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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7814403 No.7814403 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>7808646 on autosage.

Continue to feel.

>> No.7814420

> Bf hides his phone for 2 months
> Is talking shit about me entire time to other females
> puts everyone else's feelings above mine for same 2 months
> lies about where he is going/doing
> says he doesn't know what he wants
> get tired of it, try to leave
> oh anon no wait Im sorry
> buys me a munch of things
> acting really lovey
> do not know what to feel

I know, I know... but what can I do.

>> No.7814421


I'll start: I wish I could be more comfortale with wearing Lolita.

All my friends new I wear Lolita, all of them know about the fashion, none of them has ever expressed any dislikes. Same for my parents.
But somehow, I feel uncomfortable with all the attention I get when I am out with them while wearing Lolita. It doesn't bother me that much when I am alone, but when I am with my friends it makes me feel really uncomfortable and like an attention whore.
I dress in very casual Classic or Gothic, nothing too OTT; pic related comes close to my style. But it still attracts a lot of attention. I feel good in Lolita, but I am afraid all the attention I get as well as all the effort I spend in my appareance could send off the wrong message, like I am a try-hard attention whore; not to mention I am not sure if it makes anyone uncomfortable (my mother always comments on how much attention I get, but neither her nor most of my friends are the type of people who would openly tell me if I would bother them). All my friends dress in jeans and t-shirt, mostly do not care about clothes, make up or anything girly and look pretty normal, which makes me stand out even more.

I wish I could pull Lolita off like normalfag clothes, like Fanny Rosie or huberschwinkel do. They just wear this style on a daily basis and it just looks so natural on them. I love the clothes, but I am not sure if I will ever have that kind of confidence. Whenever I wear Lolita when I am with someone I am hyper aware of the attention we get and constantly afraid what my friends think and if they are bothered by it and if they judge me or think I dress for the attention.

>> No.7814422

>can't mention ed to friends because they get offended because they're bigger than me so they feel that I am telling them they're bigger when I talk about my complicated relationship with food
>can't mention ed to other friends because they suffer from one themselves or have earlier so I don't want to trigger them the same way they actually trigger me when they ask me for support
>seen people here on cgl bitch about people talkingg their ed in feels threads, so it feels like I can't even mention it here where I'm anonymous

I just want some fucking support so I don't fall into a downright spiral for fucks sake, I hate asspats. Just help me get motivated to fucking eat like a normal fucking human being. I'm not particularly sad about it, just frustrated. I don't dare to talk about it with my psyciatrist because she's bigger than two siamese cows so I'm scared I might upset her in some way.

>> No.7814431

>Is talking shit about me entire time to other females
Dude was trying super hard to cheat on you/find a sympathetic girl to take him away from his supposed horrible bitch girlfriend. Looks like no one took his bait so far. Take everything he gives you. Leave.

>> No.7814437
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He sounds like an abusive asshole, to be honest. Trust me, you will find yourself in a never ending circle of emotional abuse that he will try to make up with "Here Anon I got you stuff and also I love you you can't leave me!!" and that does not make a healthy relationship.

It's not worth it, Anon. Dump his ass and find someone who treats you right. Sure, it will hurt and he might beg you not to, but trust me, it is not worth it. Get out, find someone better.

>> No.7814452

>meet a nice guy
>like really nice
>discreet,elegant,romantic, classy, clever
>we share a lot of things
>even if I can see that he is kind of cute, he doesn't attract me at all.
>not at all
>I've been single since months hoping for a good relationship, I find the freacking perfect one but I don't feel attracted to him at all
>I feel like an asshole because I like spending time with him but no way I'm gonna date him

He is Hispanic, and they are just not...attractive to me at the slightest. If he was a cute English or Swedish guy instead of being Mexican, it would have worked. I feel so bad about it though...

>> No.7814453

What kind of support do you need?

People to tell you that you look good and need to stop with this ridiculous eating disorder? People to tell you that you look like a god damn skeleton and need to fucking stop? People to tell you that they'd prefer you if you were a bit more curvy/full/etc?

From whom? An authority figure on food? A friend? Family member? Anyone?

>> No.7814454

Milk him for more items, then dump his sorry ass brutally. Talk shit, get hit.

>> No.7814466

If your psychiatrist is worth anything, she'll be able to put your problems before any of her own like a professional, and understand that what you want for yourself the most important. Don't worry about offending her, it's her job to help you.

>> No.7814467

Are your bigger friends specifically a problem? I've had zero problem talking about my ED with people who were bigger or smaller than me outside of normalfags not really getting it, but explanation took care of that.

But I've also been careful not to talk about my eating disorder like I'm fucking whining. I don't pinch my thighs in front of anyone when I feel fat, I don't go on and on about how I feel like I ate too much when I've had a small amount of foood. Do I feel like that sometimes? Definitely. But you have to read people, dude. Know when it's good to talk about it and in what ways. 90% of the chubby girls I know have some issue with food or their weight. They might eat emotionally, or obviously they god made fun of, or they've had romantic partners pass them up solely based on their weight. It IS loaded bringing up your ED with friends that are bigger (and smaller. I found out a lot of girls I knew that I thought were naturally skinny had a history of some kind of ED or just didn't GET EDs no matter how I explained it. Or had a shitty attitude about fat people, which is what I once was and often feel I still am).

And I don't get that last point. You want support from /cgl/? You want hardass reality about your ED from /cgl/? Or do you feel like you can't talk about it because so many seagulls have some kind of eating disorder?

Your psychiatrist, btw, is a fucking psychiatrist. Don't come here with that bullshit that you can't talk to her because she's fat and you're worried you'll hurt her fee fees. How many brain starved anorexics do you think she's dealt with, with no filter at all? You think they haven't said the most poisonous shit imaginable to her? She can handle you, trust that.

>> No.7814486

> make a twitter account to try to connect with cosplayer who I think is amazing
> one or two short exchanges, maybe we can be friends!
> tell him I found his stuff first on 4chan
> "you'll find on find nothing but shit and hate there anon."
> blocks my account

I'm like, "oh c'mon! Really?"
Not sure if just disappointed or really angry.

>> No.7814491

fuuuuck me too. wow I thought I was the only one.

>> No.7814493

>tell him I found his stuff first on 4chan
He's an idiot... but you're also an idiot.

>> No.7814498

Are you surprised, though? I don't mention 4chan because I'm not an idiot. A lot of people get attacked here, some for good reason, some for like no reason at all except for indulging vendetta and sandyness. I'm not surprised at all that people see it as a hub for hate.

>> No.7814500

Get a fucking therapist.
I'm so tired of assblasted whiners constantly complaining that they can't talking about their food problems with other bitches with food problems.

Also, fuck you
>implying there's only one psychoatrist you can see and she's a fat nip
NO. Research your shit.

>> No.7814506

>mentioning you browse 4chan
You could have just said you found his pictures someplace online, why else would you mention it other than to look savvy and involved with the community?
Only problem is you forgot to factor in that not everyone likes the 4chan community, dipshit. Especially popular cosplayers who've probably been shitposted at least once here. I don't talk to people who squawk about 4chan irl either. They're usually underage/shitty people who want to impress.

>> No.7814525
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>> No.7814537
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>> No.7814548

Yeah. I didn't even think of the hostilities that some people have for 4chan. I sorta drifted back here when I thought "Hey, I miss cosplaying and I haven done it in a decade. I'll start here."

Yeah, that was pretty dumb of me, but still, being shunned at that level? That is a lot of shunning.

>> No.7814558
File: 25 KB, 478x768, 478-768-GC7182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start dating the ex of the most popular girl in the local comm
>don't really know her so whatever
>apparently she isn't completely over it (it's been months)
>find out through friends she's been calling me names behind my back and whined about her ex and me to the comm
>feel paranoid af and fear her blind devoted followers hate me now
>have to go to a local con she's attending soon

>> No.7814567

>attractive androgynously but don't really pass b/c strong features
>love love love lolita
>about to wear it out saturday for the first time with my ftm bf who is waaaaaay more suitable for the fashion
>fearful that I'm just gonna look stupid and gross by comparison
>even had to get shoes from an tai na because my feet are too big for brand or even bodyline

Fuck I'm so tired of my body holding me back from enjoying life

>> No.7814573

I think that while 4chan has a bad reputation, it shouldn't get a blanket of hate like that. If someone did that about any other site no matter how awful they would get shat on.

>> No.7814575

I'm getting tired of how my girlfriend can't do anything by herself. Every little thing she does she needs me there with her. She doesn't like making decisions either and wants me do make all her decisions for her.

I feel like I'm dating a child.

>> No.7814581

I don't know, are you down with the "blanket of hate" Reddit and Tumblr get here?

>> No.7814584
File: 57 KB, 500x375, http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lieyt0GxaZ1qgx0e1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a terrible attention whore. I love dressing cute and looking cute then ignoring all the positive attention I get from it. It brings me some weird joy. And I hate people like this, but I just can't stop. Why can't I just "dress for myself" or whatever shit. I feel like a lot of people are starting to dislike me for being a huge cunt, not like I blame them. I wish I could not have this dumb mindset but I guess it's not anything I can change.

>> No.7814589

Not really. Shit does attract flies but so does sugar, anon.

>> No.7814591

No one dresses for themselves, anon, you're more honest with yourself than most people.

>> No.7814594


>> No.7814597

Why shouldn't it get a blanket of hate, though, given our track record? I say this as someone who likes this place. Like, I don't bother with people who mention they're from Reddit heavily. It saves me time. I associate Reddit with shitposting, stolen content, and things lifted from 4chan three years later. I know from experience that it isn't all of those things. It's a huge place. There's a lot of stuff--useful and entertaining stuff, too. I'm down to hang out with Reddit users. but identifying as a Redditor and making that the FIRST thing I hear out of you heavily implies you're into Reddit's "culture" and that tells me I can stop wasting my time right there and focus on something else.

Over the years I've met a lot of people through 4chan. And I've met a lot of great people. But 85% were garbage ad if someone opened a conversation with "I found your stuff on 4chan!" I'd nope out of there too.

