in dire need of boxes you can always just go to a local grocery store and ask them when they get stock in, and ask if you can take some boxes. Most places dont give a fuck since they just toss them into a compactor anyway

>> No.7861881

You can get them from Poundland, 99p Store etc. I get all my packaging materials from there and I've never had any trouble. Also save the packaging that people send you when you receive items!

>> No.7861932

she upped it $50?

>> No.7861936

It's listed as $200, that must have been from a while ago. Also why do you even care? Looking to buy it?

>> No.7861937

I never cared about her until I saw this bullshit with the dress

>> No.7861944

hey, at least it actually belongs in the tall lolita section

>> No.7862145

I've "scalped" dresses plenty of times because it was the market price. It's hard to determine MRC's 'market value' right now because it's too new and I think people are slowlyy starting to get theirs in the mail. I often buy multiple dresses from the same series because it's really hard to figure out what's flattering on you when AP barely releases closeup photos/details.
>tfw bought the special set OP, JSK and tiered jsk from RRL. ended up selling both jsks for double retail price and spent the extra earnings on a AP shoes and accessories
>tfw spent almost a grand when the bookmark series came out. tried to resell the green and red for under retail but bitches be like "too expensive anon, didnt u know it went on sale?? ill offer you $120." no thanks ill just sit on all three dresses

Btw I bought 2 jsks, 2 berets, and a skirt from MRC.. Thinking about selling my mocha because I like the brown better. U mad?

>> No.7862190

Have you thought about how fake she is in person? She clearly has a persona irl, so likely she isnt actually that person you talked to for maybe a little while at most. The hate really has to do with what she has said on cgl before, she said a lot of shit before in some past drama, still seems to be the same way when caught here shitposting, and most people are wary of her existence.

>> No.7862196

who gives a shit. who cares. no one cares anymore. no one but you and how fucking sad is it that your existence revolves around caring about what one person posts about on the internet

you're literally worse than ebola-chan posters

>> No.7862237
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, 1399327285638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how fucking sad is it that your existence revolves around caring about what one person posts about on the internet

butting in to say: this argument you're making is a pretty stupid one.

just because someone doesn't like someone else because of things that they've seen/heard them say, doesn't mean they are obsessed with that person and that they have no life outside disliking that person. people make judgments based on others' actions and words.

for example, your logic confounds and frustrates me, but that doesn't mean my existence revolves around caring about what you post on 4chan. you catch my drift?

you remind me of those people who spew that "haters make me famous! omg haters r sooo obsessed with me" bullshit.

>> No.7862247

No this all happened after the switch. but it was drama everywhere, it was discussed here, there were secrets about it, it all went down on LM, how did the mods miss all that? I refuse to believe they didn't know anything about it. But I don't even know who it got handed over to so...

>> No.7862253

How much is Bookmark going for now? (assuming you know)
I recently discovered it and I really love it

>> No.7862297

Are there really only Daiso in those two states? Damn I was unaware. I just moved from SoCal to another state and now I'm pissed I didn't hit up my Daiso more often. Always got a bunch of cute cheap shit there when I could....

>> No.7862339

It's really hard to tell because everyone keeps being stuck on the idea that it was so unpopular it went on sale, probably because the stock photos were crappy. It's SO much prettier in real life! Since it's starting to show up more on peoples wishlists id say around $180-$200, although I wouldn't be willing to sell mine for that price

>> No.7862386

Alright thank you!
I didnt think the stock pictures were that bad though. that green color is beautiful.

>> No.7862395

I honestly don't even know why people hate on her, but then again I don't really pay attention to her. Maybe because of her trip? idk.

>> No.7862397

I just bought the green JSK for just under $300, I have seen the brown go for $400. Took me forever to find it though and be able to get it, i'm talking 1 year + of actively searching. I think has a bit of value because it never comes up for sale and most people are keen on keeping theirs. It also depends on the colorway too, I don't think the black is as sought after.

>> No.7862423
File: 377 KB, 1277x676, Screen Shot 2014-10-06 at 11.11.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7862426

No, I'm 5'8'' and 90 cm is way too short for me.

>I've got decently long legs too

>> No.7862428

Oh my god.
What the fuck.

