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7840504 No.7840504 [Reply] [Original]

Every month i go to get my upper lip and brows waxed and it adds up, so ladies; what method do you use to remove facial hair( esp lip) and what products? Do you have your own at-home-spa products as an alternative to a pricey visit to the local spa?

>> No.7840507

I get them threaded. Costs £5 to get my brows and upper done. I want to look into using hair removal cream for my upper lip because both threading and waxing it is painful for me.

>> No.7840567

I'm old school. I pluck. Even the mustache. $0

>> No.7840570

I pluck as well for my brows, and I know its looked badly upon but I use a razor for my upper lip (the hair there is very fine, too fine to pluck, but still makes me feel self conscious)

>> No.7840624

shave face and pluck eyebrows

pretty cost effective

>> No.7840627

I pluck every thing. My facial hair is too dark so shaving makes it look like stubble. I've tried different hair removal creams but my skin is just too sensative for everything I've tried. I'd rather pluck than have a red bumpy rash on my upper lip

>> No.7840628

Seconding/thirding shaving the face, plucking brows.

I recently started shaving my face of all peach fuzz (Only need to do it once a week or so.) and holy shit, the texture of my foundation is so much better.

>> No.7840640

What about removing hair from my lady bits and from my anus? I don't know if I could wax the hair myself and I think I'd be a bit too mortified to show someone else my bumhole in a salon. I just hate having to shave every day, especially my underarms. I'm grateful to have a minimum of hair there, but it grows back so quickly. I've never waxed before, but I hope to give it a try.

>> No.7840643

I used to get my eyebrows and lips waxed. I normally pluck my eyebrows now but continue to get my lips waxed or threaded.

>> No.7840651

I use sugaring/sugar wax for my entire body save the head. Regular plucking for the eyebrows. Seriously though.... sugar wax is great!

>> No.7840655

what specific brand of sugar wax would you recommend?

>> No.7840661
File: 834 KB, 1864x2404, remspring-facialhairremoval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised no one mentioned using a spring to remove all their upper lip hairs. I use the REM Spring and it does wonders. You bend the spring into a U, put it to your face, and twist the handles in opposite motions and the spring grabs the hairs and yanks all of them out quickly.

As for eyebrows, I just get them threaded. No way am I going to risk using the spring for my brows!

>> No.7840675

Am i too lazy or a disgrace to womankind.
I only shave my underarms like once~twice a month, or only when i'll wear something sleeveless, otherwise i just let that thing be bushy..And i only shave my lady areas when im likely to have sex. If i am not sexually active, i trim if it's too long/irritating.

>> No.7840679

my bf likes my trimmed bush because it traps my natural scent.

>> No.7840715

I get my mustache waxed and pluck my eyebrows. I used to get my eyebrows waxed whenever I got a haircut but the time between was too long sometimes so I started doing them at home.

I've never tried shaving my butt area but I just use my razor on the front. I usually just shave down there a few times a week, it gets itchy if the hair starts growing out. And once in a while I'll dedicate some shower time to really going down and shaving it completely. My older sibling gets Brazilians, she says they last a decent amount of time but it seems kind of expensive to me...maybe it's more of a seasonal thing to do during the beach months

>> No.7840717

Doesn't it grow back worse?

>> No.7840721

When will people stop believing this rubbish?

>> No.7840726

I agree. I usually go to a specialist in my hometown. During the summer, I'll cold-wax my legs or shave only as needed. For upper lip, I get them threaded. I just pluck my eyebrows.

>> No.7840741

until proofs be presented

>> No.7840746

I use a hair removal cream for bikini-line by Veet, and it's so much better than razors. You can't use it on anus though... It makes the hair grow slower, so you don't have to remove it so often. Also, some might be allergic, but I would absolutely recommend it if not.

>> No.7840750
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>> No.7840760

I only use the razor for my armpits and lady bits and the hair became significantly more coarse after a while. Hell, I basically have a 5 o' clock shadow on my underarms now.

Totally seconding hair removal creams like Veet's. They leave your skin soft and the hair grows back much more slowly, no itching. An electric epilator is pretty good for the legs too.

As for OP's question, I pluck my eyebrows and wax my upper lip. I've been doing all this shit since I was 12 on my own because my family wasn't exactly rich. After all this time it doesn't even really hurt...

>> No.7840761

It just grows back with blunt ends that don't feel soft like if you were to remove the hairs completely and let them grow back that way. It doesn't "grow back worse."

>> No.7840766

My face is proof. Your face would be proof too if you tried it.

Cutting off part of your hair has zero effect on how your hair follicles operate. If it did, men with thinning hair would be shaving their head every other week. You're dealing with blunt ends and hair that has not been bleached by sunlight, not hair that grew in coarser.

>> No.7840780

This thing looks terrifying and every time I see them I cringe so hard.

>> No.7840878

Really? I've used Veet on my lady bits and anus since forever and I've never had an issue.

>> No.7840891

Is having those areas removed of hair a common expectation?

I notice when I shave or Veet there, you can still see the parts of the hair inside the follicle that the razor/Veet can't reach, so it's like permanent 5 o'clock shadow, and never baby smooth. Is this normal, not doing it properly, or could I just be unlucky?

>> No.7840968

I have the same thing. I also have kp and a thing where multiple hairs grow in the follicle though, so I always just assumed it was that.

>> No.7841262
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I have thin but very dark hair on my lower back. Like worse than a lot of white guys. Whenever I go swimming/wear a crop top, I end up shaving but then I have sad prickley back for a while after. I bleach my upper lip, should I try that?
Pic related might as well be me before I shaved my arms.

>> No.7841302

HOW? I like accidentally got Veet on my bits while trying to remove a decent amount of hair around them and at my bikini line and oh, sweet jesus the burning.

>> No.7841308

I like to keep my ladybits trimmed because I think it's neater and nicer than the natural length it grows to, I expect the same from my partner as well. Pubes in teeth are not fun.

>> No.7841315

Can it be used on lady bits and anus though

>> No.7841318

It's probably because when you start using razors, you're not done with puberty, so your hair isn't done darkening and getting coarse.

It also seems coarser because the ends of the hair have been snipped off, so they don't taper like naturally grown-out hairs will.

It's a proven fact that shaving does not cause hair to grow back darker or coarser.

>> No.7841320

no, that seems normal. I shave my pits once every week or two, just whever it gets annoying ( more often in summer than winter) and I haven't shaved my legs in like three months, I'm too fucking lazy.

>> No.7841323

You just have to make sure it doesn't touch any of the pink fleshy parts because those are super sensitive. You just have to be careful about it.

