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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 44 KB, 474x474, 10659169_10205101330482881_705711993622378129_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7848405 No.7848405 [Reply] [Original]

tell me why

>> No.7848420

aint nothing but a heartache

>> No.7848442

I'm so high right now this outfit makes sense.

>> No.7848453

This fucking post.

>> No.7848457

do we build castles in the sky?

>> No.7848462


10/10 you made me snort my cork.

>> No.7848520

What is that thing on her arm??

>> No.7848527


I was coming here to post this very same thing, but you've beat me to it. Well done.

>> No.7848608

Ain't nothing but a mistake

(And too much weeaboo)

>> No.7848656



>> No.7848659

I don't like Mondays

>> No.7848664








>> No.7848815

>11 posts
>no pictures of itas

>> No.7848856

>Starts an ita thread.
> OOT pic but thats it.
> No itas.

>> No.7848866

what the fuck is going on in here

>> No.7848892

shhhh no tears only backstreet boys now

>> No.7849125

>complaining about backstreet boys

>> No.7849169

Backstreet boys are talentless and suck.
Nsync all the way.

>> No.7849199

I saw them in concert once.

>> No.7849208

nick carter and i made eye contact

>> No.7849209

Gurl you can have your noodle head timberlake all you want.

>> No.7849213

why are her legs so short

>> No.7849217

I was too far away to make eye contact. But I am very happy for you anon. Will it be a June wedding?

>> No.7849244

Thanks, not that Timberlake will ever take your ita ass, he's drowning in talent while Carter is now resorting to reality TV aka the lowest platform of fame. You have a much better shot with him. Good eye.

>> No.7849342

I was thinking the same thing. Lol

>> No.7849467

shots fired

>> No.7849480
File: 57 KB, 720x960, tiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's Tiferet

>> No.7849508
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>> No.7849509
File: 245 KB, 414x642, tumblr_nbpl0jmH721r84hcto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat makeup

>> No.7849512
File: 187 KB, 500x696, tumblr_nc9oe8mkh31ratb4so2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7849514
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>> No.7849518
File: 60 KB, 400x579, tumblr_ncjfq0IjDx1tmohy6o2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7849520

FUCK tiferet. Last time I went to a meet she was there and it was a swap meet but she sat in a corner with limeade that she brought, complaining the whole time, and then took the limeade with her when she left even though the food situation was potluck style.

>> No.7849521
File: 366 KB, 960x1280, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cosplay lolita so gr9 huehahuahuahuheuehuehh1!!!!one1

>> No.7849541

This bitch ruined my dream dress (cat tea party)
I shall never forgive her and her filthy smile like she KNOWS she's making us rage

>> No.7849559

how could she even fit in it?

>> No.7849564

Oh my goodness. I'm plus sized myself and I don't do boystyle because I know it would look horrible in it, and this just proves my point.

>> No.7849573 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 353x698, ss+(2014-09-30+at+02.57.21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fattychan mode: loading

>> No.7849593

wtf is wrong with this?

>> No.7849599

she's not fat, vendetta pls

>> No.7849610

>implying it's carter the one i like.

>> No.7849612 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 311x333, ss+(2014-09-30+at+03.31.32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sorry i cant hear u over her thunder thighs

>> No.7849613

This isn't ita, let alone lolita to begin with, and just because she doesn't have noodle legs like the girls you idolize doesn't mean she's fat.
I'm not even a fan of Peachie but come on now.

>> No.7849620

average size thighs
please get a life, anon
you're only making yourself look stupid

>> No.7849621
File: 416 KB, 1022x1024, baito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7849658

She has chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic pain so she can't exactly exercise you sick fuck

>> No.7849662

I guess I gave you too much credit, the rest are so lame they couldn't even land a reality show of they wanted one.

>> No.7849675

looks cute as punk lolita

>> No.7849686

>implying she's fat
You're a desillusionnal faggot or an anorexia chan. That or a chinese grill who think anyone not thin like stick ain't cute. She's super cute and she looks soft and cuddly (no homo) you guys should stop bashing Peachie for nothing.
1/10 because I responded to your baito

>> No.7849691

Peachie is the only YouTube lolita that doesn't give me bitch vibes. Peachie is best

>> No.7849696

She's genuinely nice she answered several of my questions in such a sweet manner and her childish side is adorable.
To hell people screaming ageplay,this girl is cute as hell and liking childish stuff isn't a crime.

>> No.7849707

she hacked it apart to make it fit

>> No.7849711

Are...are you serious?