>> No.7862457

Pretty surprised the brown goes for so much, it's the ugliest imo. I guess I'll just keep an eye out and have some money set aside. Mostly hoping for Green/Red

>> No.7862485

I always package tape the fuck out of my packages just to add an extra layer of tear and leak protection. I've never had any complaint regarding the packaging, even when it's been a bit stuffed.

>> No.7862515
File: 140 KB, 750x750, 1407739939465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>agree to sell skirt $100 under asking prize for a girl because she complained it was expensive.
>ask if she can pay it of in three months


>> No.7862519


You do know that post office and delivery companies can refuse to ship/mail packages that have excessive tape? if you don't want em to open the packages too, then be cautious of over taping

>> No.7862525


Bitches be cheap. This is why we should encourage the stereotype that lolita is a hobby only the rich can afford. It would weed out the unmentionables pretty fast.

>> No.7862543

naw, anything under 100cm and I'm screwed over.

>> No.7862546

alright I meant to respond to you earlier but lets put this in here too
as for length, I'm assuming 100cm or longer?

>> No.7862567

I haven't had a problem so far. Maybe it's just CanadaPost? The woman told me it was fine as long as the barcode and mailing stickers weren't covered. I't really only the edges I do anyhow

>> No.7862619
File: 128 KB, 977x537, screenshot-www lacemarket us 2014-10-07 06-48-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you want it cheaper.

>> No.7862620

different dress, and it's not brand.

>> No.7862623
File: 167 KB, 986x363, really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot believe this is still up.

>> No.7862624

I'm 5'10" and 90cm reaches a few inches above my knees, but is definitely long enough for me. Not sure what that means.

>> No.7862628


I live kind of near her and the shipping here really is ridiculous . I don't know if location has something to do with it but I live in BC before and I mailed a dress untracked to france for 10$ (I think it would have been 23ish tracked), then I move to AB and I go to mail a dress to somewhere around that area and I was told the cheapest option was 43$ and tracked would be 60$. Its fucking ridiculous.

That being said, I have no idea why she charged somebody 88$ of shipping........................

>> No.7862636

She didn't ask upfront before haggling? I'd tell her to suck a fat one at that point. Sales be damned with that sort of idiot.

>> No.7862673


>> No.7862778

I offerd it for the BIN price... Which I stated clearly.

>> No.7862782

Let the hunger games begin

>> No.7862785

yes but anon is saying that at the same time not every tall girl is slim and would need a bigger and taller size. I understand your problem too though, I know someone who can barely buy jeans at all because they're never long and small enough.

>> No.7862788

I meant that she didn't say she needed three months to pay before she started whining about the price, which marks her as an awful person to be dealing with.

>> No.7862827 [DELETED] 

I think your confused anon. That's Royal Gate. Not the popular Iron Gate.

>> No.7862831

I think you are confused anon. That is Royal Gate, not the popular Iron Gate.

>> No.7862832

Why is the dress so green looking?

>> No.7862915

No she didn't, and her excuse were that she bough two skirts of the same print that month...

>> No.7863160

Voldie also posts about herself on here.

>> No.7863162

so? shes allowed to post about herself.

>> No.7863408

So what? You're way more annoying than her at this point, her posts are usually fine.

>> No.7863429

Talking about yourself is fine, but bringing up how you were raped in practically every other thread is not. She hasn't done it in a while, but that's really what put a sour taste in my mouth about her in the first place.

>> No.7863434

Um... Evidently I am too new because I've never seen that but uh, what on earth? I mean, at least she doesn't do that anymore, right?

>> No.7863442

I'm not the person you responded to, but you're super dumb.

They're clearly talking about how people on here rabidly attack Voldie no matter how minor her posts are. It is pretty obsessive and pathetic.

Her logic frustrating you and you getting annoyed at ONE post is clearly not the same thing as the Voldie shit. Many people aren't even sure what the fuss is about with that.>>7861513

>> No.7863446

Ignore the post reference at the end. My phone's screen is fucked and caused me to accidentally tack it on.

>> No.7863450

Yeah, I think it's why she has so many people who still have a grudge against her. That, and her shit attitude when it comes to responding to any negative attention (whether it's concrit or trolling).
This thread is a fair example.