>> No.7814599

Different anon here, and that's not really true. I mean, I'm the first to admit I love attention, but sometimes I'm home alone and dress cute and try some veryelaborate make-up and just sit at home looking cute. Makes me happy. It's possible to dress for yourself, just not really common.

>> No.7814600

Please tell me your boyfriend dresses ouji. Otherwise that's a joke.

>> No.7814603

>in bedroom
>trying on a few new clothes that just arrived
>bedroom is at the front of apartment and windows look out on gallery/corridor (not sure how to explain this, I'm ESL)
>bedroom curtains always closed for that reason
>except today, boyfriend apparently opened them a smidge and I hadn't noticed until that moment
>just as I realize this, standing around in my underwear, kind of skeevy male neighbour walks by
>oh shit.jpg
>w-well it looks like he went by so fast he maybe didn't see anything? better close that curtain ASAP
>before I could cover myself up the fucker actually comes back for a second look
>when he sees that I've seen him he scampers
I'm so fucking shaken right now. I was in my bra and granny panties so it could have been worse, but I really don't feel comfortable knowing that my neighbour is a peeping tom. I can still see his face when I close my eyes.
I absolutely hate confrontation but part of me wants to make a fuss, not so much because I think his wife and kids have a 'right to know' but to fuck him over. Accidentally seeing someone in a state of undress is one thing but coming back a second time? Fuck this guy.
I'm glad I'm moving out in a few months.

>> No.7814608
File: 38 KB, 512x288, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cgl related because these bitches are in my cosplay community. Not that I care, just an entertaining story of hypocrisy on both sides.
Have a good head shake:
>two people in my circle of friends quarreling right now
>fool #1 fool #2
>fool #1
>is newly pregnant
>8 weeks along (didn't know until two weeks ago)
>is 20; has only known the guy for nine weeks at this point
>has never had a job, dropped out of high school, and no support system and her dad is on welfare
>seriously her teeth are rotting out of her face
>somehow thinks she can support a child
>(well no she doesn't, but US gub'ment will!)

>fool #2
>not much better
>teen mom at 16; she's 23 now
>dropped out of high school
>couldn't survive a semester at community college
>worked various fast food jobs for years
>got a bunch of tats to impress guys she kept trying to coax into marrying her
>made up various stories for attention
>infamously reported in the paper for having lied to police about various 'muggings'
>she also gets government assistance
>is getting married to this beta in 10 months after 1.5 years of dating
>she's trying for her second child
>guy works at Little Caesers, she works as a bed-pan emptier
>(Don't worry, gub'ment got this!)

Anyway fool #2 is all on her high horse (I guess getting married excuses the fact that she is also an incapable parent...) against fool #1 because fool #1 is soo much more incapable than she is (pls).
#1 is a legitimate retard but #2 is a patronizing, self-important teen welfare queen. They both suck at cosplaying too.
I hate them so much.
And it's so ironic to see them trash each other because neither is better than the other.
#2 used to try to cozy up to me around con season to get me to drive her to them so she could hunt for desperate men. Though once she snagged her current guy she really toned it down.

>> No.7814610

I get the most dressed up at home, too. Often I'll put together something really elaborate to prance around in for a while but before I leave the house I either tone it down a lot or change into something completely different. I really don't like being stared at or approached by people, I just want to dress cute. I wish everyone dressed super cute so I could dress the way I wanted and not get so much attention.

>> No.7814614
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Anon please tell me you just made this up.

>> No.7814620

>gets tattoos to get guys to marry her
I have nothing against tattoos myself but I'm still pretty aware that there's a stigma and most guys don't look at a heavily tattoo'd girl and think "Oh yes I want to marry her and have all my children with her and be completely monogamous with her forever". It's... quite the opposite.

>> No.7814622

Yeah, I'm actually pretty selfish about the way I dress. I want to look cute in the mirror and windows and shiny surfaces. When I catch anyone looking at me on the train platform for too long I move to a spot where they can't look at me. I'm territorial and weird about my clothes and being cute. When I see someone that's cute I'm not hostile, though. They don't take away from my cuteness. And I appreciate their cuteness, but I don't approach them. This is their time, and me approaching them and prattling about their clothes seems like I'm wasting their cute time. They are a cute entity absorbing cute energy. When they reach the Hello Kitty store their power will be immense. I appreciate that.

>> No.7814636
File: 62 KB, 555x279, Screen Shot 2014-09-11 at 6.36.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, I can't make this shit up.
Her tattoos are retarded and trendy.
And since they're budget jobs they all look like shit.
Wanna see a status she posted the other day?
Pic related.

Laugh with me seagulls, come on.

>> No.7814642

She probably thinks (or at least I would) guys who are into tattoos are responsible and quick to marry or do w/e anyway. Whatever legally binds her to money is probably her goal. still stupid tho

>> No.7814648

I really enjoyed reading this.

>> No.7814651
File: 84 KB, 871x720, 1407226922859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Used to be a hamplanet growing up
>Decide to finally start losing weight when I was 20
>Lost about 70 pounds in 3 years with another 30 to go
>Terrified of going outside due to the fear of someone commenting on my weight and thinking I'm a fat tub of lard.
>Just the thought stirs up my anxiety
>Haven't stepped outside in almost 6 months now
>Emotional eater
>End up feeling sorry for myself and eating
>Doing this on and off for 3 years
>Lately I've been eating less and exercising daily
>Decide to go out on Monday
>"Test" what I'm going to wear
>Sticking out of pants from all sides
>Stomach looks flatter, but I still stick out from the sides
>Check myself in the mirror several times a day to see if I look thinner
>Tell myself no one is going to comment on my weight
>Freaking out about Monday
>I just want to be thin and pretty

I know this is pathetic and I'm a big girl who should be out and about. I don't know how to stop obsessing about my body and food. It's all I think about. I went from eating several meals a day to one with a couple snacks to keep me from feeling sick. I exercise a couple times a day and despite the fact my gut doesn't stick out as much as it used to, my sides won't slim down.

I just want to be pretty for once in my life.

>> No.7814659

>started a new job after months of looking and being poor as fuck
>75% men, all of them are sexist and think i shouldn't be working there
>tfw its a physically demanding job
>my trainer goes back on everything i've done and changes it (even if it was fine the way it was)
>doesn't do that to male trainee with me even though he keeps screwing things up and has no experience in a warehouse like me
>i do have trouble in the strength department but other than that it's an easy job and i know the more i do it the stronger i'll get
>still get treated like absolute garbage
it's really wearing me down and it's only been 2 days, i feel like i can't say anything either
i've never actually even experienced this much sexism before, i'm being treated like i'm a useless toddler who just needs to stand back and let the grown ups do their job
i can be strong for a while but man it really does break you down after a while

>> No.7814687

I'm sorry this happened to you, anon. I wouldn't make a big deal but definitely avoid this dude until you move jfc

>> No.7814693

DOB him in!

>> No.7814694

If you get a job or go to school, it'll distract you from eating. At the same time, it should help your anxiety. If all of that falls, then you need to seek help.

>> No.7814717

I feel them feels anon, I worked in an amazon warehouse one summer really similar situation.

>> No.7814720

Dump her ASAP. Don't let that shit persist.

>> No.7814726

If your worried about what your therapist thinks, get a new therapist. This isn't rocket science.

Also, if you eat like a cow, work out like a rhino. They'll cancel each other out and you'll at least become fitter.

>> No.7814733

Oh please. If I saw a guy changing with his windows open I'd take a second glance and so would all of you.

Free show for him, a little embarrassment for you. Grow up and get over it.

>> No.7814756

I know I need a job. I've been living off my sold possessions and have nearly run out of things to sell. I actually WANT a job. I'm just terrified of how I'm going to look while working. Again, I know this sounds pathetic. I don't want to be the "fat" girl anymore that everyone snickers about when I'm not in the room. I know I'm not nearly as big as I used to be, but I still see myself that way.

>> No.7814781

Telling his wife/kids would be the perfect "fuck him over" move imo.
Don't listen to the anon telling you to get over it. It's not a god damn free show if you're in the privacy of your own home. If he wants a strip show maybe he should go to a strip club where at least the people stripping know they're being watched. The fact that he's looking in what I presume is a young girl/woman's room is creepy enough.

I wouldn't watch a guy changing with his window open because I'm not that fucking thirsty.

>> No.7814851
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>find OP that I haven't worn in a while
>decide to try to make a new coord with it because what the hell
>zips up
>shit this feels tighter than what I remembered
>looks like pic related
>binge eats snickers bars and cheese to cope with how disgusting I am

I'm going to go swimming tomorrow to do some damage control

>> No.7814854
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>tfw you get obsessed with a really stupid show and it's characters even though it is at very best mediocre in both animation and plot
It's cgl related in that I usually only like anime or whatever, but for some reason, this god forsaken teletoon cartoon has caught my attention. I even have a husbando from it. Why do I have shit taste, cgl?

>> No.7814859

You're going to potentially ruin a man's life because he peeked at someone?

Holy fuck. What the hell is wrong with you.

>> No.7814861

Process it and follow your heart, anon.
I've witnessed something like this before, and the couple somehow moved past it I guess and are currently planning to get married afaik. But maybe they both thought they had a lot more to lose by ending the relationship, and maybe they're together for the wrong reasons.

It could be different for you. Good luck!

>> No.7814901

Hey, anon, instead of potentially insensitively lecturing you about how to deal with your problem, I'd like to offer some suggestions if you don't mind! Please consider them, if you'd like.

To vent, maybe check out /adv/ here on 4chan.

I also personally recommend going to www.7cupsoftea.com/1206700 to just talk to someone who will listen and guide you toward your own solutions. You could find a listener who has been there, or is currently there, or is recovering, but nonetheless deeply understands and actively wants to help.

But, I couldn't recommend a professional therapist highly enough. In theory, they should help you more than a stranger on the internet can. If you feel uncomfortable talking to your psychiatrist, switch if possible. You need a nonjudgmental space to talk.

Good luck, anon.

>> No.7814931
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He wasn't worth it then. I keep the fact that I browse 4chan a secret for the most part myself generally because of what most people think of it(point in case). But really, if someone is that anti-4chan I don't want to be their friend, they're likely retarded SJW faggots.

