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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 266 KB, 500x355, tumblr_mgi1z7ZN0L1s12opdo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7840964 No.7840964 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a cute hair in j-fashion thread,
>post cute j-fashion hair and tutorials/ask questions post/give suggestions

>> No.7840967
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>> No.7840970
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>> No.7840973
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>> No.7840974
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>> No.7840976

I was wondering og anyone had the picture of the girl with milk chocolate brown hair and pink streaks in her hair. It pretty often pops up on tumblr?

>> No.7840983

Anyone has any tutorials for short hair.

>> No.7840986
File: 84 KB, 300x449, rinrin-2-300x449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean RinRin?

>> No.7840990
File: 96 KB, 481x700, 1354045417326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have some but I saved them from these threads so I don't know if it'll be useful to you.

>> No.7840993

oh no her hair was a little lighter, and it was streaks like tiny parts of hair dyed pink all over

>> No.7840997

oh this is really cute.

>> No.7841000
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>> No.7841001
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>> No.7841004
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>> No.7841024
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I have this. Not streaks, but the underside. Maybe what you are looking for?

>> No.7841026
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>> No.7841028
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>> No.7841107
File: 796 KB, 1552x2592, Pink-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looked more like this

>> No.7841109

the one from the drawthread?

>> No.7841111

does someone have the other page? I'd love to try this

>> No.7841152

so much shopp

>> No.7841182

Any tips in how to nice curls/waves esp like in >>7841001?
I just bought a curling wand, never used one before until now. Mine end up like a bunch of ringlets, and if I hold it for less time, it's ringlets at the bottom with a heavy sad curl at the top. When I finger comb it, it just ends up like really big ringlets.

>> No.7841204
File: 20 KB, 600x250, large curling iron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try getting a big curling iron like pic realted

>> No.7842026
File: 9 KB, 200x267, c0fec62a989111e0906912313b10052d_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first glance I thought that was a dildo.

Here you go anon, you earned it.

>> No.7842072

that's not misako is it? she looks really familiar

>> No.7842075

Has anyone dyed dark hair a different colour without bleach?

I have very dark natural brown hair, and I just want to make it a different colour. A family friend accidentally dyed her hair a beautiful ash-brown without bleach and I'd like to do that, but she also had grey hairs so I feel maybe it stuck better?

Does anyone know of boxed dyes that would work changing the hair colour of someone with dark hair?

>> No.7842077

kyary pamyu pamyu

>> No.7842084

Yes, quite easily so. Many dyes contain bleach and where I live (Southern Europe) dyes are made for our hair type (thick, dark brown, heavy hair) and you can find a lot that get you from nearly black to light brown even. If you can order some online, the one I use (Maxi Ton) is mad cheap but does a great job.

>> No.7842090

ohh duhh, thanks anon!

>> No.7842092

I have naturally mousy brown hair that I usually dye auburn red, I want to go to purple without bleaching. Do you think it'll turn out okay?

>> No.7842096
File: 5 KB, 144x189, 1354490855849-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then it would just be really big ringlets

>> No.7842100

Is there a way to make dye look natural? On my hair it usually ends up looking too bright and shiny and very obviously dyed.

>> No.7842135

Try using a darker base tone. In higher end dyes, for normal colors, there are light, neutral and dark tones as a base. Also you could try mixing a darker brown dye with the dye you want but it's trial and error. Have you been doing it yourself? If not you can tell your beautician that you want it darker.

>> No.7842144
File: 47 KB, 539x480, using pin curls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this? I use pin curls. I used to use a curling iron too, I'd comb it out after I was done to make it wavy. You can also curl your hair, and wait a day, to get a wavy effect.

>> No.7842150
File: 3 KB, 125x93, 1410958892203s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol do u even hair

>> No.7842166

Aww, das kawaii.

>> No.7842444
File: 106 KB, 450x446, T24cYFXg8bXXXXXXXX_!!770417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not the pictures you're talking about but these wigs exist:

>> No.7842768

Is there any way I can volumize my hair without having to blowdry it? It has plenty of layers but unfortunately I'm cursed with both thin and fine hair. I'm also cursed with a gross face shape and I can't seem to find a style other than big and poofy that works... But I'm not really sure my natural hair can do big and poofy. I usually need wigs but they get so uncomfortable after a few hours.

It also seems to be getting oily faster. I've stopped using conditioner and it's still really bad. My hair is fine for 3 - 5 hours on the day I wash it, then it's limp and greasy looking again.

I feel really ugly lately because of my dumb hair.

>> No.7842800

Boxed dyes all have bleach in them. cgl is so retarded when it comes to shit like this, so I'll explain it again. If it comes in parts you have to mix then it has "bleach" (When I say bleach here, I mean lightening agents.) in it. If it doesn't require mixing, then there are no lightening agents.

Depends on what shade of purple you want to go for, if you move around the colour wheel it should turn out fine.

>> No.7842816
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I think I got you friend.

