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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 49 KB, 480x640, 4_020008000022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7858683 No.7858683 [Reply] [Original]

>wear an obi-ita with that yukata !

I never heard that stuff before. Seriously, an obi-ita with an hanhaba ?

Kitsuke discussion, seasonal kimono and new items in your collection thread, go.

>> No.7858712
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Mamechiyo is just awesome !

>> No.7858715
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Favourite ever

>> No.7858720
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>> No.7858723
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>> No.7858753
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I love these threads.

>> No.7858762
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>> No.7858764
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>> No.7858770
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>> No.7858773
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>> No.7858775
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>> No.7858778
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>> No.7858780
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>> No.7858782

I'm tall as fark, how much would it be to commish one?

>> No.7858783
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>> No.7858788
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>> No.7858799

Depends on the type of kimono. Yukata can be around 100$, komon around 200$+, formal kimono would start around 800$+.
If you sew you could easily modified traditionnal pattern for them to fit you.

>> No.7858802
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I've seen only ONE listing for a custom fit yukata on Etsy that wasn't absolute shit and it was $177. I'll check a few other resources and get back to you. I'd expect that to be around what you'll pay though.

>> No.7858804

Thank you based hakama anon, I love you. Hakama will rule the world !

>> No.7859056
File: 254 KB, 1280x948, tumblr_mcl8y5nFfQ1qho2vlo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unf this thread was made for me. I love hakama so much. This is the picture that made me fall in love with kimono (and hakama especially, of course).

What's anon's opinion on wearing hakama? Officially they're only for graduation ceremonies, but I love them so much I just want to wear them everywhere, tbh.

Any good sauces on hakama kitsuke? I can't really imagine how you tie an obi under hakama.

>> No.7859060

Hakama wear worn with yabane komon by female students during Meiji period as a uniform, so it's something you can wear if you go overtly Meiji or kimono-hime style I guess. You use an hanhaba obi under a hakama.

>> No.7859063

Forgot to add that I love the Meiji style to pieces and that hakama are freacking nice to wear because you can actually walk normally with them.

>> No.7859246

I saw a lot of people mentionning skulls used as a traditionnal kimono pattern, never seen it thought. Is that an actual thing ? To whom do I need to throw my money at to posses this ?

>> No.7859251
File: 69 KB, 600x600, img60591299[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another hakama lover here, beautiful thread.

>> No.7859599
File: 51 KB, 358x548, 79dc758f0547ffefdba7c37a7ba4eaa8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how the obi under a hakama sorta looks like an obiage under an obi.

>> No.7859660
File: 866 KB, 480x360, tumblr_my2mw6ZrbQ1rz5dl6o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered my first kimono. Can't friggin wait to wear it!
I can already feel how addictive this hobby's gonna be.

>> No.7860001
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Continuing again...

Most welcome. Last few threads, people asked for hakama coordinates, so I figured I'd open with those this time.

>> No.7860005
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>> No.7860008
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>> No.7860013
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>> No.7860015
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>> No.7860016
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>> No.7860017

>that beautiful green one on the right.

>> No.7860020
File: 137 KB, 500x670, tumblr_m1f98tdlXr1qdjxa0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything other than hakama that people want to see?

People have made requests in previous threads:

>men in kimono
>westerners/non-Japanese in kimono
>pets in kimono
>different types of kimono
>particular motifs on kimono
>et cetera

>> No.7860025
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>> No.7860027

what do you do if you have large breasts? are kimonos just generally going to look poor on you?

>> No.7860030

I'd like to see men's outfits please.

>> No.7860031
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>> No.7860032

would also like to know the answer to this

>> No.7860034

Adding to this, what are the ideal measurements for wearing kimono? Like, how tall can you be at most and such.

>> No.7860036
File: 95 KB, 740x1280, 1aab6564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wear a sports bra or binder and selective padding on your waist to even it out. You can get a nice shape, it just takes practice.

>> No.7860037

she is the fiercest bitch, i love it

>> No.7860040

westerners/non japanese in kimono pls

also different types

someone mentioned skulls as motif, would sort of like to see that as well if possible

tyia anon

>> No.7860041
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Kimono are just long rectangles. There's no height restriction, but if you're over 5'8" and female, it's better to go custom than try to find readymade that will fit. And even then, there's a trend for women to wear their kimono shorter/folded higher to show off cute boots and socks at present. I'll post some of those later.

