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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 58 KB, 480x720, yayamf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7822984 No.7822984 [Reply] [Original]

Just saw this photo, not a big fan of Yaya (pretty indifferent). I still think it's a good looking cosplay overall, but I really can't help but notice the finishing on the guns is awful. Has anyone else seen a great cosplay that is just screwed up by some bad or lazy workmanship on props, etc?

>> No.7823004



/end thread

>> No.7823049

Guns made by Junkers Cosplay Inc.
Guns painted by FantasyNinja

>> No.7823200
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All I can see is titties

>> No.7823206

This looks as bad as her Sonico. Whats wrong with Yaya lately? She looks what too fucking top heavy or at least more then usual. Her Ashe and Banshee Queen were ok but this is just so gross.

>> No.7823264
File: 46 KB, 417x658, 10497122_10152261214306608_6229635225427337486_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell any time shes wear a double pushup bra it completely throws off her proportions and shes ends up looking like a troll doll with tits.

>> No.7823270
File: 117 KB, 960x960, 10456269_10152257347971608_6353811877861995508_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her proportions looks way better when her tits aren't pushed up and out like crazy.

>> No.7823271

Because she knows she's nearly forty and losing her prime. Hotter, younger girls are out there and can easily take her place.

Not that she ever looked good to begin with, unless someone wants to fuck her while pretending she's Japanese instead of Chinese.

>> No.7823312

Don't let her know that, you digusting hollow lump of human slime, only totally gross people look at her tits. She is a real person with real feelings and wants you to stop looking at her tits and start treating her with respect.

Oh wait nevermind she's posting pictures of her tits again carry on.

>> No.7823328
File: 9 KB, 200x200, cracking up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what happens in her mind to process that way

>> No.7823338

Junkers made the guns? I could have sworn a 12 year old constructed them.

My guesses is her argument is that Miss Fortune is blessed with a rack, but the fact still stands that she's actively choosing to cosplay a character with big tits (and will definitely complain when everyone calls her out).

>> No.7823530

Something seems really off with that gold on her chest.

>> No.7823938

It could be that terrible paint job.

>> No.7823995


This. Yaya has been really been dropping the ball lately. Is this her way of trying to stay relevant.

>> No.7824042

I remember some post where she was bagging on people who work as a team and how she can only work alone. How times have changed.

>> No.7824052
File: 73 KB, 610x610, yaya-wonderwoman4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only work alone

Her weeaboo manslave runs her booth and shop with those awful wings, helps her doing photo shoots with getting into costume, and she hires people to run her booth for her other than him. He also helps make those god awful, cheap wings. The fuck is she on about "working alone"? She uses everyone around her.

>> No.7824069

He posted up a timeless of the progress and the priming just looked like trash. The sanding looks like a halfass job, the paint only emphasises it.

>> No.7824579

Well Junkers acts like a 12 year old, so I'm not shocked.

>> No.7824590

Implying Yaya's Miss Fortune cosplay isn't 9000x better than anything cgl cunts could make. Stay jelly.

>> No.7824605
File: 153 KB, 1024x607, arcade_miss_fortune_bubblegum__by_rainbowmissy-d7ugmkg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you dont mind the arcade beeing worn off and a bit chipped on the edges is actually a good MF cosplay

>> No.7824656

Hi yaya

>> No.7824666

>od looking cosplay overall, but I really can't help but notice the finishing on the guns is awful. Has anyone else seen a great cosplay that is just screwed up by some bad or lazy workmanship on props, etc?
>15 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
Well you ruined it for me now too.

I think this is actually good though, her whore makeup suits it.

>> No.7824810

she has, like, no ass

>> No.7824818
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>> No.7824821

Dat cameltoe tho

>> No.7824833

It's because she is way too damn old for the characters she's trying to portray. Miss Fortune is 20 at oldest and Han is around 35(?). She can make good stuff but holy shit she needs to stop picking these young girls. They no longer suit her.

>> No.7824846

Even on HoC doesn't her man slave pop out like "Oh hey I just finished this part to your bat girl costume." She must suck dick like a vacuum in order for him put up with her shit.

>> No.7824941
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>> No.7824942
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yaya gets pwn-ed

>> No.7824977

What's funnier is all her bitching about people cosplaying characters they don't know and she doesn't play LoL yet she does all these LoL cosplays because they are popular.

>> No.7824982
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>> No.7825031

hello everybody, welcome to yaya general

>> No.7825090

I'd say 9 times out of 10, if I see someone cosplaying a character from league, they have probably never played the game once. I've lost count of the number of times i've approached people at cons to have a conversation about the game and they either respond with a blank look or really awkwardly reply that they don't play, and thought the character looked good.

>> No.7825108

The guns were a commission, I can't imagine how much shitter they'd look if Yaya had made them herself...

