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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7844797 No.7844797 [Reply] [Original]

anything rustled your jimmies this week, seagulls?

>> No.7844834
File: 49 KB, 600x487, aov2bP5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I empathise with this secret a lot, having had this happen to me.

And if they couldn't find anything in the packs, they can sell most of the pieces for a profit. Not bad at all in my books.

>> No.7844869

I don't see the problem with being disappointed. You spend a lot of money on it only for it to be crappy. It is a terrible feeling of buyer's remorse.

>> No.7844887

Yeah, I don't see the problem either. I can't afford luckypacks and I can still see why it'd be disappointing to get a bunch of crap you don't want. Sure, you can just sell it on but you'd rather have stuff you want to keep. And then sometimes you get shit that's just unsellable, especially in IW's packs.

>> No.7844895

That's why I NEVER understood buying these. If you're not okay with spending an obscene amount for what's essentially luck-of-the-draw, then why bother? God damn.

>> No.7844914

Passive-aggressive comm members and attention-seekers. Getting really fed up with both.

>> No.7844939

> tfw I still have two IW LP dresses on my hands

>> No.7844948

Not even in AUS but I think it's pretty unfair to ask a group of FRIENDS not to meet up dressed in lolita just because it hurts your feelings that you weren't invited. Grow the fuck up, holy shit.
>This applies to every one who baaaws about not being invited to "exclusive meet ups"

>> No.7844956

People not pay in for stuff in a timely manner. That is irritating. Really irritating.

>> No.7844964

This so hard. It's not an "exclusive meet up." It's freaking friends getting together to hang out. Just because they're wearing lolita doesn't make it a meet-up.

>> No.7844976

I'm not even from Sydney but I do the same with my friends.

>> No.7844977

Different person but I don't care if it IS a meet up. People need to stop bitching about the fact that some groups of people will connect better and be likely to want it to just be them. A smaller group clicking =/= cliques but people sure love projecting.

>> No.7845006

I totally agree. When I look at people who are bitching about being excluded I wonder why they have been left out. Is it just friends hanging out or was this person deliberately left out because of previous bad behaviour?

>> No.7845015

This. I save up for something i really want versus taking the gamble. Dont want the hassle of selling stuff

>> No.7845037

As a chronically awkward adult, I hate being included out of pity or obligation. I don't understand making a huge thing of it. Then again, I've spent over 2 decades being "left out" you either get over it or go crazy. I did the crazy thing, I had to be done making everything about me to grow up tbh

>> No.7845220

The secret was about friends hanging out in celebration of a member's birthday.

>> No.7845355

The recent egl post 'bodyline and usps horror' it's more like postal service problems and holy shit block of text

>> No.7845428

One girl in my comm started complaining about being "left out of meets" when it was just a small group of friends hanging out; we then later found out that she does the exact same thing with having friend lolita hangouts.

>> No.7845461
File: 23 KB, 523x144, AgressiveNewbie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see that our local creepy brolita has been posted again. And now he is raising his white knight army on facebook...

I'm sorry this girl is not mature enough to be in the comm and not mature enough to hang around crossdressers his age..

>> No.7845464

which ones? and how much?

>> No.7845521

I am aware of what the secret was referring to.

I was talking in general terms when people complain about exclusion.

That post. Ugh, I have no words.

>> No.7845523

Honestly, does it matter which it is? People might not be friends because of previous bad behaviour. Or they might not be friends because of personalities that don't align.

Most communities of over 20 people aren't going to be that tight. You're going to get splits and fractures and smaller groups that form. But that's not even the chief problem here. The chief problem is that the people being targetted have some degree of international efame. People know them. And someone in the community is angry that they're not included in this group that's getting attention.

Other people have split groups of friends and post selfies at high tea or photos of lunch outings, yet you don't see people screaming about exclusive meets when we THEY do it. It's stupid.

>> No.7845528

It's chiverling causing drama, what do you expect? She can't fucking help herself, posting about it in the comm wanting a pity party when a mod made a post about the secrets.

>> No.7845530

The person who made that thread is no longer a mod, actually. She stepped down last year I think? Mostly because she was constantly being harassed by members about comm inactivity and decided focusing on her academics was more important than dealing with the tantrums.

>> No.7845558


Woah Arduwan needs a chill pill, and a few lessons in both English and Dutch grammar. What a retard.
People are clearly not comfortable around this brolita for very good reasons, hopefully he gets kicked out of the comm soon the filthy pervert.

>> No.7845560

Wait, there's a Dutch comm?

>> No.7845576

that girl tho. still amused by that she made herself a fan facebookpage.

>> No.7846448

I'm just a random dutch person and I wasn't aware of there being a dutch scene big enough to cause drama. Can anyone enlighten me?

>> No.7846463
File: 98 KB, 592x378, h3IuiRm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm a lolita because I love the uniqueness of the clothes
>not the brands that put out all the unique one of a kind clothes
dis logic

>> No.7846465
File: 481 KB, 638x512, GNodJ7q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to do this same thing, but sell them for like $10. Unfortunately shipping seems like it would be an absolute fucking bitch

40 seems crazy and it i feel like selling them for 10 would result in more profits and less people bitching about them just being skewers

>> No.7846474

Shipping wouldn't be that hard, you'd just have to get styrofoam and cut a well to fit the entire thing into, then bubble wrap.

>> No.7846487

hm, thats pretty smart.

my job throws away a shitton of styrofoam when we stock shelves. I'll try that.

>> No.7846528

I am sorry but this just sounds like a crap idea, no matter the price.

>> No.7846548

well, its an arts and crafts project. which is what pretty much any other floral headband or whatever it is you want to make. price point is important. for $40 I think "fuck that I can make it myself", but for $10 I'd probably save myself the hassle of buying materials to make it myself

>> No.7846637

But spending a shitload of money on what's basically a gamble doesn't guarantee you'll get shit you like.

>> No.7846706


>> No.7846713

But that's what a luckypack is.

>> No.7846716

They meant shiverling.

I doubt it's her to be honest. At this point, I can't help but wonder if it's someone outside the comm stirring shit for the sake of it.

>> No.7846720

>tfw I've liked some of the more unpopular IW LP
I'm waiting till I get cash to buy the Darcy and lace tulle OP
Though I wish I could find a good worn photo/coord

>> No.7846732

Me too anon although my favourite is Arabesque Rose.

