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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 58 KB, 270x434, 1408154224939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7846638 No.7846638 [Reply] [Original]

Show off your cosplay/lolita/j-fashion avis, play dress using tektek, get rid of some items, or just talk about how fuck up the sites economy is. I have some bundles to give away to who ever wants them.

2x Chocolate Bundle
2x Pale Pink Bundle
2x Navy Bundle
1x Ivory Bundle

>> No.7846650

I'll take any bundles! Username is Saite-kun.

I've been wanting to try some more J-fashion oriented avatars.

>> No.7846651
File: 20 KB, 237x303, avi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot to include my username for the trade: Key-Zi-Zi.

>> No.7846655

I'll take any bundles! What's your username? Will send pm :)

>> No.7846659


>> No.7846662


Sent you a trade.

>> No.7846665

>filed a ticket for account closure
>got account closed a week ago
>620 billion gold going down the gutter

feels good, man. i gave away some shit tho.

>> No.7846672

Thanks, anon! I'll give you something in exchange at least.

>> No.7846680
File: 21 KB, 240x297, avi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current avi

>> No.7846684

i'm peachygem on there. I'll take any bundle :D

>> No.7846694

Thanks for the items!

Sent you a trade

>> No.7846702
File: 69 KB, 720x479, 1607045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit quick, before it risks deletion again.


Have a cosplay pic to keep Janitor-chan happy.

>> No.7846708

this still isn't related, even with a cosplay pic you weaboo trash

>> No.7846711

I'd be down for any bundles/items, my gaia username is gulper.

I don't really do much except play the marketplace with it's awful inflation rates and make dumb avis.

>> No.7846714

Cute tumblr lingo dude.

>> No.7846728
File: 213 KB, 403x505, av.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My (super old) UN is Chopstick! I recently did a lolita-ish make-over for my avi, too.

>> No.7846729
File: 91 KB, 267x543, Customize Avatar Gaia Online.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay is a lot better than i thought it would be.

Is there any more NPC cosplays?

Also here is my kinda shitty halloween/ orange themed avi

>> No.7846746


Gaia itself held a cosplay contest of its NPCs a few years ago. There a thread about it I dug up:http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/cosplay/gaia-npc-cosplay-collection-image-heavy/t.63419745_1/

If remember correctly, the winners were not that bad.

>> No.7846750

Knowing that theres a seagull guild makes me want to join.

Before I sell my soul back to this fucking website, whats the jist of whats changed? Besides the inflation.

>> No.7846755

Besides inflation:

Animal bases
Cash shop messages all day everyday
Old features getting taken down one by one
Gold shops still hardly ever updated
Leg, face, and arm mods.

>> No.7846761
File: 42 KB, 675x474, mintaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these are good and some are truly terrifying.

>> No.7846763

By gold shops you mean like durem depot or whatever?

Also I can draw cute shit, could I also bring in The Big Money?

>> No.7846765
File: 6 KB, 120x150, 1bbad15022d4909_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current avi

>> No.7846774
File: 5 KB, 120x150, 4142bae81fe7435_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cute!

Here's mine

>> No.7846778


Yep. Those shops.

You can bring in a lot on money with art. Due to the inflation, people had to raise their prices. A full body is easily over 2 bil now.

>> No.7846782

If you still have any, I'm Zekiamuto!

>> No.7846802

Trade sent. Here are the bundles I have left:

2x Chocolate
1x Ivory
1x Pink

>> No.7846813


>> No.7846819

Hey could I get the ivory? Kaiden Clovis
Thanks in advance!

>> No.7846822

I'm paperclip-wizard, do you have a chocolate to spare?~

>> No.7846826

oops disregard the -, it's just paperclip wizard.

>> No.7846829


Trades sent and with them, the last of my bundles. Hope you guys like the items.

>> No.7846954
File: 6 KB, 120x150, c5ceab921892ad_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do you still have the pink bundle? i'm gongju byeong

>> No.7846973


diaregard that, i misread that post. sorry!

>> No.7846999

oh god, any bundle would be awesome.
Username is nmfrter

>> No.7847000


Oops, my bad, forget this

>> No.7847004


You guys are in luck. Ending up buying more Rainbow bundles so I have some more extra. Sending a trade now.

>> No.7847029

i am a rich gaian
I often give away free shit / art
please add me @ spooky treats

>> No.7847035


thank you!

>> No.7847143
File: 59 KB, 234x296, pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to make something cute / Jfash-ey. Eh.

>> No.7847164

would you have a chocolate bundle? I'm shoopdoopsan

>> No.7847199
File: 20 KB, 236x297, please stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel really guilty about how excited I am getting back into this.
Rate my weeaboo mess?

>> No.7847253
File: 54 KB, 500x333, 1354519037219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So just how hard is it to start fresh on Gaia these days?

I want a cute avatar, but I hear that the economy is so bad that I'll never achieve it without either days worth of work or spending real cash.

>> No.7847272

What the fuck, when I left I had like 20k in gold, not a shabby chunk of change...how is it in billions now?

