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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7820222 No.7820222 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>7817215 on autosage.

Continue to feel.

>> No.7820358

>join local lolita comm
>everyone is very friendly, nice etc.
>only one girl keeps giving me looks
>not sure if resting bitchface or she has a problem with me
>also very shy and awkward at meets
>feel like i'm being a burden to the others and can't help feeling like an ita

>> No.7820453 [DELETED] 

>be on holiday in foreign country several years ago
>meet a bunch of people, including some from my home country
>hang out a lot
>one girl from my home country turns out to be incredibly two-faced and keeps trying to generate drama by lying and trying to set people up against each other
>constantly insulted a guy to his face in a language he didn't understand
>actually tried to break up a couple by starting a rumour that the girl cheated with a local
>when actually the gossip monger is the one who's been cheating on her boyfriend back home with several locals who she fetishized
>purposefully made me cry by telling me everyone there hated me and wanted me to leave
>when the others show concern she plays the innocent and tells them I just got upset out of nowhere and must be crazy
>when I go back home I'm glad to be rid of her and hope to never see her again
I'll just keep on being a lone lolita.

>> No.7820458

>be on holiday in foreign country several years ago
>meet a bunch of people, including some from my home country
>hang out a lot
>one girl from my home country turns out to be incredibly two-faced and keeps trying to create drama by lying and trying to set people up against each other
>constantly insulted a guy to his face in a language he didn't understand
>actually tried to break up a couple by starting a rumour that the girl cheated with a local
>when actually the drama monger is the one who'd been cheating on her boyfriend back home with several locals who she fetishized (omg so azn so sexy)
>purposefully made me cry by telling me everyone there hated me and wanted me to leave
>when the others show concern she plays the innocent and tells them I just got upset out of nowhere and must be crazy
>when I go back home I'm glad to be rid of her and hope to never see her again
I'll just keep on being a lone lolita.

>> No.7820466
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>shipping is not updating

>> No.7820489
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>want to adopt two kitties
>everywhere I look requires a lease showing that a pet deposit has been paid
>don't want to pay $250 pet fee

cgl related
>tfw no good cons near you until 2015

>> No.7820502

Look at it this way: bad for you in the short run, but likely good for the long run. She can be a litmus test for whether the comm mods put up with bullshit. If she wants to shitstir normal communities, and tries the same stuff in a lolita community, any decent mods will kick her ass to the curb.

If she is a mod herself, watch the community very, very carefully from a distance. She in a mod position would be a disaster waiting to strike. And then you can tell us all about it on a comm bitching thread, when drama inevitably springs up around her. Word gets around fast in the lolita communities.

>> No.7820506

Oh no! I have resting bitchface!

The way i see it, until she starts being mean overtly, she probably doesn't have a problem with you. She may be just as shy and anxious as you and hiding it behind bitchface. You never know, so give people the benefit of the doubt.

As for being a burden and ita, as long as you know what ita is and are working towards becoming lolita then you can't be ita (if that makes sense). Ita isn't just about not matching clothes - it is also an attitude. What things do you do that make you think you are a burden? Often people don't mind doing things and helping out each other.

>> No.7820526

>single parent
>still in my early 20's
>hitting it off with someone but dont know how girls react to having a shota bundled with a bf with animu hobbies.
>said qt still cant even drink, think I should quit while Im ahead.
> she might have a father complex, why do I keep finding only these kind of girls?

Im not in love with her or anything, but she wouldve been a dream girl only a few years back. I think its my subconscious stopping me from getting ahead of myself.

>> No.7820528

you sound like a great future pet owner

Why don't you just get an animal from one of those sort of 'free puppy' adds in the local newspaper.
Don't forget that its hella expensive to even own a pet though, especially if you do what you're supposed to and spay/neuter them and get them their shots and a microchip on top of food and care.

>> No.7820535
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>referring to your own son as 'a shota'

>> No.7820539

>have a well-paying job
>work my ass off, little to no free time ever
>payday rolls around, get a hefty paycheck
>go shopping, spend around 120€ on clothes and a pair of shoes
>bf acts like a sour bitch about me spending "so much money"
>120€ is not a huge amount of money for me, I only ever shop on paydays anyways, I still have more than enough to pay for rent, bills, food, pets, and still can put some into savings
>bf only being like this because he's unemployed and tight on money
>which doesn't even matter because we live together and I can absolutely provide for us if he's broke
>plus he's not even looking for a fucking job, he got a job offer this week but he refused it
>he really is in no place to complain about my spending when all he does is sit on his ass playing lol all day erry day while I have 10+ hour shifts 6 days a week

fuck I mad. I can't even enjoy my new clothes now because I'm so mad.

>> No.7820546

>find an okay-ish but cheap lolita coat second hand
>girl hasn't answered my PM yet
>it's been three days now and I've seen her log into account


>taobao coats aren't out yet
>by the time they do come out, ss processes order and shipping reaches me it'll be already hella cold here
>don't wanna shell out burando level bucks on something I'll only use maybe 3-4 months a year

And that's why I barely ever wear full coords during winter.

>> No.7820548

what an ass
kick him out

>> No.7820549 [DELETED] 

>don't want to pay $250 pet fee
>bad future pet owner
all this implying

I can afford it, but why pay when the apartment people will never even check my place. They really don't give a fuck and I know plenty of people living here who didn't pay the fee because they know they won't enter the apartments unless someone gets murdered. Besides, why get it 'free' when most are already spayed/neutered and have their recent shots covered. I wouldn't think about getting a pet if I was a poorfag.

>> No.7820550

Thats what the girls that babysit call him all the time, its not a catch all term for cute kid? Not acquainted with shoujo terms.

>> No.7820552

I'll also add that Bodyline coats look awful and are way overpriced for the amount of weather protection they provide.

>> No.7820565

It's basically calling your little girl a loli

it has creepy implications

>> No.7820567

Assuming you aren't trolling, "shotacon" describes porn involving a young boy and an older woman.
You should probably look more into your babysitters if they're calling your son that.

>> No.7820569

no that's straight shota or /ss/

>> No.7820572


I have resting bitchface. Odds are that she does too. Chin up, anon!

>> No.7820580

theyre friends from back in high school. Welp time to hire some normal people then.
>"Anon, lil'anon makes a really good shota!"
that means he's cute boy?
"yup, he should cosplay with us next time"
they are already working on his Vocaloid cosplay, should I just tell them he cant make it?

isnt loli just a character archetype too?

>> No.7820601

Also remember
>xmas and chinese new year holidays
So during winter i can't buy that much due to this.
Still these lolita taobao shops have in preorder cotton or chiffon pieces in pastel colors.
>no black colourways or winter jsks yet
>life is suffering

>> No.7820602
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>tfw I've always wanted to open my own convention
>there's literally an airport next to where I live
>feel kinda scared at the name for it

>> No.7820605
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>been good friends with my ex gf after our breakup almost a year ago
>ex starts watching Legend of Korra
>ex mentions I look exactly like Bolin
>Bolin is her favorite character
>since mentioning this she's gotten very touchy-feely even to the point of playful biting on my shoulder
>calls certain things about me "cute"
>she is now sewing me a Bolin cosplay

captcha: teebagd upon

>> No.7820609

The name is stressing you out?
Not the large setup or advertising costs?
Not the organizing or the guest booking?
Not the deposit or incidentals?
The name is the thing stressing you out???

>> No.7820612


Yep, because without an attractive name, how the hell could I ever get past the other problems?

>> No.7820621

Tell him to grow the fuck up and work if he wants nice things, not take it out on your because you're a productive member of society who earns the nice things she wants. God damn.

>> No.7820622

>not-strikewitches mascot
Aero-Ani Con

>> No.7820624


It hasn't been used yet surprisingly

>> No.7820630
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No, no, it's in Opa-Locka airport and I just thought of it perfect name for it.

Thank One-Punch for that.


>> No.7820631


flying titties

>> No.7820632

>don't want to pay 250$ pet fee
>wants to take care of two cats long term
youre not in a position to take care of an animal, let alone two, if 250$ is too much. rethink this

>> No.7820634

She probably has resting bitchface + the same problem as you, anon! Go say hi to her, I'm sure you'll be fast friends!

>> No.7820642
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>$250 too much for two cats

I was charged $300 for one cat at my old apartment. You get a chunk of it back as long as your cats don't damage the place.I've seen places asking $500-1,000 in a pet deposit for just one animal, along with another $750-1,000 on actual deposit. $250 is chump change.

>> No.7820649


Shota and loli are explicitly sexual or is at least 99% of the time.

And the 1% it isn't used sexually is from idjits who don't know they're basically saying, "your wife is such a bimbo" when they mean "your wife is so hot!"

>> No.7820651

i dont think you read my post. i was saying that the person who wants two cats but doesn't want to pay 250$ shouldnt have the cats at all because thats, as you said, chump change where pets are concerned.

>> No.7820656

So much this. My cat cost me over $600 the first year in vet bills. If you don't have money to spend on pets, you shouldn't have pets. $250 is nothing as a one-time fee. If that's what's holding anon back, then they're in no position to care for a living thng.

>> No.7820662

Oh I did. The comment was more directed towards the original poster.

/an/'s mantra of "Don't own the pet if you can't afford it" rings true way to often. I mean, yeah paying a pet deposit sucks, but it's part of being a pet owner renting a place. Landlord gotta cover their asses too. Part of my old lease agreement was any renter with a pet cat had to pay out of their pet deposit to have the place flea bombed upon moving out.

It's just a part of being a pet owner. They should be glad that they even get to have the cats for a reasonable price, or even at all. I remember hunting for places and some were so stingy they wouldn't even allow a caged animal like a bird. Like hell I'd pay $1,200 a month and not even be allowed a pet finch.

>> No.7820673

so aside from having to look for new daycare. Do most seagulls find it a plus or problem when they date a guy that has a kid ?