>> No.7842826

Can anyone suggest a good wig for every day wear? I lost a lot of my hair so I'm looking for something versatile that I can style and stuff but that is also easy to maintain and if possible, cheap.

>> No.7842841
File: 167 KB, 438x550, Potential Hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this it?

>> No.7842842

how are they dying their hair these light browns but still have it soft and natural looking?

>> No.7842848
File: 371 KB, 800x1518, 1271615139439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel your pain. My hair is the same way...

The oiliness thing is a nightmare. I also don't use conditioner because of it. If you haven't tried any of the "dry" shampoos that are supposed to absorb oil you could give them a shot, but I've had a couple and they just kind of...make the oil less shiny but are very heavy and make my hair feel gross. A lot of times if I have a moment I'll wash my bangs over the sink before going out and then towel dry 'em to fluff them back up, But that's not a whole head fix.

I bought a crimping iron for putting volume in buns and updos, it works well but you have to either work around the crimped parts to cover them, or be okay with that texture (which can be pretty cute.) Backcombing for volume+strong hairspray gives me lasting poof, but is murder to detangle. It is good for occasional fancy things though.

As a side note, the best daily hair product I've ever used has been It's a 10! leave-in treatment. It doesn't volumize, but it makes my hair look super healthy and smooth and doesn't weigh it down/contribute to oilyness like...95% of every product out there. Definitely worth it price-wise.

>> No.7842857

I imagine up close their hair is pretty fried. Amo's hair looks pretty rough even in those pics. Some products can help make damaged hair temporarily look healthier, but once it's damaged all you're really doing with products and treatment is preventing it from getting worse.

>> No.7842933

Thanks for the tips!
I'm glad someone here can relate.

I have indeed tried dry shampoos to no avail (for the exact same reasons you mentioned), and it's very frustrating. It's like literally all people have/will suggest to me and when I try to tell them it doesn't work they they tell me to try a different brand or something. Dry shampoo must be nice for those people and I'm jealous.

For me, my hair waves/curls really stupidly, especially in my bangs, so I don't usually go out without straightening them. My natural hair style just does not flatter my face at all and I hate it. It's not just curly or just wavy, it's a dumb mixture of both.

Crimping is a great idea, though I'm in between jobs at the moment so I can't buy the right tool for that at the moment. But that's definitely one thing I'll try ASAP!

Back combing though... my hair is too thin for that. like, no matter what I can't cover the ratty parts because it always shows through. So it just looks messy. i guess i should mention that my hair is also extremely thin due to stress/scalp picking because of said stress...

All that being said... thank you very much for taking the time to give some advice! I really appreciate it.

>> No.7842958

Any non-taobao sauce for something similar to wig #1? All my search is turning up are long ones and I crave a brown+pink bob.

>> No.7842976
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Glad I could help! For the record, I bought a super cheap crimping iron for this (since I don't use it all the time,) it was like $20-25 at Sally's. I also use the sock bun trick for big poofy buns.

>>hair waves/curls really stupidly
I kinda wish mine did even that much, haha. It's stick straight and kind of wispy/tendril-y at the ends and makes me look creepy. Have you thought about getting a perm? I've been toying with the idea since I read something about modern permed styles, planning on asking my hairdresser about it next time.

>> No.7842997

Do you use the spray from a can type of dry shampoo? That stuff always seems to make my hair worse. I would really recommend Lush's No Drought dry shampoo if you haven't tried anything like that. It's lasting me forever, really fluffs the hair up pretty nicely, plus it has a wooonderful citrus smell.

>> No.7843021

you don't understand bleach, do you?

I've been bleaching my hair for YEARS and it's still soft and healthy. As long as you don't overdo it, you won't fry your hair.

>> No.7843026
File: 40 KB, 330x280, Konad%20Special%20Nail%20Polish%20Dark%20Purple%20Canada[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going for a color like pic related, I figured a reddish purple would turn out better, and it'll probably look better on me anyway.

>> No.7843087
File: 505 KB, 1280x960, hair1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my hair is this color! Well it kind of washed out but it was darker 3 weeks ago
I use special effects deep purple

>> No.7843101

some people also have strangely resilient hair. one of my friends bleaches and dyes her hair monthly because she always wants new colors and her hair is always soft and pretty. I've never seen anyone else who bleached their hair as much as she does without frying their head.
Or maybe people with fried hair just treat their hair like shit and she was really nice to her own hair aside from constant bleaching? It's a mystery.

>> No.7843115

>tfw bony masculine face
>tfw never be able to pull off cute pastel-coloured hairstyles

>> No.7843123

was replying to this post above btw

>> No.7843180


aah thank you anons you have all been very sweet helping me find the picture! But..sadly...non you got it. it was natural hair you could see her roots and stuff. But thank you all for your help i am going to continue searching.

>> No.7843189

Box dye purple is pretty red - you could try Schwarzkopf violets.

>> No.7843287

is this a camera angle screw up, a wig placement blunder, or the most unfortunate forehead genetics of all time?

that wig is so cute though

>> No.7843411

Thing is, the more you wash it the more greased up it gets. I'd say try a good brand of dry shampoo. Wash less frequently, only use conditioner on the ends, only use likewarm water and rinse with cold water.