I signed in again for the first time in years, and was immediately flooded with PMs begging for the chyaku norisu scarf on my avi. What even is this.

>> No.7847275

wow, i'm surprised you didn't get your account suspended; gaia was doing that to a lot of inactive accounts to "prevent hacking" or some shit like that

>> No.7847277

Give me an account name and I'll hook you up.

>> No.7847279


Me too, guess I just squeaked in under their deadline.

>> No.7847281
File: 23 KB, 240x300, white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what to think with the avatar I left. This is what I logged in to.

>> No.7847287

Seriously though, what is with the shitty 'donate' event? This looks so desperate I don't even.

>> No.7847289

Not too hard. Play the marketplace, if you can draw you can made a bit, and people give items away all of the time in the charity sub forum. You could use those to starting playing the marketplace.

I wish I could log into my old account. It has one some items that are worth billions now. I wonder how many messages it has from people begging for them.

They recently stopped doing that so if you can remember your old password, you should be able to log into an old account.

>> No.7847290

they do those events a lot lately. it's to try and deflate the economy

>> No.7847296
File: 39 KB, 231x286, 52254d8841a0b3ebc434b32ad12ebe68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just logged onto my account. How do you know if your shit is worth anything nowadays? I need to see if my older accounts were baleeted, but my old main is still around.

>> No.7847306

Check the marketplace for the item, it'll give you the prices other people are selling it for, by looking at the items trend you can see if it is gaining or losing value.
Haha, righto, like that ship hasn't already sailed. They could have tried it years ago and it still would have accomplished nothing.
Ah shit I remember things long forgotten...
Like how my friend's dad was attempting to corner the market on Gwee's by buying them all up to sell at exorbitant prices.

>> No.7847310

>Follow own advice
>Check marketplace listings
>try not to laugh
>laugh a lot
God this place is such shit

>> No.7847375


so thry're doing a donating event to deflate the economy, but you can still buy the item in the cash shop that gives you millions of gold for using it. makes sense.

>> No.7847380

Newfag detected

>> No.7847407

My ign is Pantsu huntress if there's anything left.

>> No.7847413


>> No.7847482

username Yohasakura358

I'll take any bundle

>> No.7847711

Thank you soooo much, you made my day!

>> No.7847773


Headed to class. I'll send it once I get back.

>> No.7847775

My username is Kurokigami, give me your shit so I can buy art. Or just talk weeb to me or something, that's cool too.

>> No.7847784
File: 29 KB, 120x150, Gaia avi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come the other thread got deleted?

Could we please keep a thread up for this? I just recenly returned to Gaia and I am very interested in getting new items/selling/trading and looking at cute avis for inspo.

>> No.7847786
File: 348 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-09-29-11-42-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also got a bunch of these hat items I want to get rid off. Offer if interested. I can trade too. Post if youre looking for one of those items that are popping up in those surprise star card thingies. Got a few of those too.

>> No.7847788

Also I dont mind giving away a few if you need to sell for some golds :3

>> No.7847795
File: 18 KB, 232x299, avi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have the master o the widower? My avi is red and black :C and I would like any of those
my user name is Mitsune_nekoi (weaboo as fuck)

>> No.7847797

Haha sure!

>> No.7847800

Sent trade request

>> No.7847801
File: 1001 KB, 1145x503, brennivin npc cosplay entry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post some of these, to keep things more relevant. I was trying to pick out some of the better cosplays, but as i went everything just got more and more horrible.

Pic related is one of the better Brennivin entries.

>> No.7847803
File: 292 KB, 800x800, cresento npc cosplay entry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is one of the better Cresento cosplay entries

>> No.7847804
File: 97 KB, 467x640, moira npc cosplay entry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moira cosplay entry

>> No.7847807
File: 47 KB, 360x576, Gaia-Tan-Tprinces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really bad Gaia-Tan

I'll post more if anyone wants me to.

>> No.7847816 [DELETED] 


>> No.7847821


>> No.7847829

What shop sells "pick your nose" other than marketplace???

>> No.7847857

Cash shop used to sell it i think. But i don't think any of the gold shops sell anything like it. Sorry friend.

>> No.7847875

That suucks. It's crazy expensive in the marketplace now.

>> No.7847881

Eyup. It really does. Especially sucks since there is no one actually selling it/ no listings.

The freckle nose beckons....

>> No.7847902

I knoww ;__;

Anyone got some special items from the gate kickstarter thing? What were you supposed to get? So far I've only discovered the gate randoms on my inventory but there is so much crap I cant tell.

>> No.7847930

I got a load of junk. Twelve of the fucks and a bunch of piss in my inventory.

>> No.7847943

I'm loving the join request reasons in the Guild.

My favourite so far is probably the biscuit reference.

>> No.7847944


Please take them from me. I bought some to get a toxic marionette restrung (success) to hoard: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/charity-quests/free-torii-gateway-items-offline/t.94283119/?_gaia_t_=3936

>> No.7847947


If I had one to spare, I'd give it to you anon. Love the pick your nose item. Wear it all the time.

>> No.7847982

Ahh anon. I'm Haymuff. Just send whatever people dont take or whatever you want for now. Im on mobile waiting on the bus so its a bit hard to see through everything.

