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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7824871 No.7824871 [Reply] [Original]

Who's going to EGX next week? WLFCC and London Expo next month. Winter Hyper Japan in November.

Are we going to have to have separate Scottish Cospaly threads soon?

Know anyone entering WCS?

Who shat at the Ayacon ball? Did it really happen?

Any WIPs to share?

Does anyone actually use cosplay island anymore?

Are facebook pages becoming redundant because you have to pay to let your followers know you've updated?

What's the next cosplay craze? Love live?

>> No.7825405

The true question is:

Who is the biggest cunt you know in the UK scene? Obvious people are excluded.

>> No.7825432

I'm off to egx next weekend

>> No.7825434

Anyone going to Belfast in october

>> No.7825600

I'm going to EGX next week and I also got my holiday request through to have the whole of next week off.

It should all be good. Hopefully...

>> No.7825631

Someone in the last thread wanted to know what was going on at EGX. There's now a timetable


>> No.7825776

What's the word on the judge panel at EGX?

>> No.7825781


>> No.7825787

Anything more specific than just 'shit'?

>> No.7825794


>> No.7825796

The judges are made up of the people doing the panels. That's all I know.

>> No.7825809

Probably a few BJs going on to secure seats within the panels as we wait on for further info on this.

Shouldn't come as a surprise that it is guys doing BJs too as sexuality is more open these days.

>> No.7825819

During the panels to carry favor for the masquerades? Wasn't aware enough people entered at egx to make it worth the effort.

>> No.7825838

Shills trying to hype it.

>> No.7825845


>> No.7825854

Organizers/promoters pretending they're not affiliated to get numbers up.

>> No.7825856

PlayExpo is also happening on the 4th and 5th of October
Should be some good cosplays there

>> No.7825873

BJs to Ziggy? The total mental running it again. Let's hope she doesn't decide to host the stage like last years catastrophe.

>> No.7825884

How does she score these organizing gigs? Is there literally no one else?

>> No.7825902

Ziggy's friends, so probably people know one knows...

>> No.7825991

Kelly Jean is meant to have a big presence at EGX so any hope you have of the panels, masq and judging not being total shit, throw them out the window.

>> No.7825999

It's the 11th and 12th October

>> No.7826004

She's only doing one panel actually. Don't know about judging or the masquerade though.

>> No.7826010

Well that's good, more time for me then.

>> No.7826024

Word is she's on the judging team and directing other panels.

>> No.7826025

All the panelists are on the judging teams. It's not the same each day. It depended on who was free I think.

Pretty sure she's friends with most of the other panelists but she's not listed to be running or speaking in them.

>> No.7826029

Flood them with the pics and she'll be gone.

>> No.7826031

She's been vetoing panels and guests so she's got some sort of overall production control going on.

>> No.7826037

Not that I've seen. Ziggy had final say as far as I know. That's not to say Kelly didn't put people forward. Though they might have put themselves forward as Kelly came in quite late.

>> No.7826964

Who let's ziggy run these things. Did anyone watch the embarrassment of her hosting last year? Doing some weird split personality thing on stage, giving out a child's email address, talking over people's performances, wearing her rights around her ankles.


>> No.7826975

Don't think Ziggy is MC ing this year. Think it's one of the boys.

>> No.7826978

I can confirm Kelly has no say over who judges and who is a guest. She was asked by Ziggy like the others.
They were asked what panel they would like to do.
People will judge different days depending when they're free.
Ziggy does seem to be the only one interested in organising this type of thing.

>> No.7827015

Fairy Porch Queen obviously.

>> No.7827024



>> No.7827047

She hasn't been that for years

>> No.7827050

Comic book Cosplayers always act as if they're better than everyone. All cunts.

>> No.7827054

One of the boys? Please not a terrible Cosplay 'guest'

>> No.7827058 [DELETED] 


>> No.7827114


Such denial.

>> No.7827118

Any tips for making the most of London Expo other than 'don't go, it's shit'?

>> No.7827141

Don't go inside or buy a ticket unless you want to be treated like cattle.

>> No.7827367

Grab some mates, go round the stalls, check out the stages, play some of the demos. In the late afternoon onwards, hit up The Fox bar between the West Entrance and the Custom House DLR stop. Check out the Stratford Mall, 02 or over the other side of the Custom House DLR stop for maximum food options.

People hang out at the Novotel bar too but that's where Expo has it's party and it's not great.

>> No.7827776


The key to MCM is nothing worthwhile happens within the ticketed section. It's crazily overpriced dealer stalls and a few token videogame demo booths which usually are nothing special.

Don't buy a ticket, stay outside the halls. You can walk the central corridor without a ticket and you can hang around outside without a ticket. Other than that your mission is to get drunk. That's the best it gets.

>> No.7827805

The entire site is ticketed, outside and in

>> No.7828116

Hey, I'm kind of a novice con-goer at the UK scene, I've been to Ayacon2013 and a few other small local conventions this year. As much as I do enjoy the small 300-person Saturday cons, I've got a bit of money to burn in my savings and I'd love to find another large UK convention similar to Ayacon. Anyone know of any upcoming events in 2015?

>> No.7828614

UK cons have plummeted in terms of quality. They're trying to change it around now but I doubt much will change until the organisers change.

>> No.7828621

The organisers changing is why they've plummeted, nearly all the people who did any work have quit

>> No.7828785

This, so much :( too many fame hunters rather than people actually willing to work

>> No.7828818

At least scowney quit.

>> No.7828849


Scowney was booted, he didn't leave.

>> No.7828856

Do tell.

>> No.7828911

Lets make this a con committee/organiser gossip thread instead as that seems to be where its going

Any insider goss? Old or new don't care!

Who's the worst organiser you had the pleasure of being organised by? I'm guessing Ziggy is up there.

Who would be in your dream committee?

>> No.7829007

Thing is, as much as she may be an ott presenter, that doesn't have any reflection on her organizational skills.

She's done Camcom, doing EGX and after that Play Expo. That's more than I see most people doing.

So far she seems to have done a good job with EGX but I reserve judgement until it's all over and done.

The selection of panelists seems to be the same as the summer LFCC. Kelly/Ai Honey, Chiquita Cosplay, Stacey Rebecca etc. I wonder if this is because people in general think this is some sort of invite only exclusive club where they are conventions go-tos for guests and so don't put themselves forward, instead, like Alien Queen it seems, wait to be asked.

>> No.7829118

ziggy screams and shouts at con goers and committee, its embarrassing and isn't well organised I've seen her have several break downs because she's so 'stressed' yea having a part time job must be really hard work...

