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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7806942 No.7806942 [Reply] [Original]

So it's less than two months until Youma. Panel registration isn't even open yet, and they haven't updated their site since May. Whaaaaat is happening.

In other news, cosplay plans?

>> No.7808125

I just don't want a 3 hour lineup like in 2012

>> No.7808242
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This is still the site header. I guess the forums should be picking up now that the con's getting closer but everything still feels a bit... dead.

The worst part of the line was seeing the at-con line get through in like 10 minutes. Glad they fixed it last year.

>> No.7808573

Wow. They're not even trying.

This is my first year and I'm making a 10 hour drive for this, is it worth it?

>> No.7809071

It's a big con and has some decent cosplays, but 10 hours? That's iffy

>> No.7809220

there are much better things for you to head to with that kind of a drive

>> No.7809311 [DELETED] 

But those guest tho...
fingers crossed for game grumps but i know its not going to happen ;_;

>> No.7809320

Youma is fun but not 10 hours of driving fun. A flight is probably the same price and a fraction of the time.

>> No.7809321 [DELETED] 

but those guest tho...
fingers crossed for game grumps but i know it's not going to happen ;_;

>> No.7809332 [DELETED] 

But those guest tho..

[spoiler] fingers crossed for game grumps but i know they're not coming ;_;

>> No.7809340

Cosplays are pretty decent, and the game room is huge, if you like that kind of thing.

>> No.7809341

[spoiler] fingers crossed for game grumps but i know they're not coming ;_;

But those guest tho..

>> No.7809345
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>game grumps
Please shut the fuck up. Sick of all of these shitty guess.

>> No.7809352
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>> No.7810023

I can safely tell you that the only guests that are coming with a dedicated youtube channel are not the Game Grumps. They'd be more of a MME thing at this point.

Things I -can- answer:
What the shit, panels? Computers and some of the coding haven't gotten along. After sacrificing some goats and politicians to the Dark One, it's all nearly ready!

Forums? I know it hasn't been ideal, but much of the information for the con has been going across over on the facebook groups as of late.
fb /youmacon
fb /groups/2245312150/

Guest announcements? It's looking like we are pretty wrapped up on all of our bookings and have a huge queue of announcements lined up for the next couple of weeks. There's old faces and plenty of new ones too. Take your guesses at who might show up?

Any other questions?

Right now is the best time to book your flight. Pull up an incognito window on your browser and see how much it would be to fly into DTW. Save yourself a ton of time, traffic, and gas money.

>> No.7810031

Don't tell people to come to our shit group. All it is is kids getting buttmad that they can't post cosplay progress pictures.

Source: I am satan

>> No.7810034
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>> No.7810036

Oh goddamnit.

>> No.7810049

The staff don't care anymore. The fan base is built in deep enough that they will show up no matter what.

The staff forum is dead and the staff facebook is off topic. No one cares and I am sure you will see all the same problems there were last year.

>> No.7810060
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First time going, I'm getting pretty excited. Not totally sure on who else I'll cosplay, but for sure doing genderbend Takarada. Hope this con doesn't suck!

>> No.7810070
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>> No.7810072

What a surprise Team 4 Star.

>> No.7810097

>4 out of the 69 members of tfs

>> No.7810702


Ah, thanks guys. I'll be splitting gas with four other people, so the preference is clear on price, but we'll see.

>> No.7811446

That Facebook group is a mess. I wish people would post and schedule things in the forums more.

>> No.7811601

hey enver, are you going to be a puss fag like you were in the otakuthon thread and pretend you're not a subpar photographer/videographer?

or are you going to man up and take the heat for once and own up to the fact that it's your hobby and that you have a bit to go before you're considered good?

>> No.7811633

hey everyone. going to youmacon for the first time this year.

serious advice required. is the pre-reg line insane or is the reg line insane? (this makes no sense but it really should if you go to cons often)

>> No.7811682

I've only ever called it a hobby, and have no delusions about the quality of my work.
If you don't like my stuff, that's fine but you don't have to be salty about it.

>> No.7811781

not "salty"

I just want you to man up about it. protect what you love. be proud of it. etc.

>> No.7811874

pre reg line is fast but reg line took 3 hours last year
at least it's inside though, it rained almost every day

Seriously though, youma is one of my favorite cons ever and I drive from the south every year just to keep going

>> No.7811883

sweet! sounds good! I hope it becomes one of my favs as well.

