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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7823044 No.7823044[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is autosaging.

>> No.7823048

Last thread isn't saging yet though

>> No.7823335


I think Nathan made this thread himself. He seems to think that being known as "that faggot who threatened people on facebook" will get him free advertising for his con.

Also he can't spell or work 4chan properly

>> No.7823376

I was going to go to otaku con but afer seeing how much of a major tool the con dirsctor is, i won't go near that shit. If he is doing the PR he is doing a fucking awful job

>> No.7823386

Well he announced today that there will be a ball pit, maybe he wants to be like dash con

>> No.7823404

He's a fucking child. I've told people about what happened with him and they're steering clear of the con. It'll just be a horrific weeb fest at this stage

>> No.7823420

It's almost worth 20 quid just to see it fall, at this stage. Or even 12.50 for a daypass

I feel bad for the guests.

>> No.7823479

Fuck that. buy alcohol and snacks and keep a tab open with facebook on it to watch the drama unfold on the day. Then come over here for a laugh.

>> No.7823651

Pop some popcorn, grab some beverages. Does anyone want to create some sort of Otaku con drinking game?
Then at least we can sit back, laugh and get drunk while its going up in flames.

>> No.7823685

Sure about that? Already fallen to Page 5...

Drama doesn't really unfold on FB though. If people are at the con, they're not really going to post on it.

>> No.7823790

last thread has been deleted? idk

>> No.7823795

Nah, I'm watching it, it's still alive, just on autosage.

>> No.7823797


i've actually been doing this with the last few cons tbh.

i'm probably not going to go to eirta. i'd sort of like to but i'm worn out on the sort of people i meet at cons. going to save my money until i can afford to cosplay or get a panel together about something.

>> No.7823799


kinda used to mtfg where us trannies are so self loathing we'll rack up 1,000 reply threads as to not upset the gays with our excessive presence

>> No.7823813
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if you guys are bored i could do an AMA. be nice doe and i'm more likely to respond. i'll indulge more nosiness that way.

>> No.7823885

Girl, no ones around, stop talking to yourself.

I need to sleep, behave the lot of ye!

>> No.7823887

forgot my fucking sage, innit.

>> No.7823902

No fun for you.

>> No.7824762
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Otakucon (No relation to the US monster, though they assure Otakon knows about them and 'approves') looks set to run in the middle of December, three weeks after the largest anime con of the year. With as many big-name guests as the largest con of the year, and a ticket price that's less than 2/3rds of the cost. (20 a weekend, to the more normal 35 that cons seem to have settled on, like a group of local petrol stations matching prices. It was already looking to be a bit of a fail when people started wondering just how they were expecting to cover Venue, Guests and all the other ancillaries - especially since it doesn't seem to be attached to a college.

It's especially galling when there is evidence they probably can't. 5 years ago, the largest con in the country pulled in 6-700 people, and with a E20 ticket price and a lower cost for the venue because it was using a college venue at the time, could afford exactly 1 guest.

The Otakucon crowd have to cover a venue, multiple guests and are running with a low ticket price and unless some tricky money wizardry is happening. It's not happening just on 'personal savings'.

And pointing this out, immediately had the Director (And PR specialist after their original PR guy was canned after 3 days, and Trade Liason) claiming harassment and [sic]'deformation', and threatening to make a complaint to the police. Before finally addressing and saying he'd pay for the whole convention from "his savings, like the big boys", and he'll "find a really good agent to get a voice actor to reduce their appearance fee". Those're actual quotes, and neither of them engender confidence. Being charitable, one might call them hopelessly naive.

The fact that the director threw a total wobbly on 4chan over it might be telling.

This is, not to put a fine point on it, already shaping up to be a fine bit of a Charlie Foxtrot, and we're still three months away. There's even going to be a Ballpit

>> No.7824824

Morning lads

>> No.7824848
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>> No.7824852 [DELETED] 

Someone please send Nathan to this thread so we can watch him spazz out about this.

>> No.7824859

>Have to get up every Wednesday to go in for one 40 minute class
>tutor was late today
>didn't even do anything productive
>parcel due for delivery today still hasn't come
Loward give me strength

>> No.7824866
File: 362 KB, 866x1444, Nathan pls go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was in the last thread. At first he thought the screenshots painted him in a positive light, then he tried making fun of people here, then his brain broke and he pretended that the whole thing was a publicity stunt for his con in a "lol I was only pretending to be retarded" kinda way.

>> No.7824867
File: 24 KB, 293x293, Welfare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not worried. Only two days left until signing day!

>> No.7824873

I saw that, aye. I kinda feel like he hasn't quite used the full power of his spastic-cannon yet.

Or rather, I hope he hasn't.

>> No.7824876

I have a feeling that he'll go full nuclear on the day of the con.
He'll probably blame us if no one shows up and will probably declare war on 4chan or something equally as stupid.

>> No.7824881

Oh dear sweet Jesus I hope so.