>> No.7846882

>three or four FEELS threads on the board
>AWA thread is dead

Is this board about cosplay anymore, or just a lolita community?

>> No.7847092

I thought shiverling didn't comm? I remember her going on one time about how she "didn't need to be part" of that community and that's why she didn't cate if people thought she was a wanker

>> No.7847096

People only want to wank about whores in cosplay anymore. I'm fine with the board being just lolita, as a community we have the sense to kick out slutty attention whores before they ruin everything.

>> No.7847097

I think Voldie is sill trying to sell hers anon!

>> No.7847100

Then either she was lying or I'm wrong and she's the one making secrets, because she's been to at least one recent meet that I know of.

>> No.7847103

She was probably just full of shit or changed her mind for some reason. Do people like her? I miss her egl posts

>> No.7847104

You know, you can refresh and things that aren't on page 1 when you first clicked will magically show up. It's a slow board. AWA is on the front page for me right now and that shit is OVER.

>> No.7847108

She has friends within the comm so far as I can tell? I don't know what people actually think of her, I'm not exactly anyone's confidant. She has a reputation for being rather blunt is all.

>> No.7847117

It is, but that doesn't mean you're not allowed to feel a little bad when things don't go your way. I mean, if they're seriously throwing a fucking wobbly about it, fair enough, but saying something like "Aww man, wish I got a better haul" is totally fine in my opinion. You took a gamble and you lost, sure, but it doesn't mean you can't be a little disappointed.

>> No.7847249

Oh, I've seen her DP around EGL years ago but I didn't know she was/is(?) part of the Syd comm.

>> No.7847274

She is in the comm, doesnt attend meets.
She sounded pretty butthurt about being left out or something in the post but nobody wants to be around her cus she's too much drama/ two faced bitch.

>> No.7847330

She is trying to buy it but thank you anon.

>> No.7847332

Why is she too much drama?

>> No.7847341

Check out the gtfoegl posts.

>> No.7847351

You're spending a lot but you're essentially getting a hand of buying shit for way below retail.

>> No.7847862

The comm's basically split because of this 'brolita'. Wears Milanoo and bodyline, owns no socks whatsoever, came to last meet with sloppy cheap black lipstick and a rats nest of a wig, hangs around the underage girls and hugs them and shit. Half the comm thinks still he's an awesome admirable brolita and the other half has been trying to get him out.

>> No.7848666

This arduwan person seemed to me like he is pretty good at brolita. I don't clock him as male at all. His friend is more masculine looking, but that's okay. Shouldn't be a problem right? I guess hugging underage girls is a problem though. If they aren't willing to listen to criticism on their costumes and behavior, then I agree they are a problem. Still, give it a go I say.

>> No.7849912

The brolita she talks about doesn't pass as a women at all. He has a face that make-up can't fix, not that he's any good at make-up. In fact, he's ugly even as a guy. Even if he did pass as a women, to be a good brolita he would have to be a good lolita, and he's not. He's ita as fuck.

Arduwan is one of our most annoying comm members, even if you take her age into account. She is just shitty to hang around with. Her comment calling people aids-faces doesn't help with her terrible reputation.

>> No.7849997
File: 196 KB, 960x720, 1405803460131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arduwen is one of the underage girls the brolita in question hangs out with. She is pretty ita herself and has terrible behavior problems. Here is their picture with only the face of the girl blurred. the brolita is already wearing lolita for more than a year in this picture.

>> No.7850048

That girl is seriously not entirely healthy. I saw her account this week and apparently she joined a secondhand salesgroup for SM-gear.

>> No.7850107
File: 434 KB, 160x160, ughew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Secondhand sales for...for BDSM shit? Please tell me you're joking.

>> No.7850116

Wow, you are right. What kind of 15 year old girl joins a used fetish gear sales page?
And I thought her obsession with Justin Bieber was unhealthy.

>> No.7850175

that obsession with Justin Bieber is probably the tamest obsession she has. Also I'm pretty sure she's fourteen.

>> No.7850177

and I wish I was too, but it exists apparently.

>> No.7850290

what kinda behaviorproblems? aside the calling people aids faces...

>> No.7850316
File: 378 KB, 1058x636, wtfman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a bunch of structural problems there and skewers are potentially pretty dangerous for people around if worn that way.

>> No.7850317

>throwing a fucking wobbly about it

Where are you from anon? I've never heard that phrase before. It's cute

>> No.7850320

I'm from Ireland but I think they say it in the UK and Australia too!

>> No.7850328

not that anon but we say up north, UK not sure where else says it

>> No.7850342

I have an older guy creeping on me. It's not frequent enough to constitute stalking, but he's the type you can't say a damn thing to without him thinking we're BFFs now.
...and my natural reaction to having people come out of nowhere into my personal space is to be polite. THANKS, YEARS IN RETAIL.

He's so cringey too, like "I get the impression you are a very unusual person" cringey when I'm standing there in my work uniform.
>he probably thinks that because I'm not running the fuck away
>Because I can't

Ugh help how do I shake a creeper?

>> No.7850400

Oh my god this is the worst. I used to be a hostess/server so I completely understand. And these men are daft enough to think that because you're being pleasant--which is essentially your entire fucking job--you're interested. GROSS. Honestly, speak to a supervisor about this. Explain that a customer is making you extremely uncomfortable. I really don't know what they can do in the retail world, but in the FBH world, I had managers tell guests to leave me alone or get the hell out before. Good luck!

>> No.7850406


Oh man that is nasty.

>> No.7850525

She harasses people. She also lacks any common sense. She was also the one who brought the furry to the Summermeet encouraging him to wear a dogsuit to find his ''kawaii lolita princess gf''.

>> No.7850539

Whereabouts in Australia? I've never heard of the phrase.

>> No.7850551

Being in the Dutch in suffering

>> No.7850575

I'm sorry, I couldn't really say for sure, I just thought I'd heard Australians say it before but I could well be mistaken.

>> No.7850604

See, I would do that and it'd be hilarious because my boss is constantly fresh out of fucks to give regarding weirdos, but I also work on a tiny staff that will see me work the last hour of my shift and lock up completely alone at least once a week.

Creepy Creeperson also has a talent for running into me on the street.
I should probably learn Krav Maga.

>> No.7850662

I think Australians generally go for "chuck" a wobbly rather than "throw", but I've definitely heard it here. A "Dummy spit"/"Spitting the dummy" is more common though.

