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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7838618 No.7838618 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is in autosage: >>7826857

>> No.7838629

/r/ing some Gothloli cords.

>> No.7838633

>tfw all the tutorials I'm interested in no longer exist

>> No.7838638


Thank you so much!

>> No.7838650

What hobbies do you have outside of lolita?

>> No.7838763

If someone could help me I'd appreciate it.
TL;DR my laptop got fucked and all of my bookmarks are gone (I'm posting from a public computer).

I had bookmarked a link to a japanese webshop someone posted somewhere on here; they were these cute shoes that were in the shape of bunny ears. I can't remember the name for the life of me. If anyone knows what I'm talking about please help out a poor anon...

>> No.7838786

re-posting my answer here since we were already auto-saging >>7838584

>> No.7838860
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>> No.7838862
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>> No.7838865
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>> No.7838868

Damn it iPhone why are you flipping all my pictures. Maybe ill just wait till I'm on my computer to post the rest of my stash

>> No.7838922

Piano, singing, acting in local theater performances, and being president of my college's chemistry club.

>> No.7838936

Fashion. High fashion, historical costume, ethnical costumes (especially kimono and sari), street fashion, you name it.
I also really like arts in general, I do some photography from time to time but nothing worth talking about.
And tea. Girl, tea. Collect them, taste them, seek the best tea saloon too try out every single variety, shell out the price of a second-hand dress for two hours of luxurious and rare tea-tasting. This shit is super pricey, lolita seems weak compared to that.

>> No.7838962

Tea saloon? Where do you live? I would love to try something like this. Is it a course, like a tea tasting menu, or do you just order a tea, sit, go through the brews, order another, etc. for two hours?

I did find one nice place (in London) who were very careful with their tea temperatures, brewing times, and general process but they didn't seem actually knowledgeable in tea types and had a fairly limited selection.

I love tea.

>> No.7838970
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Watching animu and sewing. Often simultaneously.

>> No.7838976

I live in France. Two hours tea-tasting are usually in tea 'schools' or organized by brands/colleges/associations with an expert as a teacher and a theme (different brewing technics for the same teas, white Chinese teas, tasting different levels of Darjeelings etc).
I also have a really nice luxury Chinese tea house not that far, all the sales assistants are really knowledgeable. They act as reseller for those super expensive fermented teas, have more than 500 varieties and introduce you really simply into various tasting technics. Count 20€ for the 'beginner' menu, usually a pu-er tea which means at least 1h30 of tea-tasting. It goes up to 800€ for rare ones from what I've seen.

>> No.7838979

also, this 'tea saloon' is for tea-tasting exclusively. You don't have food or anything. Just tea, walls and walls of tea, antic tea sets and books about tea. Favourite place on Earth.

>> No.7838986

So the cosmic series made to orders are supposed to be at APSF today? How long will it take to ship them out?
>mfw friends that ordered through tenso got their shit a week ago

>> No.7838991

That sounds so wonderful! I like the idea of not having food to compete with the flavors of the tea.

>> No.7838994

Possibly a dumb question, but how do I buy from Victorian Maiden when I live in Europe? Do I need a Japanese shopping service?

>> No.7838998


>> No.7839099

That sounds so amazing. I would love to go to a place like that dressed in frills.
>tfw when literally none of your friends dress in Lolita and you still haven't met anyone from your local comm

>> No.7839139

this is gorgeous

>> No.7839174

So I've come to the conclusion that I will no longer pursue wearing lolita, but will (attempt) to sew items for fun and profit like the complete dork I am.

>> No.7839186

Where do you all find nice raincoats/waterproof outerwear to wear over lolita?

I know BtSSB and VM have released lolita raincoats, but VM doesn't have anything with a hood on the website and the Baby ones seem to be something that people buy and hold on to. Chess Story has one out that looks like a trash bag, and when I look online I either end up on PVC fetish sites with overpriced '50s raincoats', or end up trawling through things labelled 'raincoat' that aren't waterproof or don't have hoods. I just want an extra layer for when it's windy + raining and when I want to wear lolita because the weather here isn't always umbrella compatible.

>> No.7839187
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would some be able to help me out with the Srahov Library translation on which Friday it will be up for reserve?

It seems like they will be opening pre-orders for special members like they did for the Lotta rerelease...

>> No.7839190


>> No.7839207

There are leaked pictures of that release on weibo already, so I assume it's already out for special members, meaning that it will be going on reserve for normal members this Friday.

>> No.7839211

>don't wear it often enough to offset the cost
>brand fits, but is uncomfortable (in my heart of hearts I am a leggings/sweater/clogs girl)
>love the look of lolita, but really unmotivated when it comes to putting together looks

I've also been making clothing for my self, and the lolita stuff will be my 'icing' pieces. Really though, I'll probably post a thing or two on here and get some critique before trying to sell it off, hahah.

>> No.7839227

ah okay, thanks Anon!

>> No.7839239

I've been considering making some very plain clear raincoats with a ruffle along the bottom. Hmm? Then you could still see the print or whatever underneath!

>> No.7839326 [DELETED] 
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Would this cut work well with bolero's?
I'm thinking of getting the new print, but I'm not sure if the bows would get in the way.

>> No.7839348

Different anon but yes pls.
How do you sew a raincoat so that it's still waterproof?

>> No.7839357

Are IWs winter coats warm enough for Western European winters? I own an IW coat already but I'm pretty sure it was intended for autumn and spring because it's not very warm at all.

>> No.7839359

I'm not sure about clear ruffles, most clear plastic 'fabric' is quite stiff and I don't imagine it would ruffle well. I honestly would prefer an opaque statement raincoat with some technical features (i.e. more the style of VM, but with taped seams, side pockets, adjustable wrists and a hood that can be domed up if it's actually raining sideways)
I did look into the technicalities of making weatherproof gear, and it seems like it's an expensive undertaking that I may as well pay someone else to do, hence why I'm looking for places to buy.

>> No.7839362


I think it'll be fine.

>> No.7839377

Umm this is kind of weird but Voldie where did you get the tutorial you used with your lotta hairstyle for the curly double buns? Or how did you do them? I want to do something like that with one of my coords but it is coming out very badly, and you looked so cute in yours uwu

>> No.7839395

I'd commission you if you did that it sounds so cute!

>> No.7839425

That's honey salon. I'll repost the link for you once I'm back on my desktop (on mobile right now).

>> No.7839432

You'll have to look at the materials. Japanese winters (depending on where) can get pretty cold too so I imagine some pieces are designed for it. The main thing is to check the materials. The more wool the better. 100% wool if you can find it.

>> No.7839440

It's >>7839432 anon again just following on. This one for example would be a good coat. It's 91% wool with 9% angora, though perhaps not if you have an aversion to wearing animal fur

>> No.7839449

I want to know too! I thought they were adorable.

>> No.7839471

iirc it was a wig from taobao

>> No.7839537


>> No.7839559

That sounds cute for sweet but a transparent raincoat would look awful in classic/gothic

>> No.7839657
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I was wondering if anyone else on here ordered Haenuli's new stained glass? I ordered it off their storenvey, and they payment went through on my paypal, but I never got a confirmation email.

I emailed asking about this but the reply I got makes me think they didn't understand what I meant.

What I sent:
>I ordered a Stained glass: Saint Vitus HSK(Black), on Sep 8, 2014.The payment showed up on my paypal account, but I haven't received a confirmation email. Have all the confirmation emails been sent out already?
>Thanks you your help -*ME*

The reply I got:
>Hello dear. Our Stained glass dresses preoder were all reservation so they are not in stocks, sewing studios sew the dresses after when the reservation period is done and all the lists are comfirm. As we noticed on reservation page the shipping period is Nov 5th to 15th nov.
>We will update when the dresses get shipping

Has anyone else ordered it? Did you get a confirmation email? I don't know what to do... pic related

>> No.7839680

Sounds like they think you meant shipping confirmation, not payment confirmation. I don't think it's required for them to give you payment confirmation if paypal does it, but I'm probably talking out of my ass. Maybe just ask if you're on the reservation page?

