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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 146 KB, 396x252, taobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7831837 No.7831837 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>7817848

Chinese Public Holiday Note: National day holiday week will begin from 1st October till 7th October.

FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheets:
**NEW** https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f4Ej-xGtGsOjPJOQ2cxr3zi-p-F30zyattmxajSvFEs/edit#gid=0

Shopping Services Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

Pop-up dictionary: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhongwen-a-chinese-englis/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en
Good EL-CH dictionary: nciku.com
Translate text from images: newocr.com

If the above links look the same, disable add-ons (like 4chanX), clear cache, clear cookies, and/or try a new Internet browser. This problem happens sometimes. There's also an anon that will translate stuff if you wanna keep it personal or whatever and don't mind waiting: fortranslatetaobao@gmail.com.

A rough guide on the new forwarding service by anon! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/myoq4zzz5s5pu5t/5GGaij-8os


To fix the browser problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcXkGdwQIAw

>> No.7831941

anyone have pastel shops aside from the one in the directory?

>> No.7831953

anybody know what to search for to get minimizer bras?

>> No.7832001

does anyone have the peterpan collar shirt that is in this photo with the cat sweater? or something similar because I want both

>> No.7832049

缩胸 (breast reduction)

peter pan collar? isn't that's a regular shirt collar, or are you talking about something else? and it's being sold by the same store, I saw an image link at the bottom of the page:

>> No.7832208

I know that this is probably discussed in older Taobao threads, but I can't seem to find it. I can't figure out how to not get it to navigate to the taobao.tw site. I've tried an incognito window, changing the preferences to "Hong Kong" or "Global", but no luck. The store that I want to purchase for is not available to the Taiwanese store.

>> No.7832216

You have to select the Hong Kong/Global option on the TOP LEFT part of the site, the bottom does nothing. I had the same trouble.

>> No.7832223

Wow, that's... monumentally stupid. Why even have the buttons down there, then?

Thanks a lot, anon! The page works now.

>> No.7832228

I know right? I kept clicking the bottom set wondering why on earth with wasn't working.
No problem!

>> No.7832253

just what i was looking for, thanks so much!

>> No.7832259



for the brown one, does it look like the collar is a different color from the rest of the shirt...? To me it kinda looks like the collar is white, and the shirt is off-white. Anyone else think this?

>> No.7832267

Gonna repeat my question about myquanquan.taobao.com here since the last thread is autosaging. Are they decent quality? I can never tell with replicas since they sometimes show the item they're replicating in the pictures rather than the item you're actually buying.
I know they have two crowns but I've bought lackluster products from crown shops before.

>> No.7832350

Anon, did you just fucking bought Circle Lenses from Taobao?!
Also, link to blonde wig and shoes in he first row?

>> No.7832369

Oh no no no, I bought them from a reputable site, haha.

Actually it wasn't the shoes in the picture I bought, it was the tights. But I've seen those shoes all over taobao, lemme see if I can find a link for you.
The wig is here: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=38437509461

>> No.7832409

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=35763464657 I think this is them, here. But there are probably other links.


Will do! I've heard really nice things about this wig so I hope it lives up to expectations.

>> No.7832474

Thanks anon, just out of curiosity where did you bought those CL from? They look kinda cute

>> No.7832481

How long does taobaotrends' EMS take to get to the US? I asked last thread but didn't get an answer.

>> No.7832506
File: 172 KB, 828x2097, T2RJF_X1pXXXXXXXXX-54739960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, these contact lens cases...

>> No.7832518

I don't think different companies' EMS parcels take different amounts of time, if they're all from China (and probably similar distances from Beijing). The size/weight of your order and whether it's peak period should make more of a difference.

Also I'm not from the US but I think about 5-10 days if it doesn't get stuck in customs?

>> No.7832549

Ohh okay, that makes sense, thank you!

>> No.7832583

sauce on the sfx tights and the emoji bag?

>> No.7832609


>> No.7832703

Quick question: Is Glitter for Dinner a taobao/Aliexpress reseller? There are a few things I like there, but they remind me of taobao and I am not paying more than I want to if I don't have to

>> No.7832725

Does anyone know about the release date for this replica? I want to buy but can't seem to find when it's gonna ship.


>> No.7832740

I know you said it ended up being sold out, but what shop was the Rensouhou-chan tights from?

>> No.7832783

Had anyone found anything cute that's either a mori shop or a pastel shop that isn't listed?
I need a lot more acessories
I don't have much to offer because I'm new to taobao but here:





>> No.7832826


>> No.7832842

I always thought the same because they're based in Thailand. I hope they are because there are like four dresses I want from them and if they're custom sized on Taobao I'll be hype for days.

>> No.7832844

What are your guys' thoughts on buying houseware from Taobao? There's a few really cute water bottles that I like, but I'm not so sure that they're safe. Opinions?

>> No.7832860

the dresses and some of the skirts at the very least can definitely be found on taobao. I know an anon was looking for their tartan sets on taobao a while back and I've yet to see those around, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're available somewhere as well.

>> No.7832872
File: 335 KB, 496x279, tumblr_mh3s7xKtLZ1rs33tuo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>one step closer to buying direct

>> No.7832876

Is this the thing Australia has where you buy your stuff through Taobao and just pay Taobao to ship your stuff to you?

>> No.7832882

omg does it work?

>> No.7832967

is it cheaper than the services normally provided

>> No.7832971

What should search if I'm looking for fake feathers?

>> No.7832998
File: 666 KB, 500x675, tumblr_mz46l2uuLM1r3hi20o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know where this is from and if it's still in stock?

>> No.7833060
File: 202 KB, 667x1000, IMG_0642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they're a reseller too. I really want pic related but for 55 dollars and a 5 week wait I don't know if it's worth it. I really love it, though. If anyone can help out finding it, I'd appreciate it! I'll post it here too if I find it first

>> No.7833064

Lethes Castle

I owned that jsk but the fabric was... Gross to me. Very slick feeling and shiny. Real cheap poly. I have a blouse from them that is fine however. But that jsk I just sold off for half price without ever wearing it. Just a warning.

