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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7851192 No.7851192 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of your cosplay or convention pet peeves, anons? What, if anything, do you do about them?

>People who willingly choose to ghost cons, then beg to borrow badges for main events.

>> No.7851931

> girls look at me wierd
> see them everywhere I go
> tfw when I think they think I'm stalking them
> mfw they aren't even hot

>> No.7851943

People who brag about not watching the anime or playing the game they're cosplaying from. Not just being honest about it but bragging. Boasting about how they have so many fans even though they've never watched Attack On Titan or played League Of Legends. Seems to happen just as often with men who cosplay as with women. A lot of them even say they just cosplay it because it's popular and they like the attention. JFC why are you so proud of being fake? Yeah everyone cosplays for their own reasons but you don't have to act like you're superior for openly being an attention whore.

>> No.7851947

>people who give you the stink eye because you're cosplaying the same character as they are

>> No.7851951

People who try to fucking touch me, holy shit. They reach out for my wig, they try to touch my dress, they try to touch me for no real reason other than to giggle and wave. I'm a nobody who doesn't cosplay and my lolita coords are nothing to sneeze at. Leave me alooooone.

>> No.7851955

People who ask for pictures when I'm eating.

Only a little bit.

>> No.7851963
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>I went as my original character

>> No.7851965

Getting glomped by some random person is never a pleasant experience.

>> No.7851995

I don't have a problem with this until they get butthurt about no one giving two fucks about them or try to enter it into a contest, and then, if they succeed, most likely proceeding to be even more butthurt if they don't win anything.

>> No.7852006

What if they are an author and are cosplaying a main character from their book to promote it? (because i may or may not consider doing that)

>> No.7852024

That sounds self-aggrandizing and obnoxious tbh

>> No.7852083

Are you the person who posted in a Find a Friend thread a while ago asking for someone to read your book and suggesting they cosplay from it? If so, please get over yourself. If not, eh, do whatever man, if the costume's cool enough, it'll get you some interest, I guess.

>> No.7852087

When people touch me without asking.

Especially when they come out of nowhere and run up to me and then hug me or whatever.

I hate it.

>> No.7852124

nasty ass homestuck cosplayers that don't shower. there's literally about 40 of them at my local comm and every year they camp out in a corner of the convention center and make out with each other while having cell phone camera "photo shoots" and hissing at anyone who is trying to get through the blood bath to go to the food court..

>> No.7852148

>Homestuck cosplayers in general tbh

>> No.7852168


That only bugs me when "original character" means sticking a cheapass fake katana on their back in addition to their everyday street clothes.

>> No.7852177

I've dressed as a fake character to see how many idiot neckbeards I could convince it was a real character from a game(protip, a lot of neckbeards said they recognized my character, their name and the name of the game all of which I made up on the spot) it was pretty lulzy tbh.

>> No.7852187

you're doing gods work anon

>> No.7852188

That's hilarious, anon. It's like that prank they did at coachella where they made up bands to see if the hipsters took the bait (they did.)

>> No.7852189

My best friend and I do this all the time. It's so fucking funny.

>> No.7853111

>People who willingly choose to ghost cons, then beg to borrow badges for main events.

this pisses me off SO MUCH like holy shit
buy your god damn badge, or dont get into things. dont take mine, if you get caught i do not want to be associated with you so stay away from me while ur sneaking into things.

>relevant story
>me and my hotel roomies had plans to meet and get food outside of the con
>friends wanted to go to a drawing panel
>thats fine, i wanted to look around the dealers room while in more comfortable clothing anyways
>lo and behold one friend thats been ghosting a lot of the cons we've been going to wants to go and needs a pass
>let them take my badge under the agreement that we would look at the dealers room/get food after they got back from the panel
>on a side note im the only one of the group not going so im all alone and that blows
>they get to the panel a couple minutes after it starts expecting to get in (even tho panels normally have lines and have to turn people away)
>dont get in
>friends use my badge to ghost into the dealers room even though thats where i wanted to go
>call them
>"where are you" "we're in the dealers room" "can you bring me my badge so i can go too?" "ok"
>come back two and a half hours later
>"sorry anon"

sorry my ass

>> No.7853131

record some of this and put it o youtube with a title like "who's the fake geek now".
get popcorn and watch whiny dudes start a shitstorm

>> No.7853143

>nothing to sneeze at
I do not think this means what you think it means. Nothing to sneeze at means very good, impressive. So if your coords are nothing to sneeze at, it means people are impressed by them and no wonder they want to touch your accessories.

>> No.7853144

>people who do this while cosplay easy and popular as shit things like Adventure Time, MLP and Pokemon gijinka.
Heard a girl absolutely shutting herself over the other "skanky" Fionnas copying her and no one taking her pic.

>> No.7853145

"Nothing to sneeze at" means it's not something you should take lightly.

>> No.7853148

There's a a guy who goes to my local cons who draws his own comic about a pickle detective and dresses up as the main character. He actually gets invited to show up now.

>> No.7853152

>ghost cons
What's this?

>> No.7853157

Sneaking in for free.

>> No.7853161


i've had people actually make plans to go to big events that you'd obviously need a badge for and everyone wants to go to (i.e., concerts with popular bands, big guest's panels) and then the day of ask everyone in the room to use THEIR badge to get in.

all of us bought our badges. try budgeting more that $100 (including room cost!) per con and actually BUY A BADGE if you love this guest so much and need to see them so badly. yeah, i ghost local cons too, but not when there's some big event i actually want to go to.

that reminds me
>people who bring almost no money to a con, go out to eat for every meal, then complain when they're out of money by saturday.

shut up that's totally on you.

>> No.7853164

Oops, my bad. I mix up colloquiums sometimes. Now I know!

>> No.7853167

people who take pictures of me and my friends with important cosplay pieces/wigs off, eating/relaxing instead of just simply asking for us to pose for photos.

>> No.7853219

you were the one stupid enough to let them borrow your badge.

>> No.7853312

Comic/brony shit in anime conventions. I'm not talking about cosplayers, just programs like panels and shit like that. Overall the lack of good anime program at anime conventions.

This is actually good kind of program I'd like to see more, people who know their shit talking about anime industry. People like this actually deserve the free badge because they have done lot of research for it unlike the shitty "Ask a Homestuck", yaoi etc. panels. Sadly I don't see much audience for that great panel, so I guess conventions really are for casuals.

>> No.7853341



>> No.7853348

People who mix up or forget details about a character they're cosplaying.

For instance if they're cosplaying a left handed character but they hold their prop with the right hand. Or if the wig color just does not match.

>> No.7853359


>people who spend all their money in the dealers then expect you to let them eat the food you brought to avoid eating out costs (or your leftovers)

Lately I've been letting my 'friends' starve. My food is my food and so is my water. Quit buying shit in the vendor hall if you wanna eat dammit.

>> No.7853360

dude this freaking rocks
agreed, more people who know their shit doing panels, less LULZ SO RANDUMB panels. I mean a few 'ask a whatever' panels are fine, but there's never any serious panels, beyond maybe interesting questions in the jeopardy panels, and the occasional 101 or paid guest panel. Blah.

