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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 134 KB, 720x960, IMG_51602825482508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7815476 No.7815476 [Reply] [Original]

Ive been pretty content with jnigg's cosplays so far but her mikasa feels so wrong to me for some reason. I dont think her face shape is right for the wig or something, or maybe the makeup is off?
and I know for sure there are characters I wont cosplay because I think my appearance wouldn't be right for it

>> No.7815485

Probably the heavy makeup. Considering the desolate circumstances of the story I'm pretty sure makeup wouldn't be a commodity that average villagers have ease of access to. This same logic makes me hate people who think the jackets would be leather...

>> No.7815486

You don't need to look like the character you want to cosplay. You just need to do it if you want to.
By the way, there's something missing... there's something of her that she's not showing on that cosplay... xD

>> No.7815488 [DELETED] 

bcuz shes a white bithc trash fuk u niggur

>> No.7815504 [DELETED] 

Fuck you nigga, get shoot in Ferguson

>> No.7815507

You can cosplay whoever you want, it's all about having fun while doing it don't need to be exactly like the character.

>> No.7815508

what she not showing?

>> No.7815511

Extra! Extra! Jnig cosplays as herself in a costume! Looks like Jnig and not the character! Read All About It!

Post some good Mikasa(s) though.

>> No.7815514
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>> No.7815516


>> No.7815517

>good mikasas

>> No.7815521

It's hard to tell with the absurd amount of exposure she always does when she's not anime enough.

>> No.7815535

I don't know why, but I actually really love this makeup for Mikasa. It seems counter intuitive cause Mikasa probably wouldn't wear much makeup, but something about the style looks kind of tough which reminds me of Mikasa. I still would rather see her as Annie though

>> No.7815538

That looks ridiculous... she is not suited for Mikasa at all. Definitely more of a Christa

>> No.7815557
File: 67 KB, 500x749, PeopleAmazeMe_com-man-ugly-fat-costume-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't need to look like the character you want to cosplay

>> No.7815567

Her eyebrows are way too light for the wig and black eye makeup which is why it looks so goddamn weird

>> No.7815568
File: 191 KB, 514x960, beard ryuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't need to look like the character you want to cosplay

>> No.7815569

Jesus fuck, she manages to look like a scene whore in every costume she's in. I appreciate that her tits aren't hanging out but I wish she styled her wigs better and tried to tone the makeup down.

>> No.7815583
File: 113 KB, 679x960, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, all cosplayers look ~AMAZING~

>> No.7815588

no cleavage? i want boobs damn it

>> No.7815624

It's the makeup. The eye make up just doesn't work in my opinion. If she got paler skin, natural eye makeup and proper eyebrows, I think it would actually be great.

>> No.7815625

It's the makeup, Why the hell is she wearing a dark smokey eye like that? A natural makeup would look better for Mikasa.

>> No.7815769

I think that her makeup and (lack of) wig styling are sort of her signature. She's not Mikasa, she's ~Jessica Nigri~ as Mikasa. She cares more about selling prints to neckbeards than she does accuracy.

>> No.7815775

>no matter your race

as long as your white ass self don't cosplay black character!!1!

>> No.7815777

It's great I don't even have to follow jnigs FB page because you salty ladies post her updates for me.

Extra extra JNig messes up another character!! Suprise of the century.

She's just like Yaya when it comes to always wearing the same makeup. This shouldn't be a suprise anymore nor does it need a new thread each time.

>> No.7815813

Looks like she has a unibrow...

>> No.7815843

It looks out of place to me

maybe it's because I highly associated Mikasa as being Asian. she's mentioned as one of the last Asians alive in the actual anime after all

>> No.7815848

Mikasa's also pale as fuck, and just... the opposite of Jnig in every way. I don't have a strong opinion on Jnig either way, but thiis was a bad choice.

>> No.7815850

A ridiculous amount of cleavage! She gets props from me on that point.

Now she just needs to work on her make-up. That wig could be styled better, too.

I'd like to see her as Annie too anon.

>> No.7815855

I know why no one likes it. It's because you can't see her boobs at all. We need a cleavage at least.

>> No.7815901

looks like jnig in a costume. Not Mikasa. Fail. People should be ashamed to call her "greatest cosplayer evarrr"

I mean shes not ugly or anything, but as a cosplayer she is terrible. Now, can we stop giving her attention so she goes away? (I should take my own advice lol)

>> No.7815928

>People should be ashamed to call her "greatest cosplayer evarrr"

You do realize that the people who call her that arent even in the cosplay community. Its like that fgt Luke Plunkett from Kotaku who wrote a book on cosplay but doesnt even fucking cosplay. Suddenly having a fap folder makes you an 'expert' on who the best cosplayers are. Muh dick is hard therefore she's the best!

Also conventions only use titles like that in order to make it seem like the guest they hired are important.

>> No.7815932

She's only half asian tho.

>> No.7815951

I don't usually give a shit about people cosplaying stuff that doesn't suit them as long as the costume is decent and they aren't an asshole. But Attack on Titan is an anomoly because they live in deperation and hundreds of thousands of people were sent to their deaths to save the rest from starvation. So I'm not really a fan of seeing fat AoT cospayers or JNig's special case of heavy eye makeup.

>> No.7815969

No I agree with anon, JNig looks so typically white that she just doesnt fit, even as mixed-race Mikasa is supposed to look at-a-glance different from the Europeans (though the makeup isn't doing her any favors...heavy makeup on any SNK people just looks wrong.)

>> No.7816042


>> No.7816100

Mikasa thread

>> No.7816133

Holy shit it does

I was really hoping she'd do christa

>> No.7816140

Attack on Titan is a bad anime, and spawned a bunch of bad cosplayers, why do you care how much she looks like Mikasa? She has the right hairstyle and the red scarf, who the fuck cares?

>> No.7816174

You know that's not the problem. I've seen some great white Garterbelt cosplays.

>> No.7816183

What is with that ridiculous moe makeup anyway? Mikasa is not moe.

>> No.7816251

>You don't need to look like the character you want to cosplay.
See, I would usually agree with this, but jnig does 'professionally' or she calls herself professional or something. I think that it's different if you're a 'famous' cosplayer who does this for more than just fun.

By the way, I'm not saying she's a professional or whatever, just that she considers herself one.

>> No.7816291

Or the fact her clothes are too big. I don't watch AoT but that cutesy moe shit isn't for this character from what I've seen.

>> No.7816347

this is horrifying

>> No.7816374

jesus, the brightness/contrast abuse on this pic is physically painful. who on earth would think that looked good? is she blind? have we been making fun of a blind woman this whole time?

>> No.7816523


Would lose my way with.

>> No.7816526

>Mikasa is not moe.

I'll kill you.

>> No.7816532

You must have .05/20 vision. Trust me, your seeing eye dog would hump her leg.

She's really cute.
Let me translate that to braile so you could understand: :.. ::..-:..:.::.

>> No.7816543

Mikasa should be able to melt your face off with just the glare of her eyes.

>> No.7816641

I agree with the other anon. The eyelashes are stupid and the wig is eating her face and covering most of it. She looks stupid and like a sucker fish with her lips all puckered. Then again I dont suffer from yellow fever... She looks like she should be cosplaying someone younger.

>> No.7816759
File: 333 KB, 720x960, Nigri-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in a shoop da woop mood lately so here I tried to implement anons suggestions. Screw properly editing her raccoon eyes though.

>> No.7817860

Yeah I agree she looks like shit. But I was just stating facts there.

>> No.7817879

she looks too old and mature to pull that off. its not working. PLZ don't cosplay as long as yaya. retire while you can with dignity.

>> No.7817934

That pretty good.
She looks better, still not mikasa but it's better.

Why does she always do racoon eye makeup? It's not like her face is ugly and she needs fifty layers of the stuff.
Stop the scene girl shit and just do character makeup.

>> No.7817968

>JNig as Mikasa

RIP in Pieces SnK

>> No.7818706

>Considering the desolate circumstances.
>Leather military jackets.
>Implying they aren't reusing the same old jackets from before the wall came down.

>> No.7818837

>that uncut wig tho

>> No.7819070

Mikasa wears some pretty obvious lipstick in the anime (especially in the training episodes) and it pisses me off. I agree, heavy makeup is a no go

>> No.7819073

I still want to see a skinny white guy cosplay as Mr. T

>> No.7819086

Is that Berry? or whatever the hell her name is. Isn't she like one of those "I'm a cute asian girl that ttly doesn't photoshop please love me" people

>> No.7819446

Most military uniforms aren't even made with leather. The boots I can understand but the jackets themselves I just don't see.

