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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 50 KB, 720x960, 10559854_10203441310387751_3846830644060846894_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7838524 No.7838524 [Reply] [Original]

>be 19
>participating in amtgard (international larp group)
>huge camping event
>turnout of over 80 people
>50% of them were women, decent looking ones too
>having a big battle game
>defend the castle
>huge castle to defend, about 20 feet by 20 feet, real working gates
>defending the castle like a boss
>suddenly gates are breached
>we slowly start pushing them out and fanning out in the front
>cute female elf rogue standing outside too scared to move
>looks ahead
>ballista locked and loaded to fire at her
>two archers prepared to cross catch her if she moves
>grabs elvish rogue and pushes her out of the way
>takes all three shots straight to the head
>suddenly blood spilling everywhere
>like actually bleeding
>had to remove glasses because blood was pooling up in them
>Game called to a hold
>walked off the field and is sent to the hospital
>got 9 stitches
>made it back in time to do a speech at our huge conjoined corronation event (I'm one of the monarchs in our state)
>ended up doing a pretty kickass harem photoshoot afterwards with 8 attractive women,
>cute elf rogue offers to keep me company in my tent that night
Long story short, stitches get bitches. Pictured is me without most of my garb and wound before stitched up.

>> No.7838542


>> No.7838744

You are one ugly motherfucker.

>> No.7838750

I don't think so. A cute female elf rogue kept him company at his tent all night. He must be handsome.

>> No.7838923

Ur face/body is cute but you need to do something about that receding hair line, it makes you ugly as sin. I say, just shave it off. You'll go up 3-4 points in an attractive scale.

>> No.7838928

Your lack of hair is disturbing

>> No.7838939

Elf girl would have fucked you if it wasn't for that hair.

>> No.7838961

OP are you German?

>> No.7838968

I would be seriously surprised if amtgard was a thing in Germany

>> No.7839413

amtgard is a pussy sport. and the gate wasnt breached in some spectacular fashion. you cant even have person to person contact. or charge at people etc etc. amtgard is just a bunch of neckbeards in awful garb playing tappy tag with pool noodle swords that weigh as light as possible.

>> No.7839439

I'm an EMT in real life, so I help out as an on field medic for my larp. This happened this past weekend
>be dead on the field midway through a battle
>decent fighting, about 250 combatants.
>fighting shifted to another place so all that is left is bunch of other guys being dead too
>nbd just chilling, shooting the shit with all the people who you just tried to murder.
>stray arrow comes flying our direction, bounces off a shield and hits someone in the face who is about 10 ft away from me.
>guy seemed to be a bit hurt so I go over to check it out.
>"You alright man?"
>"Yeah, but it still stings right on my forehead"
>turns out the arrow was completely reversed and the wrong end hit him on the face but at first glance all I could see were two little marks.
>at that moment, blood starts just pouring out of the top of his forehead all over his face.
>that's not good
>didn't have gloves or bandages so I wasn't gonna touch it. I knew that the medic with those supplies was about 150 ft away.
>"Here I can help! I have a healing poem!"

It wasn't actually that bad of a cut. Head wounds just like to bleed a lot, so he was a-ok.

>> No.7839549

>"Here I can help! I have a healing poem!"

I laughed at this more than I should.

>> No.7839779

That hair really does nothing for you dude, get a wig or something, hell, even shaving it off would look better.

>> No.7839793

Just saying.

>> No.7839805

LARP is fucking gay. Go join an actual sport or something. There's nothing more embarrassing than watching grown men play knights and wizards out in the park.

>> No.7839808

Please leave.

>> No.7839827

Oh sorry I forgot how massive your dick is, I'll certainly go play football and have my ass smacked in the most manly way possible.

>> No.7839870

>implying 80 people is an impressive number

>> No.7840050

Nasty nerdlet whoreson

>> No.7840468

suddenly this became a popularity contest?

>> No.7840491

you are one sad human being

>> No.7840513

you guys don't have the little hoop things on the back ends that stop the back from poking stuff?

>> No.7840622
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I'm more interested about the gient rubber slings and if they too bombard the other medics with waterbaloons during downtime

>> No.7840884

I know next to nothing about LARP, so I wouldn't know.

I'll probably be doing research and seeing about getting into it starting next year.

I'm US-based, not EU, though.

>> No.7840901

technically Amtgard is not a larp. Although people in croatia use the amtgard system for larps with a few modification here and there. Probably there are other similar exampels but I've never heard it from Germany

>> No.7841062

Again, I would not know that.

But thanks for the lesson! Now I know!
>I secretly admire you for your unbridled enthusiasm, srsly.

>> No.7841193


Didn't we just talk about that sort of attitude in the last larp thread.

>> No.7841347

and I'm saying so that you know know.
Also while I say it's technically not a larp in the US most people consider it as a larp because swords.
But it the roleplaying thing is not a must have and there are a few more things lacking to be called a larp, so it's rather a battle-game, solely about fighting.

>> No.7841396

>I secretly admire you for your unbridled enthusiasm, srsly

I'm only this enthusiastic about it because I have nothing better to do that I'm interested in. You could say that I doesn't really have a life

>> No.7841521

Well, I can't very well got to EU and join up there, so I'll take what I can get.

Don't shit on yourself for liking something. You obviously have a life if you're doing something you like with other people, even if what you're doing is unconventional and/or nerdy as shit.

I was excited as hell when I saw you posting all those photos a few weeks ago, so shut the hell up and let me like you, okay?

>> No.7841589

Nah, nothing there.

>> No.7841686
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Amtgard... Bitch get on my level.