My biggest beef is when people can't do the most basic of tasks, like making a good job of sewing. I've seen some great costumes that are just let down by the fact they've rushed the stitching or general laziness (frayed fabric, squint seams, messy threads). If you're willing to put the money into buying fabric, don't fuck it all up by doing stupid shit.

This. Jinx is honestly becoming a cancer, i'm tired of these thirsty girls who want their five minutes of fame by choosing a "uh guys, cool and populaaar" cosplay.

All I can hope is that Yaya doesn't jump on the bandwagon and do a titty version, I think I will scream my fucking lungs out.

>> No.7825115

But league is seriously the easiest moba ever. wat.

>> No.7825188

It is, but most cosplay chicks have the mindset of "teehee games r hard.. wont try "

>> No.7825197


I honestly thought Glory would just drop off after the Jinx hype train, but she's actually been coming out with some good cosplays.

>> No.7825203

Why does everyone use that terrible shade of pink for the wig and not even attempt to do the gradient?

>> No.7825208
File: 64 KB, 306x400, weep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


B-b-but guys, what else am I meant to stream so I can get thirsty boys to donate and fund my next plebtier cosplay?

>> No.7825248

She asked her fans to donate money for the wig even though (she even said it) that she has 3 jobs but she cant aford it because it was too expensive (she even told a sad story telling how poor she was when she was a kid). But if you follow her instagram, she constantly uploads photos of her fancy dinners and shopping.
She became a huge attention whore.

>> No.7825256


Yeah this. It works other way too. We made LoL cosplays with my friend. I was Caitlyn and my friend was Jinx (she haven't played herself the game just watched me playing ranked btw) and surprisingly many approached us and asked picture of her completely ignoring me like they didn't have any idea who I was cosplaying. Everyone seems to know Jinx. Or maybe my cosplay was just bad lol.

Also LoL is pretty easy to cosplay from without knowing anything about the game itself. Just reading lore and listening all the lines champions says from youtube is enough.

>> No.7825258
File: 59 KB, 960x540, south-park-s10e10c12-dawgs-crew-16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The construction is fine. However that doesnt change the fact that her body looks fucked up because her boobs are almost in her face and she really needs to tone it down like some of her previous costumes.

Pic related.

>> No.7825639

You probably haven't played Heroes of the Storm.

>> No.7825643

to be honest, the skin she's cosplaying looks at least as top heavy as she looks in the image

>> No.7825664

and also the seams are totally ripped in her gloves...

>> No.7825673
File: 151 KB, 683x622, 7889G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a shitty attitude amongst other cosplayers, she's really used to use her white knights to harass other cosplayers in her country

>> No.7825698
File: 61 KB, 720x960, 1488545_223326134515742_1170579681_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to tell you anon that nothing in that photo is real, is heavily shopped.

As an example this is how her Jinx really looks

>> No.7825749

Okay, I'll talk about this then.

I have an issue with cosplayers who are doing a character that has many incarnations and mixes up or forgets details from them. I'm gonna be specific here, I mean Link cosplayers. Like... if you don't have pointed ears, if you do a TP Link cosplay but have the OoT Mirror Shield, or if you do say, WW Link right handed, I'm gonna be a bit bugged. Is the cosplay ruined? Well, sort of. You could have an amazing looking cosplay but if you're holding the sword in the wrong hand, it'll just look strange.

>> No.7825799


I don't think that she fully understands the word. We are talking 1980-1990 's fashion, even the women body started to show up more in the designs, they didn't put their tits out like her.

>> No.7825986

Why do you think she makes such a big deal out of her tits?

Everybody knows a good ass > good tits, but none of the wannabe 'top' cosplayers have any ass and developing a better ass would require effort, so they all go for tits instead.

>> No.7826013

Not to mention a rectangle as fuck body. Zero hourglass to speak of and an ever sagging face.

>> No.7826026

She could do the hourglass figure if she'd bother to work on her gut. She can do it right now when her boyfriend greases her into an obviously over-tightened corset. If she'd tone up a little she'd have more of a figure naturally, she could lift and shape her ass and her legs wouldn't look so stumpy.

But that would require effort and why work on improving yourself when you can just put another layer of padding in your bra and double your views?

>> No.7826071

Did she delete this? Cant seem to find it.

>> No.7826115


Haha who's she trying to fool...just another excuse to show off her fake tits in closeup form. Asif any of her "fans" would actually care for the 5 different materials used to make the costume, they're too busy fapping away. God she's so full of herself.

>> No.7826133

What did you take that picture with? A potato?

>> No.7826169
File: 25 KB, 370x212, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Jetsons
Oh, I can see now that women in that show are her inspiration.
Look how much clevage they show in their clothe.
And also pay attention on tight their clothe are!

>> No.7826247
File: 93 KB, 639x960, 305d64bd-9439-4071-b3cc-241477367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intentional bra flash especially the bombshell ones when they put no effort into hiding them. It's disappointing that they resort pandering to sex appeal that low when they have so much skill making garments. Yaya is no exception exception considering she started the trend, though she may be ashamed of it now, doesn't excuse her past.