>> No.7824911

wonder how his committee feel after the 'this is not a democracy, this is my convention' rant?

>> No.7824917

Does it even have a Committee? I assumed it was a one man show.

>> No.7824920

Think it used to but wouldn't be surprised if they've jumped ship after this pr disaster

>> No.7824922

Awe I hope they stick around. I want to see it crash and burn. If he just gave up and walked away now it would be no fun.

>> No.7825041

Considering he's Director, PRO and Trade Liason already....

>> No.7825056

Think about it guys he was quick to blame geek faggots . And he's the only one commenting on this thread . I bet not even those so called podcasting idiots want to deal with that pyscho anymore

>> No.7825057

Considering he's Director, PRO and Trade Liason already....

>> No.7825059

Jesus, does he not have a day job or what?

>> No.7825064

Rent boys probably not work nights

>> No.7825065

Well, he doesn't exactly seem like the picture of employability, does he?

>> No.7825066

>Inappropriate spacing around full stops
>Replying to someone without linking the post.

Nathan? are you shit posting about yourself?

>> No.7825068

Probably swallowing pigeon shit like the rest of us...

TBh, I have heard he runs a comic book shop.

>> No.7825070

Well no but in his Muh Dictatorship rant he made a big deal about saving up thousands of his own money. I wouldn't think someone could be so aggressively proud of their financial prowess if they were on welfare.

>> No.7825072

Well he buys and sells shit over ebay and facebook. No bricks and mortar and no registered name as far as the records office is concerned

>> No.7825075

It can be both .
Signing on by Day .
eBay trading by Night .

>> No.7825080

If so he should be declaring his business to the tax office and the social welfare. I'm sure its considered fraud to be getting dol and running a business at the same time

>> No.7825221

Anyone notice that their page likes started going down, then somehow jumped by ten overnight? Guests must be taking a cut to pay for facebook advertising and likes

>> No.7825254

I doubt its paid for. All his friends and volunteers have been leaving shill level comments all week, wouldn't surprise me if he got them to make sock puppets to keep the likes up

>> No.7825564

Anyone have the screencaps from the last couple of threads?

>> No.7825568




It's archived for the moment

>> No.7825624

Everything on cgl archived, so once that previous thread dies they'll still be easy enough to find

>> No.7825638

One more question. Is there any way to prove it was them directly who said Otakon knew about them and approved? Or can anyone ask them that on teh Book of Faces

>> No.7825685

There's a screencap somewhere of him saying it on facebook

>> No.7825695

Only post I can find saying it is this one.>>7819005 None actually directly tying le directeur to the statement.

>> No.7825835


Like if you had saved up thousands why would you blow it on yet another generic shitty anime con. Why not put it into something special?

Like I think maybe there's room for a smaller more adult orientated con or something like gaymer x(or Arcade not run by the Arcade people) but it'd be a smaller event.

Curious as to how many people he expects at this.

>> No.7825843

It's a geek con,not an anime con.
It looks like they"re trying to be like Arcade Con.

>> No.7825860

That is hardly something to aspire to, To be honest they seem to be emulating Dash con, I wouldnt be surprised if the retard running it thinks he can flease people for donations like they did

>> No.7825890

Apparently, Otakon doesn't know about Otakucon

Should we tell 'em?

>> No.7825899
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DO! Yes please! Screencap all of it

>> No.7825998

OMG YES!!! Please do it

>> No.7826021


Why are they calling it Otaku con then when they know the connotation of it?

I really feel like we do need something like Arcade but better though. I'm not as into anime now but I spent so long into it that it's always going to be an interest to some degree, so my ideal con is something that combines western comics/geek stuff with a bit of anime & manga & vidya.

>> No.7826060


This Ain't No Otaku Konvention

>> No.7826067


I was actually drinking with Jayse and Fitzy and a couple of the Eirta lads a good few months back and we were joking about the drama and how glad I was that I'm not a part of it.

We came up with the idea of a theoretical drama-free convention - "Copthefuckon".

>> No.7826117

Going to have a hard time promoting it.
And I can guarantee someone will get pissy over the inclusion of Fuck in the title.

I don't think it's entirely possible to have a drama free con. For definition of drama. Something'll always happen. Get 700-1000 weirdos in one or two room, you're bound to get something. It's a big-enough profile event.

Fuck, I know I seem to manage to spread it even while claiming to hate it somehow. I don't even know why.....

Although, this Otakucon mess rather deserves to be talked about, IMHO. Bitching about cons is one thing, but that does no harm. OTOH, this thing tanking could make everyone look less favourably on Irish cons as a whole because it's far more public than a few snide comments from trolls in 4chan.

>> No.7826128

Would "CopthefuCon" not be a better spelling?

>> No.7826165

I..... spellings like that bug me for some reason.

Alcoholicon (Lets be honest)

All the good names were taken by the gaming cons, the fuckers. Fucking Leprecon is a perfect name....