>> No.7814934
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I had trouble deciding between these two images to post, so here's another.

>> No.7814941

Can I use this thread for advice?

To the few guys that browse this board:
Say you agree to go to a pop culture con with a girl you have a professional relationship with. She shows up in a somewhat sexy/cute cosplay (not Nigri sexy, but the usual short skirt/zettai ryoiki kind of thing). She plans on hanging out with you only all day. Would you think she dressed up for you? Would you read into it?
I'm a little worried because he doesn't seem to attend cons too often, and my work outfits are usually very boring. I don't know if he'll misinterpret the change, but I really want to wear this costume.

>> No.7814960

> agree to go to a pop culture con with a girl you have a [...] relationship with.
> She plans on hanging out with you only all day.
...what exactly ARE your intentions towards this easily-accessible, socially pliant, professionally respectable penis whom you already find to be interpersonally compatible and worth investing time and energy into outside of your established professional relationship?

>> No.7814976
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It would be pretty easy to get the wrong idea. If it's not what you're after be sure to mention some other guy you like or make up a fictional boyfriend, that'll crush his dreams good.

>> No.7814987

Keeping him as a client is my main priority. He is good friends with my coworker who was supposed to come along but bailed. I honestly would like to date him, but I just CAN'T. Should I bail too? I can't ruin this, I can't take the risk of ruining this, he is a seriously awesome guy and has a terrible history (his fiancee cheated on him and he's just recovering). I can't be anything but good friends with him.

>> No.7814988
File: 494 KB, 200x200, 1409116726023.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have 0 presence
>even when I dress in lolita people fail to notice me
>even in small social settings
>when I talk and someone interrupts me and I try to continue talking people scold me for interrupting them though I was talking first
>when I finally do get noticed its for doing something stupid

>get invited to play capture the flag when I was wearing my bodyline dress
>its a rough game, everyone is very watchful of everyone else
>literally walk up to flag and take it
>calmly walk back
>no one notices and they're still playing the game
>I won and everyone is still playing the game
>try to tell people I won the game
>have to shout at the top of my lungs I won the game while waving the flag
>people finally notice when they realize the flag is missing
>mfw I have been trying to tell them I've won this whole time

Its like a superpower I guess.
socializing is exhausting

>> No.7814989

Not that anon, but I would tell. They can't do these things thinking there would be no consequences.

>> No.7814990

>having to pay for a pap smear instead of a cute dress


>> No.7814998

Then do just that. Be friends with him, there's no reason for you two not to be friends. If in the future it becomes acceptable to date him, go for it. There's nothing wrong with being civil and being friends right now.

>> No.7815001

But about the costume. Should I drop that in order to avoid mixed signals?

>> No.7815003

What are you cosplaying exactly?

>> No.7815005

This was sad for me to read, anon. Just something terrible about having to shout and scream. Takes the fun away.

>> No.7815009

I've seen so many neighbors and so many neighbors have seen me, it's a really silly/commonplace situation. Yeaaaah, sometimes we return for a longer look, but it's not even about perving, but mostly "omg, did I just see that?" kind of thing!
I think original anon is too much into Tumblr. If it's visible, people will look. Doesn't mean they'll harm you or even that did it intentionally or thinking something bad.

>> No.7815020
File: 404 KB, 668x404, kellam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you Kellam? (Pic related & sorry it's meh quality. It's from a video.)

To be serious, that really is disheartening. Made me sad reading that.

>> No.7815034

Really? You would go all the way to your neighbors house and tell his wife that while your windows were open her husband snuck a peak? What happens next?

I'm genuinely curious. How do you not see yourself being embarrassed or seeming like a huge prude because you're so upset over some guy happening to catch a peak as he walks by? It's not like he was in your driveway with a pair of binoculars just waiting.

He was walking by, saw something, and looked in at the wrong moment.

>> No.7815045

Kongou, from KanColle. It's not that revealing at all, but it's still far more revealing than anything I've worn around him so far. It's the first time we'll see each other outside of our jobs, so I'm not totally sure this will be a good "first" impression.

>> No.7815050

I laughed to hard at that. (the picture i mean)

>> No.7815063
File: 68 KB, 620x507, 6f7ba26e67285ec015120228273b36ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god I'm the Kellam of Lolitas.
the people I hang out with all play that game too.
I'll try to make that reference when I hang out next weekend

>> No.7815066

That is facing awesome. Be proud of your superhuman ability to fade into the background.

Dudebro here, people notice me automatically in any social situation. Especially when I don't want them to. Know when you're just starting somewhere and you're in a room full of people and you don't know any of them so you don't say anything and hope nothing weird happens?

I am a weirdness magnet. Shit breaks and odd things happen around me all the time.

>> No.7815161

Just found out my dad likes twink porn. What the fuck.

Cgl related
Totally stole my next easy wear cosplay idea off someone who announced their plans but said they have no sewing skills. It's a good idea. I don't want it to go to waste

>> No.7815193

>not having insurance

>> No.7815195

I did the same thing in CTF, it's amazing.

Nobody sees me stroll across the field.

>> No.7815207




Your body isn't some temple fit only for certain eyes. I walk around my house naked with the windows open all the time. If people want to look at me, what the fuck ever. Enjoy the show.

You saw some hot guy naked in the window you'd look too.

>> No.7815216

Glad you're going to have fun with it! Hopefully they catch the reference!

>omg that bow XD I can't stop laughing. You made my favorite character even better.

>> No.7815226
File: 24 KB, 600x338, 1977373_650606548322413_580107402_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought a whole bunch of stuff, including cosplay pieces, a wig, and video game stuff
>could possibly have a new cosplay in time for an upcoming con

Life still feels pretty mundane, but these might serve to satisfy me for a while. I now have something to look forward to in the next month: waiting for these things to arrive.

>> No.7815243
File: 99 KB, 348x265, Screen Shot 2013-07-29 at 12.02.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commit to a semi-elaborate cosplay
>deadline is mid/end November
>three-ish months to secure/create a ballgown and make armor pieces from scratch
>why did I do this to myself

I know it seems like a good chunk of time for a lot of people, but with studies and lack of materials/experience it's gonna be a close call for me. I've already pretty resigned to just buying a gown as opposed to making it, but the armor is what scares me. (It's for a Cosplay Ball, btw.)

>> No.7815248

>half of me wants to go ultra-girly and wear lolita all the time
>the other half wants to cut all my hair off and go for an androgynous look

>> No.7815254

You can have the best of both worlds, anon. That's what wigs and makeup are for. It'll cost more money to diversify your wardrobe, but don't think you have to be one thing all the time.

>> No.7815263

My hair is in what my friends call dyke carpet muncher short and its dyed some obnoxious colour and I wear men's dress shoes and a shirt with pants when I go out.
And sometimes I put on makeup, a wig, and my fanciest loli and my neighbours will fall over themselves wondering if the girl who just came out of my house is my girlfriend.

Point being, you don't need to stick yourself into one box your whole life. Explore the world, fuck whoever thinks otherwise.

>> No.7815280

Girl, you are so lucky.
Even with no make up and my most camouflage/unflattering normalfag clothes people just frickin look at me. I attract people's attention like a magnet, I'm the one they want to talk to/make fun of and I don't even know why. One of my best friends is like you though, she goes through things without anyone noticing her, she don't get harassed or judged.

>> No.7815328

Tone it down if possible. You're only leading him on depending on how you act with him during the con. I'll be honest though if a cute girl did dress up that way and I'm guaranteed to hang out with her the entire day then It would be a lot easier for me to be led on depending on how you act towards me.

Just please establish that you are not looking for hookups or a relationship but just pure, genuine companionship.

>> No.7815340

I think it could be a whole lot worse
Just think of it as one of those 'its not awkward till you say its awkward' type of thing.
Just go about the con nonchalantly and dont make it seem like you feel uncomfortable. Have fun and be friends and you should be fine. As long as you dont try and act like your being sexy for him, you should be a-ok

>> No.7815344

>changing with the windows open
>guy walks by, takes a second look, probably cus your cute
>'omg hes a pervert i should tell his wife'
thats really petty if im honest. Its a first offense, take it as one. If you see him actually trying to be a legitimate peeping tom, feel free to fuck him over. Till then, you dont actually know whats going through his head. He may already feel guilty about it and may try to avoid seeing you as much as you want him to.
Dont assume the worst when you can read someone else's mind.

>> No.7815357
File: 870 KB, 800x890, lineplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see someone post Lineplay on Instagram
>Sailor Moon gatcha

Dammit I never tried it before but now I can have a kawaii sewing room and cosplay as Sailor Moon.

>> No.7815363

>crushing on a friend despite better judgement
>tell her about upcoming cosplay plans
>decides to cosplay from the same series
>of all the characters, she picks my husbando
>she knows I'm crazy about this character as well
>just when I thought I was getting over her goddamnit

>> No.7815366

I moved to a new town recently and I know no one other than my bf and his family. Making Lolita friends locally seems hard so I'm getting really bad anxiety about how to go about it.

To make it worse the only other Lolitas I've seen here are ones that call it 'Lolita Cosplay'.

>> No.7815373

All my life i have surrounded myself with other nerd people
Cosplay, videogames, larping, anime, etc etc
I recently got my first job working at a wendys
>mfw i realize how much of a social outcast I am
>mfw the only person that plays videogames only plays CODMW2
>mfw everyone does drugs and drinks
>ask people what they do for fun
>"what do you mean anon"
I've never been more depressed with people. Im 18 and all i want to do is eat pizza and do nerd things that dont include shopping sprees, drugs, or alcohol.
Had one kid train as a manager there who loved zelda and other nintendo games. But he left after his training was done, so that didnt last long.
Why is the world so boring /cgl/?