>> No.7843479

She looks so goddamn average without doing the stupid penis angelic face

>> No.7844209

Not the anon you're replying to, but I have an excellent brand of dry shampoo and I attempted to switch from washing every day to every other day. I kept up this routine for 2+ months and the oiliness problem never went away. I only shampoo my scalp and only condition the ends. Unfortunately some people just have it like this.

>> No.7844211

Bleaching hair damages it. It's impossible to bleach your hair without damaging it, since the damage is inherent to the lightening effect. It IS possible to still have nice-looking hair afterwards if you're a lucky bastard with good hair and know how to take care of it, but saying that there is a way to bleach hair without damaging it is like saying that you can get a suntan without incurring skin damage. The damage is there, even if it's not immediately noticeable.

>> No.7844230

Pretty much everything in life is said to damage hair but as long as you don't have split ends or fried parts everywhere it hardly counts as damage just like how you don't count a subtle tan as skin damage.

>> No.7844234

I want to get my hair proffessionally dyed but I'm not sure where to find someone to do this.

>> No.7844236

crap I messed that up, I'm in a new city and I don't know where the best places are to find someone great for hair dye, I might be googling this wrong.

>> No.7844267

It takes longer for some people. I went no-poo, and it's taking about 6 months to go from "need to wash it every day" to only washing it every three days. I wash my hair once a week, so for the last four days I put it up in a cute hairstyle/hat. It's annoying, but I'm hping it'll eventuallyg et to where I wash it once a month.

>> No.7844295

Go to any salon, and ask the receptionist if there's a stylist that likes to do really great dyes. Or if you're like me, you walk in, see a stylist with kickass purple hair, and ask for an appointment with her because she obviously knows what she's doing.

>> No.7845458
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>> No.7845463
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>> No.7845465
File: 138 KB, 600x800, M14p1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one? See it pretty often on tumblr

>> No.7845466

The issue is definitely just that people who have shit hair abuse it.

I only bleach/dye every three months, wash every three days (unless it's necessary to do so more often) and I use really gentle shampoo.

Everything you do to your head damages your hair. If you take CARE of your hair in between bleach jobs, it won't get fried and nasty.

The only people with fried bleached hair are stupid people who don't take care of their poor hair.

My coworker's hair is fucked, because she bleached it 4 times in two months because she's impatient. Then she had to cut OFF all her pretty newly-white hair, and she still hasn't learned and is constantly rebleaching her roots every few weeks.

She's dumb and is going to end up bald.

>> No.7845468
File: 42 KB, 137x142, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What color was it beforehand?

Pic related is mine, I'm just worried about how the color is going to layer.

Sorry for the ant picture, only one I could find.

>> No.7845514
File: 130 KB, 323x451, tumblr_n78u3zDhEB1sr1zg1o2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7845565

a lot of people seem in the dark about their hair bleaching options, so here's a quick guide on how I bleach my hair with very minimal damage. please keep in mind this will take some actual effort and time.

>step one
if you have virgin hair you can skip this step (non chemically treated hair)
do not do anything to your hair for at least 3 months, don't dye it, relax it, chemical straighteners etc. and try to use minimal heat. try to wash your hair as little as possible, treat your hair like a baby.

>step two
get your supplies ready, remember that depending on your hair type and preferences this can vary for you and its up to you to decide what's best.
>powdered hair bleach
quick blue is a popular one, you may want to get the 1lb tub simply because of you aren't satisfied with the level of lift you may want to bleach again, or you'll need more for your roots. this is what lifts your hair color.
>20 to 30 volume developer
this is what you mix with the bleach to activate it, and it also tells the bleach how much to lift from your hair. developer is used in all hair colors, and it's number indicates how much it will lift, and how much it will deposit. a higher number means more lift, which is what you want to bleach with. if you're nervous, try starting out with 20 volume developer, as it lifts less and the risk of over processing your hair is less likely.
I'm not mentioning 40 volume because I feel ithis works too quickly and your hair gets fried in an instant.
my suggestion is ion sensitive scalp cream developer, as its gentler on your skin.
>organic coconut oil
this is what you're going to protect your hair with, you'll be leaving it in your hair while you bleach it.
>tinting brush, plastic bowl, old towel, hair clips, shower cap
tools you'll need for the bleaching process
>toner or hair dye
when you bleach your hair, it's almost a given that it will probably turn brassy and orange

>> No.7845573

before you correct the color though, make sure you're at your desired level of lightness. if you want blonde hair, it's likely you will need to bleach it again to get it light enough.
if you've achieved your desired level of lightness and your hair is brassy (has yellow, light orange tones) you can use a TONER. a toner is basically hair dye that's the opposite color of the tones you want to get rid of. for example, if you have orange tones, you would need a purple toner to cancel them out. wella is a good brand to look in to.
if you have darker shades of orange and you're trying to achieve light brown to dirty blonde hair, use BOX DYE in an ash blonde color. toner will NOT work on your hair if it's too dark. ash color has green and blue colors that will deposit into your hair and cancel out the orange and red.

once you have everything accounted for (remember, you may need more chemicals if your hair is longer or thick) you can move on to the next step!