>> No.7820676

I'm pretty sure she's talking about the lease for apartments. I know when I was looking for housing, I tried to find places that didn't charge out the ass for pet fees.

Just keep looking. You'll find somewhere!

>> No.7820678

doesn't really matter considering you have to be able to cover pet fees pretty much anywhere unless you own the place. not being able to cover fees = not being able to keep a pet. simple.

>> No.7820682

my bad, rereading it i understand what you meant.

>> No.7820694

>all these cat posts
we are already the crazy cat ladies...

>> No.7820695

And hes still your bf? Are you desperate? How is he not an ex?

>> No.7820703

He need to move his ass and get a job, otherwise dump him. You can't work for his lazy bum while he only play vidya all the day, you aren't his "momma".

>> No.7820706
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Since cats are a thing.

>looking up reference pics online
>cat inevitably steps on keyboard and closes everything
>start working on cosplay
>cat lies down in the middle of it, won't move

I love my kitty, but she's hard to work around. Pic related, the little saboteur herself.

>> No.7820707

not farting on her head when she wont move. establish dominance

>> No.7820712

Single moms and single dads are baggage , but statistically single moms produce shit kids, so you might be fine. I personally would never date one. Theres so many single men out there with no kids, i dont see how its a good idea if you can help it. Meh. Youre still date-able for some.

>> No.7820713

That's okay because I have a question regarding a cat.
Where I work there's an apartment complex next to our building (which is two businesses sharing it) and a couple weeks ago a young cat showed up outside of our place. A person who lives in the apartment claims to be the owner of the cat but it constantly sits outside of our building or in the parking lot. I have never seen it go to this apartment complex and myself, co-workers and customers have been worried about the cat not being fed or getting proper care, plus the risk that someone could hurt it on accident or purposely. It's very friendly and people will occasionally buy it a can of food from us, we're not supposed to but I sometimes leave a bowl of water out. Most people are just about ready to take it home with them.

Since it's been sleeping/sitting outside of the pizza place we're next to their boss called animal control, but they didn't do anything since the owner said it's their cat.

But the other night when someone set out a plate of wet food the cat didn't touch it except for licking the juices. One of my co-workers is concerned that it might be pregnant. Since it just constantly lays outside and seems very thin I'm wondering if I or someone else should call animal control again or confront the owner. The apartment building always has its doors open because there's no AC so that's probably why the cat is always outside, but I've never seen the owner actually try to take it from our parking lot.

>> No.7820714

I huge chunk of cosplayer a usually have some kind of pet(most people in general really) I've found most apartment buildings that allow pets, allow cats but not dogs(and if they do, good luck finding one that allows an animal 20+ Pounds)

>> No.7820720
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I lol'd.

>> No.7820722

just leave it alone, nature doesnt need a mother being mothered.
small dogs are better pals

>> No.7820723

Yeah, call animal control. Charge the owner with abuse if hes guilty

>> No.7820728
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But I kiss her head a lot. I don't want to kiss something I fart on.

>> No.7820729

For me personally it would be a problem, because I don't consider myself mature enough yet to take care of a kid. I do want kids eventually but just having someone else's baby dropped into my lap would be far too much responsibility at once. I don't even feel comfortable around my cousin's toddler.
Of course if your son is well-behaved and sweet and you're a really cool dude it shouldn't be impossible at all. But maybe look for older/more mature women rather than girls straight out of high school. Maybe even someone a bit older than you. For some women, a guy who can show he is a responsible adult who is good with children is actually a huge plus.

>> No.7820734

in her general direction

>> No.7820740

It's a big no for me personally just because I hate kids and want as few of them in my life as possible. But I do encourage others who don't despise kids to avoid judging signal parents, especially before knowing the circumstances behind why they're raising the kid alone, and I think there's heaps less stigma against single dads, so you have less to worry about, I guess.

>> No.7820743

*single parents, thanks phone

>> No.7820746
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>but statistically single moms produce shit kids, so you might be fine.

>I express this view on a forum
>I get nothing but disagrees and "my mom raised me and I turned out fine!"

Social liberals are really touch-and-go.

>> No.7820749

Haha thanks for the replies guys, but I'm not gonna dump him. I'm gonna talk things through with him like an adult.
He only got unemployed a bit over a month ago and I think he really wasn't prepared for the reality check of living off of goverment unemployment funds. I mean, I was unemployed for 3 months earlier this year and I know it sucks major donkey ass and makes you stress and freak out about money. I understand that.
I only wish he was more assertive about finding a new job, because he is a hard worker. He just doesn't want to work in "shit" jobs like fast-food or whatever, because he's somehow above it. I try to tell him that in the current employment situation you really can't be picky, you gotta take what you can get. It really feels like he's not trying his best.
Honestly I think he might be a bit depressed as he doesn't see his friends much anymore, and he stopped going to the gym too.. I'm worried for him more than anything, but at the same time, he really shouldn't take out his frustration on me, when all I do is try to help him.

>> No.7820751

More cat posts! When I was a kid, when my family had pet cats, my parents would always get them declawed, so I'd only ever had clawless "helpers" fucking with my fabric.

I just adopted two cats with their claws and am learning that that is another headache entirely.

>> No.7820758

>I only wish he was more assertive about finding a new job, because he is a hard worker. He just doesn't want to work in "shit" jobs like fast-food or whatever, because he's somehow above it. I try to tell him that in the current employment situation you really can't be picky, you gotta take what you can get. It really feels like he's not trying his best.

I agree he shouldn't bitch about not finding "the right job" (which is basically the same term childless couples use when talking about "the right time for a kid", coincidence?) but I have to agree with him that it's better to be unemployed than work in the fast food industry.

That shit's for broken middle-aged/old people and teenagers. It's tedious, stressful, embarrassing, and most importantly low-paying. I'd rather work in a factory.

>> No.7820760
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Not wanting to pay it =/= Can't afford it. And it is not an apartment building, more like homes. Anyways, no employees enter my place and will not ever. I already have a dog and the lady who leased me the place knows and told me that she's going to look the other way. My relative is taking her dog back (was taking care of it while she moved to Cali) so I wanted to get cats. I know my neighbors didn't pay a pet fee either. P.S. found a place where they don't require that information so fuck you all very much for your advice.

>> No.7820763
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>i dont want to be a working slave!
> mah ego
>mah pride

>> No.7820773

>>7820621 here, never said dump him, just don't let him act like a petulant child when he's the one turning down actual work. Hope he gets his shit together and doesn't spiral into depression; I'm currently unemployed and understand how much it sucks. To be fair, though, I also don't act like a bitch to my working boyfriend when he can afford things.

>> No.7820782

Honestly, I don't know a single child from a single-parent household that "turned out fine", they're all fucked up in some way.

>> No.7820785

Now the story is more clear i understand! I thought he was a lazy manlet who would never get a job and never work but only play vidya. I would never accept a low wage slave job also unless it's strongly needed (for example i have to pay rent otherwise i would be homeless, but i'm still in my parents house so no need to be like that).
But as some anons said, he must not being like a child and tell you to not spend your money at all, it's your money after all and still you can save for the living.

>> No.7820787

Im screwed for life then.
the girl Im talking to came to me but doesnt know my situation, just thinks a "mature for my age" college guy, not sure if I should keep it from her. Dont want to drop it on her either. Im not looking for some one to take care of him, since thats my job but it gets depressing when he's gone and the house is dead quiet.

he is an older kid that acts very chill and likes playing vidya by himself.My fem friends told me its fine since they can experience having a kid if they want to without having to go through the pain and the sleepless nights but thats coming from married women after all.

>> No.7820791

>He just doesn't want to work in "shit" jobs like fast-food or whatever, because he's somehow above it.
Tell the crown prince to suck it up and get a shit jerb just like the rest of us. The more he works, the more his resume is worth and the more likely it is that he'll get a respectable job afterwards. But if he wants to be a lil bitch I don't think you should enable him. Tell him to fuck off if he doesn't wisen up and he'll magically stop walking all over you after maybe a few tantrums.
If he doesn't want to work for the relationship he doesn't deserve to be in one, depression or no depression.

>> No.7820795

Well isn't that anecdotal evidence just the same? Because I know plenty. The key is not to be seventeen and a drunk hooker when you conceive.

>> No.7820802

That's horrible! I don't get why people think lopping off a finger's okay.

>> No.7820805

Different strokes, man. If she's that young, then leave her alone and don't ruin her life with your crotch fruit. Find someone who is mature and alright with the idea of a single father, but ultimately you should have thought of this before you fucked an alley prostitute who blackmailed you.

>> No.7820816

psycho ex but "tomaito=tomatou" and a different story entirely.
He usually lives with his uncle since Im in school, he prefers it there since he has school friends. So he's rarely with me, but I see what you mean.

>> No.7820826
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>tfw no trap bf to crossplay with

>> No.7820855

I know, I was too young to really understand/protest when my parents did it. As annoying as these little shits can be, I'd rather they ruin a costume or two than declaw them ever.

>> No.7820856

My pet deposit was only $150?? Where are you people living?

>> No.7820862

No one you're responding to, but I'm in TX, and my current apartment charges a 300$ fee. The last place I lived was 600$.

>> No.7820863

Agree with this 110%. No time for prissy losers.

>> No.7820886

Bring her to the vets and see if she has a chip. If she looks scruffy and emaciated then bring her to a shelter, but otherwise I wouldn't worry too much.

>be volunteer at the humane society
>man comes in looking for his cats
>ask what they look like/their names
>he describes them and then goes on to say that his friend, who was cat sitting for him, brought the cats in for adoption

I don't know why or if they were found, but this sort of reminded me of that. Also, don't feed the cat, for the love of everything, if you see someone feed it, either stop them or take the food away. Even if it's from your store, you don't know if it has any allergies or dietary restrictions. It's also a good way to tell if it's being taken care of, if it's losing weight when you or the customers aren't feeding it, then it's probably homeless. If its weight is staying the same, then it probably lives nearby.