>> No.7853363

If your talking about Link from Zelda remember he's right handed in the Wii versions of the game, if my assumption was wrong my apologies and I agree otherwise!

>> No.7853366
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ugh this

it's worse when you have a set time to avoid traffic and they take so long getting prettied up you hit all of it

we are going to be sitting in a car for 5 hours, you're going to regret it. get dressed up when we get there.

>> No.7853368

What do you girls feel when a guy ask you out or hit on you? Would you give them your number?

>> No.7853369

>day before: okay, 10am
>day of: 11am - still waiting
>don't leave til noon
>"I'm hungry, let's get some lunch"
>don't get to con til 1pm

>> No.7853370



not even if they're hot

>> No.7853371

Okay, yes, I am talking about Link in particular. If you want to be technical, sure, he's right handed for certain in Skyward Sword, and also right handed in both the Wii version of Twilight Princess and the 3DS remake of Ocarina of Time in the Master Quest mode. But still, for the most part Link is mainly left handed.

>> No.7853372

is he cute?

>> No.7853374

Semi cute? Asian?

>> No.7853376
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I think off the top of my head, a minor pet peeve I have is when reeeaaally bad cosplayers try to be at the center of every photo at gatherings. You know what I mean.

>> No.7853377


this is why i'm glad my grouo checks in to hotels on thursday. traffic sucks but at least we aren't missing the actual con because no one showed up on time.

>> No.7853378

Hot guys at a convention? don't make me kek

>> No.7853379



i should turn autocorrect back on.

>> No.7853380


it happens

doesnt matter if hes a neckbeard or a 9/10 im not giving my number to a stranger

>> No.7853383

If you don't then you just lost an opporturnity for something great.

>> No.7853384


i also could have just dodged a huge bullet

ill add anyone on my cosplay facebook and if you dont look creepy ill consider it

>> No.7853385

[ =_= ]

>> No.7853388


sorry i dont give personal information to people i dont know? i dont care how nice you are im not giving you my phone number if i dont know you

asking for it if weve only met briefly is really creepy btw

>> No.7853393

No its all cool I ain't judging you there are some creepy beta faggots out there its all good. Shit did I make you feel bad that you had to justify your action sorry lol.

>> No.7853396

> be at con
> sweat smell everywhere
> fucking discusting otaku nerd smell mixing
> wears car freshener around neck
> at rave every person Is around me cuz I smell fresh
> mfw had idea to give out free car air freshener to people at con

>> No.7853404


nah its cool

the way i see it any guy who dives in like that is desperate and probably for a good reason and any girl really accepting of that is probably also desperate and also probably for good reason

its a never a win unless you are a desperate beta in which case go on out there and get your desperate weeaboo queen

>> No.7853410

But in an instant you turn alpha when you ask a girl out takes trumendes balls for a anti social beta to ask a girl out. Both have common interest might be a win win.

>> No.7853414



ive known some sad desperate girls who have gotten the creepy boyfriend at a con and i wouldnt call the boyfriends alpha and im pretty sure they were never asked out in person

for example one was scared of a girl his size (5'6 at most) getting mad at him over a facebook post

i guess it is a win for them if theyre sad and so desperate for the attention youre going after the first person dressed as your waifu/first person to be nice to you

>> No.7853421

I guess you have a point, personally I think it depends on the people. I met some wierd ass crazy chicks at con before must be the con fever lol. Also only once in a life time I met this chick at con solid 10/10 cosplay as peach from mario she was hitting on me to bad I got cock block by my female friend lol.

>> No.7853431


its really a total shot in the dark when it comes to meeting people at cons

they can be your future wife or new best friend or your new stalker you never know

>> No.7853433

Real life yandere experience would be intense lol anywho night.

>> No.7853452


I wouldn't even mind these if they were informative. For example, Homestuck panel discussing symbolism or pop culture in the series might be interesting because there's a lot to cover there.

A presentation about the brony fandom or a Superwholock ask panel? No. We do not need any more if those.

>> No.7853479

i'm sick of ask panels in general, like 70 percent of con panels are those these days its fucking retarded, getting a bunch of people to "act" like the characters and ask them shitty questions, its dumb

my main pet peeve is how anime cons are getting less and less about anime, but i'm a crazy ass old anime fan that gets pissed off when people refuse to watch anything pre-2000 because its too old.

i know people who go to anime cons and don't even watch anime or do anythign anime related and i am like, why the fuck are you here

>> No.7853492


Okay yeah, that's dumb of them.

A few panels about western works isn't bad, imo. I mean, western works are gaining popularity with anime fans or have anime of Japanese influences (i.e. Sailor Moon references in Adventure Time, Mother being an inspiration for Homestuck) but I definitely agree they shouldn't take up a TON of the programming.

>> No.7853495

yeah some western stuff is perfectly fine, if it is a quality panel, but when there are like 3 RWBY, 4 Homestuck, and at least 2-3 Doctor Who and Sherlock panels, its like, what is even going on here

>> No.7853550

When a friend will beg to stay in my hotel room (for free) even though they already had a place planned but they want to stay because I got a room where the con is held at so it's convenient for them

Also when friends act like idiots and give you second hand embarrassment or do things at the last second.
One will suddenly want to be in cosplay or dress up and drag me to the mall or other places to quickly grab stuff together, or another one will suddenly declare she's hungry and try to drag all of us to a restaurant, or buy a dozen ramen cups yet not eat a single one because she forgot they needed hot water (I shit you not), or they'll want to leave the con to take walks at fucking night to visit the store across the street for who knows why even though it'll most likely be closed

And this is why I go to cons alone now

>> No.7853555

People who say "Cosplay is for fun". Fun is subjective. What one person takes out of the hobby isn't the same as what someone else gets out of it. Also, the same people who say "cosplay is for fun" and get upset when people don't take their photos.

>> No.7853556

cosplayers in the fucking dealers room.

i'm trying to shop, not navigate around a bunch of ignorant fuckwads with cameras taking up the whole goddamn aisle

>> No.7853576

You mean when they hang out and socialize in the dealers room?

Because that's kind of inevitable that some will be in cosplay but want to buy something or check things out in the dealers room
Of course if they have huge props like wings or constantly pose in the middle of the walkway, then yeah I can understand being peeved at that

>> No.7853794

>Dress up as an object head
>minimal vision
>head made from light weight materials so it can be worn for along time
>down side: not that sturdy
>guy pokes my head/face
>pretty normal reaction
>then he starts doing it more?? with patting too?
>cant tell because of lack of vision
>its freaking loud inside the head
>crossed the line
>over reacts a little and grabs his wrist firmly
>friend looks over in time to catch this
>super protective, jumps between us
>friend tells him to fuck off
>He starts acting real butt hurt
> b-but I didnt do anything!

Yeah ill admit it was all an over reaction, but imagine sitting inside a closed box and people just coming by and hitting it and you cant really tell whats going on.

Also, if you are trying to figure out where someone sees out of, and you think you find it, please dont poke at it, and be all, oh its right here hahahaha, my eyes are RIGHT there. And I rather not have to go back to my room to glue is back in place if you poke it too hard.

>> No.7853858

people have their reasons for everything, don't be a wet blanket kid

>> No.7853860

Shit like this is why I'm glad I just wear a gas mask already.