>> No.7826259

Still annoyed that Nom Con doesn't host zombie-themed events and call them NecroNomCom

>> No.7826264


We were considering actually having it just be filled to brim with drama instead thus getting it out of the scene's system before the real cons.

Let's see how it works for Otakucon!

>> No.7826309
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Living abroad and I actually miss the Irish con scene. I can't find this level of drama anywhere else. Wtf is wrong with me

>> No.7826317

Budget fail.

And attempting to contact Otakon is probably an exercise in futility. And maybe a bit Too Evil.

>> No.7826795

Really? Really? Dont you wanna see that shit storm?

>> No.7826821

Like a containment con? Sounds good. Maybe they can all crash and burn in a weekend and not rear their heads again.

>> No.7827143


>> No.7827170

Aw shit, potsys ban is up. Everyone bail!

>> No.7827229

There's genuine opinion and being a narc. Narcs loose kneecaps

>> No.7827238

Woke up again today and wasn't a tranny lads

>> No.7827382

U w8 m8?

>> No.7827648

Welp. That it. All my friends have left the country.

It's just you lot left behind now.

>> No.7827653
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And so it begins

>> No.7827953

I think I heard off someone he's getting the venue very cheap if not practically free so that might be how he's partly managing the cheap tickets?

Also no free t-shirts saves some money. A con can be run cheaply but he'll have to be more creative with what he has to compensate. I would at least wait and see how organised they are in the weeks leading up the con?

While I'm having strong doubts it's going to be good I am curious to see it and who know's maybe we'll actually be surprised!

>> No.7827958


... what ban?


yeah guys remember it's not about me being trans. despite the fact that you keep making it so.


Yeah I think you can do a con on the cheap potentially as cons often pour a lot of money into various bits and bobs but the scope of the con seems to be a bit bigger than that.

>> No.7827977

Only people that remain here are Slavs. I'm actually good friends with a lot of them, we seem to have plenty in common. Same thing is happening in their countries apparently, anyone who's anyone just up and leaves.

>> No.7828025


a lot of my friends have gone back home to wherever too, for college or cost reasons. few people have left for limerick. hard finding new friends and cons have gotten shit for it.

>> No.7828452

>I think I heard off someone he's getting the venue very cheap if not practically free so that might be how he's partly managing the cheap tickets?

Possibly. But it still feels just that little bit too tight on the margins. Nom-con did a fair bit this year on how many people? It can't have been more than a thousand. And they did have to pay for the (leaking) hotel.

>> No.7828510
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Making friends can be hard in Ireland. Don't give up.

>> No.7828519

All my friends left the country.

>> No.7828534
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>> No.7828828

After seeing how he blew up in the last thread i have no confidence in his organisational skills. His plans for saving money are based on assumptions and his attitude towards criticism is worrying

>> No.7828846

are we sure that was him ?

>> No.7828858

Yeah he says so in the facebook screencaps

>> No.7828940

Otakon won't give a fuck about a small European con. They'll just send an automated 'thank you for contacting us' and carry on as normal.

Googling Otaku Con, gives me Otakon as the first hit. Followed by the Kunicon incident...

>> No.7829360

Evening lads

>> No.7829478
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We're meant to be so fucking social but in reality we're an insular but noisy culture.

Cons are another example of this to a degree. It seems really open and it used to be genuinely really great seeing cosplayers and meeting people and I really miss the feeling I had for my first few cons. But the problem is the people I meet at cons... like we're both geeks, whatever, but I'm not the same sort of straight up awkward nerd as them, I'm not into that kind of culture.

People tend to look at the fact that I'm an activist type and proclaim me "too negative" (a problem I used to have when suffering from depression) for example. Like, I don't want to go around flagging myself as a social justice warrior just to make sure I don't attract that crowd but what I am supposed to do? it's a waste of effort networking with people who turn out to be really fucking insensitive towards things that affect me and my friends.

I remember having a huge argument with Nikki Ward - granted someone I hadn't really befriended, about her vaguely pro-life stance, she said some amazingly slut shamey/whorephobic shit and just deleted it and pretty much got away with it. When I say anything at all, it tends to be under scrutiny. But call young women sluts for getting pregnant? cool.

There's just a lot of this bullshit in the supposedly open and progressive geek scene and it's not worth getting to know people who ultimately i can't relate to even if we can bond over cosplay or a show we like. i want to be around people who stimulate me somehow, who i can interact me and who won't judge me for the shit I do.

It's just too stressful doing the whole thing and maybe a very small minority of people I've added are worth adding. Don't think I Really made any new "friends" at Kaizoku. Granted it's partly because sometimes I',m shit at following up relationships too.

idk where else to find people with common interests though as the average person isn't that into anime or comics.

>> No.7829882

Not really relevant but thank for sharing,

>> No.7829984

Thanks for another blog post nobody read. Do you ever switch off? Christ on a bike

>> No.7829998

I love how tumblr thinks 'whorephobia' is a thing.
Lets call a spade a spade here, girls

>> No.7830005


You don't need to be friends with everyone you know. Just find a few people you're comfortable with. Not everyone will click, and the better we all learn that the better off we'll be instead of wondering why everyone isn't friends with us.