>> No.7815419
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, i unironically enjoy metal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some chick cosplaying as dangan ronpa
>ask her if she is suckerpunch

same shit with asking people if they are from streetfighter

im such a childish faggot but i love it

>> No.7815424
File: 1.33 MB, 200x200, there is no need to be upset.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking a japanese class with a buddy
>chick dresses in "lolita"
read: flowery gothic dresses and plastic shoes with straps
>catch up with her after class, ask her if she normally wears lolita
>"no only in japanese class because i think people of it are more accepting of it haha, how did you find out about lolita?"
>next day she shows up in an Invader Zim coord complete with a pig backpack

i had never seen ita before that day

also she does the peace sign and that thing where you flatten your hands and put them on your chin like in my japanese animes
she is entertaining to watch bumble through existence

>> No.7815443

Only guy I met that claimed he was from Reddit was incredibly racist towards me unknowing. The one 4chanite I met was a lot nicer. Just a funny thing.

>> No.7815449

that is funny, same experience on my end.

>> No.7815456
File: 194 KB, 382x597, 1392152844476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar happened to me when I was in training for being a guard (that is, a police officer).
In the beginning I used to think civil conversation will solve everything but these lads are not the brightest and certainly not the most progressive of people so you need to have a different approach.
You need to be intimidating.

Now obviously you can't be 2m tall with massive biceps (or you can, I am somewhat short and the muscle definition doesn't show on me all that well) but you can raise your voice and be more aggressive. Obviously not enough to get you fired and not starting brawls or anything, but next time someone overtly acts like a pissrag towards you, please stand up for yourself and chew him out, threaten to smack him on the gob or what have you. Increase aggression until it works.
As it stands, if one of them bites back, just report him for being violent and sexist towards an innocent wee woman. It's dirty and unfair but who cares at that point. I had to deal with the same and only then did they stop taking the piss and yelling "gizzer kiss luv" whenever I walk into a room.

>> No.7815462

Tell his ass to kick rocks so you can find someone who's not an ass.
Don't think he won't change back to his jerk ass ways once he feels he has you sucked in again.

>> No.7815464

better than finding child porn videos on your dad's computer when you were a little kid

>> No.7815465

which one??

>> No.7815467

Now I'm actually glad my da is into vanilla porn. Even if he does watch it with full sound while other people are in the house.

>> No.7815468

where u from anon

>> No.7815469

Suddenly all the sluttiness and daddy issues make sense.

>> No.7815470

>emotional eater
Whatever you do, don't get a job that revolves around food, if you can help it. That's what I did, because that's all there was around here. Made me realize I wasn't over my emotional eating habits, and I gained a ton of weight back.

>> No.7815471

I'm as frigid as an icebox, the feck're you on about

>> No.7815472

It was a joke.


>> No.7815474


>> No.7815478

look where you are working. those are the type of young people you expect to see working fastfood. don't give in to such degeneracy. be glad you're not the average normalfag who's interests only include drinking > drugs > partying > shopping > call of duty

>> No.7815483

Toowoomba Australia. :(

>> No.7815487

In this context, the guy went in for another look before he realised OP spotted him doing so.
What's there to be embarrassed about? The guy purposefully peeped. Being thought of as a huge prude is a non-issue, especially if the problem gets to be brought up to the wife there'll be less of a likelihood of it happening again.
Or you learn that it wasn't actually what it seems like and feel relieved.

>> No.7815489

You're going to a pop culture con, for god's sake. The guy must be a complete doofus to not realise you dressed up for the convention and not him. As long as you keep it friendly but professional during the event you should be fine.

>> No.7815490
File: 181 KB, 1037x1049, 1383097703028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I thought I was bad. I mostly just get yelled at for giving people heart attacks. A bus driver got snippy at me once when I asked him to stop at my street, even though I'd been in the front seats since the transfer point.

It was too dark for me to make out some of the landmarks to pull the cord myself, I didn't mean to make him shit his pants.

>> No.7815493

Anon there are a few lolitas in Toowoomba. Post on the aus comm page.

>> No.7815505

Thank you, anon!

>> No.7815529


>> No.7815572

>bulking for Titan cosplay
>needing to shit and fap twice as often

It's quite time consuming.

>> No.7815579
File: 745 KB, 1280x720, ISHYGDDT.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not doing no fap and using that extra test & horniness to fuck something other than your hand

>> No.7815586


You're a fucking pleb mate.

>> No.7815603

Thank you, it feels great to read a response that doesn't think support = cradling the person in question and support their every little need.

I'm going to go and check that website out, thanks again.

The reason I haven't changed therapist is because she is great otherwise, I just met several therapists that believe you have to be underweight to suffer from an ED so I'm sort of nervous to bring it up. I am sort of aware that I am fairly skinny, but I don't know HOW warped my self-image is. If it's by a lot or just a little bit.

I'll try my best, thanks for a third time anon!

>> No.7815604
File: 132 KB, 900x600, im not an alcoholic but this image describes how i feel right now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boyfriend cheated
>still dumped me

Bottom's up.

>> No.7815609

Well what the fuck did you expect him to do?

>> No.7815629

To be fair, 4chan is pretty bad, and anons rip people to shreds for the stupidest shit. There's at least 4 boards on here that I visit regularly, and cgl is the least of a shithole. That says a lot.

>> No.7815630

To be fair, that dude does sound like an asshole.

>> No.7815631

Anon, if you stick out of your pants from all sides, then your pants are too small. I don't know how much you weigh, but it sounds like your perception of yourself is way too harsh.

>> No.7815632

Sorry this happened to you. But honestly, I have this neighbor across me who walks around naked with the windows open, and I do look twice when I see him doing it. It's not like he was waiting outside your window for you to get undressed, he just happened to see you. As long as he doesn't harass you further, let it go.

>> No.7815634

That's not that bad really. If you want to wear it, go for it Anon.

>> No.7815635

>bulking for titan
how small are you

>> No.7815640

i change sometimes with the curtains open, living on a small road i dont really care and the chances of someone seeing me is low since i live on the second floor and neighbors arent home that often.

>> No.7815653

>tfw my life us so shitty I'm not even relieved anymore when complaining about it in feel threads
This is /cgl/ related because I don't even find enjoyement anymore in cosplaying, lolitaa or animus.
I'm even too dismotivated to try and kill myself, I'm just like "me, if I tried I would probably fail because I'm a huge piece of shit". I just like sit here waiting for death to come and take me.

>> No.7815656

Let me dump him or something.

>> No.7815657

>tfw no suicidal cgl gf

>> No.7815662

About the right size for Berserker, but bf is about 14%. So I'm gonna overcompensate with my bulk for a bit, then cut down to hopefully 10-12%.

If I cut now, I'd be the hungriest looking titan around.

>> No.7815667

Oh my God me too anon.
I've recently started University and trying to socialize is fucking murder.
Most people, when I ask, have no hobbies. They answer like "...what I like? ...I don't know... I work for the Red Cross..." and all they do for fun is get wasted during the weekends and study all week.
And I've been trying to listen in on their conversations and it's all just the same vapid shit you hear in reality tv shows. I've only managed to connect with like 3 people in my class (who are not into anything I am, but they're still chill and have actual personalities).

Normalfags just seem so...empty. Like they only exist because they have to?

>> No.7815670

I-I'm not even cute or have half of my body burnt I'm not best waifu and you wouldn't even like me

>> No.7815671

Are you a plain girl with good morals?
Because that's wife material.

>> No.7815672

> Toowoomba Australia. :(


>> No.7815673

>Good morals
It depends on what do you mean. I don't vget wasted and I'm all nice and shy and sweet but I'm not a pure virgin 2D waifu.
Also I have shit taste in animu.

>> No.7815674

pls be in florida

>> No.7815676
File: 329 KB, 250x141, cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds bretty gud.

New Zealand


>> No.7815685

>go to the same vet forever
>$15 allergy shot every few months for cat
>vet retires and sells practice to new guy
>take cat in
>$100 for an allergy shot
I have to find a new vet. I'm also sad that the old guy sold out to somebody unscrupulous.

>> No.7815690

Film your sneezing cat to raise money.

>> No.7815691

Also not even in Florida or New Zealand. I'm in Spain so for Eurofags that might do isn't it?

>> No.7815697

Can't be worse than mine, I like bleach.

>> No.7815699


>> No.7815701

B-but it is. I'm a big fan of Kuroshitsuji and Sebastian is my husbando

>> No.7815726

>exercise to lose weight
>get down to 110 lbs from 130
>feels good
>weight continues to drop
>stop eating lightly, cut back on exercising, weight still drops
>weight this morning was 96 lbs

I no longer have an ass. Jesus christ, someone help me. I don't know what to do. I tried doing exclusively muscle-building exercises for a while to gain muscle weight, but it didn't seem to help.

My cosplay body is going to end up being skeletal at this rate.

>> No.7815727

You aren't going to put on muscle if you're not eating enough to do so. Maybe /fit/ can stop shitposting in the other threads long enough to help you out here.

>> No.7815729

This just joined my comm and I already want to drown myself. http://www.gofundme.com/edu4bk

>> No.7815734

>isn't it
I've noticed a lot of Spanish people tack "isn't it" onto the end of English sentences where it doesn't fit, what's with that?

>> No.7815736


>> No.7815741

Innit m8

>> No.7815742
File: 292 KB, 1280x1280, beverly-crib-raspberry-dresser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lolita dresser

>> No.7815746

are you keeping track of how much you're eating? keep exercising to gain muscle > eat more so that you're gaining 0.5 - 1lb a week until you stop looking like a skelly and satisfied with your cosplay body

>> No.7815747

Do you walk up to the window? Seeing these kind of amazes me. I live in a big city and I've never felt like checking out a person change/being naked in their house if I notice it.

>> No.7815751

This makes me want to scream

>> No.7815753

I'm not calorie counting, but I eat two eggs almost every day, along with fruit shakes and oatmeal, and either tacos or burritos for dinner. I feel like I'm eating a lot. I'll start calorie counting if I need to, though.

>> No.7815754

I know right? I'm not sure what pisses me off more, the whole "genderqueer" thing, the fact that they expect to get 3000 dollars to put out on lolita clothes or the fact that they think living off of 250 dollars a week isn't a lot of money.

>> No.7815756

I live on the 4th floor, and he's right across me. I just look inside. Honestly, I feel like that's just human curiosity, not everyone does it, but it's not a big deal.