>> No.7826260

What it cracks me up about Monika Lee's and Riddle's AC Unity cosplays are that there are NONE female assassin and that's why Ubisoft had lots of drama for.

>> No.7826267
File: 298 KB, 1215x717, arcade-mf-splash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is what she was going for, it's not good.

>> No.7826270

Assassin's Creed Liberation has Aveline de Granpre, and she is even smart enough to not show that level of cleavage when she's doing her assassin thing.

>> No.7826275


An exposed chest will surely help me in case I get shot!

>> No.7826311
File: 497 KB, 600x900, ac_iii___aveline_is_tracking____by_rbf_productions-d5hwf10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only thing going for Aveline was that she was actually dressed sensibly and semi relevant to the time period. Other than that, the game's execution was pretty shitty which is a shame.

>> No.7826576

There were female assassin models in Brotherhood. They weren't playable but your followers could be female.

And of course they did not have their tits hanging out, they were fully clothed exactly the same as the men because that is what makes sense.

So Monika and Riddle and Nigri making them go all tits-out is extra stupid because there WERE female assassins and they did NOT look like that.

>> No.7826774
File: 208 KB, 1239x907, BARBARELLA-samaple-page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, as much as Yaya is full of bullshit, Barbarella IS half naked most of the time, and you can't get much more retro sci-fi than that.

>> No.7826794

She always sounds so defensive it's hilarious. If you feel that threatened by people's opinions, why do it at all? The only ones who try to defend their work are usually coswhores who are profiting off from others while still parading around like a saint. Saints don't sell themselves bitch.

>> No.7826798

Yaya should just cosplay as Drake and Josh, the hugest boobs of them all.

>> No.7826817

It's funny because Junkers never paints his own props and -just- got called on shitty craftsmanship now?

Also Tata's heartseeker Ashe wig was also inaccurate. Why.....

>> No.7826921

I've never played LoL so I would never cosplay it. But that design is super cute. I'm also a fan of the Flapper Jinx design more than the default.

But I'm a weirdo.

>> No.7826948


How she's making it out to be is that many retro sci-fi girls look like Barbarella when that actually isn't the case. Plus if she wanted to show off her "craft" so well, why show the image in black & white? It dismisses the choice and color of the fabrics used. Why not post the costume up close while it's work in progress instead? Any excuse to show off the ultra cleavage to her little fanboys.

>> No.7826949
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>> No.7827156
File: 33 KB, 500x375, Lauffer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and also the seams are totally ripped in her gloves..

They might be vintage non-stretch gloves. Those have buttons at the wrist so you can get your hands in them.

Since it's a vintage looking design I wouldn't be surprised if she chose vintage type gloves.

>> No.7827166

>It's disappointing that they resort pandering to sex appeal that low when they have so much skill making garments.

I've always thought this as well.
But sex is easy. It sells. A majority of people like it. It has universal appeal.

It's the world we live in that makes it so much easier for someone to be admired for their looks rather than anything going on in their head.

I really do miss the pre-Facebook page/cam girl/I'm a model days.
Sex was there of course but it wasn't front and center of "good cosplay" like it is now.

>> No.7827183

I didn't realize how bad her costume was until you put a reference next to it. It's so inaccurate and her wig is just terrible.

>> No.7827197

Typical Yaya. She is an artist you know. Has to make every costume 'her own.' I'm all for adding small details to enhance your costumes like adding texture through fabric or whatever but sometimes it just seems like shes being lazy to the source material. Like she didnt make a bustier but instead her default corset pattern she alway uses.

>> No.7827221

Junkers is the name of his corgi though

>> No.7827281


I think she adds things to get by copyright of the character so she can sell prints.

>> No.7827329

Can someone translate please?

>> No.7827769

Yaya's idea of "making it your own" is "fudge the most important details, skip half the costume and push your tits up and over"

>> No.7827775

Kind of ironic for someone claiming to be the ambassador of a hobby in which accuracy is viewed as important.

And, you know, someone who has judged cosplay competitions.

>> No.7827850

Its about time we have a "oh cool I didn't know you played league of legends! What's your sn?" facefook photo comment raid on yaya's page.

>> No.7827884
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>> No.7827907

pls yes

>> No.7828192
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>> No.7828334

That was truly beautiful anon.

>> No.7828343
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>> No.7828360
File: 38 KB, 200x237, child-pageant-pictures3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever seen the top half of Yaya's face move? I swear her eyes are always dead and emotionless.

>> No.7828362

>'muh workmanship in 5 different fabrics'
>image is in black and white
>nothing but boobs

Does she really think people are that stupid?