>> No.7839721



>> No.7839747

What a cool hobby anon. I work in a tea store and also savour tea. I also collect tea pots. Do you have a favourite type of tea?

>> No.7839849

i ordered thru email and had no issues

>> No.7839928

I'd commission you if you did that it sounds so cute!

>> No.7839932
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Debating about which design to go with for egl banner art submission. Thoughts?

Sorry for the shitty phone photos.

>> No.7839936
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>> No.7839939

Both amazing, anon. I think 1 is better though.

>> No.7839940

Oh god yes please, I'll be first in line to buy from you.
> tfw most of the prints I own run in water
> tfw I live in the rainiest part of my province

>> No.7839954

Just turned 23, and I've finally sold all my lolita wardrobe.

It feels bad, as I've let a lot of fond pieces go that I've owned since I was 16, but its also a relief knowing someone else can enjoy the dresses I've not worn for ages.

Thing is, I'm not quite sure how to move on- Has anyone here left lolita once they've outgrown it a little? What kind of style did you move to?

I still adore J-fashion and want something I can continue wearing until I'm 26.

>> No.7839985

I appreciate you

>> No.7839998

D'aww thanks. 1 it is, then!

>> No.7840003

I collect records. Digging through record crates and finding a favourite album or something I've been searching for years is so rewarding and fun. I've also met some very interesting people and friends thanks to the hobby.

I should probably get Meta's Pop Swinger even if it's a little tacky.

>> No.7840006

>I still adore J-fashion and want something I can continue wearing until I'm 26.

What happens when you turn 26? What happens at this specific age?

>> No.7840012

Did you give it up because you personally don't care for the style anymore or did you give it up because you were afraid people would say you were too old for it?

>> No.7840017

First cause it's more open, would look better as a banner, but I hope to see the second somewhere also! Both are great!

>> No.7840044

I'd pick >>7839932 over >>7839936, mainly because a giant pot taking up half the drawing isn't as interesting to look at as a pretty skirt, socks and boots.

Are they both wearing headscarves? I have no issues with headscarves, but I do dislike the jeans instead of socks look. If you feel strongly about those, I'd suggest giving the girl a tea-length skirt to cover her legs instead of jeans.

>> No.7840082

What counts as a hobby? I do art and play games but those are both directly related to what I do for work so I don't really see them as hobbies. Needle felting, I've started selling the things I've made as well.

Maybe embroidery and stamp carving since I've only just started learning those.

>> No.7840087

I am 22 and actively pursued Lolita from ages 12 to 17, age at which I said w/e my weeb phase is done. After doing some serious introspection and analysis with the help of Pinterest, I have amassed a great collection of images from which I get inspired.

I moved on to a style that could be best described as Natural/Mori Kei+Otome+Classic Lolita+Mid Century Fashion+Modest

I think this "style" goes very in line with my Lolita roots and takes many of the things I liked from Lolita while at the same time making them more age-appropriate and mature.


Check out my Pinterest board for some ideas. Bear in mind that this is a process that doesn't happen overnight and it could be that your own personal style today is absolutely different to your preferred Lolita style.

>> No.7840097

just wanting some opinions on the loliability of HT dresses/skirts. Specifically this dress, http://www.hottopic.com/hottopic/Girls/Dresses/Red+Sailor+Swing+Dress-10214024.jsp

>> No.7840102
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>> No.7840103

oh shit, I really like that. I think that can be easily make lolita

>> No.7840105

pls dont make that star trek at me anon

>> No.7840124
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tiny hinies, and cars too

>tfw you wish for a tiniest train print so hard...

>> No.7840134

Ha, totally had this face >>7840102
at first

It actually reminds me of the sailor OP from Bodyline. If you wear lolita already and there's a HT in town, I'd probably show up there in lolita and try it on with petticoat and blouse on.

>> No.7840140

Both, just grew out of it. I'm not the youngest looking person around and I was tired of getting weird looks, I want to tone down I guess

Not sure really, but I'll be on the way to 30 by then. I know there are people who can pull off a youthful style at that age magnificently; I'm not one of those people

This is helpful, thanks!

>> No.7840178

Thanks! I'm definitely want to finish the second one at some point. I was so torn because I want to do both! But I agree, the first one would work better.

Yeah, there are clearly a few things I need to change, like the sleeves, which I clearly did not think through. I basically just shaded the legs, and left figuring out what she's wearing for later. I like the idea of a tea length skirt!

>> No.7840196

A lot girls go for the more "mature" styles because they feel less comfortable in the cutesy styles or just to avoid hate from others. There is strong hate for older girls who still wear cutesy youthful styles unless they look young.

>> No.7840333

Does anyone know if ETC issued lucky packs for this year's summer? Been googling for a while and haven't come up with anything other than the new year's one. I know that there was a separate La Foret one at some point but I also have no idea when that came out.

>> No.7840340


this. I always preferred classic, but for some reason a lot of my wardrobe was more cutesy. I think I liked the look of a lot of cute stuff, but could never really pull it off that well

>> No.7840353

I don't think I can pull it off as well but I can't stop buying stuff from AP and KOKOkim. I can't help it, I love cute clothing.

>> No.7840356

Have the dress, it's junk for lolita. The material isn't suitable and wrinkles easily, and despite the looks of it there isn't room for a petti. The neckline does NOT work with any blouse ever, and the color is obnoxious as fuck.

>> No.7840385

I like flowery white tea the most, either scented or not. What about you ?

It's awesome anon, really.

>> No.7840403

The last online ETC lucky packs came out on the 10th of July, but another round was released the following week.

Same here.
I'm re-doing my lolita wardrobe atm so it'll be more classic. I'm really happy with my progress and I feel a lot better wearing my more classic stuff.

>> No.7840408

We have similair taste anon, my favourite tea is white tea with rose petals. Although I quite like buddha's tears also.

>> No.7840410

I drink a lot of Mariage Frères's Madame Butterfly during summer, but for winter time I usually have fruity black tea.
I had the occasion of tasting some buddha's tears the other day and it was wonderful. Unfortunatly I do not own an appropriate tea set for such a high quality product.

>> No.7840448

Thanks for the info, much appreciated.

>> No.7840452

any cgls from San Jose? I'm moving there in a few weeks and id love to make new friends.

>> No.7840463

has anyone ever got vacuum bags and used them for lolita? I'm moving across the US and I have no idea how to transport all my shit.

>> No.7840466

That's alright!
The packs weren't very good this year imho. My friends both received alright ones but mine was very lackluster.

>> No.7840483

>pinterest fashion inspiration
I did the same thing when I started working more actively towards a serious career and began to realize that while I still love lolita, I will hardly be able to wear it anymore.
I made several separate boards: one for 'work inspiration' that ended up being more otome than anything (Jane Marple errywhere), one for 'home/leisure' that was more oldschool sweet and toned down classic lolita as well as some mori-esque outfits, and the third was pretty much 'beautiful lolita coords that I'll never wear but can admire anyway' which is where most of my lolita inspiration folder ended up.
Any time I'm thinking of buying a new piece I look at my boards and think, does this fit in anywhere? If it only really works with the 'clothes I'd better just appreciate from a distance' board, I don't buy it. It can be difficult and frustrating but in the end I have a wardrobe that is 100% appropriate and wearable, rather than closets full of things I can only wear a couple of times a year.

>> No.7840495

Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. I've got one coming from a y!j auction, so I was trying to figure out which issue it was to get a rough idea of what would possibly be in it.

Ah well. I'm excited I'm getting ETC anything given I've been hankering for it since I started this fashion (but never got around to it now).

>> No.7840498

Sorry for the total noob question, but anyway:
I just found the closet child blog (ameblo.jp/closetchild-h-lolita/) and wanted to ask - is there any way to get the clothes online (as they do not seem to be on their regular online store), or is it just an update for their physical stores? Any shopping service that might be able to get the dresses?

