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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 34 KB, 620x421, SNE0914CUTI-620_1651087a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7820618 No.7820618 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread's beginning to autosage >>7788904

For the large amount of apparent newcomers:

Unofficial rules:
- 4chan is for bitter old people who say horrible shit about each other. Even if you're over the age of 18, you don't belong here if you can't handle horrible things being said. Do yourself a favour and leave.
- If you go on 4chan, you are a faggot. No exceptions.
- This is an image board, so use an image and not smilies
- You are anonymous for a reason, keep it that way! No emails, names, photo's of yourself, links to your ask.fm/facebook/etc or anything identifiable unless you want to end up being bullied
- If you try to white-knight anyone brought up, you'll likely make the situation worse by letting people know they're getting to you.

These rules are not 'fair', but 4chan wasn't designed to be. Have fun

>> No.7820637

TLDR for the rules: dont use your real name or anyone elses, remain anonymous unless you want to be 'that guy', and people WILL insult you online, but you need to grow up, wade through the insults and see what was actually useful.

(lel, pls dont sue meee)

>> No.7820638

Hey when are the otakucon dramas coming?

>> No.7820639

I'll see you in court!

>> No.7820646
File: 484 KB, 275x210, popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever the garda arrive!

>> No.7820648


>> No.7820650


>> No.7820659


If I hear the words 'objection' and 'sustained' one more time, I think I'm going to scream!

>> No.7820661

A cursory check of the company's register shows nothing for Otaku-con or the like. But the register's a bit shite for searching. I amn't sure why I bothered.

If it's under a partnership, that's not a good idea for them It means they're personally liable for all the costs incurred if the thing fails. Which might explain the bluster, tbh. I'd be afraid too.

If it's attached to the college, that also makes a lot more sense. The college will back them to a point. The college might even take the hit.

As it is, they're running a lot more events than I think they can afford at that ticket price. Call me a troll or [sic]deformer or harraser if you want, but cons are expensive to run well. There has to either be some other source of funding there (like the college), or it's going to end in tears in some way.

Eirtakon - to use it as an example because its history was documented - took about 6-750 attendees to finance just one guest, in a smaller venue, and that's with financial help. At that same ticket price of 20 for the weekend.

Either Otakon have more financial help behind them from somewhere, or they're being naive in thinking they can cover all that.

It feels to me - and this is just my opinion - that they're trying to go too big too early, and it's just going to implode. They're hoping the low ticket price will pull more arses through the door, kick up the headcount and make the numbers look good for next year. But if they don't pull in enough to cover the first year's costs?

Either that, or they're assuming they need to match all the other events immediately to gather interest, or nobody will show up whatsoever. Businesses of all sorts take time to grow, especially in a more crowded marketspace.

That's all just a guess. But I am curious to see what happens now, and how everything's going to be paid for.

>> No.7820664
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>> No.7820665

Order in the court

>> No.7820667

You think he's paying for it with his business? He keeps going on about it being a labour of love

>> No.7820669
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>> No.7820670


>> No.7820672
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>> No.7820685

He has said he owns the 'business name' Otakucon, and has registered it as 'My Business' if I recall correctly. It was in one of the screenshits posted in the previous thread.

If it's a labour of love, it's going to be a pricy one

>> No.7820738

Top kek, why is that lad from the con such an autist?

If you feel like reporting this derogatory comment m8, report it to my bellend :^)

>> No.7820770
File: 408 KB, 539x2218, convo 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's still going

>> No.7820774
File: 315 KB, 539x924, convo 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out guys he's here and taking notes for the internet gardai

>> No.7820775

What a fucking eejit. I'll be sure to let everyone I know who'd consider going to this to steer clear completely because of this utter retardation

>> No.7820779
File: 17 KB, 257x246, cyber.po-lice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no. We musta done goof'd. Cyber police gonna get 'cha

>> No.7820780

Lol it's kinda funny tho.
The guy who took the screenshot got owned

>> No.7820781

Nathan please go

>> No.7820783

>threatening to call the guards and responding with passive-aggressive autism

>> No.7820789

One time I met God.It was on a bus and God gave me a cookie.It was the best day of my life.

>> No.7820792

The Easter Bunny is my best imaginary friend.

>> No.7820793


Looks like the stress took its toll. I think he dun broke.

>> No.7820796

Nathan pls go

>> No.7820797

Someone works for Eirtakon.
Wonder who?
They should maybe shouldn't be posting here.

>> No.7820798

>still can't use grammar correctly

>> No.7820799


You can spot the autist a mile away since he doesn't insert spaces after commas or fullstops.

>> No.7820800

Literally something I learned to do on the internet when I was 13

>> No.7820803

A dog is a mans best friend but you really need to move out of your mothers houses.

Them bones them bones need calcium

>> No.7820804

So Geek Eire managed the PR?

>> No.7820806

Anyone from Dublin on here?

>> No.7820807

I'm sure the guards are going to take you very seriously and 100% will not laugh you out of their station you absolute mongo.
Northside best side

>> No.7820808

He pretended to lol

>> No.7820810
File: 187 KB, 640x968, dun goofed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nathan posted pic related in the last thread. apparently he really wanted you all to see what he said here:>>7820774
He is not a clever man.

>> No.7820813

I'm proud of that thank you very much.
Even my mother said it was clever!
C'mon stop busting my balls I want to play baseball too lol

>> No.7820814

Watch yourself.

>> No.7820815

The unemployed grown milky bar kid who didn't know if a chat was deleted it would still be saved on his side.lol

>> No.7820819
File: 31 KB, 480x480, Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch yourself around Ballyfermot lad.

>> No.7820820

Mate, you're just making your con look worse and worse. Stop, for your own sake.

(Also, note that a space follows a full stop or comma for a new sentence.)

>> No.7820823

Fuck off Nathan or we'll call the internet police

>> No.7820827
File: 28 KB, 513x159, Fucking mad thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't know what we're up against lads. A power far beyond our comprehension

>> No.7820828

You better not use that for the wank bank ;)

>> No.7820830

I really appreciate the effort the organizers put into various cons. Know a couple of them, got to hear a lot of stress induced complaining in my own time, but that is to be expected.

But this is pathetic. No normal person reacts like this.
If you break down like this over even constructive criticism... Well, your con is doomed.

>> No.7820832

Briefly. He's now their legal advisor, apparently.

>> No.7820836


>> No.7820837

Shut up Meg!
Breaking down? I'm laughing.
I know some of you are involved with other conventions and you care this much about me?
I'm fucking honoured! I've finally hit 4chan with the big guys.I never thought my little small con would get noticed.:D

>> No.7820838

Replace "con" with "penis".

>> No.7820842

What did you expect?
For me to cry myself to sleep at night listening to boyzone because people said mean things to me lol
I think some of these comments are quite funny.

Now let's digress
Should I rename it "Crys themselves to sleep con" " can you believe it's not a real con,con" "fail con" "troll con" "loser fest" I quite like "mushroom headed yoghurt spitter con" but that's me.

>> No.7820848

I'm proud of my small penis!
This is a whole half inch of man!

>> No.7820849

Your con didn't get noticed, Nathan.
You, on the other hand, were.

Now, not a lot of people visit 4chan. But Facebook is a different matter.
I found out about this whole mess when a mate I hardly new posted about it there.
When I last looked there were 22 likes on it.
How many people do you think are gonna find out in the next couple of hours?
How many from Dublin? From Ballyfermot?

Give it a bit of time, and you might start hearing chuckles in the street.

Have fun.

>> No.7820852

>What did you expect?
>For me to cry myself to sleep at night
Well you threw a strop and threatened to call the police, so yeah that exactly what you did

>> No.7820858

So what's happening is that some con organiser is having a full on breakdown on 4chan over some idiot comments about his con, am I right?

Stay classy Ireland.

>> No.7820861

Would second this. I know fuck all about your con and after reading this thread I'll make sure myself and other people won't know in the immediate future and just opt to have a laugh at your expense instead you fucking spacker.

You whinged about comments people made about you on 4chan and threatened to get the guards involved, which is fucking laughable. Now you're trying to play it off as if your intention was just to 'get noticed' all along? Don't make me laugh even more.

>> No.7820866

Everybody's gonna laugh at me and my con.Now I'm never gonna be a Pokemon master.How can I let down professor Oak..Wait you guys are gonna let everyone in Dublin know about my con lol I like this!