>> No.7841695
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See this, there are no pulled punches, they are fighting until someone gives up or can't fight any longer. there is no magic, no spells, no classes and few rules..

>> No.7841704
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And that little girl is 17...

>> No.7842260

>there is no magic, no spells, no classes and few rules..
I can get behind all those things but full plate beatdown doesn't appeal to me.

Admittedly my ideal larp would probably be dagorhir with plot.

>> No.7842325
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[nospilersoncgl]which pictures?[/nospilersoncgl]

>> No.7842522
File: 85 KB, 960x593, IMG_173347096831284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umy only big problem with larps as a whole is the no headshots rules. It looses a dimension and leads to really bad fighting techniques.. Then you run into head blocking and all manner of faggotry. You can get even a light weight larp helm for under a hundred bucks. Hell even a fencing mask would be preferable to what I see in the likes of amtgard.

>> No.7842526

the big problem is that people forgetting larps are not all about just fighting. that's just part of it. Plus it's a game, not a sport

>> No.7842529
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I wish USlarps were about role play man. I would participate more in them.

>> No.7842532

it's hard to be about roleplay when most players in the US doesn't really make a distinction between battlegames and larps.
Plus there is this thing that I feel very strongly from US players: they MUST have some kind of hierarchy about which thing is BETTER than the other and not understanding that these things are completely different and you can have fun in all of them, but in a different way

>> No.7842538
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This... A million times, every group wants to think their way is the best and can't decide what they really want to be. Amtgard is a larp taken over by twitch twinks and combat gamers... At least in my home town. And the other groups of boffer fighters barely make a percent of the available players.

>> No.7842550
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The thread that had this in it.

>> No.7842570
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Well, that pic is from Drachenfest so it was either at the thread where I talked about drachenfest among other things or another general larp thread as afaik I only posted that pic here one more time aside from the Drachenfest thread

>> No.7843039

Until you've been day one boot, you don't know ugly, and until you've been last day boot, you don't know low standards.

>> No.7843127

If we are at secret wisdoms I have one too:
War is not a reason for pants

>> No.7843144
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Only cold is a reason for pants.

>> No.7843159
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not even cold.

>> No.7843164
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although, while war is not a reason for pants there is the problem that the provost might think otherwise...

>> No.7843264
File: 97 KB, 300x400, research_greekhelmet5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever seen a Boeotian helmet at a larp?

>> No.7843290


So, if that's the case, wat do?

>> No.7843333

you would have to change how people think and that's not easy nor fast. Honestly we couldn't even do it completely here and it's a way smaller country with way less people. It's something that will only change through years, even decades and you will never completely "solve" the problem

>> No.7843363

Could I just start my own thing?

>> No.7843372

Is something stopping you?

>> No.7843406

I guess not, if there's not real "rule" over who can start and develop LARP-things.

I just thought there was some type of over-seeing for groups.
I don't know much about that, so I guess it's just a matter of researching.

>> No.7843419

>I just thought there was some type of over-seeing for groups.

if only anon, if only...
No there is nothing like that and that's why so many retards out there starting larps while completely convinced they shit the spanish wax and everything they do is perfect.

So yeah, you can start a larp whenever you want. I'm not saying that it's easy or that it's for everyone or even i you are good with organisation and stuff like that you will be successfull because it depends on so many things. But if you are serious about it you are at a better start then a lot of organizers I know because you ask questions (and hopefully listen to the answers)

>> No.7843578
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The group becomes it's own undoing.

While i don't discourage people from making their own games, (as that is how all larps really started after all) I can share some of the pitfalls i have encountered over the 20 some odd years i've done this sort of thing.

Group identity, is hard to establish. you can make a Larp setting, plan and write hundreds of pages of text but you come up against a wall when you look at finding people to play this game you've created.

Realize that trying to please everyone will lead to pleasing no one. You can't make the combat monkeys happy and the role players happy. You cant turn the game into a "boffer sport" and expect them to not fight like flailing tards.

If you want to start a more RP based game establish rules that make it harder to be a twink. like "You must have on garb, no obvious mundane shoes, no fun noodle weapons." the aforementioned fun noodle sword is all weapons in the ultra light, tube shaped omni blade, "dick sword". They are not representative of any real or fantasy weapon and only exist to offer physical advantage in a boffer combat game. Your weapon must look like the weapon it's supposed to represent.

Use or demand latex larp weapons, there are lots to choose from, they lend better to role play than boffer tag.

Avoid complicated armor rules, magic rules, anything involving immersion breaking math that has to be yelled out or a laundry list of enchantments to recall. If you're going to include magic make it simple and somewhat physical in nature.

The only way to win or advance in any way is to solve problems in the game, complete storys, interact and well.. role play.. Absolutely no advancement of any tangible measure should be given through strictly combat. This means that you could be the fastest, best fighter on the field and that won't get you anywhere if you don't participate in the story

>> No.7843585
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One more thing.. Hit people in the head... it's a foam and latex sword, it's not going to kill you.

while you can have rules that discourage headshots, or even putting in simple rules to keep people from swinging for the fences with each strike. if you make a target "off limits" you will loose a lot of ground to people who want to game the system.

>> No.7843866

My comm had a huge issue with headshots in the beginning. I thought it was ridiculous.

I'm a short lass, in a game full of tall dudes. Their swings are about head height on me already. I eventually ended up being disqualified because people kept hitting me in the head. Despite that I had a helmet, despite that I had absolutely no issue with it counting as an insta kill.

Eventually they rescinded the rule, and play all around was so much better. People either got head protection or were careful about their heads, I got to shoot arrows at people and not worry about their stupid asses blocking them with their heads.