>> No.7829167

That poses at interesting question.

Should cosplays guests ask to be one, or should they wait to be asked?

Should the organisers do their research and ask?

Or guests actually request? and just hope that they know them well enough for them to say yes?

>> No.7829201

I think that also highly depends on the purpose of having 'guests'.

When someone is referred to as a 'guest speaker' it usually means they're non-local or non-affiliated and they've come to talk on a relevant subject.

So if 'cosplay guests' is abbreviated from 'cosplay guest speaker' then they need people who present well and who genuinely want to convey something about cosplay. Regardless of their 'popularity'.

But if by 'cosplay guest' they mean someone who comes to, essentially exclusively, promote themselves and talk about themselves. How they got into cosplay, how they got to where they are, favourite costumes etc....then really I still don't think popularity has any credence.

Mostly because if you've won competitions, you are known of by default. If you do a lot of high quality commission work, you are are known about by default. If you're known for your quality of work, you're known about by default. And really if you want interesting or compelling stories then surely these would be the people, as an organizer, you'd look to approach.

But people who are just 'popular' on facebook. Well a lot of that is easy popularity on the age old 'sex sells' mantra. Or it can be.

Though tbh it's also a question of tailoring. EGX and Play Expo for example are game based shows. People go to play the games and see the games and talk about games. That doesn't really leave a whole lot of room for cosplay and it's this teeny tiny sub section of the event that's probably been squeezed in there because Ziggy and people like her said THIS IS A GREAT IDEA HONEST.

And hell, you know what, maybe it might be. But I don't think either appeal of 'cosplaying to this event' and 'going to this event to see the cosplayers' will have generated much revenue for either event.

>> No.7829218

But really, and not to start down a discussion about her but, the most apt cosplayer I can think of for a games based con with be JNig. She got that gig as Lolly Pop Chainsaw, she's been seen in a bunch of game related stuff, done a bunch of promo stuff and there would probably be all sorts of people who'd want to attend a panel just about her.

Male fans....heck even female fans. Let's just say the 'I want to look at you' fans. And then there'd be the people trying to be like her. Who would want to go see her to see if they could glean the magic secret and some how be jettisoned into the spot light and flown all over the place and paid to cosplay.

Or perhaps Lex and Sands, I forget which it is that actually worked on one of the floats for the Olympics opening. Hearing how cosplay has and hasn't linked up with that kind of job would be very interesting. In fact, just hearing about getting into that kind of job would be informative.

Sands and Tab did, a few years back, the brotherhood Ezio Auditore and 3 multi player costumes that were worn by actors to promote the game at the October Expo near it's release. Did they put themselves forward for that? Did Ubisoft approach them? Or was it, like so many great opportunities, right place, right time.

At that point it might be worth looking further affield than 'cosplayers' and looking at industry professionals. The costume department for the BBC, Angels the Costumiers, the embroiderers and seamstresses for Game of Thrones. All of which have incredible work in their portfolios.

>> No.7829480

Outside MCM has never been ticketed. Inside only the expo halls are ticketed. The central walk has never been ticketed.

>> No.7829497

Jnig would be a legit great cosplay guest. As much as many people hate what she does there is no denying that she has more experience being a professional cosplayer, if you can call it that, than anybody else. You wouldn't invite her to lead a panel on construction but she absolutely would be good on a panel to talk about making a living from it and her experiences around the world.

Sands and Lex both have done lots of stuff with various companies. I think Lex gets most of her gigs because she knows the right people in the right places and Sands gets the gigs because her day job is working for a big movie FX company. Both of them have done many construction panels before but I don't think they've done much talking about their industry experience. Sands is probably the more experienced of the two but Lex does a little more actual cosplay stuff of course.

I'd really like to see a roundtable or podcast between JNig, Sands, Lex. Maybe throw in somebody who doesn't cosplay at all but is more directly in costuming for TV or film or maybe have someone from comic or video game PR who can cast a little light on the value of bringing in cosplayers to promote stuff. And it'd be funny to see those three sit down and shit on Yaya for an hour.

>> No.7829505

What are you talking about? For a year or two now you haven't been able to enter into the entire Excel building without a wristband. Other than the ticket hall obviously, which you now access from a separate entrance.

>> No.7829532

Been a while since you last went? Not that I'd blame you.

It's been ticketed outside for 4/5 years,when they switched from stamps to wristbands. Expo goers were trashing the outside area so bad every year that ExCeL forced MCM to hire the outside grounds and pay for security out there from then on

Year or two ago they grew enough to take over the whole inside of the building too, no more public access to the boulevard, it's all part of the show floor now

>> No.7830570

Anyone going to Auchinawa?

>> No.7830634


>> No.7830829

Any news on who is entering WCS this year? Progress photos etc

>> No.7830845

Dude I don't even know who went this year never mind next year

>> No.7831438

Everybody stopped giving half a shit about WCS once it became established that only Sands and Lex are ever good enough to be put forward and neither of them are asian enough to actually win.

>> No.7831459


Thinking about it. Might be cosplaying for the first time.

>> No.7832537

Fair few people who aren't all too well know. Some of them aren't too bad

>> No.7832939

I have no self catering accommodation

>> No.7833608
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>> No.7833619


>> No.7833623

please stop tripfaging

>> No.7833632
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>complaining about tripfags

>> No.7833635

Source of all shit posting.

>> No.7833640

Everyone is a shitposter, anon. Even you and I.

>> No.7833643
File: 38 KB, 70x70, 1399174377986.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just call me a fucking shit poster?

>> No.7833647

You keep discussing meta shit in a themed thread, so yes, you are an off topic shitposter, same as me.

>> No.7833650
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>> No.7833652

it persisteth

>> No.7833653
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>> No.7833658

Continued proof of shitposting, you can't even resist obvious bait.

>> No.7833662
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>> No.7833664
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>> No.7833668

NYCfag here. I want to go to MCM first year and trying to get cheapest plane tickets.
I have questions. What are the people like over there? Are there chances of getting robbed if I stay out too late? What are the best places for food and what should I avoid exactly?

>> No.7833671

Don't come to the UK for MCM. I live 45 minutes away and I don't think it's even worth the fuel anymore.

>> No.7833675

Do not fly over just for MCM. It's literally just a giant dealers hall that is overcrowded. There are no good events, there are no good guests infact there are almost none of either.

People here only go to it to meet up with friends or if they don't know better. Wait and go to to LSCC or LFCC, they are far FAR better cons to go to.