>> No.7850682

Not this week specifically but I have to agree with all those other secrets of the UK comm needs to get their shit together and stop posting for a while, both in secrets and in the comments. I'm sick of people flinging the words Joanne and Carol and Mary in the comments around like money for strippers. I'm glad I'm not in that comm; I would be embarrassed out of my mind. Do they not realize that BtB is a worldwide confessions page? Everyone else stopped giving a fuck a long time ago.

>> No.7850797

God that's unfortunate. At least on the street you can be flippant or even rude to him... But maybe invest in pepper spray or self defense classes too haha. Couldn't hurt.

>> No.7850846

>"why aren't you dressed up today anon?"
>each day
>during overtime
>after major work-related disaster
>while I am clearly exhausted and haven't even eaten lunch yet
>where the fuck are your priorities, workplace, cause here are mine

I know they're just wondering and they miss it, but all I hear is "hey, you still busy? You look busy. You also look like crap, when are you gonna get around to fixing that, don't you have time?"

>> No.7850850

is this a joke?

>> No.7851167

So that was her?!

>> No.7853485


Why hasn't this whackadoodle been banned from the Dutch comm if she harasses people?

>> No.7853499

yup we chuck wobblys all right

>> No.7853505

Ozlita here.
Generally its 'chuck a wobbly'. If it's a big drama then it's considered 'chucking a major wobbly'
You can also 'have a spaz' or 'spaz out'
Or 'throw a tanty'
All of which are colloquialisms for having a dummy spit.

And to make this BtB related, WTF with the comments for #27. Whiteknight friend or person in the picture?

>> No.7853512
File: 1.84 MB, 200x136, bitchfit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend takes forever to text me back, if at all
>find out she constantly and frequently texts my other friends

So much for being your con buddy, letting you stay in my hotel room for free (and letting your friends stay) and giving you free rides to the con

>> No.7853515

>also has a talent for running into me on the street
Yeah that's stalking. Change your schedule and routes, and learn anti-stalker tips

>> No.7853521

>reads 27
What the actual fuck.
Based on grammar in the comments looks like someone samefagging.
I'm really confused about the armpit too...

>> No.7853633


This person is not your firend, you are just some useful idiot to them. No more freebies anon!

>> No.7853651


>> No.7853657
File: 27 KB, 498x320, 1407116873978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /cgl/ 4chan cup team is dead

>> No.7853661

Yeah, I decided to drop her, because that text thing was what made it finally dawn on me and was the last straw.

It just sucks though when you try to be a good friend but the other person only wanted to take advantage of the "benefits" of pretending to be your friend

>> No.7853747

Good for you. Stick to your guns and don't let her weasel back in. Real friends wouldn't take advantage.

Anyways, was this supposed to go in the Feels thread? We're all bitching about BTB over here.

>> No.7854403

So far has her harassing just been annoying people by not leaving them alone. Not something people would go to the mods for. Best to just ignore her and wait till she clings on someone else. Seeing how she is now threatening people I hope she will get banned in some way. I wouldn't want to go to a meet with her.

>> No.7855368

I'm just amused by how the best insult the NW comm can come up with is 'bully bitch.'

>> No.7855473

Bad photoshop does that to a person.
OP photoshoped the chick in the pick bigger

>> No.7855483

Do you have a pic of the original? Im really confused, need to see what it originally looked like.

>> No.7855493

I don't, I just thought it was obvious

Like she's missing part of her arm starting at the pit on her left side. Plus her right arm looks like she's suffering from elephantiasis, which does not usually happen to people only if they're massively fat.

Like they-should-be-on-TLC type of fat.

Maybe I'm wrong?

>> No.7855550

r u a lesbian

>> No.7855968

This girl really makes me platinum mad. Scene kid trash needs to stay away from Miku. I can at least console myself in that she's in europe, her dancing is worse than miku, and her construction is shit. She can attention whore it up over there and I'll forget she exists. Not my fault I was listening to Vocaloid radio and she apparently DJs for them occasionally.

>> No.7855988

they aren't to bright, if they were they would have sorted this out weeks ago

>> No.7856005

our national lolcow made it to /cgl/?! i'm impressed.
polite sage because it's a btb thread

>> No.7856419

I wish I posted it in the correct thread, I'd like to hear more about this national lolcow business.

>> No.7856784

OH. Anyone have a picture? I've always wondered what the hell she looks like.

>> No.7857824

I think I saw her and the brolita at Tomofair today. It definitely seemed like the brolita was a lot less ita. Btw, were any of you people there?

>> No.7858055

Was the new thread deleted? If so, why is this one still around? Looks like we might be better off not naming threads like these. I'd rather see some unrelated posts from confused anons than have the thread deleted before it even got a chance to get going.

>> No.7858063

He finally changed his terrible blond wig, which is a huge improvement, though everything is in his case. I still think it is weird a mid-twenty guy and a 14 year old hang out together.

>> No.7858067

Especially since it's a very manipulative mid-20 year old and a mentally unstable 14-year old. I feel like they could go on a killing spree together and have a shitty movie made about them. Leyla can play herself, she'd love that.

>> No.7858076

Sooooo, new secrets are up. Anyone see #8? It's been "TEMP. REMOVAL UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE"

Now I'm curious. Comments are ranting about AIDS, is it just a POOL HAS AIDS attempt applied to a lolita or what?

>> No.7858082

What has Leyla to do with this?

>> No.7858086

Not that person, but I guess whenever camera's are there Leyla wants to be involved?

>> No.7858150

The secret had a picture of a girl with 'sorry you have AIDS' typed over her face.
Girl in picture was white, short blond bob styled wig in what looked like a sweet coord

>> No.7858158

Personally I hope they can track the person who submitted that and take legal action.

Slandering people with serious accusations about AIDs isn't a fucking joke, and even less so if it's true and they actually have it. Shame on that person, that's TOO far.
I don't care if bitches are mean.
I don't care if bitch made a bad rumor.
I don't care if bitch doesn't dress good.
Bitch doesn't deserve to have people thinking she has a serious disease, or if it's true, that people should know her personal health information. It's bullshit.

>> No.7858179

You mean the movie 'God bless america'? Seriously look that one up. It is good.