I usually keep it away from the lips and just use a razor there to prevent that issue.

>> No.7841327

What >>7841308 said. I keep it bare because it's a little neater, but mostly because it's considerate to your partner unless they have a fetish for bushes. I appreciate it when guys don't have a pubic afro because it makes blowjobs easier and takes out that awkward pause where you have to stop to fish a hair out of the back of your throat. It makes sense to assume a guy would appreciate the same from me. It doesn't have to be bald, but keep it maintained and anyone who you get to put their mouth there will thank you.

>> No.7841338

I pluck my eyebrows and wax my upper lip. Actually wasn't aware that so many other girls also do this? I thought I was the only one with a mustache.

Do people really shavve their underarms? That seems like such a goddamn hassle. I mean, the hair on my underarms is pretty noticeable/dark but I've never felt that anyone really cares?

>> No.7841359

I use a trimmer on my face and to neaten up my pubic hair around the edges. I shave my pits because I have hyperhydrosis, and do my legs out of habit.

I'm always grossed out by the amount of women that put razors so near to their labia...ugh.

>> No.7841362

I pluck the rest of the stray facial hair and pluck my eyebrows slightly in order to look less like Oscar the Grouch.

>> No.7841365

Depends where you liv, anon. In America it's standard for women to be bare as a baby underarms and legs, but I think that's changing.

>> No.7841379

I shave my pits because I have really sparse hair which grows to a really annoying length when I leave it, still short enough to be irritating/tickly and because there's so little of it it kinda sticks all ways. I don't do my legs very often as the hair is quite fine, and I haven't found a hair removal method that doesn't give me madly itchy ingrowns or a bad skin reaction. I really like the feeling of super smooth legs though so I'll still do them every once in a while.

>> No.7841383

I shave my armpits because it fucking smells. That shit locks in your BO. You don't realize because you're in your stinkcloud 24/7.

>> No.7841401

>Do people really shave their underarms?

Yep. Especially in America. If you don't shave here in cheeseburger land, you'll pretty much be labeled disgusting and unhygienic.

>> No.7841420

Christ, I hope not. People here stink enough as it is. What >>7841383 said, it makes your BO so much worse

>> No.7841437


my armpits smell like a italian hoagie right now. with extra oil and vinegar.

>> No.7841442

It doesn't smell if you don't sweat like a pig and bathe every day.

>> No.7841455

pigs don't sweat, which is why they roll in mud. It helps keep them cool.

Not to mention they're very clean animals, besides the whole mud thing

>> No.7841461

I bleach my moustache and pluck my eyebrows. I like to have them threaded but I spend the money on cute socks instead. I normally can't be bothered with the eyebrows as my bangs cover them anyway.

>> No.7841466

It's a figure of speach, you dimwit.

>> No.7841468

If you're too lazy to shave your disgusting hairy pits (or you're fine with having disgusting hairy pits), how do I trust you to bathe every day?

>> No.7841487

>It sucks, For me shaving is worse than not because I get loads of ingrown hairs that turn into painful cysts that have to be removed painfully. I just stick to shirts with sleeves.

>> No.7841491

sorry i didn't mean to greentext

>> No.7841494

Anon, your armpits sweat more than the rest of your body.
Unless you live in a cold climate with weak heating systems, you are going to sweat, starting from your pits.

>> No.7841496

So just wax then, it's not hard

>> No.7841504

Shirts with sleeves don't make you not smell.

>> No.7841505

Im bleaching my moustachio right now. Thanks for reminding me cgl

>> No.7841508

Man, I just don't give a shit. It's usually pretty damn cold here, and I never wear clothing without sleeves. I do smell from time to time, and then I shower and put on deodorant. Why would I shave my pits if nobody will see it?

>> No.7841509 [DELETED] 
File: 804 KB, 2048x1536, 2014-09-25 11.19.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.7841511

Just make your own, there are recipes on youtube, just takes sugar, water and lemon juice
>cold-wax my legs
I have no idea what that means! What is cold-wax?
yep, although it takes a long time to get the hang of. I kept getting the wax stuck in the hair or getting ingrown hairs at first

>> No.7841515

Have you tried an epilator?

I'm in the market for one myself, preferably for legs/armpits/vag area

>> No.7841517

>what is antiperspirant/deodorant

Seriously, unless you're sweating more than the average person, using some deodorant/antiperspirant should be enough to keep you from stinking with hairy pits as long as you wash yourself and don't live somewhere that it's 90+ every day.

>> No.7841519

I would assume cold wax means wax that's pliable enough that it doesn't need to be heated up?

>> No.7841530

that looks like jizz

>> No.7841531

What were some things that helped you get the hang of it? What were you doing wrong?

>> No.7841532
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I think it is bleach cream. I use it and if you apply it really badly it looks like that.
do a more even application next time.

>> No.7841544
File: 59 KB, 898x1042, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would I shave my pits if nobody will see it?

>> No.7841584

Ill only shave mine when I wear short sleeve/sleevless shirts or when it starts to trap odor. So nah. Is it just me or does one side grow more hair?
Nobody sees my pits other than family and friends. It shouldn't matter that much. It's just hair.

>having hair must mean u dont shower lololelle top keek
That happens with my legs except the cyst part. Ingrown little hairs in a lot of places.
You could always wear a tankini, I have that too but not as dark. Bleaching or nair could work well.

>> No.7841917

I use an epilator on my armpits and oh god I can't imagine using that on my vag, it'd be so painful.

>> No.7841937

>having hair must mean u dont shower lololelle top keek

No, it means that you're either too lazy to shave or fine with being gross and hairy. It then stands to reason that you'd be more likely to be too lazy to shower/bathe or be fine with being gross in general.


>> No.7841948

Okay, so are you saying this just to women or are you saying this to men, too?

>> No.7841952

Tbh, shaving takes more time than showering for me. And gives me more painful ingrowns.

If no one is gonna see, who the fuck cares.

>> No.7841953

But men don't smell bad all the time
inb4 neckbeards and teenagers
I mean men who don't shave, but shower regularly and use deodorant

>> No.7841954


I've heard threading can be ultimately useless though because the thread usually breaks the hair instead of removing it

>> No.7841957

I've experienced the opposite. I feel like my BO is even worse when I shave.

>> No.7841961

I've had my eyebrows threaded once, and I didn't have any problem with hairs just breaking as opposed to being pulled out. It felt like a bunch of tweezers were plucking my hair out at one time.
So, I guess as long as it's done by someone who's good at it, you should be fine.

>> No.7841963

To overly hairy men, definitely.

Then wax. No ingrowns, and you do it less frequently.