>> No.7820872

I'm actually legitimately worried now. I think he might be properly and dangerously fucktarded.

...or 12.

>> No.7820873

Kind of.
He was told that nobody tried to bully him, and that people had some legitimate concerns.

In response he threatened with gardai over accusations of "deformation" [sic], and generally started behaving... like he is now, actually.

So, yeah. Since then Nathan has been confidently pulling a one-man show for 4chan and facebook.
Like a true showman.

>> No.7820879

I'm not trying to get noticed lol
You try harrass or threaten me where I can a match a name and a face to it of course I'm gonna rdeal with it accordingly and don't label as me as a bluffer.

But 9/10 of you are too smart for that.

now let the word spread about me and my con.Lol
I'll be in there shouting "he's a faggot with a small penis and his cons shit too"

>> No.7820887

Are you secretly also Potsy?

>> No.7820891

You're a fucking eejit, stop posting.

The word isn't spreading about your con, the word's spreading about you and only you being a retard. I'm sure it'll bode well for your con's reputation in the future when the only association anybody will ever draw from it being "Oh yeah, I remember that one lad handling PR for it having a breakdown on 4chan after they called him out and threatened to call the guards on people who were completely anonymous after they made him wet his nappy."

Go back to Reddit you fool.

>> No.7820893


>> No.7820896


Potsy would have longer posts and more SJW buzzwords.

This dude is just illiterate.

>> No.7820898

His mot's fairly bet down too

>> No.7820903
File: 260 KB, 538x1087, facebook con.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this a threat?

>> No.7820908
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I was tempted to just pretend I'm him, try to diffuse this situation as much as possible, quietly leave, and hope that he takes the hint and shuts up.

But really, I don't think it's possible at this point.

Kid's only hope is that this becomes so cliche and boring that people will just lose interest.

Except he keeps throwing more and more coal into the furnace.

This is cringe comedy gold

>> No.7820909

Wouldn't you like that now mr uptight.Lol your all like
"Fuck you guy and his fucking fail con!!!! This is my con society!Dance for me like a monkey!!!! If you don't you will feel my nerd wrath!!! Nobody will go to your convention because I don't like you!!!"


>> No.7820911
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>> No.7820912

He doesn't even know how to properly respond to posts.

>> No.7820917

I know a few people around Ballyfermot. I have the feeling this lad is somebody who'd take a box or two to the face on the street and not do a single fucking thing about it after it happened except mutter under his breath as soon as he was out of audible range of the people who did it and then post a moany Facebook status about it similar to >>7820827

>> No.7820922
File: 122 KB, 538x605, convo 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least we know how he intends to pay for it all. Personal savings and begging guests to take a pay cut

>> No.7820928


Nope I'm over here.


I think most people went a lot further than giving me "Advice". Also frankly I really really don't need advice from con sceners on how to act appropriately.

Speaking of which the guy who they chose as their PR dude for Otaku Con sent me a bunch of amazingly transphobic rants(of the "It's not because you're trans but I'm going to make it about that anyway" variety) on more than one occasion. They said if I could provide evidence of it they'd reconsider his position but of course they got defensive when faced with the reality of what a douche he was.

I really don't see why the con is needed either way. The only reason to have more cons is to have more locally - like with Akuma or Kaizoku. That said - the cons that are there are pretty shit, so...


Actually I've taken questions at a conference before, and I write a bunch of shit that some people really like. I'm more than able to host a panel and I wouldn't be doing it alone anyway. Nom were shit so I'm still figuring out where to take it. If you don't like what I have to say or have a hang up about "SJWs", don't come. Or do, and don't be a jackass about it.

>> No.7820931

You had to utter its fucking name. Good job you sap

>> No.7820938
File: 40 KB, 317x368, 10580056_782913411767198_5615260909033503637_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your own fault for creating your own bogeyman. Suck it.

>> No.7820942

Not a bogeyman, the thread's just automatically ruined when we're treated to paragraphs of you posting about yourself and your experiences with 'transphobia' nobody but you cares about.

Take your blog elsewhere please.

>> No.7820950
File: 25 KB, 398x397, shitstorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh drama and Potsy? Shit I thought we'd talk about cosplay today.

>> No.7820953

If I'm being polite, that's being hopelessly naive.

>> No.7820967
File: 524 KB, 500x375, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Threads are ruined far before I come into them. If you people were conducting yourselves with any level of maturity around me there wouldn't be a problem. If you don't like what I have to say, skip over it, don't respond. It's a lot easier to ignore that than it is for me to ignore the widespread childish and conniving attitudes around here.

When you make drama threads you're going to get drama. Sorry I'm disrupting your discussion of shit-tier cons, I guess.

>> No.7820968

Next con I can afford is Akuma, hopefully I'll have some boss-ass cosplays and/or co-ords done by then. how bout you Anon?

>> No.7820973
File: 191 KB, 619x490, 1401943655846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ancient evil wakens once more!

>> No.7820975


you guys have a pretty poor understanding of what "evil" is

>> No.7820978

>if you don't like it, skip over it!
>saying this while simultaneously posting with a fucking trip and typing out paragraphs of responses to people who briefly mentioned you in a different thread yesterday afternoon

I didn't make this thread but it's the only one we've got. Discussing shit-tier cons is head and shoulders above your bollocks. Please take your blog elsewhere or take off the fucking trip and stop attention seeking for once in your life

>> No.7820983


It's alright, mate.
In a way you're drawing fire from somebody who showed complete inability to properly react to the situation.

A good deed for the day, innit?
Have a good week and stay out of trouble.

Same goes for everybody else in this thread. Stay cool, stay classy, stay healthy and see you at the cons.

Gnight everyone

>> No.7820984
File: 28 KB, 500x477, 1395100759423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about you guys don't bring me up or use one of my names as a slur, then I'll think about it?

like why should I care so much about people that constantly trash me anyway?

you're more than free to ignore my attention seeking ways and discuss the con if you want. stop blaming me for your own stupidity.

>> No.7820988

>It's alright, mate.
In a way you're drawing fire from somebody who showed complete inability to properly react to the situation.

Not the first time I've had to do that, though I don't know if I want to defend the Otaku con peeps given who their PR guy is.

>> No.7820994

>like why should I care so much about people that constantly trash me anyway?

Why don't you show everyone how much you don't care and stop posting. Cheers.

>> No.7820996


I mean I don't care to pamper you, but I'll happily respond if you're going to keep this shit up.

>> No.7820998

Oh look.
Another drama Llama has emerged from the swamp.

>> No.7821005 [DELETED] 
File: 242 KB, 534x1214, convo 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not even making sense anymore. Is it possible to keep typing after a stroke?

>> No.7821008

Used to be*

Though this dude seems little better..

>> No.7821013





>> No.7821027


Oh they got rid of the old guy? Good then I guess.

>> No.7821031

>>I deserve more punishment master
...WTF, Okaaay

>> No.7821032

>tfw private video

>> No.7821033

Mr. Meltdown up there is doing it now. As well as being con director, trade liason and guest liason.

>> No.7821035

Old guy was the retard who runs Geek Eire right?
Sean Alpha????

What a handle!

>> No.7821036

>making that trainwreck of a performance private

It's a good thing I have it open in another tab.

>> No.7821047
File: 280 KB, 403x504, drowning in pussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




I don't think it's the person that runs Geek Ireland if that's what you mean.

Just looked at the Geek Eire page and he describes himself as an asshole. Accurate.


General transphobia, ableism and talking through his ass.

>you can't be transgender if you dont act like a man or female you just been trolling people for the last year .


I pretty much got a harassing PM from this guy every time something happened between me and one of his "Friends". I don't understand people who act like they're heroes attacking vulnerable people using the shit that makes them marginalised, and I definitely don't understand how he ended up the PR Guy of anything. It's this sort of nonsensical shit that puts me off Irish cons.

>> No.7821056


that's pretty fucking creepy, sorry. like i don't understand how the people who rag on me get to be so self-blind.

also it's not a performance, it's a class. and let's just say i wouldn't trust in your taste in interpretative dance either way.

>> No.7821064

interpretative dance.

The most legitimate of all forms of dance.
Does flopping to the floor symbolise flopping to the floor?

>> No.7821068

Guys a creep.
He has his own business apparently.