>> No.7833241
File: 209 KB, 1600x1200, P1080165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone toss me some links for cute lolita cardigans? I'm looking for white, specifically, and something kinda sweet maybe. Thank you in advance

>> No.7833326
File: 64 KB, 400x418, 165_400w[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me where this is really from?

>> No.7833340


I realise this is a taobao thread, but I recognise the fabric. It's from Yuwa Live Life Collection and comes in several colours. You can find it in many places -- rakuten, etsy, ebay, random shops.

If you can sew, it might be a better alternative than waiting 5 weeks, though it probably won't be cheaper than 55USD.

>> No.7833370

Thanks, the fabric itself is super cute! I have no sewing skills but this is super useful for a ton of people I bet

>> No.7833400

Looks like Amavel, anon.

>> No.7833411
File: 52 KB, 365x552, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help source this cardigan for me? I'm having issues because "sweater" translated brings up necklaces.

>> No.7833493

link? I need these more than anything

>> No.7833539

..you didn't try "cardigan"?

>> No.7833769

Originally from Australia but they have the same service for Hong Kong (where I am now)

It's fairly straight forward if you're familiar with Taobao. Make an account, add your items to cart.
Make an Alipay account, attach it to your taobao account.
Confirm to buy your items, pay through Alipay "Overseas" option (Hong Kong option also works - which allows you to pay with Visa/mastercard"

At checkout they will ask you if you'd like to use a shipping service (Taobao Endorsed) for a fee substantially lower than what you'd expect from a normal SS. Shipping costs are similar if not the same.

They ship to a warehouse, you "Merge" the items you want to add to your package and then submit that for shipping; pay the shipping amount and they ship it to you.

Once you've done it the first time it gets easier; if any of you are having trouble with it I have done it from both Australia and here in HK. I heard Australians can also buy Alipay cards at Australia Post too - Not sure about the US though but I'd be happy to answer any questions.

>> No.7833818

As a different anon, yes it works, is slightly cheaper (since there is no shopping service fee), but you have to communicate with the sellers yourself, the downside is you're even more out of luck if the item isn't as described (a decent SS checks over the items before sending it to you and can return items for refund if its shit, but good luck doing that yourself from overseas)

>> No.7833880

How to sort "by date/新品" at the normal Taobao search? There was an option for it before but since few weeks it seems to be gone while it still exists at shops, I can't figure out where it is now.

>> No.7833962

Forwarding anon from before but I think they added the US forwarding because Alibaba IPO went public or something in the US. Making shit more accessible to international customers and such.

Thanks anon for sharing your experience!

>> No.7834033
File: 1.19 MB, 1600x2672, tbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

230 ems shipping
please hold me anons

>> No.7834136

What SSs are you girls using?

The ones I usually use don't seem to be recognizing the links I'm putting in. I want to make an order but this is becoming an issue.

>> No.7834176

I've seen this before and I think it was either Amavel or Axes Femme.
Pruany is working just fine for me.

>> No.7834215

I use taobaotrends.

>> No.7834220

Taobaotrends is what I usually use, it's not recognizing my links, though?

>> No.7834229

Another anon had problems with tbt a few threads ago.

First shorten links.

Would only need the id part:

Then if that still doesn't work, use a different Internet browser.

>> No.7834243
File: 549 KB, 871x432, jfejiowf932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This order is so weird. Excited to finally get a pair of these kind of red shoes, though. Been eyeing 'em for a while.

>> No.7834247

TaobaoSpree. I've never had problems with them to date and I've been using them as my main SS for about 3 years now. If you don't feel comfortable using them, I also really love Celestial Delinquent. She's more expensive but has a big variety of shipping options and has excellent english.

Instead of doing a "copy/paste link cart system" kinda SS, I'd rec doing a spreadsheet one since the links seem to be a problem.

>> No.7834304

You're a hero, anon.

>> No.7834310

Are the popo tights replicas?

>> No.7834325

Thanks, guys, when I reverse image searched nothing came up except DreamV and it wasn't the same item

>> No.7834385

Why would you not go for SAL or surface mail??

>> No.7834413

Make sure your links don't have tw.taobao, that's causing problems for people

>> No.7834415

Are you looking for this on Taobao or..? Because http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-209479600.28.8zzx9a&id=40227433698

>> No.7834626

Surface mail ends up being more expensive, and I'd prefer to get these clothes sooner since it's getting colder and all I have with me is summer clothing. Might end up getting SAL in the end though, even though it's still 150

>> No.7834958

wait, the shipping alone is that much? who are you using, anon? that seems exorbitant

>> No.7834972

I'm using pruany; is it really too high? this is the first time I've made such a large order for clothes, so I'm not quite sure. They said it weighed 15.2 kg, so maybe they just look deceptively light in the pictures?

>> No.7834977


>> No.7835020

taobaonow, they've been really nice and super fast to respond, my package also took less than a week to arrive (I'm in Europe)! This is my first order so I'm very happy with them, I've actually already placed a second.

>> No.7835048

You do have quite a lot of shoes though so...

>> No.7835057

I've bought some blouses from them and I'm pretty happy with them. They are regular cheap chiffon taobao quality, nothing terrible or superb.

>> No.7835071

huh? I only have one pair of shoes in the order

>> No.7835080

Oh, the rest are just socks. My bad. If it's just one pair of shoes and two bags though, I don't think it should amount to 15.2kg. Maybe more around ~10kg from the looks of it.

>> No.7835296

hmm. maybe the sweaters are really heavy or something. i'm a bit nervous for my next order now haha, i've never paid that much for shipping before

>> No.7835334
File: 24 KB, 657x238, go away tw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had to make an alipay account personally, I dunno about that.

I have a guide up for people, tell me if I need to fix anything: tiny [get rid] url.com/taobaoshippingguide

If your taobao is tw.taobao, then you gotta go to the top left of the page and click pic related, a lot of things aren't available for tw.

>> No.7835339

I feel like your shipping is too high, though maybe the sweaters weigh a lot more than i'm estimating. I've made orders that seemed much bigger than yours (more pairs of shoes, dresses, etc) and paid less for shipping.

>> No.7835342

The clothes look like a decent weight, especially the mori stuff at the bottom.

>> No.7835345

is it including stuff youve blacked out? Or is that your entire order?