>> No.7815757

That doesn't sound like a whole lot if you want to maintain while being active, anon.

>> No.7815758

You will need to.

>> No.7815760

I was once ogled by two Muslim women with little children while walking around in underwear and a top in my own house.
I'm a white midget female so I doubt they were attracted to me. It happens, not necessarily because someone is a peeping tom but because people get curious.

>> No.7815763

Why can't people like this be assigned some sort of electronic or desk job by the government?
They can use their hands and type on the internet to beg for money JUST FINE.

>> No.7815764

For the "hurr durr, I'm genderqueer", I know actual trans people who can get expensive surgeries through their own hard work, and she sits on her fat ass asking for 3k for clothes to appease her vague and probably bullshit label.

>> No.7815770

Their genderqueerness doesn't even have anything to do with anything. Apparently genderqueer means you don't have a gender, but they just want free lolita clothes as handouts because it's makes them more "comfortable in their female body".

>> No.7815774

Start counting and you'll realize how little you've been eating. Your diet needs a bit more protein too. Eat calorie dense foods like nuts or peanut butter if you easily get full and struggle to get in your calories. Have a specific favorite type of food? Maybe add that in.

>> No.7815779

I love taco bell's bean burritos, and if I remember correctly they're five hundred calories. So maybe eat a few of those a week?

I wish I liked peanut butter. Almonds okay?

>> No.7815786

Do you really not know how to feed yourself?
Go see a nutritionist.

>> No.7815788
File: 110 KB, 800x1156, this fucking manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought living by myself would be really fun and shit
I was wrong
It's pretty fucking depressing

>> No.7815789

Yes, almonds are healthier. Taco Bell's bean burritos are 370 calories; nothing wrong with having a few of those a week although not the healthiest alternative. Weigh yourself a week after starting and if you haven't gone up, eat a little more.

>> No.7815791

I eat a cereal bar and a tangerine with a tea cup full of water a day unless I feel like eating a bag of chips. I'm just never hungry unless I'm snacking in front of my tv, which isn't often.
How am I still alive, /cgl/?
I'm 5"5 and 104 lb
I just don't have time to eat usually.

>> No.7815796

Thanks! I'll start snacking on almonds between meals and see if it helps.

I don't get much pleasure from eating, so eating is sort of a chore for me most of the time. So I am not great at feeding myself well. A nutritionist is probably a good idea.

>> No.7815797

Yes, you have time to eat. You could've had a healthy snack in the time it took you to write that post.

>> No.7815799

I'm putting on make up to go to work as we speak.

>> No.7815800

A nutritionist, and maybe even a cooking class. At the very least, read the /fit/ sticky until you can get that nutritionist appointment.

>> No.7815803

Blocking you for it is kind of overkill, but most cosplayers will be at least somewhat annoyed or upset when they get comments like "I SAW YOUR STUFF ON /CGL/"

>> No.7815809

I dress for myself unless I have duty or my clothes smell like decayed fish taco.

>> No.7815812

Own that shit. You can be Mrs. Cellophane, but less of a sad-sack about it.

Consider a career in espionage.

>> No.7815814

What do you share in common?
Youre just too used to europeans from what it looks like. watch Senior Que and you might develop a liking to Spanish guitar.


I suggest she makes a comment like,"I only dress like this for cons"

>tfw no fujo gf to dress up for



>> No.7815817

I don't know whether to feel sad for you or feel jealous. There are few thigs I love more in this world than eating, and that's why I can't just can't lose weight. I'm not fat, but still, sometimes I wish I wasn't constantly hungry.

>> No.7815819

Oh god you're such a damn fool.
Nobody cares if you don't like eating or are not hungry.
An adult recognizes that nutrition is still fucking important, and that obviously, if they're losing weight they need to eat MORE and healthy.

And I've got news for you: Eating a bag of chips and washing it down with a bean burrito isn't healthy. If this is psychological then you need to see a doctor.

>> No.7815826

Pretty much this. Also, you can't have "no time" to eat, it takes five fucking minutes to make breakfast or eat some fruit. Get up 10 minutes earlier, boom, time. If you're too lazy to bother, just say so.

>> No.7815834

Right, I know that.
You're all alone, and there's no sound in the house beside the one of your neighbours with their kids, or their friends.
And it's empty.

Have you taken an animal in? The first year I almost made a depression, but now I have a cat and I'm much better.

>> No.7815846
File: 193 KB, 800x1149, The only visitors I get are the bills lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much man, they don't allow pets in this shitty studio.
Even if I could have a pet I would feel like I would neglect it since I regularly work 48 to 50 hrs a week, and the fact that I smoke hookah in here alot would be bad for its health, I think.

>> No.7815847

This is a different anon than burrito anon. I think it's less that I'm lazy because I love eating, I just never want to eat when I DO have the time. (My appetite isn't there.) And while I'm active/working/studying I'm starving.

I'm not denying that I'm not unhealthy, but I guess I'm extremely skinny and surprisingly energetic so that's an upside?

>> No.7815849

Um, fucking durr. I wouldn't be complaining about weight loss and lack of appetite if I thought they were okay, nor would I be taking advice on the matter. You're preaching to a choir as if the choir doesn't even know what a bible is.

>> No.7815852

Do it both. I would love to see more short non girly haircuts in lolita. I wanted to do the same but my hair are too thin to look good in tomboyish haircuts, sigh.

>> No.7815853

I know these feels. And for this i cannot socialize even at uni. Btw at least we must feel lucky we have some interests and good hobbies in life rather than wasting time to parties and get stoned.

>> No.7815856

I go from being dressed in full lolita with wig and makeup to wearing combat boots and looking like a total dyke. Nothing wrong with both.

>> No.7815859

Let's wait to be dead together, anon. I feel with no motivation of doing nothing too at times. I bought some burando and i should be happy but i'm not.
>maybe because i need a real social life for this i feel so sad
>at times i think to die but i just i can't
>i just hope to not feel worse after some years

>> No.7815860

Then I don't know. Plants could work to liven up your place, but it's not the same as a moving little ball of fur that comes to you for hugs.

Is the studio tidy? Is it clean? Maintaining it clean will help you not feeling depressed; living in a pigsty is demoralizing.

Part of the problem is that you aren't really free to do what you want, even if you're alone, I guess.

>> No.7815865

dem feels

moved last month and know no one + living on my own

never had a cat, worth it?

>> No.7815876
File: 382 KB, 1632x916, WP_20140912_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the studio tidy?

>> No.7815895

I have a kitten and it's really nice. The little furball keeps asking for hugs, and cats are fairly active when young.
It has the advantage of being low maintenance next to dogs, and is clean quickly. But it costs on average 12$ of litter a month + a certain amount in food which depends on age, brand, etc...

Like every animal, it has good and bad points, but it's the one I'm the most drawn to.

>> No.7815925

Lot of things, like our love for cinema, litterature, classical music, good food etc. And I'm not too used too Europeans, I'm myself mixed african, it's just not the kind of guy I find attractive.

>> No.7815984

Durr nothing.
Doctor. Nutritionist. Someone who CAN give you real advice based on what they know about your medical needs. Smartass.

>> No.7815988

So THAT's why all those Tyrones are in Sweden

>> No.7815992

I'm white btw, don't look mixed at all.

>> No.7815993

>Normalfags just seem so...empty. Like they only exist because they have to?
Omg, I thought I was the only one who felt this way.
People without hobbies are the most boring people around. I don't care if you dress up like those Chinese cartoons, or hand paint toy trains, or go skydiving every weekend, just do something with your life other than watch tv all night after work and get wasted on the weekends. (Unless you're working like a gazillion hours a week and have literally no time to do other things other than exist to be a cog in your company, then my hat's off to you, please don't rage at me.)

>> No.7815995

>Go to doctor
>Get slapped on one type of medication now, 2 more to probably come
>All of them have weight loss as a side effect

I'm so glad.

>> No.7815997
File: 26 KB, 400x300, 2323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blog post
>date for 6 years from high school and after
>very motherly and kind, bit of a ditz
>parents and family love me, invite me all the time.
>I was a bit of a delinquent but had potential
>synced to the point where the others thoughts are predictable as thier own.
>we can relate to a certain VN, that had our relationship to a tee, even the plot, it was uncanny.
>get married, got a career internship, things are looking up
> have a kid and I lose her
> l break down and life spirals downward, now my kid is left his grandparents while I get my life straight.
> can have the greatest day in ages but still ball up in despair when I hear her song from her favorite vn.

Maybe it was better if I have never have met her..

>> No.7815998

>Wants to dress up for fujoshi girlfriend
C-can we get married now, anon-san?

>> No.7815999

is your life seriously just Clannad or did you make this up

>> No.7816001

yeah, anon, i don't know whether to laugh or be sad 'cos clannad after story was so, so sad and it'd be awful to have that happen to you.

>> No.7816006

with the main differences being the child was a boy instead of a girl, but yeah basically the same.

She had honey colored eyes and brunette hair too, but he has her eyes and my raven hair with a hint of brown. I still cant face him yet. Not until I can set up a future for him.

>> No.7816015

>but lolita fashion can be expensive and I only live on $250 a week to help support myself and my fiance.
Why the fuck can't her worthless ass fiance get a job and pay his own way in life? These leaches were made for each other.

>> No.7816034

>always admired lolita from afar
>thinking of finally taking the plunge and buying my first item (been eyeing ap cinema doll jsk in lavender)
>mfw I realize ap dresses are about 10cm too big for me in waist and bust
>scared of spending a lot of money on a dress that's ill-fitting

Cinema doll has shirring and corset lacing on the back, do you more experinced lolis think I could lace it tight enough? Or would it warp the fabric/look dumb/destroy the lacing?

>> No.7816057

Humans are self obsessed by nature, learn to accept the fact you will always feel like there is a spot light on you, when in reality, everyone feels the same way.
Everyone is the MC of their life, obsessing over how they appear to others just the same as you are.
>See in dictionary:
The most anyone else feels about you is "Wow how cute/weird/lovely/awesome/(pick your adjective) she is!"
and then they go about their day, forgetting you in the stream of consciousness that occupies them.
At best you brightened someones day, at worst they are judging you, but in that case, their opinion of a total stranger just doesn't matter.