>> No.7848112
File: 2 KB, 140x180, 1391877812726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you anon :3

>> No.7848197

Does anyone have an extra Nine Lives to Live? I neeed the suspender pose *.* I can trade some gold or cute items for it ;c

>> No.7848225

I'm really happy to see that i'm not alone on Gaia.
I just love to make avatars and check the art shops and freebies.
But it's so hard to get items now... they cost too much...

>> No.7848265

Is billions there the new thousand? This is crazy... Should I just sell my account? Is there some way to profit from this?

>> No.7848330

I thought the billion is the new million, but i'm wrong. I think the billion is the new 100,000.

But at the same time there are plenty of great items that are bellow a bil/mil.

Basically everything is super confusing.

>> No.7848708

I made a few million selling off the trash from towns also someone on the forums was asking 175K for bugs.

>> No.7848937


Yep. Prices of things like old newspaper and some flowers have increased due to alchemy.

Zomg items like the wing tree leaves and the flamingo feathers are worth something. It's about to be taken down so they can "fix" it so the prices of those are likely to rise.

>> No.7849701
File: 35 KB, 273x479, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add me seagulls. I'll sketch cute stuff for your siggy - Rahze8

Also since I've been active the past year, I could probably be a help to some questions:
- Normal items are in the billions now because of inflation and the cash shop
- Normal art now is in 10-20bil if you wanted to buy
- Everyone is pissed about it, but it's not stopping anytime soon because Gaia's admins are hella money-hungry and will keep that cash shop open forever
- Your old items from 2003 are gold to gaia right now

>> No.7849744
File: 32 KB, 240x300, white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm Haymuff so you all can add me if you want. I'm still trying to fix all the crappy outdated things I had on my profile and signature from back when I was in high school.

Still have some hats remaining and also put up some more items on my shop.

>> No.7849783

>mfw verge is a synonym of penis in french
>mfw i'm french
Cannot unsee
(Also honhonhon from france)

>> No.7849785


>> No.7850135

Club Dick. It's fitting.


>> No.7850165
File: 5 KB, 120x150, myavatar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Gaia used to be my main website when I was like... 13. I stopped regularly going on it sometime during HS when the cash shop became more and more the only place getting regular items. Plus I lost touch with most of my online friends on it. Strange coming back to it and seeing how fucked the economy became, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

What does /cgl/ think of my weird cyberpunk elf avatar?

>> No.7850176

I'm so positive I know you onsite.

>> No.7850252
File: 50 KB, 216x274, 44330c377c10d6bb77578f62597a1e37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you cgl, you're the reason I got interested in coming back and now I'm on there each day again.

Also my current avi, waiting for the payment of an art auction so I can buy the last 2 items to complete my Halloween themed avi.

Should thank cgl for it, can give 10bil away to someone on here, preferably to someone who doesn't have a lot of stuff already.

>> No.7850275
File: 81 KB, 248x495, Customize Avatar Gaia Onlinev2erv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn girl, what hair item are you using? I've never seen that hair before.

Also current avi, i'm playing around with the ass ton of items i got from the many many torii gateways i bought. (bad idea on my part?)

>> No.7850283

Which is basically useless because they've made it a point to release gold generators as much as they could for a year and now they can't get rid of all the gold they created.

>> No.7850291

Peremptory Ambitions, and I'm using a second one for the romper right now. Loving the hair, perfect for October.

And your avatar looks pretty neat

>> No.7850309

Thank you! You're right the hair is perfect for October/ Autumn. Looking at it just reminds me of pumpkins.

>> No.7850314

BTW I'm just going to do it this way; first one to send me a trade will get the 10 bil

UN is Licornia, spend it wisely

>> No.7850315
File: 13 KB, 202x183, Hookas Barbarity.dib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just happened. It's supposed to be Hook's Barbarity, but Hooka??s Barbarity is close enough.

Also has anyone been pissed off with the bugging out Achievement notifications? They said they has fixed it/ or know how to, so why the fuck haven't they?

>> No.7850319

Really, anon? I don't really use the forums at all anymore, except for the bump threads. Were we friends way back when? My username is Akuuji.

>> No.7850331

This is cute anon.

> Torii's Gatway
I'm addicted to these things. I've completed the divine goddess, dame knightingale, and the periwinkle riding hood. What ever I don't use, I give away for free so some people are benefiting from my buying spree.

>> No.7850338


Could anyone recommend items with cute backgrounds?

>> No.7850412

The ones in Go Fusion are nice, I like the wedding one.

>> No.7850457


How are they filtered? I'm looking for more casual ones like city/park/night themed.

>> No.7850464

Did you look at Cafe Bubblegum

>> No.7850472


Didn't know of this item. Thanks! They have some colors to choose from!

>> No.7850511

I'm addicted to them as well. but i keep getting the same shit over and over again.

Does anyone have any over chance items to recommend? (more specifically ones that aren't too expensive)

>> No.7850514

I don't have Cafe Bubblegum but I do have Cafe Miam. If you want it, I'd be happy to send it to you.