>> No.7849713
File: 74 KB, 960x640, 1386749521410[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7849714

pretty sure that's a man in the middle

>> No.7849737


Lol, that's Tiferet.

>> No.7849738
File: 97 KB, 214x204, goddamn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7849751

Why the random blue wristcuffs? I swear there's no blue anywhere else in the co-ord except for her necklace.

>> No.7849759
File: 496 KB, 296x160, tumblr_inline_mn8eak2RFL1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, I think I"m literally having a panic attack over this, my body's all hot and i want to throw up. I can't. My dream dress......tainted....

>> No.7849769

The way her knees are wrinkling (and the fact that they aren't always like that) suggest water retention/edema, an occasional side effect of her illness.

>> No.7849776
File: 996 KB, 500x281, ohgodno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. She's a bit of a weeb at times but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't chill out in seifukus and maid outfits when I get my own cute apartment.

I am in physical pain.

>> No.7849789

There's so many AP dresses with really generous sizing, if you can't fit in one of those quit Lolita and come back after a lifestyle change.

>> No.7849797

This picture makes me so fucking angry every time I see it. CTP, stretched and ripped up and ruined by her disgusting ogre body. I don't even have a reaction image that expresses my anger thoroughly enough.

>> No.7849804

I thought this read "snort my cock" and I was extremely worried for you anon

>> No.7849819
File: 878 KB, 245x180, 1409033220965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7849823


I thought it said coke at first. Which would make sense since it's something people snort. Cocks however...

>> No.7849905

Fucking hell, is the skirt torn off?
God, I'm so irrationally upset over this.

>> No.7849935

Not really that irrational, anon.

>> No.7849957

I don't typically get upset with 'fatties ruining muh burando.' But she's just doing that highly in demand beautiful dress such a disservice that it's shameful.

>> No.7849960
File: 55 KB, 530x800, literally any other style of tudong is better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this makes me mad because there are so many ways to do up a tudong and she goes all makcik sayur with it?

>> No.7849971

... wow, holy shit, I didn't even see that at first.

>> No.7849981

I don't even dress in lolita and I'm horrified at what she did... how can you rip apart a brand dress to fit your ugly ass in it? Isn't the point of buying brand to get a high quality garment? and you go and fucking ruin it????

>> No.7849993

I didn't even notice that at first! I think maybe she cut apart the bodice and skirt, then put an ugly white band of elastic around the top of the skirt? I'm so fucking upset

>> No.7850067
File: 2.12 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_5349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two for one

>> No.7850075

How can she afford Cat's Tea Party but not getting it altered by a professional seamstress??

>> No.7850079

d a s

r a c i s s

>> No.7850085

I don't know, part of me says "it's just a dress", another part says "That's my dream dress, you fucking bitch!".

>> No.7850087
File: 132 KB, 800x600, 389288_669805536368787_66364591_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7850103

Now this is an ita post. From shitty excuse for a "blouse" from the woman on the left to a straight up t-shirt on the woman on the right, to Milanoo tier + cutsew on the woman on the bottom.
There's just so much work that needs to be done. I almost want to take an ita under my wing and guide them...almost...

>> No.7850108

What's up with old, fat, ugly (or all at the same time) bitches being so crazy about wearing that lolita shit? They are the female equivalent of fedora gentlemen, which obviously don't fit at all the image they try to represent.
What the fuck.

>> No.7850112

Because it isn't "normal" and it's from Japan. They want to be edgy and unique.
Like, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be unique. But don't call your fashion sense "lolita" if you're wearing a fucking white t-shirt and a square dance-esque skirt. You're going to get laughed at.

>> No.7850113
File: 1.67 MB, 500x281, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant even express.... it hurts so much.... someone kill that abomination...

>> No.7850115

The girls on >>7850067 just need an extreme makeover- they can be cute with all the right makeup and appropriate coord choices. That said, they look really young so they might be just discovering the fashion, idk.

No excuse for the ita trio tho.

I also think lolita stops looking cute on people after a certain age. 'Age don't matterzzz' my ass.

>> No.7850123

holy god she actually has different socks

>> No.7850130

I think the one sitting on the ground has potential. It might be that she looks like a friend of mine, but I think she has a cute face and just needs a lot of help dressing herself. Everyone has to start somewhere I guess.