>> No.7819451

Well I don't know about you but my lips certainly aren't the same color as the rest of my skin

>> No.7820654

Most military uniforms are weatherproofed wool or synthetic - But considering the setting and resources, leather is the best way to get weatherproofed fabric.

They don't really have the right cut for any kind of wool jacket, either.

I dunno, they just remind me of bomber jackets and it makes sense for the setting.

>> No.7820660

If her eyebrows weren't arched so high and she didn't have raccoon eyes I think she'd look really good. If I ignore those things I like it. I also for some reason really like her wig as well. Shoot me please

>> No.7820668

I think my biggest problem with this is that it makes it really obvious that she will display anything that she perceives as the character that will get her the most attention, even though there are at least a few characters in snk that she could pull off much better

>> No.7820684
File: 182 KB, 1920x1080, iIadJlw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even though there are at least a few characters in snk that she could pull off much better

Like this guy

captcha: 420

>> No.7820686

>will get her the most attention

I think she is kinda late on this one. Also most of her fanbase probably doesn't watch SnK.

>> No.7820700

I assumed it was because they're doing the English dub for it now.

>> No.7822391


Thinks that weaving fabric is easier that skinning an animal.

>> No.7822396

Yes, makeup beyond the baseline of smoothing out your skin and maybe some contourign is absolutely inappropriate for SNK cosplay.

I think Mikasa's super pink lips in the anime were just a coloring choice (there are some closeups in Claymore where Claire's lips look like that too and I guarantee you she wasn't putting on makeup to go fight yokai)

>> No.7822708

ichigoflavor pls go away your mikasa cosplay is shit especially with your kawaii uguh makeup.
protip: you ain't cute stop

>> No.7822710

Yeah it's Berry,she's pretty much the asian KotaKoti in a way but less famous (which she tries to be i guess)

>> No.7822747
File: 123 KB, 507x762, Shots fired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pixyteri? LEL

>> No.7822808

She admits to edit her pictures so don't try to make this even more of a drama thread.

>> No.7822811

What's with her sudden influx in buying and commissioning costumes? Has she finally come out of the closet and admitted she hasn't made jack shit?

>> No.7822824
File: 238 KB, 1546x932, jnigmario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her Mario is literally a party city halloween costume

>> No.7822872

Recently she being giving a lot more credit to those who help make or stuff or outright make it for her. I don't doubt that she makes some items but you can see a big gap in quality. I feel like her mother and Monika have helped with A LOT but never get credit.

Would you turn down people making quality costumes for you if you had the option? I know I wouldn't.

>> No.7822887

Oh god I thought it WAS Pixyteri
A shooped Pixyteri but still.
How did this girl even became famous she's so pointless the only thing she has are her tits and her face is pretty unnattractive (reminds me of a rat and one of those orange spray addicted girls from white trash neighborhoods) idk

>> No.7822889

Jeshika Nigger chan kosupure are perfect look at the grorious b00bz stop being a jealous meanie :(

>> No.7822890

Is it bad that I can tell she literally shooped the ends of the overall straps to make them look different? Lmao.
Also what's with the weird burn tool on her eyes?

>> No.7822893

For me it's the contacts. I don't know where she's getting them but the contacts she's used in the last 5 or 6 costumes have been really shitty. They dominate and are so unnatural looking they take her right into full Real Doll uncanny valley, regardless of her make up. If she used more natural looking contacts or just her plain eyes they would look much better. Even if her eyes aren't the right color I'd rather she had the wrong color eyes than these freaky alien eyes.

>> No.7824834

Looks great

>> No.7825128

I should remind you she was famous before she even had tits.

>> No.7825148

oh my god ichigoflavor is disgusting

>> No.7825216
File: 200 KB, 1200x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her Freddy Krueger cosplay was also a Party City costume. She just ripped the sweater further to showcase her boobs and stomach, then added denim shorts.

>> No.7825271
File: 33 KB, 401x525, Kotobukiya_Jason_vs._Freddy_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno man when I can buy premade parts of my costumes I do. Her costume is based on a Kotobukiya figure though

>> No.7825342

>man hands
>big boobs as usual but the rest of her looking unusually fat and doughy
gross, pixynigri

>> No.7825426

I understand, but at the same time, she is getting PAID to do these cosplays. Why would you pick to cosplay something that is so cheap and easy to do? Why would you just buy a generic Party City costume, if you are *supposedly* a professional? There are people who put more effort than her in their cosplays, and they do it for FREE. I would like even more effort from those who expect me as a fan to buy their shitty prints and finance their "hobby." Cosplay something that is ACTUALLY amazing and detailed. Don't just dig up some shitty ass fanart or figurine, and use that as an excuse to half-ass your work.

I would have been more impressed if she actually cosplayed Freddy, with the face makeup and everything. But no. Raccoon eyes foreva.

>> No.7825604

She might have been paid by a booth to do this specific version. I know other cosplayers have been commissioned by companies to do the Kotobukiya versions of characters before as they are featuring that figure at the convention. I'm unsure of the circumstances in this case. Or she could have just been invited to a random con and wanted a quick and easy costume to wear.

I get your argument but I think its naive to think that companies are paying her to make fabulous and detailed costumes. They know what they are getting when they hire her. Shes like the fast food of cosplay. Quick, easy and reliable. Though her reliability might have taken a small hit thanks to her recent flake out at that Canada con. If a company is looking for professional quality costumes they are going to hire a seamstress.

Also would like to echo the same sentiment from an earlier post that only people not in the cosplay community label her with stupid titles like "Queen of Cosplay." Remember cons are out for profit. Your going to want to make your guests seem more amazing then they actual are to get people to come so they hype ppl.

>> No.7826730

maybe it's the fact that pretty much every cosplay she's ever done is focused around her tits? I know that's always been my complaint. sure she's hot or whatever but some characters she should just leave the fuck alone.

>> No.7826746

that fucking guy, i've seen him at almost every convention I go to

>> No.7827409

I don't want to be rude, but you'd have to lose weight with him first.

He's not too fat, but you're clearly a landwhale. I don't think it's physically possible for him to put it inside you with that gut on both sides.

>> No.7827457

Any one remember that one Facebook post she said something like "I'm not a cosplayer I'm a costumer"

>> No.7827481

What happened at the con?
Sage for curiosity.

>> No.7827822

you need to chill, pretty sure that anon meant it as a joke

>> No.7832804


>> No.7835873

She's gotta get her money's worth out of those tits she bought.

>> No.7842858

Christ she looks so dumb and puffy.

>> No.7843140

She was constantly running late and didn't turn up for a couple of appearances. It's nothing that other cosplay guests don't do every time, too.

>> No.7846830

Other cosplay guests don't decide to bail on a ticketed appearance, which their fans have paid to attend just so they can go and have fun at the aquarium next door.

Also, if cosplay guests have to bail on an appearance they leave their phones on so that they and the event organizers have a chance of rearranging the appearance unlike Jessica.

FanExpo posted what happened on their Facebook so it's out there for any other event organizers to find.

>> No.7846848
File: 110 KB, 960x682, yup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skirt shorter than everyone else's
And I can't stop seeing a Transformer's logo beneath her silicon.

>> No.7846854

best closet cosplay ever

>> No.7846874

The short skirt works better here, but she should've moved her belt up because now her torso looks weird.

>> No.7846876

thats a lotta manface with a lotta eyeliner

>> No.7846896

i'm getting a strong lord farquaad vibe from her in this pic

>> No.7846926


I like the costumes. They look nice.

But everyone in that pic needs to step away from the eyeliner and false eyelashes. Make up is good but you can easily overdo it.

Also nitpick but Mars should not be the center of that pic. Chibi Moon should be.

>> No.7846934

The Moon is the only one that looks possibly worse than JNig (Mars)

>> No.7846947

This really bothered me. I even pointedit out to my boyfriend. The only reason for Mars to be in the middle is cause it's J Nig. Also moon is fucking unrecognizable

>> No.7846960

that venus is really qt but she's overshadowed by weird smug chibiusa. also its kind of strange to do a sailor moon group with no sailor moon.

>> No.7846964

I hate that Jupiter's wig is not brown.

But yeah, why would Mars be center and not Chibi Usa?

Chibi's breast plate looks to be really sagging, too.