Seriously, none of those weapons hurt unless you swing them to hurt. Then you're just an asshole, and the rest of us have fun ganging up on you.

>> No.7843899

>plan and write hundreds of pages of text
noone will ever read it if you write hundreds of pages for a larp

>Realize that trying to please everyone will lead to pleasing no one.
number one error.
you shouldn't try to please everyone. If you try to please everyone you are a special kind of idiot who may or may not likes to suffer.
You mmust choose your target audience and TRY to please them. You won't be successful and you will have to specialize but that's it. You need very strong goals

>Use or demand latex larp weapons, there are lots to choose from, they lend better to role play than boffer tag.
not a must have but could work. Although you are right that you need equipment standards/requirement and if someone doesn't meet them they can say goodbye. But having loaner equipment could help.
Also on the weapons boffers could work if they are done right not in a dicksword way.
And the equipments will only improve if the people really want to look better. Again, it's a mindset problem in the US which you couldn't change overnight.

>Avoid complicated armor rules, magic rules, anything involving immersion breaking math that has to be yelled out or a laundry list of enchantments to recall. If you're going to include magic make it simple and somewhat physical in nature.
wisdom, with the addition that battle magic is what fucks up most of the magic systems try to minimize it or exclude it althogether

I think the restriction must be in place for every larp if they want safe game. Which means they shouldn't count except if the victim counts it. That means you are not allowed to hit the head but accidents happen and while by default it wouldn't be a valid hit if the other guy thinks it was a nic hit or that it seems right that his character takes that hit he could choose that, but it should be entirely on him.

Again this only works if your player base doesn't want to win all the time but have fun. Because you can't win a larp.

>> No.7844190
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I teach everything from Viking sword axe and shield up to spanish rapier, and when you exclude a target i've learned people tend to abuse it. I would prefer if it at least looked like a sword fight or someone put some effort into making it look good. Adrian empire has what i would call the opposite of the SCA rule.. in SCA they call out "light" to ignore a blow that someone landed on them that they think hit them too lightly. the Adrians call out "Power" when someone is swinging too hard or unsafely.

Watch a amtguard or SCA tournament. the fighting isn't exciting to watch because it is mostly flailing improper strikes. If you want your LARP to feel epic, the combat can't feel so mundane. I want players to feel like they triumphed over adversity, conquered the day. Hell i would even go as far as to say you plan it out like the old VTM larps where once the game starts you're in character until a hold is called or the end of game. Give people incentive to play the npc baddies by offering some reward for their own characters. Again, the less intrusive the system is the better off everyone will be.

>> No.7844200
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Yeah that is ultimately my thoughts on it as well.

"Headshots happen, they are legal, don't intentionally swing hard at someone's head, wear a helmet or learn to deal with it."

Correct me if i'm wrong but, You were disqualified because they kept hitting you in the "illegal target area"? That just isn't how that works m8, if the no headshots thing was a rule and someone kept hitting you in the head. They need to be disqualified not you.

>> No.7844513

>I teach everything from Viking sword axe and shield up to spanish rapier, and when you exclude a target i've learned people tend to abuse it.
Again, mindset. If it's win condition game then of fucking course that people will try to use every advantage they have. If they try to represent their characte and not just have fun but playing in a way that others will have fun too then it's not a real issue. Or at least that's my experience. There will be always arguments but for example on Drachenfest the head area is not a valid hit location either but it happens especially when thousands of peoples fight in a huge mass. If they feel it was just a glancing hit sometimes they ignore it, sometimes they play it out. If they got hit in the head square and right then mostly they play it out even if they doesn't have to, depending on the situation.

But noone attacks actively the head because it could be dangerous, especially with polearms. Plus it's not reenactment nor hema and because you can encounter at games anyone from little kids to grandmas or handicapped people you don't want to make it more dangerous as it is.

>> No.7844539


Nope, you read it right. They disqualified me because it was "hard to not hit you in the head".

It was two people that consistently got head strikes (they'd swing long and hard at around chest level for the other dudes), and two others that grazed me once. One of the consistents threw up a bitch fit until I became a medic for the games.

I mean it really improved play overall, once the rule went away.

>> No.7844963
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Man, All of my envy. I went out to a local larp to support a friend had some of my armor in the car so i decided to take it out and ended up in a game. It solidified everything i used to hate about larp was still there. some guys rush up to swarm at the guy in armor and I end up fighting 3 and 3 at a time. Thrust at one and his shield pushes it right into his face and throat while they try to get very physical with shields and bashing around. I just have spent too long in american larps to give any ground to combat twinks.

>> No.7846858

I saw this pic and all I could think was "Guess how often I jerk off"

>> No.7847219

The only thing you need to give combat twinks is the d

>> No.7847379

>Thrust at one and his shield pushes it right into his face and throat while they try to get very physical with shields and bashing around.

technically then it wasn't your fault. I mean every time someone parries a blow to their had is their fault.
Thhat's why your swords have padding because noone thinks you can't use your weapon. EVERYONE can use their weapon and PERFECTLY of course. What we assume that the other motherfucker wants to purposefully jump into your attack.

Joking aside when someone starts bitching about that he got hit in the head we tell him that there are a few different ways to deal with it but none of them is bitching.
First of all some of us just train to be that good that they won't get hit in the head
Some of us work in the comes around go around theory: if they get hit in the head they will hit the other guy in the head too.
Some of us just simply shrug it of as it's not a big deal
And some of us have helmets.