>> No.7840502

Same thing happened to me. Storenvy was acting buggy as hell when I was ordering. It kept giving me error messages when I was trying to check out. It also lists that I ordered FIVE dresses, but the paypal page only had me pay for one. I also did not get a confirmation e-mail from Storenvy,

I contacted Haenuli through their Storenvy page but I never heard anything back, so I guess the messaging system is shit too. I'm going to directly e-mail Haenuli today about it.

>> No.7840510

Damn. Thanks for the info. BL got rid of their sailor dress in the cos section and I was hoping for a decent sailor lolita coord.

And yeah, that red looks like an eyesore but I was hoping it was just my monitor

>> No.7840530

Hey I have been having trouble recently. I have a "doll like" face. I quite like myself but I feel like if I wear sweet lolita I appear to others like one of those stupid anime wannabe living dolls. So - what does cgl think makes a coord look more "anime-ish"? I'm trying to avoid the look.

>> No.7840542

>I feel like if I wear sweet lolita I appear to others like one of those stupid anime wannabe living dolls. So - what does cgl think makes a coord look more "anime-ish"? I'm trying to avoid the look.

Just don't say you are one of those living dolls.
Honestly, many Lolitas look a little "doll-like", there is nothing wrong about it. No Lolita will accuse you for an animu-weeb-living doll bullshitter as long as you are not going around screaming that you are a living doll. Normalfags might get the wrong impression, but whatever. Anyone in the fashion won't give a shit.

Also, to avoid a more "anime-ish" look don't incorporate any weeb stuff like animal ears, anime motives and so on. Don't go as a Lolita version of character X. Don't do a Sailor Moon coord/coord inspired by another popular anime. Invest in a good wig (and for heaven's sake, don't wear a Hatsune Miku wig).

>> No.7840561

Nobody will think you're a tryhard unless you actually are a tryhard. Don't draw your eyeliner 1cm underneath your lower eyelid, don't do a fake squeaky voice, etc. A girl with a cute face in a decent sweet lolita coord is more likely to be appreciated than anything else.
Unless you're thinking of normalfags who have seen the TLC episode and just assume everything lolita is 'living doll'. There's not much to be done about that.

>> No.7840566

You can sometimes email closet child and ask...

>> No.7840588

I've used them to move to another continent. If you have a lot of stuff that can be boxed, look into getting it couriered. I used DHL who were pretty good in my experience. You can probably get a quote online if you have box sizes and an approximate weight.

I've found that with lolita, weight is more the issue than it is size/space.

>> No.7840591

Tokyo Pirates will do it anon.

>> No.7840602

I play a ton of computer games. I also am really into skincare/beauty products.

>> No.7840613

I make music on Ableton in my spare time and fuck around with MIDI controllers. I also play a lot of ps3 and PC games

>> No.7840638

I got into lolita at 26...
I am classic though, so it doesn't matter too much. With a full-time job and adult responsibilities, it is nice doing something "youthful."

>> No.7840652

I got into lolita at 30 and I've been into the fashion for 3 years. I wear mostly sweet (I look more youthful than I am thankfully), but I also have some classic and plain pieces as well. That said, I don't go out very often in lolita except for conventions and meetups, and I'm at the point where no fucks are given even when I do otherwise. I work full time and usually wear a work uniform or t-shirts and jeans. So it's nice to wear something that's cute every once in awhile.

>> No.7840667

Wanna ask some questions about ordering from Closet Child. I did not add my delivery address in the remarks section but my delivery address is properly listed above. I just made the order so they have not reply yet. Do I need to resend my delivery address to them or anything?

>> No.7840707

I just ordered from Baby and accidentally chose the wrong colourway, though I didn't realise until they sent me my confirmation email this morning. I sent a reply to that email asking them if I could change the colour, was that right? They said you could make modifications within 7 days of confirmation, but I wasn't sure if I was supposed to email them somewhere else.

>> No.7840740

Any recommendations for nice cardigans/boleros that aren't burando or Bodyline?

>> No.7840769

I did the same thing the first time I ordered and replied to their confirmation e-mail with "whoops, sorry" and a repeat of my delivery address just in case. No problemo. They didn't even reply.
It's more convenient for them if you put it in the remarks section (especially if you're from a country where the format is very different from that in Japan) but I don't believe it's really a problem if you forget.

>> No.7840782

taobao, bruh.

>> No.7840789

How do I go about telling a seller that I'm actually not interested in an item anymore?
>inb4 "how daer u", i messaged them about it literally a month ago and they just now replied. and by now i've already bought something similar elsewhere.

>> No.7840795

You can just say exactly that.

>thanks for getting back to me
>unfortunately in the time between my initial message and your reply, I already bought x
>good luck with your sales

>> No.7840812

I apologize for the /adv/-level relationshit bs, but I've recently gained a serious crush on someone in my comm, who kind of seems to reciprocate my feelings (like, always invites me to things, asks me to sit near them, etc.).
However, I recently learned that they're in a committed relationship. I'm fine with just being friends because it's really hard for me to make close friends that I feel comfortable with, but I now feel weird inviting them to hang out/go out to eat. How do I proceed?
Sorry if there are language mistakes. English is not my best.

>> No.7840844

If you're fine with being friends, just continue being a good friend. Friends hang out and go to eat, it's not a romantic thing, so no reason to feel uncomfortable. Are you sure you're over your feelings for them? If you feel awkward just being their friend, this might be why.

>> No.7840866


I just realized those sizes only go up to a US6....my heart.

>> No.7840907

I'm a music student who sings opera and loves classical music. I also do ballet after school twice a week. Why aren't there more ballerinas into lolita?

>> No.7840940
File: 36 KB, 636x496, how-to-choose-shapewear-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, anyone have any recommendations for shapewear for lolita? I don't know if I need to be looking for a corset or will something tight be enough. I got a new dress this morning and despite being well under both the brand and seller measurements, it doesn't fit. The problem area seems to be my ribs since I have a fairly wide ribcage, so I think a corset might be better? I'm trying to lose a little weight anyway but I think I might need some help. Help me /cgl/, you're my only hope.

>> No.7840951


how many fucking years is this girl going to try to sell this terrible bow for such a high price

>> No.7840955

If it's your ribcage, you're probably fucked. Only the floating ribs (i.e. the ones that aren't attached at both sides) respond to the sort of compression that a corset gives, and even then only long-term gradual lacing down would be recommended. If it's fat over your ribcage area, then yes that will decrease as you lose weight and lower your body fat %.

>> No.7841029

Why is 26 a magic number for you? Do you have a chronic illness with a shortened life expectancy?

I'm 24 and not planning on quitting the fashion any time soon although I imagine my style may change as I get older. Lolita is often my semi-casual wear these days because it's not work-appropriate. I don't mind dressing up to leave the house.

>> No.7841064

Turning 26 soon myself. I got into lolita when I was a 17-18... I haven't had any desire to quit at all but my style has changed a fair bit since I started. I do find myself less concerned with trends, care less about going to meetups - though I've met some of my closest friends that way, and care more about having a refined wardrobe than just buying any pretty thing that comes along despite being able to afford more than I ever did when I was younger.

>> No.7841083

That kinda sounds a bit like what's happening to me actually. I like the idea of having a cohesive wardrobe where I love everything in it, and where I can pick out an item without fretting about how to coordinate it because I have enough things to match.

>> No.7841088

Dem wide rabcage feels. It's hard explaining that because I'm generally skinny, to the point where my ribs are very prominent, so people think I'm calling myself fat, but it warps my clothing size

>> No.7841101

Links please! I been looking, but found nothing except for some from Chess Story

>> No.7841118

I could make that for 6 bucks

>> No.7841150

and she literally just relisted it

holy fucking shit this bow is the bane of my existence. I'VE SEEN IT SO MANY FUCKING TIMES ON SO MANY WEBSITES IT'S DRIVING ME MAD

>> No.7841163

It's Fakechoco. This isn't really new for her, she's done this for years. She lists everything at high prices and relists items constantly, never dropping the price.

>> No.7841165

Bumping this question because I don't want to be blacklisted. ;_;

>> No.7841168

She has this up as well, which I think is completely ridiculous. It's a cute barrette, but $50, what the hell?

>> No.7841169

why can't this shit be banned? i'd rather have replicas than see the same garbage being posted day after day after day after day.