>> No.7828371

she just looks tight and surprised all the time due to the way she draws on her hooker brows

>> No.7828429
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x1920, naturalishyaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yaya just needs to tone her makeup down

>> No.7828497

she's asking her friends to send hate/harass/troll an ex-friend of her bc that girl posted something bad on her jinx cosplay.
>she was mean to me, go troll her
yay for Argie dramu

>> No.7828498

why is her torso lighter than her legs and head?? wtf

>> No.7828499

I am nowhere near a craftsmanship sort of person bt... I can't be the only person seeing this bias tape, right? Why is it so... shitty..

>> No.7828513

and stop contouring.

>> No.7828528

looks like a bodysuit to me. you can see where it stops at her neck and between the glove and whatever arm cover thing she wears on her left wrist

>> No.7828533

she probably didn't put makeup on her legs? not rocket science. still looks terrible though.

>> No.7828561

>needs to tone down her makeup
>grass is green
>the sky is blue

>> No.7828564

I was just about to say that's a pretty bad job. Especially where the hat sits on her head.

>> No.7828565
File: 1004 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_naiuvokhHa1sikyp6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7829013

You win 4chan

>> No.7829045

I'm probably going to get shit for this and told that I'm nitpicking, but all I was able to focus on was her very wrinkly hand. I just sat here for a few minutes, examining the palms of my own and contorting them into poses similar to hers and they didn't have like.. all of those dry looking folds and shit.

Is that from aging or just not taking care of your skin or something? Because I'm starting to feel really fucking glad about the state of my own hands right now..

>> No.7829046

>very clear warping around her waist, chest and face
>face shooped already
Not "original", but moreso "edited by photographer and not her." Still shooped to shit.

>> No.7829477

I don't know why/how she gets away with that. If you shop an image you didn't take without permission from the tog you should get the shit kicked out of you. I can't believe all these people shop their images and then also give Yaya permission to shop them even more herself.

The funniest bit about this to me is that Yaya offers herself as a professional make up artist and stylist for fashion shoots but very obviously all her make up knowledge comes from tumblr posts on contouring. Not even the subtle late 90s Hollywood contouring but the modern contouring that was made up for drag queens. Hell I bet Yaya could actually look genuinely legit attractive if she'd stop taking styling tips from RuPaul.

>> No.7829781

Hands usually age a lot more noticeably. If you notice some celebrities that look a lot younger than they are their hands will usually give it away.

>> No.7829903

Also the weird hair shooping out of the flyaways. it just looks so weird now, could be me though.

Nah I can't stop staring at it either.. her face looks so smooth but not her hands.. maybe she forgot to shoop them.

>> No.7829931

>mfw my hands have always looked like that
maybe it's a genetic thing; i remember even when i was a kid I had other kids commenting that my hands looked like "old people hands"

>> No.7829937

That's just genetics. You can do something about it, but not much. I have peasants hands, I know the feel.

>> No.7829943

Same. I don't spend much time outside, but I'm pretty skinny and I think that's a contributing factor.

>> No.7829990

fuck, why did she had to be from a Spanish speaking country? we seriously are cancer with everything. even cosplay.

>> No.7829991

Just meant that was the one without the lighter makeup edit.

>> No.7829995

Same! My mom has hands like that, and my aunt on my dad's side (probably my dad too but he never mentioned it so i never noticed) so I guess I stood no chance against genetics. My palms have been hella wrinkly since childhood, super weird.

>> No.7829997 [DELETED] 

>an issue with cosplayers who are doing a character that has many incarnations and mixes up or forgets details from them. I'm gonna be specific here, I mean Link cosplayers. Like... if you don't have pointed ears, if you do a TP Link cosplay but have the OoT Mirror Shield, or if you do say, WW Link right handed, I'm gonna be a bit bugged. Is the cosplay ruined? Well, sort of. You could have an amazing looking cosplay but if you're holding the sword in the wrong hand, it'll just
>none female assassins
>never watched AC movies in which there are female assassins

wow what a great fan of the franchise.

>> No.7830000

I can't wait until somebody starts the trend of cosplaying epic characters. Specially epic characters of old stuff.

>> No.7830015

Hers is the best Arcade MF. If you take a look others are fairly worst.

>> No.7830285

Why hello sir knight.

>> No.7830300

Because they don't have everyone bending backwards for them so they can sell prints like Yaya?

>> No.7830390

I don't post regularly or comment but I've been here around 8 months.
For the ones that doesn't know me I do Cosplay and.... I wanted to make a request to all you, I don't know if you can. There's a girl that is pissing me of. The girl was my friend and in the end my cosplays and LoL were cancer to her.

Yesterday I uploaded a photo of my Jinx cosplay, a preview: (link)

And this girl, just to piss me off and knowing she doesn't know a fuck about the game posts this: (link)

It would be cool if you troll her or something, it would make me very happy <3
Thank you and see you all in the barbecue

>> No.7830392

It wasn't something bad about her cosplay, her ex friend did a Jinx cosplay, that's why

>> No.7830440

I'm kind of new to cosplay, so this is probably a pretty ignorant question, but why is Bias tape seen as a bad thing?