>> No.7850586

Oh anon that would be so nice of you :'3
I'm >>7849744

>> No.7850598


I'll send a trade. Your avi's cute btw.

>> No.7850664
File: 580 KB, 731x605, 12_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you so much anon :'DD

>> No.7850693
File: 17 KB, 180x200, 1331435928646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No prob~ I love to gift people. Speaking of gifting, I would also like to get rid of these items. Let me know if any one you want them:

À la Fondue
Blushing Light Charmer
Swan Song
Wings of Darkness
Twilight Star Sister

>> No.7850704

DYRL? My GCD nigger, I remember you. Always a cute avi.

>> No.7850712

Anon, could I get blushing light charmer or twilight star sister? I posted upthread, I'm Chopstick on Gaia! You are so sweet for offering goodies!

>> No.7850715

Still have 10bil to give away to someone who wants it, start up a trade, UN is above in the thread

>> No.7850727

gave 20bil away, don't have more on hand right now anyway so sorry for others who wanted.

>> No.7850730

Thanks for that! You're cool.

>> No.7850734

no problem, gonna get a lot more from an art auction soon anyway, and I didn't feel like spending it in quest threads.

>> No.7850735

Anon, could I please have A la fondue and Wings of Darkness? Please?

>> No.7850745

Sending a trade~

What's your user name?

>> No.7850748 [DELETED] 

Oh, I totally forgot to mention my UN is C.C.G

>> No.7850762


sent you a trade. Ont thing left from >>7850693
is Swan Song. I'll be back in a couple of hours to post more stuff to give away *got to make room for more cute items* including some bundles I found in my storage. Hope you guys are enjoying your items~

>> No.7850768
File: 52 KB, 226x154, ishipit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much for the items! I'm really greatful! Also, I feel like trash but I like how our avis look together.

Sorry if you don't want your avi displayed! I will take the image down if you want me to.

>> No.7850770
File: 7 KB, 120x150, jy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I'm thinking of doing a give away thread for halloween so that 10 bil may be put towards that.

Show me your spooky avatars /cgl/.

>> No.7850776


They do look good together and I don't mind~

>> No.7850957
File: 53 KB, 218x292, pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoopy witch-chan
Originally I was going with black x brown, but it turns out I don't actually have any black or brown shoes. Oops.

>> No.7850958
File: 5 KB, 120x150, 774c0a6b2b0185_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy a new Gaia thread? Here's my current avatar.

>> No.7850968

Hey Aiichu.

>> No.7850972

Hello anon who's probably part of the guild.

>> No.7851006

Nah, just see you in threads. You're a chatty Cathy.

>> No.7851010

Oh, yeah, I get real bored. I only got back on recently because of /cgl/ and it's a lot more entertaining than anything else at the moment. Giveaways are always nice too.

>> No.7851075
File: 21 KB, 240x300, white (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i don't have any spooky halloween items, but i tried for something costume-y?

>> No.7851098

I have a OMG hat in real life that I still wear because it's hella warm in the winter. I get compliments on it from people and those who recognized what it is tend to react positively.
I've also used it for avi cosplay on lazy Sunday cons. Anyone else ever cosplay their avi?

>> No.7851115

I bought one back in early high school and have never used it in real life. It just sits in my closet along with my grunny slippers. It's too big for my head anyway. And I used to want to cosplay my avatar, around the same time, but there are too many other cosplays on my list.

>> No.7851140

Oh my god I haven't been on Gaia in years but everything is so cute now. Too bad everything is also insanely expensive, I guess I'll live vicariously through tektek until I can save up some gold.

>> No.7851202
File: 22 KB, 274x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visited a friend recently
>noticed she had been on Gaia
>remembered how hard I worked for the 22,000 coin I had
>she has more then 1bil
>all those childhood hours waisted
I've had my stupid account for almost nine years now. I might try to get back into it, but I'm just too lazy too put the effort into saving up to buy anything. I'm loving all if your avatars though
>pic related is mine
>tfw can't wear shoes

>> No.7851207

Took a look and here are the items i'd like to get rid of:

Light Green Grunny
Urban Bounce
Fluttery Fille
Pro Bono Publico
2x Crimson Puppeteer
Astra: Faerie Wings
Swan Song
Northern Starlight
Celebrity Date
Gunpowder Bang Bang!

And bundles:

1x Ivory bundle
1x Navy bundle

User name is >>7846651. Let me know if you guys want any this. There's most likely even more in that storage locker.

>> No.7851224

I'll take the Ivory Bundle! My user is Pastel Magic.

>> No.7851237


I wouldnt mind the Navy bundle?

Username is B33 Terence btw

>> No.7851283


Hijacking your Crimson Puppeteer would be lovely for a Halloween Avi in the works

also bundles4lyfe if any are left

>> No.7851337


Youre very nice and sweet anon to be willing to give items away.

I only want one bundle which is the shark bundle because the Mr Shark March is adorable
And I am pretty sure no one has one here oh well. I have to take my chances and see if I can pull one from the carousel bundle but keep getting the other animal bundles though.