>> No.7847573
File: 63 KB, 223x179, Yeah, nah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fuckin hairline
You're 19? I'm so so sorry anon

I wanna try LARP one day, there's no scene for it where I live though

>> No.7847606

well think of it this way, everyone is running around with a weapon that doesn't have any weight to it. they can swing it as fast as needed without getting tired, and without any skill required. because your standard blocking, be it with a shield or another weapon are kinda moot if I can just keep throwing shots at you because boy my arm isnt gonna get tired any time soon.
I fully understand the want to not get hit by something harder like an SCA rattan sword. A lot of people think that they're gonna break a bone, or get hit too hard. But there's a also a bit more of authenticity with the technique and weight behind everything you do.
But i understand the basic idea of larps. it's all a game, and not just fighing.

>> No.7848853

I'm the EMT from>>7839439
I've seen headshots do some serious damage. It's not allowed in our game, but I've had to carry people off the field for getting smacked multiple times in the head with a two handed glaive. The guy had to go to the hospital with a serious concussion. So no, it's not just foam and latex.

Arrows are legal headshots, but they don't do damage unless they are broken.

>> No.7850786
File: 65 KB, 720x960, lolright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eight attractive women lol

>> No.7850820

please tell me this is the same anon because holy shit this is hilarious.
also 3 of the 8 look like twelve year old girls.
this whole picture is just embarrassing

>> No.7851151

With hair like that I'd delude myself into thinking those are attractive women too.

>> No.7851529 [DELETED] 
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dear anon: qualitx over quantity

>> No.7851538
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dear anon: quality over quantity

>> No.7851571
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>Be me.
>Be at local LARP practice with maybe 6 people in a college campus park.
>In a kilt.
>Do a spin-swing thing to get guy sneaking up behind me.
>Kilt flies up but not quite enough to expose anything.
>Feels awesome man.

I love doing that.

On the issue of kilts, how much plaid fabric do I need to make a great-kilt/belted-plaid?

Could I do one with a size small to twin bed-spread?

>> No.7851574

somewhere around 6 meters, but depends on who you ask and what kind of folding do you use

>> No.7851610
File: 519 KB, 1888x1283, wUWnnol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, if any local seagulls are coming to MondoCon this weekend in Hungary - we will be bringing a small, easily-playable and accessible larp which you can try. I posted the details on the convention's facebook event wall, look for a post with pic related attached.

>> No.7851727
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>Be the joly ol' me
>on the field following an healer who is raising our dead
>a sneaky ork archer try to shoot our only healer alive
>sneaky archer shoot an arrow
>yell ''LOOK OUT SIR!''
>block the arrow with my shield as i jump like the movies
>the guy being healed and the healer are two 40k players
>we all laugh like big nerds
>i poke the ork in one arm and one leg
>the player kinda like us and decide to join us as our ''mascot'' until we find his battlegroup

>be on the field, same larp but this year
>get charged by behind by an elf
>as a reflex i turn to grab my dagger
>punch the elf with my chainmail mitts
>try to apologise
>elf start a chain reaction and the core is about to melt, he goes full chernobyl on my ass
>think to myself Na-ah gurl i'm not going to let that fucker ruin my day just because he can't accept apologies
>Grab the elf by the shoulders and give him a big hug and i go ''Shhhh...Shhhh...don't be mad...Shhh''
>elf still mad as fuck, may create a black hole of hate
>give a kiss on his forehead
>all his friends laugh

they told me he have a bad temper and always flip his shit like that, and i've seen him flip his shit some times like that.

>> No.7851859

Responding to the other thread here since it is in autosage.

>Sure, if love to make something for you when you are ready. You do Viking right? It'll give me a reason to do research outside of my usual era.

Yeah I do viking, I figure if I do get something that is more fancy too I'd get it in white and red, something a bit more showy for when I go to events like Coronation.

and from what I can tell, vikings had some swanky clothes

>> No.7852269
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>> No.7852271
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whups forgot my trip

>> No.7852349

are we went to the "posting random images from movies" phase?

>> No.7852453
File: 849 KB, 2000x1500, 10633314_10203790490936287_7863801281568895494_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I went to a Rogue Trader 40K larp this weekend. All the characters had been invited by a troupe of Harlequins to witness their dance. Was absolutely fantastic. We solved the murder of an Exodite lord, shot cultists, stopped rituals to summon Slaaneshi deamons and fought corrupted versions of the Harlequins.

Highlight stories:
>Playing Gunslinger Noble
>Work out what the Harlequins are up to, make friends with Death Jester because of this.
>Point out that they are finding people worthy enough to be understudies for their play.
>Later that night he asks if I was serious.
>Hands me his Mask and Shrieker Cannon "You will lead your friends to kill the Dark Eldar through the Webway"
>Oh shit, might get blammed for Heresy but fuck it, most of the Inquisitors are Radicals anyways
>Walk through the dark woods in pitch blackness, only lit by wisp lights the ST's had set up.
>Get attacked by DE Mandrakes along the pathway
>STs whisper not to get involved unless they say so as the Death Jesters mask is kinda taking over
>Big fight againts DE, I'm hanging back as the Archon starts cutting players down
>ST whispers "Cut Loose"
>Walk forward, spooling up the Shrieker Cannon "I AM HE WHO DANCES WITH DEATH! DANCE WITH ME AND YOU DANCE WITH DEATH"
>After the fight back at camp, tear off the mask and spend the rest of the night having a little bit of an existential crisis

Basically, the ST playing the Death Jester was leading players through the Webway for encounters and wanted a break. Saw me as an excuse to sit for a while and have a break. I ham this up to the nines, the whole taking over of personality and mixing of Human and Eldar mannerisms was all off my own back. Get congratulated by ST team for this. Also get OOC congrats from players for making a fairly standard fight in the dark that bit more atmospheric.
Didn't get blammed.