>> No.7853862

You're in the wrong thread, on the wrong board and on the wrong website.

>> No.7853882
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>> No.7853906

Does it really matter though? No one cares when left handed people pose naturally with props in their left hands do they?

>> No.7854186

I don't think that was a over reaction, though it would've been better to tell him to stop before grabbing that guy. I could understand people wanting to touch props or whatever but doing it repeatedly or without asking is kind of a issue.

>> No.7854311
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One trick ponies who slightly change something about them to stay relevant. I know a few people who their entire cosplay hobby is based around dressing up as one thing and not even in the realm of making multiple, different, outfits, but just "Adds" something to it, to keep it alive. It's like "I get it; you love cosplaying XYZ, but you've been doing it for 3 years and have done nothing else. Please stop!"

I also cannot stand deadpool cosplayers who cosplay as deadpool so they can be either "LEL RANDUM" or complete asshats. I nearly chewed out a dude at AX while at Vons because of it. IN A FUCKING VONS

And finally, people who buy that stupid bodysuit Dark Phoenix cosplay online, and cosplay Dark phoenix while always doing the sexual, enticing poses and faces but say "I love dark phoenix she's so strong" BITCH DARK PHOENIX IS OFF HER FUCKIN' ROCKER. SHE AIN'T TRYING TO PICK UP DUDES, SHE'S TRYING TO MELT THEM. If I could discontinue one costume in existence it would be that one. The boots aren't even fucking separated from the bodysuit... FUCK

>> No.7854355

I like you,you know whats up

>> No.7854400

even worse
cosplaying their own original Homestuck characters

>> No.7854401

Sometimes, the world's just gotta burn.

>> No.7854406

>rave kids who don't even like anime going and taking up space
>when congoers standing around in the dealer's room isles
>people who complain about how broke they are only to blow hundreds in the dealer's room and then complain that they can't afford food
>shitty panelists
>gung-ho security staff

Most of this stuff is dependent on other people. I just try and do my part to pull my weight as a congoer by, y'know, paying for my shit and using my social skills.

>> No.7854408

>the dealer room being 90% artists who are kind of bad selling pin up style prints in the form of "some girl standing there" and they're all of the same girls
>everyones sister/mother/baby/husband is dressed up like Harley Quinn

>> No.7854410

On that note, goddam Toronto Batman and every other "cosplayer" who tries to be famous for one character by giving themselves a title and walking around in costume doing stu[id shit and making people cringe in public places year round

>> No.7854413
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Am I the problem /cgl/?
I came up with my own character, and plan on taking it to a con. It's a full set of heavy armor with some detailing.

Is that still wrong?
>pic related, folded over 7000 times

>> No.7854416

>gung-ho security staff
Probably one of the worst things that can happen to a con staff team. I went to a con where the dress code was beach wear appropriate. So being shirtless is no issue to the rules. A staffer tells me to put a shirt on, and I politely tell him to read the rules on the dress code and shove it. His response: "Well I don't like those rules and I'm telling you what I say is not okay." That dude was excused of his duties later. Turns out he was running all over the con impressing his personal standards and rules on the event.

>> No.7854423

>2 hours late to our less than 8 hour con and we have to drive an hour, waiting for friend to finish makeup
>"anon I have to run to the store to get make up remover, i fucked up my makeup"
>mfw she's doing a genderbent cosplay
>"fine anon we can just drive seprately, we're going to be so late"
>that bitch still beats me to the con, i don't even fucking know how

>> No.7854440
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The absolute
fucking thing
>cosplayer dressed up like super noticeable character, getting asstons of attention and pictures
>"I don't read comic books"

I hate you you look nothing like the Joker you look like a greasy fucking turd and everyone can tell your girlfriend can't stand your weird cosplay shit and is an epicly horrible HQ

>> No.7854446

>>"Anon-chan, I don't have a ride to/from con..."

Goddamnit, you're twenty-fucking-eight, grow up and learn to drive and shit already, stop expecting everyone to give you rides everywhere.

Especially made me mad because the con was like ten minutes from my dorm, but picking him up was like an hour and a half drive. Next time he can find his own transportation or he can just not fucking go.

>> No.7854521
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>everyone can tell your girlfriend can't stand your weird cosplay shit and is an epicly horrible HQ

That's not what she thinks...
>now famous Harley Quinn
>cosplay guest at New York Comic Con

NYCC's standards are pretty damn low. One costume is enough to be a cosplay guest?? Well okay then.

>> No.7854533

People who get angry when I say no for pictures. I am cosplaying to have fun and spend time with my friends and look average. I don't want pictures of me.

>> No.7854535

That's stupid.

>> No.7854538

I've never really understood that. And I don't wanna disrespect your choice on it, but do you have any pictures of you in cosplay at all? Or you just don't like random people taking pictures of you in costume? Just a curious question.

>> No.7854545

Not >>7854533 but sometimes I have to say no to pictures when I'm only wearing half a costume, if I have costume malfunctions, when I'm resting or when I'm eating. Almost every single time I say no in these situations the person asking gets mad about it.

>> No.7854550

Underaged kids trying to go to room parties, and if they get in, running around bragging about getting so drunk.

>> No.7854561

This I totally understand, I've been in those situations too.

>> No.7854574

Guilty as charged, though my stink eye turns into tear eye pretty quickly usually.

>> No.7854601

Cosplay Kickstarters

No one should ever fucking expect other people to fund their cosplays or pay for their free vacations.


Full honesty, it makes me fucking blind with rage.
There are kickstarters for people who need real help in the world. Help to save their homes, their lives, etc. When I see people giving their money to these spoiled fucking brats when they could legitimately be helping someone who desperately needs it I just want to fucking napalm everything.

>> No.7855075

Can you imagine how embarassing this probably was for her? Hundreds of people meeting her, making Harley references to her and asking her to do the voice and this bitch doesn't even know how to smile. If you're going to be featured on NYC Comicon's website you better be able to do a fucking flip like her. There's nothing special about her cosplay other than that butt ugly fabric (which is a bad choice)
Why in the world would New York Comicon do this? There are so many better ones out there. This is literally so overdone, they could have at least found someone who didn't look awkward as fuck.

>> No.7855116

Fun fact, Skyward Sword doesn't even have a left handed mode and is a pain in the ass to play left handed.
Sage for completely ot

>> No.7855128

I honestly can't believe anyone would care if your holding the sword the right way. I can tell the person complaining is a lefty who feels like he is a special snowflake for being lefthanded and having the same orient as Link.

>> No.7855214

It'd be cool if actual conventions for ghosts existed :(

>> No.7855230

>People standing in the flow of foot traffic for no real reason (photos, texting, checking the schedule)

Seriously, stand against the wall or go find someplace off to the side to hang out. When you stop, the 100 people behind you also stop.

>People who act like idiots in the hotels

I guess some people will just never be responsible or just won't care, but I wish they'd understand that this is why hotels have to put crazy rules/fees in place - because people feel the need to spraypaint tags on hotel property, smear body paint on things, leave garbage everywhere, trash hotel rooms, stuffing 10 people in a room meant for 4...