>> No.7858331
File: 7 KB, 547x185, Googled_It_For_You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Slandering people ... isn't a fucking joke
>>even less so if it's true

>> No.7858372

There is too many people making way too big of a deal over this. If you really think it isnt appropiate, the better way to go is to ignore it, as now it is the secret that got pulled that is getting a bunch of drama. It isnt like people know who the picture was of.

>> No.7858422


See, I thought it was a troll using a variant of the old POOL CLOSED DUE TO AIDS meme. Usually trolls refer to it as AIDS, everyone else says HIV. Either way, it's a pretty shitty secret.

If it is a troll then I say mission succeeded.

>> No.7858461

Actually HIV and AIDS are different but related things.

>> No.7858540
File: 123 KB, 422x750, tumblr_nbfxatBwbF1sqibq2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this wasn't a secret, but it was a confession.
This is the dumbest shit ever. Why do people even bother lying when they make confessions? Do they seriously think people will believe them?

>> No.7858790

Different anon, but I don't think anyone's arguing that's not the case. But disappointment can be felt just because you HOPED for something better even if you didn't expect it. People get disappointed when they don't win the lottery. It's not horrible soul-crushing disappointment, but it's a bummer.

>> No.7858822

This makes me think that 12 years in the future girls are going to say this and it's going to be true. But their mothers will be today's hambeasts who managed to pop out kids already, the "lolita" they wore was ita as fuck, and their mothers' storeswill beetsy shops full of lacemonsters.

>> No.7858830

Remember faerie dragonet and her poor poor child?

>> No.7858846

No but now I'm intrigued.

>> No.7858871

The NW comm's continual use of 'bully bitch' as an insult. They're all a bunch of 12 year olds I swear.

>> No.7858878

Shit up. All of u shut up about my comm. bully

>> No.7858894
File: 348 KB, 500x420, PhnGLzB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This slayed me
so many mr yan ones this week

>> No.7858901
File: 1.65 MB, 300x196, 58630627-lol-reaction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit up. All of u shut up about my comm. bully
Thanks anon I needed this today

>> No.7858913
File: 121 KB, 446x500, mmaw001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7859310

Guck off

>> No.7859312

Honestly I hate this comic because it's not true to life at all. Children generally emulate their parents' hobbies and/or like them because that's what they grew up with. I actually have some weeb friends who's parents are oldschool weebs and they fell right into place with being like them, even the older well adjusted one moved to japan.

>> No.7859394
File: 62 KB, 499x480, 1928390182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the NW community is trying to put a stop to the drama. It's about time.

>> No.7859403

Well then, at least their mod doesn't seem to be a crazy person.

>> No.7859404

I can already see a secret being made because of the "YOU DON'T KNOW ME AND YOU DON'T CARE :'( STOP BULLYING EACH OTHER"

>> No.7859583

She's a nice girl, but the NW is just too fucked.

>> No.7859591

It irks me, because I'm 19 but I still can't drive, and I'm literally retarded when it comes to getting trains that require changes. I ended up in the wrong place before now.
But the NW is my local comm and I'm starting to desire the company of other lolitas. Just THAT group is one big no.

>> No.7859648

Good, I hope the girls involved sort there shit out or bugger off. I know a lot of girls from the comm like the mod are extremely embarrassed about the whole situation

>> No.7859716

She needs to stop hiding the bully's NAME AND SHAME.

>> No.7859727

Same same. Just stay away from that bunch of crazy itas.

>> No.7859780

everyone who is involved or close to the people involved knows who they are naming them publicly is just likely to cause more drama. tbh ita not just one girl, its a group of them who are involved on various sides. They all need to sort this out privately and disappear so that the comm can try and get itself back on track

>> No.7859798

Stop saying ita it's a cruel word.

>> No.7859816


>> No.7859840

Can we just make a new comm based around the NW? Maybe in more specific places like just Cheshire?

>> No.7859845

Cheshire Cat Community.

>> No.7859886

But the same retards would just flood it again.

>> No.7859894

Well instead of being doormats, we tell them to fuck off or fix their attitude?

>> No.7860006

Make it secret or closed to keep out the crazies, obviously.

>> No.7860059


solid advice. krav maga or any other martial art/self defense class might be a good idea too. stay safe, anon

>> No.7860073

i'm late but, were the accusation of aids to be true for that girl, it wouldn't be slander anymore but would be considered 'defamation of character' and thus would be considered legally actionable, which is to say, that's a shitty enough thing to do to someone that you could for sure be sued for doing it.

HIV ain't a joke

>> No.7860080

kek kek kek kek kek

your entire community is a joke. if you want people to "shit up" about your community, stop airing your drama on the world-wide stage. until then, we'll laugh in exasperated disgust at you, deal with it

>> No.7860084

i loved the mr yan secrets! i don't really even know why, but it was great

>> No.7860096

::dies of laughter, spends an eternity in hell while continuing to laugh::

>> No.7860157
File: 101 KB, 405x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related.

Cosplayers posting in lolita threads are so annoying. If the only "lolita dress" you have is from hot topic don't fucking comment.

>> No.7860160

>it's not very kawaii of you
I think she's pretty damn kawaii for saying that.

>> No.7860209

I'm pretty sure that >>7858878 is purely satirical.

>> No.7860230

Seriously. The thing about this fashion is: It's a niche fashion. It's weird to outsiders/onlookers. We get it. We aren't going to pretend like it's something normal or necessarily easy to get into. That being said, it SUCKS when itas misrepresent the community and look like hot messes/screech and act weebish in public/associate with the lolita community and by reflection, make us all look bad. So, yeah, I'm going to tell people to wear blouses and petticoats and to follow the rules because I don't *want* self-important newbies telling me "I can do whatever I want it's about expression uwu you're just a bully" and then expect me to socialize with them/get angry if I don't.

>inb4 "omfg it's just clothes"
Yeah, I realize that. It's just clothes. I don't consider it a lifestyle in the slightest bit. But when you're accustomed to people thinking your clothes are weird and you AT LEAST have cute looks/a decent personality on your side, it kinda makes you cringe when girls who don't even try get lumped in with you.

>> No.7860238


sorry about your autism
>or should I say your AIDS

>> No.7860249

You should get off your high horse. You've never been new to something before?

>> No.7860253

I was born wearing lolita. I can do what I want.

>> No.7860255

ita detected
if you can't handle it than fuck off back to tumblr.
it's not anyone's job to coddle you

>> No.7860482

frilly from the womb fuck yeah

>> No.7860506

>"she doesn't even go here!"

