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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7832341 No.7832341 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread hit post limit. If you normally wear jfash when not wearing lolita, post it!

>> No.7832357

OP of last thread, super happy I get to see all these adorable daily-wear princesses.

>> No.7832362

is that a genderbent Doug Funny cosplay?

>> No.7832911


>> No.7833030
File: 1.90 MB, 4273x2473, normalfagclothess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work: I'm only allowed to wear black and white and I can't be too flashy so I sneak in brand pieces.
When I go out shopping or hang out with friends: I wear many items from MILK, ETC and DreamV. I like to have a pin up look to my outfits. This is also relevant to how i do my makeup.
Gym: Absolute most casual. Not much to say...

>> No.7833055
File: 63 KB, 418x519, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answering from the last thread

Thanks anon.
I'm about 168cm, but my torso is slightly long.
Some AP skirts are really good on me (like my Royal Chocolate) but others feel a bit off. Pic related.

>> No.7833081

B-But I only dress Himekaji, anon, so you'll get bored of me real quick. I've been trying to get into lolita but I chicken out from buying anything.

>> No.7833116
File: 37 KB, 400x386, 1410375520615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw fatty pear-shaped anon
>been losing weight, but have chunky thighs
>Browse these kinds of threads for weight loss motivation
>I just want to be able to wear a skirt

Y-You too, thighs! Maybe one day I can be kawaii too.

>> No.7833128

What fashion magazines do you gulls like to look at and any good places online to view them

>> No.7833213
File: 394 KB, 1178x2071, 6346baee-aa00-495a-ad48-cb66e06f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is how I want to dress regularly, but I have to be business casual for work and I am too lazy to dress up on the weekends unless it's a lolita meet.

>> No.7833261

No, I don't dress in lolita either. I only do himekaji or otome. I guess the rest is average street style stuff.

>> No.7833516

Tights, anon, tights. Paired with a flared, longer than mid thigh skirt, opaque tights are the best for pear-shaped chubbies.

What do you wear now?

>> No.7833533
File: 21 KB, 277x400, Soie-Black-Soft-Floral-Jacquard-Panty-2421-282822-1-product.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit of a weird question, but does anyone know where I can buy black cotton panties, preferably in packs? Surprisingly hard to find.

I hate ruining my nice stuff come shark week ;_;

>> No.7833543

may I ask where do you live anon?

>> No.7833611

California, USA

>> No.7833656

H&M always have three-packs of cheap panties.

>> No.7833700

Walmart has black cotton panties in several cuts for 99 cents each.

>> No.7833858

These threads have made me realize that my wardrobe is in dire need of revamping. I'm just not satisfied with what I have in my closet - I had to wear a uniform to my job 5 days a week for the past year and a half, and now I'm in grad school so I can dress however I want, and I don't think that my closet is really up to speed with the kinds of things I think are cute nowadays. Like, I'd like to dress in a combination of mori, hime gyaru, and uguu~ kawaii miniskirts + thighhighs but IDK where to start. I have a bunch of lolita but I feel like most of it isn't casual enough for everyday wear and I don't have the proper blouses + shoes + accessories to make wearing it everyday viable anyway. I think I need to start totally redoing my wardrobe, does anyone have any tips on how to accomplish this?

>> No.7833929

Sauce on the adorable bunny bag?

>> No.7833930

>le epic chimichanga man tshirt

>> No.7834169

it's one of those muchacha bags (spelling? idk)

>> No.7834237

Go through your closet, first of all, and purge anything you don't think you'll be wearing from now. It's nicer to fill up a mostly empty closet, imo.

Then start up an inspiration folder. Save images of coord that you like or want to imitate.

Now get out some paper and a pen and write down particular pieces you notice repeating, or that you like and want. This goes for statement pieces, as well as basics you can swap out for different outfits. And you kind of streamline what colours you'd like in your wardrobe then too.

For example, I had some of the following:

>solid coloured turtlenecks with lace (black, offwhite, pink, maybe red?)
>black pleated skirt
>suspender skirt (red or grey?)
>slouchy cardigans (black or more colours?)
>oxfords (brown and maybe beige?)
>cable knit sweater (white, offwhite, or beige)
>flower hair clips
>moto boots
>brown Liz Lisa boots (or replica)
>peach tulle skirt
>floral dress from ebay

Keep the list on you when you go shopping and cross things off as you acquire them. Thrift stores are fantastic for mori. And miniskirts to if my local goodwill is any indication. I've also found some nice blouses I've been able to use for both himekaji and lolita. Doing a taobao haul is a good way to get a lot of cheap stuff at once. Ebay for cheap single things. And I always recommend Sock Dreams for thigh high socks if you have chubbier legs.