Pic related, me in the brown standing with an Inquisitor and the main Rogue Traders during a diplomatic encounter with some Exodites

>> No.7852488
File: 384 KB, 1093x2380, 1304605175351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you can get to the important part: how was the food?

>> No.7852580

Considering that show has the blood eagle in it.. yeah, it's not the best source.

>> No.7852590

and the armors that was left over from the Borgia series... which weren't even good for that show

>> No.7852594

Damn, now I want partridge.

Another story.

>Get invited to a meeting of the Inquisition, partly because I offered to help one of the Inquisitors out and he's my OC best friend.
>Expected lot of characters there, with a couple of notable ones who had not openly expressed their allegiance.
>Usual dry stuff, discussing plans and what not
>My character is a cross of Han Solo, Doc Holiday and Lord Flasheart.
>"Right, I will admit I have no idea what you lot are on about, but I have a couple of questions. Since we are across the line into none Imperial territory, will I get shot for dealing in trade with Xenos, as long as it's not evil shit I'm buying?
>Yeah that's fine, go ahead. Just don't be stupid.
>"Alright, next question. Have you seen some of their women? Will I get shot if I sleep with one?"
>shouts of Yes! and Dont you fucking dare!
>"Fair enough, thought I'd better ask. Gotta turn that dinner date with the Corsair lass then"

Fucking Inquisitors man, ruining a Nobles dream of bagging an Eldar.

>> No.7852603

it's only heresy if they catch you

>> No.7852614

That was my thinking. But I wasn't gonna run the risk. I was pushing the limit as it was. Instead I flirted with one of the Rogue Trader captains, a Navigator and an Adventuring Archaeologist. Got 3 IC dinners out of it so not a total loss.
Also the next day I was involved in the not so subtle execution of someone who turned out to be an Officio Assasinorum agent. Turns out he had been buying Men of Iron and selling humans to Dark Eldar so fuck him :D

>> No.7852621

why sell it when you can use it?

>> No.7852829
File: 92 KB, 477x720, axe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn, yes. It sucks so much that everything else; clothing, sets, scenery- were amazing, but the armour was total shit. Still an awesome series though.

Shameless self-post unrelated, but a friend of mine is now selling budget larp weapons from her company, and I did some photos with her for the halloween season.

>> No.7852835
File: 87 KB, 720x720, 24637_542157542504939_602706151_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do she sell cheap maces?

Also, i've been invited to go to a Post-Apo larp this weekend, should i go? it's only 20$ and i've been invited to a looter group. but there is skills and levels... i hate skills and level.

I just want to smash people's knee and use them as zombie bait

Why...why skills why

Pic unrelated, farwest larp

>> No.7853127

Crusader-type armour? In 1290?


>> No.7853135

Your sideburns are magnificent. Just saying.

>> No.7853430

if you mean the borgia series some of the cloths they used were out of place too by a few decades or more

>> No.7853603
File: 77 KB, 640x959, Purpleknigthnigthout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S'mornin' bump

>> No.7853606

nah nah man, your not looking at it correctly, look at the detail of the garb. not what it represents.

>> No.7853625

I nearly never advise to anyone to make a garb according to a movie because let's face it: most if it are not practical enough. You can get ideas and stuff from it but mostly it's just for the looks and on a larp you rather need practicality than looks.

I think this is one of the main differences between a larp and a cosplay: cosplays number one priority is how it looks and secondly how it functions, in larps your number one priority (should be) how it functions and then how it looks

>> No.7853660
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x805, knights_of_badassdom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DnD - Neverwinter LARP
1st day
>Friends and I go as generic party (Sorcerer, Barbarian, Fighter, Thief, and Cleric)
>Surprise assault on the Orc Horde
>Sorcerer casts on three of us Rolling Energy Ball of Pain Shield
>Pump up inflatable water walking balls
>Cleric, Fighter and Thief enter their assigned water walking balls.
>Roll them down the hill to the surprise screams of the orcs
>Dungeonmaster indecisive on our creative absurdity due to every LARPer collapses into "Why did I not think of that" giggles and laughter.
>Due to our distraction, another team completes the quest on getting the Orc Kings head.

2nd Day
>Party Leader was prepared for boredom.
>Led us back to the van
>Hands us red shirts
>We are all dressed as the Star Trek Away Team
>Instructs us to "SHATNERIZE"
>Exaggerate everything, movement, speaking and reactions.
>panic running from one end of the field to the next.
>Phazers Everything
>Illithids finally corner us and kill us in the abandoned quarry.
>Total Startrek infiltration/mayhem - 4 hours
>DM for second day invites us for next LARP he is planning. As possible story twists.
>Other LARP Groups thank us for breaking monotomy.

3rd Day
>Dressed as The Village People and Freddy Mercury

>> No.7853668

don't mind the hate OP, if this is true then good on you
she probably thought that whatever was causing you to bleed would've caused her to bleed if you hadn't done what you did.

You deserved it and I'm happy for you and even if you'd probably look better after a haircut, most hateful comments in these threads are from harpies who couldn't pull off a 'cute elf rogue' look to begin with.

Good on you lad, good on you.

>> No.7853701
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>this thread

>> No.7853941
File: 690 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mz0pq3KLGc1skkssso3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen Borgias, Vikings was alright up until they pulled out the blood eagle shit.
Are you implying we get all the ladies, or that we are the ladies?

>> No.7853945


But I have a thing for LARP dudes.

>> No.7853951
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Works for me, have a chaos dude then

>> No.7854022
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>> No.7854034
File: 709 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_nc5ijt3STR1ryq3d0o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well give you all one more picture before I go off to lunch.