>> No.7846984


>> No.7846989

How come jnig is part of such a fail group. ?

>> No.7847003

Because they probably made most of her costume.

>> No.7847014

So whys hers look better then?

>> No.7847018

Shit I just realized. She doesn't have the arm pieces at all.

>> No.7847039


I must be retarded, cause I can't find it anywhere on their FB page.

>> No.7847044

Please stop with this bullshit of remaking princess and sailor moon.

>> No.7847138
File: 111 KB, 511x1063, fanexpojess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see if the mods/janitors rush to the defense of their princess again.

FYI she also posted a picture of herself at the aquarium that afternoon.

>> No.7847171


The tard who couldn't find this here, thanks for posting it. This kinda has me feeling a little irate, because a few times I've gone out of my way to halfass defend her (not in a white-knighty way but rather a 'mind your own business who cares' kinda way). I can say I'm done doing that now.

I completely do not fucking understand why people are paying money to see her. Like someone said, fucking Stan Lee is 92 goddamn years old and he was there all four days. Norman Reedus filmed, showered and made it in time for his Saturday/Sunday appearances. It's what they get paid to do and it was her job. She's not famous in a real sense. She's not a real celebrity. She might have achieved celebrity status in cosplay, but if I told any of my coworkers I ran into her in a hallway, they'd be like "who?"

The fact that she posted on two separate social media accounts and gave two completely different reasons leads me to believe she's a liar and a fraud. Guess she got the last laugh though, cause it seems FanExpo footed the bill for her trip. Suckers.

>> No.7847180

>paying for an IvyDoomKitty appearence.

>> No.7847205

Daniel has the right idea. Why do all these cosplayers let this shit get to their head? They're not actually famous. >>7847171 is completely right. When actually famous people who have actual accomplishments are more level-headed and pleasant to be around then psuedocelebrities something's wrong. And why are cons encouraging this.. it's not like if you don't invite them to your con they won't show up, that's what they do as cosplayers, go to cons. Like, if you don't invite Hugh Jackman or Stan Lee personally they are probably not going to show up for funsies but that's not the case with cosplayers because it's kind of what they do

>> No.7847208


>> No.7847212

>IvyDoomKitty = landwhale

>> No.7847229
File: 55 KB, 516x225, finally-scanner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh thank goodness this is finally happening.

It's taken forever for the true colors of less than genuine fans to finally show but there it is.

People who are into whatever game/anime/comic/book/ect don't give a shit about how they look or being tired. They want to talk to their fellow fans about something they also love. But people who are all about themselves are the kind of vain who skip out just like she did.

>> No.7847265

that's 'cuz moon is a social climing hack who doesn't cosplay for shit and never has.

>> No.7847280

Do you guys think this is the beginning of the end for cosplay "celebrities"? If the queen bee herself is flaking out, she could give the rest of the girls with a fraction of her fan base a bad name and discourage conventions to hire cosplayers.

>> No.7847282

The worst Jessica Nigri cosplay is still "Armor Elsa" because it's Crystal Maiden from Dota 2 gone really bad and nothing else

>> No.7847443


Her "Armor Sailor Mars" looks literally almost the same.

>> No.7847450

That was just an excuse for her to show her tits as Mars. You dressed up as a sailor moon character and took away one of the most iconic things about the character: the senshi uniform. Congrats.

>> No.7847538

>And why are cons encouraging this.. it's not like if you don't invite them to your con they won't show up, that's what they do as cosplayers, go to cons.

I've never understood this either. Cosplayers will go to cons anyway and those who wish to sell photos will hire a booth and actually pay the con money and then go out of their way to advertise their upcoming presence to their "fan base".

Why foot the bill for what is essentially a nobody with no relevant achievements in movies / television / games industry / comics / anime / manga / etc to attend?

>> No.7847558

Outside of the Transformers logo between her silicone it still kinda resembles the character instead of looking like something completely els(a)

>> No.7847581

I think you're seeing cosplay people bailing on appointments and not giving a shit because they're not used to this life really. Someone like Stan Lee has been doing this for decades, he knows the score. A 92 year old who knows what the fuck is up is always going to stick these things through better than a 20-something who's clueless.

I'm not saying that she should be excused, just that you shouldn't be surprised.

Some are still seen as a draw. Not as big a draw as a proper celeb but enough to be profitable. Remember too that cosplay guests never get everything paid for to the same extent someone like Stan Lee does. They usually don't have to pay the fee for their booth and they may not have to pay for all of their travel and hotel but it's not totally all-expenses-paid, either.

>> No.7847658

>They usually don't have to pay the fee for their booth and they may not have to pay for all of their travel and hotel but it's not totally all-expenses-paid, either.

This may have been the case before but I think that some cons actually pay hard cash for cosplay guests. I seem to remember a figure of an $8,000 appearance fee being mentioned for Jessica at AX. Not sure if this is correct though.

>> No.7847906

Meixan landwhale, her face is awful. She is like a mexican piñata.

>> No.7848035

I can kind of see it for Jessica, though that's a little much. There's no way your more common cosplay guest is commanding anywhere near that kind of money.

>> No.7848385


>I think you're seeing cosplay people bailing on appointments and not giving a shit because they're not used to this life really.

I get what you're saying, but at the same time, Jessica has been doing this for a few years now. It's not even so much the fact that she could have burned out, which is excusable, but the fact that she clearly lied about it and was then seen shopping and doing things with her boyfriend on FanExpo's dime.
That shows very poor character on her part, but sadly I don't see one flake-out( that didn't even happen in this country) ruining her reputation enough so she stops getting hired for guest spots and this whole "hiring attention starved pseudo-famous cosplayers for our con" trend finally dies. We just aren't that lucky.

>> No.7848477

Seconded. Postergirl for all ugly, fat, skanked out cholas. If it wasn't for corsets and shoop. she'd be a shapeless blob

>> No.7848478
File: 355 KB, 500x486, 1409611907994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The picture she posted shortly after she bailed on her engagements at FanExpo. Lol.

>> No.7848479

/cgl/ is so afraid of Jessica Nigri because they know it's only a matter of time before she fixes her gaze on lolita.

>> No.7848555


Oh my, look at how tired and burnt out she is. She looks like she's about to fall over from the fatigue. What a cunt.

>> No.7848560


Nah, she can't show off her tits. She'd just end up looking like a cheap maid if anything.

>> No.7848582

> be a top soldier
> cake on makeup
makes sense to me

>> No.7848590

If she does, at the very most, it'll be a modified to show maximum tits Leg Avenue or Yandy 'lolita' costume. Maybe, an ita bodyline piece at most.

>> No.7848596

*at the least instead of at the very most

>> No.7848628

I didn't say she would do it well. Just that eventually, she will "cosplay" lolita and it will mean death via aneurysm for most of /cgl/

>> No.7848630


>> No.7848638

Shock horror, large-breasted blonde girl has boyfriend.

>> No.7848650

Check her instagram, unless you're allergic to hipster people with plugs and generally horrible taste in clothes

>> No.7848677

To be fair, that's a reasonable allergy to develop.

>> No.7848700


He has an instagram, too. Wasn't there some weird thing with her ex and a clothing line? Something about her cheating and said ex calling her out on the numerous tit jobs (because nobody else noticed at all).

I have no idea why I'm even bringing it up because I legit don't care, but I'm almost positive it was a thing here awhile ago.

>> No.7848705

ex and a clothing line hmm?

>> No.7848707

One of her exs did blow up about her cheating on him and 'revealed' her tits aren't real. As if anybody would be surprised by either fact.

>> No.7848710


Yeah, I really only brought it up because I was legit surprised someone here didn't know she had a bf, then I figured they must be newfag because it was a huge thing on cgl like a year ago roughly.
I can't remember the details, but there were screenshots and shit so someone out there has 'em.

>> No.7848738
File: 221 KB, 2048x915, 1367648644287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here ya go

>> No.7848745

So much rage over things everybody either already knew or already assumed

>> No.7848753

The only thing I learned from this is that all of these people look really average and super normalfag (except that guy with the holsters in the back).

Can't bring myself to feel anything over this.

>> No.7848798


I'm not sure how old this is, but I hope he got over it. If even half of this shit is true (some I believe, and some I think is greatly exaggerated), then he needs to be grateful she's out of his life and just move on. This is just sad.

>> No.7848843


samefag and vendetta

stop hating on jessica

>> No.7848867

Is there any proof of any of this..? Cause I've seen more evidence is not true then it is.