>> No.7821069

>Jay Leno flailing around by himself to a mirror in tights
>interpretative dance

The only thing I could interpret from that is that you're mentally challenged

>> No.7821070

Well you didn't keep time and your movement was rigid or am I interpreting it wrong?

>> No.7821073


Okay, and you have the highground against me after saying this how? I am "mentally challenged". And I've done pretty well for myself despite that, and despite people like you guys abusing me over it for years.


It symbolises the fact that you're a stupid nerd.

>> No.7821078


You're a creepy nerd dude deal with it.

>> No.7821087

Not a dude or a nerd. Kinda rich for you to call someone creepy

>> No.7821088

>calling someone else creepy with that jaw
>implying you'd ever be cleared to work with children

>> No.7821090

People please.

Lets not get away from the fact that someone other than Potsy had a meltdown on cgl

>> No.7821092

Just read that pastebin stuff
Why the fuck is this guy Sean associated with any con the way he acts?
God damn tool.

>> No.7821099

This^^^, if she is ignored, she will disapear. Because like every 5 year old, she craves attention, and approval.

So...its kinda tempting to go to Otakucon just to watch the fireworks, but fuck them if they think their getting my money. Thoughts, CGL?

>> No.7821100

Just get the snacks ready for the weekend it's on.
Keep Facebook open in one tab and CGL open in another. It'll be just as entertaining and won't cost nearly as much.

>> No.7821102

Find a way to get in without paying

>> No.7821103


I have never met anybody with such little regard for grammar and spelling!

Seriously, reading that made me want to put my head through a window for several reasons!

>> No.7821108
File: 84 KB, 300x351, 1398303455519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Erm, not really. You're keeping a private video of me open in a tab and anonymously making comments about it. You kind of lose calling-other-people-creepy privs for that.

I don't want you looking at that video, and it's creepy that you had the link saved in the first place.


I already work with kids.

And wtf does my jaw have to do with anything?

"Oh hey, i'm going to prey on your insecurities as a transwoman. This is why I'm a better person than you."

How the fuck does this make any sense in your head?


I no rite

>> No.7821114
File: 2.04 MB, 450x260, 1393292050654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like there's legit a guy here making fun of my face, something which is only the shape it is because of the fact I'm trans, and you're calling me the 5 year old?

I'd rather you guys didn't bring me up at all. But if you're going, to I'm going to butt in. And I do have a pretty glorious butt.

>> No.7821117

Somebody posted the link to that video here weeks ago you fucking eejit. Even the lads in /eire/ have all seen it, why do you think it has over 130 views? Because you're such a great ~interpretative~ dancer?

>> No.7821123

>something which is only the shape it is because of the fact I'm trans

The Jay Leno jaw is nature's way of telling you that you're actually a man and no amount of whinging, hormones or prancing around will ever change that.

I feel sorry for your dad, he was probably devastated when your life took the direction it did and he probably blames himself.

>> No.7821126

For fuck sake man!
This entire thing is not cool
Bad form

>> No.7821127
File: 190 KB, 1280x1022, 23440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That doesn't make it any less creepy/abusive. It's straight up bullying on top of that. When I share shit it's examples of people being shitty people, not them trying their best to do something that builds their self confidence. I have a lot of confidence issues over my abilities to dance amongst other things and it's extremely malicious to prey on that.

It was also an unlisted video. I wasn't checking the views.

>> No.7821132

The fact that it was an unlisted video makes it all the funnier since it means somebody you're probably friends with posted it here in the first place.

>> No.7821136
File: 45 KB, 319x398, ei967Mk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And of course, it'll be forgotten about and history will continue to claim that I was merely being given friendly advice and transphobia never entered into it at all.

Being trans is at the very least a big part of what makes me a target. And it makes it a lot less appropriate to judge how i act because many trans people have very difficult lives even before the other issues I have to contend with.

My parents love me and for the most part accept me. My friends admire my strength. I can't imagine yours would be very proud reading this.

>> No.7821139
File: 26 KB, 158x154, 1324655825581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for the most part

>> No.7821140


That's not funny. Again, it's abusive. It's abusive of the trust I've placed in people not to do that and a sad reflection of the nature of the con scene that people are that conniving.

When people do things that reflect badly on them, it's "amusing". When I speak up for myself, I become an attention whore or worse.

>> No.7821145
File: 31 KB, 720x576, 1508525_10151798306890870_252783190_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, let's have a good laugh at the fact that many trans people are not fully accepted by their families. She-larious.

>> No.7821151

If it was any other transgender I'd have sympathy but I'd think you were a fucking eejit whether you were trans or not, so I have no sympathy :^)

>> No.7821166 [DELETED] 


No, that's not how it works. Anyone can make accepted for members of a particular minority they claim not to like. It does not make it acceptable to use hateful/transphobic remarks against them - ever.

It doesn't suddenly make it okay for me to be racist if I don't like a particular foreigner.

It's also not my fault you have no sympathy. That is your own personal flaw and any decent person would see I have a lot to contend with, and wouldn't side with the abusive, transphobic comments in this thread.

>> No.7821170


No, that's not how it works. Anyone can make exceptions for members of a particular minority they claim not to like. It does not make it acceptable to use hateful/transphobic remarks against them - ever.

It doesn't suddenly make it okay for me to be racist if I don't like a particular member of a minority group. When you take advantage of institutionalised oppression against transgender people - you are being transphobic, no ifs, no buts, and it affects all transgender people. You are using the fact that people look down on transfolk as freakish or ugly to attack or abuse someone, which is one of the worst things you can do.

It's also not my fault you have no sympathy. That is your own personal flaw and any decent person would see I have a lot to contend with, and wouldn't side with the abusive, transphobic comments in this thread.

>> No.7821175

Didn't read lol

>> No.7821178

What vidya is everyone playing/looking forward to buying?

>> No.7821183

Playing Super Dangan Ronpa 2, loving it. Downloaded P3P last night too, yet to get heavily into it just yet. Also been playing a Steam game called Gigantic Army a fair bit, it's like Metal Slug.

>> No.7821185


TL;DR you're still a transphobic piece of shit.

>> No.7821190

>Catfish trying to be a moral compass

Top kek

Have the Rose of Tralee rejected your special snowflake application yet?

>> No.7821193

Poor as shit so I'm playing a lot of emulators. Just downloaded Mother3

>> No.7821197
File: 14 KB, 241x210, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Catfish trying to be a moral compass

Again, how is that such a funny idea when you guys are clearly abusive assholes? You're the ones who constantly elevate yourselves above me.

>> No.7821199

C'mon, it's all a bit gas. The fact that you're so full of yourself that you think a competition of that stature would ignore its own rules and make massive exceptions to the rules for a degenerate like you had my sides leaving orbit, especially when people were posting screencaps from your Facebook about it.

You wanting to spout some sort of meme during your speech was just the icing on the cancer cake

>> No.7821201

I know those broke feels, I cant even buy crap on Steam RN. I have a few shitty music based games I'm addicted to, and I want to download the Love! Love game...Basically, I have pleb taste, and like cute shit *shrugs*

>> No.7821202

I meant Love Live.

>> No.7821214
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>> No.7821221

You have good taste

>> No.7821225

Great rebuttal you retard. You're a laughing stock. It's gonna be hard to top Rose of Tralee but I'm sure you'll find a way.

>> No.7821228

i just love how that delusional tripfag made the spastic con guy look almost sane by comparison as soon as it started posting. i don't know shit about irish drama but i have to admit the whole thing is beautiful.

a+ thread, would read again.

>> No.7821231


I don't understand the issue here? I don't see what I need to rebutt. You sound like cartoon bullies. I'm a laughing stock to people who use "degenerate" unironically.

And tbh I would have made a fantastic Rose. Why should I listen to what you think?

>> No.7821234
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pretending to be an outsider
>uses the word spastic, primarily an irish colloquialism used in this context


>> No.7821238

i'm french, but carry on

>> No.7821239

Spastic is used in that context in the UK too, you know.

>> No.7821241

You have to be able to remotely pass for a woman to make a good Rose, which you wouldn't with that fucking jaw. Such a fantastic Rose that you were denied without a second fucking glance!


>> No.7821243

Maybe they mean they are new to Irish 4chan drama. A wave of facebook users came in with the con retard.