>> No.7812167

Where are you coming from, if you don't mind me asking?

If it helps.. and if this helps anyone, Southwest is doing a ticket sale: http://www.southwest.com/html/promotions/nationwide-sale-140902.html?clk=HOMEHEROSEPMBS140909

>> No.7812284

Thanks for the heads up! I'm coming from St. Louis.

>> No.7813682

So wait, is Jon St John coming or not? I'd be sad to not see the King of Youmacon returning this year. I'm also pretty sure he was telling everyone he was coming this year due to expecting youma to invite him back

>> No.7813886

I'm coming from STL too and just booked at Delta for around 218 round trip direct which is pretty fair I think.

>> No.7813894

yeah, but how far is the airport from the con?

>> No.7813899

It's a bit of a hike, but my friends are picking me up and did the same last year, so I have no idea about cab fare.

>> No.7813944

That's not bad at all, thanks for the heads up. But I mean, given that I'm splitting gas and hotel with others, the entire convention (including badge) is gonna be around $200. Always good to find others from STL though.

>> No.7813948

So the Youmacon site is just down for me, anyone else?

>> No.7814058

It's working fine on my end.

>> No.7814343

Every year I plan on Youma, some crisis comes up that prevents me from going. Wish me luck this year...

What does Youma tend to center on? Anime, console/pc games, western/web comics? Or do all the panels/cosplayers/guests balance eachother out?

>> No.7814377


>> No.7814535

I was debating so hard on doing an AA table for youma but that shit is more expensive than most cons ive been to.

fucking bummer

>> No.7814555

Has anyone here ever competed at Youmacon before? How was it? How many hours of your day did it take? I've heard not many people actually compete.

>> No.7814655

I haven't but I'm told it's got even more fighting game assholes than most cons. Wasn't there a group that was just purposely bumping into people between cobo and the ren cen and filming the whole thing just to be dicks?

>> No.7814870

hopefully my fucking anxiety is under control enough for me to go (yay panic attacks in crowds)

>> No.7815031
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I was looking forward to Youmacon, but I have to sit an exam in Ann Arbor on Saturday morning.

I'll probably show up Saturday afternoon/evening in Aldnoah cosplay. Disguise Seylum if I'm lazy, formal Asseylum if I finish her gown in time.

>> No.7816433

>everything is just about done

Nothing should be "just about done" at this point

>> No.7816440

This is my first time going as well! It was a very last minute decision for myself and a couple friends, so I would imagine getting a room at the Renaissance Center is out of the question now. What are some other recommended hotels? Pros and cons?

>> No.7816582


>> No.7816586

The con's website has a few overflow hotels listed. The main con to them is that they're not at the ren cen, but I know a few of them are really close to people mover stops.

>> No.7817247

Wow, they've been flooding the Facebook page with new guests all week.

>> No.7817515
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>Mega 64 wants to come to Youmacon.
>They have literally been asking to come for almost 3 years.
>They are almost begging not to come to Youmacon.
>Everyone wants Mega 64 to come.
>Youmacon still doesn't get them.

I don't want to make death threats but COME ON!

>> No.7817653


>> No.7817675

This year is going to be absolutely terrible but weebtards will go no matter what. Terrible guests as always, same dealers, most likely no panels this year...

Youma has nothing to offer but its size and the staff doesn't have their shit together. Oh, and it's their 10th anniversary. We're looking at a dashcon 2.5

>> No.7817677

They don't care about attendees. They have the same shitty guests every year

>> No.7817698

You're full of shit, Gamedays is the same weekend as Youma. Would love to have them at the con though.

>> No.7817707

Is Detroit as bad of a city as everyone claims?

>> No.7817709

You'll get jumped as soon as you set foot here. Yes.

>> No.7817710

the downtown area is pretty much like any other major downtown city that i've noticed.

It's the same "being downtown is cool, but dont ever go into the 'bad parts'". Had the same experience when I went to Miami and when I went to Cinci. I don't ever feel unsafe downtown, but there's always an occasional bum asking for cash.

>> No.7817825
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>mfw people freak out and say this shit every year

>> No.7817834

For white nerds from ass out nowhere who brought hundreds of dollars it's pretty scary so you often hear rumors. None of them are true and when they are it was provoked(walking around at 3am shit like that)

>> No.7817838

staff get out

>> No.7817867

Not to mention, its a real huge mass of congoers taking up a lot of space downtown. It's less of a dangerous situation since you're around many, many others in the same boat as you.