I'm disappointed, but not surprised, that so many seagulls are this disgusting. Con funk has to come from somewhere...

>> No.7841969

But waxing takes even more time than shaving? Epilating as well (which is what I do currently, to get away from those rashes and those ingrowns).

>> No.7841971

Women generally don't grow as much hair as men, and the hair itself is not what causes BO, it's the bacteria on the skin.

Waxing takes more time at once, but overall it takes less time than shaving does.

>> No.7842015

Because you have to do it less? I assume that waxing is like epilating where you can get away with doing it once or twice a month.

My hair grows pretty fast though, so the hair start growing out after two weeks. I only find time to do it once a month though. In any case, if little stubs of leg hair bothers you, you need to reconsider your priorities. I understand if it's a bush, but... eesh. Humans aren't meant to be 100% hairless in the first place.

>> No.7842024

My underarm hair grows back pretty fast, but it's worth it to wax rather than shave because of the fact that it lasts about two weeks.

>> No.7842025 [DELETED] 
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>using greentext incorrectly

>> No.7842034

Is anyone else unable to use veet? I tried using it a couple different times and every time it left me red, tender, and swollen for days. I've never had a reaction to anything before veet.
I generally shave everything using conditioner as a shave cream. Sounds lazy but it works. My eyebrows I pluck though. I've been wanting to buy some tweezerman tweezers but I keep forgetting when I'm out to grab a pair. My good pair of tweezers fucking vanished and I've been making do with a shitty pair for way too long.

>> No.7842083

You're not alone, Veet (or at least when I tried it) is hell on sensitive skin. I was too dumb to do a test patch and gave myself the worst bumpy awful legs and arms this summer before my one beach getaway
>feels bad man

And yeah, tweezers are like socks, they just fucking disappear it's the pits

>> No.7842089

I know this is probably bait, but seriously. As I stated in a former post, I never show my armpits off, and usually keep my pits at least trimmed (still hairy tho) Who the fuck cares. Nobody's looking all up in my pits 24/7.

>> No.7842094

I use little wax strips for my upper lip, pluck my brows, epilate muttonchops (tfw dark and too poor for lasers).
Epilate the rest of my body hair, shave the vitals and arse because I'm a bottler, but it takes some heavy acrobatics.

>> No.7842098

I got the hair on my face professionally removed. Electrolysis is the bombdiggity. I don't have to shave or pluck or damn anything. Its just gone.

>> No.7842102

How much dolla, anon?

>> No.7842111


It needs minimal heating. Nad's instructions say to rub the paper vigorously with hands, but I usually run it through the hair dryer. I just find traditional waxing methods too hot for my skin (which is why I prefer sugaring to remove large areas - the material warms up to body heat).

>> No.7842112

You need to think about your life, anon. I'm putting you in time out.

Underarm hair doesn't make you stinky if you shower every day and wear deodorant, unless you're exercising or it's crazy hot, and then you'd smell anyway.

If we keep our hairy pits covered, you'd never even know they were hairy. I know a number of people who only shave their pits in the summer / every once in a while because they're lazy, and none of them smell. I don't know what kind of nasty cunt you are if you stink just because you didn't shave your pits for two weeks.

My boyfriend's underarm jungles rarely even smell. Get over yourself.

>> No.7842124

It took ~2 years. Probably somewhere in the range of 500 to 800 dollars. I never kept track. But going through this thread - others going and getting waxed,tweezed,threaded,etc. Those all cost a lot more than they should and they aren't permanent. Yeah it was expensive for me, but its done and permanent. My mornings have never been easier.

>> No.7842125

I want to buy an epilator. What are good brands? I don't mind spending the money for it.

I plan to use it for legs and lady bits.

>> No.7842127

I have a Philips satinelle ice premium, cost around 90€ at the time. Works like a charm and has a cooling pack you can attach to the machine. It just werks.

>> No.7842192
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not even that anon but ya nasty

>> No.7842194

Have you even been reading the posts in this thread? Anon's point was that if you're too lazy to shave your nasty pits, you probably cut corners with other hygiene too.

I bet you do stink, you're just too used to the stench to notice.

>> No.7842198
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T-there are girls on /cgl/ who seriously don't shave their armpits?

C'mon guys that's gross

>> No.7842201

I only shave them every couple of weeks, more often if I've got a modelling job [obvs] but if it's just for home life once a wee, tops. Same for legs.

>> No.7842229


>> No.7842233

I shave mine daily pretty much, but I get a bit more relaxed in winter (along with the legs) because I'm always wearing long sleeved shirts (unless I'm planning on getting nekkid with the bf).

>> No.7842256
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i shave mine once they get the least bit hairy, the hair there grows pretty slow so i dont worry about it that much, but you would never see them hairy. i hate hairy anything really. i shave my lady spot on a basis too. i dont see how any body can just, ya know, keep things hairy. its not even that much of an aesthetic thing to me, i just love the feeling of a smooth private spot and pits.
i masturbate alot too so that might be a reason why im obsessed with having a smooth lady spot haha

>> No.7842263

Don't you get ingrown hairs and/or razor burn all over your vag? I dunno, shaving irritates the shit out of my skin down there, waxing is way more effective for me. Any tips?

>> No.7842266

You're supposed to exfoliate to reduce razorburn.

>> No.7842269

Different anon, but I used to get intense razor burn. Now I only use super sharp razors (sharpen them in between uses and dont leave them in the shower when not in use) and have found the kiwi soap from LUSH, followed by their Prince shaving cream (just a bit, used after shaving as like an after shave cream) keeps everything in order.

>> No.7842271

I don't really shave my legs except for in the summer once a week or every two weeks, and I rarely do anything to my lady bits. The only thing I regularly shave is my underarms because underarm hair bothers me. Overall I'm just not a hairy person - it's all blonde and sparse. I don't get facial hair, bushy eyebrows or butt hair or whatever luckily.

>> No.7842278

Yes, I know this but it does absolutely nothing for me or can make it worse by irritating the skin more. Either the products I use are shitty, or my skin is just too sensitive. I was just wanting to know what products anons are using I suppose?

>> No.7842290

It helps A LOT if you use men's razor that are meant for daily use etc. DONT forget to moisturize afterward.