>> No.7841170

I agree. People aren't going to learn if they just tolerate relisting at the same price. Lacemarket should instigate that 20% rule like EGL, minus the 4 weeks part.

>> No.7841211

I lost a ton of weight myself and still have wide ribcage and broad shoulder issues when it comes to lolita. That extra wideness pulls the waistband up closer to the rib area, include that with a large bust and I'm kinda just fucked with a lot of styles. When it comes to losing weight, I'm at best going down maybe another 15-20lbs and that's not gonna take off any more than about 2 1/2 inches at best. It's still going to push it with some max measurements. I'm already with a healthy weight range for my height as well and relatively fit. I could lose some, but not enough to really get me below a 92cm bust. These clothes are really meant for very limited body types. If you're outside that, you'll have to find ways to make things work or figure out what cuts and styles look best on you.

>> No.7841233

Curses on the large ribcage. It's my dream dress too. I was never massively overweight thankfully but I've gotten down to 94-69-94 and I'm just not sure there's any more I can get rid of. I can get my bust down about 5cm with the right bra but my ribcage is just the worst. I guess I'll just keep trying to lose a little more chub and see. So bummed though, I was sure it was going to fit.

>> No.7841263

Just an update-

Got a response back that seemed to indicate that Haenuli got my order. So hopefully they know about yours too!

>> No.7841333

At first I thought it includes the cakes and heart shaped hair braids, then I realize it's just a plain pink bow with green center.

>> No.7841354
File: 531 KB, 519x591, whet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch is kidding, right?

Fucking $40 for some wood skewers glued to a headband.

>> No.7841370

I know right? Bitch Imma make my own and make it better. Her's looks sparse in the middle.

>> No.7841373

Motherucking axes femme. I'm talking less than 2000 yen on Y!J. Got one the other day for 500.

>> No.7841381

That's cheap for a handmade item. And people WILL pay that price, believe me.
sauce: I've sold all sorts of bullshit on etsy for ridiculous prices.

As for that headband in particular, I'd glue some roses to it and ask for 80 bucks at least. I promise you, it will sell.

>> No.7841386

Looks like I need to pick up some kitchen skewers and flowers.

>> No.7841478

None of the modern shapewear is tight enough to give you an hourglass figure, they only smooth out the bulges. You will need a corset if you need serious reshaping.

>> No.7841479
File: 2.08 MB, 1000x1500, cutie patootie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This person is way too cute for me, I don't even care about them ugly shoes

>> No.7841482

God damn I wish she'd stop doing stupid things to her hair, the blonde was so pretty. That colour's a lot better than that awful pinkish colour she had for a while, though.

>> No.7841486

Is that Mila? Where is that picture from? I stalk her blog and tumblr but haven't seen it.

>> No.7841489

Didn't see the pink hair but I did like the blond
I kinda like the purple but it looks like a wig you know

>> No.7841497

For some reason she only turns up on this chicks blog

I actually thought they were dating or something since half the time I can only find pics on Mila on her blog

>> No.7841533

24.5cm is like a US8...

>> No.7841536

This. My feet are 24.5 and I wear somewhere between a 7.5 and 8.5 depending on the shoe and brand.

>> No.7841537

They are dating, aren't they?

>> No.7841574

I thought Mila had a fiancé?

>> No.7841624

I dunno man, I'm like 99% sure they're a couple, and I never heard anything about Mila having a fiancé. Where did you see that?

>> No.7841632
File: 118 KB, 800x988, delete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck, why dont people wash their fucking socks when they sell them? its not fucking hard, this shit is nasty

>> No.7841636

Pfft why this example? Ive seen waaay worse.

>> No.7841656

I can't get over the basic fact that people sell used socks, period. I know that logically it's really not that much worse than secondhand clothes, but just, ugh.

>> No.7841657

How does one determine the appropriate cut of blouse to go with a JSK? I see people knocking on certain collars with particular JSKs but I can never figure out the reason why. Insight please?

>> No.7841666

I'm okay with socks, but I'm absolutely disgusted when I go to thrift stores and see used underwear and lingerie.

>> No.7841709

>broah shoulders
>small ribcage
>big boobs

I tell you, it's annoying too. You'll never be able to find a fitting bra, and it's extra frutstrating because I will always have big boobs even if I lose a few pounds more - they just don't get smaller. And dresses tend to look weird on me anyway (hello, uniboob/boobloaf).

>> No.7841717

I have a pair of lavender DDC otks I wore once, over tights, inside AP shoes I wiped out beforehand and they still managed to somehow get a slight discoloration. I washed them three times trying to get it out and it never lightened up. Sometimes it just happens and even washing doesn't get it out. The discoloration on mine is lighter than those but I cab still see it right near the toe, it's so frustrating.

>> No.7841722
File: 12 KB, 280x190, attachment[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7841727

Has anyone ever bought moon bunny accessories for their coords? If so, how long did shipping take to get to you?

>> No.7841728

Damn I feel like an idiot I never thought of oxyclean. I will pick some up!

>> No.7841731

always heard their shipping anywhere non domestic for them took months

>> No.7841736

ugh I have a 100 cm bust with h cup boobs and a 70 cm waist. Ive found that a line dresses look best but I tend to get a lot of attention with muh boobs, especially in lolita because it accentuates my figure.

>> No.7841829
File: 88 KB, 600x400, 111648_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i know this dress isn't lolita but i don't know where else to post this, does anyone know what the name is? I just know it's by jane marple

>> No.7841836

No she is dating marie. They have been for a year or so now.

Its on fb, which is better to stalk people with.

>> No.7841848

Yeah, I'm looking at hers now. Aw, mang, she's so cute. I love her lilac hair!
I swear I'm straight but when I see them together I feel so gay. They're like the lolita version of Brad+Angelina.

>> No.7841850

You sound rich and snobby. Not everyone can afford ballet lessons.

>> No.7841855

She's not saying that every lolita should be into ballet, she's wondering why more lolitas aren't. It's a fair question, I don't think I know of any ballerina lolitas. Don't get mad because someone has more money than you, Tumblr-chan.

>> No.7841856

(Also ballet lessons aren't actually that expensive)

>> No.7841865

The whole shoot is also at Marie's blogger - marietuonetar (idk about FB, don't use it)
Really cute! And I absolutely adore them together!

>> No.7841867

Why would lolitas in particular be more into ballet than other people?

>> No.7841869

Because it's a hobby that's perceived as being elegant, and a lot of lolitas naturally gravitate towards things like that.

>> No.7841871
File: 73 KB, 640x960, tumblr_n2wng7KDJL1qh785po1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a few photos like this one posted over the years, but I think they're nearly all the same girl in different outfits and locations.

Anyway, unless someone takes photos like these, there's no way to tell whether they're into ballet/opera/dressage/hurdy gurdy music/clogging/whatever. We're all going to look roughly the same in lolita, unless we start taking photos that are specifically used to show off our other hobbies.

Just *ask*. I'm sure there's other lolitas out there who enjoy your hobbies.

>> No.7841875
File: 949 KB, 1280x901, tumblr_n836b7Fw7y1qh785po2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7841878
File: 91 KB, 412x640, tumblr_n3iy4zi5qd1qh785po1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7841884

Since I'm an utter ballet noob I'm curious if these are even 'proper' forms. Kind of like when musicians can pick out when instruments are being held retardly in a shoot but other people wouldn't know it looks completely wrong.

>> No.7841892

Figure collecting, gaming, photography, leatherworking, SCA!

>> No.7841897

read pornography

>> No.7841901

She's en pointe, correctly, she's in "proper" form.

>> No.7841906

Yes, absolutely.
Baller is incredibly strict when it comes to stuff like that. Take >>7841875 for example, good turnout on the leg in attitude but there could be more on the supporting. It looks like she's raising the hip of the leg behind her but it may just be her petti. Her hands are good but her elbows are over extended making her arms look awkward. Over all not bad at all, pretty good.