You basically just have to be smart. Travel in groups. If you're alone, do not stay out too late, try to avoid contact with people that make you uncomfortable. Politely refuse to give change if there are many people asking you- or give it if you want.

Just be respectful and about as normal as you can be when you're all dressed up like a weirdo

>> No.7817893

Headed back to Youma again since it's local and it's Halloween and I'll probably just drink and hang out with friends and eat candy. I'll be wearing SPORTSU ANIME all weekend.

>> No.7817958

Why isn't it October yet? ;_;

>> No.7817971

>implying I'm staff
>implying people don't claim every year that youmacon is going to fall apart thursday night

>> No.7817977

Steve Blum is a terrible guest? Vic McNugget fangirl detected!

>> No.7817989
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>I don't want to make death threats but COME ON!
There a problem, sir?

>> No.7818022

Use to carpool with 'friends' to Youmacon for around 3 years, I won't be going this year though. Fuck those guys. I'm kinda sad they turned out to be autistic basement dwellers because I actually had fun at Youmacon.

Was anyone at the rave when they closed it for about an hour because someone passed out? Did anyone find out what was wrong with him?

Not the most exciting con but I loved it and the area isn't bad.

>> No.7818048

Fuck Vic. Youma has the same no name guests every year. And yes just because they're from some obsecure shitty fandom dub doesn't make them worthy of a guest. Most of the events at youma aren't even anime related

>> No.7818051

Maybe the staff should take that as a sign to actually do their jobs for once. I've never been to a con as unorganized and shitty as Youma. I don't even buy badges anymore because it's absolute shit.

>> No.7818063

All the guests I've ever seen in my short few years going are team four star, littlekuriboh and some random voice actors from forgotten animes.

I think the most impressive voice actor they ever booked was Dan Green and even that's level entry shit. That guy is real humble and nice though, sat and talked to fans for hours during his signing. Super swell.

>> No.7818067


What kind of shit does Youmacon do that makes it rainwrecks? I remember one year having to wait in line for like 4 or 5 hours to get my badge, and I was standing behind this fat sweaty autistic guy who kept making noises and screeching because "Too much people!" and kept bumping into me. I'm a 5'1 tiny ass girl and this blimp kept knocking me against that fucking railing and this is the second floor with the only thing to break a fall is a bunch of expensive cars on display. That guy should have had a guardian or caretaker or something.

>> No.7818078

One Youmacon I went the only panels were things like AMV showcases and shit like that. One was marathoning obscure animes and I caught it as it was showing Fractal. Went home and watched the rest and holy shit its surprisingly good.

Last years 18+ "ruin your childhood disney lolz" was shit. Did anyone else go just to see how bad it would be? It was two inexperienced dumbfucks on their first panel showing shit like terrible disney porn art you'd find on deviantart and reading cringe-ass fanfics that were trying too hard to be edgy.

>> No.7818090

Would you like to tell us how you really feel? Which guest(s) were you hoping for that you're not seeing on the site? You do know we still have at least 15 more to announce, right?

For the record, to take Steve as an example, since he's been brought up.. that 'shitty fandom dub'..? Which one? The man has nearly 600 roles in anime, gaming, and cartoons.

>> No.7818098

or panels run by weeaboos who think they're gonna go off to japan and be an idol because they can poorly sing along to anime themes

>> No.7818112


Adding on to this, I was front row for this because I had platinum badge and left when dickgirls and lesbians were considered "childhood ruined". The hosts were so fucking annoying, acted like 10 year olds seeing their first boobs.

Made funnier because the panel was packed with sweaty fat men and even they weren't getting into it. Laughed out loud when the panelists tried hyping the crowed by saying shit like " What this dosen't get you hot" or "sorry this picture isn't loading, we will have permission to show videos for next year"

Fucking hell.

>> No.7818117


Went to a guess that anime theme and like 5 people attended not including me and there was this one guy who was just guessing them all and the prizes were like, candy and shit merchandise like shirts and magnets advertising some anime radio shit

>> No.7818125

I wonder how ugly the shirts and badges will be this year.

>> No.7818131

Im sorry but im genuinely curious, what the fuck else do you think would happen at one of those panels? No matter what con I go to I generally avoid those specific ones like the plague because it seems like the most asperger filled neckbeards would be hosting/attending them.