>> No.7821246
File: 226 KB, 449x401, 1350147525663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't see how any outsiders would be stupid enough to take the side of the master rusemen. But w/e, this is /cgl/.


I was turned down due to age limitations, no other reason.

Also, can I point out that people like me constantly have to go up against improbably situations in order to push forward for our rights and recognition? What I did was actually pretty brave, it was important that I did it and it helped set a precedent for trans Roses in the future.

You're worthless cowards and it's hilarious.

>> No.7821250


w/e. It should be pretty obvious from an outside perspective that I'm a lot more eloquent than idiots who use special snowflake in the wrong context.

>> No.7821251

Guys, can we get back to the topic at hand? I know we all love a good wank, but you're picking at shit that's weeks old by now.

Y'all are so typical. Can't even have a new lolcow without 90% of the thread being taken up by an old one.

>> No.7821254

Not really. I've never heard of you before and maybe I'm missing some context that would paint you in a better light but It seems that the users here don't like you and you don't like them and yet ye both seem intent on getting in each others faces.

>> No.7821255

>me making a fool of myself and applying to a competition that I had no hope of ever getting into set a precedent for trans people everywhere!

Even if you were purely denied because of your age, how the fuck were you setting a precedent? You applied to a competition knowing full well the restrictions and expected special treatment because you're trans, only to be predictably turned down. And you make that as some sort of epic victory for the cause? kek

You're a fucking tool.

>> No.7821263

Incidentally, if you'd been accepted, were you gunning for Cork or Clare Rose? Just curious.

>> No.7821264

Can we please get back to the important issue of deformation of Otaku Con?

>> No.7821265

Nathan's probably been put to bed for the night after a fresh nappy change

>> No.7821272
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Reposting for those just joining us

>> No.7821276

That poor police officer when he takes Nathans statement

>> No.7821277

if it was anyone else i'd assume they took the opportunity to flee quietly while the focus shifted to another lolcow, but i really don't think he's that clever, so you're probably right...

>> No.7821284
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>> No.7821285
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They're transphobic, abusive idiots who think they've given me "advice" on how to act in public when they have no idea themselves. They latch onto a history of shitty experiences on message boards and a difficulty with mental illness to bolster their claims against me while continually acting far worse than I could conjure. They're completely blind to their own actions, hypocritical and while they caused me a lot of pain in the past seeing them attempt to scranbke ti justify any of it honestly makes me feel better as a human being.


I made a good argument for the case of a trans Rose in general. Most people thought what I wrote was pretty great, except for you guys who care a lot more about attacking a marginalised person than you do about something which forwards the cause of trans rights.


I never decided, but probably Cork.

I didn't really expect to get anywhere, but it was fun to think/talk about it. If it's really not a beauty contest I think I would have been in with a small chance. Unfortunately since I'm an ~*autist*~ people always assume I'm 100% serious and delusional when they're far less self aware themselves. All they do is harass me and regurgitate memes and act like it makes them top shit.

>> No.7821288

>My convention isn't a democracy it's my convention

I feel bad for the underlings

>> No.7821289
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>> No.7821291
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>I'm not like other con directors
>this is the real world now
>my convention isn't a democracy it's my convention

shit's getting serious

>> No.7821295

will you shut up

We are trying to have a mature and adult discussion about a mental patient which for once isn't you. Can you for once give the spotlight to another meltdown other than your own.

>> No.7821297

Second this

Please take the trip off, it's accomplishing nothing

>> No.7821308
File: 376 KB, 539x1343, fb convo 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After that he immediately went into this breakdown:

>> No.7821313


>mental patient

again can the ableism and i'll consider it.

I'm autistic and borderline and I'd appreciate not being referred to as a "mental patient" given the history(and present) of abuse towards the mentally ill in this country.

>> No.7821316


Good to see the con is in stable and professional hands

>> No.7821318
File: 8 KB, 169x236, uniform_stabvest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello, Collins street Garda station
Hi yeah,I want to report 4chan, for deforming me
>Can you repeat that sir?
I been Deformed,by some retard milkybar kid. Can i speak to the cyber squad.

>> No.7821321


>> No.7821322

>please stop being mean to me on 4chan, anon, I don't appreciate it

Do you stand up or sit down like a lady when you're pissing in the wind? Just curious

>> No.7821325

i'd say the police would take a website deforming people very srs

>> No.7821327

Imagine if you just turned the fucking trip off for you next reply and nobody knew who you were and didn't refer to you personally or your mental illnesses in replies to you. It'd be truly mind boggling!

>> No.7821332

Shit maybe that's why he thinks he had a case? Maybe he asked them and they thought he literally mean't we were melting his face or giving him birth defects or something.

I mean its not possible but yeah it'd be illegal.

>> No.7821338
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this isn't even my final deform

>> No.7821345

uh, anon, i'm pretty sure people would still refer to their mental illness. it's kind of hard to ignore.

>> No.7821347
File: 11 KB, 480x360, deformed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


since you keep bringing me up, yes.

it's okay for it to be all about me when it's an abusive context. but speak up and suddenly the fedora brigade come out.


given there's an entire thread where you guys make fun of the fact that i could ever enter the RoT when I was nowhere to be seen I don't think it would achieve much.

Imagine if you shut the fuck up instead?

>> No.7821350

>complaining about people spouting memes
>fedora brigade

The entire thread wasn't about you either, fuckboy. Don't be so full of yourself.

>> No.7821361
File: 172 KB, 800x977, bitch don't even.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't complain about people using memes at all. I complained about people spouting them and acting as if doing so in it's entirety was somehow enough to be witty or defeat someone's argument.

I don't think I'm being particularly funny or edgy right now, but I'm definitely doing a lot to show up your hypocrisy.

Also, I was still brought up. And the last thread was very much about me, I just missed it. And don't call me boy again, you tryhard ~*edgy*~ waste of flesh.

>> No.7821376

>I'm definitely doing a lot to show up your hypocrisy.

There isn't a single people in this thread who's on your side or who values you as a member of the community and doesn't want you to fuck off.

Also, I'll call you whatever the fuck I like you fucking handbag. And if there's anybody who turned out to be a waste of their father's reproductive material in this thread, it'd be you without a second fucking thought.

Daily reminder

>for the most part

Have fun crying yourself to sleep tonight again, fuckboy, Feels great to be able to get up in the morning, look at myself in the mirror, realize I'm not a complete failure and then go outside the front door and not have to worry about people staring too hard at my Jay Leno jaw.

>> No.7821387

Who the fuck are you buddy?
This is not on!!
Big man on his keyboard there, but I wager you're just another fat waste of space.

>> No.7821388

He should've worn a condom

>> No.7821389

As opposed to Potsy, the posterchild for abortion

>has his own ED page
>even his own family doesn't accept him
>autistic and living off disability

>> No.7821390
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>> No.7821402
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TY Anon!

>> No.7821416 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 819x630, 1289592595653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There isn't a single people in this thread who's on your side

Then you're all idiots. Sorry. When several people are being plainly transphobic or apologising for those who are and people can't see that, it shows a serious issue. sooner or later someone is bound to come along and see that. I've no interest in how I look to transphobes or transphobe apologists - I just want you to stop.

>Also, I'll call you whatever the fuck I like you fucking handbag.

typical cishet entitlement.

>And if there's anybody who turned out to be a waste of their father's reproductive material in this thread, it'd be you without a second fucking thought.

oh really, and what have you achieved fucknuts? i've done quite a bit given the hand I was given. if your greatest achieve of the month is bitching out an autistic tranny you have vast institutional privilege over then well done you're a real winner and obvious a very daring character.

>Have fun crying yourself to sleep tonight again, fuckboy,

Cool, let's make fun of people with hard/depressing lives.

Though as it happens, I won't. You vastly overestimate your own important if you think anyone's going to cry over you.

>Feels great to be able to get up in the morning, look at myself in the mirror, realize I'm not a complete failure and then go outside the front door and not have to worry about people staring too hard at my Jay Leno jaw.

i think you're missing the part where you're probably as delusional as you claim i am and were handed pretty much all of what you mention on a place. i've had to fight tooth and nail and even been outright assaulted just for expressing myself. you're just a pussy shit who takes everyone and everything for granted. I'm lmfaoing at the idea that you think you're actually in a position to take me down, at least in terms of anything your basic ass actually earned.