>> No.7835462

Nah, the stuff I blacked out is blacked out cause it wasn't included; either ordering it next time/wasn't available/seller fucked up. I think I had maybe three basic cotton blouses though (like what they wear for uniforms

>> No.7835478

>tiny [get rid] url.com/taobaoshippingguide
That looks about right. The reason why I use Alipay is because I have a visa card - it wasn't hard to set up but I did it last year some time so; I can't remember the details.
I can also use Alipay to pay with my octopus card (For people in HK) if I want to avoid international fees; so that's handy as well.

>> No.7835524

/r/ing some good hime gyaru shops, I looked through the spreadsheets and I didn't really come across anything spectacular.

>> No.7835558

I'm one of the transbao anons that got scammed. It was my first order from taobao, so I haven't ordered since after being a bit hurt from the experience, but I've found a few things I want to order so I'm thinking of trying again.

I'm thinking of using TaobaoRing because I really like the web cart function, but what would someone recommend for an anon that really liked tranbao except for the whole scam issue? Thanks!

>> No.7835560

Did you ever get your money refunded? I haven't heard much about the situation since the site first went down.

>> No.7835582

After waiting around 2 months after opening my claim I did, but the whole thing was really stressful as it wasn't certain if I was going to see any of it back. I'm really lucky!

Faya still tries to talk to me every now and then on Skype for some reason but every time I talk to her and ask her questions, she just gives me the same run a around excuse that they're "working on it" and shit.

>> No.7835657

Does someone have the link to that accessory shop with a lot of sweet flower things that gets posted a lot?

>> No.7835716

Yeah I think that tbr would be fine if you liked transbao.

I didn't order from transbao but I was messing with it before it went kerplunk. It has many similarities minus the scamming thing.

>> No.7835731
File: 336 KB, 640x400, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything finally arrived at the warehouse and I paid the shipping for it a few hours ago. Blacked out one of the items because it's a gift for a friend. But yeah! Excited!

>> No.7835734

I'm gonna add your link in the FAQ

>> No.7835738

Nice purple anal beads, anon.

>> No.7835740
File: 73 KB, 453x528, T2AJPlXcVaXXXXXXXX_!!59374594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the whip that comes with the costume anon.

>> No.7835750

You're going to have to be more specific

>> No.7835775


I've used TaobaoRing for 3 past order [and currently doing a fourth]. I haven't had any issues and when I have had to communicate, they've been great about quick replies and answering my noob questions.

I'm not sure if my recc is best since I haven't used any other Taobao service and I tend to buy lots of items from one shop [hahahhaha, no cosplay for me, all fan-made items because I am a dirty nerd with a need for Cherik merchandise], but as it is right now their cart system is lovely and makes shopping so much easier.

>> No.7835790

Pruany always overcharges on shipping for me, that's why I stopped using them.
>tfw I finally got fed up, filed a dispute for that shit, and won

>> No.7835809

Asked in the kigurumi thread but I thought I'd try here too. Has anyone bought a kigurumi off taobao and can tell me how much they weigh? I want to buy one (that I can't find on aliexpress or ebay) but I want to make sure that shipping won't be crazy first.

>> No.7835817

Please share, anon, how did you file a dispute and what did you say?

>> No.7835872
File: 37 KB, 400x400, tumblr_mv1ye0Y8H51rkjnwyo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been seeing this similar kind of art around Taobao, but I don't know how to look for it. Reminds me of 80s stationary/cartoons for girls (Popples comes to mind)

Also, what is the difference between regular Taobao and "TMall"? Will a shopping service buy from there? I'm asking because I saw the link to Good Smile's TMall and I'm not sure if its legit or not http://goodsmile.tmall.com/?spm=a220o.1000855.w5001-2874329796.2.uO0z1B&&scene=taobao_shop

>> No.7836000
File: 517 KB, 1296x968, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here from the previous thread, my order arrived about an hour ago!

Some people were wondering about services in the thread and I'd like to give my input if it's ok. I used taobaonow and everything went perfectly. The staff was very attentive and quick to respond/order. I'm in Ireland and this shipped from China on the 16th. So this was incredibly quick! I weighed the package when it came and it was the same weight as taobaonow had quoted me, incase that's important to you.
Everything was also packaged really well and safely.

Someone was asking me about the mirai wig. Well, the colour is a bit different than it looks, it's much pinker than in photos. I actually thought that they sent me the wrong wig at first. But really when you put it on it looks really good! The quality is really nice too, it's very soft but sturdy. The shape is lovely, too. I'd recommend picking it up if you're thinking about it.

>> No.7836009

I like TBR too, although I don't have experience with other SSs. SS's? Sssss
Anyway communication is great but they sometimes need a bit of prodding when they're busy with lots of orders.

>> No.7836013

Afaik Tmall is for legit brands that have their online store on Taobao, so they're even more reliable than regular Taobao shops.

How are the star tights? Are they very sheer?

>> No.7836020

Another taobaoring user here. I've had friends who did orders deal with Pruany, taobaonow, yoybuy, and taobaospree. Though, when I went to taobaoring, and recommended it to them, they've all pretty much stuck with TBR, saying they liked it a bit more.

>> No.7836049
File: 492 KB, 1296x968, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they're incredibly sheer. I actually haven't worn them yet because I'm too nervous of tearing them. But they are really cute! I'll buy some more in my next order since they're so cheap.

>> No.7836061
File: 346 KB, 700x875, TB2v1QSaXXXXXaDXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!666475850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, probably a dumb question.
I'm interested in a few things from To Alice. Some of the stuff looks like pre-order and other stuff looks like it's not out yet at all. Could someone explain to me what I need to do to get my grubby little hands on these two blouses? I have no experience with pre-orders.
>http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w5003-8162783469.46.eGxYYI&id=40835187909&scene=taobao_shop (looks like a pre-order?)
>http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w5003-8353700795.12.eGxYYI&id=41241973164&scene=taobao_shop (looks like it's not available yet)

>> No.7836068

These are so cute! Could I get a link?

>> No.7836100

here, I already made a preorder on ToAlice a few days ago so I can share what I learned.