>> No.7860614


Before I even put on my first lolita dress, I did my research. My outfit was plain, but I hit the basics. And I know lots of people that I've seen that have done the same and looked amazing in their first coord.

But I'm not expecting that. What I am expecting is improvement, and for people to understand that lolita has rules; and if they don't want to follow the rules (or are expert mode and can look good bending them), they aren't a lolita and can wander around in their whatever outfit on their own. Give it a new name called "I don't give a fuck -kei" and start a movement on tumblr. Just don't call it what it isn't.

>> No.7860620

Literally what are you even doing on cgl if someone getting irritated at self-important noobs is so infuriating to you lol.

>> No.7860634

This is the perfect explanation, anon. It's not that we aren't open or accepting of new people in the fashion. If anything, I pity girls who don't know any better and would love to take them under my wing if I could. What's irksome is girls who blatantly ignore/disregard concrit (even friendly concrit) and go, "Well I'm just gonna do my own thing lol"
Which is totally fine! But a JSK without a blouse or petticoat isn't lolita. I welcome new girls to learn and put a spin on things if they wish, but when they're straight up rude/annoying every time someone tries to give them a nudge in the right direction, my patience wears thin.

>> No.7860641
File: 53 KB, 258x478, faerydragonet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would drag her child to meets. Eternal ita, and her daughter looks so miserable all the time. She dropped off the face of the internet these few years though.

>> No.7860645

That's awful... Find a sitter or schedule a play date for your kid at somebody else's house. Don't force them to meet ups and make them/everyone else uncomfortable.

>> No.7860649

thank youuuuu. when i first started i got the basics down as well, after about a year of lurking and researching. it really pisses me off when other girls dont even bother to google the basics

>> No.7860749

so is bad that american lolitas know of your drama? your so proper and regal and those americans are just savage uncivilized wanks? she should have said " other countries over the seas had noticed" not " American communities. Canada has noticed it too and so has the Brazilian community fuck even Russian communities has seen whats going on with the NW drama. Not just the American communities. The world has seen your drama.

>> No.7860754

...I didn't read it like that at all, anon. Why so defensive?

>> No.7860765

Jesus christ anon, no need to go crazy. She probably just said that because the majority of LJ (at least where EGL and its related comms are concerned) and /cgl/'s userbase is American.

>> No.7860766


Because it's not just america that has heard of it. The Canadian comm has heard it and is talking about it all the time.

>> No.7860767

Well, Canada and Brazil are also part of America.

>> No.7860771

they are a part of the Americas. America usually refers to the U.S

>> No.7860780

But she was just using America as an example. It's kind of the default Internet Country, calm down.

>> No.7860786

Yeah but you know damn well that when people say "America" they mean the States.

>> No.7860795

>implying there aren't parents out there who force their beliefs and hobbies among other things onto their children, majorly mentally damaging them in the process and almost, if not entirely brainwashing them (ie the duggars) and disregarding their child's own dreams and ambitions as stupid as to implant their own into their head

>> No.7860799

Nobody gives a fuck but you.

>> No.7860802

This happens so often, sadly. I was on the dance team in HS and the amount of mothers aggressively living vicariously through their daughters was disturbing.

>> No.7860804

Yes, that happens and it's terrible.
Doesn't take away the fact that that comic is ridiculously unrealistic (since what you described is not what's happening in the story, at all) and doesn't deserve any of the praise it's getting.

>> No.7860808

>mother pushes her weeaboo lifestyle onto the child so forcefully (and lies about her origins) that it causes her daughter to have a breakdown, where dear ol mama swoops in to take advantage of that fact, and gets to have her little doll to dress up forever
>"but that's totally not what's happening in the story u guiese!"

>> No.7861199

stuck up, needs to live in the real world. American comms admire us because we say what we think

>> No.7861277

Is it just me, or does the NW community dress like absolute shit?
Is there anybody in their comm that dresses nicely? I'm considering joining it because I have a fairly motherly personality, and tend to be able to get things under control when I get involved.
Should I help them, or is it a lost cause?

>> No.7861285


>> No.7861287

I don't mean helping them dress. They can dress however they want, it's just I've noticed that in comparison to other communities, the NW seems... a little sad when it comes to dress sense.

What I mean is helping them get over their drama.

>> No.7861291

They're a lost cause, believe you me.
A bunch of whiny pissbabies who do nothing but talk about how OMG random they are, go to the same weeby restaurants for almost every meetup and refuse any criticism because wehh wehh IM POOR/FAT/etc.

>> No.7861299
File: 34 KB, 270x89, captcha wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Wasabi a sushi restaurant?

and wtf is this captcha supposed to be

>> No.7861304

Samsi. And also the Mad Hatters Tearoom. Because ALISS

>> No.7861353

Alice is Lolita you dumb fuck. And Samsi is real japanese food.

>> No.7861375

Shut the fuck up Carol

>> No.7861395


>> No.7861402

>can't tell if sarcasm or actual retard

>> No.7861432

I wouldn't mind going for weeby food if it tasted good but samsi is mediocre but it's ~*japanese*~ so every meet went there

>> No.7861630

Either that or they sit outside at Picadilly Gardens making a scene.

>> No.7861632

Samsi is the best and its affordable to! I suppose you want us to only eat at 5star restaurants.

>> No.7861658

You can get much better meals for that price in manchester

>> No.7861938

Not JAPANESE ones. It makes SENSE to eat Japanese when wearing a JAPANSES FASHION.

>> No.7861942

This is a joke, isn't it? It must be.

>> No.7861959

It kind of does but it makes you look like a weaboo. You should eat what you want, not what you think is cool because it is Japanese.

>> No.7862046

alright I'm good and mad seagulls, I had posted about this in a previous feels thread

>french seller selling OP on my wishlist
>she's listed it 4x since June
>it's October
>she wants 200 euros for it
>it retailed for 10500 yen, so that's like 76 euros atm
>make and offer of 80 euros if it doesn't sell
>dress is also got a small stain on it
>I'm the only one whose inquired about it the entire time she's tried selling it
>most recent one I offered 80 euros
>"oh anon did you mean 180"
>bitch no I did not
>you damn scalper trash

fuck this bitch trying to sell her second hand damaged OP for nearly twice what it retailed, fuck france and fuck my life. I'm done, she can sit on her OP and i'll keep looking elsewhere

>> No.7862050

Perhaps point out that she is selling it for over the price of the original dress.

