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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 121 KB, 500x717, 10003479_10152367265750948_294064742655500310_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7812029 No.7812029 [Reply] [Original]

Post lolitas and cosplayers who you wish weren't wearing the style or cosplaying the characters they insist on cosplaying: because they look so much better in X style/character (NOT because you hate them for whatever reason, you just feel that they are much better suited to something else).

Starting off with Cadney. Please stick with sweet, she looks fucking adorable and perfect in sweet. Leave the classic alone. I don't know what she's trying to do in this coord here.

>> No.7812059

>calling this classic
...but this is a sweet lolita dress.

>> No.7812060

Yeah, seconding this. She looks so perf in sweet but classic..eeeh
Also I don't even understand what is going on with this coord

>> No.7812078

Agreed. A dark colourway does not a sweet dress make. It's also just not a particularly well thought out coord - with some wristcuffs, dark tights and different shoes she could look much better, I wouldn't go as far as to say she'll never be able to do classic well.
>ITT: loaded compliments

>> No.7812083

She's too fat for classic.

>> No.7812094

She called it classic.

>> No.7812110
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I agree that she looks better in sweet, but I think she's getting better with classic, too.

>> No.7812113
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>> No.7812115

Cadney please. Brown hat, brown bag, trash these ankle socks and use lace tighs.

>> No.7812117

this isn't the nitpick thread, honky

>> No.7812122

I said she got better, not that she's perfect.

>> No.7812127

This one is way better and fits her right.

>> No.7812137

She looks like a mentally retarded person in this picture.

>> No.7812142
File: 141 KB, 960x960, 10458209_10203484792612886_7486304264180176638_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HelloBatty. I don't even know with this latest post.

I feel like she looks best in gothic. I've seen her in some stunning gothic outfits. I hate when she wears sweet, she picks the weirdest colors to coord (badly) too.

>> No.7812199

I hate those boots. So much.
And if she took the belt out of this coord it would look really cute I think.

>> No.7812219

I always thought she looked too old for sweet.

>> No.7812366

Return to sweet please. Classic don't suit you that much. Also that socks + shoes combo.... no.
Why pink in this dress?? Whyy??I love creepy cute but this looks really off. And the punk belt is not good here. Also, this isn't a sweet print but a gothic one in ivory.

>> No.7812373
File: 195 KB, 602x1280, tumblr_mj082uxwJj1qzqmkuo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl shouldn't be in lolita at all.
she has a lot of cute retro outfits, and tries to do the same with lolita and it just doesn't work.
she should stick to her style, and stay away from this fashion. or at the very least don't call it lolita.

its sad because her other outfits are nice.

>> No.7812398

My maid problem with Cadney in classic (aside from the iffy coords) is that she tries to do these weirdly body-contorting poses with her mouth open and slackjaw in an attempt to look "ethereal" or something, but it just makes her look mildly retarded

>> No.7812511
File: 139 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_mtr1njrhNN1qfllqpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no no no

>> No.7812580

I have this salo and it hurts me to see it worn like this.

What does she usually look like?

>> No.7812584

I didn't know she had a tumblr. What is it?

>> No.7812651

hello batty can't color match at all when it comes to sweet. she'll wear a pink head bow with a dress that has no pink accents.

>> No.7812659

I'm probably going to be set on fire for this, but I don't think Cadney is an amazing Lolita. I mean, when she wears sweet she's not bad, but I never understood why she got so much attention. There was nothing particularly amazing about her coords, and when I first saw her posts she was mostly getting attention for her pink glasses.

Idk, she seems really lovely, I just don't get the hype.

>> No.7812681

I don't get the hype either to be honest. She does seem nice, but I'm kinda just neutral about her.

>> No.7812683

She's a popular person in a big/popular comm, tumblr helps.
That's really it. Stick her in some hick town or in a small comm with a bunch of bitches who don't like her and then she'd be like any other nobody in a dress.

>> No.7812684

I don't think I've ever seen such 'curvy' legs.

>> No.7812689

hello selfpost fishing

>> No.7812691
File: 56 KB, 500x750, tumblr_ma5eovCVjQ1qb9ia7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peachie. Obviously sweet lolita is her passion, but she looks so much better in classic. Pic related. (Although, to be fair, her friend did do her makeup and coord for this)

>> No.7812694

Sorry, I think you misinterpreted my comment. I meant to imply that I found her legs to be really bizarrely shaped.