>> No.7816064

I keep finding dresses I want every time I go online or to the local lolita shop. Every time I get fucked over by my shitty broad shoulders...

>> No.7816068

Funnily enough, this is very common.
Spend more time with him if you really want that response, because it's likely more a mental block than anything.
When you think of your dream life, it's probably with an anglo-saxon hubby, right?
It's like default settings on a computer since your mom was white, your dad was white and you grew up learning what's attractive by what you saw.
There's nothing wrong about it, it's just a part of how you developed.
If you hang out with more Hispanic people, you'll start seeing them as potential boyfriends/friends, and down the road, family.

>> No.7816079

Sounds like daddy issues.
Let her know that this shit won't fly and give her a date to either get her shit in one sock and start making some progress, or have her shit out of your house, assuming you live together.

>> No.7816091

Boo fuckin hoo, so what?
He's a red blooded man and you left your shit out there, if it wasn't him, it would have been someone else.
You can't blame him because you weren't perceptive enough to notice the window before it was a 'problem'.
You could be 300 lb overweight, and he still would have looked, just to know his eyes didn't play tricks on him.

>> No.7816099

>laugh with me
I'm sorry, I can't, it's too pathetic.

>> No.7816108
File: 50 KB, 600x600, 1401508930637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>con tomorrow
>part of a huge cosplay group
>fucked up my wig completely
>can't back down and disappoint my friends

At least I'm wearing it only for the first day of the con, but goddamn. Kill me.

>> No.7816124

Anon, please consider what you put into your body, less than how. Here's some tips from someone who has also been struggling, but has had a lot of small successes over the years.
Note, this shit takes time, don't be discourages because you aren't dropping weight by the week. Your body has a natural preset weight it thinks is normal, you have to lose weight gradually overtime so that your body's 'preset' changes with you. It is unfortunately harder to change the preset down as apposed to up.
>low net carbs (net being total carbs minus fiber)
>high protein
>low sodium, sodium makes your body retain water, so you look fatter/more bloated than you actually are
>drink lots of water so your body no longer thinks it needs to hold onto your water weight (like a camel does to survive conditions when water is not readily available)
>avoid sugars in quantity, especially the artificial kinds, google 'types of sugar' to find the full list.
>don't avoid foods you love, just promise yourself to eat some at the end of the week. If you still want the food, moderate the quantity, if you don't, don't eat it.
>eating fat doesn't make you fat, as long as you use the calories
>don't reduce your calorie intake below say, 1300 a day, your body will go into starvation mode and make you hold onto everything you put in, as apposed to just what it needs.
>Whey protein isolate shakes in the morning can help you reduce cravings/hunger throughout your day.
>don't eat 30 minutes before or after sleeping, give your body time to 'wake up' along with your metabolism, eating a big meal for dinner and sleeping soon after means your body will default to storing everything.
>eat small meals throughout the day, snacking is ok! If your body is screaming at you to eat, it's either due to habit, or because you've waited too long since your last meal, learn how to divide the two with effort.

Exercising helps, muscles eat fat.
please save this so you have it as a reference.

>> No.7816136
File: 628 KB, 500x363, anigif_enhanced-buzz-794-1386179483-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>short freckly girl studyióng abroad
>see gorgeous tall, blonde Valkyrie in uni today
>scissor me timbers!
>raised in a Catholic family and grew up believing I'm straight all my life
>tfw identity crisis
S-she had small boobs and a manjaw so it doesn't count, r-right lads?

>> No.7816142

What problem really? That anon was naked in front of her window and someone dared to look at her? Seriously?

Yeah better tell his wife, great idea.

>> No.7816144

Sorry, Im not actually in Spain, it was just me being retarded by posting le /fit/ mimis.
I'd wouldnt mind talking to you for company though, I never had a friend from Europe before. Do you have a Skype or something?

>> No.7816145

hint: it's just like having a friend from anywhere else

>> No.7816146

Tell his in conversation that you're happy the convention came around so you could have an excuse to wear the costume. Just be your regular self anon. Also, it's really not that bad, it'll likely be one of the more modest cosplays there.
Got it in one, better spoken that what I said.
Stop trying to make friends out of your coworkers if they are so boring. Work is work, deal with it.
I love the way you word.

>> No.7816150
File: 524 KB, 500x620, kyouko (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scissor me timbers

>> No.7816153

Sounds like a chemical imbalance. Go get some sun/ see a doctor.

>> No.7816154

>fat as fatass
>trying to lose weight with the bf
>breakfast: oats with greek yogurt
>lunch: orange and pesto primavera pasta (about a fist size serving)
>snack: 2oz packet beef jerky
>dinner: baked salmon and asparagus
>both of us just feel hungry constantly, like we're not getting enough food
>we weren't even eating huge PORTIONS before, just worse foods (ie breakfast: bagel and cream cheese, lunch: instant ramen, no snack, dinner: 1-2 slices pizza)
>why are we so fucking hungry all the time when we're eating more frequently and higher quality foods???
At least we're losing weight I guess. It's just so much harder to make good decisions when our stomachs are constantly growling all day. We just ordered these diet pills that are supposed to suppress appetite (Garcinia Cambogia) so hopefully that'll help us get on the right track. I don't know how everyone else stands being so hungry all the time like this though, unless there's something wrong with us?

>cgl related because I'm frustrated with not fitting my lolita anymore

>> No.7816156

There's something wrong with you. I don't know if it's because you're on a diet but normal people don't usually feel that hungry.

>> No.7816163
File: 53 KB, 802x452, 1310278882768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>body burned
Mfw that's my waifu
You put your metabolism on a good track! Congratulations! Eat more protein and look up builder's diets. Lots of carbs, lots of delicious!
If it persists, see a doctor!

>> No.7816168

>almonds are healthier
Not really, they're not as great as walnuts/pistachios, but at least they're better than cashews.
You sound buttmad that you can't survive on burritos and sunshine.
Does your landlord get up in your shit, would they know you have a pet? Get a housebroken cat and a scratcher, use non-clay litter and they'll never know.

>> No.7816170

Buttranged landwhales shouldn't be so buttmad

>> No.7816182

You have to be there for the kid, no matter how hurt you are, you can't leave them to face her loss alone too. She might be a baby, but studies suggest that kids remember and develop from what they see and experience from the earliest ages on.
You live for her now, you can't back out on it just because you can't 'deal' with it yet.

>> No.7816184

It does count, and you should embrace your youth.

>> No.7816185

When your body is accustomed to getting unhealthy foods, it craves them if you deprive it! Just stick with your new eating habits and eventually you'll feel tons better.

>> No.7816188

You just crave food. It's not hunger. We eat when we're bored... Or at least, I do... So when I actually keep myself occupied enough to not eat (I don't mean starve, I just mean not eat all the fucking time) helps.

>> No.7816205

>diet pills
No, ffs. If you're really starving, up your protein intake or eat something healthy. Drink more water. You're probably not hungry, just craving, it will go away after a while. Being hungry is not normal.

>> No.7816207

It's actually very normal.
Higher quality foods often have lower relative caloric values, in addition, most cheap snacks have VOLUME, which fills your stomach.
Your stomach starts out at about the size of your fist and it expands. When you eat a lot of food often, it expands and it stays bigger, or stretched out, by default.
When you go to eat less, your stomach, being bigger than it should be, doesn't get as full as it used to, and it complains about it until it's size decreases.
It does eventually go back to being fist sized, but it can take a while, as in, months.
The human body is not evolved to manage overeating, just starvation, which is why obesity is such an issue.
Granola, protein shakes and roughage can help you manage the hunger response by giving your stomach more volume.
Whenever you've eaten but still feel hungry, drink water.
Drinking more water will also help you lose water weight:
>for more nutritional advice, and a brief explanation on why drinking water helps see >>7816124

Diet pills are eh at best, coffee in the morning does the same thing for much cheaper.

>> No.7816217
File: 23 KB, 194x259, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear people who abuse crowd funding for Lolita and cosplay really tick me off.

>> No.7816239

... Irish anon?

>> No.7816289

Honestly if you can't find a way to give yourself food you kind of deserve to die off.

But it sounds to me this is more like your outlet for bragging about why you don't like food and are too lazy to prepare it. Worse than landwhales and I bet you look haggard for not getting your nutrition. See a professional and good luck creeper.

>> No.7816296

Glass houses, anon. Don't tell people they should die off if you should do us all a favor and follow your own advice.

>> No.7816297

>being this assblasted
Hag girl detected.

>> No.7816299

Lmao seriously though.

>> No.7816303

there's nothing wrong with this. You can't like a person just because you should. Don't feel bad.

>> No.7816305

btw... swedish?

>> No.7816310

taking support from others is a staple human instinct (and need in many cases) and you shouldn't discourage it.

>> No.7816315

I'm sure you'll be beautiful, anon. Hugs.

>> No.7816316

>coming to 4chan for support
Stop. We all know this is a retarded idea.

>> No.7816332

i want to commission this guy to draw a picture of me and my husbando (autistic as fuck i know) but i dont know what dress i want to be drawn in :(

>> No.7816343
File: 121 KB, 662x807, 1383269268262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I read that a dress I really like isn't as forgiving as measurements suggest
>tfw I just want some cute brand that fits so I can be a decent/good example of a plus-sized lolita
>tfw I'm not motivated enough to lose weight to fit into more brand because I'm actually okay with my body
>Damned if you do hate your body, damned if you don't

>> No.7816353

Eh, the desire to fit into brand can be plenty of reason to lose a little weight, especially if it's just a need to get a few cm slimmer for the sake of a dream dress. Lots of people drop a few pounds for reasons other than hating their weight/body!

>> No.7816365
File: 1.86 MB, 530x300, 1409931905123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some girl in an old relationship passed the herp to me, how screwed am i

>> No.7816368

If you go to the doc and get the meds you need, not very. Herpes is spread when you have the sores, you could go on the meds tomorrow and not have another flare up the rest of your life, as unlikely as that is.