>> No.7821417
File: 196 KB, 400x381, 1334881736572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit calm yourself

>> No.7821425
File: 116 KB, 819x630, 1289592595653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There isn't a single people in this thread who's on your side

Then you're all idiots. Sorry. When several people are being plainly transphobic or apologising for those who are and people can't see that, it shows a serious issue. sooner or later someone is bound to come along and see that. I've no interest in how I look to transphobes or transphobe apologists - I just want you to stop.

>Also, I'll call you whatever the fuck I like you fucking handbag.

typical cishet entitlement.

>And if there's anybody who turned out to be a waste of their father's reproductive material in this thread, it'd be you without a second fucking thought.

oh really, and what have you achieved fucknuts? i've done quite a bit given the hand I was given. if your greatest achieve of the month is bitching out an autistic tranny you have vast institutional privilege over then well done you're a real winner and obvious a very daring character.

>Have fun crying yourself to sleep tonight again, fuckboy,

Cool, let's make fun of people with hard/depressing lives.

Though as it happens, I won't. You vastly overestimate your own importance if you think anyone's going to cry over you.

>Feels great to be able to get up in the morning, look at myself in the mirror, realize I'm not a complete failure and then go outside the front door and not have to worry about people staring too hard at my Jay Leno jaw.

i think you're missing the part where you're probably as delusional as you claim i am and were handed pretty much all of what you mention on a plate. i've had to fight tooth and nail and even been outright assaulted just for expressing myself. you're just a pussy shit who takes everyone and everything for granted. I'm lmfaoing at the idea that you think you're actually in a position to take me down, at least in terms of anything your basic ass actually earned.

>> No.7821431


>has his own ED page

oh yes ED those bastions of moral justice

>even his own family doesn't accept him


yeah nice transphobia makes me look like such a terrible person

some of my family still don't use proper pronouns and i fail to see how institutionalised transphobia has any impact on my character.

>autistic and living off disability

not my fault bro, unlike how you're acting. i still keep busy and do my best to give back and not be a total leech. you on the other hand...

>> No.7821432

I wonder how many made up tumblrisms are going to be used in this thread

>> No.7821435
File: 172 KB, 800x1147, 1301312877423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Convention in April or May.
No major guest.
Aiming for 4-500 attendees and budgeted for that.

Would people attend?

Simplicon, or Alcoholicon

>> No.7821442

Them all. Every single one. there should be some sort of Catfish Bingo, or drinking game, seriously...

>> No.7821454

If your going for such low numbers no, maybe a party or pub crawl but a con would just be sad

>> No.7821456

>you're a pussy because you weren't assaulted for being a tranny

I fucked a supermodel last week (without my girlfriend catching me, who's also a fucking ride and who doesn't have a cock, unlike you) and made €1,000 off the books for a week's work. Meanwhile:


Don't make me laugh, Jaws. I'm sure your dad was so proud of your moondance he couldn't get out the door fast enough to show all of his mates down at the pub the video!

Stay blown out fuccboi

>> No.7821462

That's actually the same as the 4th or 5th Eirtakon, which had a buzzing atmosphere in a small venue.

In a large venue it'd feel empty. But the right-sized place would be full and hopping.

>> No.7821465


I think we need more non-con events tbh.

>made up tumblrisms

what are you referring to? You are aware most social justice lingo was in use long before tumblr, right? neckbeards just focus on tumblr because it's an easy way to protect their boys club.

>> No.7821470


>> No.7821477

You're a poofter and everyone laughs at your fits
most social justice lingo is inaccurate as shite and only pseudointellectual sjws like to throw them about

>> No.7821483

For those you are still arguing with Potsy, why not just filter her tripcode. That way, the posts will be hidden.

>> No.7821484
File: 105 KB, 243x251, shit was so fast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I fucked a supermodel last week (without my girlfriend catching me, who's also a fucking ride and who doesn't have a cock, unlike you)

Oh wow you cheated on your girlfriend

And plz SWM-senpai, don't pretend you don't want that tranny cock.

Btw just to mention one of my best friends is a pole dancing hooker and probably way cooler than your supermodel, and I don't need to fuck professionally attractive people to legitimise myself.

Just saying. You probably have a lot of issues to work through if you're being serious.

>and made €1,000 off the books for a week's work.

doing what? fucking super models? are you a rent boy?

i mean i'm cool with that since again i'm friends with whores and stuff, but be honest about it anon-kun.

>Don't make me laugh, Jaws.

please post a picture of yourself anon so we can experience your rigid grill structure for ourselves.

>I'm sure your dad was so proud of your moondance he couldn't get out the door fast enough to show all of his mates down at the pub the video!

wtf is your obsession with my Dad. are you into old dudes with beards? idek. if that's your thing it's okay i guess but keep the fuck away from him.

>Stay blown out fuccboi

okay rent boy

>> No.7821488

>lingo is inaccurate



nice protip asshole

>> No.7821489

No more cons!

Poke Con
Kaizoku Con

Anime Dublin
Dublin MCM Expo


>> No.7821493

>and I don't need to fuck professionally attractive people to legitimise myself
>implying anything not as equally as damaged as you would ever go near an abomination like you in the first place

>> No.7821494

Dublin Invasion Star Wars Con
Aka Con

>> No.7821496


bro guys have tried to pick me up before. i could probably hook if i wanted to, you forget how much "straight" guys fetishise transgirls of all shapes and sizes.

>> No.7821497

Leprecon sounds like a leper convention

>> No.7821498

So you're effectively conceding anybody can tell just by looking at you that you're a tranny and the only people who'd want to pick you up are faggots with a fetish for trannies.

Good to know

>> No.7821499
File: 8 KB, 239x241, implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you forget how much "straight" guys fetishise transgirls of all shapes and sizes.

HOlY shit Potsy you never cease to entertain, shine on you magnificent freak

>> No.7821500

Thought gas and akacon were both dead?

>> No.7821501


i've only been on HRT a bit over a year, so yeah, earlier on people could tell. i was in that stage where i was feminine enough to be of vague interest but still masculine enough to be identified as trans.

and unfortunately the reality of a lot of trans people is that we do have to rely on profiting off fetishists to fund our transitions.

>> No.7821504
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My sides are in fucking orbit

>> No.7821505

>and unfortunately the reality of a lot of trans people is that we do have to rely on profiting off fetishists to fund our transitions.

No, you don't.

Holy fuck, you're pathetic

>> No.7821509


help help im being oppressed

>> No.7821511

April not a hope.
May... maybe.

Is Aka-con even going to happen again?

>> No.7821513

Gas Con is still going, Aka Con is supposed to be back next year. The point is there is already more cons than a small country like ours needs.

>> No.7821519

Yeah, cause it's not like people have exams to study for in May.

>> No.7821536
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>> No.7821556

Okay. Bad idea.

Also, Kaixokukon is at the end of February, if I'm right.

>> No.7821574
File: 112 KB, 460x319, 1392343942306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow you fucks are ignorant. You don't know how man trans people rely on sex work to be able to transition? That's where the stereotype you see in your vidya comes from. Like I haven't met any trans sex workers IRL yet but online I know at least 4 trans girls who are full service sex workers, 3 cam girls etc.


Must be nice being sheltered.


actually that's ableism. it's pretty fucked up to make fun of someone's fits regardless. accusing someone of faking it so you can bully them just takes it to another level.


oh and how are you oppressed shitlips, what would you know about it?

>> No.7821581

I just wandered in, are there that many oirish seagulls??

>> No.7821589

Yes, I'm sure life is very hard for them and the only conceivable way they can fund their treatments is by indulging perverts in their tranny fetishes. Getting regular jobs would be completely out of the question. I'm sure that's true of you, isn't it? Living in a first world, fully developed country with a high standard of living, sure you'd practically forced to sell your dignity for all of those hormones!

>> No.7821592


>> No.7821593

There's definitely more Irish people on here than are on the average 4chan board, anyway.

>> No.7821606

Kaizoku Con = 27 Feb - 1 March

>> No.7821607


I don't view sex work as undignified, though it is unfortunate that people are pushed into any form of potentially demeaning work.

Stop talking about shit you don't understand. You are not trans. You do not get the trans community, queer culture or the history of trans people and sex work and I don't appreciate you judging us.