>> No.7812697

In that picture? How about always.

>> No.7812698

Oh shit. She's really pretty there... I've never seen that before.

I'd be interested in seeing her do the whole look herself. I don't think she's bad in sweet, and she seems to understand the style well, but yeah sometimes her vibe comes off to me more like ageplay than sweet lolita. There's nothing like that in your pic, which is nice.

>> No.7812704

I hate to be a total nub here, but which dress is this?

>> No.7812711

I think she'd be fine in sweet if she did her makeup well. She doesn't know how to do make up and ends up with her face looking like an actual baby's face. If she did her makeup like this with sweet she'd look amazing. In this case I feel like it's not so much the style, but how she tries(and fails) to look.

>> No.7812716

boku no pico

>> No.7812722


Whoa, she looks really pretty in this. She's not bad looking in sweet, but she just looks prettier in classic to me. I kind of want to see her try other styles just to see how she would look.

One thing I've been wondering about is why does she smile like that? The smile looks forced to me.

>> No.7812747

Vampire Requiem.

>> No.7812881

Damn. I've always wanted those knee length Timberlands and I often think it would be super cute to have a gangsta inspired outfit using those boots with Meta's denim skirt and a cropped Baby Phat jacket, but this is not how I'd imagine those boots being worn.

It's kind of a shame that Western brands don't work very cohesively with lolita.

>> No.7812888
File: 16 KB, 365x260, bananalips_chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why does she smile like that?
I've always wondered that myself.


>> No.7812901

I smile like that too. I think it just looks more demure and peaceful.
Then again, I was really self-conscious of my teeth as a child, so that might be another subconscious reason.

>> No.7812913
File: 4 KB, 290x78, YouAreAnIdiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I didn't say I liked her style. I thought I had added everyone in my comm's tumblrs so I was surprised I missed her.

>> No.7812952

Wow, she looks so much better. I feel like she doesn't have the face to pull off sweet and always looked like a grown woman wearing kids clothing, plus she looks horrible with twintails.

>> No.7812984


This is staler than 3 month old bread.

>> No.7812990

Peachie has said she's into age-play multiple times.

>> No.7812994

What? Where!

>> No.7812998
File: 80 KB, 637x960, 10672107_728665133873397_4308542867005746063_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know exactly what Lor would look better in. Darker colors, perhaps? I cringe every time she wears sweet. Her face is really not suited to it. Classic is better, maybe?

>> No.7813037

Stop making shit up she even said she was kinda creeped out by ageplay

>> No.7813044

This is a lie, just like all ageplay accusations. Seriously Gretchen, stop trying to make ageplay happen. Some people just, gasp, like cute shit.

>> No.7813045

I have nothing against this girl, but dear god she would look better with no makeup vs. what she does right now. She looks so haggard with her makeup in every single photo. Why don't any of her friends fix this for her? Or send her a link to a tutorial?

>> No.7813054

>Some people just, gasp, like cute shit.
You,I like you

Also stop with "hurr ageplay" it's staler than old bread and it's just plain dumb.

I think she does look way better in gothic with darker color. I think it doesn't really suit her though but whatever floats her boat if she's happy this way.

>> No.7813061

Do you read her tumblr, she answered an ask on her tumblr saying she does.

>> No.7813062

You bought some bad crack, bro.

>> No.7813065

>"You can love cute clothes, you can love cute toys, you can love both same time, and not be into ageplay. Ageplay is where you literally act like a baby, toddler or child- usually as a form of escaping stress. I at least like to think of myself as a young woman, tyvm. :P It’s also basically insinuating that a massive part of japanese culture is literally ageplay, because they too live a heavily “cute”-orientated lifestyle and like cutesy, more innocent things and less mature-looking clothing. Come on now- it’s a matter of taste, not mental maturity."

Yep, she's definitely into age play.

>> No.7813071

She DARES to like cute things?
What an ageplay whore omg liek i can't believe it

>> No.7813073

There's nothing wrong with ageplay, I just wish she'd admit it. And to >>7813065 anon, everything she said about Japanese people liking kawaii, that is ageplay, she doesn't know what it is.