>> No.7842302

Because I work in a hospital and am paranoid about getting colonised with NDM producers

>> No.7842310
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well i do get some nicks and stuff here and there but here are some tips /well, tips that work for me/;
>i think baths are better for this process.
>always use a sharp razor, really use one every where, but especially down there
>pure aloe vera gel is a good shave gel down there if other stuffs too heavy.
>give mens shaving gel and mens razors a try, you just might like it better!
>MAKE SURE YOU EXFOLIATE BEFORE SHAVING! this seems like a given but people do forget and it makes a big difference. i just use dove. use a loufa!
>put baby oil on after that, it helps!
>after oil, what ever shave gel you use, put it on
>shave how ever you want here, i shave side ways just to get the big stuff out, then gently go up for little guys for most smoothyness.
>exfoliate again after youre hairless.
>once youre out, put on a lotion of some sort (i use baby lotion), and put baby powder on over that.

thats about it! kinda long, that was more me explaining to you what i do then tips but? i hope i helped!

what i use
>aloe vera for shaving gel
>one of those flexible 3 blade razors
>baby powder, baby oil, baby lotion, baby everything!
>dove body wash

>> No.7842321

>baby powder, baby oil, baby lotion, baby everything!
Gunna put an entire baby on my vag next time.

Seriously though, thanks for the tips, I get wicked ingrowns.

>> No.7842360
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I pluck my eyebrows (they grow back ridiculously fast, even if I get them waxed, so I just don't bother) and use a spring thingy like this anon mentioned >>7840661 on the rest of my face and pluck anything that remains (if you haven't tried it, do). I am currently considering photo-epilating my upper lip and chin. As for the rest, I shave my armpits daily, shave my legs every other day and trim my bush with an electric trimmer (pic related) weekly. Can't really do anything less without feeling gross.

>>7841948 anon mentioned expecting men to get rid of their hair. I don't care about the rest of the body, but I'd be seriously weirded out if my boyfriend didn't trim his armpits and pubes.

>> No.7842413
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Anyone got any tips for getting hair inbetween boobs? Literally, I have a hairy chest. I use razors 'cause I tend to be wary of chemically acid-y stuff that burns the shit out of your skin, and I haven't got a fuckin clue how to wax. Razors cant reach properly inbetween the...crevasse of breast mountain.

>> No.7842425

Learn to wax. Google that shit

>> No.7842472

I pluck regularly (usually when I'm stressed) but I really like the results vs shaving since I can never get a smooth enough shave anywhere but the lips. I imagine it would hurt, but armpits seem like they would be more painful to me.

>> No.7842521

I'm one of those unfortunate souls who's eczema will go absolutely bat shit if I don't keep my legs hairless. So they are silky smooth 24/7 Keep my armpits shaved as well because why not.

I wax my stash and eyebrows, and wax my arms if I'm doing something fancy.
My boyfriend has a thing for pubes so I just trim them.

>> No.7842674

>mom be like: why is there a bottle of baby oil in the shower?

>> No.7842675

>still living with mom

>> No.7842682

>give mens shaving gel and mens razors a try, you just might like it better!
Schick Quattro are the best, one of my co-workers buys them too. I've never had a cut from using them and they're even better than the sensitive variant.

>> No.7842688

>saving $1000 that goes towards whatever i want that isn't rent

>> No.7842702
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I get my eyebrows threaded every 2 or 4 weeks. That's anywhere from $5-$10.

I pluck my chin even if it takes 15-20 mins. Using hair removal creams on my chin don't do much since the hair is coarse. And pic related on my upper lip.

>I know its looked badly upon but I use a razor
for my upper lip
I'm afraid to do that since I tried that on my chin and it grows back quickly/stubble

>> No.7842711

>give mens shaving gel and mens razors a try, you just might like it better!
This, men's shaving products are just way better than the ones for women. Maybe it's because they generally have thicker hair or something? They're a godsend for someone like me with thicker leg hair than most guys, anyway.

>> No.7842777

My hormones are all fucked up so I legit get a small beard in a matter of 2 days. I try to stay away from shaving if I can help it but waxing is my friend then I just pluck the hairs that come in between. I wax basically my whole face. Saving up to get laser treatments. Look around for a clinic. Most of them half half off days or payment plans. My Mom got the laser done and its amazing. She hasnt grown back hair in 2 years. She has coarse hair with light/dry skin.

>> No.7842847

Any razor tips?

I used to have a vibrating razor but I don't feel that it made a difference and now I just use a cheap drugstore lady's razor since it's cheap to refill the heads. I was just wondering if there's much of a benefit to investing in a more expensive one.

Also, I use Head and Shoulders conditioner instead of shaving cream that I no longer use on my head hair since it makes my head hurt. I've found I'm happier using that than most lady's shaving creams which I can't seem to get to foam up and spread easily.

>> No.7842849

I'm in the same boat as you anon but I'm looking into electrolysis since its truly permanent. I just hate the fact that it requires me to grow out my hair for a few days. Hello ladybeard.

>> No.7845469

I'm pretty hairy for a chick and have super dark hair [extra noticeable], but I've never had self-esteem issues about it or cared enough to work on it. I probably shave my legs twio or three times a year and shave my pits the same amount of times [all cons or needing to for special events or I actually feel like wearing shorts]. I like my eyebrows thick, so I just pluck the middle and shape them at the ends; my mustache is trimmed and I think it's a little cute.

It's just too much work to care and the itchiness of hair growing back is NEVER worth the effort of being smooth — I don't even care.

I'm not even sorry, CGL. I'm okay with you and the rest of society hating me.

>> No.7845474

Probably because they're meant for faces, while ladies' are meant for legs, and faces need more care than legs.

>> No.7845481


>shower daily
>I bet u stink lol

No, anon. I don't shave my pits regularly (i do it 1-2x per month) because it's a pointless waste of time. I shower because it's a necessity. I work fast food, if I didn't shower daily after work I'd be covered head to toe in grease and acne, and I'd smell.

And yes, when I come home from work, I can smell myself. I've asked friends if I smell, and they've said no, when I can smell myself. I have a sensitive nose.

I just don't understand how hair = dirty. We have hair on our heads and it's generally considered a thing of beauty. While I wouldn't argue that underarm hair looks good, if you can't see it, you would never even know. You pass by countless people every time you leave your house who have hairy pits, and you don't know. Because they don't make people smell. Not bathing makes people smell.

>> No.7845483

Seriously were you even trying? Hair isn't what smells it's our glands that secrete our god awful stenches and is easily removed by bathing and adding the preferred deodorants and antiperspirants.
My personal favorite, because I am harsher than most clinical deodorants, has a recipe:
3 teaspoons Apple Vinegar
3 teaspoons Witch Hazel
3 DROPS of Tea Tree oil
Add preferred smell and spray. After the vinegar airs out there is no odor whatsoever, hair or not.

>> No.7845484

It's actually the bacteria on our skin that stinks. Thus, if you shower, you won't smell, because the bacteria are dead. Antiperspirants usually have agents in them to prevent bacterial growth AND stop the sweating that feeds the bacteria, thus no smell, and your recipe there would also kill off the bacteria on the skin that would make one stink.