>> No.7830011

Well there is a case to be made for letting adults enjoy sex without being punished for it but some things should always be seen as a negative (infidelity, trading sex for favours etc.)

>> No.7830072

I don't suppose anyone else was at Anathema last night?

Fucking brilliant show

>> No.7830088


>> No.7830090

Nope, sorry. Hahaha.

>> No.7830097

>Love/Hate back on October 5th

Fucking sorted lads.

>> No.7830224

Can we please, fucking PLEASE not have another thread ruined by shitposting? Both at potsy and from potsy. Fuck sake, its like evry time i come on here is a lecture about shit i didnt come on here to fucking read. Id go on tumblr or some other site for that shit. Please keep to the thread for fuck sake.

>> No.7830253
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Tumblina's are gonna Tumbl

Otakucon's gone quiet. Looks like someone learned to shut up and wait until anonymous gets bored.

Thread's going to die

Good riddance

>> No.7831620
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For those that missed it

>> No.7831624
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>> No.7831625
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>> No.7831628 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7831629
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>won't accept deformation
>harassment over grammar
>calling the police

>> No.7831633 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7831638
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>tfw one of my friends/acquaintances in the con scene read about that faggot's meltdown and said 4chan was in the wrong

>> No.7831787

How many people do you know that are on the dole that go to cons?

>> No.7831818

It's too funny to be true.

The faggots calling the faggot a faggot were wrong. As usual. But the other faggots asking that faggot how the con was able to afford so much stuff on such a low price had a point, at least.

And sure, why ouldn't he have just said:
"I have enough money in the bank in personal savings"
"We aren't offering t-shirts and ancillaries like other cons, so it costs us less to run"
Stuff like that's more believeable.

He'll be lucky to get 700-1000 at that time of year. (That's about wat nom-con pulled, isn't it?). How many attendees does he expect to get?

At that price, with that many guests, he's taking a big loss, even if he is covering it with savings. Guests are not cheap. Flights from the US (California or Texas usually, and neither are cheap to get to). Accommodation. Appearance fees.

It's a hell of a lot of money to blow an ego project. If he has the cash to do it, fair fucks to him and good luck running it. But the doubts are there, and are I would say, reasonable.

>> No.7831853

>perspective customers
>deformation of character

Wow. Both of these guys need to go back school.

One calling the other out on making grammatical errors and then using "perspective" instead of "prospective" is pretty funny, though.

>> No.7831862

What I heard was 200 weekend tickets will make them break even. All equipment and the venue was loaned to them for free. The guests are coming over for little or nothing because they want to visit Ireland. Unfortunately they can make very little and continue year after year because the con is ran on pocket money.

>> No.7831873

I'm calling bullshit on the free venue. I know for a fact different college cons around Ireland have to pay a deposit of around a grand,

>> No.7831934

Not in this case every college is different.

>> No.7832068

I do

>> No.7832082

>McDonald's breakfast menu

Is there anything better?

>> No.7832142

Dont be a dumb shit, every college might ask for different amounts, sure. But no college is going to let you use their venue without insurance.

Personally, I can see one of 2 things happening.
1) ALL the weebs go, they have a surprisingly good first year. Followed by that idiot either pissing away all the money, or fucktons of money mysteriously disapearing.
2) the whole thing tanks. the highlight will be the ball pit, which will be full of bitter guests piss by the end of the weekend, and nobodies getting paid.

>> No.7832292

From what I heard everything's been pre paid months in advance and the college is covering the event with their own insurance. You never know they might pull it off.

>> No.7832344


I call bull in a big way. You're not putting together a Convention on 4000 quid.

>> No.7832607

So who in the committee are you?

>> No.7833510

Do you mind not throwing around people's real names asshole?

>> No.7833738

Oh shit, wow. She probably thought she could get people to back her up, or something. What a shithead.

>> No.7833911


lol fuck it, people don't have a problem doing that with me for much more innane shit. plus real names get thrown around here all the time?


^ like here?

there are some people that need their shit called out and the scene would benefit from it. i'm not being told what to do by people who've been harassing me in some form or another for years at this stage. not everyone reading is going to be in agreement with the status quo here and there might be one or two people that give a fuck about popular con scene heads having fucked up views and attitudes.

sorry that every issue actually worth a fuck belongs on tumblr to you. if so maybe tumblr is doing something right.

>> No.7833914

gawddddd just go away. fuuuuuuck

>> No.7833916

I remember you from UL :3

>> No.7833926

There's a difference between posting first names and full-on powerwording people.

>> No.7834203

I really hate the word "geeks" Just irritates the fuck out of me. Feels like an american hipster nerd. Who keeps pushing this word around?