>step three
this is where you prep your hair. wash your hair the day before and smother your hair with coconut oil, make sure you get all of the hair and focus on the ends. put your hair up in a loose bun and plop the shower cap on it, and wear it overnight.
the next day your hair should be greasy as hell, gently rinse out the old oil and once your hair has completely air dried, slather it on again. make sure your hair is completely saturated in coconut oil, leave it on for about an hour and then move on to the scary part.

>step four
okay, you're ready to bleach. start off by sectioning your hair and clipping it up. your hair should be oily and still saturated from the coconut, DONT rinse your hair. in your plastic bowl (do not use metal, it fucks with the chemicals) mix equal parts cream developer and powder bleach. make sure it's smooth and creamy. you can use the thin part of your tint brush.

>> No.7845594

get some bleach on the brush and begin painting it on small sections of your hair, start from the BOTTOM and AVOID YOUR ROOTS, try to avoid about 1 to 2 inches of your roots. heat radiating from your head will cause the bleach to speed up the process and give you "hot roots" which is where your roots are a lot lighter than the rest of your hair.
make sure you saturate the strands with bleach, paint under and do this as meticulously as possible, being as careful as you can to avoid those roots.
gather your hair and put it in a shower cap to start processing.
every 15 minutes you need to take off the cap and look at your hair to see how light it is, once it's almost where you want it to be, take the cap off and do your roots.
try to avoid directly painting bleach on to your scalp, that shit gets itchy and warm, and never leave the bleach on for more than 45 minutes to an hour.
put it all back up once you finish your roots and let them process, it won't take very long.

>step five
time to wash it all out. hop in the shower and rinse all the bleach out first, and then wash it using a gentle shampoo. shampoos for dry hair or color treated hair work best, or toning shampoos if you're going blonde. don't use conditioner just yet, towel dry your hair and check out how it's looking.
it might seem a little dry, but it should be in pretty good shape at this point. don't use the dryer on it or heavy brushing to reduce the risk of any breakage that might happen.

>step six
so if you're where you want to be in terms of lightness, just wait about a week and put in your toner or hair dye. you can do it sooner too, but just remember you need to assess your hairs health before you do anything to it again. don't make a bad decision because you're impatient.
if you want to go lighter, repeat the process again in 3 weeks, then tone or dye your hair.

>> No.7845609

if you plan on dying your hair an unnatural color, you'll want to get your hair as light as you can and tone it before you put on the other color so it will come out as accurate as possible.
please remember to regularly deep condition your hair twice a week, you can put the oil in it like before if you want.
use heat protecter all the time, even when going in the sun. it'll reduce any future damage your hair might get.

finally, you need to remember that bleaching your hair is permanent, you can't remove it. if you feel truly uncomfortable doing it yourself, do some oil treatments and go to the salon, or even get a friend to help you. maybe try dip dying your hair first or even the underside of your hair, and remember if anything burns or is causing you noticeable physical pain wash it off! don't ignore it! it could be a chemical burn!

>people with dark virgin hair!!!
if you have completely virgin hair and you want to dye your hair a lighter color, even a really hot cherry red, guess what?
you don't have to bleach!!
nope, you do not have to bleach your hair if you want to go to a lighter color. loreal hi lights hi color for dark hair is specially designed for you. all you have to do is pick a color you want and get yourself some cream developer and you're good to go. you may need to do it twice to get the desired result but you don't have to bleach your hair at all. look in to it!

anyway this is my guide and how I've been doing it, I have had baby fine hair since I was a kid and this is the best way for me. I hope this helped some of you out and if you have questions let me know. my mom went to cosmetology school and has been doing my hair for my whole life so if there's slmething I don't know I can always ask her.

>> No.7845855
File: 94 KB, 415x604, tmp_11111-f71d43754dfea2e158b37c4e6cdf6730-2080120953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have silky loose curly hair and the only way I can maintain nice bangs is to keep them in that short rockabilly style but I want longer bangs. Would "thinning out" the bangs keep them less clumped and prone to fall in a nicer shape?

>> No.7845905

I have virgin brown hair. If I want my hair like this, should I just give the picture to the stylist and trust her knowledge on dyes, or should I do my own dye brand research? How accurately would she replicate the colors?

>> No.7845924

A lot of cameras do that.

>> No.7846290

do you do anything to keep them straight? (flat iron, blow dry etc)

>> No.7846311

it's always better to go to a salon for your first time, and yeah! give her the picture and say you want your hair like that, she may ask if you want the pink or not which she may or may not decide to do, but the honey color is the part you should try to get professionally done anyway, especially if you've never dyed your own hair before
be careful about asking for the pink though, there are a lot of stylists who don't know how to do ombre hair and it can turn out really awful
if she doesn't do the pink, you can easily put in your own with some manic panic. it's just vegetable colors so there's no real downside to doing it yourself, and you can make sure you're doing it how you want.