>> No.7850148

She said she got her dress from Milanoo, she figured out later it was bad and still wore it... I kinda forgave her for that, but then she was looking at some of the Milanpoop-tier quality dresses at the con and fawning over the "quality"
I told them about Bodyline (they said they were on a super budget) and prayed for them.
(They were pretty nice, but those coords... So much second hand embarrassment because I just keep thinking of all the people they told it was ~lolita fashion~)

>> No.7850197
File: 1.94 MB, 400x225, tumblr_nccj8kqshx1txkrkqo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this photo from an AP tea party?

I really love that print a lot but since I'm a fatty-chan I kind of gave up on the idea until I lost enough weight but if I did have to alter it in anyway I would have used the dam waist ties and took it to a professional.

I feel so bad for her local comm, I bet she's insufferable

>> No.7850212

>damn waist ties and take it to a professional

>> No.7850224

Girl wear a bra ain't nobody want to see that.

>> No.7850235

Imagine how the designer must feel... It' a downright insult.

>> No.7850239
File: 80 KB, 292x302, 1231323121723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7850257

I dunno, it depends, some girls age really well and others have never looked young enough for Lolita.

>> No.7850260

Well now I'm mad.

>> No.7850276

Now the ribbon around her waist makes sense.
>still failed to cover the damage
Goddammit if you're fat and can't fit, don't force the clothes. What're you gonna do now that you have a useless dress.

>> No.7850292

Well of course, only if you've been blessed this way, otherwise, wrinkly-chans on frills are downright creeptastic.

>> No.7850301
File: 244 KB, 500x750, tumblr_ncox3fZki21qk7wlro3_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty and her coord is ok, but her wig is so ratty, it pains me.

>> No.7850304

Oh man, how did that wig get that way?

>> No.7850312


>> No.7850323

Awww they're super cute though. Please fund that lolita makeover reality show!

>> No.7850330

The makeup is decent, actually, but it looks off because of the blue bangs. It makes her strong jaw look bigger in relative size, by drawing attention to her face and "shrinking" her black hair. It would look loads better if she dyed her blue bangs to black like the rest of her hair; that would increase the perceived size of her hair, and bring more spatial balance between her hair and face.

Also, she needs to get to a bra boutique (or at least a Nordstrom's) to get her correct bra size.

>> No.7850334
File: 361 KB, 970x546, noooope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat clearly visible hoola-hoop in her skirt
>dat camera constantly zooming in and out trying to focus
>wigs parted in the middle
>dat lace tho

>> No.7850374

From wearing it over and over again and not washing it.

>> No.7850385

Okay, I doubt that is the issue. If you brush it out and the fibers are nice it will be fine. It's kind of gross, but I've had a wig I wear frequently and I've had it for a year and have yet to wash it and it looks just fine.

>> No.7850405

I actually like this.

>> No.7850414

Urghhh, they have so much potential. I hope they get some guidance.

>> No.7850422

Wait did she turn it into a top/skirt combo?
oh no

>> No.7850423

I saw her at the tea and yeah it needed some love, sure, but her whole coord was well done and looked so cute I feel like it made up for it. She def isn't ita. Now that green wig drag monster OTOH...

>> No.7850428

We can rebuild them

>> No.7850435
File: 151 KB, 565x795, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying ramen hair justin isn't best justin

>> No.7850437

Please tell me AP's designer wasn't there
That's so insulting omg

>> No.7850473

I'm so mad right now the fact that she's smiling and doing that weeb peace sign is rustling my jimmies so much

>> No.7850483


I tried but with their budget all I could really reccomend was bodyline. I'm praying they become those lolis that take BL and make it look good.

>> No.7850490

Meant to reply to you, too

>> No.7850540
File: 31 KB, 296x444, 1601014_1559090824314669_7325400485029583925_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you actually pair an AP dress with clothes from PRIMARK

>> No.7850550
File: 80 KB, 640x960, 1558485_584580068336855_5027351369422306606_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the girl on the right hurts me

>> No.7850558

why the black ribbon and why random light blue?

>> No.7850569

if the accessories match the coord who cares if they're Primark or Pretty? Please, get off your high horse. A suitable primark blouse works as well as an AP one if its coorded well.

>> No.7850588

Don't worry I feel the same, I actually gasped out loud!

>> No.7850590
File: 74 KB, 720x960, gwew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this? It hurt my eyes to look at...lolita is not drag holy god. Also the level of ps on this image is sad. Looks nothing like he did in person.

>> No.7850620

Hair could use some work, Maybe a bigger tiara, different shoes but overall not bad. More nitpick than Ita

>> No.7850640

I can not tell if this is more of a nit pick than ita.

> Dress is nice but too small for her figure.
> Hair could use some work.
> Different pair of shoes.
> Ditch the black ribbon on the neck.
> Blouse is nice but doesn't match the dress.