>> No.7860047
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>> No.7860049


i have a binder and considered that, but using padding on the waist is an idea i'd never thought of before, thank you!

>> No.7860050


Gradient hakamas are my favourite.

>> No.7860054
File: 113 KB, 350x521, tumblr_m56w3bZ1Fp1r80ryqo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll see what I can find in terms of skulls. I don't think I have any saved off the top of my head though.

>> No.7860057
File: 81 KB, 500x333, tumblr_m1vcvxH3Tm1r80ryqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Waist padding is actually something that is done with pretty much all kimono above a yukata. You can sometimes find pads for sale on Rakuten and the like, usually in the same section as the various bunko pillows.

There should be a few tutorials on Immortal Geisha to show you how to do it. I personally just use a folded hand towel and that's pretty effective.

>> No.7860061
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>> No.7860062
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>> No.7860064
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>> No.7860068
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>> No.7860070
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>> No.7860074
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>> No.7860076
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>> No.7860077

I love these threads! I have nothing to contribute, though, so I'll just be lurking around for as long as this continues. Thanks! (Polite sage)

>> No.7860081
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>> No.7860086
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>> No.7860090
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>> No.7860094
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>> No.7860095
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>> No.7860097

Is that one actually made of denim?... I kind of like the idea...

>> No.7860098
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Just about out of men to post ... I'll do non-Japanese kimono wearers next, but I'm going to go grab something to eat and do some housework.

>> No.7860100

What sites(s) would you suggest are best to learn as much about the different styles, tying, and colors/prints? I've wanted to get into collecting/making as a hobby and would appreciate some recommended resources.

Thank you!

>> No.7860101

Very probably. You can find them now and then. I'm not sure what prompted the trend, but it does exist apparently.

>> No.7860106

Everyone says it, but Immortal Geisha is probably the best resource out there in English. There are a few blogs (The Kimono Lady, Strawberry Kimono) that are also good, but the forums on Immortal Geisha have the answer to virtually every question you could ever ask.

>> No.7860113

Also, I find these sites very helpful in terms of learning the basics for putting them on:


The second is in Japanese, but has easy to follow, animated diagrams for each knot.

>> No.7860509
File: 137 KB, 500x333, tumblr_n53y0juOCI1siipepo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And picking up with non-Japanese people in kimono.

>> No.7860514
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>> No.7860515
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>> No.7860518
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>> No.7860519
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>> No.7860523
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>> No.7860527
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>> No.7860530
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>> No.7860533
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>> No.7860541
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>> No.7860547

Any suggestions for buying clothing for tall-ish men, like 6ft or so. Despite being tall he is ridiculously skinny, wears Japanese small etc.

>> No.7860553
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>> No.7860561
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Look for LL sized yukata and he should be okay. You want one that has a length of about 150cm. The width isn't going to matter, it's all about the length.

>> No.7860564
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>> No.7860572
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should also say that the yukata thing is your baseline. It's cheaper to get a yukata to test the length than to buy a full set with haori and hakama, and so forth. If the yukata at 150cm is a good fit, the same will go for other pieces aimed at that general length (mitake). Width matters less because you wrap and fold them around the body.

>> No.7860577
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>> No.7860579
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>> No.7860585
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>> No.7860591
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>> No.7860596
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>> No.7860604
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>> No.7860606
File: 51 KB, 313x750, audrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And last non-Japaese kimono wearer shall be the always beautiful Ms. Hepburn.

>> No.7860633


>> No.7860677
File: 149 KB, 500x333, tumblr_m1r1y5lKO91r1vjn3o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post a few.

>> No.7860681
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Ignore my shitty screenshot.
I save most of these for reference later.

>> No.7860682
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>> No.7860685
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>> No.7860691
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A helpful chart.

That's all from me.

>> No.7860785

And obi-ita makes an obi look better no matter the formality, IMO. It's just about keeping things tidy and smooth.

>> No.7860831

Me, seing all these beautifull traditional japanese clothes and taking in my mind that I might never were any of these because >venezuela

>> No.7860872
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Assuming one already has a decent bra, how do you wear a kimono with a large bust and a small waist?

I've always admired the way traditional clothing looked, but stiff fabrics and the cylinder shape make me look so..ungainly.

What do?