>> No.7855238

I'm not that op, I was just pointing out something that pissed me off, hence the sage. Personally I don't care what hand people hold their props in, and people who think they're special snowflakes because they're left handed can fuck right off

>> No.7855245

Its okay, anon.
I was just too lazy to quote the original poster.
You posted an interesting fact.

>> No.7855268

It's cool, I probably jumped down your throat a bit.
Back on topic I personally despise when groups of people decide the best place to have a conversation is right in the middle of a trade hall, to the point where they block it off entirely. Also, cosplayers who are obnoxious to people who did the same character as them.

>> No.7855277

you know what I really fucking hate?
>Ask for pic of cosplayer
>They don't even say "ok" "sure"
>just pose or turn towards camera with pissed off look on their face
>they're not even dressed in anything that fancy

I don't ask for pictures normally so this is actually just something I observed a lot at my local con.
Like what the fuck? You're dressed up as a cartoon character at a geek convention, get the fuck over yourself. They were probably just being nice anyway.

>> No.7855351

No I'm not.
Okay. I guess I just figured that since the original purpose of cosplay was to promote works but ehhh

>> No.7855369

>t since the original purpose of cosplay was to promote works but ehhh

booth babes =/= cosplayers.

>> No.7855394

>No free parking
Sorry that not everyone has a room at hotel that's right next to the con. Especially at popular cons that you have to plan a year in advance to get a room. No, I don't want to have to pay $20+ a day extra so I don't have to walk 15-20 minutes in cosplay. Not to mention driving in cosplay is a hassle depending on the outfit. I was so happy at AWA since they have a ton of parking and it's all free!

Not entirely con related, but I've seen enough examples in this thread to mention it. Stop doing things for people who you aren't sure are going to follow through. Especially don't complain about it when you blindly trusted them because "lel ther mah fren XD". Test people before you give them something important. Everyone is only out for themselves, so you should do the same. If you really want to do something for them have them give you collateral to incentivize them.

>no chairs or benches in the main areas
This one really annoys the hell out of me. I don't always want to go into a random panel I may or may not be able to get into, nor do I want to walk all the way to the food court that's probably packed anyway. The only choice left is to sit on the floor somewhere, and say goodbye to your lower back after that stint. I wish every wall had a row of chairs like they have in airports. God would that be nice.

>> No.7855404

Haha, you sound like the stereotypical guy hitting on women and then being pissy when he doesn't get the response he wants. "I was just being nice, you ugly whore!" Why would you ask for a photo of someone you genuinely don't want a photo of just to "be nice" to a stranger?

>> No.7855405
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>people being in the way of high traffic areas
Adding when people are clustered in front of a panel door conversing and ignoring you, even when you're staff.
>say excuse me politely, but it's loud so maybe they didn't hear
>raise my voice louder and tell them they're blocking traffic but they're obviously hearing and ignoring me at this point
>they give you a venomous harpy glare when you and your guest get tired and just walk straight through

Bad staffers are a very real thing, but I wonder what small percentage of stories are actually just from incredulous cosplayers not getting their way.

>> No.7855486

I'll like to add to this, carpooling with people who drive too fucking slow
>Carpool with dude for Otakon
>Leave out at 10 on time
>Get there at 1pm
>Guy drives at like 30mph

Please kill me

>> No.7855491

Not quite an oc, but a girl I went to a con with got really pissed off that no one knew that she was some character from the Harry Potter play.

The costume was basically Harry but in a slitheran uniform and carrying twizzlers which apparently was supposed to make it obvious since it was a joke in the play.

>> No.7855492

I used to staff cons back when I couldn't afford to get in and in my personal experience, it's about 50/50 shitty staff and people bitchin about not getting their own way. I once had someone go after my staff badge because I told them they couldn't use an emergency exit as their personal photography studio.
On the other hand a pretty sizeable chunk of con staff were just there for a free badge, or a power trip. Like they'd turn up to staff orientation, pick it up and never be seen again. Or they'd suddenly declare the self in charge of the operation and spend the weekend harassing con goers.
We were a small con though, so they'd have to chose between revoking shit staff's badges and being understaffed, or letting them terrorise people and deal with the complaints. I'd always try to boot them and pick up the slack, but that was never my call

>> No.7855506

>People standing in the flow of foot traffic for no real reason (photos, texting, checking the schedule)
this so much this.
>tfw volunteering and got to tell a bunch of people to keep it moving and stop loitering
it was gr8

>> No.7855553


>> No.7855560

The fact that I like cosplay but I just want to buy costumes because I have other hobbies to do and can't really learn sewing right now.

All the bought costumes are fucking horrible.

>> No.7855660

You can always look for commissioners that do good work!

>> No.7855732


the worst is

>no chairs or benches
>power-tripping staff members don't let you sit on the ground

>> No.7855751

i don't know what's worse

>person just standing in walkway
>no reason for it
>just being in the way


>passes someone going the opposite direction
>stops them in walkway for a very brief moment to say "hey soandso is looking for you" or something equally as quick
>staff member swoops in to tell us to keep moving don't block the walk ways keep moving

we were literally just going to, you actually held us up for longer than we stopped to nag us, thanks.

>> No.7855786

I just don't really like my picture taken and don't like the idea of strangers taking my picture and having them post it on their Facebook/blog/cgl to make fun of me. Gives me no quality control if I look like a troll in it and I don't want to be critiqued like I'm some high-level cosplayer when I'm just a dweeb hanging out with my friends

>> No.7855857

At cons girls tend to have their shields at full and act very defensive. I understand why they behave that way but it tends to break you down, when people treat you like you're scum you start to feel like scum. Part of the problem is that con girls tend to be younger and less socially adept, often a situation blows up because they don't have the experience to handle it with grace. What I've found is that is easier to talk to the really hot girls, they tend to have more practice handling situations instead of panicking and making it awkward.

>> No.7856429

I cant find them, so I have to ask, what is the dl way to ask without shoulding like you just got off the school bus?

>> No.7856431


>> No.7856454

Oh man this one time I was heading to con on the subway and as I walk on a couple of tourists get off and fucking GRABS MY HORN. Thankfully they were safely secured under my wig but what the FUCK. I almost fell backwards too because I was gokng one way and they were headed the opposite direction (as well as shock). Then they laughed when I yelped and flipped them off. It was awful.

>> No.7856636

Tell me about it. These assholes guys literally just flat-out undid the back of my breastplate once on the subway back from a con
Suffice to say I fucking lost it on them

>> No.7857590


just be cool about it i guess? don't run around telling everyone at the co "teehee im so drunk! i had my first drink! i love to party! i just want to party!!" if you're visibly underaged i guess idk

that or wait for a friend to invite you

i always drink with the same group so i don't really know sorry anon

>> No.7858446

In addition to this, when you make plans to meet up with someone at the con and they are late.

One of my good friends is always late because she'll stay up super late at cons and then her makeup will take her forever to do in the morning. (note: when I say makeup I mean basic makeup, not using latex or body paint)
So I'll get there wayyyy before her and will be bored while I am killing time waiting for her.

I'm hoping that once we start getting hotel rooms together then I can make her wake up early and get her to do her makeup quicker.