User name is Y U IVI E btw no M just ivi
feel free to add me everyone

>> No.7851465
File: 70 KB, 237x300, yearlongskeletonparty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanted to see how much blood i could layer on this one, but it seems like three is the max before junk starts cancelling each other out? oh well, happy spooky month.

>> No.7851569
File: 526 KB, 245x188, rollin with homies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyyyyyy always nice to see a fellow GCDer!


>> No.7851582
File: 479 KB, 1080x1920, c229ff1c-3a61-45de-9b2c-efc98e7b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just updated mine. Spooky month is among us and I get to make avis that are all bloody and such now yay (and relatively cheapish too)
I love your UN. Adding

>> No.7851612
File: 7 KB, 120x150, 16311ff06f36c_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you guys get all those cute poses? My avatar is so old, I haven't changed it in years.

>> No.7851618

Arm and leg mods

>> No.7851620
File: 19 KB, 240x300, white (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i tried again with what i have. more halloween, but still not spooky. :(


newer items have posed legs/arms.

>> No.7851625

Oh, so certain items have certain poses? Or is there a pose item that lets you pose any avatar in that position?

>> No.7851667

13 year old me is super jelly right now.

>> No.7851684

>Northern Starlight
Is this item still available? My UN is C.C.G

Adding you!

>> No.7851771

This is what's left:

Light Green Grunny
Urban Bounce
Pro Bono Publico
Crimson Puppeteer
Astra: Faerie Wings
Swan Song
Celebrity Date
Gunpowder Bang Bang!

>> No.7851962

I have the following items up for grabs...

Prince of the Sea: Marika
Whale Tale
Nymph Karya
Haute Modena
Pink Konpeito
Doki Doki Deito
Southtown Ghost Story
Ruby Toadstool
Antique Shop
Wild Dawn
Cookies X Creme

If Urban Bounce is still there I'll take it! My username is [hachiro].

>> No.7851994

Sent and I'll take that Haute Modena off of your hands.

>> No.7852000

And sent to you as well! Thanks.

>> No.7852161


May I please have Whale Tale kind anon?

y u ivi e is my username

thank you

>> No.7852243

It's very kind to give your items!
I would love to get your nymph karya or your antique shop
username is nmfrter

If you still have the crimson puppeteer, i'd love to get it, it would be perfect for one of my halloween avatar.
username is nmfrter

>> No.7852278


And sent you Nymph.

>> No.7852289

Decided to just join on a whim out of curiosity. What do you do on this site exactly?

>> No.7852320

You weeb. That's basically what you do.

>> No.7852374
File: 6 KB, 120x150, enasni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't make anything cute or Jfashiony if I tried, but all of my mules from like 05-07 are cosplay/RP accounts.

This is my main right now. Well, honestly its my default avatar, I always come back to it.

>> No.7852596
File: 483 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m00mt4kVYn1qfqyoh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take ruby toadstool if it's available! My username is Princess Lillium Doll

>> No.7852598

If you still have Prince of the Sea: Marika, my username is Zekiamuto

>> No.7852605

Toadstool is yours!

Annnd Marika is yours!


>> No.7852607
File: 57 KB, 400x300, 1235698751805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7852609

draw shit get rich

also after getting a few extra items I'm going to save up for that darn angelic halo. I just hope that once I have a few trill people will be able to haggle a bit because I ain't paying 10T just because someone bought a bunch of them earlier

that said, any other anons here that do art stuff on gaia?

>> No.7852611

Hope we can still have a thread on this a few days from now. I'm selling a lot of my items and once I do I'll be able to donate some golds to my seagulls!

>> No.7852623
File: 76 KB, 243x303, gaia4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I need a lion or snake tail to look fully as chimera.
>MFW Chimera of the west cost over 100,000,000,000

>> No.7852644

i periodically make bribe shops and then abandon them

>> No.7852645

how do you find those working out for you? personally I just do auctions because I feel like people are more inclined to give more gold or AB with those

>> No.7852685
File: 45 KB, 232x282, current.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do some bribe shops sometime when my wishlist is starting to get really too long. It always baffle me that people really overpay or under offer so much.
Sometime the shop don't get customers, other time i get so many that i have to refuse people even on the waiting list.

>> No.7852700

What is a bribe shop?

>> No.7852724

kinda like a pwyw *pay what you want* shop, but with higher prices and lowballs are frown upon.

>> No.7852762
File: 1.42 MB, 1000x2616, gaia2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i personally just make the shop a pay what you want and i draw what i want (like headshot, bust, waistup, etc. colored or not), but also say that the nomal will be headshot sketches, unless you offer one of the priority items on my wishlist. if you do, i'll at least color and do a waist up (since priority items are usually 25bil +)

my art's kind of generically shitty, so idk why people buy it, but i guess the uguuuu eyes appeal to gaians? did pic related for an item worth 125 bil

>> No.7852785

Yeah chibis and uguuuuuu always worth more than cartoon or ''western'' style

>> No.7852797

i get offers in the 300b range for headshots which isn't bad.
plus it allows me to pick who i want to draw and i'm not stuck with whatever the highest bidder throws at me character or avatar wise.