>> No.7854048
File: 53 KB, 480x720, 1373469532588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want we can always dump pics, just say it

>> No.7854091


Sweet deities above and below, you guys are the fuckin' best.

Also: yes. dump it all.

>> No.7854104
File: 656 KB, 800x1200, IMG_5132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nearly 50k pictures in my larp folder and even though nearly half of them are arms and armor and reenactment pic I still can't dump all of them. But I can dump a few randomly or if you want something more specific then say it

>> No.7854112
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>> No.7854114
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>> No.7854125
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>> No.7854127

Max out the thread, anon.

You're too kind.

>> No.7854128
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>> No.7854133
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so standard procedure, alright. Although I still have sewing to do today so I'm not sure if I will max it out today

>> No.7854137
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>> No.7854138
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>> No.7854139
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>> No.7854140
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>> No.7854145
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>> No.7854147

10/10 photo

>> No.7854151
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>> No.7854154
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>> No.7854160
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>> No.7854165
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>> No.7854170
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>> No.7854171
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>> No.7854179
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>> No.7854181
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>> No.7854183
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>> No.7854185
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>> No.7854187
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>> No.7854196
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>> No.7854209
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>> No.7854213
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>> No.7854216
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>> No.7854219
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>> No.7854223
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>> No.7854225
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>> No.7854227
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>> No.7854230
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>> No.7854233
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>> No.7854238
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>> No.7854244
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>> No.7854258
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>> No.7854259
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>> No.7854263
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>> No.7854265
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>> No.7854270
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>> No.7854272
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>> No.7854279
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>> No.7854287
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>> No.7854292
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>> No.7854294
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>> No.7854297
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>> No.7854301
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>> No.7854304
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>> No.7854305
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>> No.7854308
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>> No.7854310
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>> No.7854314
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>> No.7854317
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>> No.7854321
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>> No.7854325
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>> No.7854330
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>> No.7854335
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>> No.7854343
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and I go back to sewing now a little I will continue later if needed

>> No.7854348
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>> No.7854351

>that creepy bulge

>> No.7854370

You're the best.

Happy sewing!

>> No.7854373

that's not creepy at all, it's just not well made. Also it's called a codpiece

>> No.7854375
File: 65 KB, 600x684, e940d663-26ea-44cc-9427-db1105eb8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi jack!

>> No.7854379

thanks, although I just only post pictures, nothing really exceptional

>> No.7854382

Christ, you self-defeating fuck, just say "thank you" and bask in the knowing that you made someone's day with what you posted.

Now get back to work.

>> No.7854390

still, it's a fairly standard thing to do. (and I already sewing)

>> No.7854488

meanwhile, repaired my hat, now onto the joined hoses

>> No.7854509

nah man, your not understanding it once again, your looking at it as a whole. know what i see when i look at that picture other than a dude swinging an axe? i notice his leather tunic. its unique, i like it. i notice the colors, and i notice the rope on his kidney belt. thats what stands out, and its not about functionality, its a larp, and most larps are fantasy based. i mean hell do you really think lanchenet or however you spell it is functional with cod pieces and all? nah man. you have to look at the detail, and decide what you like and dont, take little bits, and incorporate that, or take inspiration from that into your garb. thats why i have trouble designing it. im always finding new stuff i like.

>> No.7854529

>functional with cod pieces and all? nah man.
that's a pretty much functional thing. You have NO IDEA how much you can disturb people with it. Or how much they love it. Nobody can stay neutral toward the codpiece. And when there is a grappling or up close and personal stabby time if the codpiece gently touches your inner tight you will get disturbed for a few seconds which is enough for more stabby.

Plus as I said it's movies are good for getting ideas we agree on that point, but I still wouldn't advise copying full costumes or posting it in larp threads. Also, there is nothing exceptional on that pic, I see those things you mentioned a lot of time in random fantasy stuff

>> No.7854547
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>> No.7854557

lol, fuckin cloth dicks.

and yeah thats why i post them though to just gather little bits. id never copy a full costume though, thats just dumb.

and it is pretty exceptional, they did an excelent job n it, i mean notice the bit of braiding they did on the sides? a nice color to it with little bits off the side cut inward. it all adds to it. like i said the little stuff. regardless i wouldnt ever copy a full piece, but movies honestly do garb better than 80% of larpers. even half the ones you post, that guy up there looks more realistic. but thats probably just the grime.

>> No.7854793

Note to self: firmly grasp codpieces whenever possible.

>> No.7854805

the "braiding" on the sides is there because most of the time everyone put those leather strings on every fucking thing if it tries to make it more "viking" but othwise you can buy a shirt like that from any larp shop and but the leather laces on it if you want. Nothing exceptional there.
The only difference on that garb from a any random larp costume is that the guy on the pic is covered in mud. And you can do that to larp costumes too but people tend to clean it every once in a while so that's it.

that will make you even more easier to stab. Because it's just a piece of clothing, stuffed with random stuffing materials. So contrary to popular belief people doesn't put their dick in it. On the other hand if someone tries to kick in the groin it gives you a little padding against it, If you put a little piece of chainmail inside it then it works against dickstabbing too. And a really good place to put your money if it has an inside pocket

>> No.7854813
File: 2.19 MB, 3264x2448, DSC03260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway I did all the sewing I could done tonight I'm going to sleep. Here is a pic for the rest of the night. It's my codpiece before it was finished

>> No.7854886

op please dont be so obvious its embarrassing enough already

>> No.7854888

oh dude u ugly as shit, don't post pictures on the internet.