Pretty much, if you see items that are like 8888, 9999, 888 etc that's the seller's way of saying they are sold out or not available, this is a taobao thing. So on ToAlice they are showing off a lot of their designs but these aren't for sale as yet.
ToAlice is not 1 person's boutique, as far as I can tell it's a collective of lots of different sellers on taobao, I've browsed a lot of shops that have drawings of clothes and then in the description link to ToAlice preorders. So maybe ToAlice is a group of friends or maybe a company that will make designs for you? I don't really know.
Anyway, see that first shirt? That's a 30Y deposit. In the description it tells you the full price, which is 55Y. So you pay the 30Y deposit first and the 55Y later. But that's if you're buying directly, the SS will ask you for the total up front. So that shirt costs 85Y.
This is also shipping on the 2nd of october, if you are thinking of preordering then do it quickly. I tried preordering that pink coat in my pic and ToAlice told my SS it was unavailable now, it was supposed to ship on the same date.


>> No.7836122

hi guys i'm >>7828837
my package arrived today but i don't have the courage or strength to open it. it's like a HUGE box omg...usually my packages are like half the size. and i don't want to have to clean up all the packaging and dust n dirt after unboxing my taobao...what do i do?!

>> No.7836126

Make an unboxing video!!

>> No.7836129 [DELETED] 

Link to eyelash case?

>> No.7836155

>not ripping that whore to shreds before even posting here

anon pls

>> No.7836164

im so tired from 3 days of school (9-6pm) i really dont wana deal with the post-unboxing mess....omg
is there an easier way to open my taobao? i usually spend an entire afternoon unboxing, trying on everything and then sorting them out (which ones to wash according to colour) and then an hour sorting out what packaging materials i can recycle and where to keep the plastic/bubblewrap/cardboard

>> No.7836171

Rip dat shit open
put rubbish in the box it came in
deal with that shit later.. Like a month later.

>> No.7836191

Are you seriously crying about opening your taobao box?

Get over it and open just open it

Probably took more time typing up these whiney posts than it would have to open the box

>> No.7836219

Thank god, I'm not the only one. I'd better throw some out this week.

>> No.7836225

I usually take long because I tend to take pictures and document the process for later reference, but I managed to do it in an hour once (long story short, package with gifts arrived on the day aka two hours before me and my friends do annual-Christmas-exchange).

> Just open the box.
> Unpackage that shit.
> As you take it out, put clothes in one pile, socks in another, or however you want to do it
> Put plastic bags inside biggest plastic bag.
> Throw that and any cardboard into big box.
> Put big box aside to throw away later.

>> No.7836231


No one care if you open your box. Just open it. Jeez.

>> No.7836243

Spreenow is so unnecessarily complicated, fuck.

>> No.7836391

Thanks for the link!

>> No.7836394

Kira-kira: http://shop33567972.taobao.com/
Ciciwork: http://ciciwork.taobao.com/
Fox Cherry: http://foxcherry333.taobao.com/

If that's what you meant

>> No.7836509

Rococo soul?

>> No.7836669
File: 42 KB, 500x329, T2YRl0XlFXXXXXXXXX_!!283667739.jpg_620x10000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone translate this for me please. I known that the middle one is waist but not sure on top and bottom. Thank.

>> No.7836673

Bust, waist, hips, height, I think.

>> No.7836677

There are four measurements here. From top to bottom: bust, waist, hips, length.

>> No.7836682

height, not length, sorry

>> No.7836703

Are you an autist? Open the box, dump everything out onto the floor, as you open plastic bags, throw them into the box and throw your clothes on a pile. Then if you want to try them on, try them on.

>> No.7836760

Thank you very much kind anon. Now I can order my costume. ;_;

>> No.7836878

What's the proper name for a miko outfit/shrine maiden

>> No.7837190

I think you try 'witch cos' it'll pop up. I don't remember the specific term but it was 'witch' something. Also try the term for InuYasha.

>> No.7837387

Can someone help me find a better term for legend of zelda cosplays? I'm looking for sheik, ghirihim, and the mask sales man, but the series name in the dictionary only brings up one zelda cosplay. I tried using the different name (薩爾達傳說), specific game names, and tag hoping, but nothing. I remember being able to find pages of cosplays for the series before, but can't re-find the search term I used. It's very odd.

>> No.7837803

塞尔达传说 is the best I can come up with so far.


try something like 软妹猫 (soft sister + cat)?

>> No.7837855


>> No.7837867

does this mean that you can buy from anywhere in the world using your credit card on taobao, or am i mistaken?

>> No.7837962

I ordered from Pruany recently and I had a 22kg package. Shipping was about $220USD for EMS I believe? So the $230 for your package doesn't sound right....

>> No.7838023

It was KiraKira thank you love.

>> No.7838040

Are you sure? I just used taobaoring's calculator and they come out to around 230 for 15.2 kg, as well. Although Taobaoring does only say they have 45% off compared to pruany's supposed 55%...
Any ideas on how to appeal and fix this shipping price issue?

>> No.7838054


A while ago I bought some stuff from Taobao with Pruany and they put the decimal in the wrong place in the weight. It was only 1.39kg but they tried to get me to pay for 13.9kg of shipping. I got them to recheck it, maybe see if that's what it is?

>> No.7838088

Are there any rockabilly/pinup type shops other than babywinny?

>> No.7838128
File: 309 KB, 500x374, tumblr_najm8uBHIl1rfk0eto1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw buychina post of this and they had it tagged with taobao but no link. Does anyone might have an idea what store has it?

>> No.7838148

I'm not sure if that's the issue, since I'm fairly sure that my items are at least 9kg, but i'll ask them to recheck it, thanks!

>> No.7838169

Yes, thanks! I had seen it on storenvy and was trying to either find the original piece it was based on or the taobao version

>> No.7838214

found this the other day: http://twang.taobao.com/
and there's also http://magic-q.taobao.com/, but they're kind of a modernist take on retro, and their prices are insane. but it's nice to look at, at the least.

I'm not 100% sure taobao sellers really differentiate between fake or real - you'll probably just have to parse through the results yourself to make sure. there will be the obvious ones like pheasant feathers, which obviously come off the bird, but I was looking through a description for generic white ones that may or may not have come from waterfowl. it's not super clear a lot of the time.