>> No.7845490

Anyone else sort of like the feeling of getting threaded. It's sort of a weird masochist thing for me. I prefer it to plucking because get better shaping and the hairs take awhile to grow back. Plus I like talking to my threadist. She puts this cooling gel on my eyebrows after she threads them and it feels super good.

>> No.7845513

>if you shower, you won't smell
This is wrong, it's been my experience that it's possible to stink after scrubbing and shaving and using store bought deoderant/antiperspirants.
Why? Good question. I don't know. I've been living with it my entire life and the antibacterial recipe is the only thing that has been strong enough to help.

>> No.7845548

I tried the sugar wax a few months ago
>couldn't get it to turn into a ball
>oven caught on fire
>burnt my leg
>scar shaped like a bunny
absolute nightmare.

>> No.7845559

Because your shower stuff isn't killing the bacteria, most likely.

>> No.7845562

you're not supposed to use sugar wax hot...

>> No.7845624

Although it's not the least painful method, I swear by the "epistick". Amazon and ebay sell knock offs for about 2-4$ that work just as well as the brand one.

>> No.7845632

I know, I'm pretty clumsy.

>> No.7845661

....Do you guys seriously SCRUB your vaginas? Even exfoliating creams would be too much for my sensitives.

And to this thread generally:
>use very sharp razor
>only adds dozens of painful bleeding cuts
>use shaving cream
>only postpones the itching and rash a couple hours
>try sleeping with no undies to avoid irritating freshly shaved skin
>haha nope fuck you here have some more rash
>okay maybe waxing, even though I'll most likely tear the delicate skin along with hair?
>irritation and tenderness for 3 days, immidiately followed by itchiness of hair growing back
>here have some bonus ingrowns as well

I'm not gonna ever get convinced that somehow having hair present on my body automatically makes me dripping with BO, grease and whatnot, even though I trim regularly and shower twice a day.
I'm not going through a painful lengthy procedure 2 times a week just to match a ridiculous arbitrary standard for "hygiene". Sure it feels nice to have a smooth cooch, except it doesn't at all because it's painfully irritated and swollen. And who the fuck is dense enough to believe that leg/arm hair has any correlation to stink whatsoever.

Thank God my bf isn't brainwashed and loves going down on me no matter the hair amount.

>> No.7845667

No, I just use a trimmer. The reason I keep the hair short is the same reason my partner does, because we both hate getting pubes stuck in our teeth. We wouldn't not give each other oral if one of us had let it all grow out, but we both just prefer it that way. Also, I get quite heavy-but-short periods and I don't like getting that stuff on my pubes as they do get quite long....

>> No.7845675

I agree with you. THe vagina is self cleaning (discharge is the vagina cleaning itself out -and the vagina is self lubricating too, its a pretty cool organ I guess) and the hair is there to protect stuff getting in that shouldn't (like your eyelashes keep dirt out of your eyes and the hairs in your nose stop dust and stuff going all the way up your nose).
You're not doing your vagina's any favours making them bald. I DO trim down there of course, every woman should tend to their lady garden if it needs a little trim, but getting rid of the hair completely doesn't make you cleaner, it actually gives bacteria and dirt and easier way into your body via vagina. The hair is there for a reason so I personally wouldn't remove it all.

If guys or other girls think thats gross, well idgaf, its my body, and I'm pretty happy Im not wasting my money on bikini waxes and lotions and potions.
That said, its your body, you can do what you want with it, but not shaving/waxing all the hair off down there isn't unsanitary, and if you do remove all the hair, as long as you keep the area clean then of course that isn't unsanitary either.

Guys and girls who get so wound up about other peoples shaving habits need to GTFO though, if you don't like body hair, thats fine, wax yourself like crazy, but people who are comfortable with their body hair aren't filthy cretins, unless they never wash, in that case, even if you were hairless you are still a stanky cretin.

>> No.7845684

I don't think the spring seems too bad to me. I actually have an epilator for my arms, legs, and armpits, and I think epilators look much more intimidating. You turn the things on and they make a lot of noise and you see the "teeth" move... although once you get over the initial reaction and try it it isn't bad at all haha

>> No.7845721

>the hair is there to protect stuff getting in that shouldn't (like your eyelashes keep dirt out of your eyes and the hairs in your nose stop dust and stuff going all the way up your nose).
You're not doing your vagina's any favours making them bald. I DO trim down there of course, every woman should tend to their lady garden if it needs a little trim, but getting rid of the hair completely doesn't make you cleaner, it actually gives bacteria and dirt and easier way into your body via vagina. The hair is there for a reason so I personally wouldn't remove it all.
Nnnnnope, you're completely wrong.
It's to enhance the smell of pheromones (sweat, general vagina smells, etc.) to let a potential mate know that you're fuckable.
Shaving it completely isn't advised because of the bumps and irritation can get you more bacteria down there, but a full-grown bush is nasty and stinky.

Sauce: http://goaskalice.columbia.edu/whats-point-pubic-hair

>> No.7845722

Fuck, the bit before "nope" should be entirely green-texted. Fuck you 4Chan.

>> No.7845724


>> No.7845740

See, my thing with hairy pits is deodorant.
I imagine it's hard to put on with a bush in the way.
I still do not understand how men even do it.

>> No.7845742

Uh I don't know how fucking long your pubes are, but there is no way the hair would protect anything from entering my vagina.

I trim my bush but tweeze/use an epilator for everything around the lips and around my anus.

>> No.7845868


What kind of troll recipe did you reference? Mix it in a pot on low heat and then wait for it to cool. If it's too hot, of course it wouldn't be solid enough to form into a ball.

>> No.7845881

Anon who posted >>7841338 here and I'm pretty sure I phrased that badly. I do shave my armpits every few days, I was just talking about the hair growing on my arms, which I don't shave and was under the impression other people did.

>> No.7845885

The greentext fucked up, son. I'm not the one saying it protects from bacteria.

>> No.7845953

I shave my vagina regularly, mostly because the sensation of having pubes is extremely uncomfortable to me and almost painful the longer they get. I really want to start epilating though. Does anyone have any reccomendations? I keep seeing the phillips satinelle recommended but I can't find it for sale anywhere.

>> No.7846152

Not that I'm trying to encourage you to shave as I hardly do it myself, but do you use perfume-free, soap-free, etc products down there? It could be that you may be particularly sensitive so you need to use different products accordingly. And do you moisturise as well? I'm quite sensitive so I make sure to moisturise every day after shaving down there for about a week (but I don't moisturise at all if I haven't shaved it for more than a week).