>> No.7859729
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People who cosplay as Left 4 Dead zombies or something else, and when you try to talk with them they damn near tackle you. All for enthusiasm, but seriously, someone's going to get hurt with that stuff. Pic related, different person but same costume.

>> No.7860447

Holy fuck, have I been a creeper all along? I've been to a few cons, and at both I always make a habit of getting phone numbers and facebook information for future events. Then again, I only do this to people I wish to talk again, and dudes are generally more open than girls.

I haven't had anyone give me false information yet, then again, I've only asked dudes for their info. I've had girls give me their numbers after speaking to me without asking, but I've always been too autism to call and ask them to come along for a event or meet up.

>> No.7860467
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Or awesome and loveable

>> No.7860471

Usually when you ghost you have no intention of going into badge areas and just stay in the lobby and outside.

>> No.7860472


if it's after you've talked to them, for future events, and they'd shown interest in meeting up as well, it's not a big deal imo.

doing it out of the blue or right off the bat to pick up chicks dressed in skimpy cosplays is pretty creepy though.

>> No.7860483

Can we have more convention oriented pet peevs?

>> No.7860493

people who make drama at cons. i don't even mean huge blow ups, i'm talking things like people who cry because they overheard a stranger say someone else cosplaying the same character looked better.

>> No.7860503

Creepy white men at conventions ew why are there so many old people they must be there to groom underage girls

>> No.7860511
File: 1.93 MB, 371x216, 1407789718490.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in cosplay in Dealer Room
>guy stops me for a picture
>try to move in a place where it's not blocking a walkway
>he's already aiming and shit
>pose anyway
>people are stopping and it's causing a blockage
>more are pulling out their cameras for a picture of me
>fuck fuck fuck
>standing there for a good minute or two crying internally

>> No.7860512

imo the only time you should ever expect any kind of any romantic implications from a girl is when she's coming onto you. Because of everyone's social awkwardness girls are either extremely forward or extremely closed off.

>> No.7860517
File: 3 KB, 126x121, 1296712979338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roommates that don't come with ANY MONEY AT ALL despite paying me for the room
>people who bargain with you for their share of the room with anything but cash

>> No.7860578

pretty grossed out
>be me, cosplaying black canary
>not even a good cosplay
>gross dude comes up
>gross asshole "Hey, what's up?"
>me "nothing, maybe a bit warm"
>him "want to go to my room to cool off? ;)"
>me "im 12"
that was a lie, I was 16 at them time but still. Grody ass dudes getting all up in cosplayer girl's business is ew

>> No.7860594

(Assuming you are in the states) Even when you were 16, that's still creepy as hell. I look underage (at 22, ugh) so I could probably pull that card if I wanted to. But the best thing is to just tell him he's being a creep and walk off. If enough girls do it to him, he MIGHT get the hint.

>> No.7860603

lol fuck yeah babyface! gets me out of a lot of bad situations. My go-to lines to get gross guys away if telling them are either "srry im waiting for my boyfriend." or "im 12"

>> No.7860819

Holy fucking shit someone please please please please do this.

>> No.7860855

>Tfw everybody on /cgl/ is an underage never cosplayed underacheiver.

>> No.7860878

>I'm 12
That's a dangerous gambit when it comes to scaring off creepy dudes.

>> No.7860892

Could be that those guys were going along with it on the off chance of getting some poon.

>> No.7860933

That's actually even worse.
>girl just does it for the recognition
>guy literally pretends to like [x] so girls will think he's some sort of kindred spirit and like him

>> No.7862421

You're pet peeve is girls who aren't used to strangers? Da fuq dude calm down.

>> No.7862995
File: 47 KB, 369x368, Actually crying into my keyboard as of now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Group of heavily armored fellas decide to set up whilst we're in the con to save time and to get inside easier
>Gather off to the side of the walkway in a hidden area, set our stuff down and begin getting into our costumes
>Get tapped on the shoulder by a guy with a camera whilst busy attaching something
>Politely tell him to give us all a minute, we would love a photo when we're suited up
>Takes a shot of me anyway despite barely having gotten my gear on
>Not really into having my picture taken, certainly not looking my best as it's so early, and most importantly: My character wears a helmet.
>Getting a little annoyed and feel i had to rush to get ready.
>Notice the rest of my group is much slower than me, and one of them has vanished for a moment.
>Make small talk with the photographer, turns out he doesn't even know series we're from, but apparently just preemptively knows he needs a photo of us ASAP
>Go and see how their doing, help them out, etc.
>Missing friend returns from the bathroom, we get all our shit on and we're ready to rock.
>Photographer isn't even there when i turn around. Never even see him again.

And it is worse if you're just trying to relax for a minute, or eat. Why would you want a photo of some character eating a sandwich? I guess impatience is my pet peeve

>> No.7862999

I got a vid of a Naked Snake taking a bite out of his sub like it was raw, like in the game. He was a cool dude.

>> No.7863001

Whats the usual rule on taking pics of a cosplayer when you yourself are cosplaying?
>take a pic with them
>ask for one in return
wat do?

>> No.7863003

>Mmm! Tasty!

That does sound good.

Perhaps the ONE exception to taking shots of people just trying to get a bite to eat

>> No.7863016

Depends, if it's a kid or someone cosplaying the same series, I ask to take a picture WITH them. Anyone else, I'll just ask to taker a pic OF them.
If a cosplayer asks for a pic of me, I'll be sure to find something nice to say about their cosplay in return, but I don't feel obligated to take a pic of them too unless I would've done so anyways

>> No.7863641
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It's happening!

>> No.7863653

His personality sucks too. I don't know about her.

I met him personally and he has his head so far up his own ass his insides must look all white and green. Truly an awful person and his fandom is the worst.

>> No.7865437

>Cosplaying characters from games that haven't even come out yet
>Cosplaying from games you have never played

I don't give a fuck about language barriers. Bothers the shit out of me when people relate to a character based on their design and "read enough on the wiki to know what [he/she is] talking about.

I get that a character design can be appealing, but 95/100 times, that's not "why" the character is being cosplayed when the cosplayer goes into explaining it. It's always about how they're some huge ass fan of the game/series.

Seriously, shut the fuck up at that point.

>> No.7865453


>"omg can i get your pic???"
>oh sure, thanks, but lets move over to the side where we're not blocking traffic
>A) doesn't listen, stands right in the way and gets a weird side photo of me
>B) "jesus, why are you walking away you stuck up bitch? I didn't want your picture anyway you ugly skank"

if you blow up at cosplayers for moving the few feet it takes not to be an inconsiderate asshole (which happens to me at least once a con), i strongly recommend killing youself

>> No.7865472

God dammit. See what you started, weird ATL model girl?

>> No.7865501

Do you say it loud enough? I can't see how number two could happen if you say something like 'let's move over there'

>> No.7865507

ughhh theres a stupid little girl on my fb thats like, "Oh, I've been wanted to cosplay this since I saw the fashion show~"
and I'm like, no, you haven't, you're jumping on the drama band wagon so people pay attention to you.
she didnt go to AWA, but was constantly spamming the awa fb pages and he own page with stuff about awa. she'd take screen shots of stuff people said and would post them, posted about how '{she's] not even at awa, but dragon con's [her] new favorite con now.' etc. all so people would pay attention to her when she couldnt go to the con they went to.
I hope she does cosplay as an angel bc it will look l,ike shit. She cann't sew worth a crap and is constantly begging people to fund her cosplays or con trips. gettin real tired of the young sauce expecting everyone with a job to pay for their shit.