>> No.7850647 [DELETED] 




Not ita, nitpick. Learn the difference.

>> No.7850653

She is so cute but I hate that wig.

>> No.7850654

>>7848405 (OP)

Not ita, nitpick. Learn the difference.

>> No.7850675

Just imagine how her fatty hands rip this beautiful,beloved piece in two. Or even worse - how she squeezes her ugly body in it until the fabric can't take it anymore and rips.
That's some halloween-tier stuff. I wonder why they are even talking to her.

>> No.7850686

They aren't talking to her. They are talking to each other, she is standing behind them making weeby poses.

>> No.7850697


Oh thank god.

I'm not the only one that thought this.

>> No.7850723
File: 141 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7850743


>> No.7850744

Her facial expression is painful, but her coord is fine, anon.

>> No.7850752

Transplant her face with an asian and take away that stupid plushie and all you weebs would've bought this outfit on some scalped ebay at some point.
At least the fabric is actually cute.

>> No.7850753

I cringed so hard when I saw him at the tea party. My frilly little soul died a little.

>> No.7850754

Uhh, no?
It's truly awful. 99% of wa lolita is truly awful. If you think someone in their right mind would have bought this, then you're delusional.

>> No.7850761
File: 342 KB, 421x445, Screen Shot 2014-09-30 at 8.13.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you think someone in their right mind would have bought this, then you're delusional
I think you are.
Pic extremely related. Know how many of those sold over the years?

>> No.7850765

And how many to actual lolitas and not weaboos who think it's cosplay?

Wa lolita ita outfits get posted in these threads all the fucking time.

>> No.7850769

>Transplant her face with an asian and take away that stupid plushie and all you weebs
>and all you weebs
>you weebs
Argumentative idiot.....

>> No.7850774

Yeah, to a bunch of retards and not actual lolitas. When was the last time you saw a respected lolita wearing one of these? I'll help you out: never.

>> No.7850775

Lol, I'll point you to this >>7850774
and leave your buttblast at the door next time. Wow.

>> No.7850779

Lots of lolitas are bad at reading comprehension. That's why they're always misunderstanding shit and arguing with each other all the time.

>> No.7850780

Don't care about that lolita shit, but damn, I would destroy that sweet azn ass, even though it's small.

No matter, it will be even more devastated then.

>> No.7850781

>linking me to my own post
tell me why

>> No.7850785

Ain't nothin but a mistake?

>> No.7850788

have fun nailing an ita

>> No.7850790

If she's azn and qt, then, by god almighty yes, I will have fun.

>> No.7850791
File: 269 KB, 446x310, 2133att.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>triest to argue for wa-loli
>posts pictures from ebay

Thank you anon-senpai I'm totally convinced wa-loli is totally legit lolita

>> No.7850793

...how many marijuana did you smoke today?

>> No.7850795

Different anon but you must be samefagging because they clearly weren't arguing for anything. Just that weeaboos and casualfags would be lining up to buy it if it were on a pretty asian girl.

And asian itas are definitely excused a lot more at that.

>> No.7850829

girl on the right looks fabulous tho.

>> No.7850831

What's ita about this? This is more than decent punk lolita.

>> No.7850835

I would say this is nitpick. It's almost right. The biggest problem is the skirt - the blue rose print is so cheesy. I get she's going for moitie blue and gothic themes but it doesn't work.
The blouse looks like it might have some cheap lace. But pretty much swap the skirt for one with a less cheesy print and it's a meh tier gothic coord.

>> No.7850840

What the fuck? I almost feel like tiferet is a professional troll. It's one thing to have the money to but a dress and look smug as shit in it, it's another to have the money to buy said dress and hack it apart and completely ruin it.

>> No.7850879
File: 208 KB, 960x720, tumblr_n740lkBjBG1teqleoo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7850882

This isn't even a nitpick. That coord is fine.
Bait or vendetta?

>> No.7850888

I'm pretty sure she bought it during the reservation when it was affordable.

>> No.7850895

The ONLY thing I would say that is 'wrong' with it is the tights are kinda weird... plain black ones would have been better but that is better for the nitpick thread. I probably wouldn't have done those boots but I don't really like boots sooooo eh

>> No.7850898

Vendetta-chan please go.

>> No.7850915

Still better than Andrea. I'd much rather see a drag in lolita than her.