>> No.7818137


Yeah, thats why I said I went there only to see how bad it was. I'm surprised at how it was allowed to exist

>> No.7818173

I've never understood why the mascots look like they were drawn by some 12 year old on deviantart

>> No.7818205

I know! This pisses me off! I love collecting the badges or keychains of cons I go to and I can absolutely guarantee Youmacons are the ugliest of the bunch.

>> No.7818209

You have like a couple of weeks until the convention. I doubt there's 15 guests to announce

>> No.7818213

Because youma is shit and refuses to improve.

About weebs hosting panels, it's an anime convention so that goes with the territory. There's some gems but this could also be helped with youma stop enabling homestucks and disneyfags

>> No.7818217

My youma badges go right to the back of the badge stack that I've got going on just because of how bad they look.
At least they give free lanyards. I hate it when cons don't/charge for one

>youma is shit
I dunno man, I always have fun when I go. There's always something for me to do and the game room is one of the best I've been to last year. The only complaint I've had was that the rave always is full of people who only go for that.

>> No.7818222


Oh my god, the gameroom is the only reason I really go to youma. Those dance competitions give me life.

>> No.7818227

So you're willing to pay $60 for a badge and $100 for a hotel room for a game room? Because that's all they offer

>> No.7818249

We have a month and a half..I am the department head of Guest Relations, and have an exact count of how many guests we have to announce. Just waiting on media to finish up rolling them out to the website now. Is there anything else you'd like to know about what's going on in the background that I can possibly answer for you?

Also, to the Mega64 anon: I've received one request for them this year. None of them has ever been from the group themselves. If you would like to see them come out to this area, have them shoot a DM to https://twitter.com/themediaexpo asap, please!

>> No.7818258

the game room is pretty neat. i usually only go on friday anyway. one day of going to the dealers room and the game room is enough. youma has literally nothing else to offer.

Well i guess seeing people dressed up, but you can just hang out at the ren cen lobby and see that for free

>> No.7818299

Oh yes, I would rather pay 160$ to spend the entire weekend at the autistic weeaboo panels, see the same 4 guest stars each year and see shitty thrift store cosplays. The gameroom is why 90 percent of the people even go dont pretend there's anything better there.

>> No.7818340

If I remember correctly that was CORN? I could be wrong.

>> No.7818355

Yes and they're banned

>> No.7818357

Different anon but... Is the King of Youmacon coming back or what?

>> No.7818359

Can't say a definitive yes or no.. but do you honestly think it would be Youmacon without him??

>> No.7818816

I know he's been telling people he's coming back, based entirely on the assumption that he's going to be invited any minute now.

>> No.7819105

That's as good as him announcing himself. ;)

>> No.7821001
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is that shade they're throwing?

>> No.7821121

>no ball pit this year
why the fuck even go then

>> No.7821200

ha ha so funny

>> No.7821549

I don't see a ball pit but I see newer guest then even youma has.

>> No.7824515

what do guys want to see in the game room this year?

>> No.7824976

Taiko no tatsuji

That game where you slam on the mini table to piss everyone off and eventually flip it sending various objects into the air

>> No.7825021

I typically hate YouTube stars and that kind of shit, but I got conned into watching some game grumps and they're actually pretty funny.

>> No.7825024

Boyfriend and I are going as Ashitaka and San, hopefully. I'm a broke ass college student and haven't had the money to finish it up...

>> No.7825236

Did they finish construction at COBO yet?

>> No.7825290

Panel registration is on the site now.

>> No.7825311

Youmacon needs to run shuttles between the RenCen and Cobo. It's fucking cold.

>> No.7825314

I usually take the people mover. I wish there was just a tunnel or something

>> No.7825701

The people mover goes from the Ren center to Cobo. It takes longer to get back from Cobo, fair warning.

>> No.7825708

Construction won't finish until next year. The website says that some areas will be available before that, whatever that means

>> No.7826336

There's Pedicabs that go back and forth, or at least a pedicab driver told me that they'd be there when shuttling me to and from a Tigers game over the summer.

>> No.7827718

what's a good place to eat besides the food court?

>> No.7827757

Five Guys if you're okay with fast food, and there's a whole buncha other restaurants in Greektown.

>> No.7828637


>> No.7828670

Slows Ribs are incredible. Best place to eat during Youmacon.

>> No.7829325

If you're okay with driving a little bit away from the con, I highly recommend Louie's Ham & Corned Beef for breakfast. Shit is so good.

>> No.7829879
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Jesus Christ, he's pretty.