>> No.7865515

Eh, people just don't listen. I could forgive it happening in a dealers hall (kinda, cussing someone out like that is never okay), but the assholes usually happen in normal hallways.

>> No.7865523


This is pretty much what I do with anime cons.
It's very rare that I need to get into any badge area, but I'll borrow a friend's badge if they have absolutely no use for it at the moment and I'm looking for something very specific to buy. But I don't hoard it for very long and if they text me to say they need it, I leave immediately to return it.

>> No.7865992


But guys... those are the exact pictures that were posted on the VS girl thread. I think she lurks here.

>> No.7866163
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>newbie cosplayer asks for advice
>gives advice
>"well i'm just going to do this thing you specifically advised instead."

>> No.7866164


*advised AGAINST

missed a vital word there

>> No.7868901
File: 41 KB, 400x512, 10386783_356051394573395_231477104326286135_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately all the cons in my area of the country are all getting the exact same cosplay guest. I have been to three cons recently all with her as one of the cosplay guests of honor. It would be nice to see some variety. Is it getting harder to get people that want to do panels on armour making, or sewing, or worbla etc.? She only seems focused on selling pictures of herself and getting her picture taken.

When I look at a con as far as guests in cosplay I wanna see someone who can teach me something. Show me armour work, or prop makers, or hell even special effects makeup artists would make good costuming guests it doesnt even have to be cosplay just something costuming related thats not this.

pic related....whahhaaaaaaattttt?

Also locking elevators to room floors during con hours is getting balls. Got my key stolen at a con last month and getting back to my room was an ordeal. I get that they don't want asshats and weebs fucking up the rooms, but locking the elevators without the key seems extreme. It was the first time I had ever seen it done. Is this normal?

>> No.7868909

Your jealousy it reeks. Shes not anything special but there can be something said for networking.

As for elevators, I would look up the fire code...that sounds like some illegal shiz

>> No.7869248


What about being unable to play the game ? I found some sweet character art while browsing the web once, but it tunred out it was from an online game that shut down two years ago

>> No.7869254

Anon, I think that costume might be made out of crushed velvet...

>> No.7869266

Vic mignon shows up every fucking year and thinks he's the best thing every fucking year
yeah i salty
salty he uses my home con to pick up chicks
the horror stories man

>> No.7869269

>cosplayers who wear absolutely no makeup
>crossplayers who don't bind, I mean like obviously wearing a sports bra for a male character
>People who randomly stop to have an intense ~in character~ conversation in the middle of talking to me, someone who is now uncomfortable and confused
A lot more things used to bother me but I'm learning to let them go. What other people do doesn't really affect me that much in the end.

>> No.7871496
File: 16 KB, 400x300, bahumbug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is when people are only in a fandom for the shipping value.

I cant tell you how many times I would talk to fellow cosplayers about the show or something and they'd only have comments about their yaoi ships or head canons. Even in shows like Superjail, 95% of the people who came up to me or took my picture liked the show because the Warden is shipped with the Once-ler. I mean come on.

eeeeyyyyyy Boris

>> No.7871997

>at shit local con
>30-something dude asks me, a girl who looks about 12, what anime i'm from (i was asuka)
>he goes on for a whole 5 minutes about how pacific rim is a rip off of eva
>nod along bc i'm not 100% rude
>goes on about shitty samurai anime for a whole 10 minutes
>friends are standing behind him laughing and making gestures telling me to get the fuck away
>make up that i've got a shoot to be going to
>keeps me for another few minutes while he finishes his favourite characters eppik dethhh atak explaination
>leaves con straight away to sit in starbucks for the rest of the day to make sure I didn't see him again
>tl;dr people who keep people talking at cons for literally 15 minutes are so annoying i s2g

>> No.7872346

What the fuck, the Warden is a gentleman and a scholar. What sort of asshats are ruining a good show with Once-ler trash.

>> No.7872608

Someone really did that shit? holy shit we're all adults here right?

>> No.7872622

Eeeeyyyy Warden, s'been a while.

Tumblrites are pretty good at ruining anything, really.

>> No.7873907

>Friend I haven't seen in a long time asks to stay in fiance and my hotel room, and will split the cost
>excited to see her again, we were pretty tight before
>We have to drive to pick her up, expecting gas money
>"O-oh, anon, I actually don't have any money until I get paid in two weeks." Tells us only after we're at the con in line.
>Annoying since we're now short on dealer room money, but a friend is more important, so w/e
>find out she begged my fiance to borrow money, talking about how hungry she is when I left the room for a minute
>she disappears until late night, and comes back while we're in the room eating
>starts talking about how she is soooooo hungry, and hasn't eaten all day.
>Finds out she went around begging to borrow money for an ugly 200 dollar shirt she can't even fit in just so she can meet the (Asian) designer, and had used the money my fiance gave her for that. Told everyone it was for food until she bought it, then started to brag about getting to meet the guy
>acted so offended when we all got mad, like we were the irrational ones
>second day she sends us a text about having a sugar crash, and how she's diabetic
>we rush to the room, and find it empty
>call her in panic
>she's in the dealer room, seeing if she can go meet the asian dude for a picture again
>"oh, but I need to eat soon or I might faint. Can you take me to [expensive sushi restaurant forty minutes away] after I get my picture?"

It was so surreal how different she'd become after just a year. She did pay everyone back after two weeks, but it was pretty irritating. I should have known her asian fetish would have exploded at a place like that. The rest of the con wasn't too bad after she learned I was firm in not giving her money or food. She just mooched off our other friends and started to act normal with me. Still, I drifted away from her after that.

>> No.7873913

I don't know why I thought this was a con horror story thread. I'm apparently too sleepy to be on here right now. But basically, my peeve is when people beg for money, and then spend it on stupid shit instead of food the whole con. And people who don't have their part of the hotel down.

>> No.7877027

>cosplay someone from something you like
>resident sperglord approaches you
>gets mad at you for not knowing the intricate ins and outs of everything related to the series

And no I don't even mean the whole "fake nerd girl" thing. I mean basically being called a casual for not knowing about obscure spinoff shit.

>> No.7877075

Are you new? This has been a problem for legitimately years.

What do you think a glomp is?