>> No.7848876

Also why would she need to sleep with someone to model for a shitty t shirt company. I'm sure she gets 10000 requests todo this daily. so much idiocy here.

>> No.7848954


Yeah, okay then. Pretty sure it was just a discussion, and the "hating" was actually for something she did that we have 100% proof of. Nice try, faggot.

I highly doubt there's proof, else he would have offered it straight up. It just screams "waaah bitter ex" to me.

>> No.7848984

>whiteknighting this hard

>> No.7848999

This. Especially since when she did the cheating she was already pretty popular/well known so I doubt she had to sleep with the dude to get him to let her model for his unknown store. Her reputation alone would have been enough of a reason for the company to agree to let her model. Her banging him and them getting into a relationship was probably just a result of her modeling and them hanging out. Shit happens. She definitely has a type tho...

>> No.7849030

I would be hitting her ass with breach of contract.

>> No.7849173

she's not going to sleep with you, you can calm down son

>> No.7849246
File: 131 KB, 702x463, peoplewholikedthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder which vindictive person you are. Jasmine brown nosed Jnig like two posts after liking this comment and Matt told her to just go in to porn and posted a picture reaking of 4chan vendetta. Shelby looks like a Jnig wannabe and is making fun of her own fans on her page.
Not saying this was a good photo or even a good costume for Jnigs because it isnt. Just saying you should cover your tracks better before youre caught talking so much shit, vendetta-chan.

>> No.7849268



More 'lel' because I'm pretty sure she deleted it off her facebook page.

>> No.7849300

holy shit who cares

>> No.7849326

Its not on her timeline but you can see it if you go through her photos.
Typical cgl, dish it out but cant take it. You mad because you know your gonna get called out on being a drama monger. You can be mean and you can be stupid but you cant be both, "anon".

>> No.7849332


Breaking news: no one actually cares.

Back to you, Tom.

>> No.7849345

not easier, but raising cattle is expensive and you need to have a lot of land, whereas something like cotton is way cheaper and it would make sense if the uniforms are made from fabric. And leather has very little flexibility.
Also, you don't just skin the animal and just use the thing, it has to be cured and go through a process before it actually becomes leather as we know it.

>> No.7849350

>waaah now everyone will know how fake i am, go back to being mean to someone else

>> No.7849351

Thinks that a country full of isolated, starving people has the food and land to raise cattle.

>> No.7849376
File: 1022 KB, 920x992, kekekekek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's going on now?

>> No.7849401

Dear Jessica,

I think cosplay, cons, and the internet are bad for your mental health. I know you don't want to consider this but please humor me for a moment and keep reading what I have to say.

You know how you acquired the notoriety you have. It wasn't all real at first - you had to make it that way. After a few years of self-promoting you did. At first you were aware that the "you" you present online was a tailored version of who you wanted to be seen as; but we eventually become what we're pretending to be, and now you have buried the parts of yourself that you don't want to acknowledge. You're a cariacature. You don't like yourself without paint covering your face. You spent thousands of dollars to get plastic bags full of water inserted underneath your skin to gain more approval from people you don't know, people who's attention you crave even though they're not your friends, family, or your lover. You seek attention for your appearance, not your abilities, intelligence, or talent. This is not good for you.

You are valuable. You're wonderful as you are - without makeup, without showing off your half-naked body in skimpy clothes, without putting on a fake personality. You were created to experience being loved as you are. You were created to learn to love yourself as you are. Cosplay and internet fame are just pushing you further and further away from that.

Take a step back from all the extra layers you've gotten addicted to. You're addicted to the virtual mirror you're staring into as you read this. Take a break from cosplay and the internet. Stop obsessively reading what people say about you on places like /cgl/. Stop wearing makeup for awhile and learn to feel beautiful without it. Take a few college classes. Learn to feel valuable for your mind rather than your body. Learn to be satisfied with just the attention from your boyfriend instead of the attention of other men.

I wish you the best.


>> No.7849402


Why even call this "armored"? Like...you added worbla but have your tits hanging out.

Just call it what it is. Needless fantasy bullshit because Sailor Scouts are a dime a dozen and you wanna be unique.

>> No.7849407

LOL. Finally, anons who understand me.
Glad I'm no the only one who doesn't like that fat bitch.
It's kinda ridiculous how the landwhale gets invited to cons and shit. I mean, she's got 0 talent and there's nothing really good about her. Her cosplays are super played-out and her "armor making" skills are terrible. I mean, she wears spandex suits in every single one of her cosplays, so we can't see the flappy wings under her arms and try to achieve a slim figure. People should really stop making useless people in the cos community famous.

>> No.7849463


Tom here, back with the podiatrist podcast.
Today we'll take a step into the weather program.
Today's forecast is is a windy day, so if you plan to take a walk- plan to walk on the wild side, and dont get cold feet!
Aaaand, over to Kooter, who's got the latest fashion trends and photoshop tips!

>> No.7849466

wow lol

>> No.7849478
File: 140 KB, 960x960, 10501607_10152780346797533_8520380205102459560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jnig is cosplaying Jnig. Is it me or is her head getting bigger?

>> No.7849481


The neck piece isn't helping and nor is the wig riding so damn high on her head.

>> No.7849486

She's just wearing the wig up on her natural hairline.

>> No.7849487

Her head is getting bigger and her hairline just can't seem to keep up

>> No.7849488
File: 149 KB, 219x344, pixis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this rate she'll be cosplaying sexy Pixis by age 30.

>> No.7849493
File: 55 KB, 600x900, b819b4467630828a64db736de61b8c9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't have had to do that if she knew how to fucking cut the bangs on her wig. Newbie mistake for the "queen of cosplay". Even Monica had a better styled wig than her.

>> No.7849526


I guess I never noticed how large her forehead is if that's where her hairline starts.

>> No.7849552

People still believe Jnig makes this armor?
Gladzy Kei
>sailor mercury
did all the work, even makes art commissions for Jnig so she can cosplay them without it 'not being cannon'. Then she just gives them a thanks then ditches them after the photoshoot.
This is what cosplay has become.

>> No.7849625
File: 170 KB, 2048x344, 10667709_10154613966960468_939425591_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seeing a lot of wooden floor here. Does Gladzy Kei let them lie so she can get advertisement?

>> No.7849632
File: 106 KB, 960x640, 1796471_958243857524033_3697666863182927622_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vivid Vision made her skirt.

>> No.7849634

Oh, she's the one who did the awful Crystal Maiden Elsa design lol

>> No.7849636

>And I can't stop seeing a Transformer's logo beneath her silicon.

Well she IS a Decepticon...

>> No.7849640


She made that design specifically for Jnig to cosplay.

>> No.7849647

When JNegro posted the first photo of it on Instagram, at least a third of the comments pointed out that it looks pretty much like Crystal Maiden.

Seeing how the only game she seems to play (and care about due to probably getting hired by Riot or wanting to get hired by Riot?) is LoL (and Riot Games fucking hates Dota) she never even tried to answer those comments lmao

>> No.7849651
File: 49 KB, 502x574, 10719263_10154614000615468_1009246863_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong of me to find it weird that when a normal fan who'd never recognize her as the artist puts up a passive aggressive post about it on one of her fb pages, but when Jnig or another one of her friends doesn't credit her she looks right over it as if she planned it on purpose?

>> No.7849667
File: 138 KB, 960x713, 3259999233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The white girls didn't do shit, they all depended on the artist and the Chibi moon to do everything for them and allow them to white lie for profits. Strategy isn't old, feel stupid for thinking Jnig could improve that quickly.

>> No.7849670

>So much teamwork was involved
>Paying the filipino's to do all the work.

>> No.7849681

Wow, all those fun and candid shots and JNig's there for only two of them and just there to pose.

I'd be damn grateful someone made a cosplay for me and wanted to do group stuff with me but she looks like she's only there for center stage attention.

>> No.7849825
File: 88 KB, 1136x388, IMG_157763042842018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see Jessica's stuff all over the placer...

>> No.7849833

Damn I want a whole team of people to work on my shit for me then lie about it on fb. Is this what being cosfamous is in a nut shell?

>> No.7849865

Kek found her missing arm bands. Maybe if she had made it herself like she claims there wouldn't be so many costume malfunctions.

>> No.7850184

Those designs are tacky as fuck.

>> No.7850193

Who the hell wrote JNig's ED article???