>> No.7833685

Some good guests get announced but 9/10 times they cancel.

>> No.7833686


I wouldn't agree with that, this year LSCC and LFCC were shit. I just like MCM because it attracts the best/most cosplayers.

>> No.7833727

People just go to MCM nowadays because it's the central event to meet up with people across the country, since it's in London.

Nothing that involves the MCM event itself is any good. The organisation is awful, the program severely lacking, and as anon said the few times I've looked forward to good guests they've cancelled the week beforehand.

MCM are aware a lot of people turn up just for the geographic convenience and there's been a lot of drama over them checking for wristbands in the outside area to catch out people using MCM without buying a ticket.

The inside is a glorified dealer's room full of bootlegs and probably much worse choice than you get in the US (smaller market here). Also suffered from dangerous overcrowding the past few years, the limited ticket system has been introduced to help that but we'll see if it makes any difference.

It's also far out of central London and the areas nearby are pretty shitty (like Stratford). Excel is shit for food too.

Honestly, flying halfway across the world for MCM seems like a total waste. If you're going as part of a bigger trip, I'd say fair enough. It'd give you an insight into the UK scene (but not real cons). Overall the UK is pretty crappy for cons and I mostly travel to France, the Netherlands, and Germany for them now. If you want a big exhibition type "expo" don't go to MCM, go to Japan Expo Paris. If you want a hotel con go to Animecon in the Netherlands.

>> No.7833739

Don't come here for MCM. Come over for a propercon. Auchinawa is in November so come over for that instead

>> No.7833748

>proper con
Top kek.
May as well send him to Gemucon

>> No.7833757

Just fly to Cali for AX or do a trip to Otakon, they're much better and not-so-far-away

>> No.7833787

Be nice anon, Auchi at its worst is still far far better than Gemucon.

>> No.7834956


Bullshit. Scowny chose to leave. He had some ongoing feud with someone who was friends with several other committee members and was getting involved with Kita, and he decided he'd rather leave than just get on with it.

>> No.7835115

He was heckling all the way through the 2013 Amecon talent contest. He's a cunt.

>> No.7835174

Don't go to the UK for MCM or any UK con. They are all rubbish and MCM is the worst of them all.

The reason it gets mentioned a lot is because it's the only one without an attendance cap. All other UK cons have attendance caps from 1,300 down to about 300.

If you don't already do so, go to Otakon or AX. You can even get down to Baltimore from NYC by train in a little over 2 hours or you can probably drive in less.

>> No.7835772

Don't do it. If you're going to England then do it because you want to visit England, not because a shit-tier convention is running. The very worst thing you could do is come all the way over to London, a city packed full of every kind of interest and culture and then piss away your time at a convention notorious around the glob as the very worst larger-scale convention ever.

>> No.7836291

Im selling stuff there. Heard it was a good con.

>> No.7836435

What did Scowny do for Kita? Apart from act like a twat at every con he went to.

>> No.7836516

I think he was a host/announcer guy.

>> No.7836923
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Speaking of Kitacon twats, what's with their obsession over this one?

>> No.7837093

Professor Elemental has got skills is why... enough with the jelly...

>> No.7837107

At being shit. Felt kinda bad for him, he looked depressed as fuck all weekend.

>> No.7837568


Events Officer and Master of Ceremonies. He always seemed pretty chill to me, not sure what all this other stuff is about.

>> No.7837700

Not enough children around for him to kidnap?

>> No.7838300

I wouldn't be surprised if this was true. I hope they at least try and get some anime related guests next year. Valve voice actors and some stuck up Italian cosplayers didn't cut it.

>> No.7838839

>anime related guests

I can not think of anybody working in the anime industry (except for like, actual mangakas) that i'd actually want to meet

>> No.7838874

Volpin was a good guest, his prop session was pretty informative.
I just hope they don't go down the voice actor route and we have vic mceggnog at Kita

>> No.7838897

What about cosplayers (that make their costumes and props and who would do panels), who would people want to see as a guest?

>> No.7838926

agreed and I didn't even need a ticket to get into LFCC. It was all sweat, pissed off TV actors and over priced food.

>> No.7839045

I'd love for Pez & Storme to be cosplay guests

>> No.7839126

I'd like to hear a panel on ECG or WCS, from the actual reps themselves,about what they did at each event and what he comp was like. I feel like these comps exist but nobody actually knows what you do when you WIN a prelim round?

>> No.7839138

Laura's done several panels on Cosplay contests she's been a part of and what each requires and her experience of it. It is actually quite interesting though I feel she and other people have often held back on their opinion of WCS

>> No.7839196

Volpin was a one-off thing because it was an excuse for him to come over here and bone Kelly. Don't expect his kind to return. If you're not offering up B-grade cosplayer pussy then better guests aren't interested. Enjoy schmoozing with Vic again.

>> No.7839260

WCS and ECG are notoriously disorganised in the UK because of Bastian.
Even if the UK reps that have been to either competition have had bad opinions on it they're contracted not to say anything to damage the image of each competition, it's stated in the rules. There have been panels before but they've been quite dumbed down.

>> No.7839262

>cosplayer guests
Pls no. I know some of you are obsessed with cosplay and all its aspects, but outside of saying "oh hay, that looks nice" I really couldn't give a fuck.

I'd much prefer some sort of comic book artist (western or eastern would be fine), or maybe a composer or something?

but like >>7838874 says, no voice actors! They normally have great personalities and make great presenters, but at the end of the day i'm just not interested in what they do!

>> No.7839272

Less cosplayer panels, more anime pub quiz.

>> No.7839278

While I'm not going to disagree with you on the point about Emily, there actually isn't anything in the rules about people expressing their "true" opinion on the comps (WCS at least, I'm not sure on ECG). In the UK the reps don't sign NDAs or contracts or anything, so they can actually say whatever the heck they like.

I'm inclined to believe a lot of them don't want to speak out about any negative experiences because they don't want to be see publicly complaining or moaning about things.

>> No.7839296

If you criticize a competition you'll either get labelled as a sore loser or an arrogant winner. And both ways you'll just be seen as being ungrateful.

Overall you're better off saying you 'enjoyed the experience, glad to have done it' even if it's lieing through your teeth. If only because you come off better.

And short of either all competitors and staff agree and bring up the same points then nothing will change anyway.

>> No.7839299
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>> No.7839388

It's not in the UK itself, it's more the competitions themselves. If a representative is giving the competition a bad name once they have qualified they can have their place revoked by the competition staff. So basically if you bitch and moan it can bite you in the arse.