>> No.7821611


>Getting regular jobs would be completely out of the question

wow it's almost like you know nothing about being a transsexual

>> No.7821613

So any kind of paid work or earning money not involving depravity is completely out of question for somebody to fund these treatments? Okay.

>> No.7821622
File: 210 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_n0yi083Qhc1qju67a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're really that interested in this, then google it. I am not a sex worker, so I can't comment on their life experiences. Many transwomen have extreme difficulty finding employment, even those that pass. Employment discrimination is rife and many transwomen have poor mental health for understandable reasons or are otherwise unsuited for regular employment. In Ireland it's a little less common since you can get HRT on a medical card but there are still many other expenses not covered and not everyone qualifies for a medical card either - not to mention the fact that I went through 7+ years of traumatic gatekeeping because of that. If I had whored myself at least I might have been in a positive to afford to go private.

Just because your ignorant sheltered ass doesn't understand why it's a thing doesn't mean it's not a thing.

And stop referring to sex work as "depraving". Many women choose sex work because they see other forms of employment as depraving. If I was more confident and experienced I might have done it for a while too. There shouldn't be any shame in it, as there shouldn't be any shame in being transgender.

>> No.7821715
File: 961 KB, 245x250, 4chan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this thread still going?

>> No.7821754
File: 570 KB, 360x246, 1353138843613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't ask me, I'm just here for our resident tumblrina's latest shitfit.

>> No.7821757


I'm not having a shitfit, I'm pretty calm. And it's pretty telling when calling out really blatant fucking transphobia makes you a "Tumblrina". That, SJW, PC, whatever, they're all just buzz phrases to shut down people you perceive as outsiders and it's childish and pathetic.

>> No.7821759

Are we still replying to Frank-N-Furter? Come on, step up lads. Let's have a decent conversation for once.

>> No.7821772

>decent conversation
>blatant transphobia

i'm pretty sure i'm going to keep replying until you get the point and stop being an abusive fuckwit.

>> No.7821779

Using any of the following, least of all here of all fucking places, makes you a fucking retard, sorry lady.
>calling out

Why the fuck are you even here?

>> No.7821805


All of those terms exist way before tumblr was even a thing. privilege has been used in that context since the 60s.

Given those are words used by people like me, that are necessary to explain the positions of people like me, I'm going to go out on a limb here and call you a bigoted asshole.

>> No.7821806

because it's ~totes cool to be edgy on 4chan~

>> No.7821810

Trying to reason with an anonymous person on 4chan. Really? Really?
I could claim anything on here, and nobody gives a fuck, and your never gonna know who your talking to anyway.
And you dont know if your talking to a single person, 2 people, or a whole group of people stop tarring everyone with the same 'your just a neckbeard, cis white male, living in your basement!!' brush. Because CGL isn't a fucking hivemind. And its not just one person, or a few that really dislike you. and their not all cis. or straight. //rant

(reply if you want, I just had to get that off my chest)

>> No.7821819
File: 973 KB, 498x249, 1393300205474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop tarring everyone with the same 'your just a neckbeard, cis white male, living in your basement!!' brush.

i'm sure a lot of the people i'm talking to are self loathing women or even traps desperate to fit in. but it doesn't change who they're doing it for. they're still parroting the values of neckbeards.

>(reply if you want, I just had to get that off my chest)

like well done for prioritising my ~bigoted generalisations~ while ignoring the outright transphobia in the thread. it's nice to know that stereotype bigots is what really gets your goat.

>> No.7821820

I'm going out on a limb and calling you a moron, since you are.
R U calling the transmen here that don't agree with your tumblrisms 'self-loathing women' or transwomen 'traps' you goddamn spastic.
Potsy confirmed for fake, we can all move on now.

>> No.7821826
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not to mention you have to question their reasons for disliking me in the first place when there's blatant evidence of people being more universally horrible in this thread.

i'm not obliged to bend over and take it from my abusers just because i might unfairly label one of them.

Just because people claim they're not transphobic, or ableist, or otherwise irrational doesn't make it so. you can't just shut down everything i'm saying by saying not all the people attacking me are straight white guys(since this is cgl, a lot of them are probably girls with a high degree of internalised misogyny) or that they "just don't like me" and that somehow makes it okay to be say shitty things about my trans status or disabilities.

people here react to me the way they do the same reason why the anti-SJW rhetoric has taken off in the conscene - people don't like outsiders, those who feel somehow disruptive to them, that challenge the status quo. it's easy to put up with a tranny that doesn't ever "raise a fuss". but when you start pointing out that pretending there isn't a problem doesn't actually make things better, the shit hits the fan.

this has been the case with almost every geek group i've been at part of to varying degrees and the root of my issues, and i suspect the root of a lot of people's issues who don't fit in one way or another.

>> No.7821836
File: 595 KB, 460x600, Ir905bR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol trap is my word to reclaim if i want to, though generally i only use it in specific context.

also a lot of ftms can be really doofy around mtf issues. and they do have male privilege. and get fucked if you're going to bitch at me for using the word privilege, i'm not going to remove useful words from my vocabulary because you don't like how they challenge you.

anyone who makes a big deal out of "tumblrisms" is either dishonest or a fucking moron. the opposite side of things represents so much of a bigger problem it legitimately isn't funny. anti-sjws are abusive, oppressive, they exclude and shut down marginalised people from supposed "underdog" groups and activities like anime nerd cons.

it's pretty telling that people bitch about the language i use but ultimately just resort to SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR or TUMBLR. you don't have a case. and this is 4chan so it's expected people won't have an argument but stop fucking pretending like you're legit better than me in that case, it's laughable and gross.

>> No.7821862

>Male privilege
>Implying you never had that in your goddamn life. Funny how the MtF's that whine on the internet complain about never ever having had so-called male privilege because they were socialised as male.
>Marginalised people
Sure, because it's not like tumblr has the wealthiest userbase out there or anything.
>Excluding lgbt people from nerdcons
You're literally fucking retarded. I've never met anyone on the spectrum that doesn't go to cons.
I'm not bitching about the language so much, more that you're a pretentious legbeard who thinks she's so oppressed when she clearly has enough time to whine so fucking much on tumblr and 4chan (the latter which is a genuinely bad idea because you're fucking dumb if you think you're going to change anyone's mind by using buzzwords and memes. Everyone's a cunt here, especially you it would seem.)
And for the love of god, stop spouting 'abelism' at every opportunity just because some people said some mean words to you on fucking /cgl/. Do you even have a disability? Because if you did you would not throw it out with such abandon.

You don't have a case either, bitch, you've literally come here to feel better about your sad life by going 'oh woe is me! All these people on 4Chin are being SO MEAN TO ME! PLEASE SOMEONE WHITE KNIGHT MEBECAUSE I CAN;T HANDLE THE TRIGGERS!'

>> No.7821870

Lol, legbeard. Imma rob that one anon!

>> No.7821873

>Sure, because it's not like tumblr has the wealthiest userbase out there or anything.

like first off, you're the people associating me with tumblr. i spend some time on tumblr though a lot of it's fandom shit. i prefer to spend time there to here because it's a more positive space for me. you can't goad me into spending more time in hostile environments, hiding my identity and being happy about it just because some of the people i might talk to use funny words. like 4chan, tumblr is a huge site and even the social justice sector is vast and diverse. i have a right to keep to spaces that feel safe to me.

>You're literally fucking retarded. I've never met anyone on the spectrum that doesn't go to cons.

I'm talking about literally being barred from cons. I'm talking about general exclusionary tactics that would make people feel less comfortable attending. A lot of people I know are getting disillusioned with the general shit that goes down.

>I'm not bitching about the language so much, more that you're a pretentious legbeard who thinks she's so oppressed when she clearly has enough time to whine so fucking much on tumblr and 4chan (the latter which is a genuinely bad idea because you're fucking dumb if you think you're going to change anyone's mind by using buzzwords and memes. Everyone's a cunt here, especially you it would seem.)

how much time i have to bitch here has little impact on how oppressed i am. the issues i'm raising don't suddenly stop being issues just because i'm not spending all my time in a shoebox being forced to peel potatoes.

if people didn't have the time to "whine" about their situations, nobody would highlight oppression and nothing would be done. tumblr is nothing new - minorities have been "whining" for decades.

>> No.7821875

How is trap your word to reclaim? Being trans is different to being a trap, right?