Is anyone working on fixing it??

>> No.7850318

that started before she 'got big'. Hooking up with the daddy's money from CS was what let her really start advertizing.

>> No.7850329

of course? can you think of any other reason? social climbing ftw!

VV. didn't even make her own skirt.

are you drunk, or stupid? chibi moon didn't do dick all other than practice her social climbing.

>> No.7850344

This photo dissapeared from the fatty's facebook?, kek, she lurks here.

>> No.7850418

Save all evidence of lying before they try to twist a story out of it.

>> No.7850446

Jessica Nigri is a gateway cosplayer of the worst kind. She's a bad cosplayer, a clusterfuck of tanning and craftsmanship that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by padding in excessive push-up bra faggotry and TEE-HEE. The normal anon can't see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that herself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make her fandom a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable neckbeard faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superficial person all trying her hardest to look cool, the bras, unnecessary, sexy-fied cosplays, the whole body-over-skill faggotry and everything about the JNig fandom fuels their sexist fantasies, while the pitiful cosplay community, emphasis on her fame, and overall emptiness of her make it fit just right with the mary-sueish cosplay of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Jessica Nigri is basically THE cosplayer to attract the most hated cosplay fanbase known to /cgl/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of her and everyone who likes her, and ensure that no Jnig threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.

>> No.7850508
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>> No.7850510
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>> No.7850513
File: 45 KB, 640x640, 1723649_1524886307757589_410639583_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jessica's whitenight is her artist. Of course.

>> No.7850515


>> No.7850666
File: 217 KB, 1365x2048, 10551740_698374750242811_1431635679677207263_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chibimoon didn't do shit. Vicky is a vapid idiot with all the talent of an empty trashbin. Pic related- her absolutely horrible Anna that she wore with the armored princess group. The bitch needs to stick to taking photos instead of trying to leech onto others for attention.

>> No.7850668

omg these are great!

>> No.7850689

Their entire group looks like a cheap way to get fame.

>> No.7850695

Did she use glossy paper for the borders of the top?

>> No.7850706
File: 699 KB, 1892x602, Work in progress for Black Cure Nagisa Misumi Photo by Francesca Dani Cosplay.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahahaha, good lord this is bringing back memories of another fraud.

>> No.7850710

Can Disney sue?

>> No.7850714

Nah, do you think that an entire company is going to sue EVERY person that makes rip-off from them? If they are not earning millions from those rip-off, they wont care

>> No.7850716

what's the story behind this?

>> No.7850742


This just...pisses me off. I get help on costumes depending on how complicated they are, but not to this scale, a whole damn team of people working on a project and she just posts about how "hard" she's working non-stop. Looks like she hasn't really progressed in costume making at all. Watching others making your costume must be such tiring work. Unreal.

>> No.7850756

It's really sad that Vicky is representing Animethon and Edmonton cosplay in general. She's going the Nigri route and it's digusting. There are so many better local cosplayers but we're stuck with this bitch.

>> No.7850759

this whole thing just reeks of "we broke up and im BUTTMAD about it!!!! >:(" tbh

>> No.7851150

They're in "girls who get laid the most" order.

>pushup bras and corsets in front
>skinny bitch next
>cubbies in the back

What a strong friendship.

>> No.7851170

Calm down, son.

>> No.7851171
File: 474 KB, 200x150, eugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn do those costume designs look so lazy and uninspired. Why are people afraid to just cosplay the ordinary sailor scout outfits anymore? If they want to stand out they can do the Eternal verisons at least.

>> No.7851178
File: 61 KB, 400x274, 1410722628461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A group doing this would be cool and different from the usual uniforms (jupiter is a little iffy for me though)

>> No.7851181
File: 67 KB, 500x331, 1290825165712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few people have had a go at them. They're hard to do justice, I think.

>> No.7851230

No it's that shitty gold bias tape. It's basically made of gold easter grass, not thread/fabric.

>> No.7851243 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 186x343, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7851246
File: 79 KB, 186x343, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7851271

Because no corsets, no pushup bra, no thigh highs.

>> No.7851375

Why do Chibi's shin guards look so different and ...chunky? Did she make them herself, do we know?

>> No.7851422

Gladzy Keith said they added on "personal details". I think she added the ribbon, and her straps are also white while everyone else's are black. Who knows when they're hiding so much. She lied easily about Jessica painting her shit so everything they "did" is uncredible.

>> No.7851725

Francesca Dani was basically the original in this sort of thing. She would try to pass off Ebay costumes and friends' works as her own, while throwing her sex appeal to the masses of fanboys. The last I'd seen, she had been doing porn/tease for Varitease and faded into obscurity..sans for a few threads here and there over on anon-ib. Liars get caught in this community fairly easily.

>> No.7851764

Are you guys really so unskilled that you can't tell that this armor was all CLEARLY made by each individual cosplayer??? Look how different the proportions all look on the breastplates. Venus' breast armor is too small, Chibimoon's is too big, and Jupiter's is clearly just right. Jupiter also has the best paint jobs, hands down, which is reflective of her being probably the best cosplayer in the group (although obviously, her wig styling talent is lacking). JNig's armor looks just like everything she's done in the past, and she posted enough progress photos to show she clearly did it. I'm not a whiteknight, I just wanted to call you nutbag conspiracy theorists out on your bullshit. Stop seeing what you WANT to see.

In this photo, you see pink armor and orange armor. Not red. There's just been a warm filter put over the photo to make all the armor LOOK red, but it's clearly not.

>> No.7851769

I'm still pretty skeptical of whether JNig really did everything herself. I'm pretty sure her mother helps her with a hell of a lot, i'm not hating or anything, but she should just be honest about it.

>> No.7851872

Please say someone else has seen her "progress" album she just uploaded for her Sailor Mars? The lurking is strong.

>> No.7851881

>Mikasa wears some pretty obvious lipstick in the anime (especially in the training episodes) and it pisses me off. I agree, heavy makeup is a no go

That's just the anime effect. Word of god states that everyone's underwear has all nasty holes and stains in them so there's no way in hell they could have make-up.

Still mad they had to pretty up Mikasa like that, her dead eyes were better.

>> No.7851888
File: 59 KB, 417x627, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JNig's armor looks just like everything she's done in the past
Yeah, like her Link's armor. She has no skill con this

>> No.7851920

Haha yeah I just saw that too. I thought it was pretty common knowledge she lurks here? she used to openly post here way back when, and a couple years ago even tripped (with verification on her fb page.)

>> No.7851935

>They made their own armor, which is why no one's armor fits well
>Willingly ignoring previous posts with pictures of Jessica's WIP armor in someone else's house while they're working on her costume for her
That's the shittiest logic I've ever heard. It would make a lot more sense if almost no one's armor fit correctly because there were only two girls working on it with only bra sizes to go off of. You said Jupiter's fits but it obviously goes too far into her armpit. The armor fits shitty and everything is off because the same two girls had to rush to finish all five costumes.
>not a whiteknight
lol ok

>> No.7851944

>There's just been a warm filter put over the photo to make all the armor LOOK red, but it's clearly not.
I can see BOTH red (the ones in the left) and pink (the ones near the guy on the right).

>> No.7852001

>the edge of the cape is actual raw fraying cut edges
Who the fuck is this bitch?

>> No.7852068

FranDan told all her members to cancel their subscriptions around the end of 2011 and she's been completely gone from everything since mid 2012. It's not so much fading into obscurity because she was very active in telling people she was stopping everything. She just doesn't have any interest in it any more.

>> No.7852218

in the photo, in addition to the armor, you see someone working on a black side bang wig, the exact one jnig has on for sailor mars. she also admitted that someone else made the skirt. so if she commissioned the wig and the skirt, what makes you think she didn't commission the armor? she has bought whole costumes before. she has commissioned others and received help for whole cosplays many times before. it isn't "just the filter." jnig just didn't make fucking anything.

and the fact most girls have ill-fitting armor hurts your defense. if the girls all made the armor themselves, they would know their measurements and would have made better-fitting armor as a result. obviously someone with limited knowledge of different body types made the armor for everyone.

>> No.7852315 [DELETED] 

>one or two people made and painted five different armor costumes in three weeks
>then staged a retardedly convoluted cover up for no particular reason
Is this really the simplest explanation here?

Chibi has the worst armour there, I highly doubt that she built anything for anyone, the paint and build style do look different between the costumes regardless of whether or not they fit properly. They are just fucking amateurs. Nigri is using them to try to seem more down to earth/give herself more credibility with the common people.