>> No.7862058

What's wrong with being a weeaboo? ^_^

>> No.7862059

oh don't start that shit, anon. Not here.

>> No.7862062

damn, just realized this is the secrets thread, not the feels thread.

i don't think you can on egl sales comm, doesn't it count as accusing of scalping?

>> No.7862064

Its one thing to like japanese culture but fetishising them is not ok. Not to go all tumblr but seriously. If you like anime and manga that is one thing. If you like japanese food, that is another. But if you do things specifically because they are Japanese, like eating at any JAPANESE food restaurant, and wearing JAPANESE clothing, and adding Japanese to your english vocabulary, and just generally obsessing over the country, then you disgust me.

>> No.7862077
File: 445 KB, 490x368, oh hell my honor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I think I'm a weeaboo

>> No.7862091

It's not very kawaii to say people disgust you. My husbando doesn't like it, tee hee. ^_^
Edo-kun: *kills u*

>> No.7862092

Man you can fetishise all you like and that still won't make you a weeaboo unless you specifically claim that Japan is the best thing in the world and is NEVER wrong and anything that comes from Japan is automatically god-tier.
Seriously lots of people buy stuff just because they're from x (Amerifats creaming themselves over France comes to mind) and it's perfectly normal if a little silly, but as long as you're having fun. But if it escalates into "say one bad thing about Japan I dare you" then yeah, you're a weeb.
But then again that's fine too if you're a teenager, most grow out of it.
I'm just kind of sick of this trend of dicks feeling entitled to make fun of underage kids because "haha they're idiots! Serves you right for posting on the Internet and having terrible judgement!"
I mean they're kids/teens, don't tell me you didn't have shit taste and terrible judgement at that age.

>> No.7862095
File: 51 KB, 500x508, bc im happyyyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that last bit though is like straight out of 2004, thanks anon

>> No.7862096

Been out of the loop, can anyone give me a summary of this please?

>> No.7862110

I've been trying to make a fucking account on the new AP site so I can order one of their god damn overpriced fucking dresses and I've input my first name a million fucking times and it won't take it and I don't know what they expect me to fucking do but I am so angry.

"Please enter your name katakana (phonetic-name)."


>> No.7862169

Are you just entering your name again? Iirc you have to find out what your name is in japanese/katakana and enter that. It took me a few times aswell, since my last name is not very common but I got it in the end

>> No.7862398

This. Especially annoying when you don't have another buyer interested in an item, so the only person interested can afford to take their sweet old time paying

>> No.7862653

Ryuu Lavitz. Absolute trash tier...everything. How she acts, her cosplays, everything about her pisses me off.
I know it's stupid but goddamn she gets under my skin.

>> No.7862770

Not really? And even then you're wearing stuff inspired by historical English and French fashions, not fucking kimono.

>> No.7862772

*puts a knife to your throat* BACK THE FUCK OFF??!?!!?

>> No.7862862

Yeah yeah, but it's from Japan tho? We don't always have the same meet ups. We just do what we like to do. At leastwe aren't out getting DRUNK like SOME comm's.

>> No.7862864

Are you actually 15 or are you just a sublime troll

>> No.7862873

What does the NW stand for? ._.

>> No.7862876

North West. The shittiest part of the country.

>> No.7862878

Shit up you posh snop! I bet you're from London putting your nose in the air at us you bully bitch.

>> No.7862884

Oh do fuck off.

>> No.7862886

Oh do fuck off.

>> No.7862898

>2 feels threads on page 1
/cgl/ pls.

>> No.7862947

>thinking this is a feels thread

>> No.7862948


Seriously, you're being as bad as each other, and these posts exemplifies the general behaviour that's going on in this. Having visited various parts of the UK, North and South alike, it's quite safe to say that there are posher and less-posh areas in any part of the country.

Both of the main sides in this pathetic arguement, which has gone on long enough, need to grow up, and walk away from one another. Even non-UK lolitas are getting involved, and all it's doing is showing up the immaturity of those yelling "fuck off!" or "bully" back and forth, making lolitas from the NW region look bad. Even those who don't want any involvement in the drama, or those not even in the comm itself. Ladies, get a grip on yourselves!

>> No.7863193

yeh but every1 looks down on the north

>> No.7863221

posh skets from london

>> No.7863236

It's annoying how conservative a lot of lolitas are, i'd love to chill out and talk over a drink but lolitas look at me like I grew a second head when I order a beer at a restaurant. I work a lot though and if I take a day off to go to a meet up, I wanna enjoy myself.

>> No.7863252

WTF is a snop? Don't you mean SNOB you uncultured swine?

>> No.7863278
File: 22 KB, 360x333, relationship-drama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> I remember 5 years ago everyone kept saying "ALL UK SOUTHERN LOLITA'S ARE BITCHES"

The truth of the matter is wherever you are in the world there is going to be bitches. No matter what comm, what country, there is always that one person or select persons, who publicly air their knickers in front of the whole world. The problem is with most lolita's is that they can't let something go. It's like high school all over again.

It's like for example a friendship breaks up, 3 years later they will still be bitching about that ex-comm member/members even after they've left lolita and have long since moved on. It's like these people have NOTHING ELSE to talk about other than bitching about someone or some people that do not even matter anymore. ALSO the amount of people who publicly air their own current drama is pathetic. The more they bitch, the more it goes public. BTB'S is a perfect example of that. Instead of trying to agree to let shit go they fight like rabid cats on the internet over something that could be easily fixed with a group meetings or a simple GTFO of my comm.

I do not get the drama that comes with lolita fashion. It turns 20+ year old into 12 year old catty teenagers screaming a battle of "he said, she said" whilst going "Yeah I know the drama happened ages ago but fuck this bitch let's attack them and air our drama publicly" or even to the point of saying "Yeah I could easily fix this problem with my friends but I'd rather 4chan and BTB'S the cunt" I feel lolita fashion brings out the people who are bitches because the dresses can not fix their personalities.

>> No.7863281

Because you are making us look ridiculous, stop posting and sort your sen out.
Alot of the northern comms are well respected as they have no drama and if they do they keep it private and sort it out themselves. The north/south divide is a regional joke which nobody takes seriously. come on now anon let it go

>> No.7863314

Speaking as someone from the north, many northerners (especially the poorer ones from the north west) have HUGE chips on their shoulders.