>> No.7860875

Answered that up thread, but 1: sports bra or binder and 2: waist padding. With a yukata it's not going to matter much, people won't fuss. More formal than that, you want to pad your waist so your bust and hips are fairly even.

A firm obi-ita helps as well, since it prevents the obi from "clinging" as you move.

>> No.7860877

You don't. It's supposed to be worn like that, and it's most unflattering for anyone with a bit of shape but there is no way around.
If you like traditionnal silk and all, a lot of designer do upcycle old kimono into dresses and everday wear.

>> No.7860882


Sorry, I came in at the last and didnt see your post. Thanks for your reply!
I hadnt thought of padding- I'll have to look into that.

Upcycling sounds kinda cool, too. Do they use that specific term over there? I've been doing some shopping online, and it'd be cool to know some keywords to try.

>> No.7860890

If you are Europe based, there is a few shops doing it here. Otherwise, I don't know the words in japanese because I rarely see upcycled full kimonos from Japan. It's mostly westernes who do that.

>> No.7860894

Takuya Angel is one brand that does upcycling, but his designs are mostly rave-gear-esque and not really suitable for day to day looks for most people. There's another, more casual brand, but I can't remember the name.

>> No.7860896


Ok! I'll try some Western stores then.
Maybe kimonos arent so out of my reach, afterall.

>> No.7860902
File: 257 KB, 461x801, TA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Woah, im looking at the Takuya site now, and youre right, a lot of it is pretty trippy.

But in a cool way.

I dunno, I like the look of this weird bustle skirt theyve got going here:


I wonder if I could pull this off with more la mode- stuff...

>> No.7861529

God it's awesome. I love how the styling makes it appears nearly African, this is really clever.

Also, sauce on >>7860533 because I have a sudden need.

>> No.7861579


>> No.7861631


I really want a goldfish one like this. :( I just want a cute yukata with a pre-made obi because I'm the most basic of bitches but god I wanna rock a goldfish yukata so bad 'cause I've always had weird 'goldfish' nicknames.

I just don't think white girls look right in kimono so I'm too afraid to do it and look like a mega-weeb.

>> No.7861645

I found some cheap komons and hakamas on rakuten. Is ok to buy?



>> No.7861754

That one was a collaboration between Ahcachum Muchacha and Kera? I believe. I'll try to find the details for you.

>> No.7861762

Found it. Ahcachum Muchacha x Mamechiyo


Looks to be sold out, though. I haven't found other stores whose listings are even still live. Sorry, anon.

>> No.7861770

Reviews are positive, but more importantly, recent. They're probably safe to buy from.

My only concern is that these are "tailored" listings, so communication may get tricky if they think you need a customised piece. My Japanese isn't amazing, so I'd suggest finding someone who can translate a bit better than Google/a novice like me, just to be safe.

>> No.7862090

That's actually not a yukata. You can tell because of the fabric. It's proably a homongi or komon. There are different formalities of kimono (yukata, komon, homongi, tsukage, etc.). I hate it when weaboos call every type of a kimono a "yukata". Bitch, that is not how kimono works.

>> No.7862445

I'll ask a friend to translate for me, but thanks anon!

>> No.7862585

Thanks anon ! I have a Japanese friend over there willing to browse second hand shop for me, I told her to look for mamechiyo or mamechiyo-like kimono and obi. Maybe, with a bit of luck...

On another note, my hakama have just been shipped ! I can't wait to wear it ! I wanted a gradient one but I choose a black one with embroidery for versatility. Polyester too, so I can just wash it whenever it's needed.

>> No.7862720

A place to buy kanzashi ?
Especially looking for modern kanzashi on the bigger side.

>> No.7862848

If you like Lolita fashion, try "Date Eri"(伊達襟).

>> No.7862850

If you like Lolita fashion, try "Date Eri"(伊達襟).

>> No.7862858

I don't...see why ? Surely you mean that we can use lolita motives on han'eri, which is not a new thing to do at all.

>> No.7863523

Anon, you've been amazing so far! Thank you for great pics and tips.
If you're still taking requests, I'd love to see kimono worn with more modern accessories, like different shoes or headwear, or with fur collars (love that look), or really ornate obi-accessorizing, a bit like >>7860685 I guess. I love modern takes on kimono.
(And I can't find affordable zori in my size, gdi. So I'll have to improvise on footwear, and I'd like to see some inspiration for that.)