Also, I maybe shave my underarms once a year and I'm going on holiday to the USA soon and this thread makes me nervous.

>> No.7846540

It was one on youtube, I have the stove on top of the oven-y bit. I accidentally spilled a bit of the mixture onto the stove top and BAM a lil fire.
I swear I'm not a sim.

>> No.7846559

>Thank God my bf isn't brainwashed and loves going down on me no matter the hair amount.


>> No.7846568

>work fast food
>shave pits once a month
You sound like a real winner

>> No.7846943

I bought it online at walmart when it was on sale for $30. it hasn't arrived yet but i'll post about how it goes.

>> No.7847670


Use bleach or sugar wax.

>> No.7849643
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>an epilator for everything around the lips and around my anus.

Sounds really painful

>> No.7849649

I used one of those hot wax for bikini zone strips on my neckbeard once, it's not even half as painful as you girls imply it to be

>> No.7849652

Your neck beard is not nowhere near as sensitive as my labia.

>> No.7849656

you cannot hesitate or it gets balled up in the hair. You have to pull the skin taut, and pull hard and FAST - it can be tricky to get the hang of holding your own skin with one hand and waxing with the other. Luckily it'll just come off with water but it's sooo much easier to just get it done...

>> No.7849657

>there is no way the hair would protect anything from entering my vagina
it's supposed to stop bacteria before they can get near the entrance.
That said the primary function of pubes is to trap pheromones so it's not that important

>> No.7849659
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I once tweezed my entire pubic area.

>> No.7849660

You can find out how sensitive a neckbeard is by crawling it ;^)

>> No.7849666
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That must've hurt. How long did that take?

>> No.7849671

Hours and hours spaced between 2 days. Thankfully hair removal isn't incredibly painful for me, it's actually pretty addicting/relaxing. However, I wouldn't do it again because waxing does the same job in a fraction of the time.

>> No.7850335

I've done that semi frequently since puberty. Love how it looks and it's like a stress relieving thing instead of picking at my kp, but the ingrowns aren't really worth it.

>> No.7850339

I do this too sometimes. I usually wax but there's just something so relaxing and satisfying about tweezing it instead!

>> No.7850350

>it's actually pretty addicting/relaxing
this, especially when you pull out the root and their is stuff on it (which I don't know what its called)
my boyfriend just learned of this and unfortunately became addicted, hell, even as I type this he's doing the thing (bit tmi but damn its addicting)

but I never thought someone would go all the way. holy shit.

>> No.7850372
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I'm now fighting the urge to vomit from reading these past comments. Tweezing down there should hurt like a motherfucker.

>> No.7850378

Try it on your balls instead fucktard, that will give you a sense of the actual amount of pain.

>> No.7850380

It's just like tweezing anything else. The pain dulls after you've done it a few times.

>> No.7850381

try it. not lower, but upper. just one or two hairs.
do it. trust me.

>> No.7850391

oh god I love seeing the weird end bit, I thought I was the only one

>> No.7850397
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Yea NOPE. Did it and it triggered some nerve in the middle of my throat and now I feel awful.

>> No.7850420

I've gotten Brazilian waxes before and they're amazing. 100% worth the pain, cost, and embarrassment.

I've had the same woman do it for me three times. She's very cool about everything. You kind of have to remember that unless they're just incredibly new to this business, they feel like they've already seen it all.

The only thing that gets me on the weird level every time is to wax my butt she has me get on all fours, facing her. But goddamn is a smooth vagina worth it.

Also for perspective, I deployed to Afghanistan for 9 months and never shaved a single time there. On my first week back in the states I went to the salon for a wax and the girl didn't even bat an eye.

>> No.7850529


Lol oh shit guys


>> No.7850824

damn I feel for you anon :(
I would definitely try nair.

>> No.7851050

For peeps talking about waxing at a salon, >>7850420 has it pretty dang straight. I'm in training to be an esthetician and for real we see some crazy shit before even leaving school. I can pretty much guarantee all of you here have at least a basic understanding of personal hygiene and common human decency, which places you pretty high on the good client list. I can toss some tips at ya if it helps.
>don't worry about 'neatening up' down there before hand with a trimmer, and don't go crazy scrubbing. It will increase circulation down there and get your skin more easily irritated. Just shower normally and you're good
>you'll almost definitely have to get on all fours/doggy pose, it seems awkward as fuck but thats legit the best way to reach everything without causing too much stress on your skin
>the first time will probably suck, it will be a little tender and probably kinda itchy as it comes back. it gets better i promise
>it will gradually be less work, less pain, and at some places even cost less to regularly return.
>no nookie for a few days after, it seems dumb because thats probably the whole reason you're doing it but for real getting sweat and sex-goo all up in your freshly opened follicles isn't good
>Gigi No Bump lotion is the best post-wax cleanser I've ever used and I am sensitive to goddamn everything
>if you keep getting an inordinate amount of ingrowns or irritation a few sessions in, you might wanna try a new wax place. not sayin your regular place is dirty, but their wax or other products might be causing sensitivities to you, so check what brands are being used (ex: my school recently switched from Gigi to Satin Smooth because some people were very sensitive to the beeswax and honey bases of Gigi)

>> No.7851056

Also I should add for anons like >>7841262, people get everything waxed. Everything. Nothing you bring in would shock a competent esthetician. I wax entire faces, hairlines, necks, backs, armpits, arms, legs, whole goddamn buttcheeks, toes, everything. I personally have a dumb streak of hair that goes straight down my butt-cleavage to about tramp-stamp level (its super visible too as I"m pale with super dark hair). I started getting it waxed off. It now grows in rather finely and I can go a month or so between waxings without it really being visible.

>> No.7851063

>I do this too
Definitely painful the first time and takes a while, but it's meditative. I usually space out, grab a pair of tweezers and do it just because.

>> No.7851175

In high school it was a lot easier to keep up with shaving, especially trimming down/shaving the lady bits. However, ever since I in2 dorm life with nasty communal showers, I've just kinda given up shaving down there because I just don't know how to approach it (whenever I used to shave, I'd have to sit down in/on the side of the tub, but that's not possible now).

Any tips for maintaining hair while trapped in a gross cubicle shower/bedroom without privacy because the roommate is always here? It's just a weird transition from my more convenient practices at home. I don't think I have the time/space for waxing, and I don't really know how chemical treatments work.