Once you have a bunch of stuff, you can purge further by removing things you don't wear often anymore, or things that don't coord well with other stuff in your wardrobe.

Good luck anon! Make us proud!

>> No.7834264
File: 529 KB, 751x402, lolivsnot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still working on improving my style tbh. one thing i've realized is that at this point in my life, i've become pants-averse.

>> No.7834269

I vary. Sometimes I wear qt skirts and dresses, sometimes I'll dress like the whitest girl and wear leggings, boots, and sweaters, sometimes it's just jeans and a t-shirt.

I rarely wear makeup outside of lolita, because I'm lazy and my allergies make my eyes itch too much.

>> No.7834326

Does anyone know where to find cute shoes for the full-footed woman? (Size 13 Women US. I swear I never had a penis.) A lot of sites just offer ten-inch heel tranny fetish boots.

>> No.7834339

>shark week

>> No.7834341

>full-footed woman
I don't care if that's a joke but just don't, it's embarrassing.

>> No.7834919
File: 128 KB, 490x1006, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad pic since friend is blocking me but this was the only one i had of this outfit. not sure what style this is considered

>> No.7834928
File: 590 KB, 171x217, 1400387937337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but I love you anon, this is so inspiring

>> No.7834930

Ouch, those pinks clash so badly.

>> No.7835041

Those shoes look horrible with everything else.

>> No.7835043

its from king of the hill

>> No.7835078

>Ouch, those pinks clash so badly.

One of our monitor's color must be off cause the pinks look decently close.

>> No.7835123

Different anon, I think it's you. Those shoes are really loud, for lack of a better word, whereas the dress is much, much softer.

>> No.7835183

thank you for taking the time to write this out, not the anon you're originally replying to but I'm in the same boat as her

>> No.7835365

I'm the one you're responding to, thank youuuuuuuuu.

>> No.7836537

Its from the 2013 Muchacha Achachumu 2013 Autumn & Winter mook

>> No.7837426
File: 189 KB, 694x796, photo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly wear stuff like pic related when going out, but I'm still working on my style because.. I was quite tomboy-ish in the past

>> No.7837478
File: 56 KB, 282x578, TB2oS2haXXXXXX7XpXXXXXXXXXX-765026597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diff anon, but one of my favorite tips for wardrobe purging is this: Every year when I do my spring cleaning, I hang all of my clothes in the opposite direction of my usual way, and then at the end of the year, if any are still hung the wrong way, that means I haven't worn them, and I throw them away.

>> No.7837812


>> No.7837820

Don't forget faux thigh high tights! They're more flattering than otks or real thigh highs anyway and the extra coverage is nice for the fall. Don't worry, pear-chan

>> No.7837917

>pants adverse
me too anon. I literally own three pairs and hardly ever wear them.

>> No.7844592

Is your shirt grey? If you're trying to tie in the boots, they don't seem to be quite the right shade. Also, ditch that sweater, and try to find one cropped to about waist length. Wearing sweaters the same length as your skirt tends to look frumpy. And, personally, I'd go for a plain black skirt- the purple is kinda throwing off your colour balance.

>> No.7844607

If you still want cute underwear and fit Japanese sizing (i.e XXS-XS in USA) then Nissen sell really cute "sanitary panty" sets that are designed to have pads worn with them, and have waterproof lining and elasticated legholes to prevent leakage.

>> No.7844659

those are like 7$ at my walmart wtf

>> No.7844682

check out shethinx undies! they're made for periods

>> No.7844772

Thank you for the advice ! Yes, the shirt is grey and I'll go for a black skirt next time. I tried to sneak some colour in, but I guess I still have to learn a lot

>> No.7844775

you're really adorable, and that's a nice salo, it's a shame the pink of those shoes clashes so bad with it.... if you can't find the exact shade, try white next time?
(also it might just be from wearing it out and about all day, but if you give the skirt part a bit of an iron, it'd look a lot nicer too!)

>> No.7850051


>> No.7850060

>striped shirt
>pattern on dress
>pattern on tights

I don't think you should wear so many different things at once, it really clashes/looks too busy

>> No.7850153

Is that a taobao shop?

>> No.7850157

hey you look like a douche

>> No.7850611

same, everybody in these threads always look so pretty.
one day we'll be kawaii anon-chan

>> No.7850841

Sauce on shoes on very left please.

>> No.7850873


Earlier anons critiques/recommendations are worth listening to, but this definitely does look quite nice still. Hone it a bit as they said and you'll have something really good.

>> No.7850925

They are called the Carson flat by London Rebel. I paid about $20 for them at DSW and actually own two pairs. They are perf

>> No.7856140