She's gotten better about putting up a sweet and helpful facade but if you interact with her more than once or twice she's just really grating and immature.

>> No.7863462

how pathetic is it for anons to attack someone, then hold a grudge for half a year when they lose it?

>> No.7863468


>> No.7863487

At least in my case, it's less of a grudge and more of a "oh, that's not a person I want to associate with ever". I don't go around telling her to shut up in every thread though, I just make it a point never to talk to or buy from her.

>> No.7863489

Honestly anon, I don't even dislike voldie as a person, but she does have a shitty attitude, and part of 4chan is to let yourself have a shit attitude but just be a fish in a pond. I can understand why people would call her out, and honestly it's only been recently with this tumblr influx that tripfags weren't basically burned at the stake. Plus, it's not always certain that it's the same couple of people bitching.

>> No.7863513

Not that anon, but you're super dumb, too.
I kid, that's a lame and uncalled for insult just 'cos of a disagreement with/misunderstanding of someone's point.

I'm fairly sure >>7862237 was criticizing >>7862196 for their overreaction to the post they were responding to >>7862190. If you're pressed about someone's behavior ("rabidly attacking Voldie no matter how minor"), bitch to the person(s) you're referring to, not to someone who was just answering a question asking about why people dislike Voldie.

I get you, though. The whole fuss about her is silly.

>> No.7863681

am i just having bad luck or are people just full of shit these days?
> past month: 10 sales
> 2 cases of "-insert relative of choice here- died and i completely forgot to pay due to niagara falls of tears shed over that loss, i couldn't even see my computer"
> 3 cases of "i was in a horrifying car crash and almost died, couldn't pay due to being in a coma, duh"
> 1 case of "surprise, landlord raised my rent, can't pay but would you like to donate to my lunch fund so i won't starve for the rest of the month lololol"
> 1 case of "little sister used my credit card, no idea who you are or what you're selling"
> 1 case of "really wanted to buy this brand piece from you but now i just found a replica for half the price, so would you go 50% lower?"
i can't.

>> No.7863701

Wow that is shit luck. I only had one case of "oops I didn't mean to click through all those confirmation pages and buy it"

>> No.7863713

> hear about Daiso for the first time, google that shit
> get all excited, so many cute things!!
> no overseas shipping
> i hate everything

>> No.7863793

who are you on lm? I want to buy all of your stock right now out of sympathy.

>> No.7863819

Agreed, gimme that username.

>> No.7863823
File: 30 KB, 500x313, 295023751203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7863824

Would you be angry if someone was like "sorry i changed my mind". Sometimes i feel like the sob stories are more annoying than saying you don't want it. Though I guess some people want to feel more validated and seem less rude if they changed their mind?

>> No.7863828

>> 2 cases of "-insert relative of choice here- died and i completely forgot to pay due to niagara falls of tears shed over that loss, i couldn't even see my computer"

In fairness the stress over losing a relative can lead to forgetting a lot of things. That might not be bullshit.
The rest of them are bullshit.

>> No.7863829

Changing your mind/backing out on a sale gets you negative feedback. Sob stories get you a side-eyed glance and possible pass. So of course people aren't going to be honest about why they aren't paying.

>> No.7863913

Possible explanations:
> hip/butt size
> length of torso
> length of legs

>> No.7864058

>putting your starting bid price only $20 less than the buy it now price
what's even the point?

>> No.7864263

I've done exactly this. When you like a dress but are making a sales post and realize you probably should sell it, but don't want to, jacking up the price a little is a good way to make yourself feel better about the choice.

>> No.7864421
File: 53 KB, 552x218, bitchesuhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it annoying when people freely label things as "rare". Just because the dress is sold out on the site does not make it rare.

>> No.7864507

That's awful anon. I haven't really had any bad selling experiences yet, except for some people being much slower than expected in payment plans due to unfortunate life circumstances or slow communication, but that's not a big deal.

>> No.7864942

60 and 88 aren't that different, anon.
Maybe the dress she was selling was just heavy enough to bump it up a weight category or she used a box.

>> No.7865854

I used to be a well known user in other site and people just hold grudges against you just like irl

Can be pathetic but the best thing you could do is maybe remove yourself from that spotlight if you can. I think shit would be better for Voldie if she dropped the trip and didn't respond to hate the way she does.