>> No.7850937
File: 601 KB, 539x580, Screen Shot 2014-09-30 at 9.08.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not ita but I'm cringing so hard at the placement of the cat on this print. With the fold it is always going to be looking like this thing is peering out of the ass cheeks of whoever is wearing it. What a fucking mistake.

>> No.7850945

That dress is pretty though, who makes it? I feel like I should know ... that pink thing is a little weird though, the lavender galaxy fabric is pretty.

>> No.7850951
File: 13 KB, 354x308, buttcheekcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"peering out of the ass cheeks of whoever is wearing it"

>> No.7850960

I'm not even a sweet lolita but I admire Peachie and she seems very lovely. I think it's fantastic that she is able to do something that makes others happy even with cfs. I also have cfs and it's nice knowing I'm not alone and even more so that others are happy even with the condition. I just wish there wasn't such a stigma against it.

>> No.7850982

oh dear lord, the fuzzy ruffle things ugh, it's just the cherry on the shit cake of this dress

>> No.7851071
File: 32 KB, 500x500, ass ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7851094

Show them that Bodyline needs better photos tumblr
That would help

>> No.7851120
File: 59 KB, 475x408, thats-a-man-Baby[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a man!

why are so many lolitas so large? Do they not have any mirrors? Have they never been to /fit/?

>> No.7851122

i thoroughly enjoyed every second of this

>> No.7851138

Hahaha so fucking true. I'd rather have a well-meaning but misplaced drag queen than her narcissistic power-hungry ass. Plus even though the drag queen look is SO not the aesthetic of lolita at all and should be stopped, it's way better than Andrea's horrible face. Ew.

One of the local girls made it. Idr who tho

>> No.7851142

Peachie is adorbs. I don't understand the hate tbh. As someone else with cfs and auto-immune crap she and Holly give me hope.

>> No.7851146

I love you.

But no, no they haven't. Because that would take some fucking effort on their part and why should they have to do that when they can just blame it on people with "unrealistic expectations" and talk about how "real women have curves" I mean a little extra weight is not a problem but goddamn some of the lolis I see are just way to huge. It's not healthy and I really don't understand how they live with themselves when they look in the mirror.

>> No.7851149

I'm glad I'm not the only one and I hope you are doing alright anon. Who is Holly may I ask? I wish there was a community for lolitas with illnesses, I know there used to be a livejournal.

>> No.7851157

Both of you are being a bit stupid. For every "omg thin privilege" tumblrite ita there is a perfectly normal, well-dressed fatty chan who just likes lolita and makes a sincere effort to look presentable. Whenever there is a plus size lolita thread, all of the non-troll posts are great.

>> No.7851168

She one of the girls in the Atl comm, not quite a superstar like Peachie but she's pretty well known to us local (atl) lolitas.

>> No.7851172

The worst thing is that she is SO PROUD that she mutilated this dress. She posts everywhere that she has Cat's Tea Party and that she altered it. Some people wanted to make a themed scrapbook for the anniversary tea party and everyone was supposed to choose what prints they wanted to represent, in list format showing priority, and she basically was like CAT'S TEA PARTY I ONLY WANT CAT'S TEA PARTY I ALTERED IT NOTHING ELSE WILL BE OKAY. I'm pretty damn sure she does it because she knows it pisses people off. She's just so toxic and horrible to be around.

>> No.7851173

there is a big difference between plus sized lolitas and lolitas who are too big to fit in just about anything. I'm not saying there aren't well dressed plus sized lolitas but there are just as many of them who put very little effort into things and can't fit into brand and won't even bother trying to lose weight or get a brand like elegy to make something for them. There are ways to make things work for them but too many of them just won't even try.

>> No.7851179


>> No.7851180
File: 230 KB, 597x880, ithurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This train wreck of a blog

>> No.7851183
File: 365 KB, 759x428, 1411318554069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of people who can look good as a lolita. They just aren't some of them.

If you are "living large" then make sure your outfit is not bursting at the seams.

There also has to be a friend who can say to them what Dirty Harry said: "A man's got to know his limitations."

If you are rocking the Chris Farley bod then going to a Cosplay as Ichigo Kurosaki might not be the best of ideas.

Same goes with if you are looking like Mama Cass then trying to Cosplay as a lolita is not the best of ideas.

That is what friends are for. To tell you when you are making a big mistake.

>> No.7851190

I mean, okay, so we both agree that there are ita fatties out there who don't know what they're doing. I have an issue with blanket statements, that's all. Not every fatty chan is a mess and in denial about their body.

>Cosplay as a lolita


>> No.7851191

"Dam waist ties" could be accurate considering the one she has is trying to keep her fat from overflowing.