>> No.7852806

Got back onto one of my mule accounts because I'm a weeb and wanted to RP...
I opened a temp art shop to get new heterochromia eyes and someone just gifted me a pair. My avatar isn't very j-fashion...so I won't share it.

>> No.7852832

Damn it, I started making an orange avatar now that they released some nicer items but it's all recolors of the new shit and super expensive of course. Still really cute so I might try to save up for it anyway.

>> No.7852880
File: 38 KB, 240x300, Gaia Space Neko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you predominantly post back in 06-08ish? Your avi looks hella familiar but I lurked a lot of different forums so I can't place you.
I've been kicking the idea of making a mech type cosplay lately but could think of any particular character. I found an old avi I made and am now seriously considering making this. With a few modifications like the tail, but i'm really excited to start.

>> No.7852893

I am now starting to regret posting in the charity/quest sub form. I like giving people but I use to just pick a random thread and then gift that person. Now I have newbies messaging me (swear to you all, one girl messaged me a good 10 times yesterday) begging for gold or to try to buy items on the cheap.

I even had one person ask for me to sell my sainte ciel: agape to her for 100k and then got mad when I said no (should have screen it before deleting. If was fully of horrible hard to understand grammar).

I'm not prepared for this.

>> No.7852897

If you're not posting in threads, I would try to gift anonymously, Anon. Sometimes I forget Gaia is still largely populated by 13-year-olds, but shit like this is a good reminder.

>> No.7852899

>sainte ciel: agape
mfw before i went on hiatus this was 3 mil and i could've easily afforded it, but i was too cheap to do so, and now it's way too high for me to afford

>> No.7852967

I had forgotten that myself until I started posting their. Fortunately, most (besides that girl) haven't acting rudely when I tell them no.

I was questing it when it was around 100k-500k. Each time when I all most had it, it would rise. Then they released Flynn's booty and I gave up. Some kind big spender soul gifted it to me in a gifting thread though.

>> No.7852984
File: 48 KB, 407x493, Screenshot (55).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wishlist is still stupidly expensive and just as unobtainable now as it was back then.

>> No.7853003

> The Ringmaster

What's your user name? I'll buy it for you.

>> No.7853009

Kaiden Clovis T
hanks anon!

>> No.7853024
File: 9 KB, 120x150, 1e56e6f41b0698_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys inspired me to return to Gaia after years.
>mfw I have almost a mil and I feel poor
>what the heavens fuck my wishlist items are in the trillions

What is there even to do on Gaia anymore? I have no idea what the website is anymore.

>> No.7853050
File: 22 KB, 240x300, loyalknockoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My half-assed attempt at a knockoff of Loyal's style.

>> No.7853051
File: 181 KB, 294x366, screenshot-by-nimbus (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


P-play with me anons

>> No.7853087
File: 8 KB, 120x150, gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ i havn't played this game in ages

>> No.7853098
File: 6 KB, 120x150, gaya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to make my avatar look like all of my ~dream avatars~ from when I first joined Gaia. 12 year old me would have wanted it this way.

>> No.7853192
File: 6 KB, 120x150, trashhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trash.

>> No.7853364

You all are sexy beasts and the little ones in ourselves would be proud.

>> No.7854056

> tfw Gaia brings back inactive accounts
> tfw you can finally go back to your old one!
> tfw you sold your ninja headband back then and got more then 1 mil for it, good money back then
> tfw that wasted headband

>> No.7854094
File: 7 KB, 120x150, 10723174_364755973689794_379320645_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I've been visiting Gaia for the past week now dressing up my avi and looking up items

>> No.7854116
File: 6 KB, 120x150, 7b92357312432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I brought back my old avatar from when I was a fakeboi. Added some new and different items to it, though.

Gakuran>seifuku. Speaking of which, why doesn't /cgl/ ever have any gakuran threads? Always just seifuku/nanchatte and sukumizu.

>> No.7854126

I don't know how other people feel about them but personally I find them boring? Your avi looks great though

>> No.7854129

I guess they're kinda boring but I love them. Also thank you! I saved up for so long for those stupid horns, oh my god.

>> No.7854182
File: 435 KB, 2017x1360, wishlisttoolong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just checked my wishlist and all the items i was keeping my golds for rised again. And it's now so long that it's destroying my profile... How can one item be over 400b? WTF...

>> No.7854234
File: 6 KB, 120x150, 6b9aaa1c2f55cf_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaia makes me so nostalgic. I lived on there for so many years of my adolescence.

My sn is charuu

>> No.7854461
File: 688 KB, 286x310, 1353838595523.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> gold shop gold generators
> mfw

to be honest while i'm a SF regular I purchased the 100 pack because I was bored (hell I bought a normal one from the MP once too and got less then 100 mil lol)
Got the exact amount from it that I paid for it. So that happened.

Should I feel bad now even though I did not profit from it at all?

>> No.7854486


I saw that. I bought the plus one to test it out and got 2x what it costs to buy. That is way too high. Why didn't they just update the shop with new items instead.