>> No.7863534


Whoa you don't have to be mad. I meant yukata as in bath robe as in lighter informal one because I live in a really hot area and I don't know how to put a full kimono on anyway. I wasn't trying to rustle jimmies I just liked the pattern.

>> No.7863548
File: 11 KB, 236x248, 26440e927e77c2ce7d7e67f40824294a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I just got myself thinking. Hats. Wouldn't a cloche hat be absolutely adorable with a kimono? Especially with a fur collar.

>> No.7863563

So I have a small kimono collection I'm considering selling off. I haven't worn them or practiced my kitsuke in years because tumblr has really put a sour taste in my mouth for westerners wearing kimono and I know it shouldn't bother me as much as it does but I really just don't want to put up with the SJW backlash. Not to mention, I'm not active in the community at all anymore. Where would be the best place to sell these items if I decide to part with them?

>> No.7863581

If you are pn the immortal geisha facebook group, some people do sell their stuff there. Ebay of etsy can work too.

>> No.7863582
File: 91 KB, 480x640, 2_020008000023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm effraid you'll have to bear with my mamechiyo obession, anon-chan. I would selfpost if I hav nice pictures of me wearing kimono, but most of them are...well, not good enought for /cgl/ standards anyway.

>> No.7863589


That was probably pretty common in the Japan of the 1920's, go for it!

>> No.7863592
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>> No.7863598
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>> No.7863601
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>> No.7863605
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>> No.7863610
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I thought I had more, sorry !

>> No.7863613

You totally can, hat wear super trendy in Meiji time and cloche hat must have been all the rage in the 20's. Nice kitten heels or boots and some cute tapestry handbag and you're all set.

>> No.7864261
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>> No.7864398

This is great. I'm 158cm for 59kg last time I checked, and my 152cm kimono is a bit short but my 158cm ones fit perfectly, so it's totally on point.

>> No.7866421


>> No.7866433

Oh my god this is amazing. Are those still silk komon or are they cotton? The material seems thicker than the ones I have with the way it's folding.

>> No.7866451

It looks like polyester komono from what I see.

>> No.7866630

Hey guys, I was wondering how easy would it be to use transfer on polyester kimonos ? And what about fabric paint ? I wanted to make my own modern printed kimono, but I never painted polyester before.

>> No.7866989

there's also h.naoto gouk

>> No.7868808
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>tfw you will likely never wear that because you are a man ;_;

>> No.7869083

Bunch of people crossdress in traditionnal Japanese arts, especially dance and theatre, so having a man wearing a woman kimono happens. Not to mention that I know several guys who takes kitsuke practice and just wear kimono during these times. Don't dismiss your dream, anon, you will too be a beautiful furisode girl.

>> No.7869090

Is there a basic guide describing who should wear what sort of garment at what sort of events?

IIRC a furisode is meant to be worn my unmarried girls of marrying age, is there a page with other info like that, on when it's appropriate to wear different kinds of kimono?

>> No.7869114

This might help:

The rules of kitsuke are much different depending on whether you're being super traditional or a bit more modern with your wear, by the way. So unless you're going to a formal function, most enthusiasts don't mind if you bend the rules (meaning that a furisode can be worn by married women as well, but most of the time the style of obi, the colours, etc. all change).

This applies to colours as well. There are certain "age appropriate" colours (darker, sombre shades don't come into it until most women are in their 40s or older), but it seems like a lot of people ignore that pretty frequently.

The only thing I see people *really* adhere to are seasonal requirements (and even that is bending with time; sakura used to be spring only, or chrysanthemums autumn only, but are both now pan-seasonal as an overall "Japanese" motif). The kimono lady blog has a pretty good guide for seasonal motifs/patterns/colours:

>> No.7870362
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>> No.7870365
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>> No.7873148

As a furisode noob, is my taste okay >>7872988?

These are absolutely delightful.

>> No.7873334

for those un-educated anons looking at this thread. please remember to wear left over right. thanks.

>> No.7873344

Yes, but here you are looking mostly at really formal chuufurisode or at oofurisode. Basically they are the most costly you will find, and you'll have little to no occasion of wearing them since they are so formal. Your best bet is to scour eBay for bargains. Friendly reminder that you have to wear a fukuro or maru obi with such a kimono.