>> No.7854957

Why can't my boyfriend grow chops like that? I want to rub them.

>> No.7854969

Because it's not sideburns, it's years worth of dirt

>> No.7855009

Jelly much?

>> No.7855033
File: 578 KB, 2100x2225, okifyousayso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off mosque
Wait...wait wrong thread

>> No.7855127
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>Do she sell cheap maces?

I'll ask

I try.

There are two series about the Borgia dynasty that came out in 2011. One is Showtime's "The Borgias" which is fast paced, dramatic, has costuming kept within a 60-year period gap (rare for a TV series) and has POPE FUCKING JEREMY IRONS.

The other, "Borgia" had costuming all over the place, hammy acting and a distinct lack of POPE FUCKING JEREMY IRONS.

>I nearly never advise to anyone to make a garb according to a movie


I dunno... I know I am not the handsomest, but the guy in OP has transgressed the forehead, and skipped right to the sixhead.

Vikings COULD have been good, if they had used at least some maille shirts and had people bathe. The vikings were actually recorded as being rather prissy in their hygiene, and loved bright colors.

You just have to believe!

>> No.7855250
File: 587 KB, 2048x1366, 10286976_1629366790621149_1772914965506160150_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A french show about king Arthur
The armors are all XVI century plate...brrr
but still i like this small budget show


>> No.7855260

What I wont defend is the habitually fucked up and shitty armour of these shows: The Borgias, Borgia, The Tudors... Practically halloween costume quality armour.

Rome was fucking based though.

>> No.7855279

Rome is one of the best tv series ever.

>> No.7855284
File: 51 KB, 477x720, 270963_463916776995683_795741539_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take my love
Take my land
Take me where i cannot stand

>> No.7855343

ive been looking at fabrics and i think ive narrowed it down for my tabbard/surcoat.

either a cotton or wool harringbone flannel. what do you guys think? im just afraid the wool will be to hot.

>> No.7855865

If it's at least 60% wool, it's the fabric equivalent of Jesus Christ, Buddha and Batman combined - wool is breathable, warm in cold weather, absorb sweat away from the body in warm weather, and still retains a fair amount of heat-keeping ability while wet. I've worn the same wool-padded gambeson to a larp in +40 degrees Celsius sunshine and -15 degrees Celcius blizzard, and the only difference was that I needed a little more water in the former.

>> No.7855939

Cool story, What park were you representing and what event?

I'm an old man by Amtgard standards, haven't been active in over five years, starting playing like 11-12 years ago.
Moved onto Dagorhir, then back to Amt, then over to private games, but then all of those closed.
So I hung up my shield, waiting for the time to be right to return.

To keep it CGL related:
Whats your favorite armor materials? I personally love leather, but when you're over 6ft tall and look like a linebacker, it is so goddamn expensive to kit up.

>> No.7855947

Absolutely agree, it's why I stepped away from the scene, the best event I ever attended was private and elaborate, and I think we know how that goes when funding runs out.

AMT in my area was all stick jocks too, Dagorhir of course is nothing but, but I'm so limited in my options.

Where are some of you American players at? I'd be willing to investigate different systems or travel if games are vouched for.

I'm in Ohio.

>> No.7856008
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>> No.7856010
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>> No.7856011
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>> No.7856012
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>> No.7856014
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>> No.7856020
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>> No.7856022
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>> No.7856024
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>> No.7856027
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>> No.7856048
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>> No.7856056

I play rugby in an amateur league.

Is there a style of larping that isn't full of fragile nerds who break down when they get a boo boo? Something that involves using military tactics and beating the hell out of each other?

>> No.7856059
File: 223 KB, 666x1000, 1329364281665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beating the hell out of each other
I'm pretty sure there are no larps that allow this

>> No.7856061

Boot camp.

>> No.7856067
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>> No.7856069

War games ?

>> No.7856070

So all larpers are a bunch of pussies?

>> No.7856071
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>> No.7856073

howbout ya troll elsewhere hun

>> No.7856075
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beating the hell out of someone is illegal in every country as far as I know

>> No.7856084
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>> No.7856087


>> No.7856093
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that's just the battle of nations, more or less regulated at what is allowed and what not, plus mandatory safety equipment and it's a sport
and it's not "beating the hell" out of someone because if you do that the other guy won't get up

>> No.7856098
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>> No.7856099
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>> No.7856101
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>> No.7856103
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>> No.7856113
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>> No.7856117
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>> No.7856132

Stop projecting, faggot.
It'd be laughable if it wasn't so pathetically sad.

Go back to taking dick on the rugby field.

>> No.7856136
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>> No.7856137
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>> No.7856141
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>> No.7856142
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>> No.7856146


Good luck with that attitude. Im sure they will have a good time with you.

>> No.7856150
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>> No.7856155
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>> No.7856158
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>> No.7856159
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>> No.7856164
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>> No.7856166
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>> No.7856178
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>> No.7856180
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>> No.7856182
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>> No.7856185
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>> No.7856188
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>> No.7856191
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>> No.7856196
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>> No.7856204
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>> No.7856206
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>> No.7856208

and we reached image limit

>> No.7856238

Aww bfft.

Thanks for posting all these!

>> No.7856257

we can always start a new thread although I will be kind of busy today and in the weekend there will be a local con. On the upside I will take a few pic at the weekend

>> No.7856266

So a foam fighting wargame has just started at my college and while I haven't gone to it yet the stories from a friend of mine that told me about it give me pause.
>headshots allowed
>barely any foam on the boffers
>no one has heard of stabbing tips yet they're still stabbing
>all swords are dickswords
>from what I've been told about their weapon construction overall they're pretty shit and not too far removed from just hitting someone with a pvc pipe

Despite all this it's either that or nothing around here. So am I being a little bitch or is there something to worry about here?