>> No.7834226

Potsy went to UL? I thought that was the school for normals. You'd think her "free spirit" would be more suited to UCC or GMIT

>> No.7834348

Don't you mean "her" "free spirit"? :^)

>> No.7834363

We are not your personally army, if people mention you on here, its either by one of your (millions) of online names, or your first name.
'lol, they deserve it!!'
Is no excuse to be a cunt, sorry.

>> No.7834518
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people have done both to me(and others). you're just latching onto it because it's me doing it.

>We are not your personally army,

i'm not asking you to do shit. i'm just calling out shit i've had to put up with and sharing some of my experiences in the con scene. you don't have to read it.

>if people mention you on here, its either by one of your (millions) of online names,

people have mentioned my full name on here before. people have also posted logs with names, etc and it's very easy to find out the names of people involved. if everyone's so against me, what's the problem anyway?

>Is no excuse to be a cunt, sorry.

where are you when people were making all kinds of shitty transphobic comments in the last thread?

if you guys don't want to do this, then just drop it. you can let a post i make go by if you don't like it's content. again, it's a lot harder to ignore being continually hounded or the subject of shitty transphobic/allistic jokes.

i just believe people should be held accountable if they're going to be bandying around shitty pro-life stuff while holding positions of influence in the con scene. we have too many assholes going around without question while the outliers like me draw all the flak. it's not on.


i'm not really fond of the word either i think. geek culture sort of sucks. i'm aware i'm pretty geeky & nerdy but i don't identify much with the culture attached to it anymore.

>> No.7834526

Can we not just respond to every one of Potsy's posts with "Fuck off, retard" everytime she posts with that attention seeking trip? It's done wonders on other boards

>> No.7834534

Pretty rude, I don't think she's trying to be disruptive. Just seems to come with her personality when attempting to chat and be social.

You can filter trips if you don't want to see them.

>> No.7834539
File: 34 KB, 443x532, blockthiscunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget everyone that you too can block shitty annoying trips with a few simple clicks of your mouse! Do it not only for your own sake but for the sake of not derailing threads to tell the person to STFU and GTFO

>> No.7834550 [DELETED] 

Potsy's a retard who knows her essays and general presence here disrupt all of our threads and posts with a trip anyway despite the fact it's entirely irrelevant to the discussion

>Just seems to come with her personality
Her fucking awful, insufferable personality.

>> No.7834556 [DELETED] 

Don't suffer her then >>7834539

>> No.7834573

>>Attempting to chat and be social
>>YOUR WRONG and you should FEEL BAD because I have X/Y/Z undiagnosed mental issue!!!

K, Anon

>> No.7834583


>> No.7834600
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Get off my lawn you tranny gook.

>> No.7834643

she wishes

>> No.7834657
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>Her fucking awful, insufferable personality.

as opposed to your wonderful, sensitive, complex and intriguing one?



when have i even brought this up. it's usually other people that bring up my autism or bpd these days. often in claiming i don't have it so that makes it okay to make fun of my panic attacks.

you literally have people saying really fucked up things on the basis of me being trans or autistic and that's okay. but when i rant for a bit about crappy con scene experiences i have an INSUFFERABLE PERSONALITY.

at least i'm not a boring fucking nerd with nothing better to do that harass someone more interesting than them on /cgl/. if you guys had it your way everyone would have the same shitty 'personality' copy and pasted with the same awful memes/in-jokes.

>> No.7834717
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Fuck off Christian Weston Chandler you autistic tranny.

>> No.7834769

will you please just fuck off with your personal agenda's already! no one fucking cares!

>> No.7834823
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then shut the fuck up and don't reply. it's not hard.

>> No.7834849
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Ur almost 30 will ya fuk off and get a job!

>> No.7834856

4chan is not your damn blog.

>> No.7834893
File: 268 KB, 500x376, 1399154931207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do you have anything to say that's not the same shitty stock response over and over. if not, stfu and find something better to do.


i'm doing volunteer work rn. bite me.

>> No.7834895

Why don't you find something better to do than try to gain validation from the internet.

>> No.7834896


you always reply with fucking wall rants every time someone summons you. you shit up ever irish post with your own little fucking rants for no other reason that to be an attention seeking cuntbag.

could you possible take your own advice and

> shut the fuck up and don't reply. it's not hard.

because everyone is so sick of your shit, i'm surprised no one has bitch slapped you. it is a fucking mystery at this stage.

>> No.7834899

you volunteer because know on in their right mind would hire a crazy ass cunt goblin like you.
one day of work and you'd already have ranted at every damn thing they would either shoot themselves to end the mystery of listening to your shit or shoot you instead.

>> No.7834908

*no one.

>> No.7834932

wow that is harsh, but very very very true.

>> No.7834953
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I don't need validation from the internet. I think you're confusing me with everyone else here who feels the need to be part of a dipshit bandwagon to feel righteous and important.


>you always reply with fucking wall rants every time someone summons you.

then don't summon me.

it's like complaining that GF Eden takes too long when you keep summoning it over and over. or idk. just stop being stupid.