>> No.7841974


>> No.7841982


If it helps you guys any, I did ballet up until I had to go to college, and then it became too much to juggle with college being a double degree, and ballet not becoming anything other than a hobby. There's probably still a pair of barely used pointe shoes somewhere in the house since I remember I didn't have time to even break in my new pair before making the decision to drop it.

I've gotten really stiff over the years and can't do the nice poses like these photos, but I do still like watching ballet. It's just like >>7841871 says, though, unless someone specifically asks me if I like ballet, it's not something that comes up in normal conversation.

>> No.7842041

I second axes femme, but prices fluctuate. Sometimes I get something for 2000 yen or less, but I have fought for boleros/cardigans to up 6,000 yen. Their blouses are really cute too, but fit a small frame.

>> No.7842082

How do you keep your breasts down in size without it sitting too low or being too boob-loaf like? My underbust is 78cm. I have a large ribcage... My overbust is 96cm. I wear a 32DDD.

Should I see about maybe a slightly smaller than my size sports bra?

>> No.7842104

There is not really anything you can do. When you wear a binder or sports bra the breast tissue is just being redistributed along your chest to the sides and smoothed along the front. Its basically giving you a nicer proportioned boobloaf. You can't do much to give yourself a proper left and right breast definition inside a bodice because the extra tissue is still there, just moved outward. The best way to handle it (I have approximately ~23cm difference between bust and under bust) is to wear some kind of minimizer (I wear a full torso binder) and pick blouses or bodices that have some kind of center detail. So a blouse with a bow that has long tails that fall down the center of your chest or/and a jsk bodice with a central design like buttons or pintucks running vertical down the center. This tricks the eye into separating your chest into left and right even though there isn't a true indentation there. Then I like to wear long hair styles that frame the sides of my torso to hide where the breast tissue is being redistributed, or a bolero or caridgan that curves inwards towards the center of the chest. Hope this helps!

>> No.7842119

I keep telling myself I should start doing my stretches again to limber up, but I'm so lazy.

>> No.7842129


That's how I got so out of shape. I was really good about for the first few months and then the assignments kind of took over.

>> No.7842154

What are some good sweet lolita poses that don't make you look like an age player or a Kawaii anime ugu person?
I'm going to my first con in sweet and I always turn out like shit in pictures because I have no posing skills. I practice in front of a mirror and it's cute, but as soon as I do any of them in pictures it looks like I'm trying to claw my face off or something (you know, that pose where you put a finger on your face)

>> No.7842160

>ts basically giving you a nicer proportioned boobloaf. You can't do much to give yourself a proper left and right breast definition inside a bodice because the extra tissue is still there, just moved outward. The best way to handle it (I have approximately ~23cm difference between bust and under bust) is to wear some kind of minimizer (I wear a full torso binder) and pick blouses or bodices that have some kind of center detail. So a blouse with a bow that has long tails that fall down the center of your chest or/and a jsk bodice with a central design like buttons or pintucks running vertical down the center. This tricks the eye into separating your chest into left and right even though there isn't a true indentation there. Then I like to wear long hair styles that frame the sides of my torso to hide where the breast tissue is being redistributed, or a bolero or caridgan that curves inwards towards the center of t
Thank you for the advice! I have pretty short hair so I'd have to get a wig to do the long hair trick. Do you have any personal suggestions on a chest minimizer?

>> No.7842199
File: 885 KB, 876x480, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study! Go through some GLBs, or Google brand ads. I wish more girls would learn to use posing to their benefit; you should make sure each part of your outfit is visible - too many times I've seen accessories completely fall to the wayside. To help, I've thrown together some easy examples to dissect in pic related:
> 1. Hip-Angle: The most common angle for brand photography, since it make the legs look proportionate. Unless the person taking your photo really knows what they're doing, it's unlikely that this will be the angle they go with. You can see she's holding her arm out to avoid flattening her skirt, and she's turned her wrist to display her wristcuffs. Her other arm is held high at the waist, so her large bag isn't cutting off the shape of her skirt or hiding the print, while her other wristcuff remains visible. One leg is facing towards the camera, while her other is turned to the side, to show both sides of the socks and shoes.
> 2. Portrait: With this type of photo, you don't have a lot of space to work with, so it's hard to avoid some of your items being cut off (like Misako's bag in this one.) She's lifted her arms to not only display her rings, but the sleeves of her blouse as well, whilst avoiding adding more clutter over what little can be seen of her bodice and skirt. Her head is also tilted forwards so that the headbow can be seen.
> 3. Torso-Angle: This is most likely the angle you'll have to work with when somebody is taking your photo in the spur of the moment, especially if you're on the shorter side. The camera will be focused on your stomach area, so it's important that you don't hunch over. Open your chest and let your shoulders lean back and your hips take shape. In this photo she's holding out her skirt to show the print, while with her other hand she's lifting her bag to the forefront so it's not hidden behind the skirt. Her hand is lifted to her face to show off her ring, but to also draw attention to her choker.

>> No.7842207

not the anon you replied to, but Bali's Flower Bra pulls my breast tissue up and separates it to prevent major boobloaf and makes most of my lolita look 10x better than when I'm wearing a normal bra. it comes in larger sizes too, I'm a 34DD and it is absolutely true to size.

>> No.7842209

If you replied to the confirmation email, it goes to one of the named emails like Sana or Fumi, or whoever. It's possible that those don't get checked everyday. Who knows? I would recommend sending an email to order@babyssb.co.jp if you don't hear back from them soon. Just be polite, you won't get blacklisted.

I sent an email the other day to order@babyssb.co.jp to add items to my order. Just mention your order number and order details and ask if they can switch colourways.

>> No.7842210

Honey cake color popularity?


>> No.7842212

its called highland sky

>> No.7842215

Try living in the city.

>> No.7842220

gundam plastic models. they're so fun to put together.

>> No.7842225
File: 175 KB, 700x996, ujelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone buy anything from the R-Series Luna in the Sea? what's the quality like?

>> No.7842231

Jane Marple highland sky.

>> No.7842248

Not the anon you responded to, but this was extremely helpful. Any tips specifically for taller people? I struggle taking photos of myself because of my height and just want to take flattering photos where I don't get cut off or look gigantic.

>> No.7842250


Things always look different in real life than in photos, including mirrors, partly because your eyes see in 3D from two viewpoints (left eye, right eye) and the camera only has one viewpoint.

If you really want to make sure your poses look good on photo, you'll have to practice with an actual camera taking photos of you, while you're in front of the mirror, then view them on a computer to see what you're doing wrong in each of these. Quite a lot of times what you see in the photo is very different from what you thought you saw in the mirror.

>clawing your face off

Honestly this pose has always looked weird in a lot of photos. Part of it is the angle the photo is taken, which is something you can't control, the other part is your muscle tone, you do need to be relaxed and not doing the claw hand. I'd suggest you find another pose to do instead, eg if you're holding up a bag, curl your hands into a loose fist instead. Hold your hair, or do the choir pose (put both hands in the middle of your waist. Stick your elbows out so your waist is visible), or hold your pendant, etc.

>> No.7842251

Also best angle to maintain proportion for a tall person. I don't want my head looking teeny tiny or the opposite.

>> No.7842259

God, RinRin is hideous.

>> No.7842282

Anyone? Super curious about this and wanting to learn!

>> No.7842322

Used bra ok. Used contact with genitals not ok

>> No.7842324

So I recently got a dress I've wanted for a while, but when I went to try it on, I found that it's far too big. As in, gapes/bunches up and sticks out in the back too big. I've had issues with AP's pieces without corset lacing before but thought I'd be safe with this one (Royal Chocolate).
Does anyone have a good modding tutorial to either add corset lacing or somehow make the dress smaller?