>> No.7816401

>tfw 86-65-86
>tfw still feel fat and disgusting

>> No.7816412
File: 1.44 MB, 500x245, 021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw my best friend's QT 3.14 sister wants to cosplay my otps with me, we start making plans for upcoming cons in the next year
>Other Weeb friend keeps butting in "I want to cosplay that character you're doing too, anon!!"
>Weeb friend has an obvious crush on QT, glares daggers at me every time the the two of us start making cosplay plans together
>Recently, BFF started dropping hints like "well anon, my sister just loves having you around. I think she wants to go out with you or something, haha..."
>Weeb friend is even more pissed because of this
>Is now throwing a temper tantrum and making vague posts all over her Tumblr
>tfw I couldn't give less of a shit about her assrage and I'm probably going to also have a QT 3.14 gf soon too

>> No.7816422

>your body will go into starvation mode and make you hold onto everything you put in, as apposed to just what it needs
>don't eat 30 minutes before or after sleeping, give your body time to 'wake up' along with your metabolism, eating a big meal for dinner and sleeping soon after means your body will default to storing everything
>muscles eat fat

ayy lmao

please stop delivering misinformation and look up articles online before you shitpost

>> No.7816427

>Not really, they're not as great as walnuts/pistachios, but at least they're better than cashews.
I meant almonds are healthier than peanut butter.

>> No.7816430
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>> No.7816435

And I'm saying it's not all that much better, the benefits are overblown.

>> No.7816437

Anon, if you're still around, I just want to chime in and encourage you to tell your psychiatrist if you trust her and think it will help. I wound up telling my therapist about my ed even though I had the same concerns as you; she's quite overweight, but she's a professional and didn't take what I had to say personally and did her best to help me. If your psychiatrist takes what you, her patient, has to say about your disorder as a personal insult, you need to find a better psychiatrist. I hope you'll be okay.

>> No.7816450

Do you have an article you can link or are you a dietitian?

>> No.7816461 [DELETED] 

>have qt3.14 best friend
>have feelings for qt3.14 best friend
>she knows
>she's poly, has primary and dates other cute girls but flirts with me a lot
>wants to cosplay the love interest of any character I cosplay
>calls me her soul mate
>can't date
>it hurts

>> No.7816467

>I just met several therapists that believe you have to be underweight to suffer from an ED so I'm sort of nervous to bring it up.
If you get a good therapist, that shouldn't be an issue. If a therapist implies that, they're probably not a good fit anyway.

According to the DSM, you DO have to be 15% underweight/have a BMI under 17.5 to be diagnosed with anorexia nervosa (weighing more and having restrictive eating would be EDNOS/OSFED) but the initial diagnosis is the only time where weight really matters.

>> No.7816468

Do you?

>> No.7816469
File: 325 KB, 450x299, 1377539821406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no qt cosplayer gf to take pictures of

>> No.7816471


>> No.7816482

Starvation mode is a thing, just not like people make it out to be. Look up Layne Norton.

I went through this by eating at 1100 for a year and a half, wondering why stopped losing fat and feeling like shit all the time.

>> No.7816484
File: 40 KB, 377x281, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boyfriend dropped out of high school because it just "isn't for him"
>parents actually encourage him and say that's okay and that high school isn't for everybody
>mfw he needed my father who speaks shit English to sit him down and talk to him about job availability and the crisis his country will go through thanks to the EU/Russia sanctions
>he lived in a cozy Nordic country all his life, was babied and spoiled by rich parents and is convinced that nothing can happen to his job
>meanwhile I had to fight tooth and eye to get through education in my country so I could study for free in the eu cause my parents make 200€/month
>mfw had I decided that high school just "wasn't for me" I'd get shit for it for the rest of my life
>mfw he gives me shit for "forcing him to do something he doesn't want"
It's fucking high school, man. Grow up.

>> No.7816488

A year and a half at 1100, no shit it'll happen but people willingly use that as a scapegoat after a month of dieting

>> No.7816494
File: 215 KB, 640x480, 1398983523471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my dad was the only one of his siblings to even graduate high school(and his mother couldn't even be bothered to go to his graduation)
>he swore no matter what all of his kids would graduate high school
>We all did, even my dead beat brother managed to graduate even though he had to go through a program to do it, but he did.

Even if you can't finish through the regular high school program, you need to at least try to get the equivalent.

>> No.7816514
File: 413 KB, 476x579, 1324327772344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so fucking tired /cgl/
>Hosting a meetup, yay
>Corporate visit at work a few days before..stressful but not the end of the world.
>Coworker is a no show, 3 days before meet, have to change schedule around to cover her shifts, somehow protect meetup
>But a 12 hour all standing shift happens for me.
>Phone dies. It just fucking stops being a phone, the 4g works just not anything phone related.
>It decided it wanted to grow up to be a tablet.
>It's the weekend so I probably won't get my new phone till Monday.
>Boyfriend has to go to emergency room
>Meet up tomorrow.

My bf turned out to be fine with some stitches, but it was really scary for a while and all of this shit has just been so stressful this week I want to vomit.
And I don't even have my coordinate planed.

>> No.7816518

>live in a shared apartment dorm in uni
>three other suitemates
>all of us are super chill the first two weeks
>one of the girls is now becoming batshit insane
>i'm good friends with all the boys on my floor
>they all hate her with a fucking passion
>follows me around a lot into other guys' dorms and she's just an asshole to them
>she yells at them to be cute I guess, (it's not) and she steals their food when they explicitly say no
>constantly whines about how much she misses home
>whines about how she has no friends
>well no shit bitch you sit on our couch and watch netflix all day
>she yells at everyone and is starting drama on our whole floor
>tries to get alcohol and invites to parties by hanging off me
>she knows we all don't want her there (because she's loud as fuck)
>tells other suitemate the other day, "I'm gonna go to the party anon's at so I can piss her off"
>suitemate tells me all the shit she has said and proceeds to call crazybitch out on her bullshit
>crazybitch threatens to move out and throws a fit with me in the middle of the hall like she's 12

This girl talks shit about me all the time to people and they go straight to me afterwords, which is good but still. It's the first damn month.

>> No.7816519

High school's easy as hell, that's pathetic.

>> No.7816534

The sweet irony of it all is that this country's education is supposedly the best in the world but this nigga can't solve an equation without a calculator because they allow that shit here
I mean I love him but that's just embarrassing

>> No.7816537
File: 277 KB, 670x399, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get big JetJ order
>Everything fits perfectly! Yay!
>Go to try on Chat dress
>Can't get it to zip up past waist
>WTF I have the black version in the same size and it fits perfectly
>Take it off
>Still won't zip up past waist unless I lay the dress perfectly flat
>Try it on again
>Zipper comes undone from the track
>What in the fucking fuck

The zipper isn't damaged itself, just off the track so it should be easy to fix. But it keeps getting caught in the same spot! Like I would just hold the dress and try to get it to zip and it wouldn't budge. I'm afraid even if I fix it, it will just get caught in that spot and pull apart again. Is there anything tailors can do to make this easier? I really love this dress. It was by far my favorite thing in my order.

>> No.7816540

I literally didn't give a fuck, and still passed highschool with like a 2.0 average.

>> No.7816542

Holy shit, I would get a slap on my wrist if I even counted on my fingers in primary school since we were supposed to figure out basic equations in our heads. I have only been allowed to use calculators in my schools if it's really complex or required for that chapter/lesson

>> No.7816549

Maybe it's a bad zipper(especially if you're not having the same issue with a nearly identical dress) I'd say consider having the zipper replaced with a new one to prevent the same issue. Or even maybe take it down to a taylor or seamstress and ask them since they could get a good look at the actual dress construction in case it's just the way the zipper was put in.

>> No.7816550

jesus, i can't imagine living with more than 1 roommate.

>> No.7816590
File: 62 KB, 580x395, 1295815338857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>move out for the first time with bf right out of high school
>three years later i dump him for reasons
>still treats me like his gf (insists on doing everything together, holding hands, etc.)
>still care about him as a friend so i can't kick him out
>drop hints about wanting him to move out
>go unnoticed
>during a fight (because we still fight like we were dating) i straight up tell him i want to move out
>"omg anon, if you want me to move out, just tell me"
>i just told you fucker
>"i mean, you know, just tell me! if you want me to move out i'll move out!"
>repeatedly tell him over and over that i want him to move out
>always ignores it and acts like i'm still just hinting i want him gone

The worst part is that it's not consistently bad enough for me to put my foot down and kick his ass to the curb. In the best of times, it's really nice living with him, most of the time him always being around just gets under my skin a bit, but during the worst times he makes my skin crawl and drives me insane.

He needs to A) move out and B) get a fucking girlfriend that ISN'T ME, but I know he stays around because he's convinced himself that I'm going to take him back one of these days, like we're just on a "break".

>> No.7816595

Change the lock next time he's being a little bitch

>> No.7816596

>tfw you love costuming but you've only seen a couple animoos and the local nerd community is like twenty times nerdier than you're willing to go

Seriously, I'm looking at you, Texas A&M. Their ponyfucker club actually got a slot on the school server. Your tax dollars at work:


>> No.7816602

I have this same problem with both my AaTP and Baby jsks, they always get stuck right at the waist and it's a pain in the ass to zip them up.

And it's not a fatty chan issue, this is a problem when I'm trying to zip the dress up while it's laid out flat to put it on a hanger.

>> No.7816606

You can do it anon! As long as you do your hair and makeup and have a cut coord, I'm sure you'll be cute!

>> No.7816621

Eww that's terrifying anon! I'm nervous something like that will happen, I'm moving out soon, and I've lived in the woods with no neighbors most of my life, so I never even bother with curtains. I know I'm gonna forget...

>> No.7816630

You'd fit in quite well in Amsterdam

>> No.7816634

Write him a letter. A cold hard legal letter that you want him to move out. give him a deadline. Hell, pretty much put it flat out that if he doesn't move out, you'll be giving your official notification that you are. You staying there is only going to keep him going on. Either he moves, or you move.

Also talk to your landlord. Explain the situation.