>> No.7856286

Personally I would worry in your place.
If there are no safety precautions at all then it won't take long that someone will suffer an accident that won't be fun.
Plus, you know, standards. Everyone should have standards to some degree or at least try to improve in the long run

>> No.7856293

also that said, if they are willing to improve then do that. Nobody started perfect.

>> No.7856321


Hopefully they'll be willing to improve, I hope I don't come off as a huge prick though since apparently no one else has any armor or costuming and I'm planning on showing up as a roman legionary.

>> No.7856509

Dagorhirs alot like that. more so than SCA. the only thing higher would be ACL.

in dagorhir you have ugly foam padded weapons BUT:

full force hits
shield checking
shield bashing
all targets viable other than head and neck(with the exception of projectiles)
and there are alot of unit tactics used in smaller battles of arround 100-300. anywhere larger and its kinda a clusterfuck

its alot of fun, but there isnt much rollplay sadly, and alot of the garb sucks so immersion isnt great. and of course there are the stickjocks who care nothing for the sport, or the garb or anything, other then winning. their meta-gaming faggots.

>> No.7856513

oh yeah, that doesnt sound good man. even coming from me, and i play the roughest foam sport. theres a very large chance itll core out, or snap on someone resulting in a serious issue. especially with pvc. and headshots are a huge no go unless you have head protection. dont fuck with concussions.

>> No.7857505

Move to england/Germany/into gropeys house?

>> No.7857947

So I went to their weapon building event and was told that javelins with a core are "too dangerous" in a system gives no shits about headshots.

>> No.7857951

And shield bashing is also too dangerous.

>> No.7858030

what why? javlins should always have cores??

i got hit with one in the jaw once from about 15 feet away, and thats about the only time it actualy hurt. i also dont see whats so bad about shield bashing? it adds so much dynamic to the game.

i also forgot to add you can kick shields in dag.

>> No.7858036

The big field larp I go to disallows shield bashing. You can push someone with the shield, but not forceably barge into someone.
Probably because we fight in forests as well as on an open field, and barging into someone is asking for folks getting knocked into downed trees and impaled on a branch.

>> No.7858058

hah yeahhh... good times...

>> No.7858114

He then had the audacity to tell me that a fucking rope dart with a carabiner the size of my fist in the dart head was acceptable as it was a "hand weapon"

>> No.7858120


>> No.7858133

Faggot logic
>javelins = unsafe because weighted projectile and throwing is dangerous
>rope dart = safe because weighted projectile and throwing is fine as long as part of the weapon (the rope) never leaves your hand so it's treated the same way a spear is

>> No.7858407

>Move into Gropey's house
This would either be awesome or would wear you to exhaustion.

>> No.7858530

Building a rock-hurling ballista for a game next year. Gonna crew it with my mercenary company of pseudo-Landsknechts, because in a world of no polearms, the crew with half a dozen 10ft halberds and some training in forming a proper square is king.

Been working on pavise drills, and since I've started doing a little more carpentry, started on a few more system-legal padded rolling pavises. I'm really glad I have a storage unit and my wife doesn't mind me filling it with instruments of LARP-style destruction. We're gonna lay siege to a castle next year as the season closer to our game, and will be testing out some rule changes by cutting about 10 pages of cruft from our already short (by American standards - 46 pages, including a bunch of background) rulebook over the next year. Already condensed what we've got down to a single page, there are no calls beyond "hard", and I'm working on getting headshots allowed in helmeted fighting. Already allow trained players to grapple.

I think we're doing okay, as far as AmeriLARP goes. Just needs more siege engines.

>> No.7858554

Sounds neat, any details on the construction of the ballista?

>> No.7858557

In my headcannon, when Gropey gets blackout drunk and crafty, he creates traps and puzzles for sober-Gropey to solve later. Good luck with that.

>> No.7858606

Part of the reason is that there will always be that guy who's 250lb and 6'5 who shield bashes the 100lb 5' girl.

in mine he puts on his clown gear, kicks the door open to anons room and shouts "It's GROPEY TIMMEEEEE"

>> No.7859516

why do you guys have headcannon about things like this?

>> No.7859534

I think the real question is why you *don't* have headcannon like this.

>> No.7859567

I have a cat, I don't need psychotic headcannons like that.

>> No.7859568

nothing wrong with clowning around...

>> No.7859849

In my headcannon, you, Gropey and Frenadian regularly meet in a cozy keep, where you drink brandy, play chess and discuss important and philosophical matters.

And then you go out whoring and drinking.

>> No.7859943

There is a medical study skeleton hidden in my house that moves around.

Good luck.

Only if you're cute.

I have a cat too. You have headcannon about someone, somewhere I am sure.

Well, now that you know, we have to kill you.

>> No.7860065

That would be Cognac.

I'm still waiting for that fanfiction about all of us namefag living together

Yesterday i was at a Post apo larp and people started called me ''The Hyena'' because of my particular laugh (imagine a high pitched mad laugh and thats not even my character laugh its just mine) , That was a very fun experience and i'm going back next saturday.

Only shitty thing is , it rained all day (wich i find okay) but because of that nobody took pictures, and it was a really hard game, most of the people died (permadeath), most of the survirors
did not get the required amount of ration and clean water (i got food, even extra but my ration of water was not cleaned so i will start the next scenario with maluses)

>> No.7860110

New thread


>> No.7860862

I have a headcannon about that my cat doesn't want to actually murder me in my sleep.