>> No.7854655

This should be obvious but the only one that looks to be worth it out of the goldshop gens is the 1.8Bil one.

>tfw I don't even have that to spend

>> No.7854826

Playing dress ups. Anyone want to help?

>> No.7854899
File: 12 KB, 160x280, a824b643bb07d852bcb47c70b9683d8b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this? It should all be different items so it can be a possible combination.

>> No.7854961
File: 20 KB, 240x300, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All brown, all the time. Don't know what's up with the glitching items.

>> No.7855139
File: 22 KB, 120x150, tLm1GV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halloween avi I made.Only need 220 bil to make it a reality

>> No.7855190
File: 34 KB, 240x295, gaia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have any bgs to suggest for my avi? dirt poor right now but will probably try to quest for it

>> No.7855659

because the stupid fucking goldcap on that site is 1 quintillion

or in number form


i forgot what the cap is for actually carrying gold is though.

>> No.7855665
File: 51 KB, 353x270, AuCYtQ8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a halloween avatar and I'm not too sure what hair to use. Either way I need to get myself a devil tail.

Maybe doki doki memories? It's a school avatar at least. Here's the list I'm looking at:

>> No.7855674


i only got 1.3 billion back when i bought one so i think you did good.

>> No.7855750

Here's a seven-part Downfall parody where Hitler rants about Gaia's economy:








9,223,372,036,854,775,807 gold, to be exact.

>> No.7855874
File: 33 KB, 239x295, lols.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone see the new LQI, Good to be Bad?
I fucking love it

>> No.7855899

More like oldfag that has not visited in years, but thank you for caring.

>> No.7855905

It's an effect from certain items. There are main poses, but nothing that kawaii.

>> No.7855948
File: 33 KB, 240x260, fuckthisgayearth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what im doing anymore when it comes to avatars

>> No.7856573

That's just crazy. Just plain crazy
This is golden. I love it so much.

>> No.7856735

lol, i got the pm inviting me to club verge 17 times and 16 club verge pins.

>> No.7856736

hhahaha I don't know why, but I like this!

>> No.7856741

I'll take one if it's possible?

>> No.7856745

I was trying to make a Halloween avi but I ran out of cash and the stuff in my shop isn't really selling.

Does anyone have any suggestions of items that are blue and white that would look good with the witch theme from the item "apprentice charm"? I'm kind of stuck with what kind of overalls to use.

>> No.7856749
File: 10 KB, 180x313, 1270670_802919049729155_8666350281136541779_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current avi, I have 26Bil and still don't know what to get

>> No.7856833

>>7856745 here

Does anyone want some astra bat wings?

I got them in black, orange and purple.

>> No.7856837
File: 13 KB, 528x101, wings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, that is orange and black not black.

>> No.7856841

Pants, you slut

>> No.7856847

I'll take the purple ones. => Kaiden Clovis

>> No.7856855


Trade sent!

>> No.7856858

Oh I'd like the orange and black ones if you still have them! honorAttested

>> No.7856861

Sure! Sent trade!

>> No.7856867

Thanks so much! See now I have to start on a proper Halloween outfit.

>> No.7856872
File: 1.38 MB, 386x286, 1372147674041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looking forward to see more Halloween avis!

>> No.7856985
File: 930 KB, 448x252, 1394477588499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7846750 here, I finally made an account. I saw you could get 500k just for inviting so I tested it on a temp email and now I'm living my 12-year-old dream of buying everything in durem depot.


>> No.7856990

I did the same fucking thing. Gold shops are so dirt cheap I'm rolling in clothes from them. They might not look very good but damnit they're the base of every outfit.

>> No.7857003
File: 116 KB, 295x374, screenshot-by-nimbus (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made my halloween outfit.

Oh if you're left hanging on a guild add just say something here and I'll see it sooner. Fucking Gaia doesn't alert me to anything Guild related.

>> No.7857040

That must be why they closed down H R Wesley and jacked up the prices when nobody's looking.

>> No.7857121
File: 6 KB, 120x150, ducks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not much, but I feel so cute ;_;

>> No.7857136
File: 25 KB, 234x296, shitavi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dirt poor but managed to make a semi cute halloween avi. I'm Princess Lillium Doll. add me~

>> No.7857138
File: 15 KB, 240x300, white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished my avatar for now, at least until I get myself the tail.

>> No.7857140

What hair is that?

>> No.7857143
File: 15 KB, 158x150, 10-4-2014 12-02-32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Kumala [and adversely any of the Nekola hairs] with the Sketchbook item hairclips. It looks like pic related otherwise.

>> No.7857147

>>7856837 here!

Still got the orange wings left!!

>> No.7857173

Holy shit your avatar is so cute. Can I do anything to help you get the D-tail?

>> No.7857180

Thank you! And if you want to you can donate but it already means a lot that you want to help. I'm at about 180 bil right now and I'm constantly selling older items so I should have it before the end of the month hopefully. [If you do want to donate/add me my username is aiichu!]

>> No.7857199

Ohh okay, thanks!

>> No.7857279
File: 40 KB, 234x300, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checked my gaia account after years of inactivity.