>> No.7816636

I have this issue with one of my dresses, too. I think it has to do with the waist seam, as I've replaced the zipper twice and it usually gets stuck there.

Also not a fatty chan issue, since I can wear it comfortably and zip it up most of the time. Just when that zipper doesn't wanna go up, it really fucking doesn't wanna go up. My fucking first AP dress, too. I mad.

>> No.7816642

It's still early, you can run.

>> No.7816659
File: 44 KB, 600x405, ashitanofeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hoping for nice fall weather
>felt like November's usual weather
>tfw all winter clothes (many mori-girl related) are back at parents' house
>can't go home until late September or some point in October
>so cold that my car keys snapped in the lock
>tfw replacement cost could have gone toward brand
>tfw no qt 3.14 bf to cuddle with
>made tea and peanut butter on toast
>cuddling with the electric kettle

>> No.7816670

I wish we could give each other a bit of our weather.
>It's going to be 104 degrees on Monday and in the worst drought in years.

If we could half and half each other's weather. It'd be perfect.

>> No.7816673
File: 100 KB, 360x480, pPOLO2-4100415_standard_v360x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only feel is that I had a mad relationship with the most 1 of a kind girl, unfortunately that relationship was me and her in love (!!) and it was just a relationship, not really sex or anything. But she had a boyfriend and was cheating on him with me. She came onto me though, and made me want her.

So me and her were cheating on her BF, and it wasn't even sex it was a love thing so I guess that's worse probably. Then she went on a holiday maybe 6 weeks ago, 8 weeks. Paid for by him. She was saying how much she loved me and missed me, wished it was me there and not him.

Then about 2 weeks ago she couldn't do it anymore and I knew things had changed anyway. But she's with him and I got left. There is a hell backstory to it as well but what difference does it make.

I have a feeling I'd probable have some legitimately hectic beef goin as well, since her bf and her bf's mates are crims and I am too. man even more ridiculous is im posting this on cgl

>> No.7816677

You have a mouth. You could have said no. You could have cut it off when you found out. She's a cunt but so are you for letting her pull your leg like that.

>> No.7816682

Yeah it's pretty bad. I find myself like i don't even have an opinion on it because ultimately it was so bad you know? Call it humanity or weakness or whatever but when she met me I was lonely and so was she and it was perfect. Shouldn't have gone with it though and I know that now because holy shit it fukken killed me haha. i don't blame her either but i feel like she wronged me, weird to consider. Guys alot of the time forget that girls have the same feelings to an extent as well she's probably as torn up about it as I am, especially I think that her cheating on her BF would do her head in completely.

>> No.7816685

Dude, what the fuck

>> No.7816689

Me too anon. Sometime I wanna wear head to toe IW, other days I wanna dress like I'm in a korean boy band and get a cute short haircut in a cool color.
But money.
I'm buying my first wig though so I might get my hair short but I've been growing it out for so long I'm so torn

>> No.7816693

>have two jobs + study at uni
>shoulder injury, so quit one job since body can't handle it anymore
>thinking of quitting uni because uni a shit and i really doubt i can put up with another five years of it without constantly wanting to kill myself
>feel bad about wanting to quit uni because expectations from parents/associates and it could help my future etc
>whenever i only work one job I have the need to fill up all my spare time with other jobs because idk wtf to do with my spare time and then i just feel empty
>can't pick up another job since no one wants to hire me for two days a week / body is constantly tired due to long hours from first job
>spend my days being a burrito and watching animu
>watching myself slowly gain weight but not enough motivation to go to then gym because I'm a lazy shit
>would rather roll around and do nothing than dress up in lolita / work on cosplays
>feel like a useless shit but can't bring myself to do anything about it
>hope that one day i'll hate myself enough to get my life on track

>> No.7816710


Damn, son. My body is pretty fucked up from having one job and finishing my BS. You should really lay out your typical work and school day on paper and analyze how you'd rather use your time wisely.

Even if it isn't flu season, all of the stress from work has affected your school performance and vice versa. I have a very stressful job and in spite of being on my feet a lot, I've found myself gaining weight from the stress. You might be better off with one job and focusing on school, and then using your spare time working out which might strengthen you better than slaving away for money.

Does your uni provide any mental health services?

>> No.7816714

>That feel when just finished my Masters program while working full time. That nonstop shit.

My body is still wrecked because my full time job is more like 60 hours a week. I'm too busy to take care of myself let alone cosplay. So miserable bleh.

>> No.7816718

>having a local lolita shop
a-at least you can buy skirts and accessories. I'll just sit here sobbing while I browse mbok

>> No.7816723

It does, but the hours they're open is the hours I'm at work (I go to night class for uni). It's not as though I haven't tried uni+one job, but after two years of uni I took program leave for one year and just worked, and it was so much less stressful in comparison.

At least you've finished your program and so have more time now to rest up!

>> No.7816745

We can sob and browse mbok together. Man, I hope everything's alright with Tokyo Pirates/Sheena. I got an automated email from her about being backed up on orders or something like that. I appreciate her services, but it would be nice to have my package in soon. Kind of sucks that it still depends on when the seller actually mails the item to the SS.

>> No.7816748

I have a Baby dress that does this, there's a certain spot where the zipper will bend when you put it on, and it has a really, really hard time going up past that point.

In my case though, I'm sure it'd be easier if I lost weight (I hover around average but I'm sure I'm rather chubby by Japanese standards).

Also, I'm getting the same dress (shipped yesterday) and I'm really antsy now. I hope it fits.

>> No.7816785
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>when I need someone to do something for me they either "forget" or do it sloppily or when it's too late
>when I gently remind them they say "okay" and do nothing
>when I order them to do it NOW they say "Man, why you gotta be such a bitch about it, go do it yourself"
>if I don't say anything and tell them later they say "well why didn't you remind me, I was waiting for you to tell me what to do"
>well I just did nigga

>IT guy is tips fedora edgelord who won't shut up about privacy
>whined all month until we caved in and installed Firefox, how bad can it be?
>half of the page doesn't display because of some "security block" thing Firefox has
>installed noscript extensions, various anonymisers and turned off javascript because muh tracking
>half of the websites don't work properly and those that do only work if you temporarily turn off everything
>People can't make payments because JavaScript doesn't work
>We were charged four times for some service once because javascript kept crashing and were only able to make a payment when we installed chrome back without all the shit

>have to listen to neckbeards being thirsty and then cwying about muh wimmin r sluts when they get rejected

>once I didn't dress like a bulldyke and wore more mature jfash to work and I got thirsty faggots on my ass all day, dressed like a trucker bulldyke ever since

Startups, not even once

>> No.7816793

Oh I forgot
>the absolute worst thing someone can tell me when they fuck up despite me holding them at gunpoint and yelling "do it now, do it now"
>is "just relaaaaaaax, take a deep breath, everything is going to be fine"
my forehead looks like it's on roids from the stress veins

>> No.7816810


Fridge and stove next to the front door next to the computer desk?

Must be Euro

>> No.7816911

SO and I had some ecstasy we were saving for a few months for a weekend. I did it and I felt it a lot for all over five minutes, then nothing. Friday night plans ruined, and now we're just surfing the interwebs on different computers.

>> No.7816956

I'm the opposite
>perfect guy
>elegant, classy, yada yada
>share interest in lots of things
>hella hot hispanic
>cant date

>> No.7817035 [DELETED] 

Is the the place to be angry? IDGAF here it goes anyway!

So there is this guy (I think) on my local loli FB that has been asking for help finding size 15 shoes. And by asking for help I mean being a huge bitch when people point out that their cracked combat boots and grungy sneakers do not work with lolita at all. (btw, I have never seen their body or face, they just keep posting pictures of items for their coords, including pics of their own super dirty, old, broken ass shoes).Paraphrased for anonymity, the conversation thus far:

>Well this is all I have, you can't find pretty shoes for size 15 feet!
Oh, well there are all these places online that have more appropriate footwear, not perfect but~
>$100 for a pair of shoes!? That's insane!
Yeah I guess it is a little out there, but you can find those same brands on ebay for 2/3rds the price, usually even less! (gives many links)
>I can't afford that. >:(
Well I heard there are some taobao shops where you can have custom shoes for $40ish...
>That is way way WAY too high!
Well, it doesn't work for lolita but it is much better than broken shoes, this is a pair of oxford-ish shoes in your size for $25.
>I would never pay more than $15 for a pair of shoes, and that is if I'm splurging! You are completely spoiled! the rest of us would never spend that much!

What I really said,
"Well no one can force you to buy what you don't want, but at the very least you will need clean shoes in a more feminine fashion. This IS a hobby and like any hobby you have to spend some time, money, and effort on it. Most of us have spent a lot of time saving up to afford it, we are hardly spoiled"

What I wanted to say,

>> No.7817128

An Garda Síochána?

>> No.7817165

i had this happen to me a lot but I figured it's because I used to abuse the shit out of it 5 years back. mostly it felt like i was coming up then nothing and just a pain in the ass comedown hours later. even took 2 years off and tried again. haven't been able to fully experience it so i gave up and said fuck drugs.

>> No.7817184

IT guys are the worst. Sorry, anon.

>> No.7817186

One advice the people in those threads tend to forget is that you need to take your time eating.
If you take less than 15 minutes to eat, you mind doesn't register that you've eaten, and you'll be hungry quicker.
For the same reason, when you have a snack, chose something you have to chew. The more you chew, the more your brain register you've eaten. That's why an apple is a good snack.
To make your meals last longer, you need to chew too. Furthermore, it helps you stomach doing its work.

>> No.7817226
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I'm actually a Califag

>> No.7818239

what the fuck? Please tell me that's not in inches.

>> No.7819641
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>tfw not many cosplayers in Germany
>tfw I only meet disgusting stereotypes like:
>attention whores
>gamr grills
>pretentious girls
>total socially awkward/shut-in/shy girls

>> No.7820698
File: 113 KB, 728x450, 1361569389343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel. I'm from Germany too and I don't even know where to meet decent people. The community is so shit here.

>Oh you cosplay?
>Yeah, I bought an SnK cosplay for gamescom