>> No.7865921
File: 149 KB, 961x345, 6f4516c905525f413679b7292182572b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking with me

>> No.7865923

What is wrong with this?

>> No.7865925

Who is fucking with who?

>> No.7865933

Do you...not see the price?

>> No.7865936

That is a fine price for this jsk. They started the bidding low. It should go up a lot.

>> No.7865939

the real mistake you made was posting it here, cause more people are going to find it now

>> No.7865943

I'm not even bidding on it so I don't care.

>> No.7865991

I wish all auctions were like this. I love seeing the true value of items via bid war, but that bin option ruins it.

>> No.7866330

Same here. I'd love to see for a super-rare piece to be listed at like $1 starting bid, with no BIN, and see the bloodbath ensue.

>> No.7866335

Lacemarket isn't big enough yet

>> No.7866378

>and didnt repond to hate the way she does
anon, she hasn't replied to hate in months, what planet are you living on? and she still got shit when she dropped trip.

>> No.7866432
File: 36 KB, 320x342, 1410921970563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Voldie uses trip
"ugh what an attention whore I hate her so much she should stop using the dumb name"
>Voldie drops trips
"Jesus Christ we know that's you Voldie, what's the point in dropping the trip? Might as well leave it on hurr"

>> No.7866754

That berriecute seller is starting to irk me. I could understand their high prices on brand items, obv. if something is limited-release and expensive you want to get a good return on your investment when you sell it, whatever.
But forty dollars for damaged bodyline shoes, plus twenty dollars in shipping? what a gyp.

>> No.7867241

That girl is a bitch. Somebody asked "how much for just the socks?" and she said 70 euros. And when said buyer said "oh well... uh... they were 17 euros now" she said "I was hit by customs, so if you don't like the price, go buy a replica"

>> No.7867248

Customs are not double the price of the dress.

>> No.7867258


>> No.7869115

I've been wondering this myself. After Alice handed over the site when she got called out, the supposed new mods have been a complete mystery and there's been no transparency as to wtf they even do despite being all over cgl beforehand to make plans.

I don't like not knowing who the mods are- yeah, the lolita comm is shitty and you're going to be scrutinized for being a mod, but that's the price you pay. I think it's shady.

>> No.7869121

They're selling on consignment, I believe. So they price up to make a profit after paying the person they're selling on behalf of.

At any rate, I'm surprised the account is still active, since people were threatening to report it (the owner has at least one, possibly two other LM accounts).

>> No.7869134

IIRC berricute is Alyssiumbaby. They banned her from comm_sales for having multiple accounts already. She's friends with Marie from ODIP as well I believe.

>> No.7869143

Agreed. Rare!!/Popular!!/Sold out!!/etc, whatever grabwords they use, is so annoying. If the piece truly is popular, rare or whatever, people will know it and the response will speak for itself. People need to realize this isn't ebay.

I don't understand how berriecute/alyssiumbaby is still allowed to operate with multiple accounts, it's supposed to be against the rules. There are other accounts I suspect of being them as well.

>> No.7869430
File: 339 KB, 1001x677, seriously.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't as bad as other examples on this thread, but it rubs me the wrong way when a seller sells a dress they bought from someone else for more than what they originally paid for, even if it's a little bit more. Might just be me, idk.
Pic is one example. I forgot to take a screengrab when the listing had 140 for bid and 200 for BIN.

Another one was a wonder queen set that was sold literally a day after feedback was given for $40 more. The seller even reused the pictures from the original owner. It got sold before I could report for that, though I doubt that would've done anything.

>> No.7869701

I think this is kind of nitpicky. $10 difference, and she's shipping it for free? It's not like she's trying to make a profit, perhaps she wants compensation for shipping materials and effort involved taking it to the post office.

Or she could be weird like me, and I have a strange obsession with the number 5. 150 is a much more appealing number to me than 140.

>> No.7869709

Agreed, I always sell my dresses at a multiple of 5. If something has a 5 in it, that makes me happy. 145 or 135 would have been fine though... And she could have made shipping paid...