>> No.7820906
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What is it with cgl girls having jobless bfs?
Does that go hand in hand with Lolita?

>> No.7820907

>"i found this one single place where they dont require information and i had a special arrangement with my landlord so you guys gave terrible advice"

>"not wanting to pay it=/= cant afford it"

if you dont want to pay to keep your pets dont fucking get pets

this level of stupidity is rare, /cgl/. observe it. learn from it. dont become a nightmare from /an/

>> No.7820920

>one single place =/= chain of stores
>fuck you all for implying i'm a poorfag =/= i'm saying you have terrible advice

I don't feel like paying off my lazy ass apartment people who won't fix my shit so what's it to you

bugger off shithead

>> No.7820926

After reading this thread I have an honest question. Why are so many cosplayers/people in the cosplay community terrible pet owners?

Is it because they're so cheap? Do they have hoarding problems? I know far too many people who own 5+ animals, none of which are altered, and they always complain about how terribly they're doing financially, yet continue to fund various cosplay projects.

If you can't afford to properly care for animals, why do you have them? It's selfish and you're stupid for doing it. No sympathy, except for your pets. They deserve better than college age kids who can't manage money or time for shit.

>> No.7820929

Lazy bum bf that play all the day vidya and also lazy to do everything. I woudn't never date a guy who doesn't like to work infact, i don't wanna be his "parent" while he just sits and do nothing but complain. They just need to grow up.
>i noticed this thing lately on cgl too
>idk what is happening

>> No.7820933
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Oh lordy

>> No.7820935

so let me get this straight, you found a place that allows animals, and looks the other way, but then you turn around and say they're a terrible landlord? gee, no wonder those things go hand in hand.
if they're too lazy to fix your shit, theyre too lazy to give a fuck about your pets. you need to get your shit together. move out and find somewhere better or don't complain.

again, /cgl/ observe the stunning display of idiocy before you

>> No.7820944
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>I'm young, fit, and have a well paying job with advancement opportunities
>Regularly stick money into savings and have an investment plan to boot
>Spend extra money after bills on stupid shit I like
>But no one to share it with

Man I must be doing something wrong if these lazy bastards can get a girlfriend and I can't.
Not even mad or upset. Just hopelessly confused.

>> No.7820947

>if they're too lazy to fix your shit, theyre too lazy to give a fuck about your pets
Exactly. So I can get away with not paying.

If they say something, big fucking whoop. I'll pay 250 and move on. Until then, they can suck a bag of bloody tampons.

>hurr durr she's an idiot and a shit pet owner for not wanting to shell out an unnecessary 250

Great generalization.

>> No.7820957

85% of this thread

>> No.7820965

Yeah, life is really weird. Maybe some girls have low standards, so they would settle for a "low tier" bf?I admit i have high standards, for this i don't understand their choices. There are way better guys around, in terms of appearance/self care and hard working but still some ugly manlets get their cute lolita gf.

>> No.7820969
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>get commission offers on DA
>one is drawing cute cat shaped ice cream cones
>other links me to my really old taurus drawing
>"Thats the style art that interests me. Fetish & lolita style."
>uhm alright
>still potentially getting paid
>still a little weirded out that my drawing was considered fetish

>> No.7820970 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 499x499, 1402397872074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a scale of 1-10 how disappointed are you that you can neither pee while standing nor ejaculate?

>> No.7820976

not only do you sound incredibly childish, but you also missed my point, i think.

>you have a shit landlord that wont fix things
>you are mad about this
>but you dont want to pay for a nicer place that would actually fix things because you want to get away with not paying a pet fee

>good landlord + pet fee
>shit landlord + no pet fee

pick one and stop complaining. if you really cared enough about your standard of living to upgrade, would you not want to take your pets because you dont want to pay a fee? if so, that means that yeah, youre too cheap to care for a pet properly, or on the flipside, you cant afford it. if you cant support yourself how on earth do you expect to care for a pet?

>> No.7820979
File: 982 KB, 320x287, 1366671813502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but still some ugly manlets get their cute lolita gf

And yet another thing to add to my list of "depressing truths in life that only make me more substantially aware of my lack of luck in my love life".

>> No.7820980

I'd say between -3 and -4. The only thing I feel bad about is having to deal with faggots like you, really.

>> No.7820986

I have a cosplay/lolita friend who is like this and has been paying for literally everything for her and her fiance' for at least a year. She hesitates to even ask him to do chores. I always just assumed she liked being a caregiver or something, but I feel like she's having less and less patience for it but doesn't know how to change things with this guy who's been useless for 10+ years of her life.

So glad I have a boyfriend with some ambition. It would drive me fucking nuts to play mommy to a grown man.

>> No.7820987


>> No.7820991

The thing is, are you meeting anyone new in your daily life? Are you fairly social?

I find that once you're out of school and into a job, particularly one that doesn't involve you working with the public, chances to meet new people drop significantly.

In my experience, geek guys are either professionals married to their work or low-tier schmucks. Unfortunately for you, the low-tier schmucks are usually more accessible to nerd girls because they have more free time to socialize.

>> No.7820992

Go back to /r9k/, we don't need you.

>> No.7820997

Friendly reminder that women like skinny guys

Men like fit guys

So if you work out and you aren't gay, you're pretty stupid

>> No.7820999

Incorrect, skinny guys are gross. I don't want to date skeletor. However I don't want to date the hulk either.

>> No.7821006

i like chubby/average dudes. a fit/built guy is nice to look at for about a minute but i'm not realy into it.

>> No.7821007

Girl, speak for yourself. I don't want some string bean, I want a man with nice arms, a toned stomach, and, most important, delicious thick thighs.

>> No.7821010

If you aren't willing to make an effort to change your appearance a bit and getting a job, even an online one you will never will find a gf and being always depressed.

>> No.7821012

/fit/ pls go

>> No.7821016
File: 22 KB, 90x108, LinkPUFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'd be the former, as in a person whose married to their profession. I'm not a robot or skeleton with a fedora so I handle human interaction the same way anyone else would, normally.

Finding new people to talk to has become harder though, and I've been growing more and more aware of this as time goes on. I guess I'm just fucked then.

>> No.7821019

>tfw want to go somewhere for Halloween in lolita, maybe the mall
>would be first time wearing lolita in public
>scared/very anxious
>tfw no local friends after they all moved after college or turned psycho
>have one friend at least, but she's usually busy with new demanding job (last job was horrible, so glad she's got a good one)
>tfw don't want to be a bother
>never met local comm and have no idea if there will be a Halloween event planned later on or not
>fiance would've kept me company, but he's overseas taking care of his ill dad
>all alone
>probably just going to stay home and answer the door in lolita instead/stuff myself with candy

>> No.7821020
File: 35 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mvkftuESju1r9ow28o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

closet lesbos detected

>> No.7821021

The area where I live is the nicest and safest in the county (my rent is 1600 between 2, not including utilities). Why would I move.
>pick one and stop complaining
I already picked one from the get go yet here you are doing the complaining.
Piss off, go away, move on, go back to >>>/an/ .

>> No.7821022

>my rent is 1600 between two not including utilities
>my landlords dont fix my shit
>why would i move

are you even serious at this point or are you just fucking with me

>> No.7821024

I didn't mean i like super muscle men because i prefer skinny/normal or even a bit overweight as long he dresses good and take care of himself. My high standards are more in another appearance and personality things than the body type.

>> No.7821025
File: 13 KB, 633x758, 1399451910073.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw even 5'3 women will only date men who are 6'1 or taller

>> No.7821028 [DELETED] 

>skinny guys are gross
>I don't want to skeletor

>implying skeletor isn't jacked

>> No.7821030

Are you under 5'8"? That might be the problem.

>> No.7821037

No I'm 5'9 and a half, but still a manlet

>> No.7821040

I'm 5'2" and I prefer dating men that are my height or similar. I could never date a guy over 5'10"! You just have to find the right short girl.

>> No.7821044

so you literally want to date midgets?

>> No.7821045

That's not a manlet you retard. Averages in height for males in the US are in the 5'8" to 5'10" range, though taller people being more common is the rule rather than the exception.

I mean, if you hunch a lot and have a weird gait, and don't work out then yeah you're gonna look more like a tiny person.

>> No.7821050

You're not fucked. I think you just need to actively pursue social events that would involve new people. When I was single, I'd show more interest in going to group events with friends where I knew for a fact that they would have people there that I didn't already know. Even if you don't end up meeting someone who interests you romantically, you'll at least make new friends and expand your social circle, making it easier to find more events like that in the future.

Don't give up. You sound like a promising individual.

>> No.7821055

>6'6 guy stands up straight
looks like a CLAMP character with outlandish spooky face

>> No.7821059

I'm 5'5" and I don't like dating guys over 6'. 5'10"-6' is in the "tall but at least our hands still line up properly when we're walking together and hugging/kissing isn't an awkward ordeal" range for me.

>> No.7821060 [DELETED] 

Do you mind if a guy has a hairy asshole? Because I think most do

>> No.7821062

Wtf??? I'm grateful that I live in Mass where it's illegal to charge pet fees!

>> No.7821063

>only date guys 5 inches taller than you
there it is again

>> No.7821066

I never understood why height is such a big deal? Both tall guys and shorter guys have charming points. My current/frst boyfriend is 6'1'' but I think guys that are closer to my height are super cute too.

Yes, that's gross. But then again, I think hair anywhere on the body is pretty gross.

>> No.7821067

Depends on how the kid is... but I don't want to actually physically have kids, but wouldn't mind helping raise one, so it would be a plus for me.