>could you possible take your own advice and

>shut the fuck up and don't reply. it's not hard.

no. why can't you do it? it's different in my position since i'm bowing down to harassment that way, and it's not particularly important to me whether i'm here or not. if you feel strongly about me being gone, stop taken a proven course of action to keeping me here.

>because everyone is so sick of your shit, i'm surprised no one has bitch slapped you. it is a fucking mystery at this stage.

advocating violence against a mentally ill transwoman cool not like i've ever met with that before.

what is it that i'm doing, exactly, that is deserving of a bitch slap? apparently t's making vaguely long posts people don't care about. if you're getting that angry over that shit, and not say, nasty ass transphobic remarks that are made against me constantly, then you have worse problems than me dude.


You really really don't know me. People always say this sort of shit about feminists or activist types anyway. If I can't hold down a job it's because of other issues. You turn me into this caricature which is seriously dehumanising.

An outside(of 4chan) party looking at my comments and then at yours - who do you think looks more "Crazy"? the shit standards you're using only apply for here and nowhere else. and fuck 4chan being a sekrit club for only one style of poster.

>> No.7834959



>> No.7834962

if you are mentally ill get the fuck of 4chan and go see a doctor instead of shitting all over the threads. this is why people hate you. seriously.

>> No.7834964


no no

you misunderstand. you're the one who want me to stop making these posts. i'm okay with making these posts. you want me to stop. so stop doing things that you know are not working.

this is really not difficult. you want a thing. i don't care about the thing. you obviously care an awful lot to CRUISE CONTROL like that.

>> No.7834965

Everyone just shut the fuck up and block the cunt already. You're just as bad a Potsy at this point jfc

>> No.7834968


if mentally ill people stop posted on 4chan idk if there would even be a 4chan.

aside from that don't tell me what to do and that's a shitty attitude towards mental illness either way. mental illness is something people have to live with throughout their life. they shouldn't be excluded because of people who ironically act like functional sociopaths.

i was just making the point it's shitty to threaten violence against someone who is mentally ill. which is apparently a contentious point in this scene, so fuck me.

>> No.7834969

are you that lonely for human contact that you have to come on here to annoy people. i feel sorry for you, because you must really hate yourself to come on here day after day, posting things so annoying, people throw harassment at you.

i bet you secretly like it, i bet you think that the only way to get attention is to have people hate you.

you must lead a very lonely, sad, unfulfilled life if time and time again you continue to act the way you do. there is no other explanation for why you are so obsessed with pushing your agenda on people with every single post you make.

i really pitty you.

>> No.7834973


"just as bad"

they're making transphobic remarks and making shit comments about mental illness. that's a false equivalence.

>> No.7834975
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>> No.7834976

the entire of 4chan want you to stop making these fucking posts.

>> No.7834981

Is that what the LGBT boards also hate you then?

>so stop doing things that you know are not working.

if you took you own advice every now and then you would realism posting here expecting different results isn't working.

i have to ask, are you an idiot?

>> No.7834985


>> No.7834991


>are you that lonely for human contact that you have to come on here to annoy people.

no. it takes me like 2 minutes to type up these responses and it passes the time when i'm having trouble focusing on other things. i had shit-tons of human contact today. i'm fine. stop trying to frame me as pathetic when you're the ones who can't let it go. do you even have a complaint anymore?

>i feel sorry for you, because you must really hate yourself to come on here day after day,

i don't come here "day after day". you're the guys who can't make a single one of these threads without bitching about me in some shape or form. it's gross.

>i bet you secretly like it, i bet you think that the only way to get attention is to have people hate you.

Nice logic there robin thicke. never seen that one before.

>you must lead a very lonely, sad, unfulfilled life if time and time again you continue to act the way you do. t

act what way? call people out for bullshit, share my experiences and defend myself against harassment?

do you even know what the fuck you're complaining about anymore.

>i really pitty you.

don't. because i really really look down on you guys.

>> No.7834994

except no one cares wither you have a dick or not, you're just an idiot shit posting. No one cares about your gender unless your using your vag to slap the keys and make your posts.

>> No.7835000

you expect people to respect you, to treat you with equality, to listen to what you have to say,
to include you and have inclusive things for you.

yet you look down on us? what the fuck are you expecting. are you that stupid? you give us no respect so like fuck are we going to give you any.

>> No.7835001
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i care so much.


because the LGBT boards are filled with /pol/ and general anti-SJWs obsessed with respectability politics and shit. or did you not want a real answer?

>if you took you own advice every now and then you would realism posting here expecting different results isn't working.

i'm not trying to achieve anything in particular here though, except showing up your fucked up logic for what it is. by all means continue helping me in this regard. i see these threads posted around and they're not laughing at me, but the whole spectacle. if you think you come across as some kind of clever asshole to the general public you're sorely mistaken.