I don't think it's ever happened to anyone in a competition so far. It has for at least one organiser though. And it's not in the prelim rules but it is in the rules for WCS itself.

>> No.7839442

Sands and Lex have both had to carefully tiptoe around certain discussions before and made it obvious they have complaints but can't voice them. Nobody in the competition has been kicked out for shittalking it but it's not because they don't want to. Everybody is well aware that if they do it they'll be kicked to the curb.

>> No.7839601

They're fucking cosplay competitions. There's nothing they can do to the contestants when it's all over.

>> No.7839748

Precisely. I think it's more that the cosplayers themselves don't want to be given a bad reputation for bad mouthing events and comps. Why would they want to be seen complaining?

There definitely isn't anything in the rules for the finals at WCS that says they can't express their free opinion. They can't be penalised or anything for that, not that you would even complain until you've been to the event anyway?
Have the newest reps had anything to say on the subject. Or the ones from 2013?

>> No.7840378

WCS UK is a fucking terribly organised competition and you will bankrupt yourself if you try to enter it. There are so many hidden costs associated with it - just the excess baggage fees for getting your costumes and props over there is a small fortune, that is not paid for by WCS, among many other things.

>> No.7840389

Like what?

>> No.7840390

I think their year was particularly bad as it was the 10 year anniversary so it was longer and even more focused on glorious Japan than usual.
The other reps since them got treated more fairly and were actually judged on their costume quality which had never been done before.

I only ever hear people say good things about ECG though

>> No.7840392

Friend of one of UK's precious teams here. No baggage or travel costs beside flights were covered. Flights booked to wrong city so they had to travel across Japan themselves as well as having to cover travel costs to the airport IN THE UK themselves. Nothing was covered. Fucking awful for a "prize holiday".
Not even the worst of it, but let it be known that if you enter expect to pay a fortune in hidden costs. Yet they still advertise it year after year as "all expenses paid".

>> No.7840393

like the excess baggage fees.

>> No.7840397

Of what I've heard from UK teams Lex/Sands had a bad time at WCS and Yuka/Exelia also did, but they didn't advertise it. No organiser for half of the event, ignored by WCS staff, plagued by TV crew with rotten attitudes. The finals was fine but the rest of it was a mess. Just none of it ever surfaces online, because nobody ever wants to complain.

>> No.7840414


Matt Smith is going to be there as a guest I believe so it wont be all that bad.

>> No.7840446

If you ask them in person they'll tell you but they're hardly going to talk about it publicly. You just get the "it's an experience" in panels which is code for it's one big joke.

>> No.7840526

>even more tumblrshits than usual
Yeah, not bad at all

>> No.7840610

He'll cancel and it won't be announced till the day before. Most of expo's demographic is tumblr fucks. It's why it's so shit.

>> No.7840686

Anyone at EGX? What's the state of the cosplay like? Ziggy shouted at anyone yet?

>> No.7840957
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I know this is one of the judges/presenters....great start.

>> No.7840960


You mean the guy who gets everything made for him? Jesus why even bother getting a judge?

>> No.7841023


Wait what, he's a cosplay judge at EGX? First I've heard of this, what's your source?

>> No.7841033
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I lost it.

>> No.7841047

He's been a judge for LFCC too hasn't he?

>> No.7841058


Read: There will be a queue right across the hall, blocking access to many other tables (the tables of small-time artists and dealers who are probably hoping to make their costs back, only to find their table invisible and inaccessible. But fuck them, right?). This queue will be the the queue to get a ticket to be eligible to stand in the other queue (at 90 degrees to the first), for a 20 second meet and sign.
Mind you though, going back and hitting up a US con with that selfie on your phone will get the panties off any whovian you want.

>> No.7841066

Is there even a place to chill outside of expo now that's not overcrowded?

>> No.7841136

You know how skevvy these things are already with some countries putting forward people based on companies sponsoring them and winners having direct relationships with judges and sponsors. If you're seen to be badmouthing the contest they can't do anything to you that year, no, but they sure as hell can make sure you never make it through in following years and cockblock your country.

>> No.7841144

Jesus Christ do you even go outside?

>> No.7841146


Honestly, forget expo exists. Just fucking forget about it. It's always been the drizzling shits and it's only gotten worse over the years. Now it's even more expensive and even more illegally rammed full. Get your friends together and just have a night out in central London, the price of entry to expo will cover you for at least two if not three extra drinks. If you want to show off your costume then go to at actual convention and not one of these London glorified dealer room clusterfucks.

>> No.7841153

You're talking about an international cosplay contest, do you really expect this to not be the most dumbshit nerdery?

>> No.7841246
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Hey everyone. Was anyone at EGX today?

Well here is my pic which I took today.

I was hoping to take more of cosplay just around 6pm when after getting a distanced picture (was good overall, but shit when zoomed in) some Mac-fag went on the fucking blue carpet and made it impractical to take a picture that was perfectly centred from opposite the stage.

This pic ended up being slightly off centred from opposite the stage.

Hopefully I will have better pics tomorrow or more likely on the Saturday hopefully.

>> No.7841273
File: 278 KB, 640x360, 1411379351578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What event at EGX was this taken at? Why are all these shitty copslayers awkwardly standing on a stage?

>> No.7841276

Nice table cloth

I saw videos of cosplayers making out in bed being shown on the Cosplay stage. Nice family event...

>> No.7841280

Are they trying to do the last super? Why is that even appropriate for a videos games event

>> No.7841288

Whichever event was on at 6PM, it is mentioned on the cosplay section on the EGX website which gives a timetable.

It is Thursdays and most cosplayers are only free on the Saturday so we only have low-quality tier for now.

I only regret not taking the pic for Gohan on the Nimbus cosplay which appeared to be the best quality cosplay of the day.

I intend to find him tomorrow.

Post links to videos or I call bullshit if possible.

I didn't think of it like that at the time, but now you mentioned that it does seem to make sense.

I was under the impression they were together so pics can be taken. Maybe it is actually both points.

>> No.7841444

Anyone running an event at amechibi? Really starting to regret buying a ticket.

>> No.7841449

Don't worry, there's a waiting list of fools who'll gladly take it off your hands.

>> No.7841597

Go to Amechibi and enjoy it. Even if it is crap and is full of many cringe worthy moments.

>> No.7842165

Wow so much fail. Are these some of the cosplay guests because this is tragic.

>> No.7842285

Is Kitacon any good?

The factory that I work in has just hit out busiest season of the year so we've been pulling 12 hour shifts 5-7 days a week and will continue to do so for the next two or three months.