>> No.7863349

Mate, I'm northern too and most don't give a shit I've never met a person who has used the northern monkeys/ southern fairies in anything but jest. Seems just as pointless as the rest of this NW drama that's going on. None of the lolitas based further south look down on the northern ones so why should it matter

>> No.7863351


This, exactly! Catty, bitchy people can be anywhere, regardless of what they wear, just as lovely people can be. Look at how this arguement has escalated, and deviated from the original arguements! As you say >>7863278, this dirty laundry should have been sorted out privately, and have both parties involves within the commn question agree to walk away from one another, as they clearly dislike each other.

>>7863281: About the only place where I've ever really heard anything about this so-called divide is when reading about UK politics.

>> No.7863353

Maybe we socialise with different people then. That's one of the few things the NW comm talk about. How WEHHH THE LONDENERS LOOK DOWN ON US BCOZ WE DUN OWN BRAND.

>> No.7863355

She's a s4s coswhore, what did you expect?

>> No.7863356

Secrets have gotten so boring lately.

I want silly secrets, fun secrets, informative secrets

lets do this again.

any great ideas for secrets?

lets go!

>> No.7863362

Someone make THIS into a secret. Bitches got to be told.;

>> No.7863389

Why do people keep doing this?

It's lolitas, it's not possessive it's plural.

>> No.7863391

Illiterate retards thats who

>> No.7863394

Seriously, I keep seeing it everywhere. That and people using too instead of to(or the opposite).

>> No.7863399

My phone always tries to autocorrect lolitas to "Lolita's" so that could be the issue? idk

>> No.7863401


*Rols eyes* Aside for that silly little speling/grammer nitpick, this person spoke sense! There's no real reason to verbally attack someone for a silly, unimportant mistake like that. Whilst good spelling and grammer are good, there is no reason for that sort of aggression!

>> No.7863433

rolls* However I do agree with you.

>> No.7863444

Keyboard issues rather than actual inability to spell.

>> No.7863474

Fuck off.

>> No.7863482


Sheesh! Zero reason for that sort of attitude. I'm not going to get into a slanging-off match with you because why bother, especially if that's all you have to say, for absolutely no reason.

>> No.7863511
File: 278 KB, 622x336, 1411769075703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What rustled my jimmies this week?
I bought shoes that i adore and the biggest Ita in my comm said they were Ugly and Ita. They were not. They matched my Coord brilliantly. How do i know? Because I posted myself to an a Loli board and people thought my shoes were pretty.

Fuck you Maire, Your colourways are painful and your wigs are ratty. Check your wardrobe before you talk shit.

>> No.7863519
File: 47 KB, 197x330, mayor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do you pronounce "Maire"?

>> No.7863526

bitches just jelly, lets see them shoes anon.

>> No.7863527

Mar E

>> No.7863529

Wouldn't that be Maíri

>> No.7863530

Aww. I had so many jokes for if it was "Mare".
>Hard to grasp matching your shoes to your co-ord when you have to get yours nailed to your hooves, and so on

>> No.7863531
File: 44 KB, 363x630, hCjohHf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the deal with laelette being posted so much recently, whats her history/story, i wanna know the story behind the hate

>> No.7863535

Grammatical and spelling issues are fucking rampant on this board. The amount of people who can't tell basic shit like you're/your they're/there/their etc. apart is as high as a goddamn gaia or neopets thread.

>> No.7863538


>> No.7863542

These were the ones i bought.


>> No.7863543

Marie is actually quite a common name in Ireland and the Uk.

>> No.7863546

I have no jokes for that. Sorry, France (I'm assuming).

>> No.7863551

Moria Is more Irish, or Welsh?

>> No.7863555

Maire's an Irish name: http://www.babynamesofireland.com/maire.. Even has a pronunciation audio file.

>> No.7863559

There is also a French version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jJjO5U-1_uA

>> No.7863564

I know, but Marie, Moira and Maire are different.

>> No.7863576

Moira and Maire are pronounced almost the same. Maire can be more like Myra depending on your region in Ireland, and Moira's just the Scottish/Northern Irish version.

>> No.7863684

It's a french word for mayor and it's pronounced like "mare"

MarE is for Marie

>> No.7864037

My boyfriend and i have been dating for over a year, and have yet to have sex. I'm 23 and he's 25. We've tried a tone of times but his dick won't work because of an injury he got years ago. I love him dearly and i feel very guilty for pushing the whole thing but i've had healhty sexual relations before while he's practicly a virgin. I hate myself for making him feel bad, but i can't help feel frustraited. It's driving me mental! what do i do? I love him so much, we've even talked about marriage but i can't get my head past this.

>> No.7864077

Wrong thread?

If his dick isn't working his hands and mouths had better. The best sex I had was with a virgin because he was putting my pleasure before his. Is he at least enthusiastic about you and your body? If not, it's probably best to move on.

>> No.7864083

Lmao I feel for you but wtf does this have to do with /cgl/?
May I suggest >>>/adv/

>> No.7864085

I would first look into alternative sex strategies like straps ons, or something.
If not, don't marry. He can find someone asexual or that can deal with his condition. Do you really not want to have sex for the rest of your life? There are plenty of women who don't like sex or are okay with whatever complications arise from a condition like that.
I do not recommend going the "open relationship" route if you were thinking that.

>> No.7864103
File: 114 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just lost job
>"I know! Imma buy lolita!"

>> No.7864118

It wouldn't be Mah-Ree?

>> No.7864208

wanting a decent petti for that cheap, plus size no less.

go with this advice anon

>> No.7864217

I was watching something where a man was paralyzed from the waist down, or something, and went to a sex therapist where they worked out how he could gain sexual pleasure even if his penis was working. It turned out that his thumb became his surrogate penis and he and his partner were able to fool around with each other that way.

>mfw I never thought I'd ever have to use that bit of knowledge ever

>> No.7864230

She posted earlier in the mentor group as well about buying a plus sized dress under 50 dollars. She sure decided to plunge into an expensive hobby at the wrong time.

>> No.7864247

A girl I had a huge falling out with (I'm also a girl) has been adding all of my friends on facebook lately. I kept all the drama to myself but she is the type to shit talk to the moon and back if she has a problem with someone. (I knew her for almost 5 years and saw it constantly.) She is adding people I know to piss me off. And it's working.