>> No.7852335

>one or two people made and painted five different armor costumes in three weeks
>then staged a retardedly convoluted cover up for no particular reason
Is this really the simplest explanation here?

Chibi has the worst armor there, I highly doubt that she built anything for anyone, the paint and build style do look different between the costumes regardless of whether or not they fit properly. They are just fucking amateurs. Nigri is using them to try to seem more down to earth/give herself more credibility with the common people.

>> No.7852380


>> No.7852383

jfc this is so fucking bad

>> No.7852393

No, the problem is that if she's going to make a WIP album why the fuck does she skips so many steps in between each level of progress? That's why I call bullshit. IN FACT, People that get doubted so much records themselves working on their cosplays with massive progress compilation into a speeding 5 minute video. Jessica wouldn't have a reason to say no she's always updating on every site, she has the time to make mail videos and show her tits, she WILL have the time to make a video.

Plus*: A proper WIP album would show her tracing on the clean board before cutting and heating it up, etc. Mixing the colors, Fucking up the color, trying to paint again on a practice piece, asking somebody to take surprise pictures of her. Pictures of when she has fucked up a piece and had to redo. Step by step how she has built the shape of the breast area, it's freaking hard tbh to work with worbla sometimes but she has never proven anything so far to make it seem like she poured sweat into it. There isn't any paterns as well or drawings of mesurement. It's easy like that.

and also, nobody in their sane mind would make up just to work on cosplays. That's also a give away whenever taking pics, you're supposed to be cozy and look like shit if you're going to take WIP pictures of your face.

>> No.7852493
File: 871 KB, 1136x1876, 235345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi jnig! Did you enjoy those progress pictures Gladzy Kei gave you to share on your fb page? She gave them to everyone else too you lying bitch.

>> No.7852521

Chibi also got sent the breastplate after it was built and pretended to pass it off as a progress picture. Jupiter tried the same with her Snow White armor but just went with
>Got to wear it
Instead of saying
>Made this all by myself fuckers!
Venus and her accessories were also made by Gladzy, the wooden floor gives it away every time.
Jnig better learn how to make this shit fast if she still wants to be a guest for conventions. Better hire the fatty again and get to work!

>> No.7852541

Venus made her own.
She and Gladzy live in the same appartment.

>> No.7852545

>Take selfies while the filipinos do your job.

>> No.7852549

If you know so much can you tell us why Gladzy does all this shit for Jnig? Makes everyone look bad.

>> No.7852582

lol there is literally a 3 hour video of jupiter making her snow white breastplate

>> No.7852591

Welcome to cgl, where we share our proof.

>> No.7852601


There ya go cgl... proof Jupiter making her Snow White Breastplate

>> No.7852707

Jessica needs to do this.

>> No.7852734

Would watch.

>> No.7852781


please leave 4chan or at least go back to /b/ kiddo

>> No.7852788

She's just one of those cosplayers who isn't going for accuracy as much as making a brand of her image. Excwpt maybe Juliet Starling. She's not cosplaying Mikasa she's Jessica a Nigri AS Mikasa. Yaya has this going on as well. Not that it makes it any less dumb to see Mikasa with that much eye make up

>> No.7852790
File: 24 KB, 180x120, +_17d80b90aca529504dbba77ad4d173ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there even hems on any of that shit?

>> No.7852793

She looks like she got punched in the mouth.

>> No.7852828
File: 71 KB, 639x960, 1912048_10152299362642533_2123398173_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible that Jessica was there to help work on it (or gone a bit) while these photos of Gladzy Kei were taken?

Why just post these pictures? Why not add a caption saying she lied? It's been years and not ONE person who supposedly made her cosplay stood up and said anything online about how she lied...isnt that suspicious to /cgl/?

Honestly white knights and fan boys alone couldnt prevent this from happening...Based off this fact it keeps me from believing that Jnig is lying when she says she made something on her own.

Also we know she makes shit, we have seen the worst of the worst of cosplay by her (pic related) this being another piece of evidence she makes her own stuff. (when she claims on instagram/fb that she "made it herself" otherwise she says who made it for her...if anyone reads)

>> No.7852839

Has anyone shown Gladzy the pictures of her claiming her work? Some fucking friend you are, Jess.

>> No.7852850

Kara did. She came out and said that Jnig didn't credit her for the Panty costume she made for her.

Most people just don't want to deal with the massive shitstorm that is bound to occur when you say anything negative about Jessica. The cosplayers who make her stuff also want to suck up to her and be on her good side. Being her "friend" gets you more cosplay popularity and likes on facebook

>> No.7852852

I am going to frame this in my living room

>> No.7852875

on the opposite end, a lot of people also don't want to make her relevant even in bad way. Trust me when I say many people want Nigri to just disappear forever, they just don't want to make her semi-relevant by even mentioning her.

>> No.7852883


Fucking thank you. I was starting to get afraid that I'm the only one that can't stand her. She sits around at Alberta cons thinking she's hot shit and I'm sick of it. Every time I've talked to her or been around her she's been rude, controlling. and bitchy. Cannot stand her and her attitude.
The amount of ass-kissing her, Gladzy, etc get baffles me tbh.

>> No.7852910
File: 414 KB, 368x447, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats bullshit

I remember Jessica saying that she made it for her since it was being began on being made. She even let Kara post progress shots on he facebook.

I remember reading Jessica also saying later that year on an online article on a interview with her, it said she "made her cosplays EXCEPT the panty one and it didnt matter because she didnt even like it too much".

I wouldnt either the petticoat Kara used is fucking pink, the frills on the ends of both skirts look like garbage. Its just mostly meh.

Also this was years ago but if you want proof scroll through Jnigs FB

>> No.7854376

It really shows it was years ago because there are no boobs.
Why people still try, convincing others, that they're real? Just no. Stop.

>> No.7854420 [DELETED] 

In thumbs i thought it was a black Panty, and Jessica was Stocking.

>> No.7854424

>orange Panty


>> No.7854472

This thread is filled with Sandy Vaginas.

>> No.7854496

Says the guy who constantly complains about Jnig on his personal face book while singing her praises in public so he can get more attention. tep kek.

>> No.7854503
File: 500 KB, 330x432, 1317967752806.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you want, you'll keep falling back on making shit up lol. Roll along little anon. Best wash out that sandy vagina before you start making raeg-pearls.

>> No.7854567
File: 22 KB, 336x352, 1408658957188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7854591
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>> No.7855428
File: 29 KB, 360x266, j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on her "progress" album of her Mars Armour

>> No.7855436
File: 44 KB, 480x600, Figure-Panty-Alter-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its funny but honestly I feel like the skirt is too long. Kara should know it is short, like STRIPPER GIRL short

The skirt itself should be half the length as the petticoat. Kara didnt even really make it a pleated skirt either.

>> No.7855672

Seriously why is she a cosplay guest if she can't even make costumes? What can she bring to the table besides prints? She's lied so much that if she posted a tutorial, I'd assume someone else made it and gave it to her so fans buy into her facde more. What does she get out of being a fake? How does she answer questions in interviews that don't revolve around her tits and drama?

>> No.7855700

She put the blood slash on the wrong part. Ugh, so inacurate

>> No.7855739
File: 25 KB, 532x349, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shocks me that she was invited to be a judge at Cosplay contests. If she cant even make her own stuff then I doubt she would be good at judging the masters level craftmanship; let alone Beginners. When people ask what material she uses for the armour she didn't even respond back and have the fans do it for her. I would love to see an actual video of her making the costumes so it can put an end of all this since pics don't mean anything since who knows whats really going on in that photo. At first she said she made some of her outfits and then she had other people do it for her while she claims that she makes armour out of worbla. For professional title we all expect her to be skillful at sewing/craftmanship other than being just a model. If you take a look at her recent Q/A panel she would ignore couple of meaningful questions. Something is very fishy about her and its time for her to drop the wacky "OMG IM LIKE A NERD GURL GUIZ! XD" bullshit since we are starting to see her true colors.

>>mfw when she was asked to judge a cosplay contest or when people calls her the most professional cosplayer in the world.

>> No.7856041

Someone really needs to put an end to her lies and b.s. and expose her or call her out on all this. This is an all new level of sad.

>> No.7856259

Oh Jess.I don't know what to think about you anymore...