>> No.7830049

Just a heads up if you're looking for a room, I checked the room block this morning and some had opened up. Booked a room this morning for Thur-Sun...dunno if there are any more but I would suggest trying now if you still need a room and don't want be off site.

>> No.7830808

ill be cosplaying Oldseph that weekend, say hi if you see me!

>> No.7831334

who at this con isn't going to be looking for a one night hook-up?

>> No.7831361

>tfw finally going this year and doing it right
>got my room reserved, going with boyfriend, have friends now
>can bring some booze and actually have somebody to dance with at the rave

>> No.7831856


I sure am!

>> No.7836995

Get the wings at Sweetwater, best fucking wings in the country.

>> No.7837166

Niki's in Greektown has some of the best pizza I've ever had, unfff

>> No.7839441

It pisses me off that if you post legitimate concerns in the Facebook group or forums the staff either ignores you, deleted the posts or you get bombarded as a "hater"

>> No.7839585

Then why go?

>> No.7840215

LOL You think the owners of the Facebook group are staff?

>> No.7840222

Because you should be able to criticize the way an organization is being ran without the staff bawwwing about it or passing the buck. It reminds me of dashcon

>> No.7840269

Isn't that why they have a contact page for?
Im not condoning people being retards but if they don't respond to emails then just straight up don't go/convince others to not go

>> No.7840618

There is an official and a fan facebook page. The official has the little flame icon and 10k likes

>> No.7840701

I wish youmacon would get some actual Japanese guests...I've pushed for years to get V-Kei bands brought in. Seeing some lolita/j-fashion brands/designers would be nice too. No one ever listens.

>> No.7840753

Who says we don't listen? Perhaps the people you're asking for are not in the cards for that time. There were several groups there we were trying to get this year, but they are busy with upcoming projects.

>> No.7841035

Most attendees are fine with Johnny Yong whatever, Vic Mignona and that steampunk group. But for $60 I wish they had legit Japanese guests too

>> No.7842141

Then find groups that aren't busy? I've worked in the industry over there and there are tons of indies bands that would kill to come to America. Hell, half of them would respond to you on twitter if you asked that way.

>> No.7842320

Then feel free to email me their names at guests [at] youmacon com for next year so we can start planning.

>> No.7842518

so we have to do your jobs for you in order to get a relevant musical guest? I've been pushing it for years too. my theory is that there are no jmusic fans on staff and therefore we will never get anything decent

just looking at fucking kieran strange made me cringe to the point of pain...are you fucking kidding men

>> No.7842520


just take the j-music thing out of the fucking logo if this is how it's gonna be

>> No.7842613

Did you miss last year's Loverin concert?

I checked through this year and last year's request pages and pulled up the j-requests:
Lotus Juice - Gig in Japan that weekend
Babymetal - Too expensive for our budget
KOTOKO - Unavailable
FEMM - MTV's recent promotions have pushed them up near Babymetal status.
AKB48 - Expensive
Perfume - Expensive

And no, if you are so versed in the industry overseas, you would also know all of the extra manpower and money that goes into bringing these bands over. I'm also asking for your suggestions on these smaller independent bands, in case they haven't come across the threads or emails. Or, if you'd like to simply vent here, that's fine too. I know they've been tried for and I also know we have two more music folk that are pretty damn relevant to the industry than you may care... location of origin and language spoken being irrelevant.

>> No.7842656

Why have a Japanese band when you can have Lemon Demon on repeat for years

>> No.7842661

what about October Babies from Ann Arbor? they were at the DIA concert series last year

>> No.7842700

Oh gosh, they're adorable. I've just added them to our contacts list now to look into after con. Thanks!

>> No.7842736

They weren't here last year. I dunno if they'll ever be back.

>> No.7842923

Wasnt it two years ago that reg was terrible but last year it was so short? Two years ago I jad a friend stand in line and got my ticket before I got there and he said he had to wait like something around 5 or 6 hours.
So last year we all went together so wed have stuff to do in line together. But the wait last year on saturday morning was less than about 10 minutes.
And i guess I havent gone enough to not think the dealer room was amazing both times. So many posters on my wall.

>> No.7842957

It got way better when they moved reg to COBO

>> No.7843138

I am a different person than this poster>>7842518
However I kind of agree. While it does take a lot of work and someone who speaks fluent Japanese to get these guys over here, it should be possible with someone you have on staff.
If I was going to use my industry contacts and do that kind of work I'd honestly hope id be actually working for the con. If I brought this to the attention of my guys I'd want to at least make sure things ran smoothly for them. I.e being their "handler"

>> No.7843294

The best concert ever at Youmacon was POWERGLOVE.