>> No.7842349
File: 477 KB, 294x219, t0hg6a.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get my notice for a skirt I've been expecting for a long time, and I received the reminder too late (post office must have hired a clumsy new guy or I just had really bad luck), so they have sent it back to the sender. I have messaged the seller, apologized, explained the situation and said I'm going to pay for any possible inconvenient expenses that may follow and for the shipping back to here again.
I haven't received a reply yet, but I sent it just a few hours ago. But do you think she'll get mad or annoyed? I feel really bad, even though it's not the first time the post office here dropped the notice (it happens rarely, and I've been lucky the other times that I got the reminder in good time)

>> No.7842383

I would hand sew matching fabric loops along the side back seams and lace through those

>> No.7842385

Anyone know where I could find a nice pleather purse that is white and good for classic lolita? I like ones that have bows and cute detailing on them like baby makes, but I'm a bit poor and iirc theirs are made of leather.

>> No.7842445

I think you should be the one who's mad, at the post office. What the fuck, do they have any documentation that they even tried to deliver it to you? You should give them a good talking-to

I doubt the seller will be annoyed or anything, because you've already paid for the goods and you're offering to pay for the shipping again. You already 'own' the skirt and them keeping it or doing anything other than sending it back to you would amount to theft in my opinion

>> No.7842481

Does anyone know if there will be a 6th edition of the Otome no Sewing books and if so, around what time it will come out?

>> No.7842485

Thanks for telling. They sent my order with no problems too. Seems like so long your address is stated correctly at the info section they are okay with it.

>> No.7842488

Thank you for your response! It even comes in my kind of hard to find size. You're the best, anon!

>> No.7842624

Is it still possible to place an order through Antique Beast? On their storefront page they have a picture of "Closed" and "2014-09-07 we stop accepting - [end] order reception order." I'm confused.

>> No.7842626

It definetly is'nt more expensive than most lolitas wardrobes, thats for sure!

>> No.7842627

Antique Beast is a tiny operation that opens their store for short periods of time. in sept they were open for a week, your looking at the date that they stored accepting orders. I think on the page it says they'll open up for a bit in early October. you might just wanna keep an eye out for when they make the announcement of what day they'll be back open.

>> No.7842632

It isnt that expensive, but not a lot of people start ballet as an adult. Just like how not a lot of people will pick up a violin now and learn just because it looks nice. But if your parents could afford to pay for these things and you had interest in it to commit, you could learn to do ballet fine. Its far easier to get into things when you were kinda forced to do it as a child and you werent responsible for the payment of the activity. It also is a lot of work to do, and so while it look nice in photos it isnt a casual interest, especially not when you are planning on being en pointe

Doing stuff like ballet because you are into lolita is something that I would put as getting into a lifestyle lolita situation. Which most people are not.

>> No.7842637

Ah- thanks so much! I hope I can make an order so I can get it before the end of October.

>> No.7842640

I sent them a few questions wanting to purchase from them and they never responded.

>> No.7842668

I hate to disappoint you but that's very unlikely. They take a month to make the items and ship them. So if you place your order in October, you'll probably only get them in November.

>> No.7842672

Are the BtSSB Cabriole shoes gone from everywhere in the world? It seems like they weren't release so long ago.
Where should I go for replicas or similar shoes?

>> No.7842677
File: 107 KB, 365x330, 1407102210783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn. Well, that throws that plan out the window.

>> No.7842691

stalk closet child/fururun/yjapan auctions they put up a lot of brand shoes. i would sell you mine but i was stupid and dragged the heel part over it the other day and now theres a fucking huge black mark on one of them

>> No.7842692

>finds pretty dress at a cheap price
>motherfucking yes
>no international shipping

Americuh why do you keep doing this to me

>> No.7842696

Thank you so much!

>> No.7842706

I love that manga

>> No.7842708

Do you have anyone you can ask to SS for you?

>> No.7842718

US anon here, and tracked international shipping is AWFUL here. Some people don't offer it just because no one wants to pay the amount it costs. You could try asking the seller directly, but you might find that the pretty cheap dress is no longer so cheap.

>> No.7842746
File: 34 KB, 600x500, oh shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phenomenal taste, anon.

>> No.7842748

Exactly. I asked someone from USA for tracked shipping to Europe and the seller responded with $60. For one dress. Why is it this so insanely high?

>> No.7842756


You're better off asking this in the taobao thread, I think. I do know some people have gotten it, someone said the bolero was a huge letdown which was dissappointing.

>> No.7842760

I just shipped a dress to Canada from the US yesterday and express mail with tracking was $65. For a single, lightweight dress. Thankfully the buyer was okay with first class, which was only like $25 (eh I didn't charge her anyway) but still. Shit's ridiculous.

>> No.7842766

I ordered the book jsk last night from IW. How long do they normally take to invoice and ship? I'm hoping not as long as their summer sale backups.

Welcome to the bay area! Honestly the girls here are fantastic and a majority of then are really sweet people. A lot of our events are being planned through Facebook since we closed our group on meetup . com. (Was a waste of money to run, and we kept getting creepy sissy randoms who found the meet-up details).

>> No.7842776

>tfw have whole taobao coordinate planned out and ready to order.
>I really like the dress and the coord, but I can buy a brand dress second hand with the money I'm spending.
I know I shouldn't be but I'm considering forgetting about my taobao order and just buying something second hand. Despite the fact that I will have nothing to wear it with for a long time probably.

>> No.7842784

Has anyone ever attempted to throw the Millefueille Bolero from IW in the wash before? If yes, please report. I'm about to wear it and I'm not about to take a bolero to get dry-cleaned.

>> No.7842787

Fuck yeah fig newtons.

>> No.7842814

I often buy the main piece as second-hand brand and the rest from Taobao, if I can't find that second-hand as well. It costs a bit more than a full Taobao coordinate but I don't usually like Taobao dresses much anyway.

>> No.7842825

Thanks for the reply! Luckily when I checked this morning I got a reply from Baby, they changed the colourway and I've paid now, so it was all fine. Sorry, I've never ordered from Baby before, I guess I was nervous because of all the stories.

>> No.7842827
File: 129 KB, 600x903, TB28ckeXVXXXXafXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!55084630[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is I actually really do like the dress a lot so idk what's wrong with me.
I wouldn't even be able to buy a brand dress that I really like anyway.

>> No.7842837

Please buy this dress and be happy. I don't think you will regret it.

>> No.7842838

I wash mine in the washing maschine using a washing net. If you don't own a washing net I wouldn't recommend it, the lace is very delicate and it might get damaged. Better handwash it. And dry-cleaning is not necessary for that kind of fabric and when it's a non printed fabric.

>> No.7842846
File: 54 KB, 594x960, 10671471_1539884892914335_1685434021869719357_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw pic related on the Lolita Updates fb group, what do you anons think?

I really like it and I'm considering buying it, though I know a big part of it is because I'm still crying inside over missing out on Ista Mori's Nameless Poem OP.

You should buy dresses because you like them anon, not because they're ~brand~. You'll be happier(and look better) that way.

>> No.7842861

is this maroonsparrow?
she's the girl that gets her panties in a bunch because people are "copying" her madonna crowns right? but high fashion designers have been making them for years so I don't understand why she is upset

>> No.7842869

oh shit anon this dress is cute as f
buy the dress and rejoice and be happy or i'll buy all of them instead and there will be none for anybody and you will be sad

>> No.7842878

I think it's okay, more like methadone for anons who couldn't get Nameless Poem than anything else. It doesn't look quite as well-constructed and I don't think the crosses work particularly well, but it's perfectly fine.

>> No.7842881

>though I know a big part of it is because I'm still crying inside over missing out on Ista Mori's Nameless Poem OP.

s-same anon ;_;

>> No.7842882

This is cute, by whom may I ask?

*cries an ocean* I also missed out on Ista Mori's release... Tho this dress is damn cute, I like Nameless Poem more. But whatevs, I'm a sucker for nun-style stuff.

>> No.7842883

I love the top half of the dress. The bottom half, not so much. The embroidery looks tacky and the white ruffles on the hem also cheapens the cleaner look of the top half.

>> No.7842885

JFC, even from New Zealand to Europe it's only about $40 for EMS...

>> No.7842888
File: 357 KB, 1200x1741, flandre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are right ;_; thank you. I'm just a big dummy.

>> No.7842901

Thank you, based anon. I do have several washing nets. Whenever I wash Lolita-related stuff, it usually gets washed one by one and in the net, so I think I'm safe. Totally wearing it tomorrow now because I'm super happy that I finally got it.