>> No.7877093

touhou dudes are the worst at this shit!! i have an encounter but it wasn't even about not knowing obscure spinoff shit, it was basic touhou 101

one time i was dressed up as a touhou with my best friend and a shitty byakuren (he was a "brohou", low effort, didn't shave, etc.) in a group of low quality brohous came up to us and laughed out "i bet you don't even know who i'm dressed up as LOL!!!!" UFO had been out for a couple years at that point, i took the bait and told him who he was dressed (i really regret not being sassy and saying "a shitty youkai jesus") and we both walked away. it wasn't even that it was an obscure spinoff thing, this is the boss of a game, it was so weird. i know that if i stayed he'd ask me to list my 5 favorite touhou doujin artists or some shit though

>> No.7877100

>People who complain up and down about how much they hated the con they just went to
>Boycotting it for some really dumb and petty reason (such as one guy I know boycotting Youmacon for not having multiplayer in Catherine unlocked)
>You see them back the next year

People who refuse to go to a con because:
>"I don't have anything to dress up as"
>"They cost money"

>People who go to a con and literally do nothing but hang out in the game room all fucking day

>The local news showing up and interviewing the biggest neckbeard/hambeast/aspie/tumblrtard/homestuck they can find

>That peachfuzz-clad, pizza-faced teen cosplaying as a meme
>That adult who should know better cosplaying as a meme

>Dudes claiming to be taking a picture of you for "art reference"

>> No.7877125

>People who go to a con and literally do nothing but hang out in the game room all fucking day

It's literally the only place I can find good competition for Street Fighter, Blazblue and Tekken, get fucked.

>> No.7877137

All those morons who put concealer or foundation on their lips because they think it makes them look more masculine because other fucktards told them to.

Our lips are red because there is blood in them, because we are living. Men are not some mythical dead creature wandering around, they have red lips too.

You do not look more manry, you look dead. Unless you're cosplaying a dead dude, then carry on.

>> No.7877139

>People who go to a con and literally do nothing but hang out in the game room all fucking day

muh fucking friends. Every single goddamn time.

It's gotten so bad that at nearly every con I go to, I simply find groups of strangers to hang out with. I don't remember the last time I stayed in my friend's hotel room for every night of the con; I just go with them on the way back home.

>> No.7877143

we should hang out

>> No.7877152

>fighting game fans
>same people who never shut the fuck up when they're winning, claim the game is cheating when they're losing and can't do anything quietly

No, you get fucked, manchild

>> No.7877162

I wouldn't mind, but the next con I'm going to is bout' 3 months from now--Anime LA. By then, this thread will be dead and these posts will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

>> No.7877179

But you are a casual though.

>> No.7877184

>I don't actually know anything about the games
You clearly don't want us around anyways, so I'll do what I enjoy and you can bitch somewhere else.

>> No.7877185

we will find each other eventually
like the wind blows clouds away to reveal the sun

>> No.7877200

>That friend who rooms with you, but doesn't want to do anything. When you go to a panel, they insist on coming along and making smartass comments the whole time.
>People who can't deal with their liquor, and you end up having to take care of them and apologizing for their damage.
>Seeing your awful ex and their new SO as either cosplay you are doing, or them dressed like you.

So glad I had good roommates this year.

>> No.7877262

>That friend who rooms with you, but doesn't want to do anything.

That was basically my brother when he roomed with me one year.
>he introduces himself with "Hi, I'm [Anon]'s brother" and not his actual name first
>Over the weekend roomies realize they don't actually know his name because he never fucking said it
>They all just jokingly call him [Anon]'s Brother
>He gets pissy about it
>Get Jon St John to poke fun at him, telling him to get a real name
>My brother, who's old enough to drink at the time, tells on me to my mother as a result

>> No.7877274

I am so fucking sick of seeing low effort joke cosplays of hairy overweight dudes dressed up as shoujo kawaii uguu girls. Brohous sound especially awful.

I had to push my way through a giant crowd of people taking photos of a sailor moon man group nearly directly in front of the busy stairs during NYCC. That and the 30-40 deadpools who were ON the stairs. All of that shit stopped being funny when so many people latched on to it.

>> No.7877298

Not to mention all the Deadpools who try to be different by trying to cosplay as Deadpool cosplaying as something else.

But all the damn random-ass crossover cosplays are getting old real quick. Not to mention that the second one gets big on tumblr or some other site, you'll see twelve of them at your local con.

>> No.7877300

Damn, I was planning to go as a Brohou in Touhoucon 2015. Might be a bad idea.

I've always been pretty fit due to playing sports throughout HS, but I started lifting a month ago in preparation for this.

Was planning to go as a genderbent(Replace skirt or dress with pants,leave everything else) Aya or Iku depending on how much effort I want to spend. If going as Aya, that'll be a joke and I'll just look like a regular guy with a dumb maple scarf and silly hat (Going off her Double Spoiler portrait)

Or I could go as Iku and possibly be mistaken for a fabulous flamenco dancer or a particularly flamboyant homosexual.

Then again, I go to both /fit/ and /fa/ regularly, so flamboyant homosexual isn't too inaccurate of a label.

>> No.7877303

>bitches who think wearing black and red with blonde hair makes them harley quinn

>> No.7877313

As an attendee:
-That one friend who is just slows everything down. Everyone has one of these. They get up last, get ready slow, want to have breakfast/brunch somewhere out of the way. They will basically do everything to slow down your con experience. Every part of it. Fuck getting to anything you want to be at early if you're attending a convention with this person: panels, signings, meets, photoshoots. Anything.
-Grabby/hyperactive people. I have no idea why, but I can power through a convention until the moment right after I've talked to someone really way too energetic and talkative. It takes so much energy to focus on them for me, and its not their fault, but it tires the shit out of me. Also, they tend to be grabby. For whatever reason they like to try and hold/grab your hands, too.
-People that try to flag you down in the artist alley/dealer room to buy their shit.
-Super prolonged eye contact. That's a normal pet peeve for me, but I actually give this a pass for conventions. It makes me feel really self-conscious normally, but I figure it's that the person is awkward

As staff:
-Supervising staff that disappears all day and only shows up to repeat information you already knew and tell you to do things you were already doing.
-Attendees that look for excuses to keep talking to you for A LONG TIME. Happened a lot to me. Recently, this one guy came up to me while I was helping with a panel to complain about the WiFi and tell me that I should tell someone higher up about it. When I explained that it was the convention center itself that controlled the WiFi and not my team he went on this rant about how they were probably lying to me and I sort of nodded and agreed. He used that as a springboard to talk to me about just a ton of unrelated things.
-People showing up 20 minutes late for an event that had at least a 1 hour line and whining to get in over and over and over again. Worse when you can tell it's not a casual and they know they should have been early.

>> No.7877342

>>That friend who rooms with you, but doesn't want to do anything. When you go to a panel, they insist on coming along and making smartass comments the whole time.
>>People who can't deal with their liquor, and you end up having to take care of them and apologizing for their damage.

Are you me?

>tfw people give you dirty looks as you walk by because your friend is talking shit
>tfw your friend tells you "you hurt my feelings when you did stuff without me at the con"

Bitch control your fucking attitude when you drink and maybe I'll be okay glued to your side the whole fucking con.

>> No.7877346
File: 56 KB, 375x500, sailor-moon-cosplay-crossplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only talking about pic related. It sounds like you're genderbending though, which is perfectly fine.

I have a problem with people who are hairy and overweight who KNOW they're half assing it because lel so funny. The fact that you're worried about it at all means you're probably not the kind of person I'm bitching about. Good luck! Maybe go with a group so people can tell you're a genderbend?

>> No.7877350

>>People who can't deal with their liquor, and you end up having to take care of them and apologizing for their damage.
Haaaaaaate this person and it feels like so many people have this friend. This is actually a friendship litmus test for me. If you get fucked up in the middle of the afternoon at a convention we payed tickets, travel, and hotel for, which only happens once a year, and I have to waste my time babysitting your ass, we're done.