>> No.7830443

It's not a bad thing at all

But it is applied shittily here. One if the best things about using bias tape or things cut on the bias for trims is it rolls over an edge smoothly because of how it's cut. But all the puckering in that trim looks really bad because she didn't take the time to make it look nice

>> No.7830643

Did you use google translate for this?

>> No.7830657

>she didn't take the time to make it look nice
>everything Yaya has ever done

>> No.7830658


The bias tape is very lazy and so is the stitching on the belt...but does it really matter when 90% of the people seeing it only care about her tits?

>> No.7830660

Same here, anon. We can be grannies together...

>> No.7830740

oh, the coattail rider

>> No.7830872

So she shooped everything else but didn't try to fix her hands?

>> No.7830897

such a scary 3/4 profile

>> No.7830901
File: 62 KB, 610x612, yaya-wonderwoman9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I can make it worse.

>> No.7830902
File: 66 KB, 610x425, yaya-catwoman1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see this one, I hear really bad, stereotypical Asian music playing in my head with the whiny, Asian high voices and strings.

>> No.7830906

Oh god Anon, you're right. I just looked up photos of her Jinx and in every one, I can now see where her bodysuit begins at her neck.

>> No.7830958

it's undeniable that she shoops herself til death

>> No.7830967

Those bottom lashes falling off :(

>> No.7830969

Those aren't lashes, that's her eye liner running.

>> No.7831028

I don't understand why anyone would want to do MF's Arcade skin, it is the tackiest, grossest skin ever.

>> No.7831029

Because skimpy and attention.

>> No.7831505

Nope, I speak spanish also, is my second language

>> No.7831520

I don't think that's even real bias tape, like I think it might be matte pvc, so it won't turn corners that well coupled with not mitering the inside corners it can only do what you see there.

>> No.7836154

That fucking grammar. I could hardly understand what I was reading and I'm ESL.

>> No.7836158

Its a good skin in game. Tacky and gross are recoloured skins.

>> No.7841419

Ugh I hate this costume of Yaya's and I generally like her costumes. That weird booty shorts cut at the bottom is sooo unflattering, she should have cut the leg holes much higher.

>> No.7841966

seriously i can't be the only person to mention the shit going on with the hat and her waist???? looks like someone fuckin shooped the shit out of her waist area using the liquid tool or w/e the fuck it's called

>> No.7841973

nvm just saw some other mention of it in here. but seriously....just ughh

>> No.7842872

Taco Language translation for all my fellow anons:
I dont usually post, I dont usually coment, but like 8 months ago Im.. (insert unkown word to me here). To the ones who dont know me, I do cosplay, aaaand I came here to do a request, I dont know if you dont understand, the skinny one was my friend and in the end it turned otu that my cosplays and the Lol gave her cancer.

Yesterday I uploaded a photo of my Jinx, or well, what it could almost get to be (?) -insert link Im too busy to transcript here-

And the.. (insert another word im not familiar with here, Im almost sure its something like bitch) wanting to burst the balls that I dont posses, and taking in account she doesnt know a bit about the game posts this today -insert link of the other girl's Jinx cosplay in here-

I dont know if you know how to troll her or not, but that would make me very hapy <3 hahahahaahahaha Thanks and Ill see you at the.. grill?( Its a mexican reunion with lots of meat, similar to BBQ's in the US)

Long story short, she's bitching because her skinny friend made a Jinx cosplay a day after she did and supposedly she didnt like the game or some crap like that.

>> No.7843151

It's just the fact it's out of focus. Whoever took that photo doesn't know what the fuck they're doing or they're using an impossibly bad lens because that is a mess of aberration and the true focus of the image is on her far side, not even in line with her face.

>> No.7843900
File: 64 KB, 500x100, the amazing yaya han(ds).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I ALWAYS notice that in her pictures, she doesn't do anything about her papery-thin-wrinkly-grandma-witch hands.
Feast your eyes, kids. Yaya's hand's are more wrinkly than a god damn iconic book by Madeline L'Engle.

>> No.7843901


thanks, now this is going to be stuck in my head for the next week and a half. i thought i was over that stage in life

>> No.7844006


>Whoever took that photo doesn't know what the fuck they're doing

it's an AshB photo, so naturally...

>> No.7844055

In my experience, most "everyday portrait"/cosplay photographers can't actually edit for shit

I feel really uncomfortable with people editing photos of me since they likely won't adjust the curves/levels as needed, fix wash out, adjust/lighten shadows on the face etc. basically do more than 5 minutes of editing consisting of maybe blurring the bg and minor adjustments

>> No.7844202

That's because you're working with shitty photographers who are not really photographers. Any actual photographer worth their salt will ask you if you have any specific editing requirements, if not before they take a photo then after. Even if they don't they should be willing to edit an image based on your request after they've shown it to you but before they make it public.