>> No.7821074

18 year old detected

>> No.7821083

I don't really come in contact with them so i don't care

>> No.7821094

do you secretly want to rim a guy?

>> No.7821098

Not even.
Well, I am bisexual, but I like pretty, dainty girls. Must be a contrast sort of thing.

>> No.7821107

I'm in an emotionally abusive friendship. The only time she's nice to me is when she has something to gain. I've helped teach her how to sew, and have spent countless hours helping her with costumes. I give up so much of my time to help her. I invite her on weekend trips and vacations. Most of the time, we make plans and she either doesn't come of cancels at the last minute. Then, I see her post about going to various plays and events with her other friends. We've even talked about going to different cons together, only to have her go with someone else without even telling me.

It's not that I feel like she owes me anything, but I feel taken advantage of. I love to help people, especially if they are enthusiastic about the same kinds of things, but when I'm constantly giving time, effort, and skills and she gives me nothing, it's disheartening. I would get new friends, but I'm stuck in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, so that's not an option.

I also have pretty low self esteem, so whenever she gives me meager scraps of attention I just lap it up. But she's very passive aggressive, and it's hard to get across the subtleties of our relationship.

It doesn't help that she's a bit jealous of me. I've always been the prettier, thinner one. I've modeled and gotten better parts in productions than her, although she's better in academics since she's good at becoming a teacher's pet. But she kind of has a big ego, and hardly pays attention to me unless she has something to gain.

It's hard to explain our relationship because we've been friends for 12ish years, and we've had various problems throughout the years because of our parents powerful positions at the local school here and politics surrounding that.

>> No.7821111

I cant speak for other single fathers, but he is pretty reserved despite his energy and intellect.
He plays by himself but likes it when others join him.
Has his moments but dont last long since he knows it wont warrant any desired result, so only does it for brief emotional release.Though he concerns me that he might become antisocial without a pair of parents, since Im not home most of the time.

>> No.7821130

TALK. TO. HER. Call her out on bailing on you to be with others. Tell her you feel used and under-appreciated. Tell her you'd really like it if she tried to treat you like you do her and give you the attention a 12-year-long friendship deserves.

Alternatively, stop reaching out to her. If she only ever talks to you when she needs something after you've stopped putting all the effort in, it's pretty clear that you aren't her friend, just a convenience. You deserve better than that.

>> No.7821146

>emotionally abusive
she's selfish but that's not emotional abuse. Stop using words whose meanings you don't know.

> I've always been the prettier, thinner one. I've modeled and gotten better parts in productions than her
>I have low self esteem
Which is it then? You sound like an immature, entitled prat who is also a liar.

>our parents powerful positions
oh so that's why you're like that.

>> No.7821147
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, 1396832503438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in school
>want to change out of one of my electives because I'm shit at it and it's not something I will ever actually want to do in my life
>just want to join drawing and painting class
>too scared the counselor won't let me (I got put in band at first even though I can't play any instruments at all, and she wouldn't listen when I told her and just went on about how it's an "opportunity to learn new skills". The teacher himself had to kick me out, it was sort of humiliating)

>> No.7821161

>I got put in band at first even though I can't play any instruments at all
j-just like in my Cambodian fingerpaintings!

>> No.7821167


dont take that shit, make them do thier job.
"so your telling what skills to learn even though I know what I want to study, yeah nah youre a cunt, give a brush"

>> No.7821237
File: 113 KB, 365x300, 2433384-face-melt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up and turn on news
>5-day forecast is on
>says it's gonna be 90-100° every day
>mfw it's too hot to be kawaii~

fuck california

>> No.7821247

>in the 90-100°s while also raining everyday
what the shit

>> No.7821256

Wow, thank you. I've been too scared to talk to her, because then I would be absolutely friendless, but maybe I should talk to her.

>> No.7821270

>implying I don't know the difference between someone being selfish and emotional abuse
Are you a psych major or something?

Fyi, it's possible to have low self esteem and still recognize that you're pretty. And from one text post you call me a liar? This is a feels thread, of course I'm going to talk about my problem.

>> No.7821304 [DELETED] 

admit here anonymously if you have marshmallow nipples

it's my fetish

>> No.7821329
File: 50 KB, 242x409, 1385227059188face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to check out a new board
>/cgl/ seems interesting

>end up in a feels thread
>there is no /cgl/ here

>> No.7821377

Correction, insecure women like skinny guys.

>> No.7821394

>I got put in band at first even though I can't play any instruments at all
That really sucks, I'm a musician but in hs there were a couple people like that in concert band and the teacher could barely help them with anything. I don't think a lot of non-music people understand that band isn't like an instructional class.

>> No.7821421

Where do you live, anon? Maybe you can poke around your local comm's Facebook or something.

>> No.7821433

>only music people understand music things hurr
Aside from a few "special" cases, pretty much everyone knows what band is. You guys are called "band kids" and have a slew of stereotypes for a reason.

>> No.7821471

Look, what I mean is that it's not a class where everyone sits around learning how to play their instruments, it's for rehearsal. By the time kids are in high school most have either tried playing and realized they don't care or have taken lessons and already have a decent grasp. It's practically unfair for the ones who don't have any playing experience to be tossed into a class like that.

>> No.7821472

You seem like a mad cunt tbh

>> No.7821479

I've never met a single person that thinks band is anything but rehearsal. You have to be some kind of idiot to think you can go into a band class with no knowledge of an instrument.

>> No.7821495

Well unfortunately and from personal experience some schools have staff exactly like that...

>> No.7821552

Annoyingly, A lot of people seem to think you go into highschool band to learn how to play, and the same thing goes for choir.

>> No.7821558

>get wishlist dress in mail
>fits perfectly
>like a glove
>going to buy all the varieties in this cut holy shit

>> No.7821563

I'd say music classes are for learning instruments, band is when you already know how to play.
I took one music class in 5th grade where we learned to play recorders, everything after that was pure band.

I don't get why the counselor tossed Anon in a band class though. She's clearly stupid, you don't get into band unless you took band in junior high and therefore can play something.

>> No.7821569

>AWA in less than two weeks
>My Taobao order shipped via EMS 10 days ago
>no updates
>call USPS today, they say it's still stuck in customs in China

FUCKING HELL. What it if it gets stuck in Chicago customs for a week or more? Looks like I'm not getting my shit in time.

>> No.7821571
File: 11 KB, 303x166, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me on FB
>See good buddy of mine tagged in a photo
>buddy is a nice guy, but not very good looking. Not ugly but not handsome either
>photo is with a girl, she talks about how they've been friends forever (he's friend zoned as fuck)
>check out this girls fb profile
>qt3.14, cosplayer and into the vidya and anime I am
>IG stalk her because I'm bored
>says she's single
>Want my buddy to introduce us
>not sure how to bring her up in conversation
>even more scared he's like in love with her or some shit
>but she'd be the perfect qt gf

I'm considering just going up to her at the next con were both gonna be at and just asking her if she knows my buddy

>> No.7821582

>convention ends
>have to take off costumes and put them away
>chance for escapism ends, chance to pretend to be somebody else ends
>return home and sit behind my computer while I wait to die

>> No.7821608
File: 84 KB, 500x282, tumblr_mvd2rpyenz1r9j9xbo3_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been fat my whole life
>not obese but was usually the biggest kid in class
>parents never tried to stop me from eating or told me to go outside instead of playing "nintendo"
>hate all of my pictures from middle school
>always felt like an outcast in highschool
>senior year I decided that enough was enough and started exercising
>at times I lost a lot of weight and was happy only to gain it all back
>this keeps happening throughout the year
>I dont understand
>in college now
>still live at home because I want to save money for 2 years
>its still happening
>realize that the reason I never keep the weight off is because of my mom's food
>she always packed me big lunches
>she always made big delicious dinners
>she was always sending me off with snack 'in case I got hungry'
>tfw you learn your mom is basically poisoning you with good intentions
>forced to starve myself because despite the several times i've confronted her about this she does not change anything
>I just want to be happy in my own skin for once in my life

I don't have any friends outside of those I go to cons with so I don't have anybody to encourage me at all, i'm doing this all on my own and I hate it.

>> No.7821625

>whole story
Are you me?
I'm also doing all of it on my own and it really does suck that my mom is killing me with good intentions (though she does rant if I don't eat more of her food). The only place where I could get support and encouragement is Imgurfit.
Hang in there and do your best.

>> No.7821701

I just wish I weren't so insanely, disgustingly ugly. I can't even bring myself to look people in the eye and I try to avoid going outside as much as possible. I don't know what to do except for saving up for surgery.

>> No.7821704

Try going to therapy for your self esteem issues.

>> No.7821706
File: 44 KB, 409x284, 20131203-155834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no ugly gf

Imagine a girl so ugly she never left the house, you'd be the only person who would pay her mind. Her hardened spirit, her grateful touch. A developed personality from being forgotten for so long. Her face would be so distinct from all other girls', you'd soon grow attracted to it from familiarity. You'd start to see the other girls as the ugly ones; your unsymmetrical disfigured goddess would represent a deeper, transhumanistic beauty, beyond base and evolutionary instincts. You would be the only one to be able to appreciate her looks, while others turn away in disgust. She would be yours to keep. While other girls' allure fades with time, your attraction for her would only grow more and more with each passing moment together.

>> No.7821707

Right now I'm feeling good because I just started birth control and haven't had any side effects, but it's only the second day...should I still be on the lookout? I would've thought Nausea would've happened immdiately if it was going to come to me....

>> No.7821724

Always be on the lookout. Especially within the first month. The pill isnt such a high dosage like Plan B or anything, it's not immediately going to make you sick (if you're the type of person to get sick from it).