>> No.7846381

Ive always wondered why some anime characters had unrealistically huge eyes and odd hair, but now it makes sense.

>> No.7846386

Make sure you go to a place that has really good reviews on dying. Please, otherwise it will look like garbage. Don't trust the stylist's word either, they'll lie to get money even if they're not so great.

>source: a girl who got chemical burns from a shitty stylist that doesn't know how to dye.

>> No.7846663

yeah, I'm so sorry you had to experience that anon.
i know it happens all too often because people feel they should be able to trust someone who's only job is to do hair, which they should, but some people take advantage of that.
i hope you're okay

>> No.7846664

I don't get it though. lol can someone explain the appeal of purple roots?

>> No.7846671

yea... same.
the first time i bleached my whole head, my mom hated it and wanted it fixed so we went to a generic hair place to get me back to my natural color (medium NEUTRAL brown)
they dyed my hair to like... dark strawberry blonde. not even close.

>> No.7846783

It was a dark purple "deep purple" just like in the bottle, I have naturally medium brown hair however my ends were bleached and brassy and it worked fine you just have to leave it in for as long as possible, it also took me a few tries because i used manic panic at first which washes out extremely fast, that is why special effects is better

>> No.7846892
File: 47 KB, 550x550, tmp_24909-07d37ca9bed4f917557b9167a23993fe1314377588_full109418069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah when they're above the brow they dry pretty uniform into a bettie bang. About an inch past the brow now and the curl starts forming at the ends again so it makes the part near the root sometimes look flat and seperated. Kinda like an octopus. I want more of a Griffith look to them.

>> No.7847210

Does anyone have any pictures of hime cut hairstyles? I've always seen it down in pictures, but I've never seen how it looks with a ponytail or pigtails or anything like that.

>> No.7847216

remember to check out the all the customers' photos of the salon you're going to! some stylists are absolutely shit with highlights so better be careful with that

>> No.7847240

I have a friend who can get me salon quality dye, and I usually leave my red in longer than usual as well, thanks for the tips!

My red has bleach in it, so I presume I can leave the bleach-free purple on even longer than the red? I leave it in for ~30 minutes.

>> No.7848311

>Hair dye help!

Any suggestions for semi-permanent hair dye that doesn't leak all over your pillowcases?
I want to stop using dye that has peroxide in it. I can accept that when ever my hair is wet it'll leak but are there any unnatural dyes that don't run off on every surface you touch?

>> No.7848334

Thanks, anon!

>> No.7848337

Anon, it sounds like you're not rinsing them off enough. Use cold water for one, hair dye sort of acts like dye on clothing and runs more with heat, finishing with conditioner also helps seal the dye in better, so try a leave in style one as well, also, SFX is probably the best dye I've used, if you want a long lasting really vibrant color that won't run, leave it in overnight then rinse your hair and wash it with shampoo the next day untill the water runs clear, it will stay in, be vibrant and won't leave residue.

>> No.7848366

Thanks anon I guess I'll try SFX.
I used to use Directions and Crazy Color but even though I would spend an hour in the shower after putting it in, until the water ran cold, I still found all my collars and bedsheets turned pinkish.

>> No.7848444

Scratch that, SFX don't do orange anymore.

Guess that leaves Crazy Color, Star Gazer, Adore or Directions to pick from.

>> No.7850057
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How do I do my bangs like Sayumi's? My bangs are pretty thick and won't stay down. They either form a bump, start curving the opposite direction I'd prefer and I can NOT get them to part. The side with less bangs end up with a bump and will not stick to the side. I've tried training my part, but nothing is working so far.

>> No.7850066

Looks like she's not parting them but pulling the left side under the right? I would try that and then set them with a hair straightener. A bit of spray gel would probably help you to stay that way.

>> No.7850738

you can leave in special effects as long as you want since there's no damaging chemicals in it

>> No.7851341

Looking for anyone to help me because I'm about 1 week away from shaving my head and calling hair quits. Pretty flustered

Sorry about my awkward face and quick timeline that took all of about 5 minutes to make; I'm just having a huge dissatisfaction with my hair currently. Essentially looking for people to tell me what I should do because I down right give up. I can't stand the color I have now.
Also looking for advice for doing-myself since I'm not going to my other stylist for blotching the dye job and there's no one else in my town that does anything that's slightly out of the ordinary.

>> No.7851346
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aaaanndd dropped pic

>> No.7851349

Just let it go natural... I think that the faded from 2012 one looked really nice! Auburn suits you!

>> No.7851351

You looked really cute in red, you should just go back to that.

And get a cut, your ends are so visibly distressed.