>> No.7851206

Since we're getting pretty tmi in this thread I figured it might be an okay place to ask:
How do you deal with butt itching? This wasn't even a problem for me until recently, but I generally wear miniskirts, and whenever I sit in any nonporous chair, the skin on the bottom of my butt and thighs itches like crazy. And I can't exacly just stand up and scratch, so I end up just making up random excuses to get up/just squirm around like I have to pee. I'm assuming this is sweat getting caught and then drying and then being itchy, but what do I do about it? Considering extra moisturizer or baby powder right now.

>> No.7851700

Help, esthetician-chan! I have super fast growing body hair. Even if I get my arms and legs waxed the hair is back in 7 days, no joke. Like full on 2mm stubble too. I reaallly want to get my vagina waxed but 1. I have hair growing on the membrane part and I'm really scared it'll hurt so bad. 2. I don't want the payout and pain to be stubbly in a week, nevermind the possible ingrowns. If I can't have sex for a few days after then the benefits are just 4 days or so of smoothness. What do?

Seems like the sweat is irritating your skin. I get this too. Tights or cotton shorts will help wick away sweat. Perching on the edge of non-porous seats with minimum contact to your bare butt or thighs will also help.

>> No.7851741

I turn the shower off and bend in half basically. It's probably easier for me because I shaved standing up at home too.

>> No.7851742

I get not like ingrowns, but the hair growing back beneath the skin after any hair removal that isn't shaving, and it drives me crazy. I also have multiple hairs growing in one follicle, and it's at the point where I can't do anything but shave because I'll need to spend the next week waiting for the hair to grow enough so I can get them from underneath the skin with tweezers. It looks so disgusting that I can't even have sex for that period either.

>> No.7851744

I bleach... am I weird?

>> No.7851746

I've been thinking about doing that. What parts of the body do you do it on?

>> No.7851760


I bleach my mustache and eyebrows. With cream bleach. I'm thinking of bleaching my arm hair too.

>> No.7851848

Threading anon.

Cheap and mess free.

>> No.7851866

Use a loofah.

>> No.7851956

I exfoliate with a loofah and skin brushes. It doesn't prevent or fix it.

>> No.7852012
File: 55 KB, 450x327, web-threadpgrn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually thread my face and legs myself at home. For everything else, waxing.


>> No.7852036

>and eyebrows

Ew, why? People look so fucking gross with no / light eyebrows.

>> No.7852049

>mfw had trich since 11
>but I pull out my eyelashes ;-;

I'm trying to redirect my pulling urges at my pubes instead, but I go fucking crazy if a hair is stuck under the skin and I'll pick it open and rip it out, so I end up with little scabs.

>> No.7852054 [DELETED] 

It's the follicle, and sometimes also the cuticle.

>> No.7852080

It's okay, anon. Winter is coming. Just wear shirts with sleeves, no one will recognize.

I shave legs, pits, and lady bits. Occasionally shave my upper lip, but I only pluck my brows.
I've tried some hair removal creams but they never seem strong enough for my hair, and I've had the bad luck of receiving a few chemical burns in the process.

Would love to try waxing but I'm afraid of the pain.
More than waxing I'd love to try the laser hair-removal stuff, either one of the at-home kits for small things, or a professional to do my bikini area. But it's super expensive.

My vagina has hair on the mound and on the underside edging right up to the delicate skin, one anon called it, and then leading up my butt. I always try to get everything, but it can be so difficult to safely and successfully shave what you can't see.
I also get razor burn on my vagina like something bad. I'll have to try all the men razors everyone is talking so well about.

>> No.7852089

My mom is a bottle blonde and bleaches her eyebrows to match. It's a medium natural looking blonde and I doubt anyone would know unless she told them. You don't have to go full on Yo-landi Vi$$er mode.

>> No.7852202

this actually reminded me of a question I wanted to ask, thank you.

Anyone have experience dying their eyebrows? I have dark blonde hair on my head, and very fine light hair eveywhere else. Mostly a blessing, but it does mean I have the eyebrows of a Scandinavian ghost. I've been thinking about dying them but I'm a little scared to be honest! Any opinions?

Men's razors are cheaper and gentler, go for it! I've only ever used them on my underarms/legs (I wax otherwise) but I went from constant razor burn and bumps to smooth soft skin!

>> No.7852356
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My cheap ass has taken up plucking my brows regularly and only getting them waxed once every few months. I still get my upper lip waxed every three weeks because it's dire.

To take care of body hair and the stuff on my cheeks/chin I just got a feather razor and I looove it. It's got a curved razor like pic (don't mistake it for one that you put straight razor blades in). It works well for body/arm/cheek area. It doesn't remove hair, it just shaves it down so it gives a more natural look.

>shave face

>> No.7852407 [DELETED] 

>tfw had really light blonde hair as a kid
>hair everywhere darkened
>except for leg/arm hair and eyebrows

Help me /cgl/, I feel like a mutant. I've tried filling in my brows with eyebrow pencil but it just looks so harsh. (Sorry for OT?)

>> No.7852413

>tfw had really light blonde hair as a kid
>hair everywhere darkened
>except for leg/arm hair and eyebrows

Help me /cgl/, I feel like a mutant. I've tried filling in my brows with eyebrow pencil but it just looks so harsh. (Sorry for OT?)
>>7852202 I'm so glad it isn't just me. ;_;

>> No.7852419

The trich sucks super hard. man. I had it real bad when I was 13 and I had bald spots all over my head. It started when I got made fun of for having frizzy hair and told that I'd be prettier if my hair was straight. I became so obsessed that I started feeling my head for the kinkiest hairs and pull them out. Thing being the majority of my head is kinky hair. Even though I don't do it anymore I, I still wear hats all the time like I used to out of fear of people seeing my hair.

>> No.7853103
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No it doesn't look weird at all see?

>> No.7853114

I'm in the same boat, you can't see my eyebrows unless I fill them in because they're so light. I usually just use a light brown/copper eyeshadow and blend it in. It's light enough that it matches my hair, just enough that I don't look like a freak, but not dark enough that it looks odd.

I actually like the unkempt blonde eyebrow look, but it could just be the fact that both my sister and I have it, so it's kind of normal for me.

>> No.7855353

When waxing or epilating, how many times a week do you have to exfoliate?

>> No.7855711
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I wax my eyebrows and shave any unwanted hair that's not on my face. I do have a mustache and I really hate it but I can't decide if I should save up for laser treatment or if I should start waxing immediately. I'm getting tired of it so maybe wax?

I just happen to be the child who inherited all of this dark Italian hair everywhere and even quicker than my brothers. Why is it the girl that even develops this stuff. Does my arm hair even have a purpose?

Also, I do own the iLightPro but I haven't been able to try it other than to test what type of reaction my skin would have with it.