In general just be aware of what it will do to your body. Some people gain weight after a while. Some people are perfectly fine. Some people have experienced extreme mood swings, lack of desire for sex, etc. One day is simply not enough data for you to know what it's doing to your body

>> No.7821743

Side effects typically start within the first week or so, and sometimes it takes a full month for them to kick in. This is my second time on BC, and I didn't start feeling tired/nauseous/sore/anxious until I started my second pack.

>> No.7821764
File: 431 KB, 500x375, 394729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been with bf for a couple of years now (since high school)
>things always been alright, we fight and have ugly moments but we never broke up
>Never cheated always been faithful
>sometimes I feel like he doesn't like being around me
>he hangs out with friends a lot and goes out with them
>don't really go on dates or anything really sometimes we barely talk
>every time I try to talk to him about it he gets mad at me
>"Anon you're being obsessive!"
>always feel bad about it and just beg for forgiveness and everything repeats
>all I want is to be able to spend time with him

I can't talk to friends about it because we both have the same friends and he'll somehow find out and get mad at me for involving people into our business. We're also moving in together soon and I'm worried if this will just make things more awkward if he comes home late or something when he does go out.

I don't know what to do anymore and I just bottle it up inside

>> No.7821798
File: 15 KB, 149x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art supplies shopping
>decide to drive out to a store because I've never been inside a real one (ie not-Michaels)
>when I get there find out it's tiny as hell and the item I went for cost over $10 more in-store than what it's listed for in their online shop
>buy it anyway because I feel awkward for asking about the sale price and didn't want to drive almost an hour out for nothing

>> No.7821799
File: 18 KB, 200x255, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to see family in my home country after a year
>it's urgent but I'm having visa problems (Europoor studying in Canuckistan)
>scared they won't let me go back
>called border police and they assure me all I might get are a few questions
>but they still have a right to detain me and refuse me access
I'm scared

>> No.7821803

>never really been concerned about notes on Tumblr
>but suddenly
>horribly unflattering photos from picnic meet in friend's post get several hundred notes
>"Look, anon! They like your outfit!"
>squinting into sun
>lipstick faded/rubbed off from eating
>petticoat peeking on one side
>grass stain on sock at ankle
>tfw same outfit with nicer photos from before the meet on own blog has 7

Ugh. I wish she'd at least reblogged my nice, clear shots instead of posting one where I look like such a derp. Goddamnit.

>> No.7821812
File: 67 KB, 700x394, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys should take care, some mixed black boy in Utah got shot for wearing cosplay. The cops said he lunged at them with the plastic sword but all the shots were from the back not the front.

Anyway be safe


>> No.7821843
File: 69 KB, 735x690, i crai errytime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7821848
File: 16 KB, 320x240, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See dream dress on LM
>Message seller, we work out a price
>She sends me the invoice
>"Can you please change the price on your listing so I can buy it?"
>No reply
>See that the listing has sold to someone else
>Wait a few hours, still no messages from the seller
>I message her asking what's up
>"Oh sorry I was just about to change the price and someone else bought it so I sold it to her instead"
>After sending me the invoice

I get the feeling she was hoping I would pay for the dress and she could double sell it or something.

>> No.7821850

where does it say he was wearing cosplay?

>> No.7821860

Forgot to mention that she messaged me after selling the listing to someone else to tell me that the invoice has been sent, then I messaged her asking what's up. Hence my suspicions.

>> No.7821864

nigga if he were a friend at all he'd be cool with introducing you. don't be a betafuck and wait. that way you'll have another person to hang out with at cons and you'll have more chances to make moves at and out of con.

>> No.7821874

I think I'm in love ..

>> No.7821901



>> No.7821905

Sorry but that's not me, i'm not stupid enough to post my own face in /cgl/.

>> No.7821928
File: 163 KB, 638x850, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was doing a black version of that samurai champloo character this was what he wore before he died

I've seen worse cosplays, still not an excuse to shoot him in the back after stating he "lunged" at the police

>> No.7821952

People keep ignoring me and eventually, stop talking to me all together. I can't fault people for taking care of themselves. If they just don't want to talk to people, if I've just lost relevance or they don't feel like talking to me... I can't really stop them, can I? Is it wrong that I still feel hurt that I get cut out of people's lives, though? I have never had a friendship that's lasted more than, maybe over a year if I'm lucky. And I have absolutely no idea what it is that goes wrong. Do friends just come and go like this? Am I really just that bad of a friend or a person?

Not even going to cons seems to help much. I can try to make some slight small talk with other cosplayers, especially ones who take my picture, or if we're in line for a panel or something, or if we're cosplaying from the same series... but that usually doesn't go anywhere. It's just small talk. I'll still go to cons, I'll still try to enjoy doing cosplays, seeing other cosplayers, buying merch, and the overall experience, but... I'm a little scared to get close with anyone now. And... I have absolutely no idea what it is I should do.

>> No.7821954

>Watching Masterchef finale
>Literally only want Courtney to win because she's worn dresses with pettis every episode and I aspire to that level of everyday poof

>> No.7822068

I feel you on that one. Lived in the middle of nowhere NJ and the Pearl Paint in my town closed so I had to drive an hour to get to the nearest not-Michaels/AC Moore.

>> No.7822106

Are you me, anon? I wish I could be your friend.

>> No.7822172

Kick his ass out and get a roommate. A roommate pays you to live there, you save money, and they won't bitch about your spending

>> No.7822210

What's your visa problem? I used to work in that area.

>> No.7822219

It expired and I'm waiting for a new one. Have to leave due to death in family and inheritance drama, border police say it wouldn't be a problem since I'm marked as "allowed to stay" in their database or something. But I'm still scared something nasty will happen.

>> No.7822225
File: 719 KB, 293x182, 1410625011174.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a bunch of steam friends
>only talk to two
>love these two a lot
>get a text from one saying that she's headed to the hospital for scuicide watch
>get a steam message from the other as I'm trying to call her
>steam messages
>"how do you deal with depression?"
>"oh.. ok"
>"You're a good person and a friend so I feel like I should say good bye. Sometimes things just don't work"
>(logs off)


>> No.7822236

Is your study permit still valid?
"Returning students who require both a temporary resident visa and a study permit:

If you require a temporary resident visa to enter Canada and a study permit to legally study in Canada, you may only re-enter Canada to study as long as your visa and study permit are still valid when you return. Your passport must also be valid.

If your visa has expired but the study permit is still valid, you must apply for a temporary resident visa to return to Canada. If your study permit has expired, but your visa is still valid, you will need to apply for a new study permit. In both cases, you must apply for either a visa or a study permit at a visa office outside Canada before returning to Canada.

Your temporary resident visa, study permit and passport all need to be valid if you want to return to Canada to study and processing take from 3 to 4 weeks. Otherwise you may be refused entry to Canada.
Returning students who require only a study permit:

If you do not require a temporary resident visa because you are a national of a visa-exempt country and wish to return to Canada to study, you must have a valid study permit and passport when you return.

If your study permit has expired you will need to apply for a new study permit at a visa office outside Canada before returning to Canada. You will also require a valid passport. Otherwise you may be refused entry to Canada.
Students in Canada that wish to extend the study permit or change the conditions:

If you are currently in Canada, and wish to extend your study permit or change the conditions of your stay, please visit the Citizenship and Immigration website for more information."

>> No.7822251
File: 29 KB, 354x500, 1345608541331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a complete failure at life. The only thing I've got going for me is that I'm attractive. I don't know how I have got a nice caring boyfriend and I feel like he deserves better.

>> No.7822268

>I don't know how I have got a nice caring boyfriend
>I'm attractive

there you go

>> No.7822272

Yup, I am mad. I'm sick of being taken advantage of. I'm frustrated with myself for being too insecure to do anything about it. I just want to vent angrily on /cgl/ while I decide whether to talk to her.

>> No.7822283

>The only thing I've got going for me is that I'm attractive.
>I'm a woman.

I think you've already won at life unless you're not into being the fuckable homebody of some successful man.

>> No.7822311

I want to quit cosplay. I feel like I wasted five years of my life chasing a retarded fantasy. It's become a total shitshow full of pathetic cringeworthy weeaboo narcissists and I don't know why I even bothered. Worse, I wanted to be one of them.
All that's been sustaining me for the past two years is that I didn't want to quit on something again. I felt like I was so close, and I can't cosplay forever... I still feel that way but it seems so pointless. Am I really going to regret not wearing more animu costumes when I'm older? Maybe, actually. There are some costumes I wanted to make regardless of how many likes I'd get. But now I feel everything I liked once reminds me of my failure now. I can't even go to a lolita meet or buy some Sailor Moon merchandise without being reminded about cosplay. I got some recognition, sure, but was it worth my obsession? Hours and hours of my life I could have been doing anything else at all? And then seeing people put in no effort and get a bunch of views kind of hurts. But I really don't believe cosplay has any kind of value, and I don't enjoy doing it anymore, so why don't I just quit?

>> No.7822313

Try to support the first and the other.. idk? Were you asking about depression or were they?

>> No.7822320

It is, as is my passport. I have already applied for a new visa, but it's still pending. Fug :DDD

>> No.7822324

they were, and we talk every day and game on the weekend. I couldn't respond since I was afk

>> No.7822329

I'm guessing she isn't based on her reaction. And I don't know how being a pretty doll for a man is "winning at life", but men are lazy shits so it might be to you for all I know.

>> No.7822335

I feel the same way, anon. Every time I go to a con I feel like I'm wasting my time around a bunch of grody, disgusting narcissists. I hardly have any fun. The only thing I like about cosplay at this point is looking at myself in the mirror as the character I'm portraying after making their outfits. I have no idea why I still dump so much money into it.

>> No.7822340

Yes exactly! I stopped having fun at cons a few years ago. I do like seeing myself as characters though. but I don't know if it's worth the hundreds of dollars and more importantly, hours, when I could just buy cool looking fashion or something. A lot of the fun of looking like a character has worn off too. There are some characters I still want to make, but I'm afraid that if I make them, in a few months there will just be another character, and another and it won't ever end... none of it is fun anymore really. But I feel so stupid for giving up.