>> No.7813074

>hurr cute=ageplay
haw haw haw
last time I heard that joke I fell from my dinosaur.

>> No.7813081

Maybe people wouldn't think she was into ageplay if she didn't do her makeup to try to look like an actual baby.

>> No.7813084

"kawaii means it's ageplay fo sure"
Are you retarded?
You keep using the word ageplay but I don't think you know the real meaning of it.

>> No.7813087

God you idiots are so easy to get a rise out of.

Stop replying and they'll stop.

>> No.7813111
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>> No.7813191
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Have you seen her Gothic coords? She looks really good.

>> No.7813217

Ugh, babies. They wear so much makeup. I hate seeing my 2 year old niece with those false lashes on. Especially when they do the waterline trick. Like HELLO, everybody can tell that's not your actual eye! Damn kids.

>> No.7813230

THIS omg she looks so much better.

She should do this all the time.

>> No.7813231
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>> No.7813237

I love her socks/shoes combo, it's something you don't see and I think she pulls it off. it's nice to see classic with a bit of sweet styling, makes it less cookie-cutter classic.

>> No.7813262
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>> No.7813295

I have too this salopette in black and similar tights *shudders*. I see a white spaghetti strap top and weird shoes with white socks, what is this even? I have an hard time to use a nice cutsew to make look this salopette good.

>> No.7813314

Frilly ankle socks and brogues aren't that uncommon in classic, and what do you mean by cookie-cutter classic?

>> No.7813469

Not at all. Just because two or more people happen to have the same opinion, doesn't mean they're the same person posting. IP address search harder.

This is really cool. I kind of want to see her in classic now.

>> No.7813490

I love ankle socks on classic, but that and the white thighs don't do her any favor. After that, it's a problems of color balance (the bag should be darker, but definitively not red).

>> No.7813520

She looks 10x better here just because she's not smiling. She has a really wide mouth and smiling just exacerbates her nasolabial folds and brings her nose down which makes it look even longer.

>> No.7813521

That was a reference to Misako's sameface, not an attack on you.

>> No.7813578

This actually looks a bit messy, imo.

>> No.7813579

It looks itter

>> No.7813587

red and brown reminds me of used tampons

>> No.7813591

ugh, when will you quit
no one cares about your opinion and no one thinks you're funny or clever.

>> No.7813594


>> No.7813595 [DELETED] 

>brown tampons
where do you put your tampons

>> No.7813600 [DELETED] 

>used tampons

>> No.7813603 [DELETED] 

A lot of girls have brown period blood.
It's disgusting.

>> No.7813605 [DELETED] 

>"brown period blood"
>not knowing the difference between blood and uterine lining
did you learn sex ed from a 14 year old boy

>> No.7813606 [DELETED] 

Let's not turn this into yet another bodily fluids thread, please.

>> No.7813609 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry, when you have your period, do you say you're bleeding or your uterine lining is falling out?
It fucking period blood, jfc, who's the 14 year old boy now.

>> No.7813613 [DELETED] 

Saying it's "period blood" kinda implies that it's, you know...


(which it's not.)

And for the record, I don't say anything about my period other than "I'm on my period". Like, when would mentioning the bleeding even be relevant.

>> No.7813617 [DELETED] 

its dried blood

>> No.7813618 [DELETED] 

If you spot you might have brown blood, or when your period is ending you may spot. It's just old blood.

>> No.7813619 [DELETED] 

Oh my god, go be autistic somewhere else.

>> No.7813623 [DELETED] 

don't be mad because someone called you out for being dumb, just take the hit and roll with it dude

>> No.7813627 [DELETED] 

Are you serious?
This fag is insisting that you can't call it "period blood" when literally every woman ever calls it that. You have to call it uterine lining because that's the scientific term for it.
Severe autism.

>> No.7813628 [DELETED] 

I call it moon juice.
Does that help anon?

>> No.7813630 [DELETED] 

Itls still blood. Just because there is also uterine lining in it doesn't change the fact that there is blood in period discharge.