>> No.7851360

yes the red looks good, also you should go to your local drug store and pick up a hair mask, you can get them for like $2
your hair looks like it's pretty damaged and it'll only get worse if you dye it again

>> No.7851365

Thanks anons. The funny part is that I haven't touched my hair since about...the beginning of summer (roughly 4 months) OTHER then using the Koolaid for a quick dip dye, so I'm not sure what I'm doing to cause my ends to look so bad.
The only thing I do that I could guess would be that I frequently blow dry my hair (when I wash which is about every 4 days), but i wasn't sure that much could cause it to be so damaged.

Also, just in case it isn't obvious, I know absolutely nothing about hair logic, I pretty much go to a hair stylist and tell them what I want and then sometimes get good results and don't stress it otherwise, so going rouge now is going to be an experience

I wish I could grab one of you guys whhy

>> No.7851376

it'll be ok anon~
do you use heat protector when you blow dry? if you're not and using a hot hair dryer it can be really damaging, just as much as using a flat iron
as long as you make careful decisions and do your research you'll come out just fine

>> No.7852101

Full on bleaching destroys your hair unless you seriously know what you're doing. Stick to more traditional hair dyeing (everything on the left looks super cute) and only try to go lighter again if you're having a professional stylist do it. And give your hair a break. It looks seriously stressed, but it you give some it love and R&R, it'll be glowing again in no time.

>> No.7852136


>> No.7852368

I want to dye my hair an almost misako purple over my current hair color. I don't want to be permanent, but I want it to last longer than manic panic. I wash my hair daily, it's kinda blonde. Suggestions?

>> No.7852637

You can get a small bottle of conditioner, or whatever will last you as long as you want the color to stay, and add a little bit of the Manic Panic to it. About 1 part dye and six parts conditioner should do it. I just mess with the amounts until I'm happy with it.

>> No.7852641

Stop washing it daily and wash it as little as possible, when you do wash it use cold water. Also add a small amount of the dye you use to your conditioner and leave it on longer then you would normally.

>> No.7852847

how to tame flyaways?

>> No.7852913 [DELETED] 

Asking for advice.
I've been using dyes on my hair for as long as i can remember, even tho it's thin fair hair it never left me down :)
The problem is i never found the right color for my skin tone. I'm ibiric/germanic, even tho i have the normal "olive" skin tones i am still too pale to use my "born" hair color :C Any tips what might suit? (hair currently white if it helps).

>> No.7853001

How can I achieve more volume at my roots without having to tease it or something?

My hair is ridiculously thick and I'm trying to grow it out so I'd prefer not to have to trim the ends. But all the volume gets sent to the ends and the roots are left sad and it looks weird. Is there any products I can use to give my roots more volume without teasing and damaging it or anything? I try to give it some with just blowdrying some in with a paddle brush but that sometimes ends up making the ends big too and I'm pretty retarded at styling/hair in general as you can most likely probably tell.

>> No.7853072

You can spritz a spooley brush (or a cleaned off mascara wand) with hairspray and comb down small flyaways.

>> No.7853090


Meh, maybe it's because I'm a natural redhead, but even the faded pic still looks really fake and kind of weird.
Maybe I'm just good at spotting fakes though idk

>> No.7853513

Need some advice.
I'm ibiric/germanic, and with it comes a really weird pale skin with some olive tones, and for years been trying to find a hair color that suits me.
My natural hair color is a very dark brown, but both that and other dark colors make me look old, any advice for this type of color? ( right now i'm white haired but really wanna find something suitable).

>> No.7853585
File: 440 KB, 421x606, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is me, dunno if it helps

>> No.7853689

i have the same fucking problem, i'm greek/austrian. after years of bleaching and having all the colors of the rainbow, i just cut it all off recently and now i am growing it back in black. i look older too with dark hair, but i don't mind that.
what is your eye and eyebrow color, anon? i figured out that i look significantly younger with lighter eyebrows so that might help.

>> No.7853697


>>7853689 here, i just saw the pic. i think you look very good right now, but if you want to try something different, you could try darker hair with lighter eyebrows (or shave them all off, as i see you look kind of gothish so you might want to try that)

>> No.7853736

my eyebrows are the color shown in the picture, i don't really do much about them besides pluck the ends, tried before hand trying to give them a lighter brown/ginger undertones, but the roots appeared in less then a day.
My eyes are green.
Shaving them?
I never even used makeup, doubt i could handle drawing them. Is it possible to pass without them completely without looking like a chemo pacient?

>> No.7853752

nice to know atleast that i'm not alone.

>> No.7854131
File: 39 KB, 640x480, DSC_0124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic is me, i don think it looks that cancerish. i have gone full yolandi visser in the past, with a super short, almost white fringe and no eyebrows. i like the cancer look tbh.
i love your hair how it is right now, but if your eyes are green, you can always go red/ginger, i think that makes a nice contrast.

>> No.7854176

I don't think she was going for a natural look, tho

>> No.7854184

Thx, i will try to try the bleached look again.
If it doesn't work i'll go full off then.
Hopefully it will make everything look better. God damn all black eyebrows.

>> No.7854218

Anon, don't do it. Only edgy-chans shave off their eyebrows. Tbh I think yours look lovely the way they are.