>> No.7838412
File: 7 KB, 475x74, pruany weight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my bad, it was 20kg instead of 22. But yes, that's definitely the amount I paid (pic related).

Maybe ask them to take a picture of the package on the scale to make sure the weight is correct?

>> No.7838442

I messaged them about re-weighing my items and they said something about the weights being estimates and that they'd adjust the price if it was different afterwards and refund me.... not sure if I should just agree and pay.
How long ago was your order?

>> No.7838512

This made me laugh a lot for some reason

>> No.7838515

If the box is a different size it might cost more. They have refunded me the difference before on shipping though (different anon)

>> No.7838530
File: 602 KB, 676x592, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time buying anything for myself through taobao (I once got a cosplay for my boyfriend for our anniversary, I don't really count that one).

Tiny order, but I'm really excited. The book bag is nice and big (judging by feedback photos) which I'm really excited about. :P

>> No.7838588
File: 21 KB, 1012x119, Screen Shot 2014-09-24 at 11.52.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I wanted to split an order on Spreenow so that the items that had arrived could be shipped before the holiday. I made a new 'Shipment' with just those items but do I just have to wait for the quote now? The items in the shipment have changed to 'locked'.

I told my agent I'd made the new shipment and she just said pic related. Should I ask explicitly for the quote and hope I get a less... patronising response?

>> No.7838595

One of my shipments has been stuck at queued for packing for something close to two weeks now. I wish you luck in getting them to move faster.

>> No.7838597

man, if only pruany had a better cart system and combined orders... their packaging is so good, and they're cheaper, but with stock not being guaranteed I like being able to combine.

>> No.7838601

Fuck, really?

Never using Spreenow again after this, the whole site is so needlessly complex like >>7836243 said, the order has taken forever and now I find out the agent isn't all that helpful either.

>> No.7838617

Yeah, I'm only sticking with it because I got in when they were doing the 8% fee promotion but I've found them to be far more responsive on taobaonow than their new spreenow system.

>> No.7838621

Relatively recently -- I only received the package a week or two ago. Looking at your order it seems only roughly half the weight of mine, so I don't understand why the shipping is so high.... Might be worth asking them to do a more accurate weighing if they can (though god knows trying to communicate with them can be frustrating sometimes). Good luck anon!

>> No.7838623

Do you have the link for the shoes, bag and sweater?

>> No.7838665

Can't you just put everything in the same order and split the shipping ? You can always add items to your order even after you've paid for it as long as you add money to your balance.

>> No.7838667

I have that book bag and it's quite large- heavy as well. However I don't much like the color so I'll probably get rid of it in the end...

>> No.7839157
File: 963 KB, 1274x687, 95481075-638a-4ef3-80a1-f0678cdc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other colors look a lot better imo. If you didn't know about them, here's the link for you and >>7838623
I should receive the red one tomorrow morning so I can review it then if people are interested. I have about 15 items in that package I think (pic related is most of them).

>> No.7839163

Link for the cat tights in the bottom right? I have a mighty need.

>> No.7839167

I got mine here

although I think you can get a replica on taobao for cheap

>> No.7839183

found them on mufish http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w4002-1671287593.113.4wnrTD&id=40587267900

>> No.7839185

link to melty moon replica

>> No.7839191

Any cute teapots/tea sets? Would it even be worth it to buy that off taobao?

>> No.7839223
File: 93 KB, 750x932, 996b82f9-c6d0-4225-866b-3cee3f55d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like I forgot to reorder since they were out of stock, so I can't review them tomorrow (and now I'm disappointed). Here's a link though http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0k.7385961.1997985097.d4918997.Qk7exW&id=40607692215&_u=p227csg9a03b
Note that on most shops the two sides are the same, which is too bad.

>> No.7839240
File: 76 KB, 400x400, 4b351243-415e-43ef-9c69-b6dc9ee27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from michiko http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.1.GteEqm&id=39957504225&ns=1detail

>> No.7839243

Perfect actually. twang's pricing is similar to what you pay for rockabilly in America, and has more variety.

>> No.7839252

I've been searching for a while but I'm looking for replicas of the official Bayonetta glasses. Can anyone help me out? I've seen the official ones but I'm holding out on a money saving miracle.

>> No.7839254

link to the headband?

>> No.7839365
File: 71 KB, 380x380, 020b638a-0861-4206-9b42-63367aaad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your wish is my command http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.1.GteEqm&id=39957504225&ns=1detail
Not much stock left, which is sad since I planned on getting more of them if it was nice irl. I'm hoping they'll restock.

>> No.7839435
File: 1.18 MB, 2000x2000, Order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put in my order right now! A bit excited.

>> No.7839452

could you link to top left and bottom right? <3

>> No.7839454

sorry the blue skirt with with spacey watery details and ruffles

>> No.7839456

Top left is a combination of this http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41259547956 and this http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41259807160

the skirt is http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=39138019231

>> No.7839461

hooooly shit anon, sauce on emoji hoodie?

>> No.7839468

Came from here! http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=35795974375

>> No.7839510

You're all killing me with the devil capes. I want one so bad.

>> No.7839514

sauce on devil poncho and AP replica socks??

>> No.7839528

Here's the cape http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=40869189501

And here are the socks


>> No.7839568

link to the dress next to the ap socks?

>> No.7839570

Here you go!


>> No.7839620

You can buy that dress direct by the way

>> No.7839630

Does anyone have the links to the one store that another Anon was buying D&G earrings and other high fashion jewelry from? I cant find it in the archive and lots the link.

>> No.7839695

no, dumbass. Try really hard to think why.

>> No.7839700

When you get the qilolita dress let me know on the quality! I was debating it. It looks beautiful.

>> No.7839790
File: 391 KB, 1560x1214, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's the cutoff date for preordering this?

>> No.7839846

Will do anon.

>> No.7839882

Bag: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.0.0.ag0Lug&id=39545883251&ns=1#detail

Hoodie: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.w1004-1101542804.14.RCzLCz&id=27255348515

Shoes: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-2339191134.72.eTIrgp&id=37799917098

And for the hell of it even though you didn't ask, here's the blouse, too. I copied them all at once so might as well. It's on sale atm: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.319.soC6oh&id=18563599996&ns=1#detail

>> No.7839885

calm down faggot, it's a reasonable question to ask

>> No.7839952
File: 428 KB, 702x3353, TB25UW4apXXXXa2XXXXXXXXXXXX-124841344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this on my dash. Looks interesting to say the least.