>> No.7842906

Would have loved to see that coord with lavender shoes. She's still super cute though and I love her new hair.

>> No.7842909

>calling someone rich and snobby for getting ballet lessons
>in a thread on cgl about lolita fashion
>lolita fashion = niche, expensive hobby

u wot m8?

>> No.7842919

I'd love this if I could just request to not have the embroidery on the dress...

>> No.7842931

Why do you dumb cunts keep typing coord as "co-ord"?

>> No.7842940
File: 56 KB, 587x960, 10712433_1539899036246254_442158538121501330_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they are going to be selling it without the embroidery.
Also I saw the dress worn (though I can't find the picture now for some reason) The embroidery looks nice.
There's also this version.
Colors: "black + off white, Navy + off white, bordeaux +off white, etc (If you want other colors please pm)"

>> No.7842946
File: 263 KB, 500x600, melty ribbon chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else get's repeatedly logged out during AP USA releases? I log in before the release and when I reach the final stage of checkout it tells me I'm logged out. I log in and get the same message three times. After re-logging in 3x, for some reason now the order goes through?

>> No.7842951

Clear your cache and cookies

>> No.7842970

Everyone's having the same problem.

On another note, does anyone have experiences in altering a piece to make it -smaller-? I just got my melty ribbon chocolate skirts and I need them to sit higher on my waist in order to look appealing..

>> No.7843002

I suggest sewing a short piece of elastic banding against the middle of the shirring to make the shirring tighter. If you just sewed it on both ends and the middle it would be easy to remove if you sold it too.

>> No.7843006

I just got the brown jsk but I got it in L not M.
Anyone want to trade me for it? I don't trust my skills to alter it yet and don't know of anyone near me to do so.

>> No.7843046

What is the easiest way to get a shipping estimate on something? I don't have a scale that would work for weighing clothing.

>> No.7843058

You can get a cheap kitchen scale on amazon for under $25. Really they're the only answer.

>> No.7843113
File: 51 KB, 640x624, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels time.

My mom buys me a dress because she wants to support my hobbies.
Spends 280$ on it

It's milanoo.

What do I do guys? Her face when she told me. Just ugh.

>> No.7843121

Be strong annon. Be strong.

>> No.7843217

anon i'm sorry

>> No.7843240

Find anything wrong with it and try and return it.

>> No.7843247

Am I the only one having issues with lacemarket right now?

>> No.7843313

I've had troubles with it for the last 3-4 hours or so

>> No.7843339

Return it or try to file a charge back if that fails

>> No.7843388

Ultra noob question here, but where would I find a cheap white blouse on short notice?
Recently bought my first JSK and I ran out of money but I just got paid and now I have like a week or so until the event I'm wearing it to and I dont have a blouse!
Panic mode activate.

>> No.7843418

She "can't wait to see pics of me and my cute friends. " I might just wear it a little while snap a pic or two and cry/change.

>> No.7843424

If you need one quickly, you could try thrift stores or Forever 21. They won't be the best quality, but you can find lolita-ish blouses that can work.

>> No.7843438

So noob here as well.

I really want to get into Lolita but I'm not sure what style? I was thinking walollita but was warned off early on.

I have pointy features so not sure if I can even pull it off. If I post pics can I get suggestions?

Tl;dr can a noob post a pic to get a type suggestion.

>> No.7843441

Depends on how that noob looks.

>> No.7843444

Walolita isn't a style, it's a costume. Not sure if bait.

>> No.7843446

Steer away from wa lolita until you've worn lolita for at least two years. Even people who have worn lolita for 5+ years still fuck up wa lolita.

You don't have to limit yourself to one style from the start. Just wear whatever feels right. If you want a toned down outfit, go classic from the start. If you like bright colours, go sweet from the start. If you like black or goth elements, gothic is your go to. Don't stray from the three "main" substyles when you start wearing the fashion. It's easier to find gothic/classic/sweet items than misc substyle themed items.

>> No.7843449
File: 56 KB, 570x534, dragon dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if there's anyone out there who is good at finding advanced information about brands?
I heard Juliette et Justine plan to re-release Le Premiere Cri du Prophéte, but I don't know when.

I get paid monthly and it's only 3 paychecks til Christmas. Will it be released over the holidays, or after New Year's? Help a desperate anon?

>> No.7843457

Not bait and thanks for the vote of confidence.
Thanks. The only issue is I like all three styles. My day to day clothing is mostly punkish but unlike the classic style and cuteness or sweet.

>> No.7843461

When you say pointy how pointy do you mean? Because I'm imagining Elphaba.

>> No.7843462
File: 643 KB, 600x846, tumblr_n8x3l1bjfE1r3ex10o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So buy a dress or two with versatile style. If you buy a solid white dress, depending on the design you could wear it in all three substyles.

For example, this dress can be worn in both classic and sweet depending on what you pair it with.

You could also wear a blend of two styles, like classic-sweet or sweet-esque gothic.

>> No.7843465

That's a good idea!
I'm looking through brown right now as that is a color I look good in. Any recommended websites? I know to stay away from a few.

>> No.7843476
File: 40 KB, 444x287, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7843481

A lot of people reccomend Bodyline or Fanplusfriend to newbies, but they're not very good quality most of the time.

I highly reccomend Taoabo brands (You learn more about them in the taobao general threads here) If you're too scared to use a shopping service, you could buy from My Lolita Dress or Clobba instead.

If you want to buy secondhand brand Closet Child and Lacemarket are the best options.

There are a ton of guides for those new to lolita and where to buy. Hello Lace has a huge list of lolita stores and a brief explanation on ordering lolita online.

>> No.7843494

Thank you all so much! I was honestly slightly nervous asking about here, however it's nice to have people help! Thank you!

>> No.7843512

The book series is a reserve, it will be released around the middle/end of October.

>> No.7843515

Shit anon. That sucks.

>> No.7843517

Hey, >>7839471 was right, it's two bun covers. I just put my hair up into little buns on top of my head, and the taobao buns go right over the mini buns. I got them from here,


but this listing is just for the buns and bang clips. The seller has another listing that comes with a base wig and the buns

>> No.7843534

Did anyone else miss out on Melty Royal Chocolate Round Collar JSK today?

I wanted it so badly and missed it completely agh.

I emailed AP asking if they may re-release or take pre-orders. I urge anyone else who missed out on it to do the same, if they get enough requests they might. Email in the name field.

>> No.7843537

Sorry *RIBBON not Royal

Too man Melty Chocolates, AP.

>> No.7843568

What dress on Milanoo is $280?

>> No.7843576

No I got mine in brown because I'm not a fucking retard.
Cry more.

>> No.7843596

Maybe she bought her multiple items?

>> No.7843751
File: 245 KB, 564x389, u6Khb[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

venus and her new wands.

: ^)

>> No.7843754

...this picture is strangely horrifying

>> No.7843756

tell her to cancel the payment asap and be honest that its a scam website.

>> No.7843757 [DELETED] 

Not previous anon but wow did your dress arrive with a run it or something? Why so mad?

Also brown is the ugliest of them all.

>> No.7843758

>brown is the ugliest of them all
>the ugliest chocolate dress
someone is platinum mad.

>> No.7843763 [DELETED] 

Lol learn2troll

That shade of brown looks like a fresh dump.

>> No.7843776

Damn son Brown was the first to sell. Gj

>> No.7843779

Wow she's starting to actually look like a normal teenager

>> No.7843783

Not even that anon, but wha...?

>> No.7843787

I missed out on it too. :( I was at work. I will email AP also! It would be amazing if they put it up for pre-order too.

>> No.7843791

How fast did the colors sell out? In what order? (On both sites plz.)

>> No.7843807


Try the buy sell thread.

I'm interested, but my M size jsk is pink not brown.

>> No.7843813

I want the M Pink Collar Jsk anon, are you selling? (Not skirt anon.)

>> No.7843814

Err sorry *jsk not skirt, why did I think they wanted a skirt... Anyway I don't have any ver but I wanted the one you have. Let me know.