>> No.7844260

Youmacon is my favorite convention every year. But I dont really get into caring about the panels or guests very much.
I care much more about the game room (best in the world) meeting new friends (the atmosphere at Youmacon seems a bit more friendly... maybe because I spend half my time in the gaming rooms) going to parties (due to meeting new people) and going to the rave (again, see all the above stuff). I pretty much just go to some of the 18+ stuff after that, which is also automatically more fun when you are sitting with new friends you just made and even more fun with a little tiny bit of alchohol in you.

Anyone know if they are going to being that Playstation Move game of tag back?

>> No.7845204

It's incredibly frustrating and unprofessional that the only way people can actually get in contact with staff is an overtly defensive tripcoder on CGL. Youma is run terribly and it's only being allowed to run because for a long time it was the only con in the area. Shuto is running a million times smoother without the whiny babies on staff like Youma has. Attendees have been in the dark so much these past months with staff only to pass the buck onto someone else or not own up to their bullshit. And they wonder why most people don't buy badges anymore...

>> No.7845206

Like honestly, why is it so hard to get in touch with staff? Youma really doesn't have anyone for this?

>> No.7845208

Yep I agree. The independent J-music scene is huge and there's tons of stars willing to come. I doubt Denpa Gumi Inc, Momoi Halko or ave;new were out of Youma's budget. Plus they've been to tons of overseas cons and have a big draw. But since youma staff doesn't care about guests lets just have Lemon Demon or an unrelated youtube personality/steampunk group show up!

>> No.7845652

I wouldn't exactly call myself overtly defensive. Questions get asked and I try to answer them as much as I can, straight to the point with any flowery customer service language. I honestly cannot say what's going on in other departments unless I can get ahold of them personally. If you guys do have personal/specific questions, the best way to get through is the official FB page. You may not get an immediate response, but the messages are seen and being handled.

Thank you for those names of bands. I haven't been into the j-music scene myself since Malice Mizer was big, so this will be a good starting point to check out what's newer. Is there anyone else worth checking out for bringing out next year?

>> No.7848761
File: 44 KB, 500x349, g1336812879857853609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shuto run smooth
>no whining crybabies

>> No.7849096

lol this thread

>> No.7849129

meh, i dont really care about musical guest either in the long run. general weebs dont really know about certain groups and probably wouldnt care if whoever >>7845208 suggested came either. The only thing that really draws people are relatively big names. Just because you know some random indie group doesnt mean they are going to draw any more people to the damn con.

I don't remember the name of that steampunk group, but i remember a lot of people actually being excited about them being there too? Maybe its just me, but I just dont care either way. Never go to the concerts at local cons anyway. If you want some grand musical experience, save up to go to acen or ax or some huge con.

anyway look at the good things they have going like the game room. I get that it's not a video game con, but that is definitely a big draw. Getting guests (voice actors or whatever) that relate to that might be a good thing. Or setting up tournaments or something.

>> No.7849289

No, you should seriously blame yourself if you missed Powerglove.

>> No.7850011
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Alright, NOW I can give you a great answer. How's this?

>> No.7850368

My fucking god that guy spent so much money buying drinks at Volt for 23 year old girls last year.

And I dont think he was even trying to get ks so that everybody else would get laid.

I was watching from a different table, wishing I could have been a part of it :(

Now that I think about it, he was buying all the guys around him drinks too. JsJ, just remember though, when you get a guy that drunk he isnt goin to be able to get an erection, or rem
ember if he does get lucky even.

>> No.7850370

>And I dont think he was even trying to get laid, I think he was just doing it so that everybody else would get laid.

God fucking damnit phone autocorrect that didn't even make fucking sense.

>> No.7850940

His handler from last year goes to the same university as me and I remember talking to him
>"So I hear Jon St. John liked to party ha-"
>"Whatever it is you've heard, it's probably true"

>> No.7855074

So, this has been confirmed for the masquerade: Non-Japanese media cosplay are being allowed in the Other category.

>> No.7855484
File: 50 KB, 476x499, 1399624748960 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'd better be doing a Slows run again this year.

>> No.7855499

sounds like you're full of shit, faggot

>> No.7855518
File: 56 KB, 800x600, jZhkNjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By gum, we better be.