>pig iron
It's referring to a type of iron smelting, not the animal.

>> No.7855715

Your eyebrows are jacked. You prove nothing

>> No.7855723


I usually fill them in. I lighten them because I have bleached hair. Having black eyebrows with almost white hair looks kinda trashy... In person they look light brown

>> No.7855736

You can get eyebrow tints in a store or use brow mascara, go for it anon

>> No.7855843

Sorry had no net yesterday, this is esthetician chan. And yeah it will probably hurt like a bitch. Not gonna lie to you there. But if you have a decent waxer they will be really really delicate on those parts and will do smaller sections with hard wax which is much gentler on the skin (hard wax is the thicker plastic-like flexible stuff usually used for facial waxing, as opposed to the sticky runny strip wax used for legs and arms). I can't really guarantee how long it would last on you though just because its such a try-and-see thing. General time between sessions is two weeks to a month. From my own experience the hair will start growing in softer, finer, and less noticeable after a time, but that time varies from person to person. There's a pretty good chance for breakage rather than true removal the first few times as well because of the hair being full-grown and trimmed down rather than being all new growth and that will definitely cause stubble comparable to shaving. You have to get all that "old" hair out first before you'll really see the full results.

If you're really determined to permanently color them, the method I've been taught in school (tryin for that hair license now, woo) is to use a clean single use mascara wand. Put vaseline or similar around the eyebrow (just in case), dip the mascara wand in your color, tap or roll it lightly over a paper towel to blot off extra, and lightly brush it over the brows. You want to get it on the hair, not on your skin, so don't go at it with a fully loaded brush and don't just rub it straight across and down to the skin. There are color products made just for tinting brows so maybe look into that, though if you're doing the rest of your hair as well some salons will help you out with that (depending on your state its potentially illegal so be aware of that).

>> No.7855856

Why would that gross you out? Some girls like being smooth and aren't idiots with a razor.

>> No.7856269

Does anyone that uses men's razors have any recommendations? I want to switch because I heard you get a better shave.

>> No.7856271

They're not actually any better. I don't know why people are saying they are. Just buy 3-4 bladed women's razors and it's the same exact thing.

>> No.7856274

They most definitely are. They're made for daily use on the face, so generally it gives you a closer shave with minimum irritation. You can even use them on your vagoo as soon as the hair starts showing up. Which I wouldn't even dream of with a woman's razor, I'd have to wait at least a week otherwise my skin gets irritated.

Buy the latest one. I haven't shaved for ages, because I have no reason to but just buy the latest one with the latest technology or whatever just watch out for the TV adds lol

>> No.7856281

I'm at school so no tv. Think I'll be alright just grabbing one of the brands at cvs?

>> No.7856285

Oh actually another question. What's the best amount of razor blades? I've got a woman's razor that swivels and has 3 or 4 right now.

>> No.7856525

The number of blades has been shown to be sort of irrelevant after 2. There's just more thngs to potentially cut yourself on.

I use those basic bic 2-blade ones and they're fine for me.

>> No.7856882

My boyfriend has a subscription to the dollar shave club and I tried out his once and it was super sharp and left me very smooth with no bumps afterwards. I'm considering getting my own subscription for it since it's so cheap. He uses the middle tier blade.

>> No.7859401

Man's razor anon here, just wanted to say I used one for the first time today and it was amazing. I'm never going back.

>> No.7859463

...What? Don't go to a shitty threading salon just like you wouldn't go to a shitty waxing salon. Inexperienced people can fuck up anything.

>> No.7862925

I epilate my face and get my eyebrows threaded, which I've found is the best and most cost-effective solution for me. I don't really shave my pits, sometimes I feel like having them smooth, and epilate them too. I really don't see how it's gross, it's just hair and doesn't smell if you manage some basic hygiene.

>> No.7862976

Any tweezers out there that you can't live without? Mine are pretty dull so any purchase would probably be better.

>> No.7863168

when I went to get my brazilian done for the first time the esthetician had me grab my ankles and lift then in the air to get at the butt...haha. not sure if I prefer that to being on all fours tbh.

it was painful but really worth it. all the hair growing back is already finer and smoother.

tips, as told to me by the esthetician:

>three days before your appointment start moisturizing at least twice a day. If the skin is dry the wax can get stuck to it and pull off dead and semi dead bits of skin along with the hair. it hurts and results in more irritation. the hair will come out more easily if the skin is moisturized as well.
>it sounds dumb but if you relax and stop tensing it hurts less.
>this is a reflex for when it hurts but don't close your legs with wax on your bits...you'll glue everything together.
>moisturize and exfoliate afterwards. use exfoliating gloves because they can be tossed in the washing machine. don't use stuff that can trap bacteria like sponges or whatever.
>do it every day for the first week (gently) and then once a week after
>tea tree oil is super soothing and is anti bacterial, anti fungal and helps with ingrown hair.

I bought a bottle of this lotion, it was sort expensive ($35) but it's actually registered as a pharmaceutical product because of the %tage of tea tree oil in it that other products won't necessarily have. it's soothing with a cooling/warming sensation, smells nice and works wonders. I'll see if I can get a picture of it later, I'm trapped by a sleeping cat atm. my SO has sensitive skin and very coarse hair and gets ridiculous ingrown hairs after shaving and this stuff helped him quite a bit too.

I'm definitely thinking of going back, but also looking into getting that one ice pack epilator everyone seems to talk about here. I should be able to handle it now lmao.

>> No.7863174
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I thought I'd pop this in here since it is a little to do with skin care.

My eye primer recently ran out and I've found the brand has been discontinued, My friend told me to use Etude House Proof 10 eye primer but I've never used it before, Is it good or should I buy something else?

>> No.7863900

You disgust me. Leave.

>> No.7863926

MRSA! The boogyman of every hospital. I recently had a birthmark cosmetically removed by laser ablation and it left an open wound on my face for a couple weeks that I wasn't allowed to put a bandaid on. I was cleaning the shit out of it for fear of getting MRSA. It's just now healed over, and a red spot is there, but it's more like a light, healing acne red now. It shouldn't scar which I'm happy about, because it was 1.7mm and it's totally changed what my face looks like. I went from looking like a round face to an oval with cheekbones, I'm thrilled!

>> No.7863952

>Be compulsive skin picking sperg
>Plucking hairs is the only way to help the compulsion without scarring
>Compulsively pluck pubes because if I don't I create massive scabs on my head that scare my barber.

Fuck this shit.

>> No.7863955

Estie anon, how are you enjoying your field? I'm hoping to start school next year, but I don't know if I should be a cosmo or an esthetician. What school are you going to? Does it offer laser courses as well?