>> No.7821884
File: 23 KB, 635x346, 1389998864967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not mentioning your male privelige when you're so adamant male privelige is something that exists in the West.
<<Pic related
How exsactly have you been banned from conventions? Please, enlighten us.
And how oppressed ARE you? Let's play the olympics here. Do you have somewhere safe to live? Disposeable income? A family that cares about your wellbeing? Good/easily-afforadbel transitioning? Good menatl health?
Come on, I bet you're fucking middle class to boott.

>> No.7821885

>And for the love of god, stop spouting 'abelism' at every opportunity just because some people said some mean words to you on fucking /cgl/.

there are legitimately ableist and transphobic remarks here. there is one image mocking my anxiety and history of self harm. that is ableist. your use of the word retarded is ableist, as is the "mental patient" comment, but to a lesser degree.

also don't tell me what to do.

>Do you even have a disability? Because if you did you would not throw it out with such abandon.

how does that even fucking follow? if you dare to mention you're disability, it's obviously not fucking real? do you understand how fucking stupid that sounds?

I don't highlight my disability for attention because I know well I do not receive positive attention for it. I do it to highlight the harm others can cause me and to get people to try and understand where I'm coming from and that i have needs others do not. and you guys respond by making a mockery of it.

I am autistic, borderline and adhd and mentioning those outright doesn't somehow invalidate my claim to have them. It seems in general you would prefer people to always suffer in silence which goes with my general model of you being an oppressive dickwad who doesn't want to see blood on his ivory tower.

>You don't have a case either, bitch, you've literally come here to feel better about your sad life by going 'oh woe is me! All these people on 4Chin are being SO MEAN TO ME! PLEASE SOMEONE WHITE KNIGHT MEBECAUSE I CAN;T HANDLE THE TRIGGERS!'

right now, if i couldn't handle it, I wouldn't be here. but in the past, yes, I couldn't handle the abuse others give me. because i have two legitimate and often rather crippling social disabilities on top of being transgender and having a long history being stalked, bullied and emotionally abused online.

it's true i feel better looking down on asshats like you, but i have a right to take something back after the damage you've caused people like me.

>> No.7821887

In general, most trans people find it a very insulting word, afaik. Same with tranny, too.

>> No.7821891

It is, but since everyth9ing is #transmisoginy, apparently is't an oppressive wword.

>> No.7821892


they're not synonymous but whenever trap gets used as a slur it's against pre op transwomen.

the thing is i don't think trap ever really is used as a slur or oppressively so i'm sort of okay with it in general, but not everyone feels the same. and i actually respect that since i'm not like you guys.

>> No.7821897

I don't know, I've never heard it used to describe a pre-op transperson, I usually see it used to describe someone who identifies as male but chooses to dress up as girl and manages to pass very well.

>> No.7821898
File: 25 KB, 500x294, 1384299_10154668443645122_8640080081325777175_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have somewhere safe to live?

only recently, and i had to fight for it

>Disposeable income?

a small amount

>A family that cares about your wellbeing?

only recently, and i had to fight for it

>Good/easily-afforadbel transitioning?

yes in some ways, no in others.

>Good menatl health?


>Come on, I bet you're fucking middle class to boott.


i was under no obligation to answer that though and it's absolutely ridiculous. people have made transphobic remarks and they should be called out for them. also i haven't been banned from any conventions though i and several others have been made to feel deeply unwelcome at some of them.

>> No.7821900


Yes, but we can use both of them.

Like it's pretty hilarious that you guys are getting all social justice on me with this when you can't even with some of the most basic respectful shit for trans people or people with disabilities.

Even if you think I'm being inconsistent I'm under no obligation to do anything about it until you check yourself or shrek yourself.

>> No.7821904

Hey, I was the person who asked and it was my first post on the thread, I wasn't getting all up in your face at any other point. I was just curious.

>> No.7821906

Just because you are trans doesn't give you the right to use transphobic words!

I'm gay, do you think I go around spouting the word faggot?

No I don't because it's an offensive term!

>> No.7821909

I generally only hear it in that context too, but I'v a few friends who are trans, and they dont like the word mostly.
Whatever, as long as I know not to use it around them.

>> No.7821912

>Damage you've caused people like me.
Oh, sorry for oppressing my fellow transwomen my fucking bad.
I suspefcted.
So, no banning from conventions? Only made to beel uncomfortalbe? Wow, such fucking oppression.
Listen, fuckass. Im disabled. I'm transgender. I'm homeless and sleeping in othr people's houses and leeching their internet. I still have self-harm, alcohpl and other issues. I've been physically fucking asaulted because of being transgender, and worse.
I don't fucking whinr about it on tje internet vecause I'm not looking fir asspats.
Now shut the fuck up and check your mnptherfucking privelige because I am honestly too drunk, and too ibuprofeny to deal wirh whiny bitches like yoi.

>> No.7821914
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also nowhere is really fully safe to live when you're trans, just to point out, even in a relatively tame country like Ireland.

a guy tried to pick me up as a streetwalker outside my front door, which was kind of unnerving at the time. i've been assaulted and groped in cork city centre before. the last place i lived, i was pinned up against a wall and threatened with a hammer. before that, i lived with a guy who threw far worse and more physical tantrums than i and nearly bashed my door in while i cowered in my bedroom in fear.

there is a lot of shit in my past too even i don't talk about. most trans people have fucked up experiences to some degree so don't assume any of us are pampered. however there are some trans men and women who try too hard to fit in at the expense of others and i am highly critical of them just as i am gamer gurlz who laugh at rape jokes and proudly proclaim themselves anti-feminists.

people like to dehumanise or erase the experiences of people like me to make it acceptable to act abusively towards us. if you actually had to accept that i put up with a lot of traumatic shit and have valid reasons to be mad you'd lose your smarmy high ground pretty quickly. not that you actually have one right now outside of your immature circlejerks.

>> No.7821921

Are you ok? should you really be drinking with Ibuprofen?

>> No.7821927

Ogod you're insufferabe, just becayse Ithink you're a fycking eejit doesnmt make me a 'cishet' who's ne er been through any ad things, sometimes peoplke have had it as bad or worse, naybe you should practice wgat you preach.
Hahah I don't care, I bneeded to raid the first aid kit, i cant sleep without lots of either.

>> No.7821930

Ibuprofen is just nurofen, it ain't gonna kill nobody!

>> No.7821931


it's your word to reclaim if you see fit.

like this is seriously really basic shit and i'm not taking flak again for telling you the standard line on activist shit. read up or fuck off.


Just a random article that seemed pretty decent. there's loads more. google it. not your educator etc.


Sorry - but it's understandable why I'd be quick to go at people too. I hope you didn't take it too personally.


>Oh, sorry for oppressing my fellow transwomen my fucking bad.

yes, because transwomen can never oppress other transwomen.

you really really should go to /mtfg/ something. they excel at it.

>So, no banning from conventions? Only made to beel uncomfortalbe? Wow, such fucking oppression.

it's more complicated than that, but yeah, it's still a form of oppression. given the transphobic abuse i've gotten here and elsewhere, as well as some hassle at the cons themselves, yes, i do feel uncomfortable. unfortunately i don't pass 100% of the time, even less so in a wig or less than flattering outfit. it's not your place to tell me i should feel comfortable, even if you are also trans.

it is a form of oppression.

>Listen, fuckass. Im disabled. I'm transgender. I'm homeless and sleeping in othr people's houses and leeching their internet. I still have self-harm, alcohpl and other issues. I've been physically fucking asaulted because of being transgender, and worse.
I don't fucking whinr about it on tje internet vecause I'm not looking fir asspats.

I am most of those things, and I don't invalidate other people's experiences because of it. You, apparently do, which makes you a shitty person even if I sympathise with your situation.

Just because you have a shitty experience doesn't give you a right to shit on other people's shitty experiences. Whereas I am just responding to people in this thread who are using transphobic and ableist slurs to get at me.

>> No.7821933

>Now shut the fuck up and check your mnptherfucking privelige because I am honestly too drunk, and too ibuprofeny to deal wirh whiny bitches like yoi.

tbh you have an awful lot of self loathing. if you're targeting me rather than the people making transphobic remarks you're either 1) not actually trans, 2) A huge fucking idiot, 3) Scrambling desperately to be seen as one of the "good trannies".