However, with great labour comes great paychecks, and I've already saved up a good chunk for 2015 conventions/holidays and would love to try out a large convention, with Amecon being chibi this year Kitacon looks like a good shout but their website is being redone so I have no idea.

Anyone have any suggestions or advice about Kita' or any large UK cons in general?

>> No.7842296

Kitacon is pretty much the only "large" uk convention left at the moment. It's pretty good but you'll need to like constant blaring parties if you want to get the most out of it.

If you wanted the best uk convention that ship has now sailed. Alas Ayacon, you shall be missed.

>> No.7842480

I love that Ziggy's got red eye in this. Anyone ever told her to cosplay from Terminator?

>> No.7842483

Kita and Ame are taking it in turns to run the big con every year. Who ever isn't running it will run a smaller con. Both committees have agreed that they've been going down hill and this way they'll have more time to plan. If the 2015 cons are shit, I'm done. Feel like the whole community is turning into assholes or I just never noticed it before.

>> No.7842533

Its always been assholes

>> No.7842679

Are Kita and Ame going to be using the Birmingham Hilton Metropole for their summer cons?

The place is nice if staying in a room all weekend, but it'll be a waste if a con uses it in August.

>> No.7842750

>The place is nice if staying in a room all weekend, but it'll be a waste if a con uses it in August.

>> No.7842785

He can't be worse than Ziggy last year

>> No.7842792

Tbf Ziggy has greatly improved this year, the difference is really noticeable. And you can't fault her organisational skills, the masquerade ran smoothly, on time and without any problems this year and last. Furthermore has anyone ever seen Sean MC before?

>> No.7842808

The summer cons benefit from having a large space outside to socialise, sit, eat and drink, as well as shops. The Hilton Metropole has just a car park and a bland lake.

>> No.7843045

It'd be nice to see a new venue.

>> No.7843156

EGX is also moving to Birmingham next year and it's very likely LFCC will, too. I imagine other cons will follow suit. Birmingham is big and cheap and is better connected than London for anybody outside of the south east so you better get used to going there.

>> No.7843173

EGX is advertising a March event at the docklands I think? I'll have to check the sign again tomorrow.

>> No.7843188

Eurogamer are running two shows, they have EGX and Rezzed. EGX is the all-purpose game show with cosplay stuff. Rezzed is specifically for indie gaming and is strictly SERIOUS BUSINESS. No cosplay, no dealer stalls. Strictly indie gaming. EGX was the London show and Rezzed was at the Birmingham NEC. Next year Rezzed is being moved down to London to a minor area of the Docklands - not the ExCel center - and EGX is being moved up to the NEC.

>> No.7843209

She is standing behind two people who are cosplaying as evil characters so of course the evil within willl show itself in physical form.

>> No.7843270
File: 906 KB, 1754x2406, 20140926_124441[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone I have more pictures to share and I managed to get a pic of Gohan on the Nimbus.

More will follow too.

>> No.7843273
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>> No.7843279
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>> No.7843281
File: 1.38 MB, 2188x2556, 20140926_170953[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7843285
File: 1.04 MB, 1984x3236, 20140926_175820[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is all for now.

I think many more pics will be taken tomorrow if my guess about Saturday being the peak busiest day is right.

>> No.7843468

WTF's London got to do with it? Kita, Aya and Ame have never held a convention in London. Aya even started in Birmingham, at the Grand Hotel in the town centre.

LFCC and EGX are not comparable events. I don't care where they go. If they are moving to Birmingham, it'll be to use the NEC, not the Hilton.

>> No.7843931

Too all the newfreinds: Expos aren't the same as Conventions. Stop grouping them together. Sure both of them are run by cunts but con cunts do it for free.

>> No.7844197

The difference between them is virtually nothing these days as far as cosplay is concerned. Conventions have a few more shitty anime screenings and worse bars, that's all.

>> No.7844231

Being in Belfast is suffering.

>> No.7844277
File: 89 KB, 246x292, 01124957321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably going to MCM this year in a Mystery Theatre style Sandman getup .There seems to be a fair bit of hate for it here though and I'm having second thoughts.
Is it a decent enough place to go with your bros for a day out?
Also are the expo goers there likely to actually talk with you about stuff or do they tend to be skittish?

>> No.7844449
File: 11 KB, 625x626, 1401392661208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know shit, go away.

>> No.7844493

Here's a video of the main corridor but you need to add the smell and feeling of rubbing up against fat fucks who don't wash or wipe. The fuck wits doing interviews/pictures are every couple of meters and think that you're the cunt for ruining their picture or video. There's also ass clowns who try to start conga lines through the crowds with shitty boomboxes blasting Gangnam style and other epic may mays. Look at how happy everyone is. It's assburger Hillsborough waiting to happen. Save your time and money for something worthwhile.

>> No.7844510
File: 19 KB, 704x400, Oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's shit. Bit of a shame really, was kinda hoping for better.

>> No.7844520

Better someone tell you now than rolling up and getting stuck in that mess. You've picked a shitty time to start going to events since everything is going downhill. No one who could run a good event has the money, time or reputation to start one up so we're left with wank fests and money traps.

>> No.7844661
File: 1.22 MB, 1808x3688, 20140927_173546[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone I took more pics today and will start with the 1st to 3rd winners of todays championship.

Here is 1st place. If I were a Daedra Lord I would reward her with Sanguine's Rose. (TES:Skyrim).

>> No.7844665
File: 1.34 MB, 2968x2464, 20140927_173252[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one of the left was either 2nd. I can't remember well as he was't present when his name was read out so I'm a bit mind fucked on exact place.

>> No.7844670
File: 1.31 MB, 1944x4008, 20140927_180825[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either 2nd or 3rd and can't remember exact position due to not being present like the other winner.

There was actually two Ghostbusters, but I was only able to find one of them.

A second pic of the same guy is coming up.

>> No.7844673
File: 1.31 MB, 1836x4128, 20140927_180840[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the second one.

>> No.7844678
File: 1.82 MB, 3912x2404, 20140927_173042[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the others.

>> No.7844680
File: 1.35 MB, 1992x3040, 20140927_173132[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844686
File: 1.35 MB, 2528x3364, 20140927_173331[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844690
File: 1.18 MB, 1976x4276, 20140927_174007[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844695
File: 1.04 MB, 2268x2472, 20140927_174023[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second pic of same person.

>> No.7844703
File: 1.51 MB, 2492x3572, 20140927_174215[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844705
File: 1014 KB, 2088x3276, 20140927_174408[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second pic of same person coming up.