>> No.7851221

Thanks for telling me anon. I'm glad your comm is supportive enough for her to be able to say she has an illness and that she is well known.

>> No.7851235

Whats the blog name again?

>> No.7851257

It won't let me post the link but it's called Project: Lixx and its under the tag Fashion Fraction

>> No.7851457

Can anyone tell me if in the history of lolita has there ever been a GOOD wa-lolita coord? It's sad that this one is actually one of the better one's I've seen. I used to think it was possibly neat idea of mixing the lolita anesthetics with traditional kimono print designs and possibly the obi. However, I have yet to see a single "coord" that doesn't look like an ita mess and have a serious run for their money of ending up on here. I have pretty much have given up all hope and written them off as dreams of a noob.

>> No.7851469
File: 65 KB, 720x960, 10624886_814693791916575_5346694763488965808_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that I have indigestion pose
>that uncut wig lazily pinned to the side
>barely any makeup, what's there is badly applied
>white shoes with navy tights

>> No.7851480
File: 46 KB, 480x720, tiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her hand is permanently stuck there

>> No.7851482
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>> No.7851485
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>> No.7851495

You stink of vendetta. This is barely even worth a nitpick.

>> No.7851510

Lol vendetta
Go away.

>> No.7851511

The fact he altered it really doesn't bother me since she bought, she can do wht she likes with it. What pisses me off is the absolute pigs ear of a job she's made of it. She strikes me as one of those people who think there skill level is x10 what is actually is.

>> No.7851536

>white shoes with navy tights

Yes, your point is? White shoes with dark tights looks nice.

>> No.7851551

I like it.
Her shoes are plain but much preferred over toddler shoes IMO.

>> No.7851557

God fucking dammit tifferet ruins everything

>> No.7851573

who is this dress by and what print is this?

>> No.7851677

can we please have no more of this train wreck? she's so bad she's making my soul cry.

>> No.7851765

I actually don't mind this outfit but it's not lolita. Although if the skirt was high waisted and the proper fullness it could be a nice classic. And can someone tell her to fucking PUT HER HAND DOWN?! Seriously! And I don't know if those are cankles, sloppy socks or poorly fitting shoes but they need improvement.

>> No.7851766

There's this one fashion show where Midori wears it. I can't find any pictures though

>> No.7851772
File: 169 KB, 640x964, d77f08ad69569587743b6f631abebafb1362520984_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it!

>> No.7851854

You can friend her on FB if you want. Her name on there is Holly Atlas. She's talked about wanting a handicap lolita group too. I'm glad ATL com is supportive; I hope your com is too!

>> No.7851864

you might have, nasty ass ho

>> No.7851867

homeslice on the left needs a better bra

>> No.7851870


>> No.7851883

I have been terrified to buy brand because I've got a curvy figure, as in actually curvy and not what hamplanets like to call themselves instead of fat. but seeing as this cow can somehow squeeze herself into brand I may reconsider..

she looks like toothpaste busting out of the fucking tube.

>> No.7851886

shut up cunt ho bitch

>> No.7851904

I never wanna hear you saaaay

>> No.7851909

The dress looks like it's screaming.

>> No.7851925

you don't wanna fight me ho

>> No.7851959
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>> No.7851960

Do you often tell strangers about the things you want to do with your no-no bits?

>> No.7851969


oh ok cgl really is full of grills, back to /fa/

>> No.7851978

She really looks like an old (male, 50-year-old) high school teacher of mine in drag. I'm tempted to send these to my old schoolmates and see what they think. Are you guys sure tiferet is a woman from the US, not a male high school teacher from a tiny European country?

>> No.7851980

>taken it to a professional

>> No.7851982

Am I going to have to hold someone's earrings?

>> No.7852004

Yeah, back to your fellow /fa/ggots . Don't you have a yesstyle purchase to be making? Go buy some $500 sports shoes while you're at it, maybe then the grills will notice you.

>> No.7852015

That's what we normally talk about.
You don't? Weirdo.

>> No.7852028

i don't actually know but it looks like haenuli to me

>> No.7852183

I'm ashamed that I really like that outfit and I know I'd probably rock it unlike her fat ass

>> No.7852199
File: 79 KB, 960x540, 2d09680f-02e3-4fab-bfa1-e0febe4fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a friend tried to introduce me to this ita-mess. her entire photo album is a disaster.

>> No.7852204

lol, this past one?

i am so sorry for the shopgirls at AP/HH that have to humour her when she says "ohhh it almost fits!!"