>> No.7839961
File: 188 KB, 373x482, screenshot-by-nimbus (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there is a big chance they contain loads of poisonus shit and lead and stuff buy hey, you'll die of something anyways. I recenty bought a really cute one (tho I purchased through Ali). Smelled a bit of plastic when it arrived, but that faded after using it a few days. My new fave drink bottle now :)

>> No.7839978
File: 1.00 MB, 712x803, myorder1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need more long sleeves and pastel...
and more shorts to put on top of my leggings so my huge ass does not show through my leggings.
Here's my order in the pic

>> No.7839987
File: 42 KB, 500x400, worldshappiest doggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, JetJ isn't taobao.

>> No.7840016

Still found it on taobao.

>> No.7840040

can confirm, once all items came in through taobaonow it took them 24 hours to quote me shipping and once i paid I got a tracking number in 24 hours and the tracking number started working on the usps site 48 hours after that. so 4 days ish.

>> No.7840169

Got my name less poem
I'm really excited. A little disappointed that the non embroidered version didn't have the detailing on the cuffs or belt, but that makes it a bit more versatile

Going to try it on. Hope the medium isn't too big

>> No.7840443
File: 576 KB, 960x960, img1410014606360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except for the wig and snivy doll, everything will arrived on my hand in a few day. So excited about deer beret. > <

>> No.7840455


Link to the shop pls? I'm interested.

>> No.7840471

Link to skirt and baret please?

>> No.7840486


>> No.7840496

Cheers, absolutely adorable! Do share pics when you get the beret.

>> No.7840501

Ugh. I just put my order in and now I really wish I'd put some pokemon plushies on that mofo.

Next time.

>> No.7840706

sauce on the first one and the blue-gradient-sea-whatever skirt?

>> No.7841003

How do you guys keep your whishlists organized and visual? I'm kinda OCD when it comes to organizing. I still haven't found a way to neatly display all the stuff I want in one spreadshet that lets me see pictures of the items I want. Only pasting links and text can be tidy but I really need to be able to see a pic of the item. So that I can choose when it comes to deciding what to buy and what not. My spreadsheets are on GoogleDrive, and pasting images there is a pain in the ass cause you have to upload them one by one. Pinterest is more visual, but it's not as organized as a spreadsheet. Keeping everything in organized bookmarks folders is dumb too because you have no visual overview of all the stuff unless you open all the windows.
Gah, help? Opinions?

>> No.7841037

Holy shit anon
thanks so much
i have been waiting my whole life for a mucha print

>> No.7841065

I have a word document where I copy and paste a picture, and then add the link and price underneath it. It's not the neatest thing in the world, but it's quick and efficient. Usually I post general things in one document a year, but if I'm planning an outfit for cosplay or lolita I use separate docs for each. Doesn't seem neat enough for you to do it though.

>> No.7841068

Did you miss the surface spell one and the IW one?

>> No.7841069
File: 21 KB, 739x94, Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 11.49.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My package just got to the US. Should I be worried that it went through customs or is that a normal thing?

>> No.7841080
File: 110 KB, 222x389, Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 3.00.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any store suggestions for these type of clogs?

>> No.7841086

Excel file which keeps tracks of the total cost as well as the link with a brief description and +, ++ or +++ depending on how much I want it at the moment. When it comes time to actually order, I go through the whole thing again to see if I still want those items.

>> No.7841090

Totally normal

>> No.7841092

/r/ing cute shit for really tall girls.
>I'm 5'11

>> No.7841103


>> No.7841114

How long does foxcherry take to fulfill orders? I placed mine on the 11th with my SS and it still hasn't arrived

>> No.7841127

Already answered here anon >>7839456

>> No.7841132

I know your pain. I'm the same height, and I have to pay for custom sizes just for length for lolita and cosplay. I'm thin enough to fit into most things from taobao, but I have to pass up on so many cute skirts and dresses. Is there anything in particular that you're looking for? I can look through my past orders and recommend things when I get home.

>> No.7841138
File: 63 KB, 640x410, T2ggs8XoJXXXXXXXXX_!!575320618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone's interested in tights,stockings, socks, etc. There's this store here.


>> No.7841185

Aw Anon, we're in this together <3
I'm looking for cutesy clothes such as skirts and dresses, it's important that a few of them can be worn to work. The style I like is "soft sister" (where the crap does that name come from anyways?) clothes, but nothing will ever fit :/ Also really dig Amavel, Dream V or Liz Lisa styled stuffs, I'm perfectly fine with knock offs.
For work related clothes I have a terribly soft spor fot Dabuwawa -> http://www(.)dabuwawa(.)com/ but it's all so freaking short I can only look at their tops section.
Also, pastel and lacy tights that are wearable for my height.
For Lolita, I like to spend more money on main pieces such as dresses and skirts, so I buy brand (mostly IW and classic brands which is great for the lenght issue!) . The only Lolita I buy on Taobao is accesories, shoes (If I find any in size 12 -_-) and tops.

>> No.7841190

Can someone tell me whether this preorder is limited? Or will they sell it normally after its release? http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-6259128031.8.bXCPMk&id=41090348053 I can't find the answer with google translate.

>> No.7841247
File: 68 KB, 600x829, cross tights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if there's these tights (or any similar) on taobao?

>> No.7841278 [DELETED] 

sauce on bat dress

>> No.7841279
File: 182 KB, 463x463, T1ZApfFQJcXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found cute bat wing halloween clips

>> No.7841285

sauce on bat dress

>> No.7841293

Oh my god. Thank you.

>> No.7841301

All packages entering any country has to go through that country's customs.

>> No.7841332

Oh good, I assumed it was normal but I just wanted to ask here to be sure.

>> No.7841363

Thank you kind anon~

>> No.7841368

I use amazing wishlists (just download the add to wishlist button)

>> No.7841372

how do you guys deal with import charges? ;_;

>> No.7841391


I really want this jacket, but I see a finished pre-order listing for 30 yuan. Is this the 2nd payment in addition to the 30 yuan, or is it just a whole listing?