>> No.7835002

>using your vag to slap the keys and make your posts.
>implying she has one and doesn't just act like a giant cunt to make up for her lack of one.

>> No.7835005

Jesus fucking Christ.
if you hate us so much, why don't you piss off then!

as with the LGBT boars thing. that is exactly how you act, or are you too afraid to step back and look at yourself and realize how much damage and hatred you bring on yourself?

>> No.7835015

i pray for the day potsy gets hit by a bus. i really do. then finally we can have a thread that doesn't spiral into her shitposting.

she ruins everything.

>> No.7835034

Fuck off Helen Keller and your bullshit disabilities.

>> No.7835036

Sorry didn't know what (s)he was exactly, only saw "baaawwww they're transphobic whaa whaa" among their shit posting. But either way it doesn't matter, I never care about poster's genders unless their using their genitals to type.

>> No.7835047
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if you don't care about my gender, stop making transphobic fucking jokes. because you claim not to give a shit about something does not give you a right to attack someone on the basis of them being transgender. if you attack someone with their trans identity it is fucked up and it is transphobic. you don't seem to understand this. if someone gets hassle for being trans or anything else, no amount of "It's not because you're X!" changes the fact that they would not be getting that hassle if they were not X, and that you specifically decided to use X against them.


>yet you look down on us?

i look down on you because you have harassed me continually for years and shown me no sympathy even when i've been in very bleak situations. i have every right to do that. i have no reason to extend respect to people who are either making transphobic, ableist or otherwise shitty/bullying comments or are standing with those that do.

I have literally no cause to show you respect. you're the ones who keep harassing me - you break the cycle. it's not up to the marginalised person to be nice to the dickheads heckling them. you started harassing me in this case because i shared an experience in the con scene. you cannot do that and then demand i show respect and consideration for you. i already did that when i came in here trying to make normal conversation, and you took a shit on it. you collectively handwave away all personal responsibility and assign it to the person who already has to shoulder the most burden.

seriously, i made a post you didn't like and you've been hurling shit at me for like a day. you don't then turn around and bitch someone out for looking down on you for doing exactly that. nowhere outside of somewhere like here would consider that anything other than unreasonable/batshit. i have no obligation to be nice to my abusers. ever. if you went after me - don't complain.

>> No.7835050

>implying she has one and doesn't just act like a giant cunt to make up for her lack of one.

this is transphobic. just letting you know. making my trans status the butt of the joke when it's completely irrelevant to what i was talking about is transphobic.


to amuse myself.

>if you hate us so much, why don't you piss off then!

why can't you just get over, it seriously? you're the ones who started the hatewagon against me. why are you so upset.


cool yeah, more violence against the vulnerable.


people have made transphobic remarks several times towards me including in this thread. when you stop me pointing them out by saying BUT I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR GENDER, your fedora shows.

>> No.7835053

have you ever stopped to think why people harass you? did it ever pop into your head that maybe, your hostile nature and holyer than thou attitude to everyone, kinda makes them hate you?

you really need to take a long hard look at yourself.

>> No.7835058

>why can't you just get over, it seriously?
why can't you get over people giving you shit cause your a horrid person?

>why are you so upset
i could ask you the same question. why do you hate yourself so much?

> people only make transphobic remarks because you mention you are transgenders every few fucking minutes. if you didn;t base you entire online presence on the fact you are trans, then no one would really care who or what you are. people only talk about it because you shove it in everyone's face in near on every sentence you make

>> No.7835060

You people are sick, what is wrong with you? How can you live with yourselves posting such hateful, transphobic and ableist comments about this person. I don't even know Potsy but you should all be ashamed of yourselves for taking your insecurities out on this poor girl* You all need to get a life and learn to respect others.

*Are these the correct pronouns for you Potsy? I'm so sorry if they're not, let me know what I should use in reference to you :^)

>> No.7835063

> saying BUT I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR GENDER, your fedora shows.

so you do want us to care about your gender? okay then. we will treat you according to your gender then.

>> No.7835067

this has to be a troll.

>> No.7835068


Right, so you see this thread full of people you have no respect for and people who will say shitty things to you and yet you make a concious decision to come into the thread and interact with the shitty people.
Imagine there is a street path full of people with dogs, the dogs are shitting on the ground and the people are not picking it up. What you are doing here is not only making a concious decision to walk down that shitty path, but making it your business to step in each and every pile of dog shit just so you can complain about it.

>> No.7835073

Because she has no life?

>> No.7835075

/cgl/ is officially the worst board.

>> No.7835077

You're getting a smack for sure!

>> No.7835079

hopefully with a truck..

>> No.7835082
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This thread has proved it.

All homosapiens should be exterminated.

>> No.7835084

God that analogy is perfect

>> No.7835087

This was no the Terminator I expected

>> No.7835094
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>> No.7835097

didn't see any gay bashing so far really. there rarely ever is to be honest.