>> No.7852210

whats wrong with yesstyle?!

>> No.7852219

she's an excellent seamstress tho u gaise!!

>> No.7852222
File: 65 KB, 640x732, mmmmm-boobs-huh-o-knees_o_907325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is she seriously doing pic related?

>> No.7852230

Thanks for the laugh anon.

>> No.7852273

Yes. Tiferet is a fat hag thats part of the SF community

>> No.7852274

Different anon, but they're a reseller of generally low quality Asian clothes that they overprice something fierce. You can buy from them if you think the convenience is worth the huge markup but most seagulls like to get their cheap Chinese crap straight from the source.

>> No.7852279
File: 54 KB, 720x960, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7852286

Long Ears and Sharp Ears studio, "The Curtain is About to Open"

>> No.7852314

Fuck off Dominique nobody cares about your vendetta. Everyone is getting tired of your bullshit and shit talking, even the nicest girls in our comm are having a hard time looking the other way

>> No.7852326

I want to know who popularized these wigs so I can set them on fire.

>> No.7852347
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>> No.7852352
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>> No.7852359
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>> No.7852362


She's worn some shitty stuff but this was one of her better coords, dig deeper

>> No.7852394

I thought 'it couldn't possibly be THAT bad' when I saw the thumbnail... I would like to burn it with fire.

>> No.7852420

Was that meant to be lolita? It looks like a fail cult party kei attempt to me.

>> No.7852425
File: 142 KB, 400x602, 1981973842472941_ni3e17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7852445

The parasol and headdress say lolita attempt, and I get the feeling this has been around longer than cult party kei.

>> No.7852459

Omg is this from CoF?

>> No.7852473
File: 132 KB, 960x720, 969032_10153040705725133_1991510757_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7852523

Middle has potential, Ditch the normalfag shoes for some Black Tea Parties, ditch the socks, change the tights for a simple black pair, get a better blouse, possibly pink or black, Ditch the mint? Head Bow possibly do more with the hair.
Other two? no hope.

>> No.7852548

I hate saying it but left looks like a blatant age player. I agree that the middle girl has potential. I'd additionally suggest a different petticoat because the shape of that one is not working with that dress.

>> No.7852836
File: 150 KB, 1280x960, aeb6bb02-8582-4002-962a-79b66ea41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk but it gets worse. I feel bad for making fun of her since my friend tried to introduce us but ughhh.

She's the one with tits out obviously.

>> No.7852901

this, everyone is so turned off by her at the moment.

>> No.7852933
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>> No.7852935

How does one person have so much forehead

>> No.7852971


>> No.7852977
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>> No.7852987
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>> No.7853159
File: 472 KB, 508x270, 1407712993775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. It's not really a big deal to me if people alter lolita to fit as long as it's done well. And I'm sure at least some in the plus size community would appreciate altered brand instead of the usual sea of shitty replicas.

But to literally ruin a fucking dress so it fits? jesus fucking christ

>> No.7853224

for the love of god, will girls with cottage cheese looking thighs please wear tights under dress/skirts that are shorter than knee length?

from one cheese chan to another, yes people can tell when you don't

>> No.7853230
File: 18 KB, 500x500, big one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try harder faggot kun

>> No.7853237

>that terribad makeup on all four of them

>> No.7853259
File: 80 KB, 953x960, sweet_gaze_by_lovelyrosevampress-d66famp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, the second from the right...isn't that this girl??

>> No.7853264

...why do people try to make themselves look like anime characters with makeup? It's so creepy and off-putting...

>> No.7853280
File: 189 KB, 1280x982, 1407561917739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those arent kawaii, das fuckin gangsta poses there

>> No.7853286

Coordinate, yes. Would take coordinates to identify what's supposed to be where in this dress.

>> No.7853347

It's so awkward it's actually kinda funny

>> No.7853350

>L-Look at my tits ame ky kawaii and sekushi desu yet?
Cover your cow tits

>> No.7853418

Pikaloli's dress actually looks kinda cute...

>> No.7853630

I think the reason why she holds her head up like that isn't to look smug, it's to keep her windpipe open because the fat around her chin and neck would crush it otherwise.

>> No.7853719

~health at every size~

>> No.7854761
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>> No.7854803
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>> No.7855232

This one actually looks kinda cute without that stupid hat. Not cute in a lolita way, but more so as a street fashion look. Looks pretty fucking hideous with that stupid hat though :/

>> No.7855236

i don't like the hat or shoes but the collar is fucking adorable

>> No.7855257

She does a lot of decora stuff, so she kind of mixes it in. I think it's pretty cool. She's actually got crazy cool style in my opinion.