>> No.7873422

It's a little dated, but your taste is fine. That vintage feel is part of the charm of collecting kimono imo.

>> No.7873571
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I just discovered a Kimono designer that I have now fallen in love with and wish to share with you seagulls. I'm gonna start with the mens wear first. I give you Jotaro Saito

>> No.7873575
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>> No.7873579
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>> No.7873582
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>> No.7873594
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>> No.7873605
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>> No.7873616
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>> No.7873618
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>> No.7873621
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>> No.7873622
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one more after this and I'm calling it a night. I'll add some for the ladies tomorrow

>> No.7873625
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>> No.7873668


This silver fox old guy in a jean kimono makes me happy. He is rocking the 'handsome as fuck after 40' vibe.

>> No.7874572
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Have a close-up from a different outfit. He's so happy.

>> No.7877243


>> No.7877256
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i love this
she's so cute and that pattern
and that cute accessory it's just adorable

>> No.7878391
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Hey anons! I'm going to japan in a couple of months and I'm really looking foward to buy a kimono over there, anyone knows how those fuzzy-snuggly thingies that go arround the neck are called? Thank you all

>> No.7879076
File: 246 KB, 600x900, Kimono-Coming-of-Age-Day-Japan-14-046-7982-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're fur stoles. Generally fox or rabbit.
I'm not sure if the ones worn for coming of age ceremonies have a particular term for them though. I've seen girls wear several styles.

>> No.7879574

I have a question anons.

I don't even have big boobs, but they always get kind of "evident"? like, the kimono gets a little bulge. How do I fix it?

>> No.7879794


When I was being dressed once the lady put a kimono bra on me. It kinda formed an X over my boobs and flattened things out.

It's been a number of years so I can't tell you much detail beyond that.

>> No.7879830

I have dozens of kimono collected since I was in fifth grade. I love them all I just... never have reason to wear them. It's the same reason I don't get into lolita clothing really. What real reason is there to wear it? The best I had was seeing the Miyako Odori in Kyoto last year. But I had no kitsuke. I regret not going in kimono, but I don't know if I'd have the balls to dress myself for such an important event, either!

>> No.7879833

I have a couple of friends who live/have lived in Japan for various periods of time. They've all joined kimono de jack groups, which apparently *gives* them a reason (sort of like lolita meets).

The photos I've seen look like a lot of fun.

>> No.7879851

I wear kimono without any reason, but I know a lot of people who picks a traditionnal japanese art classe (dance, ikebana, chanoyu etc) sor they can practice both kitsuke and another art.

>> No.7880223

Thanks anon

>> No.7880812


I wish we had that kind of thing in my area. The only kimono de jack group in my state hasn't been active in years.

>> No.7884448

This is more about footwear, but where do people get cutetsy zori in larger sizes, that are relatively high quality (as in, won't fall apart after three wears)? I want to start wearing kimono, but I feel like my US women's size 10 feet will make the overall outfit look awful. I know there are bridal flip-flips with heels sold to American brides, but I doubt they'red meant to last past the wedding reception.

>> No.7884923
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Did you save these pics from /cgl/? I think I've posted them a dozen times.

Also bless this thread, last time I brought up kimono kitsuke everyone screamed cultural appropriation at me.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone wearing one outside of coming of age day. I'd recommend just wearing a scarf and a haori.

>> No.7884933
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Whoops saw the Tumblr file name. Disregard.

>> No.7884964

I have two questions. Does anyone know if there's another seller or store similar to Sweet Angel on Rakuten or in general? I want something like this. http://item.rakuten.co.jp/sweetangel/310014s-313-1v/

My other question is, are okobo ok to wear with those kimono, or should I get a different shoe?

>> No.7884979
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Okobo are only for maiko. Wear zori or geta depending on the formality of your kimono.

>> No.7885001

Oh, ok. I had seen some Okobo for sale so I was kind of confused. Thanks.

>> No.7885070

I want a kimono now ;-;

>> No.7885075
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bodyline do some kawaii gothy ones.

>> No.7885078

lurk harder Mr Yan, nobody wants your icky costume shit.

>> No.7885231
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>> No.7885261


>> No.7885785
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I love you.

>> No.7886846

I'm a kimono fetishist these things are so WONDERFUL.
And tabis are a miracle of the universe.

>> No.7886859

i thought those were all hamburgers

>> No.7887002
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4 u <3