>> No.7822344

You've realized at just how the cosplay game is. If you don't love it for it then it's not the thing for you. There is no end-game. There is no reward barring some likes and shares unless you're at the top and maybe you'll get something monetary out of it. There's very few "winners" and a lot of people who get nothing besides being there too.

Try going to an event just in plainclothes and otherwise do what you did before. Maybe do something different, try to find the thing that got you into anime/manga/conventions in the first place (assuming it wasn't cosplay). Do you have fun? Even if you aren't overwhlmed with joy, maybe nonplussed, at least you didn't spend hundreds of hours on costumes that you might wear once. Go to the con just to go to the con. See the concerts and events. Hang out with your friends. Don't restrict yourself to a series of costumes.

>> No.7822345

I also feel like I am letting go of some of my youth.. I won't be able to even pretend to be a japanese teenager in a few short years. But at the same time all the energy and money spent on cosplay bullshit takes away from other youthful pursuits like fashion and learning skills. Is cosplay really better :/ I don't think so. I just regret that I'll have to answer people "I used to be a cosplayer" but not be satisfied with what I have to show for it..

>> No.7822346
File: 75 KB, 768x1024, 1377630156895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boyfriend looks up "how to properly handle a gun"
>google suggests past search of "how to propose to a guy"


>> No.7822347

if you're okay with guns you're more than halfway to marriage material for a lot of gun owners. the worst thing for a gun owner is to be with people who don't like guns or won't even tolerate their existence in a house.

>> No.7822358

What kind of cons are you going to anon? I still feel the same way, and I'm only eighteen. However, I've only ever been to small local conventions in my area. I've been told that I need to go to bigger, better cons to decide whether or not I want to stop cosplaying for good.
I just wish cons were less grody and full of people that weren't jobless or expected people to drive them everyone / mooched off of people.
Everytime I go to a con and talk to me I feel like I'm talking to me when I was thirteen and having fun, only it's every single person.

>> No.7822360

*Talk to people
Sorry, /cgl/. I'm getting tired.

>> No.7822373

things change. make friends. we all used to be in your spot and then we got jobs and cars. hell, it's good to be older at a convention because you finally have the money and the means to do what you want to do. get your own hotel room? roadtrip to the convention? drive somewhere at night for food? drink your ass off? thing is you need friends who also have jobs and cars, or at the least some cash to spend on stuff.

>> No.7822379

I'm an art student, so I can't really get out as much as I'd like to. However, my boyfriend is really well off because he and his brother own a company together. He has his own work schedule, gets paid a really well amount, and can basically laze around every day if he wants to.

I'm really thankful for having him around-- he helps me get to school and take me places because I can't drive yet, but I can't help but feel so envious of his lifestyle. I slave and draw, paint basically every night, and portfolio review has been depressing me to no tomorrow since it's around the corner and I feel so damn behind compared to other students. I just wish so hard I could do the same as him; go about my day by ear, dress up in lolita as much as I want.... He keeps telling me to keep my head up and work as hard as I can for school, yet I feel so helpless and I'm slowly drowning in my insecurities for my career. I just want to be beautiful and carefree, yet every day I feel sloppier and sloppier. I'm digging this grave for myself as I go, and as the school semester ticks on, I'm finding myself more saddened that my life can't be as carefree as his.

>> No.7822380

why would I want to live with someone with a gun though? It would be easier for them to kill me?

>> No.7822383

There is no endgame, no reward, no winners... why do people even do this, then?

>> No.7822388

your reaction is exactly why gun owners need someone who is open to the idea of gun ownership. it'd be like if you were gay and your parents aren't open to that.

also he could stab you in the neck when you're asleep, drug you and suffocate you, poison you, or any manner of other things. if a gun in a house automatically means "he's going to kill me!" you need to think a little more.

>> No.7822389

Same anon here. I have a job and a car and go with groups of friends and cons are still just as lame. Everyone is so immature and obnoxious that it makes me feel stupid attending.

>> No.7822397

Maybe save up for bigger conventions where there is a guest you really want to see? Sounds like you aren't really getting anything from the ones near you. I wouldn't even worry about cosplaying to the first big con, maybe one or two costumes at max.

Welcome to the art world. Go hard or go home. Every successful person in the industry has worked their ass off more than the others she beat to get there.

>> No.7822400

I go to pretty good cons. I have a decent time when I'm not cosplaying, wearing lolita and such but it's also way harder to meet people. My closet friends I met cosplaying but it's not really worth it to cosplay just to meet people. But yes you need to go to bigger cons, smaller cons are fucking awful
Haha thanks for this. It's nice seeing someone flat out say cosplay doesn't lead to much. I feel for some of my friends who have been cosplaying for 6-8 years and still don't get a lot of recognition. Not that they are just in it for that but isn't it frustrating seeing people who spend all their time on facebook excel instead of people with real talent? Not saying *I* have real talent but I see a lot of people with wonderful skills who really care about what they do get passed over. If people with talent were treated well I don't think I would be so disenchanted. I would just try harder.

>> No.7822406

What does your boyfriend do that he owns a successful company and does nothing (which you don't seem to realize is actually kinda rare) while you are apparently 15 and incapable of doing fuck all? Is he like 35 or a genius who likes dumb women or is he just lucky or what?

>> No.7822408

To give you an idea of how small my con community is, I AM the guest at conventions. My shit isn't even that well put together, either.

>> No.7822409

Well it's not going to get a lot better than that unless you like seeing "celebrities." Go to a real con and you will be nobody.

>> No.7822415

Wow, yeah, that's pretty small. The fact that you're still posting here means you aren't big enough for the internet to hate you yet and/or that you aren't big enough to leave /cgl/ yet (all the cosfamous ones seem to end up that way)

>> No.7822426

I'm not big at all and have only done like 11 cosplays my entire life. I'm eighteen, and have already been a "guest" at four local cons. All you have to do it ask and they'll let you in. Not giving out any more info, but yeah. I don't really care about the attention tbh, and I still don't sensor myself just because a few cons think I'm cool. I'd like to be able to go to a con and not immediately know every single person I talk to and know how annoying they are beforehand. It's boring.

>> No.7822437

You definitely need a change of place. Save up for your region's big convention and give it a shot. Anime Expo, Otakon, San Diego Comic Con, Dragon Con, whatever's closest or whatever has the guests you want to see. Since you'll probably be going on your own that does mean quite a bit of money to save. Note that you'll be getting lost in the crowd, even in costume, so I hope you're able to handle that.

>> No.7822442
File: 156 KB, 500x500, 1384882345061.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend of mine has low self-esteem after being a whale since we were kids
>gets her first boyfriend at 23yo
>is dating some fat, bald neckbeard because she thinks he's the only person who will ever love her
>he yells at her all the time, calling her a whiny cunt
>when I bring him up, she'll crumple and cry
>admits she's being stupid, but doesn't want to be alone
>she thinks no other guy will find her attractive
>she's pretty
>she just doesn't go out much
>says he's the first one to ever make her feel beautiful
>he has anger issues
>I've heard him scream that no other guy would want her on the phone
>I want to shake her until she realizes this guy is a piece of shit

>> No.7822444

>Always posts people to loli-valentines
>no one ever goes on to loli-valentines to see them

>> No.7822445

I'll have a friend to bring at the very least. I really don't care if I receive attention in my cosplay or not, I just enjoy wearing it... Although that's more directed towards the other anon from before. Don't mind getting lost in crowds, sounds about right. I was thinking of going to Katsucon, but the only issues I'd have with that is safely driving. From where I'm from our cars aren't really fit for driving in snowy environments, so I'm pretty sure I would accidentally slip on the ice and cascade into a line of vehicles.
I'll go to a good con eventually. Thanks for listening to my banter, /cgl/.

>> No.7822465

that anon wasn't me.
I'm fine with guns and took him to a shooting range today.

>> No.7822470

I know the feeling, anon. At least we'll have our piles of money to die in when we're old and alone.

I like hungry skeletons. Fit guys intimidate me. :[

>> No.7822471

you, I approve of you.

>> No.7822494

>japanese foreign exchange student
>wears tame lolita to classes
>come up to her after class and try to ask her about it
>she stares at me then runs into the girls bathroom

well fuck you too then
i didnt need self esteem for anything anyways

>> No.7822499

she's probably shy as fuck and wondering why the gaijin is approaching her so intently

>> No.7822502

Yeah anon, you gotta be really careful with these japanese girls.

>> No.7822521

>come to another country
>act like a bitch

あゆ らまお です!!

>> No.7822522

>first class
>wearing an outfit i like
>crazy gaijin approaches me
>i'm not that good at english
>run away
>get labeled a bitch
>i should have never worn this dress

>> No.7822544

>>run away

all i did was say hello and offer you one of the candy chews i was eating

i should have checked my privilege, been myself, been more attractive, and then killed myself

>> No.7822548

Try to talk to her again another day, man. Maybe she was just overwhelmed since it was the first day. Or maybe she misheard what you said. Who fucking knows.

>> No.7822568

it wasnt the first day

we are like a month in and she wears lolita every day
ive never heard anybody mention anything about it, ive never seen her talk to anybody

it's like she's a ghost

it would be nice if we started getting closer and all that, but I'm not sure if her waifish ways would allow it

>> No.7822580

>a month in
>never seen her talk to anybody
yeah she's shy as fuck
that's why she ran away
she's probably regretting even going on this exchange

>> No.7822583


She's probably embarrassed by her grasp of English and is dead frightened of being in a new country. My friend does that too and she's been here for years. Just be really nice to her.

>> No.7822588

Anon trust me on this, dump him. I had a boyfriend that acted just like that and he would never hold my hand or be affectionate in public and all we did was sit around his house doing nothing. You dont have to be in a relationship if youre getting nothing out of it thats satisfying you.