>> No.7844708
File: 1.23 MB, 2076x3756, 20140927_174433[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844713
File: 1.57 MB, 3286x2360, 20140927_174759[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844716
File: 1.49 MB, 1816x4440, 20140927_180143[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844721
File: 1.44 MB, 2016x4304, 20140927_180153[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second of same person.

>> No.7844725
File: 2.14 MB, 3856x2576, 20140927_180305[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second pic of same people coming up.

>> No.7844729
File: 1.85 MB, 2536x3288, 20140927_180332[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844731
File: 1.19 MB, 1908x3728, 20140927_180607[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844733
File: 1.05 MB, 1488x3704, 20140927_181614[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the last one I took today.

Enjoy the pics everyone.

>> No.7844802
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>> No.7844852
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>> No.7844853

So where are your pics? Maybe after the event is finished?

>> No.7844855
File: 148 KB, 738x283, Damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7844856

I guess I shall wait and see if you post any new original content.

>> No.7844867
File: 12 KB, 500x500, what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7844875

I see, you must have had something simpler in mind when you posted the first pic (>>7844802

I'm the second one who posted (>>7844853) and also the one posting and uploading the original content.

As you posted that image and left me under the impression my uploaded pictures were laughable I could only assume you are challenging me and have taken better photos than me.

If you have please upload some pics as being the only one posting new photos is lonely.

Also I am going tomorrow again and intend to upload more pics if possible since I have a superpass.

>> No.7844878

I think it was more to do with the cosplayers in the pphotos rather than the pictures themselves

>> No.7844888

Fair enough. It is to be expected since this isn't a cosplay focused event.

>> No.7844890

I kinda like that's it's not dominated by cosplay. I think it's fine if someone wants to attend in cosplay and take part in the event and that bur to come and just parade around expecting people to take photos of you seems like a waste of time and effort.

>> No.7845507

Well the pics aren't the beat to be fair, maybe you could have opened up the aperture a little bit more or even upped the ISO? They're a bit dark,which makes it hard to pick out some of the darker costumes. I'm not the earlier poster, just someone who enjoys cosplay photography but couldn't go to the event.

>> No.7845517

Considering running a panel, not sure if they'd be any interest. Thinking of maybe running it at Kita instead.

>> No.7845524

What panel?

>> No.7845526

What this anon said, but from what I've seen, that place is always very dark for EGX.

>> No.7845564

>you need to be a chef to be able to tell the food is shit

>> No.7845582

I've never seen a good EGX cosplay photo. Not only is the place dark (a third of the cosplay stage was in shadow FFS), but what little light there is on the show floor is from green or blue stands and flickering constantly. It's hardly worth taking a camera.

>> No.7845587

Next year they're gunna have better control of the lighting equipment. Does the NEC have better lighting in general?

>> No.7845590
File: 17 KB, 320x357, 1402749464845321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you can change the settings on a camera and use logic to counteract stuff like that.

>> No.7845592

EGX isn't just dark, the only light is coloured and often flashing. If you want to take better pictures there you've basically got no choice but to invest in some mid-quality or better gear. A camera that can handle at least ISO 3200 clean and a lens that goes to f/2 or faster. Even then there are some areas where you might want to use fill flash. EGX is not set up with photos in mind.

>> No.7845603
File: 1.09 MB, 580x328, 1406701040493.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate conventions and expos now but there's nothing anime based to replace them in my life. Help.

>> No.7845607

Have you tried not being a miserable shit?

>> No.7845608

New Kita holding page just went up. Still a year away but last Kita was alright. Will there be another ayacon? Shit was dope.

>> No.7845620
File: 85 KB, 640x480, 1406439094901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it doesn't stop the event being shit.

>> No.7845642

>what is a flash

>> No.7845644

How about stop basing your life on anime because seriously expand your horizons and grow the fuck up anime is shit and if all you want is a stinking theatre hall running anime then torrent some shit, don't shower for a couple of weeks and watch it at home. Same difference.

>> No.7845647

Flash is a shortcut to shitty, shitty photos. See: every photo posted in here so far. If you learn to operate off-camera flash as fill then yeah you might get somewhere but let's not kid ourselves, people here aren't going to learn to do thats hit any time soon and at EGX specifically there are no clean walls or ceilings to bounce flash off.

>> No.7845650

>not bringing your own flash and softbox to a con
Why even bother

>> No.7845663

Yeah, just get a cheap flashstand and a softbox from ebay. A wireless flash tigger too if you dont have one. They are all pretty cheap.

>> No.7845726

I didn't say it was impossible, but the non-existence of good EGX photos is still speaking for itself. More equipment means more settings to adjust every metre in that place.

The darkness is deliberate. Earls Court isn't normally like that. Expect next year's venue to be in the shadows as well.

>> No.7845733

What the fuck did you just fucking say to me you little bitch?

>> No.7845950

Those pop-up speedlight softboxes are shit and you know it. And you can't start carting around a >24" real softbox or umbrella at EGX.

>> No.7845952

I said
>How about stop basing your life on anime because seriously expand your horizons and grow the fuck up anime is shit and if all you want is a stinking theatre hall running anime then torrent some shit, don't shower for a couple of weeks and watch it at home. Same difference.

>> No.7845957
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>> No.7845978
File: 64 KB, 600x750, redundancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people getting butthurt about anime
>jab about autism

>> No.7846074

Best hotel for Amechibi?

>> No.7846086


The one across the road. The Park Plaza

>> No.7846099

Heard the travel lodge was OK

>> No.7846233
File: 1.58 MB, 2188x2944, 20140928_154917[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone I do have more photos to contribute to this thread.

I have noticed the issues brought up by anons relating to the photos such as needing better photography equipment to take better pictures due to darkness and generally shitty lighting.

If the lighting was done intentionally it is probably so that recordings of EGX exclusive trailers and gameplays are in shit quality.

I really don't want to be making replies for multiple posts so I can confirm I was not using mid or high level photography equipment and all I was using was my Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom mobile phone to take pictures.

On another note I think I actually saw Rose down there, the t-girl anon where there are normally threads for her on /b.

Here is my first pic and expect more.

>> No.7846238
File: 2.00 MB, 2500x4300, 20140928_155124[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7846241
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>> No.7846247
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>> No.7846250
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>> No.7846257
File: 1.54 MB, 2228x4012, 20140928_155458[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is one of the presenters for the Cosplay section of EGX.

>> No.7846261
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>> No.7846266
File: 1.10 MB, 1892x4232, 20140928_155553[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His cosplay is for his Saint's Row character.