>> No.7864290

My god.
This is our endless summer year, isn't it?

>> No.7864637

search for lolisourgrapes/lsg in the archive

>> No.7864640

>be the first person to like this

>> No.7864690

>Grammatical and spelling issues are fucking rampant on this board

There are some nitpick things on here for sure but one of the reasons I come to 4chan is because it seems to be one of the only internet hubs left where people haven't taken the Tumblr route and return to unpunctuated chatspeak circa 2001 with paiNFULL y contriVED T Yping quirks thrown in.

>> No.7864752

But how else are you supposed to show how RANDUM you are?

>> No.7864765

by being a genderqueer otherkin wiccan transtrender, of course!

>> No.7864769

>Keyboard issues rather than actual inability to spell.
>grammer nitpick

>> No.7864790

all i get is her thinking she's top dog, and being a bitch to comm, but this was like years and years ago no? surely people are over it by now

>> No.7864943

There there, you Clusterfuck of stupid and poorly dressed can stay where you are.

Other comms do not want your brand of crazy

>> No.7864996

I bet u don't even have a comm Ritch Bitch

>> No.7865571

well damn

>> No.7865595

Oh no, I come here for the content and uh, "community" for lack of a better term. No argument there, tumblr can't even speak in whole sentences anymore. It's just grating to see how many people either type with their faces or simply don't understand basic rules.

Of course, it's also hilarious and pathetic when someone's trying to shittalk and can't even spell whatever it is they're trying to shit on.

I don't think it invalidates arguments but however witty their smackdown attempt may have been always reads like a retarded 5 year old saying it in my mind whenever there're mistakes in the writing.

>> No.7865839

Didn't all that NW drama happen when someone posted canudoitcosplaygirl's videos of a Manchester meet and a member jumped in to defend the comm?

>> No.7866634
File: 167 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Jesus just stop. You just lost your job and now you're asking for dresses on a payment plan? Anyone with half a brain will NOT sell you shit for fear of you completely flaking out, which I can absolutely foresee you doing. Someone needs to call this bitch.
>Inb4 "you do it"
I would, but I'd like to keep buying shit I FB.

>> No.7866638

That might have been it this time. But the drama has always been there and always will be as long as Carol, Jayde, Joannes, Suzy and Mary are still part of it. TBF, Jayde sounds like she wants to move the comm to the right direction, but it's evident that Carol is just sliding to the side and no one is calling her on her behaviour.

I think they need to start a new comm that does not have the words NORTH or WEST in it. Distance themselves from that tag and make sure Carol, Suzy and Joanne S are not members.

>> No.7866646


>bust 110cm
>waist 97cm

Well,neither the cinderella dress nor the CDC dress is going to fit her.

I can no longer tell if this person is a troll or genuinely going through some kind of mental breakdown and acting out by posting wtbs for things she knows she will never afford and can never fit into.

>> No.7866651

I can't stand this dumb trend of buyers posting a WTB but saying "oh it has to be on a payment plan". It just seems so unbelievably entitled. If you really for whatever reason can't manage to save up until you can afford a dress, apply for a credit card. Or, you know, wait until you are at a place in your life where you can afford this fashion before you get into it. Fuck if I'll ever agree to a payment plan, as a seller that seems shady as hell.

Every time I see a WTB post like that pop up, I just assume the person is a retard.

>> No.7866656

Don't misgender me you Cis sheeple trash

>> No.7866661

Just another fat dumb lolita

>> No.7866665

There's a Kim Kardashian/Kayne West offspring joke in this but I'm too fucking tired to make it.

>> No.7866668

>those measurements
Holy shit that's unfortunate, she's like a fat brick.
A fat brick who'll never fit into any of those dresses, so wtf? Maybe she's looking for a CDC replica or something?

>> No.7866670

I think she just legitimately doesn't know It's one-size

>> No.7866671

Those measurements, damn. It's one thing to be fat, but another to be shaped like a brick. I'm on the fatty side myself, but even at my max. measurements I was bust 105cm, waist 80cm, so at least I actually had a waist. Even if she finds a dress, it's probably going to look like shit anyway.

>> No.7866691


Actually never met one this insane, and I'm in a comm with some overweight lolitas.

Then again, none of them are THAT big.

>> No.7866694

If only there was a way to discretely contact her, anonymously, and inform her that those dresses are one size and that her measurements exceed the max. It's sad, but she needs to realize that and you know a bunch of people saw that post and are all thinking "oh god..."

>> No.7866697
File: 136 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish they would have said more, but hey, at least it's a start.

>> No.7866707

I'm not very fond of beer but I'd love a meetup in a cocktail bar.

>sipping on fancy cocktails in fancy dresses

>> No.7866756
File: 150 KB, 450x247, 1401792152884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told a friend of mine that Milanoo was bad (for lolita) and some other friend who somehow magically turned into a bitch when she got a bf, and bought casual clothes from them as well as a cosplay wig and a fugly ita set comes in like "Uh , Milanoo isn't bad quality !" Why won't that girl accept that she worked hard only to get scammed by Milanoo , and that she was too lazy to find better places to buy her stuff and learn a couple words of english ? Ugh , now my friend (who had a surprising lot of potential) got a shitty dress from them too.

>> No.7866759

This was originally the thread for the weekly secrets.

>> No.7866761

Are all the lolitas in the NW comm, poor?

>> No.7866774


>> No.7866784

Poor as in quality or as in no money?
Because they're cheapskate itas.

>> No.7866807

I had a giggle m8

>> No.7866816

pick one

>> No.7868326
File: 392 KB, 1000x793, tumblr_m5zjtvXLBy1qcx3szo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not all of them, sure the ones causing all the fuss at the moment aren't as well off but other girls in the comm are always really well turned out. All the NW girls at revelry looked stunning.

The girls who come over to our meets are all lovely and would rather say they are from our comm then their local one which is really sad tbh.
I'm hoping this is the week they've finally got the picture that no one cares about their petty bickering. They should all step away from the internet and be mardy somewhere else

>> No.7869223
File: 115 KB, 497x697, awhellno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she lost her job, is asking for dresses on a payment plan, and now is somehow planning to participate in a gift exchange.

If she really joins, I'm out. There's no way I'm going to spend $30-$40 on a gift for someone only to risk getting her as my match.