If not then at least call him out on his shit and go the fuck out if you want he has no control over what you do.

Also that part about you being scared of him worries me anon

>> No.7822593

I've heard somewhere that a in Japanese lolita meetups a lot of the girls are very shy and its quiet the whole time

>> No.7822606

I was in a relationship exactly like this, and I'm telling you that you either need to directly confront him or get out of there.

Shutting down conversation is a bad flag. Your needs don't match up in terms of time spent together or activities.

>> No.7822609

I just got out of a long term relationship, and came out realizing a few unsettling things.

First, I have no friends nearby. Two are off at college, one's a total cockblock with guys, and the other is in a different state. Been crushing one sidedly on one of the college friends, but tangent.

Second, I have no grasp of the social scene in my city. I'm too young to go to clubs/bars/etc, but I feel too old around highschool meetups for fandoms or whatnot.

Third, when I finally do run into someone cool, further conversation reveals absolutely no shared hobbies or a distinct distaste for mine (vidya, cosplaying).

Seattle, why can't I find love. Where are all the tall men who like to cuddle fuck and play vidya.

>> No.7822627

>I hate Bodyline
>Too much weebs,itas,... wearing it
>But I love their soft cream JSK in blue
What do?

>> No.7822632

Buy it
Rock it

>> No.7822640

>>realize that the reason I never keep the weight off is because of my mom's food
>>she always packed me big lunches
>>she always made big delicious dinners
>>she was always sending me off with snack 'in case I got hungry'
>>tfw you learn your mom is basically poisoning you with good intentions

It's a form of cruel kindness.


You should show this video to your mother before it's censored from youtube thanks to fat acceptance.

>> No.7822644

>burn my thigh with boiling hot water while making tea
>not sure if it's a big deal to go to the ER
>the pain is rather soothing and feels nice
>i'm okay with this

>> No.7822662
File: 227 KB, 314x438, 1408969581009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need to rant about my neighbourhood for a moment.

It's fucking white trash central. Nearly everyone is obese, even the children. I can't count how many bulging muffin tops, orange tans and dry bleach blonde messes I see on a daily basis. I've spotted two pregnant teenagers in my building alone.
People are fucking loud and there's a party on nearly every night because apparently nobody needs to be at work in the morning. One family was using the stairwell as a storage area and they were genuinely surprised when the fire department showed up and told them to remove their shit, because "how did they know? It's not like anyone uses the stairs anyway!"
I've overheard people calling me an "anorexic slut" several times and this morning I got "Chinese whore" flung at me, even though I'm just as white as they are.

>/cgl/ related
So far I've been too tired and busy with university to wear lolita or really anything more fashionable than jeans and hoodies. Now that I have more time I don't know if I feel comfortable wearing something out that could attract attention to me. I'm genuinely worried I'd get something thrown at me if I went out in lolita. So I'm going to stop buying lolita for a while and save up to get the fuck out of here. This place is turning me into a gigantic misanthrope.
>mfw I see some of these people

>> No.7822673

I'm kind of worried I'm too far in the opposite direction - I feel like I'd get completely fed up in less than a month if my bf went jobless bum route. It's not like he can get fired since he lives off his internet productions - and he actually earns more than me (and I'm paid above average) so for now it's all mint. But if somehow he had to get a regular job and didn't look into anything or even rejected offers I'd fucking drag his ass into mcdonalds and threathen to lock a fridge.

I might be selfish and stingy, but I'm also extremely self-reliant and proud. I'd rather be poor and haggard than dependent - when I was inbetween jobs I spent 2 months doing shitty commissions and tidbits for sale every day, weekends included, even though he could've easily covered my ass. I think I would lose all of my respect towards him with no hope of recovery if I were to support him financially, save for being completely incapable of working because of illness etc.

And I kinda feel like a shitty person because of that, since I still see no problem in my spending $300 on taobao 3-4 times a year, even though I barely need all those clothes and dolls and cute shit, and I'd subconciously would be angry that I'm no longer able to continue my shopping.

>> No.7822679
File: 119 KB, 1045x648, tumblr_luf3wfEsSY1r0q6x8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no bf
>figures hey, i'm not bad looking and capable of communicating online without spilling spaghetti, let's try online dating
>signs up for okc just to look around
>actually finds some decent-looking guys! in personality AND looks!
>sends a few mesages to test the waters and get used to talking to strangers, trying to initiate conversation (things like "hi! i saw you study x, that's cool! i'm interested in that too too. what is studying it like?" or "hi, i saw you like to do x, and i would like to know more about that!")
>no responses

am i doing something wrong? i get a lot of messages that just say "hi gorgeous" and things like that so i would understand no response if what i was sending was substanceless, but i'm trying to start conversations.

there are a couple of guys i've seen around i genuinely would like to get to know, but now i'm worried i will just be disappointed :(

>> No.7822687

I can give you tips.
I met my boyfriend online.
what kind of boy are you looking for?

>> No.7822689


oh, and i forgot to mention, i am only messaging guys who say they're looking for friends and relationships.

>> No.7822696


well, i should probably mention i'm a guy too, haha.

i'm not looking for anything sexual, which is probably a big no for a lot of people. i'd prefer someone more academic, i guess? my biggest thing is someone i can be friends with and talk openly to both intelligantly and casually, but still be a bf. if that makes any sense.

>> No.7822704

I should because I really love it
But i'm actually a really tomboyish girl and i often say i think as myself more like a boy (i think it's called genderfluid) and i'm scared of being seen as a fakeboi or idk

>> No.7822721

Genderfluid is a term for people to use to feel speshul and enforce the gender rolls they're "trying to break". It's called being a tomboy.

>> No.7822724

>gay guy
>no sex
Well that explains that, then.
It should definitely be possible to find decent people on there but the majority of guys (straight or gay) use OKC to cruise for sex even if they pretend to want a relationship. Just keep trying I guess? You could also try a paid dating site since those tend to weed out the cheapasses looking for a quick hookup.

>> No.7822730


yeah, i was kind of worried that was the issue :( i am mainly contacting people with full profiles who do seem genuinely seem interested in meeting new people, though? guys that just post a couple fully clothed pictures and actually talk about interests and such.

i'll consider paid sites too though.

>> No.7822732

I know this feel-- coming from a Seattle lesbian. Feels bad, man.

But hey! Con will be here relatively soon and I am sure you'll be able to find some guys you may hit it off with! I believe in you, anon!

>> No.7822736

I guess you're right.
But what should I do though? I fear to look like a fakeboi,but i just love this shit so much i want to try it once

>> No.7822739
File: 273 KB, 300x200, The-lord-is-testing-me-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my mother just deposited €4000 into my spendings account
>it's supposed to be for savings
>b-but my burando!
>why can't she just deposit it in my savings account
>oh god someone stop me

>> No.7822764

Who's going to judge you and why do you care about their opinion? everyone's style changes, anon, they're fools if they think otherwise.

>> No.7822769

put it
in your

>> No.7822771

Put it in your savings anon, you'll be thankful later.
Stay strong, we know you can make it.

>> No.7822773

I have this weird old pre-internet savings account that's not accessible online and requires a fair amount of paperwork to access. Thing is that my mom is a technophobe and made the deposit via paperwork anyway so it would've been easy for her to just write down the different account number, but she didn't and now I'm tempted to spend at least some of it on winter clothes.

You're right, though. I just need to discipline my ass and save that shit.

>> No.7822816

think about it this way, how would your mother react if she knew instead of saving it all you spent some on winter clothes that you probably already have a variant of in your closet

i'd be tempted if it was my own money (unless it's your own money, then i'll gtfo), but if it's not then just stick it in your savings account
your future self will probably thank you for it

>> No.7822850

>tfw addicted to candy corn

>> No.7822861
File: 2.31 MB, 500x304, that fucking feel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw eating candy corn cupcakes and drinking pumpkin beer

fuck me i love the season

>> No.7822877
File: 24 KB, 313x312, 1409936583491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my story too before I moved out. I was obese since 12; I remember getting my first stretchmarks at 11 and developing a fupa by 13.

>tried to go vegetarian
>tried to drink only water
>ask my mom to join me with exercising because I was too self conscious to go alone
>"Mom could you maybe not buy so many sweets and junk food? It's not good for either of us."

Oh and then she never let me live down this period when she bought me an expensive gym membership when I was 15, and the gym was about 8-9 miles away. I didn't drive at that age, so obviously I was never motivated to walk or bike 16 miles a day. Whenever I'd ask her to go she'd make an excuse of not wanting to.
Then she blamed me for not using the membership, and this is the excuse she uses to wash her hands of my weight problems when I was a younger teenager because that was her idea of 'helping me the best she could.'

And the worst part is, nobody ever had any compassion for me about this because it was always "my fault" for I guess not bitchslapping my own mom?
>hurrdurr anon still ur fault for putting da food in your mouth
>hurrdurr anon parental pressure doesn't exist
>hurrdurr anon no excuses

Most people just have no idea what it's like growing up with people like this for family.

>> No.7822894

OK so we're you planning on proposing? Did he say anything about it? If he still hasn't brought it up you can claim I was doing research for my "novel" excuse

>> No.7822905

I thought Seattle was full of other lesbians?

>> No.7822915
File: 93 KB, 525x922, 10649664_10203199418402504_7060342076660167805_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normalfag comes into the Swedish comm's bst group on facebook and tries to sell poor quality corsets.
Now she and an infamous ita are trying to teach us about how corsets are SOOO lolita by showing us these google results... I'm at loss for words

>> No.7822925

then find her a better dude, is she still fat? get a black weeb to talk to her

>> No.7822969

>put on platform shoes
"Whoa, I'm suddenly so tall!"
>take off platform shoes
"Whoa, I'm suddenly so short!"

every time

>> No.7822983

I'm pretty sure my comm thinks I am a fat rich brand whore when in reality I have just been into the fashion for a long time and have accumulated a bunch of full sets over the years...
>They are right about the fat part though.