>> No.7855288
File: 231 KB, 1440x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like she belongs in Eureeka's Castle.

>> No.7855297

I don't know, theme tea parties require this sort of look, I think it's cute.

>> No.7855303

I have only seen this coord of hers but I think its pretty cool! Aside from the weird arm warmers and shoes (remind me of a potato chip packet for some reason?) its adorable. I am not keen on the hat but it kinda works. I think she should work to bring out more of that teal rather than the royal blue though.

>> No.7855357

What was the theme, look as fugly as possible?

>> No.7855465

Isn't this the girl with the cake fetish?

>> No.7855481

If I recall correctly, she had a pretty good attitude about it not being lolita. I hope she can get her shit together.

>> No.7855533

if the theme is homeless clowns

>> No.7855587

Isn't that from the cat's tea party day at Fairytale Boutique...?

>> No.7855596

WTF is on Lors feet? Is she wearing loafers?

>> No.7855599

Still diss appointed in the lack of Cat's Tea Party at the Cats Tea Party

>> No.7855608

>mfw ed hardy shirt
this bitch won at ita guise we're all going home bye

>> No.7855616

cake fucker in every ita thread all day err day

>> No.7855617
File: 665 KB, 576x864, tumblr_nc5yot5yPi1qahsqho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, they look like old man shoes.

>> No.7855640

Damn. You old if you remember that show. Lol. Guess that makes me old too. :p

>> No.7855647

Nitpick. The shoes are fug but the rest of the coord is fine. And we obviously know she can dress herself.

>> No.7855658

I wasn't trying to say she is ita, was just posting the photo to show the anon I replied to the shoes she is wearing.

>> No.7855688

My bad, anon!

>> No.7855717

Don't worry, I do too lol. Maybe that's why I like her style. I used to love that show.

>> No.7855728

I love her wig

>> No.7855737

its cool

>> No.7855787

I wonder if the frosting in her cooch matches the print.

>> No.7855818

I don't think I like cake anymore

>> No.7855821

The lions have a blue mane and a red collar on the print that's actually a pretty cute idea but not lolita

Also is that the filthy girl rubbing cake all over her pussy?

>> No.7855827

Nitpick stop being stupid anon.
I swear it's like poor Peachie EVERYONE is trying to find a way to pick on them for nothing.

>> No.7855835


>> No.7855862

Wait, I missed the whole cake thing. Someone post a link or fill me in?

>> No.7855866

look up messyhot if you want to be traumatised for life. But thats what they are talking about.

>> No.7855876

Yah that's her.

>> No.7855882

i dont understand her neck.. its like cone-shaped ? is that why the choker is there? to define it ?

>> No.7855942

God, that is so disgusting. I was gonna eat lunch, but damn.

>> No.7856092

It's skittle stuck in her fat.

>> No.7856108

>cameras in the back
This can only end up horribly.

>> No.7856250

There is a thread up about the show.

>> No.7856276

idk they all nasty tho

>> No.7856336

I can smell the ASSBURGERS from here

Imagine what her voice sounds like. It's probably loud, shrill and self-unaware, and she says "WELL" before she says anything else.

>> No.7856346
File: 68 KB, 439x583, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please send help. Folk-chan is unstoppable.

>> No.7856349

Apparently she's really quiet.

>> No.7856364

I don't know what's worse, the outfit or the singing.


>> No.7856415

This skirt would be dolly kei perfect.

...what's happening on that head?

>> No.7856417

>Reading her lyrics off a sheet
Good god.

>> No.7857202

Normally I'm a fan of curly/poofy hairstyles, but this looks messy.

>> No.7857206

Is that Japantown SF? I gothere all the fucking time, that little arcade with the table flipping game.

How have I not seen the white whale...?

>> No.7858523

Russian grandma lolita? Wtf?

>> No.7858984

I don't think the shoes are bad just kinda boring. Maybe if they where laced up her leg or maybe had a bow or some type of embellishment it would have tied well into her outfit. That aside this isn't ita but just a progress can be made to finish this outfit off more co-ord.

>> No.7859613

JFC guys the moi meme moitie tag on tumblr

>> No.7859902
File: 69 KB, 960x720, 1797419_10152010952983174_2130920151_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I know this girl

Pic her. Obviously not loli, just something else she's done that makes me sad

>> No.7860219

I'm on her Facebook, Every photo she uploads she's wearing it, Some kind of good luck charm perhaps? Or even a gift from a friend/family member?