>> No.7854249
File: 160 KB, 421x606, 1d140b45-2131-4f0f-a107-33c2bfd5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it would look very good, but that's your choice.

>> No.7854253

I meant the shaving, idk about bleaching them.

>> No.7854315

Let's move on from brows, even tho constructive and kinda entertaining i need hair color advice, white is pretty yes, but i want other options.

>> No.7854391

if you are open to ~ le edgy colors ~ you could try a dark greenish blue, lilac/lavender or a deeper violet. i have tried these colors and they look good with our skintone. i got most compliments for the dark greenish blue.
or as i mentioned before, a natural red tone would be lovely with your eyes but i dunno how that would work with the skin

>> No.7854457
File: 139 KB, 385x572, IMG_20140926_110338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am tanned and I want to get something like what Bonqiuqiu has right now but in purple. What kind of shade would be perfect for this? Would purple be okay? Could you suggest any other colors? Another style of dying it if you don't think that one would be okay for my cut?

I've been wanting to dye it for AGES but I've been scared of bleach damaging. I would also be going to a salon for this. Pic for reference.

>> No.7854462
File: 65 KB, 640x640, 10691789_637337956386271_1972320727_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Bonqiuqiu's hair for those who don't know

>> No.7854469

Dark purple or a redder, more violet colour would be okay, you're going to have to bleach to get the purple (and even if you don't bleach it's still going to need some sort of chemical developer to lift the colour)

>> No.7854479
File: 59 KB, 450x656, 30-shades-purple-hair--large-msg-136795715948[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks! How does dark purple fade? Does it fade ugly?

I once dyed the under part of my hair little mermaid red and it faded into this awful orange color.

>> No.7854537
File: 334 KB, 700x808, 62358f3b-f45b-4578-88a5-f40e8566a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From experience the blue fades the fastest so you end up with a reddish tint after a while, which fades into orangey red for me after a few months (the red doesn't look bad but the orange is awful). The shades I used were either pic related (for 3 years) or a bluer eggplant color (once).

>> No.7854672
File: 56 KB, 543x535, 10687143_10152239201730633_5455842246464771886_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks amazing idd, but what about tones like lilac? How's the fading/maintenance ?

>> No.7854689

Incredibly high maintenance. Redye maybe every 2-3 weeks, bleaching the fuck out of your hair to get it to take etc.

>> No.7854763
File: 43 KB, 430x720, 10653661_10152237075210633_2998654510805772128_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows how to keep a color from "bleeding " on another during shower?
Never worked out for me especialy from 2º-4º wash they start mixing.

>> No.7854785

I think the only way to avoid that is using cold water to wash the hair.

>> No.7854807

Never tried myself, but from what I've heard the only way to keep it for longer than 3 shampoos is to use cold water and mix dye with your conditioner.

>> No.7854898
File: 48 KB, 720x720, 10177930_10204344957362308_8335408755075116112_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've ended growing out my hair to the really awkward in between stage and i'm really stuck on how to cut/style it. Can i get some cute short medium hairstyles I could maybe copy??

>> No.7854902

>i-it's a banana sticker!

>> No.7854906

maybe something like this?

>> No.7854907

Going to redye my hair dark purple friday, I'll post pics after

>> No.7854910
File: 18 KB, 500x378, 1235223_10151995349775633_5996989944598883745_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soz forgot pic

>> No.7854914


>> No.7854933

Anybody have any experience with henna dye or should I just go with a box? I have medium brown hair and I just want to go a few shades darker.

>> No.7854974

Henna tends to be a permanent thing, and not something you mix with chemicals. So you cant do both.

>> No.7854975

For starters, do not put henna on bleached or previously dyed hair. Depending on the type you use, it will go green or orange. Also, it smells. Very strongly. It's not a bad smell, but not everyone can tolerate it. You also cannot wash your hair with soap after using the henna for something like 48 hours (different "brands" recommend different waiting periods), so that smell will stick to you. It will also stick to your pillowcases, so use old ones that you don't mind getting stained.

>> No.7854987


Thanks y'all. My hair is virgin so no worries about previous dye/bleach. I wasn't planning on mixing it with chemicals, though! I was asking about doing either/or, not a combo of the two.
Thanks for the info. I guess I'll toss out henna dye as a possibility.

>> No.7854992

how does one get the ends like that? every time I got to the salon and show them pics like this I still get stuck with these blunt ends

>> No.7855065

I know right?

>> No.7855179

I want to buy this wig on ebay, is of good quality and not too shiny so more natural looking?


>> No.7855192
File: 51 KB, 720x960, 10486202_10202885345149934_4476795697909731332_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went and done it.

It's more subtle than I expected, at a glance it just looks brown, but I like it.

>> No.7855364

honestly? I think it's because the hair pictured is extensions. Usually extensions do that pointy split thing, while normal hair tends to go blunt.

>> No.7855726

White/silver hair is one of the hardest colors to get and maintain, especially for someone who doesn't know much about hair. Hair lifts at different levels already and since you had color in it before (anything red based is pretty much the worst to have in your hair if you want to go to white), that threw it off even more- that is why it came out extremely splotchy.