>> No.7822995
File: 96 KB, 442x319, butineedthem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm naturally pretty short, 5'2".
When I put on my first pair of heals it was like a religious experience.
I wish it was okay to wear heals casually where I live without getting stared down.

I just want to be pretty & tall(or at least less short.)

>> No.7823005

>Im a natural flirt, but it seems I met my match
More direct than me which throws me off and I keep getting mixed messages. Like keeps me at arms length when Im interested but gets very snugly when Im being idle. Dont want come off as desperate since Im not, but dont know where this is headed when I know we like each other but not sure if its just a crush on their end or how they get their kicks.

why not just stay pretty & cute?
tall girls look out of place and often look kinda butch

>> No.7823016

Again this copypasta??
Shitty bf from the outside and inside. She need seriously to brutally dump him, there are many quality boys around who would love her. I feel sorry when i see these girls with some evil bf that treat them like shit and they stay because they feel alone and have no one beside them who would "love" them. I'm also I a very lone girl and having also trust issues or low esteem at times, but i will never settle for an ass bf. At times better be alone than with shitty company.

>> No.7823037

Oh god, this sounds like my first relationship too (except he didn't even make me feel beautiful because he always told me about how qt Asian girls are the best).

The thing that finally pushed me to dump my bf was because he made me feel fucking disgusting with how many blatantly perverted and creepy things he always said about me, as well as the fact that he wouldn't stop pressuring me into sexual stuff when I wasn't ready at all.
After that, I figured that I'd rather be on my own forever than end up marrying a piece of shit and being stuck with him for god knows how many years.

>> No.7823054

try this weird trick 1. say yo name 10 times 2. say yo mom name 5 times 3. say yo crush name 3 times 4. paste this to 4 other threads and if u do u will be kissed by yo crush on the nearest friday

>> No.7823060

I wouldn't do anything about it. Outdoor cats aren't supposed to be chubby. Animal control will probably put it down if they take it away. How do you know it's a female cat anyway?

>> No.7823061

Because when I picked it up, my finger accidentally slipped into it's vagina.

>> No.7823065

My bf has a job, but he works from home and is incredibly lazy

>> No.7823069

My libido is like totally gone from the pill. Good luck, you poor thing.

>> No.7823078

I am in this same situation, except my bf doesn't have friends. I sometimes think about breaking up with him, but I don't think it would be the right thing to do.

I really miss the period when we first started dating and we were really lovey-dovey, but I know relationships don't stay that way forever. Just try to be understanding and realize that all your problems won't be solved even if you hang out all the time. It sounds like breaking up would be the last thing you want if you're lonely and want affection.

If you feel abnormally sad or anxious about it, it could be that you have depression. Depression can warp your perceptions of people's interactions with you. Last winter I felt like nobody cared or wanted to be around me, but it was mainly my depression making me feel that way.

Good luck anon.

>> No.7823090

Uhhh, are you retarded? That's like saying it's full of other straight people. Yeah, there is a larger LGBT population than a lot of places, but you still gotta find someone compatible. Which, since there's a smaller amount of lesbians, would be just as hard, if not harder.

All the girls I tend to be compatible with are straight so we becomes bros.

>> No.7823118

Christ, these threads never fail to depress me.
You people are all right though, things will work out for you hopefully.

>> No.7823122

And my gf still wonders why I'm so insecure. She giggles because I sleep with a body pillow.

>> No.7823126

>have two cosplays to do for January
>limited money due to ridiculous car insurance (will owe around 1k come Feb)
>don't want to cancel the eeveelution because part of group
>don't want to cancel the robot master because part of group

I need to learn to plan things out better.

>> No.7823127

better be your waifu on that pillow

>> No.7823130

Different anon. I really want a dog. It pains me that even if I have a career opportunity after I graduate, I wouldn't be able to adopt and afford to care for one because I know I should allocate my funds towards loans, rent, transportation, and food.

>> No.7823136

It's ok, anon. I prefer to sleep with my body pillow even when my bf's over for the night. I like cuddling, but not so much in bed because arms get in the way of things. Also, the bf tends to sleep on his stomach, so what usually happens is that I'd get pushed up against the wall (because my bed's against it) for having his arms lay across of me.

>> No.7823145

I'm in a similar position. My cat cost so much that I really can't see myself owning a dog for a very long time. I work at a vet clinic now, and while I get free exams and vaccinations, seeing people walk out with 3k surgery bills is enough to keep me back.

Pets are expensive. Even my rabbit has cost me close to $400 in vet bills, and I haven't gotten him neutered yet. That'll be another $200-300, and I'll have to do it as soon as he's healed up from his uti.

>> No.7823157
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1383805625965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend weeks rushing to get cosplay done
>proudly finished, wear to convention
>only two people recognize me
>at the biggest con in the country
>put costume away and never wear it again

>> No.7823163

Why do you need validation anon?

>> No.7823165


>> No.7823167

can't spell accidentally without anally

>> No.7823170

I wish my boyfriend would get a body pillow. Right now he uses me as a body pillow and it's uncomfortable as fuck since I have bones and need to breathe and shit.

>> No.7823177

I know cosplay is meant to be fun but I get really happy when someone appreciates my work...

>> No.7823179

Where is this? Middle of nowhere?

>> No.7823182
File: 527 KB, 1600x1600, stbc pumking 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Southern Tier Imperial Pumking if you want pumpkin beer that tastes like candy corn.

>> No.7823183

Imagine cuddling with a ripped muscular guy. I don't see the fascination. Who wants to cuddle with a hard rock body and not something soft and cuddly.

>> No.7823185
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> Want to start making props again.
> No space for a workbench

Small apartments please

>> No.7823188

>using the same pic as OP's

>> No.7823233

Cheap neighbourhood of a mid-sized city. Lots of government-funded housing. Some students (like me), some immigrants, lots of trashy people with too many children who would probably live in trailer parks if that were more of a thing in my country.

>> No.7823256

>Spend a year doing leisurely exercise/moderate dieting in an attempt to lose weight
>Lose 40 lbs
>Don't look even slightly different

>> No.7823263
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>lost a great job 3 months ago
>just got a new job
>it's my dream job and I'm excited!!
>but the pay is shit, I'm only making 2/3rds of what I was making before
>was just starting to get back into lolita again after a long hiatus when I lost my last job
>now I can't afford to get back into the hobby

I'm so thrilled for my new job. I just wished it paid more since now I want to do lolita again. At least there is room for growth, unlike my last job.

>> No.7823284

You sound cool and I would date you. But I'm a trans guy, not cis.

While we're on the topic though, what do you think of trans guys if you didn't plan to do anything sexual? Would you still date them? Would you be mad if they didn't tell you they were trans from the get go?
Genuinely curious because this is what's holding me back from doing any sort of online or in person dating. Afraid I'll mislead someone or something like that, even though I'm open about my situation when looking into dating/relationships.

>> No.7823287

shouldve went trap modo instead brah

>> No.7823292

you can drop the eeveelution, everyone does them anyway

>> No.7823299

I get the impression that gay guys wouldn't appreciate that. Besides, it wouldn't be considered a trap unless something sexual happened, right? And I'm not into sex.

>> No.7823308

>be kinda fit
>can't ever be a jojo because I'm literally a dwarf

>> No.7823317

>be 5'7
>pull off the best Jojo cosplay in the con
people loved it

>> No.7823321
File: 2.88 MB, 854x480, manlets.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel manlet

>> No.7823329

>have a friend named Ali I met online
>exchange cell numbers
>feel like we've become really good friends over the course of a year and a half
>stop being online as much but try to text them to make up for it
>always initiating conversations
>always sending texts once or twice a week to try and start a conversation
>get a response maybe every 3 texts, if that
>start going online and sending messages every couple weeks
>same thing
>stop messaging them for a while and I get a "I miss u!!!" message
>outright hint several times that maybe "you should text me more!!"
>initiates a pattern where I text, they ignore, they text they "miss me", looping back around
>finally get tired of this shit, feel like I'm wasting my time, always feel like I'm bothering them since most of the time they don't bother to reply
>try to explain this but that goes ignored, too.

I've been trying to make new friends recently but I still consider her a really good friend. I'm just not sure if I even rank in her friends list anymore. I got the "I miss u!!!" message again the other day but I haven't bothered to reply to it since I'm feeling stressed and worn out from Uni. I like to make and send packages/gifts and sometimes I wonder if that's the reason she sends the "I miss u!!!" messages. 4/5 miss u!!! messages seem to correspond to around the time it's her birthday, some sort of holidays or season swaps when I like to send things.

>> No.7823373

Senpai here, how do I get Kouhai to notice me?

>> No.7823416

New thread >>7823414

>> No.7824156


This is why bear mode is king.

Eat all that food and lift. Win win

>> No.7824160

>Mention anything about a BF
>10 comments about how he is scum, dump him

Every time

>> No.7824277


It's very hard to tell change in yourself one way or the other.

Ideally you would have progress pictures every month or so, but you wouldn't have this issue if you did.

Find some older pictures to compare to if you can, or talk to someone you don't see as often.

Day to day it's very small changes so you get used to it, I am sure you look much better, keep it up.

And hell, even if were possible to look exactly the same after losing 40lb, are you healthier now? Can you run faster/further? Are you stronger than before?

>> No.7824683

>in bearmode

Then stop complaining about him? I post about my bf occasionally and never get replies like that because I'm not only telling /cgl/ about the stupid shit he does. If you cry to us about how he was totally mean to you pls pity!!1 then yeah people are going to tell you to get the source of that anguish out of your life because that's the only side of the story they get.