>> No.7841457
File: 835 KB, 750x2175, TB27lWIaXXXXXXfXXXXXXXXXXXX-10173005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is in the stores list, but I'm pretty sure it's not, but here's a store with some cute bags.


>> No.7841477

Woah those tights are gorgeous, seconding this

>> No.7841507

can't find exact, sorry.

search "mori slippers" - 森拖鞋

just found this one searching d&g earrings, but it has a few: http://aki23love.taobao.com/

>> No.7841518
File: 33 KB, 275x158, proud_american_flag_map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live in America

>> No.7841520

Live in the good ol' US of A

>> No.7841522
File: 21 KB, 164x248, tumblr_n6da1eoHzm1s2vnw8o1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow I meant to say amazon. I really need to spell check

>> No.7841525

anon are you me

>> No.7841628

Holy shit not that anon but I was trying to find a nice easy/pretty way to list my stuff as well and this is perfect for me, thanks so much

>> No.7841641
File: 887 KB, 841x671, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made an extra page on my Tumblr where I use tables to organize all the photos by year, then link each image to their respective Lolibrary page.

>> No.7841642

Ooooh heavy. Thanks for warning me, I will prepare for higher fees. Still super glad I got it. What color did you get? I'm getting the khaki/cream/whatever. Figured it would be more functional.

>> No.7841646

>>7841628 >>7841522
I find Pinterest to be way easier for wishlist stuff. Fewer steps, and also every so often you can have it post to facebook so your family and friends can see it exists without having to send it to them directly (which always feels greedy to me)

>> No.7841648

i love your wishlist man can i see the whole thing

>> No.7841688

I've tried pinterest for wishlists and it just feels weird to me, I dunno. I do like pinterest in general though.

>> No.7841701

I only like Pinterest for my wedding board... But now I kind of want to make a Lolita wishlist board on it, hm! Thanks gulls~

>> No.7841778
File: 63 KB, 504x477, Candy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came across this when searching the Japan auctions. The User who listed it didn’t mention the brand name at all just said Limited new Candy Series in the title and described the item. Anyone seen something like this on taobao? Any idea the brand? Or someone who sells it on taobao?

>> No.7841782
File: 59 KB, 514x463, Candy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More pictures of their stuff, I already did a image seach but found nothing

>> No.7841799

candyrain, maybe?

>> No.7841935

My package got released from customs later in the morning. Will it be here tomorrow? It says it was in San Francisco and I live just outside of L.A.

>> No.7842244

Link to the Cap sweater? I have a mighty need.

>> No.7842246

Link to cat sweater pls?

>> No.7842284

Just made my first order on taobao with taobaoring, I'm excited! All my items average out to $2.50 a piece which is amazing, though I guess I'll see what international shipping will bring it up to.

I bought heaps of ankle socks and a couple of berets and headbows so I don't think it will cost much to ship EMS.

>> No.7842330

Not the anon you're replying to, but I have it in red. I came with two straps (one short and one adjustable) and weighted 900g with plastic wrapping.

>> No.7842332

*it. I don't have straps myself.

>> No.7842345

Link the the bottom right stripy skirts please?

>> No.7842375


Yes! I had it too, the fabric was thick and gross and wouldn't sit right at all. You could actually fold it like paper.
It was a pretty print but so damn horrible.

>> No.7842439

Crying, chocolate, and reminding myself that at least I get free healthcare and really affordable education in exchange.

>those panties
oh my

>> No.7842443

I'm on a quest for brown classic lolita hair accessories and a long black veil. Does anyone have any recommendations?

>> No.7842449 [DELETED] 

Does anyone have any insight on how to register for an AliPay account?

I've got it set up to American, but it's asking for my name (and passport number), which someone said I should use a Chinese name that matches with my Taobao account, which doesn't make any sense to me since I need to include my passport number.

>> No.7842468

Actually anon the preorder for that is finished (I tried preordering it myself a few days ago) but the good news is that now it's for sale for full price now as a regular item since the shipment must have come in.

>> No.7842470

Can you make a taobao account without a chinese phone number, actually? I'd love to be able to wishlist some stuff.

>> No.7842476

Pay them, or get shit marked down. And don't use EMS, it always gets hit

>> No.7842493

Deleting my post because I was being dumb. Google searching to the rescue.

I'm not too sure, anon. I live in China right now and have a Chinese phone number so I was able to set it up without having to jump through any hoops.

AliPay security for initial setup can be bypassed by making a Taobao account first, which automatically registers an AliPay account for you without having to jump through the hoops of verifying your identity.

>> No.7842589

No problem, you have the option of choosing your country (if it is listed). I'm from France, so it automatically added the +33 in front of my number and I received their text without any trouble.

>> No.7842600

Oh ok, I tried doing it from Ireland but you can only select UK which has a completely different messaging system and uses the +353 prefix... anyone know any way around this?

>> No.7842611

Link to the snivy?

>> No.7842647

It's a really stupid question but thanks for turning your trip off for once, Voldie

>> No.7842652

Why is it a stupid question? I lurk here a lot and it just seems like a genuine question to me, I don't see what's wrong with it.

>> No.7842657

Has taobaonow been down for anyone else? I've been trying all day but it's not working for me, but I don't know if it's just me or my service being weird since I'm not on my usual internet.

>> No.7842697

try using a disposable number ? There is a website called numberproxy that generates USA and Canada numbers, but I never tested it.

>> No.7842704

I'll look into it, thanks!

>> No.7842716

>i just dont understand why i shouldn't walk around in the ghetto at 2am???
>srsly, y??

>> No.7842730

Oh so you're just shitposting then. Fine, we've had our giggle m8y, lets move on.

>> No.7842735

Its not shitposting, you're just mad that it was legitimately retarded, and you're a byproduct of retardation for not understanding why.

>> No.7842764

Why would I be angry about it? I didn't even ask the question. I'm just a lurker in these threads and asked why you felt the need to start calling something that looked like a genuine question retarded, because people ask similar questions like that here all the time.