>> No.7846270
File: 1.43 MB, 3050x2592, 20140928_155602[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7846273
File: 1.40 MB, 2396x3012, 20140928_155658[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7846274
File: 1.99 MB, 2352x3826, 20140928_155817[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7846278
File: 1.10 MB, 2728x2552, 20140928_160145[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7846280
File: 2.00 MB, 2381x3468, 20140928_163434[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7846283
File: 1.31 MB, 2444x2328, 20140928_163442[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7846286
File: 1.37 MB, 2224x4316, 20140928_170452[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7846291
File: 1.04 MB, 2020x2592, 20140928_170503[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7846300
File: 1.99 MB, 2444x4104, 20140928_170710[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next two pics will be of the same person.

She was also one of the presenters.

I think you might know her too as there was quite a demand for taking pics of her from other photographers. :D

>> No.7846304
File: 1.27 MB, 2312x2574, 20140928_170719[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7846312
File: 1.21 MB, 1356x4576, 20140928_170749[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last picture. Just a correction from her first pic.
I meant to say that you anons probably know her.

From doing a quick search I can confirm it's Tabitha Lyons.

>> No.7846379

It's better than these fucking shitty photos

>> No.7846494

Yes that's Tabitha Lyons, she's become a big deal. She's the only person in the country with props worth a shit and she's been in FHM, Zoo and Bizarre

>> No.7846506

Props and costumes that her dad makes for her to pimp out his larp business...

>> No.7846511

Even she doesn't deny that anymore. No point getting aggro.

>> No.7847246

Haha oh god. You have to be her or some crazy fan boy to bring up all that. No one else cares about stuff like that.

>> No.7847283

They are honestly not bad at all, I have been using one for cons for a couple of years and it works wonders.

>> No.7847554

No, I was simply explaining why there's always a swarm of guys with huge cameras around her. Never spoken to the girl myself.

>> No.7847555

Why is british cosplay so substandard in Europe? Please answer me the question because I'm really confused.

>> No.7847615

Besides the fact the UK just destroyed their opisition this year at the finals of ECG in Paris...

>> No.7847668

That one time. Lex and Sands do not make up for the entirety of the UK coscom.

>> No.7847675

and placing at ECC for several years...

>> No.7847913

It's only really worth me going to Minamicon these days, I'm an old man and can't be bothered to deal with the tweeny cunts that seem to infest Kitacon

The aya committee disbanded and most of the good committee that ran amecon quit so it's mostly fuckwits driving that trainwreck

MCM/LFCC/LSCC/SHOWMASTERS SHIT are all glorified dealerhalls with fuckall happening unless you want sigs

It's sad that it's come down to a tiny convention in a shitty hotel in Southampton that are the only ones who seem to know how to run a good quality event, It'd be awesome to see them run something bigger but with the same quality of panels,

>> No.7847928

They still beat everyone else in the biggest European contest, also seconding >>7847675

So the uk isn't that shit..

>> No.7848037

It still all comes down to just two people, though. In the grand scheme of things the average UK cosplayer is shit-tier. Lex and Sands are not at all representative of most of the country.

>> No.7848047
File: 100 KB, 234x320, eeeeeeehhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the UK con scene will never be decent

>> No.7848079

People can still be good at cosplay and not want to enter these competitions you know. Sounds like someone's upset that the UK won at all.

>> No.7848081
File: 586 KB, 800x1199, sadwaxman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more depressing when you realize that it's only going to get worse.

>> No.7848154

Why would I be upset that we won? And yes, people could be good and not enter contests, but they're not. Go to any convention. Go to many conventions. The average UK cosplayer is dog shit. Don't you think it's odd that whenever someone is asked to name a good UK cosplayer they always say Sands or Lex? They're all we've got that are worth a shit.

>> No.7848162

Except that adds up to 6..

Average is average, go to any con in any country and they're not going to be god-tier, we don't compare all that badly

>> No.7848325

What adds up to 6?

Mentioning Lex and Sands 3 times?

>> No.7848333

I've been doing UK cons for 10 years now and I'm gonna say the level of cosplay has gotten way better over the years. When I went to Hyper Japan this summer I was pretty surprised at how many costumes I thought were pretty good/didn't make my eyes bleed.

>> No.7848342

I'm just going to sit here and reminisce about Ayacon. Gutted it's gone.

>> No.7848379
File: 263 KB, 319x255, givu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much for relevant live music.

>> No.7848383

I'm even considering moving to Canada because they have better shit there

>> No.7848411

Three winners at ECG, three winners at ECC.

>> No.7848427

Not forgetting 3 2nds the year before in ECG

>> No.7848635

relevant live music at Aya such as Snaps' nerdcore rave classics?

>> No.7848714

Shonen Knife And the year before that Unicorn table.

>> No.7849427
File: 42 KB, 385x547, n778385444_2768359_8886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon. Specifically its history and how it rose to be a global phenomenon. Looking at including games and prizes into it too.

>> No.7849437

Agreed. My cosplay is pretty good if I do say so myself, but I never enter because judging is a fucking joke. There are four ways to win a cosplay contest in the UK:

1) Make your cosplay absolutely fucking huge so you can't see out of it
2) Put lots of blinky shit on it
3) Be friends with the judges
4) Get your tits out

I have seen so many amazing cosplays get bypassed for chicks in bikinis or some guy who put LEDs on his sword, it's ridiculous. There's just no point in entering cosplay competitions.

>> No.7849461

It seems you're the one who is so narrow minded if you honestly think we only have two good cosplayers. Get out more. You can't be in contact with the community very well or must be associating with the wrong crowd.

>> No.7849475

You can tell the UK cosplay scene is full of morons when you look at what everyone is cosplaying from.

>> No.7849483

>british contest nobody outside of britain gives a shit about

And wow, finally not losing ECG and suddenly Britbong cosplay is considered good? Top Kek

>> No.7849495

I dunno about anyone else but I would never wear a costume I'd spent any modicum of time effort or money on to Expo, it would get ruined by idiot weebs in about twenty seconds. Maybe you see so many shit costumes because there haven't been any decent summer events to wear them at for nearly 2 years? There are always good costumes at Minami because most of the con veterans wear their year's projects there.