Seriously, your hair looks like hell and you really only have yourself to blame for not properly caring for it and knowing your limits. I'd say cut your losses. Get a cute short hairstyle, grow back healthy hair, then decide whether or not you want to keep chemically processing it. If you can't stand shorter hair, get a high quality wig.

>> No.7855834

It's more that if you henna it, and then decide you want to dye over it again, you will be stuck with that colour. I used henna in a dark brown colour, got sick of it fading and the expense so did a box dye dark brown/almost black, and then a few months later I decided I wanted to lighten my hair altogether as my hair is naturally blonde and so my roots looked bad.

Even though the henna fades away and you can no longer see it, it chemically alters your hair. The box dye was a bad idea because the henna changed the chemical composition of my hair and it held onto the pigment of the dye. My hair did lighten to a light brown which makes me very lucky because henna can react terribly to bleach if it has any metallic salts (hair melting off, weird ass fluoro colours, etc), but it has this greenish colour in certain light, and my hair could've lightened to blonde easy if I hadn't henna'd.

I now really can't do anything to my hair colour wise until I've cut it all out as it grows.

So henna is permanent, but other than all that bad stuff, it did make my hair look and feel wonderful, and though it would fade really fast, it would fade much nicer than dye does. If you intend to henna, don't ever dye over it like I did. It takes a lot of patience because it takes a whole day to apply it and leave it in, and given that mine would fade significantly after 4 weeks, it was a lot of effort to keep up.

>> No.7855846

My hair grows like this, but it could be because I regularly straighten it, or it's just my hair growth pattern. My hair never grows in blunt, probably because the hair straightener is damaging the ends, thus the uneven appearance. I didn't realise this was desirable?

>> No.7855859

Not to mention some people don't grow them back.
Forever brow drawing or tattoos. This is the horrible reality I laugh at my sister-in-law for living.
I second the red, a medium auburn with highlights?

>> No.7855864
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We figured out we could just buy psychological validation.

>> No.7856153 [DELETED] 

damn can't do it today, i guess saturday is dye day

>> No.7856189

not necessarily extensions, thin, straightened hair behaves similarly

>> No.7857763

>some people don't grow them back

What the fuck are you even talking about?

If peoples' eyebrows didn't grow back, nobody wuld have eyebrows after age 2.

>> No.7858115

Not that anon or the one that shaves off eyebrows, but I overplucked my eyebrows when I was in high school and they've grown back patchy, at best, since. I can only guess I've damaged the follicles, but I guess it could also vary person to person.

>> No.7858126

I really want to cut my hair short but I feel like I'll never look as cute or feminine if I do.

>> No.7858130

do you not have a very feminine face?
i was told i had an androgynous face but i went ahead and shaved my head spontaneously, and it looked better than i thought it would!

>> No.7858135

Well, I guess I do. I've always sort of had long hair because it takes so long to grow out. Plus I feel like there's less styles you can do when it's short, so I'm worried if I cut it I'm just sort of stuck with it if I like it or not. I'm not very keen on buying a wig as well.

>> No.7858143
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/r/ing morning hair routines for making straight hair curly (preferably without using irons)
I currently use foam rollers and sleep in them, but in the morning I don't really have any products I use, so its a frizzy, upsetting mess. I want to start using more products so if you could give me tips or suggestions? I only have an hour and forty minutes to get ready in the morning
My hair is usually dry and frizzy after I wash it (I only use shampoo, because if I use conditioner it turns into a mess of greasy clumps)
pls help me /cgl/

>> No.7858367

Try the rag curl method. Because you wrap up the hair you dont get as much frizz overnight. It is what Fanny uses a lot of the time, and you just have to take it out and pull apart the sections a bit. Now since you have straight hair, you do need to put more work into it getting that way, try putting in a mouse before you curl it to help it get shape.

>> No.7858424

That looks very cute, and you'll probably get a really nice purple shine when the sun hits it!

By blunt edges do you mean a straight across cut? Because you can ask for a more shaped bottom edge, and most stylists (even in shitty little salons) will be able to give you more of a curve/ less straight across look. High end places will probably even razor the ends to give them a more natural look for major $$$

and as a general question: I was always told that if you dye your hair it'll never every go back to its "original" colour. Is that an actual thing, or just a henna thing like >>7855834 was saying?

>> No.7858472
File: 164 KB, 360x480, tumblr_mu3kqxBG9j1rxm73mo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get big double buns? I've seen people use rope wigs to achieve the look, but it looks really unkempt and messy instead of the smooth look I prefer. I found one tutorial where the girl teased the hell out of her hair, but I'd prefer to not to have to tease a lot if I can.

Pic shows what I want to do

>> No.7858591

maybe 2 sock buns? they give a lot of volume

>> No.7858665

I'm thinking what this anon is saying and if you don't have enough hair to cover two of them and don't want to tease, you could always add some extensions for when you wear this style.