Even if a photgrapher flat out refuses to edit a photo of you you still have absolutely no right to edit the photo yourself. It's not your photo, it's their photo which happens to include you as the subject.

>> No.7844454
File: 415 KB, 500x400, 1408075412854.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man

>> No.7844488
File: 9 KB, 251x251, 1299462748925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you still have absolutely no right to edit the photo yourself
>It's not your photo, it's their photo which happens to include you as the subject.

if you get mad at cosplayers editing your photos of them, you're an even bigger faggot than this guy

>> No.7844560
File: 718 KB, 345x483, 1410529467787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see Yaya, this will be playing in my head.

>> No.7844575

>Even if a photgrapher flat out refuses to edit a photo of you you still have absolutely no right to edit the photo yourself. It's not your photo, it's their photo which happens to include you as the subject.

That uh, depends on a lot of different things. In actual photography if you're doing free photoshoots with a photog, the photo rights belong to both of you because neither one is paid for their time. If you pay, the photos are yours to do anything with, if they pay, you have no rights. Just because the photog takes the pictures doesn't mean they only belong to them, they generally belong to both parties unless otherwise stated.

>> No.7844981

Nope. If you're doing free photos all rights remain with whoever presses the shutter on the camera. It doesn't even have to be the owner of the camera. If you press the shutter, you own that photograph. The person in the photo doesn't have any rights to shit. Subjects only have any rights if they're the ones paying for the photos or if you expressly give them whichever rights you choose. Most states require this to be in writing signed off on by all parties plus an impartial third party witness.

>> No.7845104

You are just plain stupid right?

>> No.7845106

Yeah, no.

>> No.7845153

Anon is correct, though? Whoever takes the picture, human or not, owns the copyright. Doesn't matter whose camera it is, the subject, anything; you press the button, you own the copyright.

>> No.7845462

Thirding the fact that this is just utterly wrong. Please stop. Look up some copyright law that was written by an impartial lawmaker. Not a photog.

>> No.7845583

Look up any of Len Speier's many talks on the subject. The guy's a photography lecturer but also, more importantly, is a member of the Copyright Society of America and is a lawyer permitted to practice United States Federal and Supreme Court bars. In other words he is the single most qualified person on the planet to talk about these things. There is no bias with him, yes he is a photographer but he deals in Supreme Court and Federal rulings, he's not a guy who's going to preach incorrect and illegal practices. And he says, and you can look this up in any of his lectures, that whoever takes the picture owns the copyright by default. The only time the copyright transfers to another is when the photo was taken for hire or if rights are actually signed away.

Just because you think you are somehow entitled to fuck about with pictures you happen to be in does not mean you are. Actually go read up on the subject and listen to some industry professionals and practitioners of law. Unless you paid for it or somebody actually hands you a signed piece of paper statin you have rights to the image, you have no rights. It doesn't matter if you're in it. It doesn't matter if you're the only thing in the image. It doesn't matter if they said it was okay to post the picture on your Facebook artist page. If you didn't pay them and if they didn't sign away the rights to you, you have no rights. Period.

>> No.7848756

I heard Tata had some more drama at AWA, much like the knocking over a guy in a wheelchair at DC. Anyone know the details?

>> No.7848766

Oh hey, I knew this one for a change, thanks to some a fluff story!

That's kind of a baffling concept though. If someone steals your phone and starts taking pictures with it and you somehow recovered the phone, couldn't they claim you're infringing their copyright if the pictures are ever posted?

>> No.7848787

I would think that the use of stolen goods would overrule their claim.

>> No.7849528

But she's german

>> No.7849556

My craftsmanship looks better than this and I've only been sewing a year and a half oh my god...

>> No.7849891

LoL cosplay is a cancer in and of itself. I wish people would do more Dota 2 cosplay, so many different outfits to choose from and in case you suck at crafting you can just 3D print something straight from the game models

>> No.7849901

>she started the trend

Yaya did not start the trend of boobs
Boobs and cleavage have been a thing forever even in cosplay date back to when Ren fairs were the only cosplay happening

>> No.7850018

does anyone have the photo or name of the ex-friend who did the cosplay?
I'm curious to see how it looks

>> No.7850072
File: 59 KB, 720x480, 10686977_10152385026946608_7346992141231549246_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The middle picture looks like she shopped her hips, because the right (hers) looks biggern than the other and it's not for the position she is standing.

That screen looks shopped.

>> No.7850091

LoL is always naturally going to have more cosplays than DotA because of the difference in community size. However, I don't necessarily agree that it's in general a "cancer", it's just unfortunate that there is so much shit diluting the quality costumes.

Taking >>7825108 as an example, Jinx is not a difficult character in general to make a costume for. Yet there are shit-tons of girls just throwing together shit from their wardrobes and half-assing cardboard props, which adds to the trashiness of copying everyone else, due to popularities sake.