Stop trying to be pedantic, not only are you also wrong, but it doesn't make you look smart. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.7813632 [DELETED] 

actually "this fag" insists that the majority of your period is dead tissue as opposed to blood, and if she's looking in her panties every month and thinking she's seeing strictly blood she should probably spend a little more time off of 4chan and a little more time educating herself.

>> No.7813635

hahaha holy shit this thread
never change cgl

>> No.7813643

anyone happen to know what dress this is?

>> No.7813675

I may be mistaken but it looks like IW's aniversary rose to me

>> No.7813687

Her smile is so forced and her face never changed it's so creepy

>> No.7813689 [DELETED] 

>majority of your period is dead tissue as opposed to blood
I don't know where you read that but you are horribly mistaken.

>> No.7813848

Huh, I can see that being a reason.

Nope, was away from internet access at that time yesterday when that anon commented.
If one person wonders about something, I find that most times at least one other does as well.

>> No.7813859

What is it with people today? I'm not even the one who posted that image and I'm facepalming right now.

>> No.7814531 [DELETED] 

every month your body prepares to carry a baby once you ovulate. It grows a new uterus lining. When you dont become pregnant and the egg your body released to be fertalized dies, your body sheds the new uteran lining and the disentigrated egg

>> No.7814657

Itter? Did you mean ita?

>> No.7814665

It's probably autocorrect but I like to think it's an English-speaking girl who didn't know how to spell the word and just went the phonetic route.
>oh may gayud wot an itterrrr

>> No.7814699

those shoes are fug. the cheap pink flower clip-ons aren't helping

>> No.7814706

Maybe if she swapped out the dress and got rid of the studded accessories and the skill accessory and wore different shoes and

>> No.7814723

Wow. She actually looks so lovely here. The simple hair and makeup really accentuates her facial features without looking too overdone. Hope to see more of this look from her even though I know it ain't gonna happen.

>> No.7814727

Some people just don't like the way their face or teeth looks when they do an open-mouthed smile. It's definitely not a "real" smile but I don't see anything wrong with it, it puts more emphasis on her hair, makeup and clothing rather than her emotional state

>> No.7814880

yeah I finally got it hours later. Gotta remember to not post when I wake.

>> No.7815390


P sure it's a Millefleurs dress

>> No.7818618
File: 898 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n6gsu7FwOw1qfo72no1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really admire opiatevampire, but those glasses are very unflattering for her and I'm a bit sick of how she wears plain tights with almost every coord. I think she looks better in gothic or more toned down sweet, not ott stuff.

>> No.7818664


Wow she looks so much better in classic. She should ditch sweet.

>> No.7818702

Amazing! She really needs to start dressing like this more, it fits her so much better than that infantile look she is always going for.

>> No.7818708

This coord does not work for me. At all. There is too much going on. She has black and a mini top hat that go for a more elegant look, korillakuma and it's ears that just look dumb, a navy striped bow that doesn't even match the dress and some cheap looking gold stuff for no apparent reason. There's this saying where you take off some accesories before you leave the house, and she definetely needs to follow that. I am not one of those people that hates ott sweet, I really like it, but this just looks awful like she shoved 3 coords worth of accesories and themes together.

>> No.7818831

Idk if I hate the foot posing, the glasses or the lazy attempt to make the bear fit in with those awful ears more. Plain socks are not even an issue comparatively.

>> No.7819084

I think the idea of adding in the Korilakkuma ears to match the print is really cute but in reality it's just not working and it's just distracting.

>> No.7819200

Every time I see that smile it always seems so fake to me because people naturally laugh with a open toothy grin. It makes me think the person is hiding something (like your self conscious teeth thing) and they are untrustworthy.

>> No.7819238

I hate those kinds of shoes in any lolita though.

They're so plain and not elegant or cute at all.

>> No.7819960

Paranoia is not your friend. Seriously you have a perfectly good explanation - self-conscious about teeth - but omg they are hiding it! Who cares?

>> No.7824351

That's cool

>> No.7824643

does anybody have this without the "samefag" label on it?

>> No.7828322

nice muffin tops, chubbo

>> No.7828507

I think the shoes are lovely, but yeah, she should ditch the clip-ons

>> No.7831567

Holy, I need that dress