>> No.7869713

I know it's nitpicky, I did say it wasn't as extreme as the others with outright scalping.
And though I can understand the cost of shipping materials and going to the post office, I know from experience that it doesn't cost an extra 10 bucks.

Though I can agree that it might possibly be the preference for 5. Personally, I prefer numbers ending in a 0.

>> No.7869940

If you really want some stuff, I quite literally live about 50ft from a Daiso, I can see it waking up sort of deal.

tigrefunk at gmail

>> No.7869947


This looks to me like she received it, and discovered it just did not suit her. Maybe it fits wrong in the bust, maybe she's short waisted and drowns in the bodice, maybe she just does not look as good in black as she had anticipated. I mean, it's a 10 dollar difference with free domestic shipping. Don't be sandy.

>> No.7870091

I saw that and couldn't believe that was allowed to be sold.

>> No.7870098 [DELETED] 

I will forever hate myself for missing out on the short brown version of this being sold for $100. The one patch of days I didn't check LM is when it went up.

>> No.7870100

I will forever hate myself for missing out on the brown version of this being sold for $100. The one patch of days I didn't check LM is when it went up.

>> No.7870156

Shipping is only free for domestic, which was what it was on the original one.

>> No.7870192

Oh, man, you are a lifesaver! I'll definitely be emailing you soon.

Now if someone here does an Ichibankan service, my life would be complete.

>> No.7870196

I've started to see an influx of unidentifiable usernames with no feedback get into bid wars or purchase the BIN on obviously scalped items.
Are scalpish sellers just trying to save face by creating fake accounts?

>> No.7870230


That's basically why I'm kind of annoyed with her all the time. She's gotten better for sure but I think it's just more to lie low than a genuine change of personality.

I don't go grudge posting her but damn I would love it if she took off her trip. My eyes twitch whenever I see her.

>inb4 you're so obsessed with her!

Have you ever had a classmate you disliked but tolerated? She's like that. We all have people we dislike, whiteknights. I'm just not surprised she has a few grudge anons following her around. It's fucking 4chan after all.

>> No.7870235

>Have you ever had a classmate you disliked
It's OK, I know what you mean. Like that one person that gets under your skin that everything they do irritates you to an irrational level to the point where the way that they breathe, drink from their mug, hold their pen, fuck, everything they do DRIVES YOU INTO A RAGE.

Yeah, I've been there.

>> No.7870440

People have no idea how to auction

>> No.7870482


To be fair, I think it's still not quite widely used enough to be suspicious of zero-feedback accounts. Especially if what they've done is purchased the BIN on some item, I'm not sure how that works to falsely raise prices, because all I can think about is that it's going to look weird if that same item in the same condition with the same price pops up again, even under a third account.

>> No.7870577
File: 105 KB, 640x523, tall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully many people saw this

>> No.7870594

Neg feedback for all!

>> No.7871926
File: 199 KB, 967x437, fafuckisthisshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>halter tops
always thought this dress was so ugly...

>> No.7871929

*RARE* because no one fucking wants it

Would use as toilet paper tho

>> No.7871935

it really looks like a costume dress.>>7871929

>> No.7871956
File: 41 KB, 800x412, 193159-6441-2014-10-12315942.PNG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me this seller is a troll. I mean...they have to be, right?

>> No.7871961
File: 248 KB, 956x323, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really cute but the going price is consistently around 160 USD shipped domestic for all colourways... I'd buy it in a heartbeat if it wasn't so overpriced..

>> No.7871967

Bitch eating crackers.

>> No.7871973

Make an offer, then. The seller might be willing to work with you if you show other finished auctions/sales that ended at a lower price.

>> No.7871985

I considered it, but for 210+10.50 shipping I feel like I might end up just being ignored or scoffed at..

>> No.7872010

Yeah I was eying that. There's something about the majority of the French sellers on there, they seem really... off.

>> No.7872028

Well, it's worked for me. But you might be right- doesn't look like the seller is in a hurry to unload it. Best of luck, anyway!

>> No.7872032

Thank you! I'm sure another one will surface soon!

>> No.7873841

you ever where a haltertop dress? you can adjust where you tie it, so you can have the dress higher or lower on you.

at first I believed this was bulshit but then I tried on a burando haltertop jsk
then everything was magical.