There are so many champs and skins that there is a huge variety to choose from, but most will choose the easiest option over dumping money and hard work into making a quality piece. Come on, look at JNig/Yaya as an example, they have taken so many characters and reduced them down into some easy, trashy, slutty outfits.

>> No.7850094
File: 96 KB, 720x480, yaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7850102

This is the url from the screenshot, but it seems to be a private post.


>> No.7850105

More dota 2 cosplay would be cool, but I think LoL has more human heros by quite a margin, making it easier to cosplay. >>7850091 is right about the community as well, the game with more players (via more popularity) will get the cosplayer more attention/notoriety. People don't like dressing up and having very few people know who they are, or have no one to do photoshoots with generally.

>> No.7850120


The main reason for existing more LoL cosplays is tha (in order of importance)

1) Bigger audience. Bigger audience, means more fans.
2) Champions (girls) have massive tits hanging and this is a perfect scenario for attention whores.
3) Riot pays attention (unlike Valve, DotA 2 "creators") to cosplayers, so, its obvious that cosplayers want to be popular, so they can work with them or get invited to official cons.

If you sum 2 + 1 you have the perfect scenario for attention whores. The community is full stupid people, just watch the comment section of girls that only cosplay from LoL. This guys looks like they have never seen tits, it's incredible. They practically throw money to them on twitch.

>> No.7850203

It's actually public domain, the monkey doesn't own it because it was generated randomly.

>> No.7850639

Fuck sake that's a bathroom selfie and she still shopped her face so much she loks like a sexdoll and she still worked to get her tits in more than the costume.

And she claims she doesn't like people looking at her tits.

>> No.7850772
File: 67 KB, 960x539, 10698493_719972361373106_5756262047318209756_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh dear

>> No.7850784

I think the whole "no one really mains a hero in dota the same way league players main a champ" thing contributes a bit

>> No.7850800
File: 91 KB, 438x658, 509660_119161_7d15530ab5_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Yaya did interesting original concepts and didn't just cash in on the latest craze?

>> No.7850812

In the middle of her tummy she has this weird line that could be those tight for making you slimmer and... her hips... kek.

>> No.7850817


It's either tights or shapewear. My money's on both tights and shapewear.

>> No.7850834

I thought this was photoshop but then...

>> No.7850843

It's neither, she's completely naked and that is bodypaint.

>> No.7850848

>those tight for making you slimmer
>lel Yaya the cheater, trying to make herself look thin!!1
Except regular tights have those lines. I'm wearing similar ones right now

>> No.7850852

I can't wait for the day that Yaya's age is very apparent (moreso than currently) and makeup does nothing for her, yet she will still desperately try to hold onto her "throne" and end up looking like a grandma in a halloween-store-brand skimpy outfit.

>> No.7850855

Saging, but I'm putting this on InfiniteLooper and asking my boyfriend if we can have sex to this to piss him off. Thanks, /cgl/

>> No.7850870

How is she still a thing? Her costumes are all fine but if I had to name my favorite cosplay of any single character she'd done, I'd name someone else easily. Her Carmella is really the only exception. And the most suitable cosplay that she could totally nail in a second that's come around in years, Ragyo, she can't be bothered to do, because she'd rather compete with Nigri and attempt to cosplay 18 year old Japanese girls and video games characters instead.

>> No.7850878

We all know Yaya is a talented seamstress. But I wouldn't be surprised if she was so busy with HoC and social media or whatever else she does, that she's farming out her costumes and getting other people to make them. It makes sense, right? It's not like people who are going to like her super sonico costume are going to like it because of the great construction, like you see on her sakizo costume or her gowns. They don't care. So why not save hours and hours of time by getting someone else to do it?

>> No.7851032

whoa her corset is so tight that its pushing her fat out to the bottom

>> No.7851109

I think it might be lines from working out.

>> No.7851389

Hello Glory

>> No.7851631

>looking like a grandma in a halloween-store-brand skimpy outfit.
But that's already what she looks like?

>> No.7851721
File: 145 KB, 225x274, pt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes.

>> No.7853008
File: 534 KB, 915x733, tumblr_ncqxmm9QBE1r2nipso7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another view. I don't know what's going on with her hips, but it's scary as hell.

>> No.7853026


What's going on with her hips is that the underbust was made too small. Instead of making it to fit like a normal person, she tried to achieve as much cinch and cleavage as possible while ignoring the fact that, hey, that flesh you're squishing has to go SOMEWHERE.

This is why I love non-photoshopped images so, so very much lel.

>> No.7853080

there is such a thing as being more than one thing!

>> No.7853084

Holy shit, she looks fucking haggard in the face..

>> No.7853325

Holy shit, she somehow manages to look like a fat skeleton

>> No.7853710

Is that AmazonMandy? She looks like shit

>> No.7854273

Well she looks like a fucking goddess next to Yaya.