>> No.7856354 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 720x461, IMG_258792523773523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, remember that she did nota have armor on her arms? Now she does and they do look painted by herself, lol. It's so pathetic that the thinks that a black line is a shadow.

>> No.7856356
File: 56 KB, 720x461, IMG_258792523773523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, remember that she did not have armor on her arms? Now she does and they do look painted by herself, lol. It's so pathetic that the thinks that a black line is a shadow.

>> No.7856374

That armor looks truly gross up close.

>> No.7856427
File: 476 KB, 826x768, jnigsamearmor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys she makes her worbla stuff and that is not fucking hard to believe. LOOK at her armor up close it is terrible which makes it more than believable that she made it. Also she uses the same pattern over and over again which she got from Kamui's book. Pic related because ppl can just never see it.

Ppl are always complaining about her not making her costumes and they are correct when it comes to her fabric costumes. A fact that both her and her commissioner are very open about now. The commissioner claims she 'helps' and probably the commissioner gets her to cut fabric and sew buttons and snaps. I know it I had some random helper I would get them to do all those tasks I hate to do as well as ones they wouldnt be able to fuck up. But I digress, I'm starting to think that those who constantly bitch about her costumes dont fucking sew or make your own costumes yourself because if you cant recognize her using the same patterns over and over again then your understanding of construction is shit and probably as terrible as the person your complaining about.

>> No.7856437

On top of her seamstress this is way too many people doing her work. No real cosplayer does this hence the criticism. Deal with it.

>> No.7856469

Is it really that hard to believe anon that she made her Sailor Mars armor costume in Canada with her cosplay group where she is right now with her BF?

They are all using the same patterns!! Worbla isnt hard to use and I'm not sure how many times ppl have to stress this. Shes done the same thing over and over again when she was home. These ppl helping her in the picture live in Canada. Do you honestly think that she flies in them for every last min armor costume she creates? At some point she would have learned how to glue shit together. There is a reason most of her costumes recently are the same armor. Its because shes done is at least 8 times before and she can shit it out fast so she keeps relevant and has new prints to sell. If not fucking illogical. In fact its a smart fucking move on Jnig's part because its a fast and cheaper way to make costumes without hiring someone. Shes all about making money so what better way to do if then learning to glue worbla together? Chances are in the one picture you showed one of them took Kamui's pattern drew on the extra shit and they all fucking copied it. The SM group was the same as her Disney princess group. They are all familiar with Kamui's patterns so they used it again.

How many fucking noobs are on cgl who cant fucking sew or construct shit. Do you ppl never do group costumes? Sharing shit happens and that is probably what happened in this /specific/ case. In fact if these bitches were smart they would do a production line and all did their shit together at once.

Do you follow my logic anon? I dont know how else to explain it.

>No real cosplayer does this hence the criticism.

Actually a lot of the Russian cosplayers do their shit in teams as well as the Spiral Cunts.

But fuck all this is just going to go in one ear and out the other. Stay salty ladies. And I already took the liberty of calling myself a whiteknight and Jnig since I know its coming.

>> No.7856483

Hey Jessica.

I think you should take a break from whiteknighting yourself for a moment and read this: >>7849401

>> No.7856486

>You know how you acquired the notoriety you have. It wasn't all real at first - you had to make it that way. After a few years of self-promoting you did. At first you were aware that the "you" you present online was a tailored version of who you wanted to be seen as; but we eventually become what we're pretending to be, and now you have buried the parts of yourself that you don't want to acknowledge. You're a cariacature. You don't like yourself without paint covering your face. You spent thousands of dollars to get plastic bags full of water inserted underneath your skin to gain more approval from people you don't know, people who's attention you crave even though they're not your friends, family, or your lover. You seek attention for your appearance, not your abilities, intelligence, or talent. This is not good for you.

>You are valuable. You're wonderful as you are - without makeup, without showing off your half-naked body in skimpy clothes, without putting on a fake personality. You were created to experience being loved as you are. You were created to learn to love yourself as you are. Cosplay and internet fame are just pushing you further and further away from that.

>Take a step back from all the extra layers you've gotten addicted to. You're addicted to the virtual mirror you're staring into as you read this. Take a break from cosplay and the internet. Stop obsessively reading what people say about you on places like /cgl/. Stop wearing makeup for awhile and learn to feel beautiful without it. Take a few college classes. Learn to feel valuable for your mind rather than your body. Learn to be satisfied with just the attention from your boyfriend instead of the attention of other men.

Damn son.

>> No.7856497

which is why AX having Spiral Cats and that other cosplayer as GoH was an awful decision, everyone knows this. It was inevitable though, since Marc Perez is a well-known beta pleb who's got hard-on for well-known female cosplayers.

Even if you discount the construction part, Nigri has degenerated into nothing more than a fake shell in which she created herself. Not to mention, her cosplay marketing is what drew in bunch of shallow betas into cosplay scene, turning it into nothing more than eye-candy spectacle rather than celebration of fandom.

Regardless of what logic you use, she's not a great personality and she's gonna keep on digging herself into a hole deeper until she follows the advice from >>7849401

>> No.7856500

The fact they wouldn't use make-up I get.
Why wouldn't they use leather though?

>> No.7856504

Yaya is the same with her corsets and waist cinchers. She tends to do more costumes that have them and uses the same pattern because she's made so many before chances are she can pump one out really fast if she needs too. And when your going to cons ever weekend and need to keep up the appearance of being fresh and current it would be helpful to have something easy you can whip up. Wouldnt be surprised if ever costume she came across that uses a corset or cincher she saves so she can use it later.

>> No.7856506

>No real cosplayer does this hence the criticism

Uh, my group works as a team and has people doing whatever their strengths are. One for patterning, one or two who operate sewing machines, the rest of us doing grunt work like cutting/pinning. I specialize in props and I'm starting with armor. I'm not saying it's okay to take credit for others' work and pretend everyone in the group made their own costumes from start to finish, but working as an assembly line is a pretty efficient method of getting multiple matching costumes done. I don't think it makes anyone less of a cosplayer within the group. Just be honest about who did what.

>> No.7856528

Someone should post this on her FB. Yaya's too. It needs to be posted on the FB walls of all of the "famous cosplayers" because it's incredibly relevant. They're not doing it as a hobby, they're cosplaying because they're addicted to self-aggrandizement and attention for being something they're not...

>> No.7856530
File: 112 KB, 960x720, 997073_10152787176702533_1227211924809254169_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I think JNig's been up to some stupid shit lately and the authorship of her work can be questionable at best but I, too, can believe she made some shitty Worbla armor. From her progress photos she used some shit paint and the edges are lumpy. Comparing to the paint job on Gladzy's stuff, Nigri's is garbage. The black outlines, the messy gradients, the poor consistency of her gold... it's really not that good.

>> No.7856532
File: 102 KB, 960x720, 10632810_10152791522772533_8861505507528998732_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black lines, weak gradients.

>> No.7856537
File: 135 KB, 595x960, 10647202_955974851084267_118049464474388027_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare to Gladzy, who definitely paints in more of a Kamui (or Kamui's bf, whatever) style. Lots of gradients and highlights. When she does the dark edges, she blends them out.

>> No.7856549


I can't disagree with you, but honestly painting like that is significantly more difficult than it seems like it would be. Her painting isn't ideal, and it's fine to point that out, but it's totally decent for someone who doesn't have an extensive background in painting.

I'd even done a lot of painting and thought that I could absolutely imitate the sort of things kamui (or her bf, as you say since he paints it) makes. I was shocked at how much more of a pain in the ass it was than I had anticipated.

>> No.7856553
File: 6 KB, 129x133, tumblr_inline_mwwck5iEF11s7ltih.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're really poor I'm guessing?
Soldiers keep dying left and right, so I think it'll be too much to make soldier jackets out of leather, and more cost efficient to make them out of cotton.
Also, they don't have much cattle to make the leather out of, and meat is already something that's rare to get there.
>mfw I made my jacket out of suede and I feel so un canon

>> No.7856562


>out of suede

could you post a picture? I'd thought about using suede even though I always imagined that they were cotton, because I just love suede

>> No.7856571

I meant that Gladzy's Kamui-esque painting style is leaps and bounds above what JNig could achieve, and as such, I found the difference in skill levels to be indicative of them not all having been made by the same person.