>> No.7842769

Fox cherry

>> No.7842855

Actually, I've occasionally seen people comment that they got teasets just fine and I've never seen anybody say they've received broken teacups or anything.

>> No.7842886

Here you go

>> No.7842987

It's just you, working fine for me.

>> No.7843081

I feel kinda bad since you're so frustrated but the agent's response really made me laugh.

>> No.7843184

To try and save on shipping a little I'm going to probably end up using Registered Air Mail. Does anyone have any experience with this method? Has it been reliable? I know it takes a little bit longer than EMS, but I'm totally fine with that.
I'm going to be using TaobaoTrends, if that's any help!

>> No.7843223

Okey so I have a problem. It has never happened before. Whenever I try to browse taobao, the URL changes from "taobao.com" to "tw.taobao.com".

Am I just stupid or is this some kind of bug in the network?

>> No.7843226


>> No.7843260
File: 116 KB, 400x400, 3_400w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just saw these pop up on spreepicky....any chance someone's seen them on taobao?

>> No.7843278

Thank you!

>> No.7843367

search sailor moon tights (美少女戰士丝袜), they'll turn up.

>> No.7843622
File: 349 KB, 500x750, sillycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed out on seeing this silly dress when they were on preorder. Does anyone know if they'll release normal stock, or am I too late? I couldn't find the answer anywhere on their shop page http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w4002-2337323041.19.Y3lMWT&id=40608627832

>> No.7843695
File: 296 KB, 900x800, everything2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in a previous thread, but I changed a few things and just added everything I'm ordering.
A friend referred me to mistertao for the 50% shipping discount, but so far I sent my order in yesterday and they haven't done anything yet.

The two gifts and pink seifuku I made a small order with my usual agent, Taobaotrends and they already ordered it.
I'm so nervous about how much the shipping is going to be, but whatever it is It will be halved and sent by SAL because let's face it, EMS and SAL get to me at the same time but one cost less.

>> No.7843799

I need help finding a misty sky replica or Dream sky but I can't find anything concrete. Can some one help?

>> No.7843829
File: 1.39 MB, 291x247, 1410494362120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off replicafag.

>> No.7843835
File: 255 KB, 600x551, 1366185751793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that's not the reaction image I thought it was.

...but my point still stands.

>> No.7843867

>oh no you might get attacked in the ghetto, its better to just avoid it!
>oh no your shit might break during shipping, its better to just not buy it

The logic is so simple, you have to be retarded.

>> No.7843873

I'm not a part of this but are you saying you shouldn't buy chinawear online because it might break?? Because the same could be applied to electronics, plastic jewellery, etc. and you sound really stupid.

>> No.7843876

Most shopping services won't buy it for you, plus there is a high chance of it being full of led.

>> No.7843879

Okay I'm not in the discussion either but you do you actually think dropping plastic jewellery on the floor will break it, like it breaks glassware?????

Electronics tend to be pretty sturdy too, but you lose out on warranties when buying overseas which is why I don't tend to buy them from taobao

>> No.7843880

either way, there was no need for the hostility

>> No.7843896

Here they are!


>> No.7843983

What the fuck do your metaphors even mean? You sound so fucking moronic. Is all that sand in your vagina blocking your ability to speak/think like a normal person?

>> No.7843991
File: 49 KB, 620x231, TB2emRLaFXXXXXyXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!85470570.jpg_620x10000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, could someone translate this for me please. Thank you kind anon.

>> No.7844043

Any good shops for gothic or classic lolita bags? I mainly see sweet.

>> No.7844060

Cheers anon.

>> No.7844160

sauce on the second shirt and the go to hell shirt?

>> No.7844245
File: 137 KB, 300x387, tumblr_lpptzhOEBt1qfjq4no1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a cosplay of Tobi from the game "Catherine". So far I had no luck in finding even the chinese translation fpr the game's title (wikipedia and baka updates failed me).

Can anyone offer advice? Maybe someone else tried to find an outfit from the game trough taobao?

>> No.7844284

why don't you make it yourself?

>> No.7844288

it's stupidly easy, you can even take to a seamstress if you don't want to bother looking for a blue jumpsuit...

>> No.7844437
File: 220 KB, 800x800, f7f708d9-509b-4bd7-9257-7fad80c6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not sorry.

>> No.7844491

I don't think it was ever released in China? I couldn't find the name either. You can probably ask an SS (taobaospree is good for that) for a place to make it custom for cheap on taobao, I've done that before.

Some people don't have the time, space, or desire to make cosplay. This is the taobao thread, so it's a valid place to ask if they can just buy one.

>> No.7844517
File: 128 KB, 518x887, Sailor_Moon_Super_S_Sailor_Chibi_Moon_pose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any keywords I could use to find costumes in kid's sizes in specific?
Look for a chibi moon or maybe sailor mars costume for my little sister.
I've found http://tw.taobao.com/item/40362072109.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a230r.1.14.142.NKWiMJ%2Ca230r.1.14.142.NKWiMJ&ns=1%2C1#detail
So far, but the quality doesn't look amazing.
I don't think I can do custom sizing since that would take way too long.

>> No.7844518

sauce on the blonde wig please?

>> No.7844536

I know it's not taobao but I found this on ebay and it's child size http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sailor-Chibi-Usa-Cosplay-Costume-Uniform-Dress-Sailormoon-Customized-XXS-XXXL-/191202981895?pt=US_Costumes&var=&hash=item2c8495f807
I'm sure you could ask for them to make it a priority to get it done faster??

>> No.7844541

I saw that one too but that's still shipping from China, so I think the shipping would take as long anyway plus it's more expensive.
Procrastination is bad guise.
All chibiusa wigs look so poopy. Might just get her a normal pink pony-tail wig without the weird odango things.

>> No.7844580

Talking about Sailor Moon...
Does anyone know any shop that sells knock off/factory direct SM merchandise?
I just can't justify throwing out so much money for bandai's plastic cheapo crap

>> No.7844819


I can't get the link to work but if you just look up go to hell shirt on taobao it will show up.
It's not a blonde wig, it's a Taiga Aisaka wig.

>> No.7845400 [DELETED] 
File: 1.03 MB, 1704x620, small shitty order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to try to cut it down a bit more before ordering.

>> No.7845424

New thread