>> No.7835098

>have you ever stopped to think why people harass you? did it ever pop into your head that maybe, your hostile nature and holyer than thou attitude to everyone, kinda makes them hate you?

victim blaming. and i probably think about it a lot more than you, since i'm on the receiving end of it.

stop trying to justify abuse. i'll stop acting high and mighty the minute you stop acting like ignorant, abusive fuckwads.

>you really need to take a long hard look at yourself.

i really really don't. i spent more time doing that in the last few years than you will in a life time. your little culture, and society in general constantly tells people like me to do that. whereas you can go on throughout your day oblivious to how much of a gobshite you're being. none of you are taught that you need to self-assess and that's the problem. you always assume the outlier is wrong.


i want you to stop making transphobic jokes. my trans status should be irrelevant for the points i'm making. but you should definitely keep it in mind that most people like me have a seriously hard time already, and have reason to be on edge/frustrated because we deal with a lot of bullshit. not every trans person has the same experience either though, so stop using the few that disagree against me. /lgbt/ is also a terrible example in general. nowhere on 4chan should be used as a progressive example of anything, it's aggressively anti-feminist/social justice.

>> No.7835104

Do you know whats worse than victim blaming?
Thinking being a victim makes you better than everyone else.

>> No.7835109
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funny that you'd think it's perfect when it's exactly akin to the victim blaming logic people use with regards rape & abuse. i shouldn't even have to say that i don't consider it the same thing, but you idiots are so impossibly disingenuous i better qualify that just in case.

assholes are not natural hazards. you are continually making the decision to harass me, to make transphobic jokes, to demean me because of my condition. those are choices you people make and this post only illustrates my point that you seem to think personal responsibility doesn't apply to *you*.

even if i am "provking" a response, i am not provoking the fact that you are transphobic, ableist, or a generally abusive asshole. that's ultimately on you, not me. at worst i'm poking the nest, but the difference here is that you choose to be angry bees.

there is no way a sane, reasonable and moral person can look at this thread and come to the conclusion that i'm the villain. you are going out of your way to be abusive. i'm simply calling you on it, and demonstrating quite how abusive you can be.

>> No.7835112
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And how exactly do you know anything about our lives? how can you know if our lifes are not as bad, or even worse than your own?

you need some serious perspective.

>> No.7835116

what gives you the right to call anyone on anything?
why can't people call you on your bullshit then?
how come the same rules you bash people with do not apply to you?

do you have some sort of god complex or something? either way you are incredibly narcissistic for someone who clearly hates themselves.

>> No.7835117
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no, you don't say "you know what's worse when victim blaming" when victim blaming is pointed out. you acknowledge it's victim blaming, recognise it's fucked up and call out the people doing it. don't harass the victim more about it, because that is yet more victim blaming. the "professional victim" meme/myth should not be used to further harass a person who is actually a victim in a given situation.

i don't like considering myself a victim because it's a position of weakness. i'm a survivor. but you are still attempting to victimise me with what you are doing. don't do that and then complain about people "making themselves" into the victim, because it only shows you up to being completely self blind in a way CWC couldn't even manage.

>> No.7835121

you are so contradictory it is really astounding.

>> No.7835137

if you don't consider yourself a victim, then why do you act like one all the time?

>> No.7835141

You don't know who we are. You know what we want. If you are looking for sympathy, I can tell you we don't have patience. But what we do have are a very particular set of skills; skills We have acquired over many long years of conventions . Skills that make us a nightmare for trannies like you. If you leave the thread now, that'll be the end of it. We will try not look for you, We will try not pursue you. But if you don't, we will look for you, we will find you, and we will punch you around.

>> No.7835142
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again. you are defending victim blaming. that is fucked up. full stop. stop reaching for technicalities. stop attacking me as narcissistic or whatever other convenient delusions you have about my personalities.

you are wrong. you are supporting abusive thinking and blaming the person on the receiving end for what other people decide to do to them. the trigger for all this abuse was one post sharing my experiences in the con scene. at worst i called someone who was an anti-choice dickhead.

good job being part of the machine that defends people like that?



““You can’t complain when other people have it worse” is a lie that people in power tell because it sets people in bad circumstances up in a competition. It means when we share our stories, we are always quietly fighting for the prize of being the worst off, and getting a tiny scrap of sympathy.

That keeps us from getting together and asking, why are our circumstances so bad and how can we make them better? It means only one person gets to complain and that person does it alone. As opposed to people working in concert to change their lives, to give each other strength and advice and encouragement."

are you one of the people complaining about the asylum seekers because we have homeless people?

i don't invalidate other people's difficulties. you guys do that. being white cis and male is not a "difficulty" though, being poor is. it's not my fault you don't understand that there are multiple ways in which someone can be shat on. whatever particular way you believe yourself to be shat on, stop telling me my disability isn't real or thinking it's okay to use my transness against me.

>> No.7835143

top kek!

>> No.7835146

we are becoming victims of you.
you are blaming us for your bullying
you are victim shaming us.

>> No.7835147

hahaha cunt!