>> No.7843817


Sorry anon, I have the low waist version.

>> No.7843826
File: 20 KB, 300x453, lace_petti_bk_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably a noob question because I've only purchased two petticoats in the last six years or so since I started liking Lolita, but can anyone offer any reviews or comments on the lace petticoat from Candy Violet?

My first petticoat was their fluffy one which is so far infinitely better than my F+F one (fluffier and more comfy, never deflated), but it has too much volume for more daily wear and the shape is not quite right unless I layer it with my F+F petti that gives it the cupcake shape I want.

If it's no good or no one knows anything, what are other good options? I want something soft and comfortable with moderate poof that won't deflate over time.

>> No.7843844

Anyone have any coordinate photos of Little Bird Symphonia jsk in black? I have a friend who is selling it and I'd love to take it off her hands but I can't find any coordinates of it to inspire me

>> No.7843877

brown, mocha, pink and bitter on usa

On the japanese site it was brown, mocha, bitter, pink

>> No.7843918

That... wow why didn't I think of that as an option. Thanks anon!

Some more news for me, I just bought two pairs of socks from AP USA while everyone was going mad over melty ribbon, but after paying and getting a confirmation email, the socks never came off the site. I just checked back to see if they were still up, and one of the pairs I bought is gone but the other is still there. Did AP fuck up? Did they just sell one pair of socks to two people? I want those damn socks

>> No.7843979

I sure hope so. Looking at the past publication dates, it should come out in November, but I haven't seen any news to confirm.
Book 1: March 2012
Book 2: October 2012
Book 3: April 2013
Book 4: November 2013
Book 5: April 2014
Book 6: ???

>> No.7844008

What is a swap meet!

>> No.7844030

What were you looking for anon?

>> No.7844106

Because moonsparrow is a whiny fucking retard.

>> No.7844123

A meetup where people bring their unwanted lolita items to buy sell and trade in person

>> No.7844153

Oh man I was hoping it would come out earlier than that, since I wanted to buy it and volume 5 together. Oh well, I'll survive.

>> No.7844268

So I keep seeing Kota bear being mentioned around here so I finally decided to check out her YouTube. She's cute and well dressed but holy fuck she is so awkward in front of the camera and the way she talks and drags on her sentences grind on my nerves. Her videos are all so damn long! How does she have over 500 subscribers? Do you people just follow her for the lols?
>not even gonna touch the subjects she chooses for her videos

>> No.7844270

As far as I know, Candy Violet's pettis are just overpriced Malco Modes pettis. I THINK the fluffy petti might be the 582 and the lace petti might be the 580? Though I couldn't swear to either of those statements.

>> No.7844351
File: 78 KB, 740x614, witchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A witch hat and a black princess sleeved bolero

>> No.7844403

Fuck those are cute

>> No.7844427

Do you sincerely think she is cute? Her clothes are nice but her face looks like a beaver and she can't style her hair/wigs worth crap.

>> No.7844460
File: 4 KB, 269x188, uwotm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you aren't helping my pain.

>> No.7844468

In her lolita outfits she's cute. Her hair is plain but that doesn't really bother me. I wouldn't really say she looks like a beaver, but her face is kind of long and something about her eyes/makeup creep me out, like a living doll, but not in a "kawaii desu ne living doll" kind of way. But that's really analyzing her face.
Overall she's not unattractive IMO her presence in front of the camera and her shitty topics and super long videos is more what I have beef about.

>> No.7844470

I'm sorry if it makes you feel better now your not alone. I haven't been on the site in a while I didn't know they even existe till now ;_;

>> No.7844507

I'm 99.9% sure this is the case. I have a Malco modes 582, and I like it, but I wear my taobao or brand ones more these days TBH. The shape is better.

>> No.7844718

How are the taobao ones? Are they soft? I hear Classical Puppets is really good for its petticoats but they don't look as soft as the one i have currently. My biggest thing is that it is soft to sit in and doesn't feel scratchy against my thighs and won't eventually require layering.

>> No.7844889
File: 77 KB, 640x427, where&#039;d your lines go?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, she kooterfied her face and now she looks amazing. Shooping out the nasal, mouth, and undereye folds does wonders!

>> No.7845026

I think it has more to do with the lighting setup than shoop, anon. That's a screengrab from a video, after all.

>> No.7845032

Sorry for the stupid question, but what do you seagulls prefer, buying brand or offbrand accessories (headbows, wristcuffs, rings and so on)? Most indie/Taobao stores I've checked are almost the price of brand after fees and shipping.

>> No.7845066

Depends on the lolita. Some people find it easier to buy within the same collection for coording purposes. I usually buy brand wristcuffs, bonnets, hats, berets and headbows, but I'll go offbrand for rings, bracelets and necklaces. It really doesn't matter as long as the quality is nice and it matches with what your wearing.

>> No.7845114

I like brand hair accessories but I'm really picky about them so I have more slightly offbrand than brand. For jewellery I'm all about high-end offbrand, I don't think brand jewellery is worth the price. And I don't use wristcuffs but if I did I imagine I'd go brand.

>> No.7845147

I prefer brand for almost everything. I just think it looks so much better 9/10 times

>> No.7845243

I loooooooove my Classical Puppets cupcake petti. It's nice and fluffy and it's so soft, srsly. Like tiny baby angels on my legs.

>> No.7845415

I like a mix of both.
There's lots of cute brand accessories available, and I mainly buy them used. I also enjoy offbrand and thrifted accessories so long as they don't visually cheapen an outfit.

>> No.7845808

Anyone ever had a charge from "MITSUBISHI UFJ NICOS" on their card? The only thing I bought that day was the new AP release and I can't think of anything else it could be...

>> No.7846088

So i want to sell those madonna crowns people have been making for like, $10-15. The only problem I have is shipping.

Is there a way to ship this shit for fairly inexpensively without destroying the damn thing?

>> No.7846727

Wtf are you using to make it that cheap?

>> No.7846856

Has anyone ordered just a necklace from AP yet using Tenso? What was the service/shipping charge roughly?

>> No.7846879
File: 35 KB, 250x333, cute blouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought anything from lolitadressesshop.com? The store owner just sent me a rude ask on tumblr chewing me out for reblogging a picture of an AP blouse and removing her caption with her store link

>> No.7846887

Isn't that a Milanoo storefront or something similar? I may be incorrect, but my-lolita-dress.com was the only actual reputable taobao reseller, just having chosen an unfortunate name

>> No.7846890

Oh yeah, google said the same. Also I realized the person messaging me on tumblr wasn't the store owner, she was just mad that I removed her caption (she said it was bad for business so I assumed)

>> No.7847023

A caption with a link to the store? On an AP blouse? Fucking weird

>> No.7847308
File: 2.60 MB, 459x459, excuseme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question: is "CC" a widely used abbreviation for something? Made a post on a sales group and some girl asked me "cc french" and I have no idea what she means. Sorry if the answer is completely obvious.

>> No.7847390

She isn't hideous. She's cute, but she isn't anything special. Not really sure why she's so popular. Kind of average for an Asian girl tbh.

>> No.7847421

I have ordered just a bracelet and just socks. Shipping was about 1900 yen both times.

>> No.7847424

Oh, I mean, shipping + service fee combined. 1500 for shipping and 490 or so for the service fee.

>> No.7847716

Gotcha, thanks anon. I was worried about that, so it's basically at least 2000yen no matter what.

>> No.7848019

It's a millanoo front for sure. It's been on the EGL scam list for a while.

>> No.7848593

I really like her facial structure (nice eye shape/lid structure, the long thin nose bridge, thin but not too thin smile and puffy cheeks). That's just me, though.

>> No.7848872
File: 183 KB, 512x384, invisibleboob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else having issues with Paypal? I can no longer do instant check outs and all of my money needs to be transferred before purchasing. This is really inconvenient.

>> No.7849207

Maybe call and ask them about it?

>> No.7849210

Yeah, I plan on doing it tomorrow after my classes. Hopefully things can be resolved.

>> No.7849228

Has anyone heard of an indie brand called Lost Candy?