>> No.7849544

The UK has scored pretty highly recently in some competitions, but overall I agree with >>7847555

I'm wondering if all the anons crying "but UK is good!!" have ever travelled outside of the country to foreign cons? (genuine question)
While the UK scene has vastly improved over the past few years, the AVERAGE level of cosplay is still massively substandard compared to other EU countries, as well as the number of EXCELLENT and competitive cosplayers we have being pretty slim (hence the same people competing and qualifying all the time). Especially ones that don't have ties to the industry/someone helping them make things (not saying it's bad, just different) and that have been in the scene from noob Naruto cosplayer to excellent crafter. There aren't huge amounts of those cosplayers. A lot of newer good cosplayers aren't from "the good old days".

It's just that the community in the UK is smaller, and not as entrenched in Jap popculture as a country like France. Our cosplay culture has known a different evolution and is generally much smaller.

>> No.7849617

man, this thread makes me feel bad about spending a shitload of money for hotel & flight, only to go to the MCM expo.
The original idea was to meet new people, since the german comm is getting quite boring, you basically know everyone worth knowing after a couple of years. My only other international convention was AnimeCon in the Netherlands this year and even though I'm really not interested in the Expo's panels and program.. will I regret this?

>> No.7849672

Why not go to Auchinawa instead of MCM, overseasnon? It's an actual residential convention and you can enjoy everything Scotland has to offer at the same time, although it's a shit time of the year to come really because the weather will be terrible. Or save your money for now and go to Kitacon next year in the summer?

>> No.7849676

I'm pretty sure you don't know me, heh.

From the friends I know who've been to MCM, it's... well, if you like comic book cons with some anime you'll probably enjoy it. The cosplay is below the average you know from Germany.

>> No.7849679


Except none of that ever wins over good stuff, even at MCM. Have you only ever gone to animeleague events or something?

>> No.7849731

I visited Japan Expo this summer and to be honest, there was as much weebery there as there is at a UK con or expo. There were a lot of excellent cosplayers there but what you also need to consider is that it's on the continent, so a lot of the 'good' cosplayers that were there probably visit every year from different countries.
Walking around there were still tons of obvious ebayed costumes and newbies amongst the amazing costumes, but it's also a much bigger event and the walkways are much bigger so people bring out their best. Personally I leave my good costumes at home when I attend expo because I don't want them to get damaged because our venues are tiny and crappy.

I do agree though that our cosplay culture is different so we are a few steps behind, but I also think that a lot of the better UK cosplayers don't bother with events as much anymore. There are still great cosplayers around, we just don't see them as often now because there's nowhere TO see them.

I also agree that the same people win competitions over and over but it's because so few people bother to enter. If some of the better cosplayers got off their arse and entered there'd be a much better showcase of UK talent.

>> No.7849754

Okay, post some others. We have Lex, Sands, and...?

>> No.7849758

Maybe if UK competitions were better organised with good prizes then maybe it would be worthwhile for the more experienced and older generation of cosplayers to enter.

>> No.7849761

Are you seriously asking them to post people here for you to pull apart?

>> No.7849765

Sands = Laura for all the newbies out there

>> No.7849925

Why does everyone keep name dropping lex and sands?

>> No.7850004

Not sure why. Personally for me I think they are good cosplayers who also happen to be nice people. I can't think of too many off the top of my head who fit a similar category. Most of the others who do get mentioned are either nasty shits or don't make the cosplays themselves.

>> No.7850031

They're two of the few that it's difficult for cgl to find something to rip them apart for, only naming them gives the dramajunkies little to feed on.

>> No.7850098

I don't get it either

>> No.7850232
File: 192 KB, 1252x1252, 509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poor dramajunkies.
>They're not getting their fix.

>Maybe I can help with that. For instance...

Tabitha is not a whore.
Ai Honey is the best.

Which of you faggots will take the bait?!

>I would like to see how far this goes.

>> No.7850491

>There are always good costumes at Minami
Nope. Not even the veterans bother anymore I haven't seen a decent costume in years there and people like Angelphie or Kat don't seem to cosplay much who used to at least add talent into the masquerade. Now its super awkward costume after super awkward costume.

>> No.7850578

Well aren't you a joyless dickbag

>> No.7850628

>There are way more good cosplayers than just Sands and Lex
>But we refuse to name any because reasons
>Sands and Lex are the only two who are both good and nice anyway

Make your mind up, seagulls.

>> No.7850632

We're not seagulls faggot. Seagulls were old-fags who decided to end and break up their shit because they couldn't handle the drama they created.

>> No.7850702

Most of them still lurk and post. It's just the meets that none of them go to because Amber is a bitch and nicnax is a creep.

>> No.7850718

Olivia, pls.

>> No.7850741
File: 29 KB, 500x275, 6e9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would appear I forgot to add bait to the hook...

>> No.7851039

Except it does. I've seen shitty craft foam bikini cosplay win over full detailed projects before at MCM.

Basic criteria isn't even those four points.
Just be a friend of the judges or get your tits out.

>> No.7851080

lol, no

not even close

>> No.7851539

Amazingly well thought out post, 10/10 followed the argument closely and the sources were amazing

>> No.7851564

Angelphie was in the masquerade last Minami, along with Nesabi, Odangochan, Tab etc. Just look at Nert's photos. Kat cosplayed at the Aya ball. It's just in the absence of a decent summer con this year lots of people barely went to any events or went overseas to Animecon or Japanex this year instead. Very much looking forward to Auchinawa this year for this reason.

>> No.7851603

Let's see a shot of this shitty craft-foam bikini that won against a competing full-detail project at MCM?

>> No.7851810
File: 8 KB, 275x206, 1411944238894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some Tabitha

>> No.7851811

New thread?

>> No.7852107

She's not a whore! ;-;

>> No.7852192


>The original idea was to meet new people, since the german comm is getting quite boring,
>you basically know everyone worth knowing after a couple of years.

UK Scene? a couple of minutes.

>> No.7852198

Depends who you meet and how long. Cosplay scene a few minutes.
Party scenes, can fluctuate and vary too much depending on which one you go to.

>> No.7852822



>> No.7854039

Eurogamer confirmed that EGX proper will be at NEC next year. Someone in the comments pointed out that there will be a new games event in London next September, called Legends of Gaming, at Alexandra Palace.

+ in Alexandra Park, so better than just about anywhere for going outside and chilling
+ nearest bunch of food/drinks places is Wood Green, just far enough away from Central London for prices to be almost normal
+ venue has glass roof, so no more wandering around in the dark and red-eye photos

- it's an Endemol event
- Legends of Gaming is supposed to be about gaming YouTube celebs, therefore I'll hate it

>> No.7854280

That's pretty old. That's been her profile picture on FHM for a couple of years.

>> No.7854280,1 [INTERNAL] 