I think part of it is that Worbla has such a rough texture, it's hard to get paint jobs as smooth as they could be if you were using a less mottled surface. Your mileage may vary. I worked on a friend's Worbla armor once by painting what she had already made. She found I was way better at smooth gradients than her (it was a lot of mixing and watering stuff down to blend better). I can't paint straight lines worth shit, though; my hand isn't steady enough.

>> No.7856595
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure.
It's still a WIP so it's still eh, I only have the base. Also, it was my first time ever making any clothing, so I'm sorry if the construction isn't that great.

>> No.7856607


for it being your first time making any clothing that's fantastic, the first time I made anything it looked like a 5 year old glued it together

>> No.7856622

>working on a group cosplay as a group

>> No.7856629

LOL Whoever is Bob Smith posting on her FB page, ilu.

>> No.7856714

That kind of painting reminds me of Warhammer, only even more roughly done and without the excuse of being on a tiny scale.

>> No.7856806

>all of these whiteknights
Niglet must be butthurt. Go ask your artist to fix your awful paint job poser.

>> No.7857031
File: 41 KB, 352x400, JNig FB 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Bob Smith guy really got on her nerves just to point out the truth. Out of all the guys who insulted her she had to pick one who is only pointing out the obvious.

And the way she spelled "quit"

>> No.7858112

Oh wow thank you so much
(sorry for ot)

>> No.7858145

Maybe if she was there working as a part of the group that would be a good excuse? The problem is she wasn't and there's pictures to prove it. Fucking white knights in denial kek!

>> No.7858157

Lmao Jessica finally gave some credit to Gladzy. You can thank cgl for that! She's so desperate to please us we could suggest jumping off a bridge and she might just do it! Kek.

>> No.7858170

I wonder what her "group" is going to cosplay next.

>In4b whatever Jnig commissions from Gladzy

What else can they slutify?
We know for sure it will involve boob armor, thigh highs and a poorly styled wig from some other uncredited person.

>> No.7858228


Do you have any proof that what he say was the truth? I mean, give me sources, photos, anything that you or anyone can use as real evidence against what Nigri is saying.

Or, you can just bitch and be a whale about it all day

>> No.7858231


Well, JNiggs has progress photos, at least...

>> No.7858289

I have not seen a shred of evidence in this thread that leads me to believe that you aren't a total fuckwit. Get some real proof and maybe I'll believe you.

>> No.7858319

I say some LoL shit.

>> No.7858322

No, whe are assuming this because of history. Look her Slowpoke or Link's costume, look how crappy her props look. Watch for Lux Spellthief (LoL character) costume and see how she can't sew.
The only costume where she has real proof, her stuff look like crap, but like, really crap.

And the other thing is that, is funny how after we "brought up" the proof of that she does not make her stuff she began to upload all this WIP photos and how butmad she is whne someone says that she didn't make her stuff.

She can't sew, she can't craft, she cant paint. All she is, is boobs. I think she has top 2 years of """carreer"""

>> No.7858362

Lol people already unliking her fb page and calling her out on shit.

>> No.7858380

Really? Because she seems to be like the perfect stuff for the retarded comunity that Lol has.

>> No.7858387

Her history obviously speaks for itself and in some cases really does hurt her credibility, I'll give you that.

Let's look at this last one analytically for a second. The proportions are off, the worbla work is sub-par, the paint is poorly chosen and the finishing detail is messy, at best.
Given that the overall quality is in the low-moderate range, I don't think it's a stretch to assume she did the worbla work and painting herself. I mean, is it really so unreasonable to assume she is attempting (albiet poorly) to get a little better?

The evidence I've seen in this thread is all circumstantial, it requires that you make an inference to get to your conclusion. I haven't seen anything that would unequivocally prove she didn't make it. It's always good to be skeptical, but I think there is a lot of bias that comes with this sort of intense skepticism.

tl;dr...the cosplay sucks, which is why I think she made it. Also citing Occam's razor with the proof in this thread until I see something substantial.

>> No.7858399
File: 77 KB, 480x720, 10639620_10152699949297533_5839002124911123279_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> is it really so unreasonable to assume she is attempting (albiet poorly) to get a little better?
No, it's not but look at her Elsa costume.
The paint job looks x100 times better, she should have gain some skill but no, it's worse.

>> No.7858442 [DELETED] 

I'm not really convinced that the skill level is that different. Do a side-by-side, a few things you should notice are
1) the size of the edges; both similarly disproportionate to the pieces (they are both beefy and cumbersome)
2) the snow flake inlays are easy as fuck to make and therefore look great, but don't appear in mars, which might suggest be one of the reasons it looks so shitty, she obviously didn't play to her strengths,
3) the filigree is also cumbersome and disproportionate to all the pieces in both costumes (they should have space to exist and agree with the golden section),
4) in both cases the individual pieces fit to her body but again are not proportional to it or each other

The paint color is totally different in both which would obviously cause there to be differences in the way it looks. Metallic blue gives the armor a great luster without having to grade any of the solid blue, gives it a natural, 3D look without having to shade. The difference with mars is that the red, purple a white she used are total shit, they aren't even pearlized, they literally have NO luster. If you accept that these parameters are different simply because of a poor choice of paint then;
1) she didn't fill in blue or red color under her edges in both (all her edges have gaps)
2) she basically shades with one fat fucking line around the perimeter of each piece (darker metallic blue in elsa and black as fucking night in mars) one just happens to look better, neither have a gradient
3) the smudges, so many fucking smudges all over both

I agree with you to an extent, one would think that the second should be the stronger of the two, and I think in terms of her worbla work it is. The first has a much stronger paint job simply because it's more simple. We really just need a larger sample size.

>> No.7858447

I'm not really convinced that the skill level is that different. Do a side-by-side, a few things you should notice are
1) the size of the edges; both similarly disproportionate to the pieces (they are both beefy and cumbersome)
2) the snow flake inlays are easy as fuck to make and therefore look great, but don't appear in mars, which might be one of the reasons it looks so shitty, she obviously didn't play to her strengths,
3) the filigree is also cumbersome and disproportionate to all the pieces in both costumes (they should have space to exist and agree with the golden section),
4) in both cases the individual pieces fit to her body but again are not proportional to it or each other

The paint color is totally different in both which would obviously cause there to be differences in the way it looks. Metallic blue gives the armor a great luster without having to grade any of the solid blue, gives it a natural, 3D look without having to shade. The difference with mars is that the red, purple a white she used are total shit, they aren't even pearlized, they literally have NO luster. If you accept that these parameters are different simply because of a poor choice of paint then;
1) she didn't fill in blue or red color under her edges in both (all her edges have gaps)
2) she basically shades with one fat fucking line around the perimeter of each piece (darker metallic blue in elsa and black as fucking night in mars) one just happens to look better, neither have a gradient
3) the smudges, so many fucking smudges all over both

I agree with you to an extent, one would think that the second should be the stronger of the two, and I think in terms of her worbla work it is. The first has a much stronger paint job simply because it's more simple. We really just need a larger sample size.

>> No.7858456

If we hadn't bitched, she wouldn't have credited anyone. Period. That's shady and un-professional. She shouldn't be a cosplay guest, she's a cam whore.

>> No.7858463

So seeing a picture of others working on her shit while she's conveniently missing, isn't enough proof for you? Stop acting like your opinion matters you just want to get I to her pants. Get in line. kek!

>> No.7858464

Itt: Betafags determined to defend their queen of slutplay.

>> No.7858473

Has anyone ever commissioned an artist to make non-canon art to specifically cosplay from? I don't mind gijinka's, hell even rule 63 is fine but to go out of your way to re-design all the characters you want to cosplay for the sake of sex appeal for more print sales is just pathetic. Does the artist even get a cut of the profits at that point? Or is she just taking advantage of people again?

>> No.7858485

Enlighten me then, pretend I'm as supremely retarded, as absolutely 10-ply-fucking dense as you are for a second and explain to me what I'm seeing in this smoking gun of yours. Stop acting like your opinion has any kind of authority and present me with any logical explanation that what I'm seeing isn't orange and pink...or that any of them are working on her armor...or that they ever did...OR that her armor is even present in any way. And then I will believe.

>> No.7858607

y are you all so salty with jnigs it makes me laugh seeing you all get your panties in a bunch

>> No.7858608


>> No.7858832

Can't tell if whiteknights are trolling or faggots.

>> No.7859049

Its enlightening to see that people are getting the taste of her that I remember back in high school with her. I'm just sitting here like " about damn time you fucked up again Jessica"

>> No.7859097

tell us more