I understand taking costumes to extremes because anime and game characters are so whacky, but that's even more extreme than the character herself is, isn't it?

Everything Yaya has done the last coupel of years screams "fucking clueless dumb bitch right here".

>> No.7856284

I love when old-looking people can't tolerate the fact that they do not look like 20 anymore.

>> No.7857114


On the other end of that though...older people made much better costumes than the 22 yr olds.

So it's generally a trade off.

>> No.7857389

As has been established many times, Yaya does not make better costumes than any of the younger good cosplayers. Look at how shit the actual construction is of so many of her creations AND how simple they are to begin with.

>> No.7858154
File: 1.17 MB, 1117x474, topstitching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is defiantly slipping with her sewing. Her top stitching on some of the photos she posts on instagram is atrocious. Also her seams are puckered. Her Sonico trim was really poorly sewn. I understand shes under huge time constraints but constructions was kinda her thing and what she always boasts about.

>> No.7858172

This is the pitfall of boasting about your construction when what you actually focus on is your tits and your drag queen contouring.

>> No.7860510


Yaya is not a good example though. She is not typical. These days she churns out costumes to stay relevant.

Most older cosplayers are nothing like that. They make as many costumes as the next person (possibly less due to having a real life and all that) and they know more techniques, can afford better materials, and have nicer machines.

>when what you actually focus on is your tits and your drag queen contouring.

yup. I really wish chicks who get ginormous tits realize that they are probably setting themselves up for something they will come to dislike. When you get those breasts you can't ever cover them up and look normal. When covered they almost always make you look fat. So, not liking that one bit, they keep them uncovered....which makes you look perpetually too sexy for just about everything. No one will ever treat you just as you are.

>> No.7860522

And ends up whining when people don't treat you like a "human being".

>> No.7860734

ugh why is she sewing in the dark. even if it is flash that room is still too dark.

>> No.7860738

I'm a naturally huge chested girl and
>you can't ever cover them up and look normal. When covered they almost always make you look fat.

Yeah I love slouchy sweaters but I lose my waist entirely. If I didn't have collarbones visible people would think I was a blob. I wear stretchy clothes almost all the time so I don't feel self-conscious but I can't understand why people would want to deal with being treated like nothing more than boobs on a constant basis. I mean most people are nice about it but the ones that aren't really suck.

>> No.7860751

Someone jusy needs to sit down with both yaya and jnig and teach them how to apply makeup. They could look so good but no they choose to look like a drag queen and a raccoon.

>> No.7860762
File: 34 KB, 600x450, 1115417-powerranger44_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she need to do Rita Repulsa. she looks soo much like her its uncanny.

>> No.7861141

Those bias tapes. Dear God. The awful construction aside that isn't a very good interpretation of Sonico. She looks so dead-eyed and scary.

>> No.7861142

Seconding this so many times. I've always thought that Yaya reminds me of someone and there it is. Please Yaya, do it.

>> No.7861176

JNig is a weird case because she's demonstrated plenty of times when she's out of costume that she knows what actual flattering make up is. It's the moment she's in costume or a camera is pointed at her that suddenly she thinks it's still 1992 and she goes all panda eyes.

Cosplay right now is like porn in the late 80s to early 2000s. Huge fake tits, neon orange fake tan, bleach blonde hair 50% of the time and everybody goes for heavy make up on both the lips and eyes. I long for the day cosplay finds its Stoya or Sasha Grey.

>> No.7861270
File: 92 KB, 600x900, 10291084_10152403513966608_3169395534907710820_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lord.

I hope someone here gets a copy and scans it for us.

>> No.7861399

Sorry to nitpick, but the circled areas are going in the seam allowance once she attaches to the main body so they will be hidden anyway. I make sloppy lines in spots that won't be seen too.

>> No.7861417

I can see areas in the photo that arent circled or in the seam allowance that are uneven. Shes just getting sloppy because she is rushing her shit too much. It happens.

>> No.7861427

She's just cinched too tightly and she admitted making the corset longer on purpose since her cleavage was already so exposed, so what it's doing is pressing everything down and making her hip bones jut out like crazy. Had she made it shorter like in the artwork, it wouldn't be as obvious. Not that I have a problem when someone decides to cover up a bit, but that's why. It's also because her skirt is sitting in exactly a place that makes it more obvious.

>> No.7861515

Why the fuck would anybody care to..... oh fuck it. Fuck it all.

>> No.7861660

When the fuck is part three or season 2 of hoc coming out? I need that in my life.

>> No.7861677

It was already boradcasted anon.
But it wasn't labeled as season two, but the rest of the first.

>> No.7861688

Yeah i count that as season one seeing as they broke it into to two parts.

>> No.7861696


Care to make it or care to read it?

I want to do the later to laugh at how absurd it is.