Why is there so much inflation and how much is my nigga worth?

Holy shit the site has changed

>> No.7857282

Well your katana can probably go for a lot but most of the other stuff is pretty much worthless.

>> No.7857285


>> No.7857331


I wouldnt mind having them if you still have em.

B33 Terence Is my username. Thanks in advance!

>> No.7857341

Here's the most detailed account so far: http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/2f5vn9/a_case_of_hyperinflation_in_a_virtual_economy/

>> No.7857543
File: 21 KB, 240x300, general.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My main avi. I still feel like it's pretty plain and missing something.

>> No.7857577
File: 34 KB, 237x274, av-e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'll post... this is my main or w/e I change around quite a lot though. Also fucking art prices holy sheet...

>> No.7857640

> tfw draw chibis on gaia since I came back
> tfw rolling in so much gold my 13 year old self would cry of joy

>> No.7857723

I'll get the trade going now! Sorry for the late response. Went to sleep yesterday.

>> No.7857731
File: 10 KB, 120x150, 3bcf47587557cd_flip (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll get posting my Halloween avi now. Wasn't actually going to do it but gave in eventually thanks to /cgl/.

>> No.7857737
File: 35 KB, 240x300, vataragain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I change my avatar nearly everyday... don't already have an halloween avi, maybe when it's going to be the 28 i'll do something

>> No.7857779

Omfg ... who even buys chibis? I've seen some go for 10-15b on the art forums smh.

>> No.7857782

I often see chibis going in the 200-300b it's just crazy

>> No.7857786

I can get hundreds of bil from them. Right now I have 2 that went for a bit more then 250 each. People like them for their signatures? idk really, but I don't care.

>> No.7857831

... fuck, I need to buy a drawing tablet...

>> No.7857875

do it. half the reason I ever started using a tablet was because back in the day I wanted to have a gaia art shop like all the other cool kids. the other half was the actual desire to try digital drawing lol.

>> No.7857876

Idea: the artists with these insane shops that sell shit sell shit, and then everyone works together so we all can get shit from our wishlists.

>> No.7857929
File: 40 KB, 245x305, witchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my halloween avi
I'm not sure if I like the hair or not but eh

>> No.7857967
File: 639 KB, 1024x768, newfini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then ill have to inflate my prices even more.
sold pic related 85b
With that gold I bought all Dernier Cri stuff to fulfill my 14 year old desires
Shit is terrible in gaia, miss the old days when tektek could keep a pace with new items releases

>> No.7858001

man I used to go on gaia all the time in its prime. got a new account couple years ago and then forgot about it till now.

Holy shit did art on this site get crazy. I used to charge like 10k and feel bad. Seeing all these shit shops sell em for bil now, never thought I would see the day.

wouldn't mind opening up a new shop now. I just hate making the damn things. Never had a good eye for it. Just wanna draw and get gold.

>> No.7858008

man you could absolutely get more for that drawing, up your prices yo

>> No.7858054

you definitely should inflate your prices, or say "pay what you want", my art is way shittier and I get 200 bil on not even a full body chibi

>> No.7858376
File: 21 KB, 120x150, queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I tried to make pt

>> No.7858526
File: 12 KB, 105x219, 1370245209112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7858680


Anyone care to vote for me?

I am starting to think the cosplay avatar arena might be slightly rigged. Its usually the same people winning and mostly repeatative series that are uber popular like attack on titan etc.

Its like it feels its no longer about accuracy but more to do with how popular you are. I would be nice to rank top 10 for once.

Very odd how within a day I went from being ranked 18th to 40 all of a sudden. And my avi was rated 100 times now. And tomorrow is when voting ends.

>> No.7858690

It is hella rigged. People are paying for votes left and right.

>> No.7860202

Is it frowned upon to have an art/bribe shop open at the same time as an auction

>> No.7860261

Nah it doesn't matter. No 1 curr if you do!

>> No.7860350

Meh i dont know anybody who care...

>> No.7860367
File: 31 KB, 240x300, white (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm guessing the original arena is really rigged as well :( shame, i was consudering entering at some point.

pic related, one of my favorite outfits i considered entering

>> No.7860424
File: 198 KB, 290x382, Sora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>might be slightly rigged

Are you kidding me of course it is!
Basically if you are a nobody and arent popular or famous on gaia you wont win.

Pic related one of my older submissions in the arena of Sora from KHII that I thought I would win or top since I put a lot of effort and received a lot of praise too but nope during the last two hours on sunday I went from a good rank to a very bad one within two hours which were the last two hours left of voting too mind you.


I never known about this seriously?


I think its a bit more tamed compared to the avatar one but who knows it might be slightly rigged too.

>> No.7861485

How much amount usually are the people wanting art willing to give? I draw chibis maybe I should get in on this.

>> No.7861489

just list items you want and say pay what you want
then reject anything under like 70 bil+ depending on how good your chibis are

>> No.7862084

Oooh, mostly the GD, GCD and Exchange forums. I dabbled in the art freebies and kinda random places to be honest. I literally only changed out of this outfit for a few days at a time, haha.