>> No.7821936

But yu are. Until I said any ot that, i was the cishetscum. Nor everuone who diasgarres with you is that.
But hatever ypu're so damant to paont me as the enemt, I'm done, i can;t even see that mucg at this pojnt so manbe I can sleep.
In short] fuck yyou, lady.
Or I just hare peole llooking for ppression points on 4chan o all ucjing place.
I'm fdone.

>> No.7821939
File: 48 KB, 458x1015, oh-gurl-wanna-say-that-to-my-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is still absolutely no excuse to target and doubt the experiences of a mentally ill transwoman. Even if you're also a mentally ill transwoman, you're still a complete jerk.

I am a known quantity, people here know my real name amongst other things. If I knew who you were, i would not so readily doubt your claims. Because I'm not a complete prick.

I really don't see how on any level you can consider yourself better than me. You just seem to want to bring down people who are like you, but outspoken, to make yourself look better and more palatable to people who go so far as to tear into a transwoman's appearance and family issues just to get a leg up on her.

That is seriously fucked up dude.

>> No.7821944
File: 248 KB, 942x960, 308873_299595563384492_100000021511226_1248118_76745659_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It doesn't matter. the fact that you chose to attack me rather than criticise them shows that you think it's more problematic to be an outspoken transwomen than a transphobe. You attacked me for retorting them. You became 100% complicit in it. I'm not even arguing with you on this point. I get you're drunk or whatever so maybe you should stop and get off this bandwagon before you say something you really regret.

>Or I just hare peole llooking for ppression points on 4chan o all ucjing place.

because you've been told to do so by a cisnormative/heteronormative society. geek culture hates SJWs, so you're sure as hell going to make sure you're not seen as one. why would you hate it in the first place? why is it such a big deal? if you're trans, why would you call shit on the idea of another trans person being oppressed? why are you trying to police me?

like there's no answer that results in you doing it fully of your own accord. there is no valid reason for you to bring down a transwoman who has more than enough on her place while enabling sheltered jackasses to attack her. you are 100% in the wrong on this issue on every conceivable level. policing marginalised groups for "whining" about their situation is fucked up regardless of who you are.

>> No.7821948

Nurofen combined with booze can be pretty bad.

Drunk anon, are you still around? It'll disturb me to think about, and I'd let to head to bed

>> No.7821950

If you want a dead liver. Whiskey and Paracetamol, or so I'm told.

Nasty way to go.

>> No.7821957


like when i nearly OD'd on a fuckton of painkillers people just made fun of me for it. i hope they keep safe but it's still shitty that people tend to be much quicker to sympathise with dicks.

>> No.7821964

did you take more than the recommended dose of panadol?

>> No.7821969

>Even if you're also a mentally ill transwoman, you're still a complete jerk.

Pot meet Kettle.....

>> No.7821971

she probably took 6 in an hour, and felt funny...

>> No.7821973

Fucking suicide is all nasty because there's always going to be that moment between making it inevitable, and it actually happening. It doesn't really matter how it's done, really.

And that's just *frightening* beyond comprehension. There's a movie about it - people jumping off a bridge, and the only thing they think about after letting go is that they really really wish they didn't jump off that bridge and it's a long way down and they just want to see everyone aga----

>> No.7821977

I really hate you right now, you know.

>> No.7821978


no, fairly heavy shit. i had a few bags of strong shit. i tend to stock up on it due to how painful hair removal is, and i was having severe pain at the time due to wisdom teeth. regular painkillers don't do much for me. i only ended up taking a couple before someone rang and talkedm e out of it.

see, even now you're making fun of me. when all's said and done, you guys are basically turds.

>> No.7821980

Welcome to the internet dear :)

>> No.7821998


Honey I've been on the internet as long as some of you have been alive. The internet, like anything else, is what we decide to make it. At the end of the day you're real people abusing a real person. If there is a hell I don't think Lol Internets is going to pass for much of an excuse.

>> No.7822001

ok :)

>> No.7822005

I hope drunk Anon is ok ;_; If you see this, know I was worried about you before I went to bed, respond when your hungover maybe?

>>polite sage for my rambling

>> No.7822513
File: 128 KB, 344x472, 2fc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Anon, you have made my morning

>> No.7822529

Potsy, I'm genuinely glad you didn't overdose yourself in the end.

Nurofen/Drunk anon, please be ok ;_;

>> No.7822539

dude, at this point, a murdering rapist would be easier to sympathise with. you're one of the most unpleasant human beings i've ever had the displeasure of meeting online, and that's saying something.

i've noticed being a woman made me that more depressed when sjw tumblr crazies shit on sane feminism, so i feel sincerely bad for drunk transgender anon having to witness your bullshit while being in actual trouble herself

>> No.7822545

tranny is different. Traps generally refer to transvestites though, so no.

>> No.7822601

From what I understand, Trap refers to either pre-op Trans or CDers that "pass" (which is a subjective thing anyway).
The idea of 'trapping', convincing someone whose interested in vagina that you have one. Then I guess you whip out your dick and yell a Star Wars quote and... Profit???
>youve bin trapp'd, m80

I dunno, I'm not a trap, I just jerk off to them on the internet.

>> No.7822703

You're all a bunch of spastics.

>> No.7822719
File: 81 KB, 600x907, firewall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. This turned out as expected.

Otakucon = Irish Dashcon.
Only without ballpit
Saying it now.

>> No.7822735

Ballpit would be the icing on a already burnt cake.

>> No.7822742

The guests are going to be the ones getting burned.

"Look, I can't afford the agreed appearance fee, you'll have to take a paycut"

It's going to happen and it's going to go over like a surcharge at a formerly surcharge free ATM. You just can't do that to people, especially the VIP's.

And the last thing the Convention scene here needs is bad will. Well, from the usual pool of guests anyway. If Otakucon fuck up so hard it has to be put down, it'll make other potential guests think harder about coming over and make life harder for everyone else.

>> No.7822907
File: 1.20 MB, 1079x598, Ballpit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God.

>> No.7822911


Chartered Accountant here. The chances of him actually getting any finance through a limited company with no current cash flow, no record of past accounts and in a deeply unprofitable market is pretty much zero.

There's no way he could conceivably be financing this through a company, if he's taken a loan out it's in his own name or else he has someone else backing it. Given how possessive he seems to be my money's on him having taken a personal loan out.

>> No.7822926

Wow... what a mature thing to post on FB. How old is this guy? 5?

>> No.7823045

So, whose gonna pee in the ballpit?

>> No.7823057

Lepercon 2014, now with even more disease!

>> No.7823058

And yet she was still happy to use the word on the event page of a family-friendly event. Stay classy, Catfish.

>> No.7823063
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>hair removal

>> No.7823070


George Lucas will use it as an excuse to release a new cut of Star Wars, replacing Admiral Ackhbar with a CGI wookie shouting "It's a secret ploy to entagle the rebel alliance!"

>> No.7823181
File: 87 KB, 536x528, 1336014448575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love how no-one pointed out the fact that the con page gave itself a 5 star review on facebook before It's even happened. not to mention the guest organiser for the con doing the same..

>> No.7823187

What? That's sleazy as fuck

>> No.7823199

PAHAHA! well, I wonder if a few random negative reviews would equal the books after all this shenanigans?

>> No.7823215

Oh fer fuck sake, he has to be doing this on purpose! Is he hoping people will turn up ironically? Do

>> No.7823293

>tfw still haven't checked my privilege today

It's a good feel lads

>> No.7823510
File: 983 KB, 500x281, Snake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you all sound like weird inverse Irish weaboos? Typing the slang out reads so forced and bizarre.

>> No.7823589


have you even met me? do you even know me? you're obviously pretty biased because you're an anti-sjw for a start.

for all the d0xing and laughing at my videos or whatever most of you know very little about me. it really pisses me off for example and is totally overstepping boundaries to criticise my ability to work with children. not only does it recall a lot of stereotypes about the mentally ill rooted in a very oppressive history in this country it's making a lot of assumptions that are not your place to make.



they should make the guest willie o'dea and call it tash-con.

>> No.7823628

>Typing the slang out reads so forced and bizarre.
How so? It's just how we talk, it's not a forced thing. Why avoid certain words just because you're typing?

>> No.7823630


Ah will ye get fecked like

>> No.7823734

Lads, theres a new thread

>> No.7824690

Where at?