>> No.7877358

me too, holy fuck. it's not funny. i'm glad to know that other people are tired of it, too

iku doesn't sound like a bad idea!! do us proud, anon

>> No.7877395

Yeah, I'm trying to convince my friends to go as a genderbent group. If I can get my girlfriend to cosplay Tenshi or Momiji, things would be flawless.
One year prep. time, hopefully it turns out good.

>> No.7877441
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>at con hanging around with some people entering the masquerade
>people walking past the line we're in
>ols guy stands and looks at us for a minute, then takes his phone at and snaps a photo of each one of us from his hip like he's trying to be discreet about it or something
>look at him funny
>girl next to me wants to but smiles anyway
>then ANOTHER guy does it
>want to chew them out but I'm british and too polite to do such a thing

>> No.7877448

Assholes in the gamer room. It's shit when you sit down to play, and the normal conversation turns to "lol, should we make this a strip [game?]" or "dude, she raaaapped you!" I've only worn super covering lolita and crossplays to conventions too, so I can't see how I triggered it aside from just being a girl. Haven't been in one for years now. Have they gotten better? Is that normal, or was I just hella unlucky?

>> No.7877469

remember cons are also full of 14-16 year olds

>> No.7877679

>Same people who never shut the fuck up about who's playing what in an anime, claim cheating when they loose at the masquerade and can't do anything without making a spectacle of themselves

You double get fucked and stop pretending its halloween.

>> No.7877684

>stop pretending its halloween

not even that anon, but bruh that was weak considering what board you're on.

>> No.7877940



And to add; coswhores. Most of the prints being sold are the same lazy over cosplayed flavor of the month, and none of them are inspiring, just soft core. Whoring themselves out so they don't have to pay for shit is nothing to be proud of and shouldn't be glamorized so much when everyone now thinks they can be the next Jnig or Yaya. All my friends sell prints of themselves and assume their snowflake genderbents are going to get them efame. Guests should be talented, not famous for making a living off others.

>> No.7877963

>When someone thinks cosplay is mandatory and buys some cheap, random-ass halloween costume

I mean kudos to them for wanting to be part of the fun but wow you'd be surprised to find out how many people think you HAVE to cosplay for it.

>> No.7877976

I feel you here. My state's conventions always have some snobby SCA bitch as the cosplay guest of honor. She once gave someone first place in the cosplay contest who BOUGHT a jacket off the rack and added some studs to it, I refuse to enter the contests after that fucktard one and my brother's light up, hand made skull kid didn't even place. Her garb looks like something someone's mom would make for dress up clothes. There are so many better local cosplayers, but the idiot con heads have to pick someone who doesn't even cosplay.

>> No.7878010

Thank you. I actually barely drink at conventions at all because I paid a lot of fucking money to be here, I'm going to enjoy it as much as I can. I have a ton of friends that have roomed with me (past tense now thankfully) that get day-drunk and then bitch at me when I don't break out the vodka at 4pm. I'm actually enjoying myself without alcohol right now, thank you, please quit with the whining.

I don't usually say anything because I'm worried about sounding like an uppity bitch. I just get so mad sometimes.

Personal pet peeves:
>People who aren't done with their cosplays when they get to the hotel room
This was especially bad last year, I had the most demanding schedule by far of anyone in my room and yet I was the only one that was actually done with my shit. It wouldn't even bother me if they'd worked quietly but instead they were loud as fuck and cut into everyone's sleep time. If you're not done with the costume, just leave it at home.
>People who are wishy-washy about being in your hotel room or not
This one isn't as big of a deal because I tend to plan my hotel rooms so far out, but right now I have three wavery people competing for two spots in the room (first two to confirm get the spots, third gets fucked) and it's annoying/stressful. Most of them promised to have answers for me by the end of October, so hopefully that pans out.

>> No.7878017

That was exactly my problem. Roommate "snuck in" vodka in a water bottle and had started drinking at like 1 p.m. while we were in a panel. By the time the panel was over, she was absolutely shitfaced and couldn't walk. I had to keep her from drawing attention from staff and the people around her for hours. It's extremely shitty to run back and forth to get overpriced vending machine food that she was too picky to eat half the time because you can't wander too far away from her. By the time she could walk it was 4. It took forever walking her to our hotel that was like two or three blocks away. I dropped her off to sleep things off and it turns out she vomitted all over our bathroom. This was Friday. When I didn't hang out with her Saturday she threw a fit and left dramatically early on Sunday.

>> No.7878218

>Shit line enforcement
Cons that tell you "don't line up here until X" and make no effort to break up any groups who try to get smart and line up in areas behind the main lane.

>Multiple panels of the same type in one con.
I don't get uppity about what fandom has what but do we really need five Homestuck panels or seven Hetalia panels in the same con?

>Staff members without any obvious visual clues that they are staff
Kudos to AX for having their staff wear bright safety vest or Kraken con with the sailor hats. Just having a badge that says "I'm Staff" does little for me when I'm looking for help.

>No benefits for panelists
This mainly goes to Y-con this year. If I'm going to host a panel then I should at least be provided a discount for a badge. Ycon's policy that you need at least 8+ panel hour time in order to get a discount which is god damn impossible given how small the panel time windows were along with the con only being two days long

>Badge Pickup lines where at con reg lasts shorter than prereg
I always find it funny how people are penalize with super long badge pickup times despite the fact they took the time to register and submit their paperwork ahead of time. Fanime 2014 spolied me with how good a badge pickup system can be and I hope other cons follow suite.

>> No.7878286

Nothing pisses me off more than those people who want you to make them something or get something for them and then get mad because you got exactly what they wanted, but they meant something else.

Just today I went to get some stuff from Jo-Anns, my brother asks me to get him "snaps, like you'd find on a backpack", responds with "plastic" when I call and ask what color and then gets upset when it turns out he meant a plastic buckle and webbing straps.

>> No.7878822

Ugh, god this.
I've had commission customers ask for their costumes to be made with "anything but" satin/spandex/cotton/fleece/whatever they've heard bad things about recently on tumblr or whatever, and then demand what they want in great detail, describing exactly the materials they just asked me not to get.

>> No.7878839

Line enforcement is tough, yo. If you want it to be enforced, you need ONE dude to stand there and tell people "Oh, you can't stand here or ANYWHERE near here. Please stop sniping this spot." Then people tell you that you're on a power trip.

It's better just to leave things alone and let the early bird get the worm.

>> No.7879096

When a con has staffers who ARE the creepers. One, for example, thought it'd be cute to jump up behind me and kick me in the ass while I was walking down stairs, in order to say "hi!" to me.

>> No.7879286
File: 236 KB, 368x331, 1293407368497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay as koiwai for my first time and bring my baby sister as yotsuba
>dumb whores keep coming up to us and picking her up thinking it's okay to do that
>she clearly does not want them to touch her
>hold her the rest of the time because the retard grills can't keep their hands to their selves

>> No.7879298

what you do is let them experience hell and then bring on the line control. they'll welcome it.

see AX autographs on day 1-3, then day 4. not until day 4 did they